RCPsych in NI - Royal College of Psychiatrists Annual Review 2013.pdf2 NO HEALTH WITHOUT MENTAL...


Transcript of RCPsych in NI - Royal College of Psychiatrists Annual Review 2013.pdf2 NO HEALTH WITHOUT MENTAL...

RCPsych in NIAnnual Review 2013



RCPsych in NIAnnual Review 2013


With so much emphasis in England on failures in services, whether the Francis Report or Winterbourne View it was heartening when I had the privilege of attending your 10th anniversary celebrations to witness the very positive and caring past, present and future face of professionalism. It was great to hear the Minister sing the praises of psychiatrists in Northern Ireland. But for me the most poignant and significant moment was when you did me the great honour of allowing me to unveil a most beautiful stained glass window dedicated to all your previous chairs and members for their contribution and service to the College over this time span. A contribution that represented intelligent kindness in action with common purpose of improving all aspects of mental health services for the population of Northern Ireland as a whole and for those receiving direct care, patients, users, carers and families.

I am delighted you are taking up the theme of recovery and parity between physical and mental health and that you recognise that two reports from England have important lessons to be learnt for all mental health services wherever they are. We will only achieve right by our patients if we enable them to have shared decision making and support them on the path to hope and recovery by working together as a family across the divisions and jurisdictions. In all my years involved in College roles and indeed in my clinical life I really value being able to listen and learn from the wisdom of colleagues in Northern Ireland. Psychiatry is truly the best of medical specialities to enter and in shaking hands with your new members I know that true professionalism is and will remain core to the College in Northern Ireland, a real sense of continuity of which you should all rightly be proud.


2013 - the tenth anniversary of the Royal College of

Drs MacCallum, McConnell, Lyons, Calvert, Galloway, Egan, Montgomery, Browne, Cassidy, McGarry and Cody. (Missing Dr Norris) October 2013

“The Gathering” Paying tribute to over 30 years of leadership of the College in NI

Psychiatrists in Northern Ireland - and what a special year it has been for us!

We have had a range of celebratory events including our Spring Residential Meeting at the Slieve Donard Hotel, where we were addressed by our President, Professor Sue Bailey and Minister for Health, Edwin Poots.

At Clifton House we held anniversary functions for two particular groups of our members. The first was a welcome to our new trainees to introduce them to the

College and the second was a tribute to all our former Chairs.

We held our strategy day in September and are now producing our plan for the next 4 years. This was a useful exercise as we considered our strengths, areas of achievement and, very importantly, identified ways of enhancing our role. Key themes arising from the day included plans for our involvement in research, the importance of clinical leadership especially in areas such as Implementing Recovery through Organisational Change (ImROC) and the important implications of the Francis Report, not just for the acute sector, but also for mental health.

In considering the Francis Report, the College highlights 5 basic principles:-

• Always put patients first, engaging openly and transparently with them and with carers about care and treatment - respecting their wishes wherever possible;

• Prioritise patient safety;

• Provide outstanding clinical leadership while working together as teams of professionals;

• Respect regulation, inspection and accountability as vital elements of care;

• Value the importance of data and the measurement of outcomes.

Over the past few weeks, I have been reflecting on this Report. It should remind us as to why we became doctors in the first place - ie we wanted to care expertly and

humanely for patients. We then became psychiatrists because we wanted to work with those in our community who have a psychiatric illness or intellectual disability. As doctors we must always put our patients first and be accountable for the care we provide; we must raise concerns when we believe this is being compromised. Managers must support the clinical agenda by prioritizing good quality care and patient experience. Sadly failings like those in Mid Staffordshire were almost inevitable - the culture prioritised organisational needs and staff were then bound to respond to managerial imperatives.

The findings of the Francis Report map closely the drive behind the ImROC programme. ImROC is all about changing the culture in our organisations to become more “recovery” orientated. As psychiatrists what does that mean to us in our particular specialty? Recovery has, at its crux, values of hope, agency and opportunity. It is basically a convergence of concepts such as empowerment, self management, social inclusion, rehabilitation and disability rights. As its title implies - ie Implementing Recovery through Organisational Change - is about creating an environment which nurtures recovery. Is this the same type of environment which facilitates us in our mission to provide compassionate, person centred care through the application of our expert skills and knowledge?

