Read n breed issue 72 spring edition

SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed INSIDE THIS EDITION ISSUE NO: 72 SPRING 2013 EDITION A look into Suri Alpacas—Part 2 Halter Training your Alpaca’s Colour Classic Results Crafters Corner A Vets Perspective…... Plus much more…………………………. READ ‘n’ BREED READ ‘n’ BREED READ ‘n’ BREED SOUTH AUSTRALIAN REGIONAL MAGAZINE



Transcript of Read n breed issue 72 spring edition

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A look into Suri Alpacas—Part 2

Halter Training your Alpaca’s

Colour Classic Results

Crafters Corner

A Vets Perspective…...

Plus much more………………………….


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Greg Scarlett

Pages Flat, South Australia

Ph.: 0408 969 044

Email: [email protected]


Sue Philpots-Green

Rockleigh, South Australia, 5254

Ph: 0401 800 404

Email: [email protected]


Australian Alpaca Association Ltd.

PO Box 1076 Mitcham North Vic 3132

Ph.: 03 9873 7700

Fax: 03 9873 7711

Email: [email protected]


Member contributions are encouraged and

should be emailed to the Editor at

[email protected]


The material published within this magazine is

subject to copyright and may not be reproduced

without the written permission from the Author


The Editor and the SA Region Committee take

no responsibility for the opinions expressed,

information submitted or products advertised

herein. Whilst every effort is made to ascertain

accuracy, liability is neither expressed nor im-

plied. All submissions are subject to editing.

The Editor reserves the right to decline any

article or advertisement.


Front Cover: Supplied by Fleur de Lys


A look into Suri Alpacas -

Part 2


About Halters by Denise Mosley 22

Colour Classic Results 30 - 55

REGULAR ITEMS PAGE From the President 4

Committee Directory 6

Marketing Report 7

Calendar of Events 9

Treasurer’s Report 10

Show Convenors Directory 14

From a Vet’s Perspective 16

Stud Sire Directory 25—27

Showing Rules extract 28

Crafter’s Corner 56

Merchandise List 58

Classifieds 59

From the editor 62

Photo Corner 63


Kids Corner

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AAA SA President’s Report – August 2013

Notion for these ramblings – The Alpaca “Industry” ... ??

In light of a flurry of recent media reports about the expanding scope of the use of alpaca in this country, are we

now approaching the point where we can truly regard our obsession with these enchanting animals as an

“industry” ... ?? While many of our members are delighted to work with their alpacas as breeding stock, lawn

mowers, fleece manufacturers, pets and providers of great delight and unique ornamental appeal in our paddocks,

there are some who are exploring other uses, including innovative breeding techniques, export of stud animals,

emerging pelt and meat opportunities. While we each choose our level of involvement with alpaca, it has been

refreshing to witness an acceptance that others are able to also choose their preferred aspects of the “industry”, in

which to be involved. From the perspective of Australian Alpaca Association, I am cognisant that as your elected

representatives, your committee will endeavour to be appraised of all developments within the industry, in order

that we can effectively advocate on your behalf, should the need arise.

This moment of reflection has coincided with the driving wind and rain that has lashed the paddocks and we are

eagerly awaiting the imminent spring ... The financial year is over, the almond blossom festival is packed away for

next year ... spring must almost be here .... surely...

The first of the South Australian spring shows has also passed into history. Congratulations to James Wheeler and

his team for their hard work to ensure another successful Colour Classic Show. This year saw this popular show in a

new venue at Strathalbyn – a welcome shelter from the blustery conditions for the Saturday. By all accounts, this

was a great venue and the show was enjoyed by many happy exhibitors. We were indeed fortunate to have Peter

Kennedy from Canchones Alpacas as the judge, ably assisted by the new apprentice judge Dean Ford, from Vista del

Sud Alpacas. Sincere thanks to them both, for a complex task undertaken with aplomb. Congratulations to all those

who exhibited at Colour Classic – it was a vision splendid to walk into the venue and the display of ribbons across so

many pens shows the breadth and depth of talent – well done to all. (A full list of results from Colour Classic

appears later in this edition of Read n Breed.)

The regional Annual Meeting was held on the Saturday of the Colour Classic Show. Many thanks to the many who

chose to contribute their time and attention to the matters of the meeting. It was a brief meeting (as all good

meetings are) and I am happy to report that last year’s committee has agreed to continue in their current roles for

the region. The executive remains unchanged, but we have regretfully, bid farewell to Julianne Buckley from

Buckley Estate Alpacas. Julianne has pressing commitments in other parts of her very busy life, which do not permit

her to continue with the regional committee. I am sure you will all join me in extending sincere thanks and

appreciation for her contribution and the wise council she contributed to our deliberations. The region is also

indebted to Julianne for the ongoing support of the printing and publishing of our regional newsletter, the “Read n

Breed”, which she arranges with the generous sponsorship of Konica Minolta.

No matter your choice of involvement in our wonderful industry, there are always opportunities for you to

contribute to the wider alpaca community. Please consider how you may be involved in any of the region’s

activities, forums, education events and workshops – we are as rich as the members who contribute, and we look

forward to sharing your experience and perspective.

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“ Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there”.

Will Rogers

As spring draws near, it prompts a timely reminder that our annual shearing is fast approaching. It is time to re-

flect on our practices and carefully consider how to best set up for the job of harvesting our valuable commodity –

alpaca fleece. No matter how or where you find a market for your fleece, the resounding message seems to be the

need to ensure high standards of handling, classing and cleaning in order that each fleece can attract its maximum

value. There are a number of options to secure a market for your fleece and we will endeavour to provide infor-

mation about these options as they become available. Referring again to the notion of an “Alpaca Industry” (as

opposed to a cottage industry), a range of suppliers seeking sustainable quantities of quality fleece will be the

hallmark of our fleece industry, moving forward. There are signs that this is not the distant future, but is at hand,

for those willing to impose strict disciplines on their shearing and fleece handling protocols, in order to secure a

sustainable fleece future. We look forward to learning how this has been achieved and to sharing the experience

and insights that will allow us all to move to this sustainable future...

Spring also brings a flurry of shows to the calendar, in the lead up to shearing. In South Australia, we will have the

Royal Adelaide Show (6th to 9th September), Strathalbyn Show (7th October) and Clare Show (19th October). There

are a coterie of interstate shows, including the National Show and Sale being held in Bendigo this year (9th to 14th

October). Best wishes to all those who will be taking their alpacas to the shows – especially those who are making

the trek interstate. From those of us who tend to be based we in South Australia, we delight in hearing of your

successes – fly the flag for us all.

Please join with me in extending my sincere thanks again to the regional committee for their tireless efforts, as

they explore how best to represent your needs and to provide resources and support for your alpaca endeavours.

Best wishes,

Greg Scarlett

Photo supplied by Fleur de Lys

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Fleur de Lys


0408 969 044

[email protected]

VICE PRESIDENT Peter Philpots-Green

Aislinn Park


0448 894 699

[email protected]



Sue Philpots-Green

Aislinn Park


0401 800 404

[email protected]

TREASURER Ruth Goodfellow



0419 597 998

[email protected]




Nick de Bruyn



0418 224 886

[email protected]



Ben Schmaal

Whyte Park


0438 143 903

[email protected]










Somadale Alpacas

0439 899 973

[email protected]


Yacka Ridge Alpacas

0407 568 501

[email protected]


Yaringa Alpacas

0418 846 271

[email protected]




Fleur de lys Alpacas

0414 585 955

[email protected]




Ambersun Alpacas

0417 826 762

[email protected]



Andache Alpacas

0439 882 249

[email protected]

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Marketing News

Colour Classic

The venue and show itself have already received the well deserved compliments elsewhere in

this issue of ReadnBreed, however from a marketing perspective, congratulations to the CC

team for the way they were able to secure outside sponsorship and support from the local

business community. Not only was there a financial benefit, but a significant amount of local

products ensuring nearly everyone (except the writer) received a prize in the raffle. It was al-

so good to see a number of the general public visit over the two days and engage in conversa-

tion with our breeders.

National Alpaca Week 2014

In light of the National Conference next year, please note the dates for NAW next year are be-

ing looked at to ensure there is no conflict between the two events. We expect a change of

date, if any, will only be very minor. We will confirm dates as soon as we are advised by Na-

tional Office.

Royal Adelaide Show

Planning is well underway for the trade stand at this year’s show and as advised in an earlier

email, we are expanding the content of the display to include samples of the end product of

the total industry. This is planned to include details about the animals themselves, fleeces,

spinning, felting, alpaca related merchandise sold by members and the emerging meat com-

ponent of our industry. Please note the stand is an information facility only and we are not

permitted to sell any product from the stand. Thank you to those members who have already

donated product samples for inclusion in the display.

Thank you also to those of you who have volunteered to staff the stand during the show. Your

time promoting the alpaca industry is of great benefit to all our members and we trust you

will be able to promote your own business in the process. At time of writing, there are still a

few shifts remaining, so if you are able to help, that would be much appreciated.


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National Alpaca Conference

We trust you are all aware of the conference which will be held at the Adelaide

Convention Centre from 9-11 May 2014. For those of you on Facebook, you can keep up to

date on progress by “liking” our page entitled Australian Alpaca Conference 2014. The page is

currently being followed by over 170 members from over 17 different countries and every

continent except Antarctica.

Most of the conference organising committee are heading across the ditch to the World Con-

ference in New Zealand during September and be part of the AAA trade stand to promote our


Show Season

Show season is well under way, both locally and across the border, so best wishes to all, espe-

cially those of you flying the SA flag at Colourbration and the Nationals.


Nick De Bruyn.


Jade De-Gregorio

Anne Schilling

Tina Lee

Karen Davies

Darryl Prunell

Gordon Combes & Heath Gladigau

Belinda Nitkins

Amy Martin

The SA Regional Committee would like to welcome the following members to the SA Region

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Calendar of Events


2013 6th to 14th September Royal Adelaide Show Adelaide Lea Richens

21st Sep to 1st Oct Royal Melbourne Show Ascot Vale 03 9281 7444

24th to 26th Sept Paskerville Field Days

Promotional Day Paskerville Nick de Bruyn

7th October Strathalbyn Show Strathalbyn Jacinta Hall

9th to 13th October Nationals Bendigo TBA

19th October Clare Show Clare Tracey Earl & Derrick Hall

Workshops & Seminars to be advised

2014 TBA Mount Pleasant Mount Pleasant Kerry & Jolyon Porter

TBA National Alpaca Week

9th to 11th May 2014 AAA National Conference Adelaide Convention Centre Susan Haese

TBA Colour Classic Strathalbyn Harness Club James Wheeler

The SA Region’s Calendar of Events will be updated with each edition of Read n Breed

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Treasurers Report - end of financial year June 2013

The AAA SA region MYOB data is reconciled to the latest bank statement of June 30th 2013.

The investment account had a balance of $ 17,668.00 The general cheque account had a balance of

$ 9,880.73

Income into the general cheque account so far this financial year has totaled $ 47,164.09. Most of this income is received from

the member capitation rebate, merchandise (including the old pen panel sales), alpaca show income, advertising, and the WFI


Expenses from the general cheque account this financial year have totaled $ 37,327.13. Our main expenses have included the pur-

chase of a shipping container to store SA region equipment, materials for the new lightweight pen panels and alpaca show expens-

es. Other expenses include region meeting and newsletter office supplies, region catering, trailer insurance, website hosting, Na-

tional Alpaca Week venue hire, advertising and panel transport, the Jodie Christian memorial trophy, Junior Judging and fleece col-

lection costs.

We have recorded a net profit in the cheque account of $ 9,836.96.

In summary the region is currently in a sound financial position, primarily due to -

Income derived this year from the old pen panel sales. We acknowledge with huge thanks the role Derrick Hall has

played in donating countless hours for the manufacture of both the old and new panels.

The enormous generosity of Konica Minolta through Julianne Buckley, printing the SA region magazine at no


Thanks also to past treasurer Wendy Jones teaching me the basics of the MYOB accounting program, and the support of Janette

Law from the AAA head office facilitating direct EFT bank transfers for payment of approved accounts. I would encourage all sup-

plier invoices and AAA SA region reimbursement forms to be presented with EFT bank transfer details to enable faster payment

than the alternative method of counter signing cheques.

Ruth Goodfellow

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STRATHABLYN SHOW -­ 7th October 2013. ROLL



To run a successful show, stewards and recorders are always in


Without such people the show cannot go ahead.

So if you can help it would be much appreciated.

As the new convenor of the show, I need all the help I can get. I encourage new breeders to give it a go, help us and learn at the

same time.

Front row seats available for scribes and ribbon stewards.

Strathalbyn Show Alpaca Entry forms available online at

the AAASA website

Important Dates and Times to Remember:

Animals: Closing date for Alpaca entries -­ Friday 30th AUGUST 2013 by 5 PM Email (below) and/or Post: Jacinta Hartill Po Box 298 Goolwa SA 5214.

Fleeces: Closing date for fleece delivery -­ Friday 27th September 2013 by 5 PM To: Jan Bentley -­ Mundowora Alpacas -­ ph 8556 0256

29 Yundi Lane, Yundi, Via Willunga SA 5172 or PO Box 685 Willunga SA 5172

Animals must be penned for inspections: Monday 7th October 2013 by 8:30 AM

Please contact JACINTA HARTILL, if you have any enquiries.


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Saturday 19th October 2013

Clare is a great country show to exhibit your alpacas & fleeces. It is an ideal show for newcomers to

the industry as well as our regular exhibitors. Lets make it another huge success!

Closing date for entries is Friday 20th September.

Closing Fleece delivery date is Friday 11th October

We will need volunteers for Stewarding & Scribing both show day & Friday 18th when fleeces are

judged. If you can offer some of your time in any way, please contact me.

We would love to see some fresh faces getting involved in these tasks.

Please adhere to warnings that there is STRICTLY NO GRAZING for your alpacas due to the risk of

Cape Tulip which is a toxic weed which grows in the Clare Valley.

For this reason & also JD status you must bring carpet or other form of floor cover other than straw to

cover your pen area.

