Rec an quarintine

Rec and quarantine are both great films they are both of the horror genre and tended to be quite popular with the younger generation obviously people from England will tend to think the remake of the Spanish film is better as films with subtitles are usually cast aside. Rec is the original Spanish film and in my opinion a lot better than quarantine even though there are very little differences there are just a few key things that make rec stand out. The reason for this article is to look into the reasons behind the remake of rec apart from the obvious which is the financial aspect. When quarantine did come out it actual made the sale of rec on dvd rise as people wanted to see the comparison or would maybe of liked to see the inspiration behind the original. The basic story line which Is used in both films starts with a camera crew getting the inside view of a fire station with a few interviews and rough cuts filming there, after a short intro the alarms go and the fire brigade roll out on what seems to be a routine job to apartment blocks the camera crew go and film everything that unfolds. It is a very fast paced film why things go wrong very quick ending up in a full scale lock down as a horrible virus breaks out. It Is a very gripping film and has a very jumping ending. Rec was made in Spain in 2007 shortly followed by quarantine which was directed by john Eric Dowdell in 2008 this was based on rec and pretty much the same except it was set in America and there was a few differences in scenes , a large subsidiary company which is screen gems bought the rights for rec so they was allowed to create the film since the release of both films there have been sequels made due to the popularity I personally think they did not do the previous films justice and may of even ruined the whole aspect of the hand held horror style creations but that’s just my opinion, when rec was realised there was also two other films realised with it which was clover field and diary of the dead im not sure whether this was deliberate or just a really big coincidence

Transcript of Rec an quarintine

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Rec and quarantine are both great films they are both of the horror genre and tended to be quite popular with the younger generation obviously people from England will tend to think the remake of the Spanish film is better as films with subtitles are usually cast aside. Rec is the original Spanish film and in my opinion a lot better than quarantine even though there are very little differences there are just a few key things that make rec stand out. The reason for this article is to look into the reasons behind the remake of rec apart from the obvious which is the financial aspect. When quarantine did come out it actual made the sale of rec on dvd rise as people wanted to see the comparison or would maybe of liked to see the inspiration behind the original.

The basic story line which Is used in both films starts with a camera crew getting the inside view of a fire station with a few interviews and rough cuts filming there, after a short intro the alarms go and the fire brigade roll out on what seems to be a routine job to apartment blocks the camera crew go and film everything that unfolds. It is a very fast paced film why things go wrong very quick ending up in a full scale lock down as a horrible virus breaks out. It Is a very gripping film and has a very jumping ending. Rec was made in Spain in 2007 shortly followed by quarantine which was directed by john Eric Dowdell in 2008 this was based on rec and pretty much the same except it was set in America and there was a few differences in scenes , a large subsidiary company which is screen gems bought the rights for rec so they was allowed to create the film since the release of both films there have been sequels made due to the popularity I personally think they did not do the previous films justice and may of even ruined the whole aspect of the hand held horror style creations but that’s just my opinion, when rec was realised there was also two other films realised with it which was clover field and diary of the dead im not sure whether this was deliberate or just a really big coincidence but by them all realising around the same time the hand held genre became quite popular and all films did very well.

Remakes are done for many reasons the whole aspect of taking a good idea that wasn’t produced properly and re-inventing it is brilliant also they can get actors in which have their own star factor and will bring in more views for the new relies. Obviously back in the day they still had very good creative ability just lacked the technology to produce the standard of film we all now live by this is where remakes come into play and can take those amazing ideas which had really shoddy cgi or maybe even still in black and white and turn it in to a brilliant film.

The 1953 War of the world’s action sci fi was directed and produced by Bryan Hanskin the remake was directed in 2005 by Steven Spielberg. The film is based on an alien invasion at first the earth is struck by meteors but nobody thinks anything of it and then the attack begins. it Is set in America and became very popular when it was first realised as the whole idea of a invasion was quite new to the public the 2005 version was quite different for obvious technology reasons there also was a slight change story as it became a man and his kids trying to survive the attack in the film, they used tom cruise as their main actor the star

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theory will have brought in additional publicity and created more of a hype around the film tom cruise is a amazing actor and I think was perfect for the role. Also as the technology in 2005 is far more advanced the use of the cgi effects just made the film spectacular. Spielberg was really trying to get a message across by remaking the film there are many political factors and a very strong message was conveyed. it was produced just 4 years after the 9/11 incident and actually contained footage from it the film was a statement on terrorism and the fear behind it using aliens as a very symbolic message

The karate kid tells the story of a young boy being bullied and eventually seeking guidance of a kung fu master when the film was first realised in 1984 and made 90,815,558 at the box office there was very wide merchandise behind the karate kid and that is where a lot of money also came from the film had 2 sequels and was eventually remade in 2010 it was produced by will smith who instantly put his son as lead role alongside Jackie Chan this both have massive star factors which help to bring in such a big revenue Jackie chan appealed to all of the foreign market as he has played so man key roles in fighting films people wanted to watch purely because of him. The remake had lots of synergies and produced quite a few soundtracks and pretty much any item of merchandise you can think of even a game for your phone they really took the market by storm and the public loved it the 2010 remake was a spectacular film a did vary from the original.