Rapport Annuel CREPEC Annual Report


Transcript of Rapport Annuel CREPEC Annual Report

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Table des Matières / Table of Contents 3 INTRODUCTION 5 Laboratoire Polynov 7 BUREAU DE DIRECTION / BOARD OF DIRECTORS


8 Professeurs et chercheurs / Professors and researchers 16 Professeurs et chercheurs invités / Visiting Scholars 17 Séminaires parrainés par le CREPEC / Seminars 18 Techniciens / Technicians 19 Associés de recherche / Research Associates 22 Bureau des services administratifs et techniques / Administrative and

technical service office 23 Stagiaires Post-Doctoraux / Postdoctoral Fellows

ÉTUDIANTS INSCRITS / GRADUATE STUDENTS 26 Étudiants au doctorat / Ph.D. Students 42 Étudiants, maîtrise M.Sc.A. / M. A. Sc. Masters Students 49 Étudiants au M.Ing. / M.Ing Students

RÉCENTS DIPLÔMÉS / RECENT GRADUATES 52 Doctorat / Ph.D. 54 Maîtrise M.Sc.A. / M. A. Sc. Masters 56 M. Ing. / M.Eng. 57 Tableau des fonds de financement pour 2007-2008

Funding for 2007-2008 58 Faits saillants / Highlights


59 Articles de revues avec comité de lecture depuis 3 ans Peer-Reviewed Journals in the last three years

89 Comptes-rendus de conférence en 2008-2009 Conference Papers in 2008-2009

110 Brevets et autres publications en 2008-2009 Patents and Other Publications in 2008-2009

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INTRODUCTION Le CREPEC a démontré son dynamisme continu au cours de son cinquième exercice. Croissance, évolution et renouveau résument bien le bilan de l’année 2008-2009. Ainsi le site internet du centre : www.crepec.com, s’est doté d’un système intranet. Accessible à tous les membres son interface conviviale assure une mise à jour efficace et rapide du profil des chercheurs, des étudiants et des infrastructures. De plus www.crepec.com offre également une page de service et consultation, favorisant la communication avec les industriels et le grand public. Nous vous incitons à visiter le site amélioré du CREPEC. Nous tenons à remercier Diane Héroux, Lionel Valéro et Pierre-Jean Alarco pour avoir mené à bien ce dossier. Au cours de l’exercice 2008-2009, le CREPEC se sera illustré à nouveau en recherche. Dans la première année, du grand projet intégra-teur en nanocomposites, initiative NRC-CRSNG-BDC 12 projets auront été initiés suivant quatre thèmes de recherche. Ces projets impliquent une collaboration étroite entre l’École Polytechnique, les universités Concordia, McGill et l’université de Toronto, ainsi que trois instituts du Conseil national de recherche Canada : l’IMI, l’IRC et l’IRB. L’objectif principal du projet est le développement de nouveaux matériaux performants, répondant aux attentes des neuf partenaires industriels impliqués dans les secteurs de l’emballage, du transport, de la construction et de l’aérospatial. L’année 2008-2009 aura d’ailleurs été une grande année pour la recherche en aérospatiale au CREPEC. Ce sont en effet 11 projets CRIAQ distincts qui auront vu le jour, représentant plus du double des subventions CRIAQ par rapport à l’exercice précédent. La grande qualité mais aussi l’ampleur des activités de recherche du CREPEC trouvent écho dans plus de 300 comptes-rendus de conférence, cette année et plus de 500 articles publiés dans des revues à comités de lecture, au cours des trois dernières années. La quatrième édition du colloque annuel du CREPEC : "Avancées en Recherche sur les Composites", s’est tenue le 10 décembre 2008 à l’Université Concordia.

CREPEC has displayed continuing dynamism in its fifth year of activity. Growth, evolution and renewal summarize the year 2008-2009. CREPEC’s website: www.crepec.com, in parti-cular, now has an intranet system. Available to all members its user-friendly interface ensures a rapid and efficient updating of our researchers, our students and our infrastructures profiles. Moreover www.crepec.com features a service and consultation page, promoting communication with industry partners and the general public. We encourage you to visit CREPEC’s improved website. We would like to thank Diane Héroux, Lionel Valéro and Pierre-Jean Alarco for the work accomplished. Once again CREPEC’s excellence in research will have been aknowledged during 2008-2009. In its first year of a major NRC-CRSNG-BDC initiative integrating project, 12 projects were launched in nanocomposites, following four research themes. These projects involve a close collabora- tion between École Polytechnique, Concordia University, McGill University, University of Toronto, and three of the National Research Council institutes: IMI, IRC and BRI. The main objective of the project is the development new performing materials, answering the needs of the nine industrial partners in the fields of packaging, transportation, construction and aerospace. 2008-2009 has been an exceptional year for CREPEC in aerospace research: a record 11 distinct CRIAQ projects have been initiated, representing more than double the CRIAQ grants from the previous year. The great quality but also the importance of

CREPEC’s research activities is reflected by over 300 conference papers, this year and over 500 peer-reviewed articles published, during the last three years. The fourth edition CREPEC’s annual conference: "Advances in Research on Composites“, was held on December 10th, 2008 at Concordia University.

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Le colloque aura réuni quelques 160 membres professeurs, chercheurs et étudiants Neuf conférences remar-quables furent présentées sur les récentes avancées faites dans les domaines de la plasturgie et des composites. Notons la présence d’un invité de marque du CREPEC : le Docteur Claudius Feger du Advanced Plastic Packaging group, du centre de recherche IBM T. J. Watson (Yorktown Heights, New-York).

La conférence du docteur Feger intitulée : “Today's and Future Challenges for Polymers in the Electronic Packaging Industry” aura généré un grand intérêt. Battant tous les records, les étudiants du CREPEC auront présenté leurs travaux de recherche durant le concours de posters. 70 participants et 66 posters étaient en compétition devant les jurys, rivalisant en qualité des travaux et de leurs affiches. Le premier prix fut décerné à M. Mehdi Pakravan-Lonbani de l’École Polytechnique, le second prix à M. Jorge Uribe-Calderon de l’université McGill et le troisième prix revint à M. Hany Gomaa de l’université Concordia. Nous tenons à remercier l’ensemble des participants et féliciter les lauréats. Nous remercions également le professeur Hoa ainsi que l’équipe de bénévoles et organisateurs de l’université Concordia qui aura permis de faire de cet évènement un succès retentissant. Le prochain colloque annuel du CREPEC aura lieu le 9 décembre 2009 à l’université McGill. Nous prévoyons une grande participation dont quelques invités de l’industrie des polymères et des composites.

The colloquium gathered some 160 members, professors, researchers and students. Nine outstanding conferences were presented on the recent advances in the fields of Polymers and Composites. CREPEC’s distinguished keynote

speaker was Doctor Claudius Feger of the Advanced Plastic Packaging Group,

from the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center (Yorktown Heights, New-York). Doctor Feger’s conference entitled: “Today' s and Future Challenges for Polymers in the Electronic Packaging Industry” generated great interest. CREPEC’s students presented their research during the poster competition. A record 70 participants and 66 posters were presented to the jury members. Both the quality of the research and that of the posters were outstanding. The first prize went to Mr. Mehdi Pakravan-Lonbani of Polytechnique, the second prize to Mr.

Jorge Uribe-Calderon of McGill University and the third prize was awarded to Mr. Hany Gomaa of Concordia University. We would like to thank all the participants and congratulate the winners. We also wish to thank Professor Hoa as well as the team of volunteers and organizers from Concordia University who contributed to make this event a resounding success. The next annual CREPEC conference will take place on December 9th, 2009 at McGill University. We anticipate a great turn out and

distinguished guests from the Polymers and Composites industry.

�De droite à gauche / from left to right:

Profs F. Bertrand, A. Ajji, C. Dubois & C. Feger

�Concours d’affiche / Poster Session

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L’apport de connaissances et d’expertises variées étant crucial à la formation de nos jeunes chercheurs, le CREPEC aura une fois de plus accueilli plusieurs professeurs invités provenant d’institutions à travers le monde, comme le souligne le présent rapport. Le CREPEC aura organisé également plusieurs séminaires à cet effet. Le CREPEC est à la fois fier et heureux de constater que nombre de ses membres se seront illustrés au cours de l’année 2008-2009, tant au niveau national qu’international. Distinctions de recherche et prix ont récompensé les travaux de nos membres et de leurs étudiants (cf. la section faits saillants pour plus de détails). Quatre nouveaux membres se sont joints au CREPEC durant l’année 2008-2009: le professeur Damiano Pasini du département de Génie mécanique de l’université McGill ; le professeur Bernard Riedl du département des sciences du bois et de la forêt de la faculté de foresterie et de géomatique de l’Université Laval ; le professeur Denis Rodrigue du département de génie chimique de l’Université Laval et le professeur Rolf Wüthrich du département de génie mécanique et Industriel de l’université Concordia. Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à nos nouveaux membres et les invitons à participer à des ateliers de travail et des projets de recherche regroupant des chercheurs ayant des expertises connexes ou complémentaires à la leur. Notons aussi le départ des membres suivants : les professeurs Dorel Feldman, Mamoun Medraj et Philippe Tanguy. Leur contribution au CREPEC fut grandement appréciée et nous leur souhaitons du succès dans leurs futures entreprises. LABORATOIRE Sous la direction du professeur Pierre Carreau, ce grand laboratoire du CREPEC, unique en Amérique du Nord relève le défi d’une vocation à la fois industrielle et académique. Ainsi, au cours de l’année 2008-2009 ce sont plus d’une douzaine de clients industriels, des États-Unis et du Canada qui auront bénéficié de l’expertise de l’équipe et des installations de Polynov.

The transmission of knowledge and expertise being crucial to the training of our young researchers, CREPEC has once more welcomed several visiting scholars coming from institutions throughout the world, as underlined in the present report. In addition, CREPEC organized several seminars towards this goal. CREPEC is at both proud and pleased to see that a number of its members have been recognized during the 2008-2009 year, both on the national and international scene. Research awards and prices rewarded our members and their students (cf. the highlights section made for more details). Four new members joined CREPEC during this year: Professor Damiano Pasini of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of McGill University; Professor Bernard Riedl of the Department of Wood and Forest Sciences of the Faculty of Forestry and Geomatics of Laval University; Professor Denis Rodrigue of the Department of Chemical Engineering of Laval University and professor Rolf Wüthrich of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of Concordia University. We welcome our new members and encourage them to take part in workshops and collaborate on research projects involving members with related or complementary expertise. We also take note of the following departures: Professors Dorel Feldman, Mamoun Medraj and Philippe Tanguy. Their contribution to CREPEC was invaluable and we wish them success in their future endeavors.


Under the direction of the professor Pierre J. Carreau, this great CREPEC laboratory, unique in North America take on the challenge of an Indus-trial and academic mission. During the year 2008-

2009 over a dozen industrial customers, from the United States and Canada benefited from the expertise of Polynov’s team and its installations.

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Du côté de la recherche académique, le Dr. Hesam Tabatabaei, sous la direction du professeur Pierre J. Carreau et Abdellah Ajji (co-directeur) aura mis à profit les infrastructures de Polynov, accomplissant de grandes avancées dans le domaine des membranes microporeuses. D’autres projets impliquaient notamment le développement de films de mélanges polyoléfines à propriétés barrières améliorées par étirement orientation dans le sens de la machine. LABORATOIRE DE FABRICATION INTELLIGENTE DES COMPOSITES : LFIC C’est en novembre 2008 que ce nouveau laboratoire d’envergure industrielle, à la fine pointe de la technologie entre en opération. Situé à Saint-Hubert, sur le site de l’École Nationale d’Aérotechnique, le LFIC est dirigé par le professeur François Trochu. Le laboratoire aura vu le jour grâce à un financement global de 3,84 millions $ du FRSQ et du FCI ainsi que d’un partenariat avec le Centre technologique en aérospatial (CTA). Le laboratoire compte déjà plusieurs projets à son effectif. Notons en particulier celui de M. Robin Dubé, qui sous la direction du professeur François Trochu et Eduardo Ruiz (co-directeur) a conçu et développé une machine d’injection de résine pour les composites.

On the academic research side, Dr. Hesam Tabatabaei, under the direction of professor Pierre J. Carreau and Abdellah Ajji (co-supervisor) used Polynov’s infrastructures, to achieve groundbreaking work in the field of the microporous membranes. Other projects involved the development of polyolefin blend films with enhanced barrier properties through machine direction orientation (MDO) stretching. LABORATORY FOR INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURE OF COMPOSITES: LFIC that this new industrial scale laboratory, at the cutting edge of technology began its operations in November 2008. Located in Saint-Hubert, on the

site of the École Nationale d’Aéro-technique, LFIC laboratories are directed by Professor François Trochu. The construction of the laboratory was made possible by FRSQ and CFI grants totaling 3.84 million $ as well as partnership with the Centre technologique en aérospatial (CTA). The laboratory has already been host to several projects.

In particular the project of Mr. Robin Dubé, who designed and developed a resin injection machine for composites under the supervision of professor François Trochu and Eduardo Ruiz (co-supervisor).


C’est avec regret et émotion que nous apprenons le décès du docteur Kenneth C. Kole après une longue et vaillante bataille contre le cancer, le 24 juin dernier. Le Dr. Cole s’était joint au Conseil national de recherche en 1981. Au cours de sa brillante carrière il aura publié plus de 80 articles. Le Centre perd un chercheur et un homme de grande qualité. Nos pensées et nos condoléances vont à sa famille. It is with emotion and sorrow that we learned about the death of Kenneth C. Cole who passed away on June 24th, 2009 after a long and courageous battle against cancer. Dr. Cole joined the National Research Council in 1981. During his brilliant career he authored over 80 articles. The Center and CREPEC lose a great researcher and a great man. Our thoughts and condolences to Dr. Cole’s family.

Kenneth C. Cole


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CARREAU, Pierre J. Directeur / Director Professeur Titulaire École Polytechnique

Rhéologie et développement de matériaux polymères performants

HOA, Suong Van Co-directeur / Co-director Professeur Université Concordia

Développement, Analyse, Design et caractérisation des polymères composites et nanocomposites, Materiaux et structures

BENMOKRANE Brahim Professeur Titulaire Université de Sherbrooke

Matériaux composites de PRF pour les structures du génie civil

BRAILOVSKI, Vladimir Professeur Titulaire École de Technologie Supérieure

Caractérisation et modélisation alliages à mémoire de forme (AMF)

DENAULT, Johanne Agent de recherche Institut des Matériaux Industriels – CNRC

Développement, caractérisation de micro structures, propriétés mécaniques et procédés de mise en œuvre des matériaux composites et nanocomposites

HUBERT, Pascal Professeur Associé Université McGill

Développement, Caractérisation, Modélisation et fabrication des matériaux composites

MIGHRI Frej Professeur Université Laval

Mise en œuvre des polymères. Développement de matériaux pour applications dans les piles à combustible

TROCHU, François Professeur Titulaire École Polytechnique

Fabrication des composites par injection sur renforts, Injection flexible, Simulation et optimisation des procédés de mise en forme Alliages à Mémoire de Forme (AMF)

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MEMBRES DU CREPEC / CREPEC MEMBERS Professeurs et chercheurs / Professors and researchers

AJJI Abdellah Professeur associé École Polytechnique

BERTRAND François Professeur Titulaire École Polytechnique

Relations Procédés–Structure-Propriétés physiques des films et fibres polymères

Modélisation physique et numérique d’écoulements polyphasiques pour des applications en génie des procédés

BOUKHILI Rachid Professeur Titulaire École Polytechnique

CHAALAL Omar Professeur École de Technologie Supérieure

Rupture des matériaux plastiques et composites et ruine des structures

Utilisation de matériaux composites pour la réhabilitation et renforcement des éléments structuraux

CHEN Mingyuan Professeur Université Concordia

COLE Kenneth C. Agent de recherche Institut des Matériaux Industriels - CNRC

Études de systèmes de production flexible, Gestion de chaînes logistiques, Optimisation techniques

Caractérisation physico-chimique des polymères (spectroscopie infrarouge)

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DANO Marie-Laure Professeure Agrégée Université Laval

DAVID Éric Professeur École de Technologie Supérieure

Caractérisation des matériaux composites, Modélisation de structures composites, Stabilité dimensionnelle, Composites à fibres piézoélectriques

Propriétés diélectriques des matériaux polymériques et des composites. Dégradation des systèmes d’isolation et mise au point de techniques de diagnostic et d’évaluation de l’état des systèmes

DERDOURI Abdessalem Agent de recherche / Professeur Associé Institut des Matériaux Industriels - CNRC

DUBOIS Charles Professeur Agrégé École Polytechnique

Mise en forme des polymers, Micromoulage rhéologie des polymères Polymérisation et compoundage réactif

DUFOUR Steven Professeur Agrégé École Polytechnique

ERCHIQUI Fouad Professeur / Chercheur Université du Québec Abitibi-Temiscamingue

Modélisation numérique des écoulements à surfaces libres présents dans les procédés industriels

Élaboration et caractérisation de la thermoformabilité des polymères chargés ou non de particules végétales; Modélisation du comportement structural des polymères chargés de fibres continues ou discontinues

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ESMAIL Nabil Professeur Université Concordia

FAVIS Basil D. Professeur Titulaire École Polytechnique

Rhéologie d’écoulements diphasiques, modélisation

Matériaux haute performance basé sur le contrôle de la morphologie et interfaces dans les mélanges polymères et biopolymères

GANESAN Rajamohan Professeur Titulaire Université Concordia

GODARD, François Professeur Titulaire Université du Québec Abitibi-Temiscamingue

Mécanique stochastique des composantes d’appareils et de structures composites Bioplasturgie

GRMELA Miroslav Professeur Associé École Polytechnique

HEUZEY Marie-Claude Professeure Agrégée École Polytechnique

Rhéologie et thermodynamique Rhéologie et modélisation des fluides complexes

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HUNEAULT Michel Agent de recherche Institut des Matériaux Industriels - CNRC

KAHRIZI Mojtaba Professeur Titulaire Université Concordia

Malaxage et mise en forme des polymères MEMS, Senseurs optiques. Nano instruments et leurs applications

KAMAL Musa R. Professeur Émérite Université McGill

LABOSSIERE Pierre Professeur Titulaire Université de Sherbrooke

Mise en œuvre et caractérisation des polymères

Réparation et renforcement de structures de génie civil en service avec des matériaux composites renforcés de fibres

LAFLEUR Pierre G. Professeur Titulaire / Directeur Enseignement et Formation École Polytechnique

LEBRUN Gilbert Professeur MEMBRE ASSOCIE Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Interaction entre les procédés, la morphologie et les propriétés des polymères et des nanocomposites

Conception, mise en forme et rupture des matériaux composites à matrice nano-composite

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LESSARD Larry Professeur Associé Université McGill

LÉVESQUE Martin Professeur Adjoint École Polytechnique

Analyse des contraintes et ruptures des matériaux composites. Conception, fabrication et test des structures composites

Modélisation et prédiction du comporte -ment des matériaux soumis à différentes sollicitations

MARIC Milan Professeur Adjoint Université McGill

MASLHOUI Ahmed Professeur Titulaire Université de Sherbrooke

Co-polymères bloc par polymérisation radicalaire contrôlée

Endommagement et caractérisation destructive et non destructive des matériaux composites et matériaux métalliques

MASMOUDI Radhouane Professeur Titulaire Université de Sherbrooke

MEDRAJ Mamoun Professeur Agrégé Université Concordia

Développement et modélisation du comportement structural de nouveaux produits en matériaux composites

Thermodynamique calculatoire, Diffraction de neutrons, Diagrammes de phases, Composites à matrice métallique et soudure laser

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NEALE Kenneth W. Professeur Titulaire Université de Sherbrooke

NOLLET Marie-Josée Professeur École de Technologie Supérieure

Matériaux composites pour les structures du génie civil Évaluation et réhabilitation des structures


PASINI, Damiano Professeur Adjoint Université McGill

POIRIER Daniel Chercheur / Chargé de projets Cégep de St-Jérôme

Structures, matériaux, conception optimale Caractérisation, Mise en forme, Équipements et prototypage

PUGH Martin Professeur Associé Université Concordia

RIEDL Bernard Professeur Université Laval

Traitement, propriétés et microstructure des matériaux métaux, céramiques et polymères

Chimie du bois et des adhésifs

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RODRIGUE Denis Professeur Université Laval

ROSS Annie Professeur Agrégé École Polytechnique

Polymères moussés et composites Vibrations et acoustique appliquée aux structures mécaniques

RUIZ Edu Professeur Adjoint École Polytechnique

SANSCHAGRIN Bernard Professeur Titulaire École Polytechnique

Mise en forme des matériaux composites et nano-composites Mise en forme des polymères

SEDAGHATI Ramin Professeur Associé Université Concordia

SHAO Yixin Professeur Agrégé Université McGill

Mécanique des solides, matériaux et structures intelligents, composites laminés Composites plastiques renforcés de fibres

pour la construction

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TANGUY Philippe A. Professeur Titulaire École Polytechnique

TERRIAULT Patrick Professeur École de Technologie Supérieure

Procédés de mélange Caractérisation de matériaux particuliers et conception de nouvelles applications industrielles à mémoire de forme (AMF)

THERRIAULT Daniel Professeur Adjoint École Polytechnique

TON-THAT Minh-Tan Agent de recherche / Professeur Associé Institut des Matériaux Industriels - CNRC

Micro et nano fabrication de matériaux avancés (polymères) et micro-appareils Mise en œuvre des composites et

formulation dans les produits

TURENNE Sylvain Professeur Titulaire École Polytechnique

VU-KHANH Toan Professeur École de Technologie Supérieure

Mise en forme et métallurgie de poudres Performances mécaniques et vieillissement des polymères, fibres textiles et composites

WOOD-ADAMS Paula Professeure Agrégée Université Concordia

WÜTHRICH, Rolf Professeure Adjoint Université Concordia

Rhéologie et caractérisation des structures polymériques Micro et Nano-Systèmes

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Professeurs et chercheurs invités / Visiting Scholars

BICKERTON, Simon The University of Auckland, F. Trochu

GASCON, Llanos Université de Valencia, Espagne E. Ruiz, F. Trochu

On Various Regrarding modeling of Liquid Composite Moulding Processes Résolution numérique d’une équation de

transport par la méthode des limiteurs de flux

FERRIER, Emmanuel University Lyon 1 B. Benmokrane

LOPEZ Lola IATA, Apdo, Correos, Burjassot, Spain S. V. Hoa

Évaluation du comportement à la flexion de poutres et dalles en béton avec armature en PRF encastrée près de la surface

Novel Materials and Nanotechnology

GARCIA, Antonio Université de Valencia, Espagne E. Ruiz, F. Trochu

MOAN Michel Université de Brest, France P. J. Carreau

Modélisation de la saturation dans le procédé RTM

Effect of Reactive Compatibilization on Droplet Coalescence in Shear Flow»

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PROKOSHKIN, Serguei Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys V. Brailovski

VOLPONI, Ruggero Italian Aerospace Research Center V.S. Hoa

Thermomechanical Treatment of Shape Memory Alloys Polymer Nanocomposites

TORRA , Vincenç Polytechnic University of Catalonia P. Terriault

Long-Term Stability of Shape Memory Alloys

Séminaires parrainés par le CREPEC / Seminars

�Dr. Simon Bickerton University of Auckland Prof. Robert Jérôme

Université de Liège, Belgique

On Various Issues Regarding Modelling of the Liquid Composite Moulding Processes Présenté à l’École Polytechnique le 20-02-2009

La chimie macromoléculaire et les nanomatériaux Présenté à l’École Polytechnique le 19-03-2009

Prof. Francico Chinesta École Centrale de Nantes, Nantes, France

Prof. John Vlachopoulos Mc Master University

Modélisation avancée des procédés de mise en forme de composites Présenté à l’École Polytechnique le 14-05-2009

Extrusion et rhéologie de composites bois-polymères Présenté à l’École Polytechnique le 28-05-2009

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Techniciens / Technicians

ALLARD, Philippe Cégep de St-Jérôme AUBÉ, Claude

Université de Sherbrooke BEAUSOLEIL, Jacques

École Polytechnique

Mise en forme et caractérisation des matériaux composites

Essais de laboratoire sur les matériaux composites et les structures

Procédé de mise en forme

BEDARD, Yves Université Laval BELKHIR, Yazid

École Polytechnique BESNER, Benedict

École Polytechnique

Administration des labos gradués et sous gradués Micro-fabrication et usinage

Caractérisation mécanique des matériaux

BOURGEOIS, Alex École Polytechnique CORBEIL, Jean-François

Cégep de St-Jérôme CORBIN, Mario

École de Technologie Supérieure

Fabrication des composites Essais de caractérisation des matériaux composites

Matériaux composites

GAGNON, Jean-Guy École de Technologie Supérieure GIROUX, Yann

Université Laval LESCELLEUR , John

École de Technologie Supérieure

Laboratoire des matériaux Laboratoire de mise en oeuvre et de caractérisation des polymères

Laboratoire de structures lourdes

MARTEL, Christian-Charles École Polytechnique PLAMONDON, Serge

Université de Sherbrooke RIOS, Juan Mauricio

École de Technologie Supérieure

Fabrication de composites Laboratoire des matériaux Laboratoire d'essais structuraux de


SIMARD, Nicolas Université de Sherbrooke SIMARD, Pierre-Marc

École Polytechnique ST-PIERRE, Marc

Cégep de St-Jérôme

Essais de laboratoire sur les matériaux composites Procédé d’extrusion POLYNOV

Mise en forme des matériaux composites

NTACORIGIRA, François Université de Sherbrooke

Essais de laboratoire sur les matériaux composites et les structures

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Associés de recherche / Research Associates

ARSHAD, Nabeel Université Concordia

CIGANA, Patrick École Polytechnique

Responsible for the Manufacturing of Composite Structures Procédé d’extrusion POLYNOV

BADILESCU, Simona Université Concordia

COUSIN, Patrice Université de Sherbrooke

Micro/Nano fabrication laboratories in ECE department Caractérisation des polymères et composites

de PRF

BÉRUBÉ, Sébastien Ecole de Technologie Supérieure

DEMERS, Marc Université de Sherbrooke

Design et fabrication mécanique Recherches sur les matériaux composites de PRF

BHADANE, Prashant École Polytechnique

DEMERS, Vincent Ecole de Technologie Supérieure

Responsable pour le développement de matériaux DVA basée sur le nylon et des laboratoires caractérisation de morphologie

DSC, Microdureté

BILLOTTE, Catherine École Polytechnique

DEVALS, Christophe École Polytechnique

Responsable du laboratoire de micro-caractérisation Modélisation de phénomènes d’échanges

DOLEZ, Patricia Ecole de Technologie Supérieure

JULIEN, Denis École Polytechnique

Gestion des projets de recherche Responsable du laboratoire de caractérisation mécanique

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FAUTEUX, Christian École Polytechnique

LAFRANCE, Thierry École Polytechnique

Caractérisation micromécanique et micro-fabrication Caractérisation mécanique de matériaux

FISCHER-ROUSSEAU, Charles Ecole de Technologie Supérieure

LALIBERTÉ, Jonathan B. Eng, McGill University Université McGill

Design et fabrication mécanique Auto 21 / CRIAQ Projects

HAMDINE, Mélina École Polytechnique

LEELAPORNPISIT, Weawkamol Ecole Polytechnique

Rhéologie et caractérisation des polymères Rhéologie et Diffraction rayon X

INAEKYAN, Karina Ecole de Technologie Supérieure

MAILLETTE, François Université Laval

Diffraction rayon X Responsable du laboratoire d'essais sur les matériaux composites

MARCOTTE-LATULIPPE, Alexandre Université Laval

PESTIAU, Charles École Polytechnique

Écriture de rapports Optimisation de plans de vols

MOURTAZOV, Mourat Université Concordia

PLAMONDON, Dominic Ecole de Technologie Supérieure

Thermoplastic Composites Moulding Analyse expérimentale d’un stent à dépliement contrôlé (fluage des polymères)

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MOUSAVAND, Tahereh Université McGill

POULIOT, Steve Université Laval

Synthèses de polymères renforcés de nanotubes de carbone et charactérization de matériaux

Rhéologie et mise en œuvre

NOWLAN, Isabelle École Polytechnique

RAJABIAN, Mahnoud École Polytechnique

Responsable du LM2 et du laboratoire d'acoustique Mandats de service industriels

PARENT, Luc École Polytechnique

RATELLE, Jean-Sébastien Ecole de Technologie Supérieure

Directeur des opérations POLYNOV Fabrication des composites

ROSCA, Daniel Université Concordia

WANG, Heng Université Concordia

Nanocomposites Characterization of Composites

ROUSSEAU, Marlaine Université Laval

XIE, Ming Université Concordia

Extrusion et caractérisation Manufacturing of Composites

SOULATI, Katayoun Ecole de Technologie Supérieure

XU, Duosheng Université Concordia

Design, fabrication et caractérisation de matériaux composites, modélisation et simulations analytiques

Analysis of Composite Structures

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TRUDEAU, Paul École Polytechnique

YASSIN, Hany Ecole de Technologie Supérieure

Polyuréthane Composites for Structural Parts Analyste en structure pour le groupe DRSR

VASILEVSKI, Dimitri École Polytechnique

ZHEN-HUA , Yuan École Polytechnique

Élaboration et caractérisation des matériaux thermoélectriques fabriqués par métallurgie des poudres

Polymer/Thermoplastic Starch blends

Bureau des services administratifs et techniques / Administrative and technical service office

HÉROUX, Diane Secrétaire du Directeur École Polytechnique

ALARCO, Pierre-Jean Agent de développement École Polytechnique

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Stagiaires Post-Doctoraux / Postdoctoral Fellows

ABDEL BAKY, Hussien 2008 K.W. Neale

CHALLAGULLA, Krishna 2007 P. Hubert

Modélisation des structures en béton armé réhabilitées avec des matériaux composites Mise en forme et simulations de matériaux

composites à matrice polymère

AHMED, Ehab 2009 B. Benmokrane

DEHKISSIA, Soumaine 2008 F. Larachi (ext.), D. Rodrigue

Flexural/Shear/Compressive Behaviour of FRP Reinforced Concrete Members Rheology of Heavy Oils

BARIL, Yannick 2009 V. Brailovski

DEMARIA, Cristian 2008 E. Ruiz, F. Trochu

Plaque trochanterienne avec câbles superélastiques

Étude des procédés de moulage liquide haute température et applications aéronautiques

BOUSSELHAM, Abdelhak 2008 O. Chaalal

EL-GAMAL, Sherif 2006 B. Benmokrane

Renforcement en cisaillement des structures en béton armé à l'aide de matériaux composites avancés en PRF

Modélisations expérimentales et numériques du comportement sous charge de ponts routiers en béton armé de PRF

BUSNEL, Frederic 2008 P. Blanchet (ext.), B. Riedl

DEYRAIL, Yves 2005-2008 F. Mighri

Traitements plasma pour le bois Integrated Manufacturing of Novel Fuel Cell Electrodes and Membrane Electrode Assemblies

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ESMAEILI, Babak 2008 C. Dubois, J. Chaouki (ext.)

INAEKYAN, Karina 2007 V. Brailovski

Polymérisation in-situ en milieu supercritique Traitement thermomécaniques des alliages Ti-Ni à mémoire de forme

FOTSING, Edith Roland 2008 E. Ruiz, A. Ross

KCHIT, Nadir 2009 E. Ruiz, F. Trochu

Amortissement intégré des matériaux composites Applications des nanocomposites aux

procédés d'injection sur renforts

GODAT, Ahmed 2008 K.W. Neale

LIU, Wei Ping 2006 S.V. Hoa

Analyse et conceptions des structures en béton armé réhabilitées avec des matériaux composites

Self Healing Materials

HADJIZADEH, Afra 2008 G. De Crescenzo (ext.), A. Ajji

MEHEBBI, Davod 2009 G. De Crescenzo (ext.), A. Ajji

Développement de structure en fibres pour des applications vasculaires

Developpement d'un biorécateur pour culture cellulaires vasculaires et études sous écoulement de structures en fibres pour applications vasculaires

HONG, Cheng 2009 P.J. Carreau, M.C. Heuzey

METICHE, Slimane 2008 R. Masmoudi, B. Arsenault (ext.)

Development of PET/Clay Nanocomposites Optimisation de la conception et fabrication de pôteaux et conduits en matériaux composites

NADJI, Hamid 2008 A. Koubaa (ext.), B. Riedl

TAGUET, Aurélie 2006-2008 B.D. Favis

Analyses chimiques de boues issues de traitements d'eau d'usines à pâte et papier Interfacial Phenomena in Blends with

Thermoplastic Starch

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PIANET, Grégoire 2006-2008 F. Bertrand

TAHEREH, Mousavand 2009 M.R. Kamal

Numerical Modeling of Solid-Liquid Coating Flow Nanocomposites

REBAI, Mehdi 2008 F. Drolet (ext.), F. Bertrand

TOMER, Namrata 2009 T. Vu-Khanh

Modélisation de l'écoulement de particules à travers des réseaux de fibres

Étude du vieillissement des matériaux utilisés dans les équipements de protection contre les chutes de hauteur et contre le feu

SHI, Guixin 2008 M. Maric

URIBE-CALDERO, Jorge 2008 M.R. Kamal

Poly(caprolactone) based "Green" Plasticizers Polyester Nanocomposites &Laser Welding

SOLIMAN, Shehab 2008 B. Benmokrane

WANG, Xiaodong 2008 A. Koubaa (ext.), B. Riedl

Flexural/Shear Behaviour of Concrete Structural Elements Externally-Strengthened with Near Surface Mounted FRP Composite Bars

Analyse économique de fabrication de panneaux composites faits à partir de matières renouvelables

XU, Xin Feng 2009 M.C. Heuzey, P.J. Carreau

YANG, Fan 2008 R. Sedaghati

Develop a New PET Based Clay Nanocomposites Film with Superior Barrier Properties

Vibration Suppression of Large Structures using Multi Passive ad Semi-Active Tuned Mass Dampers

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ÉTUDIANTS INSCRITS / GRADUATE STUDENTS Étudiants au doctorat / Ph.D. Students

ABAD, Ehsan Masoumi Khalil 01-2009 D. Pasini

AKHLAQUE, Shaikh 01-2006 R. Ganesan

Design and Multi-Objective Optimization of the Sagey Cage of a Blood Oxygenator Buckling and Post-Buckling of Tapered Curved

Composite Plates

ABBASI, Samaneh 01-2006 P.J. Carreau, S. Derdouri

ALIZADEH, Ebrahim 01-2008 J. Chaouki (ext.), F. Bertrand

Rheology and microstructure development of carbon nanotube/polymer composites in micro-injection molding

Improving of Axial Dispersion in Solid-Solid Mixing by Using Saddle Blender

ABDUL-RAHMAN, Bahira 05-2007 B. Benmokrane

ALLAGUI, Anis 01-2006 R. Wüthrich

Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of Cracking in High Performance Concrete Reinforced with FRP

Fundaments of Nanoparticle Synthesis with Electrochemical Discharges

ACHIM, Vincent 01-2005 E. Ruiz

ANGHEL, Costin 05-2009 B. Riedl, P. Blanchet (ext.)

