Reading Challenge 1 2nd Word List En

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  • 8/4/2019 Reading Challenge 1 2nd Word List En



    unbelievable adj too improbable to be believed

    freezing adj extremely cold

    surprisingly adv unexpectedly or unusually

    unusual adjdifferent from others in a way that is


    unique adj unusual or special in some way

    amazing adj surprising greatly; unbelievable

    fantastic adj extremely good

    be into v phrase be enthusiastic about or interested in

    favorite adj best liked or most enjoyed

    check-in v phraseto register as at a hotel; indicate one's

    arrival or presence

    during prep at some time in a period

    entirely adv completely

    be made of v phrase be built of

    built vto construct by assembling and joining

    parts or materials

    gallery na room which is used for showing works

    of art

    furniture n items such as chairs, tables, beds

    popular adj liked or supported by many people

    dish n a plate or bowl for food

    experience v to go or live through; undergo

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    atmosphere n feeling or mood of a place

    get married v phrase to perform a marriage ceremony

    temperature n the measured amount of heat in a place

    fur nthe hair that covers the bodies of


    cozy adj comfortable and pleasant

    noisy adj making a lot of noise

    inconvenient adj not suited to one's comfort or needs

    actually adv in truth really

    flavor n a taste: egg. lemon flavor

    create v to make something new; to invent

    in reality adv phrase actually; really

    according to adv phrase as said by

    nearly adv almost

    taste v to put food or drink in your mouth

    introduce vto put something into use for the first


    curry n a dish, originally from India

    fact n verifiable truth

    surprise v to make someone feel surprise

    find out v phrase to learn

    wealthy adj rich

    travel v to make a journey

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  • 8/4/2019 Reading Challenge 1 2nd Word List En


    wheel n a circular object or machine

    speed nthe rate or the measure of the rate of


    prediction n a smart guess about the future

    keep an eye out v phrase to watch for something in particular

    meteorologist n a scientist who studies the weather

    keep up with v phrase to keep getting useful information

    possible adj likely to happen

    organization n a group of people who work together

    international adj in or from different countries

    weather n the conditions in the air above the Earth

    list n a series of names, words, or items

    letter n a symbol or character used in writing

    include v to have as a part

    make up v phrase to prepare something

    committee n a group which decides things

    personal adj of a single person

    direction n a line leading to a place

    pressure n force or push

    normal adj ordinary or usual

    activity na task that requires action or


    benefit v to do good to

    produce v to bring into existence

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    relax vto make or become less stiff or tight; to

    make or become less worried

    reduce vto make something smaller in size or


    be about to v phrase to be on the verge of beginning

    stage n an area in which actors perform

    nervous adj worried or anxious

    whisper nthe act of speaking quitely so that only

    a specific person or persons can hear

    stomach n an organ used for digesting food

    butterfly nan insect with a slender body, large

    wings, and antennae

    chemical na substance produced by or used in a

    chemical process

    stressful adj full of tension

    situation n circumstances

    play a role in v phrasehave a part in; to be partly responsible


    cortisol na chemical that helps the body start

    normal activities

    respond v to react; make an action

    extra adj more than what is necessary

    affect vto have an influence on or effect a

    change in

    shut down v phrase to stop something from working

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    speed up v phrase to make faster

    get rid of v to remove; to eliminate

    step out v phrase to temporarily leave

    fly away v phrase to take flight

    acid na compound usually having a sour taste

    and capable of neutralizing alkalis

    hardly adv only just; barely

    complicated adj difficult, not easy

    research n a detailed study of a subject

    experiment n a test done in order to learn something

    discover v to find out

    complex adj very complicated; not simple

    believe v to think that something is real, correct,or true

    study na report that examines and

    analyzes a topic

    noise n sound

    additionally adv in addition; furthermore

    mammal n an animal which does not lay eggs

    reptile nan animal which is cold-blooded, like


    insect n an animal like beetles and flies

    behavior n way of acting

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    rest v

    cease work or movement in order to

    relax, refresh oneself, or recover


    however adv despite this

    type n a particular group

    position n way of holding or placing the body

    lie down v phrase to be or place oneself in a flat position

    easily adv with little effort

    lastly adv finally

    come out of v phrase to wake up from

    intense adj very strong; extreme

    stimulant nsomething that temporarily quickens

    some vital process

    fruit fly na small insect that feeds on the the fruit

    of various plants

    still adj not moving

    antennae ntwo long hair-like things on an insects


    move around v phrase to engage in some action

    role model n a good example

    variety n a number of different kinds

    well-known adj famous; talked about

    diversity n different kinds of people

    famous adj well known

    grateful adj thankful

    prevent v to stop

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    professional adj skilled and earning money

    record n something no one else had done

    African-American n a black person from the United States

    Thai n a person from Thailand

    nickname n an extra name

    championship n a competition to find the best

    hold v to keep something

    course na designated area on which a

    competition is held

    look up to v phrase to admire someone

    lend a hand v phrase to help someone

    ethnicity n an ethnic group; race

    occasionally adv sometimes but not often

    foundation n an official group with special goals

    competition nan organized event where people try to

    win a prize

    racial adjof, pertaining to, or characteristic of

    one race or the races of humankind

    career n a job or series of jobs

    opinion n a thought or belief about something

    charity n an institution set up to provide help

    elementary school n

    the lowest school giving formal

    instruction, teaching the rudiments of


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    duty n a responsibility; a task needed on a job

    concern n worry

    report vto give an account or statement

    describing in detail an event

    responsibility nsomething that you have to do as a

    duty or job

    issue na problem; a situation to be solved

    source n beginning, origin

    view n the opinions about some subject

    provide v to give or supply

    society n a group of people living together

    reader none who is engaged in reading a book,

    magazine, etc.

