Receptionist at Work

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  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work




    TIMES Management Training Sdn BhdD:\training slides\MENGENA WATAK !"##t

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Lets know each other

    Interview your partner and introduce

    him/ her to us:

    Name / nick name

    Department/ position

    Year of service

    Reason of attending this program Others (if any

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Administrative matters

    !orning "ea #reak


    %fternoon "ea #reak

    &nd the session


    ashroom )urau

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Program Objective

    $earn how to make a first impression peop*e remem#er "o review #est te*ephone practice and *earn how to direct ca**s


    $earn how to deve*op strategies for dea*ing with difficu*tpeop*e and situations

    $earn how to receive visitors professiona**y

    Deve*op effective *istening ski**s and focus on customer care

    $earn how to stay motivated and #e part of the company team


    Increased work effectiveness for individua*s through #etterunderstanding and app*ication of the key responsi#i*itiesinvo*ved in this ,o# ro*e

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work



    The Common Roles Support Staff

    Office assistant

    !ai* and courier service administration

    "yping or simp*e c*erica* duties

    -ustomer Representative

    -oordinating visitors

    -ustomer service

    "e*ephone Operator

    %nswering. transferring and making ca**s

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    O&'e Assistant

    !ost organiation wi** incorporate theoffice assistant function in thereceptionist 0o# description1

    "his is to create more va*ue added ,o#

    2u**y optimie the capa#i*ity

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    S(me O) the O&'e *(+s

    !anaging the mai* and courier serviceadministration1

    %ssisting in coordinating the interview

    3ayment. invoices and de*ivery order

    %dministrative the receptionist area.visitor4s room. meeting and conferenceroom and etc

    3aging system1

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work



    "oo fre5uent*y we think of customerservice as an e6terna* activity:something that occurs outside the

    organiation to keep paying customerhappy1 +ut interna* customer service ise5ua**y important1

    Receptionist are a*so service providereither to the interna* or e6terna*customer1

    Receptionist act as the customer

    service representative

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    .nderstand The im#(rtant ()attit/de

    !ost of the customer service fai* are due toattitude of the service provider as we** as theservice support

    )ome of the e6amp*e which re*ated to

    attitude are: No ownership of the pro#*em No apo*ogy +*aming of the mistakes onto someone

    No reso*ution of the pro#*em cou*dn4t care *ess attitude Over promise and under de*iver

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Root case on the attitde

    3oor customerservice ski**s

    3oor communication

    and team work Negative attitude

    "he organiationcu*ture

    No training

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    .nderstanding the '/st(mer ser0i'e essentials1ills

    3roduct / service 7now*edge

    8ood communication and interpersona*ski**s

    %pp*y effective pro#*em so*ving anddecision making techni5ues andapproach

    Negotiation ski**s

    3*anning ski**s

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    !aining "stomer #rst and Ra$$ort

    )how interest

    "reat customer feed#ack as priority

    Do not #reak promises

    2ast respond

    -ontinuous -orrective action

    %pp*y win9win situation

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work



    !aking assumptions

    +reaking promises

    -overing yourse*f

    )preading rumors

    +y passing peop*e

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    In this session %o wi&&'

    Rea*ie the impact of te*ephonecommunications on customer


    Review how to open. contro*. andc*ose te*ephone ca**s effective*y

    $earn techni5ues for managingyour voice and tone

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work



    hy it is important to answer thete*ephone effective*y




  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Wh2 a #r(#er ans3ering tele#h(nete'hni4/es d( im#(rtant

    One of the key e*ement in providing effectivecustomer service < competitive edge

    %*most =>? to @>? of our communication in

    the office invo*ve te*e9communication1 It ref*ects the organiation4s cu*ture and

    company4s image

    It is a part of communication too*s

    Deve*oping additiona* va*ues which #ecomecompetitive advantages


  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    )ave %o ever heard'

    Due to poor te*ephone answering :

    $oosing customer or #usiness

    3u#*ic re*ation with interna* customer is

    #ad and affect teamwork -reated #ad image to the pu#*ic as we** as


    -ompetitive disadvantages

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work



    8ive some e6amp*e poor te*ephoneanswering techni5ues




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    S(me () '(mm(n #((r tele#h(neans3ering te'hni4/es5

    No proper we*coming and greetings )houting and ye**ing < emotiona*

    No courtesies

    3oor p*anning and time management

    3oor know*edge on organiation. services andproducts

    Did not write down the message D:Btraining s*idesB#o*aahmad1pps

    3oor communication

    Did not fami*iar with the hardware

    No initiative

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    %hmad. )iti4s hus#and went tothe market and #uy C ki*o of

