rea 0 · i • -'i f '0 oil...

s ,S JMS \EET - - . , " ,: . -, -. ,., : r,. r. . 7""'" J:"r !'\rll ('\;". :-!"::'''',:' f::.r I ,: Btl·. S. 1. :c ::t I\old 'fT .• r. ,hl'D'Jlh . 11'1: !tIU Wlr.t,! "Irt! " (1',0- '" 1tF- ft'\. ('T1I tli;, 0' ,.1. Sur.rr.' 0 on Rlnd r :! I'" ,in Trmplt- 1lnl(t Ohl'f r 91. r.nnl! 0('.\1. Ieys ·r.E TilE SPORTS T' HE DAILY NEWS (,hy,e .. . ______ 117,'). \0. 12.5 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1962 (Price: ,...- "../ ees s ".;- \ rea 0 eace ---------- ---_. __ ._._- MOSCOW (Reuters) - Soviet Premier Khrushchev Wednesday at- G tt tacked European Common Market as an "imperialist" agency e Y which threatens "the cause of universal peace" and serves as an in. I strument for keeping liberated African countries in bondage. I K t 0 The Russian leader coupled his aitacl< on the market with a revival I \ ep n of a two-year-old Soviet proposal fOI' a United Nations sponsored in- I ternational organization to abolish discrlmir,ation in world trade. B UY -I ng foreign -'D[·;,. r enbucts' . country s president. Khrush· ,marl,et lariff harriel's ri,c nntl r It I chev .lIlso looli al II",' more eouiliries join. I .. 10. .. -- .. - ... I flv EDDY GII,MORg Amentan Peace COI'PS Ihe i .. BUSY SELLING DAY .... , .' ,::1\ ·GenNa! "iew shows activity on the [l00l' (If the New York Stod; Ext:hange, at 4:02 LO:-lDO;l/ I AI' I _ Paul said". Itll"":!" hi .Iucllv-one of Ihe world s nCh·1 fm-Prog, vss e:ollomlc alll plU reddy 10 sl,n. lei m Ilddr. esl 'men-s'lid Wednesdav lIe is gram for Latm Anwrwa. 1IIIh .\fl'l[';111 conll I b;,vin" not' selling stod;,. I The speech was heayd hy tril's which lIould cre"l .. " sla.! Popular TilE P.\S. 'cr, hack shop pf The :\ol'ti:t'rn norlhland weekly. i, husier t1wn it has heen sjllce Ihe paper II'<lS a daily IU years .' ',' ' •. whel1 the Exchange's ticker, held up by the frenzy of stock SHies, was l:unning 69 min- .;I'dule. The dock at the far left shows the time la.g. the clock at the right of the picture gives .... The til-kcr ended a l'el'ord 6f) minutes late. and the Dow-Jones industrial average fell ',' decline since the crash of 1929. Dow·Jones figures showed the a\'erage of in- : in intel'vicw he said that I :J.(JOII pcrsons 011 the SOl'lcl·m,nl ' ble m'lI liel for thclr 1l1,lIlu(ac· last wilen the =",ell mcctmg and 1111Ih?ns, \tlrerl goods. I YOI'k Stock Fxchange suffered 0\ lisleners to rmlio. I I I ·t· 11'01: t since IU2!1 he I 'TOOLS OF' DII'EHIALISTS' I I s S KI' I . I "II T M I asked his hro\,er 10 huy' stocks. lrU'.IC IC" sml 1C so-, WO OtCI --- .---- --. - brokers picked lip be·' caller! Pence. reccntly set I ,., "t i1i6.n:'. (UPI Photo) ----- ._------ ago, J:b For European Stock Markets I tween 40,000 and 00.000 oil up by the l.S. go\'crnmeut, or I . shares for mc," he said, "and Ihe. Alllane:- for Progress m: M' h ',1 would have hought some Latm/,nel'lca are tools of the I IS aps , if I'd heen ahle 1o get them. I He said that if pl'iees Slay Imperialism to find i Puhlisher Oroon Wrigllt. Crown proseculor for this northern judicinl district. has already llisposrd of 25,000 'Die· fen hucks' at one ('cnl each. The items are dollar-size Imitation hills with "!l2', ccnts" - C.S. rale for the Heavy Drinker i down. he will continue to buy. fl:csh means. to. attaIn .its 1'\\'0 motor mishap' were re·, , Getty.s ,'ast fnrtune come, mal enris. 01 1,IIe the ported III city pol icc yeslerday. i -'i f '0 oil . 1St monopoli'ls hare been pm· . prI,ma}'I Y I . , 'ning "CI'Y grcat hopes on Il",' . At .l:l5 p:m. a 11I'0·('ar 1'01·. P\,SIIE)) TIIF,1R rXCK . 11' "I,',on 'It II," 1111"1·-,,[·tl(lll (If \\"1' ., 'IHa cd (ommon .," ., . . . Asked for hiS l'erSlon of why". '. .,.. tCI' and Patrick streels resulled ' th, slnck 1I1:11'ket sagged SO hhl'll,hche,' S !lltaek on Ihc I'''I!' I' I'e llied' market follnwl'd a recent spate in oilly minor to Ihe (Al'l - !itm'l; cX·:\\'illl Stre!'!'s pi('klip 'I'ul'sd;I,\" Tlu, marl;el at Zurich \1'l'al;- it l \\'a; cmo- ?f .ankles in Ihe prcs' ('aI', of Britain ami We.ilcl·"· from Ihe \)\;Ick ,,\lol1day slump.' cned jusl lief ore the dust' after tl·Oll,'II. Sllml' ."lln"lll,'III.,'C 1",111 ',.lIIllIe'.IIIII;! lilc R11.,.· sh"lIII \ n'IO II After Big Slump · Rally dCI'alued l'<l\\Urli"" dollar- where iI ,!lows 011 tile rC.ulIlar bill". prilll. I'd Illl' hill, lor lI.'r by Ih" Lil,er,d, "They hr· \ " ·."·,I:iit r nt'lI- ! I k . k \. I ' I . It e I hy - ,-, \,.... ..., J I :,;, p.m.:1 \'(1 \:-:;wa.';!Ptl {';ll1le:--o popubr li1(l1 (;\ ell thr i I':\lrol.e liollnded IIheml \\'eLncs' l T \(! To ')'0 Slue' ;.xc I.ang[.'. S \arp 1 . rises e'lII.· 'I I f I I 11 aftc Pllsh' menl s concern 1\,11 Ill' mal" I I I ',.' Ir.llI,pll1·1 I' k I' II I f I ) I II' n )cen orcel n ,c 1"'; I' ,t weill 0111 n[ ['onll'o nlll I 11 I'IW I :\DP h'I' .'Ial'i"t! fnl' dll\' in a bUl'ing hool11 Ilmt' 1I'1ieh mal' 'pI expel'ls ,aIr IS a Olll 0 1l1)'l\1g I\'( CI'S 01 I'n a 111"1'1' 1,II'k t[IO f,or." I ,C . "i'::SiIlQ Inr" f 1 "I' I 1 l'h I tis' " o\'rl' on FI'f'shwntrl' Rnall. lill'Ill." Ill' SIJl'ial CI'r.· plIshcd sOl11e :;Iocl" c\'ell lillie OIl edcd .). clII'relll .. ,eIV I<Irgall1'llIn crs. . e a c 0 ·.,e" I I k I \ ,l: be paid than before the Wall StreN, VUI'k stock mOI'I'lllents, dipped II'l!i'C only fractillnai. lie said he fe I tlc mill"e i Western diplomalic SOIlI'CPS Bolh pI'rsons in II,.. ('al'. IIH' iliiOI', h:II'(' aL," ,hOll'n inll'r. <.;:1 mOl'r Slllllll'. : moderately. Halilan slock cxchanges ill w'Tlsh lal'gel)' OI I ·cl'sold. I I f ,I said Ihe allli·markri Cilll1paigll dri\'Pr :11111 hi.. \\'I·fr. eS['aped "'t. ,. a ilea\')' , I 1'1 I' '11' I H T' d 'I . \1';lS il so ;1.11 e 0, appeared 10 he eat"eri iI.1 Pill'l "l' I, a Ire. ' London bl'OKCrS called '1 Ie I Ie mu II - ml IOn: POIIIII 1'('- i Ul'lIl an .. 1 an pamc ml'ol\,cd In I\ill! Sireet hI: hy Ihe I,flrcl on Communi,1 hlo(" wiIllOlll injllI'Y. TI", hil1.' ;I,'e ITl'ro;lu['I'''I1' I'CC!ll'CI'Y In Amstel'- l'ol'cry 1\1 London Pl'lCC :,t:u·ted, sleadlly ahcad through a hu.y of a can""" h)' I'rlel' Kl'ch ill dam, Paris and Frankfurt nwny : early and At the do", it I day. The)' II'CI'e strongest at the some folk ,ee olhel's: ------ ---.----- . --- ---.- - I he \I'il1nireg Frcc rress. of thc losses ill Tucsday's scll·: was still going. though H lillie clnse. . 11 fl' P I. ( ling wel'e wiped off. iquietcr. Brokm said it was thel . Y"I 0 Ice ap' tUI-e This was Europe'., rc,l['lion to: most sensation,,1 two·day ming '1'01\0:\'1'0, ('PI - The f"'sl the rel'cl'se-and buy."" . . . -.----- - ----- ---.- _ .. -.- -. -'- I the\,' l'(lIIld rt'mcmhcl·. 'lIalional headqual'lel's hllilding I if he had hccn follnw·: The Financial Timl', index fnl' th!: Girl Guides of Canada K -II fiO common industrial . will be opened hcre Thursday ing the tickcr tape at his ncal'h\,'; I e r . statel" home, Sutton place, the I . closed at 2iti.6 - 1:;.3 points hy Immigration Fmr- Amcl''ican·born oilmnn said: ! I II f PIT D ahove Tuesday's CIOSl'. dough. The hcadquarters Wll, "01 god gracious 110 I' Ing eao"er 0 ot d .-\11 sections of Ihc London huilt with money ,i'lonatcd by ,; 0 1 ". ' a' i!-t1 4/4 bb market .joinecl in the WIlI1l. ,hro\\'nie,. imd tl'nil rang·. t 10o(Cd at one of those I .;' a . lilin ' for .. " . I' Pulis .luil'" alld ,trllllg I cl'S lill'l'llghulit CilIwda lat Ihr' , with most intel'lwtionu\ lind' rail' of 10 cents for each inch B ;,. .,' , .'. !!lh l'olI1l1r), C :1.,: .... i..; worth · I " n' "' ,iI.. iI 11011' .' " hcnl),. '. L" ;1:1r1 a .;" . : ':.' :-",\im hr b .:--,-,: :IIl'rliore 1111· .'. 111 illriri. ,tracked him fur more than fouri sse m y 0 I PARIS 'Helltel'S I - A man: pluded " charge IInder 11 "and· I CP, - \\'orK \1l e n I N B miles through l'lIgged. hilly! en " (-T' v' hehel:ed to hc rmglcader of henp as de Gaulle's cal' :,cooped ,oft cnrth 0111 of an n counlry. SA",. F AP) ahol'lil'e SCCl'et hid to ,KIll, along rand helween \ogent :llwndoncd. coal mine shaft \\'cd. Smith had eluded eaptllre' I P.atl'lcIa Pilidence Prcsldent de Galille last Scp'lnnd Romlliy. iO miles west 'll nesday 11'lthout an), 'IDIlC of I TIll: (\\ \lIL\\' J'HJ;SS sin'ce Sallll';la night when. po· I' S d F Of I tWinS, spen m.g tember was capturer! \\'ednes·, Paris. Sept. 3. : Ihlding four· year - old KenllY .. '. :":"" hI' in the. ike said, he\med five mem- .tu y uture their f,,:st dar apalt dOclOl:lda y after siege of:F1LE CF.:\SVRE 'Kowalchuk alilT. '," ;- .... :." .• -n [ar thi- hc' of the ;\ieBcth ." . at Clllldrens. lIele a house by police III lI'eslel'll. nght'\\,lIlg oppon·. . . I' '[ , 'I guardcdly oplimlshc Wednes- i P'u'is cnls of de Gaulle's po'. fhl' ho)'. sccond In ,., -",.: :.- ,h"('krli III north' faml v at t 11'11' arm neal' "ar· d b ttl· f t I ' . I" '. , .', I '1 f t? I'll I · ,.- \" !:,·:II1.\\il·k \red.' t' R d 'U d - ay a 011 lelr a e. . Barricaded in third·floor i icy filed a mol ion of eensurc a allli yo_ (,.11 I ren. (I'opped ,':, '.:.,i, '<,lId evcn I" d 1 t I ua n a run I New methods were used In a apartment of! Ihe fashiouable, the glllwnmeni in Ihe down Ow :10'1001 sll<lll Tacsrlay · ,mit I II als no 31 me 1Il t lC f . !il·e·hour ·operation Tuesday to I' Vielor BUdo 36-"car.old I",ntional '\,",cmhll' It will come I,,'.'en a mound of C<lrlh I'\'el' : ,I' 'If' difficlIlt to l"nOrel on 10 come Oll 0 t tl b b' t "1 " ., ". -' . . th' ., " I' h d t scpura e Ie a les lOrn "pn ,Armand Beh'isi fired sllOts . UI' for debale Tuc,dav I e cal'cd III .;nl".lenly a hal'l1 and lad to e Ug all B' WII LI \M ;I; () \TlS I ·'11 d I I I ., d f th b' st b ne . , . '.. 'I"hile I .. I'" " . and dragged 11'001 henl'nth ';A"I'IO'N;S : \1' EXISTS t l JtOhllle . rolm e lea 0 through tllC door. Ihree:. The .i6 signers of the motion:' Ie \Ias p - ',' .: )j\ N U,', TI U't 'd "t' . (' " I S \f .' d ltd . ( . e-. r Cd \' Ileal' t 11<' hotl om 'r '" ::l<'"h\' the fil'c I I I h . 'n '"., ,,, -I '., '" '" " 0 e n,l\'e. from a wllldow and were dl"l\\'1l from ·\I"cri"ln Ie'" D' dl . , . ';(",,' ''',ll'Ict !I(l nule'l' I le nI c "a lUllS ,eneIa ome f Ilcan I' ega es en; They shared no common Ihrcalened to blo\\' up the en·, Islntors and fro\11 Consel'l'nl,,·c,.: of Ih . . .. . ) f . ". '.: \:"::, :"11 Ind bllrned' PI'te Smith a hrmer heaan Assembly, in a fol'lhcolning I any slich problem exists. They organs hut had fused Ih'ers and tire building with plastic ex' The }<' r e n c h "OIWlIlllcnl' .. tl c In.ll I 1)\1 s lin I and Ie",!' .. ".". . 'II I d h' R I' I.' (1.11 1 sowed ("U' \' l'e':(:l1C 011- · .:: :'" -., .,['1 [', flf spruce .. about dllyhreOK I WI. ..e .u.rgc. I t .ere IS nil reason diaphragms. 'plosil'es hefore he gal'e himseli meanwhile decidcd 10 sci up a' '.' . '" ,.,.( .",,! ""'.' 1I11'1 after nollclng a slrange. UIl· to ,let tn. I,eep Hu,md,l·l'llInlh Il'"1l111I should not make as 01· .. up wcal'll1g a F'1'cnch para·, plIl'ely mlillarl' courl to dell. :o'\;,"!' 111(' sea 2:; shaven man Wlliking neal' his i from, hecoming Congo I dprly ;, tl:ansit.ion. to . independ· Fill' the !il'st time .. plastiC trooper cmnouflal(ed uniform. 'lI'ilh cl'iml's a'rising oul of Ihe' T!I(' millc. only lOll [ronl . " ':.,' I farm. I and RhodeSia (lI1other as did III lIe com· . mesh was lIsed 10 COl cr the He gave himself up after, IlIrl110il of Ihe Algcrian silua-' KenllY's home. has 1\Ili heen ' .. -- .. _- -...... --- ---. Algeria.. \111( [,'CC of Bntam. ! open chests. . slarting a small fi"e ill Ihe: lion. used for :10 The 1.04 - ":'ILO" assl'l11hly .re· DI'legllles from Africa. Asia lOver the mesh W;lS placed! apartment. Police thoughl he' Inforl11l1tilln .. r Ministers ECM Wind Session Up slime,s Its regular scssl.on and Lntin America alike fore· I homogeneous dried skin from I may ha\'e bren bllrning Secrel' Peyrefitle ';lid Ihe cOIII'1 will he Hesl'uel'S 1\'Ill'ked all nig!lI .JlIne 7 espeCially to (!eal With cnst Irollble in Southern Rho· the 1I S. naval skin :\I'm;' documents. : conce\'l1ed c,;sentially with co 111- cribbing the top Ij fcci of Ihe the .future of the Bclgmn desia unless the Negroes get bank ;I'hi, will bc replaced ill I ' Belvisi's capillre lea"es only mon I<II\' crimes mmmitled by shafl, with lumber. Earth of - Urunlli, the vote. Some say that colony 01' so with grafts lone Of ·the six men who police: killers anel gan!: chiefs. : frol11 , the lop made it which h e c 0 111 e s lIulcpendent presents the same situation from the bahies themselves. claim took p:lrt in thc asslssin·1 It should not he rcgard"d as 1'l'5CUl' July 1. .Ihat brought bloodshed ill AI· I alioll aitempt still al large. 1 a SUCCC,"IJi' to the special mil.,' cmpts lucsday I1Ight. A large group of Africnn and I gCl'in - a sizable European The parents, and Mrs. He is Dominique Cabane dc i itary tl'ihllual dissolred "flcr it i The liltle bo'; co III I c I "d _;:i :'1'1., '11"ulel',' _ in. I AI itish entry. Asian. delegations is minority deter;nincd to Fr:1I1klin hal'e I \I'll. nlher la Prade. the m"n who alleg-I'le: of[. Secret :\I'my. hut not ,eclI' shu/tl:' :lflci',Cd!IC _.::,om /l'lli,'n and Ihe i These included silch as I t!ml I! also . lip the sllua· powcr and. a IJlg major· children, Dav\(l, 5, and Sllsall, edly the blltton. of the Haolll Snlan \I·I.lh a hfc-pmoll: lumbled inlu the shaft. Hescue .\Iarket Wed.! Iree mo\'ement of capital and I t}on In the Bn.hsh .of Ity delcrmllled 10 get It. 1',. _ _ . eleell'lc fll'lng dCl'lce which ex- sentence. he :;(ml. I workers Tuesday beard 1l0m,I lip their most Ilahor within the enlm'ged mar' Southcl'n Hhodcsla, which With -- .... - "-"--' . - "-' - ...... ..- .. ----- - .---------- ---.. -'-- -- -- -- -- -.,,-----" him wllimper nnti crv' fo l' · ::: ir;<i'!n )'ct on Britain's' kct and common rules fOI' cal'- ;l/orthern Rhodesia and Nyasa-I father. r 115 :On In join Ihe lei operation within the com. land makes up the Centl'al Af- 1::0[' munilv rican Federation. P,\RE:\TS STAY AWAY Pm)· Seal Edward 1 AFFECTS EXPORTS The boy's p::rents, jIr. and Ihe British del... , Western diplomats' say Ru· :III'S .. Peter. Ko\\'nlc'mk, spent 'did lh, f . Sill! to dlscuss:d, h?wevCl. anda - Urllndi faces the same Ihe 1',llh rel:>til'cs rt t , .. I measure \I I", a tOPIC of Vital Interest proble The Congo d,'d Ilen I't '1 ..... '" e . re.1ched at the two. " m w i ml cs ,m .' ... I hey did 1101 "','fr I. " I It dl . to Common" eulth members - became independent from Bel- 1'[",'11(' at""1Ipl S lInt ou ley 1m· the question of their exports of gium in 1960-how to keep or." "almo'phere of the I raw materIals and agrIcultural del' when the Belginn troops are A C\,(I\\' ,1 r,'pidh" d'·. · . mO'1 . products to Britain which will gone, and especially 11011' to pro- /. "ppemed Iale llle'ticY' nig!:1 ,;,' Important result of he hit if she joins the marl:et. teet Bel.ginn technicians so they after .J ..• J. Kubin of Ca1.7.ary. f .. on "3, prohahly the I - I ,ollition to the I a pro1'Inclal mines inspector in . lion of I'lImmonwealth· leN R A d T · of rescue work, said "I. I II<! I'e no hope the boy will be exports which the \. n. ra I·n mel'" found atil·e." , rrached Tliesday. I I · (olomho. Itillian min· I i estimated it would for industry and cnm' I R h A' t ,he sOrnelIme Wednesday night · told reporters after Wed- ea C . g ree men : hefore they would reach the ! that "substan. . . ,bottom of tlle shaft also heen i ' ----- .. - --.----- . a n1il11hCr 01 internal I By Kf:N SMITH tbe agreement, which Ilrovidcs I TIlE COUNTRY .............: problems posed by MONTREAL ICPI'- The CNH for an eight·pel"cent wage in-I rode' through its second thrcat· crease paid in. five steps. over ened strike in two months Wed· the 31-month lifc of the new con· ncsday as the railway and the tract, to run to Dec. 31, IUf>3. Brothcrhood of Railroad Train· A scries of complicated and I men (CLC) eOlitentiotls work 1'I11es also I I I OOUdy cl' h' I II\) .' carmg 1 IS I LitUe wnrmer. I .. II today 55. I Temperatures MID Mw Night Dnv Toronto 80 1\0 l(onC\on .. '."'" 60 8.1 ....... 75 SJdntl. .. .... " 50 68 S:J'h .... " .. 54 63 • 0 n·s· ...... 46 57 on a lIew contract. • were setlled to what the trio · The CNR's 9,000 trainmen said was the "mutual satisfac· had been scheduled to w!llk out tlon" of all. at 1 p.m. EDT Monday, June 4, POISED FOR STRIKE "The strike is off and the The agreement was an- trains will contlnue to run," nounced as the railway was said W. T. Wilson, rail· poised to throw Into motion a. way's vice • of labol' giant strike plnn that provided FAINTS DURING SERVICE relations. for tuming down further freight . With him at the time werc shipments, laying ofl 00,000 COVENTRY, England-Newly-elected Lord Mayor of Alderman Arthur fatnts to I v Gordon C. Gale o( Winnipeg and othel' railway who the floor during the consecration service of the new Coventry Caihedral. May 25th. He was helned to his i William J. Kelly o( Ottawa, as· would made . "lie b;'lseai by Lord Willoughby De Broke (center. with medals on chest). who is Lord Lirutenani of Warwick-I siR.tanl vice : presidents of the the hnltlllg flf the lI·a'-.s lind h' d b' IF' I [t . h . f t f W I L' d S d P' Iv! t ( h I k . . 1II110n. the mainlenance 0[' ,s an a lS lOp'. 'rom e to rIg t tn ron 0 aug 1 ?l' now on. argare w 0 00 Si "We seem to want a 101 of · All three men Pl'ollotlnced lsel'vices lor ihe life of the. ahead, .while the others turn 3l'Ound to see what s g0ll1g on), Queen Eltzabeih, and the Cathe-: ,:,i·ngs we really don't need':"" themselves fully satisfied with stl'ike. Idral Pro\'osl's Verger, J Oh11 Wicfens. l UPI Photo) j except to impres.s others. . ( . , , :. ,', 1: '

Transcript of rea 0 · i • -'i f '0 oil...






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·r.E TilE ~EW SPORTS ~IODEL T' HE DAILY NEWS (,hy,e ~~,~ ~,~~ S~,I' .. . ~~~N~OVA~M~OT~ORS={=19=62=)L=TD~. ______ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------------~~~. 117,'). \0. 12.5 THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1962 (Price: 7.Ce~tsT ,...-

"../ ees s ~,.\ t~ ".;-

• \

rea 0 eace ---------- ---_. __ ._._- MOSCOW (Reuters) - Soviet Premier Khrushchev Wednesday at-

G tt tacked th~ European Common Market as an "imperialist" agency e Y which threatens "the cause of universal peace" and serves as an in. I strument for keeping liberated African countries in bondage. I K t 0 The Russian leader coupled his aitacl< on the market with a revival I \ ep n of a two-year-old Soviet proposal fOI' a United Nations sponsored in-I ternational organization to abolish discrlmir,ation in world trade.

B UY -I ng ,[;:;eal~~lg b~~ ~h~le~;~:io~fI~:~1~~. foreign turr:II~~~- e'~'~'l:~-g:-~-~--r -'D[·;,. r enbucts' . country s president. Khrush· ,marl,et lariff harriel's ri,c nntl ~ r It

I chev .lIlso looli Jl~I'hols al II",' more eouiliries join. I .. 10. .. --.. - ... ~,,--.--. I flv EDDY GII,MORg Amentan Peace COI'PS an~1 Ihe i • .. •

BUSY SELLING DAY .... , .' ,::1\ ·GenNa! "iew shows activity on the [l00l' (If the New York Stod; Ext:hange, at 4:02

LO:-lDO;l/ I AI' I _ .~. Paul UI~lled S.t?l~s.e?dl)rsl'.rl, A.I"allc.e~: ~\III·uslldJe.I;, said". Itll"":!" hi .Iucllv-one of Ihe world s nCh·1 fm-Prog, vss e:ollomlc alll plU reddy 10 sl,n. lon~ lei m Ilddr.

esl 'men-s'lid Wednesdav lIe is gram for Latm Anwrwa. 'lI~r('emcllts 1IIIh .\fl'l[';111 conll I b;,vin" not' selling stod;,. I The speech was heayd hy tril's which lIould cre"l .. " sla.!

Popular TilE P.\S. ~Ian. 'cr, -""~

hack shop pf The :\ol'ti:t'rn ~lail. norlhland weekly. i, husier t1wn it has heen sjllce Ihe paper II'<lS a daily IU years

.' ','

' •. whel1 the Exchange's ticker, held up by the frenzy of stock SHies, was l:unning 69 min­.;I'dule. The dock at the far left shows the time la.g. the clock at the right of the picture gives .... The til-kcr ended a l'el'ord 6f) minutes late. and the Dow-Jones industrial average fell ',' ~ilat'pe~t decline since the crash of 1929. Dow·Jones figures showed the a\'erage of :~O in­

: in ~n intel'vicw he said that I :J.(JOII pcrsons 011 the SOl'lcl·m,nl ' ble m'lI liel for thclr 1l1,lIlu(ac· last ~Ionday, wilen the =",ell fI:lCn~lslllp mcctmg and 1111Ih?ns, \tlrerl goods. I YOI'k Stock Fxchange suffered 0\ lisleners to ~losco\l' rmlio. I I I·t· 11'01: t slu~p since IU2!1 he I 'TOOLS OF' DII'EHIALISTS' I I

s S • KI' I . I "II T M I asked his hro\,er 10 huy' stocks. lrU'.IC IC" sml 1C so-, WO OtCI --- .---- --. - "~Iy brokers picked lip be·' caller! Pence. ~orps reccntly set I ,., "t i1i6.n:'. (UPI Photo) ----- ._------


J:b For European Stock Markets I tween 40,000 and 00.000 oil up by the l.S. go\'crnmeut, or I .

shares for mc," he said, "and Ihe. Alllane:- for Progress m: M' h ',1 would have hought some mor~ Latm/,nel'lca are tools of the I IS aps , if I'd heen ahle 1o get them. 1I~~ell,'Ii~ls.... I

~ He said that if pl'iees Slay Imperialism ~rek.s to find i

Puhlisher Oroon Wrigllt. al~o Crown proseculor for this northern judicinl district. has already llisposrd of 25,000 'Die· fen hucks' at one ('cnl each.

The items are dollar-size Imitation hills with "!l2', ccnts" - C.S. rale for the Heavy


i down. he will continue to buy. fl:csh means. to. attaIn .its c~~lo,-' 1'\\'0 motor mishap' were re·, , Getty.s ,'ast fnrtune come, mal enris. 01 1,IIe the Impe,,~1.- ported III city pol icc yeslerday. i • -'i f '0 oil . 1St monopoli'ls hare been pm· .

prI,ma}'I Y I ~ . , 'ning "CI'Y grcat hopes on Il",' . At .l:l5 p:m. a 11I'0·('ar 1'01·. P\,SIIE)) TIIF,1R rXCK . 11' "I,',on 'It II," 1111"1·-,,[·tl(lll (If \\"1' ., 'IHa cd (ommon ~1'lrl"'1 .," ., . . .

Asked for hiS l'erSlon of why". '. .,.. tCI' and Patrick streels resulled ' th, slnck 1I1:11'ket sagged SO hhl'll,hche,' S !lltaek on Ihc I'''I!' I' I'e llied' market follnwl'd a recent spate in oilly minor riallla~c to Ihe

I.()~not\ (Al'l - !itm'l; cX·:\\'illl Stre!'!'s pi('klip 'I'ul'sd;I,\" Tlu, marl;el at Zurich \1'l'al;- "~~I\hi:~k it l \\'a; 1<1I'.~('ly cmo- ?f .ankles in Ihe ~ol'ict prcs' ('aI', in\'ol\'l~d. d"II1~C, of Britain ami We.ilcl·"· from Ihe \)\;Ick ,,\lol1day slump.' cned jusl lief ore the dust' after tl·Oll,'II. Sllml' ."lln"lll,'III.,'C 1",111 ',.lIIllIe'.IIIII;! lilc R11.,.· sh"lIII ~OI'I'I'II' \ n'IO II

After Big Slump · Rally dCI'alued l'<l\\Urli"" dollar­where iI ,!lows 011 tile rC.ulIlar bill".

~ll'. \\'ri~hl ol'i~in~II~' prilll. I'd Illl' hill, lor c:I!np"i~n lI.'r by Ih" Lil,er,d, "They hr·

\ " ·."·,I:iit r nt'lI- ! I k . k \. I ' I . It e I hy - ,-, \,.... ..., J I :,;, p.m.:1 \'(1 \:-:;wa.';!Ptl {';ll1le:--o popubr li1(l1 (;\ ell thr i I':\lrol.e liollnded IIheml \\'eLncs' l T \(! To ')'0 Slue' ;.xc I.ang[.'. S \arp OI'I'l'nl~ 1 . rises e'lII.· 'I I f I I 11 aftc Pllsh' menl s concern 1\,11 Ill' mal" I I I

',.' Ir.llI,pll1·1 I' k I' II I f I ) I II' n )cen orcel n ,c 1"'; I' ,t weill 0111 n[ ['onll'o nlll I 11 I'IW I :\DP h'I' .'Ial'i"t! h(,:lel'in~ fnl' dll\' in a bUl'ing hool11 Ilmt' 1I'1ieh mal' 'pI expel'ls ,aIr IS a Olll 0 1l1)'l\1g I\'( CI'S 01 I'na 111"1'1' 1,II'k t[IO f,or." I ,C . "i'::SiIlQ Inr" f 1 "I' I 1 l'h I tis' ~, " o\'rl' on FI'f'shwntrl' Rnall. lill'Ill." Ill' '''~', SIJl'ial CI'r.· plIshcd sOl11e :;Iocl" c\'ell hi~her, lillie OIl edcd .). clII'relll .. ,eIV I<Irgall1'llIn crs. . e a c 0 ·.,e" I I k I \ ,l: be paid than before the Wall StreN, VUI'k stock mOI'I'lllents, dipped II'l!i'C only fractillnai. lie said he fe I tlc mill"e i Western diplomalic SOIlI'CPS Bolh pI'rsons in II,.. ('al'. IIH' iliiOI', h:II'(' aL," ,hOll'n inll'r. <.;:1 mOl'r Slllllll'. : moderately. Halilan slock cxchanges ill w'Tlsh lal'gel)' OII·cl'sold. I I f ,I said Ihe allli·markri Cilll1paigll dri\'Pr :11111 hi.. \\'I·fr. eS['aped "'t.

,. a ilea\')' , I 1'1 I' '11' I H T' d ~n 'I . el'~ \1';lS il so ;1.11 e em~n 0, appeared 10 he eat"eri iI.1 Pill'l "l' I, a Ire. ' London bl'OKCrS called '1 Ie I Ie mu II - ml IOn: POIIIII 1'('- i ()n\(~, Ul'lIl an .. 1 an sur~el pamc ml'ol\,cd In I\ill! Sireet hI: hy Ihe I,flrcl on Communi,1 hlo(" wiIllOlll injllI'Y. TI", hil1.' ;I,'e ITl'ro;lu['I'''I1'

I'CC!ll'CI'Y l~iIIttlstic. In Amstel'- l'ol'cry 1\1 London Pl'lCC :,t:u·ted, sleadlly ahcad through a hu.y of a can""" h)' I'rlel' Kl'ch ill dam, Paris and Frankfurt nwny : early and stron~. At the do", it I day. The)' II'CI'e strongest at the a~~~~i;e\1 some folk ,ee olhel's: ------ ---.----- . --------~. --- ---.- - I he \I'il1nireg Frcc rress. of thc losses ill Tucsday's scll·: was still going. though H lillie clnse. . 11 fl' P I. (

ling wel'e wiped off. iquietcr. Brokm said it was thel . ~~I;~in;lIii~~;Yhe"~~~~~:~~3. Y"I ~~I 0 Ice ap' tUI-e This was Europe'., rc,l['lion to: most sensation,,1 two·day ming '1'01\0:\'1'0, ('PI - The f"'sl the rel'cl'se-and buy."" . . .

-.----- - ----- ---.- _ .. -.- -. -'- I the\,' l'(lIIld rt'mcmhcl·. 'lIalional headqual'lel's hllilding I .~sked if he had hccn follnw·: The Financial Timl', index ~f fnl' th!: Girl Guides of Canada

K -II fiO common industrial stoc~s . will be opened hcre Thursday ing the tickcr tape at his ncal'h\,';

I e r . statel" home, Sutton place, the I . closed at 2iti.6 - 1:;.3 points hy Immigration ~Jinislrr Fmr- Amcl''ican·born oilmnn said: ! R· I II f PIT D

ahove Tuesday's CIOSl'. dough. The hcadquarters Wll, "01 god gracious 110 I' Ing eao"er 0 ot

d .-\11 sections of Ihc London huilt with money ,i'lonatcd by ,; 01 ". ' a' i!-t1 ~ 4/4

t~ bb market .joinecl in the WIlI1l. ,hro\\'nie,. ~uidcs imd tl'nil rang·. h~l'cn t 10o(Cd at one of those I .;' • a ~ . lilin ' for "eal'~ .. " . I' Pulis cl(Js~d .luil'" alld ,trllllg I cl'S lill'l'llghulit CilIwda lat Ihr' b~ ,

with most intel'lwtionu\ lind' rail' of 10 cents for each inch B



, .'. ...ptl'r.;L)~mi.ln

!~. !!lh l'olI1l1r),

C :1.,: .... i..; worth · I " n' "' ,iI.. iI 11011'

.' " hcnl),. • ",~: '. L" ;1:1r1 Iltllr~S a .;" . : ':.' :-",\im hr b

.:--,-,: :IIl'rliore 1111·

.'. 111 illriri.

,tracked him fur more than fouri sse m y 0 I PARIS 'Helltel'S I - A man: pluded " charge IInder 11 "and· I CP, - \\'orK \1l e n cul'l'fuIJ~' I N B miles through l'lIgged. hilly! en " (-T' v' hehel:ed to hc rmglcader of tl~e! henp as de Gaulle's cal' ~asscd :,cooped ,oft cnrth 0111 of an n counlry. i· SA",. F RA"'ClS~O AP) I~'I' ahol'lil'e SCCl'et ~I'ml' hid to ,KIll, along the~ rand helween \ogent :llwndoncd. coal mine shaft \\'cd. • • Smith had eluded eaptllre' I P.atl'lcIa an~ Pilidence L~~le. Prcsldent de Galille last Scp'lnnd Romlliy. iO miles west 'll nesday 11'lthout an), 'IDIlC of

I TIll: (\\ \lIL\\' J'HJ;SS sin'ce Sallll';la night when. po· I' S d F Of I Sla~e~c tWinS, ~I'e spen m.g tember was capturer! \\'ednes·, Paris. Sept. 3. : Ihlding four· year - old KenllY .. '. :":"" hI' in the. ike said, he\med five mem- .tu y uture their f,,:st dar apalt ~nd dOclOl:lday after a~ ho~"·.long siege of:F1LE CF.:\SVRE ~!OTIO:\ 'Kowalchuk alilT.

'," ;- .... :." .• -n [ar thi- hc' of the ~ndrcw ;\ieBcth ." . at Clllldrens. ~o~pltal lIele a house by police III lI'eslel'll. ~lcanll'hI1e. nght'\\,lIlg oppon·. . . I~I I' '[ , 'I guardcdly oplimlshc Wednes- i P'u'is cnls of de Gaulle's .\I~e\'bn po'. fhl' ho)'. sccond )'oun~c,t In

,., -",.: :.- ,h"('krli III north' faml v at t 11'11' arm neal' "ar· d b ttl· f t I ' . I" '. ~ , .', I '1 f t? I'll I · ,.- \" !:,·:II1.\\il·k \red.' t' I'·~ R d 'U d - ay a 011 lelr a e. . Barricaded in ~ third·floor i icy filed a mol ion of eensurc a allli yo_ (,.11 I ren. (I'opped

,':, '.:.,i, '<,lId evcn II~~ l~lIh'· I" d 1 t I ua n a run I New methods were used In a apartment of! Ihe fashiouable, n~ainst the glllwnmeni in Ihe down Ow :10'1001 sll<lll Tacsrlay · ,mit I II als no 31 me 1Il t lCf . • !il·e·hour ·operation Tuesday to I' Vielor BUdo S(llIar~ 36-"car.old I ",ntional '\,",cmhll' It will come I,,'.'en a mound of C<lrlh I'\'el'

: ,I' 'If' difficlIlt to l"nOrel on ~I's 10 come Oll 0 t tl b b' t "1 " ., ". -' . . th' ., " I' h d t scpura e Ie a les lOrn "pn ,Armand Beh'isi fired sllOts . UI' for debale Tuc,dav I e opemn~ cal'cd III .;nl".lenly a hal'l1 and lad to e Ug all B' WII LI \M ;I; () \TlS I ·'11 t· d I I I ., d f th b' st b ne . , . '.. 'I"hile I .. I'"

" . and dragged 11'001 henl'nth l'~;I't'T"D' ';A"I'IO'N;S : \1' IL>\IE"\~ '1~1·'I.a(')lfll E'~lP. EXISTS tl JtOhllle . rolm e lea 0 through tllC door. t~ssed Ihree:. The .i6 signers of the motion:' Ie \Ias p d~ 1Il~. - ',' .: )j\ N U,', TI U't 'd "t' . (' " I S \f .' d ltd . ~". ( ,~, ~ . e-. r Cd \' 1WS('~ Ileal' t 11<' hotl om

'r '" ::l<'"h\' the fil'c I I I h . 'n '"., ,,, -I '., '" '" " 0 e n,l\'e. ~rcnades from a wllldow and were dl"l\\'1l from ·\I"cri"ln Ie'" D' dl . , . ';(",,' ''',ll'Ict !I(l nule'l' I le nI c "a lUllS ,eneIa • ome f Ilcan I' ega es en; They shared no common Ihrcalened to blo\\' up the en·, Islntors and fro\11 Consel'l'nl,,·c,.: of Ih . . .. . ) f .

