raw materialS are the future - Service - WKO.at...Panel F: Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Panel...

LEOBENER BERGMANNSTAG 2012 19 th to 21 st September 2012 Leoben, Austria www.eumicon.com RAW MATERIALS ARE THE FUTURE

Transcript of raw materialS are the future - Service - WKO.at...Panel F: Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Panel...

Page 1: raw materialS are the future - Service - WKO.at...Panel F: Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Panel G: HSE in Extractive Industry ABDALLA SALEM EL-BADRI Secretary General of OPEC Regarded

LEOBENER bergmannStag2012


raw materialSare the future

Page 2: raw materialS are the future - Service - WKO.at...Panel F: Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metallurgy Panel G: HSE in Extractive Industry ABDALLA SALEM EL-BADRI Secretary General of OPEC Regarded



Your benefitS: excellent keynote speakers, a top-


international participantswithtop-lev-el personalities from politics, economyandscience.

A ceremonial opening under the pa-tronageoftheAustrianStatePresident,dr. Heinz fischer,withkeygovernmentrepresentatives like the Vice-Presidentof the European Commission, antonio Tajani.

Eveningreceptionsbytheaustrian min-istry of economy, family and Youth,thegovernor of the Province of Styria andthemayorofLeoben.


eumicon 2012The sustainable mining and utilisationof raw materials and energy are centraltasks for our economy and society‘s fu-ture. What raw materials do we plan tomakeuseof inthefuture?Wherewillwebe mining these raw materials or wherewillweregainthemthroughtherecyclingindustry? And how will we make theseavailable for production processes in thefuture?Bytraditionofthe‘LeobenerBergmanns-tag’ (miners’ day Leoben), the Europeanmineral resources conference EUMICON

2012 will be held at the Montan Univer-sity Leoben from 19th to 21st Septemberthis year. The conference will discussthese key questions. At the science- andeconomy-oriented congress, EUMICON,top-classkeynotespeakersandexcellentbusiness panels will give an insight ontopics comprising the availability of re-sources for economy and society as wellasnewstrategiesandtechnologiesinex-traction,processingandrecyclingofmin-eralrawmaterials.


PanelB:MineralProcessing& Recycling


PanelD:SustainableRawMaterials Extraction


PanelF:FerrousandNon-Ferrous Metallurgy


ABDALLA SALEMEL-BADRI SecretaryGeneralofOPECRegardedasoneofthetopex-pertsoftheinternationalen-ergymarket,hestudiedintheUSAandhadformerlyservedasLibyanMinisterforEnergyaswellasDeputyPrimeMin-ister.





GILLES MICHEL CEOoftheIMERYSGroupsince2011.HeservedasChiefEx-ecutiveOfficeroftheFrenchStrate-gicInvestmentFund.PriortothishehadheldseniorpositionswithPSAPeugeot-Citroën, the Saint-GobainGroupandtheWorldBank.






REINHARD PONGRATZOMVExploration&ProductionPanelpresentation„PetroleumIndustry“







DI ALOIS SCHEDLCEOofASFINAGPanelpresentation„UndergroundEngineering“

DR. WOLFGANG EDER CEOofvoestalpinePresidentofEUMICON2012

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mondaY, 17th September 201208:00 – 18:00

Meetings and conferences of international partner organisations (i.e. EUROMINES, heads of European mining authorities, tentatively IMA and others)

tueSdaY, 18th September 201208:00 – 18:00

Meetings and conferences of international partner organisations (i.e. EUROMINES, heads of European mining authorities, tentatively IMA and others)

10:00 – 15:00 Career forum (presentation of job opportunities, company representatives, professors)

wedneSdaY, 19th September 201210:00-14:00 Check-in and accreditation

11:00-12:30 Get together, opening of exhibition, press reception

12:30-13:30Festive assembly and opening ceremony with dr. reinhold mitterlehner ,

Federal Minister of Economy, Family and Youth, and dr. wolfgang eder , CEO of voestalpine, president of EUMICON 2012


Keynote: gilleS michel , CEO of Imerys Group, Paris, France: Industrial minerals – a driver for innovation and sustainable growth.

