RCAF Winnipeg Base - Aug 1943

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  • 8/7/2019 RCAF Winnipeg Base - Aug 1943



  • 8/7/2019 RCAF Winnipeg Base - Aug 1943


    A t the Sports Meet

    Top Row (left to right)-Rope climbing: W.D. Running High Jump W.D. 75 yard dash finish; thetug~of-war in action; GjC A. H. Asbton, G/C Turner, Col. Mitchell, and W/c T. R. Michelson;.Second Row-LAC Tommy Agnew finishing the a-mlte race; athletes of Sqdn. 65 on the march; F/0A. C. Turner checking schedule with S/L J. B. MeAra; W z C T. R. Michelson and Hon. R. F. McWilliams posewith the ladies; Smiling AW Toplis, winner of the W.D. running high jump; W/C Michelson.Third Row-Hon. R. F. McWilliams in a candid ahot chatting with the ladies in the bleachers; No. 2Training Command Band; WOt J. R. Gray and CJRC's Arthur Morrison at the micn::tphone.Fourth Row-LAC Kidd clearing the rod in the pole vault; AWZ Clampitt top scorer in W.D. events;Hon. R. F. McWilliams officially opening the program; G/e Ashton presenting an award to one of the win-ners; Chief Scorer F/Sgt. M. Bricker get. returns from Cpl. A. E. DowieBottom Row--Cheer-leader "Junior" Adams of Sqdn. 65 proudly displaying the many ribbons won byhis squadron's athletes; the gentlemen of the press; Prize Steward F/0 H. G. Currie in cheerful mood withassistant LAC Bolander; a beautiful heave in the ahot put.

  • 8/7/2019 RCAF Winnipeg Base - Aug 1943


    Published Monthly by Airmen of No. 3 Wireless School, R.C.A.F.,With the kind permission of Wing Commander T. R. Michelson, Commanding Officer

    Vo!. 1, No.4. August, 1943.EDITORIAL STAFF

    No.3 Wireless School, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

    Editor Cpl. Herman, 1. I.W.O.l Gray, J. R. F/Sgt. Bricker, M.Sgt. Walker, J. A. L. Cp!. Inch, W.

    Senior Advisory Editor F/L F. F. GravellePhotos by H. K. White.

    Editorial . ._________________________________________1Our S.E.O. 2Mystery of the Air Force 3The Boys from Down Under 4Manitoba "Tech" News '__ 5At the Anna Gibson School .... ......__ 5Who's Who 6Squadron News .. 7Next Graduating Squadron 8 -9Sergeants' Mess Notes ~ 11Sport Highlights 12 - 13Hen Gen .._15YMCA Newsy Notes 5

    WRITERS WELCOMEIf you have any talents or experience

    that would help "W.A.G. MAG", thenyour assistance would be appreciated.Then, too, you'll get a kick out of know-ing that you are actually a part of thisschool,-helping to make it a livelierplace in which to live. Join the staffof your station magazine!

    Your Conduct SheetThe average Airman or Airwomandoes not realize how a bad Conduct

    Sheet may affect his or her chance ofsecuring employment in civil life aftercessation of hostilities. They also donot appear to realize that entries onthe Conduct Sheet have a great bear-ing on their careers whilst serving asa member of the Royal Canadian AirForce. There are, unfortunately, acertain number of Airmen and Air-women who consider it is rather a joketo attain a bad name in the Service,through the medium of their ConductSheet.The joke if it is such, may bounce,

    however, and have unpleasant reper-cussions after the war. An Airman'sor Airworrian's Certificate of Dischargeshows the assessment of his or herconduct, which takes into account hisor her complete record of service, andmay have considerable influence on anemployer's decision to employ them. Itis a good point to remember, and theremedy is very simple.Keep your Conduct Sheet clean and

    avoid post-war nemesis.

    Hold on to your War SavingsCertificates

  • 8/7/2019 RCAF Winnipeg Base - Aug 1943



    Our S.E.O.W.A.G. MAG.

    If you want to hear some interesting talesabout life during the last war, when Ithe go-ing was really tough, ask Squadron LeaderGame to tell you about his experiences atNeuve Chappelle, Festubert, Richenberg, Giv-enchy, Loos, Arras, Passchendaele and other

    hot spots.Yes, he can tell

    you of the timewhen there were nofield kitchens toprepare the mess-ing and the menwere forced to taketheir rations rawand cook them onbraziers (tin buck-ets with bayonet-holes pun c h e daround them).A Itho u gh the

    5jL A. E. Game short, quiet -man-nered senior equipment officer doesn't saymuch, he has seen a lot of interesting placesand has done many exciting things.Squadron Leader A. E. Game was born in

    London, England, a few years and a littlebit ago.After three years of hard foot slogging inthe army, during the last war, S/L Game

    transferred to the Royal Flying Corps. In1929 he joined the ,R/.C.A.F. as an equipmentofficer, stationed then at Winnipeg Air Sta-tion.Soon came the depression era and in 1932

    Si/L Game was elected to stay in reserve ac-cording to the Dominion Government Econo-mic Programme.But with the beginning of World War 2,

    he joined the "Special Reserve" in Januaryof 1940.

    .Since his early day" in the R.C.A.F., thesquadron leader has been teamed with Wing-Commander Michelson. In 1930 he was sta-tioned at Camp Borden, so was the C.O.When he reported to the R.C.A.F. Station atVancouver, Wing Commander Michelson W:lSalso there.Reporting to No. 5 Bombing and Gunnery

    School at Dafoe in 1941, it wasn't long beforethe C.O. joined him there, too. Arriving atNo, 3 in July, 1942, it was only a matter ofweeks when Wing Commander Michelson

    (Continued on Page 15)

    A n n u a l S p o r t s D a yM a k e s H e a d l i n e sMore than 2,500 spectators filled the

    bleachers at Sargent Park on August 4th towitness the second annual sports day programwith more than 200 athletes competing.Despite the dark skies and threatening rain

    all events were held according to scheduleand the entire afternoon was so successfulthat both the Winnipeg Free Press and Tri-bune headlined the event in the sport pages.The programm was officially declared open

    by Hon. R. F. McWilliams, Lieutenant-Gover-nor of Manitoba, who welcomed the airmen ofAustralia, New Zealand, Great Britain andCanada.A colorful parade of the athletes, led by

    FIt. Lt. C. H. Hearn, marched past the re-viewing stand where Mr. McWilliams, GroupCaptain A. J. Ashton and Wing CommanderMichelson took the salute.The parade was headed by the band of No.

