Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning...

Red Thread Origami A compilation of Traditional Origami Models To Learn and Teach Origami Pulse CIC November 2018

Transcript of Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning...

Page 1: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan

Red Thread Origami A compilation of Traditional Origami Models

To Learn and Teach

Origami Pulse CIC

November 2018

Page 2: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan



Red Thread Legend: Connecting hands and hearts with Origami

“an invisible red thread connects those destined to meet, regardless of the time,

place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but never break.”

In Japan, this legend refers to our unique paths and encounters we have in life with others we are meant to meet, and learn from, connecting our hands and hearts to one another. Red thread Origami is a project that aims to promote encounters and learning. Origami is transmitted from one person to another; being passed across generations and connecting people across the world. The experience of one person taking time through conversation and interaction with a piece of paper brings joy and can spark a new hobby and passion for someone else. We believe Origami is a beautiful, peaceful way to bring people together in learning and conversation, thereby overcoming loneliness and boredom. We encourage participants to continue this positive experience as a meaningful activity when alone, to create beautiful things such as flowers they can give to others in their community. While we may appear to be connected through the internet and phones, we believe in real first-hand encounters and conversation. Origami can allow strangers to become friends. We aim to empower those who are vulnerable to discover what they can achieve, and pass on their new skills to bring joy and connection to themselves and others in their community. We hope you will find the experience of learning and teaching Origami as enjoyable as we do. Bear in mind that you will need to be patient and persevere. It takes time to get familiar with the Origami symbols but once you have learnt them you will be able to read any diagrams and fold any model.

We hope you will feel inspired to both create and pass on your new skills.

Good luck and all the best,

Dr Lizzie Burns, Zulay Newell & Angela Loveridge

Origami Pulse CIC

The Origami symbols and terms are from Marcella Brina who is a talented Origami artist and kindly gave us the permission to use them here. The diagrams of the traditional models were done by David Petty who sadly passed away in December 2011. David made huge contributions to the world of Origami and his former colleague and friend Nick Robinson gave us the permission to use his traditional Origami diagrams here. You are free to reproduce any part of this booklet for educational purposes only – all commercial reproduction is prohibited. Origami Pulse CIC, November 2018.

Page 3: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan



Introduction_____________________________________________________________ 2

About Origami___________________________________________________________ 7

Origami Symbols and Terms _______________________________________________ 8

Origami Bases

Preliminary Base___________________________________________________ 10

Waterbomb base___________________________________________________ 10

Kite Base_________________________________________________________ 11

Blintz Base________________________________________________________ 11

Fish Base_________________________________________________________ 12

Bird Base _________________________________________________________ 12

Origami Frog Base__________________________________________________ 13

Origami Models

House____________________________________________________________ 14

Organ____________________________________________________________ 14

Pencil____________________________________________________________ 15

Drinking cup_______________________________________________________ 16

Salt Cellar / Fortuna teller_____________________________________________ 17

Dog______________________________________________________________ 18

Cat______________________________________________________________ 18

Rabbit____________________________________________________________ 19

Envelope__________________________________________________________ 20

Elforia____________________________________________________________ 21

Purse____________________________________________________________ 22

Page 4: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Seed Packet_______________________________________________________ 23

Japanese Helmet___________________________________________________ 24

Crown____________________________________________________________ 25

Dart______________________________________________________________ 26

Snapper 2_________________________________________________________ 27

Waterbomb________________________________________________________ 28

Shirt / Shorts_______________________________________________________ 29

Happycoat_________________________________________________________ 30

Bowtie____________________________________________________________ 31

Yakko-san_________________________________________________________ 32

Japanese Man______________________________________________________ 33

Butterfly___________________________________________________________ 34

Waterbomb and Butterfly______________________________________________ 35

Jumping Frog_______________________________________________________ 36

Frog______________________________________________________________ 37

Swan_____________________________________________________________ 39

Bird______________________________________________________________ 40

Parakeet__________________________________________________________ 41

Flapping Bird______________________________________________________ 42

Drinking Bird_______________________________________________________ 43

Page 5: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Pigeon/Dove_______________________________________________________ 44

Owl______________________________________________________________ 45

Egg laying Hen_____________________________________________________ 46

Hen______________________________________________________________ 48

Swan Candy Dish___________________________________________________ 49

Crow_____________________________________________________________ 50

Phoenix___________________________________________________________ 52

Heron____________________________________________________________ 53

Crane____________________________________________________________ 55

Tulip and Leaf______________________________________________________ 56

Waterlily__________________________________________________________ 57

Camelia___________________________________________________________ 58

Iris______________________________________________________________ 59

Multibox_________________________________________________________ 61

Simple Box_______________________________________________________ 62

Sanbow_________________________________________________________ 63

Star Box_________________________________________________________ 65

Table___________________________________________________________ 66

Pig_____________________________________________________________ 67

Sailboat_________________________________________________________ 68

Sampan_________________________________________________________ 70

Page 6: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Boat/ Snapper____________________________________________________ 71

