Recent Technological Advancements

Vision For All Technology is a field that is rapidly changing its course as days pass by. Every other day a new technology is invented that eclipses the current one in demand. With the advancements in technology our lives have changed manifold and to be precise we are in such a precarious situation that we are unconditionally dependent on technology for almost anything and everything. And with more new advanced technology in the pipeline slated to be released sooner or later, we are surely on the verge of witnessing the biggest technological boom. To begin with, there are numerous such technological advancements that have taken place in the recent past worth discussing as in insanely high definition displays, bionic eye, wearable technology, voice recognition in devices, 3-D printers to name a few. There are hundreds of such technologies that have come up within a span of few years that have taken the world by storm and their impact on human lives is greater than ever. One such technology is the bionic eye that hopes to give a new lease of life to the people who are suffering from “retinitis pigmentosa” and age-related macular degeneration by restoring the sense of vision. The bionic eye system consists of a digital camera, external processor and an implant with a microchip and stimulating electrodes surgically placed in the back of the eye. The camera attached to a pair of glasses transmits high- frequency radio signals to a microchip implanted in the retina. Electrodes on the implanted chip convert these signals into electrical impulses to stimulate cells in the retina that connect to the optic nerve. These impulses are then relayed along the optic nerve to the vision processing centres of the brain, where they are interpreted as an image. Patients need to have a functional visual pathway from the retina to the brain along the optic nerve, as well as some


A short article on the technical advancements made in recent past

Transcript of Recent Technological Advancements

Vision For All

Technology is a field that is rapidly changing its course as days pass by. Every other day a new technology is invented that eclipses the current one in demand. With the advancements in technology our lives have changed manifold and to be precise we are in such a precarious situation that we are unconditionally dependent on technology for almost anything and everything. And with more new advanced technology in the pipeline slated to be released sooner or later, we are surely on the verge of witnessing the biggest technological boom.To begin with, there are numerous such technological advancements that have taken place in the recent past worth discussing as in insanely high definition displays, bionic eye, wearable technology, voice recognition in devices, 3-D printers to name a few. There are hundreds of such technologies that have come up within a span of few years that have taken the world by storm and their impact on human lives is greater than ever.One such technology is the bionic eye that hopes to give a new lease of life to the people who are suffering from retinitis pigmentosaand age-related macular degeneration by restoring the sense of vision.The bionic eye system consists of a digital camera, external processor and an implant with a microchip and stimulating electrodes surgically placed in the back of the eye. The camera attached to a pair of glasses transmits high-frequency radio signals to a microchip implanted in the retina. Electrodes on the implanted chip convert these signals into electrical impulses to stimulate cells in the retina that connect to the optic nerve. These impulses are then relayed along the optic nerve to the vision processing centres of the brain, where they are interpreted as an image.Patients need to have a functional visual pathway from the retina to the brain along the optic nerve, as well as some intact retinal cells to reap benefits from this life changing technology.The impact of this technology on mankind is sure to be one hell of a kind as it is a breakthrough in the field of science. The bionic eye could change the world as we see it. It could well lead to a vision for all society. The bionic eye