Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data

1 Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services / Non-Invasive Data Governance is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG Robert S. Seiner KIK Consulting & Educational Services – The Data Administration Newsletter – Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data Monthly Webinar Series Hosted by Dataversity Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting / April 19, 2012 – 2:00 p.m. EST

Transcript of Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data

Page 1: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

Robert S. Seiner KIK Consulting & Educational Services –

The Data Administration Newsletter –

Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data

Monthly Webinar Series Hosted by Dataversity Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting /

April 19, 2012 – 2:00 p.m. EST

Page 2: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Real-World Data Governance – Monthly Webinar Series

– May 17, 2012 – Data Governance, Big Data and the Cloud – 2pm EST

– June 21, 2012 – Setting Appropriate Business Expectations – 2pm EST

– Register On-Line at Dataversity.Net

Governing Unstructured Data Upcoming Webinars

Page 3: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• A growing percentage of the “data” managed by organizations can be considered “unstructured data” or data that does not reside in a traditional data base, file or system. A recent survey confirmed that files and other unstructured data were the source of the fastest data growth in their storage environments.

• Unstructured data can include documents, emails, policies, audio and video, and products of your office environment, basically anything that does not fall under the auspices of normal structured data. Some organizations label unstructured data as “‘information”. No matter what it is or what we call it … the chances are that the unstructured data needs to be governed.

Governing Unstructured Data Abstract

Page 4: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Questions around governing unstructured data focus on the definition of what is included on the “list”, the regulations associated with the governance of this data, how governance of unstructured data differs from (or is the same as) the governance of structured data. The people that are expected to answers the questions about why and how to govern unstructured data may be the same people that have responsibility for the traditional data governance.

• Join Bob Seiner and DATAVERSITY for the fourth in a series of monthly webinars titled “Real World Data Governance” where Bob will prepare Data Governance professionals to address unstructured data, lay the foundation for identifying and governing meaningful unstructured data in your environment, assessing and leveraging existing governance and addressing opportunities to improve.

• Join us for further adventures in “Real World Data Governance”.

Governing Unstructured Data Abstract

Page 5: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Webinar Introduction

– Defining Unstructured Data & Unstructured Data Governance

– What Does It Mean to “Govern [Unstructured] Data”?

– [Unstructured] Data Governance Roles & Responsibilities

– Applying [Unstructured] Governance in a Non-Invasive Way

• Questions & Answers

Governing Unstructured Data Introduction

Page 6: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Unstructured Data

– According to researchers at IDC, 80 percent of enterprise data today is unstructured data, and that is growing at the exponential annual rate of 60 percent. Unstructured data, of course, is information stored in a file system that is not a database. Importantly, the researcher reported, on average only 1 to 5 percent of that data is actively used on a regular basis.

– Data can be designated as unstructured or structured data for classification within an organization. The term unstructured data refers to any data that has no identifiable structure. For example, images, videos, email, documents and text are all considered to be unstructured data within a dataset.

Governing Unstructured Data The Unstructured Dilemma

Page 7: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Unstructured Data

– Unstructured Data (or unstructured information) refers to information that either does not have a pre-defined data model and/or does not fit well into relational tables. Unstructured information is typically text-heavy, but may contain data such as dates, numbers, and facts as well. This results in irregularities and ambiguities that make it difficult to understand using traditional computer programs as compared to data stored in fielded form in databases or annotated (semantically tagged) in documents.

– Unstructured data is a generic label for describing any corporate information that is not in a database. Unstructured data can be textual or non-textual. Textual unstructured data is generated in media like email messages, PowerPoint presentations, Word documents, collaboration software and instant messages. Non-textual unstructured data is generated in media like JPEG images, MP3 audio files and Flash video files.

Governing Unstructured Data The Unstructured Dilemma

Page 8: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Unstructured Data

– One way of defining unstructured data is “the elusive meaning inside the structure.” Many technologists will tell you that, in the final analysis, everything is structured because it all lives within digital systems – in the tweets, the emails, the attachments, the file folders, the podcast, even the humble notes you took on your iPad at this morning’s meeting.

– But the reason we talk about unstructured data is because there is a grey area between the tidy columns and rows where structured data reside (e.g., in a database of web pages or documents), and that sea of bytes. Words, sounds, colors, images, styles and fonts – all these could tell us important information about our work, our customers, our competitors, and environment. That is, if only we could put that information to work.

Kate Pugh on

Governing Unstructured Data The Unstructured Dilemma

Page 9: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Data Governance – Data Governance is the Execution and Enforcement of Authority

Over the Management of Data & Data-Related Resources.

Robert S. Seiner

• Data Stewardship

– Data Stewardship is the Formalization of Accountability Over the Management of Data & Data-Related Resources.

Robert S. Seiner

Recent Client Definitions

Formalization of behavior around the definition, production and usage of data to manage risk and improve quality and usability of selected data.

Formalization and guidance for behavior over the definition, production and use of data and data related assets.

Governing Unstructured Data Defining Unstructured Data Governance

Page 10: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• [Unstructured] Data Governance – Data Governance is the Execution and Enforcement of Authority

Over the Management of [Unstructured] Data & Data-Related Resources.

Robert S. Seiner

• [Unstructured] Data Stewardship

– Data Stewardship is the Formalization of Accountability Over the Management of [Unstructured] Data & Data-Related Resources.

Robert S. Seiner

Governing Unstructured Data Defining Unstructured Data Governance

Would these definitions make sense as well?

Formalization of behavior around the definition, production and usage of [unstructured] data to manage risk and improve quality and usability of selected data.

Formalization and guidance for behavior over the definition, production and use of [unstructured] data and data related assets.

Page 11: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

Governing Unstructured Data Defining Unstructured Data Governance

• Non-Invasive Data Governance™

– The practice of:

• applying formal accountability & behavior

• through non-invasive roles & responsibilities

• to existing and / or new processes

• to assure that the definition, production & usage of data

• assures regulatory compliance, security, privacy, protection & quality.

– Non-Invasive describes how governance is applied to assure non-threatening management of valuable data assets.

– The goal is to be transparent, supportive, collaborative.

Page 12: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

Governing Unstructured Data Defining Unstructured Data Governance

• Non-Invasive [Unstructured] Data Governance™

– The practice of:

• applying formal accountability & behavior

• through non-invasive roles & responsibilities

• to existing and / or new processes

• to assure that the definition, production & usage of [Unstructured] data

• assures regulatory compliance, security, privacy, protection & quality.

– Non-Invasive describes how governance is applied to assure non-threatening management of valuable [Unstructured] data assets.

– The goal is to be transparent, supportive, collaborative.

Page 13: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

Governing Unstructured Data What Does It Mean to “Govern Data”

• [to] gov·ern [Unstructured] [data]

v. gov·erned, gov·ern·ing, gov·erns

– To make and administer the public policy and affairs [of data]

– To exercise sovereign authority [in data]

– To control the speed or magnitude [of data]

– To regulate [data]

– To control the actions or behavior [of data]

– To keep under control [data]; to restrain [data]

– To exercise a deciding or determining influence [on data]

– To exercise political authority [over data]

– To have or exercise a determining influence [over data] [Bob Seiner]

Page 14: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Three Easy (?) Steps:

1. Inventory

2. Meta-Data

3. Accountability

1. (Exercise)

2. (Model)

3. (Artifacts)

Governing Unstructured Data Simplified Process

Page 15: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Three Important Questions:

1. What Data is Unstructured ?

2. How is the Governance of Unstructured Data Different from … ?

3. Does Unstructured Data Governance Require its Own Program ?

Governing Unstructured Data Simplified Process

Page 16: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Webinar Exercise:

– List All Types of Unstructured Data

– List Where That Unstructured Data is Housed

– List Who Has Responsibility for Managing that Unstructured Data

– List the Control Obligations for the Unstructured Data

Governing Unstructured Data Unstructured Data Inventory

Page 17: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• The term "unstructured data" is a misnomer based on misconception: it essentially refers to data that is not structured in tables, or spreadsheets, or whatever; mainly text, graphics, etc. But that is not unstructured, it's just different structures than tables or spreadsheets, that's all.

Fabian Pascal on October 2003

• What is Data?

• What is Structured Data?

• What is Unstructured Data?

Governing Unstructured Data What is Unstructured?

Page 18: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Applying Governance to Information

• Data

• Meta-Data

• Process

• Content

• Records

• Documents

• Email

• Projects

• Acquisition

Governing Unstructured Data What is Information?

Page 19: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting

• Structured Data (Data Governance)

– People & Processes

• Data

• Meta-Data

• Use of Technology

• Unstructured Data (Information Governance)

– People & Processes

• Knowledge

• Documents

• Records

• Content

• Policy

• Email

• Use of Technology

Governing Unstructured Data What is Information?

Is this the way you look at it?

Page 20: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Webinar Exercise:

– Unstructured Data Type / Format

– Unstructured Data Location

– Unstructured Data Stewards

– Unstructured Data Obligations

Governing Unstructured Data Webinar Exercise

Page 21: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Unstructured Data Type / Format

– Documents

– Records

– Content

– Knowledge

– Contracts

– Emails

– Other

Governing Unstructured Data Unstructured Data Type / Format

– What did you come up with ?

– Policies

– Graphics / Drawings / Diagrams

– Audio & Video

Page 22: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Unstructured Data Location

– Share Point

– Personal / Personnel Desktops

– Servers / Mail Servers

– Document Management Systems

– Content Management Systems

– Filing Cabinet

– Pile Management Systems (PMS)

Governing Unstructured Data Unstructured Data Type / Format

– What did you come up with ?

– Devices

– Intranet Servers

– Internet Servers

Page 23: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Unstructured Data Stewards

– Traditional Steward Roles

– Operational Roles

– Tactical Roles

– Strategic Roles

– Executive Roles

– Support Roles

• Governance Team

• Information Technology

Governing Unstructured Data Unstructured Data Type / Format

– What did you come up with ?

– Authors / Creators – Operational

– Reviewers / Approvers – Tactical

– Corporate Approvers – Strategic

– Support Roles

Page 24: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Unstructured Data Obligations

– Regulatory / Compliance Rules

– Data Definition Rules

– Data Production Rules

– Data Usage Rules

– Data Retention Rules

– Contractual Agreements

– Business Rules

Governing Unstructured Data Unstructured Data Type / Format

– What did you come up with ?

– Classification Rules

– Handling Rules

Page 25: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

Governing Unstructured Data Meta-Model

Page 26: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

Operational Level

Operational Data Stewards (existing)

Data Definers, Producers, Users

These people are presently defining,

producing and using data as part of their

jobs. Recording of the Operational Data

Stewards will be an important enabler of

improved communications, coordination

and cooperation among stewards.

Tactical Level

Data Domain Stewards

Per assigned Subject Areas

Data Steward Coordinators

One per Business Unit

Strategic Level

Data Governance CouncilData Governance Sponsors Group

or Group of similar participation. One person, plus

alternate, for each Business Unit represented & IT.

Consider financial services & human resources.

Executive Level

Data Steering CommitteeSenior-most level knowledge of the program.

Leverage existing business structure as possible.

If no structure exists, utilize an IT Steering Committee

or an executive founded board or council.

Operational Level - Business Unit Specific

Strategic -


Tactical Level - Cross Business Unit


“Non-Invasive Data Governance”™ Operating Modelof Roles & Responsibilities

Escalation / A

pproval Path

Copyright © 2009 - Robert S. Seiner - KIK Consulting & Educational Services, LLC - All Rights Reserved


a G



ce P


m T






ct R


e Exp


Data Governance Program Team

Data Governance Team ManagerResponsible for Administering the Program,

facilitating use of the Data Governance Council,

communicating program components and value to the Organization.

Advisory assistance from other levels.

IT Subject Resource Experts

System/Data Resource ExpertsIT Staff including Application

Development, Data Design,

Security, and other Data

Resource Management.



KIK Consulting & Educational Services, LLC








Governing Unstructured Data

Roles & Responsibilities

Page 27: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

Governing Unstructured Data Roles & Responsibilities

Operational – Regional or Local



Tactical – Global




ion T




a G



ce T




Strategic Level

Information Governance Council *

Executive Level

Information Governance Steering Commitee

Tactical Level

Operational Level

Operational – Regional or Local



Tactical – Global




ion T




a G



ce T




Strategic Level

Information Governance Council *

Executive Level

Information Governance Steering Commitee

Tactical Level

Operational Level

Operational – Regional or Local



Tactical – Global




ion T




a G



ce T




Strategic Level

Information Governance Council *

Executive Level

Information Governance Steering Commitee

Tactical Level

Operational Level

Operational – Regional or Local



Tactical – Global




ion T




a G



ce T




Strategic Level

Information Governance Council *

Executive Level

Information Governance Steering Commitee

Tactical Level

Operational Level

Data Scope

Executive Level (Information Governance Steering Commitee) and Strategic Level (Information Governance Council) are the same

Data Unstructured Data Process Technology

Page 28: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

Governing Unstructured Data Common Data Matrix


Page 29: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

Governing Unstructured Data Unstructured Data Matrix

Page 30: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

Governing Unstructured Data Applying Governance

Page 31: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

Governing Unstructured Data Applying Governance

Page 32: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Focused Business & Governance Activities

1. Identify the [Unstructured] Data that you will govern for this initiative

2. Identify the Data Domains, Subject Areas, Functions, … for that data

3. Identify Sources / Occurrences / System of Record … for that data

4. Complete Unstructured Data Matrix … for that data

5. Identify / Recognize Data Domain Stewards … for that data

6. Identify / Recognize Operational Data Stewards … for that data

7. Record Governance Issues Associated … with that data

8. Prioritize Governance Issues … for that data

9. Complete Governance Accountability / Activity Matrix … for that data

10. Address Governance Issues … for that data

Governing Unstructured Data KIK Start in a Non-Invasive Way

Page 33: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Real-World Data Governance – Monthly Webinar Series

– May 17, 2012 – Data Governance, Big Data and the Cloud – 2pm EST

– June 21, 2012 – Setting Appropriate Business Expectations – 2pm EST

– Topics for July, August & September to be announced soon!

Governing Unstructured Data Coming Up

Page 34: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Webinar Summary

– Defining Unstructured Data & Unstructured Data Governance

– What Does It Mean to “Govern [Unstructured] Data”?

– [Unstructured] Data Governance Roles & Responsibilities

– Applying [Unstructured] Governance in a Non-Invasive Way

• Questions & Answers

Governing Unstructured Data Wrap Up

Page 35: Real World Data Governance Governing Unstructured Data


Copyright © 2012 Robert S. Seiner – KIK Consulting & Educational Services /

Non-Invasive Data Governance™ is a trademark of Robert S. Seiner & KIK Consulting Twitter About This Webinar at #RWDG

• Robert S. Seiner

KIK Consulting & Educational Services –

The Data Administration Newsletter –

Post Office Box 112571, Upper St. Clair, Pennsylvania 15241

412.220.9643, 412.220.9644 (Fax)

[email protected]

[email protected]

Governing Unstructured Data Contact Information