Ray poynter trends in presenting

Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015 Crea%ng Be*er Presenta%ons Ray Poynter The Future Place JMRX – Tokyo – June, 2015

Transcript of Ray poynter trends in presenting

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Crea%ng  Be*er  Presenta%ons    

Ray Poynter The Future Place

JMRX  –  Tokyo  –  June,  2015  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015


1.  There  is  no  single  best  style  2.  Narra>ve  flow  3.  Stories  and  devices  4.  Body  language  5.  Analysis  of  presenta>ons  6.  The  Big  Picture  7.  Ques>ons  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

There  is  no  ‘Single  Best  Presenta%on’  

•  Who  are  the  audience?  What  do  they  need?  What  can  they  understand?  What  do  they  expect?  

•  What  is  the  message?  Good  news  or  bad  news?  A  simple  message  or  a  complex  one?  

•  Are  you  telling  them  facts,  teaching  them  something,  or  trying  to  change  their  minds?  

•  What  is  the  medium?  Face-­‐to-­‐face,  webinar,  conference  etc.  

•  What  works  best  for  you?  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

From:  hWps://hbr.org/2013/06/how-­‐to-­‐give-­‐a-­‐killer-­‐presenta>on  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Some  Constant  Themes  •  The  presenter  is  the  presenta>on  

–  Everything  else  is  there  to  support  the  presenter  

•  The  presenta>on  should  built  around  specific  and  iden>fied  objec>ves  

•  The  presenta>on  has  to  earn  its  place  –  It  will  not  automa>cally  be  listened  to  or  consulted  

•  Presenta>ons  should  be  rehearsed  –  Always  

•  The  key  feature  is  narra>ve  flow  –  Linked  to  storytelling  

•  Perfect  is  the  enemy  of  good  

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Be  ready  to  tell  me  the  ‘story’  a`er  watching  it  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Hans  Rosling  is  the  best  guide  to  follow  And,  TED  the  best  source  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Try  to  Watch  One  TED  Video  a  Week  

Watching  them  in  a  group  at  work  delivers  extra  benefits  

Consider:  – What  were  the  objec>ves  of  the  speaker?  – What  is  the  story?  – What  storytelling  and  presen>ng  ‘devices’  has  the  speaker  used?  

– What  has  the  speaker  le`  out,  to  make  the  story  clearer?  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

10  Tips  from  TED  for  Speaking  BADLY  

1.  Take  a  really  long  >me  to  explain  what  your  talk  is  about.  

2.  Speak  slowly  and  dram>cally.  

3.  Make  sure  you  let  everyone  know  how  important  you  are.  

4.  Refer  to  your  book,  or  even  quote  from  it.  

5.  Fill  your  slides  with  text,  bullets,  and  fonts  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

10  Tips  from  TED  for  Speaking  BADLY  

6.  Use  lots  of  technical  jargon  to  make  yourself  sound  clever  

7.  Speak  at  great  length  about  your  company  

8.  Don’t  bother  rehearsing  or  checking  length  9.  Sound  like  you  are  reci>ng  it  from  memory  

10. Avoid  eye  contact  with  the  audience  

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What  should  be  on  the  slide?  

The  slide  is  there  to  provide  support  to  you  – You  are  the  presenta>on  

Nothing  should  be  on  the  slide  if  it  not  helping  you  

Things  should  appear  on  the  slide  when  they  help  

– And,  they  should  go  when  they  no  longer  help.  

Builds  are  a  useful  part  of  this  process  

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How  many  words  on  the  slide?  

Seth  Godin  Modern  US  Business  Guru  

Here  are  the  five  rules  you  need  to  remember  to  create  amazing  Powerpoint  presenta:ons:    1)  No  more  than  six  words  on  a  slide.  EVER.  There  is  no  presenta:on  so  complex  that  this  rule  needs  to  be  broken.  

