Reading in pairs

Reading in pairs A Peer Tutoring programme to improve reading comprehension and speaking

Transcript of Reading in pairs

Page 1: Reading in pairs

Reading in pairs

A Peer Tutoring programme to improve

reading comprehension and speaking in English

(at school and at home)

Page 2: Reading in pairs

INDEX1.What is Reading in pairs?

2. Objectives


4. Programme description

5. Family role

6. Advices for the family tutor

Reading in Pairs

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Reading in Pairs

1. What is Reading in Pairs?

- An educational programme promoted by “Grup de Recerca sobre l’Aprenentatge entre Iguals” (GRAI) of UAB.

- It is based on peer tutoring: two non professional individuals, who learn through a structured activity.

- The programme combines peer tutoring in class among the students and also at home with a family member.

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- To improve reading comprehension and speaking in English.

- To increase the cooperation among the students.

- To promote the family involvement.

- To provide inclusive methodologies to the teachers.

Reading in Pairs2. Objectives

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Peer tutoring







and speaking




Reading in Pairs3. Basics

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Previous activitiesExploration of hypothesisAnticipation reading contentActivation previous knowledge

Reading in pairsReading tutorReading togetherReading tutee (PPP)

Activities ofcomprehensionQuestions after readingExpressive reading tutee

(extra activities))(self-assessment every two weeks)

Reading in Pairs4. Programme description

ACTIVITY SHEET Summer Camp Before reading... Looking at the title, which is the topic the text deals with? Do you think the text is a story or a comic? Why?

I love English, 246, October 2012

0 min 15 m

in 30 min

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Reading comprehension

1. Did you guess the answers of the questions “Before reading”? 2. How long will be the boy in the camp?

Underline in which season the camp will take place: Winter summer autumn spring

3. How many characters are there in the comic? Say who they are. 4. Underline the adjectives in the text 5. Make a list with the things the boy prepared to go to the camp. Do you think he is really ready

to go to the camp? Why? 6. Have you ever been in a camp? Who usually prepare the things you need to go to the camp?

Who usually take you to the place of the appointment when you go to the camps? 7. Compare your situation with Eduard-Alexander’s situation. 8. Find an adjective for mother’s attitude and another for father’s attitude. In your case, can you

use the same adjectives? Why? Complementary activities Explain each other a school or summer camp.

Reading in Pairs

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- Reading in Pairs gives families the possibility to help children at home doing school tasks.

- The collaboration of a family member (parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts...) in the knowledge process has a positive influence in the academic results.

Reading in pairs 5. Family role

Benefits for the student Benefits for the family

They improve:o the reading comprehension and

speakingo the relation with the family


They will:o know the child as studento be closer to the school tasks and


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1. Pacteu amb el nen/a els dies i hores de les sessions.2. Trieu un lloc tranquil, còmode, amb bona llum i amb poques coses que us distreguin. 3. Tracteu de viure la sessió no com un moment de deures i d’obligació, sinó com una

bona estona que passeu junts. 4. Prepareu-vos prèviament l’activitat. Penseu en les possibles dificultats que podrà tenir

el nen/a i la manera de solucionar-les. Feu sempre les activitats prèvies a la lectura i procureu despertar la seva curiositat i interès per llegir el text.

5. Quan llegiu junts, procureu anar només una mica per davant d’ell/a. D’aquesta manera marcareu la velocitat i l’entonació.

6. Quan llegeixi només el nen/a i vosaltres utilitzeu el mètode de lectura en parella PPP, recordeu de donar-li temps perquè ell mateix trobi l’error. Amb les pistes, el mateix. I acabeu sempre amb la P del Premi (donant ànims per continuar llegint).

7. El nen/a us pot preguntar coses que vosaltres no sapigueu. No passa res. Reconeixeu que no ho sabeu i busqueu junts la resposta. Us pot ser útil tenir un diccionari sempre a prop.

8. Després de les activitats de comprensió –que es faran de manera oral–, recordeu de demanar al nen/a que faci la lectura expressiva i, sobretot, feu-lo adonar què cada cop està llegint millor.

6. Advices for the family tutor

Reading in pairs