    behind prep at the back of

    set up v phrase to establish something

    unbalanced adj not equal or balanced

    news media nthe local and national news

    broadcasted over the TV and radio

    distorted adj twisted or misleading

    exaggerate vto say something is better, worse, more

    important than it really is

    misery n unfortunate trouble; bad luck

    despair n complete loss of hope

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    balance out v phrase to make equal

    agree with v phrase to have same opinions

    helpful adj willing to help or useful

    inform v to tell; to give information to

    decision n a choice about something

    fan mail n letters from fans

    on a daily basis adv phrase every day

    mostly adv generally; usually

    entertainment n music, movies, TV; amusement

    article na story presenting information in a

    newspaper or journal

    effectively adv in an effective way

    inventor n a person who makes new things

    ordinary adj not special; like most others

    machine n a thing which does work

    perfect adj without any problems

    flight n flying time or length of flying

    successfully adv done well or with success

    test v to do something to see the result of

    in fact adv phrase in reality or actually

    dream na series of images and sounds in the

    mind during sleep

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    grow up v phrase to become an adult

    neither pron not either of two things or people

    instead of adv phrase in place of

    start up v phrase to make a business

    printing press nbusiness that makes newspapers or


    glider n a flying machine with no engine

    decide v to choose; to make a plan

    in order to adv phrase for the purpose of

    engine n a machine that makes something move

    propeller na machine that rotates to push against


    break down v phrase to stop because of a problem

    give up v phrase to stop doing something

    make history v phrase to do something spectacular

    spin v to (cause to) whirl around quickly

    distance n the space between two points

    keep in touch v phraseto keep in contact with someone by

    phone, email, etc.

    share v

    to allow others access to ones own

    property or knowledge

    specialist n a person who is an expert in a field

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    knowledgeable adjhaving a lot of information about


    confidence n belief in one's abilities

    offer v to provide for use

    attack na violent act intended to hurt or


    ability n skill

    pretend to v phrase to make believe

    security n freedom from danger, risk

    trust v to depend upon

    pose vto pretend to be

    expert n a skilled professional

    skill n

    the ability, coming from one's

    knowledge, practice, aptitude to do

    something well

    advise v to give helpful suggestions to someone

    firewall n

    a selection of security measures

    designed to prevent unauthorized

    access to a computer system

    technology n electronic or computer products

    hack into v phrase to get into illegally

    corporate adj related to a company

    prison n a building used to confine criminals

    firm na company; a corporation

    basically adv at the simplest point

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    waste vto use up or spend without real need or

    purpose; make bad use of

    get around v phraseto circumvent or find away around

    some barrier

    unfortunately adv with no luck or with bad effects

    tax office nthe government department that

    collects money from people

    manager n

    a person who has control or direction

    over a business, institution,

    department, etc.

    technician n a worker trained with special skills

    fool vto make believe that something false is


    in the hand of adv phrase being under the control of

    disaster na sudden great act of destruction and


    illegally adv against the law

    pastime na pleasant means of amusement,

    recreation, or sport

    unexpected adj not expected

    common adj ordinary, with no special status or rank

    experience n to live through a situation

    clever adj smart

    hobby n pastime

    disagree v to have a different opinion

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    rare adj not common

    strange adj not usual or ordinary

    vending machine n a machine that sells things

    beetle n an insect with a large body

    nature n the world of plants and animals

    conservationist na person who wants to help the


    collect v to gather things that you like

    destroy v to do away with

    wild n a natural state

    own v to have personally or privately

    take care of v phrase to look after

    on the other hand adv phrase looking at the opposite side of a matter

    harmful adj able to hurt people or things

    living adj possessing life

    creature n a living being, especially an animal

    dislike v to have or feel distaste for

    treat v to act or behave in a particular way

    item n one of several things in a group or list

    artist n a person who is creative or makes art

    good-looking adjsomeone or something pleasing in


    identity n who or what something is

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    propose v to suggest; to offer for consideration

    familiar adj knowing about, acquainted

    ideal adj model, perfect

    remove v get rid of

    attractive adj appealing; beautiful

    without prep not having or doing something

    eyebrow nthe line of short hairs above each eye in


    landscape n a broad view of the land

    work nan artistic creation, like a book,

    painting, poem, etc

    mystery nan event or phenomenon not fully


    intrigued adj fascinated; interested

    theory na set of ideas used to explain

    an event

    buff na well-informed student of some

    activity or subject

    portrait na painting, portrait, drawing, etc of a


    particular adj concerned with specific details

    unearthly adj out of the ordinary

    actual adj real; existing

    historian n an expert of history

    manuscript n written by hand or with a typewriter,not printed

    positively adv absolutely; definitely

    birth n any coming into existence

    apparently adv seemingly; evidently

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    scenery n the background or landscape

