RED FIRE may 2021

RED FIRE MAY 2021 RED FIRE MAY 2021 RED FIRE Above: A unity rally in Yangon, Myanmar in February 2019. Image from MYANMAR: WESTERN BACKED SUBVERSION AIDS REGIME CHANGE WAR (Article sourced from 09-04-2021: According to Western corporate media, Myanmar’s military forces (Tatmadaw) are currently engaged in a “massacre” of innocent civilians who are objecting to a coup which cancelled popular elections. The Tatmadaw is 1 population/myanmar-population/ (05-04-2021) apparently engaged in unrestrained and unprovoked violence against genuine citizens who wish to transition further towards “democracy” and become part of the international community, where the democratic and human and civil rights of all of Myanmar’s 54 million 1 people are upheld. The Tatmadaw have allegedly engaged in ethnic ISSUE #23 $2 WORKERS OF the world UNITE!

Transcript of RED FIRE may 2021

Page 1: RED FIRE may 2021



Above: A unity rally in Yangon, Myanmar in February 2019. Image from



(Article sourced from

09-04-2021: According to Western corporate

media, Myanmar’s military forces (Tatmadaw) are

currently engaged in a “massacre” of innocent

civilians who are objecting to a coup which

cancelled popular elections. The Tatmadaw is

1 (05-04-2021)

apparently engaged in unrestrained and

unprovoked violence against genuine citizens who

wish to transition further towards “democracy”

and become part of the international community,

where the democratic and human and civil rights

of all of Myanmar’s 54 million1 people are upheld.

The Tatmadaw have allegedly engaged in ethnic

ISSUE #23 $2 WORKERS OF the world UNITE!

Page 2: RED FIRE may 2021


cleansing and political repression in the past, and

if the Western powers do not intervene to save the

people of Myanmar, there will be a slaughter of

unprecedented proportions which will forever

stain history.

Upside down narrative

The only problem is that virtually none of this

narrative contains a grain of truth. It is a storyline

which is wilfully falsified and deliberately

distorted. It is a portrayal carefully designed to pull

at the heartstrings of liberals the world over,

which invariably gives imperialism “humanitarian”

cover to wage yet another regime change war by

any means they see as necessary to address the

dwindling fortunes of global capitalism. In fact,

Western imperialism – led by the governments of

the USA (US) and the United Kingdom (UK) is

engaged in yet another proxy war of regime

change on Myanmar, modelled on the “success”

of NATO’s obliteration of Green Libya in 2011, the

Ukronazi2 coup in Ukraine in 2014, and the failure

of the ten year ISIS/Al Qaeda proxy regime change

war on Syria.3

Unlike the regime change operations in Ukraine

and Syria – which were largely aimed at Russia

(and Iran), the current fix in Myanmar is aimed

2 (05-04-2021) 3 (05-04-2021)

squarely at the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Red China’s inexorable rise as a socialist economic

power cannot be overcome by the floundering for-

profit economies of the US and the European

Union (EU), and nor can the US/EU offer anything

remotely comparable to that which the PRC can

with regard to South East Asia. It is not simply

dollars that the US/EU forgoes when Myanmar

chooses to deepen its economic partnerships with

the giant state backed enterprises operating just

across the border in mainland China. It leads to a

changing of the political balance of forces in the

region, and from a unipolar world to a multipolar

one. This is what the US/UK seeks to degrade in

Myanmar, and they are prepared to resort to the

same internal/external regime change tactics that

caused staggering loss of life in Libya and Syria.

UK government attempts to regain its “lost”


Until 1988, Myanmar was officially the Socialist

Republic of the Union of Burma. Since then, it has

been renamed the Republic of the Union of

Myanmar. British imperialism ruled what was then

Burma from 1885 until independence in 1948.4

During World War II, British imperialism used

minority ethnic groups (e.g. Karen, Kachin, Chin)

within the then Burma as part of its colonial army,

a divide-and-rule tactic against the majority

Burman ethnicity. Today, the Karen, Kachin and

Chin armed separatist groups are used to

politically and militarily destabilise economic and

infrastructure co-operation with the PRC5, to

derail the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI or New Silk

Road) projects. They are also being used as a base

for an alternative military to form a para-state

with the aim of overthrowing Myanmar


The UK government is quite open about its

formidable backing of Myanmar’s “pro-democracy

4 (05-04-2021) 5 (05-04-2021)

Red fire is the publication of the Workers League.

The Workers League is an organisation which seeks to

build a vanguard party for working people, which can

lead the struggle for socialism and a world without war.

We welcome all enquires and feedback, as well as

applications to join. Contact us by:

Mail: PO Box 66 NUNDAH QLD 4012

Email: [email protected]


Page 3: RED FIRE may 2021


protestors”. Loudly and openly on the British

government’s own website, it states clearly that

the “British government is encouraging and

supporting Myanmar’s transition”. It lists its own

Foreign Commonwealth Development Office

(FCDO), its Department of International Trade

(DIT) and its Ministry of Defence (MOD) as

“working closely together” with the British

Embassy in Yangon to “support transition”.6 The

aims here are so transparent that they are barely

hidden. The UK government is involved up to its

neck in a regime change war in Myanmar,

whatever the consequences. It is aimed not so

much at Myanmar as towards its gigantic

neighbour, the PRC. The PRC itself cannot be

overthrown by military means, so the UK embarks

in not so subtle political subversion in one of its

smaller neighbours. Chipping away at a building

brick by brick, the UK hopes to bring down the

leviathan of the PRC itself – the world’s most

powerful deformed workers’ state.

US government funding scores of fronts

Needless to say, the UK government does not

attempt to subvert Myanmar on its own. The US

government has far more involvement in fostering

unrest there, stretching back decades. The

notorious National Endowment for Democracy

(NED) even lists on its website just some of the

“civil society” fronts it funds in Myanmar – but

using the British colonial name of Burma. So called

activists from the Karen, Shin, Mon, Arakan and

Kachin states are listed, alongside claimed

journalists, women’s rights centres, think tanks,

so-called media empowerment, amongst others.7

It is farcical to claim that the NED – the public

relations arm of the CIA – cares one whit about

democratic and civil rights for working people in

Myanmar. Rather, Washington and London

6 Myanmar (Burma) and the UK - GOV.UK ( (05-04-2021) 7 BURMA 2020 - NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR DEMOCRACY ( (05-04-2021) 8 Chinese President Xi Jinping Visits Myanmar | New Eastern Outlook ( (05-04-2021)

(backed by Canberra) are creating and funding

“opposition” within Myanmar which is reliant on

the West itself. This “opposition” can then call for

US intervention, which effectively facilitates a

stepping stone toward the strategic goal of

pressuring the PRC via the presence of US troops

(or their proxies) directly on their borders.

The US ruling class is livid at the prospect of the

deepening economic, trade and joint

infrastructure development co-operation

between the PRC and Myanmar. In January 2020,

PRC President Xi Jinping became the first high-

level PRC official in 20 years to visit Myanmar.8 At

that meeting President Xi and then State

Counsellor Aung Sung Suu Kyi released a joint

statement committing to an acceleration of the

building of the China-Myanmar Economic

Corridor, a crucial part of their co-operation on the

Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).9 Suu Kyi signed on

for the obvious economic benefits for Myanmar,

including much needed development, rather than

any political backing of the PRC.

For decades, the US government – along with

billionaire woke anti-socialist George Soros – has

been openly funding fronts within Myanmar which

masquerade as NGOs. For example, the plan for

the development of the Myitsone Dam on the

Irrawaddy River in the Northern Kachin State was

halted in 2011 due to “protests” allegedly about

environmental issues and “disruption” caused by

the dam’s construction.10 In reality, what occurred

is that a network of US government backed

organisations operated in cahoots with big capital

outlets such as George Soros’ Open Society

Foundation (OSF)11, alongside NED funded12

“media” units in Myanmar such as The New Era

Journal, The Irrawaddy and Democratic Voice of

Burma. They made a ruckus about invented

9 China, Myanmar agree to jointly build community with shared future - CGTN (05-04-2021) 10 Land Destroyer: The Fruits of Globalization: Regression, Destitution, Domination (06-04-2021) 11 Partners & Allies | International Rivers (06-04-2021) 12 Microsoft Word - DFIDReview.doc ( (06-04-2021)

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“human rights abuses” during construction. In

reality, what these US fronts objected to was the

involvement in the mega-project of several

Chinese state-owned enterprises, such as the

China Gezhouba Group and the China Power

Investment Corporation.13

The generation of vast amounts of electric power

via the dam, in an underdeveloped region, will

obviously benefit the surrounding population and

the economy of Myanmar. Yet, these US

government funded “activists” would prefer

Myanmar remain without development, with less

socio-economic advance – lest “China” should

mutually benefit from the construction of such

projects. The Myitsone Dam construction halt

occurred almost ten years before President Xi and

Aung Sung Suu Kyi agreed to advance the China-

13 (06-04-2021)

Myanmar economic corridor. It is absurd to go on

to claim that today, some of the very same people

and organisations in Myanmar with a history of

blocking economic development projects are

“peaceful pro-democracy protestors” or are

“grassroots” organisations. The US state

department does not fund “grassroots”

organisations and armed separatist militias for no


Parallel government part 2

As in the regime change wars on Libya and Syria, a

parallel government has now declared itself in

Myanmar. The “Committee Representing the

Pyidaungsu Hluttaw” (CRPH), said to be composed

of ousted National League for Democracy (NLD)

members, is apparently operating in secret, and is

appealing to foreign nations for recognition.14 This

is a transparent call for imperialism – to which they

are inextricably linked – to intervene. These US/UK

funded fronts, from the NLD to each of the armed

ethnic separatist militias, are well aware that they

do not have a hope of displacing the military of

Myanmar without the largest and most powerful

Western states behind them. The US/UK funded

political and civil organisations had effectively

already formed a parallel government within

Myanmar, to such an extent that it had become

easy for them to manipulate elections to ensure

“victory” for the NLD.15 Now, the CRPH is a second

phase of a long-term plan to destroy Myanmar’s


14 (06-04-2021) 15 Arab Spring Redux: Is Myanmar the Next Libya? - 21st Century Wire (06-04-2021)

Above: Map showing the location of the Myitsone Dam

project in the northern Kachin State of Myanmar. If it

was not halted via anti-China anti-dam protests, it

would have supplied thousands of megawatts (MW) of

hydroelectric power to vast parts of the country. Image


Page 5: RED FIRE may 2021


Belatedly, the Tatmadaw has recently taken some

measures against the virtual army of imperialist

backed fronts posing as NGOs, which had been

operating within Myanmar with impunity. In late

March, the Tatmadaw seized the bank accounts of

George Soros’ OSF, accusing it of violating multiple

financial restrictions for such organisations, and of

providing financial assistance to the “civil

disobedience” movement. It also accused Aung

Sung Suu Kyi of personally meeting with Soros.16

The strategy of Western finance capital is clear –

fund and help organise political subversion, give

political cover to ethnic armed separatist militia,

foster a pro-Western “civil disobedience”

movement which links with them, and then

declare a parallel government which then calls for

intervention,17 i.e. invasion, by the strongest

Western powers. We should not need a reminder

16 Soros’ Open Society Staff Arrested & Bank Accounts Seized in Myanmar | Covert Geopolitics (06-04-2021)

that this scenario could well be a replay of the

catastrophic US led war on Syria, where for 10

years the Syrian government had no option but to

militarily respond to heavily armed and barbaric

mercenaries bent on destroying the country at the

behest of their imperialist benefactors. The

spillover into South East Asia in such an outcome

would cause chaos for the PRC – precisely the aim

of Washington and London in their dirty war on


Workers must resist Covid enhanced imperialism

If anything, the US/UK proxy regime change war

on Myanmar is yet another example that playing

along with the Covid-19 fear pandemic nonsense

is no guarantee that by doing so, imperialism will

regard you as a partner, and will not move to

obliterate your nation. Both the Tatmadaw and

the internally subversive NLD adopted and

practiced the illogical Corona rigmarole, to no

avail. To that end, the governments of Russia, the

People’s Republic of China, Iran, the DPRK, Cuba

and Venezuela also danced to the tune of Covid

fraud, and yet the danger of imperialist overthrow

against them all is arguably more acute than ever.

Imperialism will never regard you as an equal if

you demonstrate one iota of independence from

Washington. In Myanmar, it is ultimately the

Tatmadaw which stands in the way between the

last legs of its sovereignty and total control by Wall

Street and the City of London. That, and its co-

operation with the PRC, means that it is now

Washington’s current cartoon villain.

