Redemption Magazine Edition 2

Edition 2 ~The Love Edition~ Freely distributed magazine



Transcript of Redemption Magazine Edition 2

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Edition����������� ������������������  2~The����������� ������������������  Love����������� ������������������  Edition~

Freely distributed magazin


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Welcome, dear reader, to the second edition of Redemption magazine. We trust that you have all been blessed during the festive season and that everyone is

enjoying 2014 with God’s double favour.

The Redemption “Love Edition” is all about sharing the love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It’s easy to do a

Valentine’s edition during the month of February but God’s love is more real, more consuming and more precious than

the love of any Valentine in the world.

It’s time to stop focusing on people and temporal things of the world and time to build a relationship with God and

bask deeper and deeper in His love.

Stay Blessed!

Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self- seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes,

always perseveres. Love never fails.1 Corinthians 13:4-8


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Nothing in all creation

will ever be able to

separate us from the

love of God

Romans 8:39

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Meet The Team


Thank you to the wonderful people who have shared their testimonies and helped bring the magazine to fruition!

“In Him we live and move and have our being” Acts 17:28

EDITOR: Ashiqui Haripersad


PHOTOGRAPHY: Carmen Feyerabend

WRITERS: Kim Liebenberg and Nicholas Skelton

POETRY: Siyaphiwa Maphanga

MODELS: Chelsea Meintjes & Michaela Maree

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15 A God Of Provisi

on And


21 Pursued By

The King





7 Love 12 Being Beautiful A Word For Women17 Food For Thought19 Pull Out Poster Inside!27 Bible Reading Plan

The Redeemed Lifestyle




“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of

their testimony” Revelations 12:11


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Acts 17:28

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A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance

Proverbs 15:13

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V 3


Have you ever understood what the “ultimate

expression of love” is? Let’s rewind 2000 years to find

out. 2000 years ago God showed us the ultimate

expression of love by giving His only begotten Son to

us. (For God so loved the world, that He gave His only

begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not

perish but have everlasting life- John 3:16). God, being

rich in mercy, because of the great love with which He

loves us, even when we were dead in our trespasses,

made us alive together with Christ- by His grace we

were saved (Ephesians 2:4-5). Jesus was beaten,

whipped and spat at and for what purpose? It was all

done because God was reconciling the world to

Himself in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:19).

Valentine’s Day is aimed at couples to celebrate their

love but have you stopped for a single moment to

realise just how much God loves you? Did your

girlfriend/boyfriend/husband/wife die on a cross for

you or take 39 stripes for you? Only Jesus did. Jesus

did it to bring us back into relationship with our Father.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming

down from the Father of the heavenly lights” (James

1:17). God celebrates His love for you every second of

every day. No matter how sinful your life may be, the

Lord still says: “I have loved you with an everlasting

l o v e ; I h a v e d r a w n y o u w i t h u n f a i l i n g

kindness” (Jeremiah 31:3).

“I love those who love me, and those who seek me will

find me. With me are riches and honour, enduring

wealth and prosperity.



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My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice

silver” (Proverbs 8:17-19). We are God’s treasured possessions, He

loves us with an unimaginable, incomprehensible love, waiting eagerly

for us to pursue a relationship with Him. He wants us to bask in His love

and soak in His joy and completely delight in Him. When we delight in

Him, He will give us all the desires of our hearts (Psalm 37:4). When we meet a partner in life, it becomes so easy to let your life rotate

around that person. We get excited like teenagers when we get a text

message saying “I miss you” or “you’re on my mind.” Is this what keeps

us smiling? I don’t think that we can fathom the fact that there is a God

out there that has an all-consuming love for us and we are always on His

mind! His thoughts toward us would outnumber all the grains of sand in

all the earth (Psalm 139: 17-18). THIS is the love that needs to be

celebrated! Not just today, not just during “the month of love,” but


People in your life will come and go because everybody appears in our

lives for a season- some seasons longer than others. The constant in

your life- from birth until death and even after- will always be God. He will

rejoice with you in your moments of absolute joy, He will carry you in

moments of complete brokenness and He will give you strength in times

of adversity.

What greater love is there for us? What can the world possibly offer to

compete with His love? With God, all things are possible. His love is like

the ocean- always full and never running dry and at times very


This February, let us celebrate the love of God!



Not that we loved God

but that He loved us and sent His only Son

as an atoning sacrifice for our sins

1 John 4:10

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Being fascinated with engineering and technology, I studied mechanical engineering for

a short while and then moved onto the field of industrial chemistry. God granted me the

desires of my heart of working in some of the largest refineries and chemical industries

in the country. I didn’t know that this love for chemistry would give birth to something

dark which would eventually engulf me into it’s world. At this point God’s favour was

upon me.