    specific adj unlike any other

    definitely adv absolutely; certainly

    native adj a person who is born in a certain place

    language nthe method of human communication

    using spoken or written words

    borrow v to adopt or use as ones own

    private adj not public

    originally adv in the beginning

    flavor n taste

    public adj for any person

    athlete n a person who plays sports

    in general adv phrase generally

    describe v to give an account in words

    sauna n a Finnish steam bath

    massage n handling or rubbing the body to relax it

    barber n a person who cuts hair

    while conj during the time that

    liquid adj like water

    pour on v phrase to add on top of something

    Dutch adj of the Netherlands or its people

    steam n hot water vapor

    facility n place for some service

    Finnish adj of, or pertaining to Finland

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    style n kind; type

    full of adj phrase maybe; possibly

    perhaps adv maybe; possibly

    rub v

    to press or be pressed against

    something with a circular or up and

    down repeated movement

    substance nsomething that has mass and occupies


    vapor n tiny particles of liquid in the air

    vegetable n plant, especially one made for food

    desert n a place where there is almost no rain

    exist v to be in the world; to be real

    neighboring adj next to

    useful adj helpful

    ruin v to make something unusable

    damage v to hurt

    treat v to care for

    spread v to become wider

    serious adj important; big

    all over the world adv phrase throughout the world

    farmland n land to grow food

    leave v to go away from

    cause v to bring about

    sand n rock powder on a beach or in a desert

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    human n a person

    desertification nthe transformation of habitable land

    into desert

    pollution n something harmful to nature

    reduce v to make smaller

    amount n the total of two or more quantities

    as well adv phrase also

    harm v to hurt

    soil n earth

    turn into v phrase to change into

    dust n powder from hard soil

    easily adv in an easy manner

    blow away v phrase to cause to move something

    cut down v phrase to kill or strike down

    less adj not as great in amount or quantity

    powder n small pieces, like dust

    delay v to postpone

    necessary adjneeded or having to be done;


    growth n an act or process of growing

    temperature n the degree of heat

    prepare v to get ready for

    nutrient n things necessary for life and growth

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    eliminate v to get rid of

    interfere v to prevent

    healthy adj having good health in body

    check v to look at closely

    kidney nthe organ which removes waste from

    the blood

    digestion nthe process of breaking down for use by

    the body

    intestine n a long organ in the body

    take out v phrase to remove for use

    take in v phrase to consume

    in one sitting adv phrase all at once

    meal n the main food of the day

    dilute v to make weaker

    produce v to create or bring forth

    normal adj usual; common

    urine n yellow liquid waste from the body

    probably adv maybe; possibly

    dark adj having very little or no light

    organ na part of the body that performs a

    specific function

    blood n

    the red liquid pumped through the

    body by the heart

    process n general methods of doing something

    withdraw v to take away

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    overwork v to work too hard or too long

    predict v to say what will happen in the future

    pattern n an example or model to be followed

    related adj associated or connected

    foretell v to predict

    observe v to watch

    connected adj related; linked

    traditional adj relating to customs, past cultural habit

    belief n opinion or idea

    notice v to see

    event n something that takes place

    countryside n a rural region

    rainstorm n a storm accompanied by rain

    take another look at v phrase to check again

    surprising adj causing wonder or amazement

    earthquake n destructive moving of the land or earth

    researcher n a scientist who studies a problem

    increase nthe growth in numbers, size, strength,

    quality, etc.

    bite n grabbing something with the teeth

    hit v to happen quickly

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    investigation n research project

    public adj open for the use of the community

    aggressive adj violent; destructive

    barking n the noise or sounds a dog makes

    jump v to increase suddenly

    edge n the outer side

    unprotected adj not secure opent to attack

    destructive adj

    causing or wreaking destruction;


    violent adj having, using or showing great force

    available adj able or ready to be used

    animated adjdesigned in the form of animated


    likeable adj readily or easily liked

    reality n the state of being actual or true

    original adj of new things or ideas

    charming adj pleasing or delighting

    enormous adj very great in size

    supernatural adjrelating to existence outside the natural


    contain v to have within

    fantasy n the creative imagination

    cartoon n a drawing that tells a story

    graduate v to receive an academic degree

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    join v to become a part or member of

    puss n a cat

    be based on v phrase to come from

    comic book n a book that tells a story with pictures

    animation n the creation of artificial moving images

    warm-hearted adj very kind

    creature n a living thing

    point out v phrase to show something clearly

    hurt v to cause physical damage or pain

    combine v to put together

    folktale na tale or legend originating among a


    adventure n an exciting or strange trip

    trust n a sure feeling

    focus v to center one's attention on

    peaceful adj calm and happy

    concentrate v to focus

    sense n feeling

    powerful adj large and strong

    audience n a group of people watching something

    confidence n a sure feeling

    president nthe leader of a group; head of the

    government in a Republic

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    leader nthe head of a nation, political party, or

    other group of people

    appearance n looks

    tidy adj appearing neat, orderly, or clean

    stir up v phrase to produce a strong reaction

    active adj energetic

    for example adv phrase for instance

    cause v to bring about

    excited adj emotionally aroused

    energy n a force that can help do work

    therefore adv for that reason or cause

    calm down v phrase to become relaxed

    nod off v phrase to fall asleep

    deep-blue n dark blue, almost black

    strength n the state or quality of being strong

    seriousness n a mood of formality and importance

    suit n a set of garments

    energetic adj full of energy

    politician n one who is actively involved in politics

    interview n a meeting where people try to get gobs

    formality n in line with required or traditional rules

    collect v to gather something for a hobby

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    stamp n a token that postal fees have been paid

    worth adj equal in value to something specified

    hobby n a spare-time activity

    reason n the basis or motive for an action

    practice v to do or perform habitually

    religion na belief in, or the worship of, a god or


    valuable adj worth a lot of money

    determine v to decide

    condition n state; shape

    philatelist n a person who collects stamps

    well over adv phraseextending or running over a certain

    amount or period of time

    adhesive n something that will stick, like glue

    postage adj related to the post or post office

    introduce v to bring into use

    magazine n a periodic paperback publication

    issue v to produce for use

    particular adj specific

    down the road adv phrase in the future

    value n monetary worth

    print run n number made

    go for v phrase to cost

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    sticky adjacting as an adhesive; causing


    quantity n an exact amount or number

    popularity n the state or quality of being popular

    detail nthe specific or small character of an

    object or process

    announcement na public or formal notice announcing


    commercial n a paid advertisement on TV or radio

    duplicate nsomething that is the same as the


    material ninformation produced in various forms

    to help people

    advertising na public announcement that advertises


    method n a way; a procedure

    analyze vto examine the details of something


    report v to give details about something

    copy n a duplicate

    constant adj happening all the time

    piracy n stealing by copying illegally

    culprit n a person committing a crime

    shut down v phraseto cause something to no longer exist or


    sue v to take someone to court for damages

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    greedy adjwanting very much more than what one


    software n computer programs

    make a difference vto have an influence on or effect a

    change in

    bottom n the lowest part of something

    source na person, place or thing that provides

    something that you need or want

    link n something that connects

    ad n an advertisement

    product n something produced to be sold

    beat v to win over another, as in a race

    continuous adj without a break or ending place

    court na place where people discuss a legal


    connection n having a link to something

    promote v to further the popularity

    receive v to take or acquire

    save v to rescue from danger or harm

    inherit v to receive from a will

    heir na person who will receive power or


    fortune n valuable amount of money

    rescue v to save someone from danger

    repair v to fix

    countess n a woman from a high class

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    wealthy adj affluent, being very rich

    pass away v phrase to die

    instruction na set of information that tells how to do


    property n the possessions that one owns

    owner n a person who owns something

    pet na tame animal that you keep in your


    poodle n a breed of dog with very curly hair

    named adj called

    pound n money in England

    yellow Lab n a breed of dog with yellow hair

    mutt n a mixed breed

    headline nthe title of a newspaper story, printed

    in large letters

    actress na female who acts on stage, TV or the


    husband n a man to whom a woman is married

    damage n broken parts

    German Shepherd na breed of dog which often helps the


    no big deal n nothing to worry about

    breed n a type or class

    curly adj having waves or curls

    in common adv phrase held equally

    shelter na house that provides protection from


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    heroic adjhaving or displaying the character or

    attributes of a hero

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    His unbelievable strength helped him become a successful wrestler.

    The morning air in January is freezing.

    Sarah turned around surprisingly when she heard her name called for the


    Tom met an unusual man at the art gallery yesterday.

    He had a very unique way of dealing with people.

    The night scenery is amazing!

    Harry's new flatscreen TV is fantastic!

    Sylvester is really into classical jazz music.

    My favorite movie is "Gone with the Wind."

    If you get the bags I'll check-in at the front desk.

    The bride's father began to cry during the wedding ceremony.

    I have to admit that the accident was entirely my fault.

    The king has a bathtub made of gold.

    My dad and I built a treehouse over the weekend.

    In her personal gallery she has works of art by Dali, Pollock, and Monet.

    The new apartment is completely empty. We have to go shopping for


    The action movie was popular among the younger crowd.

    Can you pass me a dish so I can get some food?

    It is imporantant that you experience as much as you can in life.

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    The atmosphere in the room was very tense.

    I don' want to get married until I am at least 35.

    The doctor checked Sue's temperature when she had a fever.

    Our family dog has a coat of soft brown fur covering his entire body.

    On a cold rainy night, I like to sit in a cozy chair by the fireplace and read.

    Drums are too noisy to be played in the house.

    The location of the new supermarket is so inconvenient for me now.

    We actually had a hard time renting the apartment.

    There are many different flavors of ice cream available at the store.

    I use to like to go to the beach and create sand castles.

    In reality, French fries do not come from France.

    According to this map, the treasure should be buried under this tree.

    We nearly got lost on our way to the wedding.

    Did you taste her stew? It's really wonderful.

    Our country has recently introduced high-speed trains that will connect

    many cities.

    I had dinner at an Indian restaruant where I had curry for the first time.

    Her biography is full of facts about her early life.

    We surprised Kevin with a party on his birthday.

    Her parents are angry with her because they found out that she wasn't going

    to her classes.

    The wealthy artistst struggled when she first started out.

    I plan to travel around the world this year.

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    Learning many languages can be beneficial in life.

    I like to add some spices to my hamburger.

    The restaurant serves a variety of international dishes.

    Tom probably will go to the party tomorrow.

    The top of the cake was nice and flat.

    Social networks have caught on very quickly with people.

    She was looking for truth inside all of the deception.

    He was walking very slowly behind the group of people.

    Shelly was named captain of her soccer team.

    I'm in a big hurry so I'll get something to eat later.

    I wouldn't want to be a sailor because I get seasick easily.

    Tacos are quite delicious.

    The food is on the table so why don't you have a seat and dig in.

    My roommate likes to eat instant noodles for a quick snack.

    All the houses in the suburbs look so much alike.

    The level of danger is high during an earthquake.

    I could not detect any sound in the dark cave.

    I couldn't find information or directions when I went on a holiday to


    It never occurred to her to call her parents when her plane got delayed.

    This suit is similar to the one my brother has.

    Sue still hasn't decided what she will eat for dinner.

    Fiji has a tropical climate, so it is quite humid.

    We told each other ghost stories in the storm.

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    The front wheel came off my bicycle today!

    The speed limits are different on each road.

    The weather man's prediction that it would be sunny today was correct.

    The guards were keeping an eye out for the enemy.

    The meteorologist forecasted five days of severe thunderstorms.

    I couldn't keep up with his lecture because he was using too many technical


    It's not possible to be at two places at the same time.

    I do some work at a non-profit organization.

    International food festivals, serve a great variety of foods.

    The weather in Korea is very cold in winter.

    I like to have a list of the items I need when I go to the market.

    Color all the squares with the letter "b" blue.

    Does this computer include a mouse and a mouse pad?

    Can you make up a list of all the students who are not in attendance please?

    The committee meets once a month.

    It was a personal decision for him to leave the company.

    Which direction should we go from here?

    The pressure of the steam lifted the lid off the pot.

    Our normal business hours are 9 to 6.

    I am planning some activities for the kids for Halloween.

    It was to our benefit that we studied before the test.

    Factories produce too much air pollution.

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    After the exams, we all needed to relax.

    Researchers are looking for ways to reduce the risk of cancer.