Raw material industries and their benefits for our society Statements by prof. dr. georg unland, Finance Minister of the State Sachsen, Germany,

mag. franZ VoVeS, Governor of Styria, Austria, dr. chriStoph leitl, President of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, and Georg Kapsch, President of the Federation of Austrian Industries.

14.50-15:20 Coffee break


Keynote: abdalla Salem el-badri , Opec Secretary General: The future development of the oil markets: what it brings and what it means

A lost race? How Europe can compete in supply and demand with the emerging markets.Experts panel discussion and general statements by executives of the raw materials

industry, r. anthonY hodge , President of the International Council of Mining and Metals (ICMM), London, United Kingdom, Ja ap huiJSkeS, Executive Vice President of OMV AG, Exploration & Production, Austria,

dkfm. franZ StruZl , CEO of RHI AG, Austria, mag. Jochen pildner-Steinburg, President of the Federation of Austrian Industries, Styria and CEO of GAW, Austria


Keynote: dr. JohanneS georg bednorZ , IBM Fellow Emeritus; IBM ZurichResearch Laboratory; Nobel prize winner for physics 1986:

High tec superconductor technology - ready for take–off

Part of the problem or part of the solution? Sustainable Raw Material Supply in context with training and education, employment and growth, environment and resources efficiency

Round Table discussion with rector uniV.-prof. dr. wilfried eichelSeder , Mining University Leoben, Austria,

ing.JoSef herk, President of the Styrian Federal Economic Chamber, Austria, dipl.-ing. dr. hildegard aichberger , Managing Director of WWF Austria, tbc

Raw materials in Europe – A strong voice for a common strategy. The presidents (representatives) of the Industry Federations of the Austrian Mining and Steel Association,

Austrian Association for Building Materials and Ceramic Industries, Austrian Non-Ferrous Metals Federation and Austrian Petroleum Industry Association.

dipl.-ing. franZ frieSenbichler, dr. manfred aSamer, dipl.-w.-ing.(fh) alfred hintringer, ing. kurt Sonnleitner

18:00-19:00 Fade out (exhibition area)

19:00-24:00 Evening reception by invitation of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth

thurSdaY, 20th September 201208:00-09:00 get-together in exhibition area

09:00-09:50Keynote railcargoaustria,:

Future supply chain concepts in raw material supply

Panel A: Mining and MineralsMineral supply from

unconventional deposits

Panel B: Mineral Processing

& RecyclingChallenges in

processing industry

Panel C: Petroleum Industry

Unconventional hydrocarbons

Panel D: Sustainable Raw

Materials Extraction

Panel E: Underground Engineering


drnek, t.Euromines, Brussels:

Standards for minerals policy in

Europe en

unland, g.Sächsisches Staats-

ministerium / In-stitut für Aufberei-

tungsmaschinen, TU Freiberg, Germany:

Trends and new developments of

mineral processing equipment en

reinicke, k. TU Clausthal:Overview and

impact of unconventional

hydrocarbons enStatements:

aSamer, m. Asamer Holding AG

pÖllinger, u. Styrian

Ombudsoffice for Environmental


wehr, h.ÖBB Infrastruktur:

Development of the Austrian railway

network – under-ground infrastruc-

tures in the Europe-an context dT

Schedl, a.ASFINAG: Tunnels within the austrian

motorway network dT

mauritSch, h. Montanuniversität

Leoben: Geo-Database – route selection

for infrastructure projects versus mi-neral resources en


hÖfler, g.Austrian

Armed Forces A/EU: The role of Armed Forces in

support of minerals policy en

batterham, r. University of Melbourne, Australia:

Major trends in the mineral processing

industry en

pongratZ, r. OMV Exploration &

Production, Austria: Environmental and

social aspects of shale gas projects en

11:00-11:30 Coffee break, exhibition area

Minerals for the future

Innovations in mineral processing

Hydrocarbons for the 3rd millennium


reichert, c.BGR-Hannover,

Germany: Future marine mineral

resources – prospectivity and

constraints en

wotruba, h. RWTH Aachen,

Germany: Sensorbased

separation techologies - status

and outlook en

lercher, J.TU Munich and

Pacific Northwest National

Laboratory:New catalytic

technologies for bioderived fuels en

Roundtable discussions


maurer, a. BMWFJ;

