Red alt evalutionn

By Amy Carle

Transcript of Red alt evalutionn

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By Amy Carle

Page 2: Red alt evalutionn


Main image

Lead article Cover lines

Left third

I have kept to a typical cover page layout with my lead article being in the left third so when stacked in a shop this is visible to the buyers.

I based the layout on magazines like NME because it has a similar target audience.I used a very simple font for my masthead and chose colours that would stand out.For the main image on my front cover I based the photograph on a photo taken of the band Paramore. I did this to portray the fact that the band featured is very similar to Paramore and are big fans, so it would attract fans of Paramore and introduce them to another band they may like.

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As with my front cover have stuck to a very conventional contents page layout, making it look professional and keeping it similar to what would be a rival magazine; Q. I have kept it quite simple and not overcrowded it so it is clear to read, creating small areas of white space helps me to ensure a professional look. I have kept the house style consistent on the page (and through out the magazine) by keeping the font and colours the same.

Example of Q magazine contents page.White space

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Pull quote

I haven't kept to many conventions for my double page spread, for example I haven’t got a main image or by line and it is an unusual layout.

I have used columns, however they are in an unusual place (either side of the fold in the page). I have done this so that I could fit lots of images onto the page but also to make the text the main focus.

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I have tried to represent the particular social group I was targeting, by styling the photos as well as possible. I did this by organising the way the band are dressed and also what is happening in the photo for example-The picture of one of the band members swearing brings across the rebellion side of the social group.

By dressing the band in an appropriate way it helps the target audience to relate to the magazine and the bands featured in it.

I represented the social group by…

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My magazine is aimed at teenagers to young adults (15- 25) who are interested in the this genre of music and want to read about the bands they like.

I created a mood board to show the type of reader that would be interested in my magazine.

I included pictures of things they would like doing and the type of things they would wear to create basic image of the target audience.

I think the elements of my magazine would appeal to the target audience because it really relates to the type of music and the lifestyle they are attracted to (messing around, having fun and breaking rules).

Magazine audience..

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“I like how your font and colour relates to your masthead.”

“I think the house style is really good; the fonts and colours flow through the whole magazine.”

“Could of arranged the photos better on the DPS and edited them more.”

After posting my magazine onto my blog I got some very positive and constructive audience feedback…

Audience Feedback

“Your contents page looks really professional..”

“Very good magazine eye catching and well written”

Here are some of the comments I received…

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Attracting my audience..

To attract my audience I tried to add a gossip element to my magazine e.g. Not just asking the band about the music but also slightly more personal questions.

My double page spread is picture led, which according to my previous audience research was suitable for the age range I was targeting.

I think the colours I have used suit the target audience- loud and stand out against the rest.

To attract my target audience I tried to style the photos in way that they could connect with and recognise e.g. the clothes, make up, hair, actions of the band members.

By basing my main image on my front cover to a photograph of the well known band Paramore, I hoped to attract fans of Paramore to the magazine.