Ravensworth C E Primary School...

RAVENSWORTH C E PRIMARY SCHOOL PROSPECTUS 2016 - 2017 Welcome to Ravensworth… We hope that this prospectus will give you an insight into our school, and answer any questions you may have. If you require any further information, or simply want to look round the school and meet the team, do feel free to contact the office. Mrs. Sharon Stevenson -Executive Headteacher

Transcript of Ravensworth C E Primary School...



Welcome to Ravensworth…

We hope that this prospectus will give you an insight into our school, and

answer any questions you may have. If

you require any further information, or simply want to look round the school

and meet the team, do feel free to contact the office.

Mrs. Sharon Stevenson -Executive Headteacher

[email protected]

School Details

Ravensworth C E Primary School



North Yorkshire

DL11 7ET

Tel (01325) 718375

Executive Headteacher – Mrs Sharon Stevenson BEd (Hons), NPQH

[email protected]



Nestled in the beautiful Holmedale valley lies the small village of Ravensworth, and in

its centre is Ravensworth CE Primary School. We are a small school (64 children), with

a consistent intake from within and beyond our immediate catchment area. We

have excellent facilities and beautiful grounds, overlooking Ravensworth Castle. The

school has had numerous extensions and re-developments and is continuing to

evolve around the needs of the children.

The dedicated, talented staff team are passionate about helping children to

succeed and we consistently achieve good results in Key Stage tests. More

importantly however, children are happy and given scope to grow as individuals,

developing a love of learning which extends well beyond the confines of the



Welcome to Ravensworth Primary School -

From the Headteacher

Dear Parents,

Firstly, a very warm welcome to our school. We hope and trust that your

child’s time will be full of joy, success and excitement as they learn and grow

through the years.

We are building Ravensworth on the Christian values of love, respect, integrity

and forgiveness. We welcome children from all faiths and none, and hope

that our ethos and vision will inspire them to develop into adults who will be

successful, confident and a blessing to others.

We strive after excellence, through a holistic approach which nurtures

academic, social, spiritual and emotional development.

We are keen to work closely with you as parents and carers to ensure the

best possible outcomes for your children. We see strong partnership as critical

to the success of our school, and our pupils. There are many opportunities for

you to share with us in your child’s education and achievements, and these

are outlined in the rest of this prospectus. Regular newsletters, emails, and

texts will inform you of events in the school’s life, and you are always

welcome to call into the office.

We look forward to building a happy and successful partnership with you.

Yours sincerely,

Sharon Stevenson

Executive Headteacher


Welcome to Ravensworth Primary School -

From the Chair of Governors

Dear Parents,

As Chair of the Governors it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to

Ravensworth CE Primary School.

The Governing Body of the school work closely with the Headteacher and

other members of staff, with a view to promoting high standards of

educational achievement yet at the same time ensuring that every child

develops as an individual, building upon their own strengths and supporting

any children with special needs.

The school works closely with parents and the local community creating a

strong family partnership and caring, positive ethos, qualities that we feel set

our school aside. As a parent whose child attended Ravensworth School, I feel

that the school provides a basis of strong values and skills which will help each

child to progress in their further education. It is a school in a beautiful

location, which provides children with a secure foundation on which to build

the rest of their lives.

We hope that if your child comes to Ravensworth School the years ahead will

be happy and fulfilling.

Yours sincerely,

Alison Brooks

Chair of Governors


School Values

The four key values of Love, Respect, Integrity and Forgiveness join together in two ways.

Firstly, they all connect to the centre – Excellence for All. This is the essence of what we

believe school should stand for – Excellence in its broadest sense, in the intellectual, moral,

spiritual and developmental spheres. We believe that by consistently applying these values,

excellence will be achieved.

Secondly the values are bound together in a circle of friendship. This is key. Living out all of

the values keeps the circle complete and the school working together as a united


The final element of our values is seen in the overall shape above. It makes a cross. As a

church school, we hold the ministry of Jesus as central, and believe that His example

provides a pattern for living – as respectful, honest, forgiving, and loving people.