Topic: Adminstra-tion dT

kÖnig, u. Mediator,

Switzerland Topic: Neighbours


blab, r.TU Vienna

Topic: Transport dT

aichberger, h.WWF

Topic: Environment dT

rademacher, m. HeidelbergCement

GermanyTopic: Biodiversity dT

hinterberger, f. SERI:

Topic: Resource efficiency dT

harreiter , h. VERBUND Hydro

Power:Above- and under-

ground – invest-ment projects of

the VERBUND Hydro Power AG en


borg, g. University Halle /Saale, Germany:

Can’t live without it – the future of primary mineral

resources between markets, politics, and research. en

korak, J.Omya, Germany:

Processes for enhancing mineral filler properties en

thomaS, S.Linde, Task

Manager Biomass Innovation Manage-

ment / Clean Energy: Green

hydrogen en

krpata, r.Wiener Linien:

The „Wiener Linien“ – Underground

infrastructures of the past and the

future en


melcher, f. BGR-Hannover,

Germany: Certification initi-atives of mineral

raw materials from central Africa en

flachberger h. et al., MU Leoben, Austria: Electrical

separation in mine-ral processing - in-ventory, challenges

and odds en

waldStein, g. MBA, SolarFuel,

CEO: Routes to syn-thetic natural gas, a relevant solution for energy storage? en

hufSchmied, p. ExTechNa GmbH,

CEO, Zurich:Production of

electrical energyfrom deep

geothermalreservoirs – actual

state and futureperspectives en

13:00-14:30 Lunch break, exhibition area


Experts‘ panel discussion on international university education in raw material business: georg bednorZ , IBM Zurich Research Laboratory, Nobel Prize winner for physics 1986, tbc; rector uniV.-prof. dr. wil-

fried eichelSeder , Mining University Leoben, Austria, Vice rector uniV.-prof. dr. peter moSer , Mining University Leoben, Austria, prof. dr. georg unland, Finance Minister of the State Sachsen,

Professor of TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany, maga kriStina edlinger-ploder , Member of the Government of Styria, Head of the Department for Sciences, Research & Health Management, Austria,

k athrYn liSt, Head of Supervisory Board, Club International (CINT), Graz, Austria, tbc

15:30-16:00Copper Industry Keynote: Raw materials and the financial markets:

A match made in heaven or hell?

16:00-16:30 Coffee break, exhibition area



en dT Presentation in GermanPresentation in English

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Panel A: Mining and MineralsMineral policy as a pillar for sustaina-ble mineral supply

Panel B: Mineral Processing

& RecyclingInnovations in

mineral processing

Panel C: Petroleum Industry

Gas to power – power to gas

Panel F: Ferrous and Non-Ferrous


Panel E: Underground Engineering


Steinbach, V.BGR-Hannover:

Availabilty of high tech metals –

developements and trends on the raw material markets

and in research en

kriSten, a.Imerys Talc

North America:Talc in aerospace

coatings en

kiSS, S. RAG, Austria:

Sustainable energy world - the role of underground gas

storage en

luidold S.MU Leoben, Austria:

Availability of critical raw materials in Austria en

opolonY, k.arentZ, a.

RAG: Testing of yielding elements in the shaft system of Auguste Victoria dT

holZhuber, m.PORR:

Stuttgart 21 – infrastructure for

the future dT

rabenSteiner, k.Geodata Group:

Cityringen Copenhagen –

measurements for a safe construction

of underground structures en

John, m.JTC John Tunnel

Consult ZTG, Innsbruck:

Airport link and northern busway

project – Brisbane – Australien en


reimann, c.Norwegian

Geological Survey: Geochemical

exploration: past, present and

future en

kÖck, w.Plansee SE:Responsible

sourcing, processing and recycling of

tungsten – a contri-bution to a resource efficient and sustai-

nable economy en

balling, l. Siemens Energy,

Africa-Asia-Australia: Resource savings to highest flexible and efficient gas

turbine power plant solutions en

Steinlechner, S.MU Leoben, Austria:

