Reconstruction voxelique temps réel

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Reconstruction voxelique temps réel. Jean-Marc Hasenfratz E107. CYBER-II. Description générale. 2m. 2m. Platforme. Not limited to 4 cameras!. Textures. Background Subtraction. Background learning (5 sec.). Actor moving…. Silhouettes. Compute the Visual Hull. Definition - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Reconstruction voxelique temps réel

  • Reconstruction voxeliquetemps relJean-Marc Hasenfratz E107


  • Description gnrale

  • PlatformeNot limited to 4 cameras!

  • Background SubtractionActor movingSilhouettesBackground learning (5 sec.)

  • Compute the Visual HullDefinitionTwo approaches:Volume basedSurface basedSurface basedSilhouettesVolume based

  • Voxel Carving Principle in 2DCamera 1Camera 2Camera 3Voxel grid 8x8

  • Fast Voxel Carving using GPU64 pixels64 pixels3cm3

  • Fast Voxel Carving using GPU64 pixels64 pixels

  • Fast Voxel Carving using GPU

  • Fast Voxel Carving using GPU(64*8*2)2=1024 2(64*8)2=512 2AND

  • Vidos

  • ObjectifsVersion prcdente sur SGI OnyxLimitation nombreuses (prix, GPU, CPU)Faire exploser le systme !Rsolution / temps / mmoireUtilisation de carte graphique bus PCIMmoire de texture importante

  • Question ?