RECORDED MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1901. At Auction i 24/Buffalo NY Review... · 2017-01-14 · Christo Is...

A * * > < THE BUFFALO REVIEW, TUESDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1001. /T' THE METROPOLIS rExtension of Dumas’ Monte Christo Is Causing a Lot of Talk. COUNTY TRANSCRIPTS ERIE COUNTY. OFFICIAL RECORDED MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1901. Yiddish Version of Uncle Tom’s Cabin Is a Unique, Yet Brilliant Conception. ' _________ _ K (Special to THE REVIEW.) NEW tOHK, June 3.—The contin- ued activity of the theaters, so re- markable for this time of the year, is a matter of general comment. In- stead of two or three theaters clos- ing up last week a couple of new plays i were put on and several dates for elos- ! Ing postponed. One of the two new plays is Sydney Rosenfeld’s quaint conceit which he ! has called “‘The King’s Carnival.*' The delay in its production at the New i York Theater was due to Mr. ltosen- feld’s desire to perfect the piece. “Tne I King’s Carnival” is, if anything, a little better constructed than was Mr. JRosenfeld’s “Reviews” and contains 1 some bright hits. It is a fantastic story in which some of the current plays of the season are travestied and Its production at the moment is there- ; t ore opportune. , The story begins at a point where Philip of Spain is being bothered by his brother, Don Jose, when llenry VMI. of England and ills sister, Mary /Tudor, come in the King’s Palace. The two monarchs formulate a scheme to marry Mary and Jose. As Marie Dress- !ler is the Queen of Spain, and Laura Burt Dolores, the chaneps for fun can be imagined. The other points touch mainly upon “In the Palace of the King,” ’'“When Knighthood Was In ; Flower,”«*‘Under Two Flags”\and “The Climbers.” ^, The other important novelty is “The Prisoner of Algiers,” produced at the (American Theater. The play Is from ( the pen of Frank Linden and the plot 'is an exceptionally'strong one. It Is a continuation of Dumas’ Immortal , story, “Monte Christo.” Several of , Dumas’ characters who have not pre- viously been seen on the stage are pro- duced in “The Prisoner of Algiers.” IThe extension of the story commences 'with the dying of Edmond Dantes who leaves a legacy of revenge, together i with his enormous wealth, to his son, ! Albert, whom Danglars and Bennedet- to plan “To kill. Albert finally kills i Bennedetto in the cave on the island ! of Monte Christo, where the wonderful 1 jewels of the Spada are hidden, He 1 then marries Eugenia Douglas. The scenery is exceedingly beautiful and the pljiy entitled to a good run until the house closes. i The last three weeks of Julia Mar- 'lowe’s stay at the Criterion Theater In . “When Knighthood Was in Flower” finished last night. Miss Marlowe has postponed the production of her new play, “Grierson’s Way,” for the pres- ent. “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” the revival of Nvhich has been a great success here, has gone to Chicago, where It may ~vstay most of the sumiper before the projected southern tour is undertaken, i I have never seen “Undo T o m ’s Cabin” played In German but If It ‘ehould ever be produced at the Irving IPlace Theater under Herr, Conrled’s management I am certain that I would find an excellent production of it. t While Brady’s magnificent produc- tion of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” is delight- ing New Ydrk audiences nightly at the Academy of Music, audiences of a far different and, Incidentally, more inter- esting kind are enjoying a dramatiza- tion of Mrs. Stowe’s popular novel a score or so of blocks away from tne big metropolitan theater. In the People’s Theater, on the Bowery, whose patrons are the Inhabitants of the Now York .Ghetto, and where the productions now are entirely in the Yiddish language, a Yiddish version of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” is being produced. Some of the ’ parts in the foreign production are so | excellently brought out that the pro- : duction is in many respects tho* supe- rior of Brady’s play. Herr Thomasschefsky, who takes the part of Uncle Tom, is truly a wonder- ful performer. His rendering of the title role may well cause Wilton Lack- eye, who is the Uncle Tom of the Brady production, to thank his lucky stars that his Hebrew rival’s repertoire is essentially Yiddish and that Thom- 'asschefsky is not ambitious to take the English role. i No plays are deemed too ambitious for these Ghetto tragedians. Aid!, a n - other star of the Yiddish stage, whose (talent has given him a reputation out^ side of Ghetto circles is constantly ap* pearing in Yiddish versions of Lear, Hamlet and other Shakespearean roles, ;iwhile Thomasschefsky is never so hap- py as when Interpreting Pinero’s plays I and the like, all of which, strange to 'say, arereceived by the Ghetto Inhab- itants with as much appreciation as that received by any Broadway audi- ences. NOTICE. The record items as printed below are given just as they are furnished us by the County Clrek from the public re- cords, and do not necessarily affect the credit or business standing of the part- ies mentioned; and any explanation of any of the Items that mpy appear from time to time, we shall be pleased to fubllsh at the request of the parties in- terested. s Unuer no circumstances will any judgment or decree, or other matter f record be withheld from publication y this paper. Under the contracts we have with our subscribers to furnish them a complete report daily of all such items as are placed on record by the County Clerk, we cannot under any circumstances comply with the many requests that are made to us to with- hold certain items. PREFER SLAVERY Natives of Zanzibar Havo No He- ll sources of Their Own. I <*2pedal Cable to THE REVIEW.) L0N1X)N, Juno 3.—Ninety-eight per cent, of the slaves of Zanzibar and Pem- ! ba prefer to remain slaves, according to correspondence issued by the foreign 1 olfice concerning the working of the de- cree’s freeing the slaves. Fewer slaves applied for freedom" in 1900 than in 1S99, because, tho British commissioner avers, most o-f the slaves know that, they are non likely to gain much present advant- i age, seeing that those who were thrown »n their own resources have a difficult tlmo to make a living. The masters have I beetn kinder since tho 'slave legislation Was enacted and seek to make their sorv- ,lce more attractive. Hotel Rules and Regulations. , The law makes It compulsory for every Hotel Keeper to post those cards (with .tho law printed thereon) in tho office, and In every bed-room in tho hotel. These cards, price 10 cts. each or $1.00 per doz , for sale by Williamson Law Book Co., 13 6. Division St., Elllcott Square. ” ONE CENT ONE CENT lc 1c V V V y y y y ? i y y y i o * One Cent for The Review Means a Morning Bargain Every Day ONE CENT lc ONE CENT lc *♦> $ X * X * X ‘f y y y y x * ? y y y y t s ? $ *1* v V Record of Judgments* llenry and MTnnlo ®chneider1 In favor of Jacob Reineir—Robt F Schelling .......................................... 856 01 Chas Gagnon and Ivewls Haines— Simon Hey man and one ............ 73 60 John B Kellehor—Jas M Merritt Co-J F ‘Patterson ........................ Ill 31 John Berst—Anna M Berst—Abram Bartholomew ............................. 11138 Wm I. and Louise M Sheldon—Mfg & Traders’ Bank—Rogers, Locke & M ................................................. 131 66 Ilavilland 1. M Chepmell—Geo Win- zenrkd—Hammond &, H .................. 3061 Arthur Cary to Mclennan French Paint Co—AugBecker .. ................... 5839 Note.—The judgment filed on May 27th against LeRoy Gas & Electric Co in favor of Mary Packard and one, should have been In favo-r of Mark Packard and one. NOTE-Wo are requested to state that the three Judgments against E. <fc\ F. Glor In favor of James W. H. Kelly, as re- ported In yesterday’s RlOVIEiYV, are for court costs In a von'tosted matter, and are 'transcripts of judgments entered in Niagara County. These judgments will bo satisfied of record as soon as satis- faction pieces can be obtained from Niag- ara Gounty. Chattel Mortgage*. Emery M llaverty and one to Elijah M Sanford ...................................... 30 00 Wm iSerin, to Pam American Junk Co ...................................................... 35 00 Dow & McMahon to II D Taylor.. 371 58 Lawrence Barth to Ziegele Brew Co 789 00 Tho following chattels were given to Irish ■& English: Ida E Lahey $90.17; Mil- lie Bond $20.73; Robt P Ilorlock $29.15; Matilda Wilson $19; Chas Richard $16.60; Gertrude Nlcol $24.50; John Dewe $48.13; Mairy Brines- $34.50; Bradley -S Dewel $29.70; Libbie Curtiss $36.75; Lizzie Dorschel $68.vo; Maria Barton $49.50; Alice llager $109.20; Mary Weber $18.50. The following chattels were given to Erie Co L Co: Henry F Oefner $50; C J Weis $50; (Sami Brown and one $58; Laura Blake $20; Julia A Rlechert $50; Agnes J Kelly $30. The following chattels were given to Fidelity Credit Co: S Brown and one $85; Mrs Nellie 1 Baldwin $112; John Jewell and one’ $75; Elizabeth J Farthing and one $100. RENEWALS. Abraham Rauh to -Sam-1 Baumann 69 67 The following /renewals were given to John G Seeger: Mrs Annie Van Velsor $27.94; John H McLean $9*5.36; John T Mooney $253.64. The following renewals were given to New Century L Co: Frank J S'chefTield and one $12; Fdk J Danat and one $130.81; Edw J McKenna and; one $31; Jas It Con- nell and one $14. Mortgages* CITY. Frank P Boecha't t-o R-oyden *W Vosburgh, 'Seneca st, p m .......... 6000 00 Harlan -P Bullard to Mary It Day and one, Bird ave nr Dewitt — 2500 00 Henry J Weber to Henry Becker, Jefferson nr Dodge st ................. 4000 00 Lottie M Wilcox to Jas- C Beecher, Ohio nr Washington st ............... 300 00 Thos Carlton to Buffalo S» Bank, Allen nr College st and College st prop ........................................... 25000 00 Kath Laukhardt to Aug Goetz and one, Eoep-ere st nr Walden ave, p m ................................................. 600 00 Rose B Heinrich to Homestead S & L A, Pries ave nr 'Triangle st 500 00 Martin. Kus-ter to Francis S Bur- zynski Hilton nr I.ovejoy st, p m 200 00 Rachel Oberstein to Irish Ameri- can S & L A, Beckham- nr Mon- roe st ................................................. 2500 00 Geo S' Hobble to Erie kS <& L A, Elm-wood Ferry st .......... 2800 00 Aug Kaltenbach to Charlotte M Kaltenbaeh, Broadway nr Bowen st and var prop .............................. 92500 COUNTRY. Chester A Nye t-o Exrs of Geo M Pierce, Hamburg ........................... 3374 00 Geo W Havens to Finley Swarts, News-'tead ........................................... 50000 Assignment of Mortgages* John Cunneen to Lizzie A Cunneen ---- / Discharges xof Mortgage*. Arnold Bloedt to Edw Becherel, Oct 1898. Exrs- of N B Wickware to Lucius Mont- gomery, Dee 1899. Union Firo Ins- Co to iS'arah J Corkery, Oct 1898. llenry W Glllott to Arthur- E- Webber, March 1901. Mary F Clark to Margaret Parrish, Jam 1898. John Hellmuth and one to Vito Mare, Feb 1897 and Ja n 1900. Board of Trustees of the Y M C A to Lewis Warner, May 1898. Western U Bank ta Henry Friedrich, June 1891. Harriet A Holloa to Nolaon II Thurbor, Sept 1897. Jane Vandermuelen to Jos Timmerman, July 1899. \ J Byron Aney to Harry C Wright, June 1899T Julia II Kuhn to John F Taylor, April 1896. Erie Co 8- Dank to John Illgham, May 1900. Anna L Kbenau to Kath Ruhr, l>ec 1900. Sami R Moore lo Marlo-n 1* Hatch and one, Jan 1897. Queen City Abstract Co to Peter A Fin- la y<son, June 1900. Geo P Wilkins to Oath T Davis, June 1896. Horace C Mills to Michael W Carr, April 1892. Exrs of Alex Gotwalt to Addle Enger, June 1890. Deed*. CITY. Wm M Farrell to Nathan D Cort- right Jr., 1. 