". '.: \:"::, :"11 Ind bllrned' PI'te Smith a hrmer heaan Assembly, in a fol'lhcolning I any slich problem exists. They organs hut had fused Ih'ers and tire building with plastic ex' The }<' r e n c h "OIWlIlllcnl' .. tl c In.ll I 1)\1 s lin I and Ie",!' .. • ~ ".". ~ . 'II I d h' R I' I.' ~ (1.11 1 sowed ("U' \' l'e':(:l1C 011-· .:: :'" -., .,['1 [', flf spruce .. lrackin~ ~I:lith about dllyhreOK I sum.n~l'r ses~~~n, WI. ..e .u.rgc. I S:I~' t .ere IS nil reason ual1l~' diaphragms. 'plosil'es hefore he gal'e himseli meanwhile decidcd 10 sci up a' cl'ation~. '.' . '" ,.,.( .",,! ""'.' rilcm~ 1I11'1 after nollclng a slrange. UIl· to ,let tn. I,eep Hu,md,l·l'llInlh Il'"1l111I should not make as 01· .. up wcal'll1g a F'1'cnch para·, plIl'ely mlillarl' courl to dell.

~"':': :o'\;,"!' 111(' sea 2:; shaven man Wlliking neal' his i from, hecoming m\{\t~ler Congo I dprly ;, tl:ansit.ion. to . independ· Fill' the !il'st time .. plastiC trooper cmnouflal(ed uniform. 'lI'ilh cl'iml's a'rising oul of Ihe' T!I(' millc. only lOll Y~I'rls [ronl . " ':.,' I farm. I and ~ollthern RhodeSia (lI1other ~nec as did ;>l~l(c."Ia III lIe com· . mesh was lIsed 10 COl cr the He gave himself up after, IlIrl110il of Ihe Algcrian silua-' KenllY's home. has 1\Ili heen

' .. -- .. _- -...... --- ---. Algeria.. \111( [,'CC of Bntam. ! open chests. . slarting a small fi"e ill Ihe: lion. used for :10 ~·l'"rs. The 1.04 - ":'ILO" assl'l11hly .re· DI'legllles from Africa. Asia lOver the mesh W;lS placed! apartment. Police thoughl he' Inforl11l1tilln ~Iillist .. r .~l:iill

Ministers ECM

Wind Session

Up slime,s Its 1!1!~1 regular scssl.on and Lntin America alike fore· I homogeneous dried skin from I may ha\'e bren bllrning Secrel' Peyrefitle ';lid Ihe cOIII'1 will he Hesl'uel'S 1\'Ill'ked all nig!lI .JlIne 7 espeCially to (!eal With cnst Irollble in Southern Rho· the 1I S. naval ho~pital skin :\I'm;' documents. : conce\'l1ed c,;sentially with co 111- cribbing the top Ij fcci of Ihe the .future of the Bclgmn trn~t desia unless the Negroes get bank ;I'hi, will bc replaced ill I ' Belvisi's capillre lea"es only mon I<II\' crimes mmmitled by shafl, with lumber. Earth fallin~ tel'~ltory of Huan~la - Urunlli, the vote. Some say that colony thre~ 'I'e~ks 01' so with grafts lone Of ·the six men who police: killers anel gan!: chiefs. : frol11 , the lop made it IIcce'sll'~' which h e c 0 111 e s lIulcpendent presents the same situation from the bahies themselves. claim took p:lrt in thc asslssin·1 It should not he rcgard"d as t~1 sllsp~II~I. belo\\"~l:ol!nd 1'l'5CUl' July 1. .Ihat brought bloodshed ill AI· I alioll aitempt still al large. 1 a SUCCC,"IJi' to the special mil.,' cmpts lucsday I1Ight.

A large group of Africnn and I gCl'in - a sizable European The parents, ~Ir. and Mrs. He is Dominique Cabane dc i itary tl'ihllual dissolred "flcr it i The liltle bo'; co III I c I "d _;:i :'1'1., '11"ulel',' _ ~I in. I AI itish entry. Asian. delegations is Pl'op(~sing minority deter;nincd to k~ep Fr:1I1klin Low~. hal'e I \I'll. nlher la Prade. the m"n who alleg-I'le: of[. Secret :\I'my. ICi~dcr' hut not ,eclI' shu/tl:' :lflci',Cd!IC _.::,om /l'lli,'n and Ihe ~;\I' i These included silch item~ as I t!ml I! also tak~ . lip the sllua· powcr and. a IJlg Negr~ major· children, Dav\(l, 5, and Sllsall, edly pl'es.~r:d the blltton. of the Haolll Snlan \I·I.lh a hfc-pmoll: lumbled inlu the shaft. Hescue ,:.~. 1-"mm~1I .\Iarket Wed.! Iree mo\'ement of capital and I t}on In the Bn.hsh c~lony .of Ity delcrmllled 10 get It. 1',. _ _ . eleell'lc fll'lng dCl'lce which ex- sentence. he :;(ml. I workers Tuesday ni~hl beard • ~:' 1l0m,I lip their most Ilahor within the enlm'ged mar' Southcl'n Hhodcsla, which With --.... -"-"--' . - "-' -...... --~-------- ..- -~- .. ----- - .---------- ---.. -'-- -- -- -- -- -.,,-----" him wllimper nnti crv' fo l' · ::: ir;<i'!n )'ct on Britain's' kct and common rules fOI' cal'- ;l/orthern Rhodesia and Nyasa-I father. • r 115

:On In join Ihe lei operation within the com. land makes up the Centl'al Af-:~;rlr 1::0[' munilv rican Federation. P,\RE:\TS STAY AWAY

Pm)· Seal Edward 1 AFFECTS EXPORTS The boy's p::rents, jIr. and "h~ I~d Ihe British del... , Western diplomats' say Ru· :III'S .. Peter. Ko\\'nlc'mk, spent

'did lh, f . Sill! to ~e dlscuss:d, h?wevCl. anda - Urllndi faces the same Ihe llI~ht 1',llh rel:>til'cs rt t , .. I measure \I I", a tOPIC of Vital Interest proble The Congo d,'d Ilen I't '1 .....'" e . re.1ched at the two. " m w i ml cs ,m .' ... I hey did 1101 "','fr I.

" I It dl . to Common" eulth members - became independent from Bel- 1'[",'11(' at""1Ipl S lInt ou ley 1m· the question of their exports of gium in 1960-how to keep or."

"almo'phere of the I raw materIals and agrIcultural del' when the Belginn troops are A l<lr~e C\,(I\\' ,1 r,'pidh" d'·. · . mO'1 . products to Britain which will gone, and especially 11011' to pro- /. "ppemed Iale llle'ticY' nig!:1 ,;,' Important result of he hit if she joins the marl:et. teet Bel.ginn technicians so they after .J ..• J. Kubin of Ca1.7.ary. f .. on "3, prohahly the I -

I ,ollition to the I a pro1'Inclal mines inspector in

. lion of I'lImmonwealth· leN R A d T · ch.1r~e of rescue work, said "I. I

II<! I'e no hope the boy will be exports which the \. n. ra I·n mel'" found atil·e."

, rrached Tliesday. ~ I I · (olomho. Itillian min· I i Official~ estimated it would for industry and cnm' I R h A' t ,he sOrnelIme Wednesday night · told reporters after Wed- ea C . g ree men : hefore they would reach the ! m~ctin~ that "substan. . . ,bottom of tlle shaft

a~r['fml'r.t" ha~ also heen i ' ----- .. - --.----- . a n1il11hCr 01 internal I By Kf:N SMITH tbe agreement, which Ilrovidcs I TIlE COUNTRY P~\RSON-

.............: problems posed by MONTREAL ICPI'- The CNH for an eight·pel"cent wage in-I rode' through its second thrcat· crease paid in. five steps. over ened strike in two months Wed· the 31-month lifc of the new con· ncsday as the railway and the tract, to run to Dec. 31, IUf>3. Brothcrhood of Railroad Train· A scries of complicated and I

men (CLC) reaeh~d agr~ement eOlitentiotls work 1'I11es also I I

I OOUdy cl' h' I II\) .' carmg 1 IS I ~;.:.nUlg. LitUe wnrmer. I .. II today 55.

I Temperatures

MID Mw Night Dnv

Toronto • 80 ~iIIltreal"""" 1\0 l(onC\on .. '."'" 60 8.1 IItlif~ ....... ~I 75 SJdntl. .. .... " 50 68 S:J'h .... " .. 54 63

• 0 n·s· ...... 46 57

on a lIew contract. • were setlled to what the trio · The CNR's 9,000 trainmen said was the "mutual satisfac· had been scheduled to w!llk out tlon" of all. at 1 p.m. EDT Monday, June 4, POISED FOR STRIKE

"The strike is off and the The agreement was an-trains will contlnue to run," nounced as the railway was said W. T. Wilson, th~ rail· poised to throw Into motion a. way's vice • pre~idenl of labol' giant strike plnn that provided FAINTS DURING SERVICE relations. for tuming down further freight .

With him at the time werc shipments, laying ofl 00,000 COVENTRY, England-Newly-elected Lord Mayor of Coventr~', Alderman Arthur Wau~h, fatnts to I v

Gordon C. Gale o( Winnipeg and othel' railway wOl'kcI·.~ who the floor during the consecration service of the new Coventry Caihedral. May 25th. He was helned to his i 0,~.; William J. Kelly o( Ottawa, as· would h~vebeen made . "lie b;'lseai by Lord Willoughby De Broke (center. with medals on chest). who is Lord Lirutenani of Warwick-I siR.tanl vice : presidents of the the hnltlllg flf the lI·a'-.s lind h' d b' IF' I [t . h . f t f W I L' d S d P' Iv! t ( h I k . . 1II110n. the mainlenance 0[' ~s:~entild ,s Ir~, an a lS lOp'. 'rom e to rIg t tn ron 0 aug 1 ~re ?l' now on. rm~ess argare w 0 00 Si "We seem to want a 101 of · All three men Pl'ollotlnced lsel'vices lor ihe life of the. st"aJ~ht ahead, .while the others turn 3l'Ound to see what s g0ll1g on), Queen Eltzabeih, and the Cathe-: ,:,i·ngs we really don't need':"" themselves fully satisfied with stl'ike. Idral Pro\'osl's Verger, J Oh11 Wicfens. l UPI Photo) j except to impres.s others .

. ( . • ,

, :.

,', ~.

1: '

I I,

. , j • i 1 ,I I :1 ,

j , I , !

" 1 '.i o,t I ! ~ i \

• i. I

12 ,~ "S, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY. MAY 31, 1962

<Facts On Rift Between ·U.S. And De Gaulle ~,. ~ ,


in the Second World War the FS. ~o\'ernment call cd Fl'cnch General Charles de Gaulle a

,,~'nqisance" and told him to gct . iut, of SI. Pierre'~liquclon, the

lwei tin~' Gulf o[ SI. Lawrence Islands which his Frce Frcnch {orces had seized from the Vic· hyites.

In fact, friction betwccn de Gaulle ami thc Americans he· came so hcatcII that at onc time a Free French rcpresent· ative appealcd to an Americun diplomat for hclp to prc\'ent a possible explosion between de Gaulle and President Franklin D. RooseI'Clt.

Details of the split - which ma,' shed lurther light on the ronis of current Iriction he· tween the two countries - arc disclosed in U ,S. diplomatic pa· pcrs lor 1942 recently madc public. The~' sholl' there was n great deal of helittlin~ hy the U.S. of de Gaullc's !!re:lt tal· rnls lor rallying French resist· ancc.

They also sholl' thnt de Gaulle was hitter a h 0 u t Amcrican ~Io\\'ness in ~Cl'l'l'ill!! diplomatic relatiolls with th~ ,'ieh,' re~ill1c and [or payin~ too nltich attell' tinn to ,.\Ihniral ,It'an Francois D:lrlan. cahin~1 I'icc'pl'c>ident in the ,'iehy rl'gimc which Il:Id condelllllcd dc Gallllt' In deatli in ah~I'ntiJ,

l'OI'l'LAH 1:\ Ql'EIIEr ,\rJ1carin~ ilS a modifying

forcr in the de t;:l\llle·R()ns~l'elt 'tru~~le is Ihe :'Ilackenzie King ~ol'rrnnH'nt of Canada. ~!ac· kenzie King was rcported nonc Ion ea~cr tn hack up the U.S. demand that de Ganlle "acate SI. Picrre':'! iqncl()n-mainly he· rause o[ de Gaullc's ~reat pop· ularity in Quchec.

:'!acsenzic King al,o wanted tn cut off relalions wilh Vichy in Ih~ ~pring of 1!l1~. P.S. dip·

. " ~~<: '.' :.:

'" .' . .; \ ... '. ~.!. ~-. ..... " ..... ' ... ~~ ... ; : ~.

lomats wcre told he was under great presslll'e in Cannda to do so.

But Mackenzie King didn't want to leave the U.S. out on the diplomatic llmh. 'fhough, he recallcd the Canadian ambas· sador to Vichy on April 28, 1042, hc did not formally sever tics until Nov. 9, 1942, the day after Vichy broke relations with thc U.S. because of American in· vasion of French North. Af\'ica.

On this point, Sumner Welles, U.S. undersecretary of state, reporled on April 23, 1942. that Leighton !\IcCm'lhy, Canada's minister In Wllshinglon, had stated that Mackenzie KiM had come under increasing criticism at home for continuing to do business with Vichy. WOULD CUT TIES

"~Ir. l\lackenzie King there· fore wanted Me, Mr, Welles, to know that he fell it was necessary in the interest of the Canadian go\'crnment to sever diplomatic relations with Vkhy unless the U.S. were most em· phaticall~' to llrge that this step should not be tultcn."

While Welles said hc did not put up any objection, State Secrelary Cordell Hull called in thc BI'itish ambassador two days latcr and said the U.S. conld not long keep up relations \\'ith "icllv if Canada cancelled ties. This· npparently kept Can· nda from making a formal hrenk at tllnt timc.

:'Ileuml' h i I e, U.S. rclations with de Gaulle continued to he hitter, On Zliay 2B, 1942, Wclles said it would be unwisc and inexpedient 10 rccognize de Gaullc as lemlel' o! French r~sistnnce hccause there was among a large numbcr of Frcnchmcn no inclination to ac· cept his Icadcrship. "A NUIS,\NCE"

The papcrs sholl' that even In Dcc~mhcr of that year Cordcll

Hull voiced the scntlment that while the U.S. did not feel un· kindly towards de Gaulle, "we have frankly felt that at times he was making himself a sort of nuisance by constantly Inject· ing personal and political mat· tel's when we felt that we should have been confining our thoughts and efforts jointly to military matters and objcc' ti\'es. "

In 1942, a plan was aloot to have de Gaulle and Rooscvelt meet. This stirred a French representative in Washington to plead with an American diplo' mat to help prevent "a com· plele explosion" between the two leaders. TJie Free French were even suspicious the meet· ing was being arranged for just that purpose-so that de Gaulle would explode with healed pas· sion and so destroy himself.

The Amel'ican diplomat, As· sistant Stale Secretary A. A. Berle, Jr., said that was pos· sible but expressed the hope de Gaulle could restrain himself. That meeting was cancelled and the two lcaders did not meet until 1944. SIDED WITH DE GAULLE

In December, 1941, thc Frce French seizcd St. Pierre·:llique· lon, off the southern coast o! Newfoundland, and the U.S. de· manded they get out. When thc British and Canadians appeared 10 he siding with dc Gaulle. Cordell Hull again called in the Brilish ambassador and ac· cused Winston Churchill and the British government of fo· menling public opinion against American relations with Vichy.

Churchill, who was then in Canada, wired his cabinct in London a few days later that de Gaulle be informcd that an American warship, The Arkan· sas, might be sent in if the Free French did not leave. To Ihis, de Gaulle was reported to

'I ....... . " ., .. "* -:":':""---':"'"

---Holds A,nnual Inspection Grouch's T rinityColIE-ge Of Music

On ~londay, May 28, 1962, Bull, C.D., arrivcd and was met No. 2355 Church Lads' Brigade, by Capt. C, F. Rogers, the Chief Hoyal Canadian Army cadet Instructor of the Corps and

PRINCE OF WALES COLLEGE Curps held its Annual Inspec· Major J. M. C. Facey, Battalion Take Hens

To Wing AND HOLLOWAY SCHOOL Lion and Demonstration of work Commander and escorted to the for the year. The Inspecting Saluting Base where he was

SENIOR Officer was Major D. M. Owen, greeted by the General Salute, (By THE OLD GROUCH> I than thesc pathetic calls! Pass with Merit, David Small· C.D., who was accompanied by following which Cadet' Major GLENWOOD _ First "robin 01 is nceded. as deslruction or c!,

wood 75. Captain G. Bull, C.D. D. N. Churchil stepped forward spring" in the sense 01 our visi. growth by carcbsl\ess ,f.(~I' INTERMEDIATE Chief Instructor of the Corps and welcomed him on behalf of tors, was Cyril Parkins, onc who struction of the ch'e! ind~,:~C!'

Pass with Merit, Linda Ink· is Captain C. F. Rogers, Jr., the Corps and inVited him to regularly drops in on us, and the island. i\othill" II':"" ~ pM 83, Pamela Newell 79 who is assisted by Lieut. W. B .. make his inspection. whose visits arc as welcome as more to the dc\'eloP~Kr/', '.!:

Pass, Barbara Pcet 71.' K Coultas, C.!)., and Lieut. D. Following the Inspection the the spring robin himself. inland parts of the "!";dO'.,~! JUNIOR C. Bartcr who give the lads Corps then marched past, first As it did last year, our part of its accomp~IlYing gro·,lth'o; ~:;

Pass with Mcrit, Robert great leadership in the carry· in Column of Platoons and then the community continues to be I transportation. thon In's ',':," Dingwall 83, Jl!ary lI[cKim 8a. lllg out of the various duties in Column of Route with Zllaior smothercd in dust, aggravated by industry. Tu d,1m3~c it ~;,':

Pass, Evan Purchase 71. i which have to be performed. Owen taking the Salute as each the constant ba~k-and forth not ~nly loss 01 trc1S fo~ a ;;~ ADVANCED PREPARATORY 'i'he Cadct Corps, under unit marched by and this was movement of truck cngaged In or eighty ye~r perioo h", .;:,

Pass with Merit, Renee Lc. Cadet Jllajoi· D. N. Churchill, done very smartiy. tDe quite delib~rat~ conslruction t~le consequent :os; !;o:~'·!(:.;: :llessuricr 83. IVcre tincu up on the floor in The next in line of order was of the to·be pavmg job. Madame fires of the man:; sma:! ,:,:

Pass, Elizabeth Horwoou 71. HCl'icw Ordcr, and, prior to the demonstrations in which every' Grouch essayed to, was~ of[ some nesses and hundreds O! t:> PREPARATOnY arrival uf the Inspecting Offi· membcr of the 'Corps took part. 01 last summer ~ grime, but built up throu~h the PC!',)] c;·::

Pass with Merit, Barhara eel', Praycrs were rccited by There were some five dcmon·i when the process!on 01 trucks velopment. ~,ol appea's l;' ,: Chafe 79, David Moores 79, Au. The Corps Chaplain, Rev. C. J. strations with. different lads was renewed, deCIded that hers lorcement o[ rig;[1 prcMit':'; drey Pike 78. Abraham, B.A. picked out for each one. The ~as but a work of superoroga· fircs shuuld be ill'i<\cd ,~:,:

FIRST STEPS In attendancc last night was use of the Bren Rifle was de. thon, tandtnlbandoned tfurth?r a.t. For those \\'1:0 \\,,,,,( ta c'rr> C I I G ~1 SI' l' Q C Cd' temp un I pavemen arm'cs III the little gasoline <to;e ·;it:

Honours, Marie Lol'cys 88, CO one j' . 'Olf' II' 109, f ih" monstrated. under a et Lleud· our neighbourhood. ply suffice unlil it is' , Pass with Merit, Susan .ommanr Illg ,Icer.o e P. R. Halliday, the Map Rea· The domestic hen is generally ~ho:vn that there is gcr.era:';;, ..

SparkcF 79. Cuurch Lads' Bngade m New· ing under Ca~et CS.1Ii R. C. despised in the realm of aero· IzallOn of the I1mrd 0' ,:

I~ITIAL , foundlal1d, lIIaJor J.M.C. Facey, Onstey, the FlI'St Aid under nautics hut Grouch's hens ha\'c fires. ' .,,\ Pass with ~~erit,·t lIor·lll.Sc., Conll~anding .Officer Cadet SergI. W. R. G. Nose· developed the ability to fly to ___

wood 81, Robm Jl!artln 79. Avalon llattalIon to which the worthy, and all these were go· quite a considerable de~ree. It CadcL Corps is attached, illajors in gon at the same time with is common Lo see Ihem take off.

Some dads' takc n youngster in their lap, !:rab a nursery rhymc book and read thcmse!· \'es to sleep.

have slated: "Docs this mean they (tile Americans) would bc willing to fire on mc?"

The upshot of nil this was that de Gaulle agreed to keep the two islands out o! tile war with a secrct proviso that Lh~ Free French would still main­tain their influence ol'er these French possessions.

li. S. llurling and F. D. Press the offiCIal Party going from with violent f1ultering' of win;:s. of the Hcgimcntal Staff, ~Iajor group to 'group. and soared for a couple of hun· n. J. )1. Noel, Capt. J. V. Rab· Under Cadet CSIII R. C. Ans· dred feet, al\\'ays screaming at b~tts, Capt. .. C. G. lIlartin and tey, there was a very smart ~x'i thcir loudest. And this ahility was LlCul. II. Gillanl, aloo Rev. T. hibition of Sentry Go·DrIll, even more force ably demonstrat·


AJmanac F. Iloneygold, Ass!. Battalion which is executed by a squad cd n lew days ago. As the By CLARE .\lCllEHlIrJIl Chaplain, as well as a largc of lads and no words of com- Grouch stood with feed can in rr;KI1\G' Hellt·"", _ \ '. gathering of the pal'cnts of thc mand are spoken. This was a h~nd, calling hIs flock, behind page almanae u,pe! 'n t~.; lads who turned out in numbcrs drill which brought out pre· lum came a loud c~ash an? farms, COlllm\\rr, ;;~d ia::"~ to witncss the shuw which was cission and team work and was through the smashed wmdow, tn· throughollt l'allllll.lni,( e,l undcl' the direct ion of the' extremely well donc. The ulllphantly c~lapuJtcd one of mllst h? 0 nc [,' t!;~ "~::'I Cadet Officcrs and which was a I Physical Drill with arms was tho!e hens .. lakmg t.he whole. pane most wldel\' r':<,,! and ""; good show indecd under Cadet Licut. Carl L. Sui. of b lass 1\lth her m one trlump· books.' .....

\t 800 ti' . l' ddt th hant smash. Bcyond the fact that For only I:: \'U:'lI "IX CE:" '. . !l;ll1., le lIIspectll1g Ivan, an was on.e 0 e another of these exciting birds it provides milli'm, of If,e :'

offIceI', ~IaJor. D. !II. Owen, music of the Battalion Band still wears a necklace 01 pl·e· try's peasants Il'ilh a C.D., accompanied by Capt. G. under the baton of Bandmaster serve rin~ .1S a collar the five o[ old pro'o'erb;.

Captain C. G. Martin, who sup· (those arbe alI now l~ft of the and Communi,t Pa:t)'



plied music for the whole even· flock) have settlcd down to a vol· Edited and pub'i;i:ed ing. This Drill, consisting of uminous egg production-some· Farming Press. it is ; some three exercises was anoth· thing not cntirely unwelcome. early in the ye:l!' in Ihis ' er precision one and well Sunday the Grouch watched trv where. dr,pitc rnan ... worth seeing. It is a long time with envv the :llemorial Univer' cnt spokcn di:l;cct,. !::e" , since thcse exercises have becn sity CoO\:ocation. What he would language for m,' a t::.::~i done in the Brigadc and the like to know was "who was the force. lads did a real finc job on very clever young valcdictorian For centuries, li:o C'::n them. who introduced the several recip. have studied and anaIY;,j ,ii;

The climax of the evening ients of honours degrees:' That own weather and 13:'ffi'c: '''. came when the Awards were sparkling twist of phrase and un· ditions. The noll' L,n3r' \; announced and then presented ~arbed wit rc~inded one of the Year Calendar lloo~. !0;2 tJ

by Major Owen and lads who llrst conv~catlOn .of wha~ \\:as up their findings al:d o~~;:; i~ had merited the award on their then the Memonnl Umver~lty "ice for <Ill agriculture! :'::i' work during the year had their College'.'. That was ~ long h~e crs. medals pinned on their jackcts. a.go. Little Grouch-It really IS There also aro seelin I thO t th Ch' f I lime he had another mOl1lker- first aid. traclar n IS, respec I e Ie n· for one can hardly caU a lump fishing, care oC livcs:ock, :.

structor s JIIedal for the B. est of flesh as big as he is "ll",tle"- t t' f' . C d t t t C d t L t ro a IOn. Irc pl'e\'er.t:o~.

a e, wen. 0 a e ICU. went a fishing last weekend and insecticides and mode:n ' Car! L .. Sulhvan. The Capt. J. this time actually caught some. lizers in addition 10 I:~ V. Rabbltts Medal for the Best thing more than ticklebacks for verhs, folk songs ani s::;", N.C.O. went to Cadet L/Cpl. G. cat food. In the light of this There is a month·b:·,~-'-! R. Clements, and the Capt. J. achievemcnt hc now demands a review Of the c"matc b "t;" V. Rabbitts Medal {or the Bcst fishing pole, a request the parts o[ the country,:;:· Recruit went to Cadet Lloyd Grouch can hardly refuse. struclions on II'h:,t a:r'c;:::! Rodgers. The pOlitical salesmen are aelll'ities can ho carried ~:: 1

Attendance ~re,dals for Full abroad, but fortunately seem to the best advanwcc at Attendance "First Class" wcnt pretty well stay clear of this times of thc year 1r.d in':', to thc following: Cadet Lieuts. little neck·o!·the·woods as, added cnt areas. C. L. Sullivan, F. B. Bugden, to the customary newspaper pro·, A table in tho a':l1an;~" C/Ser"t. W. R. G. Noseworthy paganda, we now ha\"e thc; the nutritional \'illnc of ' , C/L/epl. G. R. Clements: "privilegc" o! seeing Ihcm and foocls - protein: la:. ' , Cadets G. A. R. Barncs L. hearing them all on TV. From drate and Celone cor.:~,:·; Courage and J. F. Tilley.' this is may ?c in,lerred t~at the ricc. flours. henns. '::i'.:.

Attendance Medals "Second Grouch ~as little mterest III .Fed· spmach, cahl);l~o ad c_, Class" for 95 per cent attcn. eral poh~lcs controlled as II IS crops.

• dance went to Cadct Lieut. P. b~ the blg populous central pro· The "farmin" p:·O,.N';·' r: vmces "pig farmin~ l~ro\"['rhs" ::e (~

R. Halliday, C/CSM .R. C. A~' It i~ rather surprising. how. tcnsihly similar to t['0'1 ;,:: stcy, C/Cpls. n. RCld, D. \\. ever, to notice that what an un' in agricultlll'al :J!:nan,cs g::: Roberts, C/L/Cpls. W. S. "'lea· usual interest this province seems the world. llut (l:c\, ;,r~ dus, L. Templeton, Cadets It to have for federal candidates to meet the 'i'l'~ific ' H. Benson, D. W. Bugden, W. this election. Never before have oj Chinese counlry. A. F:ampton, W. S. Keats, R. fcderal politicians shown so A. Nixon, D. J. Parsons, 111. J great an interest in Newfound. ED~IONTO:-; ,(T' - Y,::'] Pearce, A. C. Peddle, L. Rod· land. Why? The Grouch has his Camphell n:ll1al1~ine. :3 fi::' gcrs, D. J. Rowsell, K. J. RU5' own answer. ncwspaper m 3 n in \\'[!,C sell and W, E. Sturge. Tnrning to local Mfa irs. one is Canada dice! l:crc Th:";('

It can be seen from the above concerned with the (to his mind I Ilk Ballantine came 10 C:~,:j lists that three members were vain appeals by officials to be from England in 1910 ,,~~. awarded two medals, being careful of fires. Something more I tIed in Rcgina. doubly awarded, C/Lieu!. SuI· -.- .----!ivan with the Best Cadet and attendance First Class Medal, C/L/Cpl. Clements with the Bcst N.C.O. and the Attendance Mcdal First Class and Cadet L. Rodgers with the Best Recruit and Attendance Medal Second Class,

For the Floor Hockey Series which was run during the win· tel' months, the team consisting of Cadet Major D. N. Churchill, sgt. D. R. Churchill, L/Cpls. L. Templeman and S, E. Noel, Cadets W. E. Sturge, R. H. Ben· son, A, C. Peddle and' F. D. Benson.

The Inspecting Officer,

Weather Forecast ACROSS plants

1 Wintry forcoost 38 Sult~n's (.mlly 5 Summery ~~ ~~~~~cllon

forec;lst 41 Asterisk. 8 Forc~~st ~f 44 Sorriest

preclpltallon 4B Portion 12 Lov~ god 491gnlled 13 FruIt drIDk 50 Bacchanalian 14 Musicat qua1lty cry 15 Grow weary 51 Sea eagle 16 Weight unit 52 Dined 17 Arabian gutf 53 Nest of SGa,;;s fixedly, :n;;ouri!h • IB Thief pheasants 9 Knot :ll )IGrMr';? 20 Lock of hair 54 Portat 10 Individuals ~jI"crtik "" 21 Mlddte (prefIX) 55 Affirmath'c 11 S II •• :1; SOlk""! rna Cj'S~ ,:0, I'o,., .. .:'~:ed 22 Garden tool ,56 Bang 191'ermlt ",' 23 Frozen rain DOWN 20 Rent 4" Deilini'l 26 Preachers . 22 I . 4111urried ..J

1 F I s nJure ".' 'l'ro",'raJ! .. 30 Dillicutt e me ~3 Pygmalion'S ' , 31 Flowerless plant 2 Leave out Guthor ·13 SIr<ltl 32 Pad 3 Learning 24 Cuuntry road in WI)' 33 Reply (ab.) 4 Thought while 25 Gaelic 4Hucatcen 34 Appear asteep 26 Equal 4, '.1 ""d, 35 Sport 5 Detests 2; General Bradley 46 ~oft dn.:k 36 More filled with 6 Scent 281'illc 4i :,,,11,,

unwelcome 7 Decimal 29 Statk 4!J I'lace ~:":-"'I:""'"

, ,~

theJ;sbeer that satisfies everybody~ /< ',,' ..

Major Owen, then addressed the Corps and said what a plea. sure it had given him to in· spect the corps and he was very pleased with the high standard of the entire show. He wished the lads well in their future work in the Cadets and hoped that they would continue their interests so well begun. He also congratulated the Battalion Band on their fine music which gre~t1y added to the evening. ~lajor J. 111. C. Facey also spoke and congratulated the Corps on a job well done, and hoped that those going to Camp would have a most enjoyable stay and further their information and knowledge of the Cadet Move· ment work •

. ,

FREE HOME DEtrVERY ST, ToliN's: Phone '8.'7345, 8·6359, A-'2914 GANDER: K, J. Gdfffln Ltd" 8-238'7 GRAND FALLS: Bond Beverages L,d.,

Phone 2146 BELL ISLAND: Tom MurphYi Phone 2186 tHE BENNETT BREWING CO.. t.TD.


REGINA ( CP) - Robert Philips, former reporter with The Canadian Press and The Leader· Post has been named head of the newly • establlshed economic research department of the Saskatchewan wheat pool. Mr. Phillips has been I with the wheat pool as a re­search analyst for two years. I


-CityF Law

Fin!.i aggrcg 'ere imposcd ~'

;~agistrate's Court n fishermcn of ]110 . . nvicted of settH CD .

rior to openmg. ~ercial salmon II! Each of the accusl guilty as charged. ! 02000 or 7 days I:

In ~3ch case t?C Ii Fi,hcry offIcer

acted as Ilroseclll "'ind on the hcllC

51u " ." 'I trate Hll~h O"CI The action take

artmcnt of fish! from an carly 01'

on ~Iay 15. openm CO]11mcrcial sa 1m .\I'hen six nets \\" fishing order oll Two of the net,;. unattended. were patrol o!fil'ers. an turned to their 0\1 ti[icat ion. In the remaining foul' ne ors. II'ho wcre or wcre ordcred to from !he water.

In 31; instanccs

Farm Year ~Ioisture is the

the oulcome of : farm crops in 19fj

A spokeslllan fe ture di\'ision of th of ~!ines, AgricIII sources, said W CI ing is going ahenc or J little·belol\' in the prol'ince. b

By .. Ele At Mar

A by·election the community , next wcek.

Two candidates nominatcd to cor leclion for a \'aca town council. \l'h held ~londay. Th mond Fitzpatrid and ~Iichael Brei equipmcnt operat

The "acancy 0

was hrought aboll nation of counc Fitzpatrick.

Gifts 1 of E. Off

The Honorar\' the Church of En age 011 behalf I Bishop of Xc\\' I the Board of :'lIar ledges wit h ~ra t alion the folJ~\\"il trihutions to the

52000.00 fro III Dawe, in'memor band, the late L o[ Bay Roberts.

51000.00 Beou, WiII of the late'T

S1000,OO BcqUE Will of the late I ----.

1 'rheann r d Botel y '1?r~, Atlanti lSltors, Mar

PWho i~ actin, any' b . \ill . s USln,

t{ e, Mr. Tc anager; MJ

I. 19f12 ---


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'9 10 11 I



ST. JOHN'S. NEWFOUNDL .... The Daily ~ews THURSDAY, MAY 31,1962 ' ..

- , .' .. ,

City Fishermen Break Rotary Rally Here

Famous Canadian Warship Due Today !Get Licente , ~." ." ..' ,,' ... . ,,, ,... . I Fer Car'

and Get Fines ,. ' " ~. . '. '

f""; ;,",'rl';!:lting $120 geat· in question had been set ,,'''' ",'.1 yrslt'nlal' j.n before 8 a,m. Newfntmdland

;.':' .,::,--;' l-"lIrl on si~ snl· standard time {II a.m. daylight The 1962 District Assembly ; : .. .',.! ,,\<'11 (If St. John's sal'ing .time), the hOllr estah· Conference of the Rotary Club

.'. .-' ,,'1till~ tlll'ir nets lishcd for opening of the sea· will he held here .Tune 10.14. • : ..... ' .,',' .::.'"·ning. of. the com· I SOil. ,. Approximately 500 persons , , .. ,' .. ' 'n,'I' flslunj! seJson. arc expected \.0 attend the COil. ~ ... ~! :'". ,,('('lIscd was fount! Patrol of the salmon ~ishing vention, one of the largest ': ... ' .. ".~l"l. and was fined areas will be maintained by : •. ',', c' 7 ,'IlY, il1111rison~nent. fishery officers throughout the ever held in the capital. '. ',' '11<' finc was paid, ('ommercial salmon fishing sea. Darroch lIIacgillil'Rry is chair· • , ' lIlan of the confcrencc corn· ';'.":' ,::,('l'r W .• 1. llvtler I son, whieh ends on Deccmber :. . :"","'1'11101'. and pre., 31st, and particular attention mittcc, Lieutenant GOI'erllor

" . : .... '.,' i-I'lll'h was ~Iagis. 1 will he given to enforcement Campbell Macpherson will \Vel· , . .'", ': '\':\"111. of the regulation requil'ing come the delegates to New· . ~'f"C': '.: :ah'n hy thc Dc· thaI lIet~ f'!111 traps he Ollt of f?ul~dland. 'fw~ hundre~ and

.. ".,f ri'!a'ric.~ rcsu!;erl fishing Ol'der on weekends, ~Ifl~ men and \Iomen halc been : .. ' .. ",',,' mOI'l1ing patrol from midnighl Saturday to mid. l111'1t?d from the lIIaritime ',. ,.' ':, ";"'Iling date of the night SlInda)" This regulation I pr~l'lIl~es. . , . . '_ __. .,,111\011 fisher)" j appli('s to all salmon lIets and Slle.clal speakers Will l11c1u~e .. ' '\ ",', \lpn' fOllnd in leaders of salmon traps in any Premier J. R. S!l1alllV~od, S J r


\ Now or Els'e , . I Today is the final one for j 1961 drivet's and vehicle licen· ces .

The deadline for 1961 licen· ces was March 31., 1962," but this was extended to April 30, and since that tim e has been continued on a day·to·day basis,

Finance ~linister E. S.· Speno cer said tha't the 1961 licence cannot, in accordance with the prol'isions of the Highway Traf· fic Act, be extended aftet: )Ia,v 31, 1962,

Sabin .. . •. .'. off SI. JOhn·s.1 ha\,. inlet, river or snund is Leonard Outerhndge and 11ayor . ;,. ''''''. whit-h w('rr six miles ill width, Attcntion H. G. R, MelVs.

" :,': 'II'!'I' ,\'izrd b~' the I' \\:i11 also be gil'en t,o the. mesh Two receptions are als~ , .. , , , .. all,1 latcl' re· SIZe of nets preSCrIbed III the planne(1 for the four·day con

CI & • .

HMCS Lanark, named in I for Working·up . Exercises I I~ July, 1945~ she began a I modernization incorporated all! IDleS honour of Lanark County, On· After completion of thcse Ex· major refIt at LIverpool, :'-l', S., the latest devices in Anto·Sub. ... . tario, the County Town being ercises late In September, Lan· in preparation for deployment I marine Warfare Detection . Dlstrl?utlO~ of th~ Sahm po· Perth, was first commissionecl ark sailed for Londonderry, to the Pacific Theatre of Opera. Equipment and Weapons and ho l'aCClOe WIll coutlOu~ on the as a River Class Frigate July 6, Northern Ireland. to join mid· lions. Before Ihis refit was I thus increased greatly the cap. east coast of the provlIlcc to·

' •.• :. ,'\\'111'1'5 on idcn. reJ!ulations The minimum ference. These will be gil'en by " i ,: n", <,.1sr of the mesh perm'ittrd is 5 inches, ex· the City of st. John's and the

, ": :.:: ,,,,I,, Iheir own· ('cpt in the area ft'om Cape prol'incial gOI'ernmen!. '.' '" .. ,',' (In t hr scene. Pinr to Tel'rencel'illc on the I A ball in honor of district

. ,.:. ", ! ;,\ Tt'1I101'C them SOllth Coast and ill Ba), 51. go\'ernor of Rotary, ILK. Wyatt, 1944, undcr thc command 0 f ocean Escort Group C·7. Among completed, Japan sun'cnded abilitics of this class of Ship, , day. . . Lieutenant Commander J. F. the ships operating in this anrl as a result, Lanark was: She was then placed in reserve I Two chilies ~ave b~en set Stairs. RCNVR. She was built group were HMC ships Cop· jjaid off at Shelburne, N. S., I at Sydney, N. S. 'up to serl'e chIldren III four ' ... :er. G('orge. where usc of a 4~2 ineh will also be gil'en.

. ';' ::\'(', thr fishing mesh' is allowed. The visiting delegates will he . - .--. accommodated In the New·

hy Canadinn Vickers Limited, percli f fe, Hawkesbury and on 24th October, 1945, and She was re.commissioned at com,:"~nities ... Montreal, P,Q, ~lerritonia, Iturnccl ol'er to War Assets Cor· Sydney, ~. S. 26th April, 1956,: Chmcs 11'111 be held at 51.