My addiction started about 17 years ago and progressed when I started studying more

about the chemistry of drugs. I began to experiment by writing formulas and as time

progressed I became addicted but I denied the truth- that I was a drug addict. God

continued to watch over me and protect me, His hand over my life. But as time went by I

allowed the devil to engulf me and the Spirit of God was no longer with me. I only realize

that now. The above was mentioned to show that God did not turn away from me, but

light and darkness cannot reside in the same place.

Eventually my life became empty, unhappy, frustrating, purposeless and miserable. I

lost my wife and daughter who is now 8 and a half years old. After my family left me, I

had no meaning left to life. I felt that I had no purpose.

My mind became distorted with intoxicating substances. I allowed the devil to rob me of

everything in my life. I turned away from God and walked a road of life, which was

leading inevitably to hell. I had no vision and purpose. Satan made me believe that my

only other option was to continue destroying my life. I had many close shaves with death

and imprisonment. But God… yes, God, He always has a plan and a purpose.

An immeasurable amount of money was spent to support my habit. My lifestyle brought

pain and misery to my mum, late dad, my brothers and their families. But my family

never gave up on me, though I’m sure that at times they felt there was no hope for me,

they continued to trust God for me. My mum and sister-in-laws, Mel, Purdey and Yolan,

never ceased to pray for my salvation and for Jesus’ intervention in my path to


Where do I start? The testimony of my life seems like such a tall order if I consider life from being born into a Christian home,

growing up with Christian values and principles to choosing the material things and finite pleasures of this world and the sin that goes with it

leading to a lost eternity and then finally opening up my heart to Jesus.

ADDICTEDTerrance Albert, Edenvale, Johannesburg

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I was selfish in not seeing that my addictive lifestyle put a strain on my brothers’

relationships with their families as it grieved them to see what was happening to me

and what I was doing to my mum. It truly pains me to think of the turmoil and sorrow

that I put my mum through. Yet in the fog of my addiction, I failed to see any of this.

I was not compatible with people of God because I took what the devil offered me. I

was his slave. A cloud of rotting death hung over my shredded resemblance of life.

Emptiness and loneliness was my devoted companion. I simply could not see any way

out. Yes, Jesus is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), but by this time I had long

forgotten about Him. I had misplaced even the faintest memory of Him. God, to me, did

not exist. Well at least not in my filthy pit of darkness. All aspects of my life: Emotional,

spiritual, social, financial and now almost physical, had long since been suffocated

under the debris of my sordid “new life”. A life devoid of life: my existence was an


I searched, with the tattered scrap of hope that I had left for joy, purpose and peace

(what I thirsted for most), yet I did not find it. The result of my path of destruction

would lead me to an eternity of suffering and pain… I was headed for hell and I knew it!

By the time that I had hit my absolute rock bottom, the only direction I could possibly go

was up. God was the only One who could help me. It was an option of either turning back

to Jesus or else allowing my drug abuse to destroy every ounce of me. That’s when I

checked myself into rehab where I surrendered my entire life over to God and to His

healing love. Immediately God’s peace and joy filled up my empty and broken heart… I

was like a thirsty plant soaking in His grace into every pore of my existence.

How glorious it is to have God back in my life, He is my direction and my very source of

Life! But the beauty of God is that NOT only did He bring restoration into MY life, but also

into the lives of my family, as I was once again reunited with my parents and siblings as

a whole being. What was robbed from us by the devil, The Healer has restored!

My family also shares in the peace in my life, which is a gift beyond gifts.

I seek God’s strength for every new day that He has blessed me with to fortify my

relationship with Him. No amount of intellect and wealth can give me the peace

and joy that Jesus has given me. To those battling with addictions I can truly

say that God is the way, the truth and the life, and that is no cliché!

Trust the Lord with all your heart, depend not on your own understanding, seek His

will in all you do and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6

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Jesus said to her, “Did I not say to

you that if you would believe you would see

the glory of God?”







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The dict ionary defines b e a u t y a s s o m e t h i n g “ a t t r a c t i v e a n d w e l l -formed .” Med ia today leaves us believing this 100%. We are falling under the spell of advertisers out there, making us believe that if we bath with a specific soap or drive a certain car, we then possess BEAUTY.

Busy lifestyles and being “dressed to impress” is fast becoming our greatest downfall. If you don’t dress a certain way then you can’t clinch that deal... or our f r i e n d s w o n ’ t b e impressed... we are living our lives to satisfy a dead society, which is too shallow to understand that as long as you have a loving heart, you then possess beauty!