FLEECES: I WILL be able to travel to Strathalbyn Show with trailer this year to bring fleeces home.

Clare Show Convenors Tracey Earl & Derrick Hall

Tracey Earl:

P.O. Box 105,

Riverton SA 5412

PH: 8847 2017

Email : [email protected]

This is a picture painted with alpaca fleece with some silk

ribbon flowers in the foreground

By Aislinn Park Alpacas

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Regional Event






0407 568 501

[email protected]






0403 972 609

0415 250 588

[email protected]

[email protected]



Lea Richens

08 88422344





0419 170 266

[email protected]






0417801 151

0439 899 973

[email protected]

[email protected]

Show Convenors/Contact directoryShow Convenors/Contact directory


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Position 1: MT Pleasant Show Convenor/s

Looking for enthusiastic, members who are looking for a rewarding challenge in

convening the Mount Pleasant show. If interested please contact either the Re-

gional Committee or Kerry & Jolyon Porter at [email protected]

Position 2: Clare Show Convenor/s

We are also looking for enthusiastic members who are willing to take over the

convening of the Clare Show. If interested please contact either the Regional

Committee or Derrick Hall at [email protected] or

Tracey Earl at [email protected].

“By changing nothing, nothing changes”

Tony Robbins

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Caring for your

Animals in these colder months Rain, sleet, snow, ice, freezing temperatures - winter can be a real struggle for two- or

four-legged animals. Those of us with two legs can generally put on a warmer coat or go

inside to warm up with a cup of something hot, but what can livestock owners do to keep

animals healthy and comfortable in winter?


The necessity of a clean and reliable year-round source of water cannot be overemphasized. Generally animals don’t drink

enough water in the colder months and may require salts added to their diet to encourage adequate drinking.

Ensuring adequate water intake will encourage optimal health and performance of livestock and help prevent serious condi-

tions such as colic and impactions.


Livestock’s maintenance nutritional requirements can increase significantly during cold weather. Requirements increase dramati-

cally if animals become wet and/or there is appreciable wind. Lowest critical environmental temperatures (LCT) for livestock vary

according to species and researchers, but 20° C is often used as the lowest temperature dry livestock can tolerate without addi-

tional energy demands to support normal body temperature. Energy requirements for an animal with a healthy and dry winter

coat increase by one percent for every degree the wind chill temperature falls below the LCT. Energy requirements for an animal

with a wet coat increase by two percent for every degree

drop in the wind chill temperature.

Energy can be provided through grain or additional roughage (hay). Roughage is generally preferable due to its feeding safety, lower cost and greater heat released during digestion. The bacterial breakdown of roughage in the rumen and in the horse's cecum creates heat, so increase hay during colder-than-normal weather.

Grain supplementation rates will vary with species, and exercise regimes.

Some cold and wet weather conditions can result in predictions that livestock will need close to a 100% increase in energy re-quiremets to help them maintain normal body temperature and functions, but such a large, sudden and short-term increase in energy intake is not healthy for most animals. All dietary changes, be they increases or decreases, should be made gradually. Although dietary energy increases are necessary during bad weather, a better body condition helps insulate livestock and will fare better if they have sufficient body condition to call upon during times of need. Ensuring they have this adequate body con-dition before the cold sets in is wise. Body condition scoring requires hands-on assessment of animals, feeling along their spine for sufficient body mass.

Horses can be rugged to retain body heat for individual animals. Regularly look beneath the rug to inspect their body condi-tion. Similarly animals with a fleece; alpacas and sheep, can often disguise their body condition to look better than it is.

Body condition scores of livestock in the winter should be three or four on this scale.

-body condition score 1 -body condition score 3

From a Vet’s perspective...............

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With daily hand feeding, managers will have a better sense of individual animal’s health, appetite, and adequate require-

ments met. Feeding big bales to a group of animals once a day or even less often saves labor, but individual animal health

can be overlooked.

Pregnant, young and elderly animals are an important group to feed separately. Failing to meet their nutritional needs may

result in stunted animals, poor milk production, abortions, weakness and or death.

Animals kept on pasture alone, may not get sufficient supplies, just because the paddocks are green, doesn’t mean they are

meeting adequate nutritional needs for the cold conditions.

Teeth still need to be checked to maintain normal eating and digestion requirements.


Shelter is another obvious winter livestock management concern. Animals do not necessarily need or want to live in an enclosed shed/barn every day in the winter and are not practical for large herds of animals such as beef cattle. Protection from wind and rain will decrease energy requirements and feed costs and increase animal comfort. Three-sided sheds, hills and trees can all serve as adequate breaks from the prevailing winds, and checking stock after a storm is recommended. If animals do not have enough space and variety of landscape to se-lect a spot protected from the elements, a shelter should be provided. If a structure is provid-ed, be sure to keep the bedding dry and as clean as possible. Bedding helps insulate animals from the cold ground. However, in bedding soiled with animal wastes, ammonia fumes can build up quickly in the lower 40cm where recumbent animals breathe; irritated respiratory lining is then very susceptible to pneumonia causing bacteria and viruses. Provide good venti-lation so the air seems fresh, but do not permit drafts in the structure.


All too often, where there are animals in the winter, there is mud. With good management and planning, the negative environmental and animal health impacts of mud can be minimized. Mud is most commonly found where animals are forced or choose to congregate. Mud makes foot and hoof diseases such as seedy toe, foot abscesses, greasy heel, skin condi-tions and thrush more likely and it causes animals to be perpetually chilled. The wetness of mud can make parasite survival more likely as well. Also consider older livestock that are not so sure footed with slip-pery sloping hills sides, that may become cast and not be able to get up.


Addressing the special nutritional, environmental and health needs of livestock in the winter will help ensure opti-

mal animal welfare and performance.

Monitor body condition regularly, observation of weight loss indicates insufficient calorie intake. And

special note must go to fleeced animals (sheep and alpacas) which MUST be palpated (along their

spine) to ascertain this!!

***This article was reproduced with permission from Windarra Park Vet Clinic

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Animal health & husbandry

What to look for in a Suri

Although a suri looks very different from the more common huacaya, the conformational traits to look out for are generally the

same. The animal should be well proportioned, have straight legs and back, a rounded rump and correct bite. The ears may be

slightly longer and the muzzle shorter than a huacaya.


As outlined in the AAA Breed Standard

· well grown (doesn't affect the genetics but will increase fertility, reproduction, health)

· straight back

· straight tail

· animal in proportion - back, legs, neck in proportion.

· teeth

· size and conformity of testicles in male


As outlined in the AAA Breed Standard the characteristics of the fleece are what distinguish the suri. When assessing a suri, you

should look for the following.

· lustre

· fineness

· density

· handle

· length

· locking

· colour integrity

Lustre - perhaps the single most important characteristic of suri fibre, lustre is the shine inherent to the most exquisite fleeces -

open up a fleece to assess the lustre next to the skin. Lustre is influenced by consistency of colour and micron of the fleece, as well as

the structure of the fibre (i.e. the more spherical the fibre is, the more it will reflect light). It can also be influenced by dirt and dust.

Although there are a lot of variables, including genetic influencers, because white (and often black) animals are a consistent colour,

they usually have greater lustre than coloured animals. Use a subjective score of 5 (no lustre) to 1 (extreme lustre) to assess

animals against each other. The more animals you assess, the better you will get at making this subjective measurement. Remember

though, that environmental impacts, such as nutrition, dust in the fleece and illness or stress can impact on lustre.

Fineness - the finer the fleece, the softer and more lustrous it is and the higher its price. In Peru, fibre of different classes is mixed

together for processing. Some believe this gives Australia an opportunity to develop a world market in superfine suri.

The current AAFL classes for fineness are:

A look into Suri Alpacas

Continued Overleaf

Part 2

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Animal health & husbandry

Continued Overleaf

Fineness should be uniform over the body of the animal from the neck through the body to the

rump. Assessment of fineness can be done visually (this takes some practice) or using a fibre

testing laboratory (the output of which is a detailed report and histogram showing distri-

bution of fibre micron in the sample). To assess fineness visually, take a sample of fleece (it is

often a good idea to do this on a number of different sites on the animal - shoulder, midside and

rump), spread the fibres into a spider web and lay against a dark background for light fibres or

light background for dark fibres. You should be able to see the fineness of the fibres, as well as

any coarser fibres or guard hairs in the sample.

Laboratory analysis will provide a significant amount of information on the sample analysed (either a midside sample or an

all-over fleece grid sample). The histogram will indicate the uniformity of the micron. A coefficient of variation (CV) should be less

than 20% to indicate consistency of micron. Remember there will be some variation of results between different labs, different

measurement machines used, inconsistencies in sampling, etc., so beware of using histogram results as absolutes.

Suris naturally have less medullation than huacayas, but this is something to look for when assessing an animal or a fleece. While

some medullated (or hollow) fibres are acceptable in a fleece, the coarse medullated fibres called guard hairs cause problems in

processing and increase the prickle factor of finished goods. To assess for medullated fibres, pull at the tip of a lock - the

medullated fibres will be obvious as coarser and straight fibres sticking out the top.

Lock 'architecture' - well-defined pencil locks which persist throughout the fleece (not just on the surface) and are evident right to

the skin. These can be curled, twisted or waves, but must hang down in individual locks. While there are a variety of different lock

styles, current research has identified four locking styles. These are:

Whatever the lock style, a good example of locking should be consistent over the animal, from forelock to tail and should continue

for the whole length of the staple (from tip to skin). Often when the fleece becomes longer, the tight twist evident at the tip flattens

into a fan-shape where it joins the skin. The best and more densely fleeced animals have tight locks right to the skin.

Density - is important in regard to return for fleeces and it also helps keep out dust and vegetable matter. Density is difficult to

determine on an animal, although grabbing and lifting the fibre will give an indication of the amount of fleece (number of fibres)

and fleece weight (determined by length, micron and number of fibres in a handful) on an animal.

The scientific method of determining density is to take a skin biopsy and determine the secondary to primary hair follicle ratios

and number of hair follicles in a square millimetre of skin. Holt & Watts (2005) found that finer animals have a higher secondary to

primary follicle ratio and greater follicle density. However, the breeder can identify dense animals by recording fleece weights and

staple length at each shearing.

Uniformity - the locking and fineness should be uniform over the body of the animal from the neck through the body to the rump

and even extending down on the legs. When assessing an animal, open up and sample fibre from the shoulder, midside and rump.

Also look at the forelock for medullation and locking and the tail (particularly important in previously shorn animals to assess

locking. It is common for there to be differences in quality of locking style across the body or from one side of the animal to

another, particularly in coloured animals. Remember to check the apron for coarse fibres and guard hairs.

Coverage - the suri should be well covered, with a long forelock, fleece on cheeks and chin, the front and rear legs should be well

covered with consistent locking to the toes.

Colour - colour is personal choice; the whites and light fawns are more common (about 90% of Peruvian clip), but are generally of

higher quality than the rarer coloured suris. Colour should be consistent across the body.

Length - Suri fleece generally grows 10-16 cm per year (more in the first year and less as they age). The acceptable lengths for pro-

cessing suri are:

S1 (superfine) < 20 micron

S2 (fine) 20-23 micron

S3 (medium) 23-28 micron

S4 (strong) 28-32 micron

S5 (extra


30-34 micron

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20 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Animal health & husbandry

Fineness should be uniform over the body of the animal from the neck through the body to the rump. Assessment of fineness can

be done visually (this takes some practice) or using a fibre testing laboratory (the output of which is a detailed report and

histogram showing distribution of fibre micron in the sample). To assess fineness visually, take a sample of fleece (it is often a

good idea to do this on a number of different sites on the animal - shoulder, midside and rump), spread the fibres into a spider

web and lay against a dark background for light fibres or light background for dark fibres. You should be able to see the fineness

of the fibres, as well as any coarser fibres or guard hairs in the sample.

Laboratory analysis will provide a significant amount of information on the sample analysed (either a midside sample or an

all-over fleece grid sample). The histogram will indicate the uniformity of the micron. A coefficient of variation (CV) should be

less than 20% to indicate consistency of micron. Remember there will be some variation of results between different labs, differ-

ent measurement machines used, inconsistencies in sampling, etc., so beware of using histogram results as absolutes.

Suris naturally have less medullation than huacayas, but this is something to look for when assessing an animal or a fleece. While

some medullated (or hollow) fibres are acceptable in a fleece, the coarse medullated fibres called guard hairs cause problems in

processing and increase the prickle factor of finished goods. To assess for medullated fibres, pull at the tip of a lock - the

medullated fibres will be obvious as coarser and straight fibres sticking out the top.

Lock 'architecture' - well-defined pencil locks which persist throughout the fleece (not just on the surface) and are evident right to

the skin. These can be curled, twisted or waves, but must hang down in individual locks. While there are a variety of different lock

styles, current research has identified four locking styles. These are:

Whatever the lock style, a good example of locking should be consistent over the animal, from forelock to tail and should continue

for the whole length of the staple (from tip to skin). Often when the fleece becomes longer, the tight twist evident at the tip flat-

tens into a fan-shape where it joins the skin. The best and more densely fleeced animals have tight locks right to the skin.

Density - is important in regard to return for fleeces and it also helps keep out dust and vegetable matter. Density is difficult to

determine on an animal, although grabbing and lifting the fibre will give an indication of the amount of fleece (number of fibres)

and fleece weight (determined by length, micron and number of fibres in a handful) on an animal.

The scientific method of determining density is to take a skin biopsy and determine the secondary to primary hair follicle ratios

and number of hair follicles in a square millimetre of skin. Holt & Watts (2005) found that finer animals have a higher secondary

to primary follicle ratio and greater follicle density. However, the breeder can identify dense animals by recording fleece weights

and staple length at each shearing.

Uniformity - the locking and fineness should be uniform over the body of the animal from the neck through the body to the rump

and even extending down on the legs. When assessing an animal, open up and sample fibre from the shoulder, midside and rump.

