Recuperação 7ª série - abril 2012

Leia o texto e responda as questões de 01 a 05 The Onion Sellers A motorist saw two men walking along a lonely country road. They were carrying heavy bags, so he at once informed the police. That morning the police had a broadcast a message on the radio asking for information which might lead to the arrest of thieves who had stopped a train and stolen mail-bags containing a lot of money. The police soon arrived on the scene. They questioned both men but neither one of them could speak English. The men tried hard to resist arrest and kept shouting loudly at the police on the way to the station. When they arrived there, both men refused to say anything and simply pointed at their bags. The police opened them at once and then realized that they had made a terrible mistake. The men were French onion sellers and their bags were full of onions! Apologizing for their terrible mistake, the police set the men free immediately. 1) No texto acima, podemos encontrar quantos verbos regulares no passado? (Conte os verbos repetidos apenas uma vez!) (A) 8 (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 7 2) Qual era a nacionalidade dos dois homens que foram presos pela polícia? (A) brasileiros (B) ingleses (C) franceses (D) italianos 3) Assinale a letra onde estão escritos quatro substantivos retirados do texto: (A) information – onion – morning - bags (B) bags – road – message – stopped (C) questioned – onion – road – morning (D) station – opened – refused – road 4) Qual era a profissão dos dois homens que foram presos? (A) advogados (B) vendedores (C) policiais

Transcript of Recuperação 7ª série - abril 2012

Leia o texto e responda as questões de 01 a 05

The Onion Sellers

A motorist saw two men walking along a lonely country road. They were carrying heavy bags, so he at once informed the police. That morning the police had a broadcast a message on the radio asking for information which might lead to the arrest of thieves who had stopped a train and stolen mail-bags containing a lot of money. The police soon arrived on the scene. They questioned both men but neither one of them could speak English. The men tried hard to resist arrest and kept shouting loudly at the police on the way to the station. When they arrived there, both men refused to say anything and simply pointed at their bags. The police opened them at once and then realized that they had made a terrible mistake. The men were French onion sellers and their bags were full of onions! Apologizing for their terrible mistake, the police set the men free immediately.

1) No texto acima, podemos encontrar quantos verbos regulares no passado? (Conte os verbos repetidos apenas uma vez!)

(A) 8

(B) 9

(C) 10

(D) 7

2) Qual era a nacionalidade dos dois homens que foram presos pela polícia?

(A) brasileiros

(B) ingleses

(C) franceses

(D) italianos

3) Assinale a letra onde estão escritos quatro substantivos retirados do texto:

(A) information – onion – morning - bags

(B) bags – road – message – stopped

(C) questioned – onion – road – morning

(D) station – opened – refused – road

4) Qual era a profissão dos dois homens que foram presos?

(A) advogados

(B) vendedores

(C) policiais

(D) motoristas

5) Em que continente fica o país de onde vieram os dois homens?

(A) americano

(B) africano

(C) asiático

(D) europeu

Statue of liberty

It was a gift of the people of France to the United states in commemoration of 100 hundred years of American Independence.

The statue is on an island at the entrance of New York harbor. It represents a woman with a torch in her uplifted right hand, dressed in robes and standing among broken chains. There is a law book in her left hand with the date July 4 th, 1776 (date of American Independence).

An elevator goes to the top of the pedestal and there are 168 steps from this point to the head. Tourists can also walk to the torch.



island= ilha

uplifted= erguida

chains= correntes

steps= degraus

harbor= porto

there is= existe

there are= existem

among= entre

harbor= porto

standing= em pé

gift= presente

1) Como é possível chegar até a tocha?

(A) andando

(B) de elevador

(C) de carro

e) não é possível

2) O que representa o número 168, que aparece no texto?

(A) o número de andares

(B) o números de degraus

(C) o preço

(D) o número de pessoas

3) O que a estátua representa?

(A) um homem

(B) a paz

(C) uma mulher

(D) a França

4) Na mão esquerda da estátua existe....

(A) uma lanterna

(B) uma tocha

(C) uma manta

(D) um livro

5) O país que deu a estátua de presente para os Estados Unidos fica em qual continente?

(A) europeu

(B) americano

(C) asiático

(D) africano

Texto 1 - Dinosaurs

A hundred million years ago there were a lot of dinosaurs in the world. Some lived on the land and some lived in the sea. Some could fly. A lot of them were big and some had horns or long teeth like the monsters in the films.

The world was full of dinosaurs for 135 million years, 60 million years ago, however they were all dead. What happened to them?

The dinosaurs could not live in a cold climate. 100 million years ago the world was not a very cold place, but some scientists say that about 65 million years ago the world’s climate was cold and this cold climate killed the dinosaurs. Now we can see dinosaur bones in museums, but we cannot see a real dinosaur.


Scientists measure the intelligence of animals by setting them “problems” and observing their responses. From such tests it emerges that apes, whales, dolphins, dogs and cats are the most intelligent. Of the hoofed animals, pigs are the quickest at solving problems. The most intelligent of the rodents is the squirrel.

Naturally, these experiments are done by using tests based on human capabilities. They measure the intelligence of the animals in relation to our own. It is, therefore, much easier to obtain results with animals which are closer to us. If a means of communicating with the rest could be found, perhaps we should find that even the most “ignorant” little animal could teach us something.

Texto 3 - The Onion Sellers

A motorist saw two men walking along a lonely country road. They were carrying heavy bags, so he at once informed the police. That morning the police had a broadcast a message on the radio asking for information which might lead to the arrest of thieves who had stopped a train and stolen mail-bags containing a lot of money. The police soon arrived on the scene. They questioned both men but neither one of them could speak English. The men tried hard to resist arrest and kept shouting loudly at the police on the way to the station. When they arrived there, both men refused to say anything and simply pointed at their bags. The policeman opened them at once and then realized that they had made a terrible mistake. The men were French onion sellers and their bags were full of onions! Apologizing for their terrible mistake, the police set the men free immediately.

Texto 4 - Seeds of speech

A quarter of the world’s population will speak English. For 1.1 billion, it will be a second or a third language. English is rapidly becoming a language for business, science and popular culture. Three quarters of the world’s mail and 80% of the electronic mail on the internet use English. As English spreads across the world, perhaps English will fragment into different languages as Latin fragmented into French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and other languages.

1) Existem dois textos que estão escritos no passado. Quais são eles?(A) 2 e 4 (B) 2 e 3 (C) 1 e 4 (D) 1 e 3

2) Qual dos textos está se referindo ao futuro?(A) 1 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) 3

3) Assinale a única afirmação verdadeira:(A) O texto 3 está no presente e o texto 1, no passado.(B) O texto 4 está no futuro e o texto 2, no presente.(C) O texto 4 está no presente e o texto 2, no futuro.(D) O texto 1 está no passado e o texto 3, no presente.

4) Quanto aos textos apresentados, é correto afirmar que...(A) Apenas o texto 04 não menciona nenhuma profissão.(B) Todos os textos falam sobre profissões.(C) Apenas os textos 02 e 03 mencionam profissões.(D) Apenas os textos 01, 02 e 04 mencionam profissões.

5) Segundo o texto 04, o que ocorrerá com a lingual inglesa?(A) Não sofrerá nenhuma mudança.(B) Talvez dará origem a outras línguas assim como ocorreu com o Latim.(C) Vai ser derivada da língua portuguesa.(D) n.d.a.