Simulation, optimisation et fabrication intelligente des composites par injection Bois traités au plasma

AFSHIN, Taghvaeipour 09-2008 L. Lessard, J. Angeles (ext.)

ARRIETA, Carlos 01-2006 E. David, T. Vu-Khanh

Development of a Lightweight Robot with Composite Material Structure Effet du vieillissement sur les propriétés des

habits de combat d’incendie

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ARSHAD, Wasim 09-2005 R. Ganesan

BELASFAR, Iheb 09-2005 T. Vu-Khanh, J. Lara (ext.)

Dynamic Response of Tapered Plates Based on Layerwise Finite Element Formulation Interaction des solvants avec les polymères

AÏT-AÏSSA, Amara 09-2007 D. Rodrigue

BENAZZA, Tewfik 09-2005 O. Chaallal

Modeling of Polymer Powder Blends Renforcement des murs de refends couplés en béton à l’aide de matériaux composites

BARNETT, Eric 09-2007 J. Angeles (ext.), D. Pasini

BESKRI, Samih 01-2009 S. Turenne

Rapid Prototyping and Construction of Ice Structures Amélioration de la vie en fatigue par des

revêtements de co-nanocristallins

BARZEGARI, Mohamad-Reza 09-2004 D. Rodrigue

BOUBAKER, Khalfi 09-2008 A. Ross

Modeling of Structural Foam Mechanical Properties

Modélisation analytique pour la prédiction du bruit d’impact d'une plaque avec tampons amortissants contraints

BASHIRI, Hamed 09-2008 F. Bertrand, J. Chaouki (ext.)

BOUFFARD, Jonathan 05-2005 J. Chaouki (ext.), F. Bertrand

Modélisation du mélange triphasique Modélisation d'un procédé de rotogranulation à lit fluidisé à l'aide d'une méthode par éléments discrets

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BROWN, Peter 01-2008 B. Benmokrane

CHU, Jing-Song 09-2004 M. Maric, A. Hrymak (ext.)

Developing a Brillouin Distributed Fibre Optic Strain Sensor for FRP Composite and Concrete Structures

Microinjection Molding

CATTIN, Cyrill 11-2008 P. Hubert

COUTU, Daniel 09-2006 V. Brailovski, P. Terriault

Senseurs et actuateurs en polymères modifiés de nanotube de carbone

Conception et mise en œuvre d’une structure flexible avec actionneurs intégrés pour une aile aéroélastique

CAUSSE, Philippe 09-2005 F. Trochu, E. Ruiz

CREE, Duncan 05-2003 M. Pugh

Fabrication de pièces composites tridimensionnelles par injection flexible Preparation of 3D Ceramic Network Structured


CHAEICHIAN, Sina 09-2008 P. Wood-Adams, S.V. Hoa

CROCHON, Thibaut 05-2009 C. Li (ext.), M. Lévesque

Polyester Based Nanocomposites Développement d'une loi de comportement pour une matrice thermoplastique utilisée à haute tempérautre

CHAOUKI, Hicham 04-2006 F. Erchiqui

DANOUJ, Benjoumaa 05-2008 S.A. Tahan (ext.), E. David

Modélisation expérimentale et numérique du comportement structural des thermoplastiques chargés de fibres continues

Détection des décharges partielles dans l’isolation papier-huile

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DAWOOD, Mahmoud 06-2008 R,A, Masut (ext.), S, Turenne

EL-NEMR, Amr 05-2008 B. Benmokrane

Development of Nanostructured Bulk Materials for the Generation of Thermoelectricity

Develpment. Characterisation and Performance Evaluation of Carbon FRP Prestressing Tendons

DEMERS, Vincent 01-2005 V. Brailovski

EL-ZAFZAFY, Hend 09-2008 R. Masmoudi

Mise en forme d’alliages titane-nickel à mémoire de forme Durabilité des colonnes en béton armé coulées

dans des tubes en matériaux composites

DUBÉ, Olivier 05-2006 F. Bertrand, J. Chaouki

ELSAYED, Mostafa S.A. 05-2007 D. Pasini

Étude des facteurs de formes dans le mélange granulaire Design and Multi-Objective Optimization of

Lattice Material Structures

EBRAHIMPOUR, Omid 09-2007 C. Dubois

ESLAMI, Hassan 06-2005 M. Grmela, C. Dubois

Fabrication of Porous Silicon Carbide Ceramics Using Oxidation Bonding and Polymerization Compounding Methods

Thermodynamics and Rheology of Polymer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites: Measurement and Modeling

EL-AIDANI, Rachid 09-2006 T. Vu-Khanh

FARAGALLI, Michele 09-2008 P. Radziszewski (ext.), D. Pasini

Vieillissement des vêtements de pompiers Bioinspired Design of a Wheel Structure for Lunar Wheel Rover

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FARAHANI, Roohollah 05-2008 D. Therriault, M. Lévesque

GEORGES, Thomas 05-2008 V. Brailovski, P. Terriault

Mise en forme de nanocomposites Développement d'actionneurs pour une aile à profil variable

FATHY, Ashraf 09-2006 S.V. Hoa

GHANBARI, Abbas 09-2008 M.C. Heuzey, P.J. Carreau

Insulant for Rocket Nozzle Functionalization of Nanoclay for Incorporation in PET

FOROUTAN, Rana 09-2002 J. Nemes, P. Hubert

GHASEMI, Hesam 03-2006 P.J. Carreau, M.R. Kamal

High Strain Rate Modelling of Woven Composites

Improvement of Barrier Properties of Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate) Films by Formation of PET/Organoclay Nanocomposites

GALY, Bertrand 05-2009 M.J. Nollet, D. Leboeuf (ext.)

GHAVIDEL-MEHR, Nima 05-2008 B.D. Favis

Développement et validation d'une méthode simple de dimensionnement dynamique des ponts sur fondations superficielles pouvant être utilisée en présence de sols traités

Novel Biomedical Materials derived from Polymer Blends

GAMDANI, Farid 05-2007 R. Boukhili

GHIASI, Hossein 09-2005 L. Lessard, D. Pasini

Endommagement par fatigue des composites en flexion: effet de l'élancement, du rapport R, de la fréquence et de la forme du signal de chargement

Optimized Design of Composite Structures

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GOMAA, Hany 09-2007 P. Wood-Adams

HARRABI, Lofti 09-2004 T. Vu-Khanh

Haze in Polyethylene Films Comportement mécanique des textiles, élastomères et composites

GOSSELIN, Ryan 09-2005 C. Duchesne (ext.), D. Rodrigue

HE, Chenfeng 11-2008 S. Kaliaguine (ext.), F. Mighri

On-Line Control of an Extrusion Line Étude des propriétés de surface et de la conductivité protonique de membranes électrolyte polymères

GUTIERREZ, Julian 09-2007 E. Ruiz, F. Trochu

ISIK, Dilek 01-2009 C. Santato (ext.), S. Turenne

Étude de l'application des ondes ultrasonores dans la fabrication des pièces composites par moulage liquide

Développement de cellules photovoltaiques à partir de matériaux organiques

HAMANI, Ibrahim 09-2008 F. Erchiqui

JALALI, Moshen 05-2007 R. Wüthrich

Modélisation de transfert de chaleur par rayonnement dans les composites thermoplastiques fibreux et semi-transparents

Improving Electromagnetic Shielding of Composite Materials by Metallic Nanoparticles

HAMDY, Mohamed 01-2006 R. Masmoudi

JAVAN, Mandana 09-2008 E. David, M. Fréchette (ext.)

Modélisation numérique par éléments finis du comportement à la flexion de poteaux en PRF Caractérisation des propriétés diélectriques

des nano-composites à base de résine époxy

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JAVID, Farhad 09-2008 D. Pasini

KHADEM MOHTARAM, Nima 04-2009 P.J. Carreau

Design and Implementation of an Anchoring Mechanism for Percutaneous Mitral-Valve Annuloplasty

Interactions in Multiphase Polymer System

KAMEL, Hesham 09-2007 R. Sedaghati, S. Rakheja (ext.)

KHALKHAL, Fatemeh 09-2006 P.J. Carreau

Design Optimization of Frontal Vehicle Structure for Crashworthiness Improvement Development of Structure-Property Relationships

in Carbon-Epoxy Nanocomposites

KARBASSI, Amin 06-2005 M. J. Nollet

KHATTAB, Ahmed 01-2008 R. Sedaghati, S. Rakheja (ext.)

Vulnérabilité des bâtiments historiques en maçonnerie Frontal Crashworthiness Improvement of the

Vehicle Using MR Impact Damper Material

KERMANSHAHI, Azadeh 09-2006 M. Maric, D. Cooper, (ext.)

KHOSHKAVA, Vahid 05-2009 M.R. Kamal, P. Hubert

Towards Development of Green Plasticizers Nanocomposites Incorporating Nanosrystalline Cellulose

KESHTKAR, Mahdi 06-2006 M.C. Heuzey, P.J. Carreau

KHOUN, Loleï 09-2005 P. Hubert

Effect of Fiber Properties on Rheological Behavior and Structure of Fiber Filled Polymers Resin Transfer Molding Optimization for

Aerospace Structures

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KHUN, Mélanie 09-2005 D. Therriault, S. Vengallatore (ext.)

LEDUC, Simon 09-2004 D. Rodrigue

Direct-Write Microfabrication and Characterisation of Single-Chamber Micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Coplanar Electrodes

Polymer Composites Based on Natural Fibres

LABERGE-LEBEL, Louis 01-2006 D. Therriault, M.A. El Khakani (ext.)

LEFEBVRE, Karine 01-2004 M.J. Nollet

Design of Carbon Nanotube-Polymer Nanocomposites Bâtiments avec murs de remplissage en


LABONTÉ, Michel 01-2008 C. Dubois

LEPINE, Emmanuel 05-2006 X. Wang (ext.), B. Riedl

Les emballages rigides injectés ou thermoformés fabriqués en bioplastiques vus à travers une analyse de cycle de vie (ACV)

Adhésifs soya-PF- furannes

LANDRY, Véronic 05-2006 P. Blanchet (ext.), B. Riedl

LESSARD, Benoit 01-2009 M. Maric

Revêtements nanocomposites

Random Controlled Free Radical Copolymerization of Acrylic Acid/Styrene and Tert-Butyl Acrylate/Styrene Mixtures Using Nitroxide Mediators

LEBEL, François 09-2005 E. Ruiz, F. Trochu

LÉVESQUE, Mélanie 05-2008 E. David, C. Hudon (ext.)

Contrôle du procédé et de la qualité des composites fabriqués par injection sur renfort Problématique des décharges d’encoche dans

les grandes machines tournantes

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LI, Gang 09-2003 B.D. Favis

MAZINANI, Saeedeh 01-2006 C. Dubois, A. Ajji

Biodegnadable Polymer and Thermoplastic Starch Blends Preparation, Structure and Properties of

Conductive Nanocomposite Nanofibers

LI, Michelle 09-2004 M. Maric, J. Dealy (ext.)

MECHRAOUI, Ahmed 09-2003 D. Rodrigue

Rheology of Model Branched Poly(olefins) Polymer Composites Foams

MAANI, Amirhossein 01-2007 P. J. Carreau, M.C. Heuzey

MIAO, Hong Yan 06-2006 M. Lévesque, C. Perron (ext.)

Relationships Between Rheology, Morphology and Foamability of Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) Microcellular Foams

Numerical Simulation of Stress Peen Forming Procedure

MAAZOUN, Wissem 01-2009 S. Dufour

MIGNEAULT, Sebastien 09-2005 A. Koubaa (ext.), B. Riedl

Optimisation de trajectoires d'aéronefs Panneaux faits de résidus de pâtes et papiers

MASMOUDI, Abdelmonem 09-2007 R. Masmoudi

MIRJALILI, Vahid 01-2007 P. Hubert

Effet de la température et de l’humidité sur les propriétés d’adhérence à long terme des barres PRVF avec le béton

Development of Carbon Nanotube Composites

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MIRZADEH, Amin 01-2007 M.R. Kamal, P.G. Lafleur

MORTAZAVI, Farhad 01-2009 I. Villemure (ext.), M. Lévesque

Nanocomposites Based on Thermoplastic Elastomers

Développement d'un outil de mesure de champ de déplacements 3D à partir d'images obtenues de tomographie à rayons-X

MOFIDI, Amir 05-2008 O. Chaallal

MOTAMEDI, Ramin 09-2004 P. Wood-Adams

Systèmes d’ancrage pour renforcement en cisaillement à l’aide de matériaux composites Microcantilever Based Rheometry

MOHIUDDIN, Mohamed 09-2005 S.V. Hoa

MOUSSADDY, Hadi 05-2008 D. Therriault, M. Lévesque

Nanocomposites Prédiction du comportement de nanocomposites

MOKWINSKI, Yvan 09-2005 S. Dufour, F. Guilbault (ext.)

MURUGESAN, Yogesh Kumar 03-2008 A. Rey (ext.), D. Pasini

Estimation d'erreur et adaptativité pour les écoulements à surfaces libres Modeling Plant Cell Wall Morphogenesis for

Development of Biomimetic Materials

MORSHED, Abu 09-2008 Y. Shao

NAGHASHPOUR, Ali 01-2009 S.V. Hoa

Carbonation Treatment of Concrete with FRP Reinforcement for Improved Durability Nanocomposites

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NAIR, Abdelkader 05-2006 E. David

NOHILÉ, Cédrick 01-2005 T. Vu-Khanh

Conception d'un système à tension continue pour les essais de maintenance sur les systèmes d'isolations

Effet des solvants sur les propriétés mécaniques du butyle

NAJAFI-CHALOUPI, Naqi 01-2009 M.C. Heuzey, P.J. Carreau

PAHLAVANPOUR, Maryam 01-2009 M. Lévesque, P. Hubert

Development of PLA/Clay Nanocomposites Prédiction du comportement mécanique de nano-composites à base de nano argiles

NASERY, Hesam 05-2009 M. Pugh

PAKRAVAN-LONBANI, Medhi 01-2008 M.C. Heuzey, A. Ajji

Study of Composite Reinforcement Morphology Production of Chitosan-Based Non-Woven Membranes

NAVAEE-ARDEH, Shahram 09-2005 P. Stuart (ext.), F. Bertrand

PALARDY, Geneviève 09-2007 P. Hubert

Procédé continu pour le bioséchage de boues papetières: conception, expérimentation et modélisation

Development of Carbon Nanotube Fibres

NGUYEN, Chien Thang 09-2002 T. Vu-Khanh

PARADIS, Alexandre 09-2006 P. Therriault

Perforation et piqûre des élastomères Modélisation de la dégradation des AMF sous charges cycliques

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PERREAULT, Martin 03-2007 F. Bertrand, J. Chaouki (ext.)

RAJAMOHAN, Vasudevan 09-2006 R. Sedaghati

Étude de la lubrification par MgSt d'un mélange d'excipients pharmaceutiques au moyen de la densitométrie à rayons gamma

Vibration Control of Continuous Structures Using Magneto-Rheological (MR) Fluids

PROVENCHER, Hélène 05-2008 E. David, C. Hudon (ext.)

RAKOTO-RAMAMBASON,Dina Sandrine 06-2006 A. Ross, E. RuizR. Sedaghati

Vieillissement de l'isolation époxy-mica des enroulements statoriques des grandes machines tournantes

Amortissement Intégré des matériaux composites

RAHMAT, Meysam 09-2007 P. Hubert

RAMIREZ, Arreola 09-2005 D. Rodrigue

Interface Properties of Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites Preparation of Biodegradable Foams and Films

RAHMATIAN, Mohammad 01-2009 M. Chen, S.V. Hoa

RASOULI, Majid 09-2008 F. Bertrand, J. Chaouki (ext.)

Composite Manufacturing Process Analysis and Cost Optimization Etude du mélange granulaire à l'aide de

méthodes de caractérisation radioactive

RAHMATIAN, Mohammad 01-2009 M. Chen, S.V. Hoa

RAVATI, Sepehr 09-2005 B.D. Favis

Composite Manufacturing Process Analysis and Cost Optimization Novel Conductive Polymer Blends

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REZAEI KOLAHCHI, Ahmad 05-2009 P.J. Carreau, A. Ajji

ROWGHANIAN, Pooya 09-2008 S.V. Hoa

Printability of PET Film Composite Isogrid

RIOUX, Michel 06-2004 B. Clément (ext.), F. Trochu

SAD ABADI, Hamid 01-2009 R. Wüthrich, P. Mathukumaran (ext.)

Évaluation du fini de surface et optimisation des paramètres de fabrication d'un composite produit par RTM et comportant une postcuisson

Nano Integrated Micro Platform for Bio Application

RIVARD, Roland 01-2007 S. Dufour

SAEIDLOU, Sajjad 05-2007 C. Dubois, S. Martel (ext.)

Écoulements turbulents multiphases et changements de phase liquide/gaz High-Speed Nanoprobes-Based Processes for

Sub-Micrometer Electronic Interconnects

ROBERT, Mathieu 05-2006 B. Benmokrane

SAHAL, Noureddine 09-2005 O. Chaallal

Amélioration des propriétés physiques, thermiques et mécaniques de renforcements en PRF à l’aide de nanocomposites

Effets des vibrations sur les ouvrages de génie civil

ROSTAMI, Vahid 09-2008 Y. Shao

SAHAR, Nouri 01-2009 C. Dubois

Sulphate Resistance of Concrete Pipe with FRP Reinforcement Protection de semence par enrobages


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SALEK, Hassan 09-2005 S.V. Hoa, J. Denault

SHOKOUHI, Golnaz 01-2004 B. Benmokrane

Thermoplastic Composites Manufacturing Durability Evaluation of Prefabricated Deck Made of FRP

SAMADI, Niyusha 05-2005 P. Wood-Adams, A. Dolatabadi (ext.)

SOLTANI, Gholamreza 09-2005 E. David, L. Lamarre (ext.)

Microfludics of DNA Solutions Modélisation des courants transitoires utilisés comme outil de diagnostic des enroulements des machines tournantes

SAMI, Adelkhalek 09-2007 E. David, M. Fréchette (ext.)

SOW, Caroline 01-2006 P. Blanchet (ext.), B. Rield

Fabrication et caractérisation et des nano-diélectriques Vernis nanopolymère à base d’eau pour le bois

SHADMEHRI, Farjad 09-2007 S.V. Hoa

SPREUTELS, Laurent 09-2008 F. Bertrand

Buckling of Composite Shells Modélisation multi-échelle d'un procédé de séchage en génie alimentaire

SHAHBIKIAN, Shant 09-2004 P.J. Carreau, M.C. Heuzey

STOBIAC, Vincent 01-2008 F. Bertrand

Phase Inversion Study During TPV Dynamic Vulcanization Process Amélioration des modèles 1-fluide par

l'utilisation d'une méthode de particule discrète

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SUBRAMANIAN, Nithya 09-2007 P. Wood-Adams

TOBBI, Hany 01-2007 B. Benmokrane

Switchable Surface Development Behaviour of Near-Surface Mounted FRP Bars for Strengthening of Concrete Structures

SUYING, Xing 05-2008 A. Koubaa (ext.), B. Rield

TREMBLAY, Guy 09-2004 S. Nadeau (ext.), T. Vu-Khanh

Panneaux fait de fibres secondaires de pâtes et papiers Contraintes biomécaniques provoquées par les

gants de protection

SVETSINA, Svetlana 05-2009 M. Kahrizi

TRIKI, Ennouri 09-2007 T. Vu-Khanh

Studies of Physical Properties of Various Nano-Wires for the Application of Gas Sensors Déchirure des matériaux textiles et composites

TABATABAEI, Seyed Hesammoddin 09-2006 P.J. Carreau, A. Ajji

TWITE-KABAMBA, Eddy 09-2005 D. Rodrigue

Fabrication of Microporous Membranes Using Polymer Blends Rheology-Morphology Relation in Polymer

Foam Recycling

TAGHIZADEH, Ata 09-2007 B.D. Favis

VACHON, Pierre-Luc 09-2006 V. Brailovski, P. Terriault

Morphology-Interface-Property Relationships in Blends of Thermoplastic Starch with Biodegradable Polyesters

Amélioration de la ténacité au délaminage des composites carbone-époxy à l’aide de renforts actifs en alliages à mémoire de forme

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VAZQUEZ, Milton 09-2005 R. Gonzalez Nunez (ext.), D. Rodrigue

YOUSSEF, Tariq 05-2005 B. Benmokrane, E. El-Salakawy (ext.)

Chitosan Composites Creep & Creep Rupture of FRP Reinforcements for Concrete

VIDAL, David 01-2002 F. Bertrand, R. Roy (ext.)

YURYEV, Yury 09-2006 P. Wood-Adams

Développement d'algorithmes parallèles pour la modélisation numérique d'écoulements de fluides en milieu poreux

Dynamic properties of Polylactide

VLAD, Mirela 05-2007 P. Blanchet (ext.), B. Riedl

ZHORE VAND, Ahmad 05-2009 P.J. Carreau, A. Ajji

Revêtements nanocomposites architecturaux pour le bois

Développement de nanocomposites conducteurs pour des applications dand des cellules photovoltaïques

YAHIAOUI, Abdallah 01-2003 K.W. Neale

ZRIBI, Ikram 01-2009 F. Mighri, M. Jaziri (ext.)

Confinement des colonnes avec des PRF Nanocomposites polymères pour cellules photovoltaïques

YAMANAKA, Tadayoshi 09-2006 L. Lessard

Progressive Fatigue Analysis of Laminated Composite Structures

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Étudiants, maîtrise M.Sc.A. / M. A. Sc. Masters Students

ABBOUD, Tarek 01-2006 T. Vu-Khanh

BOUCHAAR, Mounir 01-2009 M. Lévesque, D. Therriault

Modélisation mécanique des textiles, élastomères et composites

Fabrication et caractérisation de nanocomposites à base de nano-argiles avec matrices de PLA et PET

AUCLAIR, Nicolas 09-2007 B. Riedl, V. Blanchard (ext.)

BOURAI, Karim 09-2008 D. Rodrigue

Revêtements extérieurs pour le bois Heat Transfer in Wood Polymer Composites

BADAGI, Vijay Kumar 01-2009 R. Ganesan

BOURBIA, Ouaheb 09-2007 R.A. Masut (ext.), S. Turenne

Advanced Finite Element Formulation for Vibration Response of Complex Tapered Beams

Études par spectroscopie mécanique des alliages thermoélectriques utilisés pour la génération d'éléctricité

BERNIER, Simon 05-2007 E. David, J.L. Parpal

BOURGEOIS-COLLIN, Loïc 01-2008 M. Lévesque, I. Villemure (ext.)

Dégradation de l’isolation extrudée des câbles de distribution Modélisation du comportement mécanique de

la plaque de croissance

BIRON, Guillaume 09-2008 A. Vadean, B. Sanschagrin

BOURQUE, Gabriel 01-2006 S. Vengallatore (ext.), D. Therriault

Validation expérimentale de l’optimisation des assemblages mécaniques par frettage Numerical Simulation of Fuel Cells

Electrochemical Performance

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BOUSHEL, Chakib 01-2007 E. Ruiz

CHEN, Hao Yuan 01-2007 R.A. Masut, S. Turenne

Conception et développement d'un logiciel de contrôle en temps-réel de la mie en forme de composites par injection sur renfort

Développement de procédés de microfabrication des modules thermoélectriques à base des alliages (Bi, SI)(Te,Se)

CAMIRAND, Martin 09-2007 J. Ruel (ext.), M.L. Dano

CLOUTIER, Florent 09-2007 F. Trochu

Design d’un volant inertiel Analyse du chauffage par zones et à travers l'épaisseur dans les procédés d'injection par transfert de résine

CERCLÉ, Claire 08-2007 B.D. Favis

COSSU, Claudia 09-2007 C. Dubois, M.C. Heuzey

Compatibilization and LCA of TPS/Polyolefin Blends Early development of an energetic biodegradable


CHAHAL, Rajpal 01-2008 S.V. Hoa

DHAWALE, Nandkishor 09-2007 R. Wüthrich

Nanocomposites Investigation of Machining Forces During SACE Constant Feed Drilling

CHANBERLAND-LAUZON, Joël 05-2008 A. Ross

DÉSILETS, Jean-François 06-2007 E. Ruiz, F. Trochu

Dispositif de récolte de l'énergie vibratoire d'un moteur

Développement et optimisation d’un procédé de mise en forme par injection d’une pièce complexe d’épaisseur variable de type sandwich à âme en mousse

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DUBÉ, Robin 06-2007 F. Trochu, E. Ruiz

FOUDIL BEY, Nacim 09-2007 F. Erchiqui

Développement d’un système d’injection pour la fabrication des composites Modélisation 3D des données Géophysiques

aéroportés par réseaux de neurones

DULUDE, Christian 05-2009 B. Benmokrane

GAGNON, Philippe 09-2006 D. Rodrigue

Conception ert étude de la résistance au poinçonnement de dalles de stationnement étagés en béton armé d'armature de PRF

Metal-Polymer Composites

DUMERCY-BARBO, Julien 04-2008 F. Trochu

GARIÉPY, Alexandre 05-2008 M. Lévesque, C. Perron (ext.)

Optimisation du chauffage des composites fabriqués par injection flexible

Modélisation par éléments finis dynamiques et optimisation de la mise en forme de composants minces par grenaillage précontraint

FARAH, Elias 09-2006 M. Lévesque, C. Perron

GRUCIC, Alexandar 01-2008 S.V. Hoa

Modélisation du comportement de l'aluminium à grands taux de déformation Nanocomposites

FECTEAU, Adam 05-2008 M.L. Dano

HARBEC, Andréanne 09-2007 C. Dubois

Structures composites intelligentes Production de polylactide à partir de résidus de l’industrie agroalimentaire

HOSSEIN, Sinaei 06-2008 S.V. Hoa

KHANI, Mahboubeh 09-2007 R. Sedaghati, I. Stiharu (ext.)

Nanocomposites Modeling of the MR damper for Landing Gear Application

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JETTÉ, Marc-André 01-2007 A. Ross, E. Ruiz

LANDRY, François 05-2008 M. Lévesque

Caractérisation de matériaux viscoélastiques post-cuisson Vieillissement d'un matériau composite à haute


KABIR, Ahmed 09-2008 S.V. Hoa

LAPOINTE, Francis 09-2007 S. Turenne

Nanocomposites Modélisation de la viscosité de mélanges de poudres métalliques utilisésé pour le moulage par injection de poudres métalliques

KAKOU, Amani Charles 09-2006 D. Rodrigue

LAVALLÉE, Cindy 05-2008 T. Vu-Khanh

Recycling of Thermoplastic and Elastomers Résistance à l’impact des composites

KHADIMUL, Imam 05-2009 P. Wood-Adams, R. Wüthrich

LAVOIE, Martine 09-2006 A. Ross

The application of sum frequency generation spectroscopy to polymer nanocomposites Étude de l'énergie vibratoire dans les tampons


LE CORROLLER, Pierre 09-2007 B.D. Favis

MACTABI, Roham 06-2009 S.V. Hoa

Étude de la morphologie goutte composite des mélanges polymères en vue d'application de recyclage

Composite Landing Gear

LIMOGES, Guillaume 09-2008 S. Turenne

MANAC’H, Pol-Ewen 01-2008 F. Trochu

Développement de techniques de soudage pour réparer des pièces aéronautiques produites par fonderie de magnésium

Simulation et optimisation de la fabrication de pièces composites par injection sur renforts (procédé RTM)

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LIU, Xudong 09-2008 S.V. Hoa, M. Chen

MARTEL, Audrey 05-2009 S. Turenne

Cost Analysis for Composites Moulage par injection de poudres de MoSi2 nanocristallin

MABROUK, Djerdane 03-2008 A. Khaled (ext.), M.J. Nollet

MORRISON, Andrew 09-2007 R. Wüthrich, L. Rodrigues (ext.)

Effets des séismes bidirectionnels sur la longueur d'appui des tabliers de ponts Reducing the Variability of SACE Micro-

machining by Control Strategies

MACSINIUC, Adrian 09-2007 D. Rodrigue

NGUYEN, Luc 09-2006 F. Mighri

Recycling of Rubber Développement de plaques bipolaires

POLO GUERRERO, Marco 05-2008 D. Rochefort (ext.), F. Bertrand

RIFAY, Mouhcine 01-2009 F. Trochu

Couchage d'enzymes encapsulés sur un susbtrat papetier Fabrication de pièces composites par injection


PONTES, Ricardo 01-2007 C. Dubois

RINGUETTE, Benoit 05-2009 D. Rodrigue

Synthèse de nanoparticules de bore Composites à base de fibres naturelles

PROULX, Frédéric 06-2008 P. Labossière

SHAYEGAN, Vahid 01-2008 P. Wood-Adams

Configuration structurale innovatrice combinant bois lamellé collé, béton haute performance et matériaux composites

Creep Behavior of Polymer Blends

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PRUNDUS, Calin Georgel 09-2006 D. Rodrigue

SILVERSIDES, Ian 01-2009 A. Maslouhi

Epoxy Composites Based on Natural Fibres Analyse de la dégradation induite par les phénoménes hygrothermique sur la résistance en fatigue des composites carbone epoxy

RAFKANI, Youssef 09-2007 R. Boukhili

SOLA, Mathieu 01-2008 E. Ruiz, F. Trochu

Limites des contrôles non destructifs par ultrasons et par radar sur le béton Development of testing methods for composite


SOUISSI, Mohamed Ali 01-2009 F. Mighri, A. Derdouri

VAUCHER, Karyn 07-2008 A. Koubaa (ext.), B. Riedl

Développement et optimisation de matériaux conducteurs à base de mélanges de polymères pour plaques bipolaires de piles à combustible de type PEMFC

Panneaux de fibres secondaires de pâtes et papiers et de peupliers hybrides

STE-MARIE, Michaël 05-2007 S. Turenne

VEZEAU, Brian 09-2008 D. Rodrigue

Étude du futtage de pièces moulées par injection de poudres métalliques d'alliages d'acier inoxydable et de superalliage de nickel

Mechanical Properties of Wood Polymer Composites

STEINER, Stéphan 05-2007 B. Benmokrane

VIVIEN, Guillaume 01-2008 D. Therriault, M. Lévesque, L. Marchand

Étude de l’effet d’échelle sur la contribution du béton à la résistance au cisaillement de membrures en béton armé de PRF

Optimisation d’un siège de valve

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TEIXEIRA, Alexandre 01-2009 R. Wüthrich

WILLIAN, Ngangue Nkeuwa 05-2008 R. Hernandez Pena (ext.) B. Rield

Electropolishing of Titanium Parts Manufactured by Selective Laser Sintering Caractérisation de la porosité de bois

TÊTU, Annie-Claude 01-2009 M.L. Dano

XIAO, Cai 09-2008 S.V. Hoa

Mise au point d'un dispositif à barres Hopkinson pour des matériaux polymères Tapered Composites

TRUDEAU, Paul-Arthur 09-2007 E. Ruiz

YAO, Jiaolian 09-2008 D. Rodrigue

Fabrication and Characteriation of a Sandwich Structure Composite Using Fibre Glass and Polyurethane Foam

Prediction of Polymer Foams with Density Gradient

ZEMMOUR, Nabila 09-2008 B. Benmokrane

ZESNA, Zamal 06-2008 S.V. Hoa

Longueur de développement de barres d'armature en matériaux composites de PRF pour des bétons autoplaçants et à haute résistance


ZHU, Boming 01-2009 R. Wüthrich, L. Kadem (ext.)

Optimisation of Fuel Consumption in Micro-Fuel Cells

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Étudiants au M.Ing. / M.Ing Students

BOURIZI, Rania 09-2007 F. Mighri

CENTEA, Timotei 01-2009 P. Hubert

Caractérisation in-situ de plaques bipolaires pour plies de type PEMFC Simulation des pré-imorégnés hors-autoclave

BRAYARD, Philippe 01-2008 M.J. Nollet, A. Khaled

CHAZERAIN, Aurélie 09-2007 P. Hubert

Évaluation de la vulnérabilité sismique des écoles du Québec Resistance Welding of Thermoplastic Composites

BRIEND, Robin 09-2008 P. Radziszewski (ext.), D. Pasini

CROFT, Kaven 09-2008 D. Pasini

Bioinspired Design of the Wheel Surface for a Lunar Rover Experimental Characterization of AFP Process

Defects in Composite Structures

BRILLANT, Mélanie 01-2009 P. Hubert

EL-IDRISSII-ESSERHROUCHNI, Mehdi 09-2008 F. Erchiqui

Fabrication de formes complexes hors autoclave Modélisation du bruit généré par une éolienne et son effet sur les structures élastiques

BUSSIÈRES, Marie-Michèle 01-2009 O. Chaalal

ERYTHROPEL, Hanno 05-2009 M. Maric, D. Cooper (ext.)

Développement d'un logiciel de calcul pour les fondations profondes de ponts sous charges sismiques

Maleate-based "Green" Plasticizers

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FERET, Victor 01-2007 P. Hubert

IDRICI, Abdelkrim 16-2008 O. Chaalal

Fracture of Composite Manufactured by RTM Analyse critique et études de cas de renforcement à l'aide de matériaux composites d'Éléments de ponts

FILLON, Amaury 05-2008 A. Ross

KALALI, Kiana 15-2009 M. Maric

Techniques de traitement de signal dans l'étude du comportement dynamique de tampons d'ancrage Mixing in Single Screw Extruders

FISCHER, Charles 09-2008 P. Terriault, V. Brailovski

KRATZ, Jim 09-2007 P. Hubert

Développement de surfaces adaptatives actionnées par des fils d'alliage à mémoire de forme Out-of-Autoclave Prepreg Processing

GOUIDER, Samir 03-2008 A. Khaled (ext.), M.J. Nollet

LAGNEL, Matthieu 05-2009 O. Chaalal

Influence des systèmes de contreventement latéral des ponts sur leur vulnérabilité sismique Renforcement en cisaillement de poutres en

béton armé à l'aide de matériaux composites

GUZMAN, José Antonio 12-2007 M.J. Nollet

LAWAND, Ronnie 09-2007 P. Hubert

Analyse de sensibilité des méthodes d’évaluation de la vulnérabilité sismique des ponts dans un contexte de gestion

Surface Finish of RTM Automotive Composites

MBEGA MVE, Jean Stéphane 05-2009 O. Chaalal

RATELLE, Jean-François 09-2008 V. Brailovski, D. Terriault

Comportement de structures composites sous forme de treillis Développement de la structure de l'aile adaptable

en matériau composite

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MERAH, Hocine 04-2008 O. Chaallal

SABLAOUI, Farid 01-2009 E. David, F. Gagnon (ext.)

