
Spinach Pancake with Chicken Filling 125 g cooked spinach 115 g wheat flour 2 cups milk 1 egg 1 tbsp oil pinch of salt Filling 300 g chicken breast ½ tsp salt ½ tsp ginger & garlic paste 1 tsp curry powder 1 tbsp low fat mayonnaise 1 tsp mustard paste 2 tbsp yoghurt 1 tbsp coconut chutney or any chutney of your choice 2 tbsp fresh coriander chopped small onion rings green chillies chopped (optional) Procedure 1. Blend milk, egg, oil & salt. Add to cooked spinach & mix well. 2. Sift flour & add to spinach mixture. Mix well. 3. Brush pan with a little oil, heat & pour in enough batter. Cook on each side until golden. 4. Prepare filling. i. Cook chicken with salt, curry powder, ginger & garlic paste & enough water. ii. Shred cooked chicken into pieces. Add mayonnaise, mustard paste, yoghurt, coconut chutney, coriander, onion rings & green chillies. Mix well. 5. Fold each pancake into quarters. Open one fold & fill with chicken mixture. Serve warm with salad.

Transcript of Recipes

Page 1: Recipes

Spinach Pancake with Chicken Fill ing

125 g cooked spinach115 g wheat flour2 cups milk1 egg 1 tbsp oilpinch of salt


300 g chicken breast ½ tsp salt½ tsp ginger & garlic paste1 tsp curry powder1 tbsp low fat mayonnaise1 tsp mustard paste2 tbsp yoghurt1 tbsp coconut chutney or any chutney of your choice2 tbsp fresh coriander choppedsmall onion ringsgreen chillies chopped (optional)


1. Blend milk, egg, oil & salt. Add to cooked spinach & mix well.

2. Sift flour & add to spinach mixture. Mix well.

3. Brush pan with a little oil, heat & pour in enough batter.Cook on each side until golden.

4. Prepare filling.i . Cook chicken with salt, curry powder, ginger & garlic paste & enough water. i i . Shred cooked chicken into pieces.

Add mayonnaise, mustard paste, yoghurt, coconut chutney, coriander, onion rings & green chillies. Mix well.

5. Fold each pancake into quarters. Open one fold & fill with chicken mixture.Serve warm with salad.

Page 2: Recipes

Raisins and Banana Muffin

200 g wholemeal flour2 tbsp baking powder25 g / 1½ tbsp brown sugar (sucre roux)100 g dried raisins100 g banana mashed 2 tbsp orange juice1 tbsp orange rind, finely grated1 medium egg, beaten1¼ cups skimmed milk2 tbsp corn oilporridge oats (oatmeal) honey to serve


1. Sift flour & baking powder. Stir in sugar & raisins.

2. Mix in banana, orange rind, orange juice, beaten egg & oil. Combine with flour & mix together well to form a thick batter.

3. Put into muffin moulds & sprinkle with oats. Preheat oven 200°C & bake for 20 min until well risen & firm.

Remove from oven. Spread with honey & serve warm at tea-time.

Page 3: Recipes

Soya Mince and Potato Moussaka

500 g brinjal slices soaked in salted water350 g soaked soya mince & drain1 tbs olive oil1 big onion chopped1 tsp salt1 tsp chilli powder1 tsp ginger & garlic paste500 g tomato puree1 tbs semolina500 g potato slices soaked in salted water2 tbs custard powder1½ cup low fat plain yoghurt75 g low fat soft cheese1 bunch thyme & parsley chopped1 tsp crushed pepperflat parsley leaf for garnish


1. Soak soya mince in water. Drain, squeeze & keep aside.

2. Heat oil; add chopped onion, soya mince, salt, chilli powder, ginger & garlic paste. Stir. Add tomato puree & stir. Mix semolina with water & pour into the mince, stirring until thickened. Add thyme & parsley. Remove from heat.

3. Rinse & drain well the brinjal slices & steam. Keep aside.

4. Drain the potato slices, sprinkle with crushed pepper & steam. Keep aside.

5. Beat in yoghurt & custard powder. Keep aside.

6. Preheat oven 190°C. Spoon half of the mince mixture into oven dish, cover with steamed brinjal slices & then layer with the remaining mince.Top with the steamed potato slices, pour over the yoghurt mixture to cover completely. Sprinkle with grated cheese. Garnish with parsley & bake for 20 min.Serve with a green salad & brown crisp bread/chapatti.