Pagoda_________________________________________________________ 72

Fish____________________________________________________________ 73

Goldfish_________________________________________________________ 74

Turtle___________________________________________________________ 75

Four point Star___________________________________________________ 76

Star____________________________________________________________ 77

Windmill________________________________________________________ 78

Blow top________________________________________________________ 79

Harlequin Cube__________________________________________________ 80

Triangular tray (Model designed by Zulay Newell) _______________________ 81

Origami Japanese Kusudama ______________________________________ 83

Useful websites________________________________________________________ 87

Page 7: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


About Origami

What is Origami?

Simply, Origami is the art of paper folding without cutting or gluing. Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper.

Brief History

The art of Origami arose in Japan in the 7th century. But its roots lie in Ancient China, where the paper was invented about 2000 years ago. Modern Origami owes a great deal to the efforts of Yoshizawa, Akira. Master Yoshizawa published books with completely new models starting in the early 1950's. He, together with American Sam Randlett developed the standard set of Origami diagram symbols that is still used today.

Origami paper

Almost any laminar (flat) material can be used for folding; the only requirement is that it should hold a crease. (Normal copy paper with weights of 70–90 g/m2 can be used for all the Origami models that you will find in here).

Origami Health benefits

Origami provides both mental and physical stimulation. Origami helps develop hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills and mental concentration. Use of the hands directly stimulates areas of the brain. Many find the folding of paper, a form of relaxation and most recently it has been associated with the practice of Mindfulness. Also, it teaches patience, hand coordination and exactness.

Origami is for:

Anyone who likes to be surprised and loves a challenge; for those who love beauty and want to study something new and for those seeking a hobby for joy and fulfilment.

About the Crane and Sadako

The Crane is a symbol of peace and friendship. Japanese legend says that anyone

who folds 1,000 origami cranes will be granted a special wish.

Sadako Sasaki was a Japanese girl who was only two years old when an American

atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. She became one of the

most widely known hibakusha — a Japanese term meaning “bomb-affected person”.

She is remembered through the story of the one thousand origami cranes. Sadako fell

short of her goal of folding 1,000 cranes, having folded only 644 before her death, her

friends completed the 1,000 and buried them all with her.

Page 8: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 9: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 14: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Origami models

Page 15: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 16: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 17: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 18: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 19: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 20: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 21: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 22: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 23: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 24: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 25: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 26: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 27: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 28: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 29: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 30: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 31: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 32: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 33: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 34: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 35: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 36: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 37: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 38: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 39: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 40: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 41: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 42: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 43: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 44: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 45: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 46: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 47: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 48: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 49: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 50: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 51: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 52: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 53: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 54: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 55: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 56: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 57: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 58: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 59: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 60: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 61: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 62: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 63: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 64: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 65: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 66: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 67: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 68: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 69: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 70: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 71: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 72: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 73: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 74: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 75: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 76: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 77: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 78: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 79: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 80: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 81: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 82: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 83: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Origami Japanese Kusudama

The Japanese kusudama (薬玉; lit. medicine ball) is a paper model that is usually (although not always) created by sewing multiple identical pyramidal units (usually stylized flowers folded from square paper) together through their points to form a spherical shape.

Kusudama originate from ancient Japanese culture, where they were used for incense and potpourri; possibly originally being actual bunches of flowers or herbs. The word itself is a combination of two Japanese words kusuri, Medicine, and tama, Ball. They are now typically used as decorations, or as gifts.

We have made many Kusudamas over the years to give as presents and they are always

well received. They take time to make but the end result is always beautiful and


The Kusudama instructions that you will find in the next page can be founded here:

(there is also a video)

Page 84: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 85: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 86: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Page 87: Red Thread Origami€¦ · Origami is the Japanese name deriving from two words “ori” meaning to fold and “kami” meaning paper. Brief History The art of Origami arose in Japan


Useful websites

This is a great place to start, we are all members and it has been very helpful. The British Origami

Society is a group devoted to the art of paper-folding. They have over 700 members worldwide and

publish a bi-monthly magazine. They organise local and national meetings and have a unique library.

Great 3D instructions of few models.

Good website with clear instructions,

Here you'll find a complete paper folding resource.

This is a great website and blog from Leyla Torres, she features very explicit Origami video instructions.

Here you'll find excellent Origami instructions, diagrams, photo & video tutorials.

This is a website about Kusudamas, modular Origami and paper art. You can find modular Origami works

of Lukasheva Ekaterina, Origami diagrams & tutorials.

Excellent website with lots of information and models to fold.