87 T 11 R 8 and var prop ....................... 250 00 Anastaza Kowalozyk to Stanislaus Chm4elew.«ki, 30x100 ft w t> - Wil- son st 240 ft s of Peck ham st __ 1625 00 Mary A Boechat <cnd one by referee to Frank P Doochat, 60x133 ft s w s Seneca st ..................................... 6529 83 Ianilse M Keller to Bauerweln <fc Keller, 25x100 ft w e of Alexander pl ....................................................... 1 00 Julia Moissiivac to Harriet N Heinze, 33x90 ft w h of Dearborn st ....................................................... 1 00 Ellen Homlfin to Elmira Mut Bldg L Assn, 25 f-t fr n s of William &t 259 fte of Willlumsville rd .......... 1 00 Julia B Oatoe to ChflG’/echeaibner, 30x123.6 ft n w 6 of ImVewood mve 240 ft s \v of Abbott’s Corners -rd 1 00 John J P Read by exrs to Aug Si- mon, 22Vi ft fr n b of Broadway. 1 00 Gnstave-as Bimon to An-S Biinwn, 22*4 ft fr n e of i>no»dway ................ 1 00 Plerie De I j G . f^nter to Borah Do Im Frontier, 40x100 ft w e of Ikirw- dell ave 105 ft w of Delaware ave 1 00 John L fliiydew 1<r> Kn<h Ltiukhardt, 30 ft fr © 0 l.o©4>®re st 241 ft s of WaKIen ..................................... I 00 Linus J McAdtttn by referee to Wil- lard P fjirrlth, 30.82 ft n w cor Roes eh crvd Kckert nt ................. 90 00 Francis B Rvkroyn#kl to Martin Kiw*- ter, 30x100 ft w s Hilton st 160 ft s of lAJvejoy st ............................... uirst. :nry W Hill, exr of Jane E Thornton, gst Mary Goldsmith et al—William II Wm M Colvin to Michael Schamel, Hamburg .......................................... 1 00 'Wm Clancy to Danl O Ple?S?; Ham- burg . .T.f. ............... ...? 100 Edw Rapln and one to Henry A Moest, Cheeka ........................................... 50 00 Friedrich O E Frel-wald to F Earnest J lf c * 1 °! gairet A Higgins, Akron .............. 10 00 Li* Pendens. Elizabeth -9 Pa-rkhurst a gst Hester Bar - rett et al—G W Pa.rkhurs;t. Henry J Weber exr of Henry Weber agst Michael Burgas see et <vl—-Sehwendler & Les'ter. Elizabeth- -S Park hurst agst Belmontt I\u'k Land Co et al, Amherst—G W Park- hurst. He lu- ngs -------- ----- Means. Chas B Fenner agst Cath Sled lor et al— Btrobel & Corey. Ijoulsa A Diehl, admx of Philip A Smith agst Tonawanda Street Planing Mill Co —It F Schelling. Buff^ilo Cement Co, Ltd, agst Joel W ltiisseM et al—Tuttle & Callao. \ J Clara A Erlsmian agst Horace G Erlsman et al, Clarence—Same. Bills of Sale. Henry B'im'on to Nathan- Rodem- berg ...................... ., ...................................... 150 00 Plerle Do I.n» Franle-r to Sarah Do ' La Franler ...................................... 1 00 Moclianie’s Lien. Henry Longnecker agst Eliza Win- temuth (owner) Amherst ............... 655 25 Jos Graehowsk'l agst Josephlno M Rode (owner) ................................. 87 00 ^ Discharge of Bill of Sale. D J Joy lo J W Ro-se-ndale ... (Given Nov. 2, 1899.) 150 00 NIAGABA COUNTY. OFFICIAL, LOCK PORT, N. Y., JUNE 3, 1901. Judgments. Wm B Young and Beit A Osborn In favor of John M -Smith ........... 810 35 Albert Solt'ow—Chas Pafk .............. 33 19 Antonio Cullotba—M'lch-ael Cullojlta^ 99f52 Matilda J and Chas F Ma eke ana— The Fidelity T & G Co................ 1019 48 Same^Samo ...................................... 11112 49 Mortgage*. Willett W Read and Elizabeth Head to Katherine Krakoskl .... 3000 00 Marie W Rae Arison and Edgar 10 Arison to Niagara Permit S & L Assn .................................................. 3900 00 Jam-ss Dlrllng to Newf-ane Basket Mfg Co ............................................. 211 79 Henrietta Cook to Electric City Bank ................................................ 1 00 Wpi Os t wo Id to Wm Kmmier ....... 350 00 Geo 11 Matteson to Highlands Land Co ...................................................... 570 00 Wallace G Palmer to Frank P Pot- ter ...................................................... 4000 00 iSanio to Alvah K Potter .?......... 4000 00 Deed*. Alvah K Potter to W'allaco G Palmer .............................................. 1 00 Bessie W Liddle to AbramH Shaw 1 00 Irving W ITota ling by exxrs to Robert S'pencer and ono .......... 325 00 Meehanie’s Lien. J P Albright agst Peter McLaren.. 54 00 Lis Pendens. Herbert J Chadwick agst Simon Miller et al. philander Mott agst John F Kracmer et al. GENESEE COUNTY. 5 ^ ^ a a a a » a a ^ ^ j COUNTRY. Matthew McComb by exrs Ac, to Daniel It Person et al, Grand Isl Anna F Trunk by referee to Flor- ence A Blackmon. Gowanda .... Mur.v M Meade and on-e to Iva M UflNiTnii -'ii W4kl ........ ....... 1 00 1 00 99 00 1 A* OFFICIAL. BATAVIA, N. Y., JUNE 1, 1901. \ Mortgages. ITa'rry C Walker to John C Walker, Byron ....................... 9600 00 Freedom Mead and Carrie Herr to Henry G Edgerton, , Rochester... 2500 CO Chattel Mortgages. I-re-wJs Rupp to G A & I t I Pag^e, Ba t av la .......... ........ j* . ........ 25 00 lieeds. John C Walker to Harry C Walk- ey, Batavia ....................... 9600 00 Thomas Graham to Thomas Gra.- ham and Elizabeth Graham, Ba- tavia ........................................... 1 00 Eva T Knowlton to Daniel Knowl- t-on, Batavia .................................. 900 00 Daniel T Knowlton and wife to Eva T Knowlton, Perry ............. 2000 00 Wm Reed to Margaret Reed, his wife, Batavia ................................ 1 00 COURT PROCEEDINGS. COURT OF APPEALS1—Original mo- tions. Alexander M, Powell, respt., vs F. C. Unde Company. Motion to dismiss ap- peals. ’S, Abraham J.'Hratt, an infant, applt., vs Martha Johnston, Impleaded, -respt. Mo- tion to dismiss appeal. No opposition. Albany Exchange Savings Bank, res-pt., vs Wm, C. Brass et al, impleaded, ap.plts. Motion to dismiss appeal. Submitted. Patrick J, McNulty, respt., vs the City of New York, applt. Motion -to add- to calendar and set down for a ddy cer-ta-in. Submitted. John S-ugden and others, resipdts., vs Magnolia Metal Co., applt. Motion to dismiss appeal. Submitted. Minnlo E. Hallett and one as ml mm, applts,, vs the N. Y. C. & II. Jt. R.- R. Co., respt. Motion for reargument. Stib- mltted. t Richard C. La Toure-t'ter, applt., vs Jen - nie B. L Touretter, respt. ‘Motion to dis- miss appeal. Emily S. de He era polls, applt., vs John B. Reilly, Jr., et al, respts. Richard E. Carpenter, impleaded, applt., (also). Mo- tion to open default. May C. Louise Colwell, reapt., v-s the Chapter Genet-al of Americia, Knights of St. John of Malta, applt. Motion to dis- miss appeal. Submitted. Teachers’ Building & Loan Asgn. of New York City, applt., vs Martha R. -Severance and one, respdts. Motion to dismiss ap- peal. Motion withdrawn on p'ayment of $10 costs. People ex rel H. W. CrOmWell, Town Clerk of the Town of Woodbury, respt., vs Jas. Seaman, Supervisor of said Town of Woodbury, applt. Motion by applt. for leave to amend undertaking on appeal and have same filed nunc pro tunc. Bo/tha Albing, ns admx., applt., vs N. Y. y;. & H. R. R. It. Co., respt. Motion for re-^rgument. Submitted. George W. McGill, respt., vs Holmes, Booth <fe Haydens, applt. Motion to ad- vance No. 517 and directing same to be heard with No. 374. Submitted. Ernst H. Holton, respt., vs Benjamin Robinson, applt. Motion for leave to dis-- eontlnuo appeal. Submitted. - In re judicial settlement of the account of Sidney LRowland and- ono as execu - tors of Thos. It. Everett, deed. Motion for re-argument. Submitted-. Frank J. and J. G. Jenkins, Jr., applt,, vs the John Good Cordage & Machine Co., e-t1al, -respdts. Motion to dismiss ap- peal. Submitted In opposition. Consider Parish and onp,' (respdts., vs New York Produce Exchange, et al, applts. Motion to add to present calen- dar and prefer laid us E. Judson for mo- tion. City of Syracuse, res-pdt., vs R. M. Sta»- cey et al. Motion to dismiss appeal. Third National Bank of Syracuse vs Ar- thur G. Keefe. Motion to dismiss- appeal. James Reynolds, respdt., vs Mayer, Dine & Co., applt. Motion to dismiss appeal, j Kmille O. De Heeropolts, applt., vs John B. Reilly, Jr., et al, respts. Richard E. Carpenter, applt. Submitted. Respond- ents to have 10 days’ time to file briefs. People ex rel the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co., respt., vs Wnu J. Morgan, as Co mid-rollor. Argued. People ex rel Eugene Ixjntilhoiv, applt., vs Bird J. Cole-r, as Comptroller of New York City, respt. Argued. llen-ry II. Lyman as State Commission - er of Excise, respit., vs Thosi 11. Chcever and one, applts. Argued. . {SUPREME COURT, Part I.—Hon. Waar- i'on B. IlookeT, Justice. Juno 3, 1901. Mortimer C. Itosenfcld vs Lancashire Ins. Co. On trial. SUPREME COURT, Part IT--Horn Dan - iel J. KeneMck, Justice. June 3, 1901. Arthur Cary vs tho MeTvO.nnon-French Paint Co. Complaint dismissed with costs. Buffalo (Specialty Mfg. Co. Vvs George W. Cole and one. On trial. Henry Fiscutf'vfr John -Streibich, Jr. Or - der of discontinuance. Idi.lo F. Jardeh vs Joseph B. Smith. Like order. Spoil la Zunlstelii a<3 exx, vs Elizubeth G. M-aye? a n a as exrs. Like cir-der. Anna W. Fro^-er vs A, W. Illckmlan and one. L i k e -order. Joseph ‘Sired V,* J5>seph Dls-tonfano-and on$. Like o-^der 1 and canceling 11s pen- dens. In -ro sale of reftl eistate of True M. I^on- gren and onei, infants. Order confirming report 'of special iguan-dlan) a'ncl- directing conveyance, Laura J. Godfrey as admr, vs Wm. Ed- ward H-llls et'ftl.- Order directing referee to dispense with advertising for claims. George M. Noyos a© -receiver vs Samuel M. Van Bant wood et al. Order canceling 11s pendens ns /to' cor tain property. John II. Ilprehouse vs the Armltage- Hcrschel-1 Co. Order substituting Ells- worth, 'Potter & Otorrs as- attorneys for dft. [ Goldsmith D. Johnes vs Mathilda Bu-rz and one. Order appointing -F. R. Peter - son referee to compute. Rosa Hnirrles vs Georg*e K. ‘Sykes et al. Like order to M. B. Moore. In re Chas. H. Ide as chairman, fo-r ap - pointment of commissioners. Order di- recting County Trcnsurei' to pay to Mary E. Whitney awards for parcels 1182 and 1183 for land damages-. In re Same. Like order to> pay Gustav Morgenfcld for parcel 214 a.mended^re- port. Agnes A. Oh-amplln in person and as exx, vs Emma 1<\ Robinson In person and as exx, et al. Order confirming referee’s -report of sale and d-lreot-lng distribution. Anna B. Hoentg vs; Wm. Rlnch-art. Or- der substituting A. C. Morgan as attor- ney for plf. J. R. Kenney vs Hugh McCabe et al. Interlocutory judgment of sale In parti- tion. E. .L. Jung referee -to- sell, Estella MUSMcKenzle and -one vs Wm. McKen-zle et ai. Order confirming -ref- eree’s report of sale in- partition- and .di- recting distribution. Extra allowance of $100 to plf; $25 t-o gdn -ad litem. In re voluntary dissolution of Niagara Falls Co ad & Iron 'Supply Co. Order set- tling account of receiver, directing distri- bution of assets; allowance of $150 to at- torney for receiver. Caroline Hc'ltman vs Josephine STader- rn-an et a-1. Order confirming referee's re - port of sale and directing conveyance. Frank Chaffee vs Union. Dry Dock Co., el al. Order vacating and discharging judgm ent fo-r $77.31. Pasquale Lorenzl vs Sebastian- Caput!. Order discontinuing appeal and amending deft, $5J!0 costs. Holly M. BroAfter’ vs- Chas. M. Bren - ner et al. Order making Isaac Schapl-ro a party de-fendiapt as an Intervening judg - ment creditor. In ro sale of real property of Lenorn M. Sll-ve-mail et al, infants. Order con- firming referee’s) report and dire citing spe- cial guardian to contract. In re voluntary dissolution of Peter Paul .& Co. Order directing receiver to continue business. Donald Gamer on vs Omlar J. Revegles. Order appointing1 Preston R. iS-mlth re - ceiver of partnership and fixing amount of bond at $250, vacating injunction) and denying miction for continuance. Robert W. Farcy vs tho Jacob Dold. Packing C-o. Ofdei* opening default In Municipal Court, vacating judgment -and permitting defendant to answer or d-em‘ur. SUPREME COURT, Special Term-lion, ill C. White JuaJF Jmia.