A war on Myanmar would be catastrophic, and

would likely spill over into Thailand, and possibly

even the PRC. Workers must resist and push back

US/UK led imperialism while defending Myanmar

and, by extension, the bureaucratically deformed

Chinese workers’ state. To be sure, if the

Communist Party of China (CPC) operated through

genuine Marxism, they would lead a campaign to

appeal to the workers of Myanmar to rise against

17 (06-04-2021)

Above: Convicted financial criminal and billionaire

regime change organiser George Soros meeting Aung

Sung Suu Kyi. Soros and the “Open Society Foundation”

(OSF) has been funding opposition within Myanmar

since 1987, but only this year did the Tatmadaw move

to seize some of the bank accounts of OSF in Myanmar,

and arrest some of the key staff. The OSF works in

concert with the US state department to bring about

the overthrow of a government which is not able to be

bent towards the political interests of imperialism.

Image from

Page 6: RED FIRE may 2021


the ethnic armed separatists and US/UK funded

faux “human rights” and “civil society” proxies,

while linking up with the workers of China, South

East Asia and internationally on a class basis. Alas,

the political basis of the CPC is the twin

Stalinist/Maoist (i.e., anti-Marxist) axioms of

“socialism in one country” and “peaceful

coexistence”, which means it does not even blink

if it needs to lean on the workers of China and Asia

to fortify imperialism itself.

As far away as it seems now, what is required in

South East Asia are the forging of Marxist

vanguard parties anchored with the theory of

Permanent Revolution. Such organs would seek to

prepare workers for socialist revolutions in

Myanmar, Thailand and Cambodia which would

link with proletarian political revolutions in Laos,

Vietnam, China and the DPRK. In the meantime,

workers in Myanmar should form a temporary bloc

with the Tatmadaw against US/UK imperialism and

their domestic proxies, i.e., armed ethnic

separatists and those in Myanmar bought off by

the Western funded and fake “civil society”

organisations. These miscreants have no qualms

about using dishonesty, deception, and even

violence to achieve their aims. Workers

internationally should act in solidarity with all

attempts to drive the foreign funded saboteurs

out of Myanmar and Thailand, to help re-establish

their independence. Genuine self-determination

only arrives, however, with the bringing to power

of the proletariat, as part of the international

triumph of socialism. US/UK: HANDS OFF


Above: Some protestors backing the “Civil Disobedience

Movement” in Myanmar, holding placards that are

clearly not home made. The placards are no doubt

produced with the tens of thousands of dollars of

funding from US and UK government backed “NGOs”,

which then encourage impressionable young people to

march in the streets when it suits their ends. Image


Page 7: RED FIRE may 2021




(Article sourced from

15-04-2021: World governments are relentlessly

driving ahead with what appears to be a desperate

gamble – the vaccination of the entire planet.

Supposedly this will guard against the “danger” of

the SARS-CoV-2 “virus”, which allegedly causes a

respiratory illness known as Covid-19. The very

existence of SARS-CoV-2 is scientifically disputed,

given that no institute anywhere has isolated and

purified a sample of the virus.18 Needless to say, if

the virus does not exist, there can be no illness

which is named Covid-19. If we assume however,

for arguments sake, that the SARS-CoV-2 virus

does exist, there is a wealth of evidence which

indicates that the infection fatality rate (the

18 (10-04-2021) 19 (10-04-2021)

proportion of people who MAY pass away after

becoming infected) is 0.13% across all age groups,

whereas the regular flu is estimated at 0.1%.19 In

other words, if SARS-CoV-2 has been circulating, it

is no more dangerous than seasonal influenza

which comes around every winter without fail.

Doing away with the infirm

The absurdity of attempting worldwide

vaccinations for an alleged virus which around

99.98% of people survive without any ill-effects

should be obvious. There is clearly another

political agenda here, and it has nothing to do with

“public health”. The Astra-Zeneca vaccine is now

notorious for triggering intravascular coagulation,

i.e., blood clots.20 In the US, VAERS data from

20 (10-04-2021)

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December 14 2020 to April 1 2021 indicates 2342

deaths and 7971 serious injuries from the

Moderna, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson Covid

shots.21 In Europe, Germany, Italy, France and

Spain have suspended the administration of the

Astra-Zeneca Covid vaccine over serious concerns

about blood clots – even while their governments

are cagey about specifically blaming the Covid

vaccine.22 In Australia, those aged under 50 are

now being turned away from vaccination hubs if

they attempt to access the Astra-Zeneca jab.23

Rather than abandon these clearly dangerous

“inoculations” altogether, the government

switched to advising under 50s should now take

the Pfizer injection!24

Even by the standards of capitalist politics, the

attempted rollout of Covid vaccinations is a farce

– and a dangerous one. Even those who somehow

still uphold the narrative of a “pandemic” are

becoming wary. Combined with the lunacy of

21 (10-04-2021) 22 (10-04-2021) 23 (10-04-2021) 24 (10-04-2021)

lockdowns and facemasks – also extremely

dangerous to human health – the vaccine rollout

is patently not about preventing any type of

illness. The targeting of the elderly and the

disabled to be the first ones to be vaccinated is

another indicator that what could be taking place

is a program of selective state-sanctioned murder.

Arguably, the capitalist state is replicating the

worst eugenicist programs of the Nazis in the

1930s – the elimination of the infirm.

Grappling with being targeted

Those who are struggling to deal with unbearable

lockdowns and oppressive facemask mandates

may well be tempted to just line up for a Covid

vaccine, in the hope that with one shot, it will all

be over and life can get back to what it was before

2020. Yet a recent statement from Pfizer CEO

Albert Bouria definitively puts an end to these

hopes. Bouria stated that it was “likely” that

recipients of the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine

will need a third shot within a year, and then an

annual booster shot for “maximum protection

against infection”.25 So even despite the

temporary halt to the Astra-Zeneca blood clot

special vaccine rollout (Denmark recently became

the first country to permanently suspend use of

the Astra-Zeneca Covid vax26), the elites plan to

steam ahead with a permanent “vaccination”

regime. Citizens may well have little choice but to

carry either an electronic or paper record of your

Covid vaccination status, detailing whether or not

you have been injected with the current version of

an experimental gene manipulating27 cocktail.

Basic democratic and civil rights be damned!

25 (15-04-2021) 26 (15-04-2021) 27 (15-04-2021)

The publication of red fire involves considerable

expense, but it is a task which is willingly undertaken to

advance the struggle for socialism.

The Workers League welcomes any donations that all

supporters of the workers’ cause are able to contribute.

Any donation, no matter how small, is greatly


Pay into:

Commonwealth Bank

BSB: 064 105

A/C: 1044 8421

Page 9: RED FIRE may 2021


Microbiologist Dr Mike Yeadon is a former Pfizer

Vice-President who has been straining to blow the

whistle on what Big Pharma and world

governments are trying to do with the Covid vax

rollout. He maintains that it is certainly possible

that what is being attempted is a eugenicist

campaign, or a depopulation program, or both. He

remarks that when he tells highly intelligent

people that your government is lying to you in a

way which could lead to the death of yourself and

your children, they simply cannot comprehend

what is being conveyed.28 Our governments are

putting in place measures to kill off large portions

of the population, so they don’t have to pay

pensions or social security to the elderly and

disabled, and even to knock off a few people who

were previously healthy?

It is at this point that a Marxist political analysis

helps achieve clarity. The governments of the

imperialist bloc – the USA/EU/AUST/JAP/NZ etc. –

are NOT “our” governments, as far as working

28 (15-04-2021)

people are concerned. They are imposed on the

working class as instruments of the capitalist state,

which means their class basis is that of the very Big

Pharma corporations which will reap billions from

a permanent vaccination rollout. Alas, the

governments of the non-imperialist bloc – Russia,

China, Iran, the DPRK, Venezuela etc. – are not

“our” governments either, for they have colluded

with the governments of the imperialist bloc to

impose the gruelling lockdowns, facemasks and


Permanent escape from the tyranny of the Covid

vax and lockdown terror will therefore only

materialise when the governments which have

waged the Covid class war against workers are

overthrown. In the West, nothing short of socialist

revolutions will suffice. That is, working people

need to establish their own government and their

own state – one which will represent toiling

humanity, and will therefore have no need for

mass repression. Key to this task is the forging of

Leninist vanguard parties. In the meantime,

workers must demand an immediate cessation of

the Covid vax rollout, and all associated lockdown

constraints, in the interests of public safety and

human survival.

Above: Former Chief Scientific Advisor for the Pfizer

Corporation, Dr Mike Yeadon has been blowing the

whistle on the dangerous intentions and practice of the

Covid vax rollout. He has bravely spoken out, and states

that his peers largely agree with him about the dangers

of the experimental Covid vaccines, but choose not to

speak out in fear of their careers and positions. Image


Page 10: RED FIRE may 2021




Above: On day one of the Biden Administration, a convoy of 40 US vehicles crossed into Syria from Iraq.

(Article sourced from

04-02-2021: You may have missed it, but the deep

state coup installed US President Biden has

already restarted former President Obama’s war

of regime change against the Syrian Arab Republic.

On the first day of the Biden Presidency, a large

convoy of 40 US trucks and armoured vehicles

rolled into Syria from Iraq.29 Joe Biden is at least

keeping one of his promises to reverse the policies

of the Trump Administration. For all of Donald

Trump’s shortcomings, he at least began the

withdrawal of US troops from Syria, Iraq and

Afghanistan,30 as he had initially campaigned

29 (01-02-2021) 30 (01-02-2021)

against the “forever” regime change wars. Now

that the Democrats are back in the White House

thanks to the barely concealed falsification of

Presidential election ballots31, they have not

wasted time in reigniting a war for regime change

which liberal icon Obama ignited and sustained

along with NATO, the UK, the Kingdom of Saudi

Arabia, the Qatari monarchy and the Zionist Israeli

state.32 Liberals love war, especially when it is

waged by Democrats in the US White House.

SDF assists US occupation

The absurdly named “Syrian Democratic Forces”

(SDF) - violent Kurdish separatists revered by

31 (01-02-2021) 32 (01-02-2021)

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liberals in the West - are up to their usual crimes

as proxy forces for US imperialism. They have been

imposing a siege on the northern cities of Hasakah

and Qamishli, blocking water tankers by closing

the entries and exits to neighbourhoods controlled

by the Syrian Army. Food, flour and water has

been blocked by the treacherous Kurdish forces,

seemingly in response to demands from the US

government to mark the coronation of Biden –

including the halting Syria’s oil to the different

regions of Syria.33 With military assistance from

the US, the SDF has taken control of large parts of

northern Syria where much of its oil and wheat

production lies. There have been weeks of

protests by Syrians in these areas against the

abuses of the US backed SDF, and Syria’s President

Assad has accused the YPG (“People’s Protection

Units” – an armed wing linked to the Kurdish PKK

in Turkey) of treachery34 for aiding the theft of oil

and wheat supplies by the US Empire.

The US led war for regime change in Syria is

arguably the dirtiest proxy war ever waged in

history. From 2011 on, the former Obama

33 (03-02-2021) 34 (03-02-2021)

administration actively aided and even created

ISIS, and funneled arms35 to Al Qaeda and a whole

host of barbaric mercenaries. These homicidal

maniacs terrorised Syria for years under the

blatantly false guise of a “democratic uprising”. At

one stage there were mercenaries from around 80

different non-Syrian nationalities fighting with or

alongside ISIS in Syria and Iraq.36 Thankfully, these

guns for hire were defeated by a combination of

resistance from the Syrian government, aided by

Russia, Iran and Hezbollah.

Hands Off Syria splits into anti-lockdown and pro-


The solidarity organisation Hands Off Syria formed

in response, to defend Syria against the imperialist

war driven from Washington. It had to contend

with what became known as the “imperial left” –

the majority of centrist left parties which firmly

backed the war on Syria. Unfortunately, during the

35 (03-02-2021) 36 (03-02-2021)

Above: A protest in Deir Ezzor by local Syrians against

the abuses of the US backed “Syrian Democratic Forces”

or SDF.

Above: Syrian teachers and their students march in

protest in Hasakah in September 2020. They were

protesting against the occupation of their local schools

by US backed SDF soldiers, which prevented thousands

of students from attending school. These are the forces

which the US government is collaborating with in Syria

to maintain a military presence in around a third of the

country. Image from

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2020 Covid fear “pandemic” – a ruse to cover an

assault on the global working class37 – the

component parts of the Hands Off Syria coalition

fell apart. It was more or less a 50-50 split – some

backed the scientifically groundless lockdowns

imposed by out of control governments, while the

others strongly opposed them. Those who

advocated lockdowns joined hands with the very

forces they had condemned and denounced

during the war on Syria. The imperial left was

joined by some who had opposed the regime

change war to form the “lockdown left” –

ostensibly left parties who did not blink while

becoming police auxiliaries of the very imperialist

states which besieged Syria.