T h· found land Hotel and Kenmount Crops For ' IS i Motel. ' •

Lanark sailed from ~Iontreal From OctolJer until the end i poration for disposal. and now forms part of the SCI" I Frances. .School, OUler Cove, 19t~ July, 1944, joined H~ICS of the war in Europe in May! Re·acqllired by thc Nav~' as enth Canadian Escort Squad· I to the Wlutby at Quehec and arrived of 1945, Lanark was employed I part of the HCN "build·up" ron based at Halifax, No S.· ,I'ored vacclOe to. chIldren of at Shelburne, N. S" 25th July. in mid·ocenn Convoy Escort programme in 1951, Lanark was H~ICS Lanark wears the Bat. i Outer Cove and :lhddle Co v e. She proceedert to Halifax, 13th I duties hetween Londonderry: morlerniwl at Marine fndus· tic Honour "Atlantic 1944.45'" The time of the clinics are 10 August and the next two weeks: and S!. John's, Newfoundland., tries Limited, Sorel, Quebec, as for her sen'ice in the North I a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from

rann , Hopedale

y ~ar"", ~:'~;~f" ~:,i~~~,~~;, Due Friday carried out harbour training I During this period sh~ escort· 'I' a Prestonian Class Frigate, corn· Atlantic During World War ;2,30 p.m. to 5.00. p:m. . ,

! I,cfore proceeding to Bermuda i cd some tweh'e Conl'oys. pleting in October, 1954. This Two. i Thc sccond cllmc lS be1l1g

• P: \1'\\'fnun(Uand Ihr nmollnt of rain which ,will The damaged CNR coastal '." 1%2. . fall on the farms during the i I'essel Hopedale is not expected

" • .' .:,:, :01' tile agncul. growlI1g scason. " to arrivc in SI. .Tolm's until " . ," .,: ;he Department i On the east coast.-whlCh In. sometime Friday, E. !C, House,

.. . \. ,'.,',' ltllrr and Re· 1 e1l1dcs A I'alon Penl'nSIl~a, Dona· Newfoundland area manager

. N E -W----· , 5'--" ~~~~of\~~~ay,Rg~~nWh~~!h~!~~ P 0 L I T I C A L cine will be distributed to

.. I, children from Torbay and Logy

Bay. The times of the clinics

I arc 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 2.30 to 5 p.m,

, .. ,:,. '.:\·,".jl1e'tiay plant. ! ~'Ista ar~a 1111d. seetl~ns of I said Wednesday. '. '. ':':'" ,I(t at a normal, ,Notre Dan!!' Da~ drought has The two,~·ear.old vessel frae.

:." .,,,,!,,\\'·nllrmal plce I heen cxpcl'lCnced hy many farm· tured one of her plates in ice •• f :·C\ .::<1'. hilt the har.\,est : CI', for the past tl~O year~. Many SlInnday ni"ht while making a

Premier Exposes What He --- i of them were 11It heaVIly hy special tri; from Pacquet to C II BO

Ev _ Election I cr~~ ~~~\hiS veal' the outlook TI~!lIi~gate with n hospital a s 19gest do.esn't look ioo bright as tht' pa ~I~~ 'Hopedale encountered The main plank in the Pro. demned the P,C, candidates for

PC Lies

~ ~1 I ra1l1fall anti. snot~1\ on . the heavy Ice In the fog and darn· gressive Cc'nse)'I'ative's Nell'· St. ,Tohn's West and St. John's I t arystown I eastern sectIOn 0 tiC provll1ce a"ed a seclion of her hull J'ust foundlam! platform has been East for attempting to mislead

j : has heen far helow normal. ~ . _ : During' April precipitation was bel?w the water line. She he~an exposed hI' Premier Smallwood the Newfoundland people by

" ': .. ,:. ,::"11 i> slated for' onh' half the normal for the takll1g water. and was abandon· to be what he has termcd "the presenting figures and charts f 'I t' "(I bv 11"1' ftl'e nassengers an(1 higgcst political lie ever told on federal expenditure which : .• :''':''''1:\'1), 0 ., arys own month. As a result manv farm. I ' " ,.,.

• 23 l' h in Newfoundland." Ivere false. :", "C' ,: 1'1'5 arc not planting the normal ,c ew ,mem ers .. :", '.''''!:,i:.:r' haw heen; amollnt of crops, The sl1lp was aSSlSte.d b~' the The Premier, speaking in a He was referring to the

.. - c;', ,j :0 "Onll'sl Ihe hy·e· 1 On the west' coast the rain. Federal !cehreaker 511' Hum· televised address tonight, con· I practice of Hon. W. J. Browne '," " : ': a \ ;want scat on the: fall and snowfall has bcen phrey GIlbert who took the and James A. McGrath of show· "': C":",,,!. whi(,h will he! normal, and if this continucs a crew and passengers abo~rd, S ing a graph of federal payments ": ',;·:::.1', Tlwy are Ra)'· i good harl'cst may be reaped. and led the Hopedale mto upport to Newfoundland i? telev~sion ~ .. ' f·,',':':.:ri,·k, a salcsman! The plantinrl season has been Lewlspol'te. addresses and pubhe meetmgs.

. . h b The P,C candidates had rc· i': ,',:. 'C,,: Hrrnnan, a cavy i vcry good, the spokesman said, Wednesday CNR divers in· For NDP peatedly • told their audiences ". ; :::.::: "iH'ralor. : as the weather has heen cool. gpected the damage and tempoI" that Newfoundland was now reo 7'( ',"::'11(,) on thr coun~i1: The sliccess or failure of the ary repairs were malle, The ship, " " , eeiving a total of $68 ml11ion

'.' ... :::'1; :1hou! lIy the reslg· , total hnt'l'est will depend O'n the w11l go on drydoek in St. John's We re bel1lnd you boy, one yearly from Ottawa-an in. ;': .. ;,.";. councillor Thomas I' ~mount o.f moisture t,he. provo for more permanent repairs to hundred per cC'"t", was the crease of $43 million a year as ""'",," mce reeell'es-and tillS IS next the damaged -plate. comment 'used by may Bell !s. a result of the policies of the

I to impossihle to forecast. landers when they met JIm Diefenbaker administration.

iN' Thfe mdalin ICfrops grown blY Another ~~~;~i~at~e~:rD~~O~~~~~s ~::r. th~h:nl~r:~!yer t1~~~~~e ":~~s f~~ Gifts To C. ell' oun ant armers ar~ ear y when he paid a visit to the is. ' ,

cahba.!:e, late cahhage, turnips land yesterday. the past three weeks," He \hcn

of E. Orphanage potatoes and hay. ~ offered 10 tell the Newfound·

Trade School A ehallenr:e to t(lC Liheral land people exactly what the candidate to debate the unem· province has received in the

::' 11-0::1'1 ;cry Treasurcr of I '. (:::::," of EIl~land Orphan· ,:. n,: h,·;',;,:r of Ihe Lord

Police Make . ployment situation which is (Continued on page 5) Hon, J. R. Chalker, Minister scriously effecting' Bell Island,

: .. ,~;> .:' \('\\'Iollndland and 5 Arrests : ~ :,t13:,! of ~Iaflilgcr;;; acknoww ,'.;., ""'a ~rall'flll appreci. i:. ~ :;;, [":!o\\ U1~ special con. Five anests were made by ::,' c'/,e, I" Ihe Orphanage: city police yesterday.

',c,,:, !c',! fn'!\\ ~1 rs. Gertrude Four men were arresled for ::',. ,~ n:rmor)' of her hus.: drunkenness and one for ~":. :':', 1:.:" Lewis C. Dawe i being drunk and disorderly in " B::. 1:<1;'1'1'1'. I the horne. •. ;:\"(,,, BI''1l1est under the' --------': .. " I~,(' hll' Thomas Hallett. I The Harbor filot reported a II''' Ivery quiet night last night as

,'. ,,'1 (:0 HrclllI'st under the only one ship, the NOl'a Scalia, ":.1 0: :::f' I.1lc II. \\" :-{orman. entered port. No ships saile<j,

of Public Works, announced to· was not accepted. "The Liberals day thaI a contrlll!t has been and the Tories arc barren of awarded to M. R. Chappel Limi· any ideas as to how to get Bell ted, for the construction 0 f a Island's unemployed back to Vocational Trade School at work. The Ne~ Democra.tic Port aux Basques, party has corne forwanl w11h

concrete proposals for solving the problem and I will sec that everything is done to wipe out this curse," said Mr. Walsh.

This Building will be erected on a site situated on the Grand Bay Road, and wil contain a gross floor area of approxi· mately 42,000 sq. ft. During the week, Jim Walsh

will address a meeting at Holy· When completed this School rood and will continue the

will provide training facilities tour of his district meeting the for some 150 students. people. --------

PCs Back 'Browne's

Chart Campaign Headquarter~ of

the Progressive Conservative Party of Newfoundland views the widely·hailed political ex· pose of the Conservative Com· parison Payment Chart with amusement and considerable puzdemen!. Premier Smallwood on television and radio attempt· cd to take the two St. John's Conservative candidates to task for using what he claims to be, false figures in demonstrating

• the increased federal payments to Newfoundland since the Con· servatives took office in 1957.

Ianlhe annual meeting of Imperial Oil agents fromal! over Newfoundland was held in the Newfound· lord Hotel ~esterday. Chaired by Arden Haynes, distpc.t sales manager" also prese~t wer; W, W. Shat­Visi' AtlantIC regional m.anager, and' R. D. Farde~l, re.glOnal sales manag~r, Atlantl~ RegIOn, plus other ~' M.any of the representatives brought their ~~ves a.nd they are bemg enter,tamed by Mrs. Haynes, Pa ~s act~ng as hostess for various llocial events. Climes Will .be held today on variOUS aspects of the com,.: \il~. s busmess. In photo, left to right,are A, R. .Haynes, ~rovmcial Sales Manager; Mrs. T. Ford; Steph~n· Ma ' Mr, Tom Ford, Agent, Stephenville; Mrs. A. Gou)81 Gander; W. W, Shatford, Atlantic R~glOn

nager; Mrs. A. R. Haynes; and Albert Gould, Gander. ' .

The Premier proved nothing. Using a maze of figures and tables, 'the Premier only suc· ceeded in confusing the broad· cast audience. William, J. Browne and Jim McGrath stand one hundred percent behind the famous chart and the figures they have been using' in this campaign.

The 25·68 formula still stands as the greatest and only politi· cal truth of this campaign. This chart is unanswerable and the Premier's efforts have done nothing to provide an answer. That he should go to sucli lengths to disprove the chart and the story it so clearly teUs. only demonstrates its effective· ness and far from acting on the Premier's advice that the chart should be torn up and thrown away, the chart is heing printed for mass distribution. It's, very simplicity is its greatest asset and no amount of distortion can take away from its effec· tiveness: At a time to be an· nounced later an answer will be mnde' t6 the charges leveUed by the Premier. The distortions, half·truths, and interesting am· missions in the Premier's hroad· cast will be brought to the at· tention of the Newfoundl and peoplc at that time. It will be quite a story.

Lil)erals Intensify Their Campaigning Liberal candidates in th~ Fed· where over half·a·million feet

eral election report that public of lumber are produced yearly. interest in the issues of the reported that this industry has 19G2 campaign appears to be in· only peen made possible creasing steadily, as e\'idenced through the construction of ac· by the reception which the can· I cess roads In the area. dirlates enjoy and the deep in· I Hon. J. W Pickersgill c~· terest shown during the door· tinues his visit to the Strait to·door campaigns, I Shore after holding a rally in

One of the campaign's major i Wesleyville. Last night :Mr. door knockers, Britn White in I Pickersgill held a meeting in SI. John's East, continuer! his Musgrave Harbour at 7.30, and inlensive personal canvass of I another at Carmanville at 9 Bell Island yesterday, lIIr, o'clock. Today, the Bonavista· White has heen on the island Twillingate incumbent plans to since ~Iondav and will be cam· visit Terra Nova, Charlotte· paigning the're for at least an· town, Port Brandford, Bunyan's other day Yesterdav he work· COI'e. and l\Iusgravetown. cd in.the important 'Vest l\[ines area, which is perhaps the area most effected by the critical un· employment situation at Bell Is· land. IIII'. While in discussing this unemployment prohlem and other particular needs of Bell Island with the residents of the important mining community.

Anolher personal canvass is being carried on in St. John's

. Wesl. as Richard Cashin, the aggressive young contender for that riding, continues his swing through various sections of the city. ~Ir, Cashin's personal visi· tation work will continue until toaay, when he will leave for a giant rally at Placentia tonight,

James R. Tucker visited Random Island Wednesday in his swing through Trinity north, lIIr, Tucker plans to visit Hick· man's Harbour, Britannia, Pet· ley, Laily Cove, Ellioll's Cove, Aspey Brook, and Snook's area,

In Grand Falls·White Bay· Labrador, Charles R. Granger left Wednesday for a swing through northern Newfoundland centres, accompanied by Wei· fare ~linister, Han. C. )Ia:< Lane. Tuesday night Mr. Grang· er visited' Norris Arm in his coverage of central ::-'ewfound· land communities. :llr Granger and Mr, Lane plan 10 'visit Har·

(Continued on page 5)

Hit By Car A four·year·old boy was taken

to the General Hospital after being hit and knocked down by a car near his horne, on New· town Ro'ad at 4:20 ye'sterday af· ternoon.

At the hospital the boy was detained for observation. His injuries are not serious.


Officials On Visit

Herbert Garland, a memb.el' of the staff of the Department of Trade and Commerce in Can· ada House. London England is at present in st. John's, He is accompanied b), Jlr. Bernard Choquette, newly appointed Commodity Officer in the Fish· eries Division, Argicultural and Fisheries Branch of the Depart· ment of Trade and Commerce. Ottawa. These gentlemen a t· c visiting st. John's principally to acquire background knoll" ledge of the practical side o( the various types and forms of fish caught and processed in the Newfoundland Fisheries. The course will take them across Canada to Vancouver. :1[1'. Gar· land who is a Newfoundlander will on his return to London, specialise in the Fisheries branch of that office. ---_.


:'WORE - Passed peacefully away at 2.30 p,m Wednesday, May Croke, wife of John MO!lrC, leaving to mourn hushand, 0\ daughters, lIlrs, Mary ~Ielamed. Betty, ~lrs. Donald Duff, Anita, Mrs. Austin Kenny, of 51. John's, Sr. Honora Marie, Pres· entation Convent, Ferryland. Threc sons, Robert and Philip of SI. John's, and Sergt. Thomas of Kingston, Ont., also one sis· tel', Mother M. Ursula, Pres· entation Convent, Cathedral Square, and one brother, Robert S. Croke, also seventeen grand children, Funeral Friday morn· ing from 11 Wood Street. to the Basilica for Requiem :llass. at 8.15. Interment at Belvedere.


· GIRL'S VINYL JACKETS • Fit 7 - 14 fully rayon lined. • Colours White or Yellow [~leal for skating. Reg. $2.95

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THE DAILY NEWS Newfoundland/s Only Morning Paper


Canada .................... S12.00 per annum

"riited Kin\:dom and all foreign countries $1400 per nnnum

Autborlxcd as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa.

. The DAILY NEWS Is n morning paper established In 1894. and published at the News Building. 355·359 Duckwurth ~-areel, St. John's, Newfoundland, b;t

RobInson & Company. !.Imited.


THE CA!I1ADIAN PRESS .' ." The Canadian Press 18 excluslvel,


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". all news despatches In tbls paper credit-ed to It or to t.he Associated Press or Reuters and Kiso the local news publish-. cd therein.

All Press Services ahd feature article. In this paper are copyrighted and their repl'()uuction II prohibited.

• ~Iember Audll Burea.

of Circulation.

THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1962

---------------------------------" Using Our Human Resources

There must be full agreement with the statement of Dr. Parzival Copes in Cornel' Brook that the greatest economic problem of i'e\\'­foundland is "to mobilize its un­used human resolll'ces. to wipe Qut unemployment and provide e\'ery able-bodied worker in this prO\'ince with an opportunity for full and re­warding participation in our eco­nomic life,"

But all this is a tall order. As Dr. Copes has also said, the economy is "ulnerable and lacks dh'el'sification and the pl'o\'incial gO\'ernment does not possess the means of applying all the remedies needed. His anSwer to this is federal actirm. if necessary b,' the use of subsidies. . It has long been advocated that

Canada should have a policy of re­cional de"elopmenL Unemployn1ent is a national problem and the means of dealing. with it on a massive basis are \'irtually a federal monopoly. :\nd as this column has long con­tended, anything done in Ottawa to increase employment and expand industrial activitv in Newfoundland would be an act ~f enlightened self­interest. The nation would gain in man" \\'aV5. About ninety per cent of ail additional consume~ spending power created in Newfoundland would be used to purchase goods made in mainland Canada, Federal tax collections from' all sourc~s would increase. And above all else, human resources would be prevent­ed from wasting away for want of proper employment.

But Kewfoundland'sproblems are unique and will call for special study and application. Ours is an essentially rural popUlation. It is

dispersed over an extensive coast­line. And the income requirements are generally much below the needs of urban living costs. It will be dif­ficult to organize the labour force for secondary industry and it may be wondered also if a transition from rural to urban living would be ad"antageous to those who contrive to live comfortably on the proceeds of seasonal work supplemented by \.lnemployment insurance and other forms of social security.

Things like these indicate how very different Newfoundland is from other provinces and how high­ly specialized must be the methods employed to underwrite more sus­tained productive effort.

But Canadian policy has never grasped the differences that' com­plicate the solution of our economic and social problems. This, in fact, is a major defect in national policy. It arises from the curious illusion that no real inequalities exist at all and that one policy will meet the requirements of all provinces.

This is an exasperating and frus­trating situation which must be changed if Canada is to overcome the wastage of human resources that has existed far too long. It can be overcome by establishing a pro­gramme of regional develc;>pment founded on expert and intelligent study of the specific problems of all areas of substantial unemployment or low incomes. This will be far more beneficial than handouts and the whole nation will gain from anything· that can be done to give new strength to the Newfoundland economy and a higher standard of living to the Newfoundland people.

Insect Tllreat To The Forest ~ew concern has been expressed

by: the Forest Protection Associa­tion about the threat of the balsam woolly aphid to the balsam fir for­ests of Newfoundland.

This particular forest pest is of European origin. It was brought into Nm'a Scotia about sixty years ago and was first detected in New­foundland in 1949 although tests ha\'e indicated that it was probably present in the Cod roy Valley nearly ten' years before that time.

By 1955 it has infested an area of about 1,000 square miles of western forests and since then it has spread fairly rapidly, manifesting itself in two forms, That chiefly noted up to now is a condition known as gout. This results in stopping the growth of trees although they may live for anything from five to twenty years after infection. The other condition is more serious. It attacks the trunk of the tree and may destroy it with­in three years.

The usual method of dealing with tree-destroying insects is to release parasites that feed on them. So far, however, no predator seems to have been .found to deal effectively with the woolly aphid.

The whole questio,n. was exhaus­tively examined by the Royal Com­mission on Forestry which reported in 1955 and a number of suggestions for its control were put forward. One of these was expeditious cut­ting of infested areas. But it would appear from what has been said lately by t)1e F,P.A. that the situa­tion is even more menacing than it was seven years ago, In fact, it is said to be a greater peril to the for­es ts than fire.

The awareness that exists is being reflected in the use of all construc­tive methods of control that can be employed but it is clear that these have not yet approached the desir­ed results.

The Present State Of Cuba The Castro revolution in Cuba citizens are either in prison or have

was believed to be a movement of fled the country. The economy is in idealists who were inspired by the a state of chaos, Foreign exchange desire to terminate a ruthless and 1'eserves have been exhausted, Un­tyx:annical dictatorship and bring del' the food rationing system, the liberty and. a better life to the' dietary standard has been gravely downtrodden masses, impaired. And for the next three

If that was ever in Castro's mind .. years, . almost the entire Cuban it has failed to materialize. He, him- sugar crop is pledged to the Soviet self, may have been the dupe ot Union to pay for armaments and oil hardboiled realists whose chief con- and little else. • cern was to establish a Communis! An old despotism has been re-baSe in the New World. That as· placed by a new tyranny and the I

sumption, however, is probably one idealism of the early days of the: that is excessively kind to Castro revolution has evaporated. The only

In any event, if so~ething has question nQW is how long the Cuban ~n ddneto improve housing, dis- people will be satisfied to accept tribUte land and reduce illiteracy, . quietly thetotal 1'1Iin that Castro'~ the people have lost far more than betrayal is certain to i~po~e upon they have gained. Cuba's' ablest them. I

, .




T- "Wen, Don't Ju-st Sit There!;1

-- Auld Lang Syne -May 31, 19~7.

Weather: Overcast with drizzle and fog, ending this afternoon.


Major Peter Cashin, a mem­her of the Newfoundland Con­vention considering the form of gO\'emment the Island should have, said in Montreal last night that at least 80 per· cent of all 1\" ewfoundlanders want to return, "at the earliest possible date to full respon· sible gOl'ernment." There is in . Newfoundland a small number actively engaged in a program to try and merge our country into unity with Canada," Major Cashin told newsmen in an in· terview.


Work has begun on the road · construction from Gander to


Editor Daily News, Dear Sir-In holding their de­

preciated dollar at a false valu­ation In gold the U.S. Is doing itself and the whole Western world serious harm and it is in large part responsible for the dangerous position Canada has allowed itself to be bungled in­to.

Canada can claim the great· est economic distortion of any country in the world with a $26.2 billion gross foreign ownership of her assets or $18 billion net.

That amounts to about a $600 million annual bill payable in foreign exchange for intere;t, dividends, rents and profits and instead of a surplus to meet this charge for the past 4 years we have had an average deficit of S1.2 billion which we meet by borrowing in New York and sclling more assets to make the blll larger every year.

The cause of this lunacy is the agreements made by Mac­kenzie King and C. D. Howe to tailor ollr whole economy to suit the U.S. plus our one sided tariff agrcements under GATT.

Shortly. after Mr. Diefcl1' baker came to power he sug­gested Canada should switch 15% of th~ trade to Britain

· from the U.S. Mr. Eisenhower on his visit

to Canada said he did not ap­prove of "ar4ficial" switche! of -trade, obviously not realizing our desperate position, where·

· upon Mr. Diefenbnker backed down.

Since tllen nothing has been done to correct matters until about 2 years ago measures were taken to discourage the

· ~a~e of assets but nothing was done about .reversing the ad­verse balance of payments un­til late last year and again on lIfay 3rd when the Canadian dollar was forced down from its premium to a discount of 7¥.z %.

Unfortunately this discount · on the dollar acts as a tariff against those that already "ive us a substantial favorable bal· ·ance of trade like Britain 50 it is difficult to understand why Mr. Dlefenbaker gets hystcri­cal at Britain's effort \0 earn a Jiving by joining the ECM since he wouldn't switch 15% of our huge unbalanced trade with the U.S. because Mr. Elsenhow, er In his Ignorance bluffed him.

In bringIng the dollar to par . we gBln~d about $188 million which we lost along with $315 million more from our reserves in prolectlng it up until the end of Aprll.

This loss was mostly to Euro· peans and when American In· veslors finally realize our po-

Glenwood, and the work will be in charge of ~[r. R. A. Bradley, chief engineer at the Airport. Construction of the original road, built by the R.C.A.F. duro ing the war, was dismntinued when it had reached within two and three quarter miles of the Gander River, though the line was surl'eyed right through and the brush cut

* )1,1 ~

TOO WET FOR FIRES The annual inspection of the

Forest Protective Association began ]I[onday, siartilJ1g at Tompkins. lIlarked absence of fires in the Western division was recorded as snow still lin· gel's in places and the ground is wet willi brooks and rh'ers in full flood. On the Topsails banks of snow remain as cvi· dence of the April-May storms.

• • • WILl, VISIT CITY HO~IES The work of distributing let·

ters to the Catholic homes in the city, in connection with the presentation to be made to His

Grace Archbishop Roche, has been completed. Represe~tatives of the committee will begin on ~fondav to call at the homes to recei\'~ the contributions that the Catholic citizens are mak­ing towards the monetary fund that Is to be prcsen ted to His Grace on the celebration of his Golden Juhilee. Ju,nl' 24th.

SEA PASSAGES IMPROVED The' Trade Commissioner for

)iewfoundland in London has taken ol'er from the Dominions Office the matter of dealing with applications for sea pas· sages from Newfoundland to Great Britain for GOI'ernment officials and businessmen who may be in Great Britain.He will approach C'lIe of the North At­lantic Steamship Lines direct when priority passages are re· quired for Government Offi· cials, businessmen and others. who come under the priority hcading, and passages will he provided in the earliest pos­sihle moment.

To 'The Editor sition and panic which they undoubtedly will their with· drawals along with our present adverse balance of payments of about $100 per month (aver­age for the past 4 years) will exhaust 0111' reserves in a mat­ter of months as well as all the gold presently held by the 'IMF if We are foolish enough to fol· low their advice and peg our exchange permanently at its preselJ1t inadequate discount.

The onlv way to stop this deluge of selling when it comes is to allow our dollar to drop to 20, 30 or 40% or more to halt it until our adverse bal· ance is corrected.

Since we have pegged our ex­change it is to be hoped the Government will withdraw the gold we have supplied the nlF instead of drawing on our re­serves to protect our dollar. Otherwise we will never see it again si'nce it is being collared by the U.S. to help s'upport their dollar at a totally false valuation in gold and buy up the assets of countries all over the world and particularly in Canada.

Don't forget the U.S. hasn't a cent worth of gold on deposit with the IMF and they owe it $800 million as well.

Either the U.S. dollar Is per­mooently devalued now or prices will have to fall from II peak above the Napoleonic, Civil and First World wars where they have been for about 15 years to 1932 levels to make

. it worth 35, to the ounce of gold. .

Under similar circumstances after the First World War when the world was still sane Britain fixed tlie gold content of the pOllnd at half Its former value and cut the i:nterest· on the to· tal national indebtedness by about one third. This move

. amounted to a proper settle­ment of an Insolvent position but since it has never been ex· plained by those !upposed to speak with aut)1ority it isn't recognized as such.

The U.S. has obligations abroad in /lold on demand of $17,900 million net and only $16,495 to meet it with or $15,· 695 if th~ IMF debt is taken ilnto consideration

In refusing to' acknowledge this insolvency they arc cheat. [ng all gold producing countries out of the proper price for gold and thereby holding back the production of the only real money while more paper is is­sued and they are using the gold deposits of IMF member coun­tries to do it.

President Kennedy claim; $BO billion Investments abroad to prove solvency and $4 billion drawing rights from the IMF

which they haven't got in gold. But if the U.S. ever tried to cash in their foreign asset.~, stopped military expenditures and financial assis~nce abroad a depression would lmmediately be precipitated which would render them insolvent anyway so why wait?

Several leading European central bankers when asked what they would do if the U.S. suddenly paid the proper price for gold replied they would im· mediatcly devalue to the same level SO no trade upset need be feared.

Gold backing requirements of 25% for the U.S. dollar would have to be doubled if it were considered to he too great an increase in credit made available so no harm whatever could come of this long over· due move and a great good in· cluding placing the U.S. in a strong solvent position.

The advisers of the U.S. Gov­ernment claimed 5% inflation per annum was sound. They laler revised this to 31h % and later still to 2% and finally after three shots at it they acknowledged 110 inflation at all was sound which anyone with !ense always knew

We also have disciples of Keynes advising our Govern· ment even though the theories of this man have be~n com· pletely discredited in Henry HazIilt's book "The Failure of the "NEW ECONOMICS." Haz· litt took Keynes writings para-· graph by paragraph and prov­ed that his abstruse verbiage did not warrant the sharp clear conclusions claimed by him. All Keynes advocated in the final Mlalysis, in spite of what he

. thought, was gross abuse of credit.

All countries lIave had plenty of that and chickens are now coming home to roost and it is strictly up to our Government to tell the U.S. plainly that they wl\l have to refuse to back them up any further in their totally mistaken attitude of keeping the price of gold at less than half its value in order to con· tinue buying up assets all over the world and trying to make civilized countries out of form· er colonies in a matter of· months without safeguarding the money- they give away get­ting Into the hands of grafters.

And they should also point out that over 100 of our gold mines have been closed as a result of their failure to pay the proper price for gold. That production would make a sub­stantial contribution to the for· eign exchange we require.

This country hasn't mucb time left til sharpe<n up on its

IN THE NEWS - By Wayfarel


It is one of those delightful and int!'iguin . consistencies to be found in Newfoundland tha~ ~n. event which was to be the sour~e of consirle. ,ct trouble is to be celebrated with whoieheal'ted13Q e t~usiasm later ~his y.ear. That is the French oc~u~:: bon of Placentia WhlCh occurred on a militan' h:,' in 16~2. Long before that time, however. Frei1~b .\~:: . sels fished out of the harbou!·. The English hRd c fined their activities to the southern. eastern 2~' northe!'n shores of Avalon and had ignored the \\,o;t


ern side and the. s~uth coast in general.. The Fre;~h' frequently the vdlms of attack by Engltsh <\Joe! SP' . ish vessels, found security in the comfortable ~:; safe harbou,' of Placentia and in ports on the Bur;" Peninsula. To Placentia came salt ships from SI:/' and there French fishing vessels resorted tf) 11l'Q~\I;~ their salt and to use the beaches for drying their [jsh' Records of these practices go back to }'')6'1 <mel Ilet: haps much eadier. The famous explorer. Cham]llai~ wrote of the French fishery at Placentia in the firs; years of the 17th century and there is plent\· of olh., proof that the Fr.ench associat!on ',:,ith t~,at town lo~! preceded the arrival of a gar1'!Son m 1662. 111:s is th, tercentenary which is to be commemorated this yea;'

One ':light imagine that French militR!'I' occupatIOn of Placentia and its establish. ment as a base from which the English col­onies in Avalon were continuousl~' harried by French troops and Indians would hardl\' be an occasion for a provincial celehratioli But it is. of course, a notable incident in ,h~ history of Placentia and it affords an op­portunity also to re-establish an old a'.'ocia. tion between Newfoundland and Quebec It is an interesting fact that local communit\· effort makes a lot of difference to the Com. memoration of historical events. A curious lethargy seemed to take possession of those of us who are history-minded when the 00-

portunity came in 1960 to celebrate the :ljOth anniversary of the fOllnding of Guy's cnlrJI1\·. There was unfortunately little inte"e~t to be found in the community of Cupids where the colony was established. That fact ,cern. ed to destroy the interest of everyone ebe.

Placentia has always boasted of its status as tr,e former French capjtal of Newfoundland. In fact. i! was actually the only substantial French community in the whole. island. As an historian has said. St. John's was a port that was first among almost 1) pee!'s but Placentia had no peers because it stood \'ir· tually alone. Five years ago efforts were made to w· suade the Historic Sites & Monument~ Committee to do something about Castle Hill. Earlier. in 195]' the Board turned down a proposal to build an hi;· toric park on that hill but did recommend that a bronze marker be set up to commemorate its po,j· tion as an observation post and batterv site durin, the French occupation. The main fortress was Fer: Louis which stood below Castle Hill. B~' 1959 Ii.e Placentia plaque was cast in bronze but I hm r.C heard that anything was done to put it on the s::e. In any event, I can think of nothing so inCldequ::! as some of the markers put up by the Historic Sit,; & Monuments Board in Newfoundland. I SCI\\' in :h papers the other day that J. D. Herbert. chief d. t:.! National Historic Sites Division, was comlll~ to ;iE:"

foundland to do something about Castle Hill but t~e Federal Government seemed to be much. ~Jore I,; terested a little while ago in Arizona Charlte s saloo:. in the Yukon. The Minister for Northern. A;fa:~'; asked if he did not think that Castle or SentJl1e~ H,,:

. d'd ot"ll'e, in Placentia merited some attention.' . I • n. ,; who: very encouraging answer. But politICS oem" ." they' are I suppose that it makes some dl.ffere,:,: . ' . . th ff' An a""oclatlOn (. when an election IS m e 0 mg. '." . r"'

local pride with local votes can always stir aIFolea:' k · d f pre !nlln ,. ment department into some III 0 ';-b';

action. Certainly, the proposals abFollt ahsb'Ual:~,~; -t f th Id rene I .. •. means of marking the 51 e 0 eo. the Otta~';

in Placentia has been long ~no~lgh m h 't the dU;' files. It is probably just a cOl?clden~e t .a. e is being brushed from it at thIS partIculal tml .

At any rate, Placentia is goin~ to! quite a celebration and Quebec Will h~\ ~he good part to play in it. That, at least, .15 the intention. But on a longer term baslS, er. history of Placentia deserves a more i nt manent memorial which will be a. co~;~ a of reminder to its people of the antJq~~" ort­their town and could become a very I P ant tourist attraction as well.

Gems Of Thought . I"" on la~l. Poetry is the journal of a sea ammal lVlnfoo

wanting to fly tht! air.-Carl Sandburg.

. . whO ~ A poet is, before anything else, a person

- passionately in love with language. H Audel -w ..

educa· Mind is not necessarily dependent upon 'aJla

tional processes. It possesses of itself all beaut) poetry, and the powerof expressing them. EddY

-Mary Baker

Poetry lifts the veil from the hidden beauty d the world.-Shelley_ ---------------'----- ICP-thinking and it isn't only the PORT ALFRED, Que, h'gn~ politicians til at are at fault. The minesweeper C Ie fl

Yours truly, and Resolute. docked rh~ir Bi' R. P. ROBERTS. _ day on a crUl~e from routl ~

510-001 Jervis .Ill., ilax base. They are e~ A1frel i Vancouver 5, B.C. the Great Lakes. For bee (it! May lOth, 1962. 120 miles north of Que

rflt DAILY

• • pretllleI 'fhe Dl

mier Smallwo( pref Bowing statel

the 0

C,dav: . . n ;'The DuplessIs ca

d falls-White GraP has published dOff~' ial letter that o IC . ~lauric:e L the la~cc 'WaJ Prcmi \l'hen The Duplessis b:C• uoting just part b, qtries to give the

· ter't 1 was a great tha . 1 DuplessIS,

· l ~:At the time of : tion in London MI

na . ter of Finanel i MintS J who was t Icn · nora'rnrcd me that hi ~uPlessis, was now d', uss the Labradt I.e . I

· question Wit I me. "Upon my rctu

· J !In'! I wrote ~Ir. · Ic~tcr lI'hieh I ~o. '. Hunter at oUI' U m

.' translate into Fren informing Mr. Dupl

: would be happy to matter with hIm .. I I

· cordial letter, qu~te · cause I was trYing

the colourful man then Premier of ( Duple;sis wrote IT

: equally flowery ,agreed that we. WI

'ether for the dISCI ;tcr, nothing happ: no further from hi had asked him to f

· and time of our m "Consequently. 0

of December. 1956 again, as follows:

")1), dear Prime [ imagine that )'1

feelings that we rei get together soon : sion of the bound a parates our two Pr, ncar the place in 1 ,"ell' Quebec when nol\' being produce

"A number of friends are giving \'our distinguished ~Ir. St. Laurent, in on the occasion of I believe that is around the 2nd next. I ha\'e been tend, and have agr "~light that nol

· . time for a person dential talk bet II' me? No particu~ would be paid to [ was in Quebec and we could m

· place of your cho( h[ hope that tl

In good health. )'ou of mv cordial ward so great an Canadian statesm haa been my pril' on a number of shall look forwar

, you again. Very Sincere

J. R. SM, .' "To this "Ir. D

me on Decem hel that he would I

· meet me when I bee around the ruary, 1957. We d flat, and he was and friendly. WI to appoint a tr and to have thes meet for discussi(

· blem of the 1 }

· agreed to gi v ml his nominee an(

· ing this na~e I him the name of

, "A couple of br, and I heard from .'Ir. Duple quently wrote h 10th, the followil "~[y dear PriIT "Soon after I

Irom my visit tl .' Where I had SII

· meeting with yo f~1 considcratior tlon of a man tl hal'e a sensible

: lour nominee 0

· of the boundarv the iron mini~' and Quebec. '

"I think tha ~Unister of 'I' • J1 II erick Gover, 11'0 man lI'e could f' Pr . 11

aChcal fellow :amiliar with th Ion. I do not '

1V0 Id . u be a mar ~uryey Work in' eheve he waul to hold With Your man 1[;1 therefore :]

. Gover, ani ~erelY to infon (,ope that you ~ne stating whE e Satisfactory ,

· cating . Whether . particular t'

to b' Ime , read e In Quebe · perhY to go at r aps the so Or Us both, "With renew.

my cordial reg I Sincerel

'r . J; R. 'al~ 0 this I rec.

h' . So On' Augl I~ again, as ..

."y d . "Wb .ear PI a Ve' en .I .hat 'With ry .. pleasar

· a You in F, g!eed. that

IOOd ...1 !Q' . .u:~a~t'al lood cuss.' wi! t'I' Pl'a~treal inl qUestions II . Il .• et~a~


:.~ " ,.

, . .. , .


,- ".

.. · ' "-"':",

· .... · .'


. . --~ ...


.' .

:~'. :9~1.

. ~ c'~ h·

'.~ ::~ ~0~i·

-::t' .. ~~l!":nC : "I",::;:;: Fr'\';:' .' :'J~~ lr:e : ~ ~ ':c 1:r,: ': :~:(I ~::e.

~~; .. ,. :~~ ~::e

~·.:C:· t: t!;f .. - • '1 "\C",\:· - ~. ~

:. a C()' .. er~·

·"\··C'~ir: ... i~a:-Y . . . . '.... ,,···a:l:C (' :- ..... .. -t, :~~:tc:-Y ...... . ~ ... r O!ta\\"ii

:;', t:;e d~I" :- : :me.

~ (l h<lSC

i:;:.\·e II

, ;" the " J ...

'"i!', the ,~e per­~8r5tant 'uit" of , . . . !rnpor~·

LIght . n land. .. ln~ 0

,.ho is erson \,

upon educa' b Ut\' and 1 ea •

~aker tddY


------. t (cPI~ . D. Qu Chigntc :;>tr _ fJ·

\.ad he.· . ~CM it ",: from the.. II

rou,' . are tn rtd I~ ~. Port Alf CiU'. of QuebtC

• , .

f{1f D.\1LT ~"EWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, MAY 31, 1962 .. 5

T C II ' the construction of access roads, OTTAWACCP)- Reprcsenta. A t t" '. I At C· t wo asp · and payments under the roads tives of volunteer family servo lU oma Ie · Smallwood' and 1 y . 'remler to resources program "Thcse ice a~encies from across Can· pl'elUler .'. . Two calls were received by are all Tory pa'ymenis," ~[r. ada will meet in Winnipeg June Landing eity firemen yestcrday. (Continued from page 3) Smallwood said. "No one else 1·3 to discuss problems of the

D l · · L tters H 11 One was a false alarm that past eight years under both can take any credit for them. welfare agencies. The confer·' ,> TIle Up eSSIS e a cnme in from the box on Corn· Libcral and Conservative gov· They have been given to us by I ence will be followed June 5, - S,yst.rm i;;: ' . wall Avenue at 9:10 p,m" and ernments in Ottawa. :Ill'. Diefenbaker and we are; by the one·day annual meeting ".:r.; _

.• 'r'. ~:l1a\t\\'ood issued I boundary between our two ' the other a chimney fire in a 'Ir. Smallwood had his own grateful for them, I expressed I of thc Canadian Welfare Coun. • ... , .. . . h I 11 LONDO NtCPI-A new a~to . .. ,' ': .. ,.:."" ,nc 'tatement Wed· I Provlnccs In t e genera area Plans at the estimated value house on Barron Street. There set of charts' for last night's ad· our gratitude publicly many I' cil and b" the Canadi. . ..