    Hurry up, the show is about to start.

    When I got on stage to do my part, I could see that everyone was looking at


    I was so nervous during the audition that I couldnt stop my knees from


    The house was so quiet that you couldn't hear a whisper.

    My stomach hurts from eating too much.

    The Monarch butterfly has large wings usually colord orange.

    You should always be careful which chemicals you mix together because you

    could create a dangerous reaction.

    My job is quite stressful.

    I've been reviewing the situation and I've decided that this really isn't a

    serious matter.

    Even though she did not steal any money, she played a role in the robbery

    because she drove the car that led them to safety.

    Cortisol helps the body respond to rigorous activities.

    How did Sarah respond to news that Jack was leaving the country?

    Having a part-time job will give you extra money.

    Her lack of a college degree started to affect her self-esteem.

    The health department shut down the restaurant because the food was not


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    Coffee or soda will speed up you heart rate.

    For some people, it is difficult to get rid of extra weight.

    Mr. Lee stepped out for lunch but will be back soon.

    If you don't close the door, your birds will fly away.

    Acids can cause serious damage to the skin if they come into contact with it.

    With all the rain, I could barely see the car in front of me.

    Math problems can be very complicated.

    The woman decided to do some research about the problem.

    The scientist conducted many experiments before reaching a conclusion.

    I want to be the first person to discover a cure for cancer.

    The map was very complex and difficult to understand.

    I believed her when she said she liked my food.

    I've been working on a study about aging at my university.

    I heard a strange noise coming from the attic.

    Additionally, we require a $100 deposit in advance.

    Cats and dogs, like humans, are mammals.

    A Gila Lizard is a large reptile that looks like a dinosaur.

    The only insect I like is the ladybug.

    As a youngster, my bad behavior got me into a lot of trouble.

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    We should rest for a bit before we continue our hike up the mountain.

    Joan isn't feeling well, however she will still attend the meeting.

    There are many styles of cell phones today. What type are you looking for?

    In what position should I put the sofa?

    If you are feeling sick, please lie down and get some rest.

    She easily figured out the solution to the problem.

    After three tries, he finally passed his driving test.

    The boy came out of the coma after four days.

    She felt intense pain when the doctor pulled-out her tooth.

    The caffeine in coffee and soda is a form of a stimulant.

    In the summer, fruit flies can be a real bother.

    You need to stand still when you take photos.

    A butterfly has two long antennae on the top of its head.

    The puppies were moving around, trying to get out of their cage.

    Many teenagers choose athletes and musicians as their role models

    There is a variety of chocolates at the supermarket.

    Michael Jackson is a well-known celebrity.

    You can see a diversity of animals at the zoo.

    My cousin Jeff is a famous chef in California.

    I am grateful for all the help you've given me.

    Wearing a hat will prevent you from losing a lot of body heat.

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    Doctors, lawyers and engineers are all professional careers.

    He has the record for the fastest time in the breaststroke.

    Barack Obama is the first African-American to ever be elected President of

    the United States.

    He was born in Bangkok so that means he is Thai.

    Tom's nickname is 'the walking dictionary' because he has an extensive


    She performed well at the prestigious tennis championship.

    Would you please hold my purse while I go to the bathroom.

    There is a vast variety of courses that you can choose from at a university.

    Marvin always looked up to his older brother Hal.

    If everyone lends a hand we can finish the housework in no time.

    Everyone was surprised when he stated that his ethnicity was Hispanic and

    not Caucasian.

    I occasionally like to go out and play golf.

    Our foundation was established to help students pay for university.

    The competition in the auto industry includes several different countries.

    The journalist made an insensitive racial remark on camera.

    My career includes jobs in customer service, sales and management.

    Our opinion did not differ from that of the other parents.

    I commonly give money to various charities.

    I met some of my very first friends in elementary school

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    It was the father's duty to work and provide for his family.

    Your tardiness is becoming a concern for us.

    The correspondent gave a report about how the flood was affecting the


    It is your own responsibility to look after your health.

    No one had any issues about the restaurant we were going to this evening.

    Oranges are a good source of vitamin C.

    My view of your boyfriend is not a good one.

    The school provided the students with new text books.

    Koean society is very family oriented.

    I think that many readers will enjoy the author's new approach to writing a


    He was walking very slowly behind the group of people.

    We set up our head quarters in a secure location.

    The commission's report was clearly unbalanced against our view.

    The news media is capable of presenting views that serve the interest of rich

    corporations and not the people.

    She had a distorted understanding of a marriage because she grew up

    without a father.

    She has a tendency to exaggerate the negative experiences in her life.

    When my dog passed away, I was in complete misery.

    A feeling of despair come over me when I lost my job.

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    I'll stay late tonight to balance out the time I missed from coming in late this


    I agree with you that we should try to do this again.

    Your book was helpful for my report on Chinese characters.

    They informed us about the meeting.

    The jury has reached its decision.

    Movie stars often receive tons of fan mail.

    Collin calls his girlfriend Melissa on a daily basis.

    It mostly snows during the very cold months of the year.

    The family enjoyed visiting Las Vegas because of the entertainment it


    I wrote an article about in the magazine about living in a foreign country.

    The school teaches ways for using your memory effectively.

    Leonardo da Vinci was one of the greatest inventors of his day.

    The queen was very upset because her son had married an ordinary girl.

    The coffee machine needed repairs, so the coffee shop couldn't sell any


    Life is much easier once you realize that nothing is perfect.

    My flight back home will take over ten hours.

    Karen successfully completed all the courses she needed to earn her degree.

    We tested the new car to see how fast it could go.

    I worked all day yesterday. In fact, I didn't even leave the house.

    David had a dream that his girlfriend left him.

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    I grew up in a small town in the center of the country.