&,;19QL ERIE COUNTY COURT.—Hon. Edward K. Emory, Judge. (Proceeding's of Juno 1, 1901.) Depew Co-Operative S. & L A-ssn. vs Thomas Mullaney and Pne. Order of ref- erence to compute to C. S'. Hatch, and judgment of foreclosure and sale. Same referee to sell. . Empire State iSav. Bank vs Thomias- E. Foies et al. Like Judgment. George J. iS’icard to sell. ' Same Court—Brddeedings- of June 3, 1901. August Hofheinz vs Elizabeth Elser et al. Order appointing Wm. P. Volgm-ore receiver. Bond $500. Florence A. Big vs Frank Trunk et al. Referee’s report of sale confirmed. Wm. II. Coon and one vs Amanda 0. Michael et al. Like order. Mary Dixon vs John Lippert et al. Like order. Cha-s. B, Germain vs Ma.ry M. He-rber and one. Order of discontinuance and canceling 11s p-endens. Ezra Smith vs Howard Jaclision. Uke order. Guy B. Miller vs Joseph J. Churchyard. Like order, > Clark A, Miller vs Jan Paluszldewlecz. Order of publication. J’acob Reiner vs liendy Schneider et al. Order confirming1 referee’s ren-o-rit Pf sale and d-efictehey judgment $856.90. Henry L- Schafer vs,Henry C. Wads - worth. Order amending'Ms pendens, sum- mons and complaint. Elipe::. S. Duncan vs Octavius S. Will- iams et «al. Ordei; of reference to- compute to J. II. Brogan. Ihi re John Parmenta and one, infant's. Order appointing R. R. Hianrmon-d special guardian of sajd1 infants. Bond approved. Frank A. Moser vs Albert.'Moser et al. Order appointing Jas. P. -Sch'ans guardian ad litem of Edward) Mo-ser, Infant defendr ant. Zallle N. Boothe va Joseph M. Golvn. Order dismissing complaint. Jas. H. Barr vs John- Cohn. T.ike order. Margaret Hartman vs John End'res et al. Order of reference to Albert E. Jones to hear, try and determine. Grace E. Burd vs Anton K-ruszka et al. Order of referenco to Wm. B. Dl-ckinsop, Esq., to compute. Am-os W. Morgan v-s^W.m. R. Pearce et al. Like order to I. C. McDowell and judg- ment of foreclosure and sale. Same ref- eree to sell. iSame vs- Same. Order granting plaintiff an extra allowance of $50. In re Augusta R. Davld«on for leave to draw money out of court. Order granted that fund's In Co. Treasurer’^ han-dfe- be paid to !H. J. Ulando, general guardian of Augusta Ruth Davidson or to Thomas IT. Noonan, his attorney. Pasquale Lo-renzi vs tS-ebasllne Oaputi. Order that the above proceedings be and hereby are discontinued-. MUNICIPAL^ COURT—The -Hon. Louis Braunlein and the (Hon, Otto W. Vol-gcr, judges, June 3,11901. F. W. McGuire vs Chas., J. Pilkey. Judg. for plf $29.35. (Ellas Nathan and' one vs Mrs. -Human Davidovitch. Uke judg $55.43. M. & T. Bank vs Wim. L. BheldOn and one.. U k e judg $134.06. Pun-Am. Exposition Co. .vs U. F. Pltass. Like judg $108.85. Sterne vs John N-owak. U ke judg $106.86. Same vs Adam F. Gorske. Like judg $94.85. ‘Same vs Lorenz Winiewicz. -Uke judg $91.85. f Same vs Chas. F. Susdorif. Uko judg $106.45. Some vs Josef Strozewakl. Uke judg $412.85. Elizabeth S-tapf V3 Dorothy Heinburg. Uke- Judg for dft. Geo. Winzenricd vs ‘II, L. ‘M. Chapwell. Uke judg for plf $30.61. Valuable Property A t Auction 9 lots fronting 275 feet on Potomac and- Garner Avs. will be sold on •foreclosure. JUNE 8, AT 10 A. M. At Mutual Life Bldg. Sale Room, (210 P earl St. Aipp’x’t. amount due. $10,(XX). 'Raro Bargain. 'A. S. WEILL, Attorney for Plain- tiff, 409 D. S. Morgan Bldg. COURT CALENDAR. 32, COURT* OF APPEALS-Room City Hall. Court will sit from 10 -a. m. until 2 p. m., (Saturday. Day calendar fo-r June 4 (appeals from orders) Nos. 663, 664, 697, 606, 624, 655 (sub- mit for R.) 664, 666, 6T1 (submit for A.) 672, 676 , 677 (submit for'A.) 678 (submit for R.) 679 (submit for A. & Ii.) 680, 682, 683, 686, 688, 689. The (lay calendar will be made at 2 p. m. for the succeeding day. The eases that were not reached yes- terday and those on the calendar for today, Wednesday' and Thursday are as follows: 663. People < jc rel A. Kllpstein & Co., vs Roberts-, as Comptroller, etc. 664: People Ox rel New York <& East ltlver Ferry Co. vs Roberts, as Com'phrol- lOT CtC. 697. Wilgus vs Wilkinson. COG . People ex rel Clarke vs Police Com- missioners. 624. People ex rel Wallace vs Board of Police of the City of Buffalo. 655. In re application of Haines, etc. (Perry, applt.) 664. National Exhibition Co. vs Crane, as president, etc. (Wa£d, resp't.) ♦ 666. In re account Chapman vs ex- ecutor, etc. 671. People cx rel Luholz vs Civil Serv- ice- Commdsfilones, etc. 672. In re opp-lication of Gardner, etc. 676. People ex <rel Burr as executor vs CominLslooe<re of Taxes. For Tuesday, June 4th. 677. People ex Tel -the Sherwin-WUl- ianrvs Co., vs Commissioners of Tuxe«, etc. 678. Tn re Holton vs Robinson. 679. In re Chapman vs the C'ky of New York. 680. Burnham vs Denilte (Me-snler, respdt.) 682. In re voluntary dissolution of tho Unox Corporation. 683. I11 ro Clinton Avenue, borough of Brooklyn, etc. t 685. Shayne vs the Evening Post Pub- lishing Co. 688. Bteiiuvay and others vs ,von -Ber- nu'th as executor, etc. 689. Oakes vs Oakes and others. •Fqr ^Vedneeday, Jun<- 6th. 69Q. Mcl>on.ald"“vs u> a Mayor, etc., and other**, > 691. Bosworth, -as receiver, vs Allen and others. 692. Ydung vs- Gilmour. 693. People ex i'el Christie vs Board 'of Kduqatlon, etc. 695. In re City of Rochester-, etc., vs Neal and others. 697. I n 1 re Jerome Avenue 'approach (.Hynes vs McCarty and -another.) 698. In ro petition- of King and another, etc. 699. People ex -rel -town of North (Salem vs the City of New York. 701. Foy vs tho County of Westchester. 702..- In re application of Kind, etc. For Thursday, June 6th, 1901. 703. In re application to 'the counsel to the corporation, etc. (Bloss v-s the City of New- York.) 705. People ex rel Frost vs N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co. 706. *dn re application -of the Mayor, etc., (City of New York vs ‘Standard Ga-s Light Co. and others.) 707. In re account of Wotton-, as exe- cutor, etc. APPELLATE DIVISION, 1 4th De- partment, Rochester. Day calendar for today: Ntos. 107, 70, 108, 110, 134, 44, 91, 96. 98, 104. N. b .-1FULTON,-Cl^rk. UNITED STATES DIST. COURT— Western District dt N. Y.—Before Hon. John R. Hazel, District Judge. 'Motions and/ proceedings In bankruptcy and the trial of admiralty and maritime causes and the trials of Issues of fact and of law before the court heard during the week commencing with the firsthand third Tuesday of each month, except August. Special sessions each Tuesday at 10 o’clock. Process and all motlbns and proceedings in bankruptcy must be made returnable and may be heard at either a regular or special session or at a regular term. 141, DelboWt V* Mosle-r--Philip V. Fen- nelly, for plf; Tuttle & (Milan for dft. IG0. TllUnghast vs Ifann- Frank M. I^oomia for plf; Roberts, Becker, Messer & Groat for dft. 166. Jcoehn vs Benton—W. B. GrandUon fo-r plf; T. K. Nafus fo-r dft, ERIE COUNTY SURROGATE’S cpU'RT— Before Hon. Louis W. Mar- oUS, Surrogate. Michael Dunn, -will. Geo. W. Hall, contest will. Emily C. Clark, will. Joseph Arllnger, judicial settlement. Laura C. II. iadber, show cause. Heinrich Glebe, judicial settlement. Christina Bardol, admlnis-t/ratlon. Chas. Coughlin, judicial settlement. NIAGARA COUNTY COURT—Be- fore Hon. Charles Hickey, Judge. No. 6. Carl Sol tow- vs Ernest M m On trial. SUPREME COURT—Niagara County —Hon. John S. Lambert, Justice. Equity Term convenes June 17, 1901. Juno 5tn last day to (file notes, of ies-ue. (L. T. BARNES, Special Dep. Clk. BANKRUPTCY COURT—Erie Coun- ty District—Western District of N. Y. —Before William II. Hotchkiss, ref- eree. No Calendar. 302. 301. 306. 446. 786. ■i SUPREME COURT—County of Erie —P a r t I—Before (Hon. Warren B. Hooker, Justice. Mo Calendar Call Today* For June 4. No. 258 on trial. . •258. Rosenfeld vs London & Lancashire Fire'Ins. Co.—Shire & Jellinek for .plf; Box, Norton & Bushnell for dft. On trial. 254. Uosenf-eld vs Insurance Co. of No. Am.—Shire & Jellinek for plf; Box, •Norton & Bitshftell for dft. 256. Rosen-fold vs German In. Co.—Same attorneys. 260, ltosen/feld vs Aetna Insurance Co.- Same attorneys. , _ 262. Rosenfeld vs Imperial Fire Ins. Co., • Ltd.—Same attorneys. 2()i. Rosenfeld vs Queen Ins Co.—Same attorneys. .Rosenfeld vs Western Fire Ins. Co.— Same attorneys. Rosenfeld vs Western Assurance Co. —Same attorneys. Rosenfeld vs The Spring Garden Ins, Go.—Same attorneys. _ 308. Rosenfeld vs Citizens’ Ins. Co.- Same attorneys. 310. Rosenfeld vs Nat. Fire Ins. Co.- Same attorneys. Kciler vs Lee—L.- H. Jones for plf; Lewis & Lewis for dft. Anibrosio vs N. Y. C. & H. II. R. R. Co., West Shore & Buff. R. R. Co.; the M.C.R.R.Co.—Leroy Andrus for plf; Daniel W. Tear, Herbert E. Kinney, Pooley, Depew & Spratt for dft, 186, People vs Hiemenz— E. R. O’Malley for plfj.J. E. Middaugh, Jr., for dft. 818. Chapin a,nd ono va Allen—Cox A Kimball for plf; Clinton & Thomas for-oft. £76. Nolan vs Schmeader—Daniel V. Murphy for plf; Wm G, Kllhoffor for dft. 442. Schosek vs Village of Hamburg— Stolting & Heath for plf; Fayette Kelley for dft. 474. Nussbaum vs Laux—Robert Glrven for plf; A. M. Thomas for dft. 638. Martin vs Lathrop—H. II. Bacon for plf; C. B. Gibbs for dft. Rogers, Locke & Milburn for dft. 670. Romanowski vs Shepard—R. V. Cal- lan for plf; Clinton B. Gibbs for dft. 628. Mosley vs bobo—John Van Aradale for plf; Cad well & Baker for dft. 6)6%. Fi-erelli vs Dark—II. p. Williams for plf; C. B. Gibbs for dft. SUPREME COURT—Part II—Before Hon. Daniel J. Kenefick, Justice, Room 14. No Calendar Call Today* For June 4. No. 67 on trial. 67. Buffalo Specialty Mfg. Co. v& Cole— 'E. G. Mansfield for plf; J. M, Pro- voost for dft. On trial. 281. McArthur vs Reed—Thayer, Jack* eon A White fo-r plf; Shire & Jelll- , nek for dft. 633. McDonald vs Buffalo Railway Co.— Lansdowno & Moore for plf; Box, ton & Bushnell f-or dft. Held. 1-65. Brown vs Smallwood—C. A. Dolson for plf; Bartlett & Baker for dft. Held. 689%. Slade vs Brauer—Froha & Chapin ' for plf; Olshel & Oishel for dft. 97, Griffin vs Protective Life Assurance Society—Potter & Wright for plf; Wadsworth, Blackmon & Wads* worth for dft. 81. Andrukowskl vs B. R. & P. R. Co.— George N. Frazine for plf; Footo & , Havens for dft. 827. Fisher vs Baxter—Philip V. Fennelly for plf; J. B. Corcoran for dft. 646. (Boyian vs ll'amlln—Samuel M. Welch, Jr., and Thomas Cary Welch for plf; Dudley & Emery for dft. 616. People ex rel La Vedchlo vs United Order of Italian Laborers—Chas. Olshel for plf; Edward T. Durand for dft. 437. Ku-azak vs Mosler—Abram Bartliolo' mew for plf; Love & Quackenbush for dft. 45%. Bu-rt vs Smith—Norris Morey for plf; J. 8. Van Clcff for dft. 131. Flnnerty vs Buffalo Railway Oo.— Charles A.White fo-r plf; 'Box, Nor- _ ton ■& Bushnell fo-r dft. 323. Smith vs Koons-Nelson S. Barrett for plf; Robt. F. Schelling xar dft. 413. Miller vs N. Y. C. & ii. R. R. R. Co.—Jas. W. Burke for plf; Ira A, Place for dft. 625. Schumacher vs Oau't—H. B. Van •Pe.v-ma for plf; Morey & Bosley for dft. 523. Murphy vs Indiana Bridge Co.—‘Fred G. Ba-gley for plf; Rogers, Locke & Mjlburn for dft. 659. Stevenson vs Keller—A. J. Hibbard for plf; Fred D. Russell for dft. 609. Pierce vs Davis— ‘Simon Flelsch- mann for plf; Warren F. Miller for dft. 515. Voikor vs Girvin—Cox & Kimball for plf; Albert F. Geyer for dft. 691%. Dueringer vs Shank—Volger Boyd for plf; Geo. J. Arnold for dft. SPECIAL TERM—Before. Hon. Tru- man C. White, Justice. Non-enumec- ated motions every day except Satur- day, at 10 a. m. and 2 p. m. ELMWOOD AV. N. OF POTOMAC AV. N EW YORK, COUNTY COURT, ERIE County.