" C [ hid It' I' matic landing s"stem recently , 0 t e ron ore eve opmen m of $100,100,00 were recom· was no damage reported, dl'ess, They showed in delai times," I' an Conference on Social Work "', . tested at the Royal Aircraft "'::', Pllrll'~'I; {'andidate for I Labrador. , mended and passed at yester· what each department of the THOSE PAY~lENTS 'starting June 6th. Establishment' in Bedford .. may

' .. 1'l11;·\I·hi\C BaY·Labra.! "The man selected by me IS day's meeting of the Council, reasonahle in suggesting the Provincial Government has However, all other financial, make civil flying an all.wellt~cr ,,' .. ' 'I~il'heo part of an i Mr. Fred Gover, our Deputy These plans were for the con· situation can be fixed better bcn receiving by way of fcd-" ~5sistance shown on the charts I ,. . , proposition. '. ;' :". ~;rr Ihat I wrote to I Minister of JIIines. He is ready struction of three bungRlo~s, a now thun after the whole in. eral financial assistance in both I were either payments carried In othcr 1'.01'115, out of the total Several American airlines are .' '.:: .r.:.liri •. r I.. Duplessis' to ~o at any time., two car garage, four plastic stallation has been madc," current and capital accounts,· over from the Liberal adminis· lD,crcase 111 federal. payments already interested in the ~'s. ." ." .rr 11-' l'rrmier of. Que.· I . "Would you be so ktnd ~s to signs, a rear porch and a Council decided to turn this 1I~ cxplaincd that such fcdernl tration. legislation passed by °o,-erf tbhck past flvc ;ears

t, Ithe tern and iL will soon be .dem'

, I d tl f r Que' PI f tl . t d' b Ik th L'I I 'h' h . t Ie en ~ cr governmen IRS , . , ,. -r j)llrh'>~i~ {'anll ~te, I' gl\'e me Ie name 0 you . hreeleway, ans or Ie ex· matter over to the contractor p~I'nH'nts arc no m~ C 10 u, e I )cra 5 \\ IC came In (} b 'bl f I I'ttl onstrated in the Unitcd statcs ~'. T:., 111't part IIf my let· bcc Province man whom Mr. tension 10 five dwellings and in chal'~e of the Dl'velopment. hut r,~thcr in specified amount, effect ~fter the Tories took een rtchsponsl teh' °dr on y I e \\'ith a DOllolas OC'7 fitted:~llut

" .. I Id t t" 'I G ,~ .' TI ff' I' I t' h' h more an onc· 11'. , ~ ~ ~ ; .. ' ,,' 'cl\r the impression. (;OI'er wou con ac . \I r. ov· for bascment alter~tlons were OLD PROB!.E~I for partIcular purposes. lese, 0 .lce, or egIs a IOn IV IC was Thc PremIer pointed 10 the nt the rcqnc,l of he Amcrican .' :~":;, ; :rrat admirer of! CI' would then write that gen· al.o p~ssell by Council. An old prohlem al'ose strong· payments are ~lade by laws i IllItmtcrl hy. the Liberals. but ,Tory chart: which showed a S43 Frdcl',,1 A"ialion Ag~nc)'. "j:: ~;",,:- I tlcman direct. In the metmpolitan arca cr than ever at ~·eslcrda.v·s rassed hy Parhammlt of Can· ~xpandcd IW the Conscrv~,tll'C.s, 'million increase crcditerl to 0"1, n, F. Link, a srn!ol' FAA. ~f.

~;;,' 1;'llr of Ihe Co~o: "With kindest pcrsonal I'C' plans ,were passed for the con· meeting of the Conncil. the, aria, 111\11 thr~e I~ws must he ad· 'Some Of. tlte~,e pa),mC'nls,. smo 1 P.C . administration. "Therc's' (icial. sa~'s the BntlFh del·e~op. I. _ I "·,,h'l1 ~lr. [luplcssis I gards. as always, struehc'n of a bungnlow on problcm is the route of the h~red 10 bl! whatever ;:o\,ern· the Pre IDler. arc partly Llbcral i the lie" he char"cd. "Thc ment, "I til 0 u ~ Ii cxprnSl.VC.

.' . r f'll1alll'r, ~Ir. Ga!:· 1 Vcr)' sincerely yours, na" Bulls Road. ~ septic t.1nk on Freshwater· Covc Road bus' ment is in power-unless, he lind pal'tly Tory," , foulcst 'Ii and tl ~ . It t "probahly reprcscnts the most I' ,'r'" 'Ihen in London, I J, R. S~lALL\\'OOD" 'Peity Harbour Road, and a pri. route. It arosc stron~ly )'cstcr· " added, a particulm' government Th!' Premier pointed out th~t 'lie i su~p se ev~~ :oldene~ '·ar!l·anceri schemc for automatic .' .,::\ ~: Ihal his chief. ~Ir. i To this I nel'er did receive a I'llte gas tank, and pump off day as Councillor ,Jim l:agan I chooscs to throw. Ol~t some of' this was an entirely dif'r"r'" poiilks." 0, 0 In, la~rli?g in existence todat' , • . '. II " 111111' llilling to reply, Torbay Road. Plans wcre also introduced a petition Signed thcse laws ~nd institute new, OIctl1l'e from the presentcd Cuverin" the .P,l'. chart II'lth It s hound to cume. S~)S : ; ( ........ I obrJdor houndary' "This is the cOlTe'pondenee passed for the rear extension by over one hU'I1(lrcli residents oues. I hy the P.C, candIdates. who a new on"c sholl'ill" the aellnl Russell Pnlmer. t~e c-tahllsh· :" :':.".:.::; ;llr tn whil'h the DuplcHsi~ candi· to a dwe1lin~ on the Goulds of the New Cove Road arca, I The hig question. the Pre.: were at.tributing the enlire in· figure~ on federal ~ssbtancc ;0 mC~l~'s chief I~st. p~lot. \\'ho ~as : .: • " 11' rrllll'n to SI. date in Grand l;alls.Whltc Bay, Road, extenSion to a poultry and stated that the olel hell I mier snggcstell, is not who pays. crease. In frdel'al payments to the Newfoundland Cnl'e~nlllenl. :~ 0; kcd on It Sl~(~ I~S 1111 ent~on.

", j' "';'t ~Ir. Dllplc'~IS a I.ahradnr rerel's, hut ~e was house on .Bay Bulls R~ad, a line bus route he put haclc the money under Ihese laws, I the Dlefcllbakcr government: the Premicr added: "Hcrc's thr .[~ s hl,c Ih: ~h"n"co\er hom : '. " ,:1 I ~nl I'rofe~!Or lery corcful not to pomt out mle extensIOn to a dWelhng on The pctition statl'd thaI the 1 hCt'alise tile" <1I'e ontl' oh~' In" He state,li .that the enhre truth-the whole truth. I han]'l Du~ms t,o I~cts. d . I · , . l'I'llcr'lt\' to that the letters I wrote to ~Ir. Day Bulls 110ad, and for a front school 'childrcn of that arca I the law Rathel' it is to whllcrer amount paid to Newfoundland Itold a lic" Paimci l~s I11d~ e mOle I~ ladn , • T " ,",. FIf';a'h 'fo'r mc [lul'lessis werc the letters of a extension to a dwelling on hare to suffer undue hardships •. made tilc laws that thanks is durin~ the past year by the fed· i He ch'allcnncd ~Ir Browne ~.iOO ~cstsf' !nelu Idn~ i'OIl'tf t~nl . :, .... , I," I) lI11""I'S th'lt I' man who was trving to protect Petty Harbour 110ad which would he removed with due for whatever benefits fol· cral government totalled 557,· 1 and ~!r ~[cGr;th to' "t'llroll' alit IIlg~1 m t ng SOt I ense '13 tIel ... "~ ,,' I ,.' , , '. .••. 40000 "Th" , . " Call d no sec Ie grollnr un I • 'I'l\ tIl 111'C1IS.· the ;'\ell'foundland 5 mtercsts With CONDITION OF ~l'UNDY the re·enstatlDg of the belt: 101V as a result. , . 0 . IS IS e\er.v cent we ,our charts before I'on are ft thc I' I h' d tau hcd

. -,' ~'lI' . I b POND . I' ' . I" h t dAd f • a er p ill e a c :.:;. ',::, ',:111. I wrote a vcr)' one of thc ~ost c~lo.urfu, I~t . ' , hnc. I Premier Smallwood proceeded_I' re~e).Ve(: e s resse, • n 0 thrown out .The Newfoundland dOll'n . · '. ;. c:·," qllllt' f1owerr, be· a.t the same l1.n~e difficult. polt· Councll~or Ale~ Henle) as~. 1 Council referred th~s to, the: to itemize the payments madc to thiS enl1re amount • .onl) 812,· people deservc to know thc "The automatic landing Is · -' I la- :~, In~ to placate Ilcal personalthcs that Canada cd the CllY EngIneer wh~t. IS SI. John's TransportatIOn lOIll' I Newfoundland by the federal I 905,000 e~n be . attflbuted to I truth, even m the heat of an ahl "ys safer than the hwnan ::;' "";:'" l1iJn II'ho was has ever seen, I had to .be beIng do~e about the condltwn missic'n and will .havc somconc Il!0vrnln'ent as listed on his I co~s~r~allVe~leglslaIlOn, The ~e· !elecllon." . . . landing becausc it's more con • .... C'r;:.'. fll QUl'bcc. ~Ir. pollte In the extreme, and write of. ~Iund) ,Pond. In anslVcr ~o to attend a meeting to diSCUSS, charts, IIc showed payments reo I m~mm" S44,aOO,OOO the Pr~mler i The PremlCr mdlcated thaI sistent," he says. "The human '. ",. '1,,,1,, nw back an whnt perhaps would be regard· thiS questIon Mr, Sharpe saId the problem. 1 ech'ed dUl'lng the last vears of I Sal?, w~s {he result of Liberal he would sec to It that every lanrling depends to some extent

: .. ;.'~'-' !::"~''f' letter. a 1111 ed as a .\·ery flattering lette~. that the po~d, is now ,,~Iocke~ PASSIl'i'G OF A. I~, PARI{lSS i the former Liberal adminil' Ileglsla~lOn and would,have come Newfoundlander had the op· all what the pilot had for break. I .... ~ .",' • I\'ould get to· Some might el'en say that It of~ and Is fll1!ng up a"am co\· Councillor Alec Henlcl' paid tration, and paymcnts made, to Nel\foundland anlway under portumty to study the actual fast." ;;':'; I~:':~,:'~h,cussion. HoII" 11'1£ a 'soapy' letter, but dealing ~r1llg the unSightly, bud smell· tribute to the late A. E.' Park. during the past fi\'e ycars by i anr government. f~gures on fcderal financial a,· What wilt pi.-,:,en~er5 think ;',.~~~:':;;: ilappened, I heard WIth ~Ir, .Duplessis was alway~ I~g hanks o,r the pond, Coun· ins ~t yesterday's meeting, I thc Diefcnhaker gOI·crnment.. I TilE DlFFEREN.CE slstance. !he charts 1:llICh h~ ahout the idea of trusting rl)I~' I .... 'rOill him. thou~h I h~e walkmg on e~g shells. M> clnor Henlc) said that the pond and said that he was the type: 7Ilone), recellcd from legiS' In po lOt of ,fact, smce the used dunng the addless. he ilrcs to a roll' ot black uo:,e,' : ....... ;;r1r ;:m ~" flx the place o~l)' conccrn, II:as to p~otect shoul~ be cleaned, not covered of man that the city could not lation instituted solely by t.he: P.C's t~ok office in 1~58, Lib· said, be~~g reproduced "[ think it ,,;ilt he accepted:" ': ,'" r ,I' "lIl nll'cllng. :\clI'foundland S Interests In the up hl water. afford to lose Couneillol' lIen. ! Tor), Part was markcd 11'lth eral legislation has Increased and prmtcd In 11le tellS of says Ame1'lCan tc,t pilot Bill r. '.' "'~nt:\ Illl the 13th matter of the Labrador houn· i P,\SSE.D ~Y COUNCIl,. Ilc), mOl'cd a note of sym. I heal' black ink on the charts, 'payments to Newfoundland hy thous.1nds" and would be dIS', Slclcn<. "They bellYdchc hitul , .. ':~~', r i'[l~ti I wrote him dar),. i An ,apphcahon from, P.atnck : pathy be sent to the family of , The~e amntIn.ts includc~ the At· ~J9.~ million,. while Tory Leg· trlbuted throughout thc prol' cnou~h when they. are ~I:oundell · .:,,;. :,,::,1\1, "Thc colossal graft a~d cor· I Powel requested p.ermlsslon ~o I the deceased, Councillor Car. bnhe Provlnccs ~d.1ustment Islahon has lDcreascd Ol!r . lll', IDce to exposc. the false plat·, II)· the ::·cilther. flus I\'lll star I .. , ,., I'r 11 \lllli,ter: rU)ltioll of the DuplcsSIS ma· develop a lot ~ronttng the n~am nel seconded the motion. I r.rants, financial assistance for come hy less than $13 million. form of the 1 ory part~·. al~ that.

I ,.C". 1.1 r . h' . chine was not thC'n known, ~Ir. road at,OutcI COI:e. Somrhmc __________ . _______ ._ _ _ _ " _____ . ___ " __ _. __ . ___ _ : -;:.:,C ,n., )"U.' all' m) [luplessis himself was uni. ago thiS applicatIOn was de.

,,, ~:, :~.: ·.,e reall) ought t~ 'rcrsaii\' re"arded as a tremen. ferred by Council because title .' "'('-rr .\lon for a diSCUS' '. ~ t thl I d I' d '" b t • ,'" h' I I !Iuush' colourful powel'ful, un· 0 s an was n ou,." II . ." 1,.llIndarl' I\' Il'l sc· ' . , : ' , h b f d tl t '\ " . . predictahle pohllcal leader who' SIDee as een oun la II r. ','," ,' .. : :'\\1 f'rol'ln{'es at or 'at a;tridc Quebec like a' Power has a good legal cla,im to •. ,' :.( r:;.c,' 111 Labrador and I' I ,. I' I . the the land The site referred to • • • 1 co ossus. t 15 on), slllce ' ',. ~"rh, 1\ ill'rr Iron ore IS . 11 Ie" I d II bv meets the necessary require. I d ol'a om miSSIon lea e, d' d : . :r r.; prllllll'C . , '~I~, .Justice Sall'as began the I~ents an was passe hy Coun·

\ "u:ntol'r of hiS part) .. dell . . enq'111'V IlltO that graft an cor· . .,.:, m ~11:n~ a dmner. to ; ru iio~ that the world began to An application from William .... ::,l1r.:u:,hrd cllmp~trl~t: I le~'n of its appalling, alto. Ryan. requested permission to I:' i' Lamnt. III Quehec Cit) I gether 5hockin~ size and horror. re·bUlld a house, for Arthur .. ':, 'cral,on of hi' hlrt~da~" "It would he interesting to Humbcr ~nd fa~II~, Bay Bulls : ~:.t\t :hat IS ,omc\\herc I know exactly how the Duples. Road. ThiS family s h~me was r:;~j the ~nd or. Fehruary sis candidate was ablc to pro. r~ce~tly. destroyed by fIre, the :!I: 1 hm heen 1lll'Itco to ~t· • ducc a cop,. of one of my lei, stle Illdl~ated by Mr, Ryan met :::~. I~d hare a~rrrd to do so. : tel'S to the 'Iate ~Ir. Duplessis." th~ requirements of the regu·

ll;;~t thM not be a good i lahons and was passed by ~:! !~r I pmonal and confi· ! Council. t!!.::II !ilk hrtween you and L 'b 1 An application from ~Ir. =,' ~'o particular attention .1 era S Morris concerned the possibili· ";:: hI paid to the fact that tics of two lots between Cashin : 11! :n Queher at th~t time, (Continued from page 3) Avenue and Mount Pleasant I:: ~! ~ould meet at some hour Deep, Englee. 110ddicton, Avenues; having frontage to ;1:, rf ,our ~hoo>in~, Conche, SI. Lunaire ~nd Griq· Cashin AI'enue immediately

j ~~pr that thi~ finds you uet, and Sl. Anthony in their north of the Canadian Liquid , ~,~j heallh. and I ~~sure northern c~mpaign tour, Air Co. Ltd., and one lot hal" :-. ~! :r.,. rordial ~ooll will to· 1IIajor Ches Carter's boat, ing frontage to Mount Pleasant 'l:e ~ .rrot and colourful I the "Term 29", is expected to Avenue at the rear or the prop. [1:1:lln qat~,man whom it reach Port nux Basques today, erty fronting Cashin Avenue, !iI ~rn my rri\'ilp~c tn meet from where the :llnjor will he. Council passed this application ~ I number of ocr~sions. I !tin a tour of communities along on these conditions: rJ:: !~rk INward to meeting the southwest coast from Port 1. That any structure facing :~; 1;lin aux Basques to Grand Bank. Cashin Avenue be not less tha'n

\'eT) ~ir.rcrely ~'O\lrs, The !.ibN·al incumbent (or 2 storeys in height. .T. R. S~IAI.L\\'OOD" Burin·Burgeo Is accompanied by 2. That any adjustments in

'i~ thl' ~lr. [luplessis wrote his wife on the unique nautical the boundary on Mount Pleas· !I on Dmmher 27th saying campaign, ant Avenue should be made fol· ~I~ h! would be pleased to In the west, Liberal member lowing which it may be possible ~'!: Jr.! whtn I came to Que· Herma'n Batten continues cam· to develop one building lot to :.: Iround thr 2nd of Feh· paigning In the Codroy Valley Mount Pleasant Avenue, ~.1:;.1957. We did meet, in his area of the Humher·St. George's 3. Application of sub·division !1:.lnd he \I'a~ I'cry charming riding. Wednesday he visited by·law. I:! friendly We agreed each SI. David's, Highlands, SI. Fin. PERIUlSSION IS GRANTED :: Ippoint a trusted official, tnn's and Jefferies, The Coclroy A letter (rom the Depart. I:~ to hOlP these two officials Valley tour will be continued ment of Forestry, Forest Re· =!!I 10: dl>rll~,ions on the pro. through the remainder of this search Branch, stated: "One of h:;, 01 the boundary. He I week. our fWd projects calls for cer· 1:I!<1l 10 ;11 me the name of i tain measurements to be made · I In undisturbed stands in :: ~:mlncr. and IIpon receiv· southeastern Newfoundland . .. ,1.'1' roame [ ",as to /:iI'e I Ice Report In connection .with this pro. ~~ tnt name of our nominec." I jcc! we would like to have i .. ··~.rdout~ of mont~s pmcd: ('ape Bauld-Visibility 8. Ten permi,!;slon to do a certain I~" rard ~otl1tng more 1 tenths heal'y ice. amount -of sampHng on the ".'11 llr. Dllplr,sl~, I conse· I Belle lsi Southeast-Visibil. Windsor Lake watershed. I·!~:h ~rol h' A'I tl ' e ' . r" . c. 1m. pn te ill'!. Six tenths loose ice, This work would involve ':;;~~!nll~\\111~ ;el~t~r.. 'Bellc Isle SOllthwest-Visi· tallying the trees on 25 tempor . '5~n art tllme, IDls~crh hility 4, Five tel1th~ lVest, two ary 1/10th acre plots on which

"". rr returne cre I tenths south to southwcst. no blazing or permanent mark. ~;: m)' \ 1.'11 to Quebec City" Flowers Island-Visibility 3. ings would be done except that ";;:~n.1 .h~~ SIlCh l a pleasant No icc. one tree at each plot would be ~: ... " I YIIU, ~al'e care· BaUle Harbour-Wind north cut down, cut into sections, and ;':. r:t-IldrrallOn t~ the ques· west 14, Visibility five miles. ·detailed measurements would • :. i man to Sit down and Two tenths loose Ice, Scattered be recorded." :~:~ I !~n\lhlc diicussion with I bergs, Council granted Permission ;~.". n~mlnre on the qucstion • aud work will begin around the ::;":ronoun,lary in thc area of _ This city's works committee first of June. 1-; , ml11ln. III Labrador has approvcd the draft of I COMIUITTEE TO BE . Qurht-f

'1 Ih h . fair wage bylaw that will guar· APPOINTED ~~ In Ihat our Deputy antee a minium wage to cmploy· Whcn Council passed an ap. r::~lcr of ~line~, :'Ir. Fred·' ecs of firms doing work lor plication from Cyril Mallard. of ~:-. GOIH. IIOUtrt be the best the city The b"laws "oes be. 24 Dorset Street, to receive ·.n,! rould f' d 11 . • J " .~~ 111. e IS a very fore the council next Monday garbage collection outside the ;;:-iral felluw, and he is quite and if approved will come Into city limits, COl\llleillor Jeff Cal'-·'-1,11t ~·lth th . ~:l, I do e area 10 ques· effect Jan, 1 1963, Approval nell asked what progress is '1~ld b not suggest that he would mean that firms engaged being made on the proposed ex. I"~ . e a man actuaily to do in civic pro)' eets must pay their tension of the city limits. In ~'!I work' h f' Id b I ttJ : In t e Ie ,ut employees at least $1.51 a n reply to this question the City tl lIe he WOuld be the right' hour Clerk said It', was a very slow ..~ to hold a conversation ' process, Councillor Alec Hen • "1 Your man. ley then suggested that a Coun.

\" thmforr propose tei send LONDON tReuters) _ Strict cil committee be appointed to : .. Gover, and I write now government security regulations speed matters up, -!T!I. to ' f • tl;>t • h In orm you so, In the against Communists In the Brit· Councillors Henley and' Car. !::! '~tat you will drop me a Ish Civil Service will begin to nell along with Deputy Mayor It ~. tng whcther this would operate from Friday. It was Bill Adams all agreed that rltir. Ilsfactory to you and Indi·· announced Monday, Union lead· somethIng should definitely be ~,;C Whether yOU had any ers of ~ritaln's 650,000 civil done this year on this matter. II ~ullr time fur Mr, Gover' servants were 0 f fie I a II y TO NOTIFY CONTRACTORS I!ldt tn Quebec .. \Ir. Gover is informed that from .June 1· A letter from A, H. lIIurray " ' to ~o at any time and Communist union offiCIals or and ,Company Ltd., to the Coun. f;luP5 the sooner the better those suspected of Communist ell stated: ,~I both, sympathies will no longer be "With reference tll our com.

~ llb renewed assurances DC allowed to negotiate for memo plaint that the present Harbour-I rordial regard . bers engaged In secret duties., Commission had instli\Ied catch.

I Sincerely Yours, ' pits In Beck's Cove eonsld~rably To tho J, R, SMALLWOOD" above the present level of the

I~ IS I received no reply at roadway, very much increasing IiJu ': o~ August 23rd I wrote the chances of our stores be. .~ Um, as follows: coming f1oolled. We lIote you 'W~ dear PrIme Minister: say In your letter that the exist.

I t! .en I had the honour DC Ing situation will be remedied lith I). PI~asant personal chat ' ' when the finnl work in connect· IIt~OU tn ~'ebruary past we i Ion Yo' h the lIarboyr' Develop. IIod that I should send a ment hos, been completed. It ~llctiCII man to' Quebee As these outletS are situated ~ russ wllh one of your. at least sixty or eighty feet !II quPll~tical men the pracU. Is the use of telling a lot from the City Council bound· ~I !lllan! InVolved in defIn. of little white Ilas when one big ary or breastwork in Bcck's

It IctuaUy dellmltinl the ~happ"''!ill ~ Just as weill 1 Cove, we think we are not un·

I .






E Texaco research men have literally mil~ions of figures at their fingertips ... facts on all kinds of driving experience , .. facts on additives, on refinery techniques. 'Ab!>ve all, Texaco have facts on what motorists want in the ideal gasoline. Those are the facts that were poured into computers. The electronic brain used this information .to give us a new gasoline f01;mula-ORe that would give you every possible driving advantage at no increase in price!

'We succeeded so well that you'll want to switch to New. Sky Chief. Better mileage pel' gallon is ,just one of the boxscore of benefits that you'll realize. But the best proof , is in your own driving: test· drive a tankful today! New Sky Chief Gasoline is now at all Texaco dealers.

Wherever you go ••• trust,

Get the biggest box score of benefits in gasoline history

mDDElD Better Mileage C;, 0) No Rust or Corrosion

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Women ~. 14 I '1 ---"'_' ___ I' __ "-"-~tt-ll_H_tt-'I_II_

I Socia 1-Personal

I -Coiumn-

• • • FRO~, TORO:-l'fO

John Rodl!ers of Toronto, Ontario, i5 at present ill St. John's fln husincss and Is re· , J:istered at the Kcnmounl :'Iotcl.

• • • l/'i HOSPITAL

J,;lizabelh Ann Duggan has enlercd SI. Clare's Mercy Hospital for ft slighl oper· ation.


The Lhirly.foul'lh Annual Sc,~illn o[ the H. W, ,it'DI',

tirand Lodge of the Ladles' Orange Benel'olent Associa· tion mil take place on July 16th., in the :I!asonic Hall. Grand llank. Delegates please contact :III'S, Emma Barnes, ReI'. Secretary, LOBA., Grand Bank. rel!arding accommo· dalions.

• • • I~ TO\\'~

Derirk V. Gay of Bedford, KS., is at present in st. John', on bUsiness Hnd is re· I:isterecl at the Kenmount ~Iotcl.

• • • RE1TIl:-;S Ho~m

:llr~. ~lal'Y Ro,~iter has re· tllrnrd to St, ,Iohn's allet' at· lendin~ Ih~ Sa[elY Confer· encc in Vancou\'er earlier I hiS month. after holiday In :"\evade and California.

• • • 11,\ pry BIRTIIIlA Y

~lan)' happy rcturns Ilf the day to BO~'d Kellet, Brook· ficld, who celebrates his birlhday loday ~Iay 31st. Greetings come from his family.

• •• • FRO;\1 nULL

A. Lcfebuc of lIull, Quebcs, arril'cd in st. John's by TCA ol'er the wcekcnd and is re· gistcred at the Kcnmount ~lole1.

• • • LOB A

lIIrs, White, Prov, Grand )Ii~tress of the LOBA will b~ instilutlng a Ladies' Lodge at Stephenl'iIIe on Jo'riday, June 1st. Institution will tallc place in the Masonic -. Hall, begin· ning at 2 p.m, An invitation is ext ended to members of nearby Lodges,

And now rcsidlng at 1255 Birchmounl Road, Searbor· ough, Ontario, entertaincd at a family dinner party at The (lulld of Ail Arls, Scar· borou/:h, Ont" in honor oC Mrs. Coc's mothcr, Mrs. H, Herman Archibald oC Ban· nerman !lol\se, Harbour (it'ace,

Among Iho~e attending wel'e: Mrs, H, D, Archibald, Harbour Grace: ~H, And Mrs, E. D. Whiteway and Miss Bnrbara Whi\cway of Arling· ton, Mass: 1I1r, and Mrs, Frank D, Archibald, Toronto; Mr, and Mrs, H, M. Arehi· bald, ;\11'. and 1I1rs, A. E. Archibald, and Mr, Rnd 1111'S, J, D, Archibald,

• • • I'ROM PORT CRlmlT

B, F. Ncary of Port Credit, Ont., is at present in St, ,John's on buslncss ana is reo gistcred at the Kenmollnt Motel.

• • • ENGAGEftlENT

The enR81lement is Announ· ced of Miss Patricia Browne, daughtcr of Mr. and Mrs, John Browne, Kilbride, to Brian, son of Mr, and Mrs, :-lick Philpott, 43 Sudbury Slreet.

'" . . IN TOWN

Millon V. Du![~y, Polntt Cia ire, Qucbec, is at pruenl in SI. ,John's on business and i8 rel:istered at the Kenmount Motel.


i'lr. Ind Mrs. W, Adey, Clarcnvillc, arc at prescnt visiting St. John'~, and are gucsts at thc Newfoundland Hotcl.

• • • RETUIlNS HO~lE

Mr, and Mrs, Owen God· dcn oC Grand Falls, have reo turned home after spending ther honeymoon in St. John's. They were the gucsts of Mr, and Mrs, D, J, Wall, 9 Abra­ham StNlel. Owen is a radio announcer with CB'r,


Mr, and Mrs, Silas Hlllicr of Gl'and Falls, motored to SI. John's on Sunday And are rcgistered at the Newfound·

• • • land Holel. FRO~I l\IUSGIlAVETOWN

:'Ill'. and Mrs, Mark Day of ~Iusgra\'etown, motored to St, John's on Sunday and arc reo ~istered at thc Newfoundland 1I0Ie!.


:llany happy returns of the da~' to Wayne Billard, Dc· lanc~' Avenue, who celebrates his birlhday loday, May 31st. Greetings come from his family,


Mrs, H. Herman Archibald of Harbour Grace, having spent the past six months \'isitinl! Mrs, E, D, Whiteway in Arlington, Mass., Is now spending a short lime with each of her children in the Toronto area be[orc return· in:: to her home in New· foundland.

• • • Esn:RT,\lNS

:Ill'. and Mrs, Maurice C. J, Coe, formerly 01 96 Lelllar· chant Road, st. John's, Nfld"

• • • IN TOWN

IIlr. and Mrs. A, A, Kelly of Grand Falls, motorcd to SI. John'R on Sunday and are registered at the Newfound· land at the Newfoundland Hotel.


Many hAPPY returns of the day to Mary Prctty and Brian Fleming, who celebrato their birthdays today, May 31st.

• • • 16th BIRTHDAY

Brithdny greetings to Rosal),n Ploughman, 117 Newtown Road Ext., wha celebrates her 16th birthday May 31st. .Greetlng3 conlo from her family,


Congratulations are being extended to Rev. Sister Cecilia Agnes, sister of Rev, R, A, St, John, P,P., Outer Cove, who celebrated her Golden Jubil~e on May 20th. at the Sacred Heart Convent,

Your Pharmacist . ... • HE'S THE FRIENDLY


Wh~thcr your druUl5t h

pre5iding o\'er the candy

counter or over the pres·

scription counter, he Is

always helpful, Interested,

. DUNN'S PHARMACY LTD. Merrymeeting Road Portugal Cove Road

Dial 8·7388 Dial 92697 NewfOtil1Jland'~ FIRST "Radio-EqUipped"

Drug Store Delivery .

The Doctor Says




Some medical eyebrows mny be railed and some shrieks of protost from dio·hard nutrl· tionlst mil)' be hoard as II rc· suit of an ulcer report re· cently published by Ihe Coun­cil on Food$ and Nutrition 01 Ihe American Medical Assn, 'l'he views-which, correspond wllh my own, IlniMd Iht'ough yeAI's of experience-wlli [ree mny pepllc UIcCI' (stomach and duodena\) su([crel'~ from un' I1CCC5Sllt·)' hardships of rigi~ diets.

The rcpl1rt, in summary, SAYS:

t1Iecrs AI'C nol healed bv dict. injection~, 1101' by metllcatlons alone, but b~cbuse tho mon with the uicer comcs under the cnre 01 A physician who 15 able to transmit to the pallent 80me o[ his own conli dence in L h e tendency o[ the uicer to heal,

Rigid dielary treahnent does not hasten peptic ulcer healing, Satislaetory healing· 01 nn 111· eer can be obtained on a lib­eralized dIe t In which tho choice of fOOds Is morl! or iess left to the patient provided that the chosen roods nre made readily available, nre nUrac· t1vely served Rnd arc eatcn un· del' favorable and pleasant con-dillon!, '

Dietary reslricllons need nol be placed on certain foods thought to be irritating unlm thcy cause immediatc distress to the particular patient. ,

The rate o[ I'ecurrcnce o[ peptic ulccI' is determined hy ils nalural hlslory In Ille Pill" ticular patient, EVen under vil'tualiy idtal conditions of management (AS in the pel" sonnei DC the Royal navy), the natural rate 01 recurrence is little influenced,

The intelligent patient will obviously Ilvotd those foods he knows from ~xperlence cause him to have heartburn, pain 01'

otMr digestive symptoms. He will aVoid eoflee and alt'Ohol, He will thoroughly cbew all foods. And he will takc some simple antacid tablcls or pow· ders that eXperience hRs shown him serVe 10 prevent or reo lieve distress.

Even so·called indigestibles (onions, garlic, turnips, par' snips. radishes, mustard, pick· Ics, etc.l do not produce any more irritation to the stomach of thc ulcer patient than to those whose stomachs arc nor· mal. Provided that "rough­age" foods ([ruit skins, lettuce,

,cabbage, kaie, nuts, cel~ry, etc,l nre thoroughly mosticat· ed, they scarcely ever Injure II. peptic ulcer. Certainly, before prescribing limitations 10 ihe diet~ of persons with peptic uicer, we necd better evidence thot ordinary foods arc clthet' stlmuinting or iI'rllnting to the stomach.

And, [inally. "a tcmpcl'nte And common sense approach to Iht dial should provide tor C~· serttial . nulrillollal and acid· redUcing feblures without mnk· lng thc diet an end unlo ilse!! or the patient a dietary crlp· pIe,"

To whIch I add a chDrus of HalleluJahsl .

l\I:eteghan, N.S, Sister enter· ed the Mercy Order at \lIount St, Vincent Halifax, N ,S,. May 26th, 1912, Her many friends in Pictou, Stc\larton, Yarmouth, Glace Bay and North Sydncy will remember her as sbe taught mu~lc there lor a number of years,


lI11!~ P. Itnw~cJlllcll"N'III!~ tll!~ "1'11'llIclol'~' "II hl'l1alf "f nil' ,til' d~n!. 01 IIII' 37th Grndlln!lllJ( ('loss of Ihe (,I'acl' lI~spllal Seh"ol or Nur~tnR, Mondll~ IIt~hl, M,,~· 2Rth lit Ihe Pl'illce o[ Wail'S Arenn.­(MII~ Mercer llhnto}


Judith Press, who has just graduated from Mem­orial University with the Degree of Bachelor of Science, will wed Mr. Thol11as Northcott, also a gruduate of Memorial University, having obtained his Bachelor's Degree in 1957. Wedding to take plae at St. Thomas' Church on Saturday, June 2nd: Judy is the daughter of Mr .and Mrs, Reg Press of this city and Tom is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Arch Northcott of

On July 19th, somo ~Ix other Sisters Who entcred the Ordcr with Sister, Cecilia Agnes, will be celebrating their Golden Jubilee jointly and Slater will be present for the occasion,

. Lewisp0l'te. (Photo by Max Mercer)

Congratulations to the Jubilariil15,

One .. Piece Swimsuit

Flatters The Figure

An attractive swimsuit will always draw attention, It's a rare man on lhe beach II \ 0 won't chance an, 8ppraisln~ loOk at the [emlnine scenet'Y,.

The length of the glance depends.' pritty mllch oil whether or 'not hIs wife is with him, Bul· whether that glan~ wl11 be one of appre­claUon Dr derision was de· cided the ~ay the. swimsuit WIIS bought.

For anyon~ who Is not' a 111m teens,'i just one killd of swimsuit that will be n~tterlnR·the one·piece suit,

As [or the mature woman who thinks she looks young In iI bikini, I suggest she look in


n full· length mirror he[ore she vcntures on the heach. Un· less she's wearing the rosiest glasses ever made, shc's givc up the ideu, .

The bikini will get· at len· tion, but any dictionary will tell you that attention isn't a synonym [01' ndmil'ation. You

, might long to be a slim young Ihing, but wishing won't make It so, Givc somc thought to becoming un n t tl' a eli \. e 'woman iilstead.

Brigbten Rainy !lilY Thcre's no point in adding

tn the drearincss of 01 rlliny day by ~oin!: ,to class in ,1

combination of oid clothes. The teen·ager who wcar:; nny old thing on wet days i5 11Ii I,· ing a chance to lift her o\\'n spirits Rnd coliect a [ell' com· 'plimcnts, too,

A gay raincoat, matching umbrella and colorful hoots

. ,will protect any clothes you choose to wear,

Decide ahcad o[ time on a rainy day hairdo for yourself. If your hair is slightly wavy, a neat page boy will survive the weather. If your locks are straight, try wearing it in smooth and shiny style.

Whatever you do, don't usc Ihe rain IlS an excuse to look sloppy.

TIII~ for Tnllning The right lotion for sun­

tanning contains a chemical sunscl'een that will hloek off

enough ultra-violet rays to les.en thc dangcr of burning, without prevenling tanning,

No one product can he all thhlgs to nli peopie, and you must choosc thr one that suils YOllr complexioll hest. Sun tun nil produces a rapid lan, alld o\'crexposure must be 'a\'oided. Sun tan cream offers grellter prolcction, and 51111 tnn lotion, which is non· oily, provides iloml protection [('I' most people.

Dnn·t malw tim mist:lkc IIf thinking you rlon't nec!! a S1lI151Tl'Cn when YOII sit undel' ~n umhrella, Its sharle \\'OI1't prevent Ihe 511n'~ rays from bouncing off sand ilnd water.

A Thought· For Today

The very essence of a free government consists in consider· ing offices as public trusts, be· stowed lor the good of Ihe country, and not for. the benefit of an individual or a party.­,John C. Calhoun,


The Doctors·




Q-I am 45 und have heen I'unning a lillY [ever consisl· ently [or the past two years. My doctor has had ali kinds of lesls made for different [evcrs and all have becn nega­tive. As a resull, he has told bolh my husband and me Ihat my lever is due to "nerves" and the menopause.

:'>Jow I am not a nCI'\'OIlS wnmall, although I may soon become one i[ I don't filld out whot's the malter with me. And, from my own OhSerl'D­lions, I beiieve Ihis business o[ the menopause hns becn over· do n e. As I see It, the "cliunge" is a natural thing in· tended for 1I'0mcn lust like menstl'lIallol1 nnd childhll'th. Yct. even In,t weck, Il'hcn I had pain in the region o[ my Ic[t kidncy nnd my doc· tor found a little pus in my urine. he still insisled the [el" el' was caused hy t h c "chan~c." Sometimes I wond­Cl' IVho i, sick. ~ly d(jct"r~ Or me'?

.'-Ir the racls arc as you ~Iate them, and yon nrc con· ~islcntly running n rever anel if A lest of urine shows sign~ of pus, I should cel'lninly think no im'cstigalion of your kid­neys and related struclures \\'as In order.

Like you, I do nol subscrihe to lhe Iheor\' Ihat eilher nel'l'es or the "changc"pl'oduce pel'­sistent [ever. Whereas, P,lI·t· icuiorly in the femaie, silent In[ections of the urinary trncl III'C frequent CUIISCS [01' ioo)!­~lnlHling lcmpel'ahll'e e I I' a· tions.