As a College, we have been responding to Transforming Your Care and have highlighted areas including the importance and value of ensuring that the needs of those with psychoses and other serious psychiatric illnesses are considered, both now and into the future. If issues like equity, human rights and stigma are to be genuinely addressed, we must actively promote the parity of physical and mental health and this must remain a central theme of our policies. The College worked with the PHA to ensure that all Trusts contributed to the National Audit of Schizophrenia and we will lead in the dissemination of recommendations to be implemented.

In Northern Ireland, the College has potentially a very strong strategic position with our discrete geographical/ political area and our strong links to other regions in the NHS, as well as with the Republic of Ireland. There are a number of very valuable projects underway within Faculties embracing the Recovery approach, with joint working between patients, carers and voluntary organisations which will be detailed in the individual Faculty reports.

From reading this Review, you will see how many members are actively involved. As we look forward to the next 10 years, I want to continue to build on the College’s very credible reputation in Northern Ireland with even greater engagement of members. I am very mindful that the College can only exist because of us, its members, and that we are its power - so my personal appeal to each of you is ‘please do get involved’ !

Through our training and experience we are the only professionals who have expertise in a bio/psycho/social model, together with the professional qualities we adhere to through the GMC. There are definite opportunities for us, but we need to take up the baton, show leadership and ensure our voices are heard.


“ I would like to acknowledge the dedication and contribution over the past 10 years made by psychiatrists, both at an individual level, and also influencing and leading service development both within their Trusts and at regional strategic level.

Psychiatrists have embraced collaborative working with service users and carers, other professional disciplines and our local community and voluntary sector. You have played an important role with your College in public education and reducing the stigma associated with mental health through engaging with young people and influencing media reporting. I am also aware of the sound advice given by you to my Department, local politicians and service commissioners and how valuable such contributions have been.

Equally, the presence of the College President and other Senior Officials at this Conference, together with the way in which NI members have steeped themselves in Central College life, shows how strong and mutually beneficial the relationship is between the College nationally and locally.

I know I can rely on the members of RCPsych in NI to play their part in modernising our mental health services to ensure that we deliver the best possible outcomes for the population of Northern Ireland”.

Health Minister, Edwin Poots with Professor Sue Bailey and Dr Diana Day-Cody

The looped cross, the Egyptian Cross of Life, is winged to signify life’s transience

Dr Bill Norris in the new College Library with our adopted book, an 1812 publication by J Fearn, October 2013.



ADDICTIONS – Dr Helen Toal & Dr Scott Payne

The Addictions Faculty continues to meet regularly under the new Chair, Dr Helen Toal and we would like to pay tribute to Dr Bob Boggs for his leadership over the past 4 years. Dr Scott Payne has been elected as Vice Chair and we welcome his input. The Faculty continues to be represented on a number of working groups such as the Bamford Implementation Group, the New Strategic Direction Steering Group, the Substance Misuse in Pregnancy Group and the Prescription Drug Misuse Group. Dr Toal also now sits on the Treatment Advisory Committee, which reports to Dr Michael Mc Bride, Chief Medical Officer. Members of the Faculty have also supported the ‘Take Home Naloxone’ pilot which is now being rolled out in all 5 Trust areas.

Challenges for 2014: 1. To continue to advocate for Addiction services and

the Service Users at both Board and local level.

2. We also hope to continue with the drive for minimum pricing for alcohol.

3. To support the Consultation document regarding the review of Tier 4 services which ensures equal access to statutory Tier 4 medically managed Addiction beds for all Trusts in N. Ireland.

GENERAL & COMMUNITY - Dr Ashling O’Hare & Dr Ciaran Mulholland

The 2013 Spring Meeting saw the General Adult Faculty join with colleagues in the Rehabilitation & Social Faculty for a stimulating and successful workshop focusing on Recovery. Throughout the summer & autumn, Faculty members, along with other key stakeholders, have been working with the Department of Health to review the Promoting Quality Care Guidance.

Challenges for 2014: Assessment & management of risk is a core aspect of good psychiatric care but it must not dominate the therapeutic interaction. A workshop will be held early in 2014 to update members on the work of the Review Group and to seek their views regarding the shape of the new guidance.

CHILD AND ADOLESCENT – Dr Heather Hanna & Dr Lisheen Cassidy

2013 has been a busy and productive year. Strong links with our paediatric colleagues remain fruitful. We developed a consensus statement on the diagnosis and management of ADHD. Our joint conference focused on meeting the needs of children with complex developmental disabilities and there is a growing awareness across the region of the need to develop specialist mental health services for children with intellectual disability.

