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    Recent grassland losses are concentrated around U.S. ethanol refineries

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    Environ. Res. Lett. 12 (2017) 044001


    Recent grassland losses are concentrated around U.S.ethanol refineries

    Christopher K Wright1,4, Ben Larson2, Tyler J Lark3 and Holly K Gibbs3

    1 Natural Resources Research Institute (NRRI), University of Minnesota Duluth, 5013 Miller Trunk Highway, Duluth, MN, 55811,United States of America

    2 National Wildlife Federation, 1990 K Street NW, Suite 430, Washington, DC, 20006, United States of America3 Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment (SAGE), University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1710 University

    Avenue, Madison, WI, 53726, United States of America4 Author to whom any correspondence should be addressed.

    E-mail: [email protected]

    Keywords: renewable fuel standard, ethanol, biofuel, land use change, grassland

    Supplementary material for this article is available online

    AbstractAlthough the United States has pursued rapid development of corn ethanol as a matter ofnational biofuel policy, relatively little is known about this policy’s widespread impacts onagricultural land conversion surrounding ethanol refineries. This knowledge gap impedes policymakers’ ability to identify and mitigate potentially negative environmental impacts of ethanolproduction. We assessed changes to the landscape during initial implementation of theRenewable Fuel Standard v2 (RFS2) from 2008 to 2012 and found nearly 4.2 million acres ofarable non-cropland converted to crops within 100 miles of refinery locations, including 3.6million acres of converted grassland. Aggregated across all ethanol refineries, the rate of grasslandconversion to cropland increased linearly with proximity to a refinery location. Despite thiswidespread conversion of the landscape, recent cropland expansion could have made only modestcontributions to mandated increases in conventional biofuel capacity required by RFS2.Collectively, these findings demonstrate a shortcoming in the existing ‘aggregate compliance’method for enforcing land protections in the RFS2 and suggest an alternative monitoringmechanism would be needed to appropriately capture the scale of observed land use changes.

    1. Introduction

    With passage of the Energy Independence and SecurityAct of 2007 (EISA), the United States embarked on anambitious program of biofuel development. Prior toEISA, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 set out modestincreases for U.S. biofuel production under theRenewable Fuel Standard, from four billion gallons(Bgal) in 2006 to 7.5 Bgal by 2012 [1]. Under EISA, anexpansive Renewable Fuel Standard version 2 (RFS2)committed the U.S. to development of a 36 Bgal peryear capacity by 2022 [1].

    The RFS2 schedule sets annual standards for totalrenewable fuel volume, to be met by a portfolio ofconventional and advanced biofuels, with an initialfocus on increasing conventional biofuel productionfrom nine Bgal in 2008 to a 15 Bgal per year level by2015. Note, the conventional biofuel standard does not

    © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd

    explicitly apply to ethanol refined from corn starch,but instead requires a 20% decrease in lifecyclegreenhouse gas emissions compared to gasoline,regardless of feedstock type [2]. However, the marketdominance of corn ethanol has meant that theconventional biofuel mandate operates, in practice,as a corn ethanol standard.

    As an energy policy, EISA was intended to reduceU.S. dependence on foreign oil. As environmentalpolicy, it was designed to reduce the global warmingimpact of the transportation sector. However, theimmediate greenhouse-gas benefit of biofuels largelydisappears if feedstock production promotes counter-acting land use change that releases carbon stockssequestered within previously untilled soils. Theresulting carbon debts may take several decades toreverse [3–5]. Therefore, in order to prevent thisunintended consequence of biofuel development,

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  • Environ. Res. Lett. 12 (2017) 044001

    EISA requires that lands eligible for feedstockproduction must have been ‘cleared or cultivated’prior to the law’s enactment in December, 2007 [2].

    Tasked with enforcing EISA’s land protectionprovision, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) initially proposed feedstock recordkeeping andreporting requirements for refineries, but followingpublic comment adopted a fundamentally lessrestrictive final rule termed ‘aggregate compliance’[2]. Within this framework, EPA compiled nationalcrop-area statistics from the U.S. Department ofAgriculture (USDA) to define a 402 million acrebaseline of agricultural land eligible for feedstockproduction in 2007. If this baseline is exceeded insubsequent years, EPA must implement feedstockrecordkeeping and reporting. If a lower, 397-millionacre threshold is exceeded, EPA must re-evaluate theaggregate compliance approach [2]. In fact, in 2010—the year aggregate compliance took effect—EPAreported an agricultural land area of 398 millionacres, and committed to performing the requiredmethodological assessment in the coming year [6].However, we find no public record of those findings.

    Based on USDA crop and land cover statistics, EPAsubsequently reported that U.S. cropland area fell to392 million acres in 2011 [7] and 384 million acres in2012 [8]. By contrast, a number of independentstudies found substantial conversion of non-croplandto crop production using moderate resolution(30–56 m), satellite-based land cover data [9–12]during a period when conventional ethanol outputdoubled under RFS2. This apparent contradictionsuggests that aggregate compliance may not be aneffective enforcement mechanism if it cannot detectland use conversion potentially stimulated by thebiofuels industry at the spatial scales where change isoccurring and relevant.

    Using a recently developed data set from Lark et al[12] we provide a comprehensive assessment of landcover/land use change (LCLUC) surrounding ethanolrefineries as RFS2 was initially implemented from2008–2012. Given limited production of advancedbiofuels during this period, our focus was solely onconventional corn ethanol (hereafter, weuse ‘ethanol’ tomean conventional ethanol refined from corn starch).First, we evaluated land-use impacts of RFS2 inaggregate, analogous to EPA’s aggregate complianceframework, but targetedwithin100mileneighborhoodssurrounding all actively producing refineries. Next, weassessed spatially explicit rates of change, emphasizingthe ethanol industries’ geography and proximity tounderutilized feedstock potential in the Midwest andGreat Plains, primarily on grasslands—including bothnative prairie and introduced grassland types. Finally,we considered policy implications of our results.

    Under EISA reporting requirements, the EPAmustsubmit triennial reports to the U.S. Congresssummarizing the environmental impacts of biofuels.In its initial report in 2011, the agency identified the


    expansion of corn cultivation onto lands enrolled inthe Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) or used aspasture (both essentially grassland conversions) as themost important source of negative environmentalimpacts potentially arising from ethanol development[13]. Whether feedstock demand would be metthrough cropland expansion or by intensification ofcorn production on existing cropland was identified asa key uncertainty [13]. However, a second triennialreport was not submitted in 2014. Followinginvestigation of this omission, EPA’s Inspector Generalrecently concluded: ‘Not having required reportingand studies impedes the EPA’s ability to identify,consider, mitigate and make policy makers aware ofany adverse impacts of renewable fuels’ [14]. Thepresent study aims to help address this gap.

    2. Methods

    2.1. Refinery locations and feedstock draw areasLocations of all active ethanol refineries as of 2009(n ¼ 173), using corn as a sole feedstock, wereobtained from the National Biorefineries Database[15]. The U.S. ethanol industry is largely centered intheMidwest Corn Belt (figures 1(a) and (b)). A secondgrouping of refineries spans the Ogallala Aquifer(figure 1(b)), which is a critical source of irrigationwater from Nebraska to Texas facing unsustainablegroundwater withdrawals [16]. Remaining plants arewidely dispersed (figure 1(b)). Relative to thisdistribution, the majority of U.S. corn productionoccurs within 50 miles of an ethanol refinery. Forexample, 49% of the 2008 corn crop (by area) waslocated less than 25 miles from a refinery, 28% at25–50 miles, 9% at 50–75 miles, and 3% at75–100 miles (figure 1). Less than 12% of the 2008corn crop was grown more than 100 miles from arefinery.

    Most ethanol refineries have limited on-sitestorage capacity. In order to maintain feedstocksupplies year-round, they typically pay a five to 20 centper bushel premium over corn prices offered by localgrain elevators [17]. Transportation costs generallydictate that a corn producer must be within a 50 mileradius of an ethanol refinery to benefit from thispremium [18, 19]. Hence, we defined the basicfeedstock draw area for the ethanol industry as a 50mile radius surrounding all refineries (figure 1(c)).Significant price effects have also been observed as faras 100 miles from refineries [17], therefore we defineda maximum national draw area at a 100 mile radius(figure 1(c)).

    2.2. Change detectionAgricultural LCLUC surrounding refineries wasanalyzed from a data set previously assembled byLark et al [12]. Using the USDA Cropland Data Layer[20] from 2008–2012, they identified generalized

  • (a) (b)


    CornCottonSmall grainsForest


    Ogallala Aquifer








    Nearestrefinery (mi.)


    Figure 1. (a) U.S. land cover from the 2008 Cropland Data Layer. The Corn Belt occupies the north-central U.S. and is largelycomprised of a mixture of corn (yellow) and soybean (dark green) cultivation. (b) Locations of refineries (blue stars) activelyproducing corn ethanol as of 2009 (n¼ 173). Outline of Ogallala Aquifer in red. (c) Concentric regions surrounding ethanol refineriesat distances of 25, 50, 75, and 100 miles.

    Environ. Res. Lett. 12 (2017) 044001

    crop and non-crop categories at 56 m resolution. Thegeneralized crop class included row crops (corn,soybeans, sorghum, cotton, potatoes, peanuts, sugarbeets, etc.), small grains (wheat, barley, oats, rice,millet, rye), oilseeds (canola, sunflower, safflower),pulses (dried peas, edible beans, lentils, chickpeas),legume hay (alfalfa, clover) and various fruits andvegetables [12]. The non-crop category encompassedforest, shrubland, wetland, open water, native prairie,improved grassland (pasture, hay), and developed land[12]. The resulting five-year image time series ofbinary classifications was then used to identify fourcategories of change/no-change over that interval: (1)Non-cropland converted to cropland; (2) Croplandreverted to non-cropland; (3) Stable cropland; and (4)Stable non-cropland. See Lark et al [12] for details.

    2.3. Accuracy assessmentPreliminary pixel-level accuracy assessment showed a98% overall accuracy of the Lark et al [12] data set(table S1 available at The conversion of non-cropland to crop-land was mapped correctly over 70% of the time.Critically, for purposes of this study, conversion wasidentified with a very small positive bias, 3%,indicating that the Lark et al [12] data set accuratelypredicted the true area converted to cropland,nationwide. However, cropland reversion to non-cropland was over-predicted with a large positive bias,125% (table S1), introducing the likelihood of under-


    predicting net cropland change (conversion minusreversion).

    2.4. Bias correctionA 125% bias implies that gross reversion in the Larket al [12] data set was 2.25 times greater than actualreversion, nationwide. Assuming this bias wasrelatively uniform spatially, we corrected for it bydividing the area of cropland reversion, at a givenspatial scale, by 2.25 (multiplication by 0.44). Next, theremaining area (.56 of the uncorrected total) was re-assigned to the stable cropland category. Figure S1shows the effect of uniformly de-biasing croplandreversion at 3.5 mile resolution, first plotting originalreversion rates as quintiles (figure S1(a)) and thenmapping bias-corrected reversion rates using the samelegend (figure S1(b)). Note the resultant shift towardvalues less than 2.4%, and generally less than 0.8%(figure S1(b)).