The potential of secondary resources for

covering future zinc and lead demands en


mogeSSie, a.Karl Franzens

University Graz, Ge-ological Society of

Africa: The mineral resources potential

of Africa and Europes´ need. en

rabitSch, k. Treibacher, Austria: Rare earth – impact

of critical supply situation on

applications and consumption en

otten, r. AUDI Strategy, Audi

Fuel Projects: The Audi e-gas project – green

mobility as driver for power-to-gas

technology en

wellner, c.GDA, Germany: Aluminium - a

metal with young history and bright

future en

18:00-19:00 Fade out (Exhibition area)

19:00-24:00 Evening reception by the Governor of Styria, mag. franZ VoVeS, and the Mayor of Leoben, dr. matthiaS konrad

fridaY, 21St September 201208:00-09:00 Get together in exhibition area

09:00-09:50Keynote: Schoeller Bleckmann Oilfield, wolfgang e. Schollnberger:

„An energy junction between 2020 and 2030: causes, and consequences for con-sumers, governments and the petroleum industry”

Panel A: Mining and MineralsHigh tech minerals

from high tech mines

Panel B: Mineral Processing

& RecyclingChallenges in

processing industry

Panel C: Petroleum Industry

Alternative usage of gas

Panel F: Ferrous and Non-Ferrous


Panel G: HSE in Extractive



mcgagh, J.Rio Tinto; Australia:

The future underground

mine en

obernhuber, h. MFL, Austria: The Austrian mechanical

engineering and plant construction, with emphasis on

processing technologies dT

ecker, a.Chemicals and

fuels from (natural) gas en

Stibich, r.Montanwerke

Brixlegg, Austria: Copper production in Austria – past,

presence, future en

hoSemann, r. AUVA, Austria: Key aspects of

psychosocial risk management to mitigate major

contemporary chal-lenges for occupa-tional health and safety at work dT


ghoSe, a.Dhanbad Mining In-stitute, India: Grand

challenges in mining

engineering for the 21st century en

elSen, r.RWE, Germany:

Future prospects of lignite in the light

of Germany‘s energy

revolution dT

lenZ, J.DVGW:

Innovative challenges for the future gas infrastructure


luengen, b.Steel Institute

VDEh: Measures to increase efficiency

in iron and steel production in

Germany and Euro-pe en

peball, u.HSSE in OMV

Corporate, Austria: Behaviour-based

safety, the source of a zero harm at work

culture en

11:00-11:30 Coffee break, exhibition area

High tech minerals from high tech


Innovations in building materials

& ceramicsEnergy efficiency


moriSSon, d. CEMI, Canada: Base metal mining below 2 000m – technical

and economic challenges en

buchberger, b. RHI, Austria:

Current issues and future challenges in

refractory industry dT

moSSer, h.RAG, Austria:

Energy efficiency of the E&P industry en

kolb, g. voestalpine Stahl Donawitz, Austria: Ressources for the

steel industry in Austria dT

doerfler, k.Imerys Talc Austria:

Process safety management to improve people

safety at work en


moSer, p.Blasting versus

mechanical methods for the development of

underground hardrock mines en

daul, J. Lafarge, Austria:

The cement industry as a

resources-based industry between

mining- and waste- management dT

gangl, t.OMV, Austria:

Energy efficiency - driven by legislation

or key for refining in the 21st centu-

ry? en

SkorianZ, m. hanel, m.