Tim Anderson, a prominent academic and activist

leader of Hands Off Syria, led the charge in

attempting to shoehorn the working class into

voluntarily enslaving themselves to the very

governments which spared no expense

attempting to overthrow Syria.38 On the other

hand, Vanessa Beeley, a UK based investigative

journalist who exhaustively exposed the lies

37 (03-02-2021) 38 (03-02-2021)

justifying the war on Syria, turned her immense

research and communication skills towards

countering the irrationality of lockdown mania.39

That is, arguably the two foremost public figures

spearheading the movement against the war on

Syria, came up with diametrically opposed

positions on the alleged Covid “pandemic”. Any

serious political issue can split an organisation on

class lines, and this was no exception.

Whether they are aware of it or not, the lockdown

left has dramatically aided the political forces of

imperialism and has therefore contributed to

dynamics which could launch yet another

imperialist war – even World War III. While they

bent over backwards to help install the Democrats

in the Oval Office in Washington (despite

adamantly denying doing so), the lockdown left

has unleashed a liberal bourgeoisie which is much

more dangerous than its conservative wing.

Alongside Big Tech and Big Pharma, the lockdown

left bears heavy responsibility for the re-invasion

of Syria by the Biden administration. What is

urgently required is a left-wing which combats

imperialism on ALL fronts, from Covid lockdowns

to regime change wars. Such a force can only be

assembled via the forging of internationally linked

Leninist vanguard parties, which can help lead the

struggle against Covid launched wars and for the

construction of planned economies based on

public ownership.

39 (03-02-2021)

Above: A Hands Off Syria organised protest in Sydney,

Australia. The banner reads “Syria Will Not Kneel”.

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Above: The US backed “Milk Tea Alliance” called for a boycott of the Disney film Mulan, simply because the lead actress Liu Yifei

voiced her support for the Hong Kong police protecting citizens from the violent Blackshirt separatists.

(Article sourced from

11-03-2021: The West’s flailing efforts to prevent

being overtaken and left behind by the economic

and political rise of the People’s Republic of China

(PRC) continues. The capitalist economies of the

United States of America (US), the United Kingdom

(UK), the European Union (EU), Australia, Japan

etc., stumble along, either in recession or barely

above it. The economy of the PRC, on the other

hand, moves ahead in seven league strides40 –

even despite the lockdowns and shutdowns

associated with the fake coronavirus

“pandemic”.41 One could plausibly argue that the

Covid lockdowns were part of an engineered

40 (06-03-2021) 41

recession in the West, as the capitalist ruling

classes of the US and EU understood quite well

that only the creative destruction of parts of their

own capital would give them a chance to drag

themselves out of a decade long slump. While the

conservative and bureaucratic political leadership

of the PRC double-crossed workers by enacting the

Covid charade, its economy was largely protected

due to predominantly public ownership of the

means of production. The PRC does not run

primarily on the basis of production for private

profit, and this is the key to its indomitable

economic rise.

depression-global-coup-detat-and-the-great-reset/5730652 (06-03-2021)

Page 14: RED FIRE may 2021



In response to the PRC’s inevitably increasing

economic ties with its near neighbours and

beyond through the Belt and Road Initiative (New

Silk Road) and other means, world imperialism –

headed by Washington – uses any means available

to disrupt these bonds. The innocuous sounding

“Milk Tea Alliance” is anything but. Ludicrous

claims that the Milk Tea Alliance is an alliance of

“pro-democracy activists” are fostered by the US

Empire.42 The reality is that Washington and

London, politically backed by Canberra, are openly

funding and organising anti-socialist and anti-

government sedition ultimately aimed at regime

change in the PRC itself. Any actions – up to and

including street violence, physically attacking and

provoking police and security forces – are then

spun as a “democratic uprising”. Nothing could be

further from the truth. The Milk Tea Alliance is

anti-China, and little else.

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED),

the public relations arm of the CIA, does not really

attempt to hide the extent to which it funds the

“opposition” in Thailand. Its own website lists

dozens of “civil society” organisations it funds in

Thailand, with amounts of cash attached which are

likely understated. These fronts are far from being

what they are purported to be about: law reform,

democratic rights, human rights, civil society

building and so on.43 Rather, they are about

ending any semblance of Thailand’s

independence, and punishing the Thai

government for extending and deepening

economic, political and even military ties with Red

China. The Thai government has no choice but to

deal with the PRC, and not only because it shares

a long border. The PRC, thanks to its gargantuan

and expanding socialist economy, offers Thailand

economic opportunities that exist nowhere else.

42 (06-03-2021) 43 (06-03-2021)

Neither the US nor any government of the

European Union (EU), due to their respective

economic recessions and geographical distance,

are in a position to offer Thailand much at all.

The PRC, on the other hand, is a next door

neighbour with a vast and expanding economy,

which offers trade and investment and much

needed infrastructure building projects with zero

political interference. For example, Thailand, Laos,

Cambodia and China have signed agreements to

build a railway which connects all these

neighbouring South East Asian countries for the

first time ever.44 The economic benefits for

Thailand and Laos and Cambodia are obvious, but

cultural and political co-operation will also flow as

a result. This integration and co-operation will

benefit the PRC at the expense of the US Empire –

which cannot offer these perks in any case. This is

what the Washington seeks to dismantle – and

hence the Thai wing of the “Milk Tea Alliance”.

The Thai government also had little choice but to

disqualify the “Future Forward” party of corrupt

pro-US billionaire Thanathorn Juangroongraungkit

for violating Thailand’s electoral laws. Thanathorn

had “loaned” his party six million dollars out of his

own pocket – which was clearly a donation and

therefore illegal under Thai law.45 In response

there were predictable “student” rallies

purportedly protesting further restrictions on

“democracy”, many of whom would later spring

up as the “Milk Tea Alliance”. Likewise, the “Thai

Lawyers for Human Rights” (TLHR), led by Anon

Nampa, are transparently bound with Washington

in an attempt to break Thai links with the PRC

under the entirely false guise of “human rights”.

Anon Nampa, who springs up and often leads

“democracy” protests in Thailand, has had to

admit that TLHR “receives all its funding from

international donors”. The international donors

44 (06-03-2021) 45 (06-03-21)

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are of course the NED, meaning that Anon Nampa

himself – far from being a disinterested human

rights lawyer – is directly paid by the US state

department.46 The Thai “democracy” movement is

in fact foreign funded subversion in the service of

the US Empire. The Thai government has only

recently moved to regulate at least 100 foreign

funded “NGOs” which had been operating with



The latest attempted colour revolution by the US

created Milk Tea Alliance is in Myanmar, where

the West’s corporate media is painting a picture of

a military dictatorship cancelling elections and

suppressing demonstrations. This narrative is

oceans apart from reality. As we wrote in

February,48 US and UK government funded

“democracy” fronts had been operating

unimpeded in Myanmar for decades. One result of

this has been the creation of the National League

for Democracy (NLD) itself, another was the

defacto installation of Aung Sung Suu Kyi as State

Counsellor from 2016. The Tatmadaw (Myanmar’s

military) had reasonable grounds to claim that the

November 2020 election – which the NLD “won”

in a landslide was fraudulent, and that the actions

it took to prevent a total US/EU government

takeover of the state of Myanmar was necessary.

It was merely one action that the Tatmadaw has

taken against the virtually limitless building of

para-state organisations within Myanmar, funded

by imperialism itself. For example, not only was

Aung Sung Suu Kyi made State Counsellor in 2016,

Pe Myint was installed as Minister of Information.

Pe Myint was a former doctor who was literally

trained in journalism by the NED and George

Soros’ OSI (Open Society Institute) at the

46 (06-03-2021) 47 (06-03-2021) 48 (06-03-2021)

Indochina Media Memorial Foundation in

Bangkok.49 The notion that Pe Myint would serve

the interests of Myanmar rather than the US state

department after such backing is fanciful at the

very least.

Today, the West’s corporate media and their

quislings are fanning the flames of violent unrest

which they hope will lead to international (read:

US/EU) intervention into Myanmar to confront

and/or bring down the Tatmadaw. To do this, they

must lie and lie openly about what is happening on

the ground in Myanmar. They republish

unsubstaniated United Nations (UN) claims that

the Tatmadaw killed 38 people in one day.50 These

49 (06-03-2021) 50 (06-03-2021)

Above: Protestors in Myanmar backing the “National

Unity Government”, i.e., the “government” which was

“elected” with decades of funding and support from US

and UK government backed fronts posing as NGOs. The

placards they brandish are obviously pre-manufactured,

and professionally printed and paid for by these foreign

funded subversive organisations. They represent a

small minority of Myanmar’s 54 million strong

population, but they have the backing of Western

imperialism. Image from

Page 16: RED FIRE may 2021


are baseless allegations aimed at liberals in the

West, to soften up public opinion for a possible

intervention into Myanmar by US forces or their

proxies. At the UN, even Myanmar’s Ambassador

to the UN gave the three fingered salute (a sign

reportedly adopted from the Hunger Games films

and by anti-government mobs in Thailand) while

calling on the “international community” to hold

Myanmar’s military to account. Thankfully, both

China and Russia at the UN are currently against

international intervention into Myanmar, calling

for respect for Myanmar’s internal affairs.51 The

governments of the US and the EU, needless to

say, have no such principles.

One sure indicator of the ultra-reactionary anti-

socialist and anti-China nature of the Myanmar

anti-coup protestors is the backing offered by

Indonesian fugitive Veronica Koman. Ms Koman

fled Indonesia to prevent charges for racial

incitement being laid against her for false

coverage of West Papuan separatist riots during

2019.52 Ms Koman, who despite having Chinese

heritage is virulently anti-Beijing, tweeted in

support of the Milk Tea Alliance when Myanmar

ex-pats in Sydney staged a “Save Myanmar” rally

on March 6.53 It is to be expected that the vast

majority of ex-pat Myanmarese living in Australia

– or anywhere outside of Myanmar – would be

quickly recruited by US imperialism in its various

forms. The goal is clearly to set up political

conditions whereby working people

internationally do not oppose US or UK or UN

troops (or a proxy force) being sent into Myanmar

to confront the Tatmadaw – under the guise of

“peacekeeping”. This is yet one more step towards

the military encirclement of PRC, again escalating

the danger of a hot war.

51 (06-03-2021) 52 (06-03-2021)

Hong Kong

By far the most violent members of the Milk Tea

Alliance are the US/UK government backed

Blackshirts in Hong Kong. Throughout 2019, they

terrorised Hong Kong citizens with frenzied attacks

on police, hurling bricks, petrol bombs and other

projectiles. On some occasions, police were struck

with arrows shot from bows54, with some of them

dipped in fire before being launched. Fallaciously

portrayed as “pro-democracy” activists, many

Hong Kong residents argued and pleaded with

them to stop destroying the city. One Blackshirt

responded to a resident with a different opinion

by pouring flammable liquid on him and setting

him on fire.55 Needless to say, the notion that the

Blackshirts are somehow fighting for a progressive

cause despite using repeated and unprovoked

violence against those who disagree with them is

53 (06-03-2021) 54 (07-03-2021) 55 (07-03-2021)

Above: The ultra-violent Blackshirt separatists in Hong

Kong hang a banner with the slogan “If we burn, you

burn with us”. Such nihilistic and reckless sentiments

are the main reason why the Blackshirts could never

gain majority support in Hong Kong, regardless of what

their cause may have been. Image from

Page 17: RED FIRE may 2021


absurd. In reality, the Blackshirts are

unadulterated anti-socialist hoodlums attempting

(in vain) to separate Hong Kong from the People’s

Republic of China. This is despite Hong Kong

officially being handed back to China as far back as

1997. There is no chance of this happening, given

that Hong Kong is now linked to the mainland by

rail and the longest land bridge in the world, not

to speak of the fact that Hong Kong has been a part

of China for millennia.

The Blackshirts – many of whom are too young to

even remember 1997 – are acting as reactionary

pawns for US/UK imperialist attempts to

destablise China using any means necessary. For

decades, the US and UK governments have funded

thousands of NGOs in Hong Kong, in an effort to

prevent Hong Kong’s capitalism being subsumed

by the socialism (however deformed) of mainland

China. The Blackshirts mobilised under the

oxymoronic name of the “Civil Human Rights

Front”, when multiple members of this

reactionary alliance had directly received NED

funding. These include: the Hong Kong Institute of

Human Resource Management, the Hong Kong

Confederation of Trade Unions, Hong Kong

Journalists Association, the Civic Party, the Labor

Party and the Democratic Party. Some 37 000

NGOs with staff in the tens of thousands operate

in Hong Kong, many of which receive funding from

US and EU governments.56 It is no wonder that the

Blackshirts then wave not only US and UK flags,

but even the defunct British colonial Hong Kong.57

This wing of the Milk Tea Alliance is as right-wing

as can possibly be conceived.