Page 4: Recipes

Steamed Manioc Squares

500 g grated manioc1 cup water1 cup skim milk¼ cup sugar1 tbsp melted butter1 tsp vanilla essence½ cup coconut powder, to garnish


1. Blend grated manioc with water. Add milk, sugar, melted butter, vanilla essence, and blend into a smooth batter.

2. Pour into tray and steam until set. Allow to cool completely and cut into squares. Or for microwave oven:Pour into silicon square mould and cook for 3 minutes.Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.

3. Coat with coconut powder and serve.

Page 5: Recipes

Dhan Saak Dhal

100 g dhal embrevatte75 g moong dhal25 g urad dhal75 g red lentils2 tbs crushed wheat200 g brinjal cut into medium cubes100 g carrot 200 g calebasse1 tsp saffron powder1 tbs crushed garlic1 tsp chilli powder150 g tomato chopped2 big onions chopped1 tsp oil2 tbs tamarin paste1 tsp garam masala3 tbsp green paste

[Blend together 1 small piece coconut grated, 2 green chillies, mint leaves, curry leaves & 2 tbs low fat yoghurt]


1. Soak all the pulses including crushed wheat in water for 2-3 hours.

2. Mix all the vegetables together. Combine with saffron, garlic, chilli powder & tomato. Steam until tender. Remove, keep the vegetable stock.

3. Wash & drain the pulses. Add 1 cup of water & 1 cup of vegetable stock. Add chopped onion, garlic & saffron. Mix together. Steam for 10 min until tender.

4. Heat pan, add oil, & roast the green paste for few min, stirring continuously. Sprinkle with a little of water if the paste starts to burn.

Add the cooked dhal & mixed vegetables. Add tamarin paste, garam masala, salt, enough water & mix well. Simmer for 5 min.

5. Garnish with coriander leaves & green chillies. Serve with rice accompanied with tomato salad/cucumber raita & grilled chicken wings.

Page 6: Recipes

Grilled Chicken Wings

500 g chicken wings5 pruneau½ cup apple vinegar1 tbs honey½ tsp garlic paste½ tsp salt1 tsp paprika powder4 tbs tomato pureelemon zest


1. Soak pruneau in apple vinegar & blend to a puree. Add honey, garlic, paprika, salt, tomato puree & lemon zest.

2. Marinate chicken for 3 hours/overnight.

3. Grill in oven/pan/charcoal until tender. Serve with green salad/steam mix vegetable salad.

Page 7: Recipes

Brède Songe Cake

500 g mashed brède songe 2 big onions chopped1 tsp salt1 tsp ginger & garlic paste2 tbsp tamarind paste2 tbsp la poudre maïs2 tbsp yoghurt2 tbsp oilcurry leaves1 tsp mustard seeds1 tsp cumin seeds2 or 3 dry red chillies chopped2 tbsp coconut powder½ cup besansesame seeds


1. Combine brède songe, onions, salt, ginger & garlic, tamarind, yoghurt & la poudre maïs. Mix well.

2. Heat oil. Add curry leaves, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, chillies & stir. Add coconut & besan & roast on a low heat.

3. Mix besan mixture with the brède songe.Put in moulds & sprinkle with sesame seeds.

4. Preheat oven 180°. Bake for 15 min.Serve warm.

Page 8: Recipes

Orange, Honey and Semolina Cake

2 orange cut into chunks with peel, about 400 g100 g butter low-fat100 g sugar2 medium/3 small eggs250 g semolina2 tbsp baking powder20 g almond flakes2 tbsp honey1½ cup orange juice¼ cup lemon juicelow-fat yoghurt & pistachios, for garnish


1. Blend orange chunks into a puree. Keep aside.

2. Combine in melted butter, sugar, egg, semolina & baking powder. Mix altogether, add almond & fold in orange puree.

Pour mixture into baking tin. Preheat oven 190°C & bake for 25-30 min. Remove.

3. Mix in honey, orange juice & lemon juice. Warm lightly.Pour over cake. Decorate with yoghurt & pistachio.Serve as a dessert or cut into small pieces & dip in yoghurt.

