Re-Connection Retreat - Dawn...


Transcript of Re-Connection Retreat - Dawn...

Page 1: Re-Connection Retreat - Dawn Retreat Its time. Time to re-connect. We live in an increasingly dis-connected
Page 2: Re-Connection Retreat - Dawn Retreat Its time. Time to re-connect. We live in an increasingly dis-connected

Re-Connection Retreat

Its time.

Time to re-connect.

We live in an increasingly dis-connected World.

Ironically, we’re permanently connected to wifi, social media, the (mostly

negative) news.

And the stronger that connection, the weaker the connection to ourselves, to

our heart, to our soul, to that deep part of us that we’ve buried because we

know that if we let it surface we’ll have to face it, acknowledge it and ask

ourselves some deep questions that perhaps we don’t want to know the

answer to.

BUT if you don’t, it’s just going to find another way to get your attention…..

sickness, depression, low mood, anxiety, addictions to alcohol, food, sex, debt,

broken relationships…. All the things that you’ve spent most of your life so far


It’s time to re-connect.

Re-connect with YOU!

With what your heart desires, with the calling of your soul, with nature, with

being a Woman in a World that is slowly adjusting to the female role within it.

It’s time to take back your power.

Especially if you’re a lightworker of any description. This is THE year to step it

up, to step into your power as a leader, a teacher, a healer, however your gift


And if this isn’t your specific specialism….. it’s still time to TURN YOUR LIGHTS

ON… to steal a line from Tom Chaplin’s song, Under a Million Lights.

It’s time to follow your passions, create a life doing what you love, throw off

the bindings of what you ‘should’ be doing’ and how you ‘should’ be living…..

Says who?!

Page 3: Re-Connection Retreat - Dawn Retreat Its time. Time to re-connect. We live in an increasingly dis-connected

If you want to ditch the day job…. Do it!

End the relationship that’s past it’s sell by date…. Do it!

Re-locate…..Do it!

Re-invent yourself…. Do it!

There are very few limits these days… other than those inside your head.

Those limiting beliefs and your ego telling yourself that you can’t, you don’t

know enough, you don’t have enough money, you aren’t brave enough, you’ll

never change, it’s too scary.

Yes, it is scary…. But in most cases it’s not going to kill you!

Yes, it will be uncomfortable, stretching your comfort zone always is, but

only for a while whilst you grow into your newly expanded zone.

It’s time to call back your power, to heal whatever needs healing which is

holding you back and it’s time to TURN YOUR LIGHT ON because as you do so

you will inspire other women to do the same.

You’ll inspire your children and those around you and what better gift is there

than that?

I invite you to join me on the Re-Connection Retreat.

2 nights/3 days to RE-connect with YOU

You’ll spend 2 nights/3 days in Luxury Yurts, re-connecting with your inner

nature as well as with the nature outside whilst also being supported in the lap

of luxury. We have sole use of the site so no need to worry about bumping into

anyone who isn’t part of the Re-Connection Retreat Tribe.

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You’ll be guided and supported to let go of outdated ways of thinking and

being and all that is holding you back from pursuing your dreams.

To escape the busy-ness of life. To connect with your inner self, your heart’s

desires, your soul’s calling and dream a new vision of your future into being.

You’ll be fed and watered with homemade scrummy plant based foods

provided by Rachel Leigh-Janey of Herbalicious Foods who will be staying on-

site with us ensuring the highest quality of nutrition possible. Rachel has a

passion for clean plant-based food and all meals will be naturally vegan and

gluten free - a chance to re-set your internal systems too!

You will be provided with luxury toiletries, robes and towels so no need to lug

heavy and bulky items with you.

You’ll be sharing with two other inspirational women per yurt (i.e. 3 in total)

giving you plenty of space to enjoy the surroundings. Each yurt has its own

adjacent discreet natural toilet, plus there is a 5* hotel standard shower

‘block’ – far too nice to be referred to as a ‘block’!

Each yurt has its own wood fired hot tub and there is a central wooden sauna

– and we will be making use of all of these as part of the weekend.

There is also an on-site massage therapist and I am in the process of working

out whether I can adjust the schedule to allow you time to book a short

massage – this would be an added extra.

Page 5: Re-Connection Retreat - Dawn Retreat Its time. Time to re-connect. We live in an increasingly dis-connected

Weather permitting we will be outside as much as possible with one yurt and a

separate bell tent kept as our central meeting places, so there is also plenty of

space for you to find some quiet, alone time if you need it.