Q - Docs the mcnopause of· fecI. one'" eyes,? AI! my Ii[e. mv cyes have bothercd me at lhe time o[ my periods. Now Ihal I'm ~oing throughollgh ihe change, they nre mUch worse.,

A-In middle life, men and women alike nole changcs in visuai acuity. This is called presbyopi a from the words "pre5bY5," meaning old. and "ops," an eye. In middle Iile women also experience the menopause Ihat, in my opinion. means only that chlidbearinil years have ended. To blame the "change" [Or anything and c\'el'ylhing Ihat happens to a woman at the normnl lime [or he,' normal menopause is a gl'al'e mistake, 10 my way of thinlling,

Bv making n "scapegoat" o[ A ilotul'B1 phenomenon an un· jUstifiable fear o[ the meno· puuse is seeded, Unnecessary treatments nre givcn and the search for the true cause 01 middle'agc ailmenls may be delayed and even prevented.

Tn your parlicular instance, it might J)e wi5er [or you to conSiliI an eye doclor to learn whelhel' or nol your eye pain indicates a de,' lop i n g glaucoma.

1£ so, .imple trcatmcnt might well preserve your eyesight without rccourse to any surgi· cal procedure. WhereAs a de· lav caused by contlnucd gland Ireatments may result in can· sidcrable loss o[ visual acuity de~pite later cHarts o[ a com· petent eye surgeon.

We' The

..... IIASTRO·GUIDEII By Ceean -------------------------._----For Thursday, May 31 , Present- For You lind Yours ' • , A,pc~ts are mildl~ neg a t i v e ~ don't take any c han c c S. Be on guanl about safety, romaoce an" domeslic problems, \ViMul Ihinking can lake up a lot of valuable time if you let it-and will lead no-I', , .• -

where. fry to rem"," opllml,lIc eYen Ihollr,h Olhers lend to he irritable. Your cheerfulne» may he conl.giou,.

Past, .. On ~hl' 31, t910, Ihc Union of Soulh Arrie'l IVn,

, founded "' the SOllih Alrienn 1 ACI II cldc,l into a ,implc union ~ I~e y.vo former Dutch rrpuhI;c, \ of r ran", aal and Ihe Oranr.c I Free Slale anti Ihe 1\\0 former · Hrili,h coln11ie. of Ihe Cape <If

Guod Hope o"d N,lIal,

Future ••. Marria,e hy bllir wave, rna)' b~ in ollr f\llurc, II m;;y he found thaI 1I:.1e1 cur hno;o scnll, oul eJn h~ X.",., 10 indicale \\ hello,r , m:;:: kmalc rclaHonc;hip ,I;, ! \J~!

cl1ntinue or ~lop.