    Z Training Command, followed by the W.D.'i':.Squadrons 61, '13, 65, 67 1)9,71, 73 and theM.T.I. men completed the review.Squadron 6.5was judged the best squadron

    in the march-past with Squadron 69 in secondplace and the ,,\-LT.!.boys in third.Top individual star was LAC Tommy Ag

    new of Squadron 65, who had 13 points withtwo firsts and one ~;E:C011rt. LAC Williamsonof Squadron 63 was second highest scorerwith two f'irats and 0~W third to give him anaggregate of 11 points. LAC O'Neill ofSquadron 69 and Cpl. Berry of Anna GibsonSchool tied with 8 points each for third place.The entire sports staff', Flying Officer A. C.

    Turner and all the sports day officials are tobe congratulated for"h~ .j;eneral excellence of~h9 entire program. I: was all timed welland enjoyed by all.To quote Herb Manning in his Tribune col-

    umn "One Man's Opinion": "The WirelessSchool conducts amateur sport in professionalfashion.""Wing Commander Michelson doesn't hap-

    pen to be directing an athletic academy, butwhen he and his staff go to work on a sportsproduction they do a thorough job and theresults invariably are calculated to make thecasual onlooker think they're better thangreen hands in a strange art."

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    AUGUST, 1943

    An Air Force Mystery(By special request of many of the old-timers of our school, we reprint one of themost popular articles to appear in the formerstation magazine, "Winnipeg Wag".-Ed.)This branch of the Air Force is a thing

    apart and is manned by a strange tribe whospeak a language all their own. It has de-veloped a new technique for the purpose ofconfusing other branches of the service andmaking them think that they are smarterthan they really are. This technique consistsof saying everything backwards such as"Boots Ankle Leather", when they mean justa bloody pair of shoes, and "Coats Great Win-ter Warm" when you and I know they justmean an overcoat.They also have a game which is not gener-

    ally understood by other branches which iscalled "Hide and Seek", or "Button, Button,whose got the Button?" This game consistsof hiding all new equipment which is receiv-ed from Equipment Depot in a secret hidingplace, so that nobody wil know that it is ac-tually on hand. This game has been so suc-cessfully perfected that nobody in the Equip-ment Section actually knows what is on hand,on the principle that "Never let your right

    hand know what your left hand is doing."Occasionally an outsider accidentally stumbleson this equipment and tells the EquipmentSection that they have it. Even then it ishard to prove your case, because often thereis no voucher to show for it. If an equipmentassistant is ever caught actually issuingclothing to a trainee, he is severely repii-manded for the first offence, but a second of-fence means a Court Martial. Minor offendersare simply remustered to G.D.With reference to equipment nomenclature,

    it is worded in such a way that the commonman will not understand it. This is, of course,deliberate, so that the average airman on en-tering stores will immediately assume adazed look and remain in a complete tranceor blackout until he finds himself outside thedoor, exactly in the same condition as he ar-rived. In fact, he will be lucky if he still haseverything he started with, on account of theshortage in some items. It is rumored thatthere is a special branch of signals underconsideration in which airmen will take acourse in decoding equipment nomenclature.An Equipment Officer must be very highly

    ,(Continued on Page 16)

    EQUIPMENT SECTIONSeated (left to right): AW2 M. S. M. Mitchell, AW2 H. Mitchell, AW2 C. T. Hagen, F/Sgt. D. A.McKay, SIL A. E. Game, Senior Equipment Officer; Miss E. Weir, stenographer, AW2 M. E. Haugh,AW2 M. E. Rome, AW2 H. E. Neale.Standing (left to right): Cpl. J. J. Garcia, LAC E. W. Rogers, Sgt. J. D. McLean, AWZ J. B. Gilbert,Cpl. D. Duxbury, LAC T. Koslock, Cpl. F. N. Keene.Absent: Fly ing Officer B. E. Thom.pson, Sgt. M. R. Williams, Sgt. H. S. Scott, LAC D. M. Standering,AWl I. R. Sutherland, AWZ M. M. Gordon, and Mr. T. W. Locke, Barrack Warden.

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    4 W.A.G. MAG.

    By LAC 1. A. HORSLEYOn behalf of the "old hands", "W.A.G.

    MAG." extends a hearty welcome and "HaereMai" to the new intake of boys from downunder. We take this opportunity of assur-ing them that to those prepared to work andto renounce the flesh pots of Egypt, thiscourse at No. 3 Wireless School containsmany rewards and compensations.The newcomers will be more than glad to

    "get cracking" on the course after their en-forced leisure en route from Antifrodres.Doubly pleased must be those whose air-

    crew training has been delayed by the nowbarricaded menace of Nippon's little yellowmen.The sweets of victory on the field of inter-

    national sport, came the way of Australiansnot long ago. The occasion? It was the in-ternational war canoe regatta on the RedRiver. With curved backs glinting in the hotCanadian sunshine, the husky countrymen ofTobruk's "dessert rats" staved off determinedchallenges from Canada and New Zealand toplow through to victory.Before the contest, the New Zealanders

    treated the large crowd to a Maori haka orwar dance. They wore improvised nativedress. Naturally, the prime object of thehaka was to intimidate the other crews butapparently the project failed. These crewsare to be congratulated on their moral fibrefor even the Germans do not like hakas,Revenge, however, was sweet. The next

    week the New Zealanders turned the tables.Confirming ancient traditions 'of theirprowess in rugby football they harried theirtrans-Tasman "cobbers" to a 21 - 3 win atOsborne Stadium. Darling of the crowd wasLAC S. Franklyn, who scored two tries.On August 21st a general election will be

    held in Australia. Another election will takeplace in New Zealand on September 24th. Inboth countries Labor Governments are retir-ing. Full voting facilities will be availableto all airmen of both countries.Itis regrettable that the plans for a rugger

    match between the Canadians and Austra-lians have apparently fallen through. Thereis indeed no better place in which to fosterfriendly rivalry than on the sports arena.That this spirit continued and projected intothe many famous Empire Squadrons now ac-tively engaged overseas has borne fruit is

    Starting the Hakaproved by the chapters of sacrifice and emu-lation they have written in the story of theair.Hitler has no more formidable foes than

    the men in these squadrons and the boys fromdown under hope before long to swell their. not inconsiderable ranks.


    Returning from their annual furlough, theband of No. 2 Training Command, underBandmaster W.O.2 C. G. South, was postedto No. 3 Wireless School.More than 25 musicians began moving in

    on August 5th and already their good musicwas heard at the graduation parade held thatafternon for Squadron 61.Although attached to this station, the band

    will be under direct orders from 'CommandHeadquarters. F/L C. Hearn is the officerin charge.