    Neither Tom nor Nancy can make the meeting tonight.

    We should go to church instead of out to play.

    Dave and Clark are going to start up their own restaurant.

    The invention of the printing press allowed for many books to be published.

    Since they have no engines, gliders basically make no noise.

    Sue still hasn't decided what she will eat for dinner.

    You should make sure your room is dark in order to sleep better.

    The engine broke down while we were going to the countryside.

    You can see an example of a propeller on a common househould fan.

    My car broke down so I had to take the bus to work.

    I had to give up my apartment downtown.

    It will make history when humans fly to Mars.

    If you keep spinning, you will feel sick!

    The distance between Newcastle and Sydney is about 160 km.

    I really hope we can keep in touch with each other after you leave.

    Tina was nice enough to share her notes on the American Revolution with


    I went to see a heart specialist about my condition.

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    She is quite knowledgeable on that subject.

    She lacked confidence to run for president.

    My friend offered to pick me up from the airport when I return from India.

    The attack on the young couple was in all of the newspapers.

    His ability to speak well extends beyond the classroom.

    He pretended to be polite but in reality he was quite rude.

    Many apartment buildings have security to safeguard its tenants.

    Mrs. Lee is a person you can trust with your life.

    My friend was posing as my cousin at the party.

    The computer programmer was an expert in analyzing computer codes.

    It takes a lot of skill to be a professional mountain climber.

    The doctor advised the patient to stop eating chocolate.

    It's always a good idea to install a firewall to protect your computer.

    Today's technology is so much more advanced from what we had in the


    Some people think that it's ok to hack into someone else's computer.

    The hotel has corporate deals for businesses.

    Prison is not a place where most people want to go.

    She has been offered partnership at the law firm where she works.

    Even though he won the lottery, he maintained basically the same lifestyle.

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    Tom always wastes food when he goes to a buffet.

    I was able to get around the security system and enter the building.

    Unfortunately, I don't have my credit card with me or I'd buy lunch.

    I went to the tax office because they said that I didn't pay enough taxes this


    Our manager is very efficient and he is always open for suggestions.

    The technician was able to solve my problem over the phone.

    She was able to fool him into thinking that she was down on her luck.

    This technology, in the hands of an immoral person, can cause great


    Earthquakes, tsunamis, and typhoons are considered natural disasters.

    He illegally acquired Joe's bank information.

    Fishing is one of my grandfather's favorite pastimes.

    Her husband unexpectedly left the party.

    Even the common cold is getting harder to cure.

    Real-life experiences can teach you much more than a book.

    He had a clever idea to save the company.

    Baseball is the national pastime of countries like the USA and Japan.

    She often disagrees with my opinions.

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    A blue diamond is rare.

    The movie had a strange storyline.

    Sometimes for lunch, I just get something from the vending machine.

    Look out! There is a beetle crawling on your arm.

    I enjoy long walks through nature.

    My sister is a conservationist who refuses to drive a car.

    David likes to collect CDs.

    King Kong destroyed everything in his path.

    I think it's best for animals to live in the wild.

    John's parents own their own market.

    My older sister usually looks after me when my parents are out.

    Donald is quite short. On the other hand, his sister Donna is not.

    Smoking cigarettes is harmful to one's health.

    All living creatures must learn to appreciate life.

    Many different creatures live on the Earth.

    I really dislike the taste of spinach.

    You must treat your pets with kindness.

    There were many items for sale.

    Some of the artists at the show were quite famous.

    My son is a good-looking boy.

    His identity was not revealed until after the trial was completed.

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    May I propose an idea that may help us solve our problem?

    Most people are familiar with the bible and its teaching.

    Tony and Sue are the model couple.

    It was impossible to remove the gum in Henry's hair.

    My English teacher is so attractive that I find it very hard to concentrate in


    Can I have my hamburger without onions?

    Girls like to shape their eyebrows so that they are neat and thin.

    The landscape was especially colorful in the fall.

    Perhaps Picassos most famous work is the painting Guernica.

    It was a complete mystery who stole the diamonds.

    The intrigued onlookers tried to get a look at the suspect as the police put

    her into the car.

    Many of the scientists rejected her theory about time travel.

    My husband is a movie buff who enjoys talking film.

    I saw the lovely portrait that they had taken of Daisy.

    There is a particular order that needs to be followed.

    We heard an uneartly sound coming from the basement.

    This is an actual tank that was used in WWII.

    Professor Gordon is a historian of ancient Egypt.

    I sent my manuscript of my first novel to the publisher.

    Bernie positively identified the people who stole his car.

    With the birth of the industrial age, life would never be the same.

    Joey apparently didn't care for his lunch. He hardly touched it.

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    I enjoy taking long walks and enjoying the scenery.

    The specific type of chocolate he likes is only found in Europe.

    I will definitely be taking a refresher course next fall.

    She is a native of Indonesia.

    Learning many languages can be beneficial in life.

    If you borrow something, please bring it back before you are asked.

    I had a private meeting with the CEO of the company.

    Otto originally believed that he was going to Germany instead of England.

    There are many different flavors of ice cream in the world.

    A public library is for the benefit of everyone in the community.

    Professional athletes make very good salaries.

    In general, students are not supposed to leave campus during school hours.

    The detectives asked the witness to describe the suspect.

    I enjoy spending time in the sauna to help me relax.

    My doctor recommended that I get a back massage at least twice a month.

    My father took me to a barber to get my first haircut when I was a boy.

    I made dinner while you were out shopping.

    I prefer to take liquid medicines because they are easier for me to swallow

    than pills.

    It's pretty common for people to pour syrup over pancakes.

    Mr. Van Patten is proud of his Dutch heritage.

    The steam from the shower made the bathroom mirror foggy.

    Where is the nearest sports facility?