Also look at the forelock for medullation and locking and the tail (particularly important in previously shorn animals to assess

locking. It is common for there to be differences in quality of locking style across the body or from one side of the animal to

another, particularly in coloured animals. Remember to check the apron for coarse fibres and guard hairs.

Coverage - the suri should be well covered, with a long forelock, fleece on cheeks and chin, the front and rear legs should be well

covered with consistent locking to the toes.

Colour - colour is personal choice; the whites and light fawns are more common (about 90% of Peruvian clip), but are generally of

higher quality than the rarer coloured suris. Colour should be consistent across the body.

Continued Overleaf

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This article was sourced from the AAA website

Twist ringlet

the staple twists around to form a ringlet which hangs straight down from the


Wave and twist ringlet

the twist ringlet also has a wave so that it does not hang perfectly



the staple forms a tight corkscrew-type wave (a more pronounced version of

the wave & twist).

Broad wave

the staple forms a broad wave with less evidence of twist.

Length - Suri fleece generally grows 10-16 cm per year (more in the first year and less as they age). The acceptable lengths for pro-

cessing suri are:

AAFL is hoping to develop a use for suri fleece under 90mm but the quantity currently received is small and will take time to in-

crease to a commercial quantity. Greater than 150 mm is overgrown and cannot be processed by AAFL at this time. However, there

are some mini-mills and other small volume processors that can process these longer fibres.

Length, in addition to micron and density, contributes to total fleece weight (and hence, value of the fleece) and so must be con-

sidered in breeding decisions (as long as annual fleece growth is within the classes above).

Applicability to the AGE

Australian suri breeders are developing criteria to use in the Across-herd Genetic Evaluation (AGE) service for alpaca, which will

allow evaluation of animals within a breeder's herd and assist in making breeding decisions by comparing estimated breeding val-

ues for stud sires.

Easy care suri alpacas

Alpacas are hardy and generally disease and parasite resistant. They require basic care comprising vaccinations every six months,

occasional toenail and teeth trimming and annual shearing. They are very easy to herd and handle.

Class Length

A/B 90-150 mm

‘The more you take responsibility for your past and

present, the more you are able to create

the future you seek’

Author Unknown

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22 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION


With a new crop of weanlings in our paddocks and the Spring shows coming along, it is timely to refresh our

understanding of halters and halter fitting. There are quite a few different halter styles on the market but not

all of them are good for our alpacas. With a little time, and correct handling, most alpacas will train to lead

quite easily, however, a badly designed or incorrectly fitted halter will cause problems for you and discomfort

or panic for the animal.

Alpacas have a small head, particularly crias and weanlings. The nose bone is very short, followed by a section

of cartilage and then the soft tissue of the nose itself. Many people place the noseband of the halter midway

down the alpaca’s face, as you might with a horse. This is dangerous because it puts pressure on the cartilage

or soft nasal tissue and can cause behavioural problems through distress to the animal.

Correct placement of the noseband is to rest it on the bony part of the nose, just below the eyes (like high on

the bridge of your nose, where you would push a pair of glasses). The band should be neither too tight nor

too loose around the nose. Correct placement of the crown piece (the strap which goes behind the ears to

hold the halter in place) is behind and close to the base of the ears – not a hand span down the neck.

Remember to adjust the crown piece so that it correctly holds the noseband at the safe place on the nose.

Cross-over noseband halters – a webbing version of these was been marketed by the AAA for many years.

They are also available from other sources, sometimes in leather. They should NEVER be used to train an

animal to lead. The noseband and throat-lash are one piece which crosses over under the jaw, like a

figure-of-eight, passing through the leading ring. With the lead attached to the ring, any pressure pulls the

ring forward and it acts like a slipknot, constricting the band over the nose and forward onto the soft tissue.

This will constrict the animal’s breathing and cause it distress and panic. Basically, it is impossible to achieve a

correct and safe fit of the noseband with this style of halter because of the ring mobility. These also must

come in different sizes – NOTE a small halter with the headpiece let right out IS NOT correct or safe to use on

a larger animal.

Recommendation – if possible AVOID USE of this style of halter. If they must be used, only use on animals

which are already well-trained to lead, use the correct size for the animal and adjust it as correctly as possible.

Fixed noseband halters – these will come in various sizes. Usually available in leather or webbing designs. As

long as the noseband size is large enough to be comfortably placed in the correct position on the alpaca and

the headpiece can be adjusted to correctly hold that place, these are quite safe to use. The noseband and

throat-lash are separate pieces (although both pass through the leading ring) and therefore drag on the ring

when leading cannot constrict the noseband’s diameter.

Recommendation – use correct size and correct adjustment. Excellent halters.

Adjustable noseband halters – these can be adjusted at the noseband as well as the headpiece, therefore

one size can be adjusted to fit all but the largest and smallest of alpacas. A safe and economical halter style.

Usually available in leather or webbing designs. As with the fixed noseband halters, the noseband is separate

to the throat-lash, both pass through the leading ring, and drag on the ring will not constrict the noseband’s

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diameter. The ‘plus’ with these is that the noseband can be adjusted to fit large or small animals so you only need

one halter size.

Recommendation – adjust noseband for correct fit first, before adjusting the headpiece for correct fit. Fit

individually for each animal. Excellent halters.

Cord and rope halters – some people like to use a type of colourful cotton rope halter designed for horses.

These are very bulky, usually have a slip mechanism at the noseband, and are really not scaled for alpacas.

Recommendation – not appropriate for alpacas and noseband not safe.

Another design of cord halter (Bungalook) has been widely marketed and used because some animals will lead

with it but apparently not with other halter styles. The reason it works is because the pressure to lead forward is

directed behind the animal’s head and not onto the nose. Animals may fail to lead with other halter types due to

- dangerous halter design and / or incorrect fit plus inexperienced trainer. This cord style is safe when the correct

size is used and it is fitted correctly.

Recommendation – these can be used safely as suggested, but may not be necessary if the trainer really

understands the mechanism of ‘leading’. If you do use this style, make sure you know how to smoothly fit and

remove the halter before beginning to train the animal.

Collar – a few people actually reduce leading to the basic element. A collar of leather or webbing (like a dog col-

lar) can be used but MUST placed high on the neck - roughly where the headpiece would fit behind the ears and

round the gullet. Not too tight or loose. Correct leading response comes from pressure from that area – NOT

from the noseband.

Recommendation – probably not for the inexperienced as it does not give the directional control of a halter with

noseband, but is less intrusive for the alpaca and many animals who are not destined for the show ring could be

easily led in this manner.


In conclusion, badly-designed or badly-fitted equipment can directly cause behavioural problems in your alpacas

when training or leading them. Your own inexperience might also add to the problems you encounter. Take a

step back and review the equipment you are currently using and how you go about the task… Your

alpacas will be grateful ! Denise Moysey

Arcadian Alpacas

“ Life shrinks and expands in proporion to one’s courage”.

Anais Nin

Photo supplied by Adaminca Alpacas

Continued Overleaf

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24 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION


Photo supplied by Aislinn Park Alpacas

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“Ashmani Archimedes”

2/4 2/4 2/4

3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4

“Schutara Park Apollo”

IAR 120281

D.O.B.: 12/11/2005 Solid White Latest Fleece Stats 2012

7th Fleece

Mic: 23.7 SD: 4.2 CF: 93.8

Apollo is a fine upstanding macho. He has enjoyed success in both the

ring and fleece shows. He has excellent conformation and great temperament . His fleece is very bright and stylish with good crimp definition. These traits have been

passed to his progeny. Service Fee: $380.00

Contact:Robyn Schutte, Schutara Park Alpacas

Ph: 83982180

Email: [email protected]

IAR 134708

D.O.B.: 3/12/2010 Solid White Latest Fleece Stats 2012

Mic: 21.3 SD: 4.2 CV: 19.8

CF: 97.1 SF:20.5

Archie is an elite suri male with exceptional lustre. With his lovely nature and impressive pedigree,

he has much to offer any suri herd. He is certainly a stand-out.

Grand Champion Suri (2011 Strathalbyn Show) from an exten-

sive and quality field. Service fee $770 (inc gst)

Email: [email protected]



“Azzura Black Spirit”

IAR 175995

D.O.B.: 20/01/2011 Solid Black Latest Fleece Stats 2012

Mic: 22.6 SD: 5.3 CV:23.4

CF: 93.8 SF:2.5

Spirit is a blue-black, true-to-type suri male. He exhibits a lustrous, well-structured fleece and has a

lovely nature. Supreme all Colours Suri at the

2012 Colour Classic. Service fee $770 (inc gst)

Email: [email protected]




IAR 137851

Latest Fleece Stats 2012

Midside (4th Fleece)

Mic: 22.5 SD: 4.3 CV:19.1

CF: 94.8 SF: 21.6

Spartacus has had an illustrious show career, winning best of colour at numerous outings and Champion

Roan Fleece at the 2011 National. With a high amplitude, high frequen-

cy crimp, we look forward to his influence on grey and roan genetics.

Service Fee: $660 inc. Agistment (conditions apply)

D.O.B.: 07/03/09 Solid Roan

“Greenvale Rocco ET”

IAR 146908

D.O.B.: 24/04/08 Medium Grey (Silver) Latest Fleece Stats 2012

Midside (5th Fleece)

Mic: 22.8 SD: 4.3 CV:18.9

CF: 95.8 SF: 21.8

Rocco is an amazing even silver grey, with very few brown fibres evident.

He has a boxy frame sporting a crimpy, soft and long fleece. His cria to date have been outstandingly fine

and even in colour.

Service Fee: $660 inc. Agistment (conditions apply)

“Lyneden Dakota”

IAR 128355

D.O.B.: 23/12/07 Solid Black Latest Fleece Stats 2012

Midside (5th Fleece)

Mic: 22.7 SD: 4.4CV:19.2

CF: 94.3 SF: 21.8

Dakota has outstanding conformation, a trait that he is consistently passing

on to his progeny. He grows an amazingly long and silky blue black

fleece that remains fine and has very little guard hair. His first cria for us

have SDs in the low 3s, a great sign of a quality male.

Service Fee: $440 inc. Agistment (conditions apply,

minimum 2 mating's

“Yaringa Sir Winston”

IAR 125366

SOLID WHITE Latest Fleece Stats 2012

5th Fleece

Mic: 21.5 SD: 4.1 CF: 95.8 CV: 45.0

This male has impeccable breeding and a phenotype to match. He is highly deco-rated at both local and interstate shows,

including winning reserve champion Intermediate Male at Royal Melbourne 2009 and supreme White Fleece at the

2009 and 2011 SA Colour Classic shows. He is fine, dense and lustrous,

displaying excellent crimp and bundling. Yaringa Alpacas—Susan Haese

Mobile: 0418 846 271

E: [email protected] Web:


Disclaimer: AAASA Region does not endorse any of the above advertisements

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26 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

IAR 117461

Latest Fleece Stats 21/2/12

Mic: 16.9 SD: 3.4mic

CF:100% CVD: 20.4% SF: 16.3


“Kinedana Bosque”

If you want Ultrafine/Fine fleeced Adults, this Boy is for you! Kinedana

Bosque’s fleece stats are unheard of in Australia and are truly unique for his 6 yrs of age. AAFl Gift Report & fleece

photo’s available for your perusal.

Stud Fee: $850 + GST Kinedana Alpaca Stud

Ph: 08 8524 9093

“Softfoot Maudib ET”

IAR 136751

Latest Fleece Stats 2012

Midside (5th Fleece)

Mic: 22.3 SD: 3.7 CV:16.6

CF: 96.4 SF: 21.7

Maudib has had an exceptional first drop of cria in 2012, with champions

and National blue ribbon winners amongst them. He is producing long, lustrous fleeces with very little guard

hair, nearly always in the colour of the mother.

Service Fee $770 inc. Agist-ment (conditions apply)


D.O.B.: 30/07/08 Solid Medium Fawn

“Softfoot Chaconne”

IAR 156021

D.O.B.: 27/09/09 Solid White Latest Fleece Stats 2012

Midside (4th Fleece)

Mic: 21.3 SD: 4.4 CV:20.8

CF: 96.3 SF: 20.7

Chaconne is supreme champion, culminating many of the best genetics

into the one male. His density is difficult to match, and is coupled with

fineness, brightness and style that extend from bonnet to tail.

Service Fee: $660 inc. Agist-ment (conditions apply) 3/4

IAR 168126

D.O.B.: 24/03/10 Solid Light Fawn Latest Fleece Stats 2012

Midside (3rd Fleece)

Mic: 21.0 SD: 3.8 CV:18.3

CF: 98.2 SF: 20.0

Royal Challenge was by far the standout male when we visited Shanbrooke in

2012, and we have since purchased him to introduce new genetics to our herd.

He has outstanding density, coverage and evenness across his body, and very little

variation between the primary and secondary fibres

Service Fee: Strictly Limited to selected clients


“Shanbrooke Accoyo

Royal Challenge ET”

“Whyte Park Timothy”

D.O.B.: 31/08/10 Solid White

IAR 132307

Latest Fleece Stats 2012

Midside (3rd Fleece)

Mic: 15.6 SD: 3.1 CV:19.6

CF: 100 SF: 15.0

Timothy has an amazingly fine fleece into maturity, with very little variation

between primary and secondary fibres. He has outstanding evenness across his body, is well grown and is very confor-mationally correct. With density and

style that extends to his extremities, he is a real commercial option. Timothy will commence stud duties in Autumn 2013 Service Fee: $770 inc. Agist-

ment (conditions apply)



Latest Fleece Stats 2012

Midside (4th Fleece)

Mic: 19.7 SD: 3.9 CV:19.6

D.O.B.: 26/04/09 Solid White IAR 154051

Sharman has had an outstanding 2012 show year, taking out numerous

supreme fleeces including at Colourbration. His first cria are

looking very impressive. With out-standing amplitude, length and staple definition on a very healthy frame, he

has a lot to offer. Service Fee: $770 inc. Agist-

ment (conditions apply) 3/4 3/4

“Yaringa Czar”

IAR 117735

D.O.B.: 30/01/08 Solid Medium Fawn D.O.B.: 26/04/09 Solid Light Fawn IAR 147651



Latest Fleece Stats 2012

4th Fleece

Mic: 17.2 SD: 3.5 CF: 99.8 CV: 45.9

Latest Fleece Stats 2012

5th Fleece

Mic: 20.8 SD: 4.5 CF: 95.8 CV: 47.9

Czar is a compact male with exquisite high amplitude and high frequency crimp in his fleece. His dense fleece exhibits excellent brightness and lustre. The

fleece he presents with, is consistent over his frame and in the last few years he has

racked up an excellent show record at the best shows in one of the most

competitive classes.