    -hi*i. ki*o of red onion. E>ki*o of rice and = ki*o of sugarand #eing re5uested to hand

    over to !s $im1

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    "ase std%

    )a**y was the accounts e6ecutive for +e*on Nasiona*)dn +hd1 )he is dea*ing with invoices4 payment anda*ways received ca**s from vendors1

    One day she was #usy comp*eting the fu** set ofaccounts and as usua* there are many incoming

    ca**s for her1 !ost of the time )he did not pick upthe phone and the phone keep on ringing anddistur#s others1 hen her office co**eagues pick upthe phone and wish to transfer to her. sheimmediate*y gave a remarks to inform the ca**erthat either she is not around or on *eave1

    hat is your group opinion on her attitude hat wi** #e the impact to:

    -ompany -ustomer

    -o**eagues %nd you

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    #he im$act o* the te&e$hone

    "ake a few moments to ,ot down yourthoughts to the 5uestions #e*ow:

    "hink a#out when youca** an organiationF

    Do you a*ways know the person who answers thete*ephone

    "he answer is no1 )oF how doyoufee* speaking toa stranger a#out a 5uestion or pro#*em 'owwou*d youwou*d *ike to #e treated

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Im$act on $erce$tions:

    A voice withot a *ace

    "a*king to a stranger can make us fee*:uncomforta#*e/threatened

    uneasy a#out resu*ts


    hat he*ps to assure us that we are

    speaking to someone who:#e*ieves our ca** is importantcares a#out our pro#*em

    wi** take the time to he*p

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    Im$act on $erce$tions:

    Ana&%+e %or own e,$erience

    "hink a#out ca**s you have made forinformation or he*p with pro#*ems

    Do you *ike to ca** some organiations #ecause youa*ways get good resu*ts

    hat do their te*ephone contact peop*e do

    'ow do they make a good impression

    Do you dis*ike ca**ing some organiations #ecauseresu*ts are not satisfactory

    hat do their te*ephone contact peop*e do or not do

    'ow do they ruin the impression of their organiation

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    Do you *ike to ca** some organiations#ecause peop*e

    sound friendly? give you the right answers?

    dont keep you waiting?

    Im$act on $erce$tions:

    -hat makes the di.erence/

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    Im$act on $erce$tions:

    -hat makes the di.erence/

    0o %o dis&ike ca&&ing someorgani+ations becase:

    you are put on hold for a long timeyou are likely to be transferred to thewrong personpeople make you feel as if your call is aninterruption?

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    %vai*a#i*ity < "hey want to #e a#*e to make contactwhenever they have a 5uestion or a pro#*em

    -ourtesy < "hey want to #e respected as individua*s

    &fficient/consistent service < "hey want to knowe6pectations wi** #e met every time

    "ime*y responses < "hey want ca**s returnedprompt*y. fo**ow9up ca**s when promised

    Re*ia#i*ity < "hey want accurate answers from we**9

    informed peop*e %ppropriate referra*s < "hey don4t want to wastetime ta*king to the wrong peop*e

    Im$act on $erce$tions:

    -hat makes ca&&ers ha$$%/

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Im$act on $erce$tions:

    YO1 are %or de$artment)o now you rea*ie that when you

    answer the phoneF

    YOG are your department YOG are Your Organiation

    YOG have the power and responsi#i*ityto create a positive e6perience in every te*ephone interaction

    with every ca**er


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    In this scenario, you receive a telephone callfrom the manager of another department

    complaining about the number of errors in

    the report you submitted.

    Staff Member #1: (Answering the

    telephone):Good afternoon. Operations Department.

    This is (insert your name) speaking. How

    may I help you?

    Staff Member #2: (Sounding annoyed and


    !eah" (name of appli#ant)" this is (name of

    inter$iewer). I got the report you sent me.

