Rcextract Ref Db2 Enu

 Reference Guide r11.5 Unicenter ® RC/Extract for DB2 UDB for z/OS

Transcript of Rcextract Ref Db2 Enu

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Reference Guider11.5



for DB2UDB for z/OS

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Contents iii


Cha pter 1: Profile

Profile Screen ................................................................................ 1– 1

Cha pter 2: Extrac t Func tions

Define Extract ................................................................................ 2– 2 Source Definition Selection Screen ......................................................... 2– 2 Start Object Selection Screen .............................................................. 2– 4 Source Definition Screen .................................................................. 2– 6 Select Related Tables Screen ............................................................ 2– 12 Insert Object Selection Screen ........................................................... 2– 14 Data Query Edit Screen ................................................................. 2– 15

Perform Extract ............................................................................ 2– 19 Process Source Definition Screen ........................................................ 2– 19 SQL Extract Options Screen ............................................................. 2– 22 PFU Extract Options Screen .............................................................. 2– 23 Extract Options Screen .................................................................. 2– 27

Chapter 3: Loa d Func tions

Define Targets ............................................................................... 3– 2 Target Definition Selection Screen ......................................................... 3– 2 Target Mapping Screen .................................................................... 3– 4

Perform Load ................................................................................. 3– 9 Process Target Definition Screen ........................................................... 3– 9 SQL Load Options Screen ................................................................ 3– 11 IBM Load Options Screen ................................................................ 3– 12 Fast Load Options Screen ............................................................... 3– 14 Allocation Options Screen ............................................................... 3– 16 Split Allocations Screen ................................................................. 3– 17

Chap ter 4: Comma nd Center

Header Fields ................................................................................ 4– 1 List Fields .................................................................................... 4– 2 Command Center Object Command List ........................................................ 4– 4

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iv Unc ente r RC/ Extrac t Referenc e Guide

MATCHCASE Primary Command ........................................................... 4– 4 Source Definition Object Type ............................................................. 4– 5 Extract Object Type ...................................................................... 4– 5 Target Definition Object Type ............................................................. 4– 6

Extract Object Search Facility ................................................................. 4– 6 Post Encryption Facility Services .............................................................. 4– 8

Encryption Routines ..................................................................... 4– 10 Specifying a Routine ..................................................................... 4– 11

Restart Incomplete Extract Screen ........................................................... 4– 13


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Ch ap te r 1: Profile 1–1

Chapter 1: Profile

This chapter discusses the defaults you can define for Unicenter ® RC/Extract™for DB2 UDB for z/OS (Unicenter RC/Extract).

For global profile information, see the General Facilities Reference Guide .

Profile Screen

Select P or enter the PROFILE primary command on the Main Menu to accessthe RC/Extract Profile screen, shown following:

-------------- RC/Extract Profile --------------COMMAND ===>

RC/Extract Parameters:Display Hint Wizard ===> N ( Y - Yes, N - No )Optimize Extract ===> Y ( Y - Yes, N - No )Uppercase Output ===> N ( Y - Yes, N - No )Select Entire R/I Set ===> N ( Y - Yes, N - No )Load Utility ===> IBM ( IBM or PFL )Display Batch Progress Report ===> N ( Y - Yes, N - No )

Progress Report Increment ===> 1000 ( 1000 - 99999 )Matchcase ===> CAPS ( ON, OFF, CAPS )

ON, - Enables matchcaseOFF, - Disables matchcase (SQL intensive)CAPS - Force object names to upper case.

ENTER - Process Information PF3 - End

On this screen, you can specify the following parameters:

Display Hint Wizard Specify whether you want the Hint Wizard screens to display. The HintWizard is an automated tutorial-type tool that automatically appears foreach new panel and provides helpful usage hints.

Y—Display the Hint Wizard. This is the default.

N—Do not display the Hint Wizard.

Optimize Extract Specify whether extractions are to be optimized for speed of execution. Inalmost all cases, extractions should be optimized. Valid values are:

Y—Optimize extraction. This is the default.

N—Do not optimize extraction.

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Profile Sc reen

1–2 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Uppercase output Specify whether you want the output displayed in uppercase only.

Y—Display uppercase only.

N—Display uppercase and lowercase output. This is the default.Select Entire R/ I Set

Specify whether you want to select the entire referential integrity (R/I) setfor execution. In most cases, you will want all of the objects in an R/I setto be selected automatically for extraction. Setting this value to N (No)lets you manually include only those objects you want in the R/I set.

Y—Select the entire referential integrity set. This is the default.

N—Do not select the entire referential integrity set.

Load Utility Specify which load utility to use to load objects to your target objects.Valid values are:

IBM—Use the IBM Load Utility when a load utility is necessary. This isthe default.

PFL—Use Unicenter ® Fast Load™ for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390(Unicenter Fast Load) when a load utility is necessary.

Valid product licenses are required.

Display Batch Progress Report Specify whether to generate a progress report of extract processing whena batch job is submitted. This progress report is included in the auditreport.

Progress Report Increment

Specify a number ( n ) to indicate how often the progress report is updatedduring an extract. The progress report is updated for every n number of rows extracted. A small number can lead to an excessively large auditreport.

Matchcase Specify how you want Unicenter RC/Extract to handle the object namesyou enter. You have the following options:

CAPS—The case of the object names you enter are automaticallyconverted to all capital letters.

ON—(Default) The case of the object names you enter are usedexactly as you enter them (fully case-sensitive)

OFF—The case of the object names you enter are ignored (fullycase-insensitive).

Note: This function does not extend to characters DB2 typically uses aswildcards, such as % (percent) and _ (underscore).

For information about the MATCHCASE primary command, see the sectionof the same name later in this guide.

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Cha p ter 2: Extrac t Func tions 2–1

Cha pter 2: Extrac t Func tions

This chapter describes the screens used in Extract Functions. You access theExtract/Load Services menu by selecting option 1 from the Main Menu.

RXM --------------- RC/EXTRACT Extract/Load Services --------------------------OPTION ===>

---------------------------------------------------------------------- USER002REGISTRY SSID ===> D81A VERSION ===> VxRxMx

Extract Functions

1 - Define Extract (Create/Update a Source Definition)

2 - Perform Extract (Create an Extract Object from a Source Definition)

Load Functions3 - Define Targets (Create/Update a Target Definition)

4 - Perform Load (Load from Extract Object Using Target Definition)

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Define Extract

2–2 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Define Extrac t

This section describes the screens used to define the extract.

Source Definition Selection Screen

When you select option 1, Define Extract, from the Extract/Load Servicesmenu, the Source Definition Selection screen appears.

RXEXT --------- RC/EXTRACT Source Definition Selection -----------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

Source Definition:Creator ===> * (Blank or pattern for list)Name ===> * (Blank or pattern for list)

Registry SSID: D81A ---------------------------------------------- USER002

S *---- LAST UPDATE -----*


PF7/8: Scroll Up/Down PF3/15: End

The following fields are on the Source Definition Selection screen:

Creator Enter the creator ID of the existing source definition you would like to editor the source definition you are creating.

To browse a list of existing source definitions, enter an asterisk (*) orleave this field blank and press Enter.

Note: The last source definition you worked with is remembered anddisplayed automatically in the Creator field.

Name Specify one of the following:

To create a new source definition, enter a unique name.

To edit an existing source definition, enter an existing name.

To browse a list of existing source definitions for that creator, enter anasterisk (*) or leave this field blank and press Enter.

Note: The last source definition you worked with is remembered anddisplayed automatically in the Name field.

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Define Extract

Ch a p ter 2: Extrac t Func tions 2–3

S Enter an S next to the name of the existing source definition you wouldlike to edit.

Name Displays the name of the existing source definitions for the specifiedcreator and name.

Description Displays the description of the existing source definitions for the specifiedcreator and name.

Creator Displays the creator ID of the listed source definitions.

SO Displays the share option that was specified for the listed sourcedefinitions. Valid values are:

N—Indicates that the object will be visible only to the creator of theobject.

Y—Indicates that the object will be visible to all users; however, onlythe creator can update the object.

U—Indicates that the object will be visible to all users and anyone canupdate the object.

SSID Displays the subsystem ID of the listed source definitions.

User Displays the user ID of the last person who updated the source definition.

Date Displays the date the source definition was last updated.

Time Displays the time the source definition was last updated.

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Define Extract

2–4 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Start Ob jec t Selec tion Sc reen

The Start Object Selection screen is invoked when creating a new sourcedefinition. You must specify the start object. This defines the starting point for

the extraction.

RXEXT --------- RC/EXTRACT Source Definition Selection -----------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

_____ RC/Extract Start Object Selection ____Source Definition: | |

Creator ===> USER002 | COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE |Name ===> NEWSOURC | |

Registry SSID: D81A ---------- | SSID ===> D81A || LOCATION ===> LOCAL || OBJECT CREATOR ===> DSN% || OBJECT NAME ===> * || OBJECT TYPE ===> T MATCHCASE ON || WHERE ===> N || REGISTRY SSID: D61A -------------- USER002 || S OBJECT NAME CREATOR TYPE || _ ACT DSN8QA0 T || S ACT DSN8610 T || _ DEPT DSN8QA0 T || _ DEPT DSN8610 T || _ DEPT2 DSN8610 T || _ DEPT3 DSN8610 T || _ DEPT4 DSN8610 T || _ DSN_REGISTER_APPL DSNRGCOL T || _ DSN_REGISTER_OBJT DSNRGCOL T |

PF7/8: Scroll Up/Down | _ EACT DSN8610 T ||____________________________________________|

Enter values into the following fields on the Start Object Selection screen toselect your start object:

SSID Enter the DB2 subsystem identifier where the start object resides. Aquestion mark (?) can be entered in this field to bring up a list of identifiers. This field must contain a value.

Location Identify the location of the subsystem. This can be used with SSID tospecify that the start object be on a remote DB2 subsystem. LOCAL shouldbe specified if it is not. A question mark (?) can be entered in this field tobring up a list of locations. This field must contain a value.

Object Creator Identify the creator of the object you want to use. Placing an asterisk (*)or blanking this field brings up a l ist of al l the creators that have views ortables on this subsystem. The wildcard percent sign (%) is also supported.

This field allows lower case values and embedded blanks.

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Define Extract

Ch a p ter 2: Extrac t Func tions 2–5

Object Name Enter the object name you want to use as your start object. Placing anasterisk (*) or blanking this field brings up a list of al l the views or tableson this subsystem. The wild card percent sign (%) is also supported.

This field allows lower case values and embedded blanks.

Tip : Depending on the size of your subsystem, it is usually best not toblank both the Object Creator and Object Name fields together. Theensuing list could be too long and unwieldy to be of much practical use.

Object Type Enter the object type you want to use as your start object. Enter one of the following:

T—Tables. This is the default.


*—Both tables and views

For information about the MATCHCASE setting, see the Profile section inthis guide.

WHERE Toggle the SQL WHERE clause on (Y) or off (N). Default is N. You can alsoenter S to choose from a query list.

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Define Extract

2–6 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Source Definition Sc reen

The Source Definition screen is where you define the related objects to beincluded in the extraction and the rules for how to extract the data.