3/4 3/4

Yaringa Alpacas—Susan Haese

Mobile: 0418 846 271

E: [email protected] Web:

Yaringa Alpacas—Susan Haese

Mobile: 0418 846 271

E: [email protected]

This Warrior son has impeccable genet-ics that are reflected in his phenotype. As he has a crimp structure that exhibits high

amplitude and frequency, outstanding density and lustre. His dam is possibly our

most elite donor in our embryo transfer program. In 2011 Legend’s fleece was

awarded Supreme at both the SA Colour Classic and the Victorian Colourbration


Disclaimer: AAASA Region does not endorse any of the above advertisements

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“Coonawarra Gladiator” “Yaringa Prophecy”

IAR 73015

D.O.B.: 13/12/03 Solid Black IAR 147690

D.O.B.: 27/1/10 Light Grey

3/4 3/4 3/4 3/4

Latest Fleece Stats 2012

9th Fleece

Mic: 20.6 SD: 4.6 CF: 95.4

Down from the Julius/Dorchester line, this male hardly needs an introduction. A multiple champion himself, including Supreme Black at

the huge Victorian Colourbration show, his progeny are consistently performing both in the

show ring and in quality assessment, with many championships themselves. He passes on his fine, dense fleece, as well as crimp, lustre and good frame. Year after year he

produces the finest alpaca in our herd and is a must have to add his qualities to your herd.

Yaringa Alpacas—Susan Haese

Mobile: 0418 846 271

E: [email protected] Web:

Latest Fleece Stats 2012

3rd Fleece

Mic: 21.7 SD: 4.6 CF: 95.1 CV: 42.4

Prophecy boasts excellent genetics and upon inspection, he does not disappoint. He has extreme density coupled with a

highly crimped, lustrous fleece and excellent coverage. His fleece is even over his well proportioned frame. For those wanting an elite male, Prophecy

should be on your short list, particularly those liking the grey alpacas.

Yaringa Alpacas—Susan Haese

Mobile: 0418 846 271

E: [email protected] Web:

“Wyterrica Propaganda” “Alpacaspecialist


IAR 108947

D.O.B.: 12/04/06 RoseGrey

Propaganda is probably the most well known grey alpaca in the world,

producing outstanding quality coloured alpacas. His progeny

consistently win broad ribbons at major shows, and he has numerous working sons making their mark both

domestically and abroad.

Service Fee: $1100 inc. Agistment (conditions apply)

IAR 174962

D.O.B.: 21/02/11 Solid Black Latest Fleece Stats 2012

Midside (2nd Fleece)

Mic: 18.4 SD: 4.4 CV:23.8

Crackerjack has an outstanding soft, lustrous and dense black fleece, 3 traits so hard to achieve in a blue black alpaca. His show achieve-

ments include Champion Black Royal Adelaide 2012. Very true to type,

Crackerjack will commence work in Autumn 2013.

Service Fee: $770 inc. Agistment (conditions apply)

1/4 1/4 1/4

Disclaimer: AAASA Region does not endorse any of the above advertisements

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28 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Continued Overleaf



All AAA endorsed shows must be run as per the AAA Show Schedule – refer Show Section of the AAA website.

Alpaca Show Classes

The official Association Show Classes for halter and fleece classes can be found in Section Three of this manual. The

mandatory classes must be used at all Association shows, although it is recognized that age classes may be joined where

there are insufficient exhibits or split where there are a suitable number of exhibits.

Minimum Number of Entries.

It is recommended that, for an Association approved Show to proceed, there should be a minimum number of 25 animal

entries. It is desirable to have at least three entries per class. Relevant Health Declarations are to be completed in

accordance with appropriate Rules in force at the time.

The Show shall follow the order shown in the Schedule, which should clearly state:

1. That the Chief Steward or Inspection Steward has the ultimate power to classify all entries for colour and to inspect

each exhibit for identity and any disqualifying faults.

2. That the Chief Steward or Inspection Steward has the power to transfer an exhibit to another class if deemed

appropriate in his/her opinion.

3. That the Show will be conducted under AAA Ltd. Showing Rules. (Some of the more important Rules may be

reprinted in the listing).

4. For smaller one day shows, it is recommended that suri classes and suri championships be judged first.

5. Huacaya 12 months and older must be shorn regularly so that no more than 15 months fleece is carried at the time

of showing.

1. A suri must be shorn regularly so that no more than 24 months fleece is carried at the time of showing.

Alpaca Show Entry Forms

Format: alpaca classes

The following information must appear on the Alpaca Section Entry Form for all Shows.

1. Section and Class numbers

2. Sex

3. Australian Alpaca Association Ltd. registered animal name, including herd prefix

4. Colour

5. IAR number

6. Date of birth of alpaca exhibit


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SHOWING 7. Date of last shearing

8. Australian Alpaca Association Ltd. registered name of the sire and dam, including herd prefixes

9. Declaration signed by the exhibitor or authorised agent including penning details stating that all

information contained therein is true and correct

10. Health declaration form

Format: fleece classes

Alpaca fleece being shown must be the property of the exhibitor. The following information must appear on

the Alpaca Fleece Section Entry Form for all shows.

1. Section

2. Australian Alpaca Association Ltd. registered animal name, including herd prefix 44

3. Date of shearing

4. Age of animal when shorn, in months

5. Age of fleece, in months

6. Colour

7. Name of the sire and dam, including herd prefixes

8. Signed declaration by the exhibitor or authorised agent stating that all information contained

therein is true and correct

9. Only one fleece that has been shorn in the 18 months prior to the Show may be shown from any one animal

Colour Classic 2013

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Continued Overleaf

Colour Classics 2013 Congratulations to all the winners at this years Colour Classics

Supreme Champions Suri

White/Light Fawn - Marquez Hermione

All Colours - Meridian Obinna

Huacaya Grey - Softfoot Azure ET

Black - Leaenna Armani

Brown - Alpacaspecialists Valentino

Light Fawn - Softfoot Shah ET

Med Fawn - Arcady Ali Baba

White - Cambridge Streetwise

Roan - Classic Yaringa Lord Montgomery ET


Wether - Yaringa Cian ET

Fancy - Ambersun Laurieka

Marquez Hermione

Softfoot Azure ET Ambersun Laurieka

Yaringa Cian ET

Meridian Obinna

Alpacaspecialists Valentino

Softfoot Shah ET

Arcady Ali Baba

Cambridge Streetwise

Classic Yaringa Lord Montgomery

Leaenna Armani

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SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 31

Supreme Champion Fleece

Congratulations to all the winners

Suri White Light Fawn - Adaminca Amadore

All colours - Adaminca Haighs

Huacaya Grey - Yaringa Prophecy

Black - Yaringa Classic Czarina ET

White - Ambersun Infusion

Brown - Chaparral Harlem

Light Fawn - Riverport Fae

Roan - Yaringa Cloudy Skies

Med Fawn - Glenovis Kobler Belalie ET

Photo supplied by Rob Hartill from Riverport Alpacas

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32 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Class S01-2001 - White / Light Fawn Junior 6 To Under 12 Month Female

1 Marquez Hermione IAR:187551


S:Surilana Pythagoras

D:Surilana Natalie

Marquez 1

2 Marquez Hannah IAR:170192


S:Kurrawa Tari Q Et

D:Saxon Farm Cozima

Marquez 2

3 Prados Cersei IAR:192697


S:Kurrawa Achilles Et

D:Tasc Lady Fiona

Prados 3

Class S01-2002 - White / Light Fawn Junior 6 To Under 12 month Male

4 Prados Sandor IAR:192694


S:Surilana Nuclear Et

D:Saxon Farm Silkee

Prados 1

Class S01-2003 - White / Light Fawn Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Female

5 Painted Pines Arabella IAR:189180


S:Tahara Chimu

D:Painted Pines Tarooza

Dove Dale

Class S01-2004 White / Light Fawn Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Male

6 Adaminca Ruski IAR:183690


S:Arequipa Mario

D:Adaminca Champagne Rose

Adaminca 1

Class S01-2005 - White / Light Fawn Adult 18 To Under 24 Month Female

7 Meridian Priya IAR:186672


S:Pinjarra Julio

D:Meridian Penina

Meridian 1

Champion Male - Prados Sandor Champion Female - Marquez Hermione

SUPREME CHAMPION - Marquez Herimone

Colour Classic 2013 Judge: Peter Kennedy Apprentice: Dean Ford

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SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 33

Junior Female Champion

Senior Female Champion &

Grand Champion Huacaya

Junior Male Champion

Senior Male Champion

Intermediate Male Champion

Grand Champion Suri

Grey Huacaya : Sponsored by Yaringa Alpacas

Class S02-0105 - Grey Junior 6 To Under 12 Months Female

8 Softfoot Azure Et IAR:185849


S:Wyterrica Propaganda

D:Alpacaspeacialist Solitude

Softfoot 1

9 Ambersun Silver Lining IAR:193497


S:Jolimont Tiberio

D: Compass Silver Trinket

Ambersun 2

Class S02-0205 - Grey Junior 6 To Under 12 Months Male

10 Riverport Hematite IAR:183605


S:Wyterrica Propaganda

D:Wyterrica Zara

Riverport 1

11 Ambersun Oyster Grey IAR:193410


S:Ambersun Jag

D:Ambersun Ica

Ambersun 2

12 EP Cambridge Gunsmith IAR:191173


S:Wyterrica Propaganda

D:Inca Illusion

EP Cambridge 3

13 Haylilla Uno IAR:197255


S:Jolimont Tiberio

D:Parrindi Saleste


Class S02-305 - Grey Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Female

14 Brumosa Azul Galliana IAR:185477


S:Jigaru Storm Cloud

D:Forestglen Kestrel

Brumosa Azul

15 Arcady Electric Blue IAR:186805


S:Arcady Loki

D:Mundawora Arcady Florida

Schutara Park 3

16 Arcady Seabird IAR:186811


S:Arcady Formidable

D:Glengarry Sea-Mist

Arcady 2

17 Wyona Sunset Whisper IAR:185155


S:Blue Grass Waterloo Sunset

D:Wyona Secret

Wyona 1

Class S02-405 - Grey Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Male

18 Yaringa Hurricane IAR:183217


S:Bonnie Park Black Thunder

D:Yaringa Giselle

Yaringa 1

Class S02-605 - Grey Adult 18 To Under 30 Months Male

19 Waradene Taranaki IAR:176881


S:Trumar Gk

D:Eringa Park Dark Velvet

Haylilla 1

Class S02-0805 - Grey Senior 30 To 48 Months Male

20 Yaringa Prophecy IAR:147690


S:Wyterrica Propoganda

D:Grand Flowerdale Morning Mist ET

Yaringa 1

Champion Male - Yaringa Prophecy Champion Female - Softfoot Azure ET


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34 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Class S03-0107 - Black Junior 6 To Under 12 Month Female

21 Softfoot Alluia ET IAR194127


S:Wyterrica Propaganda

D:Alpacaspecialist Solitude


22 Marquez Honorata IAR:170191


S:Alpacaspecialist Picasso

D:Alpacaspecialist Shilo

Marquez 1

Class S03-0307 - Black Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Female

23 Softfoot Delfina IAR:184685


S:Alpacaspecialist Picasso

D:Alpacaspecialist Misty Dream

Softfoot 1

24 Classic Lady Ella ET IAR:183227


S:Coonawarra Thunderbolt

D:Alpacaspecialist Norika

Yaringa 2

25 Wyona Solar Stream IAR:185148


S:Distinction Spock

D:Wyona Amarylis

Wyona 3

26 Black Jack Bt Artemis IAR:170489


S:Bonnie Park Black Thunder

D:Black Jack Ct Aphrodite

Black Jack

Class S03-0407 - Black Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Male

27 Nocturne Ricochet IAR:180812


S:Warramunga Downs Paladin

D:Yalin Sheba


28 Haylilla Muzerabasra IAR:179039


S:Jolimont Tiberio

D:Chaparral Diva


29 Millduck Preston IAR:177398


S:Millduck Mandela (NZ)

D:Homlea Rosetta

Millduck 1

30 Wyona Black Casanova IAR:185129


S:Wharncliffe Casanova

D:Porters Black Zambucca

Wyona 2

31 Softfoot Jeronimo Et IAR:185820


S:Softfoot Maudib ET

D:Lysterfield Jessie

Softfoot 2

32 Yaringa Count Romanov IAR:183246


S:Canchones Ferrari Black ET

D:Classic Countess Zara ET

Yaringa HC

33 Majestica Obsidian IAR:186239


S:Arcady Formidable !

D: Adaminca Juno

Majestica 3

Class S03-0507 - Black Adult 18 To Under 30 Months Female

34 Ambersun Scally Wag IAR:182513


S:Ambersun Cuba

D:Compass Scandulous

Shandara 3

35 Wyona Cascade IAR:178150


S:Wharcliffe Casanova

D:Wyona Uhura

Wyona 1

36 Brumosa Azul Corazon IAR:5185473


S:Malakai Heir Apparent ET

D:Brumosa Azul Isabel

Brumosa Azul 2

Black Huacaya: Sponsored by Black Magic Alpacas

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SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 35

Class S03-0607 - Black Adult 18 To Under 30 Months Male

37 Alpacaspecialist Crackerjack IAR:174962


S:Alpacaspecialist Picasso

D:Alpacaspecialist Misty Dream


38 Chaparral Syn IAR:163821


S:Abancay Black Warrior

D:Chaparral Tabu


39 Classic Pegasus IAR:164808


S:Alpacaspecialist Picasso

D:Classic Princess Pixie ET


40 Classic Darkness Before Dawn IAR:164810


S:Alpacaspecialist Picasso

D:Alpacaspecialist Misty Dawn

Yaringa 2

41 Brumosa Azul Sombra ET IAR:174153


S:Jigaru Storm Cloud

D:Sierra Vista Nita

Brumosa Azul 4

42 Adaminca Sambucca IAR:167362


S:Parnabrae Luciano

D:Parnabrae Delta


43 Classic Black Sambucca IAR:164842


S:Alpacaspecialist Picasso

D:Alpacaspecialist Lady Sambucca ET

Black Jack

44 EP Cambridge King Slayer IAR:191196


S:Jolimont Ulises

D:Jolimont Romina

EP Cambridge 1

45 EP Cambridge Storm Cloud IAR:191209


S:Windsong Valley Firedragon

D:EP Cambridge Gossip Girl

EP Cambridge 3

Class S03-0707 - Black Senior 30 To Under 48 Months Female

46 Classic Black Pearl IAR:164753


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Alpacaspecialist Cerise

Yaringa 1

Class S03-0807 - Black Senior 30 To Under 48 Month Male

47 Classic Count Dracula ET IAR:147698


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Leajay Teah

Yaringa 2

48 Leaenna Armani IAR:149395


S:Erehwon Silverado

D:Leaenna Blush

Ambersun 1

Class S03-1007 - Black Mature 48 Months And Over Male

49 Nocturne Paladium IAR:161296


S:Warramunga Downs Paladin

D:Warramunga Downs Zoe

Nocturne 1

Champion Male - Leaenna Armani Champion Female - Softfoot Delfina


White Huacaya: Sponsored by

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36 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Class S04-0101 - White Junior 6 To Under 12 Month Female

50 Glenovis Lady Elliston IAR:173005


S:Blackgate Lodge Sir Oliver

D:Windsong Valley Pashmina

Glenovis 2

51 Softfoot Tinker Belle ET IAR:185844


S:Jolimont Gianmarco

D:Cambridge Toute Bell

Softfoot 1

Class S04-0201 - White Junior 6 To Under 12 Months Male

53 Softfoot Leyland ET IAR:177124


S:Alpacaspecialist Sharman

D:Softfoot Lelia

Softfoot 1

54 Brumosa Azul Izador IAR:185485


S:Malakai Heir Apparent ET

D:Brumsoa Azul Zafiro

Brumosa Azul

55 Riverport Jarren ET IAR:183615


S:Ambersun Yukon

D:Patagonia Celtic Flamingo

Riverport 2

56 Riverport Jose ET IAR:183616


S:Ambersun El Salvador

D:Jandarra Conchita

Riverport 3

127 Schutara Park Vasco De Gama IAR:167800


S;Peerless Marlecchino

D:Schutara Park Nougat

Schutara Park

Class S04-0301 White Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Female

57 Eringa Park Valedictorian IAR:187396


S:EP Cambridge Valour

D:Eringa Park Miss Valverde

EP Cambridge 1

58 Riverport Royale Highness IAR:183594


S:Camelot Tor

D:Malakai Rose Royale ET

Riverport 3

59 Softfoot Tirari IAR:185836


S:Softfoot Corroboree

D:Softfoot Twist

Softfoot 2

Class S04-0401 - White Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Male

60 Cambridge Authorized IAR:191207


S:Jolimont Gianmarco

D:Cambridge Favour

Cambridge 1

61 Glenovis Moriarty ET IAR:172996


S:Blackgate Lodge Sir Oliver

D:Windsong Valley Pashmina

Glenovis 2

62 Glenovis Sherlock ET IAR:172997


S:Blackgate Lodge Sir Oliver

D:Windsong Valley Pashmina

Glenovis 3

Class S04-0501 - White Adult 18 To Under 30 Months Female

63 Riverport Ghanima IAR:167110


S:Softfoot Ceroc

D:Softfoot Chella GM

Riverport 2

64 Shandara Juliana IAR:174934



D:Fine Choice Gemma

Shandara 3

65 Ambersun Chandalier IAR:182456


S:Ambersun Distinction ET

D:Compass Chandler

Ambersun 1

Class S04-0601 - White Adult 18 To Under 30 Months Male

66 Cambridge Streetwise IAR:181849


S:Beneleigh Cavalier ET

D:Cambridge Calamity

Cambridge 1

67 Adaminca Mobi IAR:167359


S:Nambi Durango

D:Adaminca Mercedes


68 Softfoot Aragorn IAR:177102 S:Softfoot Maudib ET Softfoot 2

69 Marquez Gregorio IAR:170187 S:Patagonia Celtic Rising Sun ET (NZ) Marquez

70 Kobler Peace Envoy IAR:177422 S:Alpacaspecialist War Lord ET Kobler 3

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SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 37

Class S04-0701 - White Senior 30 To Under 48 Months Female

71 Shanbrooke Accoyo Ruling Eyes ET IAR:168124


S:Shanbrooke Accoyo Invincible

D:Shanbrooke Accoyo Seduction ET

Softfoot 1

Class S04-0801 - White Senior 30 To Under 48 Months Male

72 Whyte Park Timothy IAR:132307


S:Patagonia Celtic Triumph

D:Tarrant Ridge Miatimo

Softfoot 2

73 Ambersun Prestigio IAR:162389


S:Jolimont Warrior

D:Ambersun Akushla

Ambersun 1

Champion Male - Cambridge Streetwise Champion Female - Shanbrooke Accoyo Ruling

Supreme Champion - Cambridge Streetwise


Class S05-1402 - Wether 18 Months And Over

75 Shandara Ozzie IAR:174932


S:Ambersun Jag

D:Ambersun Shelby


76 Nangkita Majestica IAR:164795


S:Ambersun King’S Ransom

D:Nangkita Jasmine


77 Yaringa Maximillian IAR:164801


S:Ambersuns King’S Ransom

D:Alpacspecialist Mercede’s

Urrbrae 3

78 Yaringa Benito IAR:164822


S:Ambersun King’S Ransom

D:Parnabrae Bellissa


79 Schutara Park Mickey IAR:167795


S:Schutara Park Apollo

D:Shutara Park Pollywaffle

Schutara Park 2

80 Yaringa Cian ET IAR:183195


S:Ambersun King’S Ransom

D:Softfoot Gm Contra

Urrbrae 1

Best Wether - Yaringa Cian ET

Fancy Huacaya

Class S06-1101 - Fancy Junior 6 To Under 12 Month

81 Ambersun Elaborate (App) IAR:193459


S:Ambersun Jag

D:Ambersun Irish Lace

Ambersun 1

Class S06-1301 - Fancy Intermediate 18 Months and Over

82 Ambersun Laurieka IAR:182548 S:Ambersun Heritage ET Ambersun 1

Best Fancy - Ambersun Laurieka

Samuel Butler

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38 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Continued Overleaf

Class S07-2101 - All Colours Junior 6 To Under 12 Months Female

83 Prados Sansa IAR:192693


S:Kurrawa Achilles ET

D:Tasc Lady Flora

Prados 1

84 Prados Sasha IAR:177424


S:Pacofino Chico

D:Prados Michelle

Prados 2

85 Dove Dale Queen Sophia IAR:186449


S:Tahara Zipcode

D:Tambo Downs Goldie Horn

Dove Dale 3

Class S07-2102 - All Colours Junior 6 To Under 12 Months Male

86 Prados Scaramanga IAR:177423


S:Pacofino Goldfinger

D:Prados Cassia

Prados 2

87 Meridian Manfred Mann IAR:186680


S:Meridian Pepito

D:Meridan Merryn

Meridian 1

Class S07-2104 - All Colours Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Male

88 Meridian Wicsah IAR:186675


S:Surilana Jacabin

D:Pinjarra Wild Side

Meridian 2

89 Adaminca Chico IAR:183691


S:Arequipa Mario

D:Arequipa Genevieve Adaminca 1

Class S07-2106 All Colours Adult 18 To Under 24 Months

90 Marquez Graciano IAR:170186


S:Canchones Cartier

D:Marquez Eliana

Marquez 1

Class S07-2107- All Colours Senior 24 To Under 48 Months Male

91 Meridian Dancia IAR:166575


S:Meridian Bernardo

D:Crown & Sceptre Daphne Meridian

92 Tahara Ondine IAR:160499


S:Tahara Zipcode

D:Tahara Odessa

Dove Dale 1

Class S07-2108 - All Colours Senior 24 To Under 48 months Male

93 Meridian Obinna IAR:155712


S:Meridian Takoda

D:Meridian Orlanda

Meridian 1

All Colours Suri: Sponsored by Maidment Meat

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SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 39

Continued Overleaf

Class S07-2109 - All Colours Senior 48 Months And Over Female

94 Meridian Merryn IAR:155702


S:Pinjarra Julio

D:PinJarra Snow Maiden

Meridian 1

Champion Male - Meridian Obinna Champion Female - Prados Sansa

Class S08-0104 - Brown Junior 6 To Under 12 months Female

95 Haylilla Lullaby IAR:179050


S:Ambersun Futuris

D:Jolimont Riva

Haylilla 3

96 Kobler Prados Star Anise IAR:177426


S:Patagonia Celtic Triumph

D:Timbertop Sunrise Kobler 2

97 Yaringa Jade ET IAR:192707


S:Canchones Ferrari Black ET

D:Classic Opal Nera

Yaringa 1

Class S08-0204 - Brown Junior 6 To Under 12 Months Male

98 Ambersun Haigh IAR:193417


S:Jolimont Tiberio

D:Stansbury’s Black Pearl

Ambersun 3

99 Adaminca Aventador IAR:183698


S:Nambi Durango

D:Farmridge Alegria

Adaminca 2

100 Yaringa Caesarevich IAR:192704


S:Canchones Ferrari Black ET

D:Yaringa Classic Czarina ET


101 Haylilla Emelio IAR:197274


S:Pinjarra Cool Candidate

D:Nangkita Riannon

Haylilla 1

Brown Huacaya: Sponsored by Victoria Hotel

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40 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Continued Overleaf

Class S08-0304 - Brown Junior 6 To Under 12 Months Male

102 Flying Colours Miss Ninja IAR:177232


S:Timbertop Ct Tomb Raider

D:All Black Holly


103 Milduck Petula IAR:186536


S:Millduck Mandela (NZ)

D:Millduck Forget Me Not

Millduck 2

104 Wyona Ferrara IAR:185134


S:Running Creek Frontera

D:Wyona Le Chic

Wyona 1

105 Marquez Henriqua IAR:170188


S:Alpacaspecialist Reckless Lord ET

D:Marquez Elena


106 Haylilla True IAR:179045


S:Trumar Gk

D:Waradene Cho Petria

Haylilla 3

Class S08-0404 - Brown Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Male

107 Carlisle Jarrah IAR:168497


S:Ambersun Distinction ET

D:Alpacaspecialist Touch Of Class

Carlisle 2

108 Millduck Pittsburgh IAR:177399


S:Millduck Jarrah

D:Millduck Kristie Lou Millduck 1

Class S08-0504 - Brown Adult 18 To Under 30 Months Female

109 Classic Yaringa Maharani IAR:183177


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Alpacaspeacialist Dynasty

Yaringa 1

110 Carlisle Laurie IAR:168495


S:Ambersun Futuris

D:Ambersun Millicent

Carlisle 2

Class S08-0604 - Brown Adult 18 To Under 30 Months Male

111 Millduck Oregon IAR:177390


S:Millduck Jarrah

D:Millduck Kristie-Lou Millduck 1

112 Riverport Gangster ET IAR:177606


S:Ambersun Yukon

D:Ambersun Inertia ET


113 Eringa Park Oxford Brown IAR:187420


S:Windsong Valley Firedragon

D:Kyimba Duchess

EP Cambridge 3

114 Prados Claudius IAR:182366


S:Alpacspecialist Reckless Lord ET

D:Alpacspecialist Jewel Prados 2

Class S08-0804 - Brown Senior 30 To Under 48 Months Male

116 Ambersun Clinga Estate Oscar IAR:140248


S:Jolimont Warrior

D:Ambersun Gabriella

Calinga Estate 3

117 Chaparral Harlem IAR:154896


S:Blue Grass Waterloo Sunset

D:Chaparral Dimple

Chaparral 2

118 Alpacaspecialist Valentino IAR:154085


S:Alpacaspecialist War Lord ET

D:Bonnie Park Daisy

Softfoot 1

Class S08-0904 - Brown 48 Months and Over Female

119 Marquez Evita IAR142636


S:Benleigh Bellisimo

D:Waradene Nostradamus Kimba

Marquez 1

Class S08-1004 Brown Mature 48 Months And Over Male

120 Prados Puck IAR:132963


S:Jolimont Warrior

D:Compass Zahava

Prados 1

Champion Male - Alpacaspecialists Valentino Champion Female - Wyona Ferrara

Supreme Champion - Alpacaspecialists Valentino

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SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 41

Continued Overleaf

Class S09-0102 - Light Fawn Junior 6 To Under 12 Months Female

122 Yaringa Noritake ET IAR:183256


S:Shanbrooke Simply The Best

D:Alpacaspecialist Norika

Yaringa 1

52 Riverport Jasmine IAR:183620


S:Riverport Elgin

D:Riverport Fae

Riverport 2

ClassS09-0202 - Light Fawn Junior 6 To Under 12 Months Male

124 Softfoot Shah ET IAR:177125


S:Alpacaspecialist Sharman

D:Softfoot Leila

Softfoot 1

125 Carlisle Archibold IAR:168499


S:Softfoot Corroboree

D:Softfoot Carmen


126 Black Jack Yaringa Leading Light IAR:183262


S:Flying Colours CT Leading Edge

D:Timbertop CT Makybe Diva

Black Jack 3

128 Yaringa Vanilla Sky IAR:183271


S:Shanbrooke Simply The Best

D:Windsong Valley Vanilla Ice

Yaringa 2

129 Haylilla Rubinstein IAR:197251


S:Patagonia Celtic Triumph

D:Timbertop Helena Haylilla HC

Class S09-0302 - Light Fawn Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Female

130 EP Cambridge Fire Maiden IAR:191168


S:Windsong Valley Firedragon

D:EP Cambridge Vanity Fair ET

EP Cambridge 1

131 Yaringa Hope ET IAR:183231


S:Shanbrooke Simply The Best

D:Yaringa Victoria

Yaringa 2

132 Riverport Hiawathat IAR:183599


S:Ambersun El Salvador

D: Grosvenor Heights Alice in Wonderland


133 EP Cambridge Fire Opal IAR:187416


S:Windsong Valley Firedragon

D:EP Cambridge Peruvian Opal

EP Cambridge 3

Class S09-0402 - Light Fawn Adult 18 To Under 30 Months Female

138 Carlisle Rose IAR:168494


S:Softfoot Maudid ET

D:Softfoot Tiwi Carlisle 3

139 Softfoot Prima Doona ET IAR:177116


S:Softfoot Ceroc

D:Softfoot Pasha

Softfoot 1

140 Ambersun Nectar Cream IAR182434


S:Jolimot Warrior

D:Ambersun Apricot Nectar

Ambersun 2

141 Timbertop Olympia’s Leading Love IAR:177246


S:Flying Colours CT Leading Edge

D:Timbertop CT Olympia Carlisle

Class S09-0602 - Light Fawn Adult 18 To Under 30 Months Male

142 Chaparral Endeavour IAR:163789


S:Ambersun Distinction ET

D:Chaparral Chicha


143 Adaminca Firestorm IAR:167361


S:Windsong Valley Firedragon

D:Adaminca Porscha

Adaminca 2

144 Wyona Fronteir IAR:178120


S:Running Creek Frontera

D:Wyona Brown Sugar

Wyona 3

145 Softfoot Fabian IAR:177117


S:Shanbrooke Churra Kosako

D:Softfoot Fiora Softfoot 1

Light Fawn Huacaya: Sponsored by Softfoot Alpacas

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42 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Class S09-0802 - Light Fawn Senior 30 To Under 48 Months Male

146 Shanbrooke Accoyo Royal Challenge ET IAR:168126


S:Shanbrooke Accoyo Invincible

D:Shanbrooke Accoyo Seduction ET

Softfoot 2

147 Ambersun Touch Down IAR:157341


S:Jolimont Warrior

D:Gunung Chloe

Ambersun 1

Class S09-1002 - Light Fawn Mature 48 Months And Over Male

14 Yaringa Czar IAR:147651


S:Ambersun King’s Ransom

D:Alpacaspecialist Dynasty

Yaringa 1

74 Alpacaspecialist-Sharman IAR:154051


S:Ambersun King’s Ransom

D:Bonnie Park Charlotte

Softfoot 2

Champion Male - Softfoot Shah ET Champion Female - Softfoot Prima Donna ET

Supreme Champion - Softfoot Shah ET

Class S10-0206 - Roan Junior 6 To Under 12 Months Male

149 Glenovis Grainger IAR:173004


S:Softfoot Maudib ET

D:Geenvale Denuta Glenovis 1

Class S10-0306 - Roan Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Female

150 Arcady Umbrette IAR:186807


D:Morning Star Meriadoc

D:Muttumbung Antoinette Arcady 1

Class S10-0406 - Roan Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Male

151 Softfoot Belar Md IAR:185808


S:Softfoot Maudib ET

D:Timbertop Bindi Belle Softfoot 1

152 Meridian Sharad IAR:186678


S:Meridian Whistler

D:Meridian Sabella Meridian 2

Roan Huacaya: Sponsored by The Nag Nanny

Continued Overleaf

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SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 43

Class S10-0506 - Roan Adult 18 To Under 30 Months Female

153 EP Cambridge Fire Rose IAR:187384


S:Windsong Valley Firedragon

D:Ladysmith Voodoo

EP Cambridge 1

154 Meridian Eillish IAR:186664


S:Arcady Moody Blue

D:Greenwood Elenora-Bromberger

Meridian 2

Class S10-0606 - Roan Adult 18 To Under 30 Months Male

155 Softfoot Mungo IAR:177083


S:Softfoot Corroboree

D:Softfoot Velvetine Dg

Softfoot 2

156 Classic Yaringa Lord Montgomery ET IAR:164844


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Alpacaspecialist Dynasty

Yaringa 1

157 Classic Thunder Lord ET IAR:183188


S:Coonawarra Thunderbolt

D:Alpacspecialist Norika

Yaringa 3

Class S10-0706 - Roan Senior 30 To Under 48 Months Female

115 Kobler Auriel IAR:177411


S:Alpacspecialist Reckless Lord ET Kobler 1

Champion Male - Classic Yaringa Lord Montgomery ET Champion Female - EP Cambridge Fire Rose

Class S11-103 - Med Fawn Junior 6 To Under 12 Months Female

158 Softfoot Perdita ET IAR:185845


S:Alpacspecialist Sharman

D:Softfoot Petal Softfoot 1

159 Glenovis Uley IAR:173006


S:Softfoot Corroboree

D:Ambersun Roche


160 Adaminca Presence IAR:183696


S:Nambi Durango

D: Adaminca Porscha


161 Yaringa Grand Duchess Natalia IAR:183272


S:Yaringa Czar

D:Alpacspecialist Norika Yaringa 3

162 Carlisle Jade IAR:168500


S:Softfoot Maudib ET

D:Softfoot Tiwi Softfoot HC

Medium Dark Fawn Huacaya: Sponsored by Landmark Strathalbyn

Continued Overleaf

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44 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

121 Softfoot Petula ET IAR:185846


S:Alpacspecialist Sharman

D:Softfoot Petal

Softfoot HC

123 Riverport Jay ET IAR:183618


S:Ambersun Yukon

D:Patagonia Celtic Flamingo

Riverport 2

Class S11-0203 - Med Fawn Junior 6 To 12 Months Male

163 Eringa Park Golden Age IAR:187417


S:Windsong Valley Firedragon

D:Eringa Park Sihouette

EP Cambridge HC

164 Adaminca Roanan IAR:183693


S:Nambi Durango

D:Adaminca Mercedes

Adaminca 2

165 Riverport Hessonite IAR:183604


S:Ambersun El Salvador

D:Kiaka Amber

Riverport 1

166 Glenovis Cleaver ET IAR:173002


S:Softfoot Corroboree

D:Ambersun Roche


167 Softfoot Linus ET IAR:194128


S:Alpacaspecialist Sharman

D:Softfoot Leila

Softfoot 3

168 Yaringa Prince of Peace IAR:183258


S:Shanbrooke Simply The Best

D:Classic Queen Providence


Class S11-0303 - Med Fawn Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Female

169 Andean Gold Allusion IAR:178839


S:Ambersun King’s Ransom

D:Alpacaspeacialist Allure

Andean Gold HC

170 Glenovis Kobler Belalie ET IAR:173001


S:Jolimont Gianmarco

D:Soft Pasha Glenovis 2

171 Softfoot Tanya MD ET IAR:185835


S:Softfoot Maudib ET

D:EP Cambridge Peruvian Tallulah Softfoot 1

172 Classic Princess Mackenzie IAR:183239


S:Shanbrooke Simply The Best

D:Alpacaspecialist Princess Royale Yaringa 3

Class S11-0403 - Med Fawn Intermediate 12 To Under 18 Months Male

173 Carlisle Porteous IAR:168496


S:Alpacaspecialist Reckless Lord Et

D:Kristarose Kira Carlisle

174 Millduck Perkins IAR:177395


S:Millduck Jarrah

D:Millduck Liberty Millduck 2

175 Chaparal Conquistador IAR:176134


S:Ambersun Jag

D:Fine Choice Braziliz Chaparral 3

176 Marquez Havier IAR:170189


S:Alpacaspecialist Legend

D:Marquez Felipa Marquez

177 Arcady Ali Baba IAR:186822


S:Arcady Formidable

D:Camillwood Snow White Arcady 1

Class S11-0503 - Med Fawn Adult 18 To Under 30 Months Female

178 Shanbrooke Society Elite ET IAR:187272


S:Shanbrooke Gold Perfection

D:Shanbrooke SocietyShere Predictable ET

Softfoot 1

Class S11-603 - med Fawn Adult 18 To Under 30 Months Male

179 Chaparral Foste IAR:163810


S:Jolimont Warrior

D:Chaparral Topaz Martini Chaparral

Continued Overleaf

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SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 45

180 Alpacaspecialist Midas IAR:174969


S:Ambersun Kings Ransom

D:Bonnie Park Penelope

Softfoot 1

181 Millduck Oxford IAR:177385


S:Millduck Jarrah

D:Millduck Jitterbug


182 Yaringa Sandstorm IAR:164803


S:Bonnie Park Black Thunder

D:Yaringa Giselle


183 EP Cambridge Firecraft IAR:181832


S:Windsong Valley Firedragon

D:Lualto Trianna

EP Cambridge 3

184 Andean Gold Storm Breaker IAR:178817


S:Andean Gold Firestorm ET

D:Andean Gold Annatasha

Andean Gold 2

185 Yaringa Victory ET IAR:183184


S:Ambersun Kings Ransom

D:Yaringa Victoria

Yaringa 2

186 Classic Simple Irresistable IAR:183192


S:Shanbrooke Simply The Best

D:Classic Queen’s Desire


Class S11-0703 - Med Fawn Senior 30 To Under 48 Months Female

187 Ambersun Fire Light IAR:157358


S:Ambersun Futuris

D:Compass Eternal Flame

Shandara 1

Class S11-0803 - Med Fawn Senior 30 To Under 48 Months Male

188 Alpacaspecialist Shintaro IAR:154081


S:Alapacaspecialist Destination

D:Kurringal Timoko

Softfoot 1

189 Haylilla Leo IAR:162665


S:Benleigh Golden Flame

D:Chaparral Taquina Haylilla 3

190 Ambersun Fireball IAR:162400


S:Jolimont Warrior

D:Ambersun Ferrera Ambersun 2

Class S11-1003 - Med Fawn Mature 48 Months And Over Male

191 Alpacaspecialist Legend IAR:117735


S:Jolimomnt Warrior

D:Alpacaspecialist Dynasty Yaringa 1

192 Ambersun Chrysler IAR:162412


S:Jolimont Warrior

D:Ambersun Honeysuckle Kobler 2

Champion Male - Arcady Ali Baba Champion Female - Softfoot Perdita ET

Supreme Champion - Arcady Ali Baba

White light fawn Suri Fleece : sponsored by AAFT Class S12-FS42 - White / Light Fawn 18 to Under 30 Months

F1 Manangkari Betty IAR:175281

Shorn: 24-11-12

Shorn at:22mo

Fleece:12mo S:Mundawora Zarion

D:Mundawora Allegria


F2 Adaminca Amadore IAR:167360


Shorn at:18mo


S:Arequipa Mario

D:Arequipa Tuscany Adaminca 1

F3 Lake plains Dheram IAR:45360


Shorn at:20mo


S:Adsail Sun Illiad

D:Lake Plains Desiree Lake Plains 3

F4 Lake Plains Illiario IAR:45364


Shorn at:18mo


S:Daycara Sultan of Swing

D:Lake Plains Ivalia Lake Plains 2

Supreme Champion - Adaminca Amadore Continued Overleaf

Page 46: Read n breed issue 72 spring edition

46 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Class S13-FH21 - Grey 6 to Under 12 Months

F5 Arcady Electric Blue IAR:186805

Shorn: 20-10-12

Shorn at:6mo


S:Arcady Loki

D:Mundawora Arcady Florida Schutara Park 2

F6 Yaringa Highland Rose IAR:183245


Shorn at:6mo


S:Wyterrica Propaganda

D:Alpacaspecialist Highland Fling Yaringa 1

Class S13-FH41 - Grey 18 to under 30 months

F7 Classic Reignbow IAR:164759


Shorn at:24mo


S:Wyterrica Propaganda

D:Alpacaspecialist Riegn Dance Yaringa 2

F8 Nangkita Cool Charity IAR:164767


Shorn at:23mo


S:Pinjarra Cool Candidate

D:Nangkita Misty Nangkita 3

Class S13-FH5 1 - Grey 30 months and over

F9 Pinjarra Cool Candidate IAR:129228


Shorn at 69mo

Fleece: 12mo

S:Pinjarra Buenisimo

D:Greenwood Chin Chin Nangkita

F10 Greenvale Gianna ET IAR:146909


Shorn at:54mo


S:Brooklea Ridge

D:World Class Silk Rose Softfoot

F11 Gaylewood Pencilwood IAR:161309


Shorn at:37mo


S:Almora Nomad

D:Gaylewood Pepperwood Ambersun 3

F12 Yaringa Prophecy IAR:147690


Shorn at:33mo


S:Wyterrica Propaganda

D:Grand Flowerdale Morning Mist Yaringa 1

F13 Fleur De Lys Silver Rose IAR:154170


Shorn at:32mo

Fleece:12 mo

S:Shanbrooke Churra Kosako

D:Fleur De Lys Perlette Royale Yaringa 2

F14 Greenvale Valentina IAR:161744


Shorn at:31mo


S:Greenvale Medici

D:Greenvale Valencia Marquez

Supreme Champion - Yaringa Prophecy

Class S14-FH23 - Black 6 to under 12 months

F15 Classic Black Sambucca IAR:164842


Shorn at:11mo


S:Alpacaspecialist Picasso

D:Alpacaspecialist Lady Sambucca ET Black Jack

F16 Classic Black Sapphire IAR:164849


Shorn at:10mo


S:Alpacaspecialist Piccaso

D:Classic Opal Nera Yaringa 3

F17 Softfoot Karmen IAR:184701


Shorn at:9mo


S:Alpacaspecialist Picasso

D:Parnabrae Karma Softfoot 2

F18 Yaringa Night Skies IAR:183218


Shorn at:8mo


S:Canchones Ferrari Black ET

D:Yaringa Cloudy Skies Yaringa

F19 Softfoot Jeronimo ET IAR:185820




S:Softfoot Maudib ET

D:Lysterfield Jessie Softfoot 1

Class S14-FH33 - Black 12 to under 18 months

F20 Ambersun Scally Wag IAR:182513


Shorn at:17mo


S:Ambersun Cuba

D:Compass Scansulous Shandara 2

Grey Huacaya Fleece : sponsored by AAFT

Black Huacaya Fleece : sponsored by AAFT

Continued Overleaf

Page 47: Read n breed issue 72 spring edition

SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 47

F21 Adaminca Sambucca IAR:167362


Shorn at:12mo


S:Parnabrae Luciano

D:Parnabrae Delta Adaminca 1

Class S14-FH43 - Black 18 to under 30months

F23 Yaringa Classic Midnight

Queen ET



Shorn at:23mo


S:Bonnie Park Black Thunder

D:Alpacaspecialist Dynasty Yaringa 1

F24 Chaparral Syn IAR:163821


Shorn at:19mo


S:Abancay Black Warrior

D:Chaparral Tabu Chaparral 3

F25 Classic Darkeness Before






S:Alpacaspecialist Picasso

D:Alpacaspecialist Misty Dawn Yaringa 2

Class S14-FH53 - Black 30 months and over

F26 Alpacaspecialist Solitude IAR:124260


Shorn at:67mo


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Alpacaspecialist Reign Dance Softfoot

