Reading idioms

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Transcript of Reading idioms

Page 2: Reading idioms

To read the fine printto read the text in a formal agreement that is printed smaller

than the rest of the text. It often contains conditions that may prove unfavorable, sometimes in the hope that they will

not be noticed.

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I always read the fine print before signing any new contract. It

keeps me out of trouble.

Page 3: Reading idioms

To read between the linesto try to understand someone's real feelings or

intentions from what they say or write

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From the first glance, their relationship seemed perfect.

You would have to read between the lines to notice that Jaden was not happy with Mariam travelling so

much on her own.

Page 4: Reading idioms

To read someone like a bookto be able to understand easily what

someone is thinking or feeling

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I always know when my son is disappointed. I read him

like a book!

Page 5: Reading idioms

A bookworma person who reads a lot

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In her free time, Jen is always found reading a book. She is such a bookworm.

Page 6: Reading idioms

To read something (from) cover to cover

read all the way through from the beginning to the end

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I grabbed a book at the airport to keep myself busy on the

beach. It turned out so interesting that I

read it from cover to cover on the first day

of my vacation.