Records & Information Management (RIM) Risk: Is Your Company Exposed? March 19, 2013

Records & Information Management (RIM) Risk: Is Your Company Exposed? March 19, 2013


Records & Information Management (RIM) Risk: Is Your Company Exposed? March 19, 2013. Agenda. Today’s Business Environment Risks of Today’s Business Environment What is Records/Information Management Approaches for Implementation Factors for Success Why Companies Fail Questions. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Records & Information Management (RIM) Risk: Is Your Company Exposed? March 19, 2013

Page 1: Records & Information Management (RIM) Risk:    Is Your Company Exposed? March 19, 2013

Records & InformationManagement (RIM) Risk: Is Your Company Exposed?

March 19, 2013

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Agenda Today’s Business Environment Risks of Today’s Business Environment What is Records/Information Management Approaches for Implementation Factors for Success Why Companies Fail Questions

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Business Environment • Staff are drowning in information – 90% of

information is “born digital” with few controls to manage

• More use of technology – keep making records• Information growth trends are continuing e.g.

email, drives, tweets, blogs, wikis, mobile devices etc., etc.

• More legislative requirements

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Business Environment

• More litigation/discovery – ESI (electronically stored information)

• Limited resources – need to be more efficient• Information creation is decentralized at the

desktop – everyone’s a records manager today with little or no training

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• Regulatory Compliance

• Litigation

• Data security and privacy

• Operational Inefficiencies

• Hardware and software obsolescence

• Reputational

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What is Records Management

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It’s all about IG

Records/Information Management + Risk Management

= Information Governance (IG)

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Required ComponentsAudit



Technology ECM

Retention Schedule - Inactive records management

Classification Scheme - Active records management


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What You Need To DoWho’s in charge - accountability

Need strong senior management support so

staff know the initiative is important

Need to “walk the talk”

This is not a project but a lifestyle

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What You Need To DoKnow Your Records - Conduct an inventory

What records exist? Where they are located? Format? How old are they? Official vs. transitory? How often used? Who is accountable?

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What You Need To DoDevelop Common Naming Conventions

Provides an address for the records – where to store them

Records are linked to the retention schedule by the classification scheme

Ensures staff are using the correct terminology to name their documents so documents inherit the correct retention period

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What You Need To DoDevelop the retention schedule

Appraise Records Operational Administrative Financial Legal Archival Vital

Most records are NOT covered by legislation – so the business “owners” with legal and tax advice must make the decision as to how long to keep them

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What You Need To DoDestroy Annually

Outline records disposition policies and procedures as an established pattern of systematic document retention and destruction

Annual systematic destruction process NOT when you get around to it

Ensure no audits, government investigation or litigation pending

Certificate of Destruction

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What You Need To DoTraining and Education

Initial and ongoing training for all employees

Don’t forget about new hires – develop a process with HR

Training should include at a minimum Records Classification – in which “bucket” do they fit Purpose and importance of a retention schedule Risks to the organization for not following it Official v.s. transitory records Transfer to offsite storage Destruction practices Legal hold practices

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What You Need To DoAuditing & Monitoring for Compliance

Staff need to know this is as important as a financial audit – consequences for non compliance

Internal audit to include records management practices

Provide to departments an ‘audit findings’ report on records/information management compliance

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Critical Factors for Success Senior Management Support

Change Management Strategy

Commitment to Continuous Improvement

Responsibility and Accountability

Pace of Implementation: Phased Approach

Maintains Momentum

Success Measurement and Demonstrated


Training / Auditing / Reporting

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It’s more than purchasing technology

No leadership support

Lack of communication

WIIFM Theory

No accountability/ownership

Why Companies Fail

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No support – help desk needed to

answer rim questions

No consequences for non-compliance

Technology too complicated

Email integration - automatic delete


Why Companies Fail

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What information is retained? Where it is stored? How long to retain it? How that data is protected? How polices, standards & regulations are


RISK & RIM – Do you know?

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Success = Accountability/Ownership

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Thank You!

RIM Inc.Caroline Werle(416) [email protected]