Renforcement de ponts du Québec Assemblage de circuits électronique devant fonctionner à 200oC

MORELLON, Émeric 09-2007 P. Terriault, V. Brailovski

SEMACAI, Mihai 04-2008 O. Chaallal

Conception et fabrication du système de transmission activé par les AMF Fabrication et caractérisation et des nano-


PHILLIPS, Steven 01-2008 L. Lessard

SENOUCI, Fadhila 04-2008 D. Therriault

Applications for Natural Fibre Reinforced Composite Materials – Stringed Musical Instruments Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer in Micro

Heat Pipes

QUINLAN, Erin 09-2008 P. Hubert

SWAROOP, Visweswaraiah 09-2008 L. Lessard, D. Pasini

Simulation du placement automatique de fibres à matrice thermoplastique Optimization of a Composite Wind Turbine Blade

Using MDO Approach

TRINH TAN, Frederick 09-2003 M. Maric, D. Cooper (ext.)

TURENNE, Romuald 09-2008 M.J. Nollet

The Biodegradation of a Synthetic Co-Polyester by Hydrolase Producing Microorganisms

Mise à jour de la procédure de sélection des bâtiments en vue de leur évaluation sismique du CNRC en conformité avec les nouvelles exigences du CNBC 2005

YOUANCE, Suze 01-2007 M.J. Nollet

YOURDKHANI, Mostafa 09-2008 D. Pasini

Vulnérabilité sismique des églises du Québec Mechanics of Hard Sea-Shell and Design Opitmization of Bioinspired Composite Materials

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Doctorat / Ph.D.

ABDELLAOUI, Chafik 09-2006 à 01-2009

E. Ruiz

DEMARIAN, Christian

09-2004 à 07-2008

F. Trochu

Étude expérimentale du contrôle en pression et en température de la fabrication de composites par injection flexible

Caractérisation expérimentale et modélisation de la permabilité des renforts à filures continues déformées par cisaillement


01-2005 à 12-2008

B. Benmokrane, E. El-Salakawi (ext.)

DERISIS, Bijan 09-2004 à 09-2008

S.V. Hoa

Comportement à l’effort tranchant de poutres de ponts NTEB renforcées d’étriers en fibre de

carbone Thermoplastic Helicopter Landing Gear

ASHRAFI, Benham 09-2004 à 09-2008

P. Hubert, S. Vengallatore (ext.)

EISA, Mohamed

01-2005 à 12-2008

B. Benmokrane, E. El-Salakawi (ext.)

Application of Carbon Nanotubes in MEMS

Étude du comportement de dalles de chaussées en béton armé continu de barres d’armature en PRFV : Application à la de reconstruction de l’Autoroute 40 Est


09-2004 à 10-2008

R. Boukhili

GODAT, Ahmed 09-2003 à 07-2008

K.W. Neale, P. Labossière

Étude de l'effet des paramètres de mise en oeuvre et des constituants sur les propriétés mécaniques et tribologiques des garnitures de freins

Renforcement en cisaillement de poutres de béton avec des PRF

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GORDON, Sébastien 09-2004 à 09-2008

R. Boukhili

SAEED, Huda A. 05-2005 à 08-2008

K.W. Neale, A. Tagnit-Hamou (ext.)

Tolérance au dommage des structures composites Modélisation de la nanostructure du ciment hydraté

GU, Jian Feng

01-2003 à 01-2009

M. Grmela, B.D. Favis

SOLIMAN, Shehab 01-2004 à 09-2008

B. Benmokrane, E. El-Salakawy (ext.)

Mesohydrodynamics of Suspensions of Membranes Structural Elements Strengthened with NSM

FRP Reinforcement

HOTEA, Mihaela

06-2005 à 06-2009

B.D. Favis, M. Huneault

VIRGILIO, Nick 09-2004 à 03-2009

B.D. Favis

Extrusion de mousses à cellules ouvertes à partir des mélanges de polymères de sources naturelles: relations interface-rhéologie-propriétés

L'étude des Interfaces dans les Mélanges de Polymères Immiscibles

LEE, Kam-Wa

09-2002 à 05-2009

M. R. Kamal

Phase Separation in blends of Polycarbonate / Liquid Crystal Polymers

MENDEZ, Lionel Sergio 09-2004

P.A. Tanguy (ext.), C. Dubois

Free Radical Polymerization of High-Impact Polystyrene Using Microreaction Technology

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Maîtrise M.Sc.A. / Applied M. Sc.

AMHED, Hasnet 09-2006 à 08-2008

R. Ganesan

BOURQUE, Jean-Pierre

09-2005 à 05-2008

M.L. Dano

Vibrations of Tapered Composite Beams Gauchissement hygro-mécanique dans le papier/carton

ANDRE, Cédric


R.A. Masut (ext.), S. Turenne

CHEN, Xiao Yuan 09-2006 à 12-2008

M.L. Dano, G. Gendron (ext.)

Optimisation des alliages thermoélectriques de type n à base de tellurure de bismuth pour des applications de génération d'énergie

Structural Sandwich Polymer Foams

BART, Alexis 09-2007 à 05-2009

A. Maslouhi

CLIN, Thibault-Élie 01-2007 à 02-2009

S. Turenne

Caractérisation expérimental d'un joint d'adhésif structural et évaluation de la performance d'un matériau composite à fibres courtes orientées aléatoirement pour l'industrie du transport

Simulations numériques du comportement thermomécanique de modules thermo-électriques

BLAIS, Jean-François 09-2006 à 12-2008

A. Ross

FiDAHOUSSEN, Choyebe Alain

06-2006 à 02-2009

S. Dufour, D. Orban (ext.)

Application de l’holographie acoustique en champ proche à l’étude du rayonnement transitoire de plaques soumises à des impacts

Méthodes itératives pour la modélisation par éléments finis d'écoulements à surfaces libres avec frontières mobiles

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FIRLOTTE, Nicolas 09-2006 à 07-2008

M. Maric, D.G. Cooper (ext.)

NOWLAN, Isabelle 09-2006 à 12-2008

M. Pettigrew (ext.), A. Ross

Mechanical Property Evaluation of Green Plasticizers

Étude expérimentale du comportement vibratoire d’un tube de générateur de vapeur en interaction avec une barre plate

GALINDO, José-Ricardo 09-2004 à 12-2008

D. Rodrigue

ORTEGA, Isabelle 06-2006 à 10-2008

E. Ruiz

Wood-Plastic Composites Fabrication et caractérisation de nano-composites à matrice époxy

GOSSELIN, Mathilde 09-2007 à 06-2009

A. Maslouhi

XIANG, Zhenyu

09-2006 à 11-2008

B.D. Favis

Caratérisation de l'endommagement des adhésifs thermiques utilisés en électronique

Controlled Release of Proteins from Porous, Co-continuous and Surface-modified Polymer Blends

LANOUE, Frédéric 01-2007 à 03-2009

A. Vadean (ext.), B. Sanschagrin

Modélisation et simulation des assemblages mécaniques par frettage sollicités en fatigue par la méthode des éléments finis

LOURDEL, Nicolas 01-2006 à 05-2009

M. Lévesque, D. Therriault

Développement d'un banc d'essai pour la déter-mination des paramètres de la loi de comportement d'un filament d'encre viscoélastique

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M. Ing. / M.Eng.

BOUDET, Nicolas 01-2007 à 09-2008

R. Boukhili

GALY, Bertrand 01-2008 à 03-2009

A. Khaled (ext.), M.J. Nollet

Contact statique & dynamique des structures sandwich Influence de la classe de sites sur la

vulnérabilité sismique des ponts

CROCHON, Thibaut- Élie 05-2008 à 05-2009

R. Boukhili

GUILLOT, Xavier 09-2007 à 05-2009

R. Boukhili

Comportement à l'impact des panneaux Sandwich Structures sandwich, tolérance au dommage

DESHAIES, Geneviève 05-2008 à 12-2008

A. Ross, E. Ruiz

HIDA, Hassan 01-2007 à 04-2009

M.J. Nollet, A. Khaled (ext.)

Mise en forme et caractérisation de sandwiches composites avec éléments viscoelastiques Méthode d’évaluation de la vulnérabilité

sismique des ponts

DUMOUCH, Hélène 09-2007 à 04-2008

M. Lévesque, A. Ross

JONARIVELO, Hanitra 05-2008 à 12-2008

A. Ross

Étude des contraintes dynamiques dans un matériau composite Analyse par éléments finis des mécanismes de

dissipation dans les tampons d'ancrage d'un VTT


09-2007 à 04-2008

M.J. Nollet

MOULODI, Abdelghani 09-2007 à 04-2009

F. Erchiqui Développement d'un outil d'évaluation des bâtiments existants pour la mise en conformité sécurité et accessibilité

Caractérisation viscoélastique du compor-tement structural des membranes thermo-plastiques par une approche utilisant les réseaux de neurones

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Chaires de recherche du Canada / Canada Research Chairs $ 400 000 Consortium recherche et d’innovation en aérospatiale au Québec – CRIAQ

Consortium for Research and Innovation in Aerospace in Québec $ 1 148 699 Fondation canadienne innovation (FCI) et du gouvernement du Québec /

Canadian Foundation for Innovation (FCI) and Quebec Government $ 1 427 326 Réseaux centres d’excellence (RCE) / Networks of centres of excellence $ 574 873 Contrats et conventions de recherche / Contracts $ 2 397 603 �

TOTAL $ 12 597 096

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Faits saillants / Highlights 14 novembre 2008, Omar Chaallal, professeur titulaire au département du génie de la construction à l'École de technologie supérieure de Montréal et président du sous-comité sur le renforcement en cisaillement à l'aide de matériaux composites au niveau de l'ACNOR (ACNOR S-806) publie "Structures en béton armé. Calcul selon la norme ACNOR A23.3-04".

November 14th, 2008, Omar Chaallal, Full Professor in construction engineering at Montréal’s École de technologie supérieure and CSA S-806 sub-committee president publishes "Structures en béton armé. Calcul selon la norme ACNOR A23.3-04".

Le professeur Suong V. Hoa, co-directeur du CREPEC aura été reconnu pour l’excellence de ses travaux de recherche encore cette année : En mai 2008, il a reçu le "Lifetime Research Achievement Award " de la Faculté de génie et d’informatique de l’Université Concordia ; en septembre 2008 il reçoit le titre de Research Fellow de la compagnie Pratt & Whitney. Le professeur Hoa a également organisé le IVe colloque du CREPEC à l’unité Concordia en décembre 2008.

Professor Suong V. Hoa, CREPEC’s co-director was recognized for the exceptional quality of his research again this year. In. May 2008 he received the Lifetime Research Achievement award from the Faculty of Enginering and Computer Science; in September 2008 he was named Pratt & Whitney Research Fellow title. Professor Hoa also organized the IVth CREPEC colloquium at CREPEC’s Concordia unit, in December 2008.

Avril 2009, le directeur du CREPEC, le professeur Pierre J. Carreau, a été reconnu pour la qualité exceptionnelle de sa recherche. Le professeur Carreau a obtenu le R.S. Jane Memorial Award 2009 de la Société canadienne de génie chimique. April 2009, CREPEC’s director, Professor Pierre J. Carreau was awarded the 2009 R.S. Jane Memorial Award by the Canadian Society of Chemical Engineering, in recognition for the exceptional quality of his research.

Excellence Etudiante / Students Excellence Septembre 2008, M. Hasan Salek, étudiant au doctorat du professeur Hoa de l’Université Concordia reçoit le prix de la meilleure affiche au cours de l’édition 2008 du Forum des étudiants en aérospatial du CRIAQ, pour son poster intitulé: "Development of Thermoplastic Wingbox Panel for Aircraft Applications". September 2008, Mr. Hasan Salek, Ph.D. student of professor Hoa of Concordia University

received the best poster award during the 2008 edition of CRIAQ’s Students Aerospace Forum for is poster entitled: "Development of Thermoplastic Wingbox Panel for Aircraft Applications". Octobre 2008 M. Daniel Granger, étudiant à la maîtrise de la professeure Annie Ross, de l’unité Polytechnique, a reçu un prix de 1 000 $ pour son mémoire intitulé : "Amortissement d'une poutre par traitement viscoélastique contraint et analyse du régime transitoire suite à un impact". October 2008, Mr. Daniel Granger, Masters student of professor Annie Ross of the Polytechnique unit was awarded a $ 1,000 prize for his Masters’ thesis entitled: "Amortissement d'une poutre par traitement viscoélastique contraint et analyse du régime transitoire suite à un impact".

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PUBLICATIONS Articles de revues avec comité de lecture depuis 3 ans Peer-Reviewed Journals in the last 3 years 1. Sadeghi, F., Ajji, A., «Study of Crystal Structure

of PVDF/Clay Nanocomposite Films Produced by Cast Extrusion: Effect of Process Conditions and Clay type», Polymer Engineering and Science, 49, 200-207, 2009.

2. Sadeghi, F., Tabatabei, S.H., Ajji, A., Carreau,

P.J., «Effect of PVDF Characteristics on Extruded Film Morphology and Porous Membranes Feasibility by Stretching», J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Phys. Ed., 47, 12, 1219-1229, 2009.

3. Bani-Yaghoub, M., Tremblay, R.G., Ajji, A.,

Nzau, M., Gangaraju, S., Chitty, D., Zurakowski, B., Sikorska, M., «The Brain Neuroregenerative Strategies: Emphasizing the Emerging Significance of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7 (BMP7)”, Biochemistry and Cell Biology, 86, 361-369, 2008.

4. Dimitrievska, S., Ajji, A., Bureau, M.N., Petit, A.,

Yahia, L., «Biocompatibility of Novel Polymer-Apatite Nanocomposite Fibers, Part 1», J. of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A, 84A, 1, 44-53, 2008.

5. Guo, N., Gauvreau, B., Schicker, K., Stoeffler,

K., Boismenu, F., Ajji, A., Wingfield, R., Dubois, C., Skorobogatiy, M., «Color-Changing and Color-Tunable Photonic Bandgap Fiber Textiles», Optics Express, 20, 16, 15677-15693, 2008.

6. Sadeghi, F., Ajji, A., Carreau, P.J.,

«Microporous Membranes Obtained from Polypropylene Blends with Superior Permeability», J. Polymer Science, Physics Ed., 46, 148-157, 2008.

7. Ajji, A., Denault, J., Côté, D., Bureau, M.,

Trudel-Boucher, D., «Polypropylene Nanocomposite Fibers: Structure and Some Applications», Int. Polym. Proc., 12, 4, 368-374, 2007.

8. Fatahi, S., Ajji, A., Lafleur, P.G., «Correlation Between Different Microstructural Parameters and Tensile Modulus of Various Polyethylene Blown Films», Polymer Engineering and Science, 47, 9, 1430-1440, 2007.

9. Fatahi, S., Ajji, A., Lafleur, P.G., «Investigation

on the Structure and Properties of Different PE Blown Films», Int. Polym. Proc., 12, 4, 334-345, 2007.

10. Laforgue, A., Robitaille, L., Mokrini, A., Ajji, A.,

«Fabrication and Characterization of Ionic Conducting Nanofibers», Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 292, 12, 1229-1236, 2007.

11. Sadeghi, F., Ajji, A., Carreau P.J.,

«Microporous Membranes Obtained from Polypropylene by Stretching», J. Membranes Sci., 292, 62-71, 2007.

12. Sadeghi, F., Ajji, A., Carreau, P.J., «Analysis of

Row nucleated lamellar morphology of polypropylene obtained from the cast film process: Effect of melt rheology and process conditions», Polym. Eng. Sci., 47, 7, 1170-1178, 2007.

13. Ajji, A., Dumoulin, M.M., “Very High Modulus

High-Density Polyethylene and High-Modulus Polypropylene Obtained by Solid-State Roll Drawing”, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 102, 3391-3399, 2006.

14. Ajji, A., Zhang, X., Elkoun, S., «Biaxial

Orientation in LLDPE Films: Comparison of Infrared Spectroscopy, X-ray Pole Figures and Birefringence Techniques», Polymer Engineering and Science, 46, 9, 1182-1189, 2006.

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15. Bobovitch, A.L., Tkach, R., Ajji, A., Elkoun, S., Nir, Y., Unigovski, Y., Gutman, E.M., «Mechanical Properties, Stress-Relaxation, and Orientation of Double Bubble Biaxially Oriented Polyethylene Films», J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 100, 3545-3553, 2006.

16. El-Gamal, S., Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy,

E., Cousin, P., Wiseman, A., «Durability and Structural Performance of CFRP-RC Parking Garage’s Slabs after Being in Service for Eight Years», Canadian Journal of Civil Eng., 36, 4, 617-627, 2009.

17. Hamilton, H.R., Benmokrane, B., Dolan, C.W.,

Sprinkel, M.M., «Polymer Materials to Enhance Performance of Concrete in Civil Infra-structure», Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part C: Polymer Reviews, 49, 1, 1-24, 2009.

18. Ahmed, E.A., El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane,

B., «Tensile Capacity of GFRP Postinstalled Adhesive Anchors in Concrete», ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, 12, 6, 577-589, 2008.

19. Bao, X., Li, W., Zhang, C., Eisa, M., El-Gamal,

S.E., Benmokrane, B., «Monitoring the Distributed Impact Wave on GFRP Concrete Slab Pavement due to the Traffic Based on Polarization Dependence on the Stimulated Brillouin Scattering», Smart Materials & Structures Journal, 17, 1-7, 2008.

20. Benmokrane, B., Eisa, M., El-Gamal, S.E.,

Thebeau, D., El-Salakawy, E., «Pavement Suiting Local Conditions: Quebec Studies Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement with Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bars», Concrete International, the ACI Magazine, 30, 11, 44-49, 2008.

21. El-Sayed, A., Benmokrane, B., «Evaluation of

the New Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code Shear Provisions for Concrete Beams with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement», Canadian Journal of Civil Eng., 35, 6, 609-623, 2008.

22. Moon, D., Sim, J., Oh, H., Benmokrane, B.,

«An Exploratory Study of GFRP Rebar with Ribs Containing Milled Glass Fibers», Journal Composite Part B: Eng., 39, 5, 882-890, 2008.

23. Robert, M., Cousin, P., Benmokrane, B., «Effet de la température sur le comportement des matériaux composites de PRF pour le génie civil», Annales du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics, 6, 21-27, 2008.

24. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E.F., El-Gamal,

S., Goulet, S., «Construction and Testing of Canada's First Concrete Bridge Deck Totally Reinforced with Glass FRP Bars: Val-Alain Bridge on Highway 20 East», ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 12, 5, 632-645, 2007.

25. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E.F., El-

Ragaby, A., El-Gamal, S., «Performance Evaluation of Innovative Concrete Bridges Reinforced with FRP Bars», Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 34, 3, 298-310, 2007.

26. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E.F., El-

Ragaby, A., El-Gamal, S., «Performance Evaluation of Innovative Concrete Bridges Reinforced with FRP Bars», Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 34, 10, 2007.

27. El-Gamal, S.E., El-Salakawy, E.F.,

Benmokrane, B., «The Influence of Reinforcement on the Behaviour of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with FRP Bars», ASCE, Journal of Composites for Construction, 11, 5, 449-458, 2007.

28. El-Ragaby, A., El-Salakawy, E.F.,

Benmokrane, B., «Fatigue Life Evaluation of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with Glass FRP Composite Bars», ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, 11, 3, 258-268, 2007.

29. El-Ragaby, A., El-Salakawy, E.F.,

Benmokrane, B., «Fatigue Analysis of Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Reinforced with E-Glass/Vinyl Ester FRP Reinforcing Bars», Journal Composite, Part B: Engineering, 38, 5-6, 703-711, 2007.

30. El-Sayed, A., El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane,

B., «Mechanical and Structural Characteri-zation of New Carbon FRP Stirrups for Concrete Members», ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, 11, 4, 352-362, 2007.

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31. Mufti, A., Bakht, B., Banthia, N., Benmokrane, B., Desgagné, G., Eden, R., Erki, M.-A., Karbhari, V., Kroman, J., Lai, D., Machida, A., Neale, K.W., Tadros, G., Täljsten, B., «New Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code Design Provisions for Fibre-Reinforced Structures», Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 34, 3, 267-283, 2007.

32. Mufti, A., Banthia, N., Benmokrane, B.,

Boulfiza, M., Newhook, J., «Durability of GFRP Composite Rods», Concrete International, the American Concrete Institute Magazine, 29, 2, 37-42, 2007.

33. Mufti, A., Onofrei, M., Benmokrane, B.,

Banthia, N., Boulfiza, M., Newhook, J.P., Bakht, B., Tadros, G., Brett, P., «Field Study of Glass-Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Durability in Concrete», Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 34, 3, 355-366, 2007.

34. Aly, R.S., Benmokrane, B., Ebead, U.A.,

«Tensile Lap Splicing of Bundled CFRP Reinforcing Bars in Concrete», ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, 10, 4, 287–294, 2006.

35. Aly, R.S., Benmokrane, B., Ebead, U.A.,

«Tensile Lap Splicing of FRP Reinforcing Bars in Concrete», ACI Structural Journal, 103, 6, 226–234, 2006.

36. Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy, E.F., El-

Ragaby, A., and Lackey, T., «Designing and Testing of Concrete Bridge Decks Reinforced with Glass FRP Bars», ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 11, 217-229, 2006.

37. Debaiky, A., Nkurunziza, G., Benmokrane, B.,

Cousin, P., «Residual Tensile Properties of GFRP Reinforcing Bars after Loading in Severe Environments», ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, 10, 5, 370-380, 2006.

38. El-Sayed, A.K, El-Salakawy, E.F.,

Benmokrane, B., «Shear Capacity of High Strength Concrete Beams Reinforced with FRP Bars», ACI Structural Journal, 103, 3, 383-389, 2006.

39. El-Sayed, A.K, El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B., «Shear Strength of FRP-Reinforced Concrete Beams without Transverse Reinforcement», ACI Structural Journal, 103, 2, 235-243, 2006.

40. Laoubi, K., El-Salakawy, E.F., Benmokrane, B.,

«Creep and Durability of Sand-Coated Glass FRP Bars in Concrete Elements under Freeze/Thaw Cycling and Sustained Loads», Journal of Cement and Concrete Composites, 28, 10, 869-878, 2006.

41. Zhang, B., Benmokrane, B., Ebead, U.A.,

«Design and Evaluation of FRP Bond-Type Anchorages and Ground Anchor», ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics, 6, 3, 166–175, 2006.

42. Coesnon, B., Heniche, M., Devals, C.,

Bertrand, F., Tanguy, P.A., «A Fast and Robust Fictitious Domain Method for Modelling Viscous Flows in Complex Mixers: the Example of Propellant Make-Down», Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 58, 427-449, 2008.

43. Doucet, J., Bertrand, F., Chaouki, J., «An

Extended Radioactive Particle Tracking Method for Systems with Irregular Moving Boundaries», Powder Technology, 181, 195-204, 2008.

44. Doucet, J., Bertrand, F., Chaouki, J.,

«Experimental Characterization of the Chaotic Dynamics of Cohesionless Particles in a V-blender Using RPT», Granular Matter, 10, 133-138, 2008.

45. Doucet, J., Bertrand, F., Hudon, N., Chaouki,

J., «Modeling of the Mixing of Monodisperse Particles Using a Stationary DEM-Based Markov Process», Comp. Chem. Eng., 32, 1342-1349, 2008.

46. Lemieux, M., Léonard, G., Doucet, J., Viens,

F., Leclaire, L.-A., Chaouki, J., Bertrand, F., «Large-Scale Numerical Investigation of Solids Mixing in a V-Blender Using the Discrete Element Method», Powder Technology, 181, 205-216, 2008.

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47. Léonard, G., Bertrand, F., Chaouki, J., Gosselin, P.M., «An Experimental Investigation of Effusivity as an Indicator of Powder Blend Uniformity», Powder Technology, 181, 149-159, 2008.

48. Bulle, C., Bertrand, F., Samson, R.,

Deschênes, L., «Sensitivity Study of an OCDD Environmental Fate Screening Model in Soils in the Presence of PCP Wood-Preserving Oil», Chemosphere, 73, S149-157, 2007.

49. Bouffard, J., Dumont, H., Bertrand, F., Legros,

R., «Optimization and Scale Up of a Fluid Bed Tangential Spray Rotogranulation Process», Int. J. Pharmaceutics, 335, 54-62, 2007.

50. Devals, C., Heniche, M., Bertrand, F., Tanguy,

P.A., Hayes, R.E., «A Two-Phase Flow Interface Capturing Finite Element Method», Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids, 53, 735-751, 2007.

51. Fradette, L., Tanguy, P.A., Bertrand, F.,

Thibault, F., Ritz, J.-B., Giraud, E., «CFD Phenomenological Model of Solid-Liquid Mixing in Stirred Vessels», Comp. Chem. Eng, 31, 334-345, 2007.

52. Lemieux, M., Bertrand, F., Chaouki, J.,

Gosselin, P., «Comparative Study of the Mixing of Free-Flowing Particles in a V-blender and a Bin-blender», Chem. Eng. Sci, 62, 1783-1802, 2007.

53. Savarmand, S., Heniche, M., Béchard, V.,

Bertrand, F., Carreau, P.J., «Analysis of the Vane Rheometer Using 3D Finite Element Simulation», Journal of Rheology, 51, 2, 161-177, 2007.

54. Giguère, R., Bertrand, F., Tanguy, P.A., «A

Three-Dimensional Mesh Refinement Strategy for the Simulation of Fluid Flow with a Fictitious Domain Method», Comp. Chem. Eng., 30, 453-466, 2006.

55. Iranshahi, A., Heniche, M., Bertrand, F.,

Tanguy, P.A., «Numerical Investigation of the Mixing Efficiency of the Ekato Paravisc Impeller», Chem. Eng. Sci., 61, 2609-2617, 2006.

56. Léonard, G., Bertrand, F., Chaouki, J., Gosselin, P.M., «An Experimental Investigation of Effusivity as an Indicator of Powder Blend Uniformity», Powder Technology, 181, 149-159, 2006.

57. Litto, R., Hayes, R.E., Sapoudjiev, H., Fuxman,

A., Forbes, F., Liu, B., Bertrand, F., «Optimization of a Flow Reversal Reactor for the Catalytic Combustion of Lean Methane Mixtures», Catalysis Today, 117, 136-142, 2006.

58. Navaee-Ardeh, S., Bertrand, F., Stuart, P.,

«Emerging Biodrying Technology for the Drying of Pulp and Paper Mixed Sludges», Drying Technology Journal, 24, 863-878, 2006.

59. Ben Daly, H., Hfaied, N., Zidi, M., Guelorget,

B., Boukhili, R., «Nanoindentation of Dry and Aged Pultruded Composites Containing Fillers and Low Profile Additives», Polym. Comp., 29, 11, 1218-1226, 2008.

60. Ben Daly, H., Ben Brahim, H., Hfaied, N.,

Harchay, M., Boukhili, R., «Investigation of Water Absroption in Pultruded Composites Containing Fillers and Low Profiles Additives», Polym. Comp., 28, 3, 355-364, 2007

61. Boukhili, R., Boukehili, H., Ben Daly, H.,

Gasmi, A., «Physical and mechanical properties of pultruded composites containing fillers and low profile additives», Polym, Comp., 27, 1, 71-81, 2006.

62. Boukhili, R., Boukehili, H., Ben Daly, H.,

Gasmi, A., «Physical and Mechanical Properties of Pultruded Composites Containing Fillers and Low Profile Additives», Polymer Composites, 27, 1, 71-81, 2006.

63. Taib, A.A., Boukhili, R., Achiou, S., Gordon, S.,

Boukehili, H., «Bonded Joints with Composite Adherends. Part I: Effect of Specimen Configuration, Adhesive Thickness, Spew Fillet and Adherend Stiffness on Fracture», International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 26, 4, 226–236, 2006.

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64. Taib, A.A., Boukhili, R., Achiou, S., Gordon, S., Boukehili, H., «Bonded Joints with Composite Adherends. Part II: Finite Element Analysis of Joggle Lap Joints», International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, 26, 4, 237–248, 2006.

65. Baril, Y., Brailovski, V., Chartrand, M., Terriault,

P., Terriault, P.H., «Median Sternotomy: Comparative Testing of Braided Superelastic And Monofilament Stainless Steel Sternal Sutures», Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, Part H. J. Engineering in Medicine, 223, H3, 363- 374. 2009.

66. Demers, V., Brailovski, V., Prokoshkin, S.D.,

Inaekyan, K., «Thermomechanical Fatigue of Nanostructured Ti-Ni SMA», Mater. Sci. Eng., A 513-514, 185-196, 2009.

67. Demers, V., Brailovski, V., Prokoshkin, S.D.,

Inaekyan, K., «Optimization of the Cold Rolling Processing for Continuous Manufacturing of Nanostructured Ti-Ni Shape Memory Alloys», J. Mater. Processing Technology, 209, 3096-3105, 2009.

68. Inaekyan, K., Brailovski, V., Prokoshkin, S.D.,

Korotitskiy, A., Glezer, A., «Characterization of Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Ti-Ni-Based Shape Memory Alloys», J. Alloys and Compounds, 473, 71–78, 2009.

69. Prokoshkin, S.D., Brailovski, V.,

Khemelevskaya, I., «Structure and Properties of Severely Cold-Rolled and Annealed Ti-Ni Shape Memory Alloys», Mater. Science & Eng., A481-482, 114-118, 2008.

70. Demers, V., Brailovski, V., Prokoshkin, S.D.,

Inaekyan, Bastarash, E., Khemelevskaya, I., Dobatkin, S., «Functional Properties of Nanostructured Ti-50.0at%Ni Alloy», Journal of ASTM International (JAI), 3, 6, 2006.

71. Brailovski, V., Prokoshkin, S., Bastarash, E.,

Demers, V., Inaekyan, K., Khemelevskaya, I., «Thermal Stability and Nanocrystallization of Amorphous Ti-Ni Alloys Prepared by Cold Rolling and Post-Deformation Annealing», Materials Science Forum, 539/543, 1964-1970, 2006.

72. Brailovski, V., Prokoshkin, S.D., Khemelevskaya, I., Inaekyan, K., Demers, V., Dobatkin, S., Tatyanin. E., «Interrelations Between the Properties and Structure of Thermomechanically-Treated Equiatomic Ti-Ni Alloy», Materials Sci. & Eng., A-483-440, 597-601, 2006.

73. Brailovski, V., Prokoshkin, S.D., Khemelevskaya,

I., Inaekyan, K., Demers, V., Dobatkin, S., Tatyanin. E., «Structure and Properties of the Ti-50.0 at % Ni Alloy After Strain Hardening and Nanocrystallizing Thermomechanical Processing», Materials Transactions, 47, 3, 795-904, 2006.

74. Demers, V., Brailovski, V., Prokoshkin, S.D.,

Inaekyan, K., Khemelevskaya, I., Dobatkin, S., «Fuctional Properties of Nanostructured Ti-50.0 at % Ni Alloy», published online, J. of ASTM Int. (JAI), 3, 6, 2006.

75. Prokoshkin, S.D., Brailovski, V., Khemelevskaya,

I., Dobatkin, S., Inaekyan, K., Demers, V., Bastarash, E., Tatianin, E., «Formation of Nanocrystalline Structure Upon Severe Rolling Plastic Deformation and Annealing and Improvement of Set of Functional Properties of Ti-Ni Alloys», Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 70, 9, 1536-1541, 2006.

76. Prokoshkin, S.D., Korotitskiy, A., Tamonov, A.,

Khemelevskaya, I., Brailovski, V., Turenne, S., «Comparative X-ray and Time-of-the Flight Neutron Diffraction Studies of Martensite Crystal Lattice in Stressed and Unstressed Binary Ti-Ni Alloys», Materials Science & Engineering A, A438-440, 549-552, 2006.

77. Fang, Y., Sadeghi, F., Fleuret, G., Carreau, P.J., «Properties of Blends of Linear and Branched Polypropylenes in Film Blowing», Can. J. Chem. Eng., 86, 1, 6-14, 2008.

78. Sadeghi, F., Carreau, P.J., «Properties of

Uniaxially Stretched Polypropylene Films», Can. J. of Chem. Eng., 86, 6, 1103-1110, 2008.

79. Tabatabaei, S.H., Carreau, P.J., Ajji, A.,

«Microporous Membranes Obtained from Polypropylene Blend Films by Stretching». J. Membrane Science, 325, 2, 772-782, 2008.

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80. Huitric, J., Moan, M., Carreau, P.J., Dufaure, N., «Effect of Reactive Compatibilization on Droplet Coalescence in Shear Flow», J. Non-Newt. Fluid Mech., 145, 139-149, 2007.

81. Letwimolnun, W., Vergnes, B., Ausias, G.,

Carreau, P.J., «Stress Overshoot of Organo-clay Nanocomposites in Transient Shear Flow», J. Non-Newt. Fluid Mech., 141, 167-179, 2007.

82. Mobuchon, C., Carreau, P.J., Heuzey, M.C.,

«Effect of Flow History on the Structure on a Non-Polar Polymer/Clay Nanocomposites Model System», Rheol. Acta, 46, 1045-1056, 2007.

83. Billotte, C., Carreau, P.J., Heuzey, M.C.,

«Rheological Characterization of a Solder Paste for Surface Mount Applications», Rheol. Acta, 45, 374-386, 2006.

84. Hashemi, A., Ait-Kadi, A., Carreau, P.J., «The

Influence of Surface Treatment of Fibres on the Properties of Glass Fiber/PA6,6 Composites», J. Polym. Eng., 26, 1-19, 2006.

85. Sosa, A., Ascanio, G., Carreau, P.J., Guerrero,

C., Tanguy, P.A., «The Effect of Thickener on the Rheology of Coating Colors», Chem. Eng. Comm., 193, 917-928, 2006.

86. Bousselham, A., Chaallal, O., «Mechanisms of Shear Resistance of Concrete Beams Strengthened in Shear with Bonded FRP», J. of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 12, 5, 499-512, 2008.

87. Bousselham, A., Chaallal, O, «Mechanisms of

Shear Resistance of Concrete Beams Strengthened in Shear with Externally Bonded FRP», J. of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 7, 3, 200-208, 2008.

88. Hassan, M., Chaallal, O., «FRP Confined

Rectangular Columns: Assessment of Models and Design Guidelines», ACI Structural Journal, 104, 6, 693-702, 2007.

89. Arockiasamy, M., Chaallal, O., Limpeteeprakarm,

T., «Full-Scale Field Tests on Flexible Pipes under Live Load Application», J. Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE, 20, 21-27, 2006.

90. Bousselham, A., Chaallal, O., «Effect of Trans-verse Steel and Shear Span on the Performance of RC Beams Strengthened with FRP Composites», Composites: Part B - Elsevier, 37, 37-46, 2006.