Challenges for 2014: In 2014, as TYC and the new CAMHS strategy begin to take shape, we will develop a robust dialogue around the challenges of “Building and Sustaining

Specialist CAMHS”, the theme of a recent College publication to which we contributed. As the expectations and demands on Child Psychiatrists change, we will equip our members, particularly trainees, to be dynamic and up-to-date clinicians and effective clinical leaders. We will continue to influence the development of the new Capacity legislation, particularly in relation to under 16s.

FORENSIC – Dr Rick Bunn& Dr Adrian East

The Forensic Faculty continues to be active. Dr Rajesh Nadkarni, CD Forensic Services, Northumberland Tyne & Weir FT was invited to speak about stalking at our 10th Anniversary Spring Conference. We continue to meet with the Department of Justice on a regular basis regarding Capacity legislation for offenders with mental disorders. The Faculty is also represented at the Bamford Implementation Group.

Challenges for 2014: The Forensic Faculty AGM is to be held in Belfast in February 2014. We continue to forge relationships with prison and probation services.

INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY - Dr Marietta Cunningham & Dr Helen Corbett

The 10th Anniversary Celebrations were a highlight of the year. The Faculty of Intellectual Disability held a successful joint parallel session at the 2013 Spring Meeting with the Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry. The theme was Service Provision and we were pleased to have Presentations from external Speakers Dr Ashok Roy and Dr James Warner and local speakers Dr Lynn Agnew and Dr Kathryn Cousins, followed by group discussion.

Challenges for 2014: The Faculty is challenged to determine how best to bring forward regionally the expertise of its members to assist in the advancement of the Resettlement Process, the development of Community Service infrastructure, including provision for children and young people, and the development of Regional Services, including Forensic Services and services for those with the most complex and challenging needs. The Faculty of Intellectual Disability is most enthusiastic to pursue all opportunities to work collaboratively both locally and regionally in the design and delivery of services for individuals with an intellectual disability.

PSYCHIATRY OF OLD AGE – Dr Brid Kerrigan & Dr Deirdre Shields

Highlights of the year included the successful joint meeting with BGS, focussing on the all important topic of delirium, and the presentation given by Dr James Warner, Chair POA, at the Spring Meeting looking at the College’s view on the role of the Old Age Psychiatrist.

The implementation of the Dementia Strategy continues with Dementia Champions beginning to be developed in Acute wards across the region. The Regional Working Group for Memory service provision continues to meet.

The Faculty Chair had the opportunity in September to present to the All Party Group on Mental Health at

Stormont, highlighting the mental health needs of older people to the MLAs and others who were present.

Challenges for 2014: The modernisation of POA services regionally remains an important thrust given the demographic and the direction of TYC. The role of liaison service has been highlighted as requiring development.


Following the highly successful re-launch of the Faculty in 2012, we have continued to develop the role of the Faculty in 2013. We began by making links with the voluntary sector users and carers which led to a plan to write a joint policy paper on the need for rehabilitation services in Northern Ireland. Much of the work of the Faculty this year has focused on this, with a very successful cafe style meeting in June. We plan to have the paper completed by the end of the year and launched at the All Party Group on Mental Health at Stormont in January 2014.

In June our Chair, Dr Diana Day-Cody took over as Chair of RCPsych in NI. Our loss is the Division’s gain and we will certainly miss her lead.

Challenges for 2014: Making the case for rehabilitation services remains our major challenge. We feel strengthening our links with the voluntary sector, users and carers and working with them is the key to influencing commissioners. An understanding of how thinking on recovery for those with severe and complex illness has developed in other regions, is also a helpful guide.

In 2014 we want to expand the Faculty from the core group to full Faculty meetings with an open invitation to all psychiatrists with an interest in this area. We hope to have at least one wider Faculty meeting with a business agenda and educational content.

MEDICAL PSYCHOTHERAPY – Dr Heather Mills & Dr Maria O’Kane

The Psychotherapy Faculty continues to address the need for the further development of access to a range of psychological therapies, and to promote psychotherapeutic knowledge and expertise. The Psychotherapy and Child & Adolescent faculties were jointly involved in the organisation of a very enjoyable and stimulating talk by Graham Music, on the impact of negative childhood experiences from a neurodevelopmental perspective at the Spring meeting in Slieve Donard, and also collaborated with the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland in a parallel session at the College Joint Meeting in Malahide. The development of a Junior and Senior category in the Dr Freeman Award is proving successful, with an impressive quality of submissions.

Challenges for 2014: The ongoing limited number of medical psychotherapy sessions within Northern Ireland, and developing speciality specific training for trainers within psychotherapy and opportunities for trainees across the specialities.

