REALMS 6th Grade Curriculum Packet - 1st Semester 2012

2012-13 1 st Semester Curriculum Outlines 6 th Grade


REALMS 6th Grade Curriculum Packet - 1st Semester 2012

Transcript of REALMS 6th Grade Curriculum Packet - 1st Semester 2012

  • 2012-13 1st Semester Curriculum Outlines

    6th Grade

  • 6th Grade MATH, Fall 2012, Part One ALGEBRA

    Anchor Texts & Resources Navigating through Algebra in Grades 6-8, NCTM Lessons for Algebraic Thinking, Lawrence & Hennessy Through Mathematical Eyes, Ritchhart, Wolf, Craven & Balick Mathematics: Applications and Connections, Glencoe McGraw-Hill MathScape; Seeing and Thinking Mathematically, Glencoe McGraw-Hill

    Summary: Algebraic Thinking Algebraic thinking is interpreting the world by translating information into the language of mathematics in order to solve problems and make predictions. Students will develop their algebraic thinking through a series of experiences that help them view algebra as a natural extension of their previous mathematical experiences. Students will:

    Recognize and extend patterns in numbers and shapes Describe patterns in multiple ways (words, pictures, tables, graphs, equations) Write rules using variables and expressions Write and solve/evaluate algebraic equations and expressions using the order of operations Graph linear equations Write an equation for the graphed line Use the disbributive property to evaluate expressions

    Students will compile a portfolio of evidence that they are meeting the following learning targets. Learning Targets that Remain Consistent from Trimester to Trimester I can 1) Use precise mathematical vocabulary. 2) Explain my thinking. This may include solving problems in more than one way. 3) Work cooperatively. This means that during group/partner work, I share my ideas, listen to others ideas,

    and compromise. 4) Complete and turn in my work on time. Learning Targets Specific to the Algebra Strand I can 5) Read, write and evaluate numerical and algebraic expressions, including exponents. 6) Solve algebraic equations and inequalities with one variable. 7) Use variables to represent two quantities that change in relationship to one another. Learning Targets are aligned with Oregon Common Core Standards for Mathematics Grade 6.

    Major Projects/Products Individual, Group, and Family Problems-of-the-Week Math Labs Portfolios

  • 6th Grade MATH, Fall 2012 (part two) Numbers!

    Anchor Texts & Resources Navigating through Number and Operations in Grades 6-8, NCTM Mathematics: Applications and Connections, Glencoe McGraw-Hill MathScape; Seeing and Thinking Mathematically, Glencoe McGraw-Hill

    Summary: The Number System In sixth grade, students expand their understanding of numbers to include the integers, especially focusing on negative integers. The number line becomes an important model for representing the positions of numbers in relation to zero. In grades 3-5, students began their studies of parts of the whole including fractions, decimals and percents. Now the emphasis shifts from addition and subtraction to multiplication and division. Students will:

    Locate numbers on a number line Use positive and negative numbers to represent real-world situations Use positive and negative coordinates to locate points in all four quadrants of a coordinate plane Interpret statements of inequality using a number line Solve problems, including real world problems, involving division of fractions Find common factors and multiples and identify a number as prime, composite, square.

    Students will compile a portfolio of evidence that they are meeting the following learning targets. Learning Targets that Remain Consistent from Trimester to Trimester I can 1) Use precise mathematical vocabulary. 2) Explain my thinking. This may include solving problems in more than one way. 3) Work cooperatively. This means that during group/partner work, I share my ideas, listen to others ideas,

    and compromise. 4) Complete and turn in my work on time. Learning Targets Specific to the Number System Strand I can 5) Understand the system of rational numbers, including negative numbers. 6) Divide fractions. 7) Identify common factors and multiples. Learning Targets are aligned with Oregon Common Core Standards for Mathematics Grade 6.