RXEDT ---------- RC/EXTRACT Source Definition ----------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

Source Definition: USER002.NEWSOURC Source SSID: D81ADescription ===> NEW SOURCE DEFINITION Share Option ==> N

Start Object Parameters: ------------------------------------------------------Sampling Ratio ==> ____ of ____ Initial # Rows ==> _______WHERE Clause ==> N ________Key File Input ==> N ______________________________________________________

Registry SSID: D81A ----- Display Mode: Object ---------------- USER002TOTAL CHILD

CMD STATUS OBJECT CREATOR TYPE LIMIT WHERE CLAUSE___ START ACT DSN8610 T _______ N ___________ SELECT DEPT DSN8610 T _______ N ___________ SELECT DEPT2 DSN8610 T _______ N ___________ SELECT DEPT3 DSN8610 T _______ N ___________ SELECT DEPT4 DSN8610 T _______ N ___________ SELECT EMP DSN8610 T _______ N ___________ SELECT EMPPROJACT DSN8610 T _______ N ________******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************

PF7/8: Scroll Up/Down PF6: Relationship Display Mode PF3/15: EndPF10/11: Select/Exclude All PF5: Show Excluded ObjectsCommands - INSERT, PLAN Line Commands - S, X, V, B, R, C, P, A

Use the following fields to define extraction parameters on the SourceDefinition screen:

Source Definition Displays creator and name of the source definition that is currently beingedited. The format of the display is:



uuuuuuu is the creator ID of the source definition.

sssssss is the name of the source definition.

Description Enter a description of the source definition. This description can be up 25characters long.

If a description was entered on the creation line on the Command Centerscreen, it will be carried over here.

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Define Extract

Ch a p ter 2: Extrac t Func tions 2–7

Share Option Change the share option by entering a new share option here. Valid valuesare:

N—Other users cannot reference or copy your source definition. This isthe default.

Y—Others can use, but not update, your source definition.

U—Others can use and update your source definition.

Note: This field is not to be used as a security mechanism. If a user hasaccess to an extract object created by a different user and that usercreates a target definition under this extract object, the source definitionwill become visible to the user even if the creator specified a Share Optionof N.

Source SSID Displays the DB2 subsystem identifier for the source definition.

Sampling Ratio Specify the frequency of selection for extracting rows from the startobject. The first number is the sample count. The second number is thesample size.

For example, to specify every third row, enter 1 of 3 .

WHERE Clause Specify whether to use the Extended Query Facility (EQF) to define thedata to be extracted from the start object. If a query is specified, it mustbe satisfied for the row to be extracted.

Valid values are:

N—Do not use an extended query. This is the default.

Y—Edit an extended query definition. Specify the name of the queryyou want to use on the Data Query Edit screen.

S—Specify the extended query name you want to use.

If no query name is specified, then select an extended query from theselection list that is presented. See the General Facilities Reference Guidefor more information about using EQF.

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Define Extract

2–8 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Key File Input Specify whether to use an external key file for the initial key values to beextracted from the start object. The result will be the same as if you hadspecified a where-clause on the key columns of the start object as

described above for the WHERE Clause. Valid values are:N—Do not use an external key file. If you specify a data set name, itwill be replaced with spaces. This is the default.

Y—Create/update and external key file. Specify a valid data set name.See External Key Files in the Unicenter RC/Extract User Guide for moreinformation.

S—Specify an existing external key file. Use a valid data set name.

Note: A license for Unicenter ® RC/Update ® for DB2 UDB for z/OS andOS/390 (Unicenter RC/Update) is required.

Initial # Rows

Specify the initial number of rows to extract from the start object. Thisnumber is a maximum value.

If the start object has fewer rows than the number you specify here,then extracts are only made from the existing rows.

If the start object has more than the specified number of rows, thenextracts are only made from the number of rows you specified in thisfield.

Other rules you may have applied to this start object can override thevalue placed in the Initial # Rows field.

Display Mode is Displays what the current display mode is. The display modes are:

Object—Displays a list of related objects, whether the object has beenselected to be extracted, and the extraction rules that apply at theobject level.

Relationship—Displays a list of relationships between the objectsselected for extraction, whether the relationship has been selected,and the extraction rules that apply at the relationship level.

Note: The PF6 key toggles the display mode.

Object Mode

The following fields are available when the display mode is Object.CMD

Enter a line command to specify the selection status of the table or viewadditional information on the object. Valid values are:

S—Select this object to be included in the extraction.

X—Exclude this object from the extraction.

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Define Extract

Ch a p ter 2: Extrac t Func tions 2–9

V—Select this object to be included in a view.

B—Invoke RC/Browse for this object. RC/Browse is a powerfulcomponent of Unicenter RC/Update that lets you easily view objectdata. You must have a valid Unicenter RC/Update license to invoke thisfeature.

R—Display the Select Related Objects screen, but do not include anyrelated objects. This option is helpful for large amounts of data thatmay be time consuming to display. Once in the Select screen, you canspecify data display variables and select or exclude objects for theextraction.

C—Display immediate children objects within the Select RelatedObjects screen for possible inclusion in the extraction.

P—Display immediate parent objects within the Select Related Objectsscreen for possible inclusion in the extraction.

A—Display all objects within the Select Related Objects screen forpossible inclusion in the extraction.

Status Displays the current status of an object. Valid values are:

START—This object is the starting object for the extraction (the startobject cannot be excluded).

SELECT—The object has been selected for the extraction.

EXCLUD—The object has been excluded from the extraction. (Thisvalue displays only if PF5 has been selected to show excluded objects.PF5 is a toggle to display or hide excluded objects.)

Object Displays the name of the object.

The object may be the start object or another object in a set of objectsrelated to the start object.

Creator Displays the ID of the creator of the object.

Type Displays the type of object (views or tables).

Total Limit Specify a total limit of rows to be extracted from an object.

This limit applies to the entire extraction.

Once this limit is reached, no further extractions from the object willoccur.

This might prevent an intact set of RI data from being retrieved.

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Define Extract

2–10 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

CHILD W HERE Clause Specify whether to use the Extended Query Facility (EQF) to define thedata to be extracted from any table or view (not just the start object)included in the source definition. The WHERE clause is appended to the

SELECT statement used to extract data from the table or view during theextraction process when the table or view occurs as the child in arelationship. If a query is specified, it must be satisfied for the row to beextracted.

When a WHERE clause is specified, it wil l be output to the audit file duringbatch processing.

Valid values are:

N—Do not use an extended query. This is the default.

Y—Edit an extended query definition. Specify the name of the queryyou want to use on the Data Query Edit screen.

S—Specify the extended query name you want to use.If no query name is specified, select an extended query from the selectionlist that is presented.

See the Extended Query Facility (EQF) chapter in the General FacilitiesReference Guide for more information about using EQF.

Rela tionship M od e

RXEDT ---------------- RC/EXTRACT Source Definition --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

Source Definition: USER002.NEWSOURC Source SSID: D81ADescription ===> NEW SOURCE DEFINITION Share Option ==> N

Start Object Parameters: ------------------------------------------------------Sampling Ratio ==> ____ of ____ Initial # Rows ==> _______WHERE Clause ==> N ________Key File Input ==> N _______________________________________________________

Registry SSID: D81A ----- Display Mode: Relationship ---------------- USER002


CP: (Y/N) Y-Extract parent row for an extracted child rowPC: (Y/N) Y-Extract child rows for parent rows extracted when CP rule = YPF7/8: Scroll Up/Down PF6: Object Display Mode PF3/15: End

Commands - INSERT, PLAN Line Commands - S, X

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Define Extract

Cha p ter 2: Extra c t Func tions 2–11

The following fields are available when the display mode is Relationship:

CMD Enter a line command to specify the selection status of the relationship.Valid values are:

S—Select this relationship to be included in the extraction.

X—Exclude a relationship from the extraction that was previouslyselected.

Status Displays the current status of a relationship. Valid values are:

SELECT—The relationship has been selected for the extraction.

EXCLUD—The relationship has been excluded from the extraction.

Parent Displays the parent in a relationship.

Child Displays the child in a relationship.

Relname Displays the name of the relationship.

CP Specify whether the parent rows of an extracted row should also beextracted. Valid values are:

Y—Specifies that the parent rows should be extracted.

N—Specifies that the parent rows should not be extracted.


This rule applies when a row was extracted from an object because it isthe parent of another object and the CP rule on the relationship betweenthe two objects is Y. The PC rule specifies whether the child rows shouldbe extracted. Valid values are:

Y—Extract child rows for parent rows extracted when CP rule is Y.

N—Do not extract child rows.

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Define Extract

2–12 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Selec t Rela ted Tables Sc reen

When you specify you want to select additional tables to be included in theextraction from the Source Definition screen and press Enter, the Select

Related Tables screen appears.

RXEDT ---------------- RC/EXTRACT Source Definition --------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

________________ RC/Extract Select Related Tables ________________Source D| |

Descrip| COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE |Start Ob| PF10/11: SELECT/EXCLUDE ALL |


Registry| LEVEL ===> * (IF CHILDREN OR PARENTS, *-ALL LEVELS) || CREATOR ===> * NAME ===> * |

CMD ST | PLAN ===> * PACKAGE ===> * |___ ST | REGISTRY SSID: D81A ------------------------------------ USER002 |___ SE | S OBJECT NAME CREATOR |___ SE | S ACT DSN8610 |A__ SE | S DEPT DSN8610 |___ SE | S DEPT2 DSN8610 |___ SE | S DEPT3 DSN8610 |___ SE | S DEPT4 DSN8610 |


PF7/8: | S PROJ DSN8610 |PF10/11:| S PROJACT DSN8610 |Commands|____________________________________________________________________|

The following describes the fields on the Select Related Tables screen:

Table Name Displays creator and the name of the table that related tables are beingselected from to be included in the extraction. The format of the display is:



uuuuuuu is the creator ID of the table.

sssssss is the table name.

Select Specify what tables you want displayed in the listing on the bottom half of the screen. From the tables displayed, you can specify which to include orexclude in the data extraction.

A—Display all related tables of the selected table.

C—Display children tables of the selected table.

P—Display parent tables of the selected table.

Level Specify the level of children or parent tables to display. When displayingal l levels, the default is *. When displaying children or parent tables, thelevel is 0001.

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Define Extract

Cha p ter 2: Extra c t Func tions 2–13

Creator Specify the creator of the tables you want displayed.

Name Specify the name of the tables you want displayed.

Plan Display tables included only within a specific plan through referentialintegrity relationships. This powerful feature lets you perform anextraction on all or a subset of data from a specific plan.

Package Display tables included only within a specific package through referentialintegrity relationships.

S Select tables you want included within the extraction. S (Select) is theonly valid line command. Removing the S excludes the tables.

The PF10 key selects all tables. The PF11 key excludes all tables.Object Name

Displays the table name whose data you may select for extraction. Youcan vary the tables displayed within this section by the values entered inthe above header fields.

Creator Displays the creator name of the table whose data you may select forextraction.