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    AUGUST, 1943 5

    M a n i t o b a " T e c h " N e w sBy AC2 A. A. SHEA

    On Friday, July 30, the two radio classesW.M. 7 and W.O.G. 7 held their joint gradua-tion banquet at the Marlborough Hotel. Thismonth sees the boys on their way east forfurther training, and to take their place twonew classes of W.M.'s are arriving from allparts of Canada.

    * * *The Sports Day gave the men at M.T.r. achance to meet and compete with the men ofthe station to which they are officially at-tached. It was a source of great pride tothe principal and staff of M.T.!., and partic-ularly to Sgt. Jowett, when "their boys" wonthird place honors in the march-past.The bright spot in the day for M.T.I. was

    the tug-of-war. Eight burly men from theschool pulled their way to an easy victory inthree straight wins, defeating the Anna Gib-son huskies, 73 Squadron and 67 Squadron inthat order. The last two pulls were over inless than five seconds! In the tug-of-warteam were: AC's J. Klaponski, anchor; W.Gowan, J. Hurrie, A. Lazaruk, C. McFadgen,A. Pike, P. Kligman and A. Hannah. Valu-able advise from the sidelines was offered byMr. Campbell of Aero-engines, who acted asthe brains for the three-quarters of a ton ofbrawn that did the heave-hoing,As for the remaining track and field events

    -well, let's talk about the tug-of-war, fel-lows.

    * * , .The Toronto Maple Leafs of Flight 41(strictly non-professional) have won forthemselves the Manitoba Tech Championship,and the Jowett Trophy. To earn top placethey defeated the F'rames of Flight 41 to ascore of 15 to 6.Members of Flight 41 who played the win-

    ning brand of ball that won them first placewere: AC2's J. Lewis, catcher; A. Hodgins,pitcher; D. Bromstein, 1st; N. Aiguire, 2nd;A. T. Hannah, 3rd; H. McNamara, short; A.Hurrie, L.F.; F. Eamon, C.F.; B. Macklem,R.F.; Subs.: St. George and Bint, Bat Boy:H. Hill.

    , . , . , .Any rumors to the effect that elevators are

    being installed for the use of students atManitoba Tech are strictly Axis propaganda-darn it all.

    A t the Anna G ibsonSchoolBy CPL. D. A. BERRY.

    Though it may be just a little school, AnnaGibson is doing a big job, for it is from herethat many of our future pilots, navigators,and other air-crew members get the import-ant groundwork that starts them off on thaircareer in the :RlC.A.F.Because this groundwork plays such an im-

    portant part in building great flyers we feelthat we owe a few lines irl our school newsto the men responsible for the training atAnna Gibson. Many of our teachers havecome out of retirement and gladly buckleddown to work again to do their part in win-ning this war.Heading the teaching staff we have the

    well known Dr. R. Fletcher, who held the,position of Deputy Minister of Education forManitoba for 36 years. Assisting Dr. Fletcherare several almost equally well known educa-tionalists, Dr. A. C. Campbell, who for 3~years was principal of St. Johns Tech. andDaniel McIntyre Schools; Mr. Gaugh, princi-pal at King Edward Junior High for 2. 8 years,and Mr. Sislen, former principal at Strath-cona and Isaac Newton schools. No less ex-perienced are Mr. McCracken, one-time prin-cipal of the Fort Qu' Appelle School in Sask-atchewan, Mr. Elbeam, and the staff's young-- est teacher, Mr. White, who, though rejectedfor military service, is doing his part as acivilian.

    CUPID AT No.3Two and a half months ago it started,

    -that's when he met she. She is AWlMarie Berlet, of the Tech OrderlyRoom, and he is LAC Bob Parker, ofSquadron 67. They came from almostopposite sides of Canada to meet andfall in love at No. 3 Wireless; AWlBerlet from Kitchener, Ont., and LACParker from Oardson, Alta.Cupid's course ran very smoothly

    and Marie and Bob announced their en-gagement on July 27, then were mar-ried on Friday, August 6th, by ourProtestant padre, Flight LieutenantPhillips, in his own church.

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    Flying Officer Rass Fiddes comes to usafter an action-packed session in England,Malta and Africa. In June, 1940, Ross lefthis home town of Owen Sound, Ontario, toenlist in the R.C.A.F. and take his trainingas a W.A.G. On his graduation from No.2

    Wireless School atCalgary he sailedfor Eng I and tostart his 0 per a-t ion a I training.Finally, all thecourses ended andoperations beg allwith trips over Hol-land and Germanyin low-flying at-tack bombers. Oneof the highlights ofSgt. Fiddes' (yes,he was a sergeantat that time) tourof duty over Eur-ope was when he

    took part in one of the heaviest daylight raidsF/0 Ross Fiddes

    over Cologne.Finally, orders came to move on and Ross,

    with the rest of the crew, flew their ownbomber to Malta in August, 1941. It washere that action became hot and heavy, forRoss remained on the island for seven monthsduring the Axis blitz, and spent his flyingtime on raids over Tripoli, Greece and Italy.When the time came to leave Malta for ser-vice elsewhere he was presented with theMaltese Cross given to all those who haveserved in Malta.After this came more excitement in Lybia

    where Flying Officer Fiddes spent ten monthsduring the Allied retreat back to Egypt, Ex-cellent Allied air support at this time was oneof the main reasons the British armies re-mained in such fine condition.By this time 2lh tours of duty had been

    completed and FlO Fiddes was repatriatedand sailed from Africa back to Canada witha short stop-over in England. Upon his ar-rival at Rockcliffe, he was posted direct toNo. 3 Wireless School to take up the posi-tion of O.C. Air Ops at the Flying Squadron.

    W.A.G. MAG.