The Day Under Your Sign

~~~;I~jJIB~.rrnll~~;.71~ln~lrr.t:~"~r,,lrilt).~!I. \11~1!~~nll~,~p~·.}~\~t~r C:': '2),. '., j.

u tt. .. , :1 UJl~(t ,n ('lad .1{~(lJnTII::. 1, :anJ :l' r~lI a i:~ ,1,,: :. ~ •. !.

TAURUS iAp.i[ 20 to May 20) T~;.p ){Jlf IjIlll" wlltn c!'\lir~:n-: OI!!'I. for ,d~.HL' t:r:l"l'll, ',\'t,,.!. th .. rulh t

GEMINI 1M.'! 21 10 J"o 21} !'~m~lh!nil thlt 1(,'1111 llit~ .. ~u~.ln ([,·'1d. tum O'Jt to ~ I t:.:lll, so "11th ,OI!1 ,"\rp,

· CANCER pun. 22 I. July 211 rllterpri~e 1'\\'5 off 10 fit .. frmn n( C'1<'11 and.;", PIOt1l!1\lr:'l, C{l!\tl!'l.JC 1M Ion.:! 'tlll::.

LW {July l2 10 Aug. 21) !.flil. n •• fr1"",d1; If"'" !~!~i (b~!J.tjon •. JI'Jmt mtPr~ .. !l1ffit Is Jll1'fUHd,

· VIRGO (Aug. n 10 !.pl. 221 , A ~'lrrri·. 111 U'lfl fc'rA rI a IlIl ltffl'll

• lrun,11 In~::::ated In VUI) daTil.

ICORPIO (Oc" iJ 10 ~!" 2'1 Y! II :",\1" 1\11 "'It!iHl!' ': I . Ie (r.Ut (:1<',,', UPttll:'y r'r' r r '; : ":'I~~'

SA<-;ITTArtIUS IN,,_ 12 I, D._ I t:a:';(' /I. 1:11 H:I';'l1'1l1!: a.;'t,: thn'J;;h ;'I'J t ... ~'<\ fI"~ r'",;.'1' .,

CAPRICORN t,ooc. 12 I, J '-. III v~ lH::!1 tak" !l:~:r ,-1' . : "\ ••.. , !,II,,, mJ~,\ Inl'l;urrrl! frrl1 ~-J. ",

AQUARIUS IJ.n. 21 10 f,', II) In rnon.,. rr,-Ufl", ··l :-.~, ~. , !':"I¥.

Il£ t1~ f:.m~:)' r~'-' il;< rr :~" ;. f ~,:, ••

PISCeS IF,;. 1,' I. I'"" <11 D~'l tit too t",~' n,. r'" . ':~ .~ ... mvn~r II ccn('l',"'l.d, B~ ~" J ~. 'r~ \"~I •

_ .. __ ... ------------"~):.;,19~,::..;. ,_.~ ;.:-;t-q .. ,. r-.

The Mature Parent



DCill' :'ll's. L;mrcncc: -

There', a "il'ioll~ 4')'car-olrl hoy on m)' hlocl;, tb~ 5011 of A

woman \\'ho once loid my little gil'! to tell me 10 [all dead. lie has run 11;S wagon over my child's hand nnd witi ride hi~

Iricycle ~t he" until she screams and gels out of his way. lIow can I kcep her away [l'Dm him? Shc is only 31, and [orgels what I tell her abollt not playing with him.

ANSWER: :llaybe 5 he for­gcts heeause she likes hill. ~!aybe he has asscts that Ollt· wcight the danger o[ his wagon whcels. Maybe Ihe screams in which yoU hear terror are actually shouts o[ delight in a game that offers infants joys YOU no longer appreriale,

How can yOU know? You can't. No parent can k now what renBy goes on bet ween two children. A YOlln~ster wiil come shriekin;: to us about the evii conduct of a playmate, and minutes after we h a v e solicitously affixed the adhe­sive tap e, we look 0 u t o[ the window 10 sec him hap· pily riding on the back of the encmy's tricycle,

Do ~'ou wlml me to advi~e YOII to lock youI' little girl in Ihe house' To supervise all her play? To move [rom YOllr neighborhood? r can 'I, you know. Only wilcbcs lock child­ren up. Only re[ol'matories super\'ise 011 their play. And it may not be possible [or you to movc from your beighbor' hood.

So let me remind you that the best we can do for a child who has developed tile use of leg muscles to run toward [rio ends and away [rom enemies is to permit him to discol'er which is which.

YWCA News The weeldy ,upper ",rct:c,: (:

:'>tacDonald l'ellO',l<hlp (.,' was held in the "\'" r'10rr.; ,', \\'ednesday, ~i"y 2,1nl.

nIP nell' ,1;Jtc "I "ll:('rr'" , President: LOlli.. ~ad~"('r:'

Vice-Presidenl: \\r.. \\' lIr.: !'oll: SecI'olnl';', )Ii·" L(,' \\'ethycomiJr: Trr""nrr, :.~-, \1. Taylor: ('orl'r,p' nd";: ~(:,

I'elnry: ~li>, 1-:11.1 ,\01'; , .. gramme: ~li" \lillir f;:r.:' c" Picnic Convcnor r"r t!;1 ~~', mer mon111> :,11hel r,"r'c-~ The election of "film: '", taken hv ~ii" .Ir"~ .inhr,'" in the ahsencr nf the PIC>:C':'; Mi;s :'Ilmiel 1~\';In" ""1'0 .' ;' present holid;JyiliC in E1::a~:

The Co·Ed (·111h. \'\\C.\ r!:: Iheir closing rlnnr~ \I~y 2;:: at Ihe Old Colnn:; (':'lh, )11.~, hers of the Board II: Dic(_:,:,~ wcre speciai Clle,IS for Ir,r r,c

casion. ~Ii>s ,\nn ~:"r.c;. Pc"~ sidenl of the Co-Ed (1,0 'I,

comed the glle,l, Pm1 .,~.,

ners for thc erCII1I1:', 5rtf:~":: dances were ,iean H,W,;i ,.~

David Cox: Barbaro ,e',':':; and Dou~las .~ .. rJ'1'. 3a::;:, Ba~~s alld Grnr~c \lir:::: and Mar~arel Ba~~5 and D~'i las A "cry.

Prcsentin~ thr pr:zp, '!~ :':lrs. E. Pittman. ,\:: G 8:; scI!, Mrs. M, Gbrlden. aro I::! J. E. !lulieI'. ,Ii" ,\nn B;r:~ presented 11 ,gill In )!t!, l Crane and !lower, to )1::1 ,I!~ ,Jon.ton, on behalf 01 It. c~:' During Ihe intcl'mi,;;,'n :~e e: gagcment 01 \li;, Ann L!l!

and Huberl COII\l'a)·. 1'10 rr'~· bel'S o[ the Co-Er! Cluh, Wi; i;'


The ~lI.Phi-:\:I dlap:er d:'t Bela Sigma Phi .oro:·il)' rr.r:~: the home of \13no"0 Rus!!. 16 Larch Place \Iay 26th. !r' their last mrelin~ of the ;rr The opening rilUa: ',I'al ,ei!~: ed bv the ml'l111,er,. fO!:Q'''~

• a" a abort bllsinr,' I~eel:~g -:

Women Certainiv to a child whose - playmate 'has alfronted him wc

STEI' IIIGII AND WIDE OUT cnn sOY, "You're safe wit h OF DO· NOTHINGNESS ENNUI me as long as yOu want 10

slny wilh me." We have 10 make the Safety we l'epl'esent always available. But when he's finisll(id with needing it we have to let him go. He has to learn Ihat when he leal'cs Sa[cty to seek out the mingled [un and risks offered him by other children. we cannot [01· low him. We're nol his Sia· mese twin abie to preside over every moment o[ his life. He has 10 discover that he's on his own, that it is his job, not ours, to decide whether the [un he gels from a playmate is worth wbat he has to pay' for it.

Ihe eompilin~ o· Ihe yoro SI,11 whiCh is the I'o(lnter flr :,:1 "ear's activitic,~ fllr intern3~t: al of!ice. The mignatio:,! ~ Mrs_ A, CIOllston nnrl )I:I.:J Russcll were rrcr'nrl, ,In ~ formal repol't Irnm tho Ttl;; urer was rend hy .iran cr· michael. As the office of ~~ sident and \'icr·l're'IOerJ ",­been chnnged in 1,,10 .\pnl. t.

. I' il 1Z! cause o[ resIgn,' wnl. ' decided the pr";enl m!m~' holdin" officr ·"onld rerr-·

A • "I' The o[[icers of Ihr chnpIE,. '~I Flora ~lacDollnld, PreSeE .. ,:


NOW is thc lime to:

Lend a hclping hnnd to the friend or neighbor who really nceds it,

Begin to do one 01 the things you've always thought you would like to do,

Stop fretting about an in· tolerablc situation and p u I

, your mind to, figuring out how to ease it.

Make some plan [or Ihe rut· ture. so that you won't continue 10 drift aimlessly from d~y to day Dnd week 10 week. wit h nolhing much accomplished and nothing much to 100)1: lor ward to.

StUl'1 on anv kind of sell·Ln­prol'ement that you know you need bul keept putting off he: l!inning,

Tackle any hard joh you have been qreading a long lime but know you will have to do eventually.

Speak the words 01 praise or encouragement t hat could mean so much to another,

Write the friend you haven't heard from In months, even if the friend owes you a letter.

Plan the party you have been meaning' to have for a long time,

When we S3\' "Don't play with .Jimmy again" we arc

Make liP a quarrel or smooth out a misunderstanding - even i[ it means saying humble. "It was all my [au It. "

Ma~e a Iriendly gesture 10-ward a newcomer yoU suspect is lonely.

Do something on the spur of the moment If all the days have begun to seem pretty much alike,

Show your appreciation lor a kindness done you by someone else,

II any of these are on your list but being put off Irom day to day, there Is no better time than NOW to do them.

Jean C~rmicllal'!. \'ice·P~'" dent; Donnn T'.Irkcr. Se

I L-I' Ipar." tary: am ,-, mnl' " Treasurcl'.

Supper w~, ~rl"o l'd n'Jr:r~,: short intermi"ioll. rnllollld':i the cultural pro~r"nlml, , 'I meeling ended with tll@ ell,


making the decisiQn lor ~ "fl'ghl M ... When we say. ~

back" the [ight i, made b~'1 and on our ol'dvr, So ~e " , -- 1~1 to mind our 0\1'11 hu"nc", II .,..hal iug our h"1I<I, oil I II don't know el10ugh alto" f.

, OIlr~,1 0,1' del' cOl1lel1ll1l~ ., i' wilh ou~ pareot;!I parI 1°'", pro e,,, ' way s . Available ,:, IE

Then the child can be~~~: take respunsihility for hl';i!' H he want, .Safel)" hI '1'~

,. tile ".-chouse to rcnWIIl 1\1 ~"I': I' thl "" lI'ith LIS. if he wall' red C

ed fun and, ri~k lIl.rol n ~ piay wilh olher rhlldrf. ~

. • r'lur3 WIll leal'e II, anll . them.

!W , 'nd n11 !IJ If you dOlllml ·citlS~ so, you seem to. be. l!~ .,' turn your little girl lnl ~Ir-t Iy in the battle )'ou ar! rP. \V i t h her pla.'1I13.le s I.~ er. This is pretty ,liiYk i,l domination didn'l worlolotllf the Capulets and lhe k for ~

'I \\,O! ues and it doesn .. f'ht po!

Fight your own I~i~ 1.lil Reader, and iet Ihe theirs.


Ind Sac 1-

rilE CAN~D1AN Indians a

orioles trad.ed wednesday With

scoring on hI llamas hurlce

10 blank Bnl!im, and drove In .f

runs ~'ilh a pal: 1\'lth the bas

onc homer by completed Ihe

took the Ihe five·hit p

. and rclir as .Iack B:

. \icholsOI1 hit h The ~p1it dr?\Jpe~1 Ir first-pInel' 1I~ With

pendmg Ihr york's night

a husy :'len in Ihe majl) Le-ague 1.0

mucic a trim 10 :-;cw York bl 13-6 nnd 6-5 belr

I ,·'-00 W1 crow, n. ;);),1 •

Pittsburgh hent St. Ili."!- '·1 lIouston rI, 1,,,1:' ,j , ,

ca!O 3-6 in 14 III ~'r3kin~ Sill1 Franci

hoth enrls of [rom Pililad~1

j.:! "n" ;'-2. ;Jnd , or a twin hilt

~,I Cincinnati 4-.1, In thc .\mcl'ican [

. Ci,icn~o split a d? Delroil takll1~ Ihc !I~ ll,:n~ Ihe seronrl r,-.

bcal Kansas Cll~' game. ht

irlchlcap Alhletic, ra .5-: win.

T.I"I\$ eflUSH Til' Al ~lil1ncapoli5 '

h:rnrd on their hil to rell5h Ihe Twin~ I


~enior Bas

By BILL Be' 5t. Bon's 74. II oly One ,'ear ago Hoi,

kings o[ hasl 51. John's. bUI it

Senior Baskell in their own

loday league bac

" Ihe Crusader two games r

of fi\'e finals champ~,

drOODr'd to position

a brilliant rei Ihe hill topp crushed then

second straigt gym.

The indescrihabl, rell again stole .potlight and for ; rebounding also a :12 poinl.~, 13 of \lu ilial half.

Barrelt. who ha! 8!uogoids scoring his earty high sciu . worked wilh(

pla,.jn~ aller the f

. Fardy lelt tl in the initial I

,the team Irom Ih ,put newly acquirel In his guard posit

Browne immci bined wilh guard

~GII'I] Ladies' H

annu 1 da M a net etnbers of

Well, captait

- -

~' ,~I

. '. '11

. -


. I I

.j ---\ews


, :.


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: .:";1 r! •• ' (I

r " (. ~

c· .. _: :~·.r::-IN'~

:'.~ ~l~n::;' ... • ,·t~ 3~ , .. '''' i"~ ~}r:,I.: \'. cr· Frr(l.

. '.f' ~!'(":t·

.... ;'" r."r : .• I;:r rlr$lr,:

rHf D:\lLY ~EWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY, ~IAY 31. 1962 ,,- •

Indians, Orioles Trade Back To Back 7~O Shutouts

1111: ('\\ \ll1.\S PRESS. I I hitter for his fifth victol'y alltl Immel'. his filth. came ulter i ,-! 1I,.II;ln, ~nd Bnlll·1 : ernsed a Ihreat in the seventh Bob Skinner walked and gave

.' . r' ::';lIlPd 70 shul· I 'wlwn Tigers s~ol'ed once and Pirates the lead they needed. '. ", ,.!:., Wllh 10 01 the I I hnd the potential tying run In Carl Wm'wick bounced a

. _ .• ",'::\~ on hO\l1c runs. I scol'ing position with none out. double past third bose to drive " ' 1':,: •. ", Ilurlcd n .three. .Jake Wood, nocky Colm'ito In' the winning run In the 14th , ........ :. lI.dllllll1rc In the: and Norm Cash hit homel's OR Inning lor Houston. It was War· · .... ! i:.M 111 fh'c Cleve· I Phil nelan pitched Ti!!ers 10 wlck's fourth hit 01 thc 41~. hour .' • _, ,,"1 .1 pair n[ hom. I theil' lirst • !!llme triumph. gnmc-his second two . hogger .' .... ",', .1." h:l,rs 10.aded.1 Dodgers. playing in Nell' Ynrk In seven trips. noman l\lejais.

.. !:.':"": hy rnokle .~l; fOi' the lirst time since they whose No. 12 homer tied the ~', i .. :,:" ·,·.l Ihr ,coring. i moved west., romped away with game in the seventh 6·6, led off

". "'r '. ,', Ihr nightcnp I the lirst gnme with n HI'hlt at· the. 14th by drawing n walk '. .. .. : ,"',11 I'ilchin/: o[! tnck. In Ihe second contesl 101" from Glen Hobbie, lllst 01 five : :"" ... ! ,('Iil'l'cr 1I0yt I mel' Dodger Gil 1I0dilcR hit two Cub pitchers. He stole second. : .. :. .1., ~ Ilr;lIldl and, homers [01' MetR. givin/: him went to third on an inlield out , \. .: homrrs. thl'ce for the dav nnd 35fl lor ond came across on IVaI'wlck's

',' \ Illdi~ll, into his c~rcer, tyiilg him with' blow, '" ."1 :\rw York \lalph. Kiner lor lOth place in ;\nLWAUlmE (AP) - Don

., '~ lill' outcome II t1w all·timc list. Blasingame's Infield single in , ,. 'I~ht came at lIenry Anron's single with one the loth inning gave Cincinnnti

Bill Stafford IOU! in the ninth inning gnve neds a 4} \'ictory over. Mil· , :

.. \'

,- ..

\i"n1l1rial Day: ~lilwmllwe' the victol'v over Cin· waukee Braves and an el'en ':'.' ,Il', In Ih., I Hight halHl"r Bill Siaflord cinnali Reds in Ihe 'Iil'st game. break in an eight hour double·

I", .. \Ilgl'!('.' rl\l·ck.,t\ ~lilHll's()la on SCI t'n Hon Piche scaltcl'cd six hits for hemlcr Wednesday. Braves won , :':l1ll'h;ll1l re·: singh ["I' his !il'st complete his thil'd lriumph without de· the lirst gmne ll)' the same • !.y "1'~I'pil1~' gamL' dclllry III the .<eason. feat as Br,1\'cs ended neds' fivc score on lIenry Aarlln's ninth

, : '1':,,1'(' a 1''';1\',' ,John iHanchiln\ eraghed n game winning streak. inning single, Ihus ending neds' ,throe . rlln home run 3~1I feet Sisler was the loser. livc game winning streak.

,: 1.1\l,i~ Cal'. tn righl ill the third for Ihe hig The twin triumph extended A crowd of 14,440, largest at .:"\'.lIl'<I l·lli· Illow ill a tn·hit :\01\' YlIr~ al· Giallts winning strenk to seven Couty Stadium since the home ''''''II~', IiiI': tarl, on Ihroe ~linnrsotil pitch· I gilllles in a row and Ilt the same opener, saw one of the longesl

' •. " 0 ,:i;lIll, .'r~. .. I time Irngthrncd Phillies losing games or the scason in the a dOII!>l t, . ' !;l\1d., 0,1(,011 pltcill'd II asli· i slrenk to scvcn I(nmes in a \'Ow nightcnp. It lasted foul' hours

. :,':,hi" Phil. 1Il~lon In Ih(' R·II shuloul 0I'Cl" and Ii out of their Inst 2(1. nnd 42 minutes. Only the t7 in' .1 '''r fir,1 1\:JI1~"< Cit)· alld TOI11 ellcne.I·1 TOIn HaiiN's two'l'un homer nini!. five hour pillS tie hclwccn \1,\\\ nul(('1' pildlrd <i;., illOre <('orelL'<s in· in Ihe second innil1l1 of ti,e ni~hl 'Houston Ilnd 51. LOllis April 2,

nine, "of 01'1' Alhlrlirs I'allirrl 10' cap helped ~Iike r.leCormick 11\sled longcr. !1"1 It'll Ililri win Ihr sr('OIlIl fi·2, 'posl hi~ second mound win in MINNEAPOLIS I APl - Po\\,· LElWl:' NOItBIij((i

';"Il;'lrlll'~r!cr. Chency g.\\'C 1Ip only Ihrre 11011\' decision~ with some nhle erful New York Yankces went I .::·.t 7':1 :lmt I,its goill~ illto the sel'~nlh in· Ilssistnnce from Don Lar~en Il1ld down to a 5·4 deleat at the r', \\·:l,hin~. ning ilnd Ir;1 2·0 in a pitchin!: Siu :lliIler nfter the sixth Inning. hands 01 l\linnesoln Twins wed.j N b " ~ n 111 .1Il dllel 'l'llh ;\01'111 Bass. lie hurl .Iose Pngan's looping single nesdllY in nn lI·inning nillhl' 0 ;A erg ,.... '1' thr surl'il'l'li 11 rocky first inning in 01 cr second base scorcd Fclip game. ' . . ;.:\"'11 fnr a whirh he \\'illkr(1 thr hIlS('.' lull Alou with Ihe rUIl that gal'c the I,OS ANGELJ<:S (AP1_ Lcoll' ,


.';,:' "

" ..


COC~lrane ·\Yin ht'lllrr ,Il'ildnl! out ,it'I'I'), LUlllpe I Nntionnl L rag u e leaders. an Wagner drOl'e in lour runs with anrl GillO (·imoli. ovcrlime viclorv in Ihe first I,is 13th homer nnd :l douhle

\'.' 11:1 ,11 1 II I\S IIIHlI\IE STArtS gllI11C,' I \\'cdncsciay night ns Los An.) Y" n k r r ~ Hooldr ,Inr liorlrn·.. l'inlt-h I Pirnles claimcd their lillh ,·ir.·' gcles Angels hcat 80slon. 1II.:i.'

.. ':':,~ pnwrr l'iI('hin'~ Ilnllcd Ti~l'r." .'1\I'~e .ill lor)' wilholll n loss t1l!ainSli in Ihe lirst ~nme of a douhle.j , "\: Ihe IlIJ!hl('np. IIr hllrlrri n SIX· ennis Ihis senson. Dkl, SlunrL', hCllllcr. . I Stll Bon's oad Races _____ . _____ , ______ I



"t. Bon"'s Practice sCllIor f"'e mlle road rare yc,· had to make two laps of thr i\orlJrr~'5 time ye5terday W35 Ali Ihirleen runners in thl

. I.ero)· Xorilerg romped homr I wall'" alHI rlown ~1('IT)'mcelin~! [or the li"r mile in InAO wilh Ilrari from Ihe r.lart and hi ftl'~~ !n. thc ~nnl\al SI. non'" n(lad~ to Ihe 5chllol whe:c Ihc)' Ilhr rcmarkahle time of 28.21.1 ncrer InokNI baek.

N d 0 C terday allernoon tn edge out ea111pus In finish thc race. The 226 slower. Norherg mav [urn fhree mile and alt six in the

1. orner : Denis O'Keefe in Ihe line'time Illree mile starled al Slicly olll to he a hi!! man in" Ihose I f!,'c ran the full course. . e e n e : o[ :10 111:nut[,5 and 7 sccllnd~. i Rock Ili<lge on Elizabeth Are· long distance rU11.1 as last year The following is the list of I ST. I'AT'S .• JI)I~n Cochrane her-.Jed a [leIrI : nue and IlIllowccl the same hc won the three mile. runners and how they finished:

IOI~e Win For Title I SL. Pat's senior baseball lcam , of thirteen r~lI1ners 111 the J1111'

1' route. I Dennis Furlonl! finishrn thinl Three ~liIe: John Cochrane,

I will hold an open practice to· I lOr t~ree ml.le to hrell~ the! Cochrane ha,d ~ J(oor! chance, in the li\'(~ mile while Eddie .Jimmy Powcr. Eddie Walsh. nioht at st. Pat's field starling I tape In 17 minutes and ~n ser· i 10 break the ,lUllIOI' rccord set Walsh hroke the lape in third nandy Dunn, Bemard Noonan at" 7 o·clock. All players inter. o!1ds Jusl half a lap of the Cam· I hy Keith O'Neill in 1957 hut a position in Ihc three mile, Vince Quigley, Robert Browne.

, csled in playing with the P'lt.j pus ahead 01 .ccolHI place fm· ,>tl'ong weslerly wind slowed The senior race was lhc AI :llorrissel'. Geo. Squires. Ken :. ,II:: Rl·TI.ER srorinJ( Ilepnrtmenl, ,howcvc~,' rican, this. year arc asked \0 Isher JlIl1ll1Y Power. . I t?elll eonsiderailly going amJ~.', c\o.'el' of tile two as O'Kcefe Dawe. Brendan Walsh. Garry

: ""~; 11 .:' l'Iw~ 41i. was one of the le:I?(.uc S .,0tl'mh., attend Ihe workout. . The, five ~llIle, sl~l'ted, .1I1,t f:llzabeth AI·cIlIle. .0';':1'111 S i krpt on Ihe herls of :-.ioriJerg O'Brien and Billy Spurrcll . . , '1;' I." Hoi! eros .. 1\'('1'1' cst hoopstcrs Bob hitch Heal· ,P,lst Corbett s Service StalulIl tmle was 17.16·4/5 while Coch· I all Ihe \\'Jy only 10 fall hack FII'r illIle: Leroy Norberg,

'. \ ,-:, ,,! il"'krlhall here ey, a guard, who nelted 11 Fl':ILDIANS ' on llle 'I'Ol'bay Road, wCill \\'est ralle \\';IS 42·1/5 "CClllld, slo\\'· II'hcnlhr), l'ca"hed Ihc campus. Dcnnis O'Keefe, Dennis Furlong · " : .. :' : .1' " was not in points. . L' '11' '. b b'II' on Eiiwhelh AI enue, soulh on 1'1'. Cochr;11le had litlle trouble Cyril Tarnnt. Billy Connors

:; 1 II I St B . I d I Ed B ,'CI llans SClllO! ase a 'And ~ l' I I A I' S' I 1" . . I " , .. '<h" 'a .raj!uc ,. on s C 'Y', rowne I '11 h Id k t I crsan, vel1\1C, 0111 . rc~ 1, (!'Ian. 111111 ~Cl Ihe reror< In Ihe IUIlIor rate lakin.!: Ihe anrl Lco I!cIlnCSSC\·. " . ::f: nl\ n II1\'italion'; ) and Dllve Barrctt worked II' eal.n WI 0 ~n. ol~el1 wor 'Oil I -- -.---,------. -'-' ----. - . ----. ----:':_'",' '" I,,·. \\ilh the 'wile defellce to hollle thc Holv t!lnt~ht at the I'cllthan gronnds, I

, ... l'I:.r h.ll'K III fllll Cross forwards throughout mo~t stnrlIng at 6:30 sharp. ! is, _ on,· nr Softball ", ", , :.\-:. ;,'1" rind them. . of the contc~t, with the resull • t; 1.l. ~

" '.1' :" ... ,., rlo\\'n in the t of most of their Rcoring com. ~IOLY CROSS I .• ' :.H :: ;.:; a:ain .. t the !', ing fro 111 well out. St. Bon's on Holy Cruss will hold an open LI d T.r II r1 1l -

· ,.:.: ,'1:."'1". R Bon·~. ! f thc other hand worked in clo~el baseball praclice tonight at the oy ~~ ·e y UIt~!nI .,al~ ~,··z-,s -" :",r. d In thai uncom. , with the smart passing and: City Ball Park stal'ting at 6:30. ' .Ii. ~ ~J .... ~ '" ,,"':,'n i;JSI night, i ' found the Holy Cross back! (iUAUDS

· r I ':.:: ." r'~lIlar season,' ' court wide opcn on many other: Guards will hold an opcn' ,.,. ", ~ .. ': :"j1prr, from St. i occasions. I practice tonight at the \1Jl]Jcr'

., ::_'-(,1 :h"lll 74-46 for: neferees: Ron Rlckctts, Al pitch o[ Ihe Ayl'c Athletic I ~l. .. Iii~Iit--.. Hawl(s T ... 0 6-3 Wl4 n •. ',,".~ .:r;,,~ht \I'in at the I Haynes. Grdunds for all footballers In· _ _

. I nox SCOUES tereslcd in playing wilh the) 1 I D B i St. II' I,'G I"r PF P' Junior team this season The' By THE ASSOCIATlW PItESS

, :",:: .•. ' c al'e ar·, all S I' 2~111 IVorklJ11l starts at -7 o'clo~I\. - HAWKS 6 I'LYERS 3 'K. Norman .... 3 1 1 1 • i.I ~ ': '," Ihl' seoring D, Barrett ........ 9 4 - Natlollol I roglle

," if,! I • a change the T. Manning ...... 7 2 3 ]6! EXlllnI1'ION GAME ' • The Hawks pushed a~rols : run double by DOll Pierce. ".".', ...... i" hI' putt~d - T. MUl'phy ........ 6 1 2 13: United AA and 1,'eildiallS lVilll \\. L Pel. GBL i Ihree runs in the lop of Ihe ,~!. Eades ....... 2 1 1 : .". :., •• f :1".111 In the 111" IJAVE IlAItIlET1' : Eo ~lurJlhy ........ 6 ] 3 l:Ji meet for the first time this)' San Fra11cisco· ~5 14 .71-1 - I seventh inning 10 break a :1·3 I.J .Emhcrley ... ".3 1 1 , . : IE. BI'oIVne ........ 3 2 3 8, ycar in football but it is ollly Los Angeles ~3 I;; .hilll 1'; I tie Wedllesday night and cam ; G. Glynn " .... 4 0 0 ;,"':' "~ ll;,' ('nrried Ihe 'to ~IlPflly Ilnrretl nnd spccdy I H. Baird ............ 1 () 0 2 a practice game. The worl\Out Cincinnali 2(; 17 ,1;0:; n I a 6·3 decision over the newest ,D. ~!aloney ........ I () 0 .~;." .,,: :" pU11ch sillrc Tnn~' ~lflIl1lin!l. 'yith all lite Totuls .... .. ..... 32 10 12 74' is scheduled to get underway PittsbUl'gh Z;; III .onl 7 : team in the Senior Softball L. Kelly ....... 2 Z 1 .,,:. :,,:~ ":"'01 dl1~S. la~t ,coring opportulllhcs Ihey necd'i at the Felldian Grounds at 7 St. LO\lis ~4 20 ,;;4fi II', ,Leaguc the Flycrs. D. Connolly .... 4 1 1 " .~" oi ".::1I1I" his fal'or. cd. IlInly Cross Fe; (0'1' PI-' Pi o'clock between the tll'O senior I Milwaukee 21 21; .4~i 13 '1'he Flyers sponsorcd ill' Can· D. Pierce .... 4 () 2 ;;:·~.r: I':'~ 1I\~'l'nal'h Frank The nner say die playing I It Shurt .......... 8 Ill'. squads. "o~stOIl. 18 27 Aon ];i ada Packers last year perform· -,. B. Hannaford .... 4 0 2 '/1'; Ih,' IIr>t six min',roaeh Rohin Short of HoiI' n. Healey ........ Ii 1 4 11 Plllladelplua In 23 ,364 lfiI,~ 'ed in the league under the namc W. ~Iaher .... 2 0 0

· ! :;" :,:t Ihr came car. Cross paced the Crusaders' ai. B. 1Iinloney ........ 4 1 3 9 Chi~ng? 15 31 .326 lB", j' of the Maple Leafs and just ~~. IToialS .... .... .. .. 29 6 II : I;~ :r..I.1: half '.0 ~uidc tack, swishing 17 poin1s. while F. Bullci' ........ 1 1 2 3 New 'lorlt 12 29 .293 19 11l1issed the playoffs by one po· :!,::- fr,.::, Ihr hrnoh and Brian :llalone)" who takes a B. Everard ........ 1 0 2 2 U nllted A A I silion Flyers AB R H E

:!'11' '.""irr'rl Ed Brownc'loss as hard as any player. G, K:lrkland ...... 1 0 0 2 ,;; ------.-----~-c;' .. --). Willie Maher went the dist· R. Noseworthy 2 2 I) 1 ;.' rJ,rn c"'I\lOn. : backcd Hobin with an all out C. Pierson ...... ,,0 2 3 2 The m.a1l1 p~rp~se o! the ance for the Hawks scattering F. ~!urphy ........ 1 0 0 0 !·"~.f I::·.:r,l'<iialriy com':pcrformance. G. Sorenson ...... 0 0 1 0 Meeting I "!eeHn~ IS. to distribute Jaek:ts I threc singles to take the decls· D. Davies ........ 2 1 0 0

;,:h ~lI;:!d Tom :llurphy I Short's understudy in the Totals .... .. ...... 40 10 16 46,' . to the,JlIllI~~/Oot~lI ieamillasJ I ion, while Gerry Kiss also went G. Kiss ...... .. .. ..4 0 2 0 yea r s. elf OUIl! an the route 10 suteer the loss. R. Noftall ... .. .. 4 0 0 0

The United AA will hold a ! Champs. All members of the IIlahcr walked five balters and A. Snelgrol'e .... 2 0 0 0

~ ~~llTINGALES captured'· the Section "A" Bowling Championship in Innuald~' High Flyers League and were ,presented with thE;lir trophies nt,their ll~:nbe ance and presentation of trop} ies held at the Old Colony last night. \e~ rs o~ the winning team are: FrclJ1l row (l-r): Ellie Parsons, Ruth Guzz·

captaIn. Back row: Lillian Vater".., Agnus Feehan, Helen Hawkins, . (Royal Photo Service)

meeting tonight ~!lnited' team arc askcd .~ ~~prrsent'll struckout five, with Ki's allow. ' ,W. Dicker ........ 3 0 0 0 ing liVe bases on balls and ,0. Sullivan ...... 3 0 0 0

d W · [ann'ng n e I I C. Perry... .. .. 3 0 - 1 0

R W I, Thle Fly:~sn ~lOved out front I I,LOl:'D KELLY I~~t;raytor ....... 2~ 0 ~ !l oger' ar Ins 3·0 with two runs in the first IS.... ....... 3 1

Hnd another in the second, but came on two walks and an error. . '"1' --'Lloyd Kelly tied it [or the Kelly's threc run homer in Tom~ It s game:

IlIawIIS in thc flfth frame with the fifth that tied it for the I 7.00-Ace5 vs. Comets. a three run homer. That's thc Hawks came alter back to hack

Indianapolis 500 , way it stood until the top of si~gles by Kevin Norman and: Lhe seventh whcn the Hawks ~likc Earles. i

ny JERRY LISKA lout jllsl pasl the 3[){1·mile marie INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - Vcl· Fayt was knocked out whcll his

cran Rodger Ward displayed car lost 8' wheel in the bock· superh control Wedncsday and stretch shol' before Jones ran outlnsted a pair of younger inlo his trouhle. favorites for his second victory A series of spectacular spins in the Indianapolis 500·mile uuto produced only one m ul tIp Ie race. He did It in record time. wreck-a four·car tangle on the

Right behind Ward was his 20th lap. The pileup sent Jack tenmmnte, Len Sutton of Port· Turner of Seattle to the hospital land, Orc.. dril'ing the sccond with a broken pelvis and left of two curs entercd by Bob big toe. Wl1ke of Milwaukee. Wnrd now owns nn amazing

Ward completed. the lorturous record of two victories, a second 2oo·lap grind at n 140:292' mile· and 8 third in his last four an'hour average. The old record Speedway sturLs - his first vic· was 139.130. set last year by tory coming In 1959. He thri!ied A. ,J. Foyt ,Jr. 01 Houston, Tex., the mammoth Memorial Day his firsl time out. crowd of some 250.000 with an . Eddio Sachs, . Coopersburg, 11 and one·halr second finish Pa .. rllnnerup to Foyt year, ahcad 01 sutton. finish cd third, altar working his The story of the race was way up from a starting position Ward'5 ullcanny sellse of pace or 26th. as he let Jones. who set a

The curly - llaired. mild· qualifying r e c'o r d of 150.370 mannered Ward, 41, made his mph. dominate the early stages 12th successive speedway start of the race. a methodIcal conquest O[ time Ward dlr~eted his white racer and the, early pace setters, IntB the pits lor three well-PnJ'nclli .Tones or Torrance, choscn' slops which required :, Culll., and Foyt. remarkable total 01 only 62.6

Wnrd is scheduled 10 drive a seconds. FCI'l'arI In a 200·mile_sports car Ward wI!! collecl some $120.· face June 9 at Mosport Park 000 from an approximate pot of ncar Toronto..' $400.000 to be sliced at a victory I liAS IlRAI{E FAILURE dinner tonIght.

Jllnes, who started In the pole Fourth was Don Davis of position nIter a record qualify· Phoeni~, Ariz., nnd Bob b y ing run of better than 150 miles Marshman of Pottstown, Pa., un hoUl·. led nearly all the tImc the youngest dl'ivcr at 25, was unUI brake trouble lorced him fifth.

cxploxed for lhree runs on the The dccidinl; three tallies in: same number of hits. the seVenth came on a single I

Two walks. a stolcn base and by ,Jim El11bcrlcy. a walk to I Gerry I\i.s' single ~ave the Lloyd Kelly and Dal'e Con· ~ Flyers lheir first run with an noll single. Don Pierce doubled' infield ground out scoring the in the last two runs. second run of the first Inning. BOX SCORES Their other run In the second lIawks AU R II r.'



GREYHOUND GAIT-Peter Snell pr actices his push on the last turn as the: world's greatest distance runner works outin the Los Angeles Coliseum. The: New Zealand flyer kicks off with his left foot, shows a gigantic stride and becomes a blur as he eats up the track. (UPI Telephoto)

.., • r~" c"·",' .. -.-, •

. ', .', . ," ........ , ';.

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The Daily News WIth MATOR HOOPLE


~'ected To Board Of RovNat,


R, Tn Canlllian rrul 1'., .. 1e Illtk Elt'b.n,r-~., :sa

Cnmrlt1f' labulaUon of Wednesday traruartlonl. (Quotalonl In cens un. Jtal nllrked S. I-Odd In. xd-Ex·dh'i· 41end. J.f-Es..rlahlll, x\\-Ex·warnnts. Ntl chinle IS from llre\·tou. boart.l·\ol

I Q"o Am>t 3loo 8 A 8 Quo Chlb 8100 22 20 22 +4 'Uf I.fth 4000 Ii 15 6

'luo 1,llh 300 2.0 2.0 2bO TID 'ue Man 2S00 19 IA 19

'.:unn '1['1 30c0 l4h H 14 -1 Quellloni xd mo 980 9S0 ~15 -21 nadln,. 4;;00 '3 43 H + 1 naglan 12000 ~ 82 14 + I Realnl l~OO!O 9~':I!lh .. I,~ Rio AI~om 473] 990 9S0 990 .. 50 Dlx '\Ihob 93)0 39 31 39 + 4 Rnekllin 1000 II 14 14 R~ anor 2tiaDO 13 11 12 -I 1 San AnI 1100 179 m 175 -4

dollnl .. Ie. 1 ,0n'l Rlv 8500 ~ I l ,iii N,I Salcllllo 1000 21 21 21 .2

811,. m,h 1.&" e1eu: Ch'lt Sherrltt ".\:!~ :19;' :Jl\rI :190 ! 30 ~II~ t:S Sh:mM. 3('M) 52:i 520 525 I 30

AbI('UI 2l:tU ,: lB ~.2 -I 2 Sl""c('t~ :~m 160. 1:'.\ iliO + 6 And Ur'n 4004.1 6 ~'2 Ii 11 Slarr~U \0:'0 a J 5 "' ... 111 ~ 1M sao .;811 • 21 Sleep n ~260 600 58l 1~5 • 20 Malta :000 ~9 f,3 611 -1 ~lUr'f'nn nOll :!11~ 21''.1; 21''.l .11~ "Utho ~ 42 ... 2 42 Sullivan ann U~ 145 14~ .un l .. rdn 1000 20 :0 ~lI Taurcl'n Mn 35 ]:'1 :l~ +" Amal H... l.lOO I. 15 16 • I T«·'·11 1900 III 119 1.'0 .'''',Jeon ~!lili .(1'';1 39 4,1', I'" Te-ma.rr ~OO a5 P,S B5 +-1 .\"(10 Rur :on lI,!O !I,n !l20 _ ~ Thom L 1000 63 lil ti~ .1 '\11.11 ~;,(IO 10, gil 10 ... 1 TomhUI 211:,0 'J JO 119 .. 12 Ar. 5:ro 115 110 III tl Tormonl "npo 41 II 43 +4 .\r~n ,:.t~ 12 11 11 _~ I, 'row,,!!: ::0(10 101ft It\ +1 • \ .\Tndl. :;!~l U JIi 4\ • ~ Tran~ Itt! I~OO lilt., In''I 10'''l

Fond, ColI.eur B Fond, Colleelll Group lnc. ' Gro~th 011 .nl1 Cias In,'cator. Growth In\'utors InU Mutual Accumulatlne Mutual Income N American of C"nalfa One WIlliam Sircel PUlnam Growth.

Itnd!s!lon 'k('~cnL S;\\'lnl=:l' lnH!thllt'nt Supen'bed i\mrr. SU(lcf\'i!lo(d l<~"('c 5~ SU(lcn'i!it'd Exec 056 Sucryi!lcd e"ec :;7 S\lIH:'rvl!~ed Ex('c M Suprrvil!('rl Incnmt": Unlttd A('cumull1thfl

5.17 ~, 71 3.711 6 29 3XI 3.61 ',7~ 11.17 6.3R 6.g3 1.06 t.42 J 32 • 3,6.1 4,96 5.42 9,61 ·IO.ll

12.96 14. t6 7.61 a.27 4.!i7 ~ 02 U9 l.34 "' 76 6.30 7.22 7.:2:9

41.G2 36.7R 630 'l."t, 4,4n ~.57

p S.72 '.11 •. R9


Montreal :


BE- A 6000 ~I«E:ND FOP, YOLl,O PAY\-lIS .


All (' lOp ',!;tHl WI Inotl Ion -1 Tl'thaji: ,~~oo 70 K7 f,!) -t ('omJ'llcte Illbulalion or Wt'dnrlilla,' A.thn.nul 'OM ';':11 n ~ Trln Chlh Rtij('j :!.' 2~ :!,~ .. ~ trnl1~aCUllnll:. Wuoilljon~ In (f'I!1t nil' ----AlIm"t'ho :')('141"\ ~ 9 Ilt.~h .. w 2~onO 101 l:t· 14 of 11~ • If"~~ markrrl S, 7. -Odll In. )Od·-I',x.d\,,!. AUl1Uq ~1lI"M1 ~ \ ~ t' .\lIihr~I(l~ 29:liI 1~n riO t~O ~ 2.l I 1\4'11. xr-r.~'I·IJ:hl~. xw-E.x ..... arr;\l11~.

Hour Of Voting Election

P.AI'Il.tII" 1[ (10 211'J 21 ~1 ' 1 t t'n Kl'nn ~A 82.\ ~r'IO I!tlO 15 Nrt ('hnn~r Is ffOln previous boan\'\111 r,,,I'\kfatld ;il~1 1~ :!~ 21 I ,'n Fllrl f,MI'I I~ lA 1!1 cJo'SllIlI: sale. I '\ Runal ~1'{Ill 11\ 1~1 1!~ 4 t"J1f1 Ci'n 1110 ljn lin 170 .1 . Sf'l '1".;-\ t.~rl ]('100 ::1 ~'l ,n \'Andoo .\000.\ '13 4'" slmk ~lIlr" lIIr,:h l,p1\ (:Io'lf' (,h'I' "JI~\." :'\.v'O In ~ ~ \'a\ltr In'',\ un l(1n 11n +( Ahltlbl :101~ S",6' .. ",~14 4fi ,2 r. , :'1v\l \5 4,1' ,t .1 nolam 2tiO 71 &R F.8 :\1.i::umR:tI.d 7!1l S\7 15 4j' j I r.~I~;-'~' 3~""n ~~l :.!13 2:l t ~5 WASBl11ar 2Hon 76 76 ili ... 1 Alumlnl 2~S6 ~~4i~ 2~',~ 2~·j~ . I~ f;.f'HCln ~.~ ~o 10 10 Wel'ner 3000 14 14 14 Alum I Pl' :lllO 511':: 2)1 .. ~ 21

1" -1" ~~

Sib,.. toM b 6 6 West ~tlnrJ 128!5 241 21S 213 +:!5 /\lum 2 pI" SOO 518'4 ·1B', 1~t4 ,I ~ \\'11 3310023 '_0 ·'I'·,_'_t., Ann 41, pr .ill ~1t'4 H', 3;)\'-'4

Bl.d SI) ,j(tO J1 12 12 I"y .." fl,(lJ~an Jjl~ U t:;1'J t4 Wr 'Harc 400 ~OO 10() loa ArJ:us 2ltl S91f~ 9'1 9'r:.1: + 14

:~~rnR .. 1 ~\: 7~~ 6~ 6~ .J ~~Ila~~~, I~~ 9r' 8ll> 9;1': !41. ::~~ ~~nt ~8il :;~" ;;" m: -_I;: OTTAWA (CPI _ Voters will as British Columbia. 'Saskatchewan sea t s, Alberta 1I"' ..... k Il2' 390 363 39\1 _40 YounG KG JOOO 17 17 17 +... Danq CN l80 57301• 72 73 + I" I C h v k Curl Anlo ,COO:!O) 200 200 -5 ,"ukeno ,,1000001 S 5 5 - I> B.nq PC 478 Sl7'. 16\\ 17'1 T'. have one extra hour to cast bal· Where a constituency ies and B .. , se\'cn ours, ,II ·on.'l 71>00 111 7 7 _I Zenm,e , 32 30 3111 t4 :~~I ~h:'e &I~f .m~ ~~~, ~; ::' v, lots June 18 than in the last 11 within two time zones, its re· eight hours.

Extra In This Federal

('. II. "'E.\I'OI.E

H(ltNRt Lid h~, '1I1IlU\1\1('('r! the elcclllln IIf C'. t'. X"l'olc ,., LOllis Ikhrrl til il< r,ollrrl nl Dil·('(·I(.r,. \1)' :\0''1",10" (' ' .

I Jfr('" . ~Ianag('r of The l1n:~1 Hllnl. of {';lnada ;1I1d \11' Hrl,"11 I; ,.::

('tal ~1ana~l'r I~f I~i.lH!1Ic. C;1t1;Jdilll1n~ .:\;ltiQlldl r f~o~Yal t" I, a ncll' fml1nelal :nslltullon ,ct up IOllllly h~ Tho H'l';1 D:

lof ("anari". Hanquc Canadicl1l1c i\atlonalP. The I );,r!, T': i C,,"'pany and ~lol1trel11 Tl'lI,t Company In proIJdo 1,,'11 '." 1 }'",' Call,tdliln romp.1I1ies will: ~rowth potential. "t.~


A~ssist H ospi tal Staffs (;amp cnlb 8190 510 I~ 500 _20 Curb C 6OeO 48 451, 4! Dow 5 pr 310 sm'> 51\, 311i +1'. lederal elections. turning 0 I I ice r determines One re'sult of the longer hours C2mr RL 213 '16 16 16 - \. Yukon on Dow l1er pr 70 $52 52 52 -1 b' J . h t r . l foln.- 37W 20\) 185 200 -24 OILS 2' lOl' '" 30" 1'< Polls will be open for 11 which time allplies. su lect to ,une 18 IS t a persons II'Ing By \\,ILLL\~I HARTLE Y " .... lot of ,he £Ir.·' p.I.'·1 '.J'.

C Auona 4.01)(1 51. 51'il 51; .... ,,. Aeme Gas 500 11 11 11 +1 ~ra~1l01l 4~ ~05 1·4U· 400" + • f '-ell):," 93410 Sl 82 II _2 AI' Con. 800 51 51 51 , hOlll·s. from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. appro\'a\ 01 the chiel electoral in daylight time areas easl 0 MOXTREAL ICPJ-A devoted nurses wilen 1,1',,. :e~le . ~ (' ~1"I.n IlOO 52 3! 3 1 Almln~ l~~~ lB~\, I~ IS;" + 12 ~g $~:'. ~lg m'l ;1" ;1' -2\, tocal standard time-or 9 a.m. officer, Nelson Castonguay, the Manitoba - Saskatchewan grouJl of :llontreal teen·agers is A number of Ihe hO"5 '\ :~,: ~<~ I!'\~' m: ~ ~ ~ .1 ~::::IO A~~o 20<) 800 SOO BOO T10 Drown ~50 511 II II ,I, to 8 p.m. local daylight time in Saskatchewan is the province boundary aren't likely to know spending spare time a~sistmg' enter mellk;ne T ":1 ,"~.: ~ (C.n~~!I,r,'n I_.~~ 1,.2

00 1._100 I: •• ~ :36 ~~ft.vU sD" l!mO 72~m,~4 72~6 :;5 ~~lldp~!nd 12~ m~\ ~~;: ~~~: -+:: many sections 01 the country. most affected by the double· Ihe oUlcome until at Icast two I the often overworked staffs 01 great maoy 01 'JIll' ICln.


,,".,. i ~~.. I' S 125 S21 2 21 C.n Cern 2m $20,,2' '.26',.1> ,There is an exception fOr Brit- time situation. Nine of its '7 ~our,s_later, by the clock, than I hospitals ~nd galhering I'aill' enter ,ot;al "Ill.; " ; r::~' e.rl .. " 21'0 120 120 12" -5 ~':I'Y\, p,pr ~30 S2j 23'" 2j +1\\ CSL 52 151 51 ~ -I I'sh Coillmbl'a wllere da"light constituencies lie in both Cen· In 1.1.13. able expenence for what nl,·I\.·1 The "()I'I)' "_1\1', I "n', .... to:,nar 13::0 Sl2 l , 1~ l~l, .. lJl n:nU' , liDO lOll 100 100 CSt. pr xd :mo $13;" 13'. 131, '} ... , ('nl I'll 10,';;0 170 160 IGj • H 8,la 1000 ~l, 6\, 6\, +1': CAE 300 $20'.21\ 20' •• 1', lime is in effect but is legally Iral and ~Iountain time zones. That election was held ~Iarch be a future career. . hasi, :., ,Ilrt II '",1 .. ',.; (C'h',OI."P,::" ;lno.Ol~ 3 ~." ;" _I Brlt.1l1 100 219 219 219 Cdn Dre.. 8625 SlIP, 10'. 10', -', called standard time. Th~re the leor election purposes, two of 31 when standard ,time wa,s, in . The \'olunteer Corp.,. OI·"ao· I.jtt:e :: 11,n_" ..... ,

.. ...) 4000 1J 13 1:1 1 Cdn Brl'w PI' 3.10 S5P4 SB:.I 51~, .. lL~ 'If "" 0.,1.. 1;0» 24 :3'1 :3', _I c.l.lla 2Z' S'II '1 21'1 -" C Dr Alllm 225 $9', 91'. 91> polls will be open B a.m. to 7 the nine - Rosthern and York· ellect across the cOI.mlry. l.hLL' Ized two years ago b\.' the ~Iont· qlllrcd fo" 11"1':. " ',1" .. , .... C. I'ub l\a:f ~00l.' 1% 12 12 • L'2 Cal E<t l' oJ .. 'iI " I - t.I 4t 1 d 1 h en,h ~I :400 11 '0 40 .2 Cameru.. 920 190 160 180 15 CC c~ I CI•71,"n 1700BO IJ$,29;. 3729 '" 3729;' + ,I> p.m. PDT. ton - will operate on central the 8 p.m. c ose III ay I~ t real .Junior Red era". began' Thc I OllllllcCl' '<[('1"1 "· .. ·1 ~~~".\'U v~~ 311~ ~t~ 5:~ ·4 CCSC~I~\rn 1O~\,;,o J82\0 3.~~ ~;o +\ C ~he.;'P 33no 17', 1 7 -, In II elections Irom 1921 to time. Mountain time will apply time areas this election is two work at the busv ~Iontreal Chil· short bncfill~ ;11 ,., .'::.

, 3 " ' C nelhl -no7 180 ,.0 m f25 C Frbk. A 100 $8 8 6 19 .. <0 polls \\'ere open 10 hours. in the remaining seven-Assini· hours later by the c.lock than dren's Hospital 'and nOI,' sel'veS before Ihe\.· C') II, ',r'f'. ".,'. (,(11" l. ..... " tOl.n l.d - ' no 13~ c Ilu~ky l~O~ 551 ~:\ 51,!! '2 urI I',,," \It' ~"'":1 :"', 25 . I C n.lhl w m 1.\ ~o 3-0 "10 C lI~'d,o III $11'" 13'.11'. _', [rom 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. In the 11 boia, Humboldt • ~Ielfort. Tis· the 6 p.m. that preVailed every- four others as well. It plans to character and <l1'·"e .; .,. ~ •• "n'~'.~' ~.~ ' .. ', 71°, 17,'" I', ~d':..o·(~A' IO;~~ i;~ ii, ilR 'I~ C IIIIP Uk C 1,,8 S63 r.\\, ""., ' t, elections Irom 1874 to 1917 they dale. ~!ackenzie, ~!oose Moull· where 1011r years ago. expanel ils operations in Ihe tl1al COIIII\. . ,no ~M! 00 1ft HI lR ':\ elL J3;;) ~lJ'~ 1212 13'M'~ 'I d' P , r ou",. ,,'" • 8 • . I (' 1L1~h c,; \ 81 . R CI Pow "\l5111'.III'. JU'. _ I.. were open cight hOl1rs, 9 n.m. to taint Qu'Appelle and The Battle· In 1953, 'he Cana lan res" near future. One thll1~ IIII' \n:II"'~'" '.J