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Define Extract

2–14 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Insert Objec t Selec tion Sc reen

When you specify INSERT on the Source Definition screen and press Enter,the Insert Object Select screen appears. On this screen, you can select objects

that are unrelated to the referential integrity (RI) set for extraction:

RXEDT ---------------- RC/EXTRACT Source Definition ---------------------------COMMAND ===> INSERT SCROLL ===> PAGE

.---- RC/Extract Insert Object Selection -----.Source Definition: USER002.TST | |

Description ==> ___________| COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE |Start Object Parameters: ------| |

Sampling Ratio ==> ____ of ___| SSID ===> D81A |WHERE Clause ==> N _________| LOCATION ===> LOCAL |Key File Input ==> N _________| OBJECT CREATOR ===> USER002 |

Registry SSID: D81A ---------- | OBJECT NAME ===> * || OBJECT TYPE ===> T MATCHCASE ON |

CMD STATUS OBJECT | WHERE ===> N |___ START TAB1RC171 | REGISTRY SSID: D81A ------------- USER002 |___ SELECT TAB2RC171 | S OBJECT NAME CREATOR TYPE |****************************** | ************ BOTTOM OF DATA *********** |

| || || || || |

PF7/8: Scroll Up/Down P | |PF10/11: Select/Exclude All P | |Commands: INSERT, PLAN | |


Enter values into the following fields on the Insert Object Selection screen toselect additional objects:

SSID Enter the DB2 subsystem identifier where the object resides. A questionmark (?) can be entered in this field to bring up a list of identifiers. This

field must contain a value.Location

Identify the location of the subsystem. This can be used with SSID tospecify that the object be on a remote DB2 subsystem. LOCAL should bespecified if it is not. A question mark (?) can be entered in this field tobring up a list of locations. This field must contain a value.

Object Creator Identify the creator of the object you want to use. Placing an asterisk (*)or blanking this field brings up a l ist of al l the creators that have views ortables on this subsystem. The wildcard percent sign (%) is also supported.

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Define Extract

Cha p ter 2: Extra c t Func tions 2–15

Object Name Enter the object name you want to use as your object. Placing an asterisk(*) or blanking this field brings up a l ist of al l the views or tables on thissubsystem. The wild card percent sign (%) is also supported.

Tip : Depending on the size of your subsystem, it is usually best not toblank both the Object Creator and Object Name fields together. Theensuing list could be too long and unwieldy to be of much practical use.

Object Type Enter the object type you want to use as your object. Enter one of thefollowing:

T—Tables. This is the default.


*—Both tables and views

For information about the MATCHCASE setting, see the Profile section inthis guide.

WHERE Toggle the SQL WHERE clause on (Y) or off (N). Default is N. You can alsoenter S to choose from a query list.

Data Query Edit Screen

When you set the WHERE Clause option to Y on the Source Definition screenand press Enter, the Data Query Edit screen appears. The Data Query Editscreen lets you create data queries.

------------------- Data Query Edit ---- ( Caps Off )COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

Query Name ==> NEWSOURC For Table ==> DSN8610.ACTDescription ==> Share ==> N Default ==> NConfirm Replace ==> N Auto Cast ==> N Userid - USER002



EXTENDED WHERE (Use secondary paging keys to scroll)01020304

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Define Extract

2–16 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

The following describes the fields on the Data Query Edit screen:

Query Name Enter the name of the query, up to eight characters. The query cannotcurrently exist (under your ID). If you do not enter a query name, EQFassigns a temporary name called TEMP.

Temporary queries are not saved after you leave the function or objectyou are accessing. Therefore, you must enter a name if you want to savethe query.

For Table Indicate the name of the object associated with the data query.

Description Enter a short description associated with the query (Optional).

Share Indicate how other users can access your query.

N—The query cannot be accessed by any other users. This is thedefault.

Y—The query can be accessed by other users, but they cannot updatethe query.

U—The query can be accessed and updated by other users.

Default Indicate if the query is the default for the object or function.

N—The query is not the default.

Y—The query is the default. Anytime you invoke a product functionthat has a default query, it wil l automatically be executed. You can

designate only one default query per product function or object.Confirm Replace

Confirm replacement of existing queries. Valid values are:

N—When a query will replace an existing query, no confirmation willbe requested.

Y—When a query will replace an existing query, request confirmation.This is the default.

Autocast Specify whether to establish the default cast option. Valid values are:

Y—If you want UDT columns casted to their internal source data type.

N—If you do not want UDT columns casted.

Userid Specify the user ID of creator of the source definition.

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Define Extract

Cha p ter 2: Extra c t Func tions 2–17

Test Count Enter Y to receive a count of the number of rows that will be retrievedbased on the current SELECT statement. You can use this number togauge the scope of your SELECT statement.

Enter N to not receive a count. The COUNT primary command performsthe same function as entering a Y in this field.

View SQL Enter Y to view the SQL select statement in standard SQL format. Allconditions, including the EXTENDED WHERE, will be displayed. Otherwise,enter N .

The SQL command performs the same function as entering Y in this field.

Shrink Display a subset of the columns listed in the SELECT statement section.This is useful for reducing the object columns to display only pertinentcolumns. Valid values are:

Y—Show any columns that are selected, have ordering specifications,or have a WHERE condition.

N—Show all columns in the object.

S—Show all columns that are selected.

W—Show columns with a WHERE condition.

O—Show columns that are used in an order by.

Row Limit Enter the maximum number of rows you want returned from the query.


Indicate if you want to include the column in the SELECT statement. Validvalues are:

S—Enter S next to the column names you want to select. You candeselect columns by removing the S in the SEL field.

#—Enter a number to select the column order in the generatedSELECT statement. Enter 1 for the first column, 2 for the second, andso on.

F—In RC/Edit, you can enter F to freeze the field upon entry to theeditor. Frozen columns are displayed before sequence numberedcolumns and before selected columns.

C Enter one of the following to control casting at the column level.

Y—If you want this column casted to its internal source data type.

N—If you do not want this column to be casted.

blank—Specifies no casting control at the column level.

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Define Extract

2–18 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Ord Enter a sequence number if you want to control the sort order of theretrieved rows within each column. The numbers control the sort order,with the lowest number representing the outer-most sort field.

You can enter a number from 1 to 9, and it can be followed by an A forascending or D for descending. A is the default. For example, 6D is a validentry.

Column Name The DB2 column number and name. The column abbreviation numberappears to the left of each column name. The column abbreviation can beused in the extended where to represent a column name.

If the column number is highlighted, the column is defined as NOT NULLWITHOUT DEFAULT.

Type The column type. The TYPE command also toggles to the full DB2 type


WHERE Condition Enter column-specific WHERE information. The condition is applied to thecolumn name on its left. All standard SQL syntax is supported. If yourWHERE information is more complex, enter the WHERE condition in theEXTENDED WHERE section.

AN D Controls how all conditions listed under the WHERE Condition field are

joined to each other.

AND—Specifies that all conditions must be true for the row to beselected.

OR—Specifies that any of the conditions can be true for the row to beselected.

Extended W HERE Enter the conditions you want in this section if you cannot enter theWHERE conditions using the fields in the middle section of the screen.

You will need to use this section when you must mix AND/OR conditions oruse parentheses to separate conditions. You can enter up to 25 lines of free-form text for your WHERE condition.

You can also use column abbreviations instead of typing in column names.

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Perform Extrac t

Cha p ter 2: Extra c t Func tions 2–19

Perform Extrac t

This section describes the screens that are used to perform the extract.

Proc ess Source Definition Sc reen

When you select option 2, Perform Extract, from the Extract/Load Servicesmenu, the Process Source Definition screen appears.

RXPEXT ---------------- Process Source Definition ----------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

Source Definition:Creator ===> USER002 (Blank or pattern for list)Name ===> NEWSOURC (Blank or pattern for list)

Extract Object ===> USER002.NEWSOURC.EXTOBJRegistry SSID: D61A ---------------------------------------------- USER002Execution Options:

Process Mode ===> (O - Online, B - Batch)Extract Method ===> S (S - SQL, U - Utility)Update Options ===> N (Y - Yes, N - No)Update Allocations ===> N (Y - Yes, N - No)Intercept Errors ===> Y (Y - Yes, N – No)

DDL Options:Extract DDL ===> Y (Y - Yes, N - No)

PF3/15: End Enter: Process

The Process Source Definition screen initiates the extraction process. On thisscreen, you:

Specify an existing source definition to define the extract. (Selectioncriteria can be used to bring up a selection list of source definitions.)

Specify the name of a data set to contain the extract object and otherparameters for the extraction process.

The following are the fields on the Process Source Definition screen:

Creator Specify the creator of an existing source definition or enter selectioncriteria to generate a list of source definitions.

Name Specify the name of an existing source definition or enter selection criteriato generate a list of source definitions.

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Perform Extrac t

2–20 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Extract Object Specify the name of a data set that will contain the extract object. Up to36 characters can be specified for the data set name.

If the data set does not exist, it wil l be created automatically based onthe allocation options specified.

If the data set already exists, you will be notified that the data setexists and prompted to specify whether the extraction process shouldoverwrite the existing data set.

If a current source definition is established, then this field will default touuuuuuuu.sssssss .extobj (where uuuuuuuu is your TSO user ID, ssssssssis the name of the current source definition).

Note: The current source definition is the last source definition that wascreated or updated.

Process Mode

Specify the process mode for the extract object. Valid values are:O—Perform the extraction process online.

B—Perform the extraction process in batch. If this option is chosen, abatch processor stream (JCL that invokes the CA Batch Processor) iscreated to perform the extraction. You are then taken to the BatchProcessor screen where you can preview and edit the batch job,immediately submit the batch job, or save the batch job in a data setfor later invocation.

Extract Method Specify the method by which data will be extracted from the objects in thesource definition.

S—Use SQL statements to unload the source objects. This method isalways used for online extractions.

U—Use the Unicenter Fast Unload utility to unload the source objects.Use this method for view extractions, in batch, and when the entiretable is to be read.

Update Options Enter Y in this field if you want to view or update the default extractionoptions. Otherwise, enter N .

Update Allocations Enter Y in this field if you want to view or update the default allocationoptions for the extract object. Otherwise, enter N .

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Perform Extrac t

Cha p ter 2: Extra c t Func tions 2–21

Intercept Errors Enter Y in this field if you want Unicenter RC/Extract to captureinformation about all abends before termination in order to permit restartprocessing after the point of the errors, preserving data that has been

extracted successfully.Note: Restart is not available for extractions that have not begun to writetable rows to the extract object, and or that have not completed at leastone iteration of one step of the extraction. The incomplete extract objectwill also not be saved and registered for restart if the error or abendindicates possible corruption of the extract object.

Extract DDL Specify whether to gather information from the catalog that can be used toautocreate the target objects.

Y—Gather information from the catalog. This is the default.

N—Do not gather information from the catalog.

Note the following:

If the extract object already exists, you are prompted to specifywhether to proceed and overwrite the existing data set. If you respondY es , the data set is deleted and a new one is created.

The allocation information will default based on the settingsmaintained in the Unicenter RC/Extract (RCX) parmlib member. Usethe Update Options field to override the defaults.