MU Leoben, Austria: Development of methods for the

evaluation of iron ore reduction beha-viour for the optimi-

zation of ironma-king processes en

hofSchwaiger, c. Ministry of

Environment, Austria:

Roadmap towards a resource-efficient

industry in Europe en


frÖmmer, t.RHI, Austria: Underground

mining, deposit modelling, quality

control en

kogler, g.Porzellanfabrik

Frauenthal, Austria: Future commodity

markets of fine ceramics - outlook

for the next 25 years dT

Sorger, h.AVL List GmbH

Title: tbc

buergler, t.voestalpine Stahl,

Austria: Challenges for ironmaking in Europe within the

next decade en

roSe, k.World Energy Council, UK: Energy and

carbon efficiency to promote sustai-nable growth and reduction of GHG emissions in EU

industries en

13:00-14:30 Lunch break, exhibition area

High tech minerals from high tech


Innovation in processing waste HSE


drebenStedt, c.TU Bergakademie

Freiberg, Germany: Challenges in open

pit mining en

goldmann, d. TU Clausthal,

Germany: Challenges for

recycling in electric mobility


biSanZ, m. OMV, Austria:

OMV`s approach & experience in

achieving HSSE goals –

development of HSE culture en

mali, h.MU Leoben, Austria:

Automated micro-image analysis for

classification of iron ores in iron making

processes en

toSt, m. Rio Tinto London

Ltd., UK, tbc.: Sustainability and resources

efficiency, a challenge in

global mining business en


priSSang r. University of Berlin:

Operative deposit modelling - a tool for quality control

in underground and opencast mining en

pomberger, r.MU Leoben,

Austria: The future of

alternative and substitute fuels dT

hofStÄtter, h.MU Leoben, Austria: The environmental

impact of sonic waves in oil and

gas production en

gaul, f.Wolfram Bergbau

und Hütten AG, Aus-tria: The resource supply of the Wolf-ram Bergbau und Hütten AG at the

interface between technology, growth

and sustainability dT

Schaffer, r. Agricultural Consultant: Sustainable

reclamation of disturbed land in the challenging environment of

iron ore mines en

15:30-16:00 Coffee break


Statement of dr. chriStian buchmann , Member of the Government of Styria, Head of the Department for Economic, European and Cultural Affairs, Graz, Austria

Keynote: r. anthonY hodge , President of the International Council of Mining and Metals (ICMM), London, United Kingdom: Why the Future of Mining Depends on Social Change


Keynote: dr. JohanneS hahn , EU Commissioner for Regional Policy: Raw materials within the context of regional policy: A european perspective.

International Affairs – Round Table with Ambassadors of China, Chile, Peru, Mongolia Russia, Germany, South Africa, others – participation to be confirmed

17:00-17:30 Declaration, signing ceremony

17.30-23:00 Traditional Gösser beer festival

SaturdaY, 22nd September 2012Miners´ parade on occasion of the anniversary “1,300 years Erzberg“

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eumicon conference week

erZbergSYmpoSium 2012

meetingS and Special eVentSmonday, 17th September 2012

10:00-17:00 EUROMINESenvironmentcommitteemeeting UniversityofMining,Leoben Membersonly!

Tuesday, 18th September

09:00–12:00 EUROMINESboardmeeting UniversityofMining,Leoben Membersonly!

10:00–15:00 Job&Careerforum ConferenceCenter Admissionfree!

13:00–18:00 EUROMINESgeneralassembly UniversityofMining,Leoben Membersonly!

Wednesday, 19th September

09:00–10:00 annualgeneralmeeting„BergmännischerVerbandÖsterreichs“BVÖ

UniversityofMining,Leoben Membersonly!

Sunday, 16th September 2012


monday, 17th – Tuesday, 18th September 2012

09:00OpeningofthescientificsymposiumintheKammerhof.Lecturesonthehistoryandtechnologyofminingandmetallurgyintheareaofthe“SteirischerErzberg”andthehistoryofthetownofEisenerzwillbegivenbylocalandinternationalexperts.Afterwardsaguidedvisitof thetown,endingwiththereceptionby invitationof themayorofEisenerzChristineHolzweber,isoffered.OnTuesday,18thSeptemberthesymposiumcontinuesandaladies-programisprovided.