91. Bousselham, A., Chaallal, O., «Behavior of RC

T-Beams Strengthened in Shear with CFRP – An Experimental Study», ACI Structural Journal, 103, 3, 339-347, 2006.

92. Chaallal, O., Hassan, M., Leblanc, M.,

«Circular Columns Confined with FRP: Experimental versus Prediction of Models and Guidelines», J. of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 10, 1, 4-12, 2006.

93. Chaallal, O., Hassan, M., Shahawy, M.,

«CFRP Repair and Strengthening of Structurally Deficient Piles: Design Issues and Filed Application», J. of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 10, 1, 26-34, 2006.

94. Chaallal, O., Sieprawski, G., Guizani, L.,

«Fatigue Performance Modular Bridge Expansion Joints for Bridges», Can. J. of Civ. Eng., 33, 921-932, 2006.

95. Lan, A., LeBoeuf, D., Chaallal, O., Daigle, R.,

«Validation of Shoring Made of High density Polyethylene (HDPE) or Corrugated Galvanized Steel (CGS) Pipe Normally Used for Culverts and Sewers», Structural Design and Construction Journal, ASCE, 11, 1, 39-40, 2006.

96. Defersha, M.F., Chen, M., «A Parallel Multiple

Markov Chain Simulated Annealing for Multi-Period Manufacturing Cell Formation Problems», International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 37, 140-156, 2008.

97. Defersha, M.F., Chen, M., «A Linear

Programming Embedded Genetic Algorithm for an Integrated Dynamic Cell Formation and Lot Sizing Considering Product Quality», European Journal of Operational Research, 187, 46-69, 2008.

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98. Hu, B., Chen, M., Defersha, F.M., «An Integrated Method for Multi-Objective Cell Formation in Cellular Manufacturing Systems», International Journal of Manufacturing Techno-logy and Management, 11, 3/4, 355–372, 2007.

99. Defersha, M.F., Chen, M., «A Comprehensive

Mathematical Model for the Design of Cellular Manufacturing System», International Journel of Production Economics, 103, 2, 767-783, 2006.

100. Defersha, M.F., Chen, M., «Machine Cell

Formation Using a Mathematical Model and a Genetic Algorithm Based Heuristic», Int. J. of Production Research, 44, 12, 2421–2444, 2006.

101. Raza, S.A., Akgunduz, A., Chen, M., «A Tabu

Search Algorithm for Solving Economic Lot Scheduling Problem», Journal of Heuristics, 12, 413–426. 2006.

102. Cole K. C., «The Use of Infrared Spectroscopy

to Characterize Clay Intercalation and Exfoliation in Polymer Nanocomposites», Macromolecules , 41, 834-843, 2008.

103. Ben Daly H., Cole K.C., Nguyen K. T.,

Sanschagrin B., «Characterization of Molecular Orientation in Injection–Stretch–Blow-Molded Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Bottles by Means of External Reflection Infrared Spectroscopy», Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 104, 1319-1327, 2007.

104. Cole, K.C., «Use of Infrared Spectroscopy to

Characterize Clay Intercalation and Exfoliation in Polymer Nanocomposites», Macromolecules, 41, 834-843, 2007.

105. Dano, M.L., Bourque, J.P., «Deformation

Behaviour of Paper and Board Subjected to Moisture Diffusion», International Journal of Solids and Structures, 46, 6, 1305-1316, 2009.

106. Binette, P., Dano, M.L., Gendron, G., «Active

Shape Control of Composite Structures Under Thermal Loading», Smart Materials and Structures, published online, 18, 025007, 2009.

107. Dano, M.L., Gakwaya, M., Jullière, B., «Compensation of Thermally-Induced Distor-tion in Composite Structures Using Macro Fiber Composites», Journal of Intelligent Material System and Structures, 19, 2, 225-233, 2008.

108. Dano, M.L., Jullière, B., «Active Control of

Thermally-Induced Distortion in Composite Structures Using Macro Fiber Composite Actuators», Smart Materials and Structures, 16, 6, 2315-2329, 2008.

109. Dano, M.L., Kamal, E., Gendron, G., «Analysis

of Bolted Joints in Composite Laminates: Strains and Bearing Stiffness Prediction», Composite Structures, 79, 4, 562-570, 2007.

110. Dano, M.L., Gendron, G., Maillette, F.,

Bissonnette, B., «Experimental Characte-rization of Damage of Random Short Glass Fiber Reinforced Composites», J. Thermo. Comp. Mat., 19, 1, 79-96, 2005.

111. Dolez, P.I., Arrieta, C., El Aidani, R., David, E.,

Vu-Khanh, T., «Accelerated Thermal Aging of Firefighter’s Protective Clothing», 4th European Conference on Protective Clothing (ECPC) and Nokobetef 9, Protective Clothing: performance and protection, Papendal, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 2009.

112. Lamarre, L., David, E., «Temperature

Dependence of the Resistance of Modern Epoxy Mica Insulations of HV Rotating Machines”, IEEE Trans. on Dielectr. and Electr. Insul, 15, 1305-1312, 2008.

113. David, E., Godin, T., Bellemare, J., Lamarre, L.,

«Modeling of a Generator I-V Curve from the Ramped Direct Voltage Method», IEEE Trans. on Dielectr. and Electr. Insul., 14, 1548-1558, 2007.

114. David, E., Lamarre, L., «Low-Frequency

Dielectric Response of Epoxy-Mica Insulated Generator Bars During Multi-Stress Aging», IEEE Trans. on Dielectr. and Electr. Insul., 14, 212-226, 2007.

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115. David, E., «Influence of Risetime on the Dielectric Parameters Extracted from Time Domain Spectroscopy», IEEE Trans. on Dielectr. and Electr. Insul., 12, 423-428, 2005.

116. Bendada, A., Derdouri, A., Simard, Y.,

Lamontagne, M., «Advances in Infrared Technology for Online Monitoring of Injection Molding: Application to the Understanding of the Nature of Contact at the Polymer-Mould Interface«, Transactions of the Institute Of Measurement and Control, 29, 5, 431-451, 2007.

117. Ilinca, F., Hétu, J.-F., Derdouri, A., «Numerical

Investigation of the Flow Front Behavior in the Co-Injection Molding Process», Int. J. for Num. Meth. In Fluids, 50, 1445-1460, 2006.

118. Esmaeili, B., Chaouki, J., Dubois, C., «An

Evaluation of the Solid Hold-Up Distribution in a Fluidized Bed of Nanoparticles Using Radioactive Densitometry and Fibre Optics», Can. J. Chem. Eng., 86, 3, 543-552, 2008.

119. Guo, N., Dupuis, A., Gao, Y., Skorobogata, O.,

Gauvreau, B., Dubois, C., Skorobogatiy, M., «Fabrication Strategies and Potential Applications of the �Green� Microstructured Optical Fibers», Journal of Biomedical Optics, 13, 5, 54003-54008, 2008.

120. Rajabian, M., Dubois, C., Grmela, M., Carreau,

P.J., «Effects of Polymer–Fiber Interactions on Rheology and Flow Behavior of Suspensions of Semi-Flexible Fibers in Polymeric Liquids», Rheologica Acta, 47, 701-717, 2008.

121. Schicker, K., Gauvreau, B., Guo, N., Dubois,

C., Wingfield, R., Skorobogatiy, M., Color-on-Demand Photonic Textiles», The Textile Journal, 125, 70-81, 2008.

122. Dupuis, A., Guo, N., Gao, Y., Godbout, N.,

Lacroix, S., Skorobogatiy, M., Dubois, C., «Prospective for Biodegradable Micro-structured Optical Fibers», Optics Letters, 32, 2, 109-111, 2007.

123. Dubois, C., Lafleur, P.G., Roy, C., Brousseau, P., Stowe, R.A., «Polymer Grafted Metal Nanoparticles for Fuel Applications», Journal of Propulsion and Power, 23, 4, 651-658, 2007.

124. Naderi, G., Dubois, C., Lafleur, P.G.,

«Microstructure-Properties Correlations in Dynamically Vulcanized Nanocomposite Thermoplastic Elastomers Based on PP/EPDM», Polymer Engineering and Science, 47, 3, 207-217, 2007.

125. Dubois, C., Rajabian, M., Rodrigue, D.,

«Polymerization Compounding of Polyurethane Fumed Silica Composites», Polym. Eng. Sci., 46, 360-371, 2006.

126. Dupuis, N., Guo, Y., Gao, S., Lacroix, C.,

Dubois, C., M. Skorobogatiy, «Prospective for Biodegradable Microstructured Optical Fibers», Optics Letters, 32, 109-111, 2006.

127. Esmaeili, B., Chaouki, J., Dubois, C.,

«Polymerization Compounding on the Surface of Zirconia Nanoparticles», Macromolecular Symposia, 243, 268-276, 2006.

128. Gao, Y., Guo, N., Gavreau, B., Rajabian, M.,

Skorobogatiy, O., Zabeida, O., Martinu, L., Dubois, C., Skorobogatiy, M., «Consecutive Solvent Evaporation Technique to Fabricate Polymer Multilayer Hollow Fiber Preforms», J. Mater. Res., 21, 9, 2246-2254, 2006.

129. Mary, B., Dubois, C., Carreau, P.J., Brousseau,

P., «Rheological Properties of Suspensions of Polyethylene-Coated Aluminium Nanopar-ticles», Rheol. Acta,, 45, 561-573, 2006.

130. Pone, E., Dubois, C., Guo, N., Lacroix, S.,

Skorobogatiy, M., «Newtonian and non-Newtonian Models of the Hollow All-Polymer Bragg Fiber Drawing», Journal of Lightwave Technology, 24, 12, 4991-4999, 2006.

131. Pone, E., Dubois, C., Lacroix, C., Skorobogatiy,

M., «Drawing of the hollow multilayer microstructured optical fibers», Opt. Express, 14, 13, 5838-5852, 2006.

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132. Rajabian, M., Dubois, C., «Polymerization Compounding of HDPE/ Kevlar Composites: Morphology and Mechanical Properties», Polym. Comp., 27, 2, 129-137, 2006.

133. Ringuette, S., Dubois, C., Charlet, G., Kwok,

Q., Jones, D. E. G., and Stowe, R., «Assessment of the deuterium effect on thermal decomposition of deuterated GAP. 1 Slow thermal analysis with a TGA-DTA-FTIR-MS», Journal of Energetic Materials, 24, 307-320, 2006.

134. Ringuette, S., Dubois, C., Stowe, R. A., and

Charlet, G., «Synthesis and Characterization of Deuterated Glycidyl Azide Polymer (GAP)», Propellants, Explosives and Pyrotechnics, 31, 2, 131-138, 2006.

135. Vallet, M.G., Manole, C.M., Dompierre, J.,

Dufour, S., Guibault, F., «Numerical Comparison of Some Hessian Recovery Techniques», International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 72, 8, 987–1007, 2007.

136. Erchiqui, F., Godard, F., Koubaa, A., Vincent,

M., Kaddami, H., «Investigation of Relaxation Proprieties and Potentiality of Thermoformability of HDPE Charged by Wood Flours», Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 28, 10, 1153-1168, 2009.

137. Erchiqui, F., Hamani, I., Charrette, A.,

«Modélisation du chauffage infrarouge des membranes thermoplastiques semi-transparentes par la méthode des éléments finis», International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 28, 73-84, 2009.

138. Migneault, S., Koubaa, A., Erchiqui, F., Chaala,

A., «Effect of Processing Method and Fiber Size on Microstructure and Properties of Wood-Plastic Composites», Composites Part A, 40, 80-85, 2009.

139. Bendahou, A., Kaddami, H., Sautereau, H.,

Raihane, M., Erchiqui, F., Dufresne, A., «Comparative Study on Short Palm Tree Fibers – Thermoplastic Matrices Composites», Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 293, 2, 103-106, 2008.

140. Erchiqui, F., «Numerical Investigation of Gas Equations of State of the Isotropic Viscoelastic Polymer Membrane in Free and Confined Inflation», Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 27, 5, 487-505, 2008.

141. Migneault, S., Koubaa, A., Erchiqui, F., Chaala,

A. «Effect of Fiber Length on Processing and Properties of Extruded Wood-Fiber/HDPE Composites», Journal of Applied Polymer, 110, 1085-1092, 2008.

142. Sbiai, A., Kaddami, H., Fleury, E., Maazouz, A,

Erchiqui, F., Koubaa, A., Soucy, J. Dufresne, A. «Effect of the Fiber on the Physicochemical and Mechanical Properties of Composites of Epoxy and Date Palm Tree Fibers», Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 293, 684-691, 2008.

143. Dituba, N.G., Erchiqui, F., «Heat Flux and Slip

Effects on Liquid Flow in Microchannel», International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 46, 1076-1083, 2007.

144. Erchiqui, F., Bendada, A., «Application of the

Thermodynamical Law of Gases for Modelling of Free Inflation of the Closed Thin Hyperelastic Structure», International Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 27, 3, 258-265, 2007.

145. Erchiqui, F., Dituba, N.G., «Analyse

comparative des méthodes de calcul des facteurs de formes pour des surfaces à contours rectilignes», International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 46, 284-293, 2007.

146. Erchiqui, F., Souli, M., Ben Yedder, R. «Non-

Isothermal Finite Element Analysis of Thermoforming of Polyethylene Terephthalate Sheet: Effect of Incomplete Forming», Polymer Engineering & Science, 47, 2129-2144, 2007.

147. Ali, A., Souli, M., Erchiqui, F., «Variational

Boundary Element Acoustic Modelling Over Mixed Quadrilateral-Triangular Element Meshes», Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 22, 767-780, 2006.

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148. Erchiqui, F., «A New Hybrid Approach Using the Explicit Dynamic Finite Element Method and Thermodynamic Law for the Analysis of the Thermoforming and Blow Molding Processes for Polymer Materials», Polym. Eng. & Sci., 46, 11, 1554-1564, 2006.

149. Erchiqui, F., «A New Thermodynamical

Approach for the Simulation of Thermoforming Process Using the Quasi-Static Finite Element Method», Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 25, 3, 235-265, 2006.

150. Erchiqui, F., Kandil, N., «Neuronal Networks

Application for Characterization of Softened Polymers», Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 25, 5, 463-473, 2006.

151. Nguma, G.D., Erchiqui, F., «Pressure Gradient

and Electroosmotic Effects on Two Immiscible Fluids in Micromechanical Between Two Parallel Plates», Journal of Micromechanics and Micro-engineering, 16, 83-91, 2006.

152. Tsou, A.H., Favis, B.D., Hara, Y., Bhadane,

P.A., Kirino, Y., «Reactive Compatibilization in Brominated Poly(Isobutylene-co-p-Methylsty-rene) and Polyamide Blends», Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 210, 340, 2009.

153. Virgilio, N., Marc-Aurèle, C., Favis, B.D.,

«Novel Self-Assembling Close-Packed Droplet Array at the Interface in Ternary Polymer Blends», Macromolecules, 42, 3405, 2009.

154. Bhadane, P.A., Tsou, A.H., Cheng, J., Favis,

B.D., «Morphology Development and Interfacial Erosion in Reactive Polymer Blending», Macromolecules, 41, 7549, 2008.

155. El Ouassini, A., Saucier, A., Marcotte, D.,

Favis, B.D., «A Patchwork Approach to Stochastic Simulation: A Route Towards the Analysis of Morphology in Multiphase Systems», Solitons and Fractals, 36, 418, 2008.

156. Li, G., Sarazin, P., Favis, B.D., «The

relationship between starch gelatinization and morphology control in melt-processed polymer blends with thermoplastic starch», Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 209, 991, 2008.

157. Salehi, P., Sarazin, P., Favis, B.D., «Porous Devices Derived from Co-continuous Polymer Blends as a Route for Controlled Drug Release», Biomacromolecules, 9, 1131, 2008.

158. Sarazin, P., Li, G., Orts, W.J., Favis, B.D.,

«Binary and Ternary Blends of Polylactide, Polycaprolactone and Thermoplastic Starch», Polymer, 49, 599, 2008.

159. Sarazin, P., Favis, B.D., «Stability of the Co-

Continuous Morphology During Melt Mixing for Poly(Epsilon-Caprolactone)/Polystyrene Blends», Journal of Polymer Science: Part B: Polymer Physics, 45, 864, 2007.

160. Bhadane, P.A., Virgilio, N., Favis, B.D.,

Champagne, M.F., Huneault, M.A., Tofan, F., «Effect of Dynamic Vulcanization on Co-Continuous Morphology», AIChE Journal, 52, 10, 3411-3420, 2006.

161. Roy, X., Sarazin, P., Favis, B.D., «Ultra-

Pourous Nansheath Materials by Layer-by-Layer Deposition onto Co-Continuous Polymer Blend Templates», Advanced Materials, 18, 1015, 2006.

162. Sarazin P., Virgilio, N., Favis, B.D., «Influence

of the Porous Morphology on the In-Vitro Degradation and Mechanical Properties of Poly(L-Lactide) Disks», J. of Appl. Polym. Sci., 100, 1039, 2006.

163. Yuan, Z., Favis, B.D., «Influence of the efficacy

of Interfacial Modification on the Coarsening of Co-Continuous PS/HDPE Blends During Quiescent Annelaing», J. of Polym. Sci.; Part B: Polym. Phys., 44, 711, 2006.

164. Ganesan, R., Liu, D.Y., «Progressive Failure

and Post-Buckling Response of Tapered Composite Plates under Uni-Axial Com-pression», Journal of Composite Structures, 82, 2, 159-176, 2008.

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165. Khosravi, P., Ganesan, R., Sedaghati, R., «Optimization of Thin-Walled Structures with Geometric Nonlinearity for Maximum Critical Load using Optimality Criteria», Journal of Thin-Walled Structures, 46, 12, 1319-1328, 2008.

166. Ganesan, R., Zabihollah, A., «Vibration Ana-

lysis of Tapered Composite Beams using a Higher-order Finite Element; Part I: Formulation», Journal of Composite Structures, 77, 306-318, 2007.

167. Ganesan, R., Zabihollah, A., «Vibration Ana-

lysis of Tapered Composite Beams using a Higher-order Finite Element; Part II: Parametric Study», Journal of Composite Structures, 77, 319-330, 2007.

168. Khosravi, P., Ganesan R. Sedaghati, R., «Co-

rotational Nonlinear Analysis of Thin Plates and Shells using a New Shell Element», International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 69, 4, 859-885, 2007.

169. Xu, D., Ganesan, R., Hoa, S.V., «Buckling

Analysis of Triaxial Woven Fabric Composite Structures, Part I: Non-Linear Finite Element Formulation», J. of Composite Struct., 72, 236-253, 2006.

170. Xu, D., Ganesan, R., Hoa, S.V., «Buckling

Analysis of Triaxial Woven Fabric Composite Structures, Part II: Parametric Study – Uni-Directional Loading», J. Composite Structures, 72, 2, 236-253, 2006.

171. Zabihollah, A., Ganesan, R., Sedaghati, R.,

«Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization of Smart Laminated Beams Using Layerwise Theory», International Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, 15, 1775-1784, 2006.

172. Godard, F., Vincent, M., Agassant, J.F.,

Vergnes, B., «Rheological Behaviour and Mechanical Poperties of Sawdust/Polyethylene Composite», Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 112, 2559-2566, 2009.

173. Godard, F., Vincent, M., Agassant, J.F., Vergnes, B., «Étude du comportement rhéologique et des propriétés mécaniques de composites sciures de bois-polyéthylène haute densité», J. of Rhéologie, 13, 9-21, 2008.

174. Eslami, H., Grmela, M., Bousmina, M., «A

Mesoscopic Tube Model of Polymer/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites», Rheologica Acta, 48, 317-331, 2009.

175. Eslami, H., Grmela, M., «Mesoscopic

Formulation of Reptation», Rheologica Acta, 47, 399-415, 2008.

176. Grmela, M., «Two-fluid Hydrodynamics of

Superfluid He4: GENERIC Approach», J. NonNewtonian Fluid Mech., 152, 27-35, 2008.

177. Grmela, M., «Extensions of Classical

Hydrodynamics», J. Stat. Phys., 132, 581-602, 2008.

178. Grmela, M., «Stress Tensor in Fiber

Suspensions», Physics Letters A, 327, 4267-4270, 2008.

179. Gu, J.F., Grmela, M., Bousmina, M., «A

Mesoscopic Rheological Model of Immiscible Blends with the Interface Covered with a Surface Active Agent», Physics of Fluids, 20, 04310, 2008.

180. Gu, J.F., Grmela, M., «Flow Properties of

Immiscible Blends: Doi Ohta Model with Active Advection», Phys. Rev. E, 78, 056302, 2008.

181. Gu, J.F., Grmela, M., «GENERIC Model of

Active Advection», J. NonNewtonian Fluid Mech., 152, 12-26, 2008.

182. Eslami, H., Grmela, M., Bousmina, M., «A Mesoscopic Rheological Model of Polymer Layered Silicate Nanocomposites», J. Rheology, 51, 1189-1222, 2007.

183. Zmievski, V., Grmela, M., Bousmina, M.,

«Suspensions of Rigid Spherical Particles in Polymeric Solutions”, Physica A: Statistical and Theoretical Physics, 376, 51-74, 2007.

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184. Cho, J., Heuzey, M.C., «Dynamic Scaling for Gelation of a Thermosensitive Chitosan-�-Glycerophosphate Hydrogel», Colloid and Polymer Science, 286, 4, 427-434, 2008.

185. Férec, J., Heniche, M., Heuzey, M.C., Ausias,

G., Carreau, P.J., «Numerical Solution of the Fokker-Planck Equation for Fiber Suspensions: Application to the Folgar-Tucker-Lipscomb Model», Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 155, 1-2, 20-29, 2008.

186. Férec, J., Heuzey, M.C., Ausias, G., Carreau,

P.J., «Modeling Fiber Interactions in Semi-Concentrated Fiber Suspensions», J. Rheol., 53, 1, 49-72, 2009.

187. Férec, J., Heuzey, M.C., Pérez-Gonzalez, J.,

de Vargas, L., Ausias, G., Carreau, P.J., «Investigation of the Rheological Properties of Short Glass Fiber Filled Polypropylene in Extensional Flow», Rheol. Acta, 48, 1, 59-72, 2009.

188. Férec, J., Heuzey, M.C., Ausias, G., Carreau,

P.J., «Rheological Behavior of Fiber-Filled Polymers Under Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flow on Fiber Suspensions», J. of Non-Newt. Fluid Mech., 151, 1-3, 89-100, 2008.

189. Cho, J., Heuzey, M.C., Hamdine, M., «Gel

Point Investigation of a Chitosan System Using Fourier Transform Rheometry and Multi-Frequency Excitation», Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 292, 5, 571-581, 2007.

190. Guo, M.C., Heuzey, M.C., Carreau, P.J., «Cell

Structure and Dynamic Properties of Injection Molded Polypropylene Foams», Polymer Engineering & Science, 47, 7, 1070-1081, 2007.

191. Guo, M.C., Santoni, A., Heuzey, M.C.,

Carreau, P.J., «Occurrence of Surface Defects in TPO Injected Foam Parts», J. Cellular Plastics, 43, 4-5, 273-296, 2007.

192. Santoni, A., Guo, M.C., Heuzey, M.C., Carreau, P.J., «Surface Defects of TPO Injected Foam Parts for Automotive Applica-tions», International Polymer Processing, XXII, 2, 204-212, 2007.

193. Cho, J., Heuzey, M.C., Bégin, A., Carreau,

P.J., «Physicochemical and Rheological Characterization of Chitosan Solutions in Dilute and Concentrated Regimes», J. Food Eng., 74, 500-515, 2006.

194. Cho, J., Heuzey, M.C., Bégin, A., Carreau, P.J.

«Effect of Urea on Solution Behavior and Heat-induced Gelation of Chitosan-�-glycerophosphate», Carbohydrate Polymers, 63, 4, 507-518, 2006.

195. Cho, J., Heuzey, M.C., Bégin, A., Carreau, P.J.

«Chitosan and Glycerophosphate Concentration Dependence of Solution Behavior and Gel Point Using Small Amplitude Oscillatory Rheometry», Food Hydrocolloids, 20, 6, 936-945, 2006.

196. Hamdine, M., Heuzey, M.C., Bégin, A.,

«Viscoelastic Properties of Phosphoric and Oxalic Acid-Based Chitosan Hydrogels», Rheologica Acta, 45, 659-675, 2006.

197. Hoa, S.V., Ouellette, P., Ngo, T.D.,

«Determination of Shrinkage and Modulus Development of Thermosetting Resins», Journal of Composite Materials, 43, 7, 783-803, 2009.

198. Hu, S., Hoa, S.V., Ganesan, R., «A New

Evaluation Method for Surface Finish of Composite Automotive Panels Using Waveform Analysis», Journal of Composite Materials, 43, 8, 843-876, 2009.

199. Rosca, I.D., Hoa, S.V., «Highly Conductive

Multiwall Carbon Nanotube and Epoxy Composites Produced by Three-Roll Milling», Carbon, 47, 1958-1968, 2009.

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200. Allaoui, A., Hoa, S.V., Pugh, M., «The Electronic Transport Properties and Microstructures of Carbon Nanofibre/Epoxy Composites», J. Composites Science and Technology, 68, 410-416, 2008.

201. Liu, W., Hoa, S.V., Pugh, M., «Water Uptake of

Epoxy-Clay Nanocomposites: Experiments and Model Validation», J. Composites Science and Technology, 68, 2066-2072, 2008.

202. Xu, Y., Hoa, S.V., «Mechanical Properties of

Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy/Clay Nanocomposites», Journal of Composites Science and Technology, 68, 854-861, 2008.

203. Lebel, L., Hoa, S.V., «Manufacturing of Braided

Thermoplastic Composites with Carbon/Nylon Commingled Fibers», J. Composite Materials, 41, 9, 1101-1122, 2007.

204. Wu, L., Hoa, S.V., Wang, H., «Improvement of

Flammability Resistance of Epoxy Adhesives Used in Infrastructure Applications», Canadian journal of Civil Engineering, 34, 323-330, 2007.

205. Xu, D., Hoa, S.V., Ganesan, R., «Buckling

Analysis of Tri-Axial Woven Fabric Composite Structures Subjected to Biaxial Loading», J. Composite Structures, 78, 1, 140-152, 2007.

206. Zhao, Q., Hoa, S.V., «Effect of Stress Shielding

on Strengthening of Particles-Dispersed Polymer», J. Composite Materials, 41, 21, 2615-2638, 2007.

207. Zhao, Q., Hoa, S.V., «Toughening Mechanism

of Epoxy Resins with Micro/Nano Particles», J. Composite Materials, 41, 2, 201-220, 2007.

208. Jiang, Y., Hoa, S.V., «A Novel Method for the

Manufacturing of Thick Composites», Journal of Composite Materials, 40, 5, 433-454, 2006.

209. Lei, S.G., Hoa, S.V., Ton-That, M.T., «Effect of

Clay Type on the Processing and Properties of Polypropylene Nanocomposites», J. Composites Science and Technology, 66, 10, 1274-1279, 2006.

210. Wang, H., Hoa, S.V., Wood-Adams, P., «New Method for the Synthesis of Clay/Epoxy Nanocomposites», J. Applied Polymer Science, 100, 6, 4286-4296, 2006.

211. Wu, L., Hoa, S.V., Ton-That, M.T., «Effects of

Composition of Hardener on the Curing and Aging for an Epoxy Resin System», J. Applied Polymer Science, 99, 2, 580-588, 2006.

212. Dubé, M., Hubert, P., Yousefpour, A., Denault,

J., «Fatigue Failure Characterisation of Resistance-welded Thermoplastic Composites Skin/stringer Joints», International Journal of Fatigue, 31, 719-725, 2009.

213. Dubé, M., Hubert, P., Yousefpour, A., Denault,

J., «Current Leakage Prevention in Resistance Welding of Carbon Fibre Reinforced Thermoplastics», Composites Science and Technology, 68, 6, 1579-1587, 2008.

214. Dubé, M., Hubert, P., Gallet, J., Stavrov, D.,

Bersee, H., Yousefpour, A., «Fatigue Performance Characterization of Resistance-welded Thermoplastic Composites», Composites Science and Technology, 68, 7-8, 1759-1765, 2008.

215. Palardy, G., Hubert, P., Haider, M., Lessard, L.,

«Optimization of RTM Processing Parameters for Class A Surface Finish», Composites Part B, 39, 7-8, 1280-1286, 2008.

216. Dubé, M., Hubert, P., Yousefpour, A., Denault,

J., «Resistance Welding of Thermoplastic Composites Skin/Stringer Joints», Composites Part A, 38, 2541-2552, 2007.

217. Haider, M., Hubert, P., Lessard, L., «An

Experimental Investigation for Class A Surface Finish in Resin Transfer Molding Process”, Composites Science and Technology, 67, 15-16, 3176-3186, 2007.

218. Haider, M., Hubert, P., Lessard, L., «Cure

Shrinkage Characterization and Modeling of a Polyester Resin Containing Low Profile Additives», Composites Part A, 38, 994-1009, 2007.

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219. Ashrafi, B., Hubert, P., «Modeling the Elastic Properties of Carbon Nanotube Array/Polymer Composites», J. Comp. Sci. and Tech., 66, 3-4, 387-396, 2006.

220. Ashrafi, B., Hubert, P., Vengallatore, S.,

«Carbon Nanotube-Reinforced Composites as Structural Materials for Microactuators in Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)», Nanotechnology, 17, 4895-4903, 2006.

221. Pipes, R.B., Hubert, P., Salvetat, J.P.,

Zalamea, L., «Flexural Deflection as a Measure of Van Der Waals Interactions Forces in the NCT Array», J. Comp. Sci. and Tech., 66, 1122-1128, 2006.

222. Mihai, M., Huneault, M.A., Favis, B.D.,

«Crystallinity Development in Cellular Poly(Lactic Acid) in the Presence of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide», J. Applied Polymer Science, Published online, 2009.

223. Cao, X., Chen, Y., Chang, P.R., Huneault,

M.A., «Preparation and Properties of Plasticized Starch Modified with Poly (caprolactone) Based Water Borne Polyurethane», Carbohydrate Polymers, 71, 1, 119-125, 2008.

224. Li, H., Huneault, M.A., «Crystallization in

PLA/Thermoplastic Starch Blends, International Polymer Processing, 23, 5, 412-418, 2008.

225. Cao, X., Chen, Y., Chang, P.R., Huneault,

M.A., «Preparation and Properties of Plasticized Starch/Multiwalled Carbon Nano-tubes Composites», Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 106, 2, 1431-1437, 2007.

226. Chapleau, N., Huneault, M.A., «TPS/PLA

Biaxial Stretching», International Polymer Processing, (Special Issue on Bioplastics) , 5, 402-409, 2007.

227. Deyrail, Y., El Mesri, Z, Huneault, M.A.,

Zeghloul, A., Bousmina, M., «Analysis of Morphology Development in Immiscible Newtonian Polymer Mixtures During Shear Flow», J. of Rheology, 51, 5, 781-797, 2007.

228. Huneault, M.A., Li, H., «Interfacial Modification of PLA/TPS Blends», Polymer, 28, 270-280, 2007.

229. Li, H., Huneault, M.A., «Effect of Nucleation

and Plasticization on the Crystallization of Poly(Lactic Acid)», Polymer, 48, 6855-6866, 2007.

230. Mihai Hotea, M., Huneault, M.A., Favis, B.D.,

«Foaming of Polystyrene/Thermoplastic Starch Blends», Journal of Cellular Plastics, 43, 3, 215-236, 2007.

231. Mihai Hotea, M., Huneault, M.A., Li, H., Favis,

B.D., «Foaming of PLA/Thermoplastic Starch Blends», Macromolecular Bioscience, 7, 7, 907-920, 2007.

232. Bhadane, P., Champagne, M.F., Huneault,

M.A., Favis, B.D., Tofan, F., «Erosion-Dependant Continuity Development in High Viscosity Ratio Blends of Very Low Interfacial Tension», Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics, 44, 14, 1919-1929, 2006.

233. Bhadane, P.A., Champagne, M.F., Huneault,

M.A., Tofan, F., Favis, B.D., «Continuity Development in Polymer Blends of Very Low Interfacial Tension», Polymer, 47, 8, 2760-2771, 2006.

234. Mokrini, A., Huneault, M.A., «Proton Exchange

Membranes Based on PVDF/SEBS Blends». J. Power Sources, 154, 51-58, 2006.

235. Mokrini, A., Huneault, M.A., Gerard, P.,

«Partially Fluorinated Proton Exchange Membranes Based on PVDF–SEBS Blends Compatibilized with Methylmethacrylate Block Copolymers», Journal of Membrane Science, 283, 74–83, 2006.

236. Reignier, J., Huneault, M.A., «Preparation of

Interconnected Poly(e-caprolactone) Porous Scaffolds by a Combination of Polymer and Salt Particulate Leaching, Polymer, 47, 4703-4717, 2006.

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237. Banan Sadeghian, R., Chivu, N., Kahrizi, M., «Sub-Torr Operation of a Miniaturized Gas Ionization Sensor Based on Gold Nanowires», Sensors & Materials, 21, 53-64, 2009.

238. Hajiaboli, A.R., Cui, B., Kahrizi, M., Truong,

V.V., «Optical Properties of Thick Metal Nanohole Arrays fabricated by Electron-Beam and Nanosphere Lithography», Phys. Status Solidi, A, 1-4, 2009.

239. Qasaimeh, M.A., Sokhanvar, S., Dargahi, J.,

Kahrizi, M., «PVDF-Based Microfabricated Tactile Sensor for Minimally Invasive Surgery», JMEMS, 18, 195-207, 2009.

240. Banan Sadeghian, R., Badilescu, S., Truong,

V.V., Kahrizi, M., «Schottky Barrier Field-Enhanced Electron Emission from Gold Nanowires Grown in Modified Porous Alumina Templates», IEEE Electron Device Letters, 29, 312, 2008.

241. Banan Sadeghian, R., Kahrizi, M., «A Novel

Gas Sensor Based on Tunneling Field Ionization on Tailored Arrays of Gold Nanorods», IEEE Sensors Journal, 8, 161-169, 2008.

242. Qasaimeh, M.A., Sokhanvar, S., Dargahi, J.,

Kahrizi, M., «A Micro-Tactile Sensor for in Situ Tissue Characterization», Biomedical Micro-devices, 10, 6, 823-837, 2008

243. Tcherniavski, I., Kahrizi, M., «Optomization of

Design and Operating Parameters Aperture of the Space-Based Optico-Electronic System with a Distributed Aperture», Appiled Optics, 47, 6159-6176, 2008.

244. Badilescu, S., Hajiaboli, A.R., Seirafianpour, N.,

Sadeghian, R., Kahrizi, M., Truong, V.V., «Study of the Structural Evolution within Polystyrene and Polystyrene-Gold Composite Colloidal Crystals by AFM and SEM», J. Apply. Physics Lett., 90, 2, 23113, 2007.

