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Transcript of Readme[1]

  • Table of Contents Page #

    1. How to Use this CD 2 a. How to Access the CD Contents. 2 b. How to Access the Help Files.. 3

    2. How to Access & Run the Bootloader... 4

    NOTE: If your Star Plus Meter does not already run software revision r2.32, use the bootloader and provided instruction to upgrade your meter to r2.32 before using it with the new Star Plus Navigator 21 program.

    3. Installation Instructions.. 7

    4. Administrator Instructions.. 10

    5. Help Instructions.... 13 a. For Star Plus Navigator 21 Program 13 b. For Lab Speed Navigator. 13


  • 1. How to use this CD a. How to Access the CD Contents

    To manually access the contents of the installation CD do the following: 1. Insert the installation CD into the CD Rom drive. 2. Double click on the My Computer icon, located on your desktop. NOTE: If you dont see that

    icon on the desktop, click on Start and then click on My Computer.

    3. Then Right-click on the CD Rom drive where the installation CD resides and select Open. You

    should see a window open similar to the figure below.

    4. You are now looking at the installation CD contents!


  • b. How to Access the Help Files To manually access the Help Files included in the installation CD, please follow steps 1 3 from the How to Access the CD Contents section above. 1. Once you get the CD Contents, as shown in the above figure, just double click on the desired file. 2. To open a Text version of these Instructions, double click on the Readme.txt file. 3. To open a PDF version of these Instructions, double click on the Readme.pdf file. 4. To open the software manual, double click on the Star & Labspeed Navigator Manual.pdf file. NOTE: In order to open and view PDF files you need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your system.


  • 2. How to Access & Run the Bootloader If you need to update your meters software revision, you need to run the bootloader program included in the installation CD. You will also need a serial cable P/N: 236929-001.

    1. Connect the 9-pin female end of your serial cable to the male serial connector, located in the rear of your computer system.

    2. Now connect the other end of the serial cable to your meters RS232 port. 3. Power up your meter. 4. Now access the CD contents as shown above in the How to Access the CD Contents section. 5. Double click on the file called bootload.exe at which point the bootload program will open.

    6. Once you run the bootload program, you should see the above window. Click on the Accept button to accept the License Agreement. You are more than welcome to read it if you like.

    7. After you click the Accept button, you will see the above window. Click on the COM config menu, then Port and then select the COM port number you have connected your meter to as shown in the figure below.


  • 8. Then if you like to see a live window while the bootloader program is working with the meter, from the menu click on File, then Debug Info and then select On.

    9. At this point your Bootloader window should look like the figure below. Now press the Load Code button, located on the right end of the bootloader program to start uploading the latest software revision to you meter.

    10. Now the bootloader should start communicating with the meter. When the bootloader actually starts uploading the new code, your meter should display the word boot. Do not disturb the meter or the bootloader program until upload is completed. While uploading, your bootloader should look like the figure below.


  • 11. When the bootload is complete, your meter will reboot automatically and display the new software revision. At this point your bootloader program will display a DONE window and you can press the OK button. When completed the bootload window should look like the figure below, and you can start using your meter with the new software revision and close the bootload program.


  • 3. Star Plus Navigator 21 Installation Instructions

    PC Requirements 1. Microsoft Windows 2000, XP or Vista (XP or Vista required for 21-CFR

    security. XP & Vista Service Pack installations might be required for some users). 2. 1024 x 768 minimum screen resolution. A resolution of 1280 x 1024 is

    recommended. The Large Fonts setting is not supported at the minimum resolution and is not recommended at higher resolutions.

    3. RAM - Recommended for Operating System 256MB. 4. Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. 5. Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.7 or later. 6. RS232 Serial Communication port. 7. Microsoft Access is required to change the database password. 8. More information on system requirements are shown by visiting the following

    link: Installation Instructions The Star Plus Navigator 21 CD Package comes with two install CDs Star Plus Navigator and LabSpeed Navigator. For a complete install, both must be installed:

    1. Insert the Star Plus Navigator 21 CD into the CD Rom Drive 2. Open the CD to view its contents (e.g. My Computer | D: )

    To Install Star Plus Navigator 21 1. Open the Folder named Star Plus Navigator 2. Run SETUP.EXE to install. 3. Read and agree to the license agreement. Then accept all defaults except one. On

    the third page, choose to install for Everyone (the default is Just Me). 4. On the last page, choose to assign read/write permissions to all users

    (recommended) unless you wish to perform this duty manually for specific users or groups using Windows after installing the software.

    Important: The .NET 2.0 Framework is required to install the Star Plus Navigator program. If the .NET 2.0 Framework has never been installed on your computer, it will be installed for you in a first pass.

    To Install LabSpeed Navigator 1. Open the Folder named LabSpeed Navigator 2. Run SETUP.EXE to install. 3. Read and agree to the license agreement. Then accept all defaults except one. On

    the third page, choose to install for Everyone (the default is Just Me).


  • To Run the Star Plus Navigator 21 Application To run Star Plus Navigator 21, choose Start Menu | Programs | Thermo Star Navigator 21 | Star Plus Navigator 21. A Desktop Icon is also installed and may be used to run the program.

    Star Plus Navigator 21.lnk

    LabSpeed Navigator is integrated into the Star Plus Navigator application and will normally be run using the Research toolbar button in that program. To run LabSpeed Navigator as a standalone program, choose Start Menu | Programs | Topos Technologies | LabSpeed Navigator. A Desktop Icon is also installed and may be used to run the program.

    Warning: When the Collect Stored Data button is selected from the Navigators user control panel, you may get the warning message described below after the data collection is complete. If points are dataloged while the meter measurement display is setup to show Temperature or Barometer readings, then these points will not be collected by Star Plus Navigator. If these invalid measurements are in the meters datalog you will see the following window message after completion of data download, indicating which points were skipped.


  • Un-Install Instructions Important: If your intention is to re-install or upgrade the program, you do not need to un-install first. For a complete un-install, both Star Plus Navigator and LabSpeed Navigator must be un-installed separately.

    Star Plus Navigator 21 Use the Windows Control Panel Add and Remove Programs to un-install Star Plus Navigator. When Star Plus Navigator is un-installed, the database (Orion.mdb) is not removed, nor any data that was exported from the program (e.g. methods). IMPORTANT: IF YOUR INTENTION IS TO RE-INSTALL OR UPGRADE THE PROGRAM, YOU DO NOT NEED TO UNINSTALL FIRST. HOWEVER, IF YOU DO, DO NOT DELETE THE DATA FILES. WHEN ANOTHER VERSION OF STAR PLUS NAVIGATOR IS INSTALLED THE DATA FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION WILL NOT BE OVERWRITTEN. THIS MEANS A NEW VERSION OF STAR PLUS NAVIGATOR WILL CONTINUE TO USE THE SAME DATABASE AS THE PREVIOUS VERSION. If your intention is a complete un-install, then the data files must be removed manually using Windows Explorer. These files are found in the Thermo data folder at C:\Thermo\Data Files\Star Navigator. To remove all data, remove this folder.

    LabSpeed Navigator Important: If your intention is to re-install or upgrade the program, you do not need to un-install first. Use the Windows Control Panel Add and Remove Programs to un-install LabSpeed Navigator. When LabSpeed is un-installed, any user-created sessions and templates are not removed, nor any data that was exported from the program (e.g. Excel or CSV). IMPORTANT: IF YOUR INTENTION IS TO RE-INSTALL OR UPGRADE THE PROGRAM, YOU DO NOT NEED TO UNINSTALL FIRST. HOWEVER, IF YOU DO, DO NOT DELETE THE DATA FILES. WHEN ANOTHER VERSION OF LABSPEED IS INSTALLED THE DATA FROM A PREVIOUS VERSION WILL NOT BE OVERWRITTEN. THIS MEANS A NEW VERSION OF LABSPEED WILL CONTINUE TO USE THE SAME SESSIONS AND TEMPLATES AS THE PREVIOUS VERSION. If your intention is a complete un-install, then the data files must be removed manually using Windows Explorer. These files are found in the Topos Technologies data folder at C:\Topos Technologies\LabSpeed Data\Navigator. To remove all data, remove this folder.


  • 4. Star Plus Navigator 21 Administrator Instructions

    Intstallation Note: During installation you will be asked to authorize the setting of user access rights to the Navigator database. If authorized, then Read/Write access will be granted for all users. Later should you try to view the permissions that are set on Orion.mdb in Windows Explorer, you may receive the following warning message: "The permissions on Orion.mdb are incorrectly ordered, which may cause some entries to be ineffective. Press OK to continue and sort the permissions correctly, or Cancel to reset the permissions." This is a documented, benign defect in some version builds of Windows 2000, XP and Vista. If you see this message, the correct response is to press OK to continue and sort the permissions correctly. Pressing Cancel will remove all inherited permission groups and leave only the Everyone group. In either case, the database will be read/write accessible by all users running the Navigator software.

    21-CFR Requirements Windows XP & Vista If the 21-CFR Part 11 protocol is going to be used, Windows XP or Vista is required. Keep in mind that certain Windows Security issues are addressed within the various Windows Service Packs releases. Microsoft recently released SP3 the latest service pack for Windows XP and SP1 the latest service pack for Windows Vista. Consult your IT administrator for installing any of these service packs as they might resolve many security issues you might be having with your system.

    The NavAdmin Program Run the NavAdmin utility program to setup defaults for the program, database, users and Meter communications. The NavAdmin program is where the administrator will assign the database location and password as well as setup 21-CFR user rights. Only a user with Windows administrator privileges is allowed to run NavAdmin. Run NavAdmin from the Start menu: Start -> All Programs -> Thermo Star Navigator 21 -> NavAdmin

    The Star Plus Navigator Database Star Plus Navigator uses a Microsoft Access database to store data. The default location for the Star Plus Navigator database is

    C:\Thermo\Data Files\Star Navigator\Database\Orion.mdb

    It is highly recommended to backup this file periodically. If the file is moved to a new location (e.g. LAN), the new location must be specified using the NavAdmin program.


  • Database Access Permission Star Plus Navigator users must have Write permission enabled for the Microsoft Access database that Star Plus Navigator uses. When starting Star Plus Navigator, a new user may receive the warning

    Failed Getting User Information Failed Saving User to Database MS Access

    This indicates the current user does not have the appropriate Windows Operating System permission to write to the Star Plus Navigator database (Star Plus Navigator is attempting to add the new user to the database). The users file rights must be upgraded and an Administrator must be logged on in order to do this:

    1. Navigate to C:\Thermo\Data Files\ Star Navigator\Database and locate the Orion.mdb file.

    2. Right click on the Orion.mdb file. 3. Select Properties, Select Security Tab 4. Enable Write permission or Full control for the User, the Workgroup or the

    Domain the user belongs to. Note: When Orion.mdb resides on the Company Network (LAN) you may need the Network Administrator to change the file permissions.

    Database Security By default there is no password and therefore the database is not secure. The administrator will have to manually assign a password to the Orion.mdb Access database and then specify the database password in the NavAdmin program.

    Instructions for protecting the Orion.mdb database by adding a database password (Required when Running in 21 CFR Mode)

    1. Exit all programs that might have the database open, including Star Plus Navigator 21.exe and NavAdmin.exe.

    2. Make a backup copy of the Orion.mdb database, and store it in a secure place. If the password is lost or forgotten, it can't be recovered, and the database wont be able to be opened.

    3. Run Microsoft Access. Choose File Open and browse to find the Navigator database (C:\Thermo\DataFiles\Star Navigator\Database\Orion.mdb). Single-click on the Orion.mdb file to select it in the list.

    4. Click the arrow to the right of the Open button, and then click Open Exclusive.

    5. On the Tools menu, point to Security, and then click Set Database Password.


  • 6. In the Password box, type your password. Passwords are case-sensitive.

    7. In the Verify box, confirm your password by typing the password again, and then click OK.

    Be sure to record and save the Password in a secure place (See item #2). The password is now set. The next time a user opens the database using Microsoft Access, a dialog box will be displayed that requests a password.

    8. Run the NavAdmin program. (The NavAdmin program may only be run by a user with administrator permissions). On the Database Connection tab, enter the password and test the connection. If the connection succeeds, the database may be used in Star Plus Navigator to save samples.

    9. Click Save and Close to save the password and exit the NavAdmin



  • 5. Help Instructions

    a) While your Star Plus Navigator 21 program is running, press Help on the menu bar and select Contents. You should get the Help window shown below.

    b) While your LabSpeed Navigator program is running, press Help on the menu bar and select Contents. You should get the Help window shown below.