To use Unicenter ® RC/Migrator ® for DB2 UDB for z/OS and OS/390(Unicenter RC/Migrator) to create your target objects, set this optionto N for optimal performance. A valid license is required.

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Perform Extrac t

2–22 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

SQL Extrac t Options Sc reen

If you specified S in the Extract Method field and Y in the Update Options fieldon the Process Source Definition screen, the SQL Extract Options screen


RXHXOS01 ---------------- RC/EXTRACT SQL Extract Options ----------------------COMMAND ===>

Advanced Features:Keys Mode ==> 0 (0 - private, 1 - 1 dataspace, 2 - n dataspaces)

PF3 End/Continue CANCEL Abandon Changes

The following are the fields on the SQL Extract Options screen:

Keys Mode During an extraction, a list of keys is maintained for rows that havealready been extracted. This field enables extremely large extractions touse data spaces. Specify the storage technique to be used for the keys.

0—The keys for all tables are stored in the private area of the address

space where the extraction is run. This is sufficient for mostextractions and is used in all online extractions. This is the default

1—The keys for all tables will be stored in a single data space.

2—The keys for each table will be stored in a separate data space. Thismode is not recommended if a large number of tables are selected forthe extraction. Use it when large amounts of data are extracted from asmall number of tables and “1” for this field is not enough.

The initial data space created for each table is 4 MB in size. If 4 MB is notsufficient, it is incrementally expanded by 4 MB up to 2 GB.

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Perform Extrac t

Cha p ter 2: Extra c t Func tions 2–23

PFU Extrac t Op tions Sc ree n

If you specified U in the Extract Method field and Y in the Update Options fieldon the Process Source Definition screen, the PFU Extract Options screen


If you select PFU Extract Options, Unicenter Fast Unload retrieves a row andpasses it to the Unicenter RC/Extract exit routine. Unicenter RC/Extract checksto see if the row should be written and writes the row if necessary. UnicenterRC/Extract then sets a return code for Unicenter Fast Unload indicating thatUnicenter Fast Unload should not write that row and Unicenter Fast Unloadregains control. Unicenter Fast Unload then retrieves the next row and passesit to Unicenter RC/Extract. This continues until all the rows are processed.

Note: You must have a valid Unicenter ® Fast Unload ® for DB2 UDB for z/OS andOS/390 (Unicenter Fast Unload) license to invoke this feature.

RXPXOPT2 -------- RC/EXTRACT PFU Extract Options -------COMMAND ===>

Extract Options:Share Level ==> R (C - Change, I - Ignore, R - Reference)Use Image Copy ==> N (Y - Yes, N - No)

Advanced Options:Keys Mode ==> 0 (0-private, 1-1 dataspace, 2-n dataspaces)Split Extract ==> N (N-No, Y-Yes, U-Update default allocations)Dup Elimination ==> U (N-None, X-Sort Only, S-System only, U-User RI)

The following are the fields on the PFU Extract Options screen:

Share Level Specifies the level of data integrity to be used by CA Fast Unload. Thisoption will be ignored when extraction from an image copy is requested.

C—Change. The table is not locked.

I—Ignore. The UNLOAD is performed regardless of the status of thetablespace or any other DB2 activity against the table. The table is notlocked.

R—Reference. The table has a SHR lock.

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Perform Extrac t

2–24 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Use Image Copy Specifies whether to use an image copy for an extraction. Valid values are:

Y—Use the latest image copy for the tablespace to which the tablebelongs as the source of the extraction. The extraction is performed inbatch.

Note: To use a different image copy, you can manually specify the dataset names during the extraction. See the Unicenter RC/Extract UserGuide for more information about extraction from image copies.

N—Do not use an image copy as the source of the extraction. This isthe default.

Keys Mode During an extraction, a list of keys is maintained for rows that havealready been extracted. This field lets extremely large extractions use dataspaces. Specify the storage technique to be used for the keys. Valid valuesare:

0—The keys for all tables are stored in the private area of the addressspace where the extraction is run. This is sufficient for mostextractions and is used in all online extractions. This is the default.

1—The keys for all tables will be stored in a single data space.

2—The keys for each table will be stored in a separate data space. Wedo not recommend this mode if a large number of tables are selectedfor the extraction. Use it when large amounts of data are extractedfrom a small number of tables and the value “1” for this field is notenough.

The initial data space created for each table is 4 MB in size. If 4 MB is notsufficient, it is incrementally expanded by 4 MB up to 2 GB.

Split Extract Creates a Split Extract Object consisting of multiple data sets when thisoption is used with ACCESSMETHOD(PFU) extractions. There is a data setwith the name that was specified in the Extract Object field on the ProcessSource Definition screen. This data set contains the control information.The extracted rows are put into one load data set for each table in theextraction. These load data sets have an “.L nnn ” suffix ( nnn is an identifierassigned by Unicenter RC/Extract). You can use the default allocations forthese data sets or override them. Various features of Unicenter RC/Extractdo not support Split Extract Objects. This option is intended only to beused for extremely large extractions.

Valid values are:N—Do not create a Split Extract Object.

Y—Create a Split Extract Object.

U—Update/View the allocations for the load data sets.

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Perform Extrac t

Cha p ter 2: Extra c t Func tions 2–25

Dup EliminationSpecifies the techniques that Unicenter RC/Extract uses to prevent writingthe same row to the extract object multiple times.

During an extraction, if an object is processed in more than one step, thesame row can be extracted more than once. However, in certainextractions, such as those with keys defined with User RI using RIManager, the key may not be unique, meaning that rows with duplicatekeys may exist and should be extracted.

Unicenter RC/Extract uses several methods to make sure that the samerow is not included in the Extract Object more than once. You can use theDup Elimination option to control the methods you want to use.


If no unique index is defined on the table and the Split Extractionoption was not specified, then duplicate rows may be initially writtento the Extract Object but can be eliminated during the sort phase of

the extraction.

If user keys are defined (using RI/Manager) for columns that are notunique, then you should specify S, X or N.

If the sort method must be used, then indexed access cannot be usedwhen extracting rows from the table. A tablespace scan will be used.If you are extracting a small number of rows from a very large table,consider defining an index on the table or specifying N for this optionfor better performance.

If a table is not processed in multiple steps, is not within a loop anddoes not have multiple inputs, then the Dup Elimination option has noeffect on how the table is processed.

Valid values are as follows:

U—Use system unique indexes, user RI, or sort exit.

This is the default and the recommended setting. When you specifythis option, Unicenter RC/Extract first looks for a system unique index.If one is defined, Unicenter RC/Extract uses it. If Unicenter RC/Extractcannot find a system unique index, it then looks for a user key. If noindexes are defined and you did not specify the Split Extract option,then Unicenter RC/Extract eliminates the duplicates during the sortphase. If you specified the Split Extract option, there is no sort phase.These methods require CPU and virtual storage resources. If theduplicates can be discarded during the loading of the target objects,

consider specifying option N to eliminate this overhead.

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Perform Extrac t

2–26 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

S—Use system unique indexes or sort exit

When you specify this option, Unicenter RC/Extract searches for asystem unique index. If one is not defined and you did not specify theSplit Extract option, Unicenter RC/Extract eliminates the duplicatesduring the sort phase. These methods require CPU and virtual storageresources. If the duplicates can be discarded during the loading of thetarget objects, consider specifying option N to eliminate this overhead.

X—Use sort exit.

When you specify this option, Unicenter RC/Extract uses the sortmethod to eliminate duplicate rows during the sort. You cannot specifythis option if you specified the Split Extract option. When you specifythis option, Unicenter RC/Extract cannot use indexed access whenprocessing the table. In this situation, Unicenter RC/Extract uses atablespace scan. This option is only appropriate for extracting largeamounts of data. This option may reduce both virtual storage and CPU

requirements for a large extractionN—Do not attempt to eliminate duplicates.

When you specify this option, Unicenter RC/Extract does not performprocessing to prevent duplicate rows from being written to the ExtractObject; instead, it uses the Load process to discard duplicates. You canuse this option to reduce CPU or virtual storage requirements or toallow a table to be processed using indexed access, if the sort methodwould otherwise be required to eliminate duplicates.

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Perform Extrac t

Cha p ter 2: Extra c t Func tions 2–27

Extract Options Screen

If you specified a U in the Extract Method field and Y in the Update Allocationsfield on the Process Source Definition screen, the Extract Options screen

appears. However, you should rarely have to alter these options—the defaultvalues should work for all extractions.

RXPXOPT ---------------- RC/EXTRACT Extract Options ---------------------------COMMAND ===>





PF3 End/Continue CANCEL Abandon Changes

You can specify the following extract options on this screen:

Begin W riting the Extract Object to Disk Specify DISK or TAPE.

Primary Qty Specify the primary allocation of the extract data set.

Secondary Qty Specify the secondary allocation of the extract data set.

Space Unit Specify one of the following:




Management Class

Enter the SMS management class.Consult your system administrator to determine if your site uses SMS andto obtain an SMS management class name to use. Leave blank for thedefault.

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Perform Extrac t

2–28 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Storage Class Enter the SMS storage class.

Consult your system administrator to determine if your site uses SMS andto obtain an SMS storage class name to use. Leave blank for the default

Data Class Enter the SMS data class.

Consult your system administrator to determine if your site uses SMS andto obtain an SMS data class name to use. Leave blank for the default.

If Allo cation is not Sufficient, Overflow to Disk Specify DISK, TAPE, or NONE. If overflow occurs, the overflow is createdon disk or tape, as specified. If NONE is specified and overflow occurs, the

job abends.

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Chap ter 3: Loa d Func tions 3–1

Chapter 3: Load Func tions

This chapter describes the screens used in the Load Functions. You access theExtract/Load Services menu by selecting option 1 from the Main Menu, shownfollowing:

RXM --------------- RC/EXTRACT Extract/Load Services --------------------------OPTION ===>

---------------------------------------------------------------------- USER002REGISTRY SSID ===> D81A VERSION ===> VxRxMx

Extract Functions

1 - Define Extract (Create/Update a Source Definition)Current Source Definition is USER002.NEWSOURC

2 - Perform Extract (Create an Extract Object from a Source Definition)

Current Extract Object is USER002.NEWSOURC.EXTOBJLoad Functions

3 - Define Targets (Create/Update a Target Definition)

4 - Perform Load (Load from Extract Object Using Target Definition)

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Define Ta rget s

Chap ter 3: Loa d Func tions 3–3

Name The usage of this field depends on the desired function:

Creating a New Target Definition—Enter the name of the targetdefinition you want to create.

Updating an Existing Target Definition—Enter the name of the targetdefinition you want to update, or enter selection criteria to bring up alist of target definitions.

If a target definition has been established, this field defaults to the nameof the current target definition. If one has not been established, it willdefault to @TRGDEF1.

If you enter selection criteria in the Extract Object field, the Extract ObjectSelection screen appears, letting you select an existing extract object.