Page 9: Recipes

Steamed Mix Vegetable Rice (Pilaf) – zero oil

250 g soaked Basmati rice600 g mix vegetables½ tsp salt1 tsp ginger & garlic paste1 tsp garam masala1 big tomato cubes1 small green pepper, cut into small pieces½ cup low-fat yoghurt2 big onions3-4 green chillies1 small piece of fresh saffran vert, boil with 1 cup skimmed milk1 big onion sliced & 1 tsp oil, roast in oven or non-stick pan2 cardamom pods5-6 cloves1 small piece cinnamon stick1 small nutmeg (jaifal), grated or crushed


1. Drain rice & keep aside.

2. Combine in the mix vegetables, salt, ginger & garlic paste, garam masala, tomato cubes & green pepper cubes.

3. Blend yoghurt, onions & green chillies. Pour over the mix vegetables & combine altogether.

4. Place the marinated mix vegetables into a steamer dish. Layer with the rice & sprinkle with the roasted onion.

Pour over saffran milk, cover & steam for 30 min until rice is tender.You can also use pressure cooker or rice cooker. For pressure cooker, cook on low heat & for rice cooker, cook until tender.Serve with cucumber raita, appalam, chicken stick & mango lassi [blend ripe mango with low-fat yoghurt & sweeten with honey].

Page 10: Recipes

Baked Red Lenti ls Cake

200 g red lentils soaked & drained½ cup water½ tsp salt½ tsp saffron powder1 tsp garam masala1 egg2 tbsp coconut chutney2 tbsp skim milk powder1 tbsp oil1 onion chopped2 garlic pods choppedmustard seeds


1. Steam the lentils, salt & saffron in ½ cup of water.

2. In a blender, add the egg, chutney, steamed lentils & blend until smooth.Add the milk & blend.

3. Heat oil. Sauté the onion & garlic. Add to the lentil purée & mix well.

4. Pour into moulds & sprinkle with mustard seeds.Preheat oven 190° & bake for 15 min.Serve hot with chicken stick & fruit chutney.

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Fruit Chutney

1 pear half-ripe1 green apple Granny Smith1 small piece orange7-8 green chillies2 garlic pods1 tbsp olive oil2 tbsp lemon juicesalt to taste


1. Blend all together to a smooth chutney.

Page 12: Recipes

Chicken Stick

350 g chicken mince75 g couscous soaked in water½ tsp salt1 tsp crushed pepper1 small red pepper crushed1 tsp ginger & garlic paste1 big onion chopped2-3 green chillies chopped1 tbsp chopped basil/romarin leaves1 tbsp lemon zest1 tbsp lemon juice1 tbsp olive oil


1. Drain couscous, press all the water & keep aside.

2. Mix chicken mince, salt, pepper, red pepper, ginger & garlic paste, chopped onion, green chillies & basil/romarin leaves.

3. Add couscous & combine altogether well. Add lemon zest, lemon juice & olive oil. Mix well.

4. Preheat oven 180°C. Divide into small balls & roll into stick/Spoon mixture into mould stick silicon tray. Bake for 10-12 min.Serve as a snack with chilli sauce/as a starter with soup & green salad/as a main dish with mix vegetable rice & raita.

Page 13: Recipes

Baked Marrow Kofta Curry


1 cup/400 g thickly grated marrow (calebasse)¼ cup wheat flour roasted¼ cup gram flour roasted½ tsp chilli powdera pinch turmeric powdera pinch bicarbonate sodasalt to tastechopped coriander, spring onion, green chilli


1 tbs oil1 medium onion chopped½ tsp ginger & garlic paste300 g tomato1 small piece green apple3-4 green chillies1 small bunch parsley1 tbs semolinasalt to taste



1. Mix in marrow, wheat, gram flour, chilli, turmeric, salt, bicarbonate & chopped greens.

2. Divide into small balls & shape them into small koftas.

3. Preheat oven 180° & bake for 10-15 min/microwave for 3 min/steam for 10-15 min till done. Keep aside.


1. Heat oil, add onion & semolina. Stir.Add ginger & garlic paste. Stir.

2. Blend tomato, apple, chilli & parsley. Add to onion, stir.Add salt & enough water, stir until thickened.

3. Add koftas to the curry, simmer for 5-7 min. Garnish with chopped coriander.Serve hot with chapatti, chicken brochette & cucumber raita.

Page 14: Recipes

Healthy Quick Fruit Loaf

225 g whole wheat flour1 tbs baking powder100 g butter75 g brown sugar½ cup low fat yoghurt2 eggs25 g chopped almond roasted150 g pruneau chopped200 g apple (Bramley) peeled & cubed


1. Mix in eggs, sugar, butter, yoghurt, flour, baking powder to a soft thick batter.Add almond, pruneau, apple & combine all together well.

