Reconfigurable Computing - University of ·...

Computing & Communications Services: U of G Online Course Evaluation System Page 1 of2 -Horne -Manage Surveys -Spreadsheet Verifier -CEC Tools -Paper Process -Reports -Loqout Reconfigurable Computing ENGG*6530 - W17 - Shawki Areibi Question List Question I Question Content I Variable 1 Ql 1 The instructor provided a clear statement of course objectives and requirements. 1 Q2 1 The instructor presented the course in a well organized and systematic manner. I Q3 I Where appropriate, the instructor encouraged response from the class and was responsive to the viewpoints, interests and questions of the students. I Q4 I The Instructor's evaluation of my performance was fair. I Q5 I The instructor was available for consultation during posted office hours. 1 Q6 1 My overall rating of the instructor of this course is 1 Q7 11 My overall rating of the course is I I Q8 1 The intellectual effort was for this level. I Q9 11 The workload was for this level. I https:/ Icourseeval. uoguelph.calreports/results/results.php?sem= W17 &cprefix=all&sids=5... 08/0512017

Transcript of Reconfigurable Computing - University of ·...

Computing & Communications Services: U of G Online Course Evaluation System Page 1 of2

-Horne -Manage Surveys -Spreadsheet Verifier -CEC Tools -Paper Process-Reports -Loqout

Reconfigurable ComputingENGG*6530 - W17 - Shawki Areibi

Question List


IQuestion Content


1 Ql1The instructor provided a clear statement of course objectives and requirements.

1 Q21The instructor presented the course in a well organized and systematic manner.

I Q3 IWhere appropriate, the instructor encouraged response from the class and wasresponsive to the viewpoints, interests and questions of the students.

I Q4 I The Instructor's evaluation of my performance was fair.

I Q5 I The instructor was available for consultation during posted office hours.

1 Q61My overall rating of the instructor of this course is

1 Q7 11 My overall rating of the course is II Q8 1 The intellectual effort was for this level.

I Q9 11 The workload was for this level. I

https:/ Icourseeval. uoguelph.calreports/results/results.php?sem= W17&cprefix=all&sids=5... 08/0512017

Computing & Communications Services: U of G Online Course Evaluation System Page 2 of2



I stronglyagree

I agree





NoReply Valid



IAve".e IMuch

betterBetter Worsethan than



than than Reply ValidQuestion average average Replies

Meanaverage. average.

G0G0GGJGGJG~GGI Q6 10166.6710133.3310~0~~EJ01 0.00 ID~I Q7 10166.6710133.331 ~ B-.10.0010B010.00116 I~

Too Just Somewhat Toohigh, Somewhat right low, low, Notoo high (best slightly too Reply Valid

MeanQuestionmuch answer) too little little Replies

GGGJ0G0G0GGBGI Q8 IGlo.ool~BGJI66.671~~GI0.00IGI0.00116 lE]I Q9 IGlo.ool~BBI66.671~~GI0.0010Io·00116 .-.1

Overall1 ~


https:llcourseeval.uoguelph.calreportslresults/resu1ts.php?sem=W17&cprefix=al1&sids=5... 08/05/2017I