Reading Writing or Maths to your teacher 5 Essential ...

DPS Remote Learning: Year 3 Week 7 Week beginning Monday 24th August - Friday 28th August Please complete your daily learning tasks every day. Then complete 1 Reading, Writing and Maths task each day, in sequence, from the activities on the second page. Please make contact with us every day to show us you have started your learning. Please upload 1 of Reading, Writing or Maths to your teacher each day through Sentral. **Make sure that by the end of the week, you have uploaded a minimum of 5 Essential Learning Tasks. Complete these daily learning tasks every day... Daily Reading (Read for a minimum of 20 minutes every day and/or night during the week) Using your take home book or a book from home, read to someone in your family or practise your independent reading. Refer to your own goal in your diary. Once you have finished reading, discuss your book with a family member. You could draw a picture of something that is happening. Record the title of your book in your school diary and ask a parent to sign it. Feel free to access a range of texts from Sunshine Online: The school’s login details are: USERNAME: dps1645 PASSWORD: dps1645 If you are unsure what level books to choose from, please contact your teacher. Completed each day Using your spelling list, complete a spelling activity from the options below. Work on your next 10 words that are on your spelling list just as if you were in class. - Phoneme sort - Pyramid - Syllable Sort - Word Shapes - Look Say Cover Write Check On Monday, add your 10 weekly spelling words to Literacy Planet. Please see the below video to assist you in adding your words: Literacy Planet On FRIDAY ask someone in your family to test you. Then you can highlight the words you got right and move onto the next 10, just like in class. Send a picture of your spelling test to your teacher through Sentral. Spelling completed each day. Test completed and photo sent to my teacher via Sentral. Log in to Essential Assessment for 10 minutes Complete your assigned tasks in My Numeracy [2 times a week]. Record your activity in your maths book. Work on Sunset maths [at least once a week]. Record your activity in your maths book. Write out 5 fractions and use the terms IS SMALLER THAN, IS EQUAL TO, IS BIGGER THAN Use the wordings to compare your fractions, e.g.: is bigger than ½ Use your fraction grid to help you. Other learning tasks you may like to complete at home… Mindfulness Keeping ourselves healthy during this unusual time is important. Here is the link to a Smiling Minds session. Or you could download some pages to colour Colouring_FA.pdf Listening to your favourite music can help you relax. Why not make a play list of your favourite songs. TOKEN OF THE WEEK Acceptance is seeing others as being as unique and special as yourself." Think of a friend or family member. What do you like about them? How are they different to you? Watch The Butter Battle Book STEM - Create your own flip book! Watch the YouTube link below about how to make a flip book! You might like to use the ideas suggested in the video or come up with your own ideas/drawings. Once you have finished, record your flip book that you have made and send it to your teacher. Good luck! How to make a flip book Inquiry TERM 3 BIG IDEA: Having a healthy body and mind helps me to be the best version of myself. Revisit your Term 3 Wondering and see how you are answering your question. Focus this week again on the idea of a healthy body. Make a 2nd list of the body systems and what they are used for [e.g.: respiratory system is used for breathing]. List the major parts of each system [e.g.: circulatory system has the heart]. Watch the video to help.

Transcript of Reading Writing or Maths to your teacher 5 Essential ...

DPS Remote Learning: Year 3 Week 7 Week beginning Monday 24th August - Friday 28th August

Please complete your daily learning tasks every day.

Then complete 1 Reading, Writing and Maths task each day, in sequence, from the activities on the second page.

Please make contact with us every day to show us you have started your learning. Please upload 1 of Reading, Writing or Maths to your teacher

each day through Sentral. **Make sure that by the end of the week, you have uploaded a minimum of 5 Essential Learning Tasks.

Complete these daily learning tasks every day...

Daily Reading (Read for a minimum of 20 minutes every day and/or night during the week) Using your take home book or a book from home, read to someone in your family or practise your independent reading. Refer to your own goal in your diary. Once you have finished reading, discuss your book with a family member. You could draw a picture of something that is happening. Record the title of your book in your school diary and ask a parent to sign it. Feel free to access a range of texts from Sunshine Online: The school’s login details are: USERNAME: dps1645 PASSWORD: dps1645 If you are unsure what level books to choose from, please contact your teacher. Completed each day ❑

Using your spelling list, complete a spelling activity from the options below. Work on your next 10 words that are on your spelling list just as if you were in class. - Phoneme sort - Pyramid - Syllable Sort - Word Shapes - Look Say Cover Write Check On Monday, add your 10 weekly spelling words to Literacy Planet. Please see the below video to assist you in adding your words: Literacy Planet On FRIDAY ask someone in your family to test you. Then you can highlight the words you got right and move onto the next 10, just like in class. Send a picture of your spelling test to your teacher through Sentral.

❏ Spelling completed each day.

❏ Test completed and photo sent to my teacher via Sentral.

Log in to Essential Assessment for 10 minutes ❏ Complete your assigned tasks in My Numeracy [2 times a

week]. Record your activity in your maths book. ❏ Work on Sunset maths [at least once a week]. Record your activity in your maths book.

❏ Write out 5 fractions and use the terms IS SMALLER THAN, IS EQUAL TO, IS BIGGER THAN Use the wordings to compare your fractions, e.g.: ⅔ is bigger than ½ Use your fraction grid to help you.

Other learning tasks you may like to complete at home…

Mindfulness Keeping ourselves healthy during

this unusual time is important. Here is the link to a Smiling Minds session.

Or you could download some pages to colour

Listening to your favourite music can help you relax. Why not make a play list of your favourite songs.

TOKEN OF THE WEEK Acceptance is seeing others as being

as unique and special as yourself." Think of a friend or family member. What do you like about them? How are they different to you? Watch The Butter Battle Book

STEM - Create your own flip book! Watch the YouTube link below about how to make a flip book!

You might like to use the ideas suggested in the video or come up with your own ideas/drawings. Once you have finished, record your flip book that you have made and send it to your teacher. Good luck!

How to make a flip book

Inquiry TERM 3 BIG IDEA: Having a healthy body and mind helps me to be the best version of myself. Revisit your Term 3 Wondering and see how you are answering your question. Focus this week again on the idea of a healthy body. Make a 2nd list of the body systems and what they are used for [e.g.: respiratory system is used for breathing]. List the major parts of each system [e.g.: circulatory system has the heart]. Watch the video to help.

DPS Remote Learning: Year 3 Week 7 Week beginning Monday 24th August - Friday 28th August


Reading Focus: Activity 1- Watch the instructional video: Lesson 1 video Watch/listen to the fiction or non-fiction text from below or you may want to choose a section of a fiction or non-fiction text yourself to read. Using your literacy book, note down the important ideas and key words from the text you are reading/listening to. Refer back to the instructional video to help you. UFO article Giraffe article

Activity 2-Watch the instructional video: Lesson 2 video Today you are going to complete your summary of the text from Activity 1. Using the main ideas and key words from Activity 1, put these into a summary. Refer back to the instructional video to help you.

Activity 3- Watch/listen to a non-fiction text from below or you may choose a section of a fiction or non-fiction text yourself to read. Using your literacy book, note down the important ideas and key words from the text you are reading.listening to. Refer back to the instructional video in Activity 1 to help you. Wellbeing article 747 retires

Activity 4 - Today you are going to complete your summary of the text from Activity 3. Using the main ideas and key words from Activity 3, put these into a summary. Refer back to the instructional video in Activity 2 to help you.

Activity 5- I want you to read a fiction text of your choice. When you have finished your text (the entire book or a chapter or two), choose a character from the text. I want you to write down some of the personality traits for your character and give examples to back up the traits. EXAMPLE: Mr Twit - Funny: he plays funny jokes on Mrs Twit. Messy: he doesn’t clean his beard that often. Smart: the jokes he played on Mrs Twit were very smart, especially when he stretched her out using helium balloons.

Writing Focus: Informative Text We are continuing to work on writing Informative texts and this week we are going to work on a recount of something that someone else has done. This is not a personal recount. This week we are going to write like Newspaper reporters. Events still need to be in chronological (time) order and also written in the past tense.

Activity 1- The Wolf’s Story. Listen to the story or read it yourself. Take note of the way the text is written = past tense, third person, includes some ‘facts’, tells us who/what/where/when and includes some quoted speech . Complete the questions at the end of the video to help you recognise the text features. The sheet is also available on the portal if you wish to print it off. Wicked Wolf Video 1 Wicked Wolf Video 2

Activity 2-This week you are going to write your own Newspaper article using a nursery rhyme or fairytale as the basis. So firstly you need to choose a nursery rhyme or fairytale. Watch the teacher video to help you with your planning. Use the planner to sort out the information you will use in your article. You can draw the planner in your book or it is available on the portal if you want to print it off. Humpty Dumpty + list Newspaper planner

Activity 3 - **Drafting Today you are going to sequence the ideas that you wrote yesterday and begin to put them into sentences so they take the form of a newspaper article. You can look back at Activity 1 and model your text on the Wolf story example. Take note of the elements that are listed at the end of the Wolf Story document. (Catchy headline, 4Ws, main events, 3rd person, include some ‘facts’, past tense, some quoted speech, last paragraph in present tense, reporter’s name)

Activity 4 - Today you are writing out a final copy of your newspaper article. Remember to proof-read your draft and edit punctuation and spelling. Make sure it ‘reads’ correctly and makes sense. Complete a final copy in your writing book. Don’t forget to include a picture and your name as the ‘reporter’ then send a photo to your teacher via Sentral.

Activity 5- Complete the next page in your WriteWell book. Remember to trace then copy the text examples. Take your time and present your best practice.

Maths Focus: EQUIVALENT FRACTIONS Activity 1 *A fraction is part of a whole or any number of equal parts.Fractions can be equal to other fractions. These fractions are called equivalent fractions. Watch video: Now you can print out the worksheet Fractions Activity #1 or write it into your maths book. Now find and write in your maths books 4 equivalent fractions [e.g.: 2/4=1/2]. Activity 2 *A fraction is part of a whole or any number of equal parts. *Fractions can be equal to other fractions. These fractions are called equivalent fractions. Watch the teacher video. Now you can print out the worksheet Fractions Activity #2 or write it into your maths book. Colour the fractions so they are equivalent and then write the fractions in the right part of the sheet. Example No.1 on the sheet is 1/3=3/9 Activity 3 *A fraction is part of a whole or any number of equal parts. *Fractions can be equal to other fractions. These fractions are called equivalent fractions Watch video: Now you can print out Fractions Activity #3 or write the work into your maths book. Shade the parts of each shape to make the fractions equivalent to each other. Write out the equivalent fraction of the right side of the sum, e.g.: 1/2=3/6 Activity 4 *A fraction is part of a whole or any number of equal parts. *Fractions can be equal to other fractions. These fractions are called equivalent fractions. Teacher video: Now you can print out Fractions Activity #4 sheet or write it in your math book. Write out your name and convert it into a fraction. Follow the teacher video if you need help. Answer the questions about your name. Activity 5 *A fraction is part of a whole or any number of equal parts. *Fractions can be equal to other fractions. These fractions are called equivalent fractions. Teacher video: Watch video: Now you can print out Fractions Activity #5 or write it in your maths book. As in Activity #4 write out your name and convert it into a fraction. Follow the teacher video for Fractions Activity #5 if you need help. Now make two fraction sums, the 1st using all your name’ vowels [a,e,I,o,u] and the 2nd using all the consonants. Use the teacher video for any help.

Complete 1 Reading, Writing and Maths essential learning task each day, in sequence, from the activities below.

All videos and supporting resources can be found by clicking on the following links -

DPS Remote Learning: Year 3 Week 7 Week beginning Monday 24th August - Friday 28th August

Specialist activities:

LOTE - Indonesian Halo Kelas Tiga, Word of the week - Selamat makan (Enjoy your meal). Ask a different family member to say this

each night before you eat your meal.

You have been introduced to some Indonesian words for places in a town or city. To revise, the question Mau Ke Mana? means ‘Where are you going?’. To answer you say “Saya

mau ke _________.” (I want to go to ________.) This week you can ask the people in your family this question. Write their name on the list under ‘Nama orang’ then this person rolls the cube and they say the place that it lands on. Under the

heading ‘Nama tempat’ (name of the place) write the words. If you have some rows that haven’t been filled in, write some of your friend’s names and roll the cube for them.

Please make this cube for the activity - Wk 6 - Kelas Tiga - Paper Cube.pdf

You will also need this list - Kelas Tiga - Mau ke mana.pdf There are many wonderful places in the villages of Indonesia. Watch this clip to see some of these.


Week 7 : Still Life Drawing Practice

At school we prepared our newspaper canvas for a still life fruit drawing. Let’s practice our

drawing skills for our canvas. When we get back to school you could cut out your drawings and

glue them onto your canvas.

See links below to some step by step fruit drawings. Try drawing all 3!

Half an orange:

Bunch of bananas:

Apples using pencil:

Performing Arts: Drama

‘Create a Character Mask of your favourite Fairy Tale Character and stay in character’ Warm Up- Make a list of all characters from movies, television shows who wear masks, costumes/suits that cover their face. E.g. Batman, Wags the Dog (The Wiggles), Wolf Dressed as Grandma Create your own character mask: Last week we explored the Fairy Tale of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and how each role played how different characters may; act, sound and move. This week as a continuation of our study of Little Red Riding Hood you are to make a mask. Once you have made your mask you are to be that character.

· What would your character say? · How would they move? · Re-enact their role in different parts of the story. · Write a small monologue (one person speaking part) for your character and act it

out in your mask. · Put on your favourite song and dance in

character- What moves would Little Red, Granny or the Wolf have?

Big Bad Wolf Monologue Example:

Physical Education: Week 7 Intro Video KING OF THE CONES (click here for video password is moovosity) Equipment: 8 cups or small targets and a ball for each player Instructions: 1. Pairs. 2. Set up 4 cups or small targets about 5 metres apart. 3. Each player rolls their ball from behind their line of cups attempting to knock down one of their opponents cups. 4. Players run to collect their own ball and must return back to behind their cups before rolling again. 5. If a player successfully knocks over a cup then they pick up that cup and move to their line of cups. 6. Play rounds of 2 minutes or until one player runs out of cups. 7. The player with the most cups wins the game. Play multiple rounds. Variations: use an object to hit the ball (golf club, tennis racket, hand) OPTIONAL - GYMNASTICS OPTIONAL CHALLENGE - Skills Bingo If you have any photos from Phys Ed in remote learning please send them through to the school email address [email protected] so they might be included in the school magazine.

DPS Remote Learning: Year 3 Week 7 Week beginning Monday 24th August - Friday 28th August

Reading Writing Maths Other


❏ Ten minutes reading – record in you diary.

❏ Task 1) Read the non-fiction text, and make a note of the important ideas in the section or paragraph.

Completed ❑

❏ Put your new spelling words into Literacy Planet.

❏ Complete Look Say Cover Write Check in your spelling book.

❏ Task 1) Watch the video or read the text and answer the questions.

❏ Completed ❑

❏ Task 1 Watch the video - Make some equivalent fractions and show them in your maths book.

❏ Log into My Numeracy and complete some tasks.

Completed ❑

Mindfulness: Colouring



❏ Ten minutes reading – record in you diary.

❏ Task 2 Use the same text as for Task 1 – Complete the summary of the text.

Completed ❑

❏ Complete the phoneme sort. remote learning =

r e m o te l ear n ing ❏ Task 2) Choose your own fairytale or

nursery rhyme and use the planner to start your text.

Completed ❑

❏ Task 2Watch the video – show some equivalent fractions in your maths book.

❏ Log into Sunset Maths and work on some of the tasks.

Completed ❑

Mindfulness: Smiling Minds



❏ Ten minutes reading – record in you diary.

❏ Task 3) Watch the video to help. Make a note of the important facts for your summary.

Completed ❑

❏ Complete the syllable spelling task. ❏ Task 3) Write a draft of your

newspaper article.. Making sure you follow the examples to write like a reporter.

❏ Completed ❑

❏ Task 3)Shade some equivalent fractions in your maths book.

❏ Log into My Numeracy and complete some tasks.

Completed ❑

Mindfulness: listen to music

Specialist Stem Challenge


Token of the week

❏ Ten minutes reading – record in you diary.

❏ Task 4 Complete your second summary for the week using the text from Task 3.

Completed ❑

❏ Complete the word pyramid task. ❏ Task 4). Edit your draft. Write a final /

good copy of your newspaper article into your writing books. Use neat writing. Maybe draw a picture to support your text.

Completed ❑

❏ Task 4) Convert your name to a fraction! Watch the video for help with this.

❏ Log into Sunset Maths and work on some of the tasks.

Completed ❑

Mindfulness: you choose

Specialist Token of the week


❏ Ten minutes reading – record in you diary.

❏ Task 5) Write about the personality traits of one of the characters from the text of your choice.

Completed ❑

❏ Complete the word shape task. ❏ Get mum or dad to test your spelling

words. Completed ❑

❏ The next page in your Write Well book. Completed ❑

❏ Task 5) Use your name to make some fractions sums. Watch the video to see how.

❏ Online activity finish off any tasks. Studyladder Prodigy, My Numeracy Completed ❑

Mindfulness: you choose.


DPS Remote Learning: Year 3 Week 7 Week beginning Monday 24th August - Friday 28th August