2. Preheat oven 180°. Bake for 30-35 min.Serve at tea time.

Page 15: Recipes

Oriental Chicken Brochette

500 g chicken cubes, breast/filet½ cup low fat yoghurt1 tsp turmeric powder1 tsp paprika powder½ tsp salt3 garlic pods 2-3 chopped green chillies1 bunch coriander chopped1 big pepper cubes1 big onion cubeslemon/curry leaves


1. Crush garlic pods with salt in mortar. Add yoghurt, turmeric, paprika, chillies, coriander & mix altogether.

2. Add chicken, pepper, onion & leaves. Combine altogether & marinate for 4 hours or overnight.

3. Soak bamboo/romarin stick, put chicken, pepper, onion, leaves & repeat until filled up.

4. Grill or cook in preheated oven at 200° until tender.Serve with roasted potatoes, green salad, whole wheat crisp slice & chilli garlic sauce/serve with tomato rice with chickpeas.

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Chick Peas Khichdi

300 g basmati rice125 g chick peas125 g black peas1 tsp salt1 tsp turmeric powder1 tsp chilli powder1 tbs garam masala2 tbs tamarind paste½ cup low fat plain yoghurt2 tbs santan (coconut powder)2-3 garlic pods crushed2-3 green chillies slit1 medium carrot diced1 medium tomato cubed1 medium red pepper cubed1 big onion quartered¼ cup fresh coconut milklemon peel slices

Cucumber & mint chutney

1 small young cucumber cubed1-2 green chillies½ cup mint leaves1-2 garlic pods1 medium lemon juicesalt to taste


1. Precook the soaked rice in water with a pinch of salt, drain & keep aside.

2. Cook the soaked peas in water with a pinch of salt & turmeric powder until tender, drain & keep aside.

3. In a steamer, add the yoghurt & mix in tamarind paste, salt, chilli powder, turmeric, onion, garam masala, green chillies, garlic & santan.

4. Add both peas & combine altogether well. Then layer with half of the rice, top with carrot, red pepper & tomato cubes.Layer again with rice, sprinkle with lemon peel slices.Cover & steam for 10-15 min until rice is tender. Serve with cucumber & mint chutney accompanied with chicken brochette & appalam.

Page 17: Recipes

Bread Balls in Pumpkin Curry

bread balls: about 6 brown bread slices (sandwich)¼ cup low fat yoghurt1 small bunch chopped coriander1 small bunch chopped spring onion2-3 chopped green chillies1 medium onion chopped½ tsp garlic paste

pumpkin curry: 700 g pumpkin peeled & cut into cubessalt to taste2-3 curry leaves½ tsp mustard seeds1 tbs olive oil2 big onions chopped1 tbs vegetable curry powder soaked in warm water¼ cup of low fat yoghurt¼ cup tomato puree2-3 green chilli slit¼ cup green peas1 tsp crushed gros l’anis chopped coriandergreen chillies


1. Remove the crust from the bread slices. Soak in yoghurt for 10-15 minutes and crush. Mix in garlic paste, chopped onions, chillies, spring onion & coriander. Combine together well. Divide into small balls. Steam for 10-15 minutes or in microwave for 30 seconds. Keep aside.

2. Steam the pumpkin cubes until tender. Reserve the stock, blend the cooked pumpkin to a puree. Keep aside.

3. Heat oil. Add curry leaves, mustard seeds & chopped onions. Stir. Add curry paste, ginger & garlic paste. Stir.Gradually add tomato puree. Stir.Add pumpkin puree, salt & cover lid till thickened.

4. Remove lid, add koftas & yoghurt. Simmer for few minutes.Add peas. Sprinkle with crushed roasted gros l’anis. Garnish with chopped coriander & green chillies.Serve with white rice, salad & tandoori fish.

Page 18: Recipes

Digestive Biscuit

250 g butter½ cup sugar¼ cup honey2 cups oat grinded a little1 cup coconut¼ cup milk2½ cup wheat flourwhite & dark chocolate for decoration


1. Cream butter & sugar well. Add honey, mix & combine in oats, coconut, milk & wheat flour. Knead.

Divide into balls & roll out. Cut into rounds & prick with fork.

