Recovery Place Drug Rehab

covery Place Drug Rehab CALL NOW: (408) 329-7385 Suicidal though FROM substance abus

Transcript of Recovery Place Drug Rehab

Recovery Place Drug Rehab CALL NOW: (408) 329-7385

Suicidal thoughtsFROM

substance abuse

Over 1 million individuals die every year because of suicide, according to the World Health


Recovery Place Drug Rehab CALL NOW: (408) 329-7385

Over 30, 000 individuals commit suicide every year in

the United States.

Recovery Place Drug Rehab CALL NOW: (408) 329-7385

Study indicates that the two key most crucial suicide risk factors are mental health disorder and DRUG MISUSE OR ABUSE.

Recovery Place Drug Rehab CALL NOW: (408) 329-7385

Alcohol prompts to impulsive, extemporary suicides because of

its dis-inhibiting properties.

ALCOHOLRecovery Place Drug Rehab CALL NOW: (408) 329-7385

Cannabis can increase risk of mental issues such as

depression and making it worse.

CANNABISRecovery Place Drug Rehab CALL NOW: (408) 329-7385

Studies found that cannabis was the most used detected drug in individuals who have committed suicide.

Recovery Place Drug Rehab CALL NOW: (408) 329-7385

Alcohol and drug abuse can increase suicide risk.

Let us STOP this threat and live a life of serenity.

Recovery Place Drug Rehab CALL NOW: (408) 329-7385

Treatment centers like us

can BREAK your substance addiction.

Start it with US!

Recovery Place Drug Rehab CALL NOW: (408) 329-7385

Recovery Place Drug RehabCALL NOW: (408) 329-7385