    Introducing LAC C. L_ Palmer, of 69Squadron, better known in the entertainmentworld as "Dexter". This young lad of 21 haslooked over the footlights of most theatres in.New Sydney; N.S.W., performing in an ama-teur capacity as a sleight of hand artist since

    LAC C. L. PALMERthe age of nine. Specializing in billiard ballmanipulation and card effects, Dexter hasdemonstrated his ability before many variedaudiences.Hoping to spend a year or so baffling the

    Nazis with some tricky machine-gun manipu-lation, Dexter then plans to continue hishobby, but this time in a professional capa-city, starting with a tour of the U.S.A.So if you're in the recreation room some

    time and think that you're seeing billiardballs appearing, disappearing and changingcolor, don't worry; your eyes aren't playingtricks; it's only Dexter in his magical mo-ments.Hear about the sergeant who asked the

    chap who was late for parade where he hadbeen for the last couple of hours?"Sitting in the car talking to my girl

    friend," said the tardy one,"And what did she have to say," asked the

    sergeant.UNo."* '" *A friend in need is a friend to keep away


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    AUGUST, 1943 7

    Squadron67By LAG W. GRAY.Dear Jim,I've been "Joed" to write a column. I know

    it won't be up to standards but I'll "bend to"and see what "goes'''.Things are as usual hen' in the hut at night,

    always nice and quiet(?) The lights are al-ways out j.romptly at 10.15 with the ladstucked in. an.l a dead calm reigns except forthe odd snore.The boys all arrived back from mid-termleave, but for a couple of days I couldn't fig-

    ure out what the "Hie!" was wrong withthem."Horrible" Horribin joined us from "65".

    H. H. is from that land of "Geysers and MudBaths" (I believe they raise a few sheep downthat way too.) H. H. is okay. He had a turnin the army and had one pip up before hejoined the Air Force. After Fred Clausen,it won't we so hard to understand H. H.These "Down-Unders" are a bunch of

    "Queer Ducks" until you get to know themand their sayings, not hard to get acquaint-ed with, guess its all on account of we haveplenty in common. It's something the sameas when the chaps from the West meet thefellows from the East.Jack Graves (beautiful Blonde John, he's

    called) is now Flight Senior of A. Flight.Fred Sherwoodi ("Smilin' Jack's" double) isthe one who sees that the boys keep the bar-rack block a prize winner.See our BEAUTIFUL garden now that

    summer is here. Long John -Hoare and histhree assistants keep the two flowers water-ed and looking just TOO LOVELY.I'd feel incomplete without mention of CpI.

    "J" Jones. His friendly little call has us "Upand at it" in the morning. The other day hewent swimming at the "Y" with B F'lightand when he went in the others had to comeout on account of the displacement-of water.Seriously, we are glad to have him as ourdiscip. and while he takes our ribs we get'em back plenty. The above, as Cpl. Jonessays: "for your forbearance and guidance."

    Yours,67 Squadron.

    News 73By LAC W. FRIESON.

    Squadron 73 represents variety. We canat any time, singularly display some of thefinest examples, or, to be more exact, themost peculiar types from noteworthy Van-couver to glorious Toronto; and from Mexicoand celebrated England.Differences that usually lie between East-

    ern and Western personalities are observed togreat advantage by simply hanging aroundafter lights out.Besides argument, different situations of

    home towns, we also have musicians, and no-body knows what they arise from, great letterwriters, who write late into the night and donot "arise" in the morning, and handsomeathletes whose rise to fame is inevitable. In-cidentally, our musicians are very modest andretiring, seldom, if at all, heard. Undoubted-ly they are a brilliant lot, observed by thediligent and loving way in which one of themwas seen tuning his violin the other evening(contrary to his usual manner of handlingother objects which should be treated dili-gently and lovingly). We are still gettingentangled in that squeaky E string.Class Senior R. P. Davies has probably oneof the most coloroful backgrounds of any manon this station. There is not much he cannotdo and comparatively litle he has not seen.He is not one to discuss his past, as is typi-cal of a great many men, but we know thathe served as chief accountant in gold minesin some sneeze-to-pronounce place aroundPanama for three years. To top this heis virtually an authority on the gold situationin northern Ontario and Quebec. We considerhim to be a swell guy and an able Senior,counting on him to iron out our little troublesand not get too deeply involved himself,'cause, brother, he really knows his "bones".Another colorful character among us is F.

    T. Manzo from Mexico, who's been aroundand knows the score. It was rumored thathe received a letter from the F.B.I. in Wash-ington lately and we know that he has neverbeen a detective. His finesse and Englishwould upset the confiderice of a great many.His "political" discussions with Senior Davies,

    (Continued on Page 16)


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    WAG. i\I'AG. AUGUST, 1943


    27th ENTRY - - SQUADRON 63

    About Squadron 63By LAC TASKER.The next graduating squadron is one of the

    most outstanding Squadrons that has been toNo. 3. Chiefly because of the honors it hascarded off in past sports .When first arriving they were

    fer 10 days, holding back theirnot hindering any of them as allstandards were met in Morse and

    Discipline has been well maintainedthroughout the course due to efforts of har-dworking flight seniors, not to mention theiron hearted dlacips. "B" flight only hassuffered several blows. Their flight seniorshavtl been unable to stand up to the worr-yof the men. The first senior- "Dick" Chat-field was taken to the hospital, and then"Buck" Buchanan vanished, but the presentone seems quite healthy and we hope heholdsout O,K,The other two flight seniors, "Jack" Snow

    and "One Way" Corrigan, haven't. had theworries of the other seniors, mainly becauseof "enforced discipline'". Duty Watch seemsto comeas a habit to Squadron 63. They seemto have done more duty watches than any ofthe other squadrons on the station,The squad+o arrived in Winnipeg- on Feb-

    ruary 21st when the weather wasn't cold butfrozen ,and they hope to graduate on Septem-ber3rd.The men of this Squadron are certain they

    will turn out as good a bunch of WAGS thathas

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    10 W.A.G. MAG.

    65 69By LAC H. A. HICKS

    Almost all members of the Squadron haveparticipated in school and outside sports dur-ing the past month.Outstanding of these is LAC Heperi, class

    senior for "A" flight. Tall and well built,this Maori lad likes plenty of fast action, hav-ing recently transferred his attention frompunching opponents to kicking their shins.With LAC Hicks, another Newzie, he repre-sented the squadron in rug gel' against Car-berry some little time ago.

    Our whole squadron got together to formthe outstanding cheering section and bringvictory to our athletes on Sports Day.

    * * *Squadron 65' is sorry to lose its alreadytransferred members, among whom are LAC'sCourt and Agnew, outstanding for their splen-did athletic performances. Fitting descriptiveverses have been written by unconsolablecomrades, especially to our Hut 4B night owl,"Junior" Adams, the one and only completecomposer, announcer and transmitting sta-tion.

    * * *Broadcast recordings have been success-fully carried out by New Zealand membersto their folks at home through the kindnessof .Station GKY.Strange but true, this squadron holds the

    record to date for having all its members re-turned from mid-term leave on time. Afterall, nothing easy is impossible.Sports scores are as follows:

    69 vs. 6565 vs. 63

    Softball25 - 5 won17 - '1 won

    LAC C. L. PALMERWhile there has been little in the way of

    real news since the last issue of WAG-MAGconcerning 69 Squadron, there are a fewitems of interest.Many of our gang may recollect having

    heard LAC Charlie Lamond often remark, enroute to 'Canada, that-Honce we reach there,I'll play plenty of sports." The result? Well,it can be said with safety that Charlie is oneof the keenest sportsmen in our squadron, forhe seems always to be in the lead. Carberryknows him, too, for his boxing 'prowess.Honors go also to LAC Bill Jacobs for hisdouble win in the 220 and 440 yards eventsand to LAC Bert McNamara for his secondplace in the 100 yard handicap, at the recentScottish Sports.All of 69 extend the best wishes to Sammy

    Barnbaum. Sammy is at present in the hos-pital ... minus an appendix. After his con-valescent leave we will be saying "Cheerio"to him, for 'he is to leave for Australia.Most of us have a few rules by which we

    live, and Terry Morris has one rule-"Neverhit a woman, always kick her"-that he ob-viously follows, for he was heard to mumblein his sleep the other night, "Did I kick you?Sorry old girl! Itwon't happen again!" Terryand Gal Berril are running a close race whenit comes to who can talk the most nonsense intheir sleep.It has been observed that gardening is a'

    popular sport now that certain golfers havetaken up digging holes in the greens withclubs, instead of spades. Talking of sport,we of 69 Squadron are still waiting for 67Squadron's arrangements to convince us thatwhat they said in the June issue of the WAG-MAG, concerning games, is true.

    65 vs. Fly. Sqdn. 13 - 9 won65 vs. 69 3- 0 won65 vs. Officers 30 - 17 won

    Rugger69 vs. 65 11 10 won71 VS. 65 20 - 6 won63 vs. 65 10 - 0 lost

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    AUGUST, 1943

    Sergeants'Applications will be received from those

    duly qualified for positoins on the new seniorNCO's ball team. The only qualifications area thorough misunderstanding and a completedisregard for the rules of the game.At present the team consist of such emin-

    ent sportsmen as W02 King, F/Sgt. Wasmanand Sgts. Shortreed, Gauvreau, Williams andClmenger, with our own John Kieran of.sport, the popular pants presser Jim McCul-lough as coach. These demons of the diamondhave forsaken their usual haunts in search ofhealth and happiness on the playing fields in.a stillborn endeavour to build the body beau-tiful and to arrive at the normal human quotaof fresh air in their alleged lungs. To quoteW02 King: "If Steinhauer can do it, I can.",Sgt. Mev. Williams as the playing mana-

    ger has set himself one aim-to catch on ballper night, if necessary he plays till after darkbut one ball must be caught. There's .rtern


    Mess Notesstuff in that man. Sgt. Geauvreau has, beenwarned that further clandestine attendanceas a spectator at other ball games will seri-ously impair his amateur standing.Them is absolutely no truth in the ugly

    rumor that this team was started onlythrough the shortage of beer.Another dual personality has been discov-

    ered in the person of W02 Tommy Bland, theerstwhile box fighter. When sufficientlybribed his vocal efforts are up to par with hisprowess in the ring. His rendition of "ShoeShine Boy" invariably calls for several en-cores. Page the Mills Brothers.A warm welcome to another member of the

    RCAF Women's Division, Sgt. Ward, postedhere to teach aircraft recognition to poten-tial WAG's. Of the utmost importance in thetraining of all aircrew Sgt. Ward's classesshould be enlarged with the attendance of anumber of staff personnel waiting for thatremuster.

    SIGNALS OFFICERS' COURSE No. 8Front Row (left to right): P /0 R. M. Field, P /0 H. E. Brownhill, P /0 J. A. Gibson, S/L W. C. Fisher,.officer ccmmandtngi section; P/0 A. M. Thurston, P/0 E. B, Palmer, P/0 R. W. Naylor. ,Second Row: P/O W. J. Surtess, P/O A. R. Holm, P/O C. G. Webster, P/O A. L. Bailey, P/O B.McConnell, P/0 J. D. Rogers, P/0 M. M. Gransden,Third Row: F /L A. G. Sheffield, P /0 T. C. Powell, P /0 R. G. Minshull, P /0 C. W. Hunter, P/0 W. F.Ainger, F /0 A. J. Balfour.Fourth Row: P/O J. E. Bradley, P/O J. L. Gartshore, F/L D. G. Auld, P/O A. C. Weaver, P/O E. W. J.-Collfns, P /0 S. Szczuka, P/0 L. W. Orr.

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    12 W.A.G. MAG.

    TRACK AND FIELD MEETThe highlight for the month, of course, was

    our annual track and field meet, wheremany of our athletic, (and many not so ath-letic), airmen and airwomen got together fora big day. As described elsewhere in W.A.G.-MAG., it was a great success, with the re-sults of the events coming out as follows:

    FIELD EVENTSIn the 16-lb. Shot Put Event Cp!. Earl

    Walter of Anna Gibson School topped the listwith a heave of 32 ft. 4 ins. Second placewent to LACKovac of 61, and LACMcLaugh-lin of 65 placed third.In the Running High Jump, first place went

    to LAC Williamson of 63 who did right wellfor himself in being the second high scorer ofthe day. His winning leap was 5 ft. 41;2ins.Following him were LAC Hobbs of 63 andLAC Kidd of 71.Tug of War-Here the heavier and more

    powerful M.T.! team did not find the goingtoo hard, but itwas nip and tuck for all otherwarns with Squadron 67 placing second and73 third.The Pole Vault drew much attention from

    the crowd and saw LAC Kidd of 71 emergevictor with a leap of 19 ft. 31h ins. Cp!. Berrywas second and McLellan of 69 was third.Cpl. Berry of Anna Gibson School placed

    first in the Running, Hop and Step, with aleap of 38 ft. 4%, ins. Grossman of 69 wassecond and Williamson of 6;; was third.Long Jack Snow of 63 stepped out to take

    the 440 Yard Race, closely folowed by Jacobsof 69, and Bailey of 71 finishing third.In the Running Broad Jump, LAGWilliam-

    son of 63 pulled himself up to second placefor individual honors by taking this eventwith a leap of 18 ft. 4lh ins. Sandberg, ofAnna Gibson School was second with Cross-man of 69, third.The Rope Climb, an interesting event not

    often seen, displayed a number of ex-sailorsor tree climbers as the boys showed greatform in scaling the heights. First was LACD. Marsland, of 65; second was LAC "Art"Reid of 63 and third was Cpl. Walters ofAnna Gibson School.

    Sport H ighlights atTRACK EVENTSThe 100Yard Dash was won by LACBailey

    of Squadron 71 in 11 seconds flat, which ispretty fair, considering the fact that trackspikes were not allowed. Second prize wentto LAG Jacobs of Squadron 69 and LAC"Muscles" Mussellman of Squadron 67 wasthird.Winner of the 220yard run was LACCourt

    of 65, who covered the distance in 26 seconds,followed closely by Boyes of 71and Sandbergof the Anna Gibson School.Another popular event was the 3 Mile Racein which Squdaron 65 showed the way withAgnew, Munro and Kehl placing first, secondand third in the above order. Time was 18.30.In the Relay Race Squadron 69 stepped the

    440 yards in 51 seconds to take first place,with Squadron 63 coming second, closely fol-lowed by Squadron 67, third place.A fast Half Mile was run in the 880 yard

    event with LAC O'Neill of 69 being the win-ner all the way. Agnew of 65 was secondand Scharf of 67 was third.Winner. of the One Mile Run was the re-

    doubtable Tommy Agnew of 65. This boyruns a heady race as well as fast and is fullvalue for being the top scoring man of theday. Following Agnew were LAC O'Neill of69 and Jowitt of 63.

    W.D. EVENTSAdded to this year's meet were special

    events for the Women's Division and,the girlsput up a god show in their first time out.In the 75 Yard Dash, AW Clampitt, a new

    arrival, placed first with AW Toplis secondas the girls scurried down the track in a nicerace.AW Toplis placed first in the RunningHigh Jump, soaring over the bar at 4 ft. 3

    ins. AW Clampitt was second and AW Gil-bert third.In the 300 Yard Relay the team captained

    by AW Clampitt was first, timed at 44 4/10seconds.Nice work, girls-a good start.

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    AUGUST, 1943 13

    N o. 3 W ireless School PRACTICE MAKES PERFECTTrack and field practices have been kept

    up since the big Scottish Meet, July 31st, andagain have brought good results for No.3,as our boys competed in the special eventsat the St. Vital Sports Meet on July 17t1:l.Tom Agnew of Squadron 65 came away

    with the smart Tribune Trophy as winner ofthe 3-mile road race. Agnew led all the wayand broke the record for this race by clipping58 seconds from the previous record. Out of13 entries in the race, No.3 boys placed wellwith LAC Munro in third and LAC J'owitt infifth.In other events, our boys placed as follows:100 yard dash: LAC' Bailey of Squadron 71,second; 220 yard dash: LAC Queen, also ofSquadron 71, in second place and Ba.iey inthird.

    WAR CANOE RACINGNo.3 Wireless athletes provided the feature

    event at the Winnipeg Canoe Club Regatta,held on the Red :Riiver,Saturday, July 24th.Three War Canoe teams, representing Aus-

    tralia, New Zealand and Canada, were enter-ed. The Aussies emerged the victors on fulllength in front of the Canadians.Personnel of the Australian team were:

    L. Wilkinson, G. Robertson, R. Aked, A. Genn,R. MeNarnara, R. Bouler, V. McLelland, R.Stewart, C. Berrill, L. Desker, J. Farr, B.Charters, R. McDonald and L. Grossman.The Maori Dance staged by our Newzies

    right on the dock was a highlight and heldthe interest of the 1,800 spectators,


    18 2nd place16 3rd place



    Ist place2nd place3rd place

    1. .._.__. .. _ Total48 pts,42 "3823 "222117167


    6963714. . . .. .. _


    Anna Gibson SchoolM.T.I.. ..... . 61

    8. _ __ _._... 679. 73


    The hard luck team of the Winnipeg Dia-mond Ball League has certainly been the No.3 Wireless outfit. Between losing playersthrough postings am "losing games by one-run margins, our boys have had their shareof tough breaks. Lou Lucki hurling for No.3 W.S. on July 27th, pitched a one hit gameonly to lose by a score of 1- o . The follow-ing night he was defeated 'by 2- 0 as bothruns were scored on errors.At this writing, No. 3 is fighting it out

    with the Army for a play-off spot in theleague.The biggest loss suffered by the team was

    the posting of Tom Connolly, smart and pep-pery second baseman. A feature has been thereturn of a number of veterans such as FlightLieutenants Gravelle and Mackie, comingback to play a couple of games, and withSgt. Wood and Sgt. Bill Garvreau lending ahand to help field a club. Station WarrantOfficer "Dolly" Gray has been a tower ofstrength with his super coaching on the basepaths. .

    GOLFAs we go to press arrangementsare being completed for the station

    golf tournament. Entries have beencoming in at a good clip. Play is onnow. The tournament is bound forsuccess and the No. 3 Wireless golfchampion will be declared and an-nounced in the next issue of "W.A.G.MAG,"



    Wireless "A" Team is still going along atits merry clip and is the only undefeatedteam in the league. Saturday, July 31st,they defeated St. George's, the leading con-tenders for league leadership.Wireless "B" Team is holding its own with

    other teams of the league, while "C" Teamis moving fast now and will be hot on theheels of "A" Team in a week or two."C" Team defeated Carberry in convincing

    style with 116 runs for 7 wickets to Car-berry's 41 runs all out. A feature of thematch was the batting of LAC's McNeel andMcCrickard."

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    14 W.A.G. MAG.

    RUGGERThe first half of the rugger schedule

    came to a close when Squadron 63 met Squad-ron 71 in the finals. Squadron &3 defeatedSquadron 69 in a semi-final match by a scoreof 6- 0, with LAG Carroll and LAC "King"Cole scoring a try each to give Squadron 63their well earned victory.Squadron 71 created the biggest upset by

    defeating the highly favored Squadron 68 andousting them from the league finals.The final game will be played at Osborne

    Stadium and will be open to the public.* * *On Friday, July 16th, No.3 Wireless Rug-

    gel' Team entertained the R.A.F. Team fromCarberry. Our boys came out on top by ascore of 11- 0, with LAC Pletcher scoring:trips and LAG Gillan coming through with atry and a conversion to complete the scoring.The game was fast throughout, with No.3

    backs showing more combination which wasthe deciding factor of the match, as the for-wards of both teams were evenly matched.No.3 had the advantage in territorial play

    throughout, but on two occasion Carberrycame within thre or four feet of scoring.Starring for Carbery were LAC Starkey andFlying Officer Morgan, whose speed .was out-standing, while stars for No. 3 were LAC'sFletcher, Gillan, Moffat, Carol and Hepiri.The line-up for Carberry was: Sgt. David-son, Flying Officers Rodgers and M'lrgan,

    Pilot Officer Van Weide, LAG's Barrett,Smith, Ralside, Andrews, Huth, Starkey andWillis, Sergeant Terridan, Flight SergeantsWebber, Dunham and Corporal Patton.F'or No. 3 Wireless: LAC's Ticks, Simes,

    Fitzgerald, Moffat, Hepiri, Ward, McLellan,Hannigan, Carrol, Chopping, McNamara,Fletcher, Mortinson, Gillan and Thorly.