—Amos W. Morgan against William R. Pearce, et al. In pursuance of a judgment'of foreclos- ure and sale duly granHed by this Cou-rt, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 3d day of June, 1901, I, the undersigned referee, duly appointed In this action dor such purpose, will expose for sale and soil at public auction, to\the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Es-tate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl iSt-rent, In the City of Buffalo, County -of Erie and\ ‘&tate of New York, on- the 26th DAY OF „ (INK, 1901, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or m ) imich thereof as -will -be s-ufflclen't to pay the amount due upon- said judgment, td wit: All that tract or Karod of land-, situate In the City of Buffalo County *of Erie and State of New York, described as fel- lows: Beginning at a point In 'the westerly line of Elmwood Avenue distant 160 feet northerly, from -the northerly lino or Po - tomac Avenue-, -running thence westerly and parallel with Potomac Avenue 160, feet; thonco northerly and' parallel with- Elmwood Avenue about 160 feet to lands npw .or formerly owned by* Tellco John- :y and -alo erly fine of said Johnson’^ land about 150 son; thence easterly and -along>the souith- f*et to. thp westerly line of Elmwood Avenue, and thence southerly along the westerly line of Elmwood Avenue 159 6-10 feet to the plaea of beginning. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., June 3, 1901. IRVIN 0. M’DOWELL, Referee. THOMAS A. (STONE, Plaintiff’s Attorney, No. 916 Elllcott Square, Buffalo, N\ Y. EEAMINGTON PL.,' N. OF SENEGA. N ew york - county court , erie County.—Henry W. (S'prague, as sole surviving Execut-or of the Last Will and Testament of William "Wilkeson, deceased. Plaintiff, against May L. Crosth-walte and oihers, Defendants. In -pursuance of a judgment of foreclos - ure and sale duly granted by this Cou-rt, nnd entered In the Erie Co-unty Clerk’s Office on the 3d day of June, 1901, I, the undersigned referee, duly appointed in this action for such purpose,-will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Plst-ate Exchange Room, No. 210 J’earl Street, In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the 25th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, a.t 10 o’clock in the forenoon 01 that day, tho real estate and mortgaged premises directed in' and by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described' as follows, or eo much thereof 'as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said Judgment, to wit*. All that tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County, of Er£e and /State of New York, being part of LSt One (1) of Buffalo- Creek Indian Reserva- tiom and on a subdivision map of pact of Lots One (1) and Two (2) made for Harrison Williams by Guthrie and Rock- woo-d, (Surveyors, In September, 1896, filed in the (office of the Clerk of Erie County under Cover 610 on the- 29tli diay of March, 1897, Is designated as Subdivision Lot Number Ten (10) in Block “A,” and is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point In the northwester- ly line of Leamington Place two- hundred and eighty (280) feet northeasterly from its Intersection with tho northeasterly line (of Seneca (Street; running thence northeasterly along said line of Learning- ton Place thirty (!») feet; running thence northwesterly and at right angles to said last mentioned line, ninety (99) feet; thence southwesterly and at right angles, thirty (30) feet, and thence southeasterly ninety (90) feet to the point or place of beginning. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y.. June 3d, 1901. RALPH E. HEARD, Referee, MOOT. SPRAGUE, BROWNELL AND MA'RCY, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 45 Erie CO. (Sav. Bank Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. ERIE COUNTY COURT, Trial Term —Before Hon. Edward K. Emery, Jud~e. Fotr June 4. 47. Sdootng vs Utley—Philip V. Fennelly for plf; Bleed 1, Ca-rey & Cooke for dft. Hauser vs Linder—Benedict & Sick mOn for plf; M-aft End res for dft, ■ Newbury vs Newbury—Wadsworth. ; Blackmon & Wadsworth for plf; J, j M. & G. M. Oongdon for dft. Graves vs Cook—Ge-orge W. Wheeler 1 for i>lf; Spaulding * -Sullivan foy ' dft. Lower vs Bird -iSeth A. Abb'.t ,f; Gharlen F, Bolue 68. GO . 65. 76. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF i New York,,to Frederick Kaap, Christ ian Heap, Adolph Haap, Freicla Haap Scholl, Helene Haap. Whereas, Marla Krapp, late of the City of Buffalo, in the County of Erie and State of New YoVk, deceased, left a last will and testament, bearing date the 24th day of April, 1900, purporting to relate to real and personal property, and the same having been propounded for probate by Charles Haap, Executor therein named. You, and each of you, being the heirs and next of kin of said decedent, are therolore cited to appear before the Sur- rogate of our said County of Erie, at the Surrogate’s Office, In the City and County Hall, in the City of Buffalo, in said Coun- ty of Erie, ‘on the * 16th DAY OF JULY, 1901, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day, and attend the piobate of said will. And that, If an(y of the above-named persons are infants, that they then and there show cause why a special guardian should pot be appointed to appear, represent and act for them, in the proceeding for the probate of said will. In testimony whereof, we havo caused the seal of said Surro- gate’s Court to be hereunto af- [L.S.] fixed. « Witness, Hon. Louis W. Mar- cus, Surrogate of our said Coun- ty of Erie. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., this 22d day of May, 1901. . / - LOUIS B. HART, Clerk of the Surrogate’s Court. To tho. above-named Frederick Haap, Christian Haap, Adolph Haap, Frelda Haap Scholl and Helene Haap: Take notice that the foregoing citation Is hereby served upon you and each of you by publication In leecrdanee with the terms of nr order duty granted by the Hon. Louis W. Marcus, Surrogate of Brie County, on the 23d day of May, 1901, and filed Tn the ciTice of said Surrogate at Buffalo, N. Y., on the said 22d day of May. 1901. JOSEPH V SEAVER, Attorney for Ex- ecutor, 635 Mooney-B-rlsbane Bldg., Buf - falo, N. Y. TIIE PEOPLE OF THE (STATE OF 1 New York. To Lucy M. Stllwell, Frank C. Swlf't, Dana M. Swift, Richard L. Swift, Maud1 E. Fish, Edward Swift, Rich- ard L. Swift, Charlotte Swift, 'Mary Swift. Whereas, James C. Swift, late of the Oity of Buffalo in the County of Erie, and State of New York, deceased, left a Last Will and Teslaiment, bearing date the 19th day of May, 1890, purporting to re- late -to real and personal property, and the tamp having been proppunded for probate by Mary Helen Swift, Executrix therein named. You, ami each of you, being the hoira and next of kin ot said decedent, are therefore cited to appear before the Sur- rogate of our said County of Erie, at the Surrogate’s office, In the City and County Hall, in the City of Buffalo, in said County of Erie, on the 0th DAY OF JULY, 1901, at ton o’clock in the forenoon of that day, nnd attend the probate of the said will. And that, if any of the above-named per - sona are infants, that they then and- there show cause why a special guardian should net be appointed to appear, represent and net for them, tn the proceeding tor the probate of said will. In testimony whereof, we caused the seal of sakl Surro- gate’s Court to bo hereunto af- fixed. (L. S.) Witness, Hon. Ixmis W. M&r- cus, Surrogate of our said County ■of Erie. Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., this 22d day of M a y , 1901. LOUIS B. HAiRT, Clerk of the Surro- v,ale's Court. CARLTON E. LADD, Attorney for Petl- limer. 306 Moonoy-Brisbanc Building, Buffalo. N. Y. Summer H ook i-on niHNT. Sturgeon Point, on Lake Brio. RUNNING HOT AND COLD WATER, BATH, ETC. ALL MODERN CON- VENIENCES. HOUSE COMPLETELY FUR- NISHED. HORSES, CARRIAGES, MILK, CREAM, BUT- TER, EGGS, CHICK- ENS, ETC., INCLUD- ING VEGETABLE . GARDEN IN SEASON. SANITARY PLUMB- IN G , E X C E L L E N T DRAINAGE. OO ACRES, 3,000 FEET LAKE FRONTAGE. Inquire, L. W. M., Room 10, City Hall. ( tv ( « < tit C 0 0 0 s C j o II J Wrought Iron and Wire Tree Guards. Wire Vine Frames. Wire Work of All Kinds* Artistic Metal Work* , Wire Cloth and Wire Goods. Scheeler’s Sons, 316-320 Terrace. Near foot of Genesee St. Tel. Seneca 787. 1 8 Q 0.00 Saved by buying ot un Absolutely New . Smith-Premier Typewiiters: We have a stock of NEW Smith- Premier typewriters of latest pattern which we are selling at $S0.00 each. Wo have other machines, new and second- hand, at corresponding prices. Buffalo Typewriter Exchange, 116 Franklin Street., Buffalo* Telephone Sen. 2367. Bids submitted for Metal Work. Repaid . Work Promptly Attended To. F. W. M, HEERWAGEN, Gravel and Asphalt Roofing, All kinds of roofing felts, asphalt, paints and roofing cement. Asphalt fslt roofs guaranteed for ten years. 1508 PRUDENTIAL BUILDING, unices uLKNWOOD AVENUE. Telephone Sen, I&70, Buffalo, N, Y* Telephone Howard 400. Whiccoi lumber TTlllbbcl C OMP A N Y , —Dealer In— Pine and Hemlock Lumber Lath and Shingles* DOORS, SASH. BLINDS. INTERIOR v FINISH. ETC. t079 Clinton Street* Malleable and Steel CASTINGS. PRATT & LETCHWORTH COMPANY , BUFFALO, N. Yi FRANK LENAHAN SON, Dealers In IRON Se STEEL SCRAP AIbo New and Second-Hand Machinery, Engine Boilers, Pumps, etc. Office and Yards, 45-6i Fulton St., cor. Marvin. Machinery warehouse, 174 Ful- ton St. Telephone 841. Buffalo, N. Y. (J. P. KULP, GENERAL CARTING. HEAVY MACHINERY AND SAFE MOVING Office, 6 White Building, Telephone S. 1618. 1 KELLER BROS. Livery Coaches, Coupes, Victorias. Bag- gage, Transfer and Mammoth Moving Vans, Tally hos and Busses. Malta Officer 36 W. Genesee Street* Y. M. C. A. Building. Stables, 1068 1070 Genesee St. Depot ON flee, 157 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. Y. Open Day and Night, Tel. Sen. 053* XROS CASTINGS HEAVY AND £IGHT. Hydraulio Presses, Filter Presses and Vaeuum Pans, for Beet Sugar Works. H. G* TROUT A CO., 326 Ohio St. EBtlm&tes Cheerfully Furnished. Est. 1881. F \ F E Y L ,> House Painting: and Decorating:, 677 VIRGINIA STREET. Formerly at 806 Main Street. Telephone G59. Buffalo, N. Y« Metal Pattern Making: Model and Experimental Work, Machine Repairing of every des- cription. Elsenhaus Hachine Shop,' Tel. Sen. 388. COO Washington St* F. J. SCHAFER, . [email protected] Tailor, xS Court Street, BU FFA X aO , « TNT- V . F. V. JONES ELECTRICAL WORK. Equipment, Construction. Repairs. 126 Franklin Street. Notice to Creditors. / t EVYN, SIEGMUND—Pursuant to an Jj order of lion. Louis W. Marcus, Sur- rogate of Erie County, N Y., notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against SlegmunJ Levyn, late of the City of Buffalo. In said county, deceased, that they are requtred to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the undersigned executors at the office of Blmon Fltlsch- mann, 1003 D. *J. Morgan Building, Buf- falo, New York, on or »*fore tHe. tenth day of July, 1901. Dated, January 4, 1901. THEODORE ITOFEEDER. 4, JOSEPH DESIJECKEH, . E x e c u t o r s . SIMON P i Af. i3CHMANN, Executors’ At- torney. * I for acceptable Ideas. > State If patented. [THE PATEN if KF.CQRD, BiVltiMQtfc I Dissolution Notice. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN—The firm of Pappas Bros. &. Co., manufactur- ers of cigarettes, nt No. 18 "West Eagls Street, Buffalo, N. Y.. has been dissolved, and the business of tho firm will in con- tinued by Emanuel 1’appns, who bus au- thority to collect all debts duo tho con cern, and. who will pay all bills owed by said concern. Dated, May 29th. 1901. K ,MA N th i PAPFAc GEORGE jltAFFASI. i Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