The Staff Team Mrs Sharon Stevenson Executive Headteacher

Mrs Hazel Richmond Administrator

Miss Amy Crisp Class Teacher

Mrs Amy Dobinson Class Teacher

Mr Philip Smith Class Teacher

Mrs Catherine Stanwix Advanced Teaching Assistant/

Senior Midday Supervisory Assistant

Mrs Susan Stanwix Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Mrs Kathryn Hull General Teaching Assistant

Mrs Lisa Godfrey General Teaching Assistant (SEN)

Mrs Brenda Slack Cook

Mrs Julie Brown Kitchen Assistant

Mr Andrew Letts Caretaker/Cleaner

The Governing Body Mrs Alison Brooks Chair Person & LEA Governor

Mrs Amanda Monteith Vice-Chair (shared) & Parent Governor

Mrs Corinne Bell Vice-Chair (shared) & Co-opted


Mrs Melissa Thompson Parent Governor

Rev Anthony Kirby &

Rev Alan Gledhill Foundation Governor (shared)

Mrs Susannah Bateman Foundation Governor

Mrs Cath Stanwix Staff Governor

Mrs Sarah Rushforth Co-opted Governor

Miss Sarah Yarrow Parent Governor

Mr John (Sean) Connors Co-opted Governor

Currently vacant Co-opted Governor


Full Governing Body meetings are held four times a year.

The Governors work in conjunction with the Headteacher to ensure the overall

educational and financial health of the schools. They are unpaid volunteers who

meet regularly to discuss and decide upon all aspects of school management such

as staff appointments, budget monitoring, premises maintenance and curricular

review. The governing body is a legal entity. We greatly value the professionalism

and commitment of our Governors, who bring a range of skills, experience and

perspectives to our meetings. If you are interested in being a governor, do get in

touch with our Chairperson, to find out if we have vacancies.


We are always pleased to welcome new parents and children and show them

around the school – please contact the office if you wish to make an appointment.

Reception children are admitted to school once a year in the September prior to

their 5th birthday. Priority is given to all the children living within the catchment area

of the school in line with the schools and North Yorkshire County Council’s admissions

policies. The villages of Ravensworth, Whashton, West Layton, Gayles, Kirby Hill,

Dalton, Barningham and Newsham are within our catchment area. Parents will

need to complete the appropriate preference forms to request a place at our

school. Applications for admission of children who live outside of the area will be

sympathetically considered in line with LEA guidance.

Before starting school, children have the opportunity to make several visits so that

they feel confident and secure when they begin school. They will be invited to visit in

the summer term. Mrs Shazell, our Class 1 teacher, visits the local playgroup to see

the children in an environment with which they are familiar. A welcome meeting for

parents will take place in the summer term prior to entry. Children who move into

the area can be admitted throughout the year provided a place is available in that

year group.



Parents transporting their children to school are requested not to drive into the

school grounds in the interest of child safety.

Bus passes are provided free of charge to children living more than 2 miles from

school. To obtain a bus pass, contact:

The Area Education Office, Northallerton.

Telephone 0845 0349494 The

Bus Companies are:

Hodgsons – tel: 01833 630730.

Barnard Castle Coaches - tel: 01833 621302

The Parish Council are supported by the Governors in the instigation of a one way

system round the village green in order to prevent damage to the green itself. All

parents are requested to respect this as we value our local community.

Child Protection

We are committed to maintaining a positive relationship with all parents and carers,

however, our children’s welfare and safety must remain paramount. There may be

exceptional circumstances which require us to discuss our concerns with Children’s

and Young People’s Services and / or the police without your knowledge. In such

cases, we follow North Yorkshire Area Child Protection Procedures.



School uniform consists of:

Light blue polo shirt,

Grey trousers/skirt,

Maroon sweatshirt/ cardigan,

Blue and white gingham dress (summer).

For PE: white t-shirt, black shorts, black plimsolls.

Bags: School Book Bags are strongly recommended rather than rucksacks etc.

Sweatshirts/ cardigans, blue polo shirts, white PE t-shirts, fleeces, and waterproof

coats bearing the school logo can be purchased from the school each term.

It is essential that all items of clothing are clearly named. Pupils who have pierced

ears may wear studs except during PE. Children are not allowed to wear any

jewellery during PE lessons.

