Redefinition of the genus Scarabacariphis Masan and new ...

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Acarologia 56(1): 129–135 (2016)DOI: 10.1051/acarologia/20162192

Redefinition of the genus Scarabacariphis Mašán and new morphologicaldata for S. geotrupes comb. nov. (Ishikawa) (Acari: Mesostigmata:


Shahrooz KAZEMI

(Received 23 October 2015; accepted 23 December 2015; published online 04 March 2016)

Department of Biodiversity, Institute of Science and High Technology and Environmental Sciences, Graduate University of Advanced [email protected]

ABSTRACT — Herein, Alliphis geotrupes Ishikawa, 1979 is transferred to the genus Scarabacariphis Mašán, 1994 because ofits free peritrematal shield (i.e. separated from the dorsal shield). The genus Scarabacariphis is redefined, and a key to thespecies of Scarabacariphis is provided, as well as additional morphological information for Scarabacariphis geotrupes comb.nov.

KEYWORDS — Eviphidoidea; Alliphis; new combination; Scarabaeoidea


Predatory mesostigmatic mites of the familyEviphididae include about 130 described speciesunder 20 genera that occur in soil, litter, and decom-posing organic materials like vertebrate dung, car-rion and nest of birds and mammals (Berlese 1910;Evans and Till 1979; Halliday 2008, 2010; Karg 1963,1976, 1993; Kazemi and Rajaei 2013; Kazemi et al.2008; Mašán 1994; Mašán and Halliday 2009, 2010;Ryke and Meyer 1957). Before publishing this pa-per, the genus Scarabacariphis Mašán, 1994 was amonotypic genus known only from Slovakia andArmenia (Arutunian, 1992; Mašán, 1994; Mašánand Halliday, 2010).

Ishikawa (1979) described Alliphis geotrupesbased on specimens associated with Geotrupes lae-vistriatus (Matschulsky) collected in Japan. Basedon the original description and illustrations of

the species, its peritrematal shields are less devel-oped and free from the dorsal shield anteriorly.These character states define the genus Scarabaca-riphis. The purposes of this paper are to trans-fer Alliphis geotrupes to Scarabacariphis, present newmorphological information for the species, rede-fine Scarabacariphis and prepare a key to the currentmembers of the genus.


The mite specimens used for this study wereslides of one female paratype specimen of Al-liphis geotrupes ex Geotrupes laevistriatus collected inJapan (Ishikawa 1979), and also three paratypes ofScarabacariphis ankavani (Arutunian, 1992) ex On-thophagus fracticornis (Preyssler) collected in Slo-vakia. 0044-586-X (print). ISSN 2107-7207 (electronic)


Kazemi S.

Morphological observations, measurements andillustrations were made using a compound micro-scope equipped with differential interference con-trast and phase contrast optical systems, and adrawing tube. Measurements were made in mi-crometres (µm). Some measurements have beengiven in range when left and right side characters ofthe body differed in size. Dorsal and sternal shieldlengths and widths were respectively taken fromthe anterior to posterior shield margins along themidline, and from the lateral margins at the broad-est level between setae j6-J1 and at the level of se-tae st2. The length of the epigynal shield was takenfrom the anterior margin of the hyaline extension tothe posterior margin of the shield along the midline;the shield width was taken at the level of setae st5.Anal shield length and width were measured alongthe midline from the anterior to posterior margin,including the cribrum, and at the broadest point, re-spectively. Leg lengths were taken from the base ofthe coxa to the apex of the tarsus, without the am-bulacrum (stalk, claws and pulvillus). The length ofthe second cheliceral segment was measured fromthe base to the apex of the fixed digit, and the widthat the broadest point. The length of the fixed che-liceral digit was taken from the dorsal poroid to theapex, and that of the movable digit from the base toapex.

The notation for idiosomal setae followsLindquist & Evans (1965) adapted by Mašán andHalliday (2010); idiosomal pore-like structures, i.e.gland pores and poroids, follows mostly Athias-Henriot (1971, 1975), adapted by Kazemi et al.(2014).

Genus Scarabacariphis Mašán, 1994

Scarabacariphis Mašán, 1994: 6.

Type species Scarabacariphis grandisternalisMašán, 1994 (= Alliphis ankavani Arutunian, 1992),by original designation.