Transcript of RECORDED MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1901. At Auction i 24/Buffalo NY Review... · 2017-01-14 · Christo Is...

Page 1: RECORDED MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1901. At Auction i 24/Buffalo NY Review... · 2017-01-14 · Christo Is Causing a Lot of Talk. COUNTY TRANSCRIPTS ERIE COUNTY. O F F IC IA L RECORDED MONDAY,



THE METROPOLISrExtension of Dumas’ Monte

Christo Is Causing a Lot of Talk.


E R IE C O U N T Y .


R E C O R D E D M ONDAY, J U N E 3, 1901.

Yiddish Version of Uncle Tom’s Cabin Is a Unique, Yet Brilliant Conception.

' _________ _ K

(Special to THE REVIEW.)N E W tO H K , June 3.—The contin­

ued activ ity of the theaters, so re ­m arkable for this time of the year, is a m a tte r of general comment. In ­stead of two or three theate rs clos­ing up last week a couple of new plays

i were put on and several dates for elos- ! Ing postponed.

One of the two new plays is Sydney Rosenfeld’s quaint conceit which he

! has called “ ‘The K ing’s Carnival.*' The• delay in its production a t the New i York T heater was due to Mr. ltosen-feld’s desire to perfect the piece. “Tne

I K ing’s C arnival” is, if anything, a little b e tte r constructed th an was Mr. JRosenfeld’s “Review s” and contains

1 some brigh t hits. I t is a fan tastic s to ry in which some of the curren t plays of the season are travestied and Its production a t the moment is there-

; t ore opportune., The sto ry begins a t a point where Philip of Spain is being bothered by his brother, Don Jose, when lle n ry VMI. of England and ills sister, Mary

/Tudor, come in the K ing’s Palace. The two m onarchs form ulate a scheme to m arry M ary and Jose. As Marie Dress-

! le r is the Queen of Spain, and L aura B u rt Dolores, the chaneps for fun can be imagined. The other points touch m ainly upon “In the Palace of the K ing,” ’'“ When Knighthood W as In

; F low er,” «*‘Under Two F lags”\a n d “The Clim bers.”

^, The other im portan t novelty is “The P risoner of A lgiers,” produced a t the

(Am erican Theater. The play Is from ( the pen of F ran k Linden and the plot 'i s an exceptionally 'strong one. I t Is a continuation of D um as’ Immortal

, story , “Monte Christo.” Several of , D um as’ characters who have not pre-■ viously been seen on the stage are pro­d u c e d in “The Prisoner of A lgiers.”I The extension of the sto ry commences 'w ith the dying of Edm ond D antes who■ leaves a legacy of revenge, together i w ith his enormous wealth, to his son,! A lbert, whom D anglars and Bennedet-• to plan “To kill. A lbert finally kills i B ennedetto in the cave on the island ! of Monte Christo, where the wonderful 1 jew els of the Spada are hidden, He 1 then m arries E ugenia Douglas. Thescenery is exceedingly beautiful and th e pljiy entitled to a good run until the house closes.

i The last three weeks of Ju lia M ar- 'low e’s s tay a t the C riterion T heater In . “ W hen Knighthood W as in F low er” finished last night. Miss Marlowe has postponed the production of her newplay, “G rierson’s W ay,” for the pres­ent.

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” the revival of Nvhich has been a g rea t success here, h as gone to Chicago, where It may

~vstay most of the sum iper before the projected southern tour is undertaken,

i I have never seen “ Undo Tom’s Cabin” played In German but If It

‘ehould ever be produced a t the Irving I P lace T heater under H err, Conrled’s m anagem ent I am certain th a t I would find an excellent production of it.

t While B rady’s m agnificent produc­tion of “Uncle Tom ’s Cabin” is delight­ing New Ydrk audiences nightly a t the A cadem y of Music, audiences of a far different and, Incidentally, more in te r­esting kind are enjoying a d ram atiza­tion of Mrs. Stow e’s popular novel a score or so of blocks aw ay from tne big m etropolitan theater. In the People’s T heater, on the Bowery, whose patrons a re the Inhabitants of the Now York .Ghetto, and where the productions now a re entirely in the Yiddish language, a Yiddish version of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” is being produced. Some of the

’ p a rts in the foreign production are so | excellently brought out th a t the pro- : duction is in m any respects tho* supe­rio r of B rady’s play.

H err Thom asschefsky, who takes the p a r t of Uncle Tom, is tru ly a w onder­ful perform er. H is rendering of the title role may well cause W ilton Lack- eye, who is the Uncle Tom of the B rady production, to thank his lucky s ta rs th a t his Hebrew riv a l’s repertoire is essentially Yiddish and th a t Thom-

'asschefsky is not am bitious to take the English role.

i No plays are deemed too am bitious fo r these Ghetto tragedians. Aid!, a n ­o ther s ta r of the Yiddish stage, whose

(ta len t has given him a repu ta tion out^ side of Ghetto circles is constantly ap* pearing in Yiddish versions of Lear, H am let and other Shakespearean roles,

;iwhile Thom asschefsky is never so h ap ­py as when Interpreting P inero’s plays

I and the like, all of which, strange to 's a y , a re rec e iv e d by the G hetto Inhab­ita n ts w ith as much appreciation as th a t received by any Broadw ay au d i­ences.

N O TIC E .The record item s as printed below are

given ju s t as they are furnished us by the County Clrek from the public re ­cords, and do not necessarily affect the credit or business stand ing of the p a r t­ies m entioned; and any explanation of any of the Items th a t mpy appear from tim e to time, we shall be pleased to fub llsh a t the request of the parties in ­terested.


Unuer no circum stances will any judgm ent or decree, or other m a tte r

f record be w ithheld from publication y this paper. Under the con tracts we

have w ith our subscribers to furnish them a complete report daily of all such item s as are placed on record by the County Clerk, we cannot under any circum stances comply w ith the m any requests th a t are m ade to us to w ith ­hold certain items.


N a tiv e s o f Z a n z ib a r H avo No H e ­

ll so u rce s o f T h e ir O w n.I <*2p ed a l Cable to T H E R E V IE W .)

L0N1X)N, Juno 3.—Ninety-eight per cent, of the slaves of Zanzibar and Pem-

! ba prefer to remain slaves, according to correspondence issued by the foreign

1 olfice concerning the working of the de­cree’s freeing the slaves. Fewer slaves applied for freedom" in 1900 than in 1S99, because, tho British commissioner avers, most o-f the slaves know that, they are non likely to gain much present advant-

i age, seeing that those who were thrown »n their own resources have a difficult tlmo to make a living. The masters have

I beetn kinder since tho 'slave legislation Was enacted and seek to make their sorv-

,lce more attractive.

H o te l R u le s a n d R e g u la t io n s ., The law makes It compulsory for every Hotel Keeper to post those cards (with

.tho law printed thereon) in tho office, and In every bed-room in tho hotel. These cards, price 10 cts. each or $1.00 per doz , for sale by Williamson Law Book Co., 13 6. Division St., Elllcott Square.







One Cent for The Review

Means a Morning Bargain Every Day




R e c o rd o f Ju d g m en ts*llenry and MTnnlo ®chneider1 In

favor of Jacob Reineir—Robt FSchelling .......................................... 856 01

Chas Gagnon and Ivewls Haines—Simon Hey man and one ............ 73 60

John B Kellehor—Jas M M errittCo-J F ‘Patterson ........................ Ill 31

John Berst—Anna M Berst—AbramBartholomew ............................. 11138

Wm I. and Louise M Sheldon—Mfg & Traders’ Bank—Rogers, Locke& M ................................................. 131 66

Ilavilland 1. M Chepmell—Geo Win-zenrkd—Hammond &, H .................. 30 61

Arthur Cary to M clennan FrenchPaint Co—Aug Becker .. ................... 58 39Note.—The judgment filed on May 27th

against LeRoy Gas & Electric Co in favor of Mary Packard and one, should have been In favo-r of Mark Packard and one.

NOTE-W o are requested to s ta te that the three Judgments against E. <fc\ F. Glor In favor of James W. H. Kelly, as re­ported In yesterday’s RlOVIEiYV, are for court costs In a von'tosted matter, and are 'transcripts of judgments entered in Niagara County. These judgments will bo satisfied of record as soon as sa tis­faction pieces can be obtained from Niag­ara Gounty.

C h a t te l M o rtg ag e* .Emery M llaverty and one to Elijah

M Sanford ...................................... 30 00Wm iSerin, to Pam American Junk

Co ...................................................... 35 00Dow & McMahon to II D Taylor.. 371 58 Lawrence Barth to Ziegele Brew Co 789 00

Tho following chattels were given to Irish ■& English: Ida E Lahey $90.17; Mil­lie Bond $20.73; Robt P Ilorlock $29.15; Matilda Wilson $19; Chas Richard $16.60; Gertrude Nlcol $24.50; John Dewe $48.13; Mairy Brines- $34.50; Bradley -S Dewel $29.70; Libbie Curtiss $36.75; Lizzie Dorschel $68.vo; Maria Barton $49.50; Alice llager $109.20; Mary Weber $18.50.

The following chattels were given to Erie Co L Co: Henry F Oefner $50; C J Weis $50; (Sami Brown and one $58; Laura Blake $20; Julia A Rlechert $50; Agnes J Kelly $30.

The following chattels were given to Fidelity Credit Co: S Brown and one $85; Mrs Nellie 1 Baldwin $112; John Jewell and one’ $75; Elizabeth J Farthing and one $100.

RENEWALS.Abraham Rauh to -Sam-1 Baumann 69 67

The following /renewals were given to John G Seeger: Mrs Annie Van Velsor $27.94; John H McLean $9*5.36; John T Mooney $253.64.

The following renewals were given to New Century L Co: Frank J S'chefTield and one $12; Fdk J Danat and one $130.81; Edw J McKenna and; one $31; Jas It Con­nell and one $14.

M ortgages*CITY.

Frank P Boecha't t-o R-oyden *WVosburgh, 'Seneca st, p m .......... 6000 00

Harlan -P Bullard to Mary It Day and one, Bird ave nr Dewitt — 2500 00

Henry J Weber to Henry Becker,Jefferson nr Dodge st ................. 4000 00

Lottie M Wilcox to Jas- C Beecher,Ohio nr Washington st ............... 300 00

Thos Carlton to Buffalo S» Bank,Allen nr College st and Collegest prop ........................................... 25000 00

Kath Laukhardt to Aug Goetz and one, Eoep-ere st nr Walden ave,p m ................................................. 600 00

Rose B Heinrich to Homestead S & L A, Pries ave nr 'Triangle st 500 00

Martin. Kus-ter to Francis S Bur- zynski Hilton nr I.ovejoy st, p m 200 00

Rachel Oberstein to Irish Ameri­can S & L A, Beckham- nr Mon­roe st ................................................. 2500 00

Geo S' Hobble to Erie kS <& L A,Elm-wood Ferry st .......... 2800 00

Aug Kaltenbach to Charlotte M Kaltenbaeh, Broadway nr Bowen st and var prop .............................. 925 00

COUNTRY.Chester A Nye t-o Exrs of Geo M

Pierce, Hamburg ........................... 3374 00Geo W Havens to Finley Swarts,

News-'tead ........................................... 500 00A ss ig n m e n t o f M ortgages*

John Cunneen to Lizzie A Cunneen ----/

D isc h a rg e s x o f M o rtg ag e* .Arnold Bloedt to Edw Becherel, Oct 1898. Exrs- of N B Wickware to Lucius Mont­

gomery, Dee 1899.Union Firo Ins- Co to iS'arah J Corkery,

Oct 1898.llenry W Glllott to Arthur- E- Webber,

March 1901.Mary F Clark to Margaret Parrish, Jam

1898.John Hellmuth and one to Vito Mare,

Feb 1897 and Jan 1900.Board of Trustees of the Y M C A to

Lewis Warner, May 1898.Western U Bank ta Henry Friedrich, June

1891.H arriet A Holloa to Nolaon II Thurbor,

Sept 1897.Jane Vandermuelen to Jos Timmerman,

July 1899. \J Byron Aney to Harry C Wright, June

1899TJulia II Kuhn to John F Taylor, April

1896.Erie Co 8- Dank to John Illgham, May

1900.Anna L Kbenau to Kath Ruhr, l>ec 1900. Sami R Moore lo Marlo-n 1* Hatch and

one, Jan 1897.Queen City Abstract Co to Peter A Fin-

la y<son, June 1900.Geo P Wilkins to Oath T Davis, June

1896.Horace C Mills to Michael W Carr, April

1892.Exrs of Alex Gotwalt to Addle Enger,

June 1890.Deed*.CITY.

Wm M Farrell to Nathan D Cort- right Jr., 1. 87 T 11 R 8 and varprop ....................... 250 00

Anastaza Kowalozyk to Stanislaus Chm4elew.«ki, 30x100 ft w t>- Wil­son st 240 ft s of Peck ham st __ 1625 00

Mary A Boechat <cnd one by referee to Frank P Doochat, 60x133 ft s ws Seneca st ..................................... 6529 83

Ianilse M Keller to Bauerweln <fc Keller, 25x100 ft w e of Alexanderpl ....................................................... 1 00

Julia Moissiivac to Harriet N Heinze, 33x90 ft w h of Dearbornst ....................................................... 1 00

Ellen Homlfin to Elmira Mut Bldg L Assn, 25 f-t fr n s of William &t259 ft e of Willlumsville rd .......... 1 00

Julia B Oatoe to ChflG’/echeaibner,30x123.6 ft n w 6 of ImVewood mve 240 ft s \v of Abbott’s Corners -rd 1 00

John J P Read by exrs to Aug Si­mon, 22Vi ft fr n b of Broadway. 1 00

Gnstave-as Bimon to An-S Biinwn, 22*4ft fr n e of i>no»dway ................ 1 00

Plerie De IjG. f ^ n te r to Borah Do Im Frontier, 40x100 ft w e of Ikirw- dell ave 105 ft w of Delaware ave 1 00

John L fliiydew 1<r> Kn<h Ltiukhardt,30 ft fr © 0 l.o©4>®re st 241 ft s ofWaKIen ..................................... I 00

Linus J McAdtttn by referee to Wil­lard P fjirrlth, 30.82 ft n w corRoes eh crvd Kckert nt ................. 90 00

Francis B Rvkroyn#kl to Martin Kiw*- ter, 30x100 ft w s Hilton st 160 ft s of lAJvejoy st ...............................

uirst.:nry W Hill, exr of Jane E Thornton, gst Mary Goldsmith et al—William II

Wm M Colvin to Michael Schamel,H a m b u r g .......................................... 1 00

'Wm Clancy to Danl O Ple?S?; Ham­burg . .T.f. ............... ...? 100

Edw Rapln and one to Henry AM o e s t , C h e e k a ........................................... 50 00

Friedrich O E Frel-wald to F Earnest

J l f c * 1 °!gairet A Higgins, Akron .............. 10 00Li* P e n d e n s .