    Next, we compared net cropland change (conver-sion minus reversion) using uncorrected vs. de-biasedreversion totals, also at a 3.5 mile scale, nationally(figure S2). In some cases, bias correction reversed thesign of net cropland change, i.e. from net croplandlosses to net gains. More generally, it tended toneutralize the magnitude of those losses. For example,net cropland losses in northern and eastern NorthDakota based on original reversion totals (figure S2(a)) were largely neutralized by bias correction (figureS2(b)). A comparable effect was found in the southern

  • Environ. Res. Lett. 12 (2017) 044001

    half of the Ogallala Aquifer (figure S2). However, thesetypes of reversals were comparatively rare. Mostimportantly, de-biasing did not fundamentally alterthe overall pattern of net cropland increases surround-ing ethanol refineries (figure S2).

    Aggregate effects of uniform bias correction withinneighborhoods surrounding ethanol refineries aresummarized in figure S3. While aggregate reversionrates were substantially reduced, as expected (figure S3(c)), the effect of bias correction on net conversionrates was less pronounced; in general, reducing ratesby a half percentage point relative to uncorrected netconversion rates (figure S3(d)).

    2.5. Source landsAs a basic measure of land suitability, the NaturalResources Conservation Service (NRCS) Land Capa-bility Classification (LCC) system [21] was used. LCCdata were extracted from the NRCS Soil SurveyGeographic database (SSURGO) [21]. In order tomaintain a degree of uniformity across the U.S.agricultural landscape, LCLUC analyses were confinedto those lands classified as ‘arable’ (LCC classes I-IV).Previously identified change areas from Lark et al [12]were overlain on the arable lands layer, withintersections between the two retained for furtheranalysis. This overlay eliminated 12% of the croplandexpansion identified in the original Lark et al [12] datathat occurred on land defined as non-arable by theNRCS.

    The types of potentially-arable land cover under-going conversion to cropland were identified byoverlaying the 2006 National Land Cover Database(NLCD) [22] on change areas. From the 2006 NLCD,four generalized classes were assembled: grassland,forest, shrubland, and wetland. The generalizedgrassland class merged two NLCD classes: grass-land/herbaceous and pasture/hay. Notably, the NLCDdoes not distinguish undisturbed grassland (nativeprairie) ineligible for feedstock production under EISAfrom eligible grassland types including introducedgrass pasture, introduced grass hay, and idle croplandplanted to grasses under the Conservation ReserveProgram (CRP). In addition, the NLCD pasture/hayclass represents a combination of grass pasture, grasshay, and leguminous hay, predominantly alfalfa [22].However, alfalfa is identified as a distinct crop type bythe Cropland Data Layer, and Lark et al [12] includedalfalfa in their generalized cropland class. Given thatalfalfa was not a component of non-crop to cropconversion events, we assumed that alfalfa land coverembedded within the NLCD was eliminated by theoverlay operation with change areas, the end resultbeing a generalized class composed of a combinationof grass-dominated cover types.

    In terms of land available for additional cropproduction, our 100 mile national draw regionencompassed nearly 223 million acres of arable non-cropland in 2008 (table S2). In addition, 8.7 million


    acres of feedstock-eligible CRP land left the programfrom 2009–2012 [12].

    With respect to grassland likely ineligible forfeedstock production, the U.S. Geological Survey’sGap Analysis Program (GAP) indicates nearly30 million acres of short-, mixed-, and tall-grassprairie in North- and South Dakota, combined, as of2001 [23]. Note that 100° W longitude represents anapproximate climatological limit for non-irrigatedcorn production in the Dakotas. East of the 100thMeridian, the 2001 GAP product shows 1.7- and 4.4million acres of tall- and mixed grass prairie,respectively [23]. In Kansas, temperate grasslandcovers more than a third of the state, with grasslandstature (type) declining along an aridity gradient fromeast to west [23]. By comparison, native prairie coversless than 1.5% of Iowa and Missouri, combined [23].

    2.6. Aggregate analysisAggregateLCLUCasa functionofdistance fromethanolrefineries was analyzed within 25 mile concentricincrements surrounding refineries (figure 1(c)).Within each increment, non-cropland conversion andcropland reversion were summed and rates of changewere normalized relative to the area of arable non-cropland or cropland, respectively, present in 2008. Forthe four generalized land cover classes, conversion tocropland was summed over each increment andnormalized relative to the potentially arable area ineach class in 2008. Initial crops following conversionwere determined from the Cropland Data Layer for theyear individual conversion events occurred. Rates of netcropland change were calculated by subtracting grossreversion from gross conversion, normalized bycropland area in 2008. Net change in grassland, forest,shrubland, and forest categories was based on non-cropland cover types identified by the CDL in the yearcropland reversion occurred.

    2.7. Spatially explicit analysisLCLUC rates were calculated similarly at a spatialresolution of 3.5 mile grid cells for arable land acrossthe entire U.S. Intermediate between farm- and countyscales, we found that 3.5-mile grid cells capturedimportant sub-county variability while smoothingfarm-scale noise. Recently, Motamed et al [24] alsoused gridded CDL data to assess LCLUC across theethanol sector over a comparable time period(2006–2010). They found aggregating the CDL at6.2 mile resolution enabled identification of annualchanges in crop selection at sub-county scales [24].

    3. Results

    3.1. Aggregate changeAggregated across the U.S. ethanol sector, the four-year conversion rate of arable non-cropland tocropland was highest within 25 miles of refineries

  • 0.0








    0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100


    p to



    p (%




    p to


    p (%


    Nearest refinery (mi.)








    0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100


    p to



    p (1

    06 a




    p to


    p (1



    Nearest refinery (mi.)








    0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100



    - cro

    p to


    p (1






    p to


    p (%


    Nearest refinery (mi.)