Diagnosis — Idiosoma completely or partly cov-ered by dorsal shield. Dorsal shield almost flat-tened, sub-oval, entire, finely reticulated over en-tire surface, free from peritrematal shields, usuallybearing 29-30 pairs of mostly needle-like and short

setae, with 22 pairs of pore-like structures, includ-ing six pairs of gland pores (gd1-2, gd4, gd6, gd8-9).Weakly sclerotized presternal platelets present orabsent. Sternal shield entire, almost as long as wide,with three pairs of simple narrow setae and twopairs of poroids, iv1 slit-like, oriented obliquely,iv2 ovoid. Endopodal platelets between coxae II-IIIcompletely fused to sternal shield; endopodals be-tween coxae III-IV not enlarged, free. Metasternalsetae and poroids iv3 on soft integument or situatedon minute metasternal platelets. Epigynal shield in-conspicuously reticulated, anterior hyaline marginof shield rounded, setae st5 on lateral marginal ofshield or in soft integument; postgenital plateletsabsent. Anal shield subtriangular or pear-shaped,bearing simple and slender subequal circumanal se-tae. Exopodal platelets between coxae III-IV al-ways present, those between coxae I-III present orabsent; parapodal platelets narrow, free. Metapo-dal platelets small, narrow. Peritrematal shieldsfinely developed along peritremes, free, post stig-matic section tapered, not extending beyond poste-rior level of coxae IV, with three pairs of poroids andtwo pairs of gland pores. Peritremes extending toanterior level of coxae I to II. Dorsolateral and ven-tral integument simply striated, in female with 10pairs of simple setae (excluding st5), in male witheight setae. Sternogenital shield of male well sep-arated from anal shield. Deutosternal groove withfive rows of denticles, each with 2-13 teeth. Mov-able digit of female chelicera with one large tooth.Palpgenu with six setae. Palptarsus with one sickle-like seta and two-tined apotele. Epistome with longmedian projection, and wing-like lateral elements.Complement of leg chaetotaxy as: coxae 2-2-2-1;trochanter 6-5-5-5; femora 13-11-6-6; genua 11-11-8-7; tibiae 11-10-7-7. Male legs without spurs.

Notes on the genus — Ishikawa (1979) describedan eviphidid species with most typical charactersof the genus Alliphis, A. geotrupes, but he illustratedits peritrematal shields free from the dorsal shield.I confirmed this observation in the paratype spec-imen. The only genera of Eviphididae that bearfree peritrematal shields from the dorsal shield areRafaphis Skorupski & Błaszak, 1997 and Scarabaca-riphis, so the placement of A. geotrupes is not ac-


Acarologia 56(1): 129–135 (2016)

ceptable. Comparing these genera with free per-itrematal shields, Raphafis is unrelated to A. geotru-pes because of its unique character states for theEviphididae, such as the dorsal shield extendingventrally and capturing three pairs of opisthogas-tric setae, reduced and sub-oval sternal shield, atyp-ical leg chaetotaxy and also epistome. AlthoughScarabacariphis shares several characters with A.geotrupes, there are some morphological differencesbetween the type species of this monotypic genusand A. geotrupes, including the absence of larval se-tae J2 in the latter species (present in S. ankavani),setae st5 off the epigynal shield (on the shield in S.ankavani), and exopodal platelets between coxae I-III present and small (absent in S. ankavani). Cur-rently, the only eviphidid genus without setae J2 isPodoniphis Joharchi et al., 2014, but they can be easilyseparated by the rudimentary peritrematal shieldsfused to the dorsal shield in Podoniphis, most dor-sal shield setae in Podoniphis relatively elongated,except J5 minute and strongly reduced (setae J5 inScarabacariphis and Alliphis not reduced, other se-tae not elongated) and also presence of a robustspine-like ventral setae in femur II of the female(absent in females of Scarabacariphis and Alliphis).The insertion of setae st5 off the epigynal shield canbe seen in Scarabaspis Womersley, 1956 and somespecies of Thinoseius Halbert, 1920, and also with in-traspecific variation in Podoniphis persicus Joharchiet al., 2014 (on or off the shield but near its bor-der). Moreover, although all of these mites haveperitrematal shields fused to the dorsal shield, themembers of Scarabaspis bear two sickle-like sensorysetae on palptarsus (in contrast one in Scarabaca-riphis and Alliphis) and also flattened oval-shapeddisc setae on coxae I-II (simple setae in Scarabaca-riphis and Alliphis); Thinoseius has some meaning-ful different characters that mostly seem to be au-tapomorphic attributes within Eviphididae, includ-ing presence of five setae on the palpgenu (six se-tae in other eviphidids), female dorsal shield with11-17 pairs of setae showing considerable sexual di-morphism and also female sternal shield absent, re-duced or fragmented into sclerotized platelets. So,based on these observations I propose to transfer Al-liphis geotrupes to Scarabacariphis (see more in discus-sion).

