REAL ESTATE. £@eSo^ @ srSf^- &^ S^&K a| r...

PROFKSSIOSAL »ITtATIO.\S. PHYSICIAN would accept proff»sion«l oc- cupation; reference*. HOME. Bex 45. Tribune Ortlc- ___________—__—_• NICE larire front room: «con« floor share with young man; single beds: batli. best references; private house; private family. 150 WeHt 97th-st. _______ attractive rcom. one or two ladi**. refined home, telephone: t>re«lcfast op- tional; restaurant, extremely moderate Dai eno* of sea-on: Amsterdam cars. c. \u25a0"• West 118U»-*t. ._ TWO SINGLE ROOMS: all modern im- provements, pleasant. clean, well fur- nished, quiet; location ur.wejled- t Sunday, evenings. FREER. 337 West 23d--t. \u25a0 15 ORAMERCY —Room*, en •-»»* and single: superior table; reference. 45TH-BT.. 243 WEST, near Broadway Exceptionally fine rooms. _ ISout1 South *™ ex- posure; single or suite; superior *ccornrno- ?Pti.-r«: bath, telephone: private doum. \u2666• \u25a0upward. _^_______ __ __ ___ OARDENiOR. Tientleman dwires jrvirt place for his working gardener and -or* man; German. iliil; two children com latent In all hranch»-»; gla«s and' open ground landscape •«\u25a0« «n<l {.rlvafo farm Ing; gor»1 niu»hr.H-.rn ?r.*.-r «'r. >,y »r,ber »nd reliable; »i.V Hrst . lane co,k and but te r mak»r. Address WOI.K. \u25a0&?. tst-ave liARMENKH -Rv frote^tanf man- mar r|e<l. n-- family: wlf.- H ..-ook nr laun flress; long exp-Tleri"*-: r-r.rh romp*»»nt anl highest r»t'-r< r: (VC'y. IIS Wexf. 30th-m. riAnriKXKR -i:*!.-. thoroughly nn<V~ xiazs'bt il<.w«rr» i!, vegcta6>». [awn« .-are borae*. <lriv.-. milk: g.»^ all rom,.] man. IM r-f«ren.e 5 . GARDENER. Box 1". Tribune Of!1< c. Singer Manufacturing Company Computes New Building Site. John K. GofcSln* h»e sold to the Sterer Kaouflact- ortmr Company, Ib connection with Horace 8. Ely *Co r*j«t-satlnr the estate of Matthew Wllks. : tbe property No. M liberty-iU 27 feet front This -completes the plot desired by the Singer lUnu- 9 facturtoff Company- for the addition to St* present buUdlns. Mr. Ooldinr hiving sold th«n. \u25a0within th* }a«t war. the property No*. 155. 157. 161 and *•» •' Broadway and No. 91 Liberty-st. HjSIJ* WAifTED. GARDENER.— thorough icnowledr, \u25a0>f lar-i^a;- KS!l«r-.1-.g. greemtuuaei z,-,l "\u25a0-. fruit-. \u25a0..»». ,,ti»^. shrubs, tree* _-^ ref»ren^«-> >\u25a0-!:>-<>> Fl/JRIST. Bos a . '\u25a0-\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0 Cptwwn O(Tk~. l.r,«H Eroadwav ' \u25a0\u25a0la COACHMAN One who understand* city driving; must be single man; willingand obliging; city references required. niL>- DI^E'S, 7 Eaat 14th-st. RE -RRTART or CONFIDENTIAL CLERK. lKs»enilv« ability: rapabl,- buslnew. manager- al>l<^ .-.>ti»-si>oni]ent. excellent roi- I.M" a,',,] ;..ljn^er of cl-lm*: pf**-«si»z tart and diplomacy; formerly secretary an.l treasurer of |ni-..rp'jriit«l •.metrical m«nu- fa't'rini 'omp-ny; highest credential.; 118. 11.. 4*51 fI&UM*.. Brookljn. FT ABLE MANAOER «ar.t«i permanent i^>- *ltion where could tak«- chargr; la-l «lx Mara has superintended stable work, in eluding buying, selling an.l treating; first- ly temperate an.l of good habit.: ™'» r . nlsh th« best "f reference .S. v\ il«-hij.-\. i.> S'-hlll-r-sr.. Roxbury. Maaa StTPEKINTEXDENT.— American an work- ing *urx?>in-<-nri«-nt or manager of farm or e»tate; .-ixi.fri^r..-. 1. best reference*. Box 1.v.. New-Brunswick. N. J- LTHOL6TEKIXO. repalrirc. >-arp*< laying. mattresse3 remnde at rwtdntw; Jot) a* out by the day; reasonable. MAIIKR. 2*2 West 132 i st. GARDENER. Cf>A»rHMAX:— Gerrr.aa: 10- gle; 31".3 1 ". «•'«\u25a0! nil around man- cJire'-i: driver: BAt^r. rellarl-. be»r reference- "un»ry pi*-* H M . 2.317 3<l-_v<> WATCHMAN.— American: day "• night: steady, «r>r*T. murried man; --an furnish best of references. Address L. M.. *** East 32a-*t. EARN $100 naonusiy corre«j>ondtng for news- papers; $5 per column for work In spare time; experience unnecessary; we willhelp you get started. If you write plainly an<i desire permanent, profitable employment, send for particular*. PRESS SYNDICATE, Lockport, N. Y. QARDE.NED . \u25a0 Scotch: ex^ri^nci in greep. h.,u**s and outdoor gartur.irr \u25a0•an t=«ke ,v»r- of D'"-at» plac-: j<yvi rifer fno»j. L Boa 4. Tribune Office. ÜBTH-ST. 414 WEST. Momlng«l<Je HeUrhti. near Columbia.- Handsomely furnished rooms en suite, singly. In modern apartment house: table and appointment* first class. Telephone 3847 Mornlnrsldf. PCTH-ST-. 68 WEST.— Large rooms, con- necUng with dressing room: also hail rooVn: good, plentiful table ; conveni-nt to park a" cars: refined home; reasonable, reference. WATCTHMAK or other position, by a man who has been m. soldier far five years; ref- erences" aged 32. H. SCHROEDER, us f<th-avr. •;a RI'KNKR . —ay Oman; ra~'>! - w^ children: take roll 'charm of ger:r'.erra-'» p'.ar* grt-erhoui^e; i, x i-ar<» In Us« c'a"e v*«, \u25a0_.*(\u25a0 ... E GROSSGART. .V-6 fi „•» ' potm-em.. \v»^t Hoboken. N. J. WATCHMAN or PORTER.- -By sfrlctly ;.,.b«r man: age S»; give t«f" "f rff.r ence* as 10 hon?»ty. FRED RORIG. e>.l Amsterdam-aye. 81RT-BT. 15« WEST— large, one email room, with board; I. station; highest ref- ererces. TiTIE GUARANTEE^ IndTRUST COMPANY. C* M VJi.KS.. $8,000,000 140 Broadway, New York. 175 Remsen Street, Brooklyn. Manuf Branch. 198 Montage St.. B'lclyß. The Lawyers' Title Insurance Company of New York 37 Liberty St., Manhattan. 38 Court St., Brooklyn. Lends money on Bond and Mortgage inany amount at lowest rates of interest and at moderate cost. C AP £&." S $8,000,000 City Property to Let. If Selling Real Estate come to this Company for temporary DEPOSIT, or for permanent INVESTMENT, of the proceeds. If Buying Real Estate come to this Company for TITLE INSURANCE, or for LOANS to complete the pur- chase. GARDENER. Map ai.d *tif< nan <•-.\u25a0• •-lavs gard«-!»-r In a-i Us iraaeb«n nn children; ag«-d 3M yeai - wife .^. ,t^ ,-. |r|cd» of work. XAVICR \VfRriM\NX -.1 6th-Hve.. <-ar«- of Mr- King. Ik (Si©i SinIAKISE FUNS A BGMHIT mm. Salesman, acquainted In the drycooda line In and around New-York is wanted to represent a reliable house In the ladl«"«' wrapper line. Call before 10 a. m. or aft«r 6 p. m., E. WINER. 150 East Broadway. 1«4 VTEST 47TH-ST— Two hall rooms: large room, will accommodate two. witn board. YOUNG MAN. possennlng English and Sfanlßh languages with perfection, ti re- writer. In office; good reference*. ALBERT RAGGI. 249 Adamß-st.. Brooklyn. GAROF.NER aad CARETAKER.— Marrlei GerSßan. no chilire.-; sectleman's prhrara place: *-xp«>rt s>nlene,r; ur>deratards rh- care of ban) a ::d p.->ui:ry- Brsl clar* rofereoce*. <; P.. NI K£L. 003 Fi.-' Siv St. TEN LATHER.S wanted at once. JAME3 FARRELL. Great Neck Station. Long Island. WANTED. Competent railroad machinists and bollermakers for out of town; good wages. Apply between 9 a m ami sp. ra. to GEORGE H. THOMAS, 31 Coentlea Slip, one flight up. 9T. ALBANS. 1EAST 81ST-ST Roo.n*. single, en suite, with P"T'!! baths: doctor's ofSee; dining room. P*" or floor: electric llrht: t»cenent table bora. YOUNG MAN". IP. good education; refer- ence- willingt t , start for moderate, salary. FRANK WISCHEBROOK, 24 Hope- «t.. Brooklyn. FCRMSHKD ROOM*. WANTED bright young man In hardw-ar« •tore. JOHN J. PAULoEN. "no Tr^- mont-ave. YOUNG MAN. 2". good duration and ref- erence, willing to start for moderate «al- .-.ry. ('HAS. GRAETZ. 173 South 4th-st.. Brooklyn. GARDENER \u25a0<-\u25a0< FLORIST -Mi I.':- az-.r German, married, one growing cr.i:i •• nmert'nc* In gre^nrruse ar.d outdo, r -x^-a. Al r-?e;r;- a . |b of tak-ng charge «* large j.n-.ate r.l*.c; wire »-ip»-rlor %->":r >.-—\u25a0< and Ir-.n'-r r.r fir.- wort H. V. BI"-:TIT v West .'.'•th -t. BEAUTIFUL parlor and bedroom; new.y furnished, with or without board, for one or two gentlemen; references. Address 2SB West 43d-st. YOUNG MA.V. German, at anything; steady, billing: fact-iry work preferred: city or ,-',untrv. riIAS. HUMMEU 3» Lorlmer-st.. Brooklyn. COI"PLE ilvlnsr alone will rent to physi- cian parlor floor, reception room, private bath valet, electricity, select neighborhood; telephone 3836—38 t h: 88 Ea»t 58th-et. WANTED. Capable newspaper and book canvasser*- one of the most attractive propositions ever preaenteii tn New- York. Apply to WILLIAM H. GLTELJUS. Trlb- \u25a0ne QrTlce. GARDEXEJt and FIJ-)H!?T On .-"- man pla ,:nj!-. ase 3fi; un !or«.in>l» his r.u*:r.<-.-s tburuoKtklT In ail branchn ••" gardening. 2" >ears of am class ref-T- pit-OS, parties In x,in! of u«»ful rr»n r.»-l not av-.-;. A<Wres^. with part:c':;a.-*. FIX>RI.-T. Boa ".3. Monet Kisco. N. Y. YOUNG MAN. 18. wiKh-s position at any- thing, shipping department preferred; can furnish reference as to character and abil- ity. PETER MICHELS. 297 Rlvlngton-st. ELEGANTLY furnl*hed front parlor and bedroom: also *mall room In *tr!ctly pri- vat« house; would give board to ael*ct party. 447 We«t 57th-*t. HELP \u25a0WANTED. YOUNG MAN, 23. at anything; outside work preferred :fan get test of references. A. PIERPON. 348 East 123th-st. Female. COOK. Young woman good cock and laundress In flat; $16; sleep out. RIVAo. 130 West S-Hh-st. GARDENER and SUPERINTENDENT Married: tboroa«til> underst^r :s -•« business tn a': branrhes; ro r«ke ent!-« charge of Je^.t^•>m*^"3 country e«:a:e. wber< honesty and aMity wtSJ he appre- ciated: wages $7.'. cot*age. etc. J! S.. h"x 24. Cfdarhurst. Long I'lani. HOME WORK for all: copying letters: either *ex; good pay; nen'i self-ad- dressed envelope. V. KEYES & CO., Ware- btm, Mass. YOUNG MAN. 28. honest and obllrtcg. reat appearance: chance, to advance; outside work preferred: references. E. MEUNIER. 20 Wllkes-st., Jersey City. GARDENER and I ?KFUL VAN _? s - gle; first 1 \u0084i.->=. v»getaM*». tr»*s. *r—:-* hedges. lawes. read--" un^-rsra-.i? p<j:]>.r>. care harm '«», tiarv'y witn wyifw w»r- ten a.'..J ;»r.-oi.j! r-f^r».-.-o. H.\?.DY. T ; 9. Tribune. YOUNG MAN. 21. r<v>d education, ambi- tious, honest, energetic, over four years* business experience, desires lucrative em- ployment with some responsible hcu**: un- questionable references. Address B. L., Tribune Uptown Office, 1.364 Broadway. WORK WANTED. ELEGANTLY furnished room*, single or en suite, for married ooupl* or gentlemen In Unit class apartment; location *trict!y pri- vate; convenience* central. •MITH, 83 West 63d-st. 72 WEST SSTH-PT. Handscme *econd floor suite, or *ln?le; Isvatorie*. dress- ing rooms, bay window*, prlvat* extension bathroom: breakfast optional; ChrUtlan family; first clasa; reference*. S3 EAST 55th. Couple living alone will rent few rooms to gentlemen only: valet, electricity, private bath*: breakfast option- al; select- telephone 383C 38th. Female. CASHIER.— By your.g la.y; two years' ex- perience; be*t references. Addrt-ss HON- EST. Box 82, Tribune Office. YOUNG man wishes work In country. C HGIBB7KRR. 2-0 East 26th-st. COMPANION. Uy German lady. Apply to H. WEBER. 201 Wlllow-ave.. HoboUen. YOUNG man willing to work a' anything. WM. RYAN .IT" fHb-a-r*.. Hotel Vigi- lant. 244 LEN'OX-AVE. Three magnificent rooms, second floor: parlor and bedrooms; whole or part; exceptionally large; very light; new, substantial furniture; residential riet_-htv>»Tino<l. _^____ GARDKNEH. -Mame^: •\u25a0\u25a0.-•- •\u25a0. --i-ic» if \u25a0ratleman** v*"*. r*»tihcjs»!i. ia«n v»«rerablo sjarder kßflwtodir* 'i tag *-'. stock; s:x'»«n years' esp*rleac »nee». J. C . Ce4art .--\u25a0 Lcng Isian't GARDENER.— 24 >»a'V pracrfcal »jrß*rtenc« nnd-r ?'3?s *r.l mttsWe: s.-ol r»ferenoe«. Ad.lre«* f . Box 3. Station A. Hartfor-j. Om ELDERLY American woman; any position of trust: good reader; nice sewer; mod- erate; city or country. A<ldrt!»» ADAMS, 207 West 67th-*t. YOUNG MAN. 3'X is driver or general work: can <lrive foot horses: »ood refer- ence CHARLES H. S(.THtMACKE. 76.S Am- stTdaiTi-ave. LAMPS. YOUNG MAN. 24. desires weekly position; honest, tvtlllrir and obliging: N»st of ref- erence. FRANK REIDEK. 1.494 2<i-ave. YOUNG MAN. 23. five years' experience, as confidential -!erk: first class reference. G. D.. Box 36, Tribune Office.. READER. Lfl'3" of culture, with pleasant voice, desires engagements to read aloud to children, invalid, elierly pf-rson; or can render ae»istance to literary man in search- ing for and arranging data correctly; ref- erences. Ml»s STANLEY, care of Dr. Lit- tell. 2 West b3d-sL GARDENER Single German -horo-jgh knowle'le- nf lan'iscaf* «»r»l*titns. ?retn- bous»s v^zetabl-s. tre*-. >n.-ibs. etc.; c*«t of refers *•-'-%"' Bos ». Trtbur.« Uptown OrP.c^. 1.3»>4 Broavlwav GREEK. 2«. in an Arn»rleaa famiiy. f.b- J»ot. to learn if \u25a0 !an<'i^?e. wr< :'-r »t- r»rf=es only. PIMONIDISi \u25a0"••NT'" LOS, R/v.m 2 MS M-uv-. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR.— By younif lady, American, as private switchboard operator; understand* bookkeep ns; experi- enced In botii. Address 8.. P. C. Plalnfiell. N. J. TOUNf» man wants portion as ltin-h man. WM. RYAN. 370 Bth-av<».. Hotel Vigilant. MAN and WIFE. Polish, want sKoadoa cf any kt^d. naao is a f-c't firm-—: wi> good houx?k~epor. A4dre»a PFTrTTR REINES. ii» stotris-aa TEL3PHONE OPERATOR. Experience.!; position at BWltoht/nard. AiMres* OrEH- ATOR, cigar »tcre. 517 2<!-a\e. MAN ar.J WIFE. Gem In rasrast: wlf» Is _-<vid \u25a0•oo!<: e?r.~ra) httetea v.---k. Address L. WOIILEHi?. 10 Morris-;,. VISITING GOVERNESS— PudMs and en- giisement by a young French lady. Mile. LAVIGNE. 432 Bth-ave NURSE - Attendant invalid. ;oatsH«il or elderly i!»r:T!orrar. by purj FTr.-j!:?- rran: give maa»ase If. r^qiilrp-!: hlghfai ~*- er°nc» from patient* ar.J phv«trtan«; \u25a0 -r »-a?« If goln? to Eur.'p-. FIT/.>if2< \I-^>. 245 East 51s:-sr. WOMAN of refinement, excellent sewer, understands dressmaking, tsyist a mother with urowlng children, permanent position. reference; city or country; reasonable. B. A.. Box 24, Tribune Office. YOUNG at present physical dlrert"r. ox assistant of physical •-•iltiirisf ; ti^A ro'»r«-n<-»: Addr»s« Box \u25a0?«. East I?l ! p. Long Island. TOITtG MAN. 21. at anvthine: fir^t t'"' reference. JOHN METZLER. 15 Ten Fv-k-«t.. Brooklyn ; DOMESTIC SITUATIONS' WASTED, j 31ale. BUTLER COOK. By youni French cou- \u25a0 pie in private family: very willing- and | good reference: no objection to the country: no washing. Address c KKENCH COUPLE, Woodhaven P. 0.. Lone Island, general de- livery. BUTLER AND VALET. By Englishman, married; wife good plain cook: would take care cf apartments or club; can be thor- oughly recommended. WILLIAM, cars of Fitzgerald, i-51 3d-ave. _ BUTLER and VALET-— First class; 24 years old; 4 years' references (light co - ;- ored). In fine family; understands his du- ties thoroughly. Call or write all wee_. ANDERSON. 148 East Wth-at. SE*-o\n MAX.— Fndenraad. hit •> '. thoroughly: wUlimc r.-. be u*-:-i! -\u25a0.: v t years* nr«t clasa refit reBe*. P. 0.. Bos '\u25a0"•. Tribune Uptown OS.?. USSt Bl»:aSway.. A Choice PRIVATE DWELLING for Rent in «~» A At*. CLXr between Riverside Drive 04*Tla >3T.« and West End Aye A three-story high' Stoop brown' stone dwelling, 18 feet wide, in first class condition, with butler's pantry extension and six bedrooms. Modern open plumbing. RENT REASONABLE Apply to SLAWSON & HOBBS, 284 Columbus Aye., near 73d St. VISITINO GOVERNESS— By well edu- cated French lady from Paris: 21 years of ago. Mile. A. M.. 224 East 3Rth-st. TRAINED MALE NTRSF! a" 1 vxp^rt tt3* seur. by heat da>* or icf»k: ur.'t \u25a0-»"".• r> abl. ref-rences: nrj'.*r 373 7 raro*. T»:»r»-.i-» 80S Bedford, or ad --\u25a0« MALE ffl Pit-: 262 Rye-- D-*1 . EirooklyiL WORK WASTED. CSBFCX MAN— <;- s<>ntre-a--« -\u25a0-• Kenerallv useful: experi-ncc--* ir Mt-; - thini?: reference; »a. JC'. J . £?->\ ?*<~, 1.267 Broad Hale. ACCOUNTANT. JOSEPH PERCTVAL. BRAWNKR. professional consulting ex- pert auditor: books designed. opened, closed, systematized, audited. Go any- where In th* I'nited Statea. Boom 527 Park Row Building. rAWXBROKEKS' SALES. USEFTX. MAN.—Kr.?!i?hma!!. Fir.z:». ill- die aeei: five yoars with last etuplorer: small country place; t;r.:-rs^»- J - ."-are <»* horse, cow. poultry, garien Isrs «' : hUh«ot references. HOPE, car* «f tt:!t*r: Tweed'.e, 1.479 Mi..- r. are. ACCOUNTANT, *c— Private accountant. secretary, stenngrrapher. with railroad real estate and banking experience, desires connection here or abroad. Address RODG- ERS, Tribune Uptown Office, Box ST. 1,364 Broadway. COACHMAN.— First class coachman, where second man is employed; best of refer- ences. OTTO ANDERSON. L^rln* Stable. 13S Cut 41st-*t. DWELLINGS $75 a Month and 1/pwa.rd. 188 th and 139 th Sts., 7th and Bth Avss. Several desirable, well appointed Dwelling*, con- taining from 10 to 14 rooms and bath*; hand- eomaly decorated. These homes are bow open for inspection. ERASTUS HAMILTON. 262 West 188 th St. Telephone 647 Harlem. OPEN SUKDAYa CSEFLI. MAN.— By Sw»<>: und^rstan'* horses, rtr'!»n: sober. relfab •- be*? r»*»- enr*«. N. NELSON, cars Mrs. Pa:-n'*"'-;. 314 East 27th-st. COACHMAN.— Competent family coach- man: unquestionable written and personal references certifying capability, sobriety, honesty; last and former employers can be t«v?n. T. M., 6«3 Cth-ave. Telephone 6U> S^th. VISITfXGVALET-— Strict!* l«ni>*rai*>. r-- liable yam I Amrrleaa. ac. 3. w»»h*9 opportunity to vl«!t gentleman r»T? '-ar I .!'. mfrnlr? or evening. A«Mre»S MICHJIEfa 224 East 221 * ACCOUNTS investigated, books opened and closed, partnership accounts transferred to corporation books. Surrogate accounts, statistics. &c. ; 30 years' experience: high- est testimonials. H. R. MENSINC Expert Accountant, 231 Broadway. New York. COACHMAN.— By married man. no chil- dren; thoroughly understands the care of fine horses, carriages. &c: sober; good driver; best of references; country pre- ferred. W. R. G.. Tribune Office. A BOY of 16 yean- wi«h»s a position at $4 a week: willing and obliging. 2.230 Paciflo- st.. Brooklyn. City Property for Sale. BOY. 17. willing to learn piumblng or ma- chanlsL FR-iNK NIKU 434 X I9th-st. JCS. SKONGOOD ft SONS. Auctioneer*, salesrooms. No. 94 Bowery. March 19 Jewelry, watches, diamonds, etc., H. 4 C. Lrfing. 120 Avenue C. March 19 Clothing, etc, pledged to March 12. 1902. BenJ. Fox. 72 Bth-ave. March 20 Men's an<! women* clothing, etc.. E. Glaser, 53 CaUiarlne-st. March 20 Jewelry, watches, diamond*, etc., pledged previous to March 13. 1902. D. Sllberstein's Sons. 10 6th-ave.; Silberstein Bros., 2,457 Bth-eve. March 23 Clothing, etc, J. Blumenthal, 405 9th-ave., A. Sellnger, 634 2d-ave. March 24— Jewelry, et.\, pledged to March 17. 1902, B. Aufses, 279 Stanton-st. Maroh 23 Jewelry, watchea, diajnonda, etc.; H. a Isaac*. 2,438 Bth-ave. VALET ar<i CSEFCT. MAX-T" flu »«*- 1-c w««h!nc and take car -f tache!--?' apartment: ritv .^r country. ADVERTIJEK. rare of Kerr. 313 Fa« 3*th-9i BOY. 15, to learn the electrical business. Addrea* F. LIEBEU East «6th-st- UO3IESTIC MmillM WANTED. COACHMAN*, gardener and general man on gentleman's place; married, wife, on-^ child; North of Ireland Protestant; has been several years in last place: employer can be seen in city; best references. At CARPENTER'S. 154 6th-ave. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS IW DOWNTOWN STREETS. KETTtSO 5 & 6 per cent. RCLAND & WHITING CO. S Beekman St, To Let for Business Purposes. T7V4CTOKT to let, 18,0uO feet noor *pae*. at Pater- JC *on; all ob one 9oor; flue llgct. J. JTo-KEILLt IS3 Jiarkct-et.. Newark. N. J. OFFICES. \u25a0Insrle; also mites: flrecroef construction, electric llghu. elevators: also light basement. BEARD BUILDING. 120 Liberty. Country Property for Sale. Leopold Well has Jtiso practically concluded ne- gotiations for the sal* for Jesse L Straus of the . Ar\\nr tnT < apartment house, at Nos.' Q and 64 l£oniAgue-«t» for about JIaO.OOC. Morris B. Baer has sold to a Mr. Levy No. 228 fierenth-ave., a four story brick building, on lot 2i«xSofeet. L. 2. Phillip*) & Co. have resold for Lachman & Goldsmith the plot. 88.11x100 feet, at the northwest comer of Fifth-aye. and One-hundred-and-thirty- eighth-su to Gustave Schock, who owns adjoining "'NevS' 4 Perelman have sold to a Mr. Elnorhorn No. 305 East Ntnety-urst-st.. a fly« story tenement house, on lot 25x100.8 feet. i, , \u2666 i-. \u2666„ t v> B Chenken has sold for Dr. Flnkelsteln to J. F. Xeiier Nos. &7 and 99 Avenue D. a seven story tene- ment house, on plot 30x76 feet. In exchange J. F. KeUer gives Dr. Finkeisteln No. 259 West Fif- t*«nth-stl. a six story tenement house, on lot 25x 10S.S feet, vhich Dr. Finkelsteiu baa traded for a private dwellirojhouse in West One-hundred-and- twenty-first-st. _._._.» The Empire City Realty Company has bought No. Zti East Forty-eeventh-st.. a four storybrick tenement house, on lot .0x100.5 feet. \u25a0 The Empire City Realty Company has also bought No. 214 E&st Ninety-eighth-Bt., a five story brick tenement house, on lot 25x100.8 feet. U H. & J. W. Slawson have sold to Mrs. Octavie I Maitra'it, for occupancy. No. 128 East Thirty-sev- *nth-st.. a four story stone front dwelling house, on lot 18.9x49.5 feet. L. H. & J. W. Slawson have resold for a client to Dr. T. P. Berene. for occupancy. No. S5 Park- cive.. a four story white atone dwelling bouse, on lot 18.5X51 feet. __, William A Roos has sold to William Finnegan th« northwest corner ef Terrace View and Kings- bridre avee.. Marble HilL a plot 82x85.2x116-5x76 feet, j ' J-Edgar Leaycraft A Co. have- sold No. 321 Alex- tader-av*.. a five story building, on a lot 20x75 feet, for Henry B. Riecke to Bridget Gordon- , Blawson & Hobbs have sold to Reckling & \al- lander No. 827 Park-aye.. a five story flathouse. on *. lot 25x100 feat. TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. Max Marx ha* purchased from the American McrtK*«« Company the northeast corner of Harlem River Terrace and One-hundred-and-eighty-fourth- «., 73.35 Xabout 118x100 feet, and also the plot of nbout seven lots on the west side of Cedar-»ve.. r^cinnins; 100 feet south of Fordham Road, and has •resold the above parcels to John C. Eodjrers. C- A. Dußois has sold for a client to a Mrs. Colby for her occupancy the three story and basement brewnstone dwelling house No. S3 West One-hun- dred-sjod-forty-eighth-st.. being- 18.8 x lot ».ll feet. Th* West Rockaway Land Company has sold twelve additional lots on Orienta-ave.. Belle Har- bor estate, to Gerald Dcrman, and the whole of block No 9 to William Denlson on Orient*, and s**lharo ayes. C M. Sadie, of the office of N. Brigham Hall * Ron. ha« sold for George Monk and William Gillies to a "«ifh purchaser No. 836 Nlnth-ave.. east aide, between Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth st*.. a six '•tory and basement brick and terra cotta stores | and tenement house, size 25590x100 feet, together -with the abutting property. No. 357 West Fifty- [ Toorth-Bt.. north side. 100 feet east of Ninth-aye.. a Jive story and basement brick and stone apartment house, size 2axS7xJoo.s feet. Edward K. Crosby baa sold for Mrs. M. R. S. , Mackenzie No. 6 Avenue B. a three story front and •rear tenement house, size 25x80x Irregular, to a client . Alfred I* Taylor has resold No. 144 to 150 West JELlhteenth-at,. on a plot 80.1x33 feet, to a person •who will erect a loft buildingon the premises. He - recently bought the property. Rowland .Pell, trustee tor the James Duane Pell •state, has leased to Lewis Deutsch No. 21 West Thirty-«eeoad-«t., a four story and basement build- las, on lot SxlOO feet. The lease is for twenty-one years, at $4,000 a year net. James W. Ellsworth Is said to have sold his Itense. No. 3 West Ssxteenth-«t. ItIs a four story browi-ttone dwelling house, on lot Ssxß3 feet. 80 feet west of Flfth-ave-, with a rear stable lot, 2Sx Tr< ktSki feet. The latter is one of the far. •shaped group of lots. Just east of the New-York Hospital grounds, which makes up the most peculiar diagram to be fouad in the maps of New- York City. Each stable In the group has the right to use in . common an interior yard of about 800 square feet, with an alley. lfixSl feet, to Fifteenth-et. Mr. Ells- worth purchased the property In 1838. He is now staid to have bought a large new dwellinghouse in «ha Fifties, near Fifth-aye.. which is the reason for his selling the Slxteentb-et. house. Leopold Well and Arnold & Byrne have sold for Carson C Peck to Cohen & Klauber the three five atory apartment houses at the southwest corner of _n£t_vs>T«. and One-hundred-and-seventeenth-st. Tn* \u25a0eliar bought the property three years ago through Mr. WeiL and now cells at a substantial profit. Th« details cif the reported purcha»e« by the com- pany which is beinr formed to build » tunnel from Jersey City to Cortlandt-sU. this city, are given In another column. Female CHAMBERMAIP. *C.— CoIOCWi girl chambermaid an"-l waitress or B«**2| hous<?workf-r In x. flat. g-> tome \u25a0 -" '-' West 4t;th-ot. BAKER, with good references, tn institu- tion. Address O. X., 1.132 Myrtle-nava.. Brooklyn. COACHMAN Understands horses and car- riages. Scotchman, single; caxefu! driver; care lawn, roads, furnace: country pre- ferred; city reference. Address COACH- MAX. Box 14. Tribune Office. BOOKKEEPER. By young man (20); two years' practical experience; understands ledger work thorough ly-. speedy typewriter. fine penman, highest reference*; $12. C. 8.. 345 West 55th-nt. COACHMAN and GARDENER. thoroughly understands vegetables an.l Rowers; can milk: willingto assist with any work on private place: satisfactory city references. N. \V.. Box 39. Tribune Office. CHRISTIAN woman, with Ion« ex^er'-rK-- position cf respetwlSiHW "• a ;r " stltuuon. club or Any tra'* ti— -Mr.z It*' rlass atrvK*. R . B. 1 *\u25a0>. Tnbmw Cpwwa Office. 1.364 Broadway BOOKKEEPER. U»: exiienei ced. accurate, reliable; salary $10. Address BOOK- KEEPER, E76 Broadway. Brooklyn. COAi.'HMAS and GARDETNER. Strictly temrierate: can furnish t»ie be«t city and country references. JOHN BURNS. IW> 7ch-ave.. t«kerv. COOK. Young woman: t;.-" rO'Vi; __* iron: small private farnlly: rlpi pre."-- red; city reference. .-. . Ka.-t ; r»- .juire of Jarltress. CUTTER and designer on custom tailoring; liveries and uniforms a specialty; willing to do sowing if necessary: city or country. XL ENJEIAN, 236 East U4th-st. COACHMAN or GARDENER. Middle. a«ed. »!nirl«: thoroughly understands earn of taorsra. i-arriaK^s. harness, fl.-viera. ve;>- tables, lawns, milking; good reference. Ad- dress JOHN. 4*) Pcarl-st. COOK.— F!xrer:er>.-»i-. wen 1: . in all *'-\u25a0* of cooKine; eou;;.?. ton. *ntrees\ Jo c ?. same. salads, -x t?. >\u25a0**. r^SVJ^fS!! etc. h-st cil referrP** Mrs> V PONAX-W ••are Mr.-. Ihr.aurf. ZW East ICSbvst L. L. FIRUSKI. Auctioneer. 70 Bowery. sells, 10 a. m.: March 19 By M. Hammerschlag & Co., 129 Park Row, diimondii. watches, Jewelry, all pledges prior March 0. 1902. March 20 By E. Alter A Son, sue. Wm. Alter. 308 3d -a vs. . diamond*, watches, Jewelry, all pledge* nrtor March 10, 1902. March 23 By Goldstone Bros., 586 eth- ave., diamonds, watches. Jewelry, all pledge* prior March 13, 1902. all older dates. March 24 By J. Kalmu* & Son. 178 B<J- ave., diamonds, watches. Jewelry, all pledges prior March 14. 1902; all older dates. March £4 By 34. Bruckheimer. ISI E. Joßth-et., clothing, etc, pledged prior March 14. 1902. March 25— By J. J. FYiel. 1.473-75 Broadway, 987 Myrtle-aye.. Brooklyn, dia- monds, watches. Jewelry, all pledgea prior March 15, 1802. March 26— By Wm. Blmp*on, 81 park Row, diamonds, watches. Jewelry, all pledges prior Jan. 26. 1902. and all No*, to 6.160 and all good* reserved from prevlou* March 20— By P. Kalnius, 403 Canal-*t., clothing, etc., pledged prior March 18, '02. REALTY NOTES. M. * L. Hess have leased for a long- term 0/ y_L« the entire building No. 809 Broadway for the ««tata of George Henry Warren at an anreg-ate r_stai of about UOCOOO. After extensive alterations th« premises will be occupied by a. woman's waist and costume house. The American Baptist Home Mission Society yes- terday transferred title to No. 13 West One-hundred- *ad-nlnet*ent_s-«U, 15x10011 feet, to William Stock for SXCJSfXi. The Church of St. Rose of Lima, transferred title yesterday to Nos. 654 and 566 Grand-st. to Isidore Jvckson. who in turn transferred the title to Joseph Rosenberg and another person. COOK. $23 . laundre^>. *i"«: r ir.*- 5-^. c** an.l laon4rc_ $^'>: .-hamberniaal a^ waitress. MS: jreneral hon--"< -r-'r. ... ST. RARTHOIjOMKVS BI'REAI Fast 42.1-st. CHAUFFECR. French; experienced man; French or American machine. Addresa 219 West 25th-et.. care or I* X. C. CLERK. A young man, 19 years, as clerk in office; can furnish reference* as to character and ability Ad.lres* JOHN J. M'MAHON. 5 East lOStb-st. COACHMAN. Thoroughly understands care of horses, carriages and harness, generally useful: strictly sober, honest and obliging; best references. Addrvs* JOHN MACK. 226 We?'. ir!th-Pt. CLBRK. By young (Jerman-Amerlcan, l'J, intelligent; country hotel; highest refer- ences. Addreaa RUDOLPH NOWAK, caxe of Mrs. Porsch. 201 \Vo-, t 101st-bt. A DELIGHTFUL residence at Plalnfield. N. J.: 23 J.\. mile*; aell at bargain: might exchange. ATWATER, 171 Broadway. AKEAL country ttlace at a real bargain: new Colonial house; 7 bedroom*; city water, electric light, tele- phone, heat, exposed nickel plumbing and shower, parquet floors. S open fireplaces, piazzas all sides, roomy outbuild- ings, 25 acres of fine mellow land, fruit, apparagus; 65 minutes out on Peana. R. R.; lie miles from station; mac- adam roads; good markets, school*, churches; worth $-1.- 000; price $18,000- no trades; principal* only. OWNER, Box 15, Tribune Office. COMEDIAN and weight lifter, with a trav- elling show. HENRY WILLIAMSON. La- grmngeville, Duu-he^a County, N. T. THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS. Ho£_aaa-*rt-, west side, 30 feat couth of Oae-hun- *r*>d-aad-t_lrty-nlath-gt_, eight two story frame dweiltsyr houses. l&>2xis feet; William Wainwrljcbt, owner and architect ; estimated coat. $20,000. . * Avenue C, west side. 22 feet south of Seoond-st.. TJ&tonpcrt, two story frame dwelling- house, 23x60 fact; Henry Speilra&n, owner; Gustav Bchwara. s-rch2tact; cost, C.SOO. CHAUKFE3UR. By a single man: mechani- cal and electrical erelr.eer. hoiilng city license, with , rlvate party, excellent re£er- eicee, HVTCHINSON. OHI 6th-ave- COACHMAN. Middle age-i; married man; German-American: take \u25a0 t*arg>: of jtentl^- man's place; city or country: understands horses and gardening thoroughly, and Is an all round handy man. J. GEH?.Ki. 512 West lrS7th-M. BBRNAJtDSVILLB MOUNTAINS.—BeauUfuI. allrhtly tract, 4S acres; water, fruit, dwelling, outbuildings; wealthy snrroundinsa. Estate must be sold. LENT. Bemsj—rrtll*. N. J. PAR I^.RVA'" or rH.OIBER- MAID.—By m in*r«i_:li jerrts "•" " .-n.-.k an.l 1 -. «th-r a ? partarns___ « ttmv*- bemiaM hay «rst . •?»— eft* refrrc^* rail art.»r 11. Mr*. PEARSON. '-" Fvt 521 M. CII A Mr.FK M a"i Dor PARLOR ! BX* \u25a0•iinpt -,-nt Hrutr-srant r'.rl: iri^s'e '.%r~- J only; nr.-t .-iaj<« etty nteme*. 333 «»«\u25a0 45th-M. . rt-B Dawson's h»* COACHMAN. Thor.-«ugl\ly understands care, of hon<««, harness and carriages: willing and obliging: iity or country; b^t refer- ences; last employer can seen. «'OAI*H- MAN, Box 73. Tribune Uptown Office. 1.3»>4 Broadway. TiV>R SALE. Thtrtr acres: hilly, fine view: to «old JD cheep to settle estata. Particulars. Box 42. Farming- dale, Loos; Island. CARPENTER. 80; tall, refined appearance and habli*; ten years' experieuce; real estate or private party; renting, collecting, repair*; small salary. TDMPERATE, 852 Columbus-aye. CHAMBKRMAID nt WAITRESS -X- -- flne.l and cultured Ormaa '• L>rm *-'"*;. or with(jrowlni; ohiTiren: plair •'«••" r\r* or country: 204 B. st>th-»r. SHORE FRONT PROPERTT. 100 acre* woodland, h!U mnA meadow; ond-half mile frontage on Lloyd' a Har- bor- 8 mile* from Huntlngton. Long Island. T. PAULD- Ih'd s c. oor. Third snd Walnut *tc. Philadelphia. DRIVER or PORTER. By young man, 80; can drive fnur horse*: (rood referenda. C. H. SCHMACKE, 768 Amstenlam-ave. COACHMAN. Active. elderly man «N->at small place; understands car*" bo>»?*. trappings. lain. roa>ls. etc.; references; low wages. CSEFITL, Box 8, Tribune. DAT*9 WORK— co'.Ar-! glr! wHkm*" ,^ day's work of a"\ '-. a<i nr *•"'_** ~*_ charge of hou»«: f»ferea.#». -THOMAft Kast 3!>th-?t.. Ist f!oo- CENTRAL AUCTION CO.. M. Sheehan. auctioneer. 352 and 154 Canal-st. March 19 By P. Freel, 160 Grand-et.. clothing to March 10. 1902. March 20 Ey E. Berber, 480 6th~ave., and 480 West 42d-*t., diamonds, jewelry, etc., pledged to March 10. 1902. March 20 By M. Lavery, 694 9th -ava. clothing to March 10. 1902. March 23—By H. McAleenon. 194 Sth- ave., diamonds, Jewelry, etc. pledged to No. 17,500. and old dates. March 28—By H. McAleenan. 194 Bth- ave.. clothing to March 1, 1902. March 24 By R. Slmpeon * Co., 143 West 42d-*t., diamond*. Jewelry, silver- ware, etc.. pledged to Dec. 1, 1901. No. l*.ono to 22.000. and good* held over. March 24^ By Barney* Loan Office. 1.553 Bd-ave., clothing, to March 16. 1902. March 25 By S. Lelchtentrltt, 657 2d- ave.. clothing to March 15, 1902. March 2ft— By P. Freel. 160 Grand jt. and 027 Broadway, diamonds. Jewelry, etc. pledged to March 15, 1902. March 26—By Chaa. Weaver, VX 10th- ave.. clothing to March 15, 1902. Furnished Houses to Let Country. DRIVKR. 20; experienced: pan furnish At reference. Address JOSEPH LYNCH. 75 P»>«;raw-st.. Brooklyn. FAMILY WAS*HTS«i—B? colored womaj: a.«« t»V» tt by th» imam: wfareac. •• V. JOHNSOV. 22S *Ow S**»n *t-: r;-c -" twlr». COACHMAN. Gentleman wishes to secure situation for his coachman whom he can highly recomim-nii . absolutely capable and trustworthy: persona! an 1 written refer- ences. FRANK, can* Monhelmer Brothers. 225 West 5M!.-st. For Sale or to Let Country. JUDGMENTS. The following judgments were filed yesterday, the first name being- that of the debtor: Alder. Frederick T. and Harry C Green— O J Parker and another $128 Ackertnan. Charles C— A Hawes 2,182 Blrkett, Clarence Columbia Bank, cost* 152 Brother*, Abram— H Krakower 824 t>anl«!s, Henry L. Corn Exchange Bank 419 Degnon. John F— J 8 Decker 2,870 Fltxgsrald". Lester C— J Intero»o 864 Frank. «eg:<s!-C©oper Company 250 Galvtn, John J W gtoth. president 619 Hughe*. Thomas E J Hughes 100 Hughes, Theresa 3 M Rosenblatt 187 Hoffman. Mayer, and Samuel J Ruth Q C010n... 158 Hart. Henry B. and Thomas McNamara W R Wlllcox, Commissioner, costs 121 Herbert. George W C Hallock 257 Halms. Frederick— Jacobs , 623 Harrington. Edwin D— J A Sherer 12,657 Jordan. Joseph a Pleanl and another _. 451 Klopper, Louts H P E Henderson and another... 204 Mann. Henry B A P Perkins 1.785 Maonells, Abraham LRothschild 471 Morrison. Edward Masons' Supply Company 127 Metropolitan Street Railway Company Ctnlffl.. 423 Same— T McPartland 1.259 O'Sulllvan. Mary J Ewald and another 1,232 Posner, Abraham S Rosenthal and another..., 272 Paine. WilliamI LBaumann and" another. ...... 1,868 Phillips & Co Judge Company 280 Max— C Brlckelmaler and another.... 172 Roberts, Catherine— E T Bereager and another. . _ 287 Rae. Albert F— Mock and another 165 Snow, Joseph J A L OUen 940 Sawyer. Alfred O Faehrmann 647 The Ledger Publishing Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 400 Thlenes, Rudolf A Gutierrez Company 214 Thompson, George E Dalker 857 The Manhattan Railway Company and the Metro- politan Elevated Railway Company B Geraghty 1 .308 The Stewart Butter Company W L Stout and another 419 Union Railway Company of New-York City K L Day 838 Yon Besser. Otto— Plant and another 211 Yon Gaertner. Louis A J A James 170 Wlodaver Hyman S Union Card and Paper Com- pany 193 Wennemer, Frank— <J J Bcbaats aad another.... 203 Waterbcrg. Jonathan and Nelson B B Mick > 413 NEW BUILDING PLANS. 6th-ave, w a, 60 ft \u25a0 of 45th-Bt. for a brick fence. 75 ft hi**. 60.6x10: Boehm A Coon, own- ers; R S Townsend. architect $1,000 Black-well's laland. opposite 62d-st. for a three etory brick dormitory. 148.1Ctx27: city, owner; Renwlek, Aaplnwall 4 Owen, architects 40.000 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. -,k-.v> •'\u25a0 25 1 ft n of 42d-«t. run* 61.4 to Z Tteii BulldUg Co; mortgage. TthfSe?. w'cor" Mtb^'wVli«VEU '^nMtt'to "^nTaTnln Sch«r to Jaccb Scheer; mortgage. . •SS £aS^rS_^SKT: .«» _^££»«PM^ C-Sl-et; No 454. s w a. 78.1 ft n w of Vestry-rt. « «ii « 10 8x w 25x n 19.8. 6tb-ave. c a. 39.8 ft « o* \u25a0 SBth-™ 19.5X78- 6th-ave. c s. 20 ft * of SS»h-rt 19 *x.*>: WlUJam L Turner, referee, to imh^t" r? SK°l<soS K °l<so- ft ' eof 7th^v c .- -37- «xl00.ii: Lucy J Whitcomb. by attorney, to Philip J S-Mfer_i_ll 137thl«t x c 100; sth-*ve. n w comer 13Sth-f>t. 74 3 mton. X Mw.rd S Flmon to Abraham Gold- n«rh-. h t : r^ sV^«t__^_f-______i: "tVo^ssM Stewart to Wesley Thorn, mortage. inft ao^- 0 c^ d ft-e- ofPark-*v.:bo Ii«):5I i«):5; Eiu- iene'Vallens to Henry B Ar.derson; mortgages. B d -av e %o%c.^vv;--%:i7oVMkri;;^nd;r- son to Charles Kroner; mortgars*, $18,000; c. c JW ! Gr«!d-«t.* "nos 554 and 55«. a w corner Lewl*-*t. j 60x100; the Church of St Ross to Isidore JJ * ci£ - Nor n, j Sa'm 5 . proper^Visidort"js^ksc^*io"Jisiph Rosen- berr and another: mortgage, $50.000............ N0n1mal Rlvinirton-st. No 198 to 214: Pitt-el. No* S5 and «7 Rid«re-rt. No 108: begins Rlvington-rt, n w corner Pltt-et, nrai n 100.0* w 100 X 8 lO.ftx w lOlx * 90.4 x c 200.5: Richard H Henry, referee, to Richard Crorrwell ......... ... 803 ' ' Same property: Frederick M Cromwell to Richard Cromwell: one-half pert: b and s: o c and l«> I 21rt-«t. No 87 West. 25x98.9: Pacific Realty Com- 1 rany to Joseph Wolf; b and *; mortgages. $41.- 600: o o and 10 ° RECORDED MORTGAGES. O'Brien. Mary J. to Title Guarantee and Trust Company; Bumslde-ava, * w a. 281.4 ft c of said \u25a0 w \u25a0 of ay* and \u25a0 of approach to Con- course; 5 years. 5 per cent $5,000 Sweeney, Mary T. to TiUs Guarantee and Trust Company; Burnsld*-*ve, a w e. 806.2 ft c of said \u25a0 w a of ay* and * * of approach to Con- oourss; 3 year*. 4% per cent. 4.000 Miller. Barnet, and another to State Realty an.l Mortgage Company; 106Lh-*t. s 1. 160 ft w of Amsterdam-aye; 1 year. 8 per cent 97.000 Ellbermann, Joseph, to Franklin Savings Bank; \u25a0Wlllls-ave. No224: 5 years. 4V» cent 15.000 I Same to Leonard Halberstad; same property; prior mortgage. $15,000, 1 year. 6 per cent 6.000 Bradner, Frank H. to The Bronx Investment Com- pany; 23d-ct. \u25a0 a 225 ft c of 8-b-ave; 2 years, 5 per cent 35,000 ! Pbelpa, Annie B, to Metropolitan Savings Bank; -2d-st. No 812 East; 8 years, 4 per cent 6.750 Same to same; 42d-st, No* 814. 816 and 818 East: 8 mortgages. 8 years; 4 per cent each 5,750 Same to same; 42d-*t. No 824 But; 8 years. 4 percent 6.750 I Volkening. Berths, to Lawyers' Title Insurance Company; John-«t. No 19: 2 years, 4H per cent 80.000 Wund. Jacob C. to Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank: lst-ave. No 504: 1 year, 4 per cent 9.000 Stock. William, to American Baptist Home Mis- sion Society; ll&th-st. No 22 West; 1 year, 4^ per cent T800 Tlmpson. William N. to the Colonial Bank; Lex- lngton-ave, c *. 66.9 ft s 8S(?-et; given as se- curity for faithful performance of duties, etc.. 6.000 Greenberg-. David, to th» Roosrrelt Hospital; Tth- fJb_, n •„"\u25a0 150 ft 8 of 2d-*ve: due March 1 1008, 4% per cent 19.000 The Lochinvar Realty Company to John B Davis; Burnslde-etve. « w *, 455.3 ft * c of Aathony- ave; due February 1, 1904. 6 per cent.... «73 Same to Green Ridge Lumber Company: Burn- side-ave. s w a. 492.2 ft c of Anthony-eve; 3 months; cote (CV) Jackson. Isidore, to the Lawyers' Title Insurance Company- Grand-et. No* 654 and 558: also Lewls-st, No* 1. 3 and 6, being a w corner: 1 year. 4% percent 60 000 Anderson. Henry B. to Eugene Vallens: BOth-«t. « s, 280 ft c of Park-aye; prior mortgage; due September P. 1004. 5 per cent. srold 10,000 Hill, Adam*, to the German Savings Bank: Perry-*t. No 8; I year. 4 per cent 2.000 Hill. Adams, to the German Savings Bank; Greenwlch-a*e. No 28; 1 year. 4 per cent 8.000 _£@eSo^_@_srSf^- S^&K__a|__r """ : "" AUCTION BALEB TO-DAY. By ParUh. FUbar. Mooney * W*« Broadway, w _r^-5t nor JF Jdermoort a?; BrS%__%|SS_^ - a_SSS®HS_?iS& n vlllajre of West Chester, w a .1., 48 ft ?S&TR& rj : «ss?£ _^_^*a^w,¥iX-a ggeSSw eTJggl^tMvSff&'&t-S QUOGUE, L. I. To rent, fully furcUhed, houae with 10 bedroom*, stable with 4 atalla and coachman's room* above. Apply to WaL H. CAHHERDEN, Quogu*. L. L ENGINf'KR. By young maa of good char- acter and ability, wvll recommended : thoroughly experienced In molern plants, hotel", t-tc. HAHKNEPS. 9SI 6th-ave. COACHMAN. Gentleman disposing of horses willies position for Englishman; marrlt-d: no family: strictly sober and re- liable; thorough horseman: excellent whip. WILLIAMS. I.V) folumbus-ave. FAMILT wayhlnst d^n^: 4A ar.J BOc * •It*"*- KOPP. fiT. Baal iSSd -• nrrAsrs JCCRSE -By flie'ly E-"»f_*|* Protestant: tHkr fx::l rharse from ri"T- ; anderstanda N.ttle fr-!lns: roa-.y fearj pmM referenc^.« I*O tla-'t SStb-st. Jani- tor's bell. AT HILLSDALE: 20 miles out Erie R, R. ; 5 minutes from station; V room house, nearly new; southern ex- posure; abundant shade and porch; garden shade; com- Sletsly furnished; seaaon, $800;* exchanged. . P., Box 18. Tribune Office. COACHMAN— Married: Kngllxh: rhor- oujjhly unierstand* business; thres years: personal or written reference from last em- ployer, who can be seen: city or country. QARVEY, 563 York-st., Jersey City. N J. ALLENHURBT. DEAL, ASBURY PARK.— Modern fur- r.isbed oottace* for :*nL MILAN ROSS AGENCY. Aibury Park. N. J. EL.! SOBEL. Auct.. 06 Bowery, sell* 10 «.. m.. all gonda pledged to March 15. 1902. March 19 J»welry. watches, diamonds, silverware, olds and ends, etc.. M. Roth- n;an. 443 CanaJ-et. March 20 Jewelry and clothing, drasses, ahoe.. etc.. A. Cypresa. Bfß Bowery. March 23 Clothing, dresses, etc.. S. G. Isaacs Bros.. 491 2d-a*'©. and J. A. Weaver, 512 West C7th-st. March 24 Clothing, drerte*. etc., 8. Wronker, 1.537 lst-ava.. and 7. Morrl*, 735 B<l-ave. March 25 Jewelry watches und dia- monds, odds and ends, etc, I. Alku*. 622 eth-ave. "V^TACK ON HUDSON. Furnished or unfurnished 14 03f room residence; broad piazza*, plcturatqua grounds, river frontage: stable. Eight room mountain cottage; stable. O B. CRL'MBTE. 86 Naaeau-st, Real Estate Wanted. OFFICE FURNITCB. AUCTION BALEB YESTERDAY. By Peter F. Merer A Co.: 908 and 307 East 61*t-*t. B a, 100 ft of Sd-arc, 48.6x125.5: 10 story tk store aad Ibcts: foraclosnre aaJ«: 3 Crawford UcCreery tgt Andrew * Tetter et : Bo*vr_nan, PUtt * 6oley, attys; Darld a—Cittra! ref: duo on Judgt. SB«.g2S 13; costs. $330 78; taxes, etc, $216 70; adjourned to March 29: 757 Broadway. i w tor »iA-*t. 28.ttxii0.7xSJ.iH»Oll-V7: leaMboid; o story bit bids; 4UBacutor*s sale; estate of Oliver 8 Car- ut. dreaaafl; to A O Fields for »44.500; «28 to «32 Waab- tagtor—«t. w oar Barrow-*!. 76x100' 1 and 2 story bk «ad fr Udgs; public auction: to T C Earl* for $00,000; 211 "C_t «»_b-et. a I. *} ift w of Broadway, 28x23.5; 4 story bS iwts; public aactios: to Cbarias 8 rural for 11&.860; 83 Fonytft-st. a, 125.7% ft of Oraad-st. 24.ilHxI00z Si.2(*xloo: I story bk bides; also SS Eidridge-st, abutting abeva, 16x100. f. story by tan h. with stores; public auc- t_B; to John H Spraga* for $M,960. &tb-ev« and lOStb-st. a oor. i tot* making plot 7&7t.x10»; also lOStb-at. a \u25a0 100 ft of B<ta-av*. adj. mow, 25i10C.5; vacaot: eon's sale; «atata of J Booker Has&ersiey. daoaaasd; to Ciarie* Paraoa* for $ By ParUb. Fisher. Moooey A Co: 405-4C* OrMawleb- at, w a. bet Beach an. Hubert sta, aoz9o; ? story fire- proof warabooae, with basin***; withdrawn; also 400 Oraeawicb-st. w a. ad] above. 27x100; 8 story bk bldg; pob ase: srttbdrawa at $3XAOO. ByGeorge B Read A Co: 211 VT »tb-*t, aa. 175 ft w «f 7tb-ar:, 25x10U.5. i star? bk fiat h; forecloaar* sale; Bosaa M C Llvlaotoß art John J Buckley *tat; Edward Dc P L-viagstoa. atty: Paul ! KJeraaa, raf; due on Judgt. §\u25a01.1 M 70; costs. $41*35; tazM, etc. $l.4ii&»: adjourned to March 28 By John N Goidtng-: Washington *ts and lTlaVat, * * COACHMAN: married: steady; country preferred: thoroughly understands care of horses- careful driver; sober; good refer- ences. 229 West rHh-*t, ANDERSON A MJNTZ. Auct«., 64 Bowery. March 24 By Ue.i Prager, 654 Bth-ave., and I. M. Conn. 029 6th-ave., ciothing plrf«rfd to M a rch 1. 1902. WK Pumlshsd cowntry *eat, 1H mil«* \u25a0tofflo*; among high wooded hills: stable; house, 18 room*; all Improvements; purest. 1 other tin* place*. CONDICT. 15 Exchange City. MORRIBTO' from pcx fruit, .hade: water; adjolni Placa, J*r*ey IMMEDIATELY, IN COUNTRY, convenient to N«w- Tork: large, nicely furnished cottage, near water pr*- f«JT»d; plenty shade, fruit. A. 8.. Box 106, 530 etb-av*. ENGINEER. Licensed; machinist and pipefitter; reference. ENGINEER. 2,342 ValPntlne-ave. ENERGETIC MAN. with over 25 years' Chicago experience In large fancy gro- cery and wine house, desire* to represent Eastern firms having articles of merit or special line eoods; AI references. Address H. E. LANG, 297 Chlcago-ave.. Chicago. FIREMAN.'— In factory or hulMlnjr; refer- ence. ANTON HAMMERS. 152 Conover- st., Brooklyn. LAPVS MAir> or FAMILY SEAMSTRESJ Vndrrmt* h»-r .iutv. lit kntß '.it-i'i It**; ROM :.air,ir«.---r drcaamaket bb« packer- best -I: v refere-ncea AJirrss !H« 6t"h-«v«.. O-anJ.-!!". bell. LADY' 3 MAtl>. Thoroughly ccrrr < "-«' nt: *^" .•'llent hall* ess* '^»^ '\u25a0•'-\u25a0"" •weed packer and traveller: no •**__; out at lie: «rood referea^M •*'"*" FBKNTH SWIP^. Tribune t'r fliw3 Cwnv* I.3tM Bread « COACHMAN. Single. 32; flrat class man; careful stylish driver, has long exp»rt- ence in private famllle*; dors r.ot aa* llnur>rs of any klnii: city reference*. ED- WARD, care of Wall, 777 Sth-ave. LINOTYPE! ASSISTANT MACHINIST.— Competent, wishes position; assistant or charge of small plant; beat references. AD- VERTISER 67 Hlcks-st.. Brooklyn. STORAGE NOTICES. JLXBT _KD rOCKD. LAT'NPRFS.-*. Flr«t class; tv .!ay. '" ***" \ate b«U«« or dcaa&ux; k>x«J reftreac* S J.. IJSSZ 3d avo JtACh.\ERT. I_AVXt>RE!SA—t'omprtrnt. .»!»< w*_? horn- r>r Mit; rvf?r«i,-r. if I—sr-- \u25a0_ TENBROECK. il 7 >: ISSd \u25a0 oa :!.53t up. _ JANlTOß.— Married: flat, apartment or good tenement hous*: sobtr. obliging; good renters: be^t ref^rt-nce: no bas*»m?rit. Call after 10, NEWMAN. 104 West }Od-«.t. LITHO STONB POLISH EF~— By good, strong young man, In lithographic line; capable of doing good work.; experienced. Z., 832 Columbus-aye. COACHMAN. rarJener. useful man: Ger- man, 11111tl*''. nnc child: thoroughly un \u25a0 I.- Btandii c»rr n«*ntl*"»mn'9 country plac-«. •ober urUllng and »l>llKlnx: tlrst class ref— ereacca CIIAttLKH. »\u25a0« 1 >.\ \u25a0-• nt COACHMAN*. J.C. miPMSWOIIK. -By ani wife. Polish; man is good coach- man, ganlener and farmer; wife to do hounewi.rk Address JXO. SCHULTZ. 17 Washinston-«t MAN. ST. wrong. Induatrlou., wixhes steady position: can drive. B. HOFF- MAN, Koyal Hotel. 320 Bowery. LAUNI>RESI».— TwtorwI: out by day. Si- C. 15« West 53d -»t. : ring twire. MAID and SKAMSTRKS? -By *\u25a0 —fg; .-nr»rl J-rMMtani ftlrl: g<v^3 packer sni tra\-l!er. ret.reu.-^. >;. H . Bon »•-•. Trsbure I'ptown Off.--. 1.3f.« Broadway. ___ OVERLOOKKR want, poalilon In America, leaving England for New-York: seventeen energetic, tru.tworthy. Addres. Box 14. Tribune Offlc*. NI'RSKRY GOVERNESS— -'p*mV< EncßA Fr.-n.-h. rtt-rman: cjtv ii'ftreaces. A. ay. 243 Pa!mett.i-st.. BrcokUn. BMPU>YMB«T AGENCIES. COA«**.MAN Th..rou»hly «»••«««•_•\u25a0 proper turn tin- >h»—\, i-arriaK«"^. ham- .*!> :.-1.-v^n \^.ir>«' reff:rei>re.<: will Ni foiiii-l willing h: tl obliging: undorstandn all wmk .pertatelr.g to gentleman* private plu.e. nr>MFETEKT. Box 1«. Tribune Of flp- ST. R«i»TlrfoloN.EW'B 1 * tao mm * B »« ll »« houaeks*p*ra, ma- trona. governesses, tutors, ttc PRIVATE SECRETARY or confidential clerk; stenographer and typewriter; best oity references. C. P., 449 West 123 - at. AT KeDUCVD PRICE*- —000 Mend hand wood and Iron working machines: fully guaranteed; machinery bought and ex- Cbanged. OEO. B. EDDT. 388 aUJtsoo-at. i . ELECTRIC ELEVATORS ! for ami*, new and second hand and ether I makes •lightly used, reasonably Installed. i Eie^trle and steam pumps. Supplies and repairs for all make, of elevators. J. P. -f-LHOLLAND. IS3 Ceatrs-et. PIRCBAJE AND EXCHANGE. OLD<WATCHES WANTED. ALSO DIAMONDS, old gold. Jewelry, ole. Cash paid or we will take then la exchange tor Dew goo— WATCHES AND JEW- ELRY REPAIRED la our factory on _• precises. Boars Sa. ra. to 6p. m. CHARLES A, KEEXE. ISO Broadway. X. T. City. DaUCSULAJCXXO. DBJEMKA3CKR. BxpertsacwJ (ookxrsd): day or week or lady* maid ano sewing; i«ferea»JS. SADIE MOBS. KM Warn «A5-H.t. DRESSMAKING la att branches; rsason- abU prtoa*; bom* or eat. MVE. E. E. HAVATT. W East 84U-*i_ near ICadlsoo- eve COAitIMAN.— I.IvM with baa* families; references will r#>rt!f> Address IS Ea»t 3fth St. fprl»a*« >taM-.> FUaUHTURB. THE ANTIQUE rORNITtfRIS E3C- CHANOE. lf>« Weat S4th-at.. near 7th- ave.— The ideal shoo for lover* of antique* ait * seekers after bargains In odd pieces lea* than % value. We buy. sell, axebaa***. I WILL BELL at a laertflo* Eltfant Im- ported Sofa*. Ann Chair*. Barters*, Screens, etc.. Striae Louis XTV., XV., XVI. 183 East 2T_-«t.; Ulephoai sSi»— Madison Square. FOB IAXB. *5.00 GOLD GLASSES, $1. Thlr week our Optician* willium<n« your Eye« FREE and »*ll you a_pcir of oar M.OO "14-K. Premier" Gold Eye OUasaa or I Spectacle*, with Crystal Lenses, warranted » years, for 11. Hours: •a. ra. to » p. to. CHARLES A. KEENS. J*9 Broadwar. ttm T.City* ~v 111 II 11 If yoatTLAjfirLAooam II HI I I Illil t CO.. 44 World Bid*., M- T. Tal. Hl*Jata. Best of l__M*eVd*: ilvarad at 30c. psr toot. cast y"r -,^^ tyr y ntG -. «aoardad eVrtatof; Mad varC t'U aaU. JACOB OOaTaTK. Mott-rt. PIANO SALESMAN commanding g.v>! trad* deelrea to engage with reputable firm. HOFFMAN, 673 Stabbln»-ave. FARMER. By competent aaan. T»arr'.<-i. : place a? working foreman or nvan^xer: j two children: wife first rla^n butt'r m»ker. for April 1. Adi!r«M J. a. Montvale. N. J. , UAWITKns. BANKBOOK NO W7.058 of the Union LKine Savins: Ib.tuutlan Is miaslnf. Any perwn hav'r.g a claim to It is hereby called •mor to present the sen-* within ten day*. orsubmlt to ha- tug said pa—hook cancelled aaad a new on* Uaued. BANKBOOK NO. S3 151 of the Union Dime Savings tnstltuUoe li mlaalag. Any bcrso-. baring a claim to it Is hereby oiled cpor to present the same within ten days ur auomtt to bavin* said pa—hoi* emaoeUed 5 hm*A a t»w ooe ttaued. IX)ST Any person holding or laying cUlm to bankbook No. a.» sof tbeUnlted States Sa.«-tngs Bank la notified to present It at tbf bank, a* a new book i* about to g be iasowl. 6 US6T OR BTOLEX.— No *6.0»» of _* Zxr*lMior Savings Bank. 7* Wwt »<!-« Kew-Tork. All t-srsons are cma- tt*«k*d ag«in« paretiaalng or uagntlattng I tbe ass** *-t>d mmr person baring a claim : in _._ rr-T'-~* *• hereby ca_M «pos ta '\u25a0/' lii...ii[ fa i sti to the bank on or before ~ '-' Sttk d*y OC lUrek, 190 J. or srsbrtlt So Sitortb* MMbosk deeUrad cmne«lled end ' •StorjUb—TaaTa a** book laraad la Umt I , 3___: . - AlTVami:a*H*W la \u25a0_\u25a0 s— ewsgoae jg* T»» Tnbune fecl»-< at «— *• TJptow* Of- \u25a0. •o* Ho. %M* Bns4nr. iiH '•— .»»> a— l •nk ata vMfl Cdoek ». aa. arttai fef , awl*!•«•**« at th* .oUa^rtairMmadk •_ f :\u25a0-.- Am* Mra««iw «a» raw* «Btfl •_•«_«_ 1 PORTER. By young colored man; person- al referanc*. Addraat JOHN' H. LEE. 220 East TOth-et- Nl'RSil- a young sirl of 1!'. livingw'*' l hrr i*r^nts; a«si!*t g'neraily: wl!"--'IT, tiifidM: rOHßlnr .•r»r«TT#d AMir." >\u25a0\u25a0 ItAtXORAX. •"-•» Pre»fciei»t-»t.. Bn.v»h!ya Tl!\l\i:i> .M.RSK. p*nn«r«nt. with tv- nkltd. tMerly I"v or gentleman; c'.sr •-* conntry; r»t*m«K«; reference. G E-. 01 MS. Tribune Uptown OflSc«. t.3«4 Bro*dw«» New-York. March 12. 1003. UNIVERSAL STORAGE WAREHOUSE AND EXPRESS COMPANY 202. 204. 200. 208 Bast 88th-*t.. New-York City. To Mrs M. A. William*. Jennie Dray. Geo. Murphy, J. W. Wood, Dr. V. W. C. Ward, W. J. Alexander, a. H. Wil- son, W. Sehwankel. P. Pflster. Mr*. D. Bturmfeld. Mrs. F. Fiiagx. Mrs J. Cody. Mr». W. Doran. Miss E Sllny- Mr.. F. Golden, Walter Scott, Mr. P. Marchkowitx. Mr.. O. Thompson. M MUller. C. l_»ndln. J. Pike. Mrs. S. Walsh Isaac Goldstein. Mre. M. Foly, Mis* M .M Colton. Mr*. R. Brook. Maude Devere. W. Tbeabold: You and each of you are here- by notified that, the time for payment of this company"* lien-upon the property here- inafter described having expired, after due notice thereof bad been given you. thl* company will cause aurh property, to wit. household *ood«. personal effects and mer- chandise, stored by you in their warehouse, to be sold at public auction, according to 'ho statute In «urh caxes made and pro- vided, on Monday. April «. 1003. ,t 10:80 *•-"__..? I 202 - 2<H - ** Ul > 20* E. S«tW.. and win be contlanad aach *«cce»dlng Mon- day at the same time an<J place until th« sale I* completed. R. V BTAPTTgLD. Manag«r. Ogra* ENGEU rtliabi* Uwy«w. m \u2666.-""Si- 1**!?1 **!? N*w-T«rk: ceetteata, dom..- «c^«««ild» «uteUr a4*HUd; <xaM»lta- LOANS. MILLIARD AMU POOL TABLES. ANOLUTiE.IPmVAiBV; 3532 J_2**£l TmtßMat to MUMpeople, male. KAWpTACTURSJU. «( W!llar« and port PORTER. —By respectable colors m»n. BONAPARTn. 244 «»t SUt-at REPAIRING. *c- Work dene at your own borne at mechanics' prices; fine furniture repair*!*, mattresses mad* m«, carpets laid, mrnlihtar and polishing of furniture. CHUB. .STUDS. *27 *ta-*v«.. *lectricl»a •tore. FARMER. By competent married man a* working foreman or gardener wlf* *oo>l j butter maker; two children. Ac» «* and 7 | \u25a0mm; c^-vi reference*. .Vldr**« \u25a0•* 11 . Slont V_le N .1. FXRMKR. *\u0084r.i-»n»t "I _e ner_l man ~n t»ntl»inan> ptac*: W»>hma:i marrl*.l wlf». on*- IT'rl. aged <* }ear«: *<*>- .reman , and stockman; can drtr«; in fact do any j thin*: wife care milk, butter, poultry. *t<". . I want* home. beat r«f»renc«a. At CAR- I PUNTER I *. I*4 «th eve. TRAINED NTRSE a* companion or *_ travel with Invalid: best of referee** gi\*n A Ml*— 1! F X Lc--k K""t !*• Sum ook. V II VAITRKSS" v 6»dj * - f-" lJT * *""_ \u0084,., c. -•» -ell**!? »-_«»••-.* t h-ri «*• >•> WjtMv r-.-rtrnn«»n't •*•»»! 7* rUv .Mrs-*' TTANTET*. work M respectable *****& good reference SM I-erf-ft^n-*^ Brooklyn, first flat. right ha til ben. *~ " Hal*. SALESMAN. B ; - young man; In gentle- men's furnlihlng ln«; experienced. Ad- dress a CONWAY 444 I7tb ft . Brooklyn. BOARD AHD BOOM. 1^;. r prlvat. bat-Twit- or without board: sing room., doctor? offices: all rt-eiraMa ' to**""" ' Sb»« reference. .^./-'w^"^* Vc. ICELAND * CO.. 2 Wei 38d-*t. RealEttate. |§|*S)BiriAILY TRIBUNE. THURSDAY. MARCH 19. 1903 4. & J. W. wiliiams 3.53 W, 64T1H1 ST. &^ POHESTIC SFTPATTOSS WASTED. Male. GARDENER. Slsgle. nr« class: 'horoush knowledge of lowers, shrubs, fruit. •.\u25a0*_•• tables, all Improvements on privatn £,;*<:» 5l m l. of ;-rioDil references. GARDENER.' 1:4 St. Mark « Place. SALESMAN.—A whole-ale grocery •*>••- niaj fo- FioriUla: ha» an established trade: five year. 1 . Florida «*P« rl ""^L*l' eren«-es and '. ond furnished. BITTEft- BWEKT. MuntcUlr. Ha. REAL ESTATE. BROADWAY. 2.46R. near Ol*t-«t.— c ° m T Vb£ furnished parlor bedroom «nd •mall room: nil convenience: private family, reasonable. STORM. "__" CAREFUL CARPET CLEANING CO.— Clean» by compressed air. steam, hand or en floor. 1.658 broadway. 421 East 4Sth-st. COE & BRANDT. Tel. 132 38th. ORIENTAL. -Cleaning. repairing storiiur by Oriental metoc«l bought ana •old. SEVEN TATOSIAN BROTUKKS. 70 West B»tb-W _____ CAIIPET CI.BAWIHO. WORK WASTWD. r t

Transcript of REAL ESTATE. £@eSo^ @ srSf^- &^ S^&K a| r...

Page 1: REAL ESTATE. £@eSo^ @ srSf^- &^ S^&K a| r class apartment; location *trict!ypri-vate; convenience* central.


PHYSICIAN would accept proff»sion«l oc-cupation; reference*. HOME. Bex 45.Tribune Ortlc- ___________—__—_•

NICE larire front room: «con« floor share

with young man; single beds: batli. best

references; private house; private family.

150 WeHt 97th-st._______

attractive rcom. one or two ladi**.refined home, telephone: t>re«lcfast op-

tional; restaurant, extremely moderate Dai

eno* of sea-on: Amsterdam cars. c. \u25a0"•

West 118U»-*t. ._TWO SINGLE ROOMS: all modern im-

provements, pleasant. clean, well fur-nished, quiet; location ur.wejled-


evenings. FREER. 337 West 23d--t. \u25a0

15 ORAMERCY —Room*, en •-»»*and single: superior table; reference.

45TH-BT.. 243 WEST, near Broadway—

Exceptionally fine rooms. _ISout1South *™ ex-posure; single or suite; superior *ccornrno-

?Pti.-r«: bath, telephone: private doum. \u2666•




Tientleman dwires jrvirtplace for his working gardener and -or*man; German.

—iliil;two children comlatent In all hranch»-»; gla«s and' open

ground landscape •«\u25a0« «n<l {.rlvafo farmIng; gor»1 niu»hr.H-.rn ?r.*.-r «'r. >,y »r,ber»nd reliable; »i.V Hrst . lane co,k and butter mak»r. Address WOI.K. \u25a0&?. tst-aveliARMENKH -Rv frote^tanf man- marr|e<l. n-- family: wlf.- H ..-ook nr launflress; long exp-Tleri"*-: r-r.rh romp*»»nt anlhighest r»t'-r< r:

—(VC'y. IIS Wexf. 30th-m.

riAnriKXKR -i:*!.-. thoroughly nn<V~xiazs'bt il<.w«rr» i!, vegcta6>». [awn«.-are borae*. <lriv.-. milk: g.»^ all rom,.]man. IM r-f«ren.e 5. GARDENER. Box1". Tribune Of!1< c.

Singer Manufacturing Company

Computes New Building Site.John K. GofcSln* h»e sold to the Sterer Kaouflact-

ortmr Company, Ib connection with Horace 8. Ely

*Co r*j«t-satlnr the estate of Matthew Wllks.: tbe property No. M liberty-iU 27 feet front This

-completes the plot desired by the Singer lUnu-

9 facturtoff Company- for the addition to St* presentbuUdlns. Mr. Ooldinr hiving sold th«n. \u25a0within th*

}a«t war. the property No*. 155. 157. 161 and *•»•' Broadway and No. 91 Liberty-st.

HjSIJ* WAifTED. GARDENER.— thorough icnowledr,\u25a0>f lar-i^a;- KS!l«r-.1-.g. greemtuuaei z,-,l

"\u25a0-. fruit-. \u25a0..»». ,,ti»^. shrubs, tree* _-^•

ref»ren^«-> >\u25a0-!:>-<>> Fl/JRIST. Bos a—.

'\u25a0-\u25a0*\u25a0\u25a0 Cptwwn O(Tk~. l.r,«H Eroadwav'


—One who understand* city

driving; must be single man; willingand

obliging; city references required. niL>-DI^E'S, 7 Eaat 14th-st.

RE -RRTART or CONFIDENTIAL CLERK.lKs»enilv« ability: rapabl,- buslnew.

manager- al>l<^ .-.>ti»-si>oni]ent. excellent roi-I.M" a,',,] ;..ljn^er of cl-lm*: pf**-«si»ztart and diplomacy; formerly secretary an.l

treasurer of |ni-..rp'jriit«l •.metrical m«nu-fa't'rini 'omp-ny; highest credential.;

118. 11.. 4*51 fI&UM*..Brookljn.

FT ABLE MANAOER «ar.t«i permanent i^>-*ltion where could tak«- chargr; la-l «lx

Mara has superintended stable work, ineluding buying, selling an.l treating; first-ly temperate an.l of good habit.: ™'»r.nlsh th« best "f reference .S. v\ il«-hij.-\. i.>

S'-hlll-r-sr.. Roxbury. Maaa

StTPEKINTEXDENT.— American an work-

ing *urx?>in-<-nri«-nt or manager of farm ore»tate; .-ixi.fri^r..-. 1. best reference*. Box1.v.. New-Brunswick. N. J-

LTHOL6TEKIXO.repalrirc. >-arp*< laying.

mattresse3 remnde at rwtdntw; Jot) a*out by the day; reasonable. MAIIKR. 2*2West 132 ist.

GARDENER. Cf>A»rHMAX:—Gerrr.aa: 10-gle; 31".3 1". «•'«\u25a0! nil around man- cJire'-i:driver: BAt^r. rellarl-. be»r reference-•"un»ry pi*-* H M. 2.317 3<l-_v<>

WATCHMAN.—American: day "• night:steady, «r>r*T. murried man; --an furnish

best of references. Address L. M.. ***East 32a-*t.

EARN $100 naonusiy corre«j>ondtng for news-papers; $5 per column for work In spare

time; experience unnecessary; we willhelpyou get started. If you write plainly an<idesire permanent, profitable employment,send for particular*. PRESS SYNDICATE,Lockport, N. Y.

QARDE.NED . \u25a0 Scotch: ex^ri^nciin greep. h.,u**s and outdoor gartur.irr\u25a0•an t=«ke ,v»r-of D'"-at» plac-: j<yviriferfno»j. L Boa 4. Tribune Office.

ÜBTH-ST. 414 WEST. Momlng«l<JeHeUrhti. near Columbia.- Handsomely

furnished rooms en suite, singly. In modernapartment house: table and appointment*first class. Telephone 3847 Mornlnrsldf.

PCTH-ST-. 68 WEST.— Large rooms, con-necUng with dressing room: also hail

rooVn: good, plentiful table; conveni-nt topark a" cars: refined home; reasonable,


WATCTHMAK or other position, by a manwho has been m. soldier far five years; ref-

erences" aged 32. H. SCHROEDER, usf<th-avr.

•;aRI'KNKR.—ay Oman; ra~'>!-w^

children: take roll'charm of ger:r'.erra-'»p'.ar* grt-erhoui^e; i,x i-ar<» In Us« c'a"ev*«,\u25a0_.*(\u25a0 ... E GROSSGART. .V-6 fi „•»


potm-em.. \v»^t Hoboken. N. J.WATCHMAN or PORTER.- -By sfrlctly

;.,.b«r man: age S»; give t«f" "f rff.r

ence* as 10 hon?»ty. FRED RORIG. e>.lAmsterdam-aye.

81RT-BT. 15« WEST— large, one emailroom, with board; I.station; highest ref-



140 Broadway, New York.

175 Remsen Street, Brooklyn.

Manuf r« Branch. 198 Montage St.. B'lclyß.

The Lawyers' TitleInsurance Company

of New York37 Liberty St., Manhattan.

38 Court St., Brooklyn.

Lends money on Bond andMortgage inany amount at

lowest rates of interest andat moderate cost.

C AP£&."S $8,000,000

City Property to Let.

IfSelling Real Estatecome to this Company for

temporary DEPOSIT, or forpermanent INVESTMENT,of the proceeds.

IfBuying Real Estatecome to this Company forTITLE INSURANCE, or for

LOANS to complete the pur-



Map ai.d *tif< nan <•-.\u25a0••-lavs gard«-!»-r In a-i Us iraaeb«n nn

children; ag«-d 3M yeai-

wife .^.,t^ ,-.|r|cd» of work. XAVICR \VfRriM\NX -.16th-Hve.. <-ar«- of Mr- King.


Salesman, acquainted In the drycoodaline In and around New-York is wanted

to represent a reliable house In the ladl«"«'wrapper line. Call before 10 a. m. or aft«r6 p. m., E. WINER. 150 East Broadway.

1«4 VTEST 47TH-ST—Two hall rooms:large room, willaccommodate two. witn


YOUNG MAN. possennlng English and

Sfanlßh languages with perfection, tire-writer. In office; good reference*. ALBERTRAGGI. 249 Adamß-st.. Brooklyn. GAROF.NER aad CARETAKER.— Marrlei

GerSßan. no chilire.-; sectleman's prhraraplace: *-xp«>rt s>nlene,r; ur>deratards rh-care of ban) a ::d p.->ui:ry- Brsl clar*rofereoce*. <; P.. NI K£L. 003 Fi.-' SivSt.

TEN LATHER.S wanted at once. JAME3FARRELL. Great Neck Station. Long



Competent railroad machinistsand bollermakers for out of town; good

wages. Apply between 9 a m ami sp. GEORGE H. THOMAS, 31 Coentlea Slip,one flight up.

9T. ALBANS. 1EAST 81ST-STRoo.n*. single, en suite, with P"T'!!

baths: doctor's ofSee; dining room. P*"orfloor: electric llrht: t»cenent table bora.

YOUNG MAN". IP. good education; refer-ence- willingt t,start for moderate, salary.

FRANK WISCHEBROOK, 24 Hope- «t..Brooklyn.

FCRMSHKD ROOM*. WANTED bright young man In hardw-ar«•tore. JOHN J. PAULoEN. "no Tr^-


YOUNG MAN. 2". good duration and ref-erence, willing to start for moderate «al-

.-.ry. ('HAS. GRAETZ. 173 South 4th-st..Brooklyn.

GARDENER \u25a0<-\u25a0< FLORIST -MiI.':- az-.rGerman, married, one growing cr.i:i••

nmert'nc* In gre^nrruse ar.d outdo, r -x^-a.Al r-?e;r;- a.|b|« of tak-ng charge «*large j.n-.ate r.l*.c; wire »-ip»-rlor %->":r >.-—\u25a0<and Ir-.n'-r r.r fir.- wort H. V. BI"-:TIT vWest .'.'•th -t.

BEAUTIFUL parlor and bedroom; new.yfurnished, with or without board, for

one or two gentlemen; references. Address2SB West 43d-st.

YOUNG MA.V. German, at anything;steady, billing: fact-iry work preferred:

city or ,-',untrv. riIAS. HUMMEU 3»Lorlmer-st.. Brooklyn.COI"PLE ilvlnsr alone will rent to physi-

cian parlor floor, reception room, private

bath valet, electricity, select neighborhood;telephone 3836—38t h: 88 Ea»t 58th-et.


Capable newspaper and bookcanvasser*- one of the most attractive

propositions ever preaenteii tn New-York.Apply to WILLIAM H. GLTELJUS. Trlb-

\u25a0ne QrTlce.GARDEXEJt and FIJ-)H!?T

—On .-"-

man pla ,:nj!-. ase 3fi; un!or«.in>l»his r.u*:r.<-.-s tburuoKtklT In ail branchn ••"gardening. 2" >ears of am class ref-T-pit-OS, parties In x,in! of u«»ful rr»n r.»-lnot av-.-;. A<Wres^. with part:c':;a.-*.FIX>RI.-T. Boa ".3. Monet Kisco. N. Y.

YOUNG MAN. 18. wiKh-s position at any-thing, shipping department preferred; can

furnish reference as to character and abil-ity. PETER MICHELS. 297 Rlvlngton-st.ELEGANTLY furnl*hed front parlor and

bedroom: also *mall room In *tr!ctlypri-vat« house; would give board to ael*ctparty. 447 We«t 57th-*t.


YOUNG MAN, 23. at anything; outsidework preferred :fan get test of references.

A. PIERPON. 348 East 123th-st.


—Young woman a» good cock and

laundress In flat; $16; sleep out. RIVAo.130 West S-Hh-st.


Married: tboroa«til> underst^r :s -•«business tn a': branrhes; ro r«ke ent!-«charge of Je^.t^•>m*^"3 country e«:a:e.wber< honesty and aMity wtSJ he appre-ciated: wages $7.'. cot*age. etc. J! S.. h"x24. Cfdarhurst. Long I'lani.

HOME WORK for all: copying letters:either *ex; good pay; nen'i self-ad-

dressed envelope. V. KEYES & CO., Ware-btm, Mass.

YOUNG MAN. 28. honest and obllrtcg.reat appearance: chance, to advance;

outside work preferred: references. E.MEUNIER. 20 Wllkes-st., Jersey City.


_? s-

gle; first 1 \u0084i.->=. v»getaM*». tr»*s. *r—:-*hedges. lawes. read--" un^-rsra-.i? p<j:]>.r>.care harm '«», tiarv'y witn wyifw w»r-ten a.'..J ;»r.-oi.j! r-f^r».-.-o. H.\?.DY. T ;9. Tribune.

YOUNG MAN. 21. r<v>d education, ambi-tious, honest, energetic, over four years*

business experience, desires lucrative em-ployment with some responsible hcu**: un-questionable references. Address B. L.,Tribune Uptown Office, 1.364 Broadway.


ELEGANTLY furnished room*, single or ensuite, for married ooupl* or gentlemen In

Unit class apartment; location *trict!ypri-vate; convenience* central. •MITH, 83West 63d-st.


Handscme *econdfloor suite, or *ln?le; Isvatorie*. dress-

ing rooms, bay window*, prlvat* extension

bathroom: breakfast optional; ChrUtlanfamily; first clasa; reference*.

S3 EAST 55th.—

Couple living alone willrent few rooms to gentlemen only: valet,

electricity, private bath*: breakfast option-al; select- telephone 383C


Female.CASHIER.—By your.g la.y; two years' ex-

perience; be*t references. Addrt-ss HON-

EST. Box 82, Tribune Office.YOUNG man wishes work In country. C

HGIBB7KRR. 2-0 East 26th-st.


Uy German lady. Apply toH. WEBER. 201 Wlllow-ave.. HoboUen.

YOUNG man willingto work a' anything.WM. RYAN .IT" fHb-a-r*.. Hotel Vigi-

lant.244 LEN'OX-AVE.

—Three magnificent

rooms, second floor: parlor and bedrooms;

whole or part; exceptionally large; verylight; new, substantial furniture; residentialriet_-htv>»Tino<l.



-Mame^: •\u25a0\u25a0.-•- •\u25a0. --i-ic»if\u25a0ratleman** v*"*. r*»tihcjs»!i. ia«n

v»«rerablo sjarder kßflwtodir* 'i—

tag *-'.stock; s:x'»«n years' esp*rleac»nee». J. C . Ce4art .--\u25a0 Lcng Isian'tGARDENER.— 24 >»a'V pracrfcal

»jrß*rtenc« nnd-r ?'3?s *r.lmttsWe: s.-olr»ferenoe«. Ad.lre«* f. Box 3. Station A.Hartfor-j. Om

ELDERLY American woman; any positionof trust: good reader; nice sewer; mod-

erate; city or country. A<ldrt!»» ADAMS,207 West 67th-*t.

YOUNG MAN. 3'X is driver or generalwork: can <lrive foot horses: »ood refer-

ence CHARLES H. S(.THtMACKE. 76.S Am-stTdaiTi-ave.

LAMPS.YOUNG MAN. 24. desires weekly position;

honest, tvtlllrirand obliging: N»st of ref-erence. FRANK REIDEK. 1.494 2<i-ave.

YOUNG MAN. 23. five years' experience,as confidential -!erk: first class reference.

G. D.. Box 36, Tribune Office..


Lfl'3" of culture, with pleasantvoice, desires engagements to read aloud

to children, invalid, elierly pf-rson; or canrender ae»istance to literary man in search-ing for and arranging data correctly; ref-erences. Ml»s STANLEY, care of Dr. Lit-tell. 2 West b3d-sL


Single German -horo-jghknowle'le- nf lan'iscaf* «»r»l*titns. ?retn-

bous»s v^zetabl-s. tre*-. >n.-ibs. etc.; c*«tof refers *•-'-%"' Bos ».Trtbur.« Uptown OrP.c^. 1.3»>4 Broavlwav

GREEK. 2«. in an Arn»rleaa famiiy. f.b-J»ot. to learn if\u25a0 !an<'i^?e. wr< :'-r »t-

r»rf=es only. PIMONIDISi \u25a0"••NT'"LOS, R/v.m 2 MS M-uv-.SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR.— By younif

lady, American, as private switchboardoperator; understand* bookkeep ns; experi-enced Inbotii. Address 8.. P. C. Plalnfiell.N. J.

TOUNf» man wants portion as ltin-h man.WM. RYAN.370 Bth-av<».. Hotel Vigilant. MAN and WIFE. Polish, want sKoadoa cf

any kt^d. naao is a f-c't firm-—: wi>good houx?k~epor. A4dre»a PFTrTTRREINES. ii» stotris-aa


Experience.!;position at BWltoht/nard. AiMres* OrEH-

ATOR, cigar »tcre. 517 2<!-a\e.MAN ar.J WIFE. Gem In rasrast:

wlf» Is _-<vid \u25a0•oo!<: e?r.~ra) httetea v.---k.Address L. WOIILEHi?. 10 Morris-;,.

VISITING GOVERNESS— PudMs and en-giisement by a young French lady. Mile.


-Attendant invalid. ;oatsH«il

or elderly i!»r:T!orrar. by purj FTr.-j!:?-

rran: give maa»ase If. r^qiilrp-!:hlghfai ~*-er°nc» from patient* ar.J phv«trtan«; \u25a0 -r»-a?« If goln? to Eur.'p-. FIT/.>if2< \I-^>.245 East 51s:-sr.

WOMAN of refinement, excellent sewer,understands dressmaking, tsyist a mother

with urowlng children, permanent position.reference; city or country; reasonable. B.A.. Box 24, Tribune Office.

YOUNG at present physical dlrert"r.ox assistant of physical •-•iltiirisf;ti^A

ro'»r«-n<-»: Addr»s« Box \u25a0?«. East I?l!p.Long Island.

TOITtG MAN. 21. at anvthine: fir^t t'"'reference. JOHN METZLER. 15 Ten

Fv-k-«t.. Brooklyn ;




By youni French cou- \u25a0

pie in private family: very willing- and|

good reference: no objection to the country:

no washing. AddresscKKENCH COUPLE,

Woodhaven P. 0.. Lone Island, general de-livery.


By Englishman,married; wife good plain cook: would take

care cf apartments or club; can be thor-oughly recommended. WILLIAM, cars ofFitzgerald, i-51 3d-ave. _BUTLER and VALET-—First class; 24

years old; 4 years' references (light co-

;-ored). In fine family; understands his du-ties thoroughly. Call or write all wee_.ANDERSON. 148 East Wth-at.

SE*-o\n MAX.—Fndenraad. hit •> '.thoroughly: wUlimc r.-. be u*-:-i! -\u25a0.:

vtyears* nr«t clasa refitreBe*. P. 0.. Bos '\u25a0"•.Tribune Uptown OS.?. USSt Bl»:aSway..


for Rent in«~» A At*. CLXr between Riverside Drive04*Tla >3T.« and West End Aye

A three-story high'Stoop brown'stone dwelling, 18 feet wide, in firstclass condition, with butler's pantryextension and six bedrooms. Modernopen plumbing.


SLAWSON & HOBBS,284 Columbus Aye., near 73d St.

VISITINO GOVERNESS— By well edu-cated French lady from Paris: 21 years

of ago. Mile. A. M.. 224 East 3Rth-st.TRAINED MALE NTRSF! a"1 vxp^rt tt3*

seur. by heat da>* or icf»k: ur.'t \u25a0-»"".• r>abl. ref-rences: nrj'.*r3737 raro*. T»:»r»-.i-»80S Bedford, or ad --\u25a0« MALE fflPit-:262 Rye-- D-*1. EirooklyiL


CSBFCX MAN—<;- s<>ntre-a--« -\u25a0-•

Kenerallv useful: experi-ncc--* ir Mt-;-

thini?: reference; »a. JC'. J. £?->\ ?*<~,1.267 Broad



BRAWNKR. professional consulting ex-pert auditor: books designed. opened,closed, systematized, audited. Go any-where In th* I'nited Statea. Boom 527Park Row Building.


USEFTX. MAN.—Kr.?!i?hma!!. Fir.z:». ill-die aeei: five yoars with last etuplorer:

small country place; t;r.:-rs^»- J-

."-are <»*horse, cow. poultry, garien Isrs

—«' :

hUh«ot references. HOPE, car* «f tt:!t*r:Tweed'.e, 1.479 Mi..-r. are.

ACCOUNTANT, *c—Private accountant.secretary, stenngrrapher. with railroad

real estate and banking experience, desiresconnection here or abroad. Address RODG-ERS, Tribune Uptown Office, Box ST. 1,364Broadway.

COACHMAN.—First class coachman, wheresecond man is employed; best of refer-

ences. OTTO ANDERSON. L^rln* Stable.13S Cut 41st-*t.

DWELLINGS$75 a Monthand 1/pwa.rd.188 th and 139th Sts., 7th and Bth Avss.

Several desirable, well appointed Dwelling*, con-taining from 10 to 14 rooms and bath*; hand-eomaly decorated. These homes are bow open forinspection.

ERASTUS HAMILTON.262 West 188 th St. Telephone 647 Harlem.


CSEFLI. MAN.—By Sw»<>: und^rstan'*horses, rtr'!»n: sober. relfab •- be*? r»*»-

enr*«. N. NELSON, cars Mrs. Pa:-n'*"'-;.

314 East 27th-st.COACHMAN.—Competent family coach-

man: unquestionable written and personalreferences certifying capability, sobriety,honesty; last and former employers can bet«v?n. T. M., 6«3 Cth-ave. Telephone 6U>


VISITfXGVALET-—Strict!* l«ni>*rai*>.r--liable yam IAmrrleaa. ac. 3. w»»h*9

opportunity to vl«!t gentleman r»T? '-arI.!'.mfrnlr? or evening. A«Mre»S MICHJIEfa224 East 221 *

ACCOUNTS investigated, books opened andclosed, partnership accounts transferred

to corporation books. Surrogate accounts,

statistics. &c.;30 years' experience: high-est testimonials. H. R. MENSINC ExpertAccountant, 231 Broadway. New York.

COACHMAN.—By married man. no chil-dren; thoroughly understands the care of

fine horses, carriages. &c: sober; gooddriver; best of references; country pre-ferred. W. R. G.. Tribune Office.

A BOY of 16 yean- wi«h»s a position at $4a week: willingand obliging. 2.230 Paciflo-st.. Brooklyn.City Property for Sale.BOY. 17. willingto learn piumblng or ma-

chanlsL FR-iNK NIKU 434 X I9th-st.

JCS. SKONGOOD ft SONS. Auctioneer*,salesrooms. No. 94 Bowery.March 19

—Jewelry, watches, diamonds,

etc., H. 4 C. Lrfing. 120 Avenue C.March 19

—Clothing, etc, pledged to

March 12. 1902. BenJ. Fox. 72 Bth-ave.March 20

—Men's an<! women* clothing,

etc.. E. Glaser, 53 CaUiarlne-st.March 20

—Jewelry, watches, diamond*,

etc., pledged previous to March 13. 1902. D.Sllberstein's Sons. 10 6th-ave.; SilbersteinBros., 2,457 Bth-eve.

March 23—

Clothing, etc, J. Blumenthal,405 9th-ave., A. Sellnger, 634 2d-ave.

March 24—Jewelry, et.\, pledged to March17. 1902, B. Aufses, 279 Stanton-st.

Maroh 23—

Jewelry, watchea, diajnonda,etc.; H. a Isaac*. 2,438 Bth-ave.

VALET ar<i CSEFCT. MAX-T" flu »«*-1-c w««h!nc and take car -f tache!--?'

apartment: ritv .^r country. ADVERTIJEK.rare of Kerr. 313 Fa« 3*th-9i

BOY. 15, to learn the electrical business.Addrea* F. LIEBEU East «6th-st- UO3IESTIC MmillMWANTED.

COACHMAN*,gardener and general man ongentleman's place; married, wife, on-^

child; North of Ireland Protestant; hasbeen several years in last place: employer

can be seen in city; best references. At

CARPENTER'S. 154 6th-ave.




To Let for Business Purposes.T7V4CTOKT to let, 18,0uO feet noor *pae*. at Pater-JC *on; all ob one 9oor; flue llgct. J. JTo-KEILLt IS3Jiarkct-et.. Newark. N. J.

OFFICES. \u25a0Insrle; also mites: flrecroef construction,electric llghu. elevators: also light basement.

BEARD BUILDING. 120 Liberty.

Country Property for Sale.

Leopold Well has Jtiso practically concluded ne-gotiations for the sal* for Jesse LStraus of the. Ar\\nrtnT< apartment house, at Nos.' Q and 64l£oniAgue-«t» for about JIaO.OOC.

Morris B. Baer has sold to a Mr. Levy No. 228fierenth-ave., a four story brick building, on lot

2i«xSofeet.L. 2. Phillip*) & Co. have resold for Lachman &

Goldsmith the plot. 88.11x100 feet, at the northwest

comer of Fifth-aye. and One-hundred-and-thirty-eighth-su to Gustave Schock, who owns adjoining

"'NevS' 4 Perelman have sold to a Mr.ElnorhornNo. 305 East Ntnety-urst-st.. a fly« story tenementhouse, on lot 25x100.8 feet. i, , \u2666 i-. \u2666„ t v>

B Chenken has sold for Dr. Flnkelsteln to J. F.Xeiier Nos. &7 and 99 Avenue D. a seven story tene-ment house, on plot 30x76 feet. Inexchange J. F.KeUer gives Dr. Finkeisteln No. 259 West Fif-t*«nth-stl. a six story tenement house, on lot 25x

10S.S feet, vhich Dr. Finkelsteiu baa traded for aprivate dwellirojhouse in West One-hundred-and-twenty-first-st. _._._.»

The Empire City Realty Company has boughtNo. Zti East Forty-eeventh-st.. a four storybricktenement house, on lot .0x100.5 feet. \u25a0 The EmpireCity Realty Company has also bought No. 214 E&stNinety-eighth-Bt., a five story brick tenementhouse, on lot 25x100.8 feet.UH. &J. W. Slawson have sold to Mrs. Octavie I

Maitra'it, for occupancy. No. 128 East Thirty-sev-

*nth-st.. a four story stone front dwellinghouse,

on lot 18.9x49.5 feet.L. H. & J. W. Slawson have resold for a client

to Dr. T. P. Berene. for occupancy. No. S5 Park-cive.. a four story white atone dwellingbouse, onlot 18.5X51 feet. __,

William A Roos has sold to William Finneganth« northwest corner ef Terrace View and Kings-

bridre avee.. Marble HilL a plot 82x85.2x116-5x76 feet, j' J-Edgar Leaycraft ACo. have- sold No. 321 Alex-tader-av*.. a five story building,on a lot 20x75 feet,

for Henry B. Riecke to Bridget Gordon- ,Blawson & Hobbs have sold to Reckling & \al-

lander No. 827 Park-aye.. a five story flathouse. on*.lot 25x100 feat.

TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY.Max Marx ha* purchased from the American

McrtK*«« Company the northeast corner of Harlem

River Terrace and One-hundred-and-eighty-fourth-«., 73.35 Xabout 118x100 feet, and also the plot of

nbout seven lots on the west side of Cedar-»ve..r^cinnins; 100 feet south of Fordham Road, and has

•resold the above parcels to John C. Eodjrers.

C- A.Dußois has sold for a client to a Mrs. Colby

for her occupancy the three story and basementbrewnstone dwelling house No. S3 West One-hun-dred-sjod-forty-eighth-st.. being- 18.8 xlot ».ll feet.

Th* West Rockaway Land Company has sold

twelve additional lots on Orienta-ave.. Belle Har-

bor estate, to Gerald Dcrman, and the whole of

block No 9 to William Denlson on Orient*, and

s**lharo ayes.

C M. Sadie, of the office of N. Brigham Hall *Ron. ha« sold for George Monk and William Gilliesto a "«ifh purchaser No. 836 Nlnth-ave.. east aide,

between Fifty-fourth and Fifty-fifth st*.. a six'•tory and basement brick and terra cotta stores |and tenement house, size 25590x100 feet, together

-with the abutting property. No. 357 West Fifty-[Toorth-Bt.. north side. 100 feet east of Ninth-aye.. aJive story and basement brick and stone apartmenthouse, size 2axS7xJoo.s feet.

Edward K. Crosby baa sold for Mrs. M. R. S.,Mackenzie No. 6 Avenue B. a three story front and•rear tenement house, size 25x80x Irregular, to aclient

. Alfred I*Taylor has resold No. 144 to 150 WestJELlhteenth-at,. on a plot 80.1x33 feet, to a person•who will erect a loft buildingon the premises. He-recently bought the property.

Rowland .Pell, trustee tor the James Duane Pell•state, has leased to Lewis Deutsch No. 21 WestThirty-«eeoad-«t., a four story and basement build-las, on lot SxlOO feet. The lease is for twenty-one

years, at $4,000 a year net.James W. Ellsworth Is said to have sold his

Itense. No. 3 West Ssxteenth-«t. ItIs a four story

browi-ttone dwelling house, on lot Ssxß3 feet. 80

feet west of Flfth-ave-, with a rear stable lot, 2Sx

Tr< ktSki feet. The latter is one of the far.•shaped group of lots. Just east of the New-YorkHospital grounds, which makes up the most peculiar

diagram to be fouad in the maps of New-York City.

Each stable In the group has the right to use in. common an interior yard of about 800 square feet,

with an alley. lfixSl feet, to Fifteenth-et. Mr. Ells-

worth purchased the property In 1838. He is nowstaid to have bought a large new dwellinghouse in

«ha Fifties, near Fifth-aye.. which is the reasonfor his selling the Slxteentb-et. house.

Leopold Well and Arnold &Byrne have sold for

Carson C Peck to Cohen &Klauber the three fiveatory apartment houses at the southwest corner of_n£t_vs>T«. and One-hundred-and-seventeenth-st.Tn* \u25a0eliar bought the property three years ago

through Mr. WeiL and now cells at a substantialprofit.

Th« details cif the reported purcha»e« by the com-pany which is beinr formed to build » tunnel fromJersey City to Cortlandt-sU. this city, are given Inanother column.

FemaleCHAMBERMAIP. *C.—CoIOCWi girl *»

chambermaid an"-l waitress or B«**2|hous<?workf-r In x. flat. g-> tome \u25a0 -" '-'West 4t;th-ot.

BAKER, with good references, tn institu-tion. Address O. X., 1.132 Myrtle-nava..

Brooklyn. COACHMAN—

Understands horses and car-riages. Scotchman, single; caxefu! driver;

care lawn, roads, furnace: country pre-ferred; city reference. Address COACH-MAX. Box 14. Tribune Office.


By young man (20); twoyears' practical experience; understands

ledger work thorough ly-. speedy typewriter.fine penman, highest reference*; $12. C.8.. 345 West 55th-nt. COACHMAN and GARDENER.

—thoroughly understands vegetables an.l

Rowers; can milk: willingto assist withany work on private place: satisfactory cityreferences. N. \V.. Box 39. Tribune Office.

CHRISTIAN woman, with Ion« ex^er' position cf respetwlSiHW "•


stltuuon. club or Any tra'* ti—-Mr.z It*'rlass atrvK*. R . B. 1 *\u25a0>. Tnbmw CpwwaOffice. 1.364 Broadway


U»: exiienei ced. accurate,reliable; salary $10. Address BOOK-

KEEPER, E76 Broadway. Brooklyn.


Strictlytemrierate: can furnish t»ie be«t city and

country references. JOHN BURNS. IW>7ch-ave.. t«kerv.


Young woman: t;.-" rO'Vi; __*iron: small private farnlly: rlpi pre."--

red; city reference. .-.. Ka.-t;r»-.juire of Jarltress.

CUTTER and designer on custom tailoring;liveries and uniforms a specialty; willing

to do sowing if necessary: city or country.XL ENJEIAN, 236 East U4th-st.


Middle.a«ed. »!nirl«: thoroughly understands earn

of taorsra. i-arriaK^s. harness, fl.-viera. ve;>-tables, lawns, milking; good reference. Ad-dress JOHN. 4*) Pcarl-st.

COOK.—F!xrer:er>.-»i-. wen 1:. in all *'-\u25a0*

of cooKine; eou;;.?. ton. *ntrees\ Jo c ?.

same. salads, -x t?. >\u25a0**. r^SVJ^fS!!etc.

• h-st cil referrP** Mrs> V PONAX-W••are Mr.-. Ihr.aurf. ZW East ICSbvst

L. L. FIRUSKI. Auctioneer. 70 Bowery.sells, 10 a. m.:March 19

—By M. Hammerschlag & Co.,

129 Park Row, diimondii. watches, Jewelry,all pledges prior March 0. 1902.

March 20—

By E. Alter A Son, sue. Wm.Alter. 308 3d -a vs.. diamond*, watches,Jewelry, all pledge* nrtor March 10, 1902.

March 23—

By Goldstone Bros., 586 eth-ave., diamonds, watches. Jewelry, allpledge*prior March 13, 1902. all older dates.

March 24—

By J. Kalmu* & Son. 178 B<J-ave., diamonds, watches. Jewelry, allpledges prior March 14. 1902; allolder dates.

March £4—

By 34. Bruckheimer. ISI E.Joßth-et., clothing, etc, pledged prior March14. 1902.

March 25—By J. J. FYiel. 1.473-75Broadway, 987 Myrtle-aye.. Brooklyn, dia-monds, watches. Jewelry, all pledgea priorMarch 15, 1802.

March 26—By Wm. Blmp*on, 81 parkRow, diamonds, watches. Jewelry, allpledges prior Jan. 26. 1902. and allNo*, to6.160 and all good* reserved from prevlou*

March 20—By P. Kalnius, 403 Canal-*t.,clothing, etc., pledged prior March 18, '02.


* L. Hess have leased for a long- term 0/y_L« the entire buildingNo. 809 Broadway for the««tata of George Henry Warren at an anreg-ate

r_stai of about UOCOOO. After extensive alterationsth« premises willbe occupied by a. woman's waistand costume house.

The American Baptist Home Mission Society yes-terday transferred title to No. 13 West One-hundred-*ad-nlnet*ent_s-«U, 15x10011 feet, to William Stockfor SXCJSfXi.

The Church of St. Rose of Lima, transferred titleyesterday to Nos. 654 and 566 Grand-st. to IsidoreJvckson. who in turn transferred the title toJoseph Rosenberg and another person. COOK. $23 . laundre^>. *i"«: r ir.*- 5-^. c**

an.l laon4rc_ $^'>: .-hamberniaal a^waitress. MS: jreneral hon--"< -r-'r. ...ST. RARTHOIjOMKVS BI'REAI 3«Fast 42.1-st.


French; experienced man;French or American machine. Addresa

219 West 25th-et.. care or I*X. C.


A young man, 19 years, as clerkin office; can furnish reference* as to

character and ability Ad.lres* JOHN J.M'MAHON. 5 East lOStb-st.


Thoroughly understandscare of horses, carriages and harness,

generally useful: strictly sober, honest andobliging; best references. Addrvs* JOHNMACK. 226 We?'. ir!th-Pt.


By young (Jerman-Amerlcan, l'J,intelligent; country hotel; highest refer-

ences. Addreaa RUDOLPH NOWAK, caxeof Mrs. Porsch. 201 \Vo-,t 101st-bt.

A DELIGHTFUL residence at Plalnfield. N. J.: 23J.\. mile*;aell at bargain: might exchange. ATWATER,171 Broadway.

AKEALcountry ttlace at a real bargain: new Colonialhouse; 7 bedroom*; city water, electric light, tele-

phone, heat, exposed nickel plumbing and shower, parquetfloors. S open fireplaces, piazzas all sides, roomy outbuild-ings, 25 acres of fine mellow land, fruit, apparagus; 65minutes out on Peana. R. R.; lie miles from station; mac-adam roads; good markets, school*, churches; worth $-1.-000; price $18,000- no trades; principal* only. OWNER,Box 15, Tribune Office.

COMEDIAN and weight lifter, with a trav-elling show. HENRY WILLIAMSON. La-

grmngeville, Duu-he^a County, N. T.

THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS.Ho£_aaa-*rt-, west side, 30 feat couth of Oae-hun-

*r*>d-aad-t_lrty-nlath-gt_, eight two story framedweiltsyr houses. l&>2xis feet; William Wainwrljcbt,owner and architect ;estimated coat. $20,000. .* Avenue C, west side. 22 feet south of Seoond-st..TJ&tonpcrt, two story frame dwelling- house, 23x60fact; Henry Speilra&n, owner; Gustav Bchwara.s-rch2tact; cost, C.SOO.


By a single man: mechani-cal and electrical erelr.eer. hoiilng city

license, with ,rlvate party, excellent re£er-eicee, HVTCHINSON. OHI 6th-ave-


Middle age-i; married man;German-American: take \u25a0 t*arg>: of jtentl^-

man's place; city or country: understandshorses and gardening thoroughly, and Is an

all round handy man. J. GEH?.Ki. 512West lrS7th-M.

BBRNAJtDSVILLB MOUNTAINS.—BeauUfuI. allrhtlytract, 4S acres; water, fruit, dwelling, outbuildings;

wealthy snrroundinsa. Estate must be sold. LENT.Bemsj—rrtll*. N. J.

PAR I^.RVA'" or rH.OIBER-MAID.—By m in*r«i_:li jerrts "•" "

.-n.-.k an.l 1-. «th-r a? partarns___ « ttmv*-bemiaM hay «rst . •?»— eft* refrrc^*rail art.»r 11. Mr*. PEARSON. '-" Fvt

521 M.


BX*\u25a0•iinpt -,-nt Hrutr-srant r'.rl: iri^s'e '.%r~- J

only; nr.-t .-iaj<« etty nteme*. 333 «»«\u25a0

45th-M.. rt-B Dawson's h»*


Thor.-«ugl\ly understands care,

of hon<««, harness and carriages: willingand obliging: iity or country; b^t refer-ences; last employer can b» seen. «'OAI*H-MAN, Box 73. Tribune Uptown Office. 1.3»>4Broadway.


Thtrtr acres: hilly, fine view: to b« «oldJD cheep to settle estata. Particulars. Box 42. Farming-dale, Loos; Island.

CARPENTER. 80; tall, refined appearanceand habli*; ten years' experieuce; real

estate or private party; renting, collecting,repair*; small salary. TDMPERATE, 852Columbus-aye.


flne.l and cultured Ormaa '• L>rm *-'"*;.or with(jrowlni; ohiTiren: plair •'«••" r\r*

or country: 204 B. st>th-»r.


100 acre* woodland, h!UmnA meadow; ond-half mile frontage on Lloyd'a Har-

bor- 8 mile* from Huntlngton. Long Island. T. PAULD-

Ih'd s c. oor. Third snd Walnut *tc. Philadelphia. DRIVER or PORTER.—

By young man,80; can drive fnur horse*: (rood referenda.

C. H. SCHMACKE, 768 Amstenlam-ave.


Active. elderly man «N->atsmall place; understands car*" bo>»?*.

trappings. lain. roa>ls. etc.; references; lowwages. CSEFITL, Box 8, Tribune.

DAT*9WORK— co'.Ar-! glr! wHkm*",^day's work of a"\ '-. a<i nr *•"'_** ~*_

charge of hou»«: f»ferea.#». -THOMAft S«Kast 3!>th-?t.. Ist f!oo-

CENTRAL AUCTION CO.. M. Sheehan.auctioneer. 352 and 154 Canal-st.March 19

—By P. Freel, 160 Grand-et..

clothing to March 10. 1902.March 20

—Ey E. Berber, 480 6th~ave.,

and 480 West 42d-*t., diamonds, jewelry,etc., pledged to March 10. 1902.

March 20—

By M. Lavery, 694 9th to March 10. 1902.

March 23—By H. McAleenon. 194 Sth-ave., diamonds, Jewelry, etc. pledged toNo. 17,500. and old dates.

March 28—By H. McAleenan. 194 Bth-ave.. clothing to March 1, 1902.

March 24—

By R. Slmpeon * Co., 143West 42d-*t., diamond*. Jewelry, silver-ware, etc.. pledged to Dec. 1, 1901. No.l*.ono to 22.000. and good* held over.

March 24^—

By Barney* Loan Office. 1.553Bd-ave., clothing, to March 16. 1902.March 25

—By S. Lelchtentrltt, 657 2d-

ave.. clothing to March 15, 1902.March 2ft—By P. Freel. 160 Grand jt.

and 027 Broadway, diamonds. Jewelry, etc.pledged to March 15, 1902.March 26—By Chaa. Weaver, VX 10th-ave.. clothing to March 15, 1902.Furnished Houses to Let

—Country. DRIVKR. 20; experienced: pan furnish At

reference. Address JOSEPH LYNCH. 75P»>«;raw-st.. Brooklyn.

FAMILY WAS*HTS«i—B? colored womaj:a.«« t»V» tt by th» imam: wfareac.

••V. JOHNSOV. 22S *Ow S**»n *t-: r;-c -" •



Gentleman wishes to securesituation for his coachman whom he can

highly recomim-nii . absolutely capable andtrustworthy: persona! an1 written refer-ences. FRANK, can* Monhelmer Brothers.225 West 5M!.-st.

For Sale or to Let—


JUDGMENTS.The following judgments were filed yesterday, the

first name being- that of the debtor:

Alder. Frederick T. and Harry C Green— O JParker and another $128

Ackertnan. Charles C— A Hawes 2,182Blrkett, Clarence

—Columbia Bank, cost* 152

Brother*, Abram—H Krakower 824t>anl«!s, Henry L.

—Corn Exchange Bank 419

Degnon. John F—J 8 Decker 2,870Fltxgsrald". Lester C—J Intero»o 864Frank. «eg:<s!-C©oper Company 250Galvtn, John

—J W gtoth. president 619

Hughe*. Thomas—

E J Hughes 100Hughes, Theresa 3 M Rosenblatt 187Hoffman. Mayer, and Samuel J Ruth

—Q C010n... 158

Hart. Henry B. and Thomas McNamara—

W RWlllcox, Commissioner, costs 121

Herbert. George W—

C Hallock 257Halms. Frederick— Jacobs , 623Harrington. Edwin D—J A Sherer 12,657Jordan. Joseph

—a Pleanl and another _. 451Klopper, Louts H

—P E Henderson and another... 204

Mann. Henry B—

A PPerkins 1.785Maonells, Abraham—LRothschild 471

Morrison. Edward—

Masons' Supply Company 127Metropolitan Street Railway Company Ctnlffl.. 423Same— T McPartland 1.259O'Sulllvan. Mary

—J Ewald and another 1,232

Posner, Abraham—

S Rosenthal and another..., 272Paine. WilliamI

—LBaumann and" another. ...... 1,868

Phillips & Co Judge Company Max—CBrlckelmaler and another.... 172Roberts, Catherine— E TBereager and another. ._

287Rae. Albert F— Mock and another 165Snow, Joseph J

—A LOUen 940

Sawyer. Alfred—

O Faehrmann 647The Ledger Publishing


Life Insurance Company 400Thlenes, Rudolf

—A Gutierrez Company 214

Thompson, George E—

Dalker 857The Manhattan Railway Company and the Metro-

politan Elevated Railway Company—

B Geraghty 1.308The Stewart Butter Company

—W L Stout

and another 419Union Railway Company of New-York City K L

Day 838Yon Besser. Otto— Plant and another 211Yon Gaertner. Louis A

—J A James 170

Wlodaver Hyman S—

Union Card and Paper Com-pany 193

Wennemer, Frank— <J J Bcbaats aad another.... „ 203Waterbcrg. Jonathan and Nelson B

—B Mick > 413

NEW BUILDING PLANS.6th-ave, w a, 60 ft \u25a0 of 45th-Bt. for a brick

fence. 75 ft hi**.60.6x10: Boehm ACoon, own-ers; R S Townsend. architect $1,000Black-well's laland. opposite 62d-st. for a three

etory brick dormitory. 148.1Ctx27: city, owner;Renwlek, Aaplnwall 4 Owen, architects 40.000

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS.-,k-.v> •'\u25a0 25 1 ft n of 42d-«t. run*

• 61.4 to

Z Tteii BulldUg Co; mortgage.

TthfSe?. w'cor"Mtb^'wVli«VEU'^nMtt'to"^nTaTnln Sch«r to Jaccb Scheer; mortgage. .•SS £aS^rS_^SKT: .«»


C-Sl-et; No 454. s w a. 78.1 ft n w of Vestry-rt.

««ii« 10 8x w 25x n 19.8. 6tb-ave. c a. 39.8 ft« o*\u25a0 SBth-™ 19.5X78- 6th-ave. c s. 20 ft

* of

SS»h-rt 19 *x.*>:WlUJam L Turner, referee, to

imh^t"r? SK°l<soSK°l<so- •


7th^vc.- -37- «xl00.ii:Lucy J Whitcomb. by attorney, to Philip J

S-Mfer_i_ll137thl«t x c 100; sth-*ve. n w comer 13Sth-f>t.

743 mton.XMw.rd S Flmon to Abraham Gold-

n«^sV^«t__^_f-______i:"tVo^ssM Stewart to Wesley Thorn, mortage.inft

ao^- 0 c^dft-e- ofPark-*v.:bo Ii«):5Ii«):5; Eiu-

iene'Vallens to Henry B Ar.derson; mortgages.

Bd-ave%o%c.^vv;--%:i7oVMkri;;^nd;r-son to Charles Kroner; mortgars*, $18,000; c. c

JW!Gr«!d-«t.* "nos 554 and 55«. a w corner Lewl*-*t.j 60x100; the Church of St Ross to Isidore JJ*ci£

-Nor n,

j Sa'm5. proper^Visidort"js^ksc^*io"Jisiph Rosen-berr and another: mortgage, $50.000............ N0n1mal

Rlvinirton-st. No 198 to 214: Pitt-el. No* S5 and«7 Rid«re-rt. No 108: begins Rlvington-rt, n wcorner Pltt-et, nrai n 100.0* w 100 X8 lO.ftx wlOlx *90.4 xc 200.5: Richard H Henry, referee,to Richard Crorrwell ......... ... 803''

Same property: Frederick M Cromwell to RichardCromwell: one-half pert: b and s: o c and l«>

I21rt-«t. No 87 West. 25x98.9: Pacific Realty Com-1 rany to Joseph Wolf; b and *;mortgages. $41.-•

600: o o and 10°•RECORDED MORTGAGES.

O'Brien. Mary J. to Title Guarantee and TrustCompany; Bumslde-ava, * w a. 281.4 ft c ofsaid \u25a0 w \u25a0 of ay* and •

\u25a0 of approach to Con-course; 5 years. 5 per cent $5,000

Sweeney, Mary T. to TiUs Guarantee and TrustCompany; Burnsld*-*ve, a w e. 806.2 ft c ofsaid \u25a0 w a of ay* and * * of approach to Con-oourss; 3 year*. 4% per cent. 4.000

Miller. Barnet, and another to State Realty an.lMortgage Company; 106Lh-*t. s 1. 160 ft w ofAmsterdam-aye; 1 year. 8 per cent 97.000

Ellbermann, Joseph, to Franklin Savings Bank;\u25a0Wlllls-ave. No224: 5 years. 4V» cent 15.000

ISame to Leonard Halberstad; same property; priormortgage. $15,000, 1 year. 6 per cent 6.000

Bradner, Frank H. to The Bronx Investment Com-pany; 23d-ct. \u25a0 a 225 ft c of 8-b-ave; 2 years,5 per cent 35,000

!Pbelpa, Annie B, to Metropolitan Savings Bank;-2d-st. No 812 East; 8 years, 4 per cent 6.750Same to same; 42d-st, No* 814. 816 and 818 East:8 mortgages. 8 years; 4 per cent each 5,750

Same to same; 42d-*t. No 824 But; 8 years. 4percent 6.750

IVolkening. Berths, to Lawyers' Title InsuranceCompany; John-«t. No 19: 2 years, 4H per cent 80.000

Wund. Jacob C. to Emigrant Industrial SavingsBank: lst-ave. No 504: 1 year, 4 per cent 9.000

Stock. William, to American Baptist Home Mis-sion Society; ll&th-st. No 22 West; 1year, 4^per cent T800Tlmpson. William N. to the Colonial Bank; Lex-lngton-ave, c *. 66.9 ft s 8S(?-et; given as se-curity for faithful performance of duties, etc.. 6.000

Greenberg-. David, to th» Roosrrelt Hospital; Tth-fJb_,n •„"\u25a0 150 ft 8

• of 2d-*ve: due March 11008, 4% per cent 19.000The Lochinvar Realty Company to John B Davis;Burnslde-etve. « w *, 455.3 ft * c of Aathony-ave; due February 1, 1904. 6 per cent.... «73

Same to Green Ridge Lumber Company: Burn-side-ave. s w a. 492.2 ft c of Anthony-eve; 3months; cote (CV)

Jackson. Isidore, to the Lawyers' Title InsuranceCompany- Grand-et. No* 654 and 558: alsoLewls-st, No* 1. 3 and 6, being a w corner: 1year. 4% percent 60 000

Anderson. Henry B. to Eugene Vallens: BOth-«t.« s, 280 ft c of Park-aye; prior mortgage; dueSeptember P. 1004. 5 per cent. srold 10,000Hill, Adam*, to the German Savings Bank:Perry-*t. No 8;Iyear. 4 per cent 2.000Hill. Adams, to the German Savings Bank;

Greenwlch-a*e. No 28; 1 year. 4 per cent 8.000

_£@eSo^_@_srSf^-S^&K__a|__r """:""

AUCTION BALEB TO-DAY.By ParUh. FUbar. Mooney *

W*« Broadway, w _r^-5tnorJF Jdermoort



a_SSS®HS_?iS& n

vlllajreof West Chester, w a.1.,48 ft?S&TR&rj:«ss?£ _^_^*a^w,¥iX-aggeSSw eTJggl^tMvSff&'&t-S

QUOGUE, L. I.To rent, fully furcUhed, houae with 10 bedroom*, stable

with 4 atalla and coachman's room* above. Apply toWaL H. CAHHERDEN, Quogu*. L.L


By young maa of good char-acter and ability, wvll recommended :

thoroughly experienced In molern plants,hotel", t-tc. HAHKNEPS. 9SI 6th-ave.


Gentleman disposing ofhorses willies position for Englishman;

marrlt-d: no family: strictly sober and re-liable; thorough horseman: excellent whip.WILLIAMS. I.V)folumbus-ave.

FAMILT wayhlnst d^n^: 4A ar.J BOc *•It*"*-

KOPP. fiT. Baal iSSd -•

nrrAsrs JCCRSE -By flie'ly E-"»f_*|*Protestant: tHkr fx::l rharse from ri"T-;

anderstanda N.ttle fr-!lns: roa-.y fearjpmM referenc^.« I*O tla-'t SStb-st. Jani-tor's bell.

AT HILLSDALE: 20 miles out Erie R, R.;5 minutesfrom station; V room house, nearly new; southern ex-

posure; abundant shade and porch; garden shade; com-Sletsly furnished; seaaon, $800;* exchanged..P., Box 18. Tribune Office.

COACHMAN—Married: Kngllxh: rhor-oujjhly unierstand* business; thres years:

personal or written reference from last em-ployer, who can be seen: city or country.QARVEY, 563 York-st., Jersey City. N J.ALLENHURBT. DEAL, ASBURY PARK.—Modern fur-

r.isbed oottace* for :*nL MILANROSS AGENCY.Aibury Park. N. J.

EL.! SOBEL. Auct.. 06 Bowery, sell* 10«.. m.. all gonda pledged to March 15. 1902.March 19

—J»welry. watches, diamonds,

silverware, olds and ends, etc.. M. Roth-n;an. 443 CanaJ-et.

March 20—

Jewelry and clothing, drasses,ahoe.. etc.. A. Cypresa. Bfß Bowery.

March 23—

Clothing, dresses, etc.. S. G.Isaacs Bros.. 491 2d-a*'©. and J. A.Weaver, 512 West C7th-st.

March 24—

Clothing, drerte*. etc., 8.Wronker, 1.537 lst-ava.. and 7. Morrl*,735B<l-ave.

March 25—

Jewelry watches und dia-monds, odds and ends, etc, I. Alku*. 622eth-ave.


Furnished or unfurnished 1403f room residence; broad piazza*, plcturatqua grounds,river frontage: stable. Eight room mountain cottage;stable. O B. CRL'MBTE. 86 Naaeau-st,

Real Estate Wanted.


AUCTION BALEB YESTERDAY.By Peter F. Merer A Co.: 908 and 307 East 61*t-*t.

B a, 100 ft• of Sd-arc, 48.6x125.5: 10 story tk store aadIbcts: foraclosnre aaJ«: 3 Crawford UcCreery tgt Andrew* Tetter et

—: Bo*vr_nan, PUtt *6oley, attys; Darld

a—Cittra! ref: duo on Judgt. SB«.g2S 13; costs. $330 78;taxes, etc, $216 70; adjourned to March 29: 757 Broadway.iw tor »iA-*t. 28.ttxii0.7xSJ.iH»Oll-V7: leaMboid; ostory bit bids; 4UBacutor*s sale; estate of Oliver 8 Car-ut. dreaaafl; to A O Fields for »44.500; «28 to «32 Waab-tagtor—«t. • w oar Barrow-*!. 76x100' 1and 2 story bk «adfr Udgs; public auction: to T C Earl* for $00,000; 211"C_t «»_b-et. a I.*}ift w of Broadway, 28x23.5; 4 storybS iwts; public aactios: to Cbarias 8 rural for 11&.860;83 Fonytft-st.

• a, 125.7% ft • of Oraad-st. 24.ilHxI00zSi.2(*xloo:Istory bk bides; also SS Eidridge-st, abuttingabeva, 16x100. f. story by tan h. with stores; public auc-t_B; to John HSpraga* for $M,960. &tb-ev« and lOStb-st.a • oor.itot* making plot 7&7t.x10»; also lOStb-at. a \u25a0100 ft • of B<ta-av*. adj. mow, 25i10C.5; vacaot:eon's sale; «atata of J Booker Has&ersiey. daoaaasd; toCiarie* Paraoa* for $

By ParUb. Fisher. Moooey A Co: 405-4C* OrMawleb-at, w a. bet Beach an. Hubert sta, aoz9o; ? story fire-proof warabooae, with basin***; withdrawn; also 400Oraeawicb-st. w a. ad] above. 27x100; 8 story bk bldg;pob ase: srttbdrawa at $3XAOO.

ByGeorge B Read A Co: 211 VT »tb-*t, aa. 175 ft w«f 7tb-ar:, 25x10U.5. istar? bk fiat h; forecloaar* sale;Bosaa M C Llvlaotoß art John J Buckley *tat; EdwardDc P L-viagstoa. atty: Paul !KJeraaa, raf; due on Judgt.§\u25a01.1 M 70; costs. $41*35; tazM, etc. $l.4ii&»: adjournedto March 28

By John N Goidtng-: Washington *tsand lTlaVat, * *

COACHMAN: married: steady; countrypreferred: thoroughly understands care of

horses- careful driver; sober; good refer-ences. 229 West rHh-*t,ANDERSON A MJNTZ. Auct«., 64 Bowery.

March 24—

By Ue.i Prager, 654 Bth-ave.,and I. M. Conn. 029 6th-ave., ciothingplrf«rfd to Ma rch 1. 1902.


Pumlshsd cowntry *eat, 1H mil«*\u25a0tofflo*; among high wooded hills: stable;house, 18 room*; all Improvements; purest.

1 other tin*place*. CONDICT. 15 ExchangeCity.

MORRIBTO'from pcxfruit, .hade:water; adjolniPlaca, J*r*ey

IMMEDIATELY, IN COUNTRY, convenient to N«w-Tork: large, nicely furnished cottage, near water pr*-

f«JT»d; plenty shade, fruit. A. 8.. Box 106, 530 etb-av*.


Licensed; l« machinist andpipefitter; reference. ENGINEER. 2,342


ENERGETIC MAN. with over 25 years'Chicago experience In large fancy gro-

cery and wine house, desire* to representEastern firms having articles of merit orspecial line eoods; AI references. AddressH. E. LANG, 297 Chlcago-ave.. Chicago.

FIREMAN.'—In factory or hulMlnjr; refer-ence. ANTON HAMMERS. 152 Conover-

st., Brooklyn. LAPVS MAir> or FAMILYSEAMSTRESJ—Vndrrmt* h»-r .iutv. lit kntß '.it-i'i

It**;ROM :.air,ir«.---r drcaamaket bb«packer- best -I: v refere-ncea AJirrss !H«6t"h-«v«.. O-anJ.-!!". bell.


Thoroughly ccrrr <"-«'nt: *^".•'llent hall*ess* '^»^ '\u25a0•'-\u25a0""

•weed packer and traveller: no •**__;out at lie: «rood referea^M •*'"*"FBKNTH SWIP^. Tribune t'r fliw3 Cwnv*I.3tM Bread «


Single. 32; flrat class man;careful stylish driver, has long exp»rt-

ence in private famllle*; dors r.ot aa*llnur>rs of any klnii: city reference*. ED-WARD, care of Wall, 777 Sth-ave.

LINOTYPE! ASSISTANT MACHINIST.—Competent, wishes position; assistant or

charge of small plant; beat references. AD-VERTISER 67 Hlcks-st.. Brooklyn.


—Flr«t class; tv .!ay.

'" ***"\ate b«U«« or dcaa&ux; k>x«J reftreac*

S J.. IJSSZ 3d avo


I_AVXt>RE!SA—t'omprtrnt. .»!»< w*_?horn- r>r Mit;rvf?r«i,-r. if I—sr--

• \u25a0_TENBROECK. il7 >: ISSd \u25a0 oa :!.53tup. _

JANlTOß.— Married: flat, apartment orgood tenement hous*: sobtr. obliging;

good renters: be^t ref^rt-nce: no bas*»m?rit.Call after 10, NEWMAN. 104 West }Od-«.t.

LITHO STONB POLISHEF~—By good,strong young man, In lithographic line;

capable of doing good work.; experienced.Z., 832 Columbus-aye.

COACHMAN. rarJener. useful man: Ger-man, 11111tl*''. nnc child: thoroughly un

\u25a0I.- Btandii c»rr n«*ntl*"»mn'9 country plac-«.•ober urUllng and »l>llKlnx: tlrst class ref—ereacca CIIAttLKH.»\u25a0« 1>.\ \u25a0-• nt


miPMSWOIIK. ani wife. Polish; man is good coach-

man, ganlener and farmer; wife to dohounewi.rk Address JXO. SCHULTZ. 17Washinston-«t

MAN. ST. wrong. Induatrlou., wixhessteady position: can drive. B. HOFF-

MAN, Koyal Hotel. 320 Bowery.

LAUNI>RESI».—TwtorwI: out by day. Si-C. 15« West 53d -»t.:ring twire.

MAID and SKAMSTRKS? -By *\u25a0 —fg;.-nr»rl J-rMMtani ftlrl: g<v^3 packer sni

tra\-l!er. ret.reu.-^. >;. H. Bon »•-•. TrsbureI'ptown Off.--. 1.3f.« Broadway. ___

OVERLOOKKR want, poalilon In America,leaving England for New-York: seventeen

energetic, tru.tworthy. Addres. Box 14.Tribune Offlc*.

NI'RSKRY GOVERNESS— -'p*mV< EncßAFr.-n.-h. rtt-rman: cjtv ii'ftreaces. A. ay.

243 Pa!mett.i-st.. BrcokUn.



Th..rou»hly «»••«««•_•\u25a0proper turn tin- >h»—\, i-arriaK«"^. ham-

.*!> :.-1.-v^n \^.ir>«' reff:rei>re.<: will Nifoiiii-l willing h: tl obliging: undorstandn allwmk .pertatelr.g to gentleman* privateplu.e. nr>MFETEKT. Box 1«. Tribune Offlp-ST. R«i»TlrfoloN.EW'B

1 *tao mm*B»«ll»« houaeks*p*ra, ma-trona. governesses, tutors, ttc

PRIVATE SECRETARY or confidentialclerk; stenographer and typewriter; bestoity references. C. P., 449 West 123


AT KeDUCVD PRICE*- —000 Mend handwood and Iron working machines: fully

guaranteed; machinery bought and ex-Cbanged. OEO. B. EDDT. 388 aUJtsoo-at.i .

ELECTRIC ELEVATORS!for ami*, new and second hand and etherImakes •lightly used, reasonably Installed.iEie^trle and steam pumps. Supplies andrepairs for all make, of elevators. J. P.-f-LHOLLAND. IS3 Ceatrs-et.



Cash paid or we will take then la exchangetor Dew goo— WATCHES AND JEW-ELRY REPAIRED la our factory on _•precises. Boars Sa. ra. to 6p. m.CHARLES A, KEEXE. ISO Broadway.

X. T. City.



BxpertsacwJ (ookxrsd) day or week or lady* maid

ano sewing; i«ferea»JS. SADIE MOBS. KMWarn «A5-H.t.

DRESSMAKING la att branches; rsason-abU prtoa*; bom* or eat. MVE. E. E.

HAVATT. W East 84U-*i_ near ICadlsoo-eve

COAitIMAN.—I.IvM with baa* families;references willr#>rt!f> Address IS Ea»t

3fth St. fprl»a*« >taM-.>


THE ANTIQUE rORNITtfRIS E3C-CHANOE. lf>« Weat S4th-at.. near 7th-

ave.— The ideal shoo for lover* of antique*ait

* seekers after bargains In odd pieces lea*than % value. We buy. sell, axebaa***.

IWILL BELL at a laertflo* Eltfant Im-ported Sofa*. Ann Chair*. Barters*,

Screens, etc.. Striae Louis XTV., XV.,XVI. 183 East 2T_-«t.; Ulephoai sSi»—Madison Square.


*5.00 GOLD GLASSES, $1.Thlr week our Optician* willium<n« yourEye« FREE and »*llyou a_pcir of oar M.OO

"14-K. Premier" Gold Eye OUasaa orISpectacle*, with Crystal Lenses, warranted» years, for 11. Hours: •a. ra. to» p. to.CHARLES A. KEENS. J*9 Broadwar.ttm T.City* ~v

111II 11IfyoatTLAjfirLAooamIIHIIIIllilt CO.. 44 World Bid*.,

M- T. Tal. Hl*Jata. Best of l__M*eVd*:ilvarad at 30c. psr toot.

cast y"r-,^^tyryntG-.«aoardad eVrtatof; Mad varC t'U aaU.JACOB OOaTaTK.


PIANO SALESMAN commanding g.v>!trad* deelrea to engage with reputable

firm. HOFFMAN, 673 Stabbln»-ave.


By competent aaan. T»arr'.<-i. :place a? working foreman or nvan^xer: j

two children: wife first rla^n butt'r m»ker.for April 1. Adi!r«M J. a. Montvale. N. J. ,UAWITKns.

BANKBOOK NO W7.058 of the UnionLKine Savins: Ib.tuutlan Is miaslnf. Any

perwn hav'r.g a claim to It is hereby called•mor to present the sen-* within ten day*.

orsubmlt to ha- tug said pa—hook cancelledaaad a new on* Uaued.

BANKBOOK NO. S3 151 of the UnionDime Savings tnstltuUoe limlaalag. Any

bcrso-. baring a claim to it Is hereby oiledcpor to present the same within ten daysur auomtt to bavin* said pa—hoi* emaoeUed

5 hm*A a t»w ooe ttaued.

IX)ST Any person holding or laying cUlmto bankbook No. a.» sof tbeUnlted

States Sa.«-tngs Bank la notified to presentIt at tbf bank, a* a new book i*about to

g be iasowl.6 US6T OR BTOLEX.— No *6.0»»

of _* Zxr*lMiorSavings Bank. 7* Wwt»<!-« Kew-Tork. All t-srsons are cma-tt*«k*d ag«in« paretiaalng or uagntlattng

I tbe ass** *-t>d mmr person baring a claim: in _._ rr-T'-~* *• hereby ca_M «pos ta

'\u25a0/' lii...ii[ faisti

—to the bank on or before~'-'Sttk d*y OC lUrek, 190J. or srsbrtlt So

Sitortb* MMbosk deeUrad cmne«lled end' •StorjUb—TaaTa a**book laraad la Umt

I,3___: . -AlTVami:a*H*Wla \u25a0_\u25a0 s—ewsgoae jg*

T»» Tnbune fecl»-< at «—*• TJptow* Of-\u25a0. •o* Ho. %M* Bns4nr. iiH'•—.»»> a—l

•nk ata vMfl• Cdoek ». aa. A»arttai

fef ,awl*!•«•**« at th* .oUa^rtairMmadk •_f:\u25a0-.- Am* Mra««iw «a» raw* «Btfl •_•«_«_ 1


By young colored man; person-al referanc*. Addraat JOHN' H. LEE.220 East TOth-et-

Nl'RSil- a young sirl of 1!'. livingw'*'lhrr i*r^nts; a«si!*t g'neraily: wl!"--'IT,

tiifidM: rOHßlnr .•r»r«TT#d AMir." >\u25a0\u25a0

ItAtXORAX. •"-•» Pre»fciei»t-»t.. Bn.v»h!ya

Tl!\l\i:i>.M.RSK. p*nn«r«nt. with tv-nkltd. tMerly I"v or gentleman; c'.sr •-*

conntry; r»t*m«K«; reference. G E-. 01

MS. Tribune Uptown OflSc«. t.3«4 Bro*dw«»


AND EXPRESS COMPANY202. 204. 200. 208 Bast 88th-*t.. New-York

City.To Mrs M. A. William*. Jennie Dray.

Geo. Murphy, J. W. Wood, Dr. V. W. C.Ward, W. J. Alexander, a. H. Wil-son, W. Sehwankel. P. Pflster. Mr*.D. Bturmfeld. Mrs. F. Fiiagx. MrsJ. Cody. Mr». W. Doran. Miss ESllny- Mr.. F. Golden, Walter Scott, Mr.P. Marchkowitx. Mr.. O. Thompson. MMUller. C. l_»ndln. J. Pike. Mrs. S. WalshIsaac Goldstein. Mre. M. Foly, Mis*M .MColton. Mr*. R. Brook. Maude Devere. W.Tbeabold: You and each of you are here-by notified that, the time for payment ofthis company"* lien-upon the property here-inafter described having expired, after duenotice thereof bad been given you. thl*company willcause aurh property, to wit.household *ood«. personal effects and mer-chandise, stored by you in their warehouse,to be sold at public auction, according to'ho statute In «urh caxes made and pro-vided, on Monday. April «. 1003. ,t 10:80*•-"__..?I202


- **Ul> 20* E. S«tW..and win be contlanad aach *«cce»dlng Mon-day at the same time an<J place until th«

sale I*completed.R. V BTAPTTgLD. Manag«r.

Ogra* ENGEU rtliabi* Uwy«w. m\u2666.-""Si-1**!?1**!? N*w-T«rk: ceetteata, dom..-«c^«««ild» «uteUr a4*HUd; <xaM»lta-


ANOLUTiE.IPmVAiBV;3532J_2**£lTmtßMat to MUMpeople, male.

KAWpTACTURSJU. «( W!llar« and port

PORTER. —By respectable colors m»n.BONAPARTn. 244 «»t SUt-atREPAIRING. *c-

—Work dene at your own

borne at mechanics' prices; fine furniturerepair*!*, mattresses mad* m«, carpetslaid, mrnlihtar and polishing of furniture.CHUB. .STUDS. *27 *ta-*v«.. *lectricl»a•tore.


By competent married man a*working foreman or gardener wlf**oo>l j

butter maker; two children. Ac» «* and 7 |\u25a0mm; c^-vi reference*. .Vldr**« \u25a0•* 11 .Slont V_le N .1.

FXRMKR. *\u0084r.i-»n»t "I _e ner_l man ~n

t»ntl»inan> ptac*: W»>hma:i marrl*.lwlf». on*- IT'rl. aged <* }ear«: *<*>- .reman ,and stockman; can drtr«; in fact do any jthin*: wife care milk,butter, poultry. *t<".. Iwant* home. beat r«f»renc«a. At CAR- IPUNTERI*. I*4 «th eve.

TRAINED NTRSE a* companion or *_travel with Invalid: best of referee**

gi\*n A Ml*— 1! F X Lc--k K""t !*•Sum ook. V II

VAITRKSS" v 6»dj * -f-"lJT

* *""_\u0084,., c. -•» -ell**!? »-_«»••-.* t h-ri «*•


WjtMv r-.-rtrnn«»n't •*•»»! 7* rUv .Mrs-*'

TTANTET*. work M• respectable *****&

good reference SM I-erf-ft^n-*^Brooklyn, first flat. right hatilben.

*~ "Hal*.



young man; In gentle-

men's furnlihlng ln«; experienced. Ad-dress a CONWAY 444 I7tb ft . Brooklyn.


1^;. r prlvat.bat-Twit- or without board: sing • room.,

doctor? offices: all rt-eiraMa ' to**"""'Sb»« reference. .^./-'w^"^*Vc. ICELAND * CO.. 2 Wei 38d-*t.



4. & J. W. wiliiams3.53 W, 64T1H1 ST. &^



Slsgle. nr« class: 'horoushknowledge of lowers, shrubs, fruit. •.\u25a0*_••tables, all Improvements on privatn £,;*<:»

5lml.of ;-rioDil references. GARDENER.'1:4 St. Mark « Place.SALESMAN.—A whole-ale grocery •*>••-niaj fo- FioriUla: ha» an established

trade: five year.1. Florida «*P«rl""^L*l'eren«-es and '.ond furnished. BITTEft-

BWEKT. MuntcUlr. Ha.


BROADWAY. 2.46R. near Ol*t-«t.—c°m T

Vb£ furnished parlor bedroom «nd •mallroom: nil convenience: private family,

reasonable. STORM. "__"

CAREFUL CARPET CLEANING CO.—Clean» by compressed air. steam, hand or

en floor. 1.658 broadway. 421 East 4Sth-st.COE & BRANDT. Tel. 132 38th.

ORIENTAL. -Cleaning. repairingstoriiur by Oriental metoc«l bought ana

•old. SEVEN TATOSIAN BROTUKKS. 70West B»tb-W _____