    There are at least three errors in it and I%m

    not e$en sure that some of the data is

    #urrent. I ha$e to ha$e my report in &y '

    p.m. today using the information you sent



    In this scenario you recei!e a telephone call from

    an angry patient who belie!es he has reached the

    "illing epartment$ %ou do not wor& for the "illing


    Staff Member (Answering the telephone):

    Good Afternoon. Blue communication. This is

    (insert your name)speaking. How may I help


    'ustomer (Sounding angry):

    How many times do I ha$e to #all

    you regarding my &ill? It%s still notright*?* This is the third time I%$e

    tried to get some resolution for these

    in#orre#t #harges. I get &ills from

    you" and then I get statement from my &ank

    saying that e$erything has &een paid. +H,T I-

    TH /0O123*?*

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Dealing With C/st(merC(m#laints hen a customer comp*ains. it means they

    want to continue to do #usiness with us

    Gse the -$&%R techni5ues

    - : -a*m your emotions $ : $isten active*y to the customer

    & : &mphatise with the customer

    % : %po*ogise / %cknow*edge the customer

    situation R : Reso*ve the situation #y providing re9

    active and pro9active reso*ution

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    "a&m %or emotions

    "he first factor you have to addresswhen customer are irate is managingyour emotiona* response1

    e can fee* defensive. aggressive.impatient. annoyed. upset. to name,ust a few emotions

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    2ome idea that have he&$s

    "ake a deep #reath( note: not to e6ha*e a#ig sigh

    !enta**y step #ack and *ook at the #igpicture

    "hink a#out the seriousness of the pro#*em Rea*ie that the customer is not direct*y

    angry at youH they are pro#a#*y angry#ecause of the situation or #ecause of their

    persona* matters1 Not to ,ump off #ut to put the issue in its#roader conte6t

    +uy yourse*f sometime < to de*ay the

    emotions reaction and a#*e to think wise*y

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Listen Active&% to thecstomer )tephen -ovey in "he )even 'a#its of 'igh*y

    &ffective 3eop*e says: !ost peop*e do not *istenwith the intent to understandH "hey *isten with theintent to rep*yJ1

    "here are few *eve* of *istening Ignoring the other person: not *istening at a** 3retending to *isten: using yeah or uh9uh without sincerity

    )e*ective *isteningH hearing on*y certain part of conversation

    %ttentive *isteningH paying attention to the words that are

    #eing said %ctive *isteningH *istening with the intent to understand

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    %ctive *istening means *isten withyour ear. your eyes and your heart1

    You *isten for content. for meaning

    and for fee*ing1

    You *isten for #ehavior. using yourright and *eft #rain. your intuition

    and your sense1

    You *isten for the fact/content andthe emotion #ehind the content1

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    -hen %o &isten to %or cstomer3 %oneed to identi*%:

    "he content or the reason why thereare fee*ing dissatisfied with yourproduct or services

    "he fee*ing or emotion they aree6pressing

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    4m$athi+e with %or cstomer

    &mpathy is defined as the a#i*ity to putyourse*f in the other person4s shoe. tounderstand their frame of reference

    -ustomer are norma**y upset due to : "heir e6pectation are not met

    "heir e6pectation were unreasona#*e

    "hey have had an a**9round #ad day1

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    4m$athi+e techni5es

    Rephrase the content: restart thereason the customer is upset in yourown word

    Ref*ect the fee*ing: put the emotionsyou are interpreting from the customerinto words1

    &1g1: I can understandF(fee*ing when11


    %re youF (fee*ing +ecause11

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    A$o&ogi+e to the "stomer

    Don4t pass the #uck: hen a pro#*emsituation arise it is tempting to avoid it or topass the #uck. to say it was someone fau*t

    Doing so wi** on*y ref*ect #ad*y on thecompany as a who*e. and therefore on you

    %po*ogiing for the situation. withoutassigning #*ame. wi** he*p move the

    customer to a successfu* reso*ution of thepro#*em

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    %*ways apo*ogie : "here are peop*ewho are re*uctant to apo*ogie#ecause it wasn4t their fau*t1

    "he point is moot < whoever4s fau*tit was is irre*evant. you can sti** #esorry that the customer is

    disappointed with the servicereceived1

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    Reso&ve the sitation

    2ocus more on pro9active options: Is there need for change in a process or


    hat cou*d #e done to stop this fromhappening in the future

    hat other sources of information cou*d#e provided to customer

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    "reating the "stomer &o%a&t%

    It is easy to increase or e6pand your#usiness with your e6isting customerrather than #ui*d up new customer

    Deve*op *oya*ty #y using )O"ana*ysis

    Identify )trength. eaknesses.