    The Finninsh winters can be very cold.

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    Old style TVs are slowly being replaced by flat screened TVs.

    His boots were full of mud.

    Perhaps if you ask him nicely, he'll let you borrow his car.

    My mother rubbed some lotion onto my back.

    The box was filled with an unknown substance.

    The bathroom was full of vapor after the man took a shower.

    I try to eat vegetables at every meal.

    Australia is mainly desert.

    Many non profit organizations exist to serve the community.

    The neighboring community is a popular tourist site.

    A spoon is useful when eating soup.

    After the fire, the house was ruined.

    Tom damaged the car by crashing into a tree.

    He was being treated for burns at the hospital.

    The infectious diseas spread very quickly.

    You can never tell when he's serious.

    This brand is known all over the world.

    Countries like South Korea and Japan do not have much farmland.

    You can leave after you turn in your test.

    The storm caused a blackout in many towns.

    I had sand all over my feet from being at the beach.

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    Humans cannot breath under water.

    Desertification is becoming a major problem in some countries.

    Cities generally have more pollution than the rural areas.

    Researchers are looking for ways to reduce the risk of cancer.

    I drink a large amount of water every day.

    Computer games are fun but did you know they are used to train pilots as


    Eating too much sugar will harm your teeth.

    Good soil is important for growing crops.

    The small weak puppy turned into a large ferocious dog.

    Yellow dust from China arrives on the Korean peninsula every spring.

    The traffic moved along easily.

    The strong winds blew away his hat.

    The farmer had to cut down some trees so he could plant some crops.

    My mom gave me less juice than my brother.

    The rocks were crushed into a fine powder.

    The plane was delayed due to the bad weather.

    He lacks the necessary skills for the job.

    The students have shown such outstanding growth from their first exam.

    The doctor checked Sue's temperature when she had a fever.

    I prepared myself for the worst situation.

    Fruits and vegetables have many of the nutrients that people need.

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    We need to eliminate all the ants in our house.

    Her work schedule interferes with the amount of time she can spend at


    Martin tries to live a healthy lifestyle as much as he can.

    Would you mind checking my finger, I think it might be broken.

    My uncle had a kidney transplant last year.

    Yogurt helps the digestion process to move along smoothly.

    Your intestines help you to absorb and digest nutrients.

    He took out his guitar from this case and began to play a song.

    I try not to take in more calories than I need each day.

    Can you believe that he ate an entire large pizza in one sitting.

    I enjoy eating a large meal at lunch so that I'm not that hungry in the


    The juice was too sweet so we diluted it with more water.

    I have produced many pamphlets for you to use

    A normal amount of sleep is about eight hours.

    If your urine is an unusal color, you should see a doctor at once.

    Tom probably will go to the party tomorrow.

    It is still quite dark very early in the morning.

    Healthy organs means a healthy body.

    There was blood after Tom cut himself accidently.

    The process of lawsuits can take several years.

    The president said he would not withdraw the troops from the region.

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    A person is no different from a machine. If you overwork either, they will

    break down.

    The weatherman predicted that it would snow tomorrow.

    The sewing pattern was not as complicated as it looked.

    Her symptoms are related to the illness.

    Some people today believe that they have the power to foretell the future.

    The teacher observed the new students in the class before beginning the


    Are you connected with the Internet at your new house yet?

    A 'kimono' is a traditional piece of Japanese clothing.

    Jared has a belief that aliens have visited the Earth.

    I did not notice the color of her eyes because she was wearing glasses.

    After a series of events that went wrong, no one wanted to stay at the


    Tom moved from the countryside to the city, because there weren't enough


    The rainstorm was so fierce that it made traveling impossible.

    Would you please take another look at my essay to make sure I didn't make

    any mistakes.

    The surprising news of their engagement confused everyone.

    Earthquakes are so strong that they can destroy an entire city.

    The researchers realized that the monster never existed.

    The increase of crime has led many people to buy home security systems.

    I took a bite of my sandwich and quickly spit it out.

    The storm hit so unexpectedly that we had no time to prepare.

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    The investigation into the fire showed that it had been started on purpose.

    A public library is for the benefit of everyone in the community.

    The aggressive behavior of the child caused much concern for the parents.

    Our dog was barking so loud last night that it woke the whole


    There was a jump in the number of volunteers when people found out that

    volunteers got to meet many of the celebrities backstage.

    The wilderness is located on the southern edge of the country.

    With the security system down, our house was left unprotected.

    The destructive winds caused great damage to the small town.

    Many families are torn by violent behavior.

    Most breakfast foods are only available during the morning hours.

    The animated movie was actually a bigger hit with adults than children.

    Our new teacher seems likeable to the entire class.

    The doctors were aware of the reality of the current situation.

    Charlene has a way of coming up with very original ideas.

    Most people like him because he is so charming.

    The footprint of the dinosaur was enormous.

    In the film, the man played a comic book character that had supernatural


    Her diary contained detailed information about her childhood.

    The world of fantasy is a place where the only limitation is your mind.

    The kids enjoy watching cartoons on Saturday mornings.

    I need to find a good job after I graduate so I can start paying off my student


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    Helen and Eunice decided to join a summer baseball team.

    The little puss was sleeping soundly in his basket.

    They made an animation movie based on the cartoon character.

    Comic books from Japan are very popular in Korea.

    Dragon Ball Z is a Japanese animation cartoon.

    My grandfather is a very warm-hearted man.

    All living creatures must learn to appreciate life.

    Since I was having trouble finding the answer, my teacher pointed it out to


    Calvin hurt his knee when he fell off his bike.

    If you purchase more than one item online, I will combine the shipping price.

    Folktales are used to explain strange or unusual happenings.

    They had some exciting adventures on their vacation.

    It is important to build trust when it comes to any relationship.