    HARDBALLNo.3 Wireless Hardball Team thus far has

    played .six games, winning four of them foran average of .666, which is good, ball in anyman's league.Outstanding so far have been Maurice

    Truitt of Squadron 63, at third .base; Sgt.Jimmy McLean at second; "Murph" Murphyat short, Ken Kirkland of .Squadron 68, andPilot Officer Rodgers.No. 3 played its first game against East

    Kildonan Rangers on July 8th, and emergedwinners in a run-fest by a score of 13 - 10.On Saturday, JUly 10th, No. 3 met No.8

    Repair Depot in a "B" service league game.

    Sgt. Mack Taylor of the Comm, Section pitch-ed a nice three hit game but costly errorsproved to be No. 3's downfall.The team met its second defeat at thehands of No. 5 Air Observer School and ab-sorbed an 11 -2 drubbing in a game whichsaw No: 3 strictly off-color.Showing a complete reversal of form, the

    team met and defeated the Army by a scoreof 11- 5. Starring for our team were Truitt,with 3 hits in 4 times at bat and McLean with2 out of three. Murphy in the box pitched asteady game.No. 3 redeemed themselves by defeating

    No. 5 A.O.S., 9 - 6 in a thril packed game.Down 6- 3 going into the sixth inning, ourboys rallied to score 6 runs and take the game9 - 6.Our team met and defeated the Army for

    the second time at Osborne Stadium, Satur-day, July 31st. Taking an easy victory be-hind Kirkland's fine pitching, the final scorewas 14- 3. Truitt and Lezotte hit 3 for 3 fora perfect day at bat. Longest hit was Gor-don's three-base smash which hit the rightfield wall.We have a fast smart, club and their hit-

    ting and fielding improves with every game.STATION SOFTBALL LEAGUE

    Standing: P. W. L. T. Pts.Sqdn, 65 ---------- 6 6 ,0 0 12Flying Sqdn, ---- 5 4 1 0 8Sqdn. 67 3 1 3 1 3Sqdn. 69 4 3 1 0 6Sqdn. 71 4 2 2 0 4Sqdn. 73 5 1 3 1 3Officers 3 1 2 0 2In a league game played between Officers

    and Sqdn. 65, a station record was brokenwhen a total of 49 runs were scored with 65coming out on top 32- 17. Pilot Officer Bal-mer and Pilot Officer Sheppard did the hit-ting for the Officers, while LAC's Freedmanand Staples were the sluggers for Sqdn. 65.Flying Sqdn. defeated Sqdn. 73 to the tune

    of 14- 5, on July 22nd. The hitting of Mun-easter, Harber and Robinson was outstanding,while Flight .Sergeant Johnny Gray pitcheda nice game.Sqdn. 71 took its second game defeating

    Sqdn. 67 in a close match which ended 11 - 8for 71. The win moved Sqdn. 71 up into acontending position for the play-offs.On Monday, July 26th, the Flying Sqdn,

    drubbed the officers 20- O . McMahon and(Continued on Page 16)

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    AUGUST, 1943 15

    IIH en G 1/enBy AW2 M. Gordon.

    Something new has come to No. 3 tobrighten the lives of the Wireless lads-thefirst W.D. WOGS arrived recently and amighty attractive lot they are. Maybe there'llhave to be a censor in the code room in casethe boys start sending more than Morse.One of them distinguished herself at the

    track meet on Aug. 4th. Clampitt came firstin the 75 yard dash and second in 'the highjump ,and was one good reason why her team'Wonthe relay.

    Toplis covered herself with glory and rib-bons, winning the high jump and coming se-cond in the 75 yard dash. She was a verypopular captain to our team and set a goodexample for the rest of the W.D.'s. Otherscompeting were Bery, Davis, Machalko, Sex-smith, Gilbert, who came third in the highjump, Gordon and Sgt. Cauldwell. We hopethat with a bit more practice we'll make agood showing at the Army-Navy-Air ForceSports Day on August 14th. But in any ease,with refer-ence to the C.O.'s remarks at themuster parade we hope that Wing Cornman-der Michelson is practising his 75 yard dash,because the W.D.'s are going to challenge himany day now.We hope that our new canteen will be open

    soon. Then maybe we won't hear such agon-ized requests for padded benches outside Hut20. Cupid has been awfully busy lately inthis neighbourhood. Lewis left on her fur-"lough to get married, and Berlet has middle-aisled it on Friday, Auguet 6th.

    ~N E W S Y ~ N O T E SThe "Y" supervisors have been rather busy

    in the past few weeks arranging for the bigstation dance which climaxed a gala sportsday on August 4th. Aside from Lorne Glee-son's work with the social committee for thedance, Ken Wright was active as field judgeat Sargent Park.Ken is a newcomer to No.3, pinch-hitting

    for Lorne Gleeson, who has gone on a weil-earned vacation.Reg. Taylor, Ken's predecessor, has been

    posted to Rivers.* **The "Y" office would like to hear from

    those who are interested in crafts and hob-bies.

    * * *A rifle tournament was held between offi-cers and Squadron 63 on July 21st. The offi-cers were victorious with a score of 1116 outof a possible 1200. Plying Officer Barretttook the honors with a score of 294 out of300. LAC Galbraith of Squadron 63 turnedin a perfect card of 100.The officers' line-up was: F/L McAlla, FlOBarett, FlO Fenwick and Mr. Gleeson. ForSquadron 63: LAC Galbraith, Mee, Ward andLevien. The officers have accepted a chal-lenge from Squadron 69. The results are notyet known.

    OUR S_E.O.(Continued from Page 2)

    (then a squadron leader) assumed commandhere.H seems wherever there's one, you can al-

    ways find the other.Squadron -Leader Game has done much toimprove the operation of the equipment sec-tion here. Now housed in larger quarters,in a building all their own, the equipment sec-tion is better equipped to handle the manydetails that they are concerned with. Thanksto Squadron Leader Game's efforts.An active worker in the interests of return-

    ed men for many years, S/L Game is presi-dent of the Imperial Division of the CanadianLegion, B.E..S.L.