F27 Classic Luna IAR:137889


Shorn at:43mo


S:Bonnie Park Black Thunder

D:Alpacaspecialist Lela

Yaringa 3

F28 Lyneden Bronson IAR:128385


Shorn at:31mo


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Lyneden Breeze Chaparral

F29 Yaringa Classic Czarina ET IAR147707


Shorn at:31mo


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Alpacaspecialist Dynasty Yaringa 1

F30 Classic Black Pear IAR:164753


Shorn at:30mo


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Alpacaspecialist Cerise Yaringa

F31 Leaenna Armani IAR:149395


Shorn at:31mo


S:Erehwon Silverado

D:Leaenna Blush Ambersun

F22 Alpacaspecialist Shilo IAR:154054


Shorn at:36mo


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Christine Mason Silver Shadow Marquez 2

Supreme Champion - Yaringa Classic Czarina ET

Class S15-FH26 - White 6 to Under 12 months

F32 Schutara Park Mickey IAR:167795


Shorn at:10mo


S:Schutara Park Apollo

D:Schutara Park Pollywaffle

Schutara Park

F33 Softfoot Latika MD ET IAR:184683


Shorn at:8mo


S:Softfoot Maudib ET

D:EP Cambrdge Peruvian Tallulah Softfoot

F34 Glenovis Sherlock ET IAR:172997


Shorn at:8mo


S:Blackgate Lodge Sir Oliver

D;Windsong Valley Pashmina Glenovis

F35 Softfoot Selena IAR:185804


Shorn at:7mo

Fleece: 7mo

S:Windsong Valley Royal Inca

D:Softfoot C.T. Selette Softfoot 2

F36 Riverport Hallmark IAR:183596


Shorn at:7mo


S:Ambersun El Salvador

D:Softfoot GM Epiphany Riverport 3

F71 Yaringa Hope ET IAR:183231


Shorn at:7mo


S:Shanbrooke Simply The Best

D:Yaringa Victoria Yaringa 1

White Huacaya Fleece : sponsored by AAFT

Continued Overleaf

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48 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Class S15-FH36 - White 12 to under 18 months

F37 Riverport Ghanima IAR:167110


Shorn at:17mo


S:Softfoot Ceroc

D:Softfoot Chella GM Riverport 1

F38 Shandara Juliana IAR:174934


Shorn at:15mo


S:Jolimont Warrior

D:Fine Choice Gemma Shandara 3

F39 Softfoot Aragorn IAR:177102


Shorn at:12mo

Fleece: 8mo

S:Softfoot Maudib Et

D:Softfoot C.T. Jarana Softfoot 2

Class S15-FH46 - White 18 to under 30 months

F40 Wilsonia Valiant IAR:153075


Shorn at:28mo


S:EP Cambridge Peruvian Spar-tacus

D:The Hermitage Conquista

Wilsonia 3

F41 Softfoot Galloway IAR:172539


Shorn at:20mo


S:Timbertop CT Whistler EP

D:Cambridge Peruvian Tallulah Softfoot 2

F42 Ambersun Infusion IAR:162385


Shorn at:18mo


S:Ambersun Futuris

D:Ninbella Chole Ambersun 1

Class S15-FH56 - White 30 months and over

F43 Chaparral Exquiste IAR:129146


Shorn at:45mo


S:Fine Choice Peruvian Travolta

D:Chaparral Tuaca

Chaparral 2

F44 Softfoot Leila IAR:156001


Shorn at:43mo


S:Softfoot Ceroc

D:Softfoot Lotus


F45 The Hermitage Lord Spatacus



Shorn at:41mo


S:EP Cambridge Peurivan Spartacus

D:The Hermitage Conquista


F46 Windsong Valley Vanilla Ice IAR:170510


Shorn at:35mo


S:Windsong Valley Royal Inca

D:Culpeper Vanilla

Yaringa 3

F47 Riverport Figaro IAR:164209


Shorn at:32mo


S:Camelot Tor

D:Flowerdale Jacinta

Riverport 1

F48 Yaringa Harmony IAR:147703


Shorn at:31mo

Fleece: 12mo

S: Ambersun King’s Ransom

D:Serendip Sienna Yaringa

Supreme Champion - Ambersun Infushion

Class S16-FS49 - Coloured 18 to under 30 months

F49 Adaminca Haighs IAR:167358


Shorn at:19mo


S:Arequipa Mario

D:Adaminca Genevieve Adaminca 1

F51 Lake Plains Keanu IAR:45361


Shorn at:20mo


S:Daycara Sultan of Swing

D:Arequipa Golden Krisha Lake Plains 3

F52 Lake Plains Kalinda IAR:45359


Shorn at: 19mo


S:Adsail Sun Illiad

D:Arequipa Kasey Lake Plains 2

Supreme Champion - Adaminca Haighs

All colours suri fleece : sponsored by AAFT

Continued Overleaf

Page 49: Read n breed issue 72 spring edition

SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 49

Fancy Suri

F50 Tasc Godfather IAR:164811


Shorn at:18mo


S:kurrawa Achilles ET

D:Saxon Farm Andys Whiskey Yaringa 1

Class S17-FH27 - Brown 6 to under 12 months

F53 Softfoot Bellamy IAR:177097


Shorn at:10mo


S:Whyte Park Washington

D:Tumi Blackie Softfoot 1

F54 Classic Yaringa IAR:183177


Shorn at:10mo


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Alpacaspecialist Dynasty Yaringa

F55 Black jack Glad Zebedee IAR:170483


Shorn at:9mo


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Black Jack CT Zahara Black Jack

F56 Classic Thunder Lord ET IAR:183188


Shorn at: 9mo


S:Coonawarra Thunderbolt

D:Alpacaspecialist Touch of Class

Carlisle 2

F57 Carlisle Jarrah IAR:168497


Shorn at:9mo


S:Ambersun Distinction ET

D:Alpacaspecialist Touch of Class

Carlisle 2

Class S17-FH37 - Brown 12 to under 18 months

F58 Riverport Gangster ET IAR:177606


Shorn at:12mo


S:Ambersun Yukdon

D:Ambersun Inertia ET

Riverport 1

Class S17-FH47 - Brown 18 to under 30months

F59 Lomavista Mika IAR:158564


Shorn at:28mo


S:Trumar GK

D:Lomavista Mardi


F60 Alpacapartners Crane IAR:157025


Shorn at:24mo


S:Encantador Fenomeno

D:Alpaca Partners Angel Glenovis

F61 Yaringa Princess Donata ET IAR:164769


Shorn at:23mo


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Serendip Prima Donna

Yaringa 1

F62 Classic Desert Star IAR:164771


Shorn at:23mo


S:Alpacaspecialist Picasso

D:Taralowie Genesis Yaringa 2

F63 Alpacaspecialist Lady Louise IAR:174982


Shorn at:19mo


S:Alpacaspecialist War Lord ET

D:Parnabrae Luisa Softfoot 3

Class S17-FH57 - Brown 30 months and over

F64 Wilsonia Manfred IAR:153069


Shorn at:42mo


S:Camelot Tor

D:Tangilly Princess Natasha Wilsonia 3

F65 Lyneden Sugar Rae IAR:128382


Shorn at:41mo


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Alpacaspecialist Sunset Softfoot 2

F66 Chaparral Harlem IAR:154896 Shorn at:33mo S:Blue Grass Waterloo Sunset Chaparral 1

F67 Black Jack Scd Beatrice IAR:158605


Shorn at:32mo


S:Timbertop The Scud

D:Timbertop Ct Royalit Black Jack 1

F82 Leejay Jamara IAR:61936 Shorn at:79mo S:Wilari Park Salazar Marquez

Supreme Champion - Chaparral Harlem

Brown Huacaya Fleece : sponsored by AAFT

Continued Overleaf

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50 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Class S18-FH28 - Light Fawn 6 to under 12 months

F68 Softfoot Fabian IAR:177117


Shorn at:9mo


S:Shanbrooke Churra

D:Kosako Softfoot Fiora Softfoot 1

F69 Riverport Heathcliffe IAR:183577


Shorn at:9mo


S:Ambersun Yukon

D:Riverport Enya Riverport 3

F70 Yaringa Cian ET IAR:183195


Shorn at:9mo


S:Ambersun King’s Ransom

D:Softfoot GM Contra Urrbrae 2

Class S18-FH48 - Light Fawn 18 to under 30 months

F73 Riverport Fae IAR:164216


Shorn at: 28 mo

Fleece:10 mo

S:Beneleigh Golden Flame

D:Ambersun Inertia ET Riverport 1

F74 Adaminca Strawberries &




Shorn at:21mo


S:Nambi Durango

D:Adaminca Scarlett Adaminca 2

F75 Manangkari Charm IAR:175282


Shorn at:20mo


S:Coonawarra P9418

D:Mundawora White Mist Manangkari 3

Class S18-FH58 - Light Fawn 30 months and over

F72 Chaparral Pablo IAR:154893


Shorn at:33mo

Fleece: 12mo

S:Fine Choice Peruvian Ultimo

D:Chaparral Caprioshka

Chaparral 3

F76 Ambersun Distinction ET IAR:135696


Shorn at:64 mo

Fleece: 10mo

S:Jolimont Warrior

D:Ambersun Palomina


F77 Shanbrooke Simply The Best



Shorn at:49mo


S:Shanbrooke Peruvian Nano

D:Shanbrooke Conchatonca Illa

Yaringa 2

F78 Yaringa Czar IAR:147651


Shorn at:44 mo


S:Ambersun King’s Ransom

D:Alpacaspecialist Dynasty

Yaringa 1

F79 Alpacaspecialist Phoebe IAR:154097


Shorn at:31mo


S:Ambersun King’s Ransom

D:Bonnie Park Penelope


Supreme Champion - Riverport Fae

Roan Huacaya Fleece : sponsored by AAFT

F80 Classic Yaringa Lord

Montgomery ET



Shorn at:10 mo

Fleece:8 mo

S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Alpacaspecialist Dynasty Yaringa 1

F81 Classic Twilight Lady ET IAR:183201


Shorn at:9mo


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Alpacaspecialist Sensation

Yaringa 2

Class S19-FH54 - Roan 30 Months and over

F83 Yaringa Cloudy Skies IAR:147699


Shoirn at:32mo


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Yaringa Storm Yaringa 1

Supreme Champion - Yaringa Cloudy Skies

Medium dark fawn Huacaya Fleece : sponsored by AAFT

Class S20-FH22 - Med Fawn 6 to under 12 months

Light fawn Huacaya Fleece : sponsored by AAFT

Continued Overleaf

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SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 51

Light fawn Huacaya Fleece : sponsored by AAFT F84 Yaringa Faith ET IAR:183183


Shorn at:9mo

Fleece: 7mo

S:Ambersun King’s Ransom

D:Yaringa Victoria Yaringa

F85 Riverport Han Solo IAR:183585


Shorn at:7mo


S:Ambersun Yukon

D:Ambersun Inertia ET Riverport 2

F86 Nangkita Harriet IAR:183214


Shorn at:8mo


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Nangkita Patricia Nangkita

F87 Classic Simply Sensational IAR:183224


Shorn at:7mo

Fleece: 7mo

S:Shanbrooke Simply The Best

D:Leajay Teah Yaringa

F88 Glenovis Kobler Belalie ET IAR:173001


Shorn at:7mo


S:Jolimont Gianmarco

D:Softfoot Pasha

Glenovis 1

F89 Softfoot Tamarama Et IAR:185821


Shorn at:6mo


S:Softfoot Corroboree

D:Softfoot Seraphina Softfoot 3

F90 Wilsonia Theo IAR:183100


Shorn at:7mo


S:Flowerdale Pablo Boy

D:Stansbury’s Highland Dixie


F91 Marquez Henriqua IAR:170188


Shorn at:7mo


S:Alpacaspecialist Reckless Lord ET

D:Marquez Elena Marquez

Class S20-FH32 - Med Fawn 12 to under 18 months

F93 Adaminca Firestorm IAR:167361


Shorn at:12mo


S:Windsong Valley Firedragon

D:Adaminca Porsha

Adaminca 1

F94 Riverport Fairy Grettle Et IAR:177607


Shorn at:12mo


S:Ambersun Yukon

D:Ambersun Inertia ET

Riverport 2

Class S20-FH42 - Med Fawn 18 to under 30 months

F92 Ambersun Fire Light IAR:157358


Shorn at:22mo


S:Ambersun Futuris

D:Compass Eternal Flame


F96 Yaringa Cerys IAR:164758


Shorn at:26mo


S:Softfoot Corroboree

D:Softfoot GM Contra


F97 Classic Fortune Queen ET IAR:164768


Shorn at:23mo

Fleece: 12mo

S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Andamooka Serendipity


F98 Classic Queen Providence ET



Shorn at:23mo


S:Coonawarra Gladiator

D:Andamooka Serendipity


F99 Nangkita D’Arcy IAR:164777


Shorn at:22mo


S:Yaringa Sir Winston

D:Nangkita Lisa

Nangkita 2

F100 Ambersun Fireball IAR:163810


Shorn at:20mo


S:Jolimont Warrior

D:Ambersun Ferrera

Ambersun 1

F101 Chaparral Foster IAR:163810


Shorn at:18mo


S:jolimont Warrior

D:Chaparral Topaz Martini


F102 Alpacaspecialist Midas IAR:174969


Shorn at:19mo


S:Ambersun King’s Ransom

D:Bonnie Park Penelope

Softfoot 3

F103 Wilsonia Heidi IAR:153079


Shorn at:19mo


S:Blaydon Stormcloud

D:Stansbury Highland Dixie


F104 Yaringa Sandstorm IAR:164803 Shorn at:19mo S:Bonnie Park Black thunder Shandara