2. Preheat oven 180°. Bake for 10-12 min.Allow to cool & dip in melted chocolate at your choice. Serve at tea time.

Page 19: Recipes

Crushed Wheat Soup (zero oi l)

Soup100 g blé concassé, soak in water & drain500 g pipangail le, peel & cube25 g moong dhall , soak & drain1 tsp pepper corn½ tsp sal t1 medium onion chopped1 tsp crushed roasted cumin1 pinch turmeric powderroasted onion for garnish1 cup low fat yoghurt1 small piece ginger

Tamarind sauce2 tbs tamarind pastesal t to taste1 tbs lemon juice1 medium onion cubes1 medium tomato cubeschopped greenschill i & garlic sauce


1.Mix soaked wheat , dhal l , salt , pepper, onion, cumin, turmeric, ginger & pipangaille. Combine together & steam/add 1 cup of water & cook over low heat unti l tender. Remove from heat , add yoghurt & blend unti l smooth. Add enough water & bring to boil .

2.Mix well tamarind paste, salt , lemon juice, onion, tomato & greens.Garnish soup with roasted onion accompanied with tamarind sauce.Top on soup chil l i & garl ic sauce.Serve with appalam.

Page 20: Recipes

Baked Courgette Burger

725 g grated courget te 500 g precooked potato grated1 cup paneer or cooked fish 1 small red pepper chopped½ tsp sal t & pepper1 big onion chopped5-6 basi l/mint leaves1 tbs mustard paste1 tsp crushed garl ic

For paneer, mix 4 cups of water with 1 cup of mi lk powder. Bring to boil , add juice of ½ of a lemon. Bring to boil unti l curdle. Cool and drain to get 1 cup of paneer.

For f ish, mix 200 g fish cut into small pieces, sal t & lemon juice. Sauté in 1 tbs oil & crush.


1. Sprinkle a l i t t le of sal t over grated courgette, leave for 10 minutes. Drain & press all water unti l dried up.

2. Mix grated courget te, grated potato, paneer/f ish, sal t , pepper, onion, basi l , garlic, mustard & red pepper.

3. Divide into small balls , f latten & place into baking tray.

Preheat oven 180°C. Bake for 15-17 minutes.

Serve as a snack with chil l i garl ic sauce/as a starter with tomato salad, green salad

and soup with biscotte.

Page 21: Recipes

Doolpil ty with Manioc

500 g manioc, steam/boil & mash½ cup semolina4 cups skimmed milk½ finely grated fresh coconut2 tbs sugar or enough to taste1 tsp cardamom powder1 tbs dry raisins & pistachio flakes for garnish5 cups water


1. Mix manioc & semolina. Knead to a soft dough.

2. Bring water to boil. Gradually divide the dough into tiny balls & roll on hand palm/palette. Bring them to boil until they float. Remove & keep aside.

3. Bring milk to boil with coconut. Add manioc dumplings, sugar & cardamom. Garnish with raisins & pistachio. Serve as a dessert.

Page 22: Recipes

Dieter ’s Pizza


2 cups whole wheat flour1 tbs yeast½ tsp sugar½ tsp salt1½ cup warm water¼ cup mealie meal (poudre maïs)

1. Mix in whole wheat flour, yeast, sugar & salt. Using enough water, knead to a soft dough. Cover & keep aside to rise till it doubles in volume.


150 g chicken breast cut into small pieces1 tsp salt & pepper2-3 garlic pods crushed 1 tsp paprika powder1 cup tomato puree1 large onion sliced1 medium green pepper sliced½ cup mushroom slices5-6 basil leaves

1. Marinate chicken pieces in salt, pepper & paprika powder for ½ h.

2. Heat pan, braise garlic, add marinated chicken. Stir until dry up & tender. Remove from heat & keep aside.

3. In the same pan, add tomato puree, stir, add pinch of salt & paprika powder. Stir until dries up. Sprinkle with a little of oregano. Remove & keep aside.

Cheese topping

4 pieces La Vache Qui Rit low fat soft creamy cheese1 cup milk1 tbs mustard paste

1. Blend together to a smooth creamy paste.


1. Divide dough, sprinkle with mealie meal on base, roll up.Place on baking tray, spread tomato sauce over, layer with chicken pieces & sliced onion, mushroom, green pepper & top with cheesy mixture. Sprinkle with oregano & basil leaves.