Scarabacariphis geotrupes comb. nov.(Ishikawa, 1979)

Figures 1,2

Alliphis geotrupes Ishikawa, 1979: 117.

Diagnosis (adult female) — Dorsal shield usu-ally with 29 pairs of subequal setae, setae s6, S1,S5 may be asymmetrically absent, J2 always ab-sent, z1 shortest, Z5/J5= 1.7. Presternal plateletsabsent. Anterior margin of sternal shield straight.Metasternal setae and poroids iv3 free on soft in-tegument. Epigynal setae in soft integument. Ex-opodal platelets between coxae I-III present. Per-itremes extending to anterior level of coxae II. Eachrow in deutosternal groove with 8-13 denticles.

Additions to original description

Dorsal idiosoma (Figure 1a) — Length of dorsalshield setae: j1 20 – 23, j2 22, j3 25 – 26, j4 24 – 29, j521 – 22, j6 23, J1 19 – 22, J3 18, J5 16 – 18, z1 10 – 11,z2-z4 25 – 26, z5 21 – 22, Z1 27, Z3 24, Z4 24 – 25, Z529 – 30, s2 21 – 22, s4 27 – 28, s5 28 – 29, s6 25, S1 22– 25 S3 24 – 25, S4 26 – 28, S5 28. Lateral soft integu-ment bears three pairs of short, needle-like setae, 18– 23 long.

Ventral idiosoma (Figure 2a) — Base of tritoster-num columnar, 32 long, 19 wide anteriorly, 33 wideposteriorly, laciniae sparsely plumose, 75 – 77 long.Presternal platelets absent. Sternal shield finelyreticulate, 103 long, 105 wide, anterior margin ofshield almost straight, posterior margin concave,with three pairs of smooth setae st1 (30 – 31), st2(24), st3 (25) and two pairs of poroids, iv1 slit-likeand oblique, iv2 ovoid. Metasternal setae (23 – 24)and iv3 in soft integument and flanked by subtri-angular endopodal platelets between coxae III-IV.Epigynal shield tongue-shaped, 127 long, 63 wide,anterior hyaline margin of shield rounded, reach-ing to level of setae st4. Genital setae st5 insertedin soft integument, 25 – 27 long. Anal shield pear-shaped, as long as wide (86), finely reticulated, analopening in middle of shield, para-anal setae (30 –31) inserted almost at mid-level of anal opening,post anal seta (29) slightly shorter, cribrum well de-veloped, without para-anal extensions. Exopodalplatelets between coxae I-IV present, small; para-podal platelets narrow; metapodal platelets small,


Kazemi S.

FIGURE 1: Scarabacariphis spp. adult female: a – Dorsal idiosoma, S. geotrupes comb. nov.; b – Palp (palpfemur-palptarsus), S. geotrupescomb. nov.; c – Subcapitulum, S. geotrupes comb. nov.; d – Subcapitulum, S. ankavani.


Acarologia 56(1): 129–135 (2016)

FIGURE 2: Scarabacariphis geotrupes comb. nov., adult female: a – Ventral idiosoma; b – Epistome; c – Chelicera.


Kazemi S.

narrow. Peritrematal shields developed along per-itremes, anterior and posterior extensions of shieldsfree, with two pairs of gland pores and three pairsof poroids. Peritremes 156 long, reaching to ante-rior margin of coxae II. Opisthogasteric membranewith eight pairs of smooth setae, including st5, 20 –30 long, and six pairs of poroids including iv5.