Elizabeth -9 Pa-rkhurst a gst Hester Bar­re tt et al—G W Pa.rkhurs;t.

Henry J Weber exr of Henry Weber agst Michael Burgas see e t <vl—-Sehwendler & Les'ter.

Elizabeth- -S Park hurst agst Belmontt I\u 'k Land Co et al, Amherst—G W Park- hurst.

H e lu­ngs-------- -----M e a n s .

C h a s B F e n n e r a g s t C a t h S le d l o r e t a l — B t r o b e l & C o re y .

Ijoulsa A Diehl, admx of Philip A Smith agst Tonawanda Street Planing Mill Co —It F Schelling.

Buff^ilo Cement Co, Ltd, agst Joel W ltiisseM et al—Tuttle & Callao. \ J

Clara A Erlsmian agst Horace G Erlsman et al, Clarence—Same.

B ills o f S ale .Henry B'im'on to Nathan- Rodem-

b e r g ......................., ...................................... 150 00Plerle Do I.n» Franle-r to Sarah Do ' La Franler ...................................... 1 00

M o c lian ie ’s L ien .Henry Longnecker agst Eliza Win-

t e m u t h ( o w n e r ) A m h e r s t ............... 655 25Jos Graehowsk'l agst Josephlno M

Rode (owner) ................................. 87 00^ D isc h a rg e o f B i l l o f S ale .

D J Joy lo J W Ro-se-ndale ...(Given Nov. 2, 1899.)

150 00

N IA G A B A C O U N T Y .


LOCK PORT, N. Y., JUNE 3, 1901.

J u d g m e n ts .Wm B Young and Beit A Osborn

In favor of John M -Smith ........... 810 35Albert Solt'ow—Chas Pafk .............. 33 19Antonio Cullotba—M'lch-ael Cullojlta^ 99f52 Matilda J and Chas F M a eke ana—

The Fidelity T & G Co................ 1019 48Same^Samo ...................................... 11112 49

M o rtg ag e* .Willett W Read and Elizabeth

Head to Katherine Krakoskl .... 3000 00 Marie W Rae Arison and Edgar 10

Arison to Niagara Permit S & LAssn .................................................. 3900 00

Jam-ss Dlrllng to Newf-ane BasketMfg Co ............................................. 211 79

Henrietta Cook to Electric CityBank ................................................ 1 00

Wpi Os t wo Id to Wm Kmmier ....... 350 00Geo 11 Matteson to Highlands Land

Co ...................................................... 570 00Wallace G Palmer to Frank P Pot­

ter ...................................................... 4000 00iSanio to Alvah K Potter .?......... 4000 00

Deed*.Alvah K Potter to W'allaco G

Palmer .............................................. 1 00Bessie W Liddle to Abram H Shaw 1 00Irving W ITota ling by exxrs to

Robert S'pencer and ono .......... 325 00M e e h a n ie ’s L ien .

J P Albright agst Peter McLaren.. 54 00L is P e n d e n s .

Herbert J Chadwick agst Simon Miller et al.

philander Mott agst John F Kracmer et al.

G E N E S E E C O U N T Y .

5 ̂ ^ a a a a » a a ̂ ̂ j

COUNTRY.Matthew McComb by exrs Ac, to

Daniel It Person et al, Grand Isl Anna F Trunk by referee to Flor­

ence A Blackmon. Gowanda .... Mur.v M Meade and on-e to Iva M

UflNiTnii -'ii W 4kl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 00

1 00 99 001 A*

O F F IC IA L .B A T A V I A , N . Y ., J U N E 1, 1901.

\ M o rtg a g e s .ITa'rry C Walker to John C Walker,

Byron ....................... 9600 00Freedom Mead and Carrie Herr to

Henry G Edgerton, , Rochester... 2500 COC h a tte l M o rtg a g e s .

I-re-wJs Rupp to G A & It I Pag^e,B a t av la . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .j*. . . . . . . . . 25 00

lie ed s .John C Walker to H arry C Walk-

ey, Batavia ....................... 9600 00Thomas Graham to Thomas Gra.-

ham and Elizabeth Graham, Ba­tavia ........................................... 1 00

Eva T Knowlton to Daniel Knowl-t-on, Batavia .................................. 900 00

Daniel T Knowlton and wife toEva T Knowlton, Perry ............. 2000 00

Wm Reed to Margaret Reed, his wife, Batavia ................................ 1 00


tions.Alexander M, Powell, respt., vs F. C.

Unde Company. Motion to dismiss ap­peals. ’S,

Abraham J.'H ra tt, an infant, applt., vs M artha Johnston, Impleaded, -respt. Mo­tion to dismiss appeal. No opposition.

Albany Exchange Savings Bank, res-pt., vs Wm, C. Brass et al, impleaded, ap.plts. Motion to dismiss appeal. Submitted.

Patrick J, McNulty, respt., vs the City of New York, applt. Motion -to add- to calendar and set down for a ddy cer-ta-in. Submitted.

John S-ugden and others, resipdts., vs Magnolia Metal Co., applt. Motion to dismiss appeal. Submitted.

Minnlo E. Hallett and one as ml m m , applts,, vs the N. Y. C. & II. Jt. R.- R. Co., respt. Motion for reargument. Stib- mltted. t

Richard C. La Toure-t'ter, applt., vs Jen­nie B. L Touretter, respt. ‘Motion to dis­miss appeal.

Emily S. de He era polls, applt., vs John B. Reilly, Jr., et al, respts. Richard E. Carpenter, impleaded, applt., (also). Mo­tion to open default.

May C. Louise Colwell, reapt., v-s the Chapter Genet-al of Americia, Knights of St. John of Malta, applt. Motion to dis­miss appeal. Submitted.

Teachers’ Building & Loan Asgn. of New York City, applt., vs M artha R. -Severance and one, respdts. Motion to dismiss ap­peal. Motion withdrawn on p'ayment of $10 costs.

People ex rel H. W. CrOmWell, Town Clerk of the Town of Woodbury, respt., vs Jas. Seaman, Supervisor of said Town of Woodbury, applt. Motion by applt. for leave to amend undertaking on appeal and have same filed nunc pro tunc.

Bo/tha Albing, ns admx., applt., vs N. Y. y;. & H. R. R. It. Co., respt. Motion for re-^rgument. Submitted.

George W. McGill, respt., vs Holmes, Booth <fe Haydens, applt. Motion to ad­vance No. 517 and directing same to be heard with No. 374. Submitted.

Ernst H. Holton, respt., vs Benjamin Robinson, applt. Motion for leave to dis-- eontlnuo appeal. Submitted. -

In re judicial settlement of the account of Sidney LRowland and- ono as execu­tors of Thos. It. Everett, deed. Motion for re-argument. Submitted-.

Frank J. and J. G. Jenkins, Jr., applt,, vs the John Good Cordage & Machine Co., e-t1 al, -respdts. Motion to dismiss ap­peal. Submitted In opposition.

Consider Parish and onp,' (respdts., vs New York Produce Exchange, et al, applts. Motion to add to present calen­dar and prefer la id us E. Judson for mo­tion.

City of Syracuse, res-pdt., vs R. M. Sta»- cey et al. Motion to dismiss appeal.

Third National Bank of Syracuse vs Ar­thur G. Keefe. Motion to dismiss- appeal.

James Reynolds, respdt., vs Mayer, Dine & Co., applt. Motion to dismiss appeal,

j Kmille O. De Heeropolts, applt., vs John B. Reilly, Jr., et al, respts. Richard E. Carpenter, applt. Submitted. Respond­ents to have 10 days’ time to file briefs.

People ex rel the N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co., respt., vs Wnu J. Morgan, as Co mid-rollor. Argued.

P e o p l e e x r e l E u g e n e Ix jn t i lh o iv , a p p l t . , v s B i r d J . Cole-r, a s C o m p t r o l l e r o f N e w Y o r k C i ty , r e s p t . A r g u e d .

l le n - ry I I . L y m a n a s S t a t e C o m m i s s i o n ­e r o f E x c i s e , re sp i t . , v s T h o s i 11. C h c e v e r a n d o ne , a p p l t s . A r g u e d . .

{SUPREME COURT, Part I.—Hon. Waar- i'on B. IlookeT, Justice. Juno 3, 1901.

Mortimer C. Itosenfcld vs Lancashire Ins. Co. On trial.

SUPREME COURT, Part IT--Horn Dan­iel J. KeneMck, Justice. June 3, 1901.

Arthur Cary vs tho MeTvO.nnon-French Paint Co. Complaint dismissed with costs.

Buffalo (Specialty Mfg. Co. Vvs George W. Cole and one. On trial.

Henry Fiscutf'vfr John -Streibich, Jr. Or­der of discontinuance.

Idi.lo F. Jardeh vs Joseph B. Smith. Like order.

Spoil la Zunlstelii a<3 exx, vs Elizubeth G. M-aye? ana as exrs. Like cir-der.

Anna W. Fro^-er vs A, W. Illckmlan and one. L ik e -order.

Joseph ‘Sired V,* J5>seph Dls-tonfano-and on$. Like o-^der 1 and canceling 11s pen­dens.

In -ro sale of reftl eistate of True M. I^on- gren and onei, infants. Order confirming report 'of special iguan-dlan) a'ncl- directing conveyance,

Laura J. Godfrey as admr, vs Wm. Ed­ward H-llls et'ftl.- Order directing referee to dispense with advertising for claims.

George M. Noyos a© -receiver vs Samuel M. Van Bant wood et al. Order canceling 11s pendens ns /to' cor tain property.

John II. Ilprehouse vs the Armltage- Hcrschel-1 Co. Order substituting Ells­worth, 'Potter & Otorrs as- attorneys for dft. [

Goldsmith D. Johnes vs Mathilda Bu-rz and one. Order appointing -F. R. Peter­son referee to compute.

Rosa Hnirrles vs Georg*e K. ‘Sykes et al. Like order to M. B. Moore.

In re Chas. H. Ide as chairman, fo-r ap ­pointment of commissioners. Order di­recting County Trcnsurei' to pay to Mary E. Whitney awards for parcels 1182 and 1183 for land damages-.

In re Same. Like order to> pay Gustav Morgenfcld for parcel 214 a.mended^re- port.

Agnes A. Oh-amplln in person and as exx, vs Emma 1<\ Robinson In person and as exx, et al. Order confirming referee’s -report of sale and d-lreot-lng distribution.

Anna B. Hoentg vs; Wm. Rlnch-art. Or­der substituting A. C. Morgan as a tto r­ney for plf.

J. R. Kenney vs Hugh McCabe et al. Interlocutory judgment of sale In parti­tion. E. .L. Jung referee -to- sell,

Estella MUSMcKenzle and -one vs Wm. McKen-zle et ai. Order confirming -ref­eree’s report of sale in- partition- and .di­recting distribution. E x tra allowance of $100 to plf; $25 t-o gdn -ad litem.

In re voluntary dissolution of Niagara Falls Co ad & Iron 'Supply Co. Order set­tling account of receiver, directing distri­bution of assets; allowance of $150 to a t ­torney for receiver.

Caroline Hc'ltman vs Josephine STader- rn-an et a-1. Order confirming referee's re ­port of sale and directing conveyance.

Frank Chaffee vs Union. Dry Dock Co., el al. Order vacating and discharging judgment fo-r $77.31.

Pasquale Lorenzl vs Sebastian- Caput!. Order discontinuing appeal and amending deft, $5J!0 costs.

Holly M. BroAfter’ vs- Chas. M. Bren­ner et al. Order making Isaac Schapl-ro a party de-fendiapt as an Intervening judg­ment creditor.

In ro sale of real property of Lenorn M. Sll-ve-mail et al, infants. Order con­firming referee’s) report and dire citing spe­cial guardian to contract.

In re voluntary dissolution of Peter Paul .& Co. Order directing receiver to continue business.

Donald Gamer on vs Omlar J. Revegles. Order appointing1 Preston R. iS-mlth re ­ceiver of partnership and fixing amount of bond at $250, vacating injunction) and denying miction for continuance.

Robert W. Farcy vs tho Jacob Dold. Packing C-o. Ofdei* opening default In Municipal Court, vacating judgment -and permitting defendant to answer or d-em‘ur.

SUPREME COURT, Special T erm -lion, ill C. W hite JuaJF Jmia.&,;19QL

E R IE COUNTY COURT.—Hon. Edward K. Emory, Judge. (Proceeding's of Juno 1, 1901.)

Depew Co-Operative S. & L A-ssn. vs Thomas Mullaney and Pne. Order of ref­erence to compute to C. S'. Hatch, and judgment of foreclosure and sale. Same referee to sell.. Empire State iSav. Bank vs Thomias- E. Foies et al. Like Judgment. George J. iS’icard to sell. '

Same Court—Brddeedings- of June 3, 1901.August Hofheinz vs Elizabeth Elser et

al. Order appointing Wm. P. Volgm-ore receiver. Bond $500.

Florence A. Big ok. man vs Frank Trunk et al. Referee’s report of sale confirmed.

Wm. II. Coon and one vs Amanda 0. Michael et al. Like order.

Mary Dixon vs John Lippert et al. Like order.Cha-s. B, Germain vs Ma.ry M. He-rber

and one. Order of discontinuance and canceling 11s p-endens.

Ezra Smith vs Howard Jaclision. Uke order.Guy B. Miller vs Joseph J. Churchyard.

Like order, > ’Clark A, Miller vs Jan Paluszldewlecz.

Order of publication.J’acob Reiner vs liendy Schneider et al.