    Figure 2. Aggregate rates of change between arable non-cropland and cropland (2008–2012) plotted as a function of proximity toethanol refineries. Distance intervals as in figure 1(c). (a) On the primary axis (black bars), relative conversion rates normalized by2008 non-cropland area. On the secondary axis (white bars), relative rates of cropland reversion to non-cropland normalized by 2008cropland area. (b) Gross conversion (primary axis, black bars) and reversion (secondary axis, white bars), both in 106 acres. (d ) On theprimary axis (black bars), net conversion (conversion minus reversion), normalized by 2008 non-cropland area. On secondary axis(white bars), net conversion in 106 acres.

    Environ. Res. Lett. 12 (2017) 044001

    (2.7%) and declined linearly to 1.2% at 75–100 mi.(figure 2(a)). To test the statistical significance of theobserved proximity effect, we compared it with a nullmodel assuming a fixed conversion rate within100 miles of refineries (spatially-invariant, randomconversion of arable land at the overall 0–100mile rate,1.9%). By the Cochrane-Armitage test for lineartrends across ordered categories [25, 26] the aggregateeffect of refinery locations was highly significant (x2(3)¼ 444 994, p

  • 0




    0-50 50-100 >100


    al C




    Nearest refinery (mi.)

    Corn/Soy Small GrainsAlfalfa CottonSorghum Other

    Figure 3. Initial crops following conversion of arable non-cropland to cropland as a function of proximity to ethanolrefineries (in 106 acres).





    0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100


    C ra

    te (%


    Nearest refinery (mi.)

    Crop to grasslandGrassland to cropNet change





    0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100


    C ra

    te (%


    Nearest refinery (mi.)

    Crop to shrublandShrubland to cropNet change



    Figure 4. Relative LCLUC rates (2008–2012) as a function of geneConversion and net change rates normalized by arable land in the aby cropland area in 2008.

    Environ. Res. Lett. 12 (2017) 044001



  • 0.0




    0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100


    C (1



    Nearest refinery (mi.)

    Crop to grasslandGrassland to cropNet change






    0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100


    C (1



    Nearest refinery (mi.)

    Crop to forestForest to cropNet change





    0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100


    C (1



    Nearest refinery (mi.)

    Crop to shrublandShrubland to cropNet change






    0-25 25-50 50-75 75-100


    C (1



    Nearest refinery (mi.)

    Crop to wetlandWetland to cropNet change

    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    Figure 5. Gross LCLUC (2008–2012) as a function of generalized land cover class and proximity to ethanol refineries. Note thatgrassland values are in 106 acres; forest, shrubland, and wetland in 104 acres. A positive net change (conversion minus reversion)represents a net loss in a given category; negative values indicate net gains (wetland only).

    Environ. Res. Lett. 12 (2017) 044001

    3.2. Potential ethanol production from croplandexpansionFrom LCLUC totals, we estimated the potentialcontribution of cropland expansion toward meetingthe 4.2 Bgal per year increase in ethanol blendingmandated by RFS2 from 2008–2012. U.S. farmersfrequently grow corn and soybeans in rotation as ameans to control insect pests and plant pathogens.Therefore, we assumed 50% of land converted to cornor soybeans would be available for feedstock produc-tion in subsequent years; i.e. 887 000 acres within50 miles of refineries, plus another 358 000 acres at50–100 miles distance. Given a ten-year (2005–2014)average U.S. corn yield of 151.7 bushels per acre [27]and a conversion efficiency of 2.76 gallons per bushelfor first-generation corn ethanol [28], observedcropland expansion within 50 miles of refineriescould generate on the order of 0.37 Bgal of ethanol peryear. Increasing the national draw area to 100 milesraises potential ethanol capacity to 0.53 Bgal per year,12.4% of the conventional biofuel mandate.

    Others have found that the intensity of cornproduction increased under RFS2 as farmers sup-planted traditional corn/soy rotation with continuous-corn production [29, 30]. As an upper bound onpotential ethanol capacity generated from recentconversion, suppose that all land initially planted tocorn or soybeans represents the pool of new croplandavailable for feedstock production. Assuming the entirepool is dedicated to continuous-corn production, the


    maximum contribution to ethanol production wouldbe double the estimates for corn/soy rotation fromabove. Thus, we estimate that direct LCLUC from2008–2012 could contribute, at most, less than 25% ofthemandated increases in conventionalbiofuel capacityover that period.

    3.3. Spatially explicit changeWithin 3.5 mile grid cells, normalized rates of changewere calculated by dividing the area converted(2008–2012) by the arable non-cropland area availablein 2008 (figure 6(a)). Conversion of non-cropland tocropland surrounding ethanol refineries generallyreflected this availability (figure 6(b)). For example,within the industry’s core production areas in Iowa,Minnesota, Illinois, and Indiana, where arable non-cropland is rare (figure 6(a)), relative conversion rateswere generally low (figure 6(b)). Outside coreproduction areas, both the availability of arablenon-cropland surrounding refineries, and its rate ofconversion, tended to increase (figure 6). Importantly,the spatial pattern in figure 6(b) shows that aggregateresults (figures 2–5) were largely determined bychange around the ethanol industry’s periphery. Thiscan be seen in state-level totals from Iowa whereaggregate conversion rates increased moving awayfrom core refineries (table S2).

    In the Dakotas, where an estimated 25% of thepre-settlement extent of mixed grass prairie remainsunplowed [31], four-year conversion rates commonly

  • Arable non-crop (%)

    Non-crop to crop (%)

    0 6.7 15.7 24.7 32.9 40.8 48.6 57.3 66.7 78.8 100

    0 .4 .8 1.2 2.0 2.7 3.9 5.5 7.8 12.1 35










    Figure 6. (a) Percent cover of arable non-cropland in 2008. Legend values are deciles of the cumulative distribution of non-zero rates;i.e. the 10th-, 20th-, 30th- . . . percentiles. (b) Relative conversion rates of arable non-cropland to cropland (2008�2012). Legendvalues are deciles of non-zero rates. Purple outline represents 100 mile, national draw area. Spatial resolution 3.5 miles.

