Rattlesnakes by Amya

Rattlesnakes By:Amya

Transcript of Rattlesnakes by Amya

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The animal is a reptile. And it’s size is eight feet long and is wider than a mans arm. It’s color is tan,black and light brown. The type of covering is scales and skin. The special body parts is it’s rattlers and it’s fangs. And they are excellent swimmers. It can swim across lakes,rivers, and streams.


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Their locations are swamps rivers and streams. And their type of habitat is tall grasses. They like rocky ledges. In winter they go in holes that are in the dirt. And the type of home is lakes, swamps and shady spots when it’s hot out.


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Living Habits When hungry they’ll try to find eggs of

some or mice. It also eats rodents,frogs,birds,lizards,even insects. They could be located in Canada.

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Birth and Growth When it’s form it is really small and skinny.

And they might have rattler on the tail.Females give birth to about 10 live young born with out a rattler.

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Interesting Facts The rattler snakes can deliver there most

effective bite.Most pit vipers will move into a defense coil. If you get bit by any kind of rattlesnake there are 8,000 occurrences .The diamondback rattlesnake can be located in the southern eastern United States.

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