Disabled Access

The school has disabled access via a ramp into Class 1 and movable screens to

enable access to the hall and other classrooms. The school also has a well

equipped disabled toilet and treatment room.

There are no steps within the school building and there is full access to all outdoor



The School Day

Morning Session: 8.30am - 11.45am – KS1

8.30am – 12.00 – KS2

Morning Break:

10.15 - 10.30 am

Afternoon Session: 1pm - 3.10pm

Children are welcomed into the school at 8:20am; parents who wish to meet with a

teacher are also welcome to come in at this point.

As we operate an electronic attendance system, we need to be informed if your

child will be late or absent for any reason. Please ring school before 9.00am; there is

an answering machine in operation. Messages are picked up and dealt with at

regular intervals throughout the school day. If your child is absent we can then

cancel your child’s school lunch.

All absences are recorded and reported to the Local Authority through our

electronic attendance scheme.

We are delighted to have an extremely low level of absenteeism, reflecting the

children’s love of school.

Unauthorised absences in 2015 – 2016 were 0.35%.

Authorised absences in 2015 – 2016 were 2.52%


School Meals

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for Universal free school

meals. These meals are all cooked on the premises, and are based on a 3-weekly

menu. For pupils in Key Stage 2, school meals are available at a cost of £2.20 per

day, £11.00 per week which is payable on-line via the Parentpay website. There is a

main cooked meal and pudding with an alternative choice of jacket potato/salad

and yoghurt or fresh fruit for pudding. Our cook will cater for vegetarians and

special dietary requirements.

The menu is regularly updated and features a wide range of delicious, healthy

meals. We have a high uptake of school meals and children regularly go back for


If a packed lunch is preferred please note that we do not have facilities for cold

storage. If your child is in Key Stage 2 and you think they may be entitled to free

school meals, forms and confidential advice are available from the office.

School meal prices are annually reviewed by North Yorkshire County Caterers and

are subject to price change each September.

Equal Opportunities

We oppose all forms of unlawful discrimination, on any basis whatsoever. For further

information, please ask for a copy of our Equal Opportunities Policy.


Parents – how you can help We value our relationship with parents, and, as a small school, we enjoy close

relationships with all our families. We seek to ensure that families joining our school

feel welcome and want to work closely with you to achieve the best for your child.

We have two formal consultation evenings per year, as well as frequent

opportunities for informal dialogue. Our door is always open for a conversation, and

parents feel able to contact us anytime throughout the year.

There are lots of ways for parents to get involved with school life – helping regularly

with reading, art, sports, clubs, and school visits, as well as through our ‘School


School Organisation

The school can accommodate 3 classes covering Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key

Stage 2. The organisation of individual classes depends on numbers in each year

group and can change from year to year.

Currently, our groups are:

Class 1

Reception, and Year 1 children (mixed age range 4 - 6).

Class 2

Year 2, and Year 3 children (mixed age range 6 – 8).

Class 3

Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 children (mixed age range 9 – 11).


Early Years Foundation Stage

Reception children have access to indoor and outdoor play-based activities which

allow for learning and development across different settings. Purposeful play

underpins all development and learning for young children. Most children play

spontaneously, although some may need adult support and it is through play that

they develop intellectually, creatively, physically, socially and emotionally.

Ongoing observational assessment is used to inform planning for each child’s

continuing development. At Ravensworth CE Primary School, Reception pupils share

a class with Year 1 pupils. This mixed age setting ensures that opportunities are

provided for children to be stretched, allowing a smooth transition into their next


Reception pupils learn phonics from the start of their schooling and take part in

guided reading groups. In addition, pupils have the opportunity to practise their

reading skills at home by taking reading books home. Reading books are changed

regularly when they are returned to school.

Collective Worship

Daily collective worship shapes the entire ethos and atmosphere of life in our school.

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship but we would

hope that parents would come into school and discuss this before making a


Our Foundation Stage Governors and Rev Richards visit school regularly to lead

school assemblies and take particular interest in the pastoral care of all the children.

They provide a link with the local Christian community and our children participate in

annual Christian festivals at the local church.


Special Educational Needs

In accordance with the Code of Practice, parents of any children who are

encountering difficulties in school will be contacted to discuss a plan of action.