245. Badilescu, S., Hajiaboli, A.R., Seirafianpour, N.,

Sadeghian, R., Kahrizi, M., Truong, V.V., «Study of the Structural Evolution within Polystyrene and Polystyrene-Gold Composite Colloidal Crystals by AFM and SEM», J. Apply. Physics Lett., 90, 2, 23113, 2007.

246. Badilescu, S., Seirafianpour, N., Hajiaboli, A.R., Djaoued, Y.D., Kahrizi, M., Ashrit, P.V., Truong, V.V., «Fabrication of Ordered Films of Polystyrene-Gold Composites by a New Flow- Controlled Method», Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 18, S383-S387, 2007.

247. Banan Sadeghian, R., Kahrizi, M., «A Novel

Miniature Gas Ionization Sensor Based on Freestanding Gold Nanowires», Sensors and Actuators: A Physical, 137, 2, 248-255, 2007.

248. Sadeghian, R.B., Braedley, K., Brüning, R.,

Kahrizi, M., Truong, V.V., «A Micro-Raman Spectroscopy Study of Colloidal Crystal Films of Polystyrene-Gold Composites», Appl. Spec., 61, 39-47, 2007.

249. Sadeghian, R.B., Kahrizi, M., «A Novel

Miniature Gas Ionization Sensor Based on Freestanding Gold Nanowires», Sensors and Actuators: A Physical, 137, 2, 248-255, 2007.

250. Zhang, B., Kahrizi, M., «High Temperature

Resistance Fiber Bragg Grating Temperature Sensor Fabrication», IEEE Sensors Journal, 7, 586-591, 2007.

251. Chen, J., Kahrizi, M., «New Design for

Indentation Measurement Using Fiber Bragg Grating», JVST, 24, 6, 2159-2163, 2006.

252. Dargahi, J., Kahrizi, M., Purushotham, N.,

Solchanvar, S., «Design and Microfabrication of a Hybrid Piezoelectric-Capacitive tactile Sensor», 26, 3, 186-192, 2006.

253. Kamal, M.R., Calderon, J.U., Lennox, R.B.,

«Surface Energy of Modified Nanoclays and Its Effect on Polymer Clay Nanocomposites», J. of Adhesion Science and Technology, 23, 663–688, 2009.

254. Lee, K.-D., Chan, P.K., Kamal, M.R.,

«Determination of the Phase Diagram of HBA-HNA Liquid Crystalline Polymer/Polycarbonate Blends», J. Applied Polymer Science, 111, 1, 396-407, 2009.

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255. Lee, K.-D., Kamal, M.R., Chan, P.K., «Phase Separation Under Shear in Liquid Crystalline Polymer/Polycarbonate Blends», Intern. Polymer Processing, 24, 1, 83-89, 2009.

256. Calderon, J.U., Lennox, B., Kamal, M.R.,

«Polystyrene/Phosphonium Organoclay Nanocomposites by Melt Compounding», Intern. Polymer Processing, 23, 1, 119-128, 2008.

257. Calderon, J.U., Lennox, B., Kamal, M.R.,

«Thermally Stable Phosphonium-Montmoril-lonite Organoclays», Applied Clay Science, 40, 1-4, 90-98, 2008.

258. Chung, Y.-M., Kamal, M.R., «Morphology of

PA 6 Vibration Welded Joints and its Effect on Weld Strength», Polymer Engineering and Science, 48, 2, 240-248, 2008.

259. Kamal, M.R., Chung, Y.-M., Gomez, R.,

«Three-Dimensional Fiber Orientation in Vibration Welded Joints of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polyamide-6», Polymer Composites, 29, 9, 954-963, 2008.

260. Borse, N.K., Kamal, M.R., «Melt Processing

Effects on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of PA-6/Clay Nanocomposites», Polymer Engineering and Science, 46, 1094-1103, 2006.

261. Feng, L., Kamal, M.R., «Melting Temperature

Characteristics for Polyethylenes from Crystal Size Distribution», International Polymer Processing, XXI, 4, 402-421, 2006.

262. Gupta, R.K., Prasad, R., Chaudhary, D.S.,

Kamal, M.R., Bhattacharya, S.N., «Morpho-logical and Mechanical Characterisation of HDPE-EVA Nanocomposites», Journal of Polymer Engineering, 26, 8-9, 805-820, 2006.

263. Mollet, V.A., Kamal, M.R., «Quantitative

Characterization of Exfoliation in Polyamide-6/Layered Silicate Nanocomposites», Journal of Polymer Engineering, 26, 8-9, 757-782, 2006.

264. Tavichai, O., Feng, L., Kamal, M.R., «Crystalline Spherulitic Growth Kinetics during Shear for Linear Low-Density Polyethylene», Polymer Engineering & Science, 48, 10, 1468-1475, 2006.

265. Gheorghiu, C., Labossière, P., Proulx, J.,

«Response of CFRP-Strengthened Beams Under Fatigue with Different Load Amplitudes», Constr. and Building Materials, 21, 756-763, 2006.

266. Gheorghiu, C., Labossière, P., Proulx, J.,

«Fatigue and Monotonic Strength of RC Beams Strengthened with CFRPs», Composites, Part A, 37, 1111-1118, 2006.

267. Naderi, G., Lafleur, P.J., Dubois, C., «The

Influence of Matrix Viscosity and Composition on the Morphology, Rheology, and Mechanical Properties of Thermoplastic Elastomer Nanocomposites Based on EPDM/PP», Polymer Composites, 29, 12, 1301-1309, 2008.

268. Rajabian, M., Naderi, G., Beheshty, M.H.,

Lafleur, P.G., Dubois, C., Carreau, P.J., «Experimental Study and Modeling of Flow Behaviour and Orientation Kinetics of Layered Silicate/Polypropylene Nanocomposites in Start-Up of Shear Flows», International Polymer Processing, 23, 110-118, 2008.

269. Stoeffler, K., Lafleur, P.G., Denault, J., «Effect

of Intercalating Agents on Clay Dispersion and Thermal Properties in Polyethylene / Mont-morillonite Nanocomposites»’, Polymer Engineering and Science, 48, 8, 1449-1466, 2008.

270. Stoeffler, K., Lafleur, P.G., Denault, J., «The

Effect of Clay Dispersion on the Properties of LLDPE/LLDPE-G-MAH/Montmorillonite Nano-composites», Polymer Engineering & Science, 48, 12, 2459-2473, 2008.

271. Stoeffler, K., Lafleur, P.G., Denault, J.,

«Thermal Decomposition of Various Alkyl Onium Oganoclays: Effect on Polyethylene Terephtalate Nanocomposites», Polymer Degradation and Stability, 93, 7, 1332-1350, 2008.

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272. Zhang, Z., Lafleur, P.G., «Investigation of LDPE Blown Film Instability Induced by Air Cooling»’, Polymer Engineering and Science, 48, 8, 1504-1510, 2008.

273. Naderi, G., Lafleur, P.G., Dubois, C.,

«Dynamically Vulcanized Nanocomposite Thermoplastic Elastomers Based on EPDM/PP (Rheology & Morphology)», International Polymer Processing, 22, 3, 284-292, 2007.

274. Zang, Z., Lafleur, P.G., «A Study of Heat

Transfer in the Blown Film Process», Journal of Plastic Film & Sheeting, 23, 4, 297-317, 2007.

275. Hashemi, S.A., Sahraian, R., Lafleur, P.G.,

Stoeffler, K., «Focus Ion Beam Preparation of Transmission Electron Microscope Sample in Polymer Clay Nanocomposite», Iranian Polymer Journal (English Edition), 15, 7, 539-545, 2006.

276. Zhang, Z., Lafleur, P.G., Bertrand, F., «Effect of

Aerodynamics on Film Blowing Process», Int. Polym. Proc., 21, 5, 527-535, 2006.

277. Taheri-Behrooz, F., Shokrieh, M., Lessard, L.,

«Residual Stiffness in Cross-Ply Laminates Subjected to Cyclic Loading», Journal of Composite Structures, 85, 3, 205-212, 2008.

278. Shokrieh, M., Lessard, L., Golubovic, A.,

«Adhesively Bonded Carbon/Titanium Joints Under In-Plane and Bending Loads», Iranian Polymer Journal, 16, 5, 291-307, 2007.

279. Hosseinzadeh, R., Shokrieh, M., Lessard, L.,

«Damage Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Composite Plates subjected to Drop Weight Impacts», Composite Science and Technology, 66, 1, 61-68, 2006.

280. Miao, H.Y., Larose, S., Perron, C., Lévesque,

M., «On the Potential Applications of a 3D Random Finite Element Model for the Simulation of Shot Peening», Advances in Engineering Software, 40, 10, 1023-1038, 2009.

281. Sergerie, K., Lacoursière, M.-O., Lévesque, M., Villemure, I., «Mechanical Properties of the Porcine Growth Plate and its Three Zones From Unconfined Compression Tests», J. of Biomechanics, 42, 510-516, 2009.

282. Barello, R., Lévesque, M., «Comparison

Between the Relaxation Spectra Obtained from Homogenization Models and Finite Elements Simulation for the Same Composite», International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45, 3-4, 850-867, 2008.

283. Burlat, M., Julien, D., Lévesque, M., Bernard,

M., Bui Quoc, T., «Effect of Local Cold Working on Fatigue Strength of 7475-T7351 Aluminium Alloy», Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 75, 8, 2042-2061, 2008.

284. Lévesque, M., Derrien, K., Baptiste, D.,

Gilchrist, M., «On the Development and Parameter Identification of Schapery-Type Constitutive Theories», Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, 12, 2, 95-127, 2008.

285. Lévesque, M., Gilchrist, M.D., Bouleau, N.,

Derrien, K., Baptiste, D., «On Applying the Numerical Laplace-Carson Transform Inversion to the Homogenisation of Randomly Reinforced Linear Viscoelastic Media», Computational Mechanics, 40, 4, 771-789, 2007.

286. O’Dowd, F., Lévesque, M., Gilchris, M. et M.D.,

«Analysis of Fibre Orientation Effects on Injection Moulded Components», Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 220, 1909-1921, 2006.

287. Lessard, B., Maric, M., «Glycidyl Methacrylate into Block Copolymers Using Poly (methacrylate-ran-styrene) Macroinitiators Synthesized by Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization», J. Polym. Sci. A: Polym. Chem., 47, 2574-2588, 2009.

288. de Oliveira, M.H., Maric, M., van de Ven,

T.G.M., «The Role of Fiber Entanglement in the Strength of Wet Papers», Nordic Pulp & Paper Research Journal, 23, 426-431, 2008.

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289. Jabbar, R., Graffe, A., Lessard, B., Maric, M., «Nitroxide-Mediated Synthesis of Styrenic-Based Segmented and Tapered Block Copolymers Using Poly(lactide)-Functionalized TEMPO Macromediators», J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 109, 3185-3195, 2008.

290. Lessard, B., Maric, M., «Nitroxide-Mediated

Synthesis of Poly(poly(ethylene glycol) acrylate) (PPEGA) Comb-Like Homopolymers and Block Copolymers», Macromolecules, 41, 7870-7880, 2008.

291. Lessard, B., Maric, M., «Effect of Acid

Protecting Group on “Livingness” of Poly(acrylic acid-ran-styrene) Random Copolymer Macroinitiators for Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization of Styrene», Macromolecules, 41,7881-7891, 2008.

292. Lessard, B., Maric, M., «Effect of Acrylic Acid

Neutralization on "Livingness" of Poly(styrene-ran-acrylic acid) Macro-initiators for Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization of Styrene», Polymer International, 57, 1141-1151, 2008.

293. Lessard, B., Schmidt, S.C., Maric, M.,

«Styrene/Acrylic Acid Random Copolymers Synthesized by Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization: Effect of Free Nitroxide on Kinetics and Copolymer Composition», Macromolecules, 41, 3446-3454, 2008.

294. Trinh-Tan, F., Cooper, D.G., Maric, M., Nicell,

J.A., «Biodegradation of a Synthetic Co-Polyester by Aerobic Mesophilic Microorganisms», Polym. Degr. Stab., 93, 1479-1485, 2008.

295. Lessard, B. Graffe, A. Maric, M., «Styrene/Tert-

Butyl Acrylate Random Copolymers Synthesized by Nitroxide-Mediated Polymerization: Effect of Free Nitroxide on Kinetics and Copolymer Composition», Macromolecules, 40, 9284-9292, 2007.

296. Morton, K., Graffe, A., Maric, M., «Nitroxide

Mediated Synthesis of Hydroxyl Terminated Poly(styrene-random-vinylcarbazole) Copoly-mers», Macromol. Chem. Phys., 208, 496-503, 2007.

297. Masmoudi, R., Metiche, S., «Finite Element Modeling For Deflection and Bending Responses of GFRP Poles», Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 27, 6, 639�658, 2008.

298. Zaidi, A., Masmoudi, R., «Thermal Effect on

Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforced Concrete Slabs», Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 35, 1-9, 2008.

299. Masmoudi, R., Metiche, S., «Full-Scale

Flexural Testing on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Poles», The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 1874-1495, 1, 37-50, 2007.

300. Burong, Z., Masmoudi, R., Benmokrane, B.,

«New Method for Testing Fiber-reinforced Polymer Rods under Flexure», ASTM Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 35, 2, 6, 2006.

301. Deyrail, Y., Mighri, F., Kaliaguine, S.,

«Development of Micro- to Macropores in Conductive Polymer-Based Gas Diffusion Layers for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells», Journal of Fuel Cell Science and technology, 6, 2, article # 021309, 2009.

302. Bouatia, S., Mighri, F., Bousmina, M.,

«Development and Characterization of Electrically Conductive Polymeric Based Blends for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Bipolar Plates», Fuel Cells, 8, 120-128, 2008.

303. Fang, H., Mighri, F., Ajji, A., «Effect of

Poly(Styrene-co-Maleic Anhydride) Imidization on the Miscibility and Phase-Separation Temperatures of Poly (Styrene-co-Maleic Anhydride) /Poly(Vinyl Methyl Ether) and Poly(Styrene-co-Maleic Anhydride) / Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) Blends», Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 109, 3938- 3943, 2008.

304. Yakisir, D., Mighri, F., Bousmina, M.,

«Development of Porous Electrode Gas Diffusion Layer for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell, PEMFC», Journal of Fuel Cell Science and Technology, 5, 3, article # 031008, 2008.

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305. Ait-Kadi, A., Youssefi, A., Bousmina, M., Mighri, F., «High Performance Structured Polymer Barrier Films Obtained from Compatibilized PP/EVOH Blends», Polym Eng. Sci., 47, 1114-1121, 2007.

306. Deyrail, Y., Mighri, F., Bousmina, Yakisir, D.,

«Electrically Conductive Polymer-Based Blends for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Gas Diffusion Layers», Elec. Chem. Soc. Trans., 5, 155-163, 2007.

307. Deyrail, Y., Mighri, F., Bousmina, M.,

Kaliaguine, S., «Polyamide/Polystyrene Blend Compatibilization by Montmorillonite Nanoclay and its Effect on Macroporosity of Gas Diffusion Layers for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells», Fuel Cells, 7, 447-452, 2007.

308. Fang, H., Mighri, F., Ajji, A., «Fluorescence

Quenching of Phenanthrene and Anthracene by Maleic Anhydride and n-Octadecenylsuccinic Anhydride in Solution and in Bulk Polypropylene», Polymer Engineering and Science, 47, 192-199, 2007.

309. Fang, H., Mighri, F., Ajji, A., «Miscibility

Characterization of SMA/SAN and SMA/PMMA Blends by Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Fluorescence Techniques», J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 105, 5, 2955-2962, 2007.

310. Mighri, F. Huneault M.A., «In Situ Visualization

of Drop Deformation, Erosion, and Breakup in High Viscosity Ratio Polymeric Systems Under High Shearing Stress Conditions», Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 100, 4, 2582-2591, 2006.

311. Mighri, F., Huneault, M.A., «In-situ Visualization

of Drop Deformation, Erosion, and Breakup in High viscosity Ratio Polymeric Systems under High Shearing Stress Conditions», J. Applied Polymer Science, 100, 4, 2582-2591, 2006.

312. Yakisir, D., Mighri, F., Bousmina, M.,

«Electronic Conductive Microporous Polymer Based structures», Macromol. Rapid Comm., 27, 1596-1602, 2006.

313. Levesque, R., Vaudreuil, S., Mighri, F., Bousmina, M., «Thermal Activated Non-Reversible Response of Polystyrene/Polyvinyl Methyl Ether (PS/PVME) Sandwich Sample Under Small-Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Flow», J. Polymer Engineering, 25, 6, 487-499, 2005.

314. Lin, B., Sundararaj, U., Mighri, F., Huneault,

M.A., «Effect of Pre-Made Compatibilizer and Reactive Polymers on Polystyrene Drop Deformation and Breakup in Simple Shear», Macromolecules, 38, 13, 5609-5616, 2005.

315. Al Chami, G., Thériault, M., Neale, K.W.,

«Creep Behaviour of CFRP-Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams», Construction and Building Materials, 23, 1640�1652, 2009.

316. Beausir, B., Toth, L.S., Oods, F., Neale, K.W.,

«Texture and Mechanical Behavior of Magnesium During Free-End Torsion», J. of Engineering Materials and Technology, 131, 011108-1�15, 2009.

317. Elsayed, W., Ebead, U.A., Neale, K.W.,

«Studies on Mechanically Fastened Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Strengthening Systems», ACI Structural Journal, 106, 49�59, 2009.

318. Yang, D.-S. Park, S.K., Neale, K.W., «Flexural

Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened With Prestressed Carbon Composites», Composite Structures, 88, 497�508, 2009.

319. Beausir, B., Suwas, S., Toth, L.S., Neale, K.W., Fundenberger, J.J., «Analysis of Texture Evolution in Magnesium During Equal Channel Angular Extrusion», Acta Materialia, 56, 200�214, 2008.

320. Kotynia, R., Abdel Baky, H., Neale, K.W.,

Ebead, U.A., «Flexural Strengthening of RC Beams With Externally Bonded CFRP Systems: Test Results and 3-D Nonlinear FE Analysis», J. of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 12, 190�201, 2008.

321. Mufti, A.A., Neale, K.W., «State-of-the-Art of

FRP and SHM Applications in Bridge Structures in Canada», Composites Research Journal, 2, 60�69, 2008.

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322. Abdel Baky, H., Ebead, U.A., Neale, K.W., «Flexural and Interfacial Behavior of FRP-Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams», Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 11, 629–639, 2007.

323. Beausir, B., Toth, L.S., Neale, K.W., «Role of

Strain Rate Sensitivity in the Crystal Plasticity of Hexagonal Structures», International Journal of Plasticity, 23, 227�243, 2007.

324. Beausir, B., Toth, L.S., Neale, K.W., «Ideal

Orientations and Persistence Characteristics of Hexagonal Close Packed Crystals in Simple Shear» Acta Materialia, 55, 2695–2705, 2007.

325. Ebead, U.A., Neale, K.W., «Mechanics of

Fibre-Reinforced Polymer – Concrete Inter-faces», Revue canadienne de génie civil, 34, 367–377, 2007.

326. Elsayed, W., Ebead, U.A., Neale, K.W.,

«Interfacial Behavior and Debonding Failures in FRP-Strengthened Concrete Slabs», Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 11, 619–628, 2007.

327. Godat, A., Neale, K.W., Labossière, P.,

«Numerical Modeling of FRP Shear-Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Beams», Journal of Composites for Construction, ASCE, 11, 6, 640–649, 2007.

328. Neale, K.W., Ebead, U.A., Abdel Baky, H.M.,

Elsayed, W.E., Godat, A., «Analysis of the Load–Deformation Behaviour and Debonding for FRP-Strengthened Concrete Structures», Advances in Structural Engineering, 9, 751�763, 2007.

329. Parent, S., Pote, J.J., Neale, K.W., «Design of

Cold-Formed Compression Web Members With Periodically-Varying Section Properties», Revue canadienne de génie civil, 34, 253–265, 2007.

330. Wu, P.D., Lloyd, D.J., Jain, M., Neale, K.W., Huang, Y., «Effects of Spatial Orientation Distribution and Initial Surface Topology on Sheet Metal Necking», International Journal of Plasticiy, 23, 1084–1104, 2007.

331. Berthet, J.-F., Ferrier, E., Hamelin, P., Al

Chami, G., Thériault, M., Neale, K.W., «Modelling of the Creep Behaviour of Confined Short Concrete Columns Under Compressive Loading», Materials and Structures, RILEM, 39, 53-62, 2006.

332. Deniaud, C., Neale, K.W., «An Assessment of

Constitutive Models for Concrete Columns Confined With Fibre Composite Sheets», Composite Structures, 73, 318–330, 2006.

333. Huffman, S., Bagchi, A., Mufti, A., Neale, K.W.,

Sargent, D., Rivera, E., GFRP Seismic Strengthening and Structural Health Monitoring of Portage Creek Bridge Concrete Columns», Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 31, 25�42, 2006.

334. Inal, K., Neale, K.W., Hamelin, C.J., Pilkey,

A.K., Diak, B.J., «Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Strain-Path Effects on Localized Deformation in Steel Alloys», SAE 2005 Transactions Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, Art. no 2005-01-008, 1�5, 2006.

335. Neale, K.W., Ebead, U.A., Abdel Baky, H.M.,

Elsayed, W.E., Godat, A., «Analysis of the Load–Deformation Behaviour and Debonding for FRP-Strengthened Concrete Structures», Advances in Structural Engineering, 9, 751 �763, 2006.

336. Karbassi, A., Nollet, M.J., «Adaptation of the

Rapid Visual Screening FEMA-154 Procedure to the Regional Seismic Demands of the Province of Quebec», Revue Canadienne de génie civil, 35, 925-937, 2008.

337. Amany, A., Pasini, D., «Material and Shape

Selection for Stiff Beams Under Non-Uniform Flexure», Journal of Materials and Design, 30, 1110-1117, 2009.

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338. Ghiasi, H., Pasini, D., Lessard, L., «Optimum Stacking Sequence Design of Composite Materials, Part I: Constant Stiffness Design», Composite Structures, 90, 1-11, 2009.

339. Pasini, D., «Bend Stiffness of Multilaminate

Microstructures Containing Three Dissimilar Materials», International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 5, 2, 2009.

340. Cardou, P., Pasini, D., Angeles, J., «Lumped

Elastodynamic Model for MEMS: Formulation and Validation», Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 17/4, 948-961, 2008.

341. Ghiasi, H., Pasini, D., Lessard, L, «Constrained

Globalized Nelder-Mead Method for Simultaneous Structural and Manufacturing Optimization of a Composite Bracket», J. of Composite Materials, 42, 7, 717-736, 2008.

342. Pasini, D., On the Biological Shape of the

Polygonaceae Rheum Rhabarbarum Petiole», International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics, 3, 1, 1-26, 2008.

343. Pasini, D., «Shape Transformers for Material

and Shape Selection of Lightweight Beams», Journal of Materials and Design, 28/7, 2071-2079, 2007.

344. Pasini, D., «Material and Shape Selection for

Optimizing Flexural Vibrations in Multilayered Resonators», Journal of Microelectro-mechanical Systems, 15, 6, 1745-1758, 2006.

345. Pasini, D., Burgess, S.C., Smith, D.J., «A

Method for Selecting Macro-Scale Structures with Axially Loaded Members», International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 3, 185-199, 2006.

346. Pasini, D., Burgess, S.C., Smith, D.J.,

Alemzadeh, K., «A General Solution to the Material Performance Index for Bending Strength Design», Journal of Materials and Design, 27, 10, 1046-1054, 2006.

347. Zhirafar, S., Pugh, M., «Effect of Cryogenic

Treatment on the Mechanical Properties of 4340 Steel», J. Materials Processing Tech., 186, 1-3, 298-303, 2007.

348. Blanchet, P., Cloutier, A., Riedl, B., «Bark Particleboard: Pressing Time, Particle Geometry and Melamine Overlay», Forestry Chronicle, 84, 2, 245-250, 2008.

349. Cai, X., Riedl, B., Zhang, S.Y., Wan, H., «The

Impact of Interphase Between Wood, Melamine-Urea-Formaldehyde and Layered Silicate on the Performance of Wood Polymer Nanocomposites», Composites Part A, 39, 727-737, 2008.

350. Cyr, P.-L., Riedl, B., Wang, X.-M., «Urea-

Melamine-Formaldehyde (UMF) Resin Penetration in Medium-Density Fiberboard (MDF) – Part 2: High Resolution Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy», Holz als roh und Werkstoff, 66, 129-134, 2008.

351. Garcia, R., Riedl, B., Cloutier, A., «Chemical

Modification and Wetting of MDF Panels Produced from Heat Treated Fibers», J. Mat. Sc, 43, 15, 5037-5044, 2008.

352. Landry, V., Riedl, B., Blanchet, P., «Alumina

and Zirconia Acrylate Nanocomposites Coatings for Wood Flooring: Photocalorimetric Characterization», Progress in Organic Coatings, 61, 76-82, 2008.

353. Landry, V., Blanchet, P., Riedl, B., «130

NanoClay Dispersion Effects on UV Coatings Curing, Progress in Organic Coatings, 62, 400-408, 2008.

354. Mechraoui, A., Riedl, B., Rodrigue, D.,

«Compression Moulding of Polypropylene Foams and their Properties», 27, 4, 217-233, 2008.

355. Mourant, D., Yang, D.Q., Riedl, B., Roy, C.,

«Mechanical Properties of Wood Treated with PF-Pyrolytic Oil Resin», Holz-als roh und Werkstoff, 66, 3, 163-171, 2008.

356. Pakdel, H., Cyr, P.-L., Riedl, B., Deng, J.,

«Quantification of Urea Formaldehyde Resin in Wood Fibers Using X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy», Wood Sci. Technol., 42, 133-148, 2008.

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357. Pédieu, R., Riedl, B., Pichette, A., «Measurement of Wood and Bark Particles Acidity and their Impact on the Curing of Urea Formaldehyde During the Hot Pressing of Mixed Panels», Hols Als roh und Werkstoff, 66, 113-117, 2008.

358. Cai, X., Riedl, B., Wan, H., Zhang, S.Y.,

«Effects of Nanofillers on Water Resistance and Dimensional Stability of Solid Wood Modified by Melamineurea-Formaldehyde Resin», Wood Fiber Sc., 39, 2, 307-318, 2007.

359. Cai, X., Riedl, B., Zhang, S.Y., Wan, H.,

«Formation and Properties of Solid Aspen Wood / Melamine-Urea-Formaldehyde / Clay Nanocomposites», Holzforschung, 61, 148-154, 2007.

360. Lavoie, A., Riedl, B., Bousmina, M., «Study of

Interactions in Poly(Styrene-co-Acrylonitrile) / Poly(Methylmethacrylate) SAN/PMMA) Polymer Blend by Inverse Gas Chromatography», J. Polym. Eng., 27, 2, 129-148, 2007.

361. Mechraoui, A., Riedl, B., Rodrigue, D., «The

Effect of Fibre and Coupling Agent Content on the Mechanical Properties of Hemp/Polypropylene Composites», Composite Interfaces, 14, 7-9, 837-848, 2007.

362. Mourant, D., Riedl, B., Rodrigue, D., Yang, D.Q., Roy, C., «Phenol-Formaldehyde-Pyrolitic Oil Resins for Wood Preservation: A Rheological Study», J. of Appl. Polym. Sci., 106, 2, 1087-1094, 2007.

363. Shi, J.L., Riedl, B., Zhang, T., «Impact of Log

Position in the Tree on Mechanical and Physical Properties of Black Spruce Medium Density Fiberboard Panels», , J. Can. Rech. Fores., 37, 5, 866-873, 2007.

364. Cyr, P.-L, Riedl, B., Wang, X-M., Shaler, S.,

«Urea-Melamine-Formaldehyde (UMF) Resin Diffusion Into Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Wood Fibres», J. Adhesion Science & Technology, 20, 8, 787-801, 2006.

365. Gaboune, A., Sinha Ray, S., Ait-kadi, A., Riedl, B., Bousmina, M., «Polymerization Compounding: a New Technique for the Preparation of Polyethylene/Clay Nanocomposites», Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 6, 530–535, 2006.

366. Garcia, R., Cloutier, Riedl, B., «Chemical

Modification and Wetting of MDF Panels Produced from Fibres Treated with Maleated Polypropylene Wax», Wood Sc. Technol., 40, 5, 402-416, 2006.

367. Garcia, R., Riedl, B., Cloutier, A., «Dimensional

Stability of MDF Panels Produced from Heat Reated Fibers», Holzforschung, 60, 276-284, 2006.

368. Shi, J.L., Riedl, B., Zhang, S.Y. Kocaefe, D.,

Feasibility of Using Larch as a Raw Material for Medium Density Fiberboard Panel Manufacturing», For.prod.J., 56, 48-52, 2006.

369. Shi, J.L., Yang, D.-Q, Zhang, S.Y., Riedl, B.,

«Mold Resistances of MDF Panels Made from Black Spruce, Hybrid Poplar, Larch, and a Mix of S-P-F Wood Chips», Als Roh und Werkstoff., 64, 3, 167-171, 2006.

370. Shi, J.L., Zhang, S.Y., Riedl, B., «Multivariate

Modeling of MDf Panel Properties in Relation to Wood Fiber Characteristics», Holzforschung, 60, 3, 285-293, 2006.

371. Xing, C., Deng, J., Zhang, S.Y., Riedl, B.,

Cloutier, A., «Impact of Bark Content on the Properties of Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) in Four Species Grown in Eastern Canada», For. Pro. J., 56, 64-69, 2006.

372. Xing, C., Deng, J., Zhang, S.Y., Riedl, B.,

Cloutier, A., «Properties of MDF from Black Spruce Tops as Affected by Thermal Mechanical Refining Conditions», Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff, 64, 6, 507-512, 2006.

373. Xing, C., Deng, J., Zhang, S.Y., Riedl, B.,

Cloutier, A., «Medium Density Fiberboard Performance as Affected by Wood Fiber Acidity, Bulk Density and Size Distribution», Wood Science and Technology, 40, 8, 637-646, 2006.

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374. Xing, C., Riedl, B., Cloutier, A., Deng, J., Zhang, S.Y., «UF Resin Efficiency as Affected by Resin Loss, Distribution and Pre-Cure», Holz als Roh-und Werkstoff, 64, 3, 221-226, 2006.

375. Reza Barzegari, M., Rodrigue, D., «The Effect

of Injection Molding Conditions on the Morphology of Polymer Structural Foams, Polymer Engineering and Science», 49, 5, 949-959, 2009.

376. Gosselin, R., Rodrigue, D., González Núñez,

R., Duchesne, C., «Potential of Hyperspectral Imaging for Quality Control of Polymer Blend Films», Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 48, 6, 3033-3042, 2009.

377. Curodeau, A., Guay, J., Rodrigue, D., Brault,

L., Gagné, D., Beaudoin, L.P., «Ultrasonic Abrasive -Machining with Thermoplastic Tooling», International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 48, 14, 1553-1561, 2008.

378. Gosselin, R., Duchesne, C., Rodrigue, D., «On

the Characterization of Polymer Powders Mixing Dynamics by Texture Analysis», Powder Technology, 183, 2, 177-188, 2008.

379. Gosselin, R., Rodrigue, D., Duchesne, C., «On-

line Prediction of Crystallinity Spatial Distribution Across Polymer Films using NIR Spectral Imaging and Chemometrics Methods», Can. J. of Chem. Eng., 86, 5, 869-878, 2008.

380. Ramírez-Arreola, D., Robledo-Ortiz, J.,

Moscoso, F., González-Núñez, R., Rodrigue, D., «Fibre-Particle Morphological Transition and its Effect on Impact Strength of PS/HDPE Blends», Polymer Engineering and Science, 48, 1600-1607, 2008.

381. Reza Barzegari, M., Rodrigue, D., «Tensile

Modulus Prediction of Structural Foams Using Density Profiles», Cellular Polymers, 27, 5, 285-301, 2008.

382. Robledo-Ortiz, J.R., Zepeda, C., Gomez, C., Rodrigue, D., González-Núñez, R., «Non-Isothermal Decomposition Kinetics of Azodi-carbonamide in High Density Polyethylene Using a Capillary Rheometer», Polymer Testing, 27, 6, 730-735, 2008.

383. Rodrigue, D, «Using Density Profiles to Predict

the Flexural Modulus of Structural Polymer Foams», Journal of Cellular Plastics, 44, 5, 381-389, 2008.

384. Rodrigue, D, «The effect of Surfactants on

Deformation of Falling Non-Newtonian Drops in a Newtonian Liquid», Can. J. of Chem. Eng., 86, 1, 105-109, 2008.

385. Tovar-Cisneros, C., Gonzalez-Nuñez, R.,

Rodrigue, D., «Effect of Mold Temperature on Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Injection Molded HDPE Structural Foams», Journal of Cellular Plastics, 44, 3, 223-237, 2008.

386. Twite-Kabamba, E., Rodrigue, D., «The Effect

of Recycling on LDPE Foam Properties, Progress in Rubber», Plastics and Recycling Technology, 24, 1, 1-17, 2008.

387. Twite-Kabamba, E., Rodrigue, D., «The Effect

of Recycling on LDPE Foamability: Elonga-tional Rheology», Polym. Eng. and Sci., 48, 1, 11-18, 2008.

388. Barzegari, M.R., Rodrigue, D., «The Effect of

Density Profile on the Flexural Properties of Structural Foams», Polym. Eng. and Sci., 47, 9, 1459-1468, 2007.

389. Lopez-Barron, C.R., Ortiz-Robledo, J.R.,

Rodrigue, D., Gonzalez-Nuñez, R., «Film Processability, Morphology, and Properties of Polyamide-6/Low Density Polyethylene Blends, Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting, 23, 2, 149-169, 2007.

390. Martinez-Ruvalcaba, A., Chornet, E., Rodrigue,

D., «Viscoelastic Properties of Dispersed Chitosan/Xanthan Hydrogels», Carbohydrate Polymers, 67, 4, 586-595, 2007.

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391. Zepeda Sahagun, C., Gonzalez-Nuñez, R., Rodrigue, D., «Effects of Postextrusion Conditions on the Morphology of High-Density Polyethylene/Polypropylene Blends», J. of Appl. Polym. Sci., 106, 2, 1215-1227.2007.

392. Estrada Nuñez, S.A., Gonzalez-Nuñez, R.,

Rodrigue, D., «The Effect of Composition on Impact Properties of Foamed HDPE/PP Blends», Cellular Polymers, 25, 6, 277-292, 2006.

393. Garcia-Perez, M., Chaala, A., Pakdel, H.,

Kretschmer, D., Rodrigue, D., Roy, C., «Evaluation of the Influence of Stainless Steel and Copper on the Ageing Process of Bio-Oil», Energy and Fuels, 20, 1, 786-795, 2006.

394. Garcia-Perez, M., Chaala, A., Pakdel, H.,

Kretschmer, D., Rodrigue, D., Roy, C., «Multiphase Structure of Bio-Oils», Energy and Fuels, 20, 1, 364-375, 2006.