RXPTDS ----------- RC/EXTRACT Target Definition Selection --------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

_________ RC/Extract Extract Object Selection ________Extract Object ===> | |Target Definition: | COMMAND ===> |

Creator ===> | EXTRACT OBJECT DSN MASK: |Name ===> | |

------------------- | ===> USER002.* || || ------------------------------------------------------ || S EXTRACT OBJECT DATASET || _ USER002.CA11.SPFLOG1.LIST || _ USER002.CA11.SPFTEMP1.WORK || _ USER002.CLIST || _ USER002.FORKEY1.EXTOBJ || _ USER002.FROMJOE.EXTOBJ || _ USER002.ISPF.ISPPROF || _ USER002.NEWDATA.EXTOBJ || _ USER002.PDN.PARMLIB || _ USER002.PRF.JCL || _ USER002.RCX.ISSUES || _ USER002.RP99C.PARMLIB |

PF7/8: Up/Down | _ USER002.SAVED.EXTOBJ ||________________________________________________________|

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Define Ta rget s

3–4 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Extrac t Ob jec ts Conta ining Mo re Than One Targe t Definition

On the Target Definition Selection screen, if you specify an extract object butdo not specify the Creator and Name field, you are presented with a list of all

target definitions for that extract object. Select the target definition you wantto work with.

RXPTEDT ---------------- RC/EXTRACT Target Mapping ---------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

Extract Object ===> USER002.FINAL.EXTOBJTarget Definition:

Creator ===> * (Blank or pattern for list)Name ===> * (Blank or pattern for list)


S *---- LAST UPDATE -----*S NAME DESCRIPTION CREATOR O USER DATE TIMES @TRGDEF1 NEW DEFINITION USER002 N USER002 2004/11/16 11:33_ @TRGDEF2 NEW TARGET 2 USER002 N USER002 2004/11/15 16:31_ @TRGDEF3 NEW TARGET 3 USER002 N USER002 2004/11/15 16:32_ NEWTARG TARGET DEFINITION USER002 N USER002 2004/11/15 18:33******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************

PF7/8: Scroll Up/Down PF5: Global Change PF3/15: EndPF10/11: Scroll Left/Right PF6: Show Dependent Objects

Line Commands - B, S, T, X

Target Ma pp ing Sc reen

After you have identified the target definition, the Target Mapping screenappears:

RXPTEDT ---------------- RC/EXTRACT Target Mapping ---------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

Extract Object: USER002.NEWSOURC.EXTOBJTarget Definition: USER002.@TRGDEF1

Description ===> NEW TARGET DEFINITIONShare Option ===> N

Registry SSID: D81A ------------------------------------------------- USER002Source SSID ===> D81A Target SSID ===> D81A

Location ===> LOCAL Location ===> LOCAL


Line Commands - B, S, T, X

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Define Ta rget s

Chap ter 3: Loa d Func tions 3–5

When you scroll to the right (using PF11 or the RIGHT command), you can seethe following additional fields:

RXPTEDT ---------------- RC/EXTRACT Target Mapping ---------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

Extract Object: USER002.NEWSOURC.EXTOBJTarget Definition: USER002.@TRGDEF1

Description ===> NEW TARGET DEFINITIONShare Option ===> N

Registry SSID: D81A ------------------------------------------------- USER002Source SSID ===> D81A Target SSID ===> D81A

Location ===> LOCAL Location ===> LOCAL


PF7/8: Scroll Up/Down PF5: Global Change PF3/15: EndPF10/11: Scroll Left/Right PF6: Show Dependent Objects

Line Commands - B, S, T, X

When you issue the INDEXES primary command, you can see the indexesassociated with the source and target objects.

RXPTEDT----------------- RC/EXTRACT Target Mapping ---------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

Extract Object: USER002.NEWTESTA.EXTOBJTarget Definition: USER002.@TRGDEF1

Description ===> NEW TARGET DEFINITIONShare Option ===> N

Registry SSID: D81A ------------------------------------------------- USER002Source SSID ===> D81A Target SSID ===> D81A

Location ===> LOCAL Location ===> LOCAL




PF7/8: Scroll Up/Down PF5: Global Change PF3/15: EndPF10/11: Scroll Left/Right PF6: Show Dependent Objects

Line Commands - B, S, T, X

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Define Ta rget s

3–6 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Use the following fields on the Target Mapping screen to define the target:

Extract Object Displays the name of the extract object being mapped.

Target Definition Displays the creator and name of the target definition that is currentlybeing edited. The format of the display will be:



uuuuuuu is the creator ID of the target definition.

sssssss is the name of the target definition.

Description Enter up to 25 characters to describe the target definition.

Share Option

Change the share option by entering one of the following values:

N—Other users cannot reference or copy your target definition. This isthe default.

Y—Others can use, but not update, your target definition.

U—Others can use and update your target definition.

Source SSID Denotes the subsystem identifier of the source object.

Location Denotes the location that the source objects came from.

Target SSID Specify the subsystem identifier of the target objects.

Location Denotes the location of the target objects.

C Valid values are:

B—If the target object exists, you can enter B in this field to jumpfrom Unicenter RC/Extract into Unicenter RC/Update to browse thetarget object yourself. You must have a valid Unicenter RC/Updatelicense to use this command. See the Unicenter RC/Update User Guidefor additional information.

S—Include this object in the target load. This is the default.

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Define Ta rget s

Chap ter 3: Loa d Func tions 3–7

T—If the target object does not exist, you can enter T in this field to jump into Unicenter RC/Update to create the target object yourself,using the existing source object as a “template.” You specify objectparameters on the Unicenter RC/Update CA Table Template screen,

and when you have finished, you are returned to the Target Mappingscreen. You must have a valid Unicenter RC/Update license to use thiscommand.

X—Exclude this object from the target load.

S Shows whether the object is selected (S) or excluded (X).

Source Object Displays the name of the source object in a related set of objects.

The object may be the start object or another object in a set of objectsrelated to the start object.

Creator Displays the creator of the source object.

Target Object Specify the name of the target object that the source object will map to.This field will default to the name of the source object.

Creator Specify the creator of the target object that the source object is to map to.This field defaults to the source object creator.

Type Displays the object type of the source. Valid values are:

T—Indicates the object is a table.

I—Indicates the object is an index.

V—Indicates the object is a view.

Mapped Indicates whether the source object “maps” to the target object. Thevalues and their meanings are as follows:

NEW—The target object does not exist. Unicenter RC/Extract willautomatically create it when loading the extracted data, if the targetdatabase and tablespace exist.

YES—The target object exists and has columns that correspond toeach of the columns in the source object

NO—The target object exists but does no t have columns that map toeach of the columns in the source object.

UNK—Cannot determine because a connection to the target subsystemcould not be established.

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Define Ta rget s

3–8 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

DB Name Specify the name of the target database. This field defaults to the sourcedatabase.

DB Stat Displays the status of the target database. Valid values are:

EXISTS—Database exists on the target subsystem.

NEW—Database does not exist. User must create this database beforeperforming the load, or the load will fail.

UNK—Cannot determine because a connection to the target subsystemcould not be established.

TS Name Specify the name of the target tablespace. This field defaults to the sourcetablespace.

TS Stat

Displays the status of the target tablespace. Valid values are:

EXISTS—Tablespace exists on the target subsystem.

NEW—Tablespace does not exist. User must create this tablespacebefore performing the load, or the load will fail.

UNK—Cannot determine because a connection to the target subsystemcould not be established.

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Perform Loa d

Chap ter 3: Loa d Func tions 3–9

Perform Load

This section describes the perform load screens for load functions.

Proc ess Targe t Definition Sc reen

To load an extract object using the target definition, select option 4, PerformLoad, from the Extract/Load Services menu. The Process Target Definitionscreen appears:

RXLOAD ----------------- Process Target Definition ---------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

Extract Object ===> USER002.NEWTESTA.EXTOBJTarget Definition:

Creator ===> USER002 (Blank or pattern for list)Name ===> @TRGDEF1 (Blank or pattern for list)

Registry SSID: D81A ---------------------------------------------- USER002Execution Options:

Process Mode ===> (O - Online, B - Batch)Load Method ===> S (S - SQL, U - Utility)Update Load Parms ===> N (Y - Yes, N - No)Update Allocations ===> N (Y - Yes, N - No)Parallel Load ===> N (Y - Yes, N - No)

DDL Options:Create Tables ===> N (Y - Yes, N - No)Create Indexes ===> N (Y - Yes, N - No)Create Views ===> N (Y - Yes, N - No)Create RI ===> N (Y - Yes, N - No)Check Utility ===> N (Y - Yes, N - No)

PF3/15: End Enter: Process

Use the following fields on the Process Target Definition screen to specify thetarget definition load options:

Extract Object Specify the name of the extract object to be used for the load process, orenter selection criteria to bring up a list of candidate extract objects.

The selection criteria supported for this field is the asterisk (*).

Creator Enter the creator of the target definition that defines the objects to loadthe data into, or enter selection criteria to bring up a list of targetdefinitions.

Name Enter the name of the target definition that defines the objects to load thedata into, or enter selection criteria to bring up a list of target definitions.

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Perform Loa d

3–10 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Process Mode Enter one of the following values to specify process mode:

O—Perform the load process online. This is applicable only if the SQLload method is chosen. If the utility method is chosen, B must bespecified for the process mode.

B—Perform the load process in batch. If this option is chosen, a batchprocessor stream (JCL that invokes the CA Batch Processor) is createdto perform the extraction. From the Batch Processor screen thatappears, you can preview and edit the batch job, immediately submitthe batch job, or save the batch job to a data set for later invocation.

Load Method Enter one of the following values to specify the load method:

S—Use SQL statements to load the target objects.

U—Use load utility to load the target objects.

Update Load Parms Enter Y in this field if you want to view or update the default loadparameters. Otherwise, enter N .

Update Allocations Enter Y in this field if you want to view or update the default allocations.Otherwise, enter N . See the Allocation Options Screen section foradditional information.

Parallel Load Specify whether you want to load extracted data in separate load jobs sothat the load jobs can run in parallel. See the Split Allocations Screensection for additional information.

Create Tables Specify whether target tables are automatically created. When loadprocessing is performed, the DDL to create the tables is generated, if thetables do not already exist.

Create Indexes Specify whether target indexes are automatically created. When loadprocessing is performed, the DDL to create the target indexes isgenerated, if the indexes do not already exist.

Create View s Specify whether views are automatically created. When load processing isperformed, the DDL to create the views is generated, if the views do notalready exist. You must use the SQL Load engine to load a table through aview.

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Perform Loa d

Cha p te r 3: Loa d Func tions 3–11

Create RI Specify whether ALTER DDL is automatically generated to add foreign keysto applicable objects, so referential integrity is maintained.

Check Utility Specify whether a check utility is generated for all tablespaces. The checkutility function helps verify, once the data is loaded, that the data isreferentially intact.

SQL Load Op tions Sc reen

If you specified Y in the Update Load Parms field on the Process TargetDefinition screen, the SQL Load Options screen appears.

RXLOPTS --------------- RC/EXTRACT SQL LOAD Options --------------------------COMMAND ===>

SQL Load Options:Empty Target Table Before Loading ==> N (Y - Yes, N - No)Update Existing Rows in Target Table ==> Y (Y - Yes, N - No)Commit Frequency for Load Operation ==> 20 (0 - commit after each table)Skip Insert row on -530 SQLCODE ==> N (Y - Yes, N - No)

PF3 End/Continue CANCEL Abandon Changes

Use the following fields to specify your SQL Load parameters:

Empty Target Table Before Loading Clears out the target table before loading.