Defend the PRC against regime change

Taiwan, and even India and Indonesia are

sometimes added to the Milk Tea Alliance, giving

the game away yet again about who is really

behind it. It is unequivocal anti-socialist anti-China

subversion, funded and in many cases organised

56 (07-03-2021)

by arms of the imperialist states of the US and the

EU. China’s vast population and previous

openness to the functioning of foreign backed

NGOs opens the door for the ruling classes of the

West to attempt to overthrow the PRC from

within. Hence the hysterical propaganda

campaigns about “human rights” and

“democracy” in Hong Kong, the Xinjiang Uyghur

Autonomous Region (XUAR) and Tibet. It is also

the basis for the fake “democracy” movements

being funded and orchestrated by Washington

and London in Thailand and Myanmar. The agenda

is to encircle Red China with imperialist bases on

their borders, while politically destablising the PRC

in its extremities. Nothing less than the overthrow

of Beijing will satisfy the CIA and MI6, but they

understand that this is currently not a military

option. Hence, political subversion is the main

modus operandi.

The PRC remains a bureaucratically deformed

workers’ state, the same one which emerged from

the victory of its socialist revolution in 1949. The

class character of that revolution, being

overwhelmingly backed by hundreds of millions of

peasants, was qualitatively different to the

working-class proletarian revolution in Russia in

1917. Nevertheless, the PRC today is

overwhelmingly based on public ownership of the

means of production and a planned economy. This

is the productive basis for the 30 years of 10% GDP

growth which it experienced, and which would not

be possible if the economy was “capitalist”. This is

just one reason why workers need to defend the

PRC against internal and external imperialist

backed subversion. At the same time, the PRC

needs a proletarian political revolution to oust the

conservative and nationalist political leadership

and replace it with workers’ councils comprised of

all those who seek to defend modern China and

build socialism internationally.

57 (07-03-2021)

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Above: Anti-Lockdown rally in London, October 2020. Image from

(The Workers League released the following

statement to coincide with the worldwide rallies

for freedom which took place on March 20, 2021.)

20-03-2021: As worldwide rallies for freedom take

place on March 20, most of Western Europe

remains under some form of lockdown or curfew,

with protest remaining illegal. People can be

arrested and charged for “being outdoors without

a valid reason”. While lockdowns are being

partially lifted in other parts of the world, the lies

supposedly justifying previously unimaginable

oppression continue. The attempt to vaccinate 7.8

billion people on the planet proceeds, for a virus

whose very existence is scientifically disputed.

These “vaccines” are entirely political, purely

experimental, and are likely to be extremely

harmful if not deadly. The same governments

which forced healthy men, women and children

into barbarous lockdowns now claim that the

vaccine is not mandatory at the same time as

preparing “Covid Passports” for international

travel, domestic travel, and even for access to

cinemas, concerts, sporting events and to shop at

local grocery stores. This is already a reality in


Fraudulent removal of rights

Even though it may appear as though business is

returning to pre-Covid times, this is also an

illusion. Most governments around the world

continue to hold the Covid card and are ready to

wield it at any moment. Basic civil and democratic

rights have either been removed or can be

removed once again – with the excuse of “Covid”

Page 19: RED FIRE may 2021


or “Covid variants”. The right to protest, the right

to travel, freedom of movement, the right to

purchase food, the right to leave your house, the

right not to be forced into wearing an ineffectual

and unhealthy facemask, the right to see your

friends, the right to see your relatives, the right to

visit the elderly and unwell in care homes or

hospitals – all of these and more can be removed

at any time the authorities deem it so. There was

no “pandemic” and there is no “pandemic”. There

are only mountains of lies from the corporate

media and puppet politicians. Covid is a fraud

which is used to increase political repression to

levels which arguably exceed historical examples

of fascism. In that sense, Covid is the highest form

of class war against working people.

Covid was the shroud for the removal of

employment for millions of workers worldwide.

Whole sections of capitalist economies where

shutdown or driven into bankruptcy. Millions of

small businesses collapsed, while the largest and

wealthiest monopoly corporations on the planet

stepped into the void and subsequently amassed

windfall profits. This happens in every recession,

but this time it is much more apparent. This

indicates that the real Covid agenda was a

deliberate destruction of some sections of capital

to secure and bolster the highest sections of

finance capital. It was political action by the ruling

classes of the imperialist West undertaken to

protect capitalism regardless of the economic,

political, and human cost to billions of people

around the globe.

Covid is also geo-political. World imperialism, led

by the ruling classes of the US and the EU, tailed

by their lackeys in Canada, Holland, Australia, New

Zealand etc., were floundering behind the

economic rise of China, and the military power of

Russia. Defeated and repelled at war in Syria, the

imperialist powers used the cover of Covid to

further develop internal subversion aimed at

regime change in Myanmar, Thailand, Hong Kong,

Xinjiang, Lebanon, Algeria, Sudan, Venezuela and

the list goes on. NATO uses the fig leaf of Covid to

continue to militarily provoke Russia, China, the

DPRK and Iran.

Liberalism the vehicle chosen by the elite

There is worldwide resistance to lockdown terror.

Mass rallies and demonstrations repeatedly occur

across Europe, the US, Australia, New Zealand and

elsewhere. These are largely blacklisted or ignored

Above: Placard targeting British Prime Minister Boris

Johnson for overseeing a “vaccine holocaust”. Many

have died within weeks of receiving the experimental

Covid vaccine, produced by Big Pharma corporations

which have been granted automatic legal immunity.

Image from

Above: Some anti-lockdown protestors refer to Covid-

19 as “Covid-1984” to draw parallels with the

totalitarianism described in George Orwell’s renowned

novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Image from

Page 20: RED FIRE may 2021


by the mainstream media, as the ruling class

actively attempts to deny there is mass public

opposition – or deride it as being comprised of

“anti-vaxxers” and “conspiracy theorists”. Yet the

main reason these demonstrations are not

overwhelmingly backed by the vast majority of the

working class is the epic betrayal of Union officials

and parties which falsely claim to be “left-wing”

and “socialist”. These layers are not at all left-

wing, as their enlistment in the service of the

capitalist state over Covid makes crystal clear.

These forces are liberal, i.e., they insist they are

reforming the system in a progressive direction.

However, the loyalty of these elements to

capitalism is now so strong that they are prepared

to enact fascist-like measures against workers

fighting for freedom from lockdowns.

Hence, the “Great Reset” and the “New Normal”

launched or backed by the World Health

Organisation (WHO), and the World Economic

Forum (WEF) is NOT part of a left-wing agenda. It

is a capitalist attack headed by liberals with left-

sounding phraseology. It can appear as though it

is the conservative and nationalist political forces

which are resisting planet lockdown. This is only

partially true, because while many conservatives

and nationalists oppose lockdowns from the point

of view of liberty, they of course do not extend this

to recognise the need for the overturn of the

capitalist system via the establishment of workers’

governments administering a series of workers’


For a general strike!

The anti-lockdown movement thus far has more

than demonstrated the bravery required to defy

totalitarian rule. At the same time, to achieve its

goals it needs two elements which are yet to

materialise. One is clear political leadership, and

the other is a firmly pro working-class orientation.

Due to the nature of the assault issuing from

finance capital, it is only the working class

organised internationally which has the potential

to stop and reverse lockdown terror. The petty-

bourgeois class, despite being pummelled by

lockdowns, is genetically unable to take a political

line independent of big capital. To spur the

development of both the political leadership and

the proletarian orientation necessary, the anti-

lockdown movement needs to call for a general

strike against forced lockdowns, facemasks,

vaccines, economic shutdowns, border closures,

tracking and tracing and the use of state power to

enforce absurd and offensive dictates which

obviously have no medical basis. The organisation

of a general strike requires the formation of strike

committees, with the only stipulation for entry

into such committees being a sworn opposition to

every element of Covid oppression. If developed

with vigour, such strike committees can then lead

to organs of a new state, which will vie with the

lockdown states for the loyalty of working and

oppressed people. At the same time, all parties

which oppose lockdowns will contest each other

for workers’ political allegiance. Permanent relief

from lockdown fascism will only arrive with this

new power – a workers’ government.

Page 21: RED FIRE may 2021




Above: Advertising poster for the “March 4 Justice” on 15 March. Image from

(Article sourced from

21-03-2021: On March 15, thousands of women

and their supporters around Australia rallied and

marched58 against the threat and reality of sexual

assault and rape, shaking the foundations of the

system which has denied them justice for

generations. Or did they? At least, such is the

narrative of the corporate media. Undeniably,

many attendees believed that is precisely what

they were doing. Yet there are progressive rallies

and marches, and rallies and marches which are

organised with an agenda which is not at all what

58 Look At Photos From Women's March 4 Justice Protests Across Australia ( (17-03-2021) 59 (17-03-2021)

they are purported to be. If the mainstream

narrative was to be believed, these actions,

triggered by the revelations of Brittany Higgins’

claims of being raped in the parliamentary office

of the Defence Industries Minister Linda Reynolds

in 2019,59 were organised by a few women such as

academic Janine Hendry,60 who had “had

enough”. Is this plausible?

Significant material support

How can nationally coordinated simultaneous

rallies and marches take place specifically on the

60 Black-clad women rally in Australia to demand gender violence justice ( (17-03-2021)

Page 22: RED FIRE may 2021


opening day of parliament, with booming sound

systems providing amplification, and with one rally

being joined by a Labor state Premier, other

female members of cabinet, as well as a Liberal

National Party Opposition leader and Opposition

spokesperson for women? Quite frankly, such

actions cannot come about through a handful of

activists with meagre resources. Extensive funding

and institutional support at the very least is

required. And the real organisers are very cagey

about revealing exactly who they are. The

“March4Justice” website provides virtually no

information about how this thing just happened to

spring into existence. It is a flashy and

professionally put together website61, with little or

no indication about which organisation or groups

or individuals are behind it. All of this is deliberate,

but also dishonest and disingenuous. Yet a look at

the actual politics of the actions reveals plenty.

In Melbourne, an aeroplane flew over the “March

4 Justice” flying a banner which read, “Women

vote too”.62 This took place as the Deputy

Secretary of the Victorian Trades Hall spoke.

Coincidence? Hardly. Such glaring red lights point

to a presumption which is hidden in plain sight. We

suspect the real forces organising the “March 4

Justice” were the liberal troika of the Australian

Labor Party (ALP), the Trade Union bureaucracy,

and the Labor Party feeder organisation GetUp!63

The liberal politics of these three are all over the

March 4 Justice, as they gear up for a federal

election later this year or early next year. It is

transparently an attempt to put ALP politicians on

the government benches in Canberra, and in

addition, an attempt to re-gain political ground

lost to the anti-lockdown movement. Just four

weeks ago, tens of thousands of Australians

protested in national rallies against the forced

61 Home - Women's March 4 Justice (17-03-2021) 62 Women's March 4 Justice: Brittany Higgins addresses Canberra protest as crowds mass in Sydney and Melbourne – as it happened | Australia news | The Guardian 63 (17-03-2021)

“Covid” lockdowns and supposedly voluntary and

experimental vaccine on the eve of its rollout.

Not so radical

The bulk of the participants who were part of the

“March4Justice”, ostensibly in support of women,

were also firmly with the government - whether

Labor or Liberal (or Green) – on the forced

lockdowns which devastated Australia and much

of the globe during 2020. This is hardly radical,

because the government imposed lockdowns

during the fake “pandemic” led to the worst year

in history for domestic violence in Australia.

Domestic violence is overwhelmingly inflicted

against women, and the lockdowns during 2020

caused massive unemployment, increased

inequality, anxiety and stress, leading to

overwhelmed support services.64 Where were the

Labor Party, the Union officials, GetUp! and the

liberal left at this time? They blocked with the

Liberal government to help enforce inhumane

lockdowns which had not a shred of scientific

justification.65 They assisted the capitalist state

(one could argue they are the capitalist state) in

removing the most basic civil and democratic

rights from all citizens, including half of the

population who are women. Women bore the

brunt of these actions, at the very least through

64 (18-03-2021) 65 (18-03-2021)

Page 23: RED FIRE may 2021


job losses AND vastly increased domestic violence.