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    16 W.A.G. MAG.


    Winding up a most enjoyable day onAugust 4th was the gala station dance heldin the drill hall.Music by the orchestra of No. 8 Repair

    Depot and a floor show by the airmen pro-vided a complete evening of entertainment.Before the show began the C.O. presented

    the trophy for the highest scoring squadronto Cpl. Rosenberg, N.C.O. in charge of Squad-ron 65.LAC Jack Snow of Squadron 63 acted as a

    master of ceremonies for the floor show thatfeatured girls of the Winnipeg Canoe Club ina fast moving tap dance number; musicalnumbers by LAC's Thompson, Jamison andGray and a tap dance by LAC Ed. Quigley of65. A novelty act by LAC "Dexter" Palmerfeatured sleight of hand tricks. The harm-onica playing and bones rattling of LAC Wil-kinson was another highlight.A hula number by LAC Gannaway and his

    chorus of "lovelies" from his squadron wasa big hit.Thanks to the efforts of the committee

    under Capt. J. Freeman the dance was a com-plete success.

    SQUADRON 73(Continued from Page 7)in Spanish, leaves us at a' definite disad-vantage.LAC Stillwell, a contribution through the

    courtesy of the RAF, has a remarkable talentfor drill. We go to him for all the fine pointsof supernumerary procedure and how to replyto a corporal under embarrassing circum-stances.To get down to the main thing, it is only

    proper to say, that as far as the course isconcerned, we've all got the stuff on the balland expect to end up pitching.

    A softball team suffering a few defeatsis surely taking form, as witnessed in ourlast game with .Squadron 67. .Luckily thescore was tied 5- 5 after three intense over-time innings. And when some 'I'crontoniancame out with, "Winnipeg is the finest citywest of Canada" it was a cinch to tell thatwe're on a good station in a good town.Perhaps the greatest indi-cation of our con-

    centration on the course is revealed, when,one knows that WD's bunk directly behindour hut and nothing unusual, or rather usual,has happened as yet.

    AN AIR tFORCE MYSTERY(Continued from Page 3)

    trained in his work, but must have a onetrack mind. He must also be very tactful, be-cause it is very difficult to convince the aver-age layman that an article is not availablewhen it is plainly visible to the naked eye,With years of practice, however, and a shortcourse in hypnotism, this can be successfullyaccomplished, if the subject's mind can becompletely dominated.'In order to successfully cope with this sys-

    tem, it was decided to appoint a liaison officerto' investigate matters in the hopes that Equip-ment Section could be inveigled into issuingsome greatcoats when the temperature was40 degrees below zero. However, it was niceand warm in the Equipment Section that dayso the whole idea was given up for the timebeing.Things came to a crisis, however, when an

    airman was found dead on the parade ground,his. body frozen stiff. Upon this being calledto the attention of Equipment Section, therewas great confusion because the supply offorms 1&'%5&7 had run out and it was im-possible to remove the body for eight days,until the right form had been secured. Allclothing' of the dead airman was i.mmediatelyremoved and in 15 minutes issued to one ofthe boys in stores who needed a second issueof uniform because he wanted to see his girlthat night and his other uniform was at thecleaners. This system is called "getting takento' the cleaners", but this was an exceptionalcase.

    STATION SOFTBALL(Continued from Page 14)

    Gray on the mound for the Flying Sqdn. hurl-ed good ball throughout. Hitting honorswent to Bill Snider. (of hockey fame).Kirkland of Sqdn. 65 showed versatility by

    pitching softball as well as hardball, hurlinga shutout game in defeating Sqdn. 73 by ascore of 4 - O .Sqdns. 67 and 73 played 10 innings to a 5

    all tie in one of the best games of the sched-ule. The score was 4 - 4 at the end of theseventh and each 'team scored one run in thetenth inning.On July 30th, Sqdn. 67 captured the first

    victory, defeating Sqdn. 69 by a score of5 - 3 with LAC Duplaise and LAC Davies

    'scoring the winning runs.

  • 8/7/2019 RCAF Winnipeg Base - Aug 1943


    Sports Day OfficialsSecond Annual Meet

    Sargent Park - August 4thJudges of Parade of Athletes-W /C T. R. Michelson

    W.c R. MacfarlaneO.C. Parade of Athletes-F/L C. H. Hearn

    RefereeStarter -

    Track OfficialsF/0 S. HalterE. Fritch

    Timers - - - - - W., Hay, K. Moore, R. J. OnChief Track Judge - - J. McMahonChief Field Judge - - F/0 A. MunroeChief Scorer - -Track Judges - - -Field Judges - - - -

    F/Sgt. Bricker, M.A. Swanson, A. McLean, A. LawrenceG. Nivens, A. Johnson, S/L W. Fisher,Capt. J. Freeman, Ken Wright,Lorne Gleeson, P 10 Aigner, P/0 GibsonP/0 Rodgers, F/L KillickF/0 A. E. Hockley, Cpl. Ludwig, R.,F/L W. Spear, F/L F. Wood

    Field ScorersTrack Scorers - - -Aggregate ScorerAnnouncerAsst. AnnouncerChief Whip - -Asst. Whips - -

    F/O F. Barrett- W.0.1 Gray, J. R.

    Arthur MorrisonSgt. Steinhauer, E.Cpl. Lattimer, Cpl. DowieCpl. Mathewson

    Prize Stewards - F/0 H. Currie, LAC Bolander,S/L A. E. Game

    Equipment Steward - Cpl. McBryde, W.Score Board - - - - Cpl. Dowie, W.P.A. System - - - - F/L A. MackieTug-of-War Referees - F/O A. Balfour, F/O W. BeckettDoctor - - - - - - F/L W. HallDirector F/0 A. C. Turner

  • 8/7/2019 RCAF Winnipeg Base - Aug 1943


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    I I l t e l i t / . The morale of the Italian people

    has been shattered. Italy may beshortly out of the war, but make nomistake, the war is by no means won.To achieve permanent peace Ger-

    many will still have to feel the stingingblows of the Allied airmen.Every dollar youinvest in WarSavings Stamps

    and Certificatesbrings the dayof peace nearer .

    Nightly raids on Germany cos tmoney, equipment and lives. Whileyou are in training invest your moneyin the freedom of all the nations.

    . .The Garry Press Ltd ~321 McDermot Avenue.