N—Do not clear target table. This is the default.

Y—Clear target table.

Update Existing Row s in Target Table Modify existing rows if they match the key fields of the source record (thatis, key collision).

N—If key collision, you will receive the error condition SQL code -803.

Y—If key collision, update record. This is the default.

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Perform Loa d

3–12 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Commit Frequency for Load Operation Twenty (20) is the default.

Note: Regardless of this value, at the end of each extraction, one finalcommit is performed so that data is not lost.

Skip Insert row on -530 SQLCODEAllow SQL Load to continue processing when an SQL code -530 isreturned. This code indicates that the row being inserted is a child row butthe required parent is not present.

Note: This option is not recommended when tables are related bycircular RI.

N—Do not allow SQL Load to continue processing when an SQLcode -530 is returned. This is the default.

Y—Allow SQL Load to continue processing when an SQL code -530 isreturned.

This option does not need to be set to Y when Unicenter RC/Extract isautomatically creating the objects as part of the load procedure,because the -530 SQL code will not occur in this situation.

Note: Skipped rows are not written to a discard file. To insert skippedrows, rerun the Load of the same extract object, using options Update=Nand Skip=Y. Then verify that the skipped rows were inserted. Do not specify these options during the first execution of a Load. Otherwise, yourisk losing an update.

IBM Loa d Op tions Sc reen

If you specified Y in the Update Load Parms field on the Process TargetDefinition screen and IBM in the Load Utility field on the Profile screen, theIBM Load Options screen appears:

RXLOPT1 --------------- RC/EXTRACT IBM LOAD Options ---------------------------COMMAND ===>

IBM LOAD UTILITY OPTIONS:Load Resume/Replace ==> N ( Y - Yes, N - No, or R - Replace )Log Data ==> N ( Y/N - Y = Data is Logged as Loaded )SORTKEYS ==> N ( Y/N - Y = Keys Sorted as Loaded V5 and Above )

Number of Keys ==> 0 ( Estimated Number of Keys V5 and Above )ENFORCE CONSTRAINTS ==> N ( Y/N - Y = Enforce System RI Constraints )SYSERR Error log ==> Y ( Y/N - Y = Error info logged to SYSERR )MAPDDN Error log ==> Y ( Y/N - Y = SYSMAP DD for error information )Save Discarded rows ==> Y ( Y/N - Y = allocate SYSDISC Error Dataset )

Max Discard rows ==> 0 ( Max errors allowed, 0 = no limit )

PF3 End/Continue CANCEL Abandon Changes

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Perform Loa d

Cha p te r 3: Loa d Func tions 3–13

A valid IBM license is required to use this utility. On this screen, you canspecify the following load options:

Load Resume/ Replace Specify how you want to process the rows in the table by entering one of the following values:

Y—The existing rows of the table will not be deleted. If the tablespaceis not empty, the records are added at the end of the file. If thetablespace is empty, a warning is issued and processing continues.

N—If the tablespace is not empty (if it contains any rows in any tablein that tablespace), processing stops.

R—If you specify R, all existing rows in the tablespace are deleted, andthe load processing is started from the beginning of the empty table.

Log Data Specify whether to log data.

N—Data is not logged. This is the default.

Y—Data is logged as loaded.

Sortkeys Specify whether to sort keys.

N—Do not sort keys. This is the default.

Y—Keys sorted as loaded V5 and above.

Number of Keys Specify the estimated number of keys V5 and above. The default is 0.

Enforce Constraints Specify whether to enforce system referential integrity constraints. Validvalues are:

N—Do not enforce. This is the default.


SYSERR Error log Specify whether to create a SYSERR error log.

Y—Error information is logged to SYSERR. This is the default.

N—Error information is not logged.

MAP DDN Error log Specify whether to create a MAPDDN error log.

Y—Error information is logged to SYSMAP DD. This is the default.

N—Error information is not logged.

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Perform Loa d

3–14 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Save Discarded row s Specify whether to save discarded rows in the SYSDISC error data set.

Y—Allocate SYSDISC error data set. This is the default.

N—Do not save discarded rows.Max Discard rows

Specify the maximum number of discard rows permitted. If you enter 0,there is no limit.

Fast Loa d Op tions Sc reen

If you specified Y for the Update Load Parms field on the Process TargetDefinition screen and P FL (Unicenter Fast Load) in the Load Utility field on theProfile screen, the Fast Load Options screen appears.

Note: You must have a valid Unicenter Fast Load license to invoke this feature.

RXLOPT2 --------------- RC/EXTRACT FAST LOAD Options -------------------------COMMAND ===>

Load Resume/Replace ==> N ( Y - Yes or N - No or R - Replace )MAPDDN Error log ==> Y ( Y/N, Y = SYSMAP DD for error info )Save Discarded rows ==> Y ( Y/N - Y = alloc SYSDISC error dataset)ALLMSGS Messages ==> N ( Y/N, Y = additional error message )Max Discard rows ==> 0 ( Max errors allowed, 0 = no limit )



PF3 End/Continue CANCEL Abandon Changes

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Perform Loa d

Cha p te r 3: Loa d Func tions 3–15

On this screen, you can specify the following load options:

Load Resume/ Replace Specify how you want to process the rows in the table by entering one of these values:

Y—Resume the load. Do not delete the existing rows of the table. If the tablespace is not empty, the records are added at the end of thefile. If the tablespace is empty, a warning is issued and processingcontinues.

N—If the tablespace is not empty (if it contains any rows in any tablein that tablespace), stop processing.

R—Delete all existing rows in the tablespace and start the loadprocessing from the beginning of the empty table.

MAP DDN Error log Specify where to write a formatted report of all errors. You can extract this

report later using the Discard Processing program.The DD name must be six characters or less. (The seventh and eightcharacters are used as increments.)

Y—Use SYSMAP DD for error information. This is the default.

N—Do not use SYSMAP DD for error information.

Save Discarded row s Specify whether to save discarded rows.

Y—Allocate SYSDISC error data set. This is the default.

N—Do not allocate the SYSDISC error data set.

ALLMSGS Messages Specify whether you want Unicenter Fast Load to issue additionalinformation on the load. Messages are written to the PTIIMSG data set if one is specified. Otherwise, messages are written to the PTIMSG data set.Valid values are:

Y—Issue additional messages.

N—Do not issue additional messages. This is the default.

Max Discard rows Specify maximum errors allowed. If you enter 0, there is no limit. Validvalues are:

0—No limit on number of errors allowed. This is the default.

(integer)—Maximum number of errors allowed.

Ignore the M arked Errors During the Load Ignore the errors that are marked in the selection list. Valid values are:

Y—Ignore the errors that are marked in the selection list.

N—Do not ignore any marked errors during load.

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Perform Loa d

3–16 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Allocation Options Screen

If you specified Y for the Update Allocations field on the Process TargetDefinition screen, the Allocation Options screen appears:

RXAOPT1 --------------- RC/EXTRACT Allocation Options -------------------------COMMAND ===>


Device Type ==> DISK ( DISK/TAPE )Volume Serial ==> ( Blank for authorized default volume )

SMS Parameters:Management Class ==> ( Blank for default Management Class )Storage Class ==> ( Blank for default Storage Class )Data Class ==> ( Blank for default Data Class )

Space Parameters:Discards PRI ==> 50 SEC ==> 50 UNITS ==> TRK ( TRK/CYL )Errors PRI ==> 50 SEC ==> 50 UNITS ==> TRK ( TRK/CYL )Map PRI ==> 50 SEC ==> 50 UNITS ==> TRK ( TRK/CYL )SORTWK1 PRI ==> 1 SEC ==> 1 UNITS ==> CYL ( TRK/CYL )SORTWK2 PRI ==> 1 SEC ==> 1 UNITS ==> CYL ( TRK/CYL )

PF3 End/Continue CANCEL Abandon Changes

On this screen, you can specify the following allocation options.

Device Type Enter the device type: DISK or TAPE.

Volume Serial Enter the volume serial number, or leave blank for authorized defaultvolume.

Management Class Enter the SMS management class, or leave blank for the default.

Storage Class Enter the SMS storage class, or leave blank for the default.

Data Class Enter the data class, or leave blank for the default.

Discards Specify the primary (PRI) and secondary (SEC) discard data set allocationsin tracks (TRK) or cylinders (CYL).

PRI—Default is 50 tracks.

SEC—Default is 50 tracks.

Errors Specify the primary (PRI) and secondary (SEC) error data set allocationsin tracks (TRK) or cylinders (CYL).

PRI—Default is 50 tracks.

SEC—Default is 50 tracks.

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Perform Loa d

Cha p te r 3: Loa d Func tions 3–17

Map Specify the primary (PRI) and secondary (SEC) map data set allocations intracks (TRK) or cylinders (CYL).

PRI—Default is 50 tracks.

SEC—Default is 50 tracks.

SORTWK1 Specify the primary (PRI) and secondary (SEC) sort Work1 data setallocations in tracks (TRK) or cylinders (CYL).

PRI—Default is 1 cylinder.

SEC—Default is 1 cylinder.

SORTWK2 Specify the primary (PRI) and secondary (SEC) sort Work2 data setallocations in tracks (TRK) or cylinders (CYL).

PRI—Default is 1 cylinder.SEC—Default is 1 cylinder.

Split Allocations Screen

If you chose to load extracted data in separate load jobs by specifying Y in theParallal Load field on the Process Target Definition screen, the Split Allocationsscreen appears.

RXAOPT2 --------- RC/EXTRACT Split Allocations ---------COMMAND ===>


Management Class ==> ( Blank for default Management Class )Storage Class ==> ( Blank for default Storage Class )Data Class ==> ( Blank for default Data Class )

. CREATOR TABLE NAME DEVICE UNITS PRIMARY SECONDARYDSN8710 ACT DISK 00042 0000018 0000018DSN8710 DEPT DISK 00080 0000009 0000009DSN8710 EMP DISK 00113 0000031 0000031DSN8710 EMPPROJACT DISK 00052 0000074 0000074DSN8710 PROJ DISK 00086 0000020 0000020DSN8710 PROJACT DISK 00045 0000077 0000077

******************************* BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************

On this screen, you can specify the following options.

Management Class Enter the SMS management class, or leave blank for the default.

Storage Class Enter the SMS storage class, or leave blank for the default.

Data Class Enter the data class, or leave blank for the default.

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Perform Loa d

3–18 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Device If you want to change the device type from the one used for the originalextract object, you can change the values for these fields as follows:

If the original extract object was on Disk, and you want to write thesefiles to tape, change the Device field to TAPE and blank out everythingelse.

If the original extract object was on Tape, and you want to write someor all files to Disk, change the Device to DISK, and supply values forthe Units, Primary, and Secondary fields.

Important! If the original extract object was on Disk and you want to writethese files to Disk, we do not recommend changing the values provided byUnicenter RC/Extract for UNITS, PRIMARY, and SECONDARY since thesecomputed values are very accurate.


Enter a numeric value (for block type allocation), CYL (for cylinders), orTRK (for tracks). If the original extract object is on tape, you can specifyCYL or TRK. This field cannot be blank.

If you enter a numeric value, the space is allocated in blocks of the sizespecified.

Primary Enter a numeric value for the primary space allocation for a DISK data set.The original value displayed is the number of rows extracted from thetable. If you specified TRK or CYL for Units, you should enter anappropriate numeric value in this field. Otherwise, it can be unchanged.

Secondary Optionally provide a numeric value that represents the number of units tobe allocated for the file if the primary allocation is not sufficient to containthe file.

Note: Overflow processing is not available in the Split Allocations process,so the addition of a secondary allocation value provides a safeguard in theevent that the value you specified for the primary allocation is notsufficient.

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Chap ter 4: Com ma nd Center 4–1

Chapter 4: Command Center

This chapter describes the screens used by the Command Center. You canaccess the Command Center menus by selecting option ? from the Main Menu.

The major features of the Command Center are identified on the followingexample:

RXCC ---------------- RC/EXTRACT Command Center ------------------------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

Registry SSID ===> D81ASrcdef Name ===> * Creator ===> * Source SSID ===> *Trgdef Name ===> * Creator ===> * Target SSID ===> *---------------------------------------------------------------------- USER002

T S *---- LAST UPDATE --

S NAME DESCRIPTION CREATOR P O SSID USER DATE_ ________ ________________________ USER002 _ N ____ <==== OBJECT CREATE_ DEMO3 NEW SOURCE DEFINITION USER005 S U D81A USER001 2005/04/23_ USER001.DEMO3.EXTOBJ X * D81A USER001 2005/04/23_ @TRGDEF1 NEW TARGET DEFINITION USER001 T U D81A USER001 2005/04/23_ USER005.DEMO3.EXTOBJ X * D81A USER005 2004/04/12_ @TRGDEM3 NEW TARGET DEFINITION USER005 T U D81A USER005 2004/04/12_ @TRGDE03 NEW TARGET DEFINITION USER005 T U D81A USER005 2004/04/12_ @TRGDE03 NEW TARGET DEFINITION USER005 T U D81A USER005 2004/04/12_ DOH05 NEW SOURCE DEFINITION USER002 S N D81A USER002 2004/03/29_ USER002.DOH05.EXTOBJ X * D81A USER002 2004/03/29_ @TRGDEF1 NEW TARGET DEFINITION USER002 T N D81A USER002 2004/03/29PF7/8: Scroll Up/Down PF10/11: Scroll Left/Right PF3/15: End

Header FieldsIn the following fields (except Registry SSID), the percent sign (%) or asterisk(*) can be used as a wildcard character:

Registry SSID Denotes the DB2 subsystem where the Unicenter RC/Extract Registryresides (where the Unicenter RC/Extract objects are stored).

Srcdef Name Filters the source definitions that are displayed. Only source definitionswhose names match this field are displayed.


Filters the source definitions that are displayed. Only source definitionswhose creator matches this field are displayed.

Source SSID Denotes the subsystem identifier of the source object. Use this field tofilter the source definitions that are displayed. Only source definitionsdefined to extract objects from the DB2 subsystem that match this fieldare displayed.

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List Field s

4–2 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Trgdef Name Filters the target definitions that are displayed for extract objects under asource definition. Only target definitions whose names match this field aredisplayed.

Creator Filters the target definitions that are displayed for extract objects under asource definition. Only target definitions whose creator matches this fieldare displayed.

Target SSID Filters the target definitions that are displayed for extract objects under asource definition. Only target definitions whose target subsystem identifiermatches this field are displayed.

List FieldsThe following are the list fields that appear on the bottom half of theCommand Center:

S Enter a line command to act on an object.

On the Object Create line, enter C to create a new source or targetdefinition.

Enter a question mark (?) or slash (/) next to an object to bring up alist of valid commands for that type of object.

Note: See Command Center Object Command List for a complete listing of

all valid commands for this field.Name

Displays the name of the source definition, extract object, or targetdefinition.

Description Displays the description of the object. On the Object Create line, enter thedescription for the object you are about to create.

Creator Displays the creator of the object. Incomplete extract objects display**INC** in this field (if you specified Y for Intercept Errors on the ProcessSource Definition screen). This means that the data to fulfill the

requirements of the RI set described in the source definition (SRCDEF) wasnot completely extracted when the job that created the file wasabnormally terminated. To rebuild and restart an incomplete extract, usethe K line command.

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List Field s

Chap ter 4: Com ma nd Center 4–3

TP Displays the type of object:

S—Source definition

X—Extract objectT—Target definition

Use the Object Create field to specify the type of object you want tocreate.

Note: Only source definitions and target definitions can be created on thisline.

SO Describes the share option of the object. Valid values are:

N—Indicates that the object will be visible only to the creator of theobject.

Y—Indicates that the object will be visible to all users; however, onlythe creator can update the object.

U—The object will be visible to all users, and anyone an update theobject.

An asterisk (*) in this field indicates that the share option is not applicableto the object.

Note: The SO field is not intended for use as a security mechanism. If auser has access to an extract object created by a different user andcreates a target definition under this extract object, the source definitionwill become visible to the user even if the creator specified a Share Optionof N on the Source Definition screen.

SSID For source definitions and extract objects, this is the source DB2subsystem identifier.

For target definitions, this is the target subsystem identifier.

User Displays the user ID of the last person who updated the object.

Date Displays the date the object was last updated.

Time Displays the time the object was last updated.

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Command Center Object Command List

4–4 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Comma nd Center Objec t Comm and List

The Command Center displays source definitions, extract objects, and targetdefinitions in the same list. Different line commands are available for eachtype of object, as shown in the following sections.

Note: If you specify the Split Extraction option, the following functions are notavailable:

From the Process Target Definition screen, do not specify S (SQL) for theLoad Method. Specify U (Utility) for the Load Method.

From the Command Center, do not specify P , F , E, K, and Z against thistype of Extract Object. Do not specify P and Z against Target Definitionscreated under this type of Extract Object.

MATCHCASE Prima ry Co mmandLike the Matchcase profile variable, the MATCHCASE primary command letsyou use DB2 object names that contain any valid characters accepted by DB2,including uppercase characters, lowercase characters, and embedded blanks.You can enter this command in the command line of any screen that lets youenter DB2 object names to immediately affect object names (such as tables,indexes, aliases, views, and so on).

Note: This feature does not affect characters typically used by DB2 as wildcards, such as percent (%) and underscore (_).

Your options are as follows:

MATCHCASE—Enter MATCHCASE (or abbreviate your entry to MATCH) inthe command line of any screen and press enter to check the currentstatus of the MATCHCASE command at any time. A message displaysunder the command line informing you of the current status.

MATCHCASE ON—Enter MATCHCASE ON (or abbreviate your entry toMATCH ON) and press Enter if you want Unicenter RC/Extract to considerobject names on a case-sensative basis.

MATCHCASE OFF—Enter MATCHCASE OFF (or abbreviate your entry toMATCH OFF) and press Enter if you want Unicenter RC/Extract to considerobject names regardless of case.

Note: This option is SQL intensive.

MATCHCASE CAPS—(Default) Enter MATCHCASE CAP S (or abbreviateyour entry to MATCH CAPS) and press Enter if you want UnicenterRC/Extract to automatically convert any lowercase characters in objectnames you enter to uppercase characters, then process the full name asall uppercase characters. As search criteria, Unicenter RC/Extract returnsonly the uppercase values that match.

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Command Center Object Command List

Chap ter 4: Com ma nd Center 4–5

Sourc e Definition Objec t Typ e

The valid line commands for source definition object types are:

C—Create a new source definition (on Object Create line).

D—Delete a source definition.

T—Template a source definition.

U—Update a source definition.

X—Perform extraction.

S—Single step extract/load in batch.

Z—Single step extract/delete/load in batch.

Extrac t Objec t Typ e

The valid line commands for extract object types are:

C—Create a target definition.

D—Delete an extract object.

R—Display an extract report.

X—Refresh an extract object.

I—Insert into default targets using SQL.

P—SQL delete from default targets.

Z—Utility delete from default targets.

F—Find data in extract object.

E—Encrypt selected columns in extract object.

K—Rebuild and restart incomplete extract.

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Extrac t O bjec t Sea rch Fac ility

4–6 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Targe t Definition Objec t Typ e

The valid line commands for target definition object types are:

C—Create a new target definition (on Object Create line).

D—Delete a target definition.

T—Template a target definition.

U—Update a target definition.

I—Insert rows using a target definition.

P—Purge/delete rows using SQL.

Z—Purge/delete rows using utilities.

Tip : To get a pop-up screen listing the valid commands for that type of object, enter a question mark (?) or slash (/) next to the object in the Scolumn.

Note: See the Unicenter RC/Extract User Guide for information about how touse all these line commands.

Extrac t Ob jec t Sea rc h Fac ility

The Extract Object Search Facility screen is where you enter the objectidentification criteria to find data within your extract object. This screenappears when you specify F from the Command Center screen in the S columnnext to the extract object that you want to find data in, and press Enter.

RXPXSRC ---------- RC/EXTRACT Extract Object Search Facility -----------------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

Extract Object: USER002.DOHO5.EXTOBJ

Execution Mode ===> O (O - Online; B - Batch)Object Creator ===> * Matchcase ONObject Name ===> *Column ===> *Search Value ===>

PF3/15: End Enter: Process

Note: The encryption function is no t available on a split extract.

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Extra c t O bjec t Sea rch Fac ility

Chap ter 4: Com ma nd Center 4–7

Use the following fields to identify your search value.

Extract Object The data set that contains the selected extract object.

Execution M ode Enter one of the following values to specify execution mode:

O—Perform the search facility online.

B—Perform the search facility in batch. If this option is chosen, a batchprocessor stream (JCL that invokes the CA Batch Processor) is createdto perform the extraction. At the Batch Processor screen that appears,you can preview and edit the batch job, immediately submit the batch

job, or save the batch job to a data set for later invocation.

Object Creator Identify the creator of the object you want to use.

For information about the MATCHCASE setting, see the Profile section in

this guide.

Object Name Enter the object name you want to use as your start object.

By placing an asterisk (*) in both the Object Creator and Object Namefields and pressing Enter, a pop-up screen displays objects (and theircreators) within the extract object.

Column The DB2 column name.

Once you have selected an object, by placing an asterisk (*) in this fieldand pressing Enter, a pop-up screen displays columns within the selectedobject that which you can search.

Search Value Enter the value exactly as it should appear in the column.

Character fields will be truncated or blank filled on the right to correct datalength in the column. Numeric fields will be truncated or zero filled on theleft. Non-integer fields will maintain the precision and scale appropriate tothe column. Signs must appear to the left of the signed number.

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Post Enc ryption Fac ility Servic es

4–8 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Post Enc ryp tion Fac ility Servic es

The Post Encryption Facility Services screen is where you select objects andcolumns for encryption, and specify file name and file management values forthe encrypted file.