And now this lot – with a federal election

approaching – are concerned about women’s


To be sure, Brittany Higgins may well have been

sexually assaulted in Parliament House in 2019,

and sexual assault and rape is a huge issue which

needs to be confronted. Yet it is clear that at least

one of the major causative factors of sexual

assault and domestic violence is poverty,

unemployment and inequality. This is ultimately

caused by the stage that capitalism now finds itself

in, and the lockdowns are part of a further ruling

class attempt to assault the working class still

further. If the liberal “left” are really serious about

ending sexual assault, and making workplaces and

society at large safe for women, they will need to

break with the entire ideology and politics of the

current form of class-divided society – based on

private production for private profit. This certainly

means breaking from the Labor Party (and the

Greens), but it also means breaking from the

entire parliamentary and political apparatus of the

capitalist system, in Australia and internationally.

Yet the “March4Justice” was aimed in precisely

the opposite direction. It was a conscious attempt

66 Home - March 4 Justice (17-03-2021)

to drive women and their supporters back towards

the federal parliament, and therefore back into

the arms of the very capitalist system which is

itself the ultimate cause of violence against

women. The demands put forward were so

narrowly confined to parliament that it was

basically a petition. Some of the demands were:

1. Independent investigations into cases of

gendered violence

2. Strengthening of the Sex Discrimination Act

3. Mandatory gendered violence and sexual

harassment training for MPs and their staff

4. For all Australian parliaments to have a 50:50

gender split by 2030

5. The enactment of a Federal Gender Equality Act,

to include a gender equity audit of Parliamentary


Get the picture? To say that these demands are

minor reforms to the system understates the

issue. Liberals such as the Labor Party and the

Union officials consciously try to paint the most

minimal legislative amendments as a huge step

forward. When in reality, it politically and

ideologically reinforces “political change” as

arriving through a bourgeois parliament – as if a

bourgeois parliament is the end of historical

achievement. If there was a genuine movement

for women’s rights, such acts and processes of

parliament may come about as a by-product of a

struggle. But to restrict the aims of a movement

entirely within a parliament which is in fact the

direct foe of working women (and men) gives the

game away.

For women’s liberation through socialism

The oppression of women is bound up with class

society, which is thousands of years old. The

oppression of women under capitalism, as

Frederick Engels outlined,67 is bound up with the

nuclear family, private property and the state. A

67 (21-03-2021)

Above: Brittany Higgins (centre) at the “March4Justice”

rally in Canberra.

Page 24: RED FIRE may 2021


movement for women’s liberation therefore must

have the goal of the overthrow of these three

pillars of class society. Feminism, as such, only

attempts to redress the situation of women within

the confines of capitalism – irrespective of

whether some feminists claim to be “socialist

feminists” or even “Marxist feminists”. Feminism

– with its cross class basis – is far too easily used

by the political forces of the liberal wing of the

ruling class for their increasingly minimal agendas.

Granted, the “March4Justice” was not posited as

feminism per se. Yet it was a conscious attempt to

politically restrict and restrain women and their

supporters from overstepping the boundaries of

capitalist politics. More than this, it was even

restricted to a not-so-subtle “vote ALP” drive.

In this sense, the “March4Justice” was a cynical

and hypocritical manipulation of a genuine issue

to drive conservative politics – shrouded in

“progressive” verbiage – into women, the working

class, and society at large. Violence against women

today is the unfortunate product of the

breakdown of the capitalist mode of production,

most particularly represented by the descent of

the US, Europe, Australia and New Zealand into a

barbarous form of lockdown fascism. Liberal

political forces such as the ALP, the Union officials

and their hangers on firmly defended, or joined

with, the capitalist state during the time when it

was arguably at its most repressive point in

history. Liberals may oppose instances of violence

against women today, but they are the foremost

defenders of capitalist imperialism in its lockdown

phase. Therefore, their railing against “sexism,

misogyny, patriarchy” is mere hot air.

Women cannot be truly equal partners in society

until and unless the working class is able to

supercede capitalist oppression through

revolution, and the march towards a classless

society. This requires the forging of a Marxist

vanguard party capable of leading workers in a

pitch battle against finance capital for its own state

and its own government. Such a party must

champion women’s liberation as an essential

component of the struggle for revolutionary

internationalist socialism, which leaves lockdowns

and all forms of repression as relics of a distant


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Above: Alexei Navalny, embezzler and ultra-nationalist pro-Western agent, is detained in 2019.

(Article sourced from

30-01-2021: It didn’t take long. Barely three days

into the tenure of the fraudulently installed Biden

Administration in Washington, the US deep state

orchestrates an attempted colour revolution in

Russia. The choreographed return of CIA asset

Alexei Navalny to Russia was likely timed to

coincide with the bizarre scenario of a Democrat

Joe Biden inauguration which is supposedly so

“popular” 20 000 National Guard troops were

required to secure the capital.68 As an encore to

four years of the exhaustive but evidence free

narrative of Russiagate (ludicrous claims that the

68 (27-01-2021)

Russian government manipulated the 2016 US

Presidential Election), the Western corporate

media has, on cue, hyped up the fanciful

“repression” of Navalny after his arrest – for open

bail violations. He is only jailed for 30 days, and if

convicted (yet again) for embezzlement, he will

only receive a 3-year term.69 Regardless, liberals in

the West prattle on with wildly distorted claims of

Russian government suppression.

Navalny the Russian Juan Guaido

Navalny is being used by the CIA as a Russian

version of right-wing puppet Juan Guaido,70 who

69 Alexei Navalny & Russia Baiting: Biden Brings Back Business as Usual – OffGuardian ( (27-01-2021) 70 (27-01-2021)

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declared himself President of Venezuela with the

backing of the US government, without having

ever run in such an election. The Western

corporate media makes risible claims that Navalny

is THE “opposition leader”, or AN “opposition

leader” in Russian politics. In fact, Navalny is a very

minor player, and even when his multiple

convictions do not prevent him for running for

office, he never garners more than 5% of the vote.

Most Russians either reject him or do not know

who he is. In his own blog, Navalny admits that he

was funded by the US government regime change

arm the National Endowment for Democracy

(NED) in 2007-8, and Navalny was a co-founder of

the Democratic Alternative (DA!) in Russia – where

the US state department itself lists DA! as a

recipient of “youth movement” funding.71 It is not

hyperbole to describe Navalny as a CIA stooge.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov even

explicitly made the link between Navalny and the

CIA, where usually diplomatic norms are to avoid

such accusations. Peskov stated that CIA

specialists are working with him and giving him

different instructions.72 This stands to reason, as

Navalny would never have returned to Russia if it

was actually true that the Russian government had

attempted to poison him. It is entirely plausible to

suspect that the CIA instructed Navalny to return

to Russia – even if he was jailed – as this would

provide a narrative of a detained “opposition

leader” supposedly being martyred for attempting

to rally Russians for “democracy”.73 The US deep

state saw a perfect opportunity to rally Western

liberals for yet more war pressure on Russia and

did not hesitate to act.

US grates against Nord Stream 2

71 Meet Alexei Navalny: The U.S. State Department's inside man for 'regime change' in Russia -- Puppet Masters -- (27-01-2021) 72 (27-01-2021) 73 (27-01-2021)

It is also likely that the Navalny “poisoning”,

farcically claimed by the West to be carried out

with Novichok, was another effort to derail Nord

Stream 2. This hydrocarbons pipeline, which

stretches from Russia to Germany, is around 90%

complete.74 The US government is desperate to

prevent its opening, as it will not only increase

Russia’s gas exports but will boost Russia’s political

standing in Europe. Russia will not only be a gas

supplier, it offers at least an alternative source of

energy and commerce without political

interference from the US Empire. Russia is far from

being an economic powerhouse on the world

stage, but simply the independence of Russia from

US/EU imperialism is more than enough to earn

the ire of the Washington elite. And this is despite

the fact that the Russian government has

capitulated to, and played along with, the fake

Covid-19 storyline, even going to the extent of fast

tracking the development of its own “Covid

vaccine” – Sputnik V.75

Navalny has an unsavoury political past, to say the

least. In 2006, Navalny made headlines by publicly

backing the ultra-nationalist Russian March. This

march was criticised by his own party at the time,

the Yabloko Party, as containing fascist, Nazi and

xenophobic content. Navalny was later excluded

from Yabloko for attempting to overthrow the

leadership.76 Navalny posits himself as being a

fighter “against corruption”, even while he has

himself been convicted for….corruption. His Anti-

Corruption Foundation (ACF) was in practice a

front for his dubious activities. Millions of dollars

raised for the ACF was in fact used by Navalny to

buy private properties for himself, and to fund

74 Navalny Poisoning - The Real Target Is Russian-German Nord Stream 2 Pipeline - Global ResearchGlobal Research - Centre for Research on Globalization (27-01-2021) 75 (27-01-2021) 76 Anti-corruption blogger Navalny sentenced to 5 years behind bars for embezzlement — RT World News (27-01-2021)

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recreational trips abroad.77 What a sterling

example of political and personal integrity!

Hands Off Russia!

The Russian Federation in 2021 is a middle ranking

capitalist economic power, yet it possesses

military power and military technology which far

surpasses the comparative arsenals of both EU

and US imperialism. Some of this military power

was inherited from the days of the Union of Soviet

Socialist Republics (USSR), while some of it has

since been developed domestically, e.g. its

hypersonic missiles and gliders. These weapons

ensure that Russia can effectively destroy large

parts of any American or European imperialist

state which attempted to strike it. Russia’s military

superiority has occasionally been used to contain

and roll back US imperialism itself, e.g. its crippling

air strikes which disabled the US backed ISIS

mercenaries attempting to overthrow Syria from

2015 onwards.

Workers of the world need to uphold the right of

Russia to defend itself against US/EU imperialism

both externally and internally. The Russian state

thus has the right to detain Navalny and each of

his supporters, charge them with treason, and

punish them – given their links to the CIA. At the

same time, the Russian government is itself co-

operating with the very imperialism which has

blatantly set up an attempted colour revolution in

Moscow using Navalny as bait. At each step, the

Russian government has mimicked the imperialist

West’s Covid assault on working people, by forcing

them under lockdowns and threatening them with

an experimental gene altering “vaccine”. These

actions are more evidence that the Russian

government does not see imperialism as an enemy

and wants to be seen by imperialism as a partner

in administering the “Great Reset”.

This is a wildly naïve hope. Imperialism has never

forgiven Russia for the overthrow of capitalism in

77 CIA/NED Asset/Convicted Felon Navalny Arrested in Moscow - Freedoms Phoenix (27-01-2021)

1917 and the establishment of the Soviet Union –

the world’s first workers’ state. That state has not

existed for 30 years, but today Washington cannot

tolerate Russia’s independence. Russia is self-

sufficient economically, in natural resources, and

possesses enough military firepower to block ANY

imperialist state which oversteps boundaries.

Simultaneously, the Russian government betrays

the workers of the world by seeking to prop up and

maintain global capitalism – as long as it is offered

a seat at the table.

The tasks of workers internationally are thus to

defend Russia against imperialist backed internal

subversion AND the constant threat of US/NATO

triggered war provocations. Marxists maintain a

critique of the Russian government from the left

while simultaneously opposing those forces

attempting to overthrow the Russian Federation

from the right, e.g. Navalny, the CIA, pro-Western

liberals and the US/EU funded “human rights”

industrial complex. Russia needs socialism to once

again return to the land of Lenin and the

Bolsheviks, but this time led by an international

workers’ vanguard party which can see through

imperialism’s Covid mask. Working-class

resistance to lockdowns must be combined with

resistance to the Empire’s war on Russia.

Page 28: RED FIRE may 2021




Australian National Review

(Article was current at the time of writing. The

Omnibus Industrial Relations Bill is but one of the

formalized assaults on the pay and conditions of

the working class directly resulting from the cover

given by a pandemic of lies going under the name

of Covid-19. See:

28-02-2021: As far as comprehensive attacks on

pay and working conditions go, you just can’t go

past the IR (Industrial Relations) Bill presented to

the Australian parliament by the federal

government over Christmas in 2020. The

deceptive wording of the Bill’s title hides an

agenda which is anti-worker and anti-Union in its

very essence. Referred to as the IR Omnibus Bill,

the “Fair Work Amendment (Supporting

Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2020”

could, if it becomes an Act, reduce Unions to IR

bystanders. In some cases, it may remove the right

of workers to collectively bargain with the

employer on ANY aspect of pay and conditions.