    Environ. Res. Lett. 12 (2017) 044001

    exceeded 7.8% across what was the largest expanse ofcropland expansion found (figure 7). From there,elevated conversion rates extended into northeastNebraska and southern Iowa. Slightly lower rates onthe Corn Belt’s southern margin coincided with a lineof refineries from Missouri to Kentucky. Similarly,cropland expansion paralleled refineries across theCorn Belt’s northern margin in Minnesota andWisconsin and between the two core productionregions in Iowa/Minnesota and Illinois/Indiana.

    Along the Ogallala Aquifer, elevated conversionrates in western Kansas, Oklahoma and Texascoincided with areas experiencing groundwaterdepletion rates ranging from 5%–20% per decade[16]. In western Kansas, where remnant shortgrassprairie is concentrated [23], conversion rates gener-ally exceeded 12.1%, the most intense hotspot ofchange found (figure 7). Outside the Ogallala Aquiferand Corn Belt regions, cropland expansion sur-rounding isolated ethanol refineries was relatively


    localized, with the exception of western New York(figure 6(b)).

    Rates of cropland reversion to non-cropland wereconsistently low surrounding ethanol refineries,generally less than 0.6% (figure 8(a)). Conversely,net cropland change rates, upwards of 9.4%,accentuated expansion around the margins of theCorn Belt (figure 8(b)). Along the Ogallala Aquifer, netincreases occurred at slightly lower rates (2%–9.4%)and mainly in the region’s southern half (figure 8(b)).

    Not surprisingly, the spatial pattern of grasslandconversion rates (figure 9(a)) closely resembled thatfor all non-cropland (figure 8(b)). Surroundingethanol refineries, rates of cropland reversion tograssland were uniformly low, with a patchydistribution of higher values elsewhere (figure 9(b)). In turn, net grassland loss rates were highestaround the margins of the Corn Belt, namely in theDakotas, and in the Southern Great Plains (figure 9(c)). Elevated net loss rates covering much of western

  • Non-crop to crop (%)

    Ogallala Aquifer

    0 .4 .8 1.2 2.0 2.7 3.9 5.5 7.8 12.1 35








    Figure 7. Relative conversion rates of arable non-cropland to cropland (2008–2012). Legend values are deciles. Spatial resolution 3.5 miles.

    Environ. Res. Lett. 12 (2017) 044001

    New York were unexpected (figure 9(c)). In someareas where relative conversion rates were high (figure9(a)), rates of net grassland loss were comparativelylow to neutral, e.g. in western Iowa (figure 9(c)).Given limited availability of unutilized arable land inwestern Iowa (figure 6(a)), low reversion rates acrosslandscapes with high cropland cover were apparentlysufficient to offset grassland losses. A similarphenomenom was found in northwest Minnesotaand along parts of the Corn Belt’s northern margin.Within core ethanol producing areas, net grasslandchange was generally neutral to positive (figure 9(c)),further emphasizing the contrast between core andperipheral refineries.

    Spatially explicit forest, shrubland, and wetlandconversion rates revealed important regional differ-ence in sources of new cropland other than grassland(figure 10). Expansion along the Corn Belt’s northernmargin, and in western New York, involved all threeclasses. While forest conversion occurred broadly inthe eastern half of the U.S., including along the CornBelt’s southern margin, relative conversion rates werelow (figure 10(a)). As a result, gross forest losswithin 100 miles of refineries was relatively modest(94 000 acres) with less than half that amount (43 000acres) occurring beyond 100 miles. Note, forest withno prior history of cultivation is ineligible forfeedstock production under EISA; this may explain,in part, its limited conversion. Isolated, higher rates of


    forest conversion in the Central Plains (figure 10(a))likely involved the clearing of shelterbelts; treesplanted to control erosion or shelter farmsteads fromprevailing winds. Shrubland conversion occurredlargely in southwest North Dakota and the Texas-and Oklahoma Panhandles (figure 10(b)). In southernIowa and northern Missouri, mixed conversion ofgrassland, shrubland, and forest (figures 9 and 10)likely reflected the clearing of oak savannah or similarmixed landscapes. Very high rates of wetlandconversion (>16.5%) were found in the PrairiePothole Region of eastern South Dakota and partsof North Dakota (figure 10(c)).

    4. Discussion

    Our study represents the second comprehensiveassessment of land-use impacts across the ethanolindustry. The first, by Motamed et al [24], analyzedthe effect of feedstock demand from a slightly differentperspective—that of increases in corn acreage andtotal cultivated area rather than specific land-usetransitions. We interpreted countervailing trends inaggregate rates of conversion vs. reversion (figure 2(a))as evidence that farmers closer to refineries had a greaterincentive, as a group, to increase and maintain land incrop production. However, we did not considerpotential effects of other explanatory variables. After

  • (a)


    Crop to non-crop (%)

    Net cropland change (%)

    0 0.6 1.9 5.0 22.6 80

    -80 -2.5 -1.0 0.5 2.0 4.9 9.4 15.4 27.3 60.1 >100








    Figure 8. (a) Cropland reversion rates (2008–2012). Legend values are quintiles of non-zero rates. (b) Net cropland change rates(2008–2012). Legend values are deciles of non-zero rates. Both rates normalized by 2008 cropland area. Spatial resolution 3.5 miles.