    Opportunity and threat of yourcustomer1

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Make the best o* each ca&&

    Open the ca** with a ver#a* handshakeJ 3ut a smi*e in your voice

    %nswer the te*ephone prompt*y

    -ontro* the ca**

    %sk pertinent 5uestions !ake notes of important information

    -*ose the ca** Ko*unteer usefu* information

    %gree on any ne6t steps with the customer

    "he fo**owing s*ides wi** he*p you with this processF

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    #echni5e 6: #e&e$hone Basics

    %nswer prompt*y

    If you must p*ace a ca**er on ho*d. ask forpermission and %I" 2OR %N %N)&R

    !ake sure the ca**er is on ho*d #efore

    discussing the ca**er4s situation with a coworker

    "ake messages accurate*y

    If necessary to transfer the ca**. give the ca**eran e6p*anation

    Never eat or drink whi*e ta*king on the phone

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    #ake accrate messages

    7eep a note or message pad handy %sk the ca**er for:

    Name (#e sure to get the correct spe**ing


    "e*ephone num#er

    -onvenient time to ca** #ack

    % short message

    %*so note the date and time of ca**

    +efore hanging up. repeat the information#ack to the ca**er to ensure accuracy

    T h i ! . + t

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Te'hni4/e !: .se 2(/r +est0(i'e

    +e carefu* howyou say something: tone of voice accounts for L@? of what *isteners hear and


    words account for on*y E=? of what *isteners hear and


    )mi*e when you speakH the ca**er wi** hearthe positive tone in your voice

    )peak at a norma* pace. c*ear*y and audi#*y

    Kary tone and inf*ection to maintain energy -ommunicate interest and acceptance

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    )he se**s sea she**

    at the sea shore

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    A&wa%s remember this77

    hen we communicate with peop*e itis simi*ar *ike we throw a #oomerang 1

    If throw positive to peop*e. positive wi**

    come #ack to us %nd If we throw negative to peop*e.

    negative wi** come #ack to us

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Sending the Message

    "he word we use < represent M? of thecommunication process1 Gse specific words +e carefu* with the word #ut < it tends to dis5ua*ify a**

    other words used1

    Gse positive words such as we ca. we wi**. *et4s atch out negative reaction words such as no. our po*icy is.

    it is not my ,o#. I don4t know Instead rep*ace with. norma**y we11 I wi** find out Gse weJ not You and IJ Gse action words when reso*ving issues such as *et4s get to

    the #ottom of thisJ Don4t swear

    D:Btraining s*idesBdrawingo#,ect1pps

    8 1 b t i

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    87 1se %o best voice:

    #one changes %or meaning

    Repeat the fo**owing sentence a*oud.emphasiing a different word each timeas indicated #y the ita*ics:

    Ithink this program is e6citing1

    Ithinkthis program is e6citing1 I thinkthisprogram is e6citing1

    I think thisprogramis e6citing1

    I think this program ise6citing1

    I think this program is exciting1

    'ow does the change in tone change themeaning

    ! .se 2(/ +est 0(i'e:

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    !" .se 2(/ +est 0(i'e:

    T(ne 'hanges 2(/r meaning

    Ithink this $rogram is e,citing (others disagree)

    Ithinkthis $rogram is e,citing (Im not sure)

    I thinkthis$rogram is e,citing (other programsare dull)

    I think thisprogramis e,citing (but the room is adump)

    I think this $rogramise,citing (I agree, it is)

    I think this $rogram isexciting(Im pleasantlysurprised)

    Te'hni4/e 6: Ans3er the

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    Te'hni4/e 6: Ans3er thetele#h(ne

    %nswer in = or fewer rings and use thefour courtesies:

    'e**o/good morning/good afternoonJ"N+(fi** in name of your departmentJ

    "his is (fi** in your nameJ

    'ow may I he*p youJ

    Example -Hello! Legal epartment

    "his is #arah How may I help you?

    Te'hni4/e 7: C(ntr(l the 'all 3ith e8e'ti0e

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Te'hni4/e 7: C(ntr(l the 'all 3ith e8e'ti0elistening

    DO -oncentrate on

    what the ca**er issaying

    3araphrase theca**er to confirmyour understanding

    Gse responses suchas yesJ. I seeJ to

    show your interest !ake notes ofimportantinformation

    DONT Interrupt

    2inish sentences forthe ca**er

    )witch the ca**er4sfocus

    "une outJ and missinformation

    'and*e other workthat distracts you

    Te'hni4/e 9: C(ntr(l the 'all 3ith e8e'ti0e

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    Te'hni4/e 9: C(ntr(l the 'all 3ith e8e'ti0e4/esti(ns

    Gse open5uestions: "o get more detai* and discuss the issue with the ca**er

    "o understand the re5uest for information

    "o manage the conversation

    "o o#tain agreement

    Open 5uestions are often phrased as statements and #eginwith words such as descri$e% explain% discuss% why% how% tellme a$out&

    Examples ' "ell me why you were disappointed with our service%Explain your other o$(ection please% How would you like the situationresolved?