There is little doubt it will vastly increase casual

and insecure work, amongst a workforce which is

already one of the most highly casualised in the

world. As it stands, workers employed as casuals

in Australia do not receive annual and/or sick

leave. Labour researcher David Peetz points out

Page 29: RED FIRE may 2021


that 130 out of 163 countries require temporary

workers to have the same leave entitlements as

permanents – but not workers in Australia.78

Health Australia Party

Outright removal of workers’ rights

The Omnibus Bill is slated by establishment as a

“Covid recovery” mechanism. In reality, the Covid

“pandemic” fraud79 is the fig leaf for the onslaught

against the very conditions of life workers need for

existence under the rule of capital. In fact, the fake

pandemic is itself the ideological and political

enabler of the enforced recession in which

workers suffer but the super elite prosper. Even a

brief overview of the Omnibus Bill will reveal its

sinister intent. If enacted, it would lead to fewer

permanent jobs with the rights they entail. The

casual conversion (to permanent) provisions are

laughable, with an employer not being bound to

convert a temporary employee to permanent if

he/she believes it is not “reasonable” to do so. All

Awards – the previously legislated minimum set of

conditions – are likely to be reduced even further

from what they are today. The Bill would allow for

Enterprise Bargaining Agreements to be made

even if they fail the BOOT(Better Off Overall Test),

for businesses “affected by Covid”. It would allow

78 (23-02-2021) 79 (23-02-2021)

the creation of workplace agreements with pay

and conditions BELOW the Award – effectively

making minimum pay and conditions laws null and


The current limited rights for workers under

Enterprise Bargaining are savaged by the Omnibus

Bill. Workers can be stripped of the right to an

explanation of an agreement on which they are

expected to pass a vote. Agreements that exclude

the National Employment Standards (NES) can be

approved. Employers can impose inferior pay and

conditions in a “Greenfields” (i.e., a new

workplace) agreement, meaning workers have no

right to negotiate at all. The Bill also includes

provisions on wage theft which make it virtually

impossible to prove the employer willingly

underpaid staff.81

No defence without lockdown defiance

These attacks are a mortal threat to working people. The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) has researched and accurately decried the scale of the virtual abolition of a list of workers’ and Union rights. However, the ACTU officials only offer the meekest of resistance. ACTU Secretary Sally McManus wistfully complains that the workers which will be hurt the most by the Omnibus Bill are the “ones that helped get this country through a once-in-a-century crisis….they deserve job security and respect……Australian workers are suffering from years of wage stagnation….the rate of casualisation of our workforce desperately needs to be addressed….if this bill cannot be fixed, it needs to be dumped.”82 The ACTU officials talk like capitalist politicians, rather than fighting Unionists.

Needless to say, the “once-in-a-century crisis” is the fake pandemic engineered by finance capital and dealt by their marionettes heading governments, corporate media and “health” bureaucracies. Union officials have been at the forefront of consciously imposing the coronavirus

80 actu-omnibus-bill-submission-20200118-final.pdf (23-02-2021) 81 Ibid, 3. 82 Australian workers will be worse off under IR Omnibus Bill ( (24-02-2021)

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pack of lies onto their members and all workers, siding with the largest and wealthiest woke corporations on planet earth in the process. Why? While Unions are mainly comprised of honest rank and file workers, the Union officials are anything but. They have a material interest in striking a delicate balance between keeping workers alive and able to slave for the “captains of industry”, and mitigating the workers’ bitter dissatisfaction at the state of their living and working conditions. Sometimes the Union officials side with the workers in this tightrope walk – but most of the time they are with the employers and the government. They are keenly aware of what is acceptable to the bourgeoisie and what is not – and they are skilled at preventing and stifling the efforts of workers in striving towards anti-capitalist goals.

There can be no defence against the Omnibus IR Bill unless and until it is combined with worker defiance of the absurd and dangerous lockdowns,83 and the entire “health crisis” ideology. Arguably, the raison d’etre for the fear pandemic was to drastically reduce the cost of labour power (wages and conditions of workers)

83 (24-02-2021)

through any means possible. Hence the millions of job cuts and the fascistic measures governments imposed to prevent workers from organising and fighting back – social distancing, lockdowns, forced facemasks and vaccines, tracking and tracing, quarantine and isolation. Transparently, these measures are NOT about a virus, but are political methods to remove civil, democratic and even Union rights won over the last 150 years. If workers accept ANY part of the ruling class “pandemic” narrative, they will not be able to defend the ground they stand on.

What is required to even begin the necessary fight against the Omnibus Bill, is a frontal challenge to the Union officials’ enforcement of Covid baloney. Workers need to affirm: “We reject Covid nonsense as a cover for the assault on us, and which you are assisting the government in imposing. We do not accept Corona lies and we demand permanent and secure jobs for all workers – through a six-hour day with no loss in pay.” Such an approach would lay the groundwork for the replacement of Union officialdom with class struggle militants committed to a world where workers hold power.


E: [email protected]

PO Box 66 NUNDAH QLD 4012

Above: Fast food restaurant chain McDonalds Australia

pushed for staff meals to be included in pay talks with

workers. Image from Australian Unions.

Page 31: RED FIRE may 2021




(Article was current at the time of writing. Since

that time, the Spartacist League has adopted a

partial position of opposition to “Covid”


29-03-2021: Late March marks one year since

global capital launched arguably its most severe

assault on the working class in history. Using the

fig leaf of a patently false “pandemic”84, the

governments of the imperialist West threw society

into deliberately stoked fear, which provided the

cover for ordering whole countries and continents

into lockdowns. Significant sections of economies

were shutdown, hurling millions of workers onto

84 (24-03-2021)

the unemployment scrapheap.85 Workers who

remained in employment were driven from

workplaces and into working from home – if they

could do so behind a computer screen. Ostensibly

to protect children and teachers from contracting

an allegedly deadly disease, schools were closed,

and parents had to then supervise the education

of their children from home. Lockdown orders in

some places included “stay at home” orders,

enforced by the police, for 23 hours a day. Protest,

along with other cultural and sporting gatherings,

were made illegal. Free speech, basic civil liberties

85 (24-03-2021)

Page 32: RED FIRE may 2021


and democratic rights were summarily abolished –

and have barely been returned.

Lockdown left capitulates

The use of the cover of “Covid” for the most

extensive historical attack on working people

starkly demonstrates the level of decay of the

capitalist socio-economic system. The system of

production for private profit has degenerated to

the point where it must degrade or kill off the

holders of the very element which is its lifeblood –

labour power. The capacity of the workers to

labour is what capital needs to survive and grow,

but workers’ expectations of maintaining living

and working conditions together with basic

political and civil rights at a certain point come into

open conflict with this system in decline. Wars and

recessions need to be waged or created, to protect

the profits of corporations which in decades past

were seen as part of the “free world”. Hence, the

self-inflicted lockdowns.

Given the sheer magnitude of the broadside

against workers, one would have reasonably

expected leftist and workers parties to have been

at the forefront of a spirited defence of workers in

the face of such mortal blows. As we now know,

almost the precise opposite occurred. Most left

parties which for decades claimed to uphold the

aims of socialism and Marxism were in fact the

first organisations to utterly capitulate before

“their own” bourgeoisie. With some exceptions,

what previously passed for the organised left

genuflected before the ruling class without batting

an eyelid.

Generally speaking, it is somewhat to be expected

that the Trade Union bureaucracy would fall into

line so assiduously behind the capitalist class on

Covid lockdowns. Union officials (not members)

have a material interest in imposing the full

spectrum of capitalist ideology onto their own

members and the working class as a whole. Union

86 (27-03-2021)

officials often act as an auxiliary police force which

keeps workers within certain bounds, even while

organising them to defend or win a minor gain

here or there. Their role is entirely contradictory,

but almost always they fall politically on the side

of the elite.

The bourgeois state as saviour?

Left parties which, for decades, had railed against

the bourgeois state on any number of issues,

flipped in the early parts of 2020. Many of those

who previously swore allegiance to socialism,

Marxism and revolution were now effectively

arguing the capitalist state is imposing lockdowns

and facemasks because they are primarily

concerned with the health and well-being of the

working class and the poorest sections of society.

Needless to say, this is beyond laughable. It

glaringly exposes these “revolutionaries” as bare

reformists. The capitalist state consists not just of

the apparatus of repression – cops, courts, prisons

and armed forces. The extremely well

remunerated education and health bureaucrats

also form part of the capitalist state also. The

maintenance of their careers is all they need to

regurgitate whatever campaign the capitalist

politicians and their masters dictate. As has been

amply demonstrated during the fraudulent

“pandemic”,86 any number of these bureaucrats

can recite the very opposite of whatever scientific

and medical research and training they may have

conducted in the past. In the case of Covid, their

lies match the lies of the corporate politicians, and

many who are not politically experienced can be

convinced that the government is “trying to save


Yet there is no excuse for hardened leftists, many

of whom have been activists for decades, to

seemingly throw a class analysis of the state out of

the window when they hear of a “health

emergency”. As if the capitalist state, which has

stripped its health care systems of funding for 40

Page 33: RED FIRE may 2021


or 50 years, is now trying to “save lives”!! The

Australian so-called left capitulated almost

universally. Socialist Alternative (SALT), the largest

self-proclaimed socialist party in Australia, not

only offered a full throated defence of lockdowns.

They also argued that while workers should

defend their right to protest and strike (thank

goodness for small mercies!), it is “fundamentally

misguided to see the main enemy in this crisis as

state authoritarianism”.87 It cannot be clearer –

SALT defend the capitalist state in the process of

inflicting economic and psychological terror on

workers,88 while claiming to be left-wing radicals.

With radicals like these, who needs enemies?

The Socialist Alliance (SA) is not as direct as SALT

in ramming lockdowns down the throats of

workers, as they are somewhat aware that they

are loathed by the majority of workers. Yet they

87 (27-03-2021) 88 (27-03-2021) 89 (27-03-2021)

uphold lockdowns as necessary, even while

acknowledging the lockdowns are causing massive

job losses. Their response is not to campaign

against lockdowns (which they sometimes term

“shutdowns” so they do not sound as onerous),

but to urge employers to pay pandemic leave!89

This is dressed up as a progressive campaign when

some Union officials have made similar calls. They

do not seem to be aware that such calls imply that

workers should agree with employers on the need

to sack or stand down workers from employment,

and then plead with the same employers for leave

payments when they do. Needless to say, SA has

knelt down before ruling class ideology so far that

they do not even challenge “Covid” job cuts. In

fact, by then campaigning for “pandemic leave”

they are further reinforcing the “pandemic”

nonsense90 of the politicians they supposedly

oppose. One would think the natural option for

socialists is to reject “Covid” job losses outright

and help to mobilise workers to defend jobs. Yet

this would mean a political break with the

bourgeois state, which appears beyond SA.

“Trotskyists” and Stalinists for the government

The Trotskyist Platform (TP), known for

brandishing the hammer and sickle and claiming to

stand under the banner of “communism” and

“Trotskyism”, also jump the purely reformist “paid

pandemic leave” bandwagon. Like their allies in

the lockdown left, they appear to lack self-

awareness. The “coronavirus as a deadly threat” is

unfiltered bourgeois ideology. Any acceptance

and/or practice of bourgeois ideology renders the

workers’ movement virtually unable to win gains.

As soon as the left accepts the “pandemic”

concept, it stands on the ground of capital, not

labour. TP is aware that job cuts have occurred

supposedly due to “Covid”, but merely complain

that the employers are “using the pandemic as an

90 (27-03-2021)

Above: The US Socialist Alternative caved into the fake

coronavirus narrative in a big way, as is demonstrated in

this poster. Instead of opposing lockdowns outright,

they use the alleged “pandemic” to call for reforms to

the system, while politically serving the ruling class.

Page 34: RED FIRE may 2021


excuse to cut jobs”.91 They don’t seem to realise

that the main reason for the fake pandemic IS job

cuts to ensure the suppression of the cost of

labour power (i.e.,wages).92 And by falling for

wholesale corporate media hype of a supposed

world threatened by an imaginary black plague, TP

have handed employers and the government the

political fuel needed to impose millions of job cuts

without mass resistance. TP enforce “pandemic”

ideology (an entirely false pretext) amongst

workers, and then act innocent as employers and

the government use this political context to wreak

havoc. These “revolutionaries” could almost be

hired by the Prime Minister.

The Socialist Equality Party (SEP) formerly had

possibly the largest online presence of any left

party prior to the lockdowns of 2020. Then its

renowned World Socialist Web Site switched to a

position which is potentially more conservative

than the imperialist bourgeoisie itself. These

“Trotskyists” repeatedly called for harsher and

stricter lockdowns and even for schools to

effectively remain closed.93 Even the United

Nations (UN) – hardly even a liberal organisation –

has cited studies which show that lockdowns and

other restrictions could lead to an additional 10

000 children dying per month.94 Yet, in the name

of “socialism”, the SEP are more pro-lockdown

than the wealthiest ruling classes in world history.

If the vampire squids of finance capital are not

prepared to go as far as you demand, how on earth

can such a party claim to be pro-worker?