2. Preheat oven 190°C. Bake for 15-18 min till base is evenly browned.

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Page 24: Recipes

Steam Wheel in Date/Maple Syrup


200 g self-raising flour50 g soft butter allégé1 big egg/1½ small egg beaten [for veg, use ½ cup plain yoghurt+pinch of bicarbonate]3 tbs orange jam allégé


½ cup water2 tbs date/maple syrup¼ cup honey½ tbs melted butter


50 g pistachio/almond flakes


1. Rub in flour butter then gradually add beaten egg. Knead to a soft dough.

2. Roll out dough. Spread jam on. Roll into a swiss roll. Cut into slices about 1½-2 cm.

3. Bring to boil water, date syrup, honey & butter. When boiling starts, layer on the slices & cover with lid.

4. Steam until cooked through & syrup reduced. Remove from heat. Garnish with pistachio/almond. Eat chill with syrup on.

Page 25: Recipes

Milky Soya Crumbs and Split Green Peas (zenberick) Sandwich Rice

1 tbs oil2 big onions chopped1 tsp ginger & garlic paste200 g milky soya crumbs, soak & drain1 tbs curry powder paste1 tsp salt¼ cup yoghurt2-3 green chillies slitcoriander & mint leaves chopped200 g basmati rice, soak, cook with pinch of salt & drain100 g zenberick, soak, drain & steam with pinch of salt300 g tomato choppedjuice of 1 lemon


1. Heat pan, add oil & braise onion.Add in ginger & garlic paste & stir. Add soya & stir. Add curry paste, salt & enough water. Simmer, add yoghurt & stir until cooked & dried up. Add chillies, coriander & mint. Remove from heat.

2. In a steamer, line ½ of the precooked rice layered with ½ of cooked zenberick & tomato.Layer with soya & tomato, line the remaining zenberick & top with the remaining rice. Sprinkle on lemon juice, press well & steam until done.Serve with appalam & cucumber raïta.

Page 26: Recipes

Stuff Chapatt i with Milky Soya Crumbs

Dough400 g whole wheat flour½ tsp salt2 cups hot water

Filling1 tbs oil100 g milky soya crumbs, soak & drain½ tsp salt1 tsp ginger & garlic paste½ tsp turmeric powder½ tsp chilli/paprika powder1 tsp garam masala powder1-2 big onions chopped1-2 green chillies chopped1 bunch chopped greens


1. Mix in flour sal t . Make a well in the centre. Gradually add hot water & knead to a soft dough. Keep aside.

2. Heat pan & add oi l .Add soya, salt , ginger & garl ic, turmeric, chi ll i powder & garam masala. St ir & simmer until cooked. Add onion, green chil l i & greens. Stir & mix well.Remove from heat & cool.

3. Divide dough into small bal ls. Flatten light ly with roll ing pin.Spoon with fi l l ing & seal edges to form balls & roll up to form chapatti rounds.

4. Heat non-st ick pan & cook on both sides.Serve hot with mixed vegetable curry/chutney/tomato salad.

Page 27: Recipes

Pois d’echri & Brinjal Curry with Linseeds

150 g pois d’echri150 g bravatte250 g potato cubes150 g brinjal , cut into length size1 tbs corn oil2 big onions chopped4 medium tomatoes chopped1 tsp ginger & garl ic paste1 tsp low sal t1 tbs tandoori powder¼ cup low-fat yoghurt1 small green pepper cubes4 tbs l inseeds, roast & crush f inely2-3 green chill ies sli tcoriander leaves

1. Steam all the beans & vegetables until cooked.

2. Heat oil . Add onion, tomato, ginger & garlic, salt , tandoori & sti r. Add yoghurt & st ir.Add the beans, vegetables, green pepper & enough water.Add the linseeds & green chill ies.Garnish with coriander.Serve with chapatti & raita.

Page 28: Recipes

Sugarless Chocolate Muffins

2 eggs4 tbs olive or sunflower oil1 cup fresh orange juice2 tbs grated orange rind½ cup dry raisin (black sultanas)1 tbs cocoa powder½ tsp cinnamon powder225 g self-raising flour


1. Soak raisins in orange juice for ½ hour. Keep aside.

2. Whisk the eggs & oil. Add soaked raisin with orange juice & grated orange rind.

3. Sift flour, cocoa powder & cinnamon powder. Gradually add to the fruit mixture. Gently stir together until just combined.

4. Preheat oven 190°C. Pour into muffin liners or pan. Bake for 17-20 min or until risen & golden.

Serve with maple syrup at teatime or as dessert.

Page 29: Recipes

Vermicel li Pancakes

1 cup roasted semolina (greo)1 cup roasted fine vermicelli crushed1 cup plain low-fat yoghurt¼ cup finely grated fresh coconut2-3 green chillies finely chopped1 small bunch coriander leaves, spring onions, thyme & parsley, all chopped1 medium onion chopped½ tsp salt¼ tsp baking powder1 cup skimmed milk1 tbs olive oil


1. Mix in skimmed milk, yoghurt, oil, onion, coriander, spring onion, thym, parsley & chillies. Gradually add roasted semolina, vermicelli, coconut, baking powder & salt. Combine together gently. Cover & soak for ½ hour.