LIAISON – Dr Catherine Taggart & Dr Jo MinayThe Liaison Faculty has grown in membership since our first meeting a year ago. Our main focus has been delivery of Liaison services across the 5 Trusts. A survey which we conducted showed very wide variations in terms of level and model of service provision. We have begun a discussion of these issues with Commissioners from the HSC Board and PHA. Our meetings also have a clinical learning component with several very interesting cases presented.

Challenges for 2014: Meeting the needs of the high proportion of general hospital patients with mental health issues and continuing to highlight those needs to Commissioners and general hospital managers.

CPD – Dr Caroline Donnelly

In the spring Dr Peter Trimble stepped down as Chair of the CPD committee. Thankfully, he has agreed to remain on the committee and we would like to thank him for his commitment and dedication to this role.

There was an intensive programme of CPD delivered throughout the year, including our masterclass programme, but the highlight was the very well attended Spring Residential Meeting. This 2 day meeting provided a diverse range of speakers and allowed plenty of inter-session discussion amongst colleagues. It is fantastic to see so many trainees attending the meetings and also presenting at our recent Winter Meeting in Malahide with the College of Psychiatrists of Ireland.

Challenges for 2014: To build on the success of 2013 we will continue to act on your feedback, so please remember to complete your evaluation sheets after each meeting. We would also love to receive members’ suggestions for future topics and speakers. Please email [email protected]

Delegates at POA/BGS Meeting at Crumlin Road Gaol

The serpents represent wisdom and health, being associated with Aesculapius, the god of medicine, and Hygeia, the goddess of health, hence entwined around the staff of Aesculapius



In November we held our Leadership & Management Conference. Alice Lomax, an ST6 and former Chair Psychiatrists in Training Committee, definitely stole the show with her inspirational account of how and why it is essential for all of us as psychiatrists to develop our leadership skills. She particularly focused on how trainees can gain so much experience by saying ‘yes’ and from getting involved, and how they can help make real changes in the organisations in which they work.


Following a very successful inaugural World Mental Health Day event with local voluntary sector organisations in 2012, the Chair this year led the WMHD launch of the “Together for You” programme as a keynote speaker. The “Together for You” partnership brings together for the first time the services of eight voluntary sector service user and carer organisations under a joint banner to deliver a contract worth £3 million funded by The Big Lottery. The project will promote mental health and well-being in Northern Ireland and provide a range of services in new and innovative ways.

Building on the success of organising joint events across sectors, the College this year also came together with Aware Defeat Depression, Action Mental Health, CAUSE, MindWise, NIAMH and Praxis Care in the field of policy. Members from the Rehabilitation and Social Faculty and partner organisations across a series of workshops examined and discussed shared issues in how service provision addressed holistically the needs of our communities from the perspective of recurring and serious mental illness. Such work is a very positive development in connecting across sectors to identify common issues that collectively we could work together on in order to influence change.

We continue to input to the MRCPsych programme locally.

Challenges for 2014: Looking ahead to 2014, the Carer and Service User forums are working on innovative ways to capture the diversity of service user and carer experience. A central focus will be to look at work across the different Faculties and create more opportunities for service users and carers to link with the College.


Over the last year in the Education Training and Standards Committee the personnel specifications for Training Programme Directors (TPD) continue to be worked on. The issues that are germane in relation to these are the importance of the TPD having a CCT in the area they provide direction for where at all possible. All are aware of the changes in terms of revalidation and CPD. In relation to the exams, overall the pass rate has been just under 58% and work continues to ensure that it fulfils all its requirements. Everyone will be aware of the impending Court case in relation to the pass rate of some trainees.

In relation to submission to the Fellowship, I would exhort all members to be aware of the importance of us nominating and supporting local candidates for election to the Fellowship.


In 2013, the Public Education Committee strengthened its relationship with local community and voluntary groups. A succession of meetings and scoping exercises culminated in a promotional event to launch a new regional initiative aimed at streamlining and improving the client’s pathway through the sector. This took place on World Mental Health Day and endorsements were given by Dr Diana Day-Cody and Jim Wells, MLA and Deputy Chair of the Health Committee.