    Te'hni4/e 9: C(ntr(l the 'all 3ith e8e'ti0e

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    Te'hni4/e 9: C(ntr(l the 'all 3ith e8e'ti0e4/esti(ns

    Gse closed5uestions: hen you need a yes/no or specific response

    "o gain #etter contro* of the ca** and a ta*kative ca**er

    "o shorten ca**s

    "o confirm agreement

    -*ose 5uestions are phrased as short in5uires andusua**y contain words *ike when% where% how many%how long% to whom&

    Examples ' )hen did you first call our office?% "o whichaddress did you send the application?% id you receive theinformation packet we sent you?

    Te'hni4/e :

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Te'hni4/e :%('/s (n the 'aller;s '(n'erns

    $isten to what the ca**er says

    %ddress concerns and 5uestions 5uick*y

    %ddress issues 5uick*y and courteous*y Respond in c*ear and positive terms

    Offer on*y re*evant and usefu* information

    If you ignore concerns. the ca**er wi** either: )top you and repeat the concern or 5uestion

    )ay nothing. #ut fee* dissatisfied

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    )and&e concerns95estions

    $isten to what the ca**er says*#o you are asking how you can develop a personalprofessional development plan?+

    %ddress concerns and 5uestions 5uick*y*Let me answer that right away&+

    'and*e issues 5uick*y and courteous*y*Ill $e happy to help you+

    Respond in c*ear and positive terms*Let me give you the links% then Ill guide you through thesite+

    Offer on*y re*evant and usefu* information*In the future you can choose your own password+


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  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Te'hni4/e =:S()ten >+ad? ne3s

    3rovide an e6p*anation*)e cant provide that information to a external parties$ecause of the company policy+

    +e courteous*I understand that you would like to handle this issuefor your staff+

    +e honest1 Don4t mis*ead to #e niceJ*#orry%Im $ound $y the company policy+

    )uggest an a*ternative*)hat I can do is give all of the information to theexecutive if she calls me Let me give you my nameagain and direct extension+

    Te'hni4/e @: Cl(se the

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    Te'hni4/e @: Cl(se the'all

    "hank the person for ca**ing

    Out*ine any ne6t steps

    3rovide assurance that promises to fo**ow9up wi** #e honored (and do fo**ow upP

    $et the ca**er hang up first1 "his simp*ecourtesy gives the ca**er a fina* chance toadd something

    $eave the ca**er with a positive impressionof you and "N+

    Te'hni4/e : %(ll(3

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Te'hni4/e : %(ll(3thr(/gh

    If you are una#*e to assist the ca**erat the time of the origina* ca**:

    Review the specific 5uestion(s and theinformation needed

    8ive the ca**er a time frame for providingre5uested information

    !ake a commitment to ca** at an agreed9upon time (and keep the promiseP

    Te'hni4/e :

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Te'hni4/e :%(ll(3 thr(/gh'(nt"

    !ake the fo**ow9up ca**: 3*an what you are going to say

    8reet the ca**er in a friend*y way

    Introduce yourse*f and your department

    )tate the purpose of the ca**

    %sk if it is convenient for the ca**er to ta*k

    De*iver your message in friend*y. c*ear and

    professiona* terms. *eaving room for 5uestions &nsure that the ca**er4s origina*

    5uestion/concern has #een addressed

    - &k ith

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    -a&k awa% with'

    "o a person on the te*ephone you are: % representative of YOGR


    % representative of your department

    7ey in providing the *inks #etween staffand other customers. Organiation4s

    services and the organiation4sreputation

    B P iti

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Be Positive

    Deve*op positive mind set "hink 3ositive. ta*k positive and #ehave


    "he meaning of communication is therespond that you get

    B ti

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Be creative

    )ometime when answering. receivingor making ca**s we need to #e creativein dea*ing with peop*e

    -reative mean a com#ination methodon some of the techni5ues

    D&%$IN8 I"' IN"&RG3"ION

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    An interr$tion is on&% an interr$tion I it issomething that sto$s or hinders b% breakingin on some continit% es$ecia&&% i* itinterr$t %or te&e;conversation

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    Dealing 3ith interr/#ti(ns

  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    C(ntr(l 2(/r em(ti(nal and stress

    &motiona* +e carefu* with your emotiona* when

    answering or making phone ca**s1

    )tress can #e caused #y emotiona* % person who are stress wi** inf*uence the

    way they communicate such as hottemper. #anging the phone. shouted and


  • 7/25/2019 Receptionist at Work


    If you want to changethe action. you have tochange your thinkingJ