If it is deemed necessary the child can then be included in our Special Educational

Needs register. If it is felt that outside help is also required, the outside agencies may

be contacted who will offer advice and support to the teaching staff. This is done

only after consultation between the parents and SEN Co-ordinator, Mrs Sharon


Pupil and Parent Services can offer advice and support directly to parents.

The Curriculum

We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum and particular care is taken to

ensure that all children are treated as individuals and that we carefully match the

work to the child’s capabilities.

Our school curriculum is designed to implement all National Curriculum requirements;

in every class, children are taught:-

Core Subjects - English, Maths, and Science

Foundation Subjects – Computing, Design & Technology, History, Geography, Music,

Art, PE and Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE).

For RE we follow the North Yorkshire agreed syllabus.

We are now teaching most of the curriculum through a skills based approach in

which all classes study the same theme at the appropriate level.


We also use a creative, drama based teaching approach known as ‘Mantle of the

Expert’. Using this technique, children are able to approach their learning using real

life problems and develop solutions drawing upon all their key skills. This helps to give

work a purpose, and increases pupil ownership over their learning.

Core Subjects


Reading and writing are of paramount importance at Ravensworth School. Using

guided reading schemes from Reception upwards, we aim to help children become

fluent and independent readers. Children have the opportunity to select from a

wide range of stories, poetry and non-fiction books, and our school library is

constantly under review. The reference section aims to encourage children in the

use of a classification system, enabling them to locate information to support other

areas of the curriculum.

Children are taught to write for a wide range of purposes and audiences,

developing the skills of grammar, punctuation, handwriting and spelling.

High priority is also given to the development of speaking and listening, through

creative approaches, drama and school productions.


Our work in maths is based upon the National Curriculum. This work is supported by

Collins maths scheme and a variety of additional resources. Every opportunity is

taken to ensure that the children learn to apply an understanding of mathematics in

practical tasks and real life problems. The development of divergent thinking and

mental agility is encouraged.



Our science teaching and learning is supported by a range of materials and is

usually integrated within our Creative Curriculum. Through an investigative

approach, children can develop practical skills and competence to use a variety of

equipment. They are encouraged to develop and refine thinking skills, pose

questions, plan investigations, form theories and draw conclusions from their findings.


The school is equipped with many laptops which the children have constant, flexible

access to. This allows pupils to choose to use technology to solve problems (e.g.

conduct research etc.) in much the same way as we would as adults.

Each classroom has an interactive whiteboard that is used by teachers and children

to support all areas of the curriculum. In addition, we have a wide range of other

equipment, including i-Pods, Learn-Pads, Easi-Speaks, Tuff Cams, and digital

cameras – all of which support our ICT work.

ICT is taught as a subject in its own right. However, children are encouraged to use

their computer skills in all subject areas.

We also teach control technology throughout the school using Bee-Bots, Junior

Control, Scratch and Lego ‘We-do’, enhancing pupils’ skills in this complex area.

Foundation Subjects

Design and Technology (DT)

In Design and Technology, children work with a variety of materials. They are

encouraged to design and make things, evaluate the results, understand how things

work and the effect that advances in technology have on the environment.



One of the duties of our school is to encourage the formation of the necessary skills

with which children can find their place in society. Children are encouraged to

develop a sense of identity and an understanding of the various interpretations of

the past.

The school’s stunning location next to Ravensworth Castle acts as a constant

reminder of the passing of time and our place in history.


Children will be helped to develop understanding and awareness of their local

environment and that of the world as a whole. Through personal experience, field

study and the use of maps, photographs and pictures, the children will begin to

comprehend and appreciate the world they live in.


We want each child to become sensitive as a listener, composer and performer.

Activities are provided to develop musical skills in all children. We regard it as

important that children who show musical ability have the opportunity to learn a

musical instrument. Specialist teachers are available through the County Music

Scheme to teach violin, flute, piano, guitar and cornet. Parents are required to pay

termly for this tuition. We also work with a private cello tutor and professional

musician, (playing with Alfie Bowe, Katherine Jenkins etc.) who is currently teaching

a number of our pupils.