Much individual work has also been carried out by trainees including:

• the MensSana project – a collaboration with Action Mental Health to produce a mental health educational package for primary school pupils;

• a research project in partnership with Action Mental Health and Ulster Carpets;

• working with the Special Olympics Regional Committee on Mental Health promotion and education;

• manning careers exhibition stands;

• writing articles for various publications including the Mindwise Newsletter and NI4Kids;

• supporting BH&SCT’s “Changing Minds” Schools Competition;

• editing “Future Psych” the College’s publication for medical students;

• mentoring QUB’s entry for the Spike Milligan competition, which this year achieved a very respectable second place. We are confident that we can bring home the trophy again in 2014!

Sincere thanks to all the trainees involved in our public education work - too many to mention by name - and apologies if we have omitted any projects. Do keep the Public Education Committee informed of your contribution to this important area of the College’s work in NI.


This year the College joined with a wide range of individuals and organisations from the arts sector, the mental health sector, Faith, Church and cross community groups to form a steering group to create Northern Ireland’s first specific festival devoted to mental health and the arts. This is a nationwide event which celebrates mental health, challenges stigma and inequalities and supports recovery and wellbeing through participation in the creative process. The festival weekend took place in October and was a tremendous success. Work is starting now on an even more ambitious programme for 2014.

MEDFEST – Dr Michelle Gilmore & Dr Ryan McNamara

RCPsych in NI was very proud to work with QUB to support Medfest again in 2013. Medfest is the UK’s first national medical film festival and was established in 2011 by the College’s Psychiatric Trainees’ Committee (PTC). During the two hour long event, a series of short films was shown which provoked

animated discussion of a number of political, social and artistic debates surrounding the topic “The Power of Medicine”. The Lord Alderdice, Drs Peter Sloan and Aiden Turkington and Liz Main, Public Affairs Consultant, comprised the panel. Medfest’s target audience is primarily medical students which supports the College’s recruitment campaign. Health professionals, patients and members of the public also attended and it was a great way of provoking discussion about mental health issues.

SENIOR TRAINEES – Dr Ed Noble CORE TRAINEES - Dr Niall Corrigan & Dr David Bell

Once again the trainees have been very active over the past year. We have been holding joint meetings with junior and senior trainees, and this has proved mutually beneficial. During each of these meetings we have enjoyed a range of speakers and are grateful to the members of RCPsych in NI who have given their time to share their vast knowledge and experience with us.

Our Trainees Conference was very successful based on the theme of Leadership and Management inside and outside NHS. The first session was an opportunity to meet Dr Cody and Dr O’Kane. Our challenge is to now build on our discussions. Overall the day was motivating and inspirational for trainees of all levels to begin to focus their attention on developing these skills.

We have had to say good bye to Dr Deborah Millar and Dr Ryan McNamara and we wish to thank them for their valued contribution over the past year.

Challenges for 2014: Trainees have played a vital role within RCPsych in NI and many individuals are involved in a wide variety of projects. We aim to build on this

throughout the coming year and help trainees to progress with their training and in particular to build on research opportunities within Northern Ireland and nationally.

SAS & AFFILIATES – Dr Peter McKiernan & Dr Min Chew

As incoming Chair and Vice Chair, we are grateful to Dr McCaffrey and Dr Julie Forth for their past dedication and hard work.

Challenges for 2014: In the coming months we are hoping to further encourage engagement with fellow SAS doctors and, in keeping with recent shared emphasis on appraisal and revalidation, we will facilitate a 1 day educational workshop in February with the aim of discussing specific issues for SAS doctors. We are particularly keen to reach out to all SAS doctors within psychiatry, and would be therefore grateful if you could ensure the office has current email contact details for you.


Since meeting first in 2012 the profile of PIPSIG has risen significantly. In 2013 the main thrust of the activity of PIPSIG has been towards finding a solution to the challenge of Appraisal and Revalidation for those without a prescribed link to a Designated Body. This has proven a tough nut to crack but the group remain committed to finding a workable solution for local doctors. A representative has been involved on the CPD committee representing the skills and interests of those working outwith the NHS. Further links are being made with doctors facing similar challenges in the Republic of Ireland.

Challenges for 2014: When faced with some regulatory issues that pose a practical problem for the role of psychiatrists in the functioning of Courts and Tribunals, members of PIPSIG have had and will continue to have a significant part to play, working with RQIA, to find a mutually acceptable solution. We welcome newly retired Consultants to this forum.