Beauty in the eye of God Almighty is what really matters. The Bible says that “people judge by outward

The bes t way to be b e a u t i f u l . . . i s t o b e beautiful on the inside. As cliched as it is... It is incredibly true! Love your neighbour. Help those who hate you and let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven (1 Peter 3:3-4). Be the type of woman that God can look at and proudly say, “that’s My daughter!”

appearance,but the Lord looks at the heart” (Samuel 16:7).

There is no model for beauty. We have no right to call someone fat or ugly. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), when we j u d g e e a c h o t h e r s physical appearances, we are in extension, judging the work of God Almighty.

What is beauty?

Being BeautifulWOMEN


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You Knew The Truth; He Never Knew You——————————————————

And as she let him insideShe said love and lust can't coincide

From Whom shall she hideThought she could leave God on the

bedsideTable so she could be able

To profane the temple of God.Passions abate convictions;

Chastity belt let loose,For her soul becomes a noose.

She confessed Him with her lipsBut denied Him with her hipsThat spoke of another story,

One that didn't bring God glory.

The crux of this thing, is not in the ringThat allows you to boldly sing

A hymn to Him, a song of praiseTo Christ who was raised

While you pray your sins be erased.Willfully war against your integrity

Dirty laundry piled on with every iniquitySunday becomes a laundry day;

Services rendered spiritual showersBut that won't save you in the final hour

When Christ returns with all glory and power

For no one knows the day or the hour

"Forgive them Father for they know not what they do."

But the Word lives in you,The Truth was given to you.On what alibi can you rely?'I have made my decision'

Words to numb conviction's incision,Made by the two-edged sword from above.

'I love him.' but God is loveThere's no love in sin

And yours is the image you've made God inTo ratify a sanction for your action.

You denied Christ before men;He will deny you before the FatherWhen He says: "I never knew you."

Repent and accept a change in you,Through the great I AM who

Cleanses and makes you new.May your heart be made cleanAnd the fruit you bear be seen.

Adultery is a very serious matter which is taken far too lightly a m o n g s t C h r i s t i a n s t o d a y. Churches are teaching the false doctrine of “hyper-grace”- sin to your hearts content today and you can repent tomorrow.

From the very beginning of time, G o d c r e a t e d u s t o h a v e a relationship with Him. He created us so that He can love us and we can love Him. He loved us so unconditionally that He gave us free will and 10 easy set of rules to live by- the 10 commandments. As we have lost our relationship with God, we have lost respect for Him and His commandments, sinning daily, without true repentance, resulting in us drifting further and further away from our Father and completely losing our relationship with Him.

“ Y o u m u s t n o t c o m m i t adultery” (Exodus 20:14).God’s seventh commandment is simple and clear- Do not defile yourself by having sexual relations w i t h y o u r n e i g h b o u r s w i f e (Leviticus 18:20). Why is it that you think of yourself as better than murderers and unbelievers who bow down to idols when you y o u r s e l f a r e b r e a k i n g t h e commandments? Sin has no


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Inspired by Romans 1:21, Hebrews 10:26–27, Revelation 21:8; 22:14–15, Ephesians 5:5–7

ranking. We cannot say that one sin is greater than another. Sin is the transgression of the law (1 John 3 : 4 ) , a s l o n g a s w e a r e transgressing the law, we will be judged. He who commits adultery lacks sense, he who does it destroys himself (Proverbs 6:32), but I urge you to remember that cheating does not only destroy you, but it will destroy those a r o u n d y o u . I t w i l l b r e e d bitterness, unforgiveness and hatred which will destroy every good thing around it. Families and relationships- gifts directly from the Throne Room will suffer the c o n s e q u e n c e s o f e v e n o n e indiscretion. Regardless of the status of your marriage, you should always honour your spouse and respect your marr iage. Let marriage be held in honour among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous (Hebrews 13:4).

We w o u l d a l s o d o w e l l t o remember that even though our marriages might be in trouble, we are not al lowed to just get divorced, for then you are also an adulterer. “Whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits

adultery” (Matthew 19:9). There a r e o n l y 2 e x t e n u a t i n g circumstances when you are permitted to get divorced, and that is if your spouse has committed adultery (Matthew 19:9) or if your s p o u s e i s a n u n b e l i eve r ( 1 Corinthians 7:10-15).