Socialist Fight (SF) paint themselves as pristine

Trotskyists untainted by other interpretations of

what became of the Fourth International. Yet from

day one, SF crumbled in the face of manufactured

91 Force Companies To Increase Hiring at the Expense of Their Bloated Profits! | Trotskyist Platform (28-03-2021) 92 (28-03-2021) 93 (28-03-2021) 94 (28-03-2021)

bourgeois hysteria on an allegedly deadly plague

besetting the planet. They took the extraordinary

step of expelling one of their members without

recourse (who subsequently joined the Workers

League - WL) for having the temerity to enquire as

to why the SF had apparently taken to the view

that the states of imperialist capitalism could

suddenly adopt a position of ensuring health care

for the working-class and the poor majority as

their raison d’etre. They went on to slander the WL

for “red-brown fascism” for its position of building

the anti-lockdown movement despite the

presence of supporters of former US President

Trump and QAnon devotees.95 On our part, the WL

stands for militant opposition to capitalism

descending into arguably its most politically

repressive phase in history – the pinnacle of which

are the inhumane and dictatorial lockdowns. As

for the accusation of “fascism”, whether of the

red-brown variety or not, we suggest the most apt

axiom is the one which maintains “the one who

accuses is the one who is”.

Australia’s Stalinist parties are universally onside

with pandemic hysteria, placing them onside with

the Liberal Federal government and the state

Labor Premiers, irrespective of their rhetoric. The

Communist Workers Party of Australia (CWPA) do

not print one word about the forced lockdowns,

facemasks and vaccines in the March 2021 issue of

their publication The Agitator.96 It’s as if the entire

machinery of corona state repression is something

that can be regarded by workers as a footnote.

Similarly, the Australian Communist Party (ACP)

barely mention lockdowns, and when they do,

they imply that only the likes of QAnon

“conspiracy theorists” are opposed to

95 (28-03-2021) 96 (28-03-2021)

Page 35: RED FIRE may 2021


“coronavirus restrictions”.!97 One wonders if they

are even aware of the thousands of people who

have regularly mobilised throughout the country

against forced lockdowns and forced vaccines.98

The Communist Party of Australia (CPA),

meanwhile, demands a worldwide rollout of the

Covid vax!99

One must wonder what the parties of the

lockdown left actually plan to do in response to

the capitalist state dispersing the proletariat

97 (28-03-2021) 98 (28-03-2021) 99 (28-03-2021) 100 (28-03-2021)

through lockdowns, social distancing, the banning

of gatherings, meetings, rallies and

demonstrations. These measures are designed to

make it extremely difficult to politically organise

resistance. Their response is to either do nothing,

or even virtually assist the police subject innocent

working-class men, women and children to house

arrest. Meanwhile, working people the world over

have been resisting billionaire finance capital’s

lockdowns in anyway they can. Despite a

corporate media blackout, millions of workers and

their allies have repeatedly demonstrated against

the unstated but obvious agenda of severe

economic and political subjugation under the false

guise of a “pandemic”.100 The whole time, the

parties of the lockdown left have been absent, or,

as in the case of Germany, actively attempt to

counter anti-lockdown demonstrations.101 Clearly,

the “revolutionary” pretensions of the lockdown

left have been shattered into a million pieces.

The end of the Spartacist tradition?

Arguably the most surprising card-carrying

members of the lockdown left are the parties

derived from the heritage of the Spartacist League.

Seemingly without irony, the Spartacist League102

and its off shoots including the International

Bolshevik Tendency,103 the Bolshevik Tendency104

and the Internationalist Group,105 fall like

dominoes in thrall to the billionaire class they have

sworn to overthrow for decades. We acknowledge

the contribution that the Spartacist League and

their “family” have made to the study and practice

of Leninist-Trotskyism, whatever their

shortcomings. Now though, this entire apparatus

must be called into question. It is not for us to sling

mud and label other left parties as “fascist”, as it

101 (28-03-2021 102 (28-03-2021) 103 (28-03-2021) 104 (28-03-2021) 105 (28-03-2021)

Above: Police in Germany escorting away an Antifa

protestor, after they attempted to stop an anti-

lockdown protest. So much for being anarchist and

anti-capitalist! On multiple occasions, Antifa have

accused anti-lockdown protestors of being “Nazis” and

“far right” – while themselves carrying out practices

that are very similar to the ones with which they accuse

others. The attempt In practice Antifa and the

lockdown left have openly broken with the working

class to act as direct agents of the imperialist ruling

classes. This is not entirely surprising, given that Antifa

and the lockdown left, despite their intentions, mirror

liberal political practice. Image from Ruptly.

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hardly helps. However, we have characterised the

use of lockdowns and the imposition of

scientifically groundless rules (e.g.,social

distancing, tracking and tracing, the banning of

singing and dancing) as a form of fascism which

uses liberalism as its political vehicle. We do not

believe that the banning of protest, the effective

cancellation of basic civil and democratic rights,

and the use of state power to confine healthy and

innocent men, women and children to their homes

(for those that have homes) for up to 23 hours a

day, for months on end, can be politically assessed

in any other way.

The parties derived from the Spartacist tradition

have openly joined with other left parties they

have critiqued as reformist when it comes to the

fear pandemic. These include the Workers World

Party106 and the Party for Socialism and

Liberation.107 In fact, with a small handful of

exceptions, “Trotskyists”, Stalinists, Maoists and

others who identify as “Marxist” or “socialist”

have crumbled before the limitless propaganda of

the corporate media and capitalist politicians on

Covid. The fact that the propaganda barrage is

much more intense than usual capitalist

messaging should not be used as an excuse. Even

though there is horrendous online censorship, the

internet has not (yet) been completely cut off.

There is no reason why leftists and revolutionaries

cannot research and study alternative information

to that which the vast apparatus of imperialism

disseminates. The failure to do so reflects the fact

that on lockdowns – arguably the largest

broadside against the working class in history – the

lockdown “left” have taken a class position on the

wrong side of the barricades. Whatever heritage

and past activism they may have to their credit,

their avid assistance to big capital for lockdowns is

class betrayal.

106 (28-03-2021)

Fascism appears whenever capitalism lurches into

an existential crisis, and lockdown fascism is

certainly no exception. Workers need not fear this

development, for it signals an opportunity to rise

and defeat it through workers’ revolution. Indeed,

the descent into fascism is a sure indicator that

capitalism can no longer offer workers even minor

reforms, and it must use extreme political

repression to save itself. Finance capital is showing

its vulnerability in doing this, despite the

appearance of dominance. The overwhelming

majority of workers despise lockdowns, or at the

very least suspect something fishy is going on.

They could be mobilised alongside the existing

anti-lockdown movement if the requisite political

leadership of the working-class was at hand. As

one of the few left organisations to oppose

lockdowns, the Workers League commits itself to

helping forge the Marxist vanguard the global

working class so desperately seeks. Capitalism

belongs the old world, and the time of socialism

has arrived. The revolution is rumbling beneath,

and we need to prepare. Join us!

107 (28-03-2021)

Below: Workers have repeatedly rallied and marched

against lockdowns.

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Above: Map showing the string of US military bases encircling the People’s Republic of China.

25-04-2021: The threat of war in the Asia-Pacific

looms as large as it ever has in 2021. Or should we

say, the Indo Asia Pacific. The language emanates

from the highest levels of Washington’s war

machine, which operates a number of

“Commands” in regions across the globe to

maintain the US Empire. In 2018, the US Pacific

Command was renamed the Indo-Pacific

Command,108 as US imperialism sought to draw

India into their efforts to militarily encircle the

People’s Republic of China (PRC). Transparently,

US imperialism and its allies such as the

governments of the European Union (EU),

Australia and Japan, are hell-bent on potentially

apocalyptic military confrontations with Red

China, demographically the largest nation on

108 (18-04-2021)

Earth. The PRC’s gigantic and still expanding

socialist economy is rapidly overtaking the

faltering capitalist economies of the West –

something the US/EU ruling classes will risk

anything to prevent from coming to pass.

The formation of the Quadrilateral Security

Dialogue, or “Quad”, is another dead giveaway as

to the intentions. Hardly an innocent undertaking,

the Quad is a glaring attempt to draw more US

allies into an explicit anti-China military alliance –

containing the US, Japan, Australia and India. Its

apologists deny that the Quad is being set up as an

Asian NATO,109 but here the axiom of never

believing anything until it is officially denied

cannot be more apposite. The geographical

surrounding of mainland China from Japan to its

109 (18-04-2021)

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East, Australia to its South, and India to its West is

easily triangulated by the briefest of perusals of a

high school map of the region. As in the 1950s and

60s, the once supreme Western ruling classes are

yet again embroiled in a deadly game to “contain

and roll back communism”. This time, arguably,

the stakes are even higher.

Military grade weapons expo

This is the geopolitical context which surrounds

Brisbane hosting a weapons manufacturers expo

in early June. The very title of the conference

indicates not just a military grade weapons garage

sale, but a subliminal message as to who the

organisers wish to portray as the boogeyman “we”

need to arm ourselves against. The first line of the

publicity for the expo of Land Forces Australia Indo

Asia Pacific International Land Defence Exposition

states openly that the expo showcases

“equipment, technology and services for the

armies of Australia and the Indo Asia Pacific”.110

The explicit exclusion of China, by far the largest

component of Asia, gives the game away. The

110 (18-04-2021)

weapons manufacturers such as Thales,

Rheinmetall Defence, Boeing, DB Schenker, BAE

Systems, EOS etc., are joined by the Queensland

Government and the Australian Army as event

sponsors.111 The links between weapons

manufacturers and the governments of capitalist

countries have been well documented over the

last century. Such governments prosecute wars

which then feeds the profits of weapons

manufacturers. Yet this does not occur without

underlying politics driving it. Without being stated

overtly, the prevailing politics of the corporate and

government sponsors of Land Forces 2021 are

directed against Red China.

To be sure, what exists in the PRC is not a socialist

society but rather a socialist state. And this state is

heavily and bureaucratically deformed, both by

the multi-class character of its 1949 revolution,

and the saddling of this state with the

Maoist/Stalinist politics of the Communist Party of

China (CPC). Despite this, the capitalist mode of

production was overthrown, land was

nationalised, the predominant and strategic

means of production remain publicly owned, and

the economy is administered through five-year

plans. This – rather than the politics of the CPC – is

what must be defended by working people. At the

same time, to synchronise the socialist state of the

PRC with socialist politics, what is required is the

rule of elected workers’ councils comprised of all

political tendencies committed to the defence of

modern China. That is to say, genuine Leninist-

Trotskyism must prevail over the distortions of

Maoism/Stalinism, despite its relative popularity

in the PRC due to 20th Century history.

Disrupt LandForces 2021

Unfortunately, neither the defence of the PRC

state against US/AUST imperialism, nor even

opposition to war on China is on the agenda of the

activists organising a series of protests against the

military expo, under the hashtag of

111 (18-04-2021)

Above: The logo of the Land Forces military expo. The

designation of “Indo Asia Pacific” instead of “Asia

Pacific” is a strong indicator that the aim is to be a part

of the US Empire’s attempts to contain and incircle the

People’s Republic of China – from the Indian Ocean in

the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east. Image from

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“#DisruptLandForces”.112 In fact, by the omission

of material opposing wars fuelled, led and directed

by the US Empire, #DisruptLandForces can find

themselves on the same side of the barricades as

the US/EU/AUST imperialism, even if this is not

their intention. The wars that threaten humanity

in 2021 are wars waged by the imperialist bloc and

their allies -US/EU/AUST/JAP/CAN/Israel/Saudi

Arabia etc., against the non-imperialist bloc and

their allies – China, Russia, Iran, the DPRK, Libya,

Syria, Venezuela and so on. Most of these wars are

proxy regime change operations waged by

imperialism against the allies of the non-

imperialist bloc. Examples are the destruction of

Green Libya in 2011, the Nazi coup in Ukraine in

2014, the failed regime change war on Syria from

2011 on, and attempted regime change

destabilisations in Lebanon,113 Algeria,114

Sudan,115 the Philippines,116 Thailand117 and

Myanmar118. Workers must resolutely oppose all

such regime change wars and attempted colour

revolutions organised and funded by imperialism

as a matter of self-defence, even if this means a

temporary bloc with governments targeted by

Anglo/US imperialism which could not be

described as left-leaning or even progressive.

Moreover, #DisruptLandForces activists implore

progressive folk to picket Land Forces 2021

primarily on the basis that weapons

manufacturers will make millions from making

weapons of war. While this is true in itself, the

implication that there should be no army, or that

no nation should maintain and operate a defence

force will be automatically rejected by the working

class. The working class cannot be won to a

position that their nation-state should reduce all

military spending to zero, and nor should leftists

112 DISRUPT LANDFORCES – Disrupt Land Forces (18-04-2021) 113 (21-04-2021) 114 (21-04-2021) 115 (21-04-2021)

make such an attempt. This is effectively a demand

for the capitalist state to abolish itself, and while

workers are no automatic fans of capitalism, they

recognise that states as such cannot be abolished

overnight. Working people can, however, be won

to positions which oppose imperialist wars, i.e.

predatory wars of conquest waged by the

Anglo/US Empire – which today includes proxy

wars of regime change and Western funded

subversion. Therefore, the left should attempt to

convince workers to oppose particular wars, not

the manufacture of weapons per se.


