Recce shots


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Transcript of Recce shots

Page 1: Recce shots

Recce Shots This is the Owton Manor Social Club. It’s where we filmed our party scene for the music video. We managed to get the filming done at one of our friends 18th birthday parties.

The house scene was filmed at Alex Costello’s house; we used the living room, Alex’s room and the stairway in his house.

Page 2: Recce shots

This is the musical performance room in Hartlepool Sixth Form College; it’s where we did all of our band footage using a guitar and microphone from the music room, and obviously the drums that were already situated in the room.

This is where we filmed the very start of the music video, using the machines to make the video look like it is a live lounge performance. This is also apart of the music performance room in Hartlepool Sixth Form College.