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    controlling for climate, soils, and terrain factorsexpected to influence land use decisions, Motamedet al [24] found that the positive effect of neighborhoodrefinery capacity on corn acreage increases remainedstatistically robust. This stimulative effect was strongestin areas where corn acreage and cultivated areawere lowto begin—also around the margins of the CornBelt. However, they did not consider the types ofnon-cropland brought into production. In combina-tion, our results and thoseofMotamed et al [24] providecorroborating evidence that accelerated ethanol devel-opment under RFS2 was an important driver of recentgrassland losses.

    At the same time, potential ethanol capacityattributable to cropland expansion was modest. Thisindustry-wide result was consistent with state-levelfindings from Kansas, over a comparable time period(2007�2009) [30]. There, corn intensification sur-rounding ethanol refineries, due to crop switching andan increase in continuous-corn production, was five-times greater, by area, than expansion of corn onto


    new cropland [30]. With respect to uncertaintiessurrounding feedstock sourcing, as acknowledged inEPA’s first triennial report [13], our results areconsistent with an argument that U.S. ethanoldevelopment has been achieved more so by cornintensification—including crop switching, yieldimprovements, and continuous-corn production—than by corn extensification [32].

    However, implementation of RFS2 was accom-panied by substantial changes in U.S. corn utilizationthat also likely played an important role in meetingthe conventional biofuel mandate. For example, asthe percentage of harvested corn dedicated to ethanolincreased from 25% in 2008, to 43% by 2012, averageannual corn prices rose from $4 to $7 per bushel [33].High prices stimulated corn production, internation-ally, reducing U.S. competitiveness in global markets.Consequently, the export share of U.S. outputdeclined by 50% between 2008 and 2012 [33]. Overthe same period, rising prices contributed to a 20%reduction in corn used for animal feed, offset in large

  • (a) (b)


    Grassland to crop (%) Crop to grassland (%)

    Net grassland change (%)

    0 1.2 3.1 6.3 12.2 100 0 1.2 3.1 6.3 12.2 100

    -80 -5.3 -1.5 2.2 9.7 >100













    Figure 9. Rates of LCLUC involving the generalized grassland cover class (2008–2012) (a) Conversion of arable grassland, normalized byarable grassland area in 2008. (b) Reversion of cropland to grassland, normalized by 2008 cropland area. (c) Net grassland change (reversionminus conversion) normalized by 2008 arable grassland area. Legend values are quintiles of non-zero rates. Spatial resolution 3.5 miles.

    (a) (b)


    Forest to crop (%)

    Wetland to crop (%)

    Shrubland to crop (%)

    0 0.4 1.2 2.7 7.8 100 0 1.2 3.5 8.2 21.2 100

    0 0.8 2.4 5.9 16.5 100








    Figure 10. Relative conversion rates of arable non-cropland to cropland (2008–2012) by generalized land cover class (normalized byarea in each class in 2008). (a) Forest; (b) Shrubland; and (c) Wetland. Legend values are quintiles of non-zero rates. Spatial resolution3.5 miles.

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    part by substitution of ethanol by-products (distillers’grains) [33].

    4.1. Indirect land-use changeNearly one-third of all non-cropland conversion,nationwide, occurred outside our 100-mile nationaldraw area (table S3, figure 6(b)), concentrated inOklahoma, Texas, Montana and South Dakota(table S3). These Great Plains states are characterizedby extensive livestock- and small-grain production(figure 1(a)) as well as an abundance of potentiallyarable land (figure 6(a)). There, Lark et al [12] found apreponderance of grassland conversion to winterwheat from 2008–2012, with additional conversion toalfalfa and barley in eastern Montana, and to oats incentral Texas. This broader LCLUC may have simplybeen a general reaction to high commodity prices.From 2008–2012, prices of wheat, barley, and oatsincreased in tandem with corn due to cross-priceeffects and other market interactions [33]. Alternately,specific transitions to wheat, barley, oats, and alfalfa inareas where cattle ranching is a dominant land use mayrepresent an adaptation to high corn prices wheredistillers’ grains are not a viable alternative.

    Such an indirect land-use change effect of ethanolproduction has not been considered by others, butanecdotal evidence suggests its’ potential. For exam-ple, grazing cattle on winter wheat prior to feedlotfinishing is a common practice in the southern GreatPlains [34]. When the spread between wheat and cornprices falls to a ratio near 1.25:1, substitution of wheatfor corn in feedlot cattle rations becomes economical,as occurred in 2011 when rising corn prices outpacedwheat [35]. In the northern Great Plains (Montanaand North Dakota) barley is a common livestock feedvalued for its flexibility; it can be grazed, hayed, orharvested for grain [36]. However, barley is planted inspring, as opposed to winter wheat planted in autumn.Recently, the Montana Agricultural ExperimentStation released a winter wheat cultivar bred expresslyfor feeding cattle during the early-season period beforebarley becomes sufficiently mature [37].

    Outside the Great Plains, we found extensiveconversion of non-cropland in the eastern U.S. (figure6(b)), primarily to corn and soybeans [12]. Althoughrelative conversion rates were uniformly low across theregion (figure 6(b)), they were associated withrelatively high rates of net cropland change in anumber of areas (figure 8(b)). In the Southeast, wherethe U.S. poultry industry is concentrated, croplandexpansion from North Carolina to Mississippi (figure6(b)) coincided with the largest concentration ofgrain-consuming animal units (GCAUs)—a standard-ized measure of animal feed requirements across arange of species—outside the Mid-West [38]. Givenvertical integration of the industry, poultry processorstypically operate feed-processing facilities, as well.Perhaps, in response to high input costs, poultryprocessors increased their sourcing of feed grains,


    locally, with farmers benefiting from a lower corn/soybasis, or entering into direct contracts with feed mills,and bringing new land into cultivation, accordingly. Inthe Mid-Atlantic region, cropland expansion fromVirginia to New York (figure 8(b)) coincided withintermediate concentrations of GCAUs [38].