The time has come for us to take a stand for what is right. Jesus said “I am the way, the truth and the life” John 14:6. We can only stand for Jesus when we stand for the truth, or we become hypocrites and will be judged accordingly. When you did not know Christ it seemed acceptable to do these things- to have promiscuous behavior and cheat on your spouse but now that you know the Lord and now that you know better, it is time to leave those terrible ways behind and allow Jesus to wash away your sins but above all you must “sin no more” (John 8:11). Help and counsel those around you that do not know better and teach them the ways of the Lord, teach them the damage that adultery causes. It is now time to be the salt and light of the world. “Let your light shine so before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:13-16).



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A����������� ������������������  God����������� ������������������  of����������� ������������������  Protection����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  ProvisionDr Grace Baruth, Newlands, Durban

Having arrived back on South African soil, I give all glory to Jesus alone!I recently had the privilege of going on a very dangerous and difficult mission trip to Lahore, Pakistan, on the 21st of September 2013. This had been my prayer now for many months and I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for affording me the opportunity to be a vessel through which He ministered to the people in Pakistan. Despite Pakistan being a predominantly Muslim country, I thank the Lord a million times over for opening doors for me in Pakistan and meeting all my traveling expenses. 

During my stay in Pakistan, the country experienced three terrorist bombings against the Christians, killing more than two hundred Christians in one week! There were death threats thrown all over the place and, furthermore, Pakistan experienced two earthquakes. During this time I clung onto the words in Psalm 27:1 The Lord is my light and the One Who saves me. Whom should I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life. Of whom should I be afraid?

Despite the great challenges, death threats, earthquakes, poverty, famine and suicide bombings, the Lord protected me and used me to encourage and bless the people of Pakistan. I was even protected through a night where people had tried to burn down the home that I was living in! Nothing could keep me as encouraged as Deuteronomy 31:6 which encourages us to be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.

My greatest experience in Pakistan was how many people the Lord touched

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as He used me to pray and minister His love.I felt so much drive to encourage the people of Pakistan to be strong and courageous, even in the face of death and not to forsake the gathering of the saints. And yet even in the face of death the people of Pakistan continue to press into God despite their intense sufferings. It is almost as if their sufferings are fuel to the passionate fire that burns within their very beings for Jesus.

Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

This mission trip has not only encouraged me, as I witnessed how so many people, who are being martyred for their belief in God, continue to serve Him so radically and passionately! Yet I learnt a lot about myself, learning to push through my own despondency and the desire to give in… My God strengthened me through this incredible experience. Once again His word was spot on for my situation: Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

This missions trip has been a life changing journey that I will forever cherish in my heart. It has opened my spiritual understanding to the intense sufferings of the Christians in Pakistan and to the deep-seated passionate love for God even in the midst of death. This kind of experience causes one to re-evaluate our relationships with our King even while we live in such freedom to worship Him in our country. I will be forever grateful for God’s provision, protection, love and His word during this trip.

2 Corinthians 12:9  He answered me, “I am all you need. I give you My loving-favor. My power works best in humble people.” 

I am happy to be weak in the eyes of the world and have troubles so I can have Christ’s power in me.


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Food For Thought

You will need:

In our firs t edi t ion, we discussed detoxing and to flow into the next level of optimal health it is imperative that we make a new eating plan to nour i sh and maintain the cleansed body. A f t e r a l l , optimal health is our greatest w e a l t h . A s w e persevere to maintain optimal health we need to include exercise, healthy f r i e n d s h i p s a n d m o s t importantly, we need to connect with God.

Most people start a fast early in the year. Many Christians start the year with the Daniel Fast. After an indulgent festive season, what better way to flow into the new year?

But why fasting? Fasting disciplines us, it definitely detoxes us and brings us out, all too ready to perform well on all levels, it helps us focus to be able to accomplish our purpose in life with vigour

and gets us connected to God on a higher level. Fasting is

not complete without prayer, which brings

about hope and e x p e c t a t i o n - every bit of it is pos i t ive and p o w e r f u l , r e s u l t i n g i n miracles. There

are many who e x p e r i e n c e

healing along with other miracles during

and after fasting.

Dur ing the f a s t peop le generally do the following:-Arise early to pray-Drink herbal teas, water, fresh fruit purees (avoiding a c i d i c f r u i t a n d d a i r y products)-Eat vegetables at mealtimes and drink plenty of water during the day-Gather for prayer at sunset and some have a small vegetarian meal or a salad (without dressing), thereafter.

A basic plan as above, can become a healthy lifestyle for many. Once this has been

accomplished and this eating plan modified a bit and implemented for the rest of the year- you can be assured to see excellent progression/ maintenance of good health.