POLICY - Dr Peter Trimble

Health policy and legislation have an impact on the shape of service provision and mental health. The College has the opportunity to respond to Government consultation papers and in the past year has submitted 8 consultation responses. The papers cover a wide range of issues and the responses can be viewed on the website. It is sometimes deep within a document that you find points that could have an impact on mental health and psychiatry or provide an opportunity to bring forward ideas that could enhance services. It is important that members get involved in this area. Submissions are made on behalf of the College by the Chair of the College in NI, usually in consultation with groups of members with a particular interest or involvement in the area concerned. The opportunity for the College in NI to contribute is facilitated by having a policy committee and ably supported by our policy officer Thomas McKeever who keeps on top of

The butterflies of Psyche represent the human soul or psyche because of its lightness and ephemeral life


developments, attends meetings and has an important role in the work of the College. The ability to respond depends on work done by those who have taken the time to read papers and draft responses. I would like to thank those who have given time and effort over the past year. Please do take the opportunity to get involved.

The Mental Capacity Bill is just over the horizon. A four month consultation is proposed for early summer 2014 with an introduction to the Assembly in early 2015 and in law by March 2016. A Joint Health and Justice Committee will be set up to examine the new Bill, but not until the post Consultation phase. The Bill covers a wide range of areas including capacity, safeguards, deprivation of liberty, advocacy, roles, power of attorney and guardianship. It is important that we make use of opportunities to have an input into legislation that will have an impact on psychiatry and mental health care provision for years to come.

The President convened the first Cross-jurisdictional Mental Health Policy meeting at the International Congress in Edinburgh in July with country leads from each UK jurisdiction attending. This provided an opportunity for open discussions and exploration of common issues for mental health and some of the areas identified as being of particular strategic importance included:

• Delivering rights-based Parity of Esteem between mental and physical health

• Suicide Prevention• Minimum pricing of alcohol• Mental Health in the workplace• Psychosocial resilience for individuals, carers, families

and communities• Service configuration and commissioning • The interface between primary and secondary care• The integration of health and social care

Discussions were productive and the College has agreed to make this an annual meeting during Congress.


During the last year, I have continued to work with Trusts and with Faculty members in scrutinising and approving Job Descriptions. I am grateful to the relevant Faculty representatives for their contributions, and to Lisa Losty for bringing everything together.

Challenges for 2014: At this early stage in the process of introduction of revalidation, there have been no significant issues for me as Regional Adviser - nor, from my understanding, for Regional Advisers within the College nationally. However, I have a clear sense that the process is going to become somewhat more exacting as the years go by.

The Regional Adviser has a key role in facilitating the career progress of senior trainees to Consultants. An increasing number of our colleagues, who are fellow members of the Royal College, do not have permanent employment, and the situation regarding permanent postings is causing increasing concern.


Follow our E-Interviews with previous chairs and retired members on our webpage. Here we feature Dr W A Gordon MacCallum FRCPsych, former Vice President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (1986 –1988)

How many years did you work in psychiatry and where did you spend the bulk of your career?I worked 40 years full time in psychiatry followed by 5+ years approximately later. Most of it was based at Purdysburn Hospital.

Who or what inspired your career in psychiatry?I intended to become a neurosurgeon. Whilst waiting for an appropriate training post to turn up I did temporary psychiatry jobs. I had read of a new drug which had possible curative possibilities in France. I used it - Chlorpromazine (Largactil) and its effects on patients changed my life.

What do you consider to be your greatest achievements?My efforts at promoting Liaison Psychiatry at RVH and also contributing to the advancement of post graduate psychiatry in N Ireland.

When I was aged 7 attending the little country school of 20 pupils, aged between 5 and 13, an inspector visited the school. He enquired as to what each of us wanted to be. The answers included being famous, being a shop attendant, a pig farmer, an accountant etc. When I announced that I was going to be a neurosurgeon they laughed heartily. I didn’t quite get to being that but I think I did better in becoming Vice President of the College. That’s my proudest achievement.

What or who has made the greatest impact on you? Dr Denis Leigh who was my consultant when I was at the Maudsley Hospital in London – and our friendship afterwards.

What message would you like to send to our politicians and commissioners today about mental health?Remember the saying “Out of sight, out of mind”. The patient often can’t speak for himself; you need to look for disadvantages which don’t appear on the system.

What message would you give to trainees in psychiatry that might inform their practice?Empathy with your patient and relatives is every bit as important as intelligence and knowledge. If you are doing your job you will feel drained entirely occasionally.

What message do you have for the College?We are doctors and we must take strength from that. It was to promote the health and well being of patients that we entered medicine.

What is your idea of a perfect mental health care service?It involves harmony across the medical service, both consultants and other members of medicine and general practitioners. Equally important is involvement with social services, psychologists etc.