Order confirming1 referee’s ren-o-rit Pf sale and d-efictehey judgment $856.90.

Henry L- Schafer vs,H enry C. Wads­worth. Order amending'Ms pendens, sum­mons and complaint.

Elipe::. S. Duncan vs Octavius S. Will­iams et «al. Ordei; of reference to- compute to J. II. Brogan.

Ihi re John Parmenta and one, infant's. Order appointing R. R. Hianrmon-d special guardian of sajd1 infants. Bond approved.

Frank A. Moser vs Albert.'Moser et al. Order appointing Jas. P. -Sch'ans guardian ad litem of Edward) Mo-ser, Infant defendr ant.

Zallle N. Boothe va Joseph M. Golvn. Order dismissing complaint.

Jas. H. Barr vs John- Cohn. T.ike order.M argaret Hartman vs John End'res et

al. Order of reference to Albert E. Jones to hear, try and determine.

Grace E. Burd vs Anton K-ruszka et al. Order of referenco to Wm. B. Dl-ckinsop, Esq., to compute.

Am-os W. Morgan v-s^W.m. R. Pearce et al. Like order to I. C. McDowell and judg­ment of foreclosure and sale. Same ref­eree to sell.

iSame vs- Same. Order granting plaintiff an extra allowance of $50.

In re Augusta R. Davld«on for leave to draw money out of court. Order granted that fund's In Co. Treasurer’̂ han-dfe- be paid to !H. J. Ulando, general guardian of Augusta Ruth Davidson or to Thomas IT. Noonan, his attorney.

Pasquale Lo-renzi vs tS-ebasllne Oaputi. Order that the above proceedings be and hereby are discontinued-.

MUNICIPAL^ COURT—The -Hon. Louis Braunlein and the (Hon, Otto W. Vol-gcr, judges, June 3,11901.

F. W. McGuire vs Chas., J. Pilkey. Judg. for plf $29.35.

(Ellas Nathan and' one vs Mrs. -Human Davidovitch. Uke judg $55.43.

M. & T. Bank vs Wim. L. BheldOn and one.. U ke judg $134.06.

Pun-Am. Exposition Co. .vs U. F. Pltass. Like judg $108.85.

Sterne vs John N-owak. U ke judg $106.86. Same vs Adam F. Gorske. Like judg

$94.85.‘Same vs Lorenz Winiewicz. -Uke judg

$91.85. fSame vs Chas. F. Susdorif. Uko judg

$106.45.Some vs Josef Strozewakl. U ke judg

$412.85.Elizabeth S-tapf V3 Dorothy Heinburg.

Uke- Judg for dft.Geo. Winzenricd vs ‘II, L. ‘M. Chapwell.

U ke judg for plf $30.61.

Valuable Property At Auction9 lots fronting 275 feet on Potomac and- Garner Avs. will be sold on •foreclosure.

JU N E 8, A T 10 A. M.At Mutual Life Bldg. Sale Room, (210 Pearl St. Aipp’x’t. amount due. $10,(XX). 'Raro Bargain.'A. S. WEILL, Attorney for Plain­

tiff, 409 D. S. Morgan Bldg.


City Hall.Court will sit from 10 -a. m. until 2 p. m.,

(Saturday.Day calendar fo-r June 4 (appeals from

orders) Nos. 663, 664, 697 , 606, 624, 655 (sub­mit for R.) 664, 666, 6T1 (submit for A.) 672, 676 , 677 (submit for'A.) 678 (submit for R.) 679 (submit for A. & Ii.) 680, 682, 683, 686, 688, 689.

The (lay calendar will be made a t 2 p. m. for the succeeding day.

The eases th a t were not reached yes­terday and those on the calendar for today, W ednesday ' and T hursday are as follows:

663. People <‘jc rel A. Kllpstein & Co., vs Roberts-, as Comptroller, etc.

664: People Ox rel New York <& East ltlver Ferry Co. vs Roberts, as Com'phrol-lOT CtC.

697. Wilgus vs Wilkinson.COG. People ex rel Clarke vs Police Com­

missioners.624. People ex rel Wallace vs Board of

Police of the City of Buffalo.655. In re application of Haines, etc.

(Perry, applt.)664. National Exhibition Co. vs Crane,

as president, etc. (Wa£d, resp't.) ♦666. In re account Chapman vs ex­

ecutor, etc.671. People cx rel Luholz vs Civil Serv­

ice- Commdsfilones, etc.672. In r e op p -lica tion o f G a rd n er , e tc .676. People ex <rel Burr as execu tor vs

CominLslooe<re o f Taxes.For Tuesday, June 4th.

677. People ex Tel -the Sherwin-WUl- ianrvs Co., vs Commissioners of Tuxe«, etc.

678. Tn re Holton vs Robinson.679. In re Chapman vs the C'ky of New

York.680. Burnham vs Denilte (Me-snler,

respdt.)682. In re voluntary dissolution of tho

U nox Corporation.683. I11 ro Clinton Avenue, borough of

Brooklyn, etc. t685. Shayne vs the Evening Post Pub­

lishing Co.688. Bteiiuvay and others vs ,von -Ber-

nu'th as executor, etc.689. Oakes vs Oakes and others.

•Fqr ^Vedneeday, Jun<- 6th.69Q. Mcl>on.ald"“vs u>a Mayor, etc., and

other**, >

691. Bosworth, -as receiver, vs Allen and others.692. Ydung vs- Gilmour.693. People ex i'el Christie vs Board 'of

Kduqatlon, etc.695. In re City of Rochester-, etc., vs

Neal and others.697. I n 1 re Jerome Avenue 'approach

(.Hynes vs McCarty and -another.)698. In ro petition- of King and another,

etc.699. People ex -rel -town of North (Salem

vs the City of New York.701. Foy vs tho County of Westchester.702..- In re application of Kind, etc.

For Thursday, June 6th, 1901.703. In re application to 'the counsel to

the corporation, etc. (Bloss v-s the City of New- York.)

705. People ex rel Frost vs N. Y. C. & H. R. R. R. Co.

706. *dn re application -of the Mayor, etc., (City of New York vs ‘Standard Ga-s Light Co. and others.)

707. In re account of Wotton-, as exe­cutor, etc.

A PPELLA TE DIVISION, 1 4th D e­partm ent, Rochester.

Day calendar for today: Ntos. 107, 70,108, 110, 134, 44, 91, 96. 98, 104.

N. b .-1 FULTON,-Cl^rk.

UNITED STATES DIST. COURT— W estern D istrict dt N. Y.—Before Hon. John R. Hazel, D istric t Judge.

'Motions and/ proceedings In bankruptcy and the trial of admiralty and maritime causes and the trials of Issues of fact and of law before the court heard during the week commencing with the firsthand third Tuesday of each month, except August.

Special sessions each Tuesday at 10 o’clock.

Process and all motlbns and proceedings in bankruptcy must be made returnable and may be heard at either a regular or special session or a t a regular term.

141, DelboWt V* Mosle-r--Philip V. Fen- nelly, for plf; Tuttle & (Milan for dft.

IG0. TllUnghast vs Ifann- Frank M. I^oomia for plf; Roberts, Becker, Messer & Groat for dft.

166. Jcoehn vs Benton—W. B. GrandUon fo-r plf; T. K. Nafus fo-r dft,

E R IE COUNTY SURROGATE’S cpU 'RT— Before Hon. Louis W. Mar-oUS, Surrogate.

M ic h a e l D u n n , -will.Geo. W. Hall, contest will.Emily C. Clark, will.Joseph Arllnger, judicial settlement.Laura C. II. iadber, show cause.Heinrich Glebe, judicial settlement.Christina Bardol, admlnis-t/ratlon.Chas. Coughlin, judicial settlement.NIAGARA COUNTY COURT—Be­

fore Hon. Charles Hickey, Judge.No. 6. Carl Sol tow- vs Ernest M m On

trial.SUPREM E COURT—N iagara County

—Hon. John S. Lam bert, Justice.Equity Term convenes June 17, 1901.

Juno 5tn last day to (file notes, of ies-ue.(L. T. BARNES,

Special Dep. Clk.

BANKRUPTCY COURT—Erie Coun­ty D istric t—W estern D istrict of N. Y. —Before W illiam II. H otchkiss, ref­eree.

No Calendar.



SUPREM E COURT—County of Erie —P a rt I—Before (Hon. W arren B. Hooker, Justice.

Mo C a le n d a r C a ll Today*For June 4.

No. 258 on trial. .•258. Rosenfeld vs London & Lancashire

F ire 'Ins. Co.—Shire & Jellinek for .p lf; Box, Norton & Bushnell for

dft. On trial.254. Uosenf-eld vs Insurance Co. of No.

Am.—Shire & Jellinek for plf; Box, •Norton & Bitshftell for dft.

256. Rosen-fold vs German In. Co.—Same attorneys.

260, ltosen/feld vs Aetna Insurance C o.- Same attorneys. , _

262. R o s e n f e l d vs Imperial Fire Ins. Co.,• Ltd.—Same attorneys.2()i. Rosenfeld vs Queen Ins Co.—Same

attorneys..Rosenfeld vs Western Fire Ins. Co.— Same attorneys.

Rosenfeld vs Western Assurance Co. —Same attorneys.

Rosenfeld vs The Spring Garden Ins, Go.—Same attorneys. _

308. Rosenfeld vs Citizens’ Ins. C o .- Same attorneys.

310. Rosenfeld vs Nat. Fire Ins. C o.- Same attorneys.

Kciler vs Lee—L.- H. Jones for plf; Lewis & Lewis for dft.

Anibrosio vs N. Y. C. & H. II. R. R. Co., West Shore & Buff. R. R. Co.; the M.C.R.R.Co.—Leroy Andrus for plf; Daniel W. Tear, Herbert E. Kinney, Pooley, Depew & Spratt for dft,

186, People vs Hiemenz— E. R. O’Malley for p lf j .J . E. Middaugh, Jr., for dft.

818. Chapin a,nd ono va Allen—Cox A Kimball for plf; Clinton & Thomas for-oft.

£76. Nolan vs Schmeader—Daniel V. Murphy for plf; Wm G, Kllhoffor for dft.

442. Schosek vs Village of Hamburg— Stolting & Heath for plf; Fayette Kelley for dft.

474. Nussbaum vs Laux—Robert Glrven for plf; A. M. Thomas for dft.

638. Martin vs Lathrop—H. II. Bacon for plf; C. B. Gibbs for dft.Rogers, Locke & Milburn for dft.

670. Romanowski vs Shepard—R. V. Cal- lan for plf; Clinton B. Gibbs for dft.

628. Mosley vs bobo—John Van Aradale for plf; Cad well & Baker for dft.

6)6%. Fi-erelli vs Dark—II. p . Williams for plf; C. B. Gibbs for dft.

SUPREM E COURT—P a rt II—Before Hon. Daniel J. Kenefick, Justice, Room 14.

No C a le n d a r C a ll Today*For June 4.No. 67 on trial.

67. Buffalo Specialty Mfg. Co. v& Cole— 'E. G. Mansfield for plf; J. M, Pro- voost for dft. On trial.

281. McArthur vs Reed—Thayer, Jack* eon A White fo-r plf; Shire & Jelll-

, nek for dft.633. McDonald vs Buffalo Railway Co.—

Lansdowno & Moore for plf; Box, ton & Bushnell f-or dft. Held.

1-65. Brown vs Smallwood—C. A. Dolson for plf; Bartlett & Baker for dft. Held.

689%. Slade vs Brauer—Froha & Chapin ' for plf; Olshel & Oishel for dft.

97, Griffin vs Protective Life Assurance Society—Potter & Wright for plf; Wadsworth, Blackmon & Wads* worth for dft.

81. Andrukowskl vs B. R. & P. R. Co.— George N. Frazine for plf; Footo &

, Havens for dft.827. Fisher vs Baxter—Philip V. Fennelly

for plf; J. B. Corcoran for dft.646. (Boyian vs ll'amlln—Samuel M.

Welch, Jr., and Thomas Cary Welch for plf; Dudley & Emery for dft.

616. People ex rel La Vedchlo vs United Order of Italian Laborers—Chas. Olshel for plf; Edward T. Durand for dft.

437. Ku-azak vs Mosler—Abram Bartliolo' mew for plf; Love & Q u a c k e n b u s h for dft.

45%. Bu-rt vs Smith—Norris Morey for plf; J. 8. Van Clcff for dft.

131. Flnnerty vs Buffalo Railway Oo.— Charles A.White fo-r plf; 'Box, Nor- _ ton ■& Bushnell fo-r dft.

323. Smith vs Koons-Nelson S. Barrett for plf; Robt. F. Schelling xar dft.

413. Miller vs N. Y. C. & ii. R. R. R. Co.—Jas. W. Burke for plf; Ira A, Place for dft.

625. Schumacher vs Oau't—H. B. Van •Pe.v-ma for plf; Morey & Bosley for dft.

523. Murphy vs Indiana Bridge Co.—‘Fred G. Ba-gley for plf; Rogers, Locke & Mjlburn for dft.

659. Stevenson vs Keller—A. J. Hibbard for plf; Fred D. Russell for dft.

609. Pierce vs Davis—‘Simon Flelsch- mann for plf; Warren F. Miller for dft.

515. Voikor vs Girvin—Cox & Kimball for plf; Albert F. Geyer for dft.

691%. Dueringer vs Shank—VolgerBoyd for plf; Geo. J. Arnold for dft.

SPECIAL TERM —Before. Hon. T ru ­man C. W hite, Justice. Non-enumec- ated motions every day except S a tu r­day, a t 10 a. m. and 2 p. m.