Side program for eumicon participantS

fridaY, 21ST SepTemBer 2012


Location: EUMICONConferenceCenter UniversityofMining,Leoben Courtyardoftheoldtract Franz-Josef-Straße18 A-8700Leoben

Time: Entry17:30 Beginning18:00 End24:00

TueSdaY, 18TH SepTemBer 2012


Location: VIP-LoungeofRed-Bull-Ring RedBullRingStraße1 A-8724Spielberg

Time: Entry18:30 Beginning19:00 End23:00

Shuttles: 18:00and18:30fromEUMICON ConferenceCenter,return22:00and 23:00fromRedBullRingto EUMICONConferenceCenter


WedneSdaY, 19TH SepTemBer 2012


Location: EUMICONmarquee A-8700Leoben

Time: Entry19:00 Beginning19:30 End24:00


THurSdaY, 20TH SepTemBer 2012


Location: EUMICONmarquee A-8700Leoben

Time: Entry19:00Uhr Beginning19:30 End24:00


Job & career forum

exhibition program

TogetherwithleadingStyrianandAustriannewspapersaJob&CareerForumwillbeorganized.Lectures and a panel discus-sionbytheUniversityofLeobenandlead-ingcompaniesoftherawmaterialsindus-trieswillprovidevisitorswithinformationon education and career opportunities tosupport the young and ambitious in theirchoice of careers. The forum addressespupils,studentsandpeoplewhoseeknewprofessionalchallengestogiveanimpres-sionaboutjobopportunitiesatthediffer-entcompanies.The Job & Career Forum will take placeonthe18thSeptember2012from10:00to15:00.

For in-depth informationonthetechnicalaspectsoftheconferenceaspecialexhibi-tionwilltakeplacefrom19thto21stofSep-temberattheUniversityofLeoben.Further,apublicexhibitiononmineralre-sourceswillshow largeexhibitsandma-chinery displayed in the form of a ‘mon-tanesculpturepark’.

If you want to participate as an exhibitororwouldliketoholdapresentationattheJob&CareerForum,youcanfindfurtherinformationonwww.eumicon.com

Thepublicexhibitiontakesplacethrough-out theweekof theconference, from17thto22ndSeptember2012.If you would like to participate as an ex-hibitoryoucanfindfurtherinformationonwww.eumicon.com

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leoben, culture – economY – wellneSSGUIDEDCITYTOUR


water wheel furnace iV and the erZberg Show mineMININGHISTORYANDPRESENT

Date: 19thand20thSeptember2012Beginning: 14.00(until16.30)Meetingpoint: MiningUniversityLeobenDurance: 2½hourMinimumnumberofparticipants:10personsMaximumnumberofparticipants:30personsLanguage: German,English,Italian

Visit theErzberg’sbelowground labyrinthand become acquainted with the miners’working environment of the past and to-day. Become witness to the impressivelydisplayed methods of belowground oremining.AfilmshowstheformationoftheErzberg.860HPstronggiantvehiclesarewaiting to take you on a journey throughthemininglevels.ThewaterwheelfurnaceIVistheonlypre-served and fully equipped charcoal-furn-ace in Europe. This part of the programoffers a striking view of mining methodsand the development of steel mining andproduction.

information and booking of the sightseeing programon www.eumicon.com

Styria’sindustrialdevelopmentisintrinsi-cally tied to the production and process-ingofsteelandthustotheDonawitzsteelplant.Afteranintroductoryfilmonwork-ing life in the plant, visitors are able toexperience work at the furnaces and railsteelmill fromclose-up.ThevoestalpineStahlDonawitzGmbH&CoKGhasdevel-opedtobecometheworld’smostmoderncompact-LD-steel plant. It’s capacity ofquality steel production meanwhile goesbeyond1.5milliontonsperyear.Remarks:Photographyprohibited!Sturdyshoesre-quired.


Leoben:Culture–Economy–WellnessThe walk through the city of the miningtown leads you to the museum centre‘Kunsthalle Leoben’, where participantshavetheopportunitytoviewtheexhibitions‘Radkult’ (Wheel culture) or ‘Schienen indieVergangenheit’(tracksintothepast’)

Date: 19thSeptember2012Beginning: 9.30(until12.30)Meetingpoint: MiningUniversityLeobenDurance: 3hourMinimumnumberofparticipants:20personsMaximumnumberofparticipants:45personsLanguage: GermanWehavetopointout,thatitisnotallowedtotakepho-tosandwewanttoadviseyoutowearheavydutyboots!