rnPl C ('Ad ~ooa 11" :'11: ll~ +-'1 C 1I(ln1e~tct 3700 8.\ 8., t d 1 r f th C I r Il,'ro, _'," II' 110 110 _I eLI Pel' 17il35 ,5 ~, fl CI Pow pr ~911 510'1 10 ~O\ '" 5 p.m. There were no standard lords repore re·eeclOn 0 c on., The tecn - al:er~. carefu!l)' in common" 11,0. "l"": o I 11'7:) 611 liM noo C :'Itiuconl 200 460 460 4!iU -)0 T't . It" 02 . , ~'GII;~~ro~ ;;;;~ ~ ;~" :;"~: ~~~;Icr cOli ;'00 125 I~O I2l tl Cdn 011 550 US'; 2B', 20-'. l ". I'oting houl's in Canadn's first The vast Northwest em or· servaUl'e gOl'er~men n I: screcned for ~caelemic ,landing I ticipntion ill Ibn I, r'~'! ;e',~

r 'Iub,n '::'0 1\ " " ., C n,,~nn 2166 H 8. cpn lllll J25', 21'" ~5', , ". two elections, 1867 and 1872, ies riding, which takes in most p.m. EST, 62 minutes after the anel pel';;onality typC betorc hc· pronr!er! loy 111(, .'.Ie ,. ,; C II 'reu, '1'" 110' I'I~ I;, .•. , C .'11' M.", 1213 295 2f1j 293 +15 Cdn Pr.t pr 300S1H~ 117, 11', j I" d I Cd' A t' . '11 II I d' Queb nnd On' d' ttl C .. • " .. ,. I'," n' d 00 '" I" ISO Col C,II 100 105 3~; 405 .21) which extende over severa 10f ana as rc IC reg. IOns, WI po S C ose m cc u •• lII.g. a mIt ed 0 t Ie corps. are ross. Onr of inr 11'."': ,-. ( '.Io.-ul '9'0 ~ ~l 9~ _ I~ C 'f'~~ ,- X 3 -"'. 01'" tit t h t B f th EI t n d d d . . _ ~ D'cv.P.1 47J7 ~B 41 48 +7 Contb ,:nl 350 1131> 13'. 13', ," weeks. operate on ce.n ra Ime, e I arlo. ecause 0 . e ec.1O IVI e mto two groups. lious is a Jli:'il 10 PI""', t·.·. (' \\(lrrhCln t:f'OO ~~ •• 'I~ !!12,' JI~2 nome rete 12:lO 511 D2S tl t 11'l CoronaUon 16:JO S7~ 7:1. 7~1 r- 3. btl S ' t b bl Th d ~.~'I\ .• n":;.1 it:,.~ 2:.: : l.~ • OJ'namle 3100 JO 271> 271. I", Credll ,'xd ,0 1130 1~0 110 .2 Because Can a d a ~tretches same as 1I1aDlto a. par 0 • as' 'I'~c prOVISIOn . anmng pu .Ica· e youngest group prepares' rell in 2 .• al) (;1 e', <>00" ." C :"orohld J('" II 2~ 21 Far~a ,00 294 283 28J .8 Cr Z.1l A 100 S22'" 22', 22Y" ',. through seven different time katchewan and part 01 North· tlOn of results many pronnce and mends toys and organizes i p'!Uinmenl orec", t·,· 10

6 10500 20 18 19 +1 Disl Se.g 1170 SII 42'. 4310, I zones, ,'otl'n- will begin and end lVestern Ontario. until that province's, parties and recreation for clli!· pll'te Ihell' cd Ill'" 1;1 f I"rr1-h ':~ ~~ t 6 1 -1" 1 Gr Plains tZOO $11 10 10', -1" l~ 0 Bridge lP~5 ~19;1 191

• 19"'11 I ~~ fo Con Qu. ~O ~O \101110 A 2240 SI2 m. II'. +~. D Fndry S52$57 56 W' +1', 5', hOllrs later in the Yukon the news was ~acle pubhc 1m· dren in hospit"1. l'nder the plan. e nlmblf'r j;~OO un 1:1} 1:J(t .,.29 Home n 2010 5111,. IO~ lBi., 1. D Glass pr 100 SU 15 15 NEWI,'OUNDI AND STARTS d tIl th area f TIl h ~ !~~r~OP 2ml 7~~ ;10 ;10 _ II n Oil G 1325 Sill, 11', 15t , +1 D Stcel 200 59'. 9'. 9'. +" thaR in Newroundland. New' " me ~a e y on Y In e. < rom I e second and larger ~roup. sc 001 chi I d r r n ",1,,;: C'.U.I ~IOO ~51 ~o ,:,0 +25 ~I.dal 3lE9 220 207 220 Til D ~Iole. ,"50 SlJ', 12., 13'," I 10undTand is half nn hour ahead In terms 01 true time-that is. ~laDitoba, where. polls dose~ 16 and ur· works in the 11OSpi· t Greek schOOl m:d [3·;f.

:: MI(I.on 5500 24 21 24 +1 Dom Tar 4618 519 18', 19 "I of the )'Iaritimes and the Yukon in relation to Greenwich ~Iean two minutes earlier, to :>lew- tals pntertaining children or to J)rol'ioe kit, cama:;,J,' Cop Corp 13 12 ~l, _" .11111 City 2000 II 13 13 + \, D(lm Texl 21bO 5161, 15" 16 +" . h h h I ~~~r~':~ 1~3 Ira' In' 125 .8 N.t Pele 8500 261 250 260 ,21 Du Ponl 13~ $30 30 30 "I is normally one hour behind Time-voting will starl first In foundland, w ere t ey. at serl'ing meals and caring for' essentials as prllt!l,. f'·"" r",,,.. fII()(I 36h J3 361. ,~" !\orlhe.1 6000 m; 711 + 11 Eddy r :>0 12)'" 25\, 2j!.; ; '" British Columbia. Newloundland w h i chis 3'2 close. d two hours and 32 mmutes the ~·oungsters. ,'rulers an,l map' ::roln"r 4/V'1 ~ 6 6 ~c Oils 1700 2&0 145 160 + 45 FritlOer ftti5 $2~ 23:'14 24 + 1,l~ T Th 1 cu,,~. 2r:..~ '" 3', 3', NCO pr 1511 1261. 26\, 26'. + '. Fr Pel. pr 175 320 320 320 +20 hours behind G~I. en come ear ler. "At first the hospitals had, "Each kit to;I' aero: ,.;

•• "~ 9 9 9 Xorlhld 8000 13 13 13 +2 xd lfil $lll. JII'" 51'. + '. SA~IE VOTING nOURS the three Maritime provinces, In the 1957 .electio.n. on .Jun.e some d.ouhts about usin~ teens I HOO. The I,it, t1rm;e::c' . nunn, ,~, maH. 4100 15 12\; 15 + 3 GMC 100 155 5l 55 -'. <. g~~;a1~~", :: :: :~" l: ,I PIC pcl. .183 sim 12\, 13\\ +JlO G), Paper' 20~5 $17'>' 17'. 17',. '. However, because of the spe- four hOurs behind GMT; Que- 10 when dayhght ttme was III' for this type of work." says' often made by the ho~; '" . O.t;ldolll Z~ ", 8 8', + '; r •• Pelt... 10<1 ns lZ5 721 .~~ lIume A 200 S1I1. III. Illi -', cial arrangement for B C it bee and all but one riding in effect, CP reported at 10: In Manlee York, a Junior Red' home work,hon,.· ~-"I'on I'." ~. I"'. I"'. I". .. L" ramoil i700 37 35 37 + 6 Home R 100 Sll 11 11 . ~ 11./1 ' C ' '. • f . h b h' d DT t' t th L'h I h d . ~ k 'I 8~ ,. v • Perillo 1100 2~ 2S 2l lIawk.r Sid 13511 S50.; ~o.; I', will close its polls two hours be· Ontano, I v e OLlrs e In ; p.m. E ,Ia e I era s a Cross official. "The\' thought: ~",~n 0911~ S271:!~;".3~;,. :.I~, prel.l,r,ol 247!;O700 60

70 8.B,. <~18 -5 nUd n.y 1715 $55\. 53 SC, .2 Ilore those in the Yukon And 1Ilanitoba, two Saskatchewan failed to gain a majority. At adults mi)rht be able' to do the' SrnH'F.!!' ,1I0T

•• J.1 " ~ Imp 011 13H StP4 43~" 45~, .. 2~' . I '. • .' EDT °t t d 1 Ilonaldo 1100 7 7 1 "I Prolrle 011 tOO 1D9 199 199 +19 Imp Tob 2oo5Jl1" II'. 11',,+1 ,the operatlllg limes of polls In seats, Kenora - Ramy River In 11:55 p.m. I repore eec' job better and be more respon' RO~IE '11('H!CI'-O:ll"'"

~ ... il~f:11 1I~lOO:z:0 6 21)5"ZZ~" Pro," 0.. 9BOO 178 170 111 +1 :noAe

Agi?pr 2~;~ m ;l";; :~" Alberta and in. most parts of Ontario and the Norlhwest Ter- tion of the Conservatives with- sible. man 11'3< killed ,wri fO~f Tl<lhl Pac 91323 72 '2 70 +! Qunnto 38<1/)S 28 2.1 27 +J Int Nickel 2181 Sll'. 70 71',,2'\ Saskatchewan Will be the same ritories, is hOllr~ hehind: I:; out an over·all majority. "Howe\'er. think thev're ~Ionday ni~h: in " C';;':I ~'::r Sull I.r: ll~~ \1~ l:~ ;~ ~:rn;.~r ~l'8o "g2 11::O\'oI;~ +1 Inl VIII 42.1 $H~\ 41'. 41'. 221. :::::::=.:.:..::..:::~~~.:.:..:...::...:.....:....------------------------------ \'ery pleased with the ser;'icc i tween pollee anti ·11"\'" a I rl'r'c' -,Ol~ 8 • a _ '," S~CUr Free 1600 ~IO 4RO S:O +20 IIH UtlI Pl' 123 S~S 4(, 11; f t

farlldl\' 300 l~ lfoO JM -1 . pooncr ' . Labnlt 180 $14 14 14 ~ 11"J J

~" n ,. " .- Soulh U 11:;00 Ill'> II 11\\ +" Inler PI. 7~5$79 7779 ·4 B C V A F· kl I now. They've found thp ),ol1ng.' a~ory at 1:1 Sol lIortO; 5 1 S IOl00 " 14 I~ I' !rog pr 100 SIOI< 10". 10". - " oters re Ie e sters \'CI'V reliable." from r -bl.h·,r I"~ I' 14 I' I St.nwcll 11100 211 24 28 +3 L ,. A SO'IE BECO'IE "UnSEe

... ~-. ,- TId I '0'00 I" 152 145 14 .ur rln 92.\ S17" 161, Ilt. + 2'. .' ~ ~ " " ,'., (.&It .... in lMl)l\()" 1 F. 1 I a , .l;:t • - • • • I . h h' . Geeo ~'" d

.07t •. u~ •• ' 23· Tran! elln 20(\(1 50 50 .50 t-2 Lew1!1 100 S7~~ ;3,. 7~)I - I~ 1\IISS Cork ~nid there is a I \\' 11(' It ~tl'll\Pl~ Tr.e ~,., .. ~ _ • Ow __ , , • Triad 011 2'50 152 118 15Z ,2 ~IB pn 1508 $191, 19 19'" '; I' ~~~'~I .. rl 5;,~ 7: 1~' 7:' -," I U:"bpbo" 500 25\. 2~" 251;,210 Marl\!mo l' 602 120 19',18'. _ " ... argr turnorer among tile corp;; occurred r.t ;0 .oap :,:.~

I;,"n' Yli 210 m 11'.11', -:'" Union 011 122~ $10'. 10\, 10'. _I" Mor 'fel rI 16179 $j7 ~I 52 VA;-.iCOUVER (CP'-Two led· stronger in .recent yc~rs. WIth I comes .from the Vletona - Qt. workers. drawn from almost a: where lIorl;mrn hate

G~ldll' I~ J' .. 30 .1' It' eo"o vt 300 139 139 139 -14 Ma .. F 620S 511~, 11'.11'. +'i eral elections ago in 1957 one more oPPosItion than govern-', ta.wa (hspute orer th.e Colun.lhla,' dozen ~lontre31 .• c'lools The\' str'ike for 11 r1:1.\. for •. 'w ".w .' U II 10lCO 143 140 112 3 Mol,on A 1550 S:6 26 26 " , h 1 1 ' (;r !.Ilnlnl 1)00 17 17 17.1 nO. 10 10"- I Miron Spr 1265 59'. g'\ ... +,.' Or Conservative John Taylor s ment members sent to Ottawa River and ow tIe mternatlOlla I u5uall,' worked abont a' "e"I' . 'I working condit "II'

C'reldu)' :o."l 40 3~ 39~.., .... 5\2. Wespac 1200 1()~'2 " - T f 1 lIt I 1 Id I J J U • Grlnd,n, 0000 16 16 I. -II, W.burne 1400 61 r.o 60 ~:~~~an r;:~t S~DII~l~~\~~1> I~~\O ~2\, sllpporters in VancoLlver B~r- in seven 0 tie ast 11 c ec· wa ers power resou~ces s IOU Howerer. some stayed on for I Gnndue 3015 301 300 l05 -25 W,talea 187 6)0 6:>0 630 +60 Monl Loen 100 III 14 14 + '" rard des i g ned a campaign tions. ,be del'eloped. and paid . lor. years and the corps Ilee."me the.! \'.\:'\COl'n:n cp (,uti Ltad 10000 131'2 1:l 131,. 1" :lJ,1 W DecaHa 3700 99 95 HS + 17 M F 95 0 06 I F ddt t d th " Gunn.r !'O,. 9'0 ~, 910 +10 Wlndl.H 2000 II II II a.. ~I>P 3 SI6 I 106 poster with tlVO footprints' and EXCEPTIO.I( IN_' 1958. . ew. can I a. es men lOne e I first step in their I,'fe's I,·or". " Unhw;;il\.· of BI'L'r

,.. , ~ Y C 32 100 9'h. 9'h +Hl Nat Contnrt 500 470 .70 470· • h C 1 I k n (;~H1lm b()(~ I ~ ! _" an an , Nomn", 32!iil S~O!' 29'. 3(1'\ +', the words "FoJ\ow ,John.' But not III 1908. B.C. t en sent Issue m B .. m t lC ear y wee s ----------- .. -- ---- 'students ~Ioll:l:;\' cor:!;::: Hutinil' noo 79 79 ;9 +4 Curb, SS IP 3 S "0' C . t P l' t f th ., d' t' Inamel f .. . n 01 J..ku :.100 161, I.'" 16b Dalhou.lo ljO 16 16 II tI Ogll,i. xd !l60::;-' 2~~' -j;' '1'\ The slogan caught on. Along In OnSerl'atlves 0 ar lamen 0 e cam pall n. In Ica mg r a ell' nommces. As 10 ·!a·hour han·lhe·bon'h I~: Hud .. y ~2oo 21 2. 27 f2 ~Ionl 1~~N~~ 62 62'>+ '\ Onl Slc.1 300 $25\,25',2,',-\; with the plea to follow ,John as part of Mr. Dielenbaker's they mal' try to nvoid it in or· the past. B.C. I'oters will hnl'cldowntown rirlorr U~:~~l\'11 ~.r:; 2~t"21~I, 228" • 10 .~S 619 51210 l1L\ 71-, +', Pac 1'.le ,OGO ~13'. 12', llt., +'. Taylor to the victory he won, record majority. The olher lour der to prel'ent any incident that, a wide selection to choose Irom'l Cat'l'yin~ plnc;lIri, o"d

10 C I 8k C 2151 $62h 61 6114, +:14 PaRt!' Hton 125 S20~. 20:"8 20~'I + !. B' 'IP CCF . hi 1 I ttl t [th And )(1 dl f tl . HOlle, 500 :23 223 2%J ,7 noy;;'P 2132 SW;' 731> 741. + iii PI.c.r xd 300 $15 21 25 -I". it was broadened to urge volers of .C. s 22 " s were . mig c e ay se emen 0 e,. rcour ess 0 le na· song;;, tile ,Iudenl, Hud HI' WO m', 3.1 .lh .It, 'ror.Dom 1607 $'2~. 62 62 -iii Pow Corp 100 $5", MI. ;1'" +11> to follow John Diefenbaker the Suggestions that B.C, voters spute, But few voters can lie Il.onal oulcome. it's safe to pre· i their fast S:llIlldal' 1100 47 4..5 47 .. 1 INDUSTRIALS Price fir 1016 $48 016 47 + n~ l 'f' kl b t b th f 't f How' g months diet little ha de . \ •. t • I . lro'n lop 4tOO 59 >.1 ,9 ,6 Alumlnl 2123 US 24 2.' + % QN Gn. m 56 6 6 +'. national PC leader. are IC e ?re orne ou y e ullaware 0 I .0. III C. n~ In Ie orla·. They enjoyed fine ·,wl": Iron B'f 400 III 131 135 -5 C Oocw 21327 110'. 10 10\0 T I, Que Phnn, 950 m 40 41 +3 Today as Prime ~linisteL' lact that m the current cam· of debate provlllclally. Ot.tawa relatIOns. B.C.'s per,on.: urday and SlInriat. b'J 1'0 :21100 U 80 In ,8 1l0!!l'O SOO S')~4 9Vz 93.., _ ~~ QUe Ph 58 P 3500 S21~' 21\4 2n~ I- ~4.' . 1 'g f r Be 'lpA Fighting bet wee n Victoria alttv n u r t u rei b h' d th ' .' ""1' "n(1 "" 21 24 _2 Gcn n.k, 150 flO'. 101. 10'. R .. ~ A E 300 16 6 6 _', Dlefenbaker campaigns or re- pat n seven 0 mer .,.> " • J. r e 111 e: were soaken In .'I<obu. qQXI 43 ,g 43 .6 Inland 1690 W.I90 5 n.Uman 100 513'\ 13',\ 13';\ +\. election June IB, his party is in addition to members of the and ottawa-whether those in I Rocky ~Iountain curtain. willi coM rain \l'hr~ .h~f g,.,pl :\000 13 12 13 .. 1 5 Rolland A 3205 $10 !p .. JU + :I... . ..' h I th I't' not hId' ,1.lIJro, 1000 ~ 6 6 In\' Syn A 3192,_SO ,I~. 82 ,8." ~2R + 5". noy,1 Bank 2611 17l'. 7". Wi _ '. uSIIIg the same Idea WIth a tWist last parliament, are among t e power were 0 e same po I I· e c lange 0\ ermght. ended . . Ioburh :.;00 7 7 7 In\' Syn .,. ". " R 11 h d candidates. cal stripe or not-has been com· ,f .. lif! 1000 .'1'.< .... '.21'. . ,. PembinA 470 S7'; 11, m, I, °Ll'a Ie 300 SIO 10' 10 ·f V. -two footprints and I e wor s , , • • 51 d 10 SI3 13 13 51 Cp A prlOO SI01 103 103 .. . S .. I I 'd' h [m mon throughout B C hl'StOI'v .'o,>""lh 0000 211 18 20 -3 W~II:~~: 7~31 $lW. 52'\ ~3" + 1', Salada.F 975 $13', 13'\ 13" i 1'. [ Keep m tep. n IVO rl mgs. IV ere or er ') . • • . . ~o,~::~. ~ 2'1\, 27411 2\\7: ;.; W."an R 685 JlS,. III> 181, + II Shawln mn !2m 221, 22" .'. In point of facl, British Co· Alberta ~IPs are running, the In the early years of Confed· lim Md 1210 903 6a.; 905 .10 ~~:~In 4:r xd 1O~0:2!12,:im !~'\ ~:: lumbia votel's have been out or influence on B.C. politics of n eratinn the province fought with Ii k MI 1000 30 30 30 Total .. I .. : J,314,OOO. I d . steady in(\ux or setllers from Ottawa over delays in the Ii:,'.,,; n 7K500 12', 10' .. i 1\. -',I S mp.o", 100 527 '27 27 + I step with the rest of Cana a In , Lah .11ln 2.l20 J211< 25 2.\'., t, ~~UI~:I ~ri'oos~~12"21~1 ~ ..:,1" nine 01 the 23 federal elections elsewhere in C~nada is el'ident. schedule of construction of the I. Dolfaull IAA2~ 115 493 5111 Til 510.1 Can ~9,81$ 5'~ 18la In + l> since the colony became a Jack Shaw, Social Credit ~lP CPR tt'anscontinental line to I'

I, 0.. :<1.100 l~ 141> II ~ Il. Slelnhl A JO~ $20 20 20 ,. f R"· D Alt f th t t S· th 't h La Lu. .100 3M 300 300 'r Fin A m $14". 11'. Wl + 'h prOVInCe In 1871. or C'U eer, a., or years, r. wes coas. IIIce en I as "aim .Im 75IIM 81 7< M ,1Z TR C Corp ilOIlO 11"" 10", 10'. + " The trend has b e com e is one 01 three former MPs try- battled with lederal govern· Lt.lndln 2(100 1 3 5 Tr C.n PL 219l 521'. 21Yo' 21'. , 1'1. ing to u n sea I Conservative monts over railways, freight 1<lnrh :000 411 37 10 +3 Un SI.'1 350 ~6 A 6 Lell<h 3100 155 182 IS3 +1 MONTREAL CLOSING STOCKS Walk GW 490 553'\ m. 5311 +3\\ Pennllee 2000 I 9 9 +1';' David Pugh in Okanagan-Boun· rates, subsidies. immigration. I.L La. 3:200 173 \70 173 +3 BJ The Clnldlan Pr... Webb Knp 500 230 :1.10 230 +'0 '5 • d Th th CCF I . I . d I Lor""o 39.'100 170 162 170 +1 AbUlbl 46 F .... r :u WCo •• 1 Tr 700 SI6 15\, 16 +ilil PI ••• Go 5110 6S 6.\ ,. +. ary. e 0 ers are ,ve' socIa services an unemp oy· Lout'le' '000 613 A', 6'. Albe.lo. 34 lIud Bay Min 51 WCoA.1 VI 20n S15l\ IS';' 15', + I'. ~~~cu~~~11 I~~~ I~ 1~ 1~ eran OW~n Jones nnd Liberal ·ment. ..,.... 200) 5 , 5 - l> Hnque C Nat 7J Imp 011 15'\ W .. lon R 200 Sl8', lS~io IS1. ,~. 5t L Celum 500 555 515 m +30 Elmore Philpott. SOCIALISM. IS FACTOR )11<1 .. 0 ld 5~ 375 370 370 nank Monl 52\< Inl Nick 7m C,\NADIAN Mien. 500 3... m 3', B.nk NS m. Inl Pap 321> Alta Tnk " 100 $29 29 29 + I', ~~u~aD.~)lv 3~~g i~ ~ ~~ +2. Hilliard Beyerstein, lormer Socialist lactions have inllu-Mlds" IlOO 210 20.\ 210 15 nen ~3 Ma,,·For 1m AH, Tnk wi 200 $11 II II _ 'I Shop Save 145 $6'. 6'1 6~ Social Credit member for Cam- enced B.C. politics, federally llun.1 &:W II> 4 .4', Brazil 400 Norando 30\4 An" A Moly 71lO 320 2>5 US +20 91> 9 9 Mllarlle 2300 SOl EO 8!l Bldg Prod 31'. Price 47 Alia, 20100 10 A 10 + 3 S Dufault 6000 rose, Alta., seeks election in and provincially, since the First !oIan'I!1 U 4000 4'. 41> 41, + h e Cemanl 261i Royal B.nk 741> All.. Tel 51800 J20 JOl' 320 ,3D ~f::~a'k 5:::: t~o Burnaby-Richmond. World War. The CCF \as 1I1n. II.. 1108:<1 IB', 16' .• -I C SI .. m.hlp 5S Royallel 10 Augu,tu. SGrJO 38 36 38 151'. d 00 SI5 I" 15 '. f f hI' . . . ~IT\oo)' ~()(1<1 II', 14 lI" +... C Im& Bk C 611. Shawl. 23 Oall •• 5 A 100 7" 125 72. '2< Supt"t 0, 2 '10 II'L- Ii Several other OI'mer MPs ormed teo flclal oPPosll1on at

Cd 10'L St. I 19" """.. ..... 'fache rts 4200 11th ~ "'" :.I ~:~n ~:~. 5~ 51,&7' .... 4 Cd~ B~~~ pr ~I\i Tr' Ca. PL 21.. 8aLema. Jooo 6 " 6 + I Tache 29600 29 24 29 + 5 were elected in the 1957 voting Victoria for more than 20 years .. \10111:' moo 46 45 45 T+ 3 C Inl POWfT 10110 UN Sleel 6 °nll"uo• Bnon ... 450100 $61500'; 1600.'" 1.500'" + 1'. Talisman 23500 72 17 12 4 P which turned the Liberals out Socialism continues as a fac-

e I I n 40'L W Ik t. .. v." Tnzln ;000 UI,. 11 111J~ +',-:1 ~lt.l<h IOQOO 8 1', 8 n ,wr pr " a or ~76 8Iu'wl~ 1000 IS 18 IS '" 1'110 Expl 5000 8 R S and saw B.C. choose seven PC, tor in the current election, with ~11I&ml 1110 10',10 101il + I> ~PH 4i~li" c1~m'''ri 2a5 80r.lI. 36600 22 m. 22 !2 Titan 2jOl 9 9 9 H seven CCF. six Social Credit the influence or organized labor "eKl!ft :uoo 17'ri 16'.1 17',~ + 1 Dea~r~ck~ ]9~ eng ~ap 401' Bruneau 2~OO 321,~ 31 32 • 2 Tran~ Ml 2175 $14~1 14'.7. t,p I • ~l I h M<MIT 6500 6 5" llil +... D r 19 0"" .• CalYPlo Fd 260 190 190 190 120 Un GR' 425 119'. 18'.19'. T', and lwo Liberal members. app ied through t e New Demo· ~I'\\I' moo 46 43 43 om Tar I> C Collleri.. 100 600 ~OO 600 0 430 430 -0 t' t I _. h I I ~I'nlor 10500 lO 19 50 +7 C Kodiak 1600 lIS 10' lin U hsb .. los 100 '3 +'" ISSUES SIMILAR cra IC Par y. ormc"". t ~ug I M friU ... Val Mar 250 $53.:4, 51,./,a 5~6 - .,.-4. • C ' ' • 0 2300 ill ill 60 Canorama !lOOO 11 13 13 t2. Van"ard 13:>00 S 6 7\. r h The issues affectmg B.. s the unions' alliance with the ~If{a . Urln 1000 9 8.... alii Canubl 1000 2\1 2!~ 2\, Virginia IUOO 41': 4';' 41i1 d' . I Ii ly the same CCF MIA Carp .d 711 113\1 130.. 1m <. Ii Carbee 26800 16 14 16 + 3 Weedon 17000 4 4 4 eClslon are ar e • . ~IIlI..Or. JO{J() II> 4 I> 4" _I. Copllal BId 500 m 5BO 395 +4~ lVe,MUe 3000 8 7 8 +3 as those across the country: un The NDP is running a full )Ion.ta 500 67 67, 61 +1 Calelll 175 532 32 32 York Sp.e toO 320 320 32Cl emplbyment, 1 is cal policies, slate oC 22 candidates, as are Mt Wrllhl 600.10 50 50 +11i Cenl Dol ' 5200 615 GOO 600 +10 Ang T II. pr 50 IIIV, WI< 41', - .. )lul'~)J '000 31 32 31 +4 Chemalof 1100 170 115 120 Inl UtlI 42l S44 •• 41\, 44" +21; trade national defence. the Conservatives and Social Mourl)' M 51100 111 110 III -10 MO~T ACTIVE TORONTO STOCKS Cblb Cop 1000 10 10 10 Pm:ticular empl13sis on fed-I Credits. The Liberals have 21. So, Expl 5500 1 6 ,- I. B1 Th. Clnadll. !'re.. Cl,lpman 2000 4 4 4 Clo,lng .. Its: Induslrlal. 235.200;. . I'f . x... AI,.. SOOO 4\; 4 IIio Net C Ill. See A 100 150 150 I~O ,5 mIne, and 011. 441.500. eral - proVincial C I ferences The Com m u n 1st party has N... .\Ih 1000 27 27 27 Siork ~.I.. Hllh Low Clo .. Ch',. C I1v Sec pr 75 J34\, 3l 31-1 S ... Bid 1000 7l, 7 7 INDUSTRIALS C rh,," S20 S~II'. 411',\ IU'4 - 'I. x ... ClI 1500 U 21 22 +1 Cdn Bre.. 21327 1:0-" 10 10,., 'I. CQ Yell ~OOO· 41. 'iii II, - ...

. S,. HOlto 1:\300 S'J 79 11 ;4 Sted Can 16515 S191h 18~' 191i +~. Con Gal' 227-1 SIB 17~a 17J.4 +=}4 N • ., JI"'n 1533 71> 7 lI': + 1'. Bell PhOne 15729 113,. 52~. 5.1 ·1 I Cop.lrm 2500 21 22 21 N X.lore 1000 1 7 7 Dam Tlr 15G80 SlDII m. l8'i + 1i D 1;'\llor.r 10lI0 3U 311 30 I ~ N .... lund 18000 II 17 11 Can Gil 14116 SIB Ill< 1m + I D Ollelolh ISO S25 2.1 25 n. ti . ,..,.llmo 5700 3U 21 Z9 + 2 OILS numarml 1000 35 35 35 -I "twllor 40000 12 IlI'a 12 + I An,lo U. 1Jl9oo 17I'a 44 4A + 2 Dumonl 17000 36 27 J5 + 3 rilt~ol MS 1\10 46 41 41 -I PI... moo 70 63 65 + 5 Ea.t Sull 100 165 Jfi5 161 ~, N Sonlter 21000 7 fi I -1 Tidal 40300 145 132 145 + 14 Elder 1000 J35 13~ 135 -22 Nloto 9000 41'a 41'. 4\1 Quonto. 58008 2a 23 37 +3 F.b 6000 9'" 9',; 9\, + 1'. N!tIJ.lnl 27300 III 150 III + 10 Yon Can J2100 9';' 9 9';' + I';' Falcon.d 1110 $14 54 51 -3';' ~orbel' 506 JO 3J1 30 -I MINES Fo,· Pow· 210 42.\ 105 125 -511 Nor.old 1000 5 ~ I Norlh,lo I221U 7511 67S 735 l 70 Fundy 4500 m 1 711 + II> Sonnelll... 300 293 290 293 + 15 Gallwln 104000 a 7 8 . \1 Fabl ~IJ(I $8\~ 6\', E\'J ,.,rio.. 10300 II 1611 II +4 D,1h1 ra. 91825 12 62 10 +8 Glen Loke mo!~ ISO 190 ,5 II tolojalrm 1750 6.1 15 .B5 T 10 KOPln 7BlOO \21'a 10'1.0 Ill> - I> lIlIum Cor 1147, 163 145 16(1 + 17 IiqrlbJlo 122545 llO 678 735 ~1O Latin Alii 75000 18 76 84 .+12 xd 500 Ul\i 21 21% +11. lf Golden 3SOO 2l 21 2l + I Int 1I.llum 2200 JOS 210 300 +30 II .aak 6SOO 30 27 30 + 5 Jubll.e 200 300 31J(1 300 NonJo ca. DOOO 26t1 234 235 + I~ Kelley Fr 2000 37 37 37 +4 11""1110 3SOO 8\2' , ... + \; Labrador 150 $23" 25" 23* + ~. "lldul 1500 U 12 IZ Laduboro 2100 90 10 80


!kttjit on te!cz:,jio)t,

!fie !/eCPli((1')f 0/ !!tate rJl- ~xk1(Jlal.s;I)J1ui0,

file :ifo,t. O'llrlo. 1120 52 52 52 +1 Lob Co D 200 $9 9 9 +;i 0,...., 4SOO 131> 13 131': - I> Lob Co D 200 $9 9 9 + Ii o,omIIka _ 510 5(0 510 + IS Marchant 2000 60 • 58 ill 'loS 0rcI0a. 122lO 215 :100 20$ +9 MUTUAL 'FIlND8 Mall .. 1 500 9 9 9 + 1


CJON-TV Channel 6 - 10

9:45 P.M.

"The Best in the HOuss ,I

O ... b1 14100 31 lSI> 31' +3\i B1 no c .. a4b .. P.... Meleh pr 300 sm 51': 51> + I> r'"_' l~oo ~ :'1 411'1 H BI4 A.k Mer Chip' lOCI 33 33 33 +2 Puamaq tIOO ';1>' Iii &1> All Cd. Com . 1.011 S.63 M.. ChIP W 1000 2 ,2 2-2 PaM_a 101 ,'" ISO D5 150 AU Cd. Diy 5.83 8.39 Mid Cblb 3500 21 21 21 + 2

_ _ Am,rtean Growth 7.47 8.14. Mogldor 500 6 6 6 Palo IGO 3SO ,345 350 -5 Boaub". 30.93 33.rS Moore.d 5to $!\2" 5l" 521> +2!1 Pu In! _ 2J 20 201> + m Clp.dlan I.v .. lllloni 9.12 10.66 Mr Dalrl,. 500 $6;. 60/. 6\< + 1'. P.. Epl 21000 131> 121> 130.; + m C .... lund . 39.96 11.96 Nit Pet. I 1000 260 260 260 flO r .. r .... ' :IlOOO. 211 25 21 +3 Ch.mplon Mulu.1 5.66 6.U4 Nallv.)I 1000 12 12 12 Porn>II . 1000 • 12' m .. 11\, Commonwealth· loter., 8.33 .9.19 Noedeo 400 410 410 440 + U

in 87 lands ~. ,~. '. I

Plelt Crow ~ 88 II II' +4 Commonwealth, Inl.· 7.04 7.72 N Forma 1400 6b 5 6 . P\\cII-o,. 13600 '11iI 9 , +1 European. OrOWh . . 7,17 7.88 N L 11000 I~ 15 15 +2 . Pl...... 1170 Sta 2l1io 26 ~ 2\\ Dominion EqUity 17.41 11.81 Nowrleh 10000 16 IG 16 f I Pr,,:On 1011 B:l 81., 6Z.1 +15 Federaled' Orowlh 4,37 4.P9 NW Am.1 13000 13';' 13 130.; + I Pro. Air 3VN ~ 51 .,. -I Flral 011 and Ga. 3.95 U2 "NQ .Pow Ipr 50 519\\ no.. '01> - 1\ hrdea mo 4~ ,4" 41. I'ond. CoU .. UI ~ ~.9S 6.47 Opem Exp moo 19 18 19 + I

Th. 'r&gnut<lt Conllrvaliwt Pcrfy or Canada

I\ot inserted by the Board 01 Liquor Control.





Broadca Day Sere

Ilulleti Davis She News an

Hunt, 12.H;-)11lSllcal Rendt







Also - ''IT





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• V.\lLi NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFLD., THURSDAY. MAY 31, 1962



LONG POND EXCHANG,E ............................................ 227·2161




And TV Pro grammes .'


C 8 N

, (.1"'{ ~ :;!'i'lln ~;' ',", Hl'port .: t- ". ~

2.29-Dominion Obs. Time Signal

:!.3()-)lu,ltal Rendezvous 2,45-Time out for ~Ielod)' :1.l5-.Tuhn Drninie Tells a

Stor)' J.:;O-,:Bl News and Trans

l'OIIllItla ~Intinec :!.3:!-Trans Canada )Iatince 4.JtJ-CI3C ~ews 4.33-)llIsical ~Iurals 5.uU---.\il.~II· ;n lht Air 5 :lO· -F'"h~rtcs Broadcast 5.45-~!usic from the Alhums (WU-Clll ~ cws fUl5--fntcrmezzo 1l.40-Prograrn Prcl'iew 1l.45-Suppcr Guest i.llII-. 'lIl "'ell':; ilml Weather 7.l5-Home and School 7.3()-'fops Today 7.45-[)o)'Ie Bulletin 1I.15-0n Parliament lIill 1I.2()-Bylinc 0.25-1 ns Il'Unwntally Yours 8.40-)[ines & Resources 1I.5Ii-Wealher for Mariners n.OO-Free Time Political


9.15-El'cning ~lllSical :i,ll, ",,,I Weather. 9.30-Canodian String Quartet

::'.~.\ 11:11::"1' Show lO.30-lInlifnx Theatre :::-~:"':';i l"'lHh'l\'Oll~ I 11.00-Prairie Piayhollw


E-__ \ DIHI\,GI'ISHED ADtJ1.T nrr:·:.:. ,'.IN


~uB4RDS ;. J;l~



.\)'0 - TP-TO-THE-~n?\UTE NEWS"


E\E\I\(, SlIO\\'S: 6 O'CLOCK - 9.00 \\:\Tl:\EE: 1.30





. • '<:·v"i.;;, ... : ...... h r,SI"", COlOR

~nNE . JOSfPII cornK CAAOllYNllY·m ePMo ..... --.-... ~- ....





11.30--CBC National News, Roundup and Speaking Personally

l2.00-Sign Off-O Canada­The Queen


6.2S-Sign On S.30-News and Weather 6.35-George Cawdry Show 6.40-lI[ommg Meditation 6 . .:c5-World of Sport fr.55-News 7.00-George Cawdry Show' 7.15-World of Sport 7.30-News 7.35-Travel GUide 7.3S-George Cawdry Show 7.45-World of Sport 7.55-News (Local) 8.00-RCAF Tower, TOI'bay

(Weather Report) 8.03-News (National) 8.0S-George Cawdry Show B.15-Sports Capsule 1I.25-News B.30-Hit Tune of the Day 8.35-World of Sport B.40-George Cawdry Shall B.55-News 9.00-Morning Meditation 9.03-George Cawdry Show 9.30-News Headllnes 9.3l-George Cawdry Show

to.OO-News to.05-Stork Club

I lO.OS-BiIl Allen Show W.aO-News Headlines lO.3I-The Bm Allen Show lO.55-News ll.OO-The Bill Allen Show H.30-NelVs Headlines 11.31-The Bill Allen Show 11.55-News P.M. 12.00-Georgo Cawdry Show l2.30-News 12.35-George Cawdry Show 12.45-Fishermen's Forecast l2.55-News 1.00-George Cawdry Show U5-World of Sport l.30-News (Local Summary) 1.45-George Cawdry Show 2.00-News Headlines 2.Dl-Prlzes and Problems 2.30-News Headlines 2.31-Prizes and Problems 2.55-Ncws 3.00-'rhe Dob Cole Show 3.3l-The Bob Cole Show 3.55-News 4.00-Boh Cole Show 4.30-News Headllnes 4.3l-Bob Cole Show 4.55-News and Weather 5.00-The Bil! Allen Show .5.30-News Headlines 5.3l-The Bill Allen Show 5.45-Fisherman's Forecast 5.55-News

. 8.DO-Bulletin Board 6.10-Movie Guide 6.15-Sports Report 6.25-Travel Guide B.30-Early Evening New.

Roundup 7.00-Sage Brush Sam Show

l2.5(}-Sign OCf 7.15-Shillelagh Showtlme 7.30-News Headllnes 7.31-Shillelagh Showtime B.30-The Bob Lewis Show. 7.55-News B.OO-Cream of the Crop B.30-News Headline. B.3l-Cream of the Crop B.55-News 9.30-Rotary

lO.OO-Night Show lO.30-News Headline. \O.3l-Night Show 10.45-World of Sport lO.55-News 1l.OO-Torbay Weather Report 1l.02-Big Top Ten . H.30-News Headlinlll 1l.3l-Night Show Al1.

• ! Itt .~'.. ,. PLAY liAS USES IN SUIT BIDS .

By OSWALD JACOBY The hold up piny is designed

to cut the enemy's lines of communication. The play usu­ally is made when the contract is no·trump but on occasion it should be made when there is a trump.

West opens the five of spades against the four·heart cohtract. South studies the hand and notes that if every· thing goes well he can take that spade trick, draw trumps, fincsse for the king of clubs, discard his two spade losers on dummy's long cluhs and evcntually lose one trick to the nce o[ diamonds.

He realizes too that the club

NORTlt 16 .976 ¥A9U +62 ",AQJ93


,.72 .653' +J054 +AI0873. ",,04 ",K52

SOUla (D) .AU ¥K.QJIO! +KQ '" 10 8 '1

Both w1nerable South Wed Nortlt I:I.l 1 ¥ Pass 2 ... Pass 2 ., I'-ss 3 ., Pass ~ • Pass Pass Pass

OJX!ntng lead-. 5

finesse may not work. In that case East will take his king and lead back a spade whereupon the defcnse will make a club, two spades, and the ace of dia-monds. ~

Because finesses don't always work, South should duck that first spade. If West started with four spades the hold up play wlll do no good, bllt in this case West started with five.

South takes the second spade, draws trumps and tries the club fineose, just as he would have done without the hold up, but there is a difference. When East takes \lis king of cluhs he has no way to put his partner in the lead. He can only take the ace of diamonds and hold South to his contract.

CARD SENSE Q-The bidding has been:

North East South West 1 • Pass 2 '" Pass 2 .. Pass 3 N.T. PasS' Pass Double?

You, South, hold: .3 • A Q 2 +K J4 3 ",A J 10

OB What do you do? A-Redouble. I don't usually

f~vor redoubles, but this Is the time to play for a big score.

TODA YIS QUESTION Instead of rebidding two

spades, North bids two no­trump. What do you do now?

Answer Tomorrow

HAMILTON (cPl-A I5-year­old ~amilton boy who came home Thursday after a month in hospital will go through Ufe with a .22·calibre bullet lodged in his brain.

12.00-Night Show 12.30-News Headline, t2.31-Nlght Show 12.5~News Summary, Weather 1.05-Sisn Off .

Keith Marlatt wa! cleaning a Derringer pis t 0 i last month' when the tiny gun went off The bullet went through his nostril and lodged in the left side of his hrain.

---4.3~-Money Tree 5.0U-Let's Look 5.1S-Rope Around the. Sun 5.30-Razzle Dazzle 6.0O-Captam. Jack UO-The World of Sport 6.25-Polltlcal Telecast 1i.30-News Cavalcade 6.50-Polltlcal Telecast 7.00-Best of the Posi 7.30-lIave Gun, WlIl Travel g,OO-Belleve It or Not R.05-Talent Showcase, US-National Newi. 1I.30-The Detectives 9.00-Hlghway Patrol

Report and Time

C,JON·TV THURSDAY, May 31st. . . .

IO.45-Pastor'. Study IO.50-Women's News 1l.O~Physlcal Fitness Prog, n.05-Cartoons IU5-Romper Room IU5-Loeal\ and National

Jlcadllne News 12.30-8lgn Off 1.15-1 Married Joan 2.3O-Cbez Helene 2,45-Nursery School Time 3.00-The VerdIct 18 Yours 3.30-News Headlines 3.55-CroBS Section

4.00-0pen Jlouse

. 9.30-Polltlcal Telecast 9.45-Polltlcal Telecast

10.OO-l\lv 'l'hrcc Sons. 10.30-Ghost Squad 1l.30-WresUblg ., 12.3O:-Sports Calcndar . 12.35-Ncws and Weather 1U5-Pastor's Stndy·. 12.50-Slgn Off. .

------=-----------_. __ ._--




By AL VERMEER ,;,'/1,'."''1'11'. PTF.

.. -: " i ... :

_-... :11

I ~,: t f ~,:'. I -~. T.I:. '.;. l·.~. :-.:~.

•. :',',lLt do you mean-l C:on't cook them the way .'{~~r ~D~her used t.o~" __ . __ .....


. . . ____ ~_--anJ,-. WILSON SCRUGGS':

,-.<?/;;nH 'v' ~I w,r'"

8'1",\ IS3)1~lnb ,HI 51 "'v'~1 RoY ~.J.IM ~NOW 'v'I.,NIHSnd

.---•..... _--

c ,_ ._._ ••• __ .-., .- ...

,".' ".

Bv V. T. HA1I,ILTN.';

• I',

. ,"


• I . I I ·1 ,

I i , ., ! ,

j I j




Girl Wanted FOR SALE 1960 ENVOY

.. ,


, . Rentals R WANTED TO nUY-Oh! used I Auto Accessories [ I radios, parts, tuhes, clec·

---. .........


Restaurant Work to' help in kitchen and

counter. Livin.g accom· modations provided. 8 miles from st. John's.

Where To Stay I Balsam Hotel

BARNES ROAD, II Two·tone; heater and de-froster; low milcage; snow

i Situated In the heart of the I t" l·t· f i ,City. nes all( ex Ia set 0

Nfld Floor Sanders. Belt Sanders, tronic equipment, watchcs, I ~ I' . Power Saws, Electrical Drills I etc. Higher prices paid, plus Wo~~rf etc. Reasonable Rates. Calli postage or freight expenses.

II 38 I 8·5016, 8·7352. Send what you have. to: ,#_,Ji'\ Bambrick U·RENT Howard A. Little, Bonal'lsta, .. ~ Street nil'. Harris & Hiscock Ltd. Nfld. dec28,ly,ew

'Dial 8.71111.2 169 Water Street, SI. John's I ________ 1 Miscellaneous R I

i QUiet, Comfortable Almos·1 summer tires. Car in pel'-phere. f t I' . . ec Call( Ilion.

Chapter 24 worthless." "The information's on your [ There was r,n .,'

desk," ~liss Todd said as Ken' apparently of ]all·,iJ;",:'· entered the office. colis, will you Slilp a;;'",

Apply to manager

'Phone 94945


For Reservations Information:


Dial 8·6336 I'tIRS. JOHN FACEY, ResIdent Manageress.

m31,tt £·2

Bed·sitting room' sllitable I ~~~;~~~~~ for business lady or I gentleman, in private, heated home, with adult famil\', on bus line

Dial 9·48714

TO RENt Self· contained, Heated,



2 to 4 p.m.

8.15 to 10.30 p,m. Furnished four·room .

Apartment ========~' \\;th bathroom. On Le­~Iarchant Road, neal' Prince of Wales College.,

rJease applY i BOX 600, Daily News

References required.

FOR RENT K{'w self cOlltained two



Articles For Sale

FOR SALE-Nfh!. Stamps 12 diff. for ................... S1.00 20 diff. for .................... 52.00 30 diff. for ................ ,,' $3.00 Central Stamp Co., Topsail, C.B. mya,1mth

Kitchen, living and bath· room. Heate·d. In west FOR SALE end. Apply BOX 410 c/o. t:J '1 bI

rave aval a e all breeds THE DAILY NEWS of dairy cattle to freshen

my31jn1 from June to December.

FOR RENT Immediatel" a furnished self contained 1 bedroom

Apartment Heat and light included. Situated at the foot of Cowan Ave., St. John's West.

Phone 962395 m)'31jn2

FOR RENT Apartment

Consisting of kitchen, living! room, bedroom and completely I

furnished, heated including i electric range, refrigerator and' washer.

Dial 91793 before 6 p.m.




Dependable Fire Insurance, Prompt Claim Seltlemen~,

DIAL 8·7035

CROSBIE & CO., Ltd. Agents for




Water Stret! DIAL 8·2658 - 84123

REG. T. MORGAN INSURANCE Ltd. . Temple Bldg., P. O. Box 168,

3U Duckwortb SI. DIAL 80370 or 8·'1758

Pure breeds 01' grades, also beef catt!l;l,

H. J. & A. W. KENNEDY P. O. Box 152,

Charlottetown, P.E.!. my17,1mth



6 Pce. DINETTE SUITE Bargain Priced at

3 Pee. CIIESTERFIELD Usually S249.95

NOW $189.95


$3,85 Per Gal. LATEX

$1.59 Per Qt. SEMI-GLOSS $1.65 Per Qt.

PAINT BRUSHES All sizes and prices General Hardware

J. & S. RYAN 51-55 Job street

DrAL 8·4991 124 Duekworlh Street

DIAL 8·2480 my19,lmth

Pricc 81000.00 140 ST. CLARE AVE.

Phone 95203 nly31,3i

Beauty Parlours K DO YOU NEED YOUr Spring. G-L-A-D-Y-'S-B"':E=-A-U-T-Y-S-1I-01'-1'~; filled mattress re·condition· . cor. Bond and Prescott Sis. ed or your All Wool mat·

Phone 8·4951·8·7R98. Speci· tress re·picked, and recov· alizing In cold waving, hair ered, your bedspring or styling, cutting and tinting, daybed re·wired or your manicuring, fneials etc., 14 furniture re·upholstered. If operators, no waiting. so call us. Items called

· ,.';:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, f I) ran d deli v e re d. Rates I~' ''':-, -i-:.;i:-;;;:~-:" - ' lowest obtainable. Keats

~_I;_) ."" ~._" _ GREAT EASTERN Mattress Factory, 16 Mount

1,1-.' •• , .~"-C Royal Avenue., Ph: 9·2753.

f .~~{~'< 'I,J 1 ~.~l ~. OI~~.,I~:~RT c~~;azf~~!~ ~~~-c;:I~:i ~ . novels. John D, Snow, 9

I f ' R,adio, Telcvl'sl'on, "'ashers ',_=-:,~, '. " _ .. I New Gow~r Street, Pho:le

;r~' \ .... \ )n~ Heft'igerators, Deep Freezers

.!!> ~! ~'\:~~/_-:;;~""'\ Electric Ranges, 86808. jon61mth R

"If she doesn't. stop that walking - walldn;! - walk· ing - I'll scream!"

~.: I~ * Well if walking and noise hy I upstairs tenants are dislurb· I I ing, then perhaps an aeoust· I ical ceiling mal' he the ans· wcr. In fact soulll\,p"onfin~ materials are \'ery hr:pful and profitnhle for any ~itu· ution where noise is a dis. tUl'hing faelol'. To abate noise see us for the rigl:t mall'rials. '

WATEn STnEET \\'EST PliONE 8·3011

Floor Polishers. TIl~ CENTRAL BARBER Gramophones

Public Address Systems SHOP-We are now opera\. Tape Recorders ing 10 chairs. ~ou can be

REPAIRS AND SERVICE assured of prumpt, cfficl· 5 LINES em, samtary service. No

DIAL ~.3001 to' 8-3005 wailing problem. 24 New Gower Street opposite Ade· Laide ~!otors Ltd. R WATER

Jan28,1y STREET



Headquarters 301 Hamilton Avenue


80238, 80373, 80372

Vote Liberal Uberal Assoc. of Nfld.

\Jil(5;i ;;;t:aawm+esi+mait"'M e 11-:

A.n.C. SIGNS - Lettering Show Cards, Posters, Stick· ers, Silk Screen Printing at your service. Dial 9·4259. my25,1mth

LOST Black Female Cocker Spaniel with red collar

I "R k" namce oc ·v Finder plca;e

Phone 9-0219 Reward is offcred.

i my30,31jn1 Duplicaling Service

White Printing •

1-·---.. _----'-_ .... - ' . Notice I

\ ~fi111eo,graphing. and Photo Copying

Gerry Halley Surveys Ltd.

PHONE 90876 my18,lmth ~

I 3 weeks after date hereof, we '

the undersigned, Brooklyn I Hotel Co., will make application!

i to Board of Liquor ContrOl for i I license to sell Beer, Wines, i

I Liquors at our Hotel situated 'j

in the vicinity Trinity South. I (Sgd.) E. A. REID.


:Dr. E. P. KAV,A,N'AGM

"What information?" he asll' a moonstruck "JiI" "'i",

ed, Inoillentairly blank. "Oh "WeU, I didll't r;alh yes, Logan:' Jane's uncle had, began. ~ " . indeed put Jane out of his i "Nuw ,too Ihi; [" mind. : ahout the ~,j'l." Ii::,:"

He picked UI' the ncatly terrupted. "ThaI'; typed sdlCli!lle, .tudied it for II about ::IIarlin I, , a moment, then with nil change, paused a JJlI,m"nl in' :'

lof expression, reached for the i then lVent on, "Y'JII'd ',' , phone. : come in to ,-('., IIi<' ~I: .• ' ' , "Jlr. Thatcher free for a mo· i 1 think it's tin" laot;'., ment Jliss Corsa':" I to Buffa In. T,lliJ .. 0'"

~=====-=-=-=-=~=-=-~ "L~t me check, ~Ir. Nicolls. row." He ran~ ';1[ . -------- ... " I abruptly "Illl 0111" .,'

Rawlins Cross will he Ollt of Town

• l1ntil fl!J'ther notice. my31,jnl


House Wiring, etc. Fast, Courteous Sm'ice

Reasonable Rates.

"Thatcher here." ,neth sat at IllS de,k, , Kcn told John Thatcher II stars on a pad nf "',u.

abollt ~Iartin's financial hule. TillS lllne. he II.;

"I thought so," Thatcher: by the shrill "I' lile p''', said. "JIol'e or less inevitable I "A jli" ScLr;,':der ~~" that hc'd be a fool, hut I didn't' )'ou, )OIr. Xknll'," think that he'd be that big a "Put h('r 011 •• \li" To'" fool." "Ken, is th:lt .• ," -.,

"No, sir," Kenneth replied. "Jane .. , .latll'. dar:ir: "What's the matter with, In the outer ofl(1"

you,?" I Todd replaced the ", ":-'-othing. :\11'. Thatcher," i told you so," ,he '.

Ken replied. "And the othcr: herself. thing. Yuu were right about \ • • • Loonn " : By Tue~dar ~jftr"t(t.

'~W1;at about Logan?" ! Th:lt.chcr Wi!- IOIll";:i;';';; "About its being open. They I qUlflt·s "tll", Buffalo (:::::'

c10sed it down from SC\'en in I Buffalo Cluh n~ay hf il

the cvening until two in the i likely place In 1Il1'(;::,"

morning. Then they got two' death of a man ,.rho;e ' ", runways cleared, and three: b~en bashed in. 11111 it ii

i Electrical Contractors planes got out for Chicago and, tremely ren",llahle place [I I 86 CASEY ST. IHAl, 8.3767 the West Coast. By that morn· I CO\'er a good deal abc;:

ing planes from the West were' falo Induslnal I'rod'lIti landing." poralion. In llS hu;hfd, '


CJON·TV TIME ~:25 - 6:30

