Rebecca Couch & Rosie Bak. 12:05-1:00 - Section 1: Information about stress -How it affects the body...

Stress management for teachers and their students Rebecca Couch & Rosie Bak

Transcript of Rebecca Couch & Rosie Bak. 12:05-1:00 - Section 1: Information about stress -How it affects the body...

Stress management for teachers

and their students

Rebecca Couch & Rosie Bak



Participants will learn stress management techniques to use in both personal and professional settings.

Objectives: Identify three ways stress affects learning and health Participate in 10 different stress management

techniques Gain skills to be used both personally and

professionally Implement one new stress management technique

with your class next week

12:05-1:00 - Section 1: Information about stress-How it affects the body & mind-Types of stress

1:10-2:00 - Section 2: How life events affect our stress level

-Stress inventory -How stress affects learning-Stress management techniques

2:10-2:55 - Section 3: Stress management-Ways to manage stress-More stress management techniques-Personal commitment

Overview / Schedule

o Pressure perceived to be from the outside that can make you feel tense inside.

o The rate of wear & tear on the body.

o The nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it.

o It’s the way your mind and body react to any new, threatening or exciting situation.

What is stress?

o Think back about the last time you were stressed.

o What was the situation, how did it make you feel and what did you do to cope?

o Take the next two minutes to share with your neighbor

The last time I was stressed…

o Eustress is positive stress vs (dis)stress

o What are some examples of positive stress?

o What are some examples of negative stress?

Eustress vs. (dis)stress

The relationship between stress and productivity

o In helpful ways (eustress): extra energy and motivation to meet physical/mental challenges, solve problems and reach goals

o In harmful ways (distress): can cause headaches, backaches, loss of appetite, fatigue, digestive problems, depression, difficulty focusing thoughts and impaired memory

How does stress manifest?

o Please take the next 2 minutes to brainstorm a list of at least 5 specific ways that stress symptoms manifest in students and teachers.

o Would anyone care to share their answers?

How does stress manifest?

o Guided visualization

o Can be very short or longer, flexible for time allowed

o Often used to focus the mind, athletes, test prep

o Scripts can be used or can be creative

Stress management technique break

o Sympathetic nervous systemo Amygdalao Adrenal glandso Stress hormones

o Cortisolo Norepinephine

The physiological mechanism of stress

o Acute = isolated incidento Chronic = repeated, ongoingo Even a small stressor over time can cause

chronic (dis)stress, and increase risks for stress-related illness

Chronic stress vs. acute stress

o Allergies

o Change in appetite

o Back pain

o Chest pain

o Breathlessness

o Clammy hands

o Dizziness

o Fatigue

o Racing heartbeat

o Muscle tension

o Restlessness

o Rashes

o Sleeping problems

o Stomach aches

o High blood pressure

o Nightmares

Physical symptoms of stress

o Neglecting appearance

o Arguing

o Avoiding tasks and responsibilities

o Difficulty concentrating

o Being late to work

o Overeating

o Snapping at people

o Increasing use of alcohol or other drugs

o Crying easily

o Watching more TV

o Withdrawing from family and friends

Behavioral symptoms of stress

o Anger

o Anxiety

o Denial of a problem

o Depression

o Difficulty making decisions

o Loneliness

o Nervousness

o Feeling powerless

o Feeling unhappy for no reason

o Being easily upset

o Worrying frequently

o Feeling trapped

Emotional symptoms of stress

Stress management technique break

YogaRosie will guide us through a couple of tension-

releasing, yet energizing, yoga poses

(Warrior Pose, basic Sun Salutation, Tree Pose)

10 minute break

What life events are stressful?

• Stress inventory for adults

• Stress inventory for adolescents

inventory, suggestions for mood lifters

How are you managing your stress?

Please take a moment to list your most frequently used stress coping skills

Let’s share our coping strategies

Stress Management Technique Break

Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR)

Stress management technique break

Breathing/mindfulness meditation

Stress management technique break

T’ai Chi

Stress Management Technique Break

1. “Free thinking,” a.k.a. stream-of-consciousness. Just write whatever comes to mind. No censorship or judgment. Five minutes. Keep your pen moving.


2. Gratitude. What are you grateful for today?

Stress Management Technique Break


Healthy & unhealthy ways to deal with stress

o The “4 A’s”o Avoido Altero Accepto Adapt

o 2 magic techniques we all know and love…o Dieto Exercise!

How to reduce stress through diet: CAFFEINE

Reduce or eliminate it!o Increases stress hormones epinephrine (adrenaline) &

cortisolo Can inhibit absorption of adenosine, a calming chemical o Can interrupt sleep (no caffeine after 2pm -- half-life of 12

hours)o Best time to consume is before exercise

On the other hand…o Moderate doses have been found to increase cognition

[NAVY SEALS STUDY]o 200 mg seems to be ideal dose (1-2 cups of coffee)

How to reduce stress through diet: NUTRITION

o Magnesium (natural tension reliever and reduces inflammation)o Dark leafy greenso Nuts & seedso Fisho Soybeanso Avocadoo Bananaso Dark chocolateo Low-fat yogurt

o Calcium (works hand-in-hand with Mg, to facilitate neural impulses)

o B vitamins (fruits, veggies, whole grains)o Smaller, more frequent meals

How to reduce stress through exercise

o Do what you loveo Schedule ito Be active with a friendo Mix it up to keep it interestingo Set SMART goalso And what we all know…o Gradually increase intensityo Consult a physician

Benefits of exercise for stress reduction

o Endorphins! o natural opioidso act as analgesics and mild sedatives

o Dopamine o increases with acute intense exerciseo improves mood and executive functioning

o Serotonin o increases with sustained cardiovascular exerciseo improves mood

o Regular exercise associated with increase ino BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor)o Endocannabinoids

o Inhibits long term memoryo Can cause neural connections to withero Can kill neuronso Inhibits the formation of new brain cells &

neural connectionso Impacts specialized neurons called glial cells,

inhibiting their ability to clean waste and transport nutrients

o Reduces creativity, our big picture thinking and our planning for the future

o Reduces empathy and compassion; increases impulsivity

The effects of stress on learning

The relationship between stress and productivity

Stress Management Technique Break

Mandalas + Music

Stress management apps and resources

Using iPad

Brainstorm: how can you help your students?

Where can you guide or send your students to get help/treatment?

Think: o school resourceso community organizationso parents o etc.

A personal pledge

Please write down at least one stress management activity, from today’s workshop, that you will try with your students in the upcoming week.

For Overachievers: Also list at least one activity you will personally try for your own stress management in the next week.


About Health:

Johns Hopkins School of Education:

Profiles International:


How stress affects learning:


Stress Inventory:

On Musical Therapy, combined with exercise:

Exercise, pleasure and the brain:

Gratitude journaling: