Reading Journal Material

READING JOURNAL MATERIAL---- TREATMENT/THERAPY-----PICO (PATIENT, INTERVENTION, COMPARISON, OUTCOME) EX. The effect of captopril to reduce hypertention “Lina, 15, was getting fever. She took paracetamol, then she also took “cucumber”. However her fever is getting worse.” P: female, 15 years, fever I: paracetamol C: cucumber O: the efficacy of paracetamol to reduce fever. C Q: in patient with fever is paracetamol as effective as cucumber to reduce fever? Scenario: “mr. Budi, 50 years was getting uncomfortable with is left chest. He took propanolol,than he also took diuretic. Howwever his chest pain is getting worse. P: man, 50 years,left chest pain I : propanolol, C: diuretik O :the efficacy of propanolol to reduce the illness of the left chest Pain. cQ : in patient with left chest pain is propanolol as effective as diuretic to reduce left chest pain,.,???????? DIAGNOSIS PROGNOSIS EASY----GET THE MAIN POINTS FOCUS



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Page 1: Reading Journal Material


TREATMENT/THERAPY-----PICO (PATIENT, INTERVENTION, COMPARISON, OUTCOME)EX. The effect of captopril to reduce hypertention

“Lina, 15, was getting fever. She took paracetamol, then she also took “cucumber”. However her fever is getting worse.”

P: female, 15 years, feverI: paracetamolC: cucumberO: the efficacy of paracetamol to reduce fever.

C Q: in patient with fever is paracetamol as effective as cucumber to reduce fever?

Scenario: “mr. Budi, 50 years was getting uncomfortable with is left chest. He took propanolol,than he also took diuretic. Howwever his chest pain is getting worse.

P: man, 50 years,left chest painI : propanolol, C: diuretikO :the efficacy of propanolol to reduce the illness of the left chest Pain.

cQ : in patient with left chest pain is propanolol as effective as diuretic to reduce left chest pain,.,????????