    It's difficult to focus completely on one task.

    Even in the city, the early mornings are very peaceful.

    I have to concentrate more on my future plans.

    I believe the sense of touch is the most important of all the senses.

    Tornado storms, hurricanes, and earthquakes are very powerful natural


    The audience applauded as the show came to an end.

    Mimi was filled with confidence after her teacher praised her hard work.

    The president is selected through an election process.

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    The leader of Australia, changes every three years.

    The appearance of the house was quite old.

    Paul's tidy house was always a point of pride for him.

    Seeing Jane again stirred up many emotions inside of Phillip.

    I really enjoy watching the World Cup. All the players are extremely active.

    Sara never pays attention. For example, on her last quiz, she got all the

    questions wrong.

    The storm caused a blackout in many towns.

    Shes so excited about her birthday party.

    I don't have the energy to do any more work. I'm too tired.

    He was late arriving to the meeting, therefore he missed some information.

    It was hard for me to calm down after seeing the awful car accident.

    I didn't sleep much last night so I nodded off during the professors lecture.

    Martin's eyes were deep-blue and so serious looking.

    She has the inner strength to overcome just about any obstacle.

    I hope that all the world leaders understand the seriousness of terrorism.

    Most men will wear a dark-colored suit to a wedding.

    The energetic puppy wanted to play all evening long.

    Mr. White has been a politician most of his life.

    It is difficult to get an interview with famous people.

    The interview with the CEO is only a formality, you've already got the job.

    I went to the beach and collected all the seashells I could find.

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    Put a stamp on your postcard before you mail it.

    How much do you think that artifact is worth?

    My brother's hobby is writing short stories.

    The reason they went to France was to visit relatives.

    I practice judo three times a week.

    In times of trouble, many people turn to religion for comfort.

    Gold is very valuable because it is in such short supply.

    Did you determine who will be in charge after you leave?

    Even though he's had his laptop for over 8 years, it is still in good condition.

    I've been a philatelist since I was ten when my dad got me into the hobby.

    Donna has been in the bathroom for well over an hour! What is she doing in


    Put the side that has the adhesive on it against the wall.

    The postal service is very efficient in that town.

    Our country has recently introduced high-speed trains that will connect

    many cities.

    The New Yorker is a well-known and respected magazine.

    All campers were issued a hat and a T-shirt.

    There is a particular watch that I am interested in buying.

    Now that you've finished college, what are your plans down the road?

    The value of the new car decreased the moment it was driven off the lot.

    One factor of a stamp's value is the print run.

    Some antique cars can go for thousands of dollars.

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    When candy melts, it can get sticky.

    a general amount, a supply

    The popularity of the new phone caused the company to expand rapidly.

    Every little detail is helpful in an investigation.

    The secretary made a brief announcement over the loudspeaker.

    I saw a commercial on TV last night about a get-rich-quick scheme.

    Please make sure that you give a duplicate of your speech to the principal so

    she can review it.

    I'm in the process of collecting material for an article that I'm writing.

    Advertising lets a person be very creative.

    Everyone has a different method of doing their studies efficiently.

    I spend my day analyzing date from various sources.

    Please make notes of your observation and then report them to your


    Shannon managed to get a copy of the writer's manuscript.

    In order to grow the bacteria, the temperature must be constant.

    The music company tries to halt piracy of copyrighted recordings.

    Police are looking for the culprits responsible for the bank robbery.

    The workers shut down the factory for a day by refusing to work.

    I was sued for damaging his car.

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    The greedy child refused to share any of his bag of candy with his sister.

    My computer automatically updates new virus protection software.

    Some scientists agree that adding flouride to the tap water has made a big

    difference in the health of people's teeth.

    He stood at the bottom of the stairs and called up to me.

    Oranges are a good source of vitamin C.

    The fingerprint was the final link to the puzzle.

    I saw an ad for the latest laptop computer on TV.

    Popular products are produced more often.

    Marcus beat his opponent in an exciting race.

    The continuous sound of the girl's crying was driving me crazy.

    Lawyers spend a good deal of their time in court helping their clients.

    I overlooked paying my Internet fee so I lost my connection to the web.

    The event was held to promote world peace.

    The handsome baby received a lot of attention wherever he went.

    That nurse saved her life.

    Joyce inherited her aunt's summer cottage in Maine.

    Sir George is the next heir to the king's throne.

    He managed to save a fortune over his lifetime.

    The lifeguard rescued the young boy from the ocean.

    If you can repair something, it's better than buying a new one.

    The countess was actually a common girl who married into royalty.

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    Bill Gates is a very wealthy man.

    After many years, our family dog finally passed away.

    The teacher gave us instructions to sing in harmony.

    The park is private property and not open to the public.

    Sally is the owner of this restaurant.

    I want to take my pet to show and tell.

    Poodles are usually small dogs that are really just bred for show.

    Shelly was named captain of her soccer team.

    The United Kingdom still uses the pound instead of the Euro.

    My yellow Lab is part of a smart breed of dogs.

    Mutts may be a mixture of breeds but they are incredibly smart.

    When a major event takes place, all newspapers have the same headline.

    Audrey Hepburn was the actress who starred in Breakfast at Tiffany's.

    You must be cautious when choosing a husband.

    I hope that there wasn't too much damage to your car after the accident.

    German Shepherds are a common breed of dog that is prized for its

    intelligence and loyalty.

    If you forgot your baseball mitt it's no big deal, I have an extra one.

    The Rottweiler is a very aggressive breed of dog, which most people are

    scared of.

    Their poodle has very curly hair.

    Bonnie and Gerald have many things in common.

    Everyone without umbrellas ran under shelter to avoid the rain.

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    His homerun in the bottom of the ninth inning to win the championship

    game was nothing short of heroic.