Thcre W;!5 silence on Thatch· reading r00111. tl;erefo;~ cr's end of the line; Ken went Thatche.r found him!f:! doggedly on "That means th;!t I, g.aged .In measured .: it is possible-remotely possi.! Ii?n With Eryant hie-that .Jane Schneider could I ~lce.Presldcnt. of Ihe hat·c flown from Boston to Buf. I tlOnal Bank nt Buffalo

-.------ : acted as 11al;011 With l:.e fIIlI~PJ!11IIIIIM"''''IJIIIIl'' Trus t De [1a rt ment for 3)

", .• not that we information on s"""""",,, tre!) was sayin;.

He frllwned mi, 'aDOl:',',1 , I "Yes, I had gatimd '

I PASSENGER NOTICES I That;her said son:ellh,t i ! "lSe\'cl'lht'le~\·) , ! COJl\XECTION SOt:TIl COAST I tinued, ··un1<"5. : :.:.

SERYICE VIA PORT foreseen - £jui:e " ' : . A UX B:\S~UES . I occ;lrs, .it ~HnE th; .

Tram :'The Can hall" leavmg i del's wlfc. and ehl!c:il St. Johns 12:01 p.m.,: stand to lnil"m ~o:r.e ii, will make conllection at Port: cent of thc Ill:lilatdi:;:, aux Basques with the S.S. Bar: in Buffalo Industrial , Haven for South Coast Service. I "How milch is it .

. , . I Cottrell took his ;!a;;;; COl'\NECTI~N,GR~EN BAY I an~ began to p,;li,h bl

SER\ICE. ..' deliberate. r,!JI':OU;::' .. )Iotol' Vessel ;.lama s:l1hn~ gesture of !,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,.'.

frolll the Doek Coastal Wharf i "Web man and n:oo p.m. to·day, )Iay 31st call· i thev're the billers f:: .

ELECTRICITY ,i~lg at regular. porls on the ha~ls, you [,n,;\I', d : Green Bay Sen'iCc. handle all t !1" firm'; " ' Prompt Delivery On






Applicances M·2

HEAP & PARTNERS (NFLD.) Ltd. Wiring, Wire and

Cables, Moturs, Starters, Lamps, Switche.s: Lighting


DIAL 8·5088 M·2




OIAL 8·300 to 8·3005 M·3

is CH EA Pin I CONXECTION have told me. qllile

S1 JO I l . 8.S. SPIUNGDALE . that the Schneider 5:,;:'. . H N S I Train "The Caribou" leavin~' the neigllllllihoori rf ;c,:

NOT THE PARTY ••. I St. John's 12:01 p.m. Frida;': He rea~hell for his.:, ~_ I June 1st, will make connection' took a SIp of <hm,r. ~: ... LIGHI " ... WI. NOT THE LEADER.. I with S.S. Springdale at Corner. ~ow that th~ ;:r;n IS!:<-;: ell" • A ,... ., .. ".. I Bronk for regular ports to SI.: hc and plald!.n, a :,r;

. - NEWFOUNDLAND I Jolm·s. I crable expan'ion. thl'

I Cheap Rcli'ablc Electricity I I suhstantiall\'," lie In and Around St. John's "OMES FIRST I CO:<.':<.'ECTIO:"/ WEST RUN ! frosty look 'or ,pprQI!!:!

: ..,. I'I,ACE!liTIA n,\ Y his face.



Will Knock at your· Door with Gifts and Greetings from Friendly Business Neighbours and Your

WITH I Train :The ~aribou" "And h;!\'(' you 011:',

ME SI. John s .1 2.01 p.m. Fnd.a~,. tact with :I\r" Sd,r.e.:i: _________ June lsI. Will malIC connechon I I ,.,

via Placentia Junction' and Ar.: a awyer. • • •

BRIAN WHITE gentb with )LV. Petite Forte i for West Run, Placentia Bay. I Bryant ronrell :'!:"~

FOR ST. JOHN'S EAST co:-.t'iECTION SOUTH COAST I though l,l.C_ \\1::11<1 lik;l:~. SERYICE VIA ARGE:-''1'IA strate. ~ t-. h,e.

t01<l us. I 1'f"I,oker. Train "The Caribou" lellving worth hut \,,111'11 hall, '

SI. Jol:n's 12:01 p:ml Friday, it witll :-lr,~ S,:hnei!.e: ~ORO.NTO (~P)- Leon E .June 1st. will make connection quite sure :lll1t I IN;;! ,:

Well1stem, preSident of Power I via Placentia Junction and Ar· of usihg Ihe I,ank'; ',' S.upe,rmarkets,. said.Tues(.lay his I ,~entia with ~r.V. Bonavista for f 33 t I way." I.rm s s OJ e~ WI I SWitch to I the Soutll Coast Service. , .• ,' discount operatIOns June 6. ~Ir. John Thalchrr'; 31.(:" \yeinstein said this will .he the I 1\1.\:, T~EPASSE.Y Sl~IUNG peared fO{,lI'cli liP," fll'St attempt by a Canadian 5U· I NOON FRIDAI, JUNE 1st I place. permarket group to invade the I ~l.V. Trepassey on SI. .John's· I • discount field. The company an. i Lewisportc Service will sail I "I am not ,lire Iha. ~ :' nounced earlier it will drop its I from the Dock Coastal Wharf either." he mumli::".:, trading stamp plan. Noon Friday, June 1st. I reall)' \\'ollid like." '''­

cher, 'lis :1 lnn,C t3~,\ "

TORONTO (CP) _ M. P. FREIGHT NOTICES Self. Anti I don'l ned,· Bohm has been appointed pres. tell me that thaI'! 0: '

FREIGHT GREEN BJ\ Y ident and general manager of SERVICE question." General Foods Ltd., with head· i . .. I IlI'1 . quarters in Toronto. He sue. S.hlPpers are re~inded that I S~lrpnSln.~): ~ \(, ,., __ ,;;;D.;.rt~lgz....;;,St,;;,;o.;.re;.;;s_~Q Civic and Social Groups

On the occasion of: W. U. KNOWLING INSURA'NCE

Fire . Auto • Casualty PH: 8.2902, 8-7811

158 Water Street lit. JDhn'!


BATTERIES 8·'2141 M. CONNORS Ltd. New comer to the City,

pre~~~!~0~8 s=:. and The'Birth of a Baby.

PHONE 8·2206 PHONE 8.466.4, 90943

eeeds Leon A. Miller, president unlll further nol1ce, freight, agam poli',hJl\r:t ';;! .

for the last nine yearh, who ha5 , for ~.egular ports on ?recn B~Y I looke~1 up. ,I. ':':\0111 I: been appointcd vice. president, I SerBee an? St .. Johns . LeWIS· i he said ,~~lm,) .. personnel, of General Foods: po~te Service Will be accepted I pOSSible. on!inufdl

Corporation in the Un i ted i d~IIY at Dock. Coastal Shed, (To lie C ___

mar6,lmth D

States. ~1r. Bohm, whose ap. g.o~ a.m. t~ 5.00 p.m. I




pointmenl is effective July 1, RE. TRICTED C~Rr:O .SOUTH,' ARICA. Chilel' : has been in the General Foods ~OAS~ SER\ ICE earth tremor Tuc;dl) organization. for 24 years. ?asolme, Oils and other reo 1 E' re,irlenI5·.

stncted eargo for regular ports fene( f rJ~" oreer tel? INDEX· Male Help Wanted ........... ,A

• RADIOS, etc.

Female Help Wanted ........ A·l AJRFOA1l1 TOY &, NOVELTY Domestic Help Wanted ... .A·2

PRODUCTS-Toys made of Positions Available · ............ B airfoam for the children and Position .................................... B·1 novelties made of nirfoam To Let-Houses, Rooms, for the family. Send 25c. Apartments .... , ................. C for a sample and catalog, Wanted-Houses, Rooms .... C·1

DtAL!!1t , To: Baron Products, 1093 Insurance ................ .. ........... D DIAL 8.6127 St. Michael Street, Quebec, Clubs, Entertainment ............ E FLOWER HILL P.Q. my28,5i 'Where to Eat ............. ; ...... , .. .E-l

=~~~~~~::::::==' Where to ,Stay ................... E·2 , 1.----------, Where to Go ....................... E-S ADVERTISE IN THE DALE CARNEGIE COURSE AutomDbiles ......... , ................ F



-".. I

NOW 'FORMING . Taxi .......................................... F·I Human Relations Cars For Sale ........................ G

Eifective Speaking Cars Wanted' ..... , ... ~ ............. ,G-l . Leadership Training Cars to Rent .......... ; ............. G·2 For information call Articles for Sale ............. ; ..... H

8.3031 Articles Wanted ..... : ..... ; ..... H·' my2B,3i Articles for Rent ..... , .............. H2

"-_____ .:... ___ 1 Articles Lost ........ ,." ........... .H·3


Articles Found .................... 11-4 Auto Accessories ................... .1 Garages .................................... J Service Stations .................... J·l Beauty Parlours ................... ,K Fuel (Coal and Oil) ........... .L Construction Contractors .... M Electrical' Contractors ........ M·l Electric Appliances ....... ". M,2 Radio-TV Repairs ........... 1Il·3 Pianos - Organs ...... : ......... 0 Auction Sales ... ' ............. P Auction Livestock Etc. ... P·1 Cards ...................................... P 2 Druggists ............................... Q Miscellaneous ...................... .R Legal N oUces .................. ; ...... ,S 'Business Services ......... : ... " ... T Real Estate Agents .......... i ..... U Real Estate Wanted ............ \1 Real Estate for Sale .: ......... W I

OTI'AWA (C P)- The Air Transport Board has approved an application by Lae St. Jean Aviation Limited of Scheffer· ville, Que., to carry persons or goods under charted from its base to other points in Canada with helicopters.



Classified Display ................ X "'"--.............. .J'l~"'-.A..~".J

S th C t S· . A our orelg" s OUt' oas verVlce via. r· for the world cup .

gen 13 per M. . Coelroy WIll be .' . 1 nnl' accepted Railway Freight Shed ships opcl1ln~ 0 ',' , t d • occurred at 4.40 a,~ 0'. ay 9:00 a.m. to ,,:00 p.m. and felt throu"hl thi5 ell)'

FrIday, June 1st 9:00 a.m. to 000 0 Thrrc . 1'00 pm persons, . .. ports of dam3~r or

FREIGHT LAnRADOR PORTS but hundred, fled t~ Freight for Labrador ports -

from Battle Harbour to Spotted I TORO:'iTO ((PI . Islands per S.S. Cabot Strait • I

will he accepted at the Dock?al plaquc cont career of E. C. '11 Coastal Shed Friday, June ls' . . \\1 io's eight prelfllC:.

to noon Saturday. June 2nd. veiled near Barne, S. The plaque is one ries being eroded the province by the Drury, premier 1923, was born near about five miles north The plaque will be

I Crown Hill.


Newsp; SER TO[

B I 14


7 24 11 29 1,) 30 9 16 2 17 6 23

10 12

NOTE-All c

Help Ki~

Expert ,



Notice of "'Ie of Collllnbus

Exemplifieat will take phl Carbonear, c and 8 p.m., I

present then' respective! y.

Exemplificat held at AC:J

on June lOt' present then

Collection '



Well furnish

water. I


Apply BOX 41)/31,3i

FUEL! I Union Oil I

~ , • t ~.

-. e.

• •

. . . '. ":: 1~: :. ~ r :\'1

~: (' ~.1; ,'1

• w O'" I C;:1(\t;C:; •• "

. ~ .:; ':: ~,:;rt' t:J . ~d:;:( :~r:". r~

~.~ I rt'~;l;Y I,

:;;1r.k',;; cr,~~·~tj


~ -:lIB4IIi":tt} % >PW!iI.FF ;



I N G 0 H ~.j 37 52 75

~·I 42 55 72 1I :29 35 53 09 J; ~)O 31 57 61 q lfj 39 ,16 67 .' 17 45 50 63 -I, .,,'\

_J 32 ,18 70 111 40

47 71-

1~ 73

44 fl6 74

\OTF-.\ II comoiatioll prizes have heen claimed.

Help Kin - He~p KJddies.

Expert Watch Repairs

~t:RnrE "'ITll A S;\IlLE AT

AVALON CREDIT JEWELLERS 11".\ rr.n ,\ T ,\ DELAIDE, l'II0NE 8·7829

---------_._- --._-"- -- .... --------

\'Itit( of ~Iectill(' Dalton Council Knicrhts . .., --' (,: Cdtlli!llllS. IJarhour Grace.

EWlliplilit-atiull of the 1st and 2nd Degrees I\iil Like platl' at St. Clare's Auditorium, (aliJilBear, Illl Sunday, June 3rd at 3 p.m. alld ~ p.lll.. respectivei\'. Candidates will prest-lit themselves at 2 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. rClpcdh·e]\".

E\Clllplif!l'ation of ~laior Degree to he lilid at :\l'ademv Hall, Harhour Grace' on llllil' lOth, at 3 p.m. Candidates will prC\t'I,t themselves at 2 p.m.

Colltctioll ill aid of Educational Fund.

By Order

J. L. McNAMARA, , Recorder.



\reI! fllrnished, heated, artesian well, good water. Outhoard motor and boat. InspectiGll by appointment only.

AppJv BOX 4ll c/o THE DAILY NEWS CI)"31.3i

FUEl! FUEL! FUEL! .FUEL! Union Oil Early Bird Offer Still ill Effect

When you need oil Here's what to do:


UNION OIL 8·2822 When


for Grade 1

W:~NTERTON SCHO;D'l The Boulevarde, City

Phone the Principal-80049, 834332 my31,3i



If you have not been listed on the

voters list in St. John's West

Please, call Campaign Headquarters

Wi(liam J. Browne 8·4071 Telephone 8·4072

Arc YOU in a RUT? Do you honestly think YOll

are capable of earnins


Do you lack confidence?


Would you like to become a LEADER and learn to speak more EFFECTIVE­

LY before groups.

For information

You will do yourself a favour by learniing. the new


COURSE These 14 el'cnings could be the best investment 01 time you ever made.

Attend a FREE I Explanation 11eeting To,morrow Evening

Nne!. Hotel 7.30 p.m.

CALL 8·3031






Nfld. Armature Works Limited



. SPECIAL SALE NEW & USED OFFICE EQUIPMENT Used portable typewriter ............ $ 40.00 Used Remington typewriter ........ 65.00 Used Underwood typewriter ........ 45.00 U sed Victor portable electric Add-

ing machine ................................ 110.00 Used Victor portable electric Add-

in,~ Machine ............................... 95.00 Used Victor portable Manual Add-

ing Machine ........... ........... ........ 65.00 Used Remington Cash Register .... 175.00 Used McCaskey portable Cash

Register .......................... :... ... ...... 110.00 Used Victor Safe 4001bs ............ 175.00 Used four drawer Filing Cabinet 20.00 Used Monroe Calculator ............ 135.00 Used Marchant Calculator ....... 150.00 Used Fireproof Filing Cabinet

foul' drawer .............. ........ .......... 425.00 . New Rotary Card Index File cap­

acity 1500 cards 8" x 5" complete with guides etc. (225.00 value) ................................. " ....... 175.00

New Household Safe .:.................. 35.00 Ne\" Household.Wall Safe ............. 60.00 New Household Safety Deposit

Box ................................................ 60.00 New Burglarproof Floor Safe ...... 150.00




FEMALE Exper,i-ence preferred

Reply in writing stating qualifications

and salary expected to:



LAND FOR SALE A hIoek of land containing approximately 35 acrcs, in the western suburbs of st. John's. Scheduled to he serviced by thc new water and vaUey trunk sewer line.

This propertv presents an attractive pro· position for housing development.

For further information and inspection of plan. Apply




HOMES IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS BUNGALOWS Waterford Heights, B3uline Line, Sunrise Avenue. Squires Avenue, Cornwall Avenue, Blackmarsh Road, Teasdale Avenue, Penmore Drive, Jensen Camp Road, South Side Road. TWO STOREY Casey Street, Springdale Street, Sout~ Side Road West, Blackmarsh Road, Barter's Hill, Empire Avenue West. Mayor Avenue, Cookstown Road, South Side Road. TIIREE STOREY LeMarchant Road, Barter's Hill, Henrr Street, Colonial Street, Bond Street. If you want a home in a exclusive area give us a call we may have the home you want in our PRIVATE LISTINGS.

. F .. l·A.S .. H MODERN BUNGALOW AT TOPSAIL POND Three bedrooms. living room. dining nook, modern built·in kitchen. Open fireplace. Fully equipped bathroom, 1;0.1 and cold water' 220 wiring. Refrigerator, electric stove. Land freehold 125 by 250, landscaped. This property is Ilear the pond and was built for all year round home. CaU early and avoid disappointment.·

PIIONE 8·46815 ' PHONE 8·79274

161 (ASEY S1


Half bag 01' 1 bag, gasoline driven. Write to:

BOX NO. 500, DAILY NEWS Phone 94127



Our Flooring Dep~rtment has openings for 2 or 3 helpers.

You will work with skilled applicators giving you an excdlent opportunity to learn this valuable trade. thereby enabling you to qualify for good positions and wages in the future.

Apply in person to MR. IIEBER EDWARDS between

8: 30 and 9: 30 a.m. Thursday or Friday.





PROPERTY IN nllOOKLYN, nONAVISTA BAY Seven room homc. barn. boathouse, carpentcr shop, good walcr supply. Approximately 9 acres, good wood lot and farm land. Cove and beach fronting property, magnifil'cnt site for summer home. Possibilities as husiness location or commercial development,

Interested pcr"ons may contact:


or TELEI'HOXE 95919


Equipped with automatic controls an()

50 H.P. Johnson motor.

DIAL 925092 ---------- ---~ --- - •... .--------~

HONG KO;o.;& (IIeuters) -A group of 35 illegal immigrants p -26 of them women - Tuesday . aramou:nt were jailed for four months for, having tried to get into Hong, Kon~ from ~Iacao. the Portu· I To-morrow gllesc territory 40 miles from' _______ •. _. __ _ Hong Kong, which has an open border with Red China.

OTTAW A(CP)- Representa· tives of volunteer family serl"


ice agencics from across Can·, In bringing \0 the screen F. ada will meet in Winnipeg June Scott Fitzgerald's classic nO"cl,


1-3 to discuss problems of the' "Tender Is The ]\"ight." 20th welfare agencies. The confer· C(!Iltury·Fox has captured the ence will be followed June 5,· complex world of a group of bv the one·day annual meeting, American pleasure·seekers in of the Canadian Welfare Coun· Em'ope during the turbulent cil and bv the four·day Canadi· Twcnlles. Jennifer Jones, Jason an Confe~ence on Social Work Robards. Jr.. Joan Fontaine starling June 6th. and Tom Ewell star in the

CinemaScope - DeLuxe Color NAZI VICTIMS PAin drama, opening tomorrow at

C~ITED NATIONS, lp) the Paramount Theater, which West Germany has pair out features Jill st. John, Cesare 52,400,000 in direct repnrntions Danoya and Paul Lukas in sup· to 792 victims of Nazi "scien·1 porting roles. tific experiments" in concentra· Concerned with Fitzgerald's lion camps before 1945. the "lost generation"-a group of United Nations reported Fri· people searching for happiness day. Nazi scientists performed by drowning their troubles in the. experimc. nts on Jews. Ger./I liquor. 100'e and unfulfilled

may29.30,31 mans. Poles and others. dreams-"Tender" explores the ---- .. -------------::--==-: .. .-::c:- ... ----- .-. ~.- tragic love affair between psy·




. chialrist Dick Diver, a man forced to neglect his work be·

: cause of the unsatiated desires , of the woman he married, and

I' his wife and former patient. the beautiful Nicole.

Director Henry King took his cameras to the French Riviera, Rome, Paris and Switzerland, in Qrder to teU his story against the haunting yet gaudy background in which the char· acters attempt to find some meaning in their wasted lives.

Academy Award·winner Jen· nifer Jones essays the role 'of Nicole, who confuses love with passion, while Broadway stage star Jason Robards, Jr., por· trays the distraught Diver. ;

Two film favorites, Joan Fon· taine and Toin Ewell. also have

. starring roles as Miss Fontaine

I is cast as a spoiled, extremely wealthy "woman of the world."

, Ewell plays Abc North, a sue­~ cessful song writer, who es­. capes reality by drinking. Lov~ ly Jill SI. John plays a popular screen siren of the day' falls in love with Diver.




.' . '


·1 I ,

I I.

I . ,

THE DAILY NEWS, ST. ~OHN'S. ~FT.D. TfIUnSD.\y. \!AY 11. 186l

-:====::::::;;.~~::;:::~:::::;;;~~~==========~--------~---~------------~====-==:: ~----'~,,~~ ~



OATES Pkgs. . . . . . , . . , . .36 .. 1'$

DATES Bulk , 70's~

New' Stock No¥' In~ ~.~ ~:'~":~~~~~~~;'i PICTURE TAKING

~fD'l 001 ~~~~.~~:.:::~::r s:~~:~:~s ani: ! R E QUI REM EN TS Lakes June 5th, J\lontreal June I . . 8th for St. John's and Bot· I

I CANADA and wood. • • I I • •

CURRANTS P~gs .... 36·11 oz. .. "BONNER'S" lieedless R"islns 48·15 oz. Pkl!s.



I MI', DJ'cfellb',lkel' '5.5. Novaport loading in I I Montreal June 9lh for Sl.!

I B. T. RichardsoJl- John's. . . I CAMERAS i Cloth ....... $3.50 > 5,S, Gulfport loading In

I Monlre<ll June 16th for 51. )al)er $2.50 John·s.

FILM I THE LIBERAL s.s. Higr.liner loading In' : I) AHTY ! Lakes Julie 1Bth. ~!ontreal June "BONNER'S"Seedlm Ralsins 36·1107.. Pkgs.

J. W. Pickersgill- : 20th for Sl. John s and Bot·

CI I $3 ~O wood. ot 1 . ..... ... .u!' ;'5,5. Novaporl loading In "BONNER'S" Seedless Rnisins. Bulk 30'5

S~elled Walnuts Ught Amber Halves




1 Paper . $2.50 1Il0ntreal ,Tune 27th for 51. i THE AGONY AND I John's. .. , I THE ECSTASY IS,S. Gowne loadlllg In Lakes


MAPLE (5 ,varieties)

.Tune 25th. Montreal June 27th Irving Slone ... $6.75 for 5t. John's and Botwood. I

CENTRAL PASSAGE i ·S.S, Gulfport loading in

Lawrence Schoonover .'


I Morris L. W cst 'DE\ioIL WATER

i Montreal July 3rd for Sl. ~ .Iohn·s.

$4.uO '~1.5. Dundee loading in, Lakes .Tune 30th, Alonlrcal July

13rd for St. John·s. and Bot·

$3 9~ 'wood. . .. u 1I1.S, Perlh loading in }Ion·

treal ~Iay -31st, June Plh, .Tune Anya Seton $6,95 18th and .Iune 26th for Corner


T D S I· $4 75' ·Refrlgeration. COPPER BEECH . . .• a mger . I NFLD. CANADA STEMISIIIl'S HAWTHORN THE GOLDEN '! WilTED ,.,' Of RENDEZVOUS: M.V. Fajlvelte sailing {rom '''''erVl· ce . MOUNTAIN ASH AI'" 'I I, $3 ,,~ I Halifax ,June 1st, due 51. .John·s

~ FlOWERIN:G CRAB I Istau ;' ac .ean . . _u : Junt 3rd. . . Lalnaline Notes ~Ir' :'\('llie ~quirrs is hl'fl'

11',,111 Tln!lmgalr l'lsilin~ her 'l'll·r·m·law. ~II'>. Hoh('rl Ell·

SCRUFFY , ~1.V. Faul'et\e s;llhng from J1rescntl~' cmplo)'ed as a car· Designation A GOOD SUPPLY OF' 1 Paul Gallieo $5.00 Halifax June Bth, due SI. John's IWIlIer on thc nell' R.C. school LABURNUM I SPENCEn'S ' lune 10th :It Lawn. p.B. Ilenedict Flem· I' '1\ • ~I.V, F~lIl'ettc sailir:~ from

(The Golden Chain Tree)' I '[OUNTAIN . ing. Allan's bland. i~ alsu em· TIl!' Pl'e~b)'terY of Newfound. , " 1 1 Halifax .Iune 15th, due SI.' plo),cd therc as a p~lllter. land last Tuesd~y evening cun. , I Earl Hammel', J 1', $4,95 John's .June 17th.

;"10\'[1-; 35111111







Canadian Camera Dealer of the Year II :mb :ilte i< ;U'l'lIIlIPOInicd hy "f!' 1"0 l'h:l,II'l'I1. Kan'n lind JI"IIClT" II

\11' Ron Il, an 11111101'1'(\ frulll ~, .Iohn·' 01 1'1' II\(' w""kclltl llr r. '" ~1"'oll1pal\ll'd h)' 1\1, fi· ~'ll'r \11" .kllil Flrlllillg. RS .. il(',)" -1o.lrr LOlll"'(' and ~br~al'l·t

)I"tdl~au. bUill ,I lIIil'llt nUl'sr, ,: ~! l'1~rr\ ~Ien')' IIn,pil(l1. \\ "~' 'mr Ilomr. lulk." ,'rrn Ihou:h ) flllr 'I'll i~ hrid.

. I EVERGREENS TO~IORRO\H'S I )I.,V. Fa\l\'elte" sailil1~ from -----.. ----- - .. ----At. 51: Elizabeth's Chur~h.! t~:~te~lh~ s~~;~~e ~~a~~S~~~~:II~~ I (10 varieties) . I \n~ACLEV Halifax .Iune ~2nd, due SI. mantic' scrcen hero with his' .... -- -- '-', ........ .

1.Ol'd 5 COI'e. on ~llIv 20, thc Ill· I rr d I from I ., John's June 24th. deft ch'lracterization of a Will,· fant daughh'r of ~il'. and ~lt's, qEua I. t), Calsl a ~l.ra Inlat e Linder! FLOWERING SHRUBS I Frank G. ~I.v. Fanvette sailing from kry.soddl'n. cowardly failure. • BA R BS • \\. II lit" I I IVai 0 ege, uro o. I ' I I II I'f I 29th rl 5t

Ill. (II ge was lap ISC( anr I I' b t' Ch h in I I S aug lter . $4.7,; a . une . lie . Teen·a:;el' <'arol L)'nlc)' IS d,,· ~il en til!' nalllf' "I\'is ~Ial'''. "Iso t Ie res)' e~Hln nre. ,Over :1; '''T;el;!'s i-"""'~g I '. ': ,Iohn s .July 1st. li:;htful in " rolc he,t d",,'nlll'ci . . . I Canada. commg from [\;ew·, EN RON I Ill<' IIlfanl daugltter of ~Ir, ane [ II d ~J' E Eit RHODOD DiD' k & ( Ltd I GULF & NORTHERN SH p. 'as "Lolit:l l\'Jth larials." :\"nlle ~ll's I~ugenc Pnpail, and was, OUn! an . I ISS II1ma .on'i and . IC S 0., . PlNG CO" LTO. Brand pours hIS he!,! I ill.IIJlY "i\·,:n thl' name ·'lJa\'lcnc".· daughter of iiiI'. and Mrs. ~or· I I .'Fergus leave Charlotte!')",n into a smistcr rok. and cqu.

Il) 11.\1. ('IJ( IIH.\~

Sponsors Ilwe Fralll'es ·Filz· I dnn ~;I:on o( \~'aterford Bridge: AZALEAS I The Booksellers .June I~ leave Pieto~l, :\',S. ~Ia)' ,all), Impl't'SSl\ e " a stron~ patrick and .Iulian 11011"1' I Road, SI. John s, recently COIl1' 31, arrl\C Sl. .Iohn s .Iune 4th .. ,upporlil1g ro.;tel·. Indlldl!1~ 11111 ,U1<I"::"" 10, -- " . I pleh!d her threc years' course 'Spin leave same day. Begis Toome,·. Had Fillion. "I .. lhlJ\\, _II'a I'

(·"I\~rallll;.ti{lns al'(' I'xtl'no,,(\ ~Ir ~Yhc,tl'r Iclcllling AI·! <I ElI'art College, and has re· '~'ergus Ical'e Charloltetown Adam William-. .Jack Elalll 'r' \11 ano ~II". \\'01. I1od~e. lal;'5 '1~1;1\1l1: retlll'ned [\'(;111 SI. i ~eived an appoinlment to work S-44Z5 or 8-2008 or 8-319] ,Iune B: Icav? Pictol~. N.S .• Iune and Juhn Slwy. A ";,[e III :it •. .11' on lilt' hirlh III a hah)' .lohl1·s nn ~Ial' IR, whl'rc he had III illonnt ~oyal. Montreal. I I 7, arm'e 51. Juhn s .Iune 12. In pa,.in~ homa~e 10 Ihe 1'1)0111 lI'iI('rl' 1111-" " '" •

~:r! .nci 10 ~Ir. and ~Irs. ~;rlle5t heen \'{'reil'ili" medk:ll aid ihu'" Tre sel'v~f w~s he~d IIlh'S~: i i leave sa/lle day. , stars of "The Last Sun,rt". 1'lIe lake a lIap "j ", .,"'.,

P?r.lIl nn Ihr hirlh of a hall,\' in" tlte nilst six week,. Anr rew's .lUrc I, 0 W Ie , I <Refrigeration. must nol ol'erlook' tile ,('lUll'". tal:e mil', ',', hill' ""'-,11: 10,' IH', al thr r.s. ~Ielll(ll'ial HfJ." ~ • _ I Miss Ellon IS a member, her , FUIlNE:sS, WITHY & CO., LTD Iiseif. Co.producers Eugelle ncc, Plt;,1. SI l.a\\'rClll'r ·~I".ior Cites. Cartcr. ?ILl'. ant! ' fa.ther bei,ng a ,member, of the : Sycamore leaving, Lil'crjlooi ! Freake ~nd r:dw:ml LewI,

- ~Ir. I';ric Jones. ~I.lI.A. visitcd I Kirk SessIOn. 1he se;v,lce .was SEED CO., LTD.,' Good May.9, due St .. John s ~lay 16 showed II'J,dom III background. \\'h) dOl 1"'''1''1 :i1II" ,., '11'. Erne,t ~I('l'arlh,\' rellll'n' . their constituents in this area: conducted by t~le Intmslel of 410 WATER STREET, Leavmg for Hal!fax and Buston I ing their hard· hilling story I ,II'OII~ \\'On), '\'II: nr:p , .,",

ed from Toronto on ~Ia)' 18, during the past week. I the church, With Mr. Alec. Phone 8.4328 St. John'. Morn:ng, May 17, due Halifax ~[ay lil and against the l'irginal plateau, I argument'! whert' he had spent the winter' _ I JOSI~U~, locum tenens. at st. "Boston May 25. LeaVing Boston I and wastelands near A"uas. months wilh his dau~hter. ~Irs,: The engagement is announe· Da\'ld s Church, readmg the Ne:ghbor May 28 and Haiiiax June 1, due i calientes ~[exieo all arca ~tI;~t" ----... '--C~'ril Pittman Welcome home ed of Roberla. daughter of Mrs. !Iesson. The Moderat~r of Preh· ~ , ,,51. John's .Tune 4. Sailing again j harl nel,dr before' faced a mOl'ie ' "Ir. ~Iae.· I Virginia and the late Benjamin I bytery: the Rev. WIlfred 111., t~e Church Hal! under the. aus· PI same day fo~ Liverpool. I' camera, Photogl'apiIed spcctaen. I , ,G~T~ S~'IIOL',II;;lIlr _ I J. llal"y, Allan's Island, to Monc.·neff, B.A., preached and. plces of .th __ c \\ .iII.S. aux.!ltar,Y. lb~~~ •• co,.onu·rldferir_ Uld• Juot ... d I Nova Scotia leaVing LII·er· larl" I bEt I I :-iLL50\, fll \. -J. lr

• d d h d- '1 S b I ." I 'I 23 d St I h ' j In co or y rnes "a,z o. ! ~I 0 r e 'I \I c'nll man 0' 'i S I · - I }'III' son of 'Ir and 'Irs Rob preSided over the act of e I' T e presl ent, "rs. to Ie, In' , n.lahbo". If _ --n L-Jp I poo l' ay , ue ., 0 n 5 ABC the sc n t' I' '." . .

pN'la I!reetm~s are extent· \., '\., n. • '. 1 . f th I d th " . . - "" 1b 111'?9 L ." f H rr I . • ., e cry con I\lUOll,· Frellcll dcpartnll·r.: ,j ~·e.'·1 d t ~I' T ~I I h crt J Lambe Lord's COI'e Wed catIon, t Ie presentatIOn 0 e: trol uce e prooramme, mem ~:~::"'::-ce~LI:!.. I ad

jB-'t ~,alvl,n3bl dar ax !Iy steals ~cenes with its rug· ,I :\011'1' D.10l(' I'~i',,','; [,

r O. ISS eresa. e saae II' 0 d' '1 b ' I I't . graduate pin to ;\liss Elton was I berh of the C G I T presented: """'- I an cs on " a, ,ue a I ax "cd "randellr I I . . '. made by Mrs. J. Boyd Baird,! the film, "Guiana Tempo", an ! ,. D t R b rrlehratcrl her 19th hirthdav on llIg (I e announeer a er, I' I • , .. • d I juneaU .. , I Jllne q. and Boston .Tune 6. " b .'" • • '('b"l'. Ita, ){'I'il "It, Ci( I

~Ia\' :!2nd. Greeltngs come from - . "d h W 'h . Ch' ttl Leaving Boston .June 8 and' Irec a I' 0 ert Aldneh s ' F l' e n c h ~1I1 C lllllPlct ','(, hr~ In,ter parer.ts. ~Ir and 'rhe enllallement is announc'l,hon~raLi!' p~esl en\Of. \ e (S~': t e ".Ju~lOr t o;r sang wc;:a:e I' Halifax .June 15, due SI. John's. deft handling of a. finring l,Fhip. The 01\' ;,,,1 10 ~i,. I,~. ~Ir". ~Iaxwell. Collins ami her ed of ,lean MaL'cella, R.N., mcn s ,LsslOnar~. oeLe y Th" sonb~' ~Isen ~ Ions t~ere a REG. T. MORGAN June 18. Sailin" again same I elrama told tn lorcciul style' eau. a grad!';!I\' 01 ~t. 1","1 .chool pals. daughter of ~\r, and :'.\rs, Vin-! And:ews AuxIliary)., . e I to ~IISS ton rom d e ~ongrhe. INSURANC!. day for Li\'erpoc:i also lend~ ~Iature tu "The Xaner Lnllf;I'II,' 21 .\t:::

(. I t PI'I ' ern I \"leming Allan's Island to musIc was under the dlreel10n gatlon of st. An rew s, t e Tempi, Ruold;_, Ducl<'~" i • Last Sunset" as it telJ~ of a ish. X.S .. i, fnr ~11'1!" ,: J:: ,rrel1n~s a so 0 1I oml'na ' .,., I f 'I R btL 111 L dr' W 1\1 S I I '1' d the I .~ _'n .... '1'1 . lttl I 'II r 'I 'Ronald. son of :\Ir. and ~Irs. n ,. 1', 0 er . ac eo , a . ... oca auxi lary an Ii,' cattlc dril'/, from ~Iexleo to til" tllehul'.v ('oll,,~r r ~ C'. I r I aug I 1'1' 0 .' r. I . I . f th D' . . f th W M 5 c and . ~Ir'. .lark Jlall'l'. who .Jcrome Ilyun. 178 Patrick St., ~ gantst and e 10lrm~ster a e I E~slern. IVlslon. a e '," DIAL 8.0370 • 8.7756 ' i Texas border. a I'i~orous pro. celebrated Iler IOlh h' il I, St .. Iohn·s ,church. The chOir rendered i 1IIIss Elton sllltably replied" - CapI-tol Ilogue of action and suspcn>c 'I 16 (- t' Ir II af~ on . ' 'Attwood's anthem, "Tcach me, , after which those present took I , Ihat leads 10 the inel'itable a Ircat 10 Ihe . lY . ,rCe In/:s ('flllle rom -- '0 I d h r Th t t 'th t't f lly ,------ - ----- story \\O'l'tJ In:" I" a:l"l her (amil\,. MI'. llnd ~Irs. Gahricl Fitz.' .or. t e way a y s a ~I' 'I e ~pPohr Un! y 0 perso~dab I DEATHS I showdown between strong mell shimmers 1\';lh ,'m'llion J::

G . ~ ",1 I I . . ,"k I I I' I I' . tes", and the offertory musIc, greet1llg cr. Tca was serve y Now PlaYI'ng of opposing principles. rectll1_S 10 om "If)O l\IS PoIlllc all(' la 1\ r aug Itel ar·, 'I d I h' "If 'th II I th I d' d' b f th I . apl)Cai. 11m cr. ~ r. rtcr ((I 1115. whn' live 10m oronlo on !llay 19, h ttl k '1" C G I 'f CRONAN-Passed awau on , U le:lS unset" IS far ~. \ P • II' .' d f' 'f " ,was "en I' sso n s WI a I' a les an mem ers 0 e B t "TI L t S I, I hId I' h' tl I 'I th' I d b 'd' your car s ye ru y sec u e, .... , , nlOI'e than]' t '1 d a ,0 cr C ra e liS 11' H ii" on Illere e\ 13 een resl mg f th t' "EI" h" Tuesday in the USA lohn i ..• . us a I'll'l e . ra~a., "The La.'t

~\al' IR. ~Ian)' happy reiurns duril/lg the' past two years. They 'I roAmt the °lr30rlOf th IJ3 ~i' CH'T-EAUROUX F' (Jack) Cronan f~r~~rlY'. of ROCK Ht:DSON , [t IS hgltt as a feather m ItS, ebe. is ~rr"l ,'('Ieriilrm:', arr extenll d '11 • f t 'd t L d' e C ose 0 e ser ec,,, ,I an e e . KIRK DOUGI,AS, IN i, comedy moments and its music' thrills for Inn'," ilf ,C:~

C . I CI~1 ,Ill II llre. res I I' a or s a special reception was held in : ('API _ Electrical wi l' e s 'Were Wood Street and for many )'ears i "TilE LAST ",'U"'SET" I d I ~I d -II .: ave. I found Friday leading from the a patient at the SI. John's Sani· " " i oppe . ),V a Xed Washin!,ton. ehills [01' lan' IIi ''''Wi. . r. an ~Irs. oward Fltz· celcbrat.ed his birthday on May railroad track where President torium. He leaves to mourn Certalll to rank among the; ~Imltn. TlOmkm tunc. "Pretty' quilws for Ih .. ,r "lin ,n:'

:ibboll motored haek tn St. ],!t·s. Catherine Walsh arrived 28th, at the Lighthouse, AI., de Gaulle's special speaking. his wife. B1ancr.e and daughter, lutdoor adl'enture dramas cI'er Itlie GIrl III the Yellow Drcss." , romaner-" .'111"'" '11(::.:.; ( .Iohn's onr Ihe weekf'nd :.flrr, here '(rom St. Palrick's Mercy lan's Island. Greetings come, tour train recently 'passed to a Linda, of 56 So~th Rose Lane" 10 emerge. on the ~creen is a ,s.1I7 ealtdlclatc for future hit. cvery element :h: 'pell· :':' ~pendin~ a fell' day~ with Mrs. ,Home. 51. John's, \0 spend from his family, I field about 500 yards aWay. Lo. Berlin, New Jersey. ' Brynaprod s outstanding entcr· , Pdl~e es honors. The superb, enee en.loyment In II; U. Fitzgihhon'~ mother. ~lr5. Ce· I awhile with her relatives at cal oHicials linked the discov. I tainment package for Unil'ersal II1llSIC ,core by Ernest Gold is most perfett form rllia l"lemin~ . I Point ~Iay, Her many friends Greetings also to Catherine I ery to the arrest 01 five memo HUDSON-Passed away at 5t. i release, "The Last Sunset." - - -----

wish her a pleasant holiday: Staeey, Point May, who eele· I bers of the European Secret 1 Patrick's Mercy Home on Wed.! which opens tomorrow at the, At, SI. Elizabeth:s Church. -. br~ted her 24th birthday on! Army who have admitted plot. I nesday, May 30th, Henry T.! Capitol Theatre. i

Lord s COl'c. on AprIl 27, Imel· ~Ir. PeteI' Collins, POint May, May 23. Gladys Stacey who I ting to assassinate de Gaulle. Hudson formerly of Blackhead. Rarely has a mm'ie audi., da. '~allght~r of ~Ir. and :'h:s. left for 51. John's on May .19, I was 10 years old on May 20 and B.D.V. aged 77 years. Leaving' cnce. heen accorded such a fine Da\'ld .1. Fllzpalflck. was Unit· ! 10 enter the General HospItal her brother, Kevin, who was OTTAWA (CP) - A. N. Har· to mourn two daughters, Jean ~ alt·star cast-Rock Hudson, I ~d in marriage. durin~ Nuptial I for treatinenl. Her many friends 15 years old on May 22. rison, wartime Naval construe· and Marguerite. one son Ilall)h. Kirk Douglas, Dorothy Malone. I

~Ia~, to Bernard, son of ~Ir. I wish her a speedy recovery. '--- tor of the Canadian Navy and all of SI. John's. Resting at, Joseph Cotton, Carol L~'1Iley: llId )lr5. ~Iich~el F. Colli.ns, I ~ !llr, George Stace)" Point May, now .Director of Naval Con· Carnell's Funeral Home, 28: and Neville Brand-in a tale I ~lcado\\', Lamahne. Ileccpllon· Congratulallons are extended Ilelt here recently for "Seven strllchon for the Royal Navy, Cochrane Street, where funeral, of the Early Wcst that em., \I'as ,held ill thr H.N.S. Halt. 10 lIIr. and Mrs. John II. Haley, , Islands" where he will be em. will arrive. ~el'e Sunday for a service will take place at 10:30 I bodies more modern. sophis.· Lord 5 Cm'e 11'lth one hundred: AlIan's Island, who celebrated I played during the cuming I o~e'lI'eek 1:1~lt to. Ottawa. He a.m. on Friday, June 1st before lieated menaces than most :1\(;5t5 in altcndan~e. Congralu· : their ele\'enth wedding anni· I months. • Will ,a~so VISI~ lIal.lfax and to.ur departure to the United Cbureh: screcn fare offers today, reo I I.1tlOm and hesl Wishes are ex· 'I'crsary on May 21. They were! __ ,Ca~a?lan ~nglnecrlng and S!Jlll'! at Blackhead, B.D.V. for the' gardless of period or setting, . tended. 10 thr happy coupl~,; married in St, ,Joscph's Church! A son was born to ~\r. and: bUlldmg firms, Mr. Hamson I funeral at 2.30 p.m, ! In "The Last Sunset." romance Rel' .. !-ather Hanton. 1'.1' .• offl' : by Rev. Father' Lawlor, P.P. I ~Irs, William ,J, Slaney, Point I came to Canada. on loan from : is frank and explosive, while I mtcd. ,-' May, at the Grand Bank Cot., ~he Royal Navy III 1942 .and w,as MOORE - Passed peacefulty ils wild. unruly action is mill. I

.' Special greetings are extend. I tage Hospital, Congratulations 1m. ci!m;ge ?f ~he Can~dla~ ShiP' away at 2.30. p.m. Wednesday. tiplied by bhe fury of storms.: Th{1ma~ Haley. ~Ieado\\'. 15 I cd to ·Chesley Maddigan who are extended. ! bUlldmg pLoglam unttl 1948. ~lay Croke, WIfe of John Moore, cattle stampedes and treachery,

.. --- ---- --- -- -- ------------- leaving to mourn, four daught- The weird twist to the story I ers, Mrs. Mary Melamed, Betty; ending is so startling that Uni. Mrs. Donald Duff, Anita; ~i\'s. versal wisely has asked viewers Austin Kenny, of SI. John's; Sr. and reviewers to keep secret its Honora Jiarie, Presentation Con· fascinating finale.

, , ' :

, :: ': , : : "

, " '. ,






Bu7 NewiOUDdl8llchKeep

., . f Cl"REUVII&I .


I '.' -.


I PHONE 95300


vent, Ferryland; three sons: No more perfect screen ri". Robert and Philip of SI. John'b, aIry can top the virile pairing and Sergt. Thomas, R.C.S., of of Rock Hudson, a relentless ,\(ingston, Onto Also one, man seeking revenge, and Kirk Mother 1\1. Ursula, Presentation Douglas. a human slick o( dvna. Convent, Cathedral Square, and mite ready to explode at "any'

lone brothC)', Robert S. Croke; I moment. Dorothv lIIalone as also seven.teen gran~children. the pulsating prize for ~hich

I Funeral FrJday morning from the two men struggle, give.~ eye.

,11 Wood. Street to the Basilica I filling stature to her portrayal i for· ReqUiem Mass at 8.15 a.m. I or a woman strong in every. ,Interment at Belvedere. I thing but affairs of the heart. I, Joseph Cotten literallv shocks : HOPKINS-Passed peacefully, thnsc who know h'" .' I away at Ihe Agnes Prall Home 1 _____ .____ 1m as a ro-at 11.15 p.m. ;\Iay 30th, Caro.j· I

1 __ -

line M, opkins, aged 81 years;' I -----. Iwidow of ~ioses Hopkins. Leav·' 'TV ing to mourn ,one sister, Mir .. . REPAIRS iam Louise (Mrs. E. Ma lIam ) , :

SI. John's; nephews,' nieces' and a large circle of friends. Resting at Oke's Funeral Home

REASONABLE RATES from 5 p.m. Thursday.. In·, termcnt to be at Heart's Con-'

GUARANTEED. WORK tent. Time of funeral to be an·

.PHONE 94123 Electronic

.centre ltd. -. .


,After hours 'Phone 8-7313

nouneed later.

, \


PITCHEH-1'he funeral of late Miss Lydia IIIcGhee itch· er will take plare thi5 after·

Illflon at 2.30 from Oke's' ~'uner31 lIome. 125 Quidi Villi Road to the Anglican Cemct~l'Y, Fore~t Hoad.

• I


nr.CI·;rVlNG OFFICE, I AOF.t.AIDE ~'JI1I~ET D1~L 8·5181 . Z . 3.





Many colours • styles to choose front.

Sizes 4 to 9, but not

every size


't£ 'fIlE NEW

, "AU'X .'th Stick Shift

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NEW yom New York Stoc'k 011 the New YOI

than S20 billion dowJl\\'ard p!un~

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In 196i.

(orlseI''e Pal can he CI

il! essenlial clef , ClIA:,\CE' "They've h.ld the

Gocdm •

~lOSCO\V (AP I . Goodman regaled

!ians Friday with lam ses,ion under of the Kremlin.

The I'isitin~ j:lz als) persuaded S POser Aram Khacl wrile a piece for It built around the ( trumpet.

And he accept Irom SOl'iet can hol~ a puhlic jam Sol'let jazz playcr returns from a n of the Soviet Unie

Goodman strollel ~cd Square, right Kremlin walls, pu' black clarinet and hng such melodi rarely in Red Sql

First it Was 'Ya D"ndy. Then he p bars 01 ~\oscow snn~ known in t' .Ii(lnight in ~losc,

lost ~'~estler Cowboy I~ black stet!

trad~mark. He Clrrted it a c r America .As us~al, he I

$:0 hat at the c match here Thu 2.M put it on ringside. Aller Was gone.

Ii COWboy compl: ceo He says he

gdct. the culprit Oes -: ----

ioSdunny, . with , S. High 10(


. Montreal Moncion ... .. IIalifax .... . Sy~ ., .. .. S( Joht/,,· ..

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