    International, indirect land use-change (ILUC)effects of U.S. ethanol production have beencontroversial and extensively studied [39]. Compara-tively limited attention to domestic ILUC effects hasfocused on the substitution of distillers’ grains inconfined animal feeding operations [40, 41]. Interest-ingly, we observed approximately ten-times less forestconversion to cropland (figure 5(b)) than projected bythese models [40, 41], but two-times more grasslandconversion (tables S4, S5). In sum, our results suggest,at least anecdotally, that further attention should begiven to potential ILUC associated with spatiallydiffuse adaptations to higher feed costs beyond thesubstitution of ethanol by-products.

    4.2. Aggregate complianceBy focusing on 100 mile neighborhoods surroundingrefinery locations, we found evidence of a significantland-use response to RFS2. Grassland conversionoccurred largely in South Dakota, North Dakota, andKansas, states where unplowed native prairie isextensive [23, 31]. However, given limitations ofavailable satellite-based land cover data, we wereunable to separate the conversion of native prairieineligible for feedstock production from conversion ofeligible grassland types (introduced pasture, hay, andCRP lands). Nonetheless, we note that EPA’s aggregatecompliance approach is based, in essence, on indirectevidence of potential feedstock sourcing from ineligi-ble land. Under this standard of evidence, we contend,our results show that aggregate compliance, asimplemented at a national scale, is not responsiveto LCLUC relevant to EISA’s land protection provisionoccurring at finer spatial scales.

    EPA findings of no significant impact under RFS2followed from an 18 million acre decline in U.S.cropland area reported from 2007–2012, based onUSDA data [8]. In 2012, the USDA AgriculturalCensus found a comparable 16.7 million acre drop intotal cropland from the preceding census in 2007[42]. However, closer inspection of the 2012Agricultural Census shows this net loss was largelyexplained by a 23 million acre decrease in ‘croplandpasture’ offset, in part, by a 9.3 million acre increasein planted cropland (harvested cropland þ failedcropland) [42].

    Cropland pasture represents the pasture phase oflonger-term crop rotations, and is treated as acomponent of total cropland area by USDA.Therefore, land-use transitions between croplandpasture and cropland (in either direction) have nonet impact on total cropland area reported by USDA.In our analysis, cropland pasture returning to

  • Environ. Res. Lett. 12 (2017) 044001

    cultivation was captured by transitions between arablegrassland and cropland (figure 9), encompassing5.2 million acres of grassland conversion to cropland(tables S4, S5), 1.2 million acres of cropland reversionto grassland, and a net loss of 4.0 million acres ofarable grassland, nationally (tables S6, S7). If landsclassified as non-arable are included, grasslandconversion from 2008–2012 totaled 5.7 million acres,of which Lark et al [12] estimated 75% had beencultivated at least once in the preceding 20 yr.

    Clearly, the magnitude of land-use transitionsbetween grassland and cropland that we found, albeitover one less year, fell well short of the level of activityinvolving cropland pasture as reported in the 2012Agricultural Census. Notably, the preceding 2007Agricultural Census found a similarly large, 25million acre reduction in cropland pasture from2002–2007, accompanied by a 28 million acre declinein total cropland [43]. However, according to theUSDA Economic Research Service (ERS), bothresults from the 2007 census were largely explainedby a methodological change in which land identifiedas cropland pasture in 2002 was re-classified as‘permanent pasture and range’ in 2007 [44].Permanent pasture and range is not considered acomponent of total cropland by USDA. Consequent-ly, the 28 million acre decline in total croplandreported by the 2007 Agricultural Census was largelyan artifact of a change in land-use interpretationrather than actual land-use change, ERS conclud-ed [44].

    In thedescriptionofmethods employedby the2012Agricultural Census, we find no mention of potentialcomplications related to estimating the area of croplandpasture from land owner surveys [42]. From ourreading of the 2012Census, reconciling our results withUSDA figures would require an unexpected level ofcropland-pasture conversion to non-agricultural landuses, substantial re-classification to permanent pastureand range, or some combination thereof. Given theapparent absence of an EPA re-assessment of aggregatecompliance in 2010, it is clearly important to resolvethese discrepancies.

    In order to reduce the risk of feedstock sourcingfrom ineligible grasslands, we suggest revisitingEPA’s original proposal requiring ethanol refineriesto conduct feedstock recordkeeping and reporting.Nonetheless, as we show, these risks are likely notevenly distributed across the ethanol industry.Feedstock certification and monitoring may beunjustified within core ethanol producing regionswhere relative conversion rates were minimal but moreappropriate in the Dakotas and western Kansas whereconversion risks are higher (figure 9). For example, arefinery under construction in Onida, South Dakota[45] will expand ethanol production (and thusfeedstock demand) nearly 100 miles west in the state,with a potential feedstock draw area dominated bygrassland (figure 11).


    4.3. Broader impacts on the extensive marginIn agricultural economics, the ‘extensive margin ofcropland use’ refers to agricultural lands that tend tomove in and out of cultivation depending oneconomic factors. Beyond normal market forces,land use on the extensive margin is also responsive tonational policies supporting cultivation vs. conserva-tion, e.g. RFS2 vs. CRP. From 1982–1997, widespreaddeintensification of U.S. agriculture, mainly in theSouthern Plains and around the margins of the CornBelt, resulted in more than 72 million acres ofcultivated land reverting to pasture, hay, and CRP,with net cropland losses totaling nearly 50 millionacres [46]. From 1998–2007, deintensification slowedin the Corn Belt as cropland reversion to non-cultivated uses was balanced by nearly equal amountsof pasture, hay, and CRP returning to cultivation[47].