Gnathosoma (Figures 1b-c, 2b-c) — Epistomewith long median process, sparsely denticulate on2/3 of base and plumose at apical 1/3, with onepair of lateral shorter projections apically dentate(Figure 2b). Internal malae with paired knife-like laciniae, conspicuously longer than corniculi;labrum bladelike, longer than internal malae; cor-niculi horn-like, 27 – 28 long. Hypostomal setaesmooth, h3 (23) > h1 (19) > h2 (11) = pc (11). Deu-tosternal groove with five denticulate rows and oneanterior and one posterior smooth rows; denticu-late rows each with 8-13 denticles (Figure 1c). Sec-ond segment of chelicera 149 long, 41 wide; fixedand movable digits unidentate, 39 and 45 long, re-spectively; dorsal seta 13 long; small round hyalineprocess present behind movable digit (Figure 2c).

Legs — Legs with short and slender setae, legchaetotaxy as genus standard. Lengths of legs I-IV380 – 395, 340 – 368, 332 – 349 and 402 – 405, respec-tively.

Key to females of known species ofScarabacariphis Mašán

1. Dorsal shield bears 30 pairs of setae, J2 present;posterior dorsomarginal setae S1, S3-5, Z1, Z3-5considerably longer than J series setae; peritremeslong, reaching to anterior level of coxae I; epigynalsetae on lateral margin of shield . . . . . . . . S. ankavani(Arutunia, 1992)— Dorsal shield bears 29 pairs of setae, J2 absent;dorsal shield setae subequal in length; peritremesshorter, reaching to anterior level of coxae II; epigy-nal setae on soft integument. . . . . . . . . . . .S. geotrupes(Ishikawa, 1979) comb. nov.


The genus Scarabacariphis was erected by Mašán(1994) and diagnosed from the related genera Al-liphis Halbert, 1923 and Pelethiphis Berlese, 1911 bythe length of dorsal shield setae ("very short and ap-proximately of equal length" in Alliphis and "verylong and setae Z5 are usually more than 10-timesshorter than the other marginal setae" in Pelethiphis)and size of the peritrematal shields and the shapeof iv2 ("rounded in Scarabacariphis, slot-like in Al-liphis"). Mašán and Halliday (2010) focused onthe reduced peritrematal shields in Scarabacariphisin comparison to the genus Alliphis, but in thesame work and in the key for the genera of Euro-pean Eviphididae they also mentioned several othercharacter states: the subventral position of setaej1 and z1 in Scarabacariphis and dorsal position ofthese setae in Alliphis; the subequal or moderatelyvarying length of posterior dorsal shield setae inAlliphis compared with the conspicuously longerpostero-marginal dorsal shield setae in Scarabaca-riphis; and the presence of exopodal platelets be-tween coxae I-III in Alliphis and absence of themin Scarabacariphis. I have examined several speciesof Alliphis collected from Europe (A. kargi Arutu-nian, 1991, A. halleri (G. and R. Canestrini, 1881),A. phoreticus Mašán, 1994) and Iran (A. halleri, A.scarabaeorum Ogandzhanyan, 1969, and also unde-scribed species), and found the position of setae j1and z1 in mounted specimens differs and is relatedto mounting of the specimens. Also, the length ofthe postero-marginal setae in A. scarabaeorum are upto five times longer than the shorter J series setae.So, it seems the free peritrematal shield in Scarabaca-riphis can be the only and main morphological dif-ferential diagnostic character between the generaAlliphis and Scarabacariphis.


I wish to thank Kazuo Ishikawa (Biological Labo-ratory, Matsuyama Shinonome Junior College, Mat-suyama, 790 Japan) and Peter Mašán (Institute ofZoology, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava,Slovakia) for their very kind help to send me spec-imens of Alliphis geotrupes and Scarabacariphis anka-


Acarologia 56(1): 129–135 (2016)

vani, respectively, and Owen Seeman (QueenslandMuseum, Australia) for his suggestions on a previ-ous version of the manuscript. This research wasfunded by a grant (No. 1/3475) from the Insti-tute for Science and High Technology and Environ-mental Sciences, Graduate University of AdvancedTechnology, Kerman, Iran.


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Kazemi S. Acarologia is under free license.This open-access article is distributed under the terms ofthe Creative Commons-BY-NC-ND which permits unre-stricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduc-tion in any medium, provided the original author andsource are credited.