Reducing Your Risk for Breast Cancer

June 13, 2014 Reducing Your Risk For Breast Cancer What You Can Do


Presentation Given on June 13, 2014 at Helios Integrated Medicine.

Transcript of Reducing Your Risk for Breast Cancer

Page 1: Reducing Your Risk for Breast Cancer

June 13, 2014

Reducing Your Risk For Breast Cancer

What You Can Do

Page 2: Reducing Your Risk for Breast Cancer


✤ Confusion- Frequency

✤ 2009 U.S. Preventative Task Force- Screening at age 50, then every 2 years up until age 74. High Risk Women- Start at age 40.

✤ Over-diagnosis- additional testing, biopsies, chemo/radiation

✤ Recent Canadian Study- Women aged 45-59 receiving mammograms every year were no less likely to die of breast cancer than women who did not get regular screening.

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Risk Assessment Tools

✤ Thermogram- Evaluates breast health through heat sensors vs radiation. Looks for potential risk factors in the breasts such as lymphatic congestion, excess estrogen and inflammation. Can detect pre-cancer conditions up to 10 years earlier than a mammogram.

✤ Estrogen Metabolite Testing- evaluates estrogen metabolites to help shunt estrogens in healthy pathways in the liver.

✤ Genova Detoxingenomics Test- genetic mutations that may raise your risk of breast cancer

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Lifestyle Changes

✤ Weight Management- Overweight women are 3X at greater risk of developing breast cancer. Obese women- 63% higher risk of death 1. Leptin (protein made in fat cells) stimulates estrogen and turns on estrogen pathways. 2. Chronic Inflammation in obesity 3. Fatty liver- not detoxing well

✤ Sleep- over 8 hours/night reduces risk of breast cancer by 72% Low Melatonin levels are associated with higher risk of breast cancer

✤ Chronic Stress- increased Cortisol and lower DHEA and Progesterone It is a cancer growth factor

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Lifestyle Changes

✤ Alcohol- increases estrogen in men and women, depletes glutathione and blocks oxytocin.

✤ Pregnancy- Early Pregnancy reaches final breast maturation-increased Estriol and Progesterone

✤ Lactation and Oxytocin- Lactation lowers risk through release of Oxytocin which clears ducts of inflammatory debris. Dry brushing and nipple stimulation creates healthy epithelial lining in ducts

✤ Estrogenic Imprinting- Risk may begin in the womb. Maternal exposure to xenoestrogens lead to precancerous lesions/adult cancer

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✤ Metabolic Syndrome- higher circulation of Insulin that feeds tumor cells. Suppresses immune system and increases free estradiol.

✤ Fish- no more than twice/week. Healthy fats (Omega 3). Transfats doubles risk. Avoid GMO’s, fried foods and chargrilled (350%)

✤ Soy- Asian populations eat fermented (not processed) soy. JAMA study-less cancer reoccurance with more soy whether you had estrogen receptor + or - breast cancer, but 91% soybeans in U.S. GMO

✤ Toxins- Avoid Xenoestrogens: pesticides, Bisphenol-A, phalates. Endocrine disruptors: Can mutate genes, alter breast cells to absorb more estrogen and suppress immunity.

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✤ Vitamin D- Inhibit the initiation and progression of breast cancer Anti-inflammatory, reduces CRP, immune modulator

✤ Iodine- deficiency can promote dysplasia and cancer. Check thyroid-it helps DNA repair and increases oxytocin

✤ Fermented Wheat Germ Extract- Immune modulator-NK cell activity

✤ Statins- increases risk by reducing CoQ10 (risk increases by 800%)

✤ Healthy Gut Flora- optimizes immune health and check for certain enzymes that can cause increase estrogen

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✤ Over 400 functions- brain, bone, blood vessels.

✤ Estrogen can fuel estrogen receptor tumors but not bioidentical estrogen. Breast fat cells produce their own estrogen- can be 10-50X that of the blood.

✤ High estrogen levels thought to to be a “cause” is likely a reflection of the increased production in the breast. Extraneous estrogen does not effect ductal concentrations. Studies- protective

✤ Healthy estrogen metabolism and looking for genetic variations in estrogen detoxing is critical

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Personalized Health

✤ Evaluate YOUR personal risk factors

✤ Individualize your care with testing, supplementation and treatment

✤ Visit my website at for further information

✤ Follow me on Twitter @wellcast