RXPXENC --- Post Encryption Facility Services ---COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===> PAGE

Extract Object ===> USER002.NEWXXXA6.EXTOBJExecution Mode ===> (O - Online; B - Batch)Encryption Routine ===> RXL#EXITEncrypted File high level ===> USER002Encrypted File low level ===> ENCROBJDataclas = DEFAULT Storclas = WORK Mgmtclas = WORKMatchcase ON --------------------------------------------------------- USER002

C CREATOR OBJECT COLUMN_ *_______ *_________________ *_________________******************************** BOTTOM OF DATA *******************************

Cancel: Exit without processingPF7/8: Scroll Up/Down PF3/15: Process Enter: Continue

Note: For information about the MATCHCASE setting, see the Profile section inthis guide.

Use the following fields to specify encryption data:

Extract Object The data set that contains the selected extract object.

Execution Mode Enter one of the following values to specify execution mode:

O—Perform the search facility online.

B—Perform the search facility in batch. If this option is chosen, a batchprocessor stream (JCL that invokes the CA Batch Processor) is createdto perform the extraction. At the Batch Processor screen that appears,you can preview and edit the batch job, immediately submit the batch

job, or save the batch job to a data set for later invocation.

Encryption Routine The name of the encryption engine. By default, this is RXL#EXIT, however

you can specify your own encryption routine.Note: A user-defined encryption routine is an Assembler program youprovide, which must be assembled and linked into PTILIB. For moreinformation about user-defined encryption routines, see EncryptionRoutines.

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Post Enc ryption Fa c ility Servic es

Chap ter 4: Com ma nd Center 4–9

Encrypted File high level Specify a 1- to 8-character name, such as your TSO user ID to be used asthe high-level qualifier of the encrypted file. You must have authority touse the name specified. By default, the name of the original extract object

is specified.Note: This name is combined with the mid-level of the original extractobject and the low-level qualifier specified in the Encrypted File low levelfield to create a unique data set name for the encrypted file.

Encrypted File low level Specify a 1- to 8-character name for the low level qualifier of theencrypted file. The default is ENCROBJ.

Dataclas , Storclas , and Mgmtclas The file management fields for the encrypted file. Values from the originalextract object are automatically provided as the default. You can changethese values as needed.

C Line command field. Valid entries are:

I—Insert or select an object and column for encryption.

D—Delete or remove an object and column previously inserted. Thislets you modify the list of objects and columns as you want, beforeprocessing the encryption.

Object Creator Identify the creator of the object you want to use.

Object Name Enter the DB2 object name.

By placing an asterisk (*) in both the Object Creator and Object Namefields and pressing Enter, a pop-up screen displays objects (and theircreators) within the extract object.

Column The DB2 column name.

Once you have selected an object, by placing an asterisk (*) in this fieldand pressing Enter, a pop-up screen displays columns within the selectedobject that which you can search.

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Post Enc ryption Fac ility Servic es

4–10 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Enc ryption Routines

An encryption routine is specified on the Post Encryption Facility Servicesscreen header. The same encryption routine is called for each column in an

extract object which is selected for encryption.

The default encryption routine RXL#EXIT contains algorithms to encrypt mostdata types. It probably meets your data protection needs, unless your datahas a specific pattern that you want to disguise in a particular way, or youneed to encrypt data types which are not supported by RXL#EXIT.

RXL#EXIT guarantees uniqueness when encrypting primary and foreign keys.This is essential to retaining the RI relationships between primary and foreignkeys, even after they have been encrypted.

Chang ing the Default

You can replace the default encryption routine with your own encryptionroutine, but remember that your exit routine must maintain the uniqueness of primary and foreign keys—all primary and foreign key values must “protectout” the same way. For example, do not use time-sensitive values to performyour encryption algorithm, because the primary key is encrypted at a slightlydifferent time than the foreign key.

To change the default encryption routine, edit the parmlib member RCX, andreplace PROTECTION-EXIT (RXL#EXIT) with your encryption routine name.

Casca ding Data Protec tion

Cascading encryption is provided for primary and foreign key fields, so you canprotect your data without compromising the relational integrity of the data.

When you specify encryption for a primary or foreign key column, it isautomatically applied to all referentially related columns in an RI structurewhen the extract object is processed. This applies to all tables in an RIstructure, regardless of which table you specifically encrypt. For example, if you encrypt the foreign key in a child table, the primary key in the parenttable is also encrypted.

You specify encryption for primary or foreign key columns the same way you

specify it for other columns.

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Post Enc ryption Fa c ility Servic es

Cha pter 4: Com ma nd Center 4–11

Specifying a Routine

You can supply your own encryption routine. The routine must be assembledand linked into PTILIB. Enter the name in the RCX parmlib member variable

PROTECTION-EXIT, or in the Encryption Routine field on the Post EncryptionFacility Services screen.

Five parameters are passed to the encryption routine. The parameters are theaddresses to the following fields:

colname An eight character field containing the one- to eight-character name of thecolumn to be encrypted.

coldata The data to be encrypted. If the data is type VARCHAR, LONGVARCHAR,VARGRAPHIC, or LONGVARGRAPHIC, then the first two bytes are theSMALLINT length of the data value being passed.

If the column is nullable, an additional one-byte character at the end of the data is the null indicator.



You must use the values of the coltype, colength, and nullind fields todetermine the real length of the data field. See Nullable Integer Data andNon-nullable Varchar Data for examples.

Coltype The data type of the column to be encrypted; this is the address of a fieldwhich is eight characters in length, and may contain the following values.


SMALLINT—Small integer






LONGVAR—Long Varchar

LONGVARG—Long VargraphicGRAPHIC—Graphic


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Post Enc ryption Fac ility Servic es

4–12 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

colength The length of the column to be encrypted. Two-byte SMALLINT. Thecolumn length is increased by two for columns of type VARCHAR,LONGVARCHAR, VARGRAPHIC, and LONGVARGRAPHIC. It is also increased

by one for nullable columns.Note: You must also use the values of the coltype and nullind fields todetermine the real length of the data field. See Nullable Integer Data andNon-nullable Varchar Data.

nullind The null indicator, a one-byte character. This field indicates whether thereis an additional one-byte NULL indicator included in the coldata parameter.

N—There is no NULL indicator in coldata.

Y—There is a NULL indicator in coldata.

Exa mp les

Nullab le Integ er Data

The column COL1 is an integer field, with the value 7. It is nullable.




colength—X’05’–the value ’5’


The last byte of the coldata field is X’00’ because the value is not null. Thecolength is 5: the four-byte integer field plus the one-byte null indicator.

Non-nullable Varchar Data

The column COL2 is a non-nullable Varchar field of length 18. The value beingpassed is ‘COMASSOC’, which is only eight characters.


coldata—X’0008 C3D6D4C1E2E2D6C3’


colength—X’14’–the value ‘20’


The first two bytes of the coldata field, X’0008’, show the actual length of thedata value. There is no null indicator byte at the end of the coldata field. Thecolength value X’14’ (20) reflects the VARCHAR field length of 18 plus thetwo-byte data length at the beginning of the VARCHAR field.

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Resta rt Inco mp lete Extrac t Sc reen

Cha pter 4: Com ma nd Center 4–13

Restart Incomplete Extrac t Sc reen

The Restart Incomplete Extract screen appears when you specify the K linecommand in the S column next to the name of an incomplete extract objectfrom the Command Center.

RXPREST --------- Restart Incomplete Extract ---------COMMAND ===> SCROLL ===>

Source Definition:Creator ===> (These fields for information only)Name ===>

Extract Object ===>Registry SSID: ---------------------------------------------- USER02Execution Options:

Process Mode ===> (O - Online, B - Batch)Extract Method ===> S (S - SQL, U - Utility)Update Options ===> N (Y - Yes, N - No)Update Allocations ===> N (Y - Yes, N - No)Intercept Errors ===> Y (Y - Yes, N - No)

DDL Options: DDL not extracted during Restart. If DDL was originallyextracted, it will be included in the final Extract Object.

PF3/15: End Enter: Process

The following fields are on the Restart Incomplete Extract screen:

Creator Displays the creator of the source definition.

Name Displays the name of the source definition.

Extract Object Displays the name of the incomplete extract object.

Process Mode Specify the process mode for the incomplete extract object. Valid valuesare:

O—Perform the extraction process online.

B—Perform the extraction process in batch. If this option is chosen, abatch processor stream (JCL that invokes the CA Batch Processor) iscreated to perform the extraction. You are then taken to the BatchProcessor screen where you can preview and edit the batch job,immediately submit the batch job, or save the batch job in a data setfor later invocation.

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Resta rt Inco mp lete Extra c t Sc reen

4–14 Unicent er RC/ Extrac t Refe renc e Guid e

Extract Method Specify the method by which data will be extracted from the objects in thesource definition.

S—Use SQL statements to unload the source objects. This method isalways used for online extractions.

U—Use the Unicenter Fast Unload util ity to unload the source objects.Use this method for view extractions, in batch, and when the entiretable is to be read.

Update OptionsEnter Y in this field if you want to view or update the default extractionoptions. Otherwise, enter N .

Update Allocations Enter Y in this field if you want to view or update the default allocationoptions for the extract object. Otherwise, enter N .

Note: If you enter Y in this field, the Extract Options screen appears whereyou can change extract object allocation parameters. However, you shouldrarely have to change these options—the defaults should work for mostextractions.

WARNING! Writing the extract object to a disk or tape data set issupported. However, for optimal performance, we recommend that youchoose DISK.

Intercept Errors Enter Y to recover again in the event of errors that may occur during therestart of the incomplete object. This can be helpful in the event of memory errors or in case you have grossly underestimated the size of thefile.

Note: Restart is not available for extractions that have not begun to writetable rows to the extract object, and or that have not completed at leastone iteration of one step of the extraction. The incomplete extract objectwill also not be saved and registered for restart if the error or abendindicates possible corruption of the extract object.

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perform extract, 2-19

perform load, 3-9PFU extract options screen, 2-23

post-encryption support, 4-6

primary commandsMATCHCASE, 4-4

process source definition screen, 2-19

process target definition screen, 3-9

profile, 1-1

PROFILE primary command, 1-1

profile screen, 1-1


relationship mode, 2-11

Restart Incomplete Extract screen, 4-13


screensallocation options, 3-16command center, 4-1data query edit, 2-15extract object search facility, 4-6extract object selection, 3-3extract options, 2-27Fast Load options, 3-14IBM load options, 3-12insert object selection, 2-14PFU extract options, 2-23process source definition, 2-19process target definition selection, 3-9

profile, 1-1Restart Incomplete Extract, 4-13select related tables, 2-12source definition, 2-6

source definition selection, 2-2Split Allocations, 3-17SQL extract options, 2-22SQL load options, 3-11start object selection, 2-4target definition selection, 3-2target mapping, 3-4

select related tables screen, 2-12

source definition object typeline commands, 4-5

source definition screen, 2-6

source definition selection screen, 2-2

Split Allocations screen, 3-17

SQL extract options screen, 2-22

SQL load options screen, 3-11

start object selection screen, 2-4


target definition

line commands, 4-6target definition selection screen, 3-2

target mapping screen, 3-4

targets, 3-2


Unicenter Fast Unloadinterface with Unicenter RC/Extract, 2-23