Which Psychiatrist, living or dead, do your most admire?Dr Denis Leigh, my consultant at the Institute of Psychiatry and also Dr James Mullinger, my first boss. James had been a POW and drew on his dismal experiences to treat his patients.

Which book/text/research publication has had the greatest influence on your work?A variety of published books, the main theme being on getting the patient to tell you about what is important without asking direct questions.

Who was your Honorary Secretary?Dr Peter Curran who initially was a trainee with me and became a first class Consultant Psychiatrist.


In September Dr Diana Day-Cody, was very honoured to be chosen as one of only 24 applicants out of a pool of over 170, to participate in the BBC Academy Expert Women’s Day.

Media Training took place in early June 2013 and seven members were trained in TV studio and on-location settings as well as in radio, preparing members to respond this year to media enquiries on Suicide, Personality Disorder, Self Harm, TYC and Stigma.


Dr Ronan Kehoe – NI Research PrizeDr Joy Bell – NI Audit Prize

Dr Boris Pinto – Dr Thomas Freeman Award (Snr)Dr Aisling Sheridan – Dr Thomas Freeman Award (Core)Dr Orlagh McCambridge & Dr Laura Farrell - Daksha Emson Prize

2013 CELEBRATIONS1 Past Chairs Dinner in Clifton House2 Minister Poots addresses delegates at the Slieve

Donard Hotel, Spring Meeting – May 20133 Presentation of Dr Thomas Freeman Awards4 Supporting WMHD Schools Competition5 UK Psychiatrists in Training Committee network

at Clifton House6 College window installed7 Masterclass & book signing – Prof Keith Rix8 New Members Reception 2013





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thus the symbols of the psyche and medicine are here combined to represent “psychological medicine”

Presentation of Research & Audit Awards


FACULTY MEETINGS 2014ADDICTIONS FACULTY @2pmWednesday 29 JanuaryWednesday 9 AprilWednesday 10 SeptemberWednesday 3 December

CHILD & ADOLESCENT @ 9.30amFriday 24 JanuaryFriday 6 JuneFriday 12 SeptemberFriday 21 November

FORENSIC @ 2pmWednesday 2 AprilWednesday 3 September

INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY Mon @ 3pmMonday 10 MarchMonday 2 JuneMonday 15 SeptemberMonday 1 December

PSYCHIATRY OF OLD AGE Fri @ 1.30pmFriday 7 Feb (POA/BGS)Friday 9 MayFriday 3 October

REHABILITATION & SOCIAL @ 2.30pmTuesday 28 JanuaryTuesday 3 JuneTuesday 23 September

MEDICAL PSYCHOTHERAPY @ 1.30pmFriday 28 FebruaryFriday 11 AprilFriday 12 SeptemberFriday 21 November

LIAISON @ 2pmFriday 10 January Friday 21 MarchFriday 19 SeptemberFriday 21 November

SAS & AFFILIATES @ 10amFriday 28 February (Full day)Friday 16 MayFriday 19 September

JOINT TRAINEES @ 2pmWednesday 26 FebruaryWednesday 9 AprilWednesday 18 June


ACADEMIC MEETINGSJanuary28 Understanding & Influencing Commissioners(AM) Implementing Recovery Through Organisational Change (PM)FebruaryTBA Medfest7 Joint Meeting-Psychiatry of Old Age and British Geriatrics Society12 New Year Meeting – What’s So Special About Mothers & Babies – Multidisciplinary Meeting19 Promoting Quality Care – Have your say (PM)28 SAS & Affiliate Management Development ProgrammeMarch5-7 Central College Meeting of Forensic Faculty21 Alcohol Related Brain Damage - LaunchApril4 Joint Meeting of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry & Ulster Paediatric SocietyMay14 RCPsych in NI – Spring Meeting – “ Parity of Physical & Mental Health” New Members’ Reception Annual General MeetingJune18 Trainees’ Summer Meeting24-27 International Congress – LondonSeptember24 Research & Audit Presentation Day & Dr Thomas Freeman AwardsOctober10 World Mental Health Day22 RCPsych in NI - Autumn MeetingNovemberTBA Spike Milligan Public Speaking CompetitionTBA Update on Teaching Skills

MASTERCLASSES4.00pm - 5.30pm - Clifton House29 Jan Applications of Systemic Principles Across The Lifecycle – Dr S Coulter, ST Programme Director, QUB12 Mar Mental Health & the Needs of Asylum Seekers, Edith Shillue, Bryson One Stop Service17 Sept Trans-cultural Psychiatry - Dr Conor Barton Consultant Psychiatrist19 Nov Dual Diagnosis - Dr Pam McGuckian, Consultant Psychiatrist