395. Gosselin, R., Rodrigue, D., Riedl, B., «Injection

Moulding of Post-Consumer Wood/Plastic Composites: I Morphology», Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 19, 6, 639-658, 2006.

396. Gosselin, R., Rodrigue, D., Riedl, B., “Injection

Moulding of Post-Consumer Wood/Plastic Composites: II Mechanical Properties», Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 19, 6, 659-669, 2006.

397. Leduc, S., Rodrigue, D., «Effect of Weld Lines

on the Injection Molding of Structural Foams. II Mechanical Properties», Cellular Polymers, 25, 2, 63-84, 2006.

398. Ramirez-Arreola, D., Padilla-Lopez, H.,

Gonzalez-Nuñez, R., Rodrigue, D., «The Effect of Post-Extrusion Conditions in Ribbon Extrusion of Polymer Blends», Int. Polym. Proc., 21, 2, 121-131, 2006.

399. Ramirez Arreola, D., Rodrigue, D., Gonzalez-

Nuñez, R., «Estudio Experimental y Numerico de la Morfologia de Mezclas PS/PEAD Preparadas por Extrusion», Revista Mexicana de Ingenieria Quimica, 5, Supl.1, 67-77, 2006.

400. Robledo Ortiz, J.R., Ramirez-Arreola, D., Gonzalez-Nuñez, R., Rodrigue, D., «Effect of Freeze-Line Position and Stretching Force on the Morphology of LDPE-PA6 Blown Films», Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting, 22, 4, 287-314, 2006.

401. Rodrigue, D., Souici, S., Twite-Kabamba, E.,

«The Effect of Wood Powder on Polymer Foam Nucleation», Journal of Vinyl Additives and Technology, 12, 1, 19-24, 2006.

402. Zepeda Sahagun, C., Gonzalez-Nuñez, R.,

Rodrigue, D., «Morphology of Extruded PP/HDPE Foam Blends, Journal of Cellular Plastics, 42, 6, 469-485, 2006.

403. Béguin, C., Anscutter, F., Ross. A., Pettigrew,

M.J., Mureithi, N.W., «Two-Phase Damping and Interface Surface Area in Tubes with Vertical Internal Flow», J. of Fluids and Structures, 25, 178-204, 2008.

404. Blais, J.F., Ross. A., «Forward Projection of

Transient Sound Pressure Fields Radiated by Impacted Plates Using Numerical Laplace Transform», J. of the Acoustical Society of America, 125, 5, 3120-3128, 2008.

405. Granger, D., Ross. A., «Effects of PCLD

Parameters on the Initial Transient Response of Impacted Cantilever Beams : Experimental and Numerical Results», J. of Sound and Vibration, 321, 45-64, 2008.

406. Mahvash Mohammadi, A., Ross. A., «Application of CHMMs to Two-Phase Flow Pattern Identification», Engineering Applica-tions of Artificial Intelligence, 21, 1144–1152, 2008.

407. Mahvash Mohammadi, A., Ross. A., «Two-

Phase Flow Pattern Identification Using Continuous Hidden Markov Model», International Journal of Multiphase Flow V, 34, 3, 303-311, 2008.

408. Gravelle, A., Ross, A., Pettigrew, M.J., Mureithi,

N.W., «Damping of Tubes Due to Internal Two-Phase Flow», J. of Fluids and Structures, 23, 447-462, 2007.

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409. Ross, A., Ostiguy, G., «Propagation of the Initial Transient Noise from an Impacted Plate», J. of Sound and Vibration, 301, 28-42, 2007.

410. Demaria, C., Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., «In-plane

Anisotropic Permeability Characterization of Deformed Woven Fabrics by Unidirectional Injections - Part I: Experimental Results», Polymer Composites, 28, 797–811, 2007.

411. Demaria, C., Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., «In-plane

Anisotropic Permeability Characterization of Deformed Woven Fabrics by Unidirectional Injections - Part II: Prediction Model and Numerical Simulations», Polymer Composites, 28, 812-827, 2007.

412. Ruiz, E., Achim, V., Trochu, F., «Coupled Non-Conforming Finite Element and Finite Difference Approximation Based on Laminate Extrapolation to Simulate Liquid Composite Molding Processes. Part I: Isothermal Flow»”, Sci. and Eng. of Composite Materials, 14, 2, 85-112, 2007.

413. Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., «Coupled Non-

Conforming Finite Element and Finite Difference Approximation Based on Laminate Extrapolation to Simulate Liquid Composite Molding Processes. Part II: Non-Isothermal Filling and Curing», Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, 14, 2, 113-144, 2007.

414. Ruiz, E., Achim, V., Soukane, S., Trochu, F.,

Bréard, J., «Optimization of Injection Flow Rate to Minimize Micro/Macro Voids Formation in Resin Transfer Molded Composites», Composites Science and Technology, 66, 3-4, 475-486, 2006.

415. Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., «Multi-Criteria Thermal

Optimization in Liquid Composite Molding to Reduce Processing Stresses and Cycle Time», Composites Part A, Special Issue FPCM-7, 37, 6, 913-924, 2006.

416. Pommerleau, J., Sanschagrin, B., «Injection

Molding Shrinkage of PP: Experimental Progress», Polym. Eng. Sci., 46, 9, 2006.

417. Yang, F., Sedaghati, R., Esmailzadeh, E., «Optimal Vibration Suppression of Timoshenko Beam with Tuned Mass Damper Using Finite Element Method», ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 131, 3, 031006, 2009.

418. Yang, F., Sedaghati, R., Esmailzadeh, E.,

«Vibration Suppression of Non-Uniform Curved Beams under Random Loading Using Optimal Tuned Mass Damper», Journal of Vibration and Control (JVC), 15, 2, 233-261, 2009.

419. Dominguez, A., Sedaghati, R., Stiharu, I.,

«Modeling and Application of MR Dampers in Semi-Adaptive Structures», Computers and Structures, 86, 3-5, 407-415, 2008.

420. Khosravi, P., Sedaghati, R., «Local Buckling

and Mode Switching in the Optimum Design of Stiffened Panels», AIAA Journal, 46, 6, 1542-1548, 2008.

421. Khosravi, P., Sedaghati, R., «Design of

Laminated Composite Structures for Optimum Fiber Directions and layer Thickness using Optimality Criteria», Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 36, 2, 159-167, 2008.

422. Yang, F., Sedaghati, R., Esmailzadeh, E.,

«Free In-plane Vibration of General Curved Beams using Finite Element Method», Journal of Sounds and Vibration, 318, 4-5, 850-867, 2008.

423. Dargahi, J., Sedaghati, R., Singh, H., Najarian,

S., «Designing and Testing of an Endoscopic Piezoelectric-based Tactile Sensor», Journal of Mechatronics, 17, 462-467, 2007.

424. Khosravi, P., Sedaghati, R., Ganesan, R.,

«Optimization of Stiffened Panels Considering Geometric Nonlinearity», Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 2, 1247-1263, 2007.

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425. Khosravi, P., Sedaghati, R., Ganesan, R., «Optimization of Geometrically Nonlinear Thin Shells Subject to Displacement and Stability Constraints», American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Journal, 45, 3, 684-692, 2007.

426. Sattari, H., Sedaghati, R., Ganesan, R.,

«Analysis and Design Optimization of Deep Drawing Process-Part II: Optimization», Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 184, 84-92, 2007.

427. Sokhanvar, S., Zabihollah, A., Sedaghati, R.,

«Investigating the Effect of the Orthotropic Property of Piezoelectric PVDF», Transaction of Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 31, 1, 111-125, 2007.

428. Zabihollah, A., Sedaghati, R., Ganesan, R.,

«Active Vibration Suppression of Smart Laminated Beams using Layerwise Theory and Optimal Control Strategy», International Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, 16, 2190-2201, 2007.

429. Dominguez, A., Sedaghati, R., Stiharu, I., «A

New Dynamic Hysteresis Model for the Magnetorheological Dampers», International Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, 15, 5, 1179-1189, 2006.

430. Dominguez, A., Sedaghati, R., Stiharu, I.,

«Semi-Active Vibration Control of Adaptive Structures Using Magnetorheological Dampers», AIAA Journal, 44, 7, 1563-1571, 2006.

431. Dominguez, A., Stiharu, I., Sedaghati, R.,

«Practical Design Optimization of Truss Structures Using The Genetic Algorithms», International Journal of Research in Design, 17, 2, 73-84, 2006.

432. Jha, A., Sedaghati, R., Bhat, R., «Analysis and

Dynamic Testing of Structures Subjected to Vibration and Shock Using Scale Models», The Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal (CASJ), 52, 3, 1-14, 2006.

433. Sedaghati, R., Zabihollah, A., Ahari, M., «Sensitivity Analysis and Design Optimization of Smart Laminated Composite Beam with Integrated Piezoelectric Actuators», AIAA Journal, 44, 12, 2987-2996, 2006.

434. Soucy, Y., Rao, V., Sedaghati, R., «Analytical

and Experimental Investigations of the Semi-empirical Method for Force Limited Vibration», AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 43, 4, 866-876, 2006.

435. Younesian, D., Esmailzadeh, E., Sedaghati, R.,

«Passive Control of Vibration of Beams Subjected to Random Excitations with Peaked PSD», J. Vibration and Control (JVC), 12, 9, 941-953, 2006.

436. Younesian, D., Esmailzadeh, E., Sedaghati, R.,

«Asymptotic Solutions and Stability Analysis for Generalized Non-Homogeneous Mathieu Equation», Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 12, 1, 58-71, 2006.

437. Shao, Y., Darchis, D., «Low temperature res-

ponse of pultruded composites at saturation», International Journal ofMaterials and Product Technology, 28, 1/2, 46-65, 2007.

438. Monkman, S., Shao, Y., «Assessing Carbona-

tion Behavior of Cementitious Materials», Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 18, 6, 768-776, 2006.

439. Shao, Y., «Characterization of Pultruded Com-

posites for Waterfront Retaining Structures», ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 18, 5, 626-633, 2006.

440. Shao, Y., Mirza, M. S., Wu, X., «CO2 Seque-

stration Using Calcium-Silicate Concrete», Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 33, 776-784, 2006.

441. Shao, Y., Shanmugam, J., «Moment Capacity

and Deflection Limit of Pultruded FRP Sheet piles», ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, 10, 6, 520-528, 2006.

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442. Torra, V., Isalgue, A., Auguet, C., Carreras, G., Lovey, F.C., Soul, H., Terriault, P., «Damping in Civil Engineering Using SMA. The Fatigue Behavior and Stability of CuAlBe and NiTi Alloys», Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, DOI: 10.1007/s11665-009-9442-6, 2009.

443. Ben Jaber, M., Smaoui, H., Terriault, P., «Finite

Element Analysis of Shape Memory Alloy 3D-Beam Based on a Finite Strain Description», Smart Materials and Structures, 17, 4, 045005, 11, 2008.

444. Paradis, A., Terriault, P., Brailovski, V., Torra,

V., «On the Partial Recovery of Residual Strain Accumulated During an Interrupted Cyclic Loading of NiTi Shape Memory Alloys», Smart Materials and Structures, 17, 6, 11, 2008.

445. Torra, V., Isalgue, A., Martorell, P., Terriault, P,

Lovey, F.C., «Built in Dampers for Small Structures via SMA : an ANSYS Computation Scheme Based on the Mesoscopic and the Microscopic Experimenatl Analysis», Engineering Structures, 29, 1889-1902, 2007.

446. Lafortune, P., McCormick, J., DesRoches, R.,

Terriault, P., «Testing of Superelastic Recentering Pre-Strained Braces for Seismic Resistant Design», Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 11, 383-399, 2007.

447. Thériault, P.H., Terriault, P., Bralovski, V., Finite

Element Modeling of a Progressivelv Expanding Slzape Memory Stent», Journal of Biomechanics, 39, 2837-2844, 2006.

448. Terriault, P., Viens, F., Brailovski, V., «Non-

Isothermal Finite Element Modeling of a Shape Memory Alloy Actuator Using ANSYS», Computational Material Science, 36, 397-410, 2006.

449. Isalgue, F., Lovey, C., Terriault, P., Martorell,

R., Torra, R.M., Torra, V., «SMA for Darnpers in Civil Engineering», Materials Transactions, 47, 3, 682-690, 2006.

450. Fauteux, C., Smirani, R., Pegna, J., El Khakani, M.A., Therriault, D., «Fast Synthesis of ZnO Nanostructures by Laser�Induced Chemical Liquid Deposition», Applied Surface Science, 255, 5359�5362, 2009.

451. Bey�Oueslati, R., Palm, S.J., Therriault, D.,

Martel, S., «High�Speed Direct�Write for Rapid Fabrication of Three�Dimensional Microfluidic Devices», International Journal of Heat and Technology, 26, 1, 125�131, 2008.

452. Bey�Oueslati, R., Therriault, D., Martel, S.,

«PCB�Integrated Heat Exchangers for Cooling Electronics Using Microchannels Fabricated with the Direct�Write Method», IEEE Transaction on components and packaging technologies, 31, 4, 869�874, 2008.

453. Bruneaux, J., Therriault, D., Heuzey, M.C.,

«Micro�Extrusion of Organic Ink for Direct�Write Assembly», Journal of Microengineering and Micromechanics, 18, 115020�1–115020�11, 2008.

454. Ghafar�Zadeh, E., Sawan, M., Therriault, D.,

«A 0.18��m CMOS Capacitive Sensor Lab�on�Chip», Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 141, 454�462, 2008.

455. Ghafar�Zadeh, E., Sawan, M., Therriault, D.,

Miled, A., «Laboratoires�sur�puces: Une nou-velle technologie de diagnostic cellulaire et moléculaire», IEEE Canadian Review, 58, 20�22, 2008.

456. Hajj�Hassan, M., Gonzalez, T., Ghafar�Zadeh,

E., Djeghelian, H., Chodavarapu, V., Andrews, M., Therriault, D., «Direct�Dispense Polymeric Waveguides Platform for Optical Chemical Sensors», Sensors, 7636�7648, 2008.

457. Kuhn, M., Napporn, T., Meunier, M., Therriault,

D., «Experimental Study of Current Collection in Single�Chamber Micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Comb�Like Electrodes», Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 150, 10, B994�B1000, 2008.

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458. Kuhn, M., Napporn, T., Meunier, M., Therriault, D., Vengallatore, S., «Coplanar Single Chamber Solid�Oxide Micro Fuel Cells with Geometrically�Complex Electrodes», Journal of Power Sources, 117, 148�153, 2008.

459. Kuhn, M., Napporn, T., Meunier, M.,

Vengallatore, S., Therriault, D., «Direct�Write Microfabrication and Electrochemical Testing of Single�Chamber Micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cells», Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 18, 8 pages, 2008.

460. Longtin, R., Carignan, L.P., Fauteux, C.,

Therriault, D., Pegna, J., “Laser�Assisted Synthesis of Carbon Nanostructures from the Vapor Phase: from Individual Nanofibers to Arrays, Thin Films and Coatings», Surface and Coatings Technologies, 202, 12, 2661�2669, 2008.

461. Fauteux, C., Longtin, R., Pegna, J., Therriault,

D., «Fast Synthesis of ZnO Nanostructures by Laser-Induced Decomposition of Zinc Acetylacetonate», Inorganic Chemistry, 46, 11036-11047, 2007.

462. Ghafar-Zadeh, E., Sawan, M., Therriault, D.,

«Novel Direct-Write CMOS-Based Laboratory-on-Chip: Design, Assembly and Experimental Results», Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 134, 1, 27-36, 2007.

463. Longtin, R., Carignan, L.-P., Fauteux, C.,

Therriault, D., Pegna, J., «Selective Area Synthesis of Aligned Carbon Nanofibers by Laser-Assisted Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition», Diamond and Related Materials, 16, 1541-1549, 2007.

464. Therriault, D., «Biosensors: Filling the Gap», Nature Nanotechnology, 2, 393-394, 2007.

465. Therriault, D., White, S., Lewis, J.,

«Rheological and Structural Behavior of Fugitive Inks for Direct-Write Assembly», Applied Rheology, 17, 1, 10112-1–10112-8, 2007.

466. Ngo, T.-D., Ton-That, M.-T., Hoa, S.V., Cole, K.C., «Preparation and Properties of Epoxy Nanocomposites. I. The Effect of Premixing on Dispersion of Organoclay», Polymer Engi-neering and Science, 49, 666-672, 2009.

467. Cyras, V., Manfredi, L.B., Ton-That, M.-T.,

Vázquez, A., «Physical and Mechanical Properties of Thermoplastic Starch Nanocomposties Casting Films», Carbon-hydrat Polymers, 73, 1, 55-63, 2008.

468. Ngo, T.-D., Ton-That, M.-T., Hoa, S.V., Cole,

K.C., «Reinforcing Effect of Organoclay in Rubbery and Glassy Epoxy Resins, Part 1, Dispersion and Properties», Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 107, 1154-1162, 2008.

469. Li, J., Ton-That, M.-T., Leelapornpist, W., Utracki, L., «Melt Compounding PP Clay Nanocompodites», Polymer Engineering Science, 47, 9, 1447-145, 2007.

470. Ngo T.-D., Ton-That M.-T., Hoa S.V., Cole K.C., «Curing Kinetics and Mechanical Properties of Epoxy Nanocomposites Based on Different Organoclays», Polymer Engineering and Science, 47, 5, 649-661, 2007.

471. Bureau M. N., Ton-That M.-T., Perrin-Sarazin F., «Essential Work of Fracture and Failure Mechanisms of Polypropylene-Clay Nanocomposites», Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 73, 16, 2360-2374, 2006.

472. Lei, S.-G., Ton-That, M.-T., Cole, K.C., Hoa, S.V., Pesneau, I., «Effect of Clay Types on the Formulation and Properties of Polypropylene Nanocomposites», Composites Science and Technology, 66, 10, 1274-1279, 2006

473. Li , J., Ton-That, M.-T., Tsai, S-J., «PP-Based Nanocomposites with Various Intercalant Types and Intercalant Coverages», Polym. Eng. & Sci., 46, 8, 1060-1068, 2006.

474. Ton-That, M.-T., Leelapornpisit, W., Perrin-Sarazin, F., Utracki, L.A., Denault, J., Cole, K.C., Bureau M., «Effect of Crystallization on Intercalation of Clay-Polyolefin Nanocomposites and Their Performance», Polym. Eng. & Sci., 46, 8, 1085-1093, 2006.

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475. Ratle, F., Achim, V., Trochu, F., “Evolutionary Operators for Optimal Gate Location in Liquid Composite Molding», Applied Soft Computing Journal, 9, 2, 817-823, 2009.

476. Soukane, S., Trochu, F., «Application of Level Sets to Simulate Resin Transfer Molding», Composites Science & Technology, 66, 7-8, 1067-1080, 2006.

477. Trochu, F., Ruiz, E., Achim, V., Soukane, S., «Advanced Numerical Simulation of Liquid Composite Molding for Process Analysis and Optimization», Composites Part A, Special Issue FPCM-7, 37, 6, 890-902, 2006.

478. Nguyen, C.T., Vu-Khanh, T., Dolez, P.I., Lara, J., «Puncture of Elastomer Membranes by Medical Needles. Part I: Mechanisms», International Journal of Fracture, 155, 1, 75-81, 2009.

479. Nguyen, C.T., Vu-Khanh, T., Dolez, P.I., Lara, J., «Puncture of Elastomer Membranes by Medical Needles. Part II: Mechanics», International Journal of Fracture, 155, 1, 83-91, 2009.

480. Vu-Khanh, T., El Majdoubi, M., «Entropy Change with Yielding and Fracture of Poly-propylene», Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, disponible en ligne, 2009.

481. Dolez, P.I., Nohilé, C., Ha Anh, T., Vu-Khanh, T., Benoît, R., Bellavigna-Ladoux, O., «Exploring the Chemical Aspects of Truck Tire Blowouts and Explosions», Safety Science, 46, 9, 1334-1344, 2008.

482. Dolez, P.I., Vu-Khanh, T., Nguyen, C.T., Guero, G., Gauvin, C., Lara, J., «Influence of Medical Needle Characteristics on the Resistance to Puncture of Protective Glove Materials», Journal of ASTM International, 5, 1, 12, 2008.

483. Harrabi, L., Dolez, P.I., Vu-Khanh, T., Lara, J., «Evaluation of the Flexibility of Protective Gloves», Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, 14, 1, 61-68, 2008.

484. Harrabi, L., Dolez, P.I., Vu-Khanh, T., Lara, J., Tremblay, G., Nadeau, S., Larivière, C., «Characterization of Protective Gloves Stiffness: Development of a Multidirectional Deformation Test Method», Safety Science, 46, 7, 1025-1036, 2008.

485. Nohilé, C., Dolez, P., Vu-Khanh, T., «Parameters Controlling the Swelling of Butyl Rubber by Solvents», Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 110, 3926-3933, 2008.

486. Luo, W., Jazouli, S., Vu-Khanh, T., «Modeling of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Creep of Polycarbonate», E-Polymers, 7, 1-11, 2007.

487. Luo, W., Wang, C., Vu-Khanh, T., Jazouli, S., «Time-Stress Equivalence: Application to Nonlinear Creep of Polypropylene», Journal of Central South University of Technology, 14, 1, 310-313, 2007.

488. Luo, W., Jazouli, S., Vu-Khanh, T., «Modeling of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Creep of Polycarbonate», E-Polymers, 1-11, 2007.

489. Jazouli, S., Luo, W., Brémand, F., Vu-Khanh, T., «Nonlinear Creep Behavior of Viscoelastic Polycarbonate», Journal of Materials Science, 41, 531-5368, 2006.

490. Arzpeyma, A., Bhaseen, S., Dolatabadi, A., Wood-Adams, P., «A Coupled Electrohydro-dynamic Numerical Modeling of Droplet Actuation by Electrowetting», Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 323, 28-35, 2008.

491. Huang, C., Wood-Adams, P., Karjala, T.P., Ansems, P., Ionescu-Vasii, L.L., «Rheological Behavior of Filled Propylene/Ethylene Copolymers», Rheologica Acta, 47, 33-48, 2008.

492. Motamedi, R., Wood-Adams, P., «Influence of Fluid Cell Design on the Frequency Response of AFM Microcantilevers in Liquid Media», Sensors, 8, 5927-5941, 2008.

493. Yuryev, Y., Wood-Adams, P., Heuzey, M.C., Dubois, C., Brisson, J., «Crystallization of polylactide films: An atomic force microscopy study of the effects of temperature and blending», Polymer, 49, 2306-2320, 2008.

494. Ionescu-Vasii, L.L., Wood-Adams, P., Duchesne, E., L’Espérance, G., Karjala, T.P., Ansems, P., «Morphological Analysis of Highly Filled Propylene/Ethylene Copolymers», Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 105, 3757-3772, 2007

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495. Xu, W., Wood-Adams, P., Robertson, C.G., «Measuring Local Viscoelastic Properties of Complex Materials with Tapping Mode Atomic Force Microscopy», Polymer, 47, 4798–4810, 2006.

496. Didar, T.F., Dolatabadi, A., Wüthrich, R., «Local Hardness and Density Variation in Glass Substrates Machined with Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving (SACE)», Materials Letters, 63, 51-53, 2009.

497. Lal, A., Bleuler, H., Wüthrich, R., «Fabrication of Metallic Nanoparticles by Electrochemical Discharges», Electrochemistry Commu-nications, 10, 488-491, 2008.

498. Mandin, Ph., Matshishima, H., Fukunaka, Y., Wüthrich, R., Herra Calderon, E., Lincot, D., «One to Two Phase Electrolysis Processes - Behavior Under Spatial Conditions», J. of the Japan Society of Microgravity Applications, 25, 3, 2008.

499. Jaccoud, A., Fóti, F., Wüthrich, R., Jotterand, H., Comninellis, Ch., «Effect of Microstructure on Electrochemical Behavior of Pt/YSZ Electrodes», Topics in Catalysis, 44, 409-417, 2007.

500. Maillard, P., Roustan, H, Wüthrich, R., Hamburger, J., Picard, G., «Two-Phase Electrolysis Process Modelling: From the Bubble to the Electrochemical Cell Scale», WIT Transactions on Engineering Science, 54, 73-87, 2007.

501. Mandin, Ph., Matshishima, H., Fukunaka, Y., Wüthrich, R., Herra Calderon, E., Lincot, D., «One to Two Phase Electrolysis Processes - Behavior Under Spatial Conditions», J. of the Japan Society of Microgravity Applications, 25, 3, 2008.

502. Cieciwa, A., Wüthrich, R., Comninellis, Ch, «Electrochemical Characterization of Mechanically Implanted Boron Doped Diamond Electrodes MI-BDD», Electrochemistry communications, 8, 375-382, 2006.

503. Wüthrich, R., Despont, B., Maillard, P., Bleuler, H., «Improving Drilling Speed in Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving (SACE) by Tool Vibration», J. of Micromechanics and Microengr., 16, 28-31, 2006.

504. Wüthrich, R., Hof, L.A., «The Gas Film in Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving (SACE) - A Key Element for Micro-Machining Applications», Int. J. Mach. Tools Manuf., 46, 828-835, 2006.

505. Wüthrich, R., Spaelter, U., Bleuler, H., «The Current Signal in Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving (SACE), What Does it Tell Us?», J. of Micromechanics and Microengr., 16, 779-785, 2006.

506. Wüthrich, R., Spaelter, U., Wu, Y., Bleuler, H., «A Systematic Characterization Method for Gravity Feed Micro-Hole Drilling in Glass with Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving (SACE)», J. of Micromechanics and Microengr., 16, 1891-1896, 2006.

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Comptes-rendus de conférence en 2008-2009 Conference Papers in 2008-2009 1. Bureau, M.M., Maire, M., Diaz-Quijada, G.,

Robitaille, L., Ajji, A., Merhi, Y., «Nonwoven PET Fiber Structures for Vascular Grafts Applications», Society of Plastic Engineers Annual Meeting ANTEC-2009, Chicago, USA, 2009.

2. Cigana, P., Parent, L., Tabatabei, S.H.,

Sadeghi, F., Ajji, A., Carreau, P.J., «Pro-cess, Structure and Properties of Cast and MDO Stretched Films of HDPE, PP and Blends of Random and Linear», PPS, Society of Plastic Engineers Polyolefins and Flexible Packaging Conference PO-2009, Houston, TX, USA, 2009.

3. Mazinani, S., Ajji, A., Dubois, C., «Processing

and Characterization of Con-ductive PET/MWCNT Microfibers and nanofibers», World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 2009.

4. Mazinani, S., Ajji, A., Dubois, C., «Physical

and Morphological Characteristics of Nanocomposite Melt Spun PET/MWCNT Fibers», Society of Plastic Engineers Annual Meeting ANTEC-2009, Chicago, USA, 2009.

5. Pakravan Lombani, M., Ajji, A., Heuzey,

M.C., “Nanofibrous Mats of Chitosan/Polyethylene Oxide Prepared by Electrospinning», World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 2009.

6. Pakravan Lombani, M., Ajji, A., Heuzey,

M.C., «Rheological Characteristics of Chitosan Blend Solutions: Evaluating their Electrospinnability», World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 2009.

7. Parent, L., Cigana, P., Ajji, A., Carreau,

P.J., “Effect of MDO Conditions on Structure and Properties of HDPE Films», Society of Plastic Engineers Annual Meeting ANTEC-2009, Chicago, USA, 2009.

8. Sadeghi, F., Ajji, A., «Orientation, Structure

and Deformation in PVDF and HDPE Films»., Canadian Chemistry Conference, Hamilton, ON, Canada, 2009.

9. El-Gamal, S., Benmokrane, B., «Design of

Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Using Different Types of GFRP Bars», 9th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete structures, Sydney, Australia, 2009.

10. El-Gamal, S., Benmokrane, B., El-Salakawy,

E., Wiseman, A., Chaallal, O., «Monitoring of an Innovative Concrete Parking Garage Reinforced with GFRP Composite Bars», 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring on Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-4), ETH, Zürich, Switzerland, 2009.

11. El-Gamal, S., Bouguerra, K., Benmokrane,

B., «Laboratory Investigation on the Behaviour of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Deck Slab», 9th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete structures, Sydney, Australia, 2009.

12. Mathieu, R., Benmokrane, B., «Characte-

rization and Long-Term Behaviour of GFRP Reinforcing Bars Embedded in Moist Concrete», 9th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete structures, Sydney, Australia, 2009.

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13. Robert, M., Cousin, P., Benmokrane, B., «Microstructure, Mechanical and Durability Characteristics of Pre-Loaded FRP Reinforcing Bars», 4th International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Nagoya, Japan, 2009.

14. Robert, M., Cousin, P., Benmokrane, B.,

«Moisture Absorption and Long-Term Durability of GFRP Bars Subjected to High Stress Level», Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS), Seoul, South-Korea, 2009.

15. Robert, M., Cousin, P., Benmokrane, B.,

«Behaviour of FRP Reinforcing Bars Subjected to Extreme Temperatures.” 38th CSCE Annual Conference, St-John’s, Newfoundland-Labrador, Canada, 2009.

16. Tremblay, J., El-Gamal, S.,

Wattanasanticharoen, E., Benmokrane, B., «"Reinforced Concrete Pile Load Testing with Fibre Optic Sensors», 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring on Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-4), Zurich, Switzerland, 2009.

17. Youssef, T., El-Gamal, S., Benmokrane, B.,

«Time-Dependent Deflection and Strain Variation of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Beams under Sustained Uniform Loads», 4th International Conference on Construction Materials: Performance, Innovations and Structural Implications, Nagoya, Japan, 2009.

18. Youssef, T., El-Gamal, S., Benmokrane, B.,

«Long-Term Deflection of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Beams», 38th CSCE Annual Conference, St-John’s, Newfoundland-Labrador, Canada, 2009.

19. Youssef, T., Benmokrane, B., El-Gamal, S.,

El-Salakawy, E., «Deflection and Strain Variation of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Beams after One-year of Continuous Loading», 9th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete structures, Sydney, Australia, 2009.

20. Ahmed, E.A., El-Salakawy, E., Benmokrane, B., «Shear Strength of RC Beams Reinforced with FRP Stirrups», 5th International Conference in Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, September 22-24, 2008.

21. Ahmed, E.A., El-Salakawy, E.,

Benmokrane, B., «Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Carbon FRP Stirrups.” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on FRP Com-posites in Civil Engineering (CICE2008), Zurich, Switzerland, 2008.

22. Ahmed, E.A., El-Salakawy, E., Benmokrane,

B., Goulet, S., «Performance Evaluation of CFRP Stirrups as Shear Reinforcement for Concrete Beams», 37th CSCE Annual Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

23. Benmokrane, B., Eisa, M., El-Gamal, S., El-

Salakawy, E., Thébeau, D., «First Use of GFRP Bars as Reinforcement for Continuous Reinforced Concrete Pavement», 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2008), Zurich, Switzerland, 2008.

24. Cousin, P., Robert, M., Benmokrane, B.,

«Potential Effects of Temperature and Moisture Absorption on Long-Term Behaviour of Composite Material», 3rd European Symposium on Organic Materials for Construction (Orgagec’08): Technical and Environmental Performances, Paris, France, 2008.

25. Eisa, M., El-Gamal, S., El-Salakawy, E.,

Thébeau, D., Benmokrane, B., «Design and Construction of First GFRP-CRCP Slabs Implemented on Highway 40 East (Montreal)», 37th CSCE Annual Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

26. El-Gamal, S., Benmokrane, B., Goulet, S.,

«Testing of Concrete Bridge Barriers Reinforced with New Glass FRP Bars», 37th CSCE Annual Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

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27. El Ragaby, A., El-Salakawy, E., Benmokrane, B., «Degradation of GFRP-Reinforced Concrete Bridge Deck Slabs Subjected to Lifetime-Equivalent Accelerated Fatigue Loading», 5th International Conference in Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2008.

28. Matta, F., Nanni, A., Hernandez, T.M,

Benmokrane, B., «Scaling of Strength of FRP Reinforced Concrete Beams without Shear Reinforcement», 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2008), Zurich, Switzerland, 2008.

29. Robert, M., Cousin, P., Benmokrane, B.,

«Use of Nanocomposite to Enhance of Long-Term Durability of Structural FRP Composite Materials», 37th CSCE Annual Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

30. Roy, R., Shokouhi, G., Benmokrane, B.,

«Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Composite Bridge Deck Slab Design and Load Testing», 5th International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC’5), Irvine, California, USA, 2008.

31. Soliman, S.M., El-Salakawy, E., Benmokrane,

B., «Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Beams Strengthened with Near Surface Mounted FRP bars», 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2008), Zurich, Switzerland, 2008.

32. Soliman, S.M., El-Salakawy, E., Benmokrane,

B., «Effectiveness of Using NSM CFRP Bars in Flexural Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams», 37th CSCE Annual Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

33. Soliman, S.M., El-Salakawy, E., Benmokrane, B., Abdel Baky, H., «Experimental and Numerical Investigation of RC Beams Strengthened in Bending with Near Surface Mounted CFRP», 5th International Conference in Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2008.

34. Steiner, S., El-Sayed, A.K., Benmokrane,

B., Matta, F., Nanni, A., «Shear Strength of Large-Size Concrete Beams Reinforced with Glass FRP Bars», 5th International Conference in Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2008.

35. Steiner, S., El-Sayed, A.K., Benmokrane,

B., «Shear Behaviour of Large-Size Beams Reinforced with Glass FRP Bars», 37th CSCE Annual Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

36. Youssef, T., El-Gamal, S., El-Salakawy, E.,

Benmokrane, B., «Experimental Results of Sustained Load (Creep) Tests on FRP Reinforcing Bars for Concrete Structures», 37th CSCE Annual Conference, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

37. Bouffard, J., Bertrand, F., Chaouki, J.,

«Flow Patterns and Segregation with Toroidal Powder Motion», CSChE Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 2008.

38. Drolet, F., Vidal, D., Vadeiko, I., Bertrand,

F., «Modelling the Flow of Airborne Particles Through Random Fibre Networks», Fund. and App. Pulp & Paper Model. Symp., Trois-Rivières, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

39. Doucet, J., Bouffard, J., Bertrand, F.,

Chaouki, J., «A Measure of Mixing from Lagrangian Tracking and its Application to Granular and Fluid Flow Systems», Int. Symp. on Mixing in Industrial Processes, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada, 2008.

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40. Doucet, J., Dubé, O., Bouffard, J., Bertrand, F., Chaouki, J., «Modeling the Mixing of Granular Materials with the Discrete Element Method: Present and Future», Particulate Processes in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Gran Melia, Puerto Rico, 2008.

41. Navaee-Ardeh, S., Bertrand, F., Stuart,

P.R., «Distributed Model of a Continuous Biodrying Process for Drying Pulp and Paper Mixed Sludge and Comparison with Experimental Results», Control Systems-Pan Pacific Conference, Vancouver, Canada, 2008.