Date: 19thSeptember2012Duration: 9:30toapprox.17:00Departurepoint: MiningUniversityLeoben departurebybusStartoftheguidedtour: 10:20attheErzberg showmineDurationofthetour: 2hours(thentransferto Vordernberg)Lunch: from1pmonwardsin Vordernberg(ownaccount!)Startoftheguidedtour: 14:00attheRadwerkIVin VordernbergDurationofthetour: 2hours(thereturntripto Leoben)Minimumnumberofparticipants:20personsMaximumnumberofparticipants:50personsLanguage: GermanandEnglishRemarks: Sturdyshoesrequired!

Thefollowingpointsoftheexcursionpro-grams are free for all participants who’llbeatconferenceandthepersonswhoac-companythem(infacttheyhaveaticketforescort),theonlyvisit,whichwouldbenotincluded,wouldbeavisittothecityofGraz.

excuriSon-program for eumicon-participantSShuttles start and end at the EUMICON-Conference-Center / Mining UniversityLeoben.Would you be so kind to announce yourvisitonthewebsitewww.eumicon.com

program Beginning end

Wednesday, 19th September 2012


09:30 12:30


14:00 16:30

Thursday, 20th September 2012


09:30 17:00

StiftGoess(monastery)andvisittothebrewery 13:30 17:00


14:00 16:30

friday, 21st September 2012

Day-triptotheStyriancapital,GrazIndividualarrivalbytrain,busorcar.Informationandpricesavailablelocally. 09:00 16:00



The week of the congress coincides withtheStyrianErzberg’s1,300-year-anniver-sarycelebrations.A highlight of the festivities will be thegreat miners‘ parade at the Styrian Erz-berg.Inthe19thcenturythiswasthebaseof a remarkable economic upturn for theregionEisenwurzenandEnnstal.

Miners‘ parades havebeen traditional in thecapital of the Styrianmining industry since1728.

programme:09:00Uhr: Arrivaloftheminors‘delegationsanmusic associationsattheEisenerzStadium

10:00Uhr:Miners‘paradeintotheEisenerz Stadium;Ceremonywithspeechesand bandmusic

12:00Uhr:TransfertotheStyrianErzbergmarquee, lunchandguestconcerts

14:30Uhr:Presentationofminingmachineryina choreographybyLawineTorrèn


The festival area holds the opportunityto view modern mining equipment and aspecial post office is available. For moreinformation:www.abenteuer-erzberg.at


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ticketSConferenCe TiCkeT EarlyBirdPrice EUR330,- EUR396,-ConferenCe TiCkeT StandardPrice EUR400,- EUR480,-

exeCuTive upgrade* EarlyBirdPrice EUR140,- EUR168,-exeCuTive upgrade* StandardPrice EUR165,- EUR198,-

Companion TiCkeT EarlyBirdPrice EUR140,- EUR168,-Companion TiCkeT StandardPrice EUR165,- EUR198,-

STudenT TiCkeT** StandardPrice EUR125,- EUR150,-(EUR 50,- Refund for MUL Students)

Early Bird Price valid until 22nd July 2012 (receipt of payment)* Only valid in combination with a Conference Ticket.** Montan University Leoben Students are eligible for a EUR 50,- refund from the „Department Mineral Resources & Petroleum Engineering“.

complete information and ticket booking on www.eumicon.com


ConferenceOfficeEUMICONc/oBVÖFranzJosefStraße18A-8700Leobenphone +43.(0)3842.45279-0fax +43.(0)[email protected]

Roman StiftnerGeneralSecretaryofEUMICON2012

Sonja [email protected]

WiednerHauptstraße63/B316A-1045Wienphone +43.(0)5.90900-3308fax +43.(0)5.90900-113308

excl.20%VAT incl.20%VAT

complete information and ticket booking: www.eumicon.comStatuS June 2012. changeS, errorS and omiSSionS excepted.