County.—Amos W. Morgan against William R. Pearce, et al.

In pursuance of a judgment'of foreclos­ure and sale duly granHed by this Cou-rt, and entered in the Erie County Clerk’s Office on the 3d day of June, 1901, I, the undersigned referee, duly appointed In this action dor such purpose, will expose for sale and soil at public auction, to\the highest bidder therefor, a t the Buffalo Real Es-tate Exchange Room, No. 210 Pearl iSt-rent, In the City of Buffalo, County -of Erie and\ ‘&tate of New York, on- the

26th DAY OF „ (INK, 1901, at 10 o’clock In the forenoon of that day, the real estate and mortgaged premises directed In and by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows, or m) imich thereof as -will -be s-ufflclen't to pay the amount due upon- said judgment, td wit:

All that tract or Karod of land-, situate In the City of Buffalo County *of Erie and State of New York, described as fel­lows:

Beginning at a point In 'the westerly line of Elmwood Avenue distant 160 feet northerly, from -the northerly lino or Po­tomac Avenue-, -running thence westerly and parallel with Potomac Avenue 160, feet; thonco northerly and' parallel with- Elmwood Avenue about 160 feet to landsnpw .or formerly owned by* Tellco John-

:y and -aloerly fine of said Johnson’̂ land about 150son; thence easterly and -along>the souith-f*et to. thp westerly line of Elmwood Avenue, and thence southerly along the westerly line of Elmwood Avenue 159 6-10 feet to the plaea of beginning.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., June 3, 1901.IRVIN 0. M’DOWELL, Referee.

THOMAS A. (STONE, Plaintiff’s Attorney, No. 916 Elllcott Square, Buffalo, N\ Y.

EEAMINGTON PL.,' N. OF SENEGA.Ne w y o r k - c o u n t y c o u r t , e r i e

County.—Henry W. (S'prague, as sole surviving Execut-or of the Last Will and Testament of William "Wilkeson, d e c e a s e d . Plaintiff, against May L. C r o s th - w a l te a n d oihers, Defendants.

In -pursuance of a judgment of foreclos­ure and sale duly granted by this Cou-rt, nnd entered In the Erie Co-unty Clerk’s Office on the 3d day of June, 1901, I, the undersigned referee, duly appointed in this action for such purpose,-will expose for sale and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder therefor, at the Buffalo Real Plst-ate Exchange Room, No. 210 J ’earl Street, In the City of Buffalo, County of Erie and State of New York, on the

25th DAY OF JUNE, 1901, a.t 10 o’clock in the forenoon 01 that day, tho real estate and mortgaged premises directed in' and by said Judgment to be sold, and therein described' as follows, or eo much thereof 'as will be sufficient to pay the amount due upon said Judgment, to wit*.

All th a t tract or parcel of land, situate in the City of Buffalo, County, of Er£e and /S ta te o f N e w Y o r k , b e i n g p a r t of L S t One (1) of Buffalo- Creek Indian Reserva- tiom and on a subdivision map of pact of Lots One (1) and Two (2) made for Harrison Williams b y Guthrie and Rock- woo-d, (Surveyors, In September, 1896, filed in the (office of the Clerk of Erie County under Cover 610 on the- 29tli diay of March, 1897, Is designated as Subdivision Lot Number Ten (10) in Block “A,” and is bounded and described as follows:

Beginning at a point In the northwester­ly line of Leamington Place two- hundred and eighty (280) feet northeasterly from its Intersection with tho northeasterly line (of Seneca (Street; running thence northeasterly along said line of Learning- ton Place thirty (!») feet; running thence northwesterly and at right angles to said last mentioned line, ninety (99) feet; thence southwesterly and at right angles, thirty (30) feet, and thence southeasterly ninety (90) feet to the point or place of beginning.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y.. June 3d, 1901.RALPH E. HEARD, Referee,

MOOT. SPRAGUE, BROWNELL AND MA'RCY, Plaintiff’s Attorneys, 45 Erie CO. (Sav. Bank Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y.

E R IE COUNTY COURT, Trial Term —Before Hon. Edw ard K. Emery, Jud~e.

Fotr June 4.47. Sdootng vs Utley—Philip V. Fennelly

for plf; Bleed 1, Ca-rey & Cooke for dft.

Hauser vs Linder—Benedict & Sick mOn for plf; M-aft End res for dft, ■

Newbury vs Newbury—Wadsworth. ; Blackmon & Wadsworth for plf; J, j M. & G. M. Oongdon for dft.

Graves vs Cook—Ge-orge W. Wheeler 1 for i>lf; Spaulding * -Sullivan foy ' dft.

Lower vs Bird -iSeth A. Abb'.t ,f; Gharlen F, Bolue




T H E PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF i New York,,to Frederick Kaap, Christ ian Heap, Adolph Haap, Freicla Haap Scholl, Helene Haap.

Whereas, Marla Krapp, late of the City of Buffalo, in the County of Erie and State of New YoVk, deceased, left a last will and testament, bearing date the 24th day of April, 1900, purporting to relate to real and personal property, and the same having been propounded for probate by Charles Haap, Executor therein named.

You, and each of you, being the heirs and next of kin of said decedent, are therolore cited to appear before the Sur­rogate of our said County of Erie, at the Surrogate’s Office, In the City and County Hall, in the City of Buffalo, in said Coun­ty of Erie, ‘on the *

16th DAY OF JULY, 1901, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of that day, and attend the piobate of said will. And that, If an(y of the above-named persons are infants, that they then and there show cause why a special guardian should pot be appointed to appear, represent and act for them, in the proceeding for the probate of said will.

In testimony whereof, we havo caused the seal of said Surro­gate’s Court to be hereunto af-

[L.S.] fixed. «Witness, Hon. Louis W. Mar­

cus, Surrogate of our said Coun­ty of Erie.

Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., this 22d day of May, 1901. . /

- LOUIS B. HART, Clerk of the Surrogate’s Court.

To tho. above-named Frederick Haap, Christian Haap, Adolph Haap, Frelda Haap Scholl and Helene Haap:Take notice th a t the foregoing citation

Is hereby served upon you and each of you by publication In leecrdanee with the terms of nr order duty granted by the Hon. Louis W. Marcus, Surrogate of Brie County, on the 23d day of May, 1901, and filed Tn the ciTice of said Surrogate at Buffalo, N. Y., on the said 22d day of May. 1901.JOSEPH V SEAVER, Attorney for Ex­

ecutor, 635 Mooney-B-rlsbane Bldg., Buf­falo, N. Y.

T I I E PEOPLE OF THE (STATE OF 1 New York. To Lucy M. Stllwell, Frank C. Swlf't, Dana M. Swift, Richard L. Swift, Maud1 E. Fish, Edward Swift, Rich­ard L. Swift, Charlotte Swift, 'Mary Swift.

Whereas, James C. Swift, late of the Oity of Buffalo in the County of Erie, and State of New York, deceased, left a Last Will and Teslaiment, bearing date the 19th day of May, 1890, purporting to re­late -to real and personal property, and the tamp having been proppunded for probate by Mary Helen Swift, Executrix therein named.

You, ami each of you, being the hoira and next of kin ot said decedent, are therefore cited to appear before the Sur­rogate of our said County of Erie, at the Surrogate’s office, In the City and County Hall, in the City of Buffalo, in said County of Erie, on the

0th DAY OF JULY, 1901, at ton o’clock in the forenoon of that day, nnd attend the probate of the said will. And that, if any of the above-named per­sona are infants, that they then and- there show cause why a special guardian should net be appointed to appear, represent and net for them, tn the proceeding tor the probate of said will.In testimony whereof, we

caused the seal of sakl Surro­gate’s Court to bo hereunto af­fixed.

(L. S.) Witness, Hon. Ixmis W. M&r- • cus, Surrogate of our said County

■of Erie. •Dated, Buffalo, N. Y., this 22d day of

M a y , 1901.LOUIS B. HAiRT, Clerk of the Surro-

v,a l e ' s C o u r t .C A R L T O N E . L A D D , A t t o r n e y f o r P e t l -

l i m e r . 306 M o o n o y - B r i s b a n c B u i l d in g , B u f fa lo . N. Y.

Summer Hooki-on niHNT.

S tu rg e o n P o in t , on L ak e B rio. R U N N IN G H O T AND COLD W A T E R , B A TH , ETC.A LL M O D ERN CON­V EN IE N C E S. H O U SE C O M PL E TE L Y F U R ­N ISH E D .H O R S E S , C A R R IA G E S, M IL K , CREAM , B U T ­T E R , EGGS, C H IC K ­EN S, ETC., IN C L U D ­IN G V E G E T A B L E

. G A R D EN IN SEASON. S A N IT A R Y P L U M B ­IN G , E X C E L L E N T D R A IN A G E .OO A CR ES, 3 ,0 0 0 F E E T L A K E FR O N TA G E .

I n q u ire , L. W . M., R oom 10, C ity H a ll .

• ( tv(«<titC000




W rough t Iron and W ire Tree G uards.Wire Vine Frames.W ire Work of All Kinds* A rtistic Metal Work* , W ire Cloth and W ire Goods.

Scheeler’s Sons,316 -3 2 0 Terrace.

Near foot of Genesee St.Tel. Seneca 787. 1

8 Q0 .0 0Saved by buying ot un

Absolutely New .Smith-Premier Typewiiters:

We have a stock of NEW Smith- Premier typewriters of latest pattern which we are selling at $S0.00 each. Wo have other machines, new and second­hand, at corresponding prices.

BuffaloTyp e w rite r Exchange,1 1 6 F r a n k l in S tre e t., Buffalo*

Telephone Sen. 2367.

Bids submitted for Metal Work. Repaid . Work Promptly Attended To.

F . W . M, H E E R W A G E N ,

Gravel and Asphalt Roofing,All kinds of roofing felts, asphalt,

paints and roofing cement. Asphalt fslt roofs guaranteed for ten years.

1508 PRUDENTIAL BUILDING, unices uLKNWOOD AVENUE.T elep h o n e Sen, I& 70, B uffalo , N, Y*

Telephone Howard 400.Whiccoi l u m b e rTTlllbbcl COMPANY,

—Dealer In—Pine and Hemlock Lumber


v FINISH. ETC. t079 Clinton Street*

Malleable and SteelCASTINGS.


F R A N K LEN A H A N SON,Dealers In

IRON Se S T E E L SCRAPAIbo New and Second-Hand Machinery,

Engine Boilers, Pumps, etc.Office and Yards, 45-6i Fulton St., cor.

Marvin. Machinery warehouse, 174 Ful­ton St.

Telephone 841. Buffalo, N. Y.

( J . P . K U L P ,G E N E R A L CA R TIN G .


Telephone S. 1618. 1

K E L L E R BR O S.Livery Coaches, Coupes, Victorias. Bag­

gage, Transfer and Mammoth Moving Vans, Tally hos and Busses.M alta Officer 3 6 W . G enesee S tree t*

Y. M. C. A. Building.Stables, 1068 1070 Genesee St. Depot ON

flee, 157 Exchange St., Buffalo, N. Y.O pen D ay a n d N ig h t, T el. Sen . 053*

XROS CASTINGSH E A V Y AND £ IG H T . H y d ra u lio

P re sse s , F i l t e r P re sse s a n d V ae u u m P a n s , f o r B e e t S u g a r W o rk s .H. G* TROUT A CO., 326 Ohio St.EBtlm&tes Cheerfully Furnished. Est. 1881.

F \ F E Y L , >House Painting:

and Decorating:,677 VIRGINIA STREET.

Formerly at 806 Main Street.Telephone G59. Buffalo, N. Y«

Metal Pattern Making:Model and Experimental Work, Machine Repairing of every des­

cription.Elsenhaus Hachine Shop,'Tel. Sen. 388. COO Washington St*

F. J. SC H A F E R , [email protected] Tailor,

xS C o u rt Street,B U F F A X a O , « TNT- V .


Equipment, Construction. Repairs.126 Franklin Street.

N o tice to C re d ito rs . /t EVYN, SIEGMUND—Pursuant to an Jj order of lion. Louis W. Marcus, Sur­rogate of Erie County, N Y., notice Is hereby given to all persons having claims against SlegmunJ Levyn, late of the City of Buffalo. In said county, deceased, that they are requtred to exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof to the undersigned executors at the office of Blmon Fltlsch- mann, 1003 D. *J. Morgan Building, Buf­falo, New York, on or »*fore t He. tenth day o f J u l y , 1901.Dated, January 4, 1901.

T H E O D O R E ITOF E E D E R . 4, J O S E P H D E S I J E C K E H ,

. E x e c u t o r s .SIMON PiAf.i3CHMANN, Executors’ At­

torney. *

I fo r accep tab le Ideas. > S ta te If p a ten te d .


D is s o lu tio n N otice .TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN—The

f irm o f P a p p a s B r o s . &. C o ., m a n u f a c t u r ­e r s o f c i g a r e t t e s , n t N o. 18 "West E a g l s S t r e e t , B u f f a lo , N . Y .. h a s b e e n d i s s o lv e d , a n d t h e b u s i n e s s o f t h o f i rm w il l in c o n ­t i n u e d b y E m a n u e l 1’a p p n s , w h o b u s a u ­t h o r i t y t o c o l l e c t a ll d e b t s d u o t h o co n c e r n , and . w h o w ill p a y a l l b i l ls o w e d b y s a id c o n c e r n .

Dated, May 29th. 1901.K ,M A N t h i P A P F A cGEORGE jltAFFASI.


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Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069