42. Perrault, M., Chaouki, J., Bertrand, F., «A

Study of Magnesium Stearate Lubrication Through Radioactivity Measurement», CSChE Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 2008.

43. Pianet, G., Bertrand, F., Vidal, D., Mallet,

B., «Modeling the Compression of Particle Packings Using the Discrete Element Method», TAPPI Adv. Coating Fund. Symp., Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

44. Vidal, D., Ridgway, C., Pianet, G.,

Schoelkopf, J., Roy, R., Bertrand, F., «Effect of Particle Size Distribution and Packing Compression on Fluid Permeability: a Comparison of Experiments and MC/LBM Simulations», TAPPI Adv. Coating Fund. Symp., Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

45. Gordon, S., Boukhili, R., «Low Velocity

Impact Characterization of a Foam Core Composite Sandwich with an E-Glass Fabric/Vinyl Ester Laminates Skins», 7th Canada Japan workshop on Composites , Shonan University in Fujisawa, 2008.

46. Brailovski, V., Terriault, P., «A Systematic

Approach to Performance Evaluation of Shape Memory Alloys as Actuator Material», Proc. THERMEC’2009, Berlin, Germany, 2009.

47. Sainmont, C., Coutu, D., Paraschivoiu, I., Brailovski, V., «Intégration du modèle numérique de la structure d’une aile adaptable dans un processus d’optimisation des performances aérodynamiques”, Proc. 13th CASI Aerodynamics Symposium, Kanata, Canada, 2009.

48. Baril, Y., Brailovski, V., Chartrand, M., Terriault,

P., Cartier, R., «In-Vitro Testing of a New Superelastic Sternum Closure Component», SMST’07 Proceedings, Tsukuba, Japon, 2008.

49. Baril, Y., Brailovski, V., Terriault, P.,

«Fatigue Properties of Superelastic Ti-Ni Filaments Used in Braided Cables for Bone Fixation», 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials Structures Systems, (CIMTEC 2008), Acireale, Sicily, Italy, 2008.

50. Brailovski, V., Prokoshkin, S.D., Inaekyan,

K., Demers, V., «Structure and Functional Properties of the Dislocation-Free Nanostructured Binary Ti-Ni Shape Memory Alloys Obtained by Severe Cold Rolling and Post-Deformation Annealing», Proc. Int. Conf. Martens. Transf. (ICOMAT 08), Santa Fe, NM, USA, 2008.

51. Brailovski, V., Terriault, P., Coutu, D.,

«Morphing Laminar Wing with Flexible Extrados Powered by Shape Memory Alloy Actuators», Proc. ASME Conf. Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS 2008), Ellicott City, Maryland, USA. 2008.

52. Brailovski, V., Terriault, P., Coutu, D.,

Georges, T., Morellon, E., Fischer, C., Bérubé, S., «Morphing Laminar Wing with Flexible Extrados Powered by Shape Memory Alloy Actuators», Proceedings of the ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptative Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS 2008), Paper 377, Ellicott City, USA, 2008.

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53. Georges, T., Brailovski, V., Terriault, P., Morellon, E., «Comparative Study of Passive and Active-Biased Shape Memory Alloys Actuators as Morphing Wings Driving Systems», Proc. ASME Conf. Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS 2008), Oxnard, CA, USA, 2008.

54. Khmelevskaya, I., Prokoshkin, S.D.,

Brailovski ,V., «Functional Properties of Ti-Ni-based SMA», Proc. CIMTEC 2008, Adv. in Science and Techn., 2008.

55. Korotitskiy, A., Inaekyan, K., Brailovski, V.,

Prokoshkin, S.D., «Long-Term Microhardness Evolution in Ti-Ni Shape Memory Alloys Processed by Severe Cold Rolling», Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Nanomat. by Severe Plast. Deform. (NanoSPD4), Goslar, Germany, 2008.

56. Prokoshkin, S.D., Korotitskiy, A., Brailovski,

V., Inaekyan, K., «X-ray Diffraction Studies of Thermally and Thermomechanically Treated Binary Ti-Ni Alloys», Proc. ICOMAT 08, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 2008.

57. Sadeghi, F., Tabatabaei, S.H., Carreau,

P.J., Ajji, A., «Structure and Properties of MDO Stretched Films of a Random Co-Polypropylene and a Linear Polypropylene Blend», Society of Plastic Engineers Annual Meeting ANTEC-2009, Chicago, USA, 2009.

58. Tabatabaei, S.H., Carreau, P.J., Ajji, A.,

«Elongational Properties of Blends of Linear and Long Chain Branched Polypropylene», World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 2009.

59. Tabatabaei, S.H., Carreau, P.J., Ajji, A.,

«Effect of Process Conditions on the Crystal Structure and Properties of Polypropylene Cast Films», Society of Plastic Engineers Annual Meeting ANTEC-2009, Chicago, USA, 2009.

60. Tabatabaei, S.H., Carreau, P.J., Ajji, A.,

«Structure and Properties of MDO Stretched Polypropylene Films», Polymer Processing Society International Meeting, PPS-25, Goa, India, 2009.

61. Savarmand, S., Carreau, P.J., Bertrand, F., Vidal, D., «Models for the Rheology of Clay-GCC Coating Colors», TAPPI Adv. Coating Fund. Symp., Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

62. Shahbikian, S., Carreau, P.J., Heuzey,

M.C., Ellul, M.D., Shirodkar, P.P., Cheng, J., «Rheology/Morphology Relationship of Immiscible EPDM/PP Based Thermoplastic Elastomer Blends», XVth International Congress on Rheology, Monterey, California, 2008.

63. Tabatabaei, S.H., Carreau, P.J., Ajji, A.,

«Rheology and Properties of Blends of Two Linear and a Long-Chain Branched Polypropylenes», 66th Annual Technical Conference of the Society of Plastics Engineers, Plastics Encounter at ANTEC 2008, Milwaukee, WI, United States, 2008.

64. Chaallal, O., Boussaha, F., Bousselham, A.,

«Fatigue Performance of RC T-Beams Strengthened with Externally Bonded FRP Composites», Proc., Intl conference FRPRCS-9, Sydney, Australia, 2009.

65. Chaallal, O., Boussaha, F., Nollet, M.-J.,

Masmoudi, R., Benmokrane, B., «Fatigue Behaviour of Concrete Beams Strengthened in Shear with Advanced Composite», 9th International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete struc-tures, Sydney, Australia, 2009.

66. Mofidi, A., Chaallal, O., «Shear Strengthening

with EB FRP - What do we Know?», First Joint ASCE-CACSMA Conference on Composites, Univ.of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, USA, 2009.

67. Mofidi, A., Chaallal, O., «Influencing Factors

in Shear Strengthening with EB FRP», 15th International Conference on Composite Structures, ICCS15, Porto, Portugal, 2009.

68. Kassem, S., Chen, M., «Reverse Logistics

Network Design», 9th Cairo University International Conference on Mechanical Design and Production (MDP-9), Cairo, Egypt, 2008.

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69. Dano, M.L., Binette, P., Jullière, B., Gendron, G., «Compensation of Thermal Deformation in Composite Plates Using Piezoelectric Actuators», ESM 100th anniversary Mechanics Conference, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, 2008.

70. Bernier, S., Parpal, J.-L., David, E., Jean,

D., Lalancette, D., «Dielectric Response of Laboratory Aged PE Cables», 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electric Insulation (ISEI), Vancouver, Canada, 2008

71. David, E., Sami, A., Fréchette, M.F.,

Savoie, S., «Low-Frequency Dielectric Response of Polymer Composites», Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Québec, Canada, 2008.

72. Dolez, P.I., Arrieta, C., El Aidani, R., David,

E., Vu-Khanh, T., «Accelerated Thermal Aging of Firefighter’s Protective Clothing», 4th European Conference on Protective Clothing (ECPC) and Nokobetef 9, Protective Clothing: performance and protection, Papendal, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 2009.

73. Fréchette, M.F., Sami, A., David, E.,

Savoie, S., «Water as a Digression Relative to the Dielectric Response in the Frequency Domain for Polymer Composites», Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Québec, Canada, 2008.

74. Godin, T., Nair, A., David, E., «Experience with

DC Ramped Voltage Tests Performed on Asphalt Insulated Hydraulic Generators», IEEE International Symposium on Electric Insulation (ISEI), Vancouver, Canada, 2008.

75. Nair, A., David, E., Godin, T., «Experience

with DC Ramped Voltage Tests Performed on Asphalt Insulated Hydraulic Generators”, 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electric Insulation (ISEI), Vancouver, Canada, 2008.

76. Provencher, H., Noirhomme, B., David, E., «Influence of Moisture and Temperature on the Dielectric Response of Oil-Paper Insulation System», Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), 2008.

77. Sami, A., David, E., Fréchette, M.F., Savoie,

S., «Characterization of HDPE/Silica Nano-composites”, Conference on Electrical Insu-lation and Dielectric Phenomena (CEIDP), Québec, Canada, 2008.

78. Soltani, G., David, E., Lafortune, L.,

Lamarre, L., «Effect of Humidity on Charge and Discharge Current of Large Rotating Machines Bar Insulation», IEEE International Symposium on Electric Insulation (ISEI), Vancouver, Canada, 2008.

79. Soltani, G., David, E., Lamarre, L.,

«Temperature Effect on Dielectric Characteristics of Large Rotating Machines Insulation”, IEEE International Symposium on Electric Insulation (ISEI), Vancouver, Canada, 2008.

80. Denault, J., Ton-That, M.-T., «New

Technology for Improving Processing and Properties of Cellulose Fibre Composites», JEC SAMPE-Europe, Paris, France, 2008.

81. Abbasi, S., Leelapornpisit, W., Derdouri, A.,

Carreau, P.J., «Effect of Crystalline Structure on Morphology and Properties of MWCNT Nanocomposites», ANTEC 2009, Chicago, IL, 2009.

82. Abbasi, S., Derdouri, A., Carreau, P.J.,

«Effect of Nanotube Alignment on the Morphology and Properties of Polycarbonate/MWCNT Nanocomposites», 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, QC, 2009.

83. Kamal, M., Chu, J., Derdouri, A., Hrymak,

A., «The Morphology of Micro-Injection Molded Polyoxymethylene», ANTEC 2009, Chicago, IL, 2009.

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84. Abbasi, S., Leelapornpisit, W., Derdouri, A., Carreau, P.J. «Morphology and Properties of Microinjected PC/MWCNT Nanocom-posites», ANTEC 2008, Milwaukee, WI, 2008.

85. Abbasi, S., Derdouri, A., Carreau, P.J.,

«Morphological Electrical and Mechanical Properties of PC/MWCNT Composites in Different Microinjection Molding Conditions», PPS-24, Salerno, Italy, 2008.

86. Abbasi, S., Derdouri, A., Carreau, P.J.,

«Rheology, Morphology and Temperature Dependency of Nanotube Networks in Polycarbonate/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Composites», The XVth International Congress on Rheology, Monterey, CA, 2008.

87. Derdouri, A., Tatibouet, J., «In-situ

Polymerization of Cyclic Poly(butylene terephthalate) : Ultrasonic and DSC Moni-toring», PPS-24, Salerno, Italy, 2008.

88. Derdouri, A., Tatibouet, J., Sammut, P.,

«Rheological and Ultrasonic Monitoring of the In-situ Polymerization of Cyclic Butylene Terephthalate», The XVth International Congress on Rheology, Monterey, CA, 2008.

89. Erchiqui, F., Godard, F., Gakwaya, A.,

Koubaa, A., Vincent, M., Kaddami, H., «Engineering Investigation of Potentiality of the Thermoformability of HDPE charged by wood flours in the thermoforming process», Processing Society 25th Annual Meeting, Symposium: New Generation Processing, Goa, India, 2009.

90. Hamani, I., Erchiqui, F., Gakwaya, A.,

Dituba-Ngoma, G., «Modélisation simplifiée de chauffage infrarouge des membranes thermoplastiques semi-transparentes», 9ème Congrès national en mécanique, Société Marocaine des Sciences Mécaniques, Marrakech, Maroc, 2009.

91. Maniana, M., Erchiqui, F., Azim, A., Rhanim, H., «Fusion d’un bloc solide en aluminium dans un bain liquide du métal chaud», 9ème Congrès national en mécanique, Société Marocaine des Sciences Mécaniques, Marrakech, Maroc, 2009.

92. Erchiqui, F., Godard, F., Koubaa, A.,

Vincent, M., «Numerical Investigation of Potentiality of Thermoformability of HDPE Charged by Wood Floors», PPS-24 Polymer Processing Society 24th Annual Meeting, Salerno, Italy, 2008.

93. Erchiqui, F., Ngoma, G.D., Slaoui, F., Saad,

A., «Neuronal Networks Approach for Characterization of Viscoelastic Polymers: Inverse Problem», International Conference on Smart Materials and Adaptive Structures: Mathematical Modeling and Computation, Tangier, Morocco, 2008.

94. Koubaa, A., Migneault, S., Soucy, J.,

Erchiqui, F., «Properties of Extruded Wood Plastic Composites Made from Pulp Fibers», PPS-24 Polymer Processing Society 24th Annual Meeting, Salerno, Italy, 2008.

95. Migneault, S., Koubaa, A., Erchiqui, F.,

Chalaa, A., Englund, K., Wolcott, M., «Effects of Processing Method and Fiber Charac-teristics on Structure and Properties of Wood Plastic Composites», 9th international conference on Flow Processes in composite Materials, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

96. Ngoma, D.T., Erchiqui, F., «Transient Analysis

of a Liquid Flow in Microchannel of Varying Cross-Section», The Sixth International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels and Mini-channels, Darmstad, Germany, 2008.

97. Akhlaque-E-Rasul, S., Ganesan, R., «Buckling

Response of Tapered Composite Plates Based on First-Order Plate Theory», CANCAM, Halifax, Canada, 2009.

98. Akhlaque-E-Rasul, S., Ganesan, R., «Buckling

Response of Tapered Curved Composite Plates Based On Classical Shell Theories», ICCM-17, London, UK, 2009.

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99. Akhlaque-E-Rasul, S., Ganesan, R., «Com-pressive Response of Tapered Curved Composite Plates», 24th Annual Technical Conference of The American Society for Composites (ASC), University Of Delaware , Delaware, USA, 2009.

100. Akhlaque-E-Rasul, S., Ganesan, R., «The

Buckling Response of Tapered Composite Plates Based on Third-Order Theory», SAMPE Wichita, Kansas, USA, 2009.

101. Arumugam, A.K., Ganesan, R., «Effects of

Notch Location and Fatigue Loading on the Stress Concentration and Reliability of Notched Laminates based on Probabilistic Approach», 24th Annual Technical Conference of The American Society for Composites (ASC), University Of Delaware, Delaware, USA, 2009.

102. Arumugam, A.K., Ganesan, R., «The

Buckling Response of Tapered Curved Composite Plates-II», 24th Annual Technical Conference of the American Society for Composites (ASC), University Of Delaware, Delaware, USA, 2009.

103. Ganesan, R., Akhlaque-E-Rasul, S.,

«Buckling Analysis of Tapered Laminated Composite Plates Using Ritz Method», The Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineers Forum, Ottawa, Canada, 2008.

104. Grmela, M., «Contact Geometry of

Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics», Meeting the Entropy Challenge , Eds. G.P. Beretta, A.F. Ghoniem, G.N. Hatsopoulos, Amer. Inst of Physics Conference Proceedings 1033, Melville, New York, 2008.

105. Ausias, G., Férec, J., Heuzey, M.C., Carreau,

P.J., Fan, X., Tanner, R.I., «Rhéologie des suspensions non-diluées de fibres avec interactions entre particules», Colloque MECAMAT, Aussois, France, 2008.

106. Keshtkar, M., Heuzey, M.C., Carreau, P.J.,

«Rheology of Semi-Flexible Fiber Suspensions», XVth International Congress on Rheology, Monterey, California, 2008.

107. Fathy, A., Hoa, S.V., «Ablation Model for Reinforced Elastomeric Thermal Solids», Joint American/Canadian Conference on composites, Delaware, USA, 2009.

108. Bashir, M.A., Hubert, P., «Effect of

Nanoclay Dispersion on Processing of Polyester Nanocomposite», SAMPE Fall Technical Conference 2008, Memphis, TN, 2008.

109. Feret, V., Paris, I., Hubert, P., «Damage

Mapping of Fatigued Skin Stringer Specimens in Three Dimensions», SAMPE Fall Technical Conference 2008, Memphis, TN, 2008.

110. Hubert, P., Khoun, L., Roy, S., Laliberté, J.,

Lessard, L., Cloutier, F., Trochu, F., Octeau, M.A., Hojjati, M., Heroux, S., «Integrated Design and Manufacturing of a Composite Helicopter Horizontal Stabilizer Slat», ISCM 2008 Conference Braunschweig, Germany, 2008.

111. Hubert, P., Khoun, L., Roy, S., Laliberté, J.,

Lessard, L., Cloutier, F., Trochu, F., Octeau, M.A., Hojjati, M., Heroux, S., Marsden, C., «Integrated Design and Manufacturing of a Composite Helicopter Horizontal Stabilizer Slat», 4th International Symposium on Manufacturing Technology for Composite Aircraft Structures, Braunschweig, Germany, 2008.

112. Khoun, L., Centea, T., Hubert, P., ““Experi-

mental and Numerical Analysis of the Dimensional Stability of an RTM Carbon Epoxy Aerospace Structure», 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Montreal, Canada, 2008.

113. Mirjalili, V., Ashrafi, B., Adhikari, K., Hubert, P.,

«Effect of the Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Content on Resin Flow», 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Montreal, Canada, 2008.

114. Azmoodeh, N., Chivu, N., Sadeghian, R.B.,

Kahrizi, M., «A Silver Nanowire Based Gas Ionization Sensor», EUROCON 2009, At. Petersburg, Russia, 2009.

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115. Chivu, N., Sadeghian, R.B., Kahrizi, M., «Modeling and Simulation of a Miniaturized Gas Sensor», EUROCON 2009, At. Petersburg, Russia, 2009.

116. Zhang, B., Kahrizi, M., «Thermal Behavior

of Hydrogen Loaded Fiber Bragg Grating Under Microwave Irradiation», ICHMM 2008, China, 2008.

117. Fida, F., Banan-Sadeghian, R., Hajiaboli, A.R.,

Djaoued, Y., Badilescu, S., Balaji, S., Kahrizi, M., Truong, V.V., «Biosensing Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance of Gold Nanohole and Nanoring Arrays Fabricated by a Novel Nanosphere Lithography Technique», BIOTECHNO, Romaina, 2008.

118. Seirafianpour, N., Badilescu, S., Djaoued,

Y., Brüning, R., Balaji, S., Kahrizi, M., Truong, V.V., «SPR in Gold-Tin Dioxide Nanolayered Composite Structures», E-MRS 2008, Warsaw, Poland, 2008.

119. Kamal, M.R., Chu, J., Derdouri, A., Hrymak, A.,

«The Morphology of Micro-Injection Molded Polyoxymethylene», ANTEC 2009, Chicago, IL, 2009.

120. Al-Wohoush, M., Kamal, M.R., «The

Microstructure and Quality of Laser-Welded Joints», ANTEC 2008, Milwaukee, WI, 2008.

121. Kamal, M.R., Calderon, J.U., «Effect of

Styrene-Maleic Anhydride Copolymer on Clay Dispersion in Polystyrene Nanocomposites», ANTEC 2008, Milwaukee, WI, 2008.

122. Chu, J., Kamal, M.R., Derdouri, A., Hrymak,

A., «Effects of Processing Conditions on Mechanical Properties and Crystallinity of Micro Injection Molded Thermoplastics», ANTEC 2008, Milwaukee, WI, 2008.

123. Rhode, M., Kamal, M.R., Derdouri, A., «A

Study of Micro Replication by Compression Injection Molding», Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, PPS-24, Salerno, Italy, 2008.

124. Ferrier, E., Proulx, F., Labossière, P., Neale, K.W., «Hybrid Glulam Composite Beams Reinforced With FRP and Ultra High Performance Concrete», 9th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-9), Sydney, Australia, 2009.

125. Labossière, P., Demers, M., Neale, K.W.,

«A Legacy of ISIS Canada at the Université de Sherbrooke � the Pedestrian Bridge», ISIS Canada Research Network Conference, Toronto, Ontario, 2009.

126. Ferrier, E., Behloul, M., Chanvillard, G.,

Labossière, P., Neale, K.W., «Mechanical Performance of New Hybrid Glulam Beams With FRPs», 5th International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2008.

127. Godat, A., Labossière, P., Neale, K.W.,

«Investigation of the Parameters Influencing FRP Shear-Strengthened Beams», 9th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-9), Sydney, Australia, 2009.

128. Godat, A., Labossière, P., Neale, K.W.,

«Comparison of Interface Elements to Simulate the Interfacial Behaviour of FRP Shear-Strengthened Beams», 5e Conférence internationale sur les matériaux composites d'avant-garde pour ponts et charpentes (MCAPC-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2008.

129. Godat, A. Labossière, P., Neale, K.W.,

«Numerical Prediction of Shear Crack Angles for FRP Shear-Strengthened Concrete Beams», 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2008), Zurich, Suisse, 2008).

130. Lafleur, P.G., «The Challenge of Reviewing

11 Engineering Program», ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition, Conference Proceedings, Pittsburg, USA, 2008.

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131. Lebrun, G., Denault, J., «Effect of Annealing on the Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Bidirectional Thermoplastic Composites», 9th Int. Conf. on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montréal, Québec, Canada, 2008.

132. Ghiasi, H., Lessard, L., Pasini, D., Thouin, M.,

«Optimum Design of a Carbon Fiber Bicycle Stem for Manufacturing and Structural Response», 1st International Conference on Composites: Characterization, Fabrication, and Application, Kish-Iran, 2008.

133. Roy, S., Lessard, L., «Mechanical Failure of

a Composite Helicopter Structure Under Static Loading», ECCM 13th International Conference on Composite Materials, Stockholm, Sweden, 2008.

134. Yamanaka, T., Lessard, L., «A New Strong

Discontinuity Modeling Element Without Additional Degrees of Freedom for Delamination Propagation Simulations», 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), Venice, Italy, 2008.

135. Khan, K.A., Gudlur, P., Barello, R., Muliana,

A.H., Lévesque, M., «Heat Conduction and Thermal Stresses in Particulate Composites», 8th International Congress on Thermal Stresses, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA, 2009.

136. Miao, H.Y., Perron, C., Lévesque, M.,

«Finite Element Simulation and Experimental Study of Stress Peen Forming Process», CASI Aircraft Design and Development Symposium, Kanata, Canada. 2009.

137. Lévesque, M., Barello, R., «On the

Homogenization of Nonlinearly Viscoelastic Materials», 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, USA, 2008.

138. Lévesque, M., Derrien, K., Baptiste, D.,

Gilchrist, M., «On the Development and Parameter Identification of Schapery-Type Constitutive Theories», MTDM Conference 2008, Monterey, California, USA, 2008.

139. Miao, H.Y., Perron, C., Lévesque, M., «Finite Element Simulation of Shot Peening and Stress Peen Forming», 10th International Con-ference on Shot Peening, Tokyo, Japan, 2008.

140. Firlotte, N., Cooper, D.G., Maric, M., Nicell,

J.A., «Methods for Evaluating the Performance of “Green” Plasticizers», CSChE Conference, Ottawa, ON, 2008.

141. Hallen, S., Maric, M., «Comparison of Con-

trolled Radical Polymerization Strategies for the Synthesis of Poly(vinylcarbazole)», CSChE Conference, Ottawa, ON, 2008.

142. Kermanshahi pour, A., Cooper, D.G., Maric,

M., Nicell, J.A., «Effect of Alkyl Branches and Ether Functions on the Biodegradability of Di-benzoate Plasticizers and their Metabolites», CSChE Conference, Ottawa, ON, 2008.

143. Lessard, B., Maric, M., «Effect of Acid

Protecting Group on Nitroxide-Mediated Chain Extensions with Styrene by Poly(acrylic acid-ran-styrene) Macroinitiators», CSChE Conference, Ottawa, ON, 2008.

144. Lessard, B., Maric, M., «Nitroxide-Mediated

Synthesis of Comb-like Poly[poly(ethylene glycol) acrylate] Homopolymers and Block Copolymers», CSChE Conference, Ottawa, ON, 2008.

145. Li, S.W., Park, H.E., Dealy, J.M., Maric, M.,

Rahman, M.S., Mays, J., Chen, X., Larson, R.G., «Effect of Molecular Structure on Rheological Behavior of Nearly Monodisperse H-Shaped Polybutadienes», AIP Conference, 15th International Congress on Rheology, 2008.

146. Maric, M., Lessard, B., «Nitroxide-Mediated

Polymerization of Poly(ethylene glycol) Acrylate Comb-Like Polymers», Abstracts, 40th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Queens, NY, 2008.

147. Maric, M., Lessard, B., «Nitroxide-Mediated

Copolymerization of Acrylic Acid Derivatives with Styrene”. Abstracts, 40th Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Queens, NY, 2008.

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148. Maslouhi, A., Cherif, R., Roy, C., «Fatigue Damage Monitoring In Adhesive Joint By Using Guided Waves», American Society for Composites-24th Technical Conference, Delaware, 2009.

149. Théberge, J., Maslouhi, A., «In situ Fretting

Wears Damage Monitoring During Soft Tissue Creping Process», American Society for Composites-24th Technical Conference, Delaware, 2009.

150. Théberge, J., Maslouhi, A., «Evaluation of the

Creping Process With the Use Of Acoustic Emission», 9ième Congrès de Mécanique, Marrakech, 2009.

151. Mohamed, H., Masmoudi, R., «Design

Optimization of GFRP Pole Structures Using Finite Element Analysis», ACMA 2009 Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA, 2009.

152. Mohamed, H., Masmoudi, R., «Behavior of

FRP Tubes�Encased Concrete Columns Under Concentric and Eccentric Loads», ACMA 2009 Conference, Tampa, Florida, USA, 2009.

153. Mohamed, H., Zefeafy, H.E., Masmoudi, R.,

Shao, Y., «Experimental Versus Guideline Values for Load Capacity of the Concrete Columns Confined by FRP Tubes», 9th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-9), Sydney, Australia, 2009.

154. Girard, P., Masmoudi, R., «Absorption and

Freeze/Thaw Cycles Performances of FFR Laminates», Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Can. Soc. of Civ. Eng., Quebec, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

155. Masmoudi, A., Masmoudi, R., Ben-

Oueazdou, M., «Evaluation of Temperature Effect on the Bond Properties Between GFRP Bars Reinforcement and Concrete», Proceeding of the second edition of the Euro Mediterranean Symposium On Advances in Geomaterial and Structures (AGS’08), Hammamet, Tunisie, 2008.

156. Metiche, S., Masmoudi, R., «Évaluation Expérimentale et théorique du Comportement à la Flexion de nouveaux poteaux en matériaux composites», Journée de la recherche, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada, 2008.

157. Metiche, S., Masmoudi, R., «Mechanical

Properties of FFR Laminates Produced By The Filament Winding Process», Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Can. Soc. of Civ. Eng., Québec, Canada, 2008.

158. Mohamed, H., El�Zefzafy, H., Masmoudi,

R., «Strength of reinforced Concrete Filled FRP Tube Slender Columns», 5th Int. Conf. on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures (ACMBS�V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 2008.

159. Mohamed, H., Hashish, A.A., Moussa, A.,

Masmoudi, R., Salama, A., «Punching Shear Behavior of Prestressed Flat Slabs», Annual Conference of the Can. Soc. of Civ. Eng., Québec, 2008.

160. Mohamed, H., Masmoudi, R., «Compressive

Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Filled FRP Tubes», Proceeding of the ACI-Special publication, Los-Angeles, USA, 2008.

161. Mohamed, H., Masmoudi, R., «Behaviour of

the Concrete Filled FRP Tube Clomuns under Eccentric Load», Proceedings of the 5th Middle East Symposium On Structural Composites for Infrastructure Applications 2008 (MESC-5), Hurghada, Egypt, 2008.

162. Mohamed, H., Masmoudi, R., «Experimental

Study for the slenderness ratio of the axially loaded CFFT Columns», Proceedings of the 4th Int. Conf. on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2008), Zurich, Switzerland, 2008.

163. Mohamed, H., Masmoudi, R., «Performance of

Filament winded GFRP Tube-encased Concrete Columns under Compression», Proceedings of the 4th Int. Conf. on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE2008), Zurich, Switzerland, 2008.

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164. Mohamed, H., Masmoudi, R., «Characteristics Behaviors of GFRP Tube-Encased Concrete Columns», Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Can. Soc. of Civ. Eng., Québec, Canada, 2008.

165. Fang, H., Mighri, F., Ajji, A., «Fluorescence

Quenching of Fluoranthene by Maleic Anhydride (MAH) in Polypropylene (PP) Melt During Twin-screw Extrusion (TSE)», 25th annual meeting of Polymer Processing Society, Goa, India, 2009.

166. Mighri, F., Nguyen, L., «Development of

Polymer-Based Materials for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Bipolar Plates: Ways to Increase Through-Plane Electrical Conductivity and to Decrease Gas Permeability», 7th International Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, Newport Beach, California, USA, 2009.

167. Mighri, F., Bouatia, S., Bousmina, M.,

«Electrically Conductive Polymeric Based Blends for PEMFC Bipolar Plates», 24rd annulal meeting of Polymer Processing Society, Salerno, Italy, 2008.

168. Mighri, F., Fang, H., Ajji, A., «Online

Characterization by Fluorescence Technique of Polymer Systems During Twin-Screw Extrusion», Polymer Processing Society PPS-2008, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, 2008.

169. Abdel Baky, H., Ebead, U.A., Neale, K.W., «A

Proposed Constitutive Law for FRP/Concrete Interfaces Based on Nonlinear Micro-mechanics Finite Element Analysis», 9th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-9), Sydney, Australia, 2009.

170. Banthia, N., Abdolrahimzadeh, A., Neale,

K.W., Labossière, P., Demers, M., Mufti, A.A., Murison, E., Saltzberg, W., Sheikh, S.A., «Bond Durability of FRP Repairs in Bridges», 4th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring on Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-4), Zurich, Switzerland, 2009.

171. Neale, K.W., Godat, A., Abdel Baky, H., «Design Equations for Debonding Strains in FRPStrengthened Concrete Structures», 4th International Conference on Construction Marerials: Performance, Innovations, and Structural Implications (ConMat ‘09), Nagoya, Japan, 2009.

172. Tcherner, J., Aziz, T.S., Panesar, D.K.,

Demers, M., Neale, K.W., «Performance Surveillance of Gentilly-I Reactor Building GFRP Repair Using Fiber Optic Sensors and Strain Gauges», 20th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (SMiRT 20), Espoo, Finland, 2009.

173. Abdel Baky, H., Ebead, U.A., Neale, K.W.,

«Numerical Aspects Concerning the Accuracy of Finite Element Simulations of Concrete Beams Strengthened in Flexure Using FRP Sheets», 5e Conférence internationale sur les matériaux composites d'avant-garde pour ponts et charpentes (MCAPC-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2008.

174. Abdel Baky, H., Ebead, U.A., Neale, K.W.,

«Proposed Design Equations for the Debonding Load and Associated Strain Level in FRP Strengthening Laminates for Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened in Flexure», 5th Middle East Symposium on Structural Composites for Infrastructure Applications, Hurghada, Égypte, 2008.

175. Abdel Baky, H., Kotynia, R., Neale, K.W.,

«Nonlinear FE Analysis of RC Beams Strengthened in Flexure with NSM CFRP Systems», 6th International Conference on Analytical Models and New Concepts in Concrete and Masonry Structures (AMCM’2008), Lodz, Poland, 2008.

176. Abdel Baky, H., Neale, K.W., Ebead, U.A.,

«Nonlinear Micromechanics-Based FE Ana-lysis of FRP-Strengthened Concrete Structures», 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2008), Zurich, Suisse, 2008.

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177. Beausir, B., Suwas, S., Toth, L.S., Neale, K.W., Fundenberger, J.J., «Evolution of Deformation Textures Under Dynamic Recrystallization in Hexagonal Metals During Large Strain Simple Shear», 15th International Conference on Textures of Materials (ICOTOM 15), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvanie, 2008.

178. Elsayed, W., Ebead, U.A., Neale, K.W.,

«Flexural Strengthening of Concrete Slabs With and Without Cut-Outs Using the Mechanically Fastened FRP System», 5e Conférence internationale sur les matériaux composites d'avant-garde pour ponts et charpentes (MCAPC-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2008.

179. Elsayed, W., Ebead, U.A., Neale, K.W.,

«Investigations on Mechanically Fastened FRP-Strengthened Concrete Structures» 4th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering (CICE 2008), Zurich, Suisse, 2008.

180. Kotynia, R., Abdel Baky, H., Neale, K.W.,

«Nonlinear FE Analysis of RC Beams Strengthened in Flexure with NSM CFRP Systems», 6th International Conference on Analytical Models and New Concepts in Concrete and Masonry Structures (AMCM’2008), Lodz, Pologne, 2008.

181. Neale, K.W., «Advances in the Numerical

Modelling of FRP-Strengthened Concrete Structures», 5th Middle East Symposium on Structural Composites for Infrastructure Applications, Hurghada, Egypt, 2008.

182. Neale, K.W., «Micromechanical Modelling of FRP-Strengthened Concrete Structures», 6th International Conference on Analytical Models and New Concepts in Concrete and Masonry Structures (AMCM’2008), Lodz, Pologne, 2008.

183. Neale, K.W., Inal, K., «Microstructural Model-

ling of Metal Formability», 14th International Symposium on Plasticity, Kailua-Kona, Hawai, 2008.

184. Yang, D.S., Park, S.K., Neale, K.W., «Prestressed CFRP-Plated Reinforced Concrete Members With Anchorage Systems», 5e Conférence internationale sur les matériaux composites d'avant-garde pour ponts et charpentes (MCAPC-V), Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2008.

185. Lefebvre, K., Nollet, M.J., “Parametric

Evaluation of the Response of Infilled RC Frames Built in Quebec Before 1960 Under Seismic Load», 11th Canadian Masonry Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, 2009.

186. Galy, B., Khaled, A., Nollet, M.J., «Effets de la

catégorisation sismique des sites sur l’évaluation de la vulnérabilité sismique des ponts de la ville de Québec», 15e colloque sur la progression de la recherche québecoise sur les ouvrages d’art, Québec, 2009.

187. Nollet, M.J., Karbassi, A., Lefèbvre, K.,

Chaallal, O., «Développement de courbes de fragilité des bâtiments existants par la méthode des éléments appliqués», 9ème colloque National en Calcul des Structure. Eds, CSMA et LMT-Cachan, Giens, France, 2009.