F105 Riverport Genie IAR:167106 Shorn at:18mo S:Jolimoint Caesr Riverport 4

Continued Overleaf

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52 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Class S20-FH52 - Med Fawn 30 months and over

F106 Alpacaspecialist Dynasty IAR:73152


Shorn at:92mo


S:Jolimont Gianmarco

D:Taralowie Duchess Yaringa

F107 Alpacaspecialist Legend IAR:117735


Shorn at:57mo


S:Jolimont Warrior

D:Alpacaspecialist Dynasty Yaringa

F108 Softfoot Tiwi IAR:156017


Shorn at:39mo


S:Softfoot Ceroc

D:Softfoot Jive


F109 Chaparral Antiquus IAR:154901


Shorn at:32mo


S:Benleigh Golden Flame

D:Chaparral Sangria Chaparral 2

F110 Classic Queen’s Desire IAR:147692


Shorn at:33mo


S:Ambersuns Kings Ransom

D:Bonnie Park Desire

Yaringa 3

F111 Alpacaspecialist Shintaro IAR:154081


Shorn at:32mo


S:Alpacaspecialist Destination

D:Kurringal Timoko Softfoot 1

F95 Marquez Felipa IAR:142648


Shorn at:30mo


S:Mundawora Bogart

D:Nostradamus Julianne Marquez

Supreme Champion - Glenovis Kobler Belalie ET

Colour Classic Craft Show: Sponsored By Riverport Alpacas

Jan Bentley 24 CS2 24-01 Cream hand spun suri skein 1

Jacinta Hartill 24 CS3 24-02 Hand Spun yarn in huacaya, piled > 100g skein 19 WPI

Jacinta Hartill 24 CW1 24-03 Novice Hand woven article, 50% hand spun 1

Bethan Hartill 24 CW1 24-04 Novice Hand woven article, 50% hand spun 2

Jen Duggin 24 CW2 24-05 Handwoven Scarf - 50% hand spun 1

Jen Duggin 24 CW3 24-06 Handwoven Scarf - commercially spun yarn 50% suri, 50% huacaya

(fawn & brown)


Jacinta Hartill 24 CF3 24-07 Hand felted Article 1

Page 53: Read n breed issue 72 spring edition

SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 53

Debra Knight 24 CK2 24-08 1

Jen Duggin 24 CK2 24-09 Hand spun, knitted scarf using home grown alpaca (100%

alpaca fibre)


Supreme Champion - Craft Exhibit 24-07 Hand Felted Article


Rob Hartill 25 PH2 25-01 1

Nick de Bruyn 25 PH2 25-02 2

Susan Haese 25 PH2 25-03 3

Bethan Hartill 25 JPH1 25-04 1

Junior Handler

Akaysha Lu Morgan JH1 27-01 1

Shannon Baker JH2 27-02 2

Lisa Grainger JH2 27-03

Sarah Williams JH2 27-03 3

Ruby Mason JH2 27-04 1

Georgia Pillen JH2 27-06

Kelsey Williams JH2 27-07

Natasha Stokes JH2 27-08

Samantha Bond JH2 27-09

Elouise Conway JH2 27-10

Yarden Yarom JH2 27-11

Junior Judging

Catherine Morgan 26-01

Jade De-Gregovio 26-02

Jessie Magrath 26-03

Charlie Westwell 26-04

Natalie Newman 26-05

First Time Exhibitor Award - Carlisle Alpacas


Most Successful Exhibitor - Softfoot Alpacas

Unfortunately at the time the magazine went to print, some

results were unavailable.

Page 54: Read n breed issue 72 spring edition

54 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Thankyou to Rob Hartill from

Riverport Alpacas & Lyn de Bruyn

from Shandara Alpacas for

suppling some of the above photos

Page 55: Read n breed issue 72 spring edition

SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 55

Felted Article -

“Basket of Flow-

ers” by Jacinta Hartill. Jacinta was awarded Supreme Craft Ex-

hibit. Jacinta used both wet felting and needle felting technique to

achieve the picture. Taught and inspired by Helen Peterson (local

artist) at the South Coast Spinners & Weavers Group, Victor Harbour.

Also, yarns from Marquez Alpacas & Mundawora Alpacas were used.

Novice Weaving - “Craft Bag” by Jacinta Hartill

The craft bag was made by using 2 shafts of a 4 shaft table loom. The

strips are made with

using Trendy Alpacas

black 8ply double knit,

80% alpaca, 20% meri-

no, and the weave was

made using a variety of

hand spun natural and

dyed huacaya yarns ,as

well as art yarns. With a

pine cone but-

ton, platted

strap and

Novice Weaving - Teddy Scarf by Bethan (7yr)

Using hand spun art yarn (by mum), using a grey huacaya

mixed with Heirloom Lavender Sparkle. The black strips

are made using Trendy Alpacas, natural black 8ply, double

knit, 80% alpaca & 20% merino.

Bethan used an improvised loom on a plastic shopping


SPONSOR: Riverport Alpacas

JUDGE: Katherine Stanley - Murray

Foreground - Skein Alpaca wool - Jan Bentley

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56 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION



This is a new section to the Read n Breed and I would like to encourage all of you who have a desire, and/or passion for craft to contribute. Please if you have any photos or craft ideas etc., using alpaca f leece that you would like to share, I would love to include them on the page..

What to do with a Spotty Fleece by Cynthia Hall, Somadale Alpacas

Calling for Expressions of Interest.

Are you interested in doing craft but not quite sure how to

go about it? Are you skilled at doing crafts and would like

to share with others that would like to learn? If so….then

we need you! Please contact Cynthia Hall at Somadale

Alpacas on 8389 3269 or [email protected].

We are looking for Expressions of Interest in doing some

craft days

Spinners, Knitters, Weavers, Felters, Dyers, just to name a few

‘Waradene Dr Jeckyl’

I chose this shawl pattern.

Page 57: Read n breed issue 72 spring edition

SPRING EDITION Read ‘n’ Breed 57

MEMBERS STORIES/EMAILS Hello Sue, I hope this story and pictures might be of interest to you.

Attached are pics of a cria with a make shift sunscreen hood. This pale skinned cria was diagnosed with sunburnt eyelids late last summer and the vet instructed us to keep him out of the sun. As we couldn't keep him and his mum in a stall or shade all day, I made this impromptu hood from shade cloth formed into a hood and attached to a small halter for stability. It worked a treat although it did take his mum a few days to get fully used to him with it on. The symptoms of the sunburn were squinting, watering eyes and inflamed conjunctiva, but with no sign of infection, ulceration or foreign body in the eyes. The lids themselves did not really look red or 'burned'. (I later had another cria show the same signs in one eye, and a makeshift eye patch cured the problem in a couple of days)

With this cria, Totem, he and his mum could be penned in full shade from 9am until about 1pm, then they had to be in sun, so the hood was required. It was removed in the evening each day and then replaced at 1pm the next day. He needed the hood on for about 8 days ?? and was then ok. He got very good about having it put on and taken off and has remained easy to handle because of the experience. Sunburn on crias' eyelids could be something for people to be aware of especially in summer. In retrospect, I believe that we have had a few cases of this over the years but have not identified it correctly. Cheers Denise Arcadian Alpaca’s

Totem getting the once-over from his curious playmate

Close up of hood - and yes ! he managed to see and get about and to drink perfectly well once he got

used to it - pretty quickly in fact !

“ Life is like a camera…

Focus on what’s important,

Capture the good times,

Develop from the negatives,

And if things don’t work out,

Take another shot.”


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58 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION


Please note:

(1) GST does not apply to goods or services provided by the AAASA Region.

(2) Postage is additional to the prices quoted above.

(3) Payment needs to be made prior to items being posted, or at the of collection. The region will

accept payment by EFT to the account listed on the invoice, cheque or cash

(please have correct change). Please supply a copy of your payment receipt if paying by EFT.

(4) Members are invited to collect merchandise at shows, however, it would be appreciated if orders

could be placed at least seven days prior to the show.

The region is still able to order items from the AAA on behalf of members, such as conference proceedings

magazines and herd books. Due to postage costs, it may be cheaper for members to order these items

direct from the AAA.

Merchandise is available from:

Susan Haese—Yaringa Alpacas

PO Box 661, Goolwa SA 5214

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 0418 846 271

Item Price

Fleece bags with holes $0.55

Fleece bags with holes (bulk price—200 bags) $100.00

Fleece bags without holes $0.55

Fleece bags without holes (bulk price—200 bags) $100.00

Webbing Halters—small or medium with plastic buckles.

Discounted and discontinued.


Webbing Halters—small, medium or large with metal buckles. $30.00

Leads to match halters $7.00

Show Coat Logo $20.00

“Managing Alpacas in Australia” - an introductory guide for Alpaca Farmers, Breeders and $3.00

“ABC for Alpaca Owners—Antenatal, Birthing and Cria Care” by Mc Millian/Jinks $35.00

“Alpaca Alphabet” - contains abbreviations, acronyms, colour chart, fleece grades,

glossary of alphabet terms.


NEW “Alpaca Agskills” - a primary industry publication $30.00

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CLASSIFIEDS This Section is for advertising any unwanted or looking for items. So, if you have

any items that you wish to sell or find, why not advertise here so that all mem-

bers have an opportunity to browse. For advertising costs, please refer to page

45 of the magazine for the listing.









TIME: 7.00 PM


RSVP to Sue Philpots-Green via email [email protected]

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60 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION


Shearing & Medical Contacts


If you know of a shearer who would like their details placed in the directory please email the information to

[email protected]. Please include their email address and location .

The above Veterinarian's list was sourced from the AAA website

Prof Peter Cockcroft Adelaide SA 08 8313 7883

Dr Andrew Brown Birdwood SA 08 8568 5220

Dr Denise Noonan Bridgewater SA 08 8303 4107

Dr Greg Rodda Meadows SA 08 8338 3455

Dr Andrew Loose Hahndorf SA 08 8388 1200

Dr Amanda Carr Roseworthy SA 08 8313 1999

Dr Neil Lawson Victor Harbour SA 0414 855 923


Greg Ruckert Mt Barker 0402 318 183 greg@alpacamanagemen

Brian & Kay


Rosedale 088 524 9093 [email protected]


Trevor & Nicole


Spalding 0429 099 438

(Will travel SA, August

to April)

[email protected]

David Websdale Drum-



0458 145 425

(Will travel SA, Pre-

bookings are essen-

Kob Schmaal

Mobile alpaca Shear-

ing & Husbandry Ser-


0437 290 0310


0438 143 903

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Please supply all artwork as print ready Publisher to the correct size and all text documents in MS Word. All

Photo’s and images are to be saved in high resolution (300dpi) as jpg files. Full Colour Ad’s should be supplied with

bleeds in CMYK


210 x 297mm

with 5mm

bleed on all


1/2 PAGE

188 x


90 x


55mm x

4 lines



Bookings for the Stud Sire Directory must be paid in full prior to closing date of first placement edition



Inside Front Cover $126.00 $455.00 $154.00 per edition

Outside Back Cover $154.00 $560.00 n/a

Inside Back Cover $126.00 $455.00 $154.00 per edition

Full Page $126.00 $455.00 $154.00 per edition

1/2 Page $70.00 $252.00 $77.00 per edition

Stud Sire Directory n/a $35.00 n/a

Kids Page Banner $30.00 $100.00

Web Page Advertising

Banner TBA

Please Note: As the magazine is printed in full colour, black and white advertising costs are not available

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62 Read ‘n’ Breed SPRING EDITION

Thankyou once again to Julianne Buckley

& Konica Minolta Business Solutions for their help in Printing this magazine.

The Deadline for the Summer edition of Read n Breed is Friday the 25th of October, 2013

From THE Editor


I hope you all enjoyed this edition of the Read n Breed.

I am always on the look out for members contributions and can’t stress enough how important you

are to the formation of the magazine. I know that you all are as busy with life as we are, but I ask

if you could spend just a few minutes next time you are on your computer looking at photo’s to flick

a few over for use in the magazine. Funny photo’s, serious ones, any will do. I am also looking for

photo’s to use on the front cover of each edition of the Read n Breed, so please remember to flick some

to me. In fact any little items that you think may be of interest to us, please send them through.

I personally would like to say what a great Show this years Colour Classic was. The venue was

fantastic and it was very well organised. Thankyou to James Wheeler, Wendy Jones & helpers for

all their efforts to bring us this show. A job well done!



[email protected]

“Worrying doesn’t take away tomorrow’s troubles….It takes away today’s peace”.


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All members are invited to submit photographs

for the use on the front cover and throughout the

magazine as well as photo corner. Please send

them to:

[email protected]

Just too cute…..

Hatiti & Bolle

Photo Supplied by Haylilla Alpacas

Gimmee a kiss”

Photo supplied by Painted Pine Alpacas

My baby……….

Photo supplied by Somadale Alpacas


This photo was taken at Oakbank

Photo supplied by

Aislinn Park Alpacas

Bill & Adam

Photo supplied by Adaminca Alpacas

On the go……………….

Photo Supplied by Haylilla Alpacas

Photo supplied by

Painted Pines

Lets Dance...

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