We’ll be doing some gentle walking and exercise too so that you can enjoy the

fabulous countryside around the site.

You’ll leave the weekend feeling refreshed, re-newed and re-energised.

Excited about what the rest of 2018 and beyond holds for you.

You’ll arrive at approx. 5pm on the Friday and from then until approx. 3:30pm

on Sunday will be fully supported and guided with everything taken care of for


This is a Shamanic and Heart based weekend so there will be drumming and

fire ceremonies as well as powerful techniques for the mind and soul!

In addition to the weekend itself you will also receive a shamanic power

retrieval from me a few weeks beforehand so that you arrive at the Re-

Connection Retreat fully back in your power and ready to take big steps

forwards towards your dreams, your desires, your soul’s calling.

[If this doesn’t appeal to you it can be exchanged for a coaching session


Page 6: Re-Connection Retreat - Dawn Retreat Its time. Time to re-connect. We live in an increasingly dis-connected

The Re-Connection retreat takes place from Friday 18th May – Sunday 21st

May 2018 so we are also still in the energies of Beltane which will be

supporting you to sow new seeds/plans for the year ahead and filling you with

the excitement of new growth.

We will be based a few miles outside of Ashbourne in the beautiful

Derbyshire/Staffordshire Peak District at Secret Cloud House Holidays,

Limestone View Farm, Stoney Lane, Cauldon, Staffordshire, ST10 3EP

There are only 10 places available with 3 people per yurt.

To re-cap. The Re-connection Retreat includes:

All accommodation including robes, towels and toiletries in shared yurts with

private toilet, wood-fired hot tub per yurt and a sauna and luxury

shower/toilet block for the group.

All meals – home cooked plant based, vegan and gluten free food created on-

site to cater for our needs. See Rachel’s Facebook page for more inspiration

I’ve attended one of Rachel’s vegan cookery workshops and her food is

AMAZING! I guarantee that even if you’re a dedicated meat eater you will love

her food

Page 7: Re-Connection Retreat - Dawn Retreat Its time. Time to re-connect. We live in an increasingly dis-connected

A comprehensive Life Navigation workbook to assist in evaluating where you

are now, what blocks area holding you back and to initiate clarifying your


A soul/power retrieval (value £85) to be completed at least 4 weeks prior to

the retreat to start the process of returning your power. See for full details.

28 Day Soul-Full Self-Love Initiation programme (value £47) to give you a solid

foundation/reminder of self-love practices. We won’t be going through these

on the retreat as such but it’s important that I know you’ve all studied the

same material so that you can progress further on the retreat itself.

On the weekend itself you will experience shamanic and heart healing

practices all of which I am professionally trained and insured to deliver.

Your investment is as follows:

Pay in full before Jan 31st 2018 (and save 13%): £397

OR Pay in instalments: £457 – must be paid in full by April 27th 2018. Please

contact me to arrange a bespoke payment plan.

OR Upgrade to the VIP option which includes all of the above plus a FULL day

with me and a follow up coaching session at a date and location to be arranged

for just £797.

Payment can be made by PayPal or direct bank transfer.

My intention for you is that you’ll leave the retreat feeling whole, complete,

re-energised, re-enthused about life and with a clear vision of your ‘big

dream’ for your life with some clear obvious steps that you can take to start

moving towards it.

There are just 10 places so don’t delay in reserving yours!

To reserve your place, or to arrange a phone call to find out further details

please email [email protected] or if we’re connected on Facebook

feel free to send me a private message.

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The small print!

Once your payment or first instalment is received you are committed to the

retreat and payment in full will be required by the dates stated regardless or

whether you attend. I therefore recommend that you take out travel insurance

in case you need to cancel.

If either myself or the hosting venue have to cancel the retreat then all monies

paid will be refunded in full.

We will be digging deep emotionally and in physical terms there will be some

sitting on the floor/cushions and on benches.

You are responsible for your own self-care so if you feel you have any

condition, e.g. mental health or physical ailment which may make you

unsuitable for this retreat please arrange to discuss this with me beforehand to

ensure that it is suitable for you.

I look forward to supporting you to clear away any blocks holding you back

from achieving your dreams and to gaining clarity on your next steps.

With loving support,

Dawn x

About Dawn:

I am a Shamanic healer, Clinical hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and

Coach/Mentor providing holistic solutions for women seeking to navigate their

way through life. I assist in smoothing out the pot-holes, avoiding the road-

blocks and planning complete re-routes! I design bespoke healing and coaching

programmes working on mind, body and soul giving you the breakthrough you


See or

for further details of individual services provided.