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Seth  Godin  Presen%ng  


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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Seth  Godin  Presen%ng  

1.  What  worked?  For  you?  

2.  What  did  NOT  work?  For  you?  

Seth  Godin  is  is  not  talking  about  a  market  research  debrief.  He  is  not  talking  about  passing  informa>on  to  the  audience.      He  is  talking  about  Keynote-­‐style  presen>ng.  An  American  talking  to  Americans.  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Reasons  for  Words  

•  Emphasis  •  Memory  

•  Comprehension  – e.g.  language  issues  or  jargon  issues  

•  Credibility  – Numbers  and  quotes  from  memory  can  seem  suspect  

•  Precision  – This  is  not  approximate  E=MC2  

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If  people  don’t  see  speakers  from  your  country,  they  expect  the  research  to  be  of  a  lower  quality  


NewMR  Survey,  May  2015,  N=133  (Non-­‐English  Speaking=43),  Popula>on  =  English  speaking  followers  of  NewMR  









Want  to  see  more  speakers  from   Best  research  quality   Non-­‐English  

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Does  your  client  insist  on  seeing  the  data?  

Country  Want  to  see  more  speakers  from  

Best  research  quality   Non-­‐English  

China   56%   3%   0%  Brazil   42%   3%   2%  Japan   36%   5%   7%  Australia   31%   15%   12%  Germany   25%   18%   21%  USA   21%   51%   51%  France   20%   7%   7%  UK   19%   63%   60%  Canada   15%   11%   14%  Italy   12%   2%   5%  Base   133   133   44  

Include  slides  like  this,  but  hide  them  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

8  Devices  and  Tips  (ヒント)    1.  Builds  2.  Humour  3.  Metaphor  (Aliens  =  Jaws  in  Space)  4.  Classic  messages,  “First  I  will  tell  you  the  good  

news  …”  5.  Asking  the  audience  to  make  guesses  6.  Making  the  audience  uncomfortable  7.  Something  that  is  not  PowerPoint  8.  Body  language  

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It’s  on  the  cards  

男  女  

A      B    AB    O    Other/DK    

Height  cm        

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

It’s  on  the  cards  

男  女  

A  ?%  ?%  40%    B  ?%  ?%  20%  AB  ?%  ?%  10%  O  ?%  ?%  30%  Other/DK  ?%  ?%  0%  


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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

It’s  on  the  cards  

男  女  日本人  

Class  Average  Height  ?  ?  ?  Na>onal  Average  Height  158  172  165


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Which  people  are  confident?  

We  are  just  looking  at  the  speakers  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Some  other  body  issues  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Listening,  eyes,  reduces  power   Speaking,  increases  power  

Speaking  is  not  the  only  phase  of  a  presenta>on  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Engaged?  Power/Authority?  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

When  to  shine,  and  when  to  re%re  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Confident  Presenters  Push  Their  Groin!  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Body  when  speaking  

1.  Stand  up  2.  Don’t  back  away  3.  Groin  to  the  front  4.  Stand  straight  5.  Smile  6.  Hands  not  by  side  7.  Don’t  protect  you  body  8.  Some  anima>on  (walking  is  fine,  but  not  compulsory)  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Body  Language  

•  My  material  =  intui>ve/observa>onal  

•  Amy  Cuddy  =  science  

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Amy  Cuddy  


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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

The  Big  Picture  

•  There  is  no  single,  ‘best’  presenta>on  style  or  system  

•  Focus  on  the  audience  and  the  message  

•  Have  a  clear  objec>ve  for  the  presenta>on  •  Develop  the  narra>ve  theme  (the  story)  

•  Use  ‘devices’  to  make  it  flow  beWer  

•  Prac>ce  and  rehearse  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Be  ready  to  tell  me  the  about  the  ‘devices’  a`er  watching  it  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Hans  Rosling  is  the  best  guide  to  follow  And,  TED  the  best  source  

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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

Thank  You!    


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Ray Poynter, The Future Place – JMRX Lectures 2015

The  Presenta%on  Style  Grid  

Theatre  Formal  

Big  Picture  


Interna>onal  Conference  

Japanese  Conference  

Training  Session  