2. Heat non-stick pan. Brush lightly with a little or more oil. Spoon on pancake batter. Cook on both sides until golden.Serve hot as a snack with tomato chutney or any other chutney or with chicken or fish salad & soup as a starter.

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Spicy Swiss Roll

2 tbs butter2 pods garlic chopped1-2 green chillies chopped1 small bunch coriander chopped60 g wheat flour½ tsp salt2 cups skimmed milk2 large/3 small eggs separated


500 g steamed/boiled potato pinch of salt2 pieces soft cheese (La Vache Qui Rit)100 g spinach, blanch, drain & chop


black poppy seedfinely chopped parsley


1. Melt butter. Add garlic, chilli & coriander. Stir in flour & salt. Gradually add milk, stirring constantly to make a smooth sauce. Cool down slightly. Beat in egg yolk. Beat egg white until stiff. Gently fold into batter.

2. Prepare filling.Mash potato with salt, cheese & spinach.

3. Preheat oven 160°C. Spread batter evenly in baking tray. Bake for 15-17 min. Remove from oven. Turn roulade out into grease-proof paper. Spread filling on roulade & roll up in Swiss Roll style.

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Soya Milk Crumbs Kheer with Linseeds and Sago

50 g soya milk crumbs, soak & drain3 cups skimmed milk50 g chopped almond20 g soaked sago3 tbs sugar or enough to taste2 tbs linseed, roast & crush1 tsp cardamom powderchopped mixed dry fruits/dry raisins for garnish


1. Boil soaked soya milk crumbs in milk. Add almond. Cook until tender. Add sago. Stir, add sugar & linseed, stirring constantly to make a thick kheer. Add cardamom powder & garnish with dry fruits.

Page 32: Recipes

Chou-Chou au Gratin

1 kg sliced/cubed chou-chou ½ tsp salt & crushed pepperchopped thyme & parsley200 g grated carrots1 cup cornflakes crushed coarsely for topping

Low-calorie white sauce

500 g cauliflower florets2½ cups skimmed milk3 pieces soft cheese light1 tbs butter light2-3 pods garlic chopped1 big onion chopped2 tbs whole wheat floursalt to taste & pepper


1. Steam cauliflower florets, blend with milk & soft cheese. Keep aside.

2. Heat butter in a pan, add garlic, onion & whole wheat flour. Stir for few seconds. Gradually add cauliflower purée. Bring to boil while stirring the white sauce till it becomes thick. Add salt & pepper. Keep aside.

3. Steam chou-chou.Line in oven dish, sprinkle with salt, pepper, thyme, parsley & carrots.

4. Pour white sauce on vegetables & top with cornflakes. Preheat oven 190°C & bake for 20 min.Serve hot with crisp oven chicken.

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Oven Crisp Chicken

1 kg chicken thigh1 tsp ginger & garlic paste½ tsp salt½ tsp red chilli powder½ cup rosemary (romarin)1 tbs lemon juice1 tbs grated lemon zest1 cup skimmed milk1½ cup crushed biscuit


1. Slit chicken. Marinate in ginger & garlic paste, salt, red chilli, rosemary, lemon juice, lemon zest & milk for 4-6 hours or overnight.

Coat in biscuit crumbs. Line in oven tray.

2. Preheat oven 160°C.Bake for 45 min or until cooked through & crisp.Serve hot with chou-chou au gratin & green salad with whole wheat bread slices.

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Bitter-Gourd Stuffed with Chicken Mince

500 g bitter gourd200 g chicken mince1 tsp garam masala1 tsp ginger & garlic paste1 kg pipangaille1 tsp salt2 big onions chopped2-3 green chillies1 medium carrot grated2 tbsp low fat yoghurt1 small bunch coriander chopped2 tbsp grated coconut2 tbsp peanuts1 tbsp chopped mint leaves1 tbsp tamarind paste250 g tomato2 tbsp oil1 tbsp curry powder soaked½ tsp saffroncurry leavesred pepper


1. Half slit & deseed bitter gourd. Soak in salt & hot water for ½ hour. Drain & keep aside.

2. Mix in chicken mince, garam masala, half of ginger & garlic paste, salt, onion, coriander, chilli, yoghurt & carrot. Mix well.