We aim to foster in the children an appreciation of the work of various artists and

create in them an awareness of our diverse artistic heritage and the importance of

art in other cultures. Children will work in 2-D and 3-D using a variety of media.

Physical Education (PE)

PE is given a high priority at Ravensworth and is reflected in our regular successes at

regional and county level sporting competitions. Although a comparatively small

school, we often win prizes in local tournaments such as Football, Cross Country etc.

A wide range of after school clubs and provision for PE is offered, including Rugby,

Gymnastics, Football and Dance.

Each child is given the opportunity to participate and develop skills in Gymnastics,

Games, Dance, Swimming and Outdoor and Adventurous activities. Junior age

children have the opportunity to go swimming weekly at various points in Key Stage

2. Children will work independently, in pairs and teams in both competitive and

noncompetitive situations.

Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE)

Through PSHCE we give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need

to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to be informed, active,

responsible citizens. Through ‘circle time’ we approach any current issues alongside

our planned curriculum. This, combined with the school council, gives children the

opportunity to voice their own views. Drugs education will also be taught to Years 5

and 6 through Science lessons.

We also run regular ‘Silver SEAL’ sessions; these provide an opportunity for children to

develop emotional literacy, solve complex relational problems and explore their

feelings in a safe and structured environment. As a part of this programme, children


can (and do) request ‘one to ones’ with a member of staff to discuss any issues they

are struggling with.

Religious Education (RE)

We follow the agreed syllabus in RE produced by North Yorkshire County Council.

Through the teaching of RE we encourage the children to explore the place and

significance of religion in human life, so making a contribution to each child's search

for a faith by which to live. At the same time, we are enabling the child to

appreciate the importance of Christianity as the basis of our cultural beliefs and


RE is often linked closely to Collective Worship – exploring aspects from different

perspectives. We also arrange visits from people of different faiths to discuss their

experiences and practices.


Children take reading books home and are encouraged to read to parents

regularly. A reading record booklet provides a valuable link between parents and

teachers. In addition to reading, homework is provided by the class teacher as

appropriate to age and ability. Sometimes extra challenges may be set to

encourage the children to pursue their own lines of enquiry, so establishing good

learning habits in preparation for secondary school.

Our current homework system for Upper Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 is based on a

structured approach, following up whatever work the children have been doing in

Literacy and Maths during the week. In EYFS and Y1, tasks are broader and more

investigative. We hope you will work with your children on homework and keep us

informed about this process.


Sex Education

The Governors of our school have decided that sex education will be taught as part

of the Science curriculum for Year 5 and 6 pupils. Prior to the introduction of this

topic, parents will be invited to attend a meeting where they will have the

opportunity to view the material and discuss our approach to the subject. Parents

do have the right to withdraw their child from part of or the entire programme, but

we hope this would only occur after consultation with the Headteacher.

Educational Visits

Educational visits are carefully prepared and followed up in order to obtain

maximum impact. Parents are always informed in advance and are required to sign

and return a consent form. Insurance cover is taken out for all school visits.

As coach travel and entrance fees can be expensive, we may need to ask for

voluntary contributions to cover the costs. We will try wherever possible to give

parents plenty of notice so that the cost may be spread over a length of time.

However, our School Friends’ fundraising often subsidises the cost of trips, permitting

us to give children every opportunity for learning beyond the classroom. In Class 3,

children will attend a residential outdoor centre.

Without parental contributions, the costs of these visits would be prohibitive.

However, in the case of financial difficulty, please discuss the matter confidentially

with the Headteacher or Mrs Richmond and we will seek to find a solution.


Holidays / Leave of Absence Our school is recognised as being successful and pupil attendance is very good.

However, to continue to justify this recognition, we need your help. We can only

teach children when they are in school and therefore holidays should not be taken

during school time.

According to latest national policies, any requests for leave in term time will only be

granted in exceptional circumstances – further details available from the office. The

County Council may now levy fines if children are taken out of school without



Good behaviour and discipline are the key foundations for effective teaching and

learning. We expect that children will demonstrate independence and a growing

sense of responsibility. Our approach is to praise children for their exemplary

behaviour and reward them with encouragement and incentives such as ‘jewels in

the jar’ and ‘treats’. Occasionally, sanctions (such as missing some playtime) may

need to be imposed and this is currently managed through our ‘traffic light’ system.