At the same time, there is obviously a need for

working people to oppose the $270 billion by 2030

defence spending plan of the Australian

government, which was announced in June

116 (21-04-2021) 117 (21-04-2021) 118 (21-04-2021)

Above: Image showing the #DisruptLandForces logo.

The organisers of #DisruptLandForces portray

themselves as anti-war and peace activists – but they

have nothing to say about the war preparations of the

US Empire against the People’s Republic of China (PRC).

Image from Facebook

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2020119. This is because the Australian ruling class

itself – through its government – hardly shies away

from an admission that the vast bulk of this

spending will be used to militarily confront and

provoke China, albeit as junior sidekicks of the US

government. They state openly that “we want a

free and open Indo-Pacific”, i.e., one not

“controlled” or even influenced by the PRC, but in

fact presided over by the US and their allies. This

is not even slightly realistic, as the PRC is the

largest nation on earth, it is situated in the Asia-

Pacific, and its economy is still growing rapidly. It

is thus in a position to offer much needed

economic development and infrastructure

building projects to its near neighbours –

something the Anglo/US powers simply cannot,

given their geographical distance and their long-

term economic woes. The only way the

US/EU/AUST ruling classes can prevent this from

happening is by sowing chaos, sabotage and

destabilisation up to and including the collapse of

states. Ergo, Myanmar today.

#DisruptLandforces proclaim their solidarity with

the “people of Myanmar”.120 Here they display

their loyalty – perhaps unwittingly – to the very

“colonisers” they claim to be protesting against.

British imperialism certainly did rule what was

then Burma until independence in 1948. Since

then, the UK ruling class has not ceased its efforts

to virtually recolonise Myanmar. It works in

concert with the US state department to create

and fund an entire “opposition” movement which

will politically serve London and Washington, e.g.,

Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for

Democracy (NLD).121 They managed to subvert

Myanmar’s societal institutions to such an extent

that Suu Kyi became State Counsellor in 2015. The

government of Myanmar had allowed this overt

119 (21-04-2021) 120 (24-04-2021) 121 (24-04-2021)

foreign intervention into Myanmar’s internal

affairs for decades, as many third world countries

generally welcome any financial assistance from

the West. However, the NLD, with backing from

Wall Street, London and billionaire regime change

kingmaker George Soros, had ensured by around

2015 that only they could “win” elections in

Myanmar. Finally, on February 1 this year, the

Tatmadaw (Myanmar military) stepped in and said

enough is enough. Thus the military “coup” was in

fact an act which defended the national

sovereignty of Myanmar.122

The “anti-coup” protests in Myanmar since early

February have in fact been the culmination of

decades of US and UK government funding for

scores of imperialist backed fronts posing as “civil

society” organisations and “NGOs”. The narrative

in the Western corporate media of the Tatmadaw

mowing down entirely innocent and unarmed

“protestors” in the streets of Myanmar is utterly

false and is eerily reminiscent of the storyline spun

by Western governments to cover their atrocious

regime change wars in Libya and Syria.123 As much

as the Tatmadaw is demonised via the corporate

press, it remains the only institution standing in

the way of a total takeover by Washington and

London. In a similar way in which the Pentagon’s

regime change war on Syria was aimed at Russia

(and Iran), today’s “uprising” in Myanmar has

been carefully prepared by years and decades of

covert funding for ANY opposition which could

serve the interests of imperialism in its losing

economic war with Beijing. Patently, Myanmar’s

“protests” today are in fact a US/UK proxy war of

regime change against Red China.124

West Papua

122 (24-04-2021) 123 (24-04-2021) 124 (24-04-2021)

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If #DisruptLandForces fall prey to deception in

relation to Myanmar, they double and triple their

illusions in relation to West Papua (the Indonesian

provinces of Papua and Papua Barat).

#DisruptLandForces, and many “peace” activists,

imagine that the Indonesian government occupies

West Papua, suppresses their culture, and uses

armed force to take the lives of those who call for

“independence”.125 This inversion of reality is

regurgitated by liberals the world over, who are

generally not aware that they are being ensnared

by the very people they claim to be fighting for.

The West Papuan “independence” movement is

not an innocent campaign for “human rights”, but

an armed separatist insurgency predominantly

motivated by ethnic antagonism. This inevitably

spills over into murderous anti-Indonesian

violence, which the Indonesian government must

respond to. For example, in December 2018,

armed Papuan separatists slaughtered 31

Indonesian road workers constructing the Trans-

Papua Highway.126 Papuans who do not

necessarily support separatist independence can

also be targeted with lethal intent, as in the case

of the town of Wamena in September 2019. On

that occasion, Papuan separatist militia attacked

and burnt down sections of the town, killing 30,

including 8 non-Papuan Indonesians.127

This is not to say that there are no political and

economic problems existing in West Papua. Yet

Indonesia is far from an imperialist entity, and all

indications are that the Indonesian government is

attempting to include, rather than exclude,

Papuans within the “Unitary State of Indonesia”.

The Indonesian government regularly spends

billions of rupiah in economic and social

development in West Papua, and not only by

building the Trans-Papua Highway. Where the

geographical terrain does not prevent it,

education (up to Year 9) and health care is

125 (25-04-2021) 126 (25-04-2021)

provided for West Papuans free of charge. The

Indonesian government is also pressing ahead

with its plans to provide electricity to all areas of

West Papua, in some places which have never

before seen a light bulb.128 Would a separate West

Papua, standing on its own, have such resources?

To ask the question is to answer it.

For an end to hybrid wars

#DisruptLandForces is also silent on the major war

underway against the global south and the

workers of the world – the fake “Covid-19”

pandemic. The “virus” provides a cover for

lockdowns, which are a form of extreme violence

against working and oppressed people – no less

than physical wars waged with weapons. Thus we

find that both #DisruptLandForces and Land

Forces 2021 in fact both agree on just who is the

enemy: Covid-19 and China! Needless to say,

working people need to resist ALL hybrid wars

waged by imperialism – against “Covid”, or China,

or Russia, or whoever is the next target. Essential

for this is the building of a vanguard party

upholding genuine Marxism, with international

sections dedicated to the supersession of

capitalism and the inauguration of a socialist


127 (25-04-2021) 128 (25-04-2021)

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(Article sourced from

14-02-2021: Russian Roulette. The deadly game

where participants place a gun to their head and

hope that when they pull the trigger the revolver

chamber will be empty is in many respects a close

analogy for those who, reluctantly or otherwise,

will line up for a vaccine which supposedly will

alleviate some symptoms of the alleged illness

labelled Covid-19.129 This is hardly an

exaggeration. In the US, the Centres for Disease

Control (CDC)’s own Vaccine Adverse Event

Reporting System (VAERS) reported 653 deaths

amongst 12 697 adverse reactions following

Covid-19 vaccinations – and this is just between

December 14 2020 and February 4, 2021.130

Speaking under the condition of anonymity, a

Beijing based immunologist called for the halting

129 (13-02-2021) 130 (13-02-2021) 131

of Covid vaccinations for the elderly, given that

people over 80 have weaker immune systems. This

followed a Norwegian government investigation

into the deaths of 23 elderly nursing home

residents who died after taking the Pfizer-

BioNTech vaccine, which found that in 13 cases the

Covid vax was the direct cause.131

Covid vax is political, not scientific, not medical

The sheer absurdity of attempting to vaccinate the

entire world’s population of 7.8 billion people for

a claimed disease which, if it exists, has an

infection fatality rate of between 0.1 and 0.2%,132

should be obvious. The global death rate over the

past 20 years has remained stable, or has even

investigates-33-deaths-germany-probes-10-deaths (13-02-2021) 132 (13-02-2021)

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declined, even during 2020.133 One does not need

ANY scientific or medical qualifications to

conclude that there is no pandemic, there was no

pandemic, and what has taken place is a malicious

fraud. What has and is taking place is the largest

assault in history on the working class by the top

echelons of finance capital. Primarily this is led by

US/EU imperialism, with the treacherous backing

of the governments of the non-imperialist powers

and nations targeted by the West – the People’s

Republic of China (PRC), the Russian Federation,

Iran and so on. The sacking of millions of workers,

the driving of millions into poverty and

desperation, the closure of national and state

borders, the shutting down of whole sectors of

economies – none of this is carried out in the name

of “health”. To claim so invites ridicule.

The attempted administration of any Covid

vaccine is entirely political; it is an abomination of

both science and medicine. It is yet another

fascistic measure introduced to track and trace

133 (13-02-2021)

whole populations, not only abolishing the most

elementary civil rights, but singling out those who

refuse the vax as dissenters, “anti-vaxxers”,

“conspiracy theorists” and other labels.

Independent thought is an impediment to an

uncontrolled totalitarianism, so those thinking in

a way that does not conform must be shunned,

ostracised and even taken away to quarantine

camps. The labels do not really matter – it is just

an “other” which is supposedly harmful to the rest

of society, so no questions will be asked when they

are removed by people in white coats, or perhaps

even the military. The world has been here before,

and many can see us heading down the same path

today. The difference today is the switching of the

roles of “left” and “right”. In the 20th Century,

fascist movements arose and were sustained by

the forces of the political right, e.g. Mussolini’s

Italy, Franco’s Spain and Hitler’s Germany.

Liberalism serves reaction

2020 saw what appeared to be the reversing of the

historical roles of left and right politics. Instead of

the right-wing leading a movement of reaction, it

is the so-called left which is driving the ultra-

conservative repression we see today. Far from

being enlightened and pluralist “live and let live”

reformers, today’s liberals have been animated by

billionaire capitalists as the henchmen of a dark

fascism which brooks no opposition. Witness

“cancel culture” right up to and including verbal

and physical attacks on those not wearing

facemasks, or those who simply point out logical

inconsistencies with the acts and statements of

politicians and health bureaucrats. We stress that

these political forces are liberal, they are not “left-

wing” in the slightest. Liberals can serve global

capitalism more loyally than conservatives, and

this is precisely what is now occurring. This

confuses many, on both sides of the anti-lockdown

Above: Protestor warning of the dangers of the Covid-19

mRNA “injectables” which alter one’s genetic code

permanently. They do not confer immunity from

infection with SARS-CoV-2 (if it exists), and nor does it

prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2. It is a human

experiment which has never been attempted previously.

Clearly there is another agenda.

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and pro-lockdown divide. However, genuine

Marxism provides illumination.

During the 20th Century, the capitalist ruling

classes handed power to right-wing fascist

movements where they arose, and where they

feared the alternative would be a left-wing or

socialist seizure of power. In Italy, Spain and

Germany during the 20s and 30s, the ruling classes

utilised fascist forces which were not previously

established in the bourgeois parliamentary

system. Yet the bourgeoisie is not by any means

obligated to use conservative forces to impose

fascism. They can use liberal political forces to do

so because both liberalism and fascism has the

same class basis. That is to say, both liberalism and

fascism are political forms of capitalism – the rule

of unelected super-wealthy financiers and

industrialists based on the exploitation and

suppression of working people. The ruling classes

may in fact use existing parliamentary parties to

introduce and enforce fascist dictates – it does not

necessarily need to create new far-right parties.

This phenomenon, while novel in history, only

increases the need for organised working-class

resistance to “woke” capitalism.

All forms of fascism – including the Covidian –

issues the working class with an ultimatum; yield

or stand and deliver. The proletariat has no choice

but to fight for its freedom, and the anti-lockdown

movement is already taking the lead around the

globe. It has every reason to be optimistic in this

struggle, as the overwhelming majority of workers

detest lockdowns, forced facemasks and forced

vaccines. But many are dismayed, given the base

treachery of the lockdown left – fake “socialist”

parties, Union officials and social-democrats who

have merged with the imperialist state as it

imposes the Covid fraud. Whatever their rhetoric,

the lockdown left are but the hangmen of Jeff



The building of the anti-lockdown movement and

resistance to forced vaccines, tracking and tracing,

testing, quarantine camps, isolation and

facemasks is the first step towards liberation. The

permanent elimination of lockdowns will require

the formation of workers’ councils as the incipient

organs of a new state which can begin to dismantle

the old world and lay the basis for the end of the

profit system. Public ownership of the means of

production and a planned economy will forever

end the horror and abuse of Covidian terror, and

generations to come will revere those who stood