3. Divide into small balls, stuff in bitter gourd & seal. Brush with a little oil. Preheat oven 180°C & grill for 20-25 min.

4. Blend coconut, peanut, mint & tamarind with a little of water. Keep aside.

5. Peel & steam pipangaillle. Blend with tomato, onion & chilli.

6. Heat oil. Add ginger & garlic paste, curry powder, saffron, curry leaves, pipangaille puree & stir.

Add salt & stir.

7. Add bitter gourd, cover with lid & simmer until cooked through. Add coconut paste & simmer again for few minutes. Garnish with red pepper.

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Spicy Cheesy Sesame Tulips

150 g whole wheat flour1 tsp baking powderpinch of salt1 tsp crushed pepper75 g butter75 g soft cheese75 g paneerchopped coriander1 small onion chopped


1. Mix in flour, baking powder, salt, pepper, butter & cheese.Add paneer, coriander, onion & mix until mixture forms a soft dough.

2. Make small balls & roll in sesame seeds.

3. Preheat oven 180°C & bake for 20 min or until golden. Allow to cool & serve.

Page 36: Recipes

Spinach Squares

750 g spinach - blanch, drain & chop½ cup low fat milk3 tbs oil420 g cream style corn½ cup wheat flour½ cup pea flour (besan)½ cup grind meal/corn (la poudre maïs)2 big onions chopped1 tsp garlic paste1 tsp turmeric powder1 tsp cumin powder2-3 green chillies chopped1 tsp salt1 tbs baking powder


1. Beat eggs, add milk, cream corn, wheat flour, pea flour, grind corn, onion, garlic, turmeric, cumin, chilli, spinach, salt & baking powder. Combine well together.

2. Pour into square tray.Preheat oven 180°C and bake for 30-35 min until set.Serve with chutney or tomato salad as a starter with soup & chapatti.

Page 37: Recipes

Carrot Garl ic Chutney

1 cup grated carrots2 tbsp garlic paste2 tbsp red chilli paste1 tbsp lemon juice1 tsp olive oil1 tsp salt


1. Grind all together into a fine paste in a blender.

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Chicken Wheel

200 g chicken mince1 tsp salt½ tsp turmeric powder1 tsp garlic paste1 tsp red chilli paste2 tbs low fat yoghurt1 medium tomato chopped1 medium onion chopped½ cup low fat milk¼ cup oats2 tbs self-raising flour1 tbs olive oil


1. Mix in chicken mince, salt, turmeric, garlic, chilli, yoghurt, tomato, onion & milk. Mix all together well.

2. Gradually add oats, flour & oil. Mix well & blend to a smooth paste.

3. Put in doughnut mould.Preheat oven 180°C and bake for 15 min.Serve with spinach squares & chutney.

Page 39: Recipes

Broccoli Makhani

500 g broccoli1 tbsp olive oil2 big onions chopped1 tsp soaked kalonji seeds2-3 cloves garlic crushed1 small piece ginger chopped1-2 dried red chillies crushed1-2 dates chopped500 g grated marrow175 g chopped tomatoes1 tbsp roasted semolina½ cup low fat milk1 tsp garam masala½ tsp salt1 small bunch methi leaveschopped corianderred pepper rings


1. Clean and cut broccoli into florets and blanch/steam. Keep aside.

2. Heat oil. Add onions, kalonji seeds, garlic, ginger, chilli, dates and marrow. Stir.

3. Add tomato and enough water, cover and cook on low heat until tender.Remove from heat and allow to cool.

4. Blend the mixture to a smooth puree.Bring to boil.

5. Dissolve the semolina in the milk and add to the mixture.Stir until thickened.

6. Add garam masala and salt.Add broccoli.Stir and simmer for few minutes.Garnish with methi leaves, coriander and pepper rings.

Page 40: Recipes

Gril led Soya Flour Faratha

225 g soya flour75 g methi leaves25 g chopped red pepper1 tsp salt1 tbs sugar1 tbs yeast1 tsp garlic paste1 tbs olive oil¾ cup warm water


1. Combine al l the ingredients & knead to a soft dough unti l i t is smooth and elastic.Cover dough & al low to rise for about 20 min.

2. Knead dough again and divide into small bal ls.Roll out or f latten light ly with your hand.Keep to r ise again for about 15 min.

3. Cook on gri l l or tawa on both sides until brown spots appear.Serve hot with broccoli makhani.