188. Hida, H., Nollet, M.J., Khaled, A., LeBoeuf,

D., «Évaluation de la vulnérabilité sismique des ponts de la Ville de Québec», 36ème Congre annuel de la Société canadienne de génie civil (SCGC), Québec, 2008.

189. Karbassi, A., Nollet, M.J., «Application of

the Applied Element Method to the Seismic Vulnerability Evaluation of Existing Buildings», 36ème Congre annuel de la Société canadienne de génie civil (SCGC), Québec, Canada, 2008.

190. LeBoeuf, D., Nollet, M.J., Jolicoeur, L.,

Moreau, A., «Geotechnical Seismic Hazards Assessment and Mapping in Quebec City», 36ème Congre annuel de la Société canadienne de génie civil (SCGC), Québec, Canada, 2008.

191. Pageau, L.-A., Nollet, M.J., Jolicoeur, L,

LeBoeuf, D., «Gestion incrémentale de la réhabilitation sismique des ponts et viaducs de la Ville de Québec», 36ème Congre annuel de la Société canadienne de génie civil (SCGC), Québec, Canada, 2008.

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192. Barnett, E., Angeles, J., Pasini, D., Sijpkes, P., «Robot-Assisted Rapid Prototyping for Ice Structures», IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, Kobe, Japan, 2009.

193. Elsayed, M., Pasini, D., «Structural Analysis of

Pin Jointed Lattice Structures», AES-ATEMA’ 2009 Third International Conference, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2009.

194. Elsayed, M., Pasini, D., «Characterization and

Performance Optimization of 2D Lattice Materials with Hexagonal Bravais Lattice Symmetry», IDETC 2009, San Diego, USA, 2009.

195. Ghiasi, H., Pasini, D., Lessard, L., «Nelder-

Mead Method for Multiobjective Optimization with no Priory Articulation of Preferences», WCSMO-8, 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Lisbon, 2009.

196. Ossino, A., Barnett, E., Angeles, J., Pasini, D.,

Sijpkes, P., «Path Planning for Robot-Assisted Rapid Prototyping of Ice Structures», CCToMM M 3 Symposium, Quebec, QC, Canada, 2009.

197. Sijpkes, P., Barnett, E., Angeles, J., Pasini,

D., «The Architecture of Phase Change at McGill», ARCC 2009, Leadership in Architectural Research, Between Academia and the Profession, San Antonio, TX, 2009.

198. Yourdkhan, M., Barthelat, F., Pasini, D., «Multi-

scale Modeling and Optimization of Gastropod Shells», CANCAM '09, Halifax, 2009.

199. Ali, S., Pasini, D., «Identification of Natural

Frequencies of a Microcantilever by Using Stochastic Subspace Identification Algorithm», CSME Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineers Forum 2008, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 2008.

200. Angeles, J., Khan, W.A., Caro, S., Pasini, D., «The Conceptual Design of Robotic Architectures by Means of a Complexity Measure», 3rd international Colloquium of the collaborative research center SFB 562, Braunschweig, 2008.

201. Desrochers, S., Angeles, J., Pasini, D., «Optimum Design of a Compliant Uniaxial Accelerometer», ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2008, Brooklyn, New York, USA, 2008.

202. Elsayed, M., Pasini, D., «Multi-Scale Model

of the Effective Properties of Isotropic Micro-Truss Lattice Material», 12th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2008.

203. Ghiasi, H., Pasini, D., Lessard, L.,

«Simultaneous Structural and Manufacturing Optimization of Composite Parts using Normal Constrained Method», 13th European Conference on Composite Materials, Stockholm, Sweden, 2008.

204. Ghiasi, H., Pasini, D., Lessard, L., «Layer

Separation for Optimization of Composite Laminates», ASME 2008 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2008, Brooklyn, New York, USA, 2008.

205. Neurohr, T., Pasini, D., «The Sculptures of

Naum Gabo as Optimum Structures», ICDHS 2008 OSAKA, Japan, 2008.

206. Pasini, D. «Modelling the Micro- and Macro-

Structure Efficiencies of a Compliant Petiole Beam», 4th international Conference on Design and Nature, Algarve, Portugal, 2008.

207. Blanchard, V., Blanchet, P., Riedl, B.,

«Stabilisation des couleurs par les nano-technologies de revêtements aqueux trans-parents et semi-transparents pour le bois», 76ième congrès ACFAS, Québec, 2008.

208. Cai, X., Riedl, B., Zhang, S.Y., Wan, H.,

«Characterization of Wood Polymer Nanocomposites Made of Melamine-Urea-Formaldehyde and Layered Silicate Clays», TAPPI Conference, Intn'l. Conf. on Nano-technology for the Forest Products, St -Louis, MO, 2008.

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209. Gagnon, M., Riedl, B., «Fibres et polymères: innovations et perspectives», Forum sur la forêt, East Angus, 2008.

210. Landry, V., Riedl, B., Blanchet, P., «Nano-

composites Coatings for Wood Flooring», TAPPI Conference, Intn'l. Conf. on Nanotechnology for the Forest Products, St -Louis, MO, 2008.

211. Landry, V., Riedl, B., Blanchet, P., «Revê-

tements nanocomposites pour les couvre-planchers en bois», Rencontre annuelle de la Forest Products Society, section de l’est du Canada, Montréal, 2008.

212. Landry, V., Riedl, B., Blanchet, P., «Clay-

Based Nanocomposites Coatings for Wood Flooring», Nanoforum, Edmonton, Canada, 2008.

213. Lépine, E., Riedl, B., Wan, H., «Les

proteines de soya dans les panneaux de particules», Rencontre annuelle de la Forest Products Society, section de l’est du Canada, Montréal, 2008.

214. Pédieu, R., Riedl, B., Pichette, A.,

«Propriétés des panneaux à base d’écorce interne du bouleau blanc avec renfort de particules de bois», Rencontre annuelle de la Forest Products Society, section de l’est du Canada, Montréal, 2008.

215. Pédieu, R., Riedl, B., Pichette, A., «Études

sur les propriétés de panneaux mixtes avec des lamelles de bois dans les couches couvrantes et des particules d’écorce interne de bouleau blanc au centre», 76ième congrès ACFAS, Québec, 2008.

216. Pédieu, R., Riedl, B., Pichette, A., «Physical

and Mechanical Properties of Panels Based on Outer Birch Bark: Mixed Panels with Wood Particles versus Wood Fibre», Pullman, Washington, USA, 2008.

217. Riedl, B., «Nouveaux Matériaux, B. Riedl,

symposium CQVB: Les matériaux composites: opportunités pour la seconde transformation des produits forestiers», Drummondville ,Québec, 2008.

218. Riedl, B., «Le bois matériau d’apparence», Symposium ‘tempête des sciences’ CEGEP F.X. Garneau, Québec, 2008.

219. Riedl, B., Blanchard, V., Blanchet, P.,

Gilbert, R. , Jamali, A., Evans, P., «Plasma Treatment for Enhanced Adhesion of Coatings to Wood», Sixth International Symposium on Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, 2008.

220. Sow, Riedl, B., Blanchet, P., «UV

Waterborne Nanocomposite Coatings for Interior Applications», Waterborne Sympo-sium, Nouvelle Orléans, 2008.

221. Aït Aïssa, A., Gosselin, R., Duchesne, C.,

Rodrigue, D., «Modeling the Mixing of Two Polymer Powders of Different Particle Sizes», Proc. SPE ANTEC, Milwaukee, WI, 2008.

222. Ramírez Arreola, D., Robledo Ortiz, J.,

Arellano, M., Rodrigue, D., González-Núñez, R., «Film Processability and Properties of Thermoplastic Starch and Polycaprolactone Blends», Memorias del XXI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Polimérica de México, Los Cabos (MX), 2008.

223. Ramírez Arreola, D., Robledo Ortiz, J.,

Arellano, M., González-Núñez, R., Rodrigue, D., «Preparación y Caracterización de Nanocomposites Elaborados Mediante Moldeo por Inyección de Mezclas PCL/TPS», Memorias del XXIX Encuentro Nacional de la AMIDIQ, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 2008.

224. Reza Barzegari, M., Rodrigue, D.,

«Mechanical Behavior of Asymmetric Structural Foam», 24th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society: PPS-24, Salerno, Italie, 2008.

225. Reza Barzegari, M., Rodrigue, D., «The Effect

of Processing Conditions on the Morphology of Injection Moulded Structural Foams», Blowing Agents and Foaming Processes Conference 2008, Berlin, Germany, 2008.

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226. Reza Barzegari, M., Rodrigue, D., «Mechanical Property Prediction of Structural Foams Using Density Profile», Proc. SPE ANTEC, Milwaukee, WI, 2008.

227. Robledo Ortiz, J., Ramírez Arreola, D.,

Rodrigue, D., González-Núñez, R., «Estudio Cinético de la Descomposición Térmica de Azodicarbinamida en Polietileno de Alta Densidad Utilizando un Reómetro Capilar», Memorias del XXIX Encuentro Nacional de la AMIDIQ, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 2008.

228. Rodrigue, D., «Polymer Foams Flexural Modu-

lus Optimization: Effect of Density Profile», Proc. SPE ANTEC, Milwaukee, WI, 2008.

229. Rodrigue, D., «The Generalized Power-Law: A

New Viscosity Model», Proceedings of the XVth International Congress on Rheology, Monterey, USA, 2008.

230. Tovar Cisneros, C., Gonzalez-Nuñez, R.,

Rodrigue, D., «The Effect of Mold Temperature on Morphology, Tensile and Torsion Properties of Injection Molded HDPE Structural Foams», 24th Annual Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society: PPS-24, Salerno, Italie, 2008.

231. Vázquez, M., Herrera, V.S., Gómez, C.,

Rodrigue, D., González-Núñez, R., «Remoción de Cu(II) y Cd(II) con quitosán, utilizando composites de HDPE/Fibra de Agave espumados como soporte», Memorias del XXIX Encuentro Nacional de la AMIDIQ, Puerto Vallarta, MX, 2008.

232. Béguin, C., Ross. A., Pettigrew, M.J., Mureithi,

N.W., «Relationship Between Vibration Beha-viour and Two-Phase Flow Regime Transitions for Piping with Internal Flow», 9th International Conference on Flow-induced Vibrations, Prague, République Tchèque, 2008.

233. Béguin, C., Ross. A., Pettigrew, M.J.,

Mureithi, N.W., de Langre, E., «Effect of Fluid Density on Two-Phase Damping for Piping Subjected to Internal Bubbly Flow», 9th International Conference on Flow-induced Vibrations, Prague, République Tchèque, 2008.

234. Lacroix, S., de Marcellis-Warin, N., Riopel, D., Ross, A., Farhat, M., «Mentorship to Promote Engineering as a Career Choice for Women: the Marianne-Mareschal Chair Proposal», 14th International Conference of Women Engineers and Scientists, Lille, France, 2008.

235. Nowlan, I., Ross, A., Pettigrew, M.J.,

«Dynamics of a Steam Generator Tube Supported by an Anti-Vibration Bar», 9th International Conference on Flow-induced Vibrations, Prague, République Tchèque, 2008.

236. Lebel, F., Ruiz, E., Trochu, F.,

«Experimental Investigation of Resin Infiltration in Dual Scale Fibrous Reinforcements», American Society for Composites / Canadian Association for Composite Structures and Materials (ASC/CACSMA Joint Conference 2009), Newark, Delaware, USA, 2009.

237. Achim, V., Ruiz, E., «Guiding Selection toward

Cost-Effective Composite Manufacturing», 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

238. Causse, P., Ruiz, E., Trochu, F.,

«Consolidation of Curved Composite Parts Manufactured by Flexible Injection», 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montréal, Canada, 2008.

239. Chatel, S., Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., Breard, J.,

«A Permeability Measurement Method Dedicated to a Composite Process Family», 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

240. Daqoune, T., Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., «Study of

the Shape of the Compaction Chamber in Flexible Injection», 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montréal, Canada, 2008.

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241. Demaria, C., Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., «In-plane Anisotropic Permeability Characterization of Deformed Woven Fabrics by Unidirectional Injection», 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montréal, Canada, 2008.

242. Harismendy, I., Del Rio, M., Ruiz, E., Garcia,

J.A., «Modelling VARTM of Wind Turbine Blades under Non-Isothermal Boundary Conditions», 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

243. Lebel, F., Trochu, F., Ruiz, E., «Thermosetting

Matrix Composite Characterization and Cure Control via a Scale Model Mould”, 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montréal, Canada, 2008.

244. Ortega, I., Ruiz, E., «Dispersion and

Dielectric Characterization of an Epoxy Resin Reinforced with Carbon Nanofibers», 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

245. Ruiz, E., Briones, L., Allard, E., Trochu, F.,

«Flexible Injection: A Novel LCM Technology for Low Cost Manufacturing of High Performance Composites. Part I: Experimental Investigation», 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montréal, Canada, 2008.

246. Ruiz, E., Trochu, F., «Flexible Injection: A

Novel LCM Technology for Low Cost Manufacturing of High Performance Compo-sites. Part I: Experimental Investigation», 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 2008.

247. Spooner, D., Sanschagrin, B., Gagnon, M.,

Vadean, A., Camarero, R., Leblanc, T., Poirier, D., «Fostering Team Dynamics Across an Engineering Curriculum», 4th Int. CDIO Conf., Gent, Belgium, 2008.

248. Huet, G., Sanschagrin, B., Gagnon, M., Spooner, D., Vedean, A., Camarero, R., «The Assessment of Student Teamwork to Promote CDIO Learning Objectives», 4th Int. CDIO Conf., Gent, Belgium, 2008.

249. Fan, Y., Sedaghati, R., Esmailzadeh, E., «A

New LuGre Friction Model for MRD-9000 Type MR Damper», The 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2008-69005, Boston, Mas-sachusetts, USA, 2008.

250. Fan, Y., Sedaghati, R., Esmailzadeh, E.,

«Seismic Response Controlled Structure with Semi-Active Mass Damper», The 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Con-gress and Exposition, IMECE2008-69001 Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2008.

251. Iqbal, F., Bagchi, A., Sedaghati, R.,

«Application of Magneto-Rheological Dampers to Control the Dynamic Response of Buil-dings», 11th CANSMART Conference on Smart Materials and Structures, Montreal, Canada, 2008.

252. Kamel, H., Sedaghati, R., Medraj, M., «An

Efficient Crashworthiness Design Optimization Approach for Frontal Automobile Structures», The 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, IMECE2008-66760, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2008.

253. Moghaddas, M., Sedaghati, R., Esmailzadeh,

E., Khosravi, P., «Finite Element Approach for Vehicle-Structure Interaction of a Uniform Timoshenko Bridge», 49th AIAA/ASME/ ASCE/ AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA-2008-2310, Schaumburg, Illinois, USA, 2008.

254. Vasudevan, R., Sedaghati, R., Rakheja, R.,

«Analysis of a Multi-Layer Beam with Magnetorheological Fluid», 11th CANSMART Conference on Smart Materials and Structures, Montreal, Canada, 2008.

255. Shao, Y., Monkman, S., Tran, S., «Concrete: A

Potential CO2 Sink», FIB Symposium on Concrete: 21st Century Hero, London, UK, 2009.

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256. Shao, Y., Li, L., Wu, Z., Masmoudi, R., «Durability of Adhesive Bond Between FRP Laminate and Fresh Concrete», 9th Inter-national Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-9), Sydney, Australia, 2009.

257. Mohamed, H., Zefeafy, H.E., Masmoudi, R.,

Shao, Y., «Experimental Versus Guideline Values for Load Capacity of the Concrete Columns Confined by FRP Tubes», 9th International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-9), Sydney, Australia, 2009.

258. Shao, Y., Bdeir, Z., «Deflection Based Design

of Composite Sheet Pile Walls», 5th Intern-ational Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2008.

259. Martorell, F., Torra, V., Isalgue, A., Perea,

M.L., Terriault, P., Lovey, F.C., «Damping by SMA in Civil Engineering Structures (an overview)”, 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials Structures Systems, Advances in Science and Technology, 2008.

260. Terriault, P., Lafortune, P., Plamondon, D.,

Brailovski, V., «Design of a Progressively Expandable Stent Using Finite Elements», Proc. CIMTEC 2008, Adv. in Science and Techn., 2008.

261. Terriault, P., Lafortune, P., Plamondon, B.,

Brailovski, V., LePorho, D., «Design and Validation of a Progressively Expandable Stent», 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials Structures Systems, Acireale, Italy, 2008.

262. Terriault, P., Lafortune, P., Plamondon, D.,

Brailovski, V., Le Porho, D., Gallo, R., «Design and Validation of a progressively Expandable Stent», 3rd International Conference on Smart Materials Structures Systems, Advances in Science and Technology, 2008.

263. Torra, V., Isalgue, A., Auguet, C., Lovey, J.L. Pelegrina, P., Terriault, P., «Pre-Stressed NiTi: Effects of the Thermodynamc Forces and Time», SMST’07 Proceedings, Tsukuba, Japon, 2008.

264. Torra, V., Isalgue, I., Martorell, F., Lovey,

F.C., Soul, H., Terriault, P., «Fatigue Life in NiTi for Damping Applications», SMST’07 Proceedings, Tsukuba, Japon, 2008.

265. Aïssa, B., Habib, M.A., Laberge Lebel, L.,

Denidni, T.A., Therriault, D., El Khakani, M., «Electromagnetic Shielding Properties of Excimer-Laser-Synthesized-Single-Wall�Carbon Nanotubes/Polyurethane Nanocom-posite Films», EMC 2009 Electronic Materials Conference, Nanotubes and Nanowires Symposium, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA, 2009.

266. Kuhn, M., Rao, R.B., Therriault, D.,

«Viscoelastic Inks for Direct�Write Microfabrication of Single�Chamber Micro Solid Oxide Fuel Cells with Coplanar Thick Electrodes», Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, MRS Spring Meeting 2009, San Francisco, CA, 2009.

267. Laberge Lebel, L., Aissa, B., El Khakani, M.A.,

Therriault, D., «Ultraviolet�Assisted Direct�Write Fabrication of Three�Dimensional Micro-structures», MRS Spring Meeting 2009, San Francisco, CA, 2009.

268. Fauteux, C., Smirani, R., Pegna, J., El

Khakani, M.A., Therriault, D., “Fast Synthesis of ZnO Nanostructures by Laser�Induced Chemical Liquid Deposition», European MRS Spring Meeting 2008, Strasbourg, France, 2008.

269. Hajj Hasan, M., Djeghelian, H., Chodavarapu,

V.P., Andrews, M.P., Ghafar-Zadeh, E., Therriault, D., «Direct-Write Patterning of Nanostructured Sensory Waveguides for Integrated Optical Bioimaging Applications», SPIE Symposium on Biomedical Optics (BIOS) 2008, San Jose, CA, 2008.

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270. Kuhn, M., Napporn, T., Meunier, M., Vengallatore, S., Therriault, D., «Single�Cham-ber Micro Solid�Oxide Fuel Cells with Coplanar Electrodes», 7th International Symposium on New Materials for Electrochemical Systems, Montreal, QC, 2008.

271. Laberge Lebel, L., Aissa, B., El Khakani, M.A.,

Therriault, D., «Single�Walled Carbon Nano-tubes / Polymer Nanocomposites Microbeams by Means of Ultraviolet�Assisted Direct�Write Assembly», Seventh Joint Canada�Japan Workshop on Composites, Kanagawa, Japan, 2008.

272. Therriault, D., «Fabrication of Micro�Systems

and Advanced Materials by Direct�Write Assembly», ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, MA, 2008.

273. Therriault, D., «Fabrication and Design of

Micro and Nano Systems», ASME Inter-national Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Boston, MA, 2008.

274. Bureau M. N., Ton-That M.-T., Cole, K.C.,

«Mode I and II Interlaminar Fracture Tough-ness of Nanoclay-Reinforced Epoxy/Glass Fiber Composites», Proc. SPE ANTEC 2009, Chicago, USA, 2009.

275. Hu, W., Ton-That, M.-T., Denault, J., «Tensile

Property Characterization of Natural Fibres Applying Single Fibre Tensile Test», American Chemical Society Conference Fall Meeting, Washington DC, USA, 2009.

276. Ngo, T.-D., Pal, S.R., Ton-That M.-T., Hoa

S.V., «The Potential Bio Based Polymer and their Nanocomposites for Composites Structure», The 17th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM 17), Edinburg, UK, 2009.

277. Ngo, T.-D., Ton-That, M.-T., «Clay-

Thermoset Nanocomposites for Different Applications», SAMPE Fall Technical Conference, Wichita, Kansas, USA, 2009.

278. Singh, R.P., Ngo, T-D, Hu, W., Ton-That, M.-T., Denault, J., «Performance Improvement of Green Composites Using Nanoclay», The First Joint American-Canadian International Con-ference on Composites, Newark, USA, 2009.

279. Ton-That, M.-T., «Development of Clay-

Polymer Nanocomposites (PNC) for Industrial Applications», The 17th International Confe-rence on Composite Materials (ICCM 17), Edinburg, UK, 2009.

280. Ton-That, M.-T., Ngo, T.-D., Hu, W.,

«Biobased Polyurethane Nanocomposite Foam», 73rd Prague Meeting on Macro-molecules: New Frontiers in Macromolecular Science, Prague, Czech Republic, 2009.

281. Ton-That, M.-T., «Composites à base de fibres

naturelles: Opportunités et challenges», Atelier biopolymères et biocomposites 2009, Mont-réal, Québec, Canada, 2009.

282. Ton-That, M.-T., Denault, J., Leelapornpisit,

W., Hu, W., «New Development in Natural Fibre Polyolefin Composites», Eurofillers 2009, Turin, Italy, 2009.

283. Ton-That, M.-T., Denault, J., Perrin, F.,

Leelapornpisit, W., Cole, K.C., «New Development in the Fabrication of Green Composites from Natural Fiber», Hybrid Conference, Tours, France; 2009.

284. Ngo, T.-D., Ton-That, M.-T., Cole, K.C.,

Leelapornpisit, W., Sepehr, M., «Bio-Based Thermoset Polymer Nanocomposites», Proc. Ninth Inernational Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Montreal, Canada, 2008.

285. Ngo, T.-D., Ton-That, M.-T., Hoa, S.V., Cole,

K.C., «Fracture Toughness of Epoxy Nanocomposites: The Effect of Dispersion, Clay Concentration and Epoxy Chemistry», The Seventh Joint Canada-Japan Workshop on Composites, Fujisawa, Japan, 2008.

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286. Rho, D., Yang, J., Lau, P.C.K., Hu, W., Ton-That, M.-T., Denault, J., «Enzymatic Treatment of Cellulosic Fibers from Flax Straw: Bio-fiber Polypropylene Composites», 2008 CHTA National Hemp Conference, Sakastoon, SK, Canada, 2008.

287. Rho, D., Yang, J., Lau, P.C.K., Hu, W., Ton-

That, M.-T., Denault, J., «Bio-fibres for Polypropylene Composites», Innovation 2008, Montreal, Canada, 2008.

288. Sepehr, M., Ton-That, M.-T., Denault, J.,

«Challenges in Polyolefin Nano-composites», Innovation 2008, Montreal, Canada, 2008.

289. Tatibouët, J., Champagne, M.F, Gendron,

R., Ton-That M.-T., «Effects of Dissolved Carbon Dioxide and Organoclay on the Crystallisation of Poly(lactic acid) as Proped by Ultrasonic Measurements», Polymer Processing Society Conference PPS 34, Salerno, Italy, 2008.

290. Ton-That, M.-T., «Natural Fibre -Thermoplastic

Composites: Opportunities and Challenges», Innovation 2008, Montreal, Canada, 2008.

291. Ton-That, M.-T., «Nanocomposites for Food

Packing Applications», Hot Topics in Food Packing Workshop, Brampton, ON, Canada, 2008.

292. Ton-That, M.-T., Denault, J., Cole, K.C., Hu,

W., Xiao, Z., Yang, Z., Rho, D., Lau, C.K.P., «Method for Improving Processing and Properties of Cellulose Fiber Thermoplastic Composites», The 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2008.

293. Ton-That, M.-T., Denault, J., Perrin, F.,

Leelapornpisit, W., Cole, K.C., «Formulation Development For Improving the Processing and the Properties of Cellulose Fibre Composites», Polymer Composite Conference Balaton, Zakalos, Hungary, 2008.

294. Ton-That, M.-T., Denault, J., Perrin, F., Leelapornpisit, W., Hu, W., Cole, K.C., «New High Performance Natural Fiber Composites», Composites & Polycon 2009, Tampa, USA, 2008.

295. Trochu, F., Demaria, C., Ruiz, E., Dambrine,

B., Godon, T., «RTM Process Simulation and Optimization of Composite Turbine Blades Reinforced by 3D Woven Fabrics», American Society for Composites/Canadian Association for Composite Structures and Materials (ASC/CACSMA Joint Conference 2009), Newark, Delaware, USA, 2009.

296. Cloutier, F., Trochu, F., «Analysis of Multiple

Zone Heating in Resin Transfer Molding», 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montréal, Canada, 2008.

297. Lebel, F., Trochu, F., Ruiz, E., «Thermosetting

Matrix Composite Characterization and Cure Control via a Scale Model Mould”, 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montréal, Canada, 2008.

298. Octeau, M.-A., Cloutier, F., Feuvrier, J.,

Soukane, S., Trochu, F., «Numerical Simu-lation of Mould Filling and Thermal Behavior in the Manufacturing of an Aeronautical Com-posite Part», 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montréal, Canada, 2008.

299. Trochu, F., Soukane, S., Touraine, B.,

«Flexible Injection: A Novel LCM Technology for Low Cost Manufacturing of High Perfor-mance Composites. Part II: Numerical Model”, 9th International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials (FPCM-9), Montréal, Canada, 2008.

300. Dolez, P.I., Renault, J.B., Vu-Khanh, T.,

Gauvin, C., Lara, J., «Effect of Industrial Con-taminants on the Resistance of Protective Gloves to Mechanical Risks», 4th European Conference on Protective Clothing (ECPC) and Nokobetef 9, Protective Clothing: performance and protection, Papendal, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 2009.

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301. Nguyen, C.T., Vu-Khanh, T., «Mechanics and Mechanisms of Puncture by Medical Needles», Mesomechanics 2009 Dissipation and Damage across Multiple Scales in Physical and Mechanical Systems, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2009.

302. Gauvin, C., Dolez, P.I., Harrabi, L., Boutin, J.,

Petit, Y., Vu-Khanh, T., Lara, J., «Mechanical and Biomechanical Approaches to Measure Protective Glove Adherence», Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 52nd Annual Meeting (HFES), New York, 2008.

303. Vu-Khanh, T., El Majdoubi, M., «Vieillissement

physique du biomatériau polypropylène et ses effets sur les propriétés mécaniques», Proceedings of the Ve édition des Journées d’Études Techniques JET 2008, Les sciences et les technologies mécaniques, moteurs du développement durable dans les secteurs des énergies renouvelables, des transports et de la santé [CD], Marrakech, Maroc, 2008.

304. Yuryev, Y., Wood-Adams, P., «Crystallization

of Polylactide Observed by Rheological Measurements», World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 2009.

305. Wood-Adams, P., Fatseyeu, A., Huang, C.,

Karjala, T., Ansems, P., «Rheology and Structure of Filled Propylene/Ethylene Copolymers», Society of Plastics Engineers ANTEC, Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA, 2008.

306. Jalali, M., Terpstra, A.G., Wüthrich, R.,

«Fabrication of Metallic Nanocparticules Through Waste of Micro-EDM», 9th Euspen International Conference, San Sebastian, 2009.

307. Mandin, Ph., Lemoine, J.M., Wüthrich, R.,

Roustan, H., «Industrial Aluminium Production: Modelling the Hall-Heroult Processns», 215th ECS Meeting, San Francisco, California, 2009.

308. Wüthrich, R., «Synthesis of Metallic Nano-

Particles by Electrochemical Discharges», 60th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Beijing, China, 2009.

309. Allagui, A., Baranova, E., Wüthrich, R., «Copper and Nickel Nanoparticles: Synthesis by Electrochemical Discharges», 1st Micro-systems and Nanoelectronics Research Conference (MNRC 2008), Ottawa, Canada, 2008.

310. Allagui, A., Wüthrich, R., «Nanoparticules

Synthesis with Electrochemical Discharges, Fall Symposium of the Electrochemical Society -Canadian Section, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 2008.

311. Didar, T.F., Dolatabadi, A., Wüthrich, R.,

«Material Removal Mechanism in Micro-Machining by Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving (SACE) Technology», 3nd International Conference on Micro-Manufac-turing, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2008.

312. Jalali, M., Allagui, A., Didar, T.F., Wuthrich,

R., «Synthesis and Characterization of Metallic Nanoparticles by Electrochemical Discharge», 10th Anniversary International Conference of the European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (EUSPEN), Zurich, Switzerland, 2008.

313. Jalali, M., Wüthrich, R., «Electromagnetic

Shielding of Composite Materials Using Electrochemical Discharge Nanoparticles», EUROEM 2008, European Electromagnetics, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2008.

314. Mandin, Ph., Duhanyan, N., Le Graverend, J.,

Wüthrich, R., Roustan, H., Picard, G., «Electro-chemical Engineering Modeling of the Properties at Industrial Electrodes during Two-phase Electrolysis», PRiME 2008 Pacific RIM Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid State Science ,214th Meeting of ECS - The Electro-chemical Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2008.

315. Morrison, A., Rodrigues, L., Wüthrich, R.,

«Reducing the Variability in Spark Assisted Chemical Engraving Gravity Feed Drilling», 1st Microsystems and Nanoelectronics Research Conference (MNRC 2008), Ottawa, Canada, 2008.

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Brevets et autres publications en 2008-2009 Patents and Other Publications in 2008-2009

1. Ajji, A., Moreno, M., Bureau, M.N., «Non

Woven Mat and Method of Producing», US Patent Application, June 2008.

2. Demers, M., Benmokrane, B., «Manuel de calcul de structures de béton armé de barres de PRF», Traduction du document intitulé “Reinforcing Concrete with Fibre Reinforced Polymers, Design Manual No 3, Version 2, ISIS Canada, 163 p., 2009.

3. El-Gamal, S., Benmokrane, B., «Conception d’une dalle de chaussée en béton continu armé d’armature en matériaux composites de PRFV mise en oeuvre sur l’Autoroute 40 est à Montréal; Évaluation de la performance après 2 ans de service», Rapport d’étape No.2, soumis au ministère des Transports du Québec (Direction des chaussées), Québec, QC, 118 p., 2009.

4. El-Sayed, A., Benmokrane, B. «Codes and Standards. In Section IV: FRP Composites for Reinforcement of Concrete Structures», The International Handbook of FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, Zoghi, M. (Editeur), CRC Press, a Taylor & Francis Company, Florida, USA, 28p. (Sur invitation de l’Éditeur), 2009.

5. El-Gamal, S.E., El-Salakawy, E., Benmokrane, B., «Monitoring of the Structural Slabs Reinforced with Fibre Reinforced Polymer Rods (Laurier-Taché Parking Garage - Addendum 2)», Rapport technique final, soumis à Travaux Publics et Services Gouvernementaux Canada (TPSGC), Gatineau, QC, 47 pp., 2008.

6. Soliman, S., Tobbi, H., Benmokrane, B., «Determination and Characterization of Bond Dependent Coefficient (kb) of New GFRP Bars», Rapport technique, soumis à BP Composites inc., Edmonton, Alberta, 35p., 2008.

7. Rafkani, Y., Boukhili, R., «Investigation des

limites des contrôles non destructifs par ultrasons et par radars sur le béton”, CDT Project P3773, École Polytechnique de Montréal, (QC) Canada, Prepared for Mequaltech Inc, 2009.

8. Chaallal, O., Bousselham, A., «Comportement en fatigue des rondelles en NYLATRON pour appuis de ponts de Goodco-Z Tech», Rapport technique remis à Goodco – Z tech, 47 p., 2009.

9. Chaallal, O., «Structures en béton armé – Calcul selon la norme ACNOR A23.3-04», Éditeur PUQ, Québec, ISBN 978-2-7605-1569-7, 418 pages, 2008.

10. Chaallal, O., Benazza, T., «Causes de l’effondrement d’un tronçon du pont route de la rivière Achigan sur la route 335 à Saint Lin Laurentides», Rapport technique remis à la CSST, 52 p., 2008.

11. Lan, A., Daigle, R., LeBoeuf, D., Chaallal, O., «Recensement des systèmes d’étançon-nement et de blindage», Études et Recherche. IRSST., No. RA - 583. ISBN 978-2-89631-309-9, 2008.

12. Lan, A., Daigle, R., LeBoeuf, D., Chaallal, O., «Réduction de la distance de garde en tête d’excavations étançonnées par un tuyau en tôle d’acier ondulé galvanisé (TTAOG)», Études et Recherche, IRSST., No. RA - 582. ISBN 978-2-89631-315-0, 2008.

13. David, E., Gagnon, J.-G, Romanica, R., «QC Testing of Bar 213B0013 and 214B0153”, rapport technique pour GE Hydro, 15 pages, 2008.

14. David, E., Soltani, R., «QC Testing on MICAMAT Costumer’s Selection Stator Bars», rapport technique Andritz, 15 pages, 2008.

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15. David, E., Soltani, R., «QC Testing on Andritz MICAPAL III Stator Bars», rapport technique pour Andritz, 11 pages, 2008..

16. David, E., Soltani, R., Nair, A., “QC Testing on Andritz Stator Bars from Cycle #65», rapport technique pour Andritz, 41 pages, 2008.

17. Denault, J., Ton-That, M.-T., «Light Weight Materials from Renewable Sources», PERD Project Progress Report , 2008.

18. Heuzey, M.C., «Chitine et Chitosane, Eric Guibal, Pierre-Marie Badot, Grégorio Crini, editors. Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté (2009). Chapter 5 co-authored with Mélina Hamdine :“Systèmes gélifiants de chitosane” (p. 107-126), 2009.

19. Hoa, S.V., «Principles of the Manufacturing of Composite Materials», Destech Publication, 2009.

20. Pipes, R.B., Frankland, S.J.V., Hubert, P., Saether, E., «On the Mechanical Behavior of Carbon Nanotubes in Hexagonal Arrays», The Kerr Symposium on Engineering Mechanics, Editors M.H. Santare and M.J. Chajes, University of Delaware Press, 2008.

21. Kamal, M.R., (editor), Isayev, A., Liu, S.-J., (Co-Editors), «Injection Molding: Technology & Fundamentals», Carl Hanser Verlag, Munich, 920 pages, ISBN: 978-1-56990-434-3, 2009.

22. Maslouhi, A., Drouet, J.M., Champoux, Y., «Identification et Évaluation de la contribution des principaux facteurs influençant la durée de vie en fatigue des structures tubulaires en lien avec la norme NEN-EN 14781», décembre 2008, Rapport final contrat de recherche, université de recherche, préparé pour Décathlon, France, 2008.

23. Mohamed, H., Masmoudi, R., «