Our behaviour policy is available on the website, and is linked to our school values

(see p5).



If your child has any specific health difficulties or needs, please inform the school. If

prescribed medicine needs to be taken at school, written confirmation of the

dosage and time to be given are required and a parental consent form is required.

In the event of sickness or injury at school, parents will be contacted as soon as

possible and arrangements made to have the child taken home. In order that this

procedure can be followed effectively, it is important that we have an up-to-date

record of contact addresses and telephone numbers, so that we can act quickly.

There are times when the School Nurse will visit and carry out routine inspections. No

treatments will be given to children without prior consent of the parents.

Ravensworth School follows a NO SMOKING policy for all staff & visitors.

Transfer to Secondary School

At the conclusion of their primary education, pupils transfer to a local secondary

school of their choice. A booklet of general information produced by North

Yorkshire County Council is sent to Year 6 parents. It gives details of admission and

transfer arrangements for all schools in the area. The local secondary schools

produce their own brochures, available from the school on request. Most children,

who reside in the catchment area, transfer to Richmond School or St. Francis Xavier

School, with whom we have strong links.


Complaints Procedure

If you have any problems or worries concerning your child and / or the school,

please let us know straight away and we will do our best to resolve them.

Routine concerns should be directed to the class teacher but where confidentiality is

required this can be arranged through the Headteacher. We consider it vital that

we receive feedback from parents in order to resolve any issues affecting our pupils.

Matters of immediate concern can usually be sorted out by a prompt phone call or

a visit to school.

Complaints about a member of staff may be made to the Headteacher and

thereafter, if appropriate, to the Chair of Governors and the Governing Body.

Complaints about the Headteacher should be made to the Chair of Governors who

will decide whether to consult the Governors and/or the Area Education Office

and/or the Chief Education Officer. A complaints procedure is available on the


The Headteacher operates an ‘open door policy’; any parent with concerns or

issues is always welcome to make an appointment for a discussion.

Ravensworth School Friends’ Association

The School Friends are a dedicated group of parents, staff and friends who support

the work of the school, mainly through fundraising activities. In the past, they have

made significant financial contribution to:

• Outdoor play equipment and yard re-development

• Specific classroom resources

• ICT equipment

• School visits and trips

• Provision for school pets (chickens!)

Past fundraisers have included Race Nights, Summer Barbeques, Quiz and Chilli

Nights and Ceilidhs.

For more information and to be involved, please contact the school.


Ofsted and SIAMS Reports

To view or download copies of the most recent Ofsted report or previous inspection

reports please follow the link below:



Parents can complete Parent View at : http://www.parentview.ofsted.gov.uk/.

Our church inspection (SIAMS) report can be found at:


Performance Tables

If you would like to view the most recent DfE School Performance Tables please

follow the link below:



Ravensworth CE Primary School continues to work hard to improve levels of

achievement for our pupils. There are often significant changes from one year to

another, since we have such small cohorts of children, percentage comparisons are

not always very accurate! Our results from 2016 are included below:


2016’s cohort was small, consisting of 6 children, 50% of whom had special

educational needs.

Ravensworth School National

Percentage of pupils achieving the expected

standard in Reading, Writing and Maths

33% 53%

Average progress in reading -1.6

Average progress in writing 5.9

Average progress in maths -1.4

Percentage of pupils achieving a high level of

attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths combined

33% 22.5%

High level of attainment in reading 33% 18.7%

High level of attainment in writing 33% 14.7%

High level of attainment in grammar, punctuation

and spelling

33% 22.5%

High level of attainment in maths 16.7% 16.6%

Average scaled score in reading 100

Average scaled score in maths 101

100% of children achieved a Good Level of Development by the end of Early Years

Foundation Stage, well above the National average of 69.3%.

88.9% of children passed their phonics screening at the end of Year 1, above the

National average of 80.6%.


In Conclusion…

We hope the information in this prospectus has given you and your child much to

look forward to has helped in answering your questions. With your help and

cooperation, we will endeavour to make your child's time with us one which is

happy, successful and inspiring.


Welcome to Ravensworth.