    Our analysis from 2008–2012 showed an abruptreversal of this equilibrium on the Corn Belt’s extensivemargin, less so along the Ogallala Aquifer (figure 8(b)).Much of this reversal was likely land formerly enrolledin CRP. For example, from 2010–2013 nearly 0.9million acres of CRP grassland was converted tocropland in the upper Mid-West [48]. Where conser-vation-oriented federal policy once supported land-usede-intensification, biofuel policy appears to be drivingre-intensification.

    Studies projecting outcomes of various bioenergyscenarios typically assign feedstock production tomarginal lands [49–53]. From these projections,broader impacts of RFS2 can be inferred. Forexample, the observed conversion of a mixture ofland cover types around the Corn Belt’s periphery(figure 9 and 10) represents a reduction in landscapeheterogeneity. Under a corn-intensive biofuel scenar-io, comparable landscape homogenization reducedprojected bird species diversity regionally [49], withthe highest levels of risk corresponding with elevatedconversion rates around the margins of the Corn Belt(figures 8(b)). Increased soil erosion and fertilizerrunoff have been documented in corn-intensivescenarios [50, 51], particularly in southern Iowa andnorthern Missouri [51] where we found rapidcropland expansion (figure 8(b)). In fact, this regionwas formerly extensively cropped, but previouslyreverted to pasture and perennial hay due to soil andterrain limitations [54].

    Lastly, with respect to forward looking climate-change mitigation, grassland conversion to producecorn feedstock incurs the opportunity costs of notwaiting to realize the net carbon advantages ofsecond generation cellulosic biofuels [52, 53],development of which has lagged beyond EISA’soriginal goals [55]. These costs may be muchlarger than perhaps anticipated by policy makers.For example, Ahlering et al [5] estimate thatconversion of just 10% of unprotected grasslandsin the Dakotas (520 000 acres) could incur social

  • AlfalfaBarrenCorn



    SorghumSoybeansSpring Wheat

    SunflowerWinter Wheat

    Figure 11. South Dakota land cover from the Cropland Data Layer (CDL) products for 2008 (left) and 2015 (right). Red circles areexisting ethanol refineries. On the right, the blue circle marks an ethanol refinery under construction in Onida, South Dakota.Surrounding this location, larger black circles represent potential feedstock draw areas at 50- and 100 miles distance. Onida is locatedjust east of the Missouri River (in blue), in a climatic transition zone between the mesic corn-growing region to the east and a semi-arid climate to the west. Primary crops in the Onida area include sunflower, wheat, corn, soybeans and sorghum.

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    costs approaching $430 million due to emissionsfrom converted soils and foregone carbonsequestration.

    5. Conclusions

    Our study highlights the land use change that occurredduring the initial build-out of conventional biofuelcapacity following passage of the Energy Indepen-dence and Security Act of 2007, and shows themajority of new croplands capable of producingfeedstocks came from grasslands at the fringe of theCorn Belt within close proximity of refineries. Morerecently, as conventional biofuel productionapproached the 15 Bgal per year cap, U.S. gasolineconsumption actually declined [55]. Concerns regard-ing the transportation sector’s ability to absorb ahigher biofuel mandate, the so-called ‘blend wall’, ledthe EPA to revise downward the conventional biofuelstandards for 2014–2016 [55]. However, actual ethanolproduction substantially exceeded those revisions,contributing to foreign ethanol exports totaling morethan 0.8 Bgal in both 2014 and 2015 [56].


    EPA has since increased the conventional biofuelstandard to 15 Bgal for 2017 [57]. If ethanol exportscontinue to grow, actual production at 16 Bgal per yearappears feasible. Given that peripheral refineries arewell-positioned to utilize an under-developed feedstockpotential on Mid-West grasslands (figures 6 and 11),annual ethanol production at this level—beyond thatoriginally envisioned by EISA—might reasonably beexpected to drive additional grassland conversion.

    While recent adjustments to the RFS2 schedulehave centered on ethanol demand, the EPA isstatutorily empowered to also consider environmentalimpacts of biofuel production as a basis for revision,but has not done so to date [14]. As the EPA’sInspector General recently concluded, the absence ofrequired studies and reporting has impeded theagency’s ability to make such mid-course adjustments[14]. Our study helps quantify and characterize theextent of ethanol feedstock-related land use changearound refineries, offering new insights into the scaleof landscape transformation and the potential forassociated environmental impacts.

    The conventional phase of U.S. biofuel develop-ment has now reached maturity. This achievement of a

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    15 Bgal per year capacity coincided with widespreadperturbation perturbation of U.S. agricultural land-scapes [10, 12] and global agricultural markets [58].Absent an effective monitoring program, this initialeffort to mitigate global warming by an ambitiousintervention in energy delivery systems has beenplagued by fundamental uncertainties surroundingpolicy outcomes [39] and perhaps, avoidable scientificand public controversy [59]. As U.S. biofuel develop-ment moves into its advanced, cellulosic phase—aneven more ambitious intervention in ecosystemfunctioning—our hope is that significant, up-frontinvestments are made in comprehensive monitoringand related assessment and validation of the underly-ing scientific foundation (biological, physical, andsocio-economic) on which successful climate-changemitigation should be based.


    CKW received support from the NSF MacrosystemsBiology Program (NSF-EF 1544083) and from theNational Wildlife Federation.


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    Recent grassland losses are concentrated around U.S. ethanol refineries1. Introduction2. Methods2.1. Refinery locations and feedstock draw areas2.2. Change detection2.3. Accuracy assessment2.4. Bias correction2.5. Source lands2.6. Aggregate analysis2.7. Spatially explicit analysis

    3. Results3.1. Aggregate change3.2. Potential ethanol production from cropland expansion3.3. Spatially explicit change

    4. Discussion4.1. Indirect land-use change4.2. Aggregate compliance4.3. Broader impacts on the extensive margin

    5. ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferences