Ready for Red: Understanding Your Intimate Health and Needs

Understanding your Intimate Health and Needs

Transcript of Ready for Red: Understanding Your Intimate Health and Needs


your Intimate

Health and Needs

All women should be concerned about their

intimate health.

Infection in a woman’s intimate area accounts for

90% of all cases in the reproductive age women.

Factors to consider to prevent an infection

Your intimate area’s pH balance

Lifestyle contributors

Medical conditions

Lifestyle Contributors

Wear the right

clothes Choose the best product for your intimate health

Cut down on sugar Get adequate sleep

Cotton and silk underwear absorb moisture, keeping you clean and dry. On the other

hand, nylon and other synthetic fabrics hold moisture

close to your skin,

encouraging the growth of bacteria.

Some studies show that too much sugar may speed up

the growth of bacteria.

Lack of sleep causes our immune system to dysfunction therefore

causing our immune system to not be able to do its job well.

Other feminine wash products may

cause the acidity level of your intimate area to drop, resulting in an


Medical Condition

Some medical conditions, such

as pregnancy and diabetes

may trigger an infection in the

intimate area. Antibiotics are

also known to encourage

bacterial growth by making

your intimate area’s

environment less acidic.


pH Level

The normal pH of a woman’s intimate area ranges between 3.8 and 4.5. It is a perfect environment for the types of good bacteria that help keep your intimate area clean and healthy. Most harmful bacteria have a hard time surviving in acidic environment. Keeping those harmful bacteria at bay is not only important for general hygiene and comfort, but also to help avoid infections and diseases.

An ideal intimate health is when the levels of good and bad bacteria are balanced.

Menstruation can alter the pH level of your intimate area.

What is menstruation?

Menstruation is a woman’s monthly bleeding. Most menstrual period last from 3 to 5 days.

Blood has a pH of 7.4. Therefore blood paired with hormonal changes raise your intimate area’s pH.


Did you know….

A recent report by the non-profit Women’s Voices for the Earth

(WVE) points out that feminine hygiene products, such as

sanitary pads, feminine wipes, feminine wash and other

menstrual products, may use ingredients that are known or

suspected endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDC), carcinogens,

or allergens. Among the suspected EDCs found in some

feminine hygiene products are parabens, which are used as

preservatives, and some fragrance ingredients.

Human Nature’s Natural Feminine Wash Protection for Red

Days contains 100% no harmful chemicals. It has natural tea

tree oil and aloe vera to prevent infection and relieve

discomfort during red days.

If pH balance is disturbed, one can end up with painful conditions such as urinary tract infections (UTIs), vaginitis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and

yeast infections. Some of these infections, particularly UTIs, can become quite acutely severe


Did you know….

Human Nature’s Natural Feminine Wash Protection for Red Days is pH balanced

maintaining the naturally occurring pH level in our intimate area.

Choose the best feminine protection especially during red days.

Check the product’s pH.

A feminine intimate wash that has a pH within the

same range is suitable and it will improve your hygiene without leading to unpleasant side effects.

What is the normal pH level of a woman’s

intimate area?

1 to 3.8 pH level

4.5 to 7.5 pH level

3.8 to 4.5 pH level

Check the ingredients.

Avoid products that contain artificial scents and

ingredients as these may cause pH disturbances and

may lead to itching and irritation. Choose feminine

wash that contains natural ingredients.

Which ingredient should be avoided when

choosing a feminine wash?

Tea Tree Oil

Aloe Vera


Check if the product has anti-bacterial agent.

Some feminine wash contains anti-bacterial agents. The antibacterial agent can kill harmful

microorganisms but it can also harm the beneficial

bacteria living in your intimate area. Use products

with anti-bacterial agents only during your period to improve hygiene.



When the levels of good and bad bacteria are

balanced, you have a normal, healthy intimate


Correct Answers

True. When the levels of good and bad

bacteria are balanced, you have a normal,

healthy intimate area.

The normal pH level of a woman’s intimate

area is between 3.8 to 4.5.

Among the suspected endocrine-disrupting

chemicals (EDC) found in some feminine

hygiene products are parabens, which are

used as preservatives, and some fragrance ingredients.

Natural Feminine Wash

Protection for Red Days

98.70% Natural

Contains natural Tea

Tree oil and Aloe

Vera to prevent

infection and relive

discomfort during

your period.

Active Ingredients

Aloe vera

Acts as a moisturizer. Has soothing and anti-inflammatory


Tea Tree Oil

Has antifungal, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Natural Feminine Wash

Protection for Red Days

The only intimate wash that naturally

cleanses, deodorizes and soothes to

bring comfort and confidence when

you need it most.