RESEARCH SEMINARS4.00pm - 5.30pm - Clifton House4 June Research Seminar (i)18 June Research Seminar (ii)

SNAPSHOTS FROM OUR PAST1 Spring 2005 New Members, Iveagh House, Dublin2 Nov 2006 New Members, Belfast City HallOctober3 2007 Coming Home!4 June 2008 Eminent Psychoanalysts at our

International Conference5 October 2009 Lobbying at Stormont6 February 2010 Multidisciplinary Conference7 March 2011 Launching the consultation on alcohol8 October 2011 Launch of GAIN Guidelines9 October 2012 WMHD Debate: the Media

& Mental Health10 May 2013 Living Learning Experience at Glengraig11 Nov 2013 CoPoI and RCPsych in NI Winter

Meeting in Malahide




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EXECUTIVE MEETINGWednesday 5 March at 2.00pmWednesday 7 May at 1.30pmWednesday 11 June – Strategy DayWednesday 1 October at 2.00pm

CPD COMMITTEEWednesday 12 March at 2.00pmWednesday 4 June at 2.00pmWednesday 17 September at 2.00pmWednesday 19 November at 2.00pm

LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENTWednesday 26 February at 3.00pmWednesday 7 May at 3.00pmWednesday 24 September at 3.00pmWednesday 26 November at 3.00pm

PUBLIC EDUCATION COMMITTEE Thursday 20 February at 2.00pmThursday 8 May at 2.00pmThursday 11 September at 2.00pm


IN MEMORIAMIt is with great sadness that we note the deaths of two of our colleagues this year, Dr John Galway and Dr Marie-Therese Kennedy.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICEThe AGM will take place on Wednesday 14 May 2014. Full details will be issued in due course.

FACILITIESAll members are most welcome to use the College’s facilities at Clifton House; to avoid disappointment, please check availability with the office.

LOST PROPERTYA number of items have been left behind in Clifton House including spectacles, make-up and scarves. Please check if these belong to you.

CONTACT DETAILSSo that we may communicate effectively with you please ensure your contact details, membership grade and interests are kept current on our database. Contact [email protected]

Recruitment & Retention}Student Associate Web Editors}

Dr Diana Day-Cody (E) ChairDr Maria O’Kane (E) Vice ChairDr Damien Hughes (E) Finance OfficerDr Peter Gallagher (E) ETSC ChairDr Michael Doherty (E) Elected Member Dr Heather Hawthorn (E) Elected MemberDr Caroline Donnelly (E) CPD ChairDr Heather Hanna (E) Child & Adolescent Chair Dr Helen Toal Addictions ChairDr Richard Bunn Forensic ChairDr Ashling O’Hare General & CommunityDr Marietta Cunningham Intellectual Disability Dr Catherine Taggart Liaison ChairDr Heather Mills Medical PsychotherapyDr Brid Kerrigan Old Age ChairDr Paddy Moynihan Rehabilitation & Social Dr Peter McKiernan SAS & AffiliateDr Niall Corrigan PTC Core ChairDr Ed Noble PTC Senior ChairDr Tony O’Neill AcademicDr Maria O’Kane Leadership/ ManagementDr Ian McMaster Committee MemberDr Peter Trimble Policy & LegislationDr Gerry Loughrey Regional AdvisorDr Peter Sloan Public EducationCatherine Harper Service User & Carer & Maire Gratttan Representatives

OTHER COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVESDr Ken Yeow Eating Disorders SectionDr Janine Lynch Perinatal Section Dr Peter Trimble Neuropsychiatry SectionDr Boris Pinto Dr Peter Sloan Dr Maggie McGurgan Dr Holly Greer Dr Michael Curran ExaminationsDr John Sharkey Psychiatrists in Private PracticeDr Scott Payne Vice Chair – AddictionsDr Lisheen Cassidy Vice Chair – Child & AdolescentsDr Adrian East Vice Chair – ForensicDr Ciaran Mulholland Vice Chair – General AdultDr Helen Corbett Vice Chair – Intellectual DisabilityDr Jo Minay Vice Chair - LiaisonDr Maria O’Kane Vice Chair - PsychotherapyDr Deirdre Shields Vice Chair - POADr John Boyle Vice Chair – Rehab. & SocialDr Min Chew Vice Chair – SAS & AffiliateDr David Bell Vice Chair – PTC Core