To modify a balanced eating plan you can add yoghurt, rolled oats and fruit for breakfast. Legumes, a piece of skinless chicken breast or a piece of fish for lunch and try to keep supper light by having a healthy salad or sandwiches using health bread.

The above is an example but you can use other healthy options. Supplement with a good mult ivi tamin. Also remember that there are amazing natural herbs and spices, that, taken correctly with the recommendation of a health care practitioner can remedy many ailments like turmeric, ginger, cayenne pepper, milk thistle, etc.

We believe that natural herbs a n d p r o d u c t s i s G o d ’s pharmacy for us. What a beautiful but potent gift!


Fasting is not complete without

prayer, which brings about hope and

expectation- every bit of it is positive and powerful resulting

in miracles


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Sweetening South AfricaSouth African sugar

not only sweetens your tea, but it stirs much

needed socio-economic development in some of

the most job starved regions in our country.

Your sugar industry doesn’t only grow sugar

cane, it grows the economy for the

benefit of all South Africans.

The South African sugar industry is a people driven industry that is growing our future. It is one of the world’s leading cost competitive producers of quality sugar and makes a positive difference to the lives of a million South Africans through employment, research, education and t ra in ing , wel fa re , smal l development funding, and environmental sustainability.

The industry promotes diverse ownership of agricultural land u n d e r s u g a r c a n e , a n d suppor t s in i t i a t ive s the sustainable transfer of land. Th e s e i n i t i a t i v e s h av e contributed to the transfer of 21% of commercial land under sugar cane from white growers to black growers. The industry has also focussed on the transfer of skills and post settlement support.


A very small percentage of sugar is traded on the ‘world sugar marke t ’ which i s recognised as distorted. It is where

where surplus, unwanted or dumped sugar lands up because it’s subsidised sugar. Most of the sugar industries throughout the world protect their industries through a tariff, also known as customs duties, which must be paid before importing a product into a country that already produces that product itself.

"The problem is that there is no correlation between the world price of sugar and the costs of production. The world price is below the cost of production because sugar p roduce r s g loba l l y a re s u b s i d i s e d b y t h e i r governments , " sa id the Executive Director of the S o u t h A f r i c a n S u g a r Association, Mr Trix Trikam.

T h e S o u t h A f r i c a n government has a lways understood and supported the necessity for protecting the industry and operated an i m p o r t t a r i f f a i m e d a t protecting

protecting the industry from c o u n t r i e s t h a t a r e oversupplying the world market with sugar below the cost of their production. Currently imported sugar is coming into South Africa because the import tariff is no longer effective as it is based on an outdated calculation that did not predict or cater for the Rand-Dollar exchange rate and the world sugar price levels that are common today.

It is not serving its purpose to protect the industry from imported sugar. The sugar industry is working with government to change this.


With the importers flooding the South African market jobs are at risk. South Africans who want to sweeten their country can look out for the famous South African brands of sugar which are Illovo, Huletts and Selati.

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And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE.

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1 Corinthians 13:13

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*Names have been changed in this testimony

When given

even the slightest

opportunity to tell my

beautiful life story, I

shall always begin as


Pursued By The KingFathima*, Overport, Durban


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*Names have been changed in this testimony

She looked at me with a love

and peace I was




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*Names have been changed in this testimony

Annoyed and confused, I went home intent upon telling my father, Allah, what this

crazy woman had done to me


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Fathima’s* story continues in the next edition of Redemption, don’t forget to get your free copy!

*Names have been changed in this testimony

The LORD replied, “My precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you

see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.”

Footprints in the Sand, Carolyn Joyce Carty.


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Throughout life, people are constantly bombarded with temptation – Satan’s primary weapon for leading humanity into sin. Everywhere people go, they are surrounded with romanticised images of how their lives should be. We are tricked, not only by wicked thoughts of jealousy and d e s i r e s f o r e a r t h l y p l e a s u re s, bu t a l s o by conventions of society into desiring these objects and experiences, even if the price for such things is sin.

Matthew 4:1-11“Then the devil came to him and said, “If you are God’s Son, order these stones to turn into bread.” But Jesus answered, “The scripture says, ‘man cannot live on bread alone, but needs every word that God speaks.’” Then the devil took Jesus to Jerusalem, the Holy City, set him on the highest point of the temple, and said to him, “If you are God’s Son, throw

yoursel f down, for the scripture says, ‘God will give orders to his angels about you; they will hold you up with their hands so that not even your feet are hurt on t h e s t o n e s . ’ ” J e s u s answered, “But the scripture also says, ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” Then the devil took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in all their greatness. “All of this I will give to you,” the devil said, “if you kneel down and worship me.” Then Jesus answered, “Go away Satan! The scripture says, ‘worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’”Then the devil left Jesus; and angels came and helped him.”