    Major Projects/Products Individual, Group, and Family Problems-of-the-Week Math Labs Portfolios

  • Nature of Science, Motion and the Forces of Flight 6th Grade Science, Fall Semester 2012


    1. I can understand who scientists are and what they do. 2. I can describe the difference between observations and inferences. 3. I can practice science by using observations and inferences to solve a

    mystery. 4. I understand the purpose of science and why it is important. 5. I understand the meaning of each of these vocabulary words: evidence,

    science, hypothesis, inference, knowledge, observation, scientific theory PHYSICS STANDARDS & LEARNING TARGETS 1. Compare and contrast the characteristic properties of forms of energy. Qualitative descriptions of energy

    Mechanical, thermal, electro-magnetic, chemical, nuclear, electrical, sound

    Kinetic energy Objects with kinetic energy (energy of motion) vs. potential energy (elastic,

    chemical, gravitational stored energy) Vocabulary: characteristic, kinetic, potential, thermal, chemical, electrical, electromagnetic, mechanical, light, gravitational Learning Targets: Compare and contrast the characteristic properties of various forms of energy. Compare and contrast thermal, sound, chemical, electromagnetic, electrical, and mechanical (kinetic and potential) energy. 2. Identify and describe types of motion and forces and relate forces qualitatively to the laws of motion and gravitation.

    o Descriptive rather than calculated. o Newtons Laws (inertia, acceleration, momentum) (e.g. use of vehicle

    seatbelts, amusement part rides, which object would have greater momentum, soccer ball/bowling ball)

    o Mass

    Summary of Expedition Students will develop an understanding of how science works, who scientists are and what they do. We will focus on using observations and data to create logical inferences and apply deductive reasoning to numerous inquiry based labs. Then we will investigate how forces and energy result in motion. We will start with an investigation into human flight how it works, how to affect and measure it, and how the Wright Brothers were able to achieve it. Students will build planes, fly them, and conduct experiments around the forces of flight. These investigations will help students develop skills in all of the following areas: 1. Measurement 2) quantitative data collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation, and 3) calculations of rates and other derived measurments.

  • o Velocity o Friction

    Vocabulary: velocity, speed, force, acceleration, momentum, friction, inertia, mass, Learning Targets: Show the relationship between the concept of forces and Newtons laws of motion and gravity. Identify and describe the types of motion and forces. Relate forces qualitatively to the laws of motion and gravity. 3. Explain how energy is transferred, transformed, and conserved. Energy

    Transformation (e.g. conduction, radiation, convection) Transformed (e.g. mechanical energy from a river to electrical energy) Law of Conservation of Energy Potential vs. Kinetic Energy (e.g. pendulum)

    Vocabulary: thermal, electromagnetic, sound, chemical, electrical, mechanical, nuclear, electromagnetic, kinetic, potential, transformed, conservation of energy Learning Targets: Describe the forms of energy. Describe the transformations between forms of energy and emphasize that energy is conserved during transformation. Explain how energy is transferred, transformed, and conserved.

    Guiding Questions 1. Why does motion happen? 2. How do we describe motion? 3. How do we predict and affect motion? 4. What is science and how is it done? 5. Compare inferences and observations.

    Anchor Texts & Resources All science textbook readings can be found and downloaded from this website: The Wright Brothers Quentin Reynolds For more class information, visit this website:

    Classroom Learning Questions - Investigations Flight and Airplanes- How do forces acting on an object cause motion of the object? What are the forces at work on an airplane? How does varying the strength of the forces acting on an airplane affect its flight? Mousetrap Cars -How is potential energy transformed into kinetic energy? What energy is lost in the process? How can I use the potential energy stored in a mousetrap to create the maximum amount of motion of a mousetrap-powered car? How can I measure and describe motion? Marble Roller Coasters- What are acceleration, speed, and velocity? How can I precisely describe motion? Science- What is science and how is it done? How can I use evidence to accurately answer a question/test a hypothesis?

  • 6th$Grade$Humanities$$Fall$Curriculum$Blurb!! September!17th,!2012!!Teachers!at!Expeditionary!Learning!(EL)!schools!instruct!using!expeditions!to!explore!topics!thoroughly.!!Three!inAdepth!investigations!will!lead!us!back!to!our!guiding!question!this!year!of!!What!does!it!mean!to!be!a!good!citizen?!!The!investigations!will!focus!around!our!governmental!structure,!elections!and!then!a!look!at!ancient!Roman!government.!Students!do!not!know!the!topic!of!this!expedition!because!it!is!revealed!in!an!immersion!that!will!happen!in!two!weeks.!!The!immersion!is!meant!to!add!emotion!to!the!topic!and!will!keep!the!topic!compelling!throughout.!!Please!wait!to!discuss!the!expedition!until!after!the!immersion,!in!two!weeks.!!During!the!inAdepth!investigation!on!elections,!I!will!direct!student!attention!to!the!ideas!of!being!a!conservative,!moderate!and!liberal!without!opinion.!!!I!would!like!to!visit!party!headquarters!equally!and!possibly!meet!some!candidates.!!Please!engage!your!child!in!a!healthy!conversation!about!your!own!beliefs.!!!At!REALMS,!we!offer!HONORS!level!work!for!students!throughout!the!year.!!Honors!level!work!provides!a!higherAlevel!challenge!without!increasing!the!amount!of!work!required.!!The!humanities!department!will!offer!a!Tuesday!reading!group!including!all!three!grades.!!More!information!will!be!provided!as!the!year!progresses.!!Homework!in!6th!grade!humanities!is!generally!assigned!on!Mondays!and!Wednesdays,!which!gives!students!two!days!to!complete.!!There!will!be!some!longAterm!projects!that!we!will!complete!in!orchestrated!steps!with!multiple!due!dates!for!each!part.!!Homework!is!meant!to!support!the!learning!that!is!going!on!in!the!class!and!should!not!consume!your!evenings.!!You!should!expect!to!spend!an!average!of!an!hour!an!evening!between!all!of!your!classes.""That"includes"15120"minutes"reading"each"night.!!We!will!be!spending!time!learning!systems!at!the!beginning!of!the!year,!which!will!show!dividends!as!the!year!progresses.!!Many!of!the!systems!will!be!used!through!all!three!years!at!REALMS.!!One!of!those!systems!is!the!Word!Market!Dictionary.!!It!is!the!system!we!use!to!learn!and!record!vocabulary!words!from!our!reading,!our!topics!of!study!and!anywhere!else!we!come!across!a!word!we!dont!know.!!Each!student!will!receive!an!empty!word!market!dictionary!to!begin!the!year.!!Ask!your!child!to!explain!the!process.!!I!invite!you!to!come!in!and!visit!the!classroom!anytime.!!You!can!even!stay!and!help!out!if!it!works.!!Kids!love!to!see!their!parents!at!school.!!(Yes,!even!though!they!may!not!express!it.)!!Or!you!can!call!or!eAmail!if!you!have!any!questions!or!thoughts.!!!I!am!looking!forward!to!a!great!year.!Sincerely!Todd!LaFrenz!

  • 6th Grade Humanities, 1st Semester, 2012 ROME: CITIZENS OF A NEW ERA

    Guiding Questions What does it mean to be a good citizen? What can we learn from the Roman way of

    life? Why should we vote?

    Anchor Texts & Resources Tiger, Tiger by Lynn Reid Banks Roman Diary by Richard Platt The Roman Conspiracy by Jack Mitchell The Kid Who Ran for President by Dan Gutman

    Summary of Literacy Sequence 6th grade students will begin this semester choosing just right books. The books they choose to read will become a resource to develop interpretations of text and to build their vocabulary, using their word market dictionaries. Literary letters will provide students the means to present information purposefully. The class will begin with an introduction to all of the reading strategies, which will be followed by practicing two specific reading strategies: activating schema and determining importance. Writing a good sentence and paragraph will drive lessons on the writing process. Writing traits will be reviewed but focused on Ideas and Content plus Organization. Many different writing modes will be taught such as personal narratives, fictional narratives, persuasive and expository. Students will be keeping a writing folder for reference and a writing notebook for daily practice.

    Classroom Learning Targets I can analyze physical and human geography

    patterns. I can explain how rules and laws help to shape or

    society in an ever-changing world. I can develop and explain questions related to an

    ancient civilization. I can make predictions and compare an ancient

    civilization to my own. I can create displays and presentations that

    demonstrate my understanding. I can describe my own responsibilities as a citizen.

    Key Skills o Reading with understanding o Organize and express opinions o Writing to learn o Writing to communicate (first person

    narrative) o Considering multiple perspectives and

    recognizing bias o Investigative skills o Public speaking o Use primary and secondary sources of


    Major Projects/Products Students will plan a kid fair/museum to display and demonstrate their learning from this expedition. Acting, visual displays, Roman games, short-stories, reading Latin and other events will be the main attractions at the Kid Fair event in January.

    Fieldwork Experiences Students will get background on city, state and national elections. They will meet citizens of our community and decide what makes a good citizen. Each student will choose a citizen to interview that will be included in a class collection.

  • 6th Grade MIND AND BODY, 2012 Focus, Fitness, Fun, and Personal Growth

    Guiding Questions: 1. How well can I focus? 2. How does focus help me improve my performance? 3. What does it mean to be a positive member of a community? 4. How do my actions affect others and the community?

    Resources * Various exercise videos * Chicken Soup for the Soul * Bottomless Bag Book * Cup Stacking Resources * Various game and initiative books

    Summary of First Semester Students will be introduced to the idea of focus and how it is a part of our everyday life, both in and out of school. Some of the activities that we will participate in to practice focus are balance beams, washer horseshoes, hula hooping, bocce ball and stilts. Students will also work together in group challenges and games. Along with the focus activities, students will be doing conditioning exercises and circuit training for physical fitness.

    Summary of Second Semester In addition to our fitness activities, Focus will continue to be one of the threads of mind and body during second semester. Cup stacking, juggling, ping pong, more group challenges, and team sports will be some of the activities on campus. Students will also travel to Acrovision several times to increase fitness and coordination. In the classroom, students will take part in My Future My Choice (6th grade). In addition to discussing sexual and relationship issues that arise for students during middle and high school, students learn about changes that take place during adolescence and gain important strategies for goal setting, peer interactions, limit setting, and communication.

    Skill Learning Targets: Focus: I can focus in a variety of settings (including busy, loud ones) on a variety of tasks (including ones that are difficult or uninteresting for me). I identify factors and behaviors that help me focus. I thoughtfully reflect on my actions, including my ability to focus and my habits of work and habits of the heart. Fitness: I participate and do my best in fitness activities. I track my fitness performance and set goals for myself.

    Character Learning Targets:

    Habits of Work Participation: I show good attending skills and participate fully in whole-class, group/partner, and private work time activities. I respond to questions appropriately, share my ideas, listen to others ideas, and compromise. Responsibility: I advocate for what I need to learn. I complete my work on time and turn it in. I have what I need for class, including proper clothes and shoes. Determination: I am determined to do my best in all activities I listen, compete, practice skills, and stay focused. Habits of the Heart Consideration: I think about how my actions are affecting others and behave in a way that makes class easy and fun for my classmates and teachers. Empathy: I think about the feelings and perspectives of others and treat others the way that I would like others to treat my loved ones and me. I understand that everyone has different experiences and perspectives and try to see situations from multiple points of view. Kindness/Compassion: I am nice to others. I am patient and understanding. I think about what others might need and do my best to help them. I include everyone and give my classmates encouragement.

  • Technology Introduction: The Basics 6th Grade Technology, Fall Semester 2012


    1. I can improve my typing skills by practicing and not looking at the keyboard while I type.

    2. I can spend at least fifteen minutes each day I have tech class working on my typing skills using the program Mavis Beacon.

    3. I can set specific typing speed goals (words per minute) and use data to monitor my progress throughout the semester.


    1. I can independently log into Schoolspeak and use it for all of the following purposes: Locating homework assignments for all of my classes. Reading daily student announcements. Reading the Tuesday update. Monitor the school calendar for important events. Locate and print my weekly missing assignment report.


    1. I can independently log into my Google account and use it for all of the following purposes: Saving work that can be accessed at home and at school. Creating new documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Organizing my documents and files in a meaningful way.


    1. I can independently log into Quizlet and use it for all of the following purposes: Creating a personalized vocabulary word list online that matches my

    word market dictionary. Learning how to correctly spell all of the words in my Quizlet account. Learning the definition of all of the words in my Quizlet account.

    Summary of Expedition Students will learn how to use technology that will enhance the development of literacy and provide purposeful learning experiences across the sixth grade curriculum. During first semester, we will focus on typing skills with the program Mavis Beacon, an introduction to our web-based communication system SchoolSpeak, saving work and creating new files using Google accounts, and the creation of student individualized vocabulary lists on the website In addition, students will be using web-based applications, simulations and animations to help them learn core content standards in science, math and humanities. For example, each student will create a customized account on Khan Academy, a website that incorporates videos and practice lessons for all mathematical concepts covered in middle school. All of these applications can and should be accessed from home!

  • KHAN ACADEMY LEARNING TARGETS 1. I can independently log into Khan Academy and use it for all of the

    following purposes: Watching videos to help me learn new math concepts. Practicing lessons to help me learn new math concepts. Setting specific goals on Khan Academy that I can monitor and reflect

    on throughout the semester. DIGITAL CITIZEN LEARNING TARGETS

    1. I can follow the computer lab guidelines at all times. 2. I can use the Internet to promote my learning safely and effectively. This

    means I recognize how to protect myself, my friends, my family, and other people with whom I share my digital world.

    3. I can use technology to facilitate communication and collaboration.

    Guiding Questions 1. What does it mean to be a good digital citizen? 2. What technology tools are available to me at REALMS and how can I use them to be a better student?

    Internet Resources 6th Grade Technology Agenda (updated daily):

  • 6th Grade 1st Semester Art Curriculum 2012-2013 In 6th grade art, students learn 2-dimensional techniques, work on ways to interact with

    and communicate about the arts, and connect with content throughout the curriculum. First semester, after an in-depth look at 2-demensional mediums, 6th graders create

    personal symbols for individual community flags to pull together our, Confluence on Campus, all school in-depth investigation. Looking at themselves and their passions and uniqueness, students use composition techniques to create a symbol, which they take through the silk-screening process. Next students delve into 2-dimensional drawing techniques including: 1- and 2-point perspective; and line and shading techniques in pencil and charcoal. Students are encouraged to push themselves by trying new things, and create multiple drafts to ensure high quality products. Students learn to communicate through the arts and share this in written artists statements focusing on techniques, content, and connections to the world, and gallery style feedback. SKILL LEARNING TARGETS: I understand the core concepts and principles of the arts including: elements; composition; technique; function; style; and presentation. ELEMENTS: I can recognize the different qualities of 2-d art mediums and use these

    qualities to enhance my artwork. COMPOSITION: I can recognize a variety of design principles and use these to enhance my

    artwork. TECHNIQUES: I understand and can use a variety of 2-dimensional techniques:

    perspective, shading, silkscreen process, color theory, and painting techniques to tell a story. PRESENTATION: I understand how attention to detail, multiple drafts, and accuracy add to

    the presentation of a piece of art. LEARNING TARGETS: COMMUNICATION: I can communicate through the arts by: self-expression; creative interpretation; and

    responsive interpretation. I can solve artistic problems and make aesthetic decisions by: perceiving; creating;

    performing; reflecting; and critiquing. o I can write an artists statement that describes process and purpose, shares understanding,

    and expresses meaning. o I can give kind, specific, and helpful feedback. o I can look inward at who I am and share that symbolically with my community.

    CONNECTIONS: I can identify, understand, and interpret various contexts of the arts to make connections:

    with others; among the arts; between the arts and other disciplines; throughout cultures and history; and in the natural and designed world.

    DETERMINATION: I have developed abilities applicable to all life experiences through the arts in: perseverance;

    quality work; and risk taking.