Temptation may be the w e a p o n o f S a t a n , b u t Christians are not alone in the battle against it. God has given us His own word to use against Satan’s tricks. Even

Jesus was tempted, under t h e m o s t w r e t c h e d circumstances, but thwarted Satan’s best ef for ts in attempting to lure him into sin by knowing and using the word of God.

Hebrews 4:15“Our High Priest (Jesus) is not one who cannot feel s y m p a t h y f o r o u r w e a k n e s s e s . O n t h e contrary, we have a high priest who was tempted in every way we are, but did not sin.”

Everyone is faced with temptation, and despite p e o p l e s i n n u m e r a b l e differences, the temptations we fight against are very much the same. Jesus faced temptation just as any other person, but Jesus stayed true to Gods word and did not sin. “Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”(James 4:7)


N TM ETEMPTATION- Satan’s Primary Weapon Against Us

“Jesus, full of the holy spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Holy Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. In all that time he ate

nothing, so that he was hungry when it was all over.” Luke 4:1-2



Page 27: Redemption Magazine Edition 2




We are asking you, dear reader, to be as invested in the magazine as we are.

As we move into 2014,

the time has never been more urgent to take the gospel

of Christ to every continent, nation, region, community, and home as we seek to share and help

people understand the glory and true love of Christ.

Today, none of us alone can touch the many lost

and hurting people, yet together we can work for the

glorious cause of Jesus Christ, sharing miracles and testimonies

experienced in Him and using this magazine as a platform to reach people

who do not know Christ.

You may not be writing for us but as you sow seeds into the magazine you can rest assured that your seed is

definitely printing magazines... This makes you an investor in the gospel of Christ! Your seed will both touch and transform lives.

Account name: Tehillim Media InternationalAccount number: 62435934030Branch code: 221126Bank: FNBCheque Account PARTNER WITH REDEMPTION



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Page 28: Redemption Magazine Edition 2

March Date: Morning: Evening: LUKE JUDGES 1 6: 1-26 10, 11, 12 2 6: 27-49 13, 14, 15 3 7: 1-30 16, 17, 18 4 7: 31-50 19, 20, 21 RUTH 5 8: 1-25 1, 2, 3, 4 1 SAM 6 8: 26-56 1, 2, 3 7 9: 1-17 4, 5, 6 8 9: 18-36 7, 8, 9 9 9: 37-62 10, 11, 12 10 10: 1-24 13, 14 11 10: 25-42 15, 16 12 11: 1-28 17, 18 13 11: 29-54 1 9, 20, 21 14 12: 1-31 22, 23, 24 15 12: 32- 59 25, 26 16 13: 1-22 27, 28, 29 17 13: 23-35 30, 31 2 SAM 18 14: 1-24 1, 2 19 14: 25- 35 3, 4, 5 20 15: 1-10 6, 7, 8 21 15: 11-32 9, 10, 11 22 16 12, 13 23 17: 1- 19 14, 15 24 17: 20-37 16, 17, 18 25 18: 1-23 19, 20 26 18: 24-43 21, 22 27 19: 1-27 23, 24 1 KINGS 28 19: 28-48 1, 2 29 20: 1-26 3, 4, 5

30 20: 27-47 6, 7 31 21: 1-19 8, 9







February Date: Morning: Evening: MARK NUMBERS 1 8: 1-21 26, 27 2 8: 22-38 28, 29, 30 3 9: 1-29 31, 32, 33 4 9: 30-50 34, 35, 36 DEUT 5 10: 1-31 1, 2 6 10: 32-52 3, 4 7 11: 1-18 5, 6, 7 8 11: 19-33 8, 9, 10 9 12: 1-27 11, 12, 13 10 12: 28-44 14, 15, 16 11 13: 1-20 17, 18, 19 12 13: 21-37 20, 21, 22 13 14: 1-26 23. 24, 25 14 14: 27-53 26, 27 15 14: 54-72 28, 29 16 15: 1-25 30, 31 17 15: 26-47 32, 33, 34 JOSHUA 18 16 1, 2, 3 LUKE 19 1: 1-20 4, 5, 6 20 1: 21-38 7, 8, 9

21 1: 39-56 10, 11, 12 22 1: 57-80 13, 14, 15 23 2: 1-20 16, 17, 18 24 2: 25-52 19, 20, 21 25 3 22, 23, 24 JUDGES 26 4: 1-30 1, 2, 3 27 4: 31-44 4, 5, 6 28 5 7, 8, 9




Page 29: Redemption Magazine Edition 2

When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.”

John 6:12

One man’s garbage is…

Now I’ve heard this quote a good couple times and I have never truly latched onto the profound truth of this statement until… well until recycling entered my life.

Why is it that we are such a wasteful generation?

Generations before us never allowed even a “vrot” (a Greek word for “off” as my dad always says) banana peel to go to waste. So why is it that we throw away whole bu n ch e s o f b a n a n a s s i m p l y because they host a number of black spots?

I’m beginning to realize that our wastefulness stems from the very root of not having had to break our backs trying to crack open dry, hard soil to plant our very sustenance in. You see we have been fortunate enough to have been preceded by a hard working generation, who have worked thousands of hours to give us “the life we deserve”. Sometimes I wonder if this hasn’t spoilt us to a degree.

Now don’t get me wrong I am not slam dunking our generation, as we

have achieved some incredible feats (ie: the internet! We have connected this great big earth and turned it into a Global Village), yet c o u l d w e n o t s h o w m o r e thankfulness and appreciation towards our “father” generation?And not just to them but to our God?

H e r e ’ s a w a y t o s h o w appreciation… Rather than adding to the mountain of landfill sites by throwing your unwanted items away, how about packing your junk into a box and truck it off to your nearest orphanage, children’s hospital or find a charity that is close to your heart and donate that so called “garbage”.

And for those hoarders out there! Get someone to help you if you cannot part with your “unwanted-valuables”. Make space for the new and change someone’s life today. My philosophy works like this: If I have not worn the item within 6 months, it then has a greater purpose with someone who could give it value.

For your garbage may be… Another man’s gold.

Kim Liebenberg talk garbage with Redemption

The wasteful generation



Page 30: Redemption Magazine Edition 2

Dear JesusThank You Lord that we are able to see 2014. Your grace always leaves us in awe.

We were so excited to be able to launch the magazine, sharing miracles of those in Christ and encouraging people to keep the faith and hope in a faithful God. God has made every provision for us and the growth of the magazine is a testimony of its own! Thank you to the Redemption Team and all the hard work put into making this possible. Thank you to the wonderful people who shared their testimonies and gave God all the glory and honour. We have seen first-hand that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us!

I’d����������� ������������������  like����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  give����������� ������������������  God����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  praise����������� ������������������  for����������� ������������������  everything����������� ������������������  that����������� ������������������  he����������� ������������������  has����������� ������������������  done����������� ������������������  in����������� ������������������  my����������� ������������������  life����������� ������������������  thus����������� ������������������  far.����������� ������������������  I����������� ������������������  grew����������� ������������������  up����������� ������������������  with����������� ������������������  divorced����������� ������������������  parents����������� ������������������  from����������� ������������������  a����������� ������������������  tender����������� ������������������  age����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  He����������� ������������������  has����������� ������������������  seen����������� ������������������  me����������� ������������������  through����������� ������������������  every����������� ������������������  challenge.����������� ������������������  Today����������� ������������������  I����������� ������������������  am����������� ������������������  a����������� ������������������  third����������� ������������������  year����������� ������������������  marketing����������� ������������������  student,����������� ������������������  I����������� ������������������  drive����������� ������������������  my����������� ������������������  own����������� ������������������  car����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  I����������� ������������������  have����������� ������������������  amazing����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  supportive����������� ������������������  family����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  friends!����������� ������������������  I����������� ������������������  would����������� ������������������  also����������� ������������������  like����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  thank����������� ������������������  God����������� ������������������  in����������� ������������������  advance����������� ������������������  for����������� ������������������  everything����������� ������������������  He����������� ������������������  is����������� ������������������  about����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  bless����������� ������������������  me����������� ������������������  with!Jacqueline Naidoo, Phoenix, Durban



Page 31: Redemption Magazine Edition 2

Thank you!

Greetings����������� ������������������  in����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  matchless����������� ������������������  name����������� ������������������  of����������� ������������������  our����������� ������������������  Lord����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  Savior����������� ������������������  Jesus����������� ������������������  Christ.����������� ������������������  Jesus����������� ������������������  has����������� ������������������  blessed����������� ������������������  me����������� ������������������  so����������� ������������������  much,����������� ������������������  but����������� ������������������  most����������� ������������������  specifically����������� ������������������  in����������� ������������������  my����������� ������������������  campus����������� ������������������  exams.����������� ������������������  In����������� ������������������  my����������� ������������������  1����������� ������������������  exam,����������� ������������������  there����������� ������������������  was����������� ������������������  a����������� ������������������  15����������� ������������������  mark����������� ������������������  question����������� ������������������  which����������� ������������������  I����������� ������������������  did����������� ������������������  not����������� ������������������  know,����������� ������������������  but����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  Lord����������� ������������������  showed����������� ������������������  me����������� ������������������  a����������� ������������������  supernatural����������� ������������������  vision,����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  gave����������� ������������������  me����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  entire����������� ������������������  answer!����������� ������������������  I����������� ������������������  have����������� ������������������  received����������� ������������������  80����������� ������������������  percent����������� ������������������  for����������� ������������������  that����������� ������������������  exam.����������� ������������������  Thank����������� ������������������  You����������� ������������������  Lord.

Keith Jahdiel Reddy, Pinetown, Durban

I����������� ������������������  would����������� ������������������  like����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  thank����������� ������������������  God����������� ������������������  Almighty,����������� ������������������  who����������� ������������������  is����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  creator����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  shaper����������� ������������������  of����������� ������������������  my����������� ������������������  spirit.����������� ������������������  He����������� ������������������  has����������� ������������������  blessed����������� ������������������  me����������� ������������������  immensely����������� ������������������  in����������� ������������������  2013����������� ������������������  with����������� ������������������  genuine����������� ������������������  friendships,����������� ������������������  amazing����������� ������������������  family����������� ������������������  members����������� ������������������  and����������� ������������������  an����������� ������������������  opportunity����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  not����������� ������������������  only����������� ������������������  find����������� ������������������  myself����������� ������������������  but����������� ������������������  immerse����������� ������������������  myself����������� ������������������  in����������� ������������������  His����������� ������������������  true����������� ������������������  love.����������� ������������������  May����������� ������������������  2014����������� ������������������  continue����������� ������������������  bringing����������� ������������������  out����������� ������������������  His����������� ������������������  divine����������� ������������������  blessings.Sinazo Tirivanhu, Kwa Mashu, Durban

All����������� ������������������  glory����������� ������������������  to����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  All����������� ������������������  Mighty����������� ������������������  for����������� ������������������  helping����������� ������������������  me����������� ������������������  get����������� ������������������  through����������� ������������������  the����������� ������������������  academic����������� ������������������  year.����������� ������������������  I����������� ������������������  praise����������� ������������������  him����������� ������������������  for����������� ������������������  a����������� ������������������  great����������� ������������������  family,����������� ������������������  with����������� ������������������  good����������� ������������������  health.Phila Khumalo, Lamontville, Durban



Page 32: Redemption Magazine Edition 2



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Page 33: Redemption Magazine Edition 2

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Page 34: Redemption Magazine Edition 2

To Do List:

Read the 3 in 1 collection of The B r e a k t h r o u g h Guide To Fasting, by Elmer L Towns

Read I Dared To Call Him Father, by Bilquis Sheikh

Read Women of the Bible, by Ann S p a n g l e r a n d Jean E Syswerda

Bilquis Sheikh

Ann Spangler and Jean E Syswerda

Elmer L Towns



Page 35: Redemption Magazine Edition 2



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NOKIA LUMIA 2520The 2520 is Nokia’s first tablet device in the Lumia series. It is running the Windows RT operating system on a quad core processor with a full HD, ClearBlack display. Other features include a 6.7MP rear-facing camera and a 2MP front-facing camera, with 1080p and 720p video recording respectively. The 10.1 inch tablet is available in various colours.

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Page 36: Redemption Magazine Edition 2

Spreading the gospel and

uplifting Christ with YOU

REDEMPTION ANGELSHave you been through it all? Terrible health, financial loss,

addiction, etc?

Often, when we are in the valley, we

think “God, why are you doing this to

me? Why am I suffering like this?” We evaluate our lives from every

direction, always wondering what it is that we are doing wrong. However, God’s ways are indeed greater than

ours. Redemption magazine believes that your testimony can touch lives. It can give hope to the hopeless and help

people to keep the faith and have

patience and believe God for breakthroughs. No matter how long, short or even irrelevant and silly it may

sound, we believe that as long as God

has brought you through it, He is worthy of all praise.

People who touch our lives in a profound way are often called ‘angels.’ Your testimony

could touch someone’s life in a profound way, like an angel, so we encourage you to be a

“Redemption Angel” and share your testimony with others and change lives while uplifting

the name of Christ.

Contact us on 079 655 8405Email [email protected]

Visit our website at

God gives us tests so that we have testimonies

“Go home to your friends and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how he has had compassion on you.”Mark 5:19

Share your miracles and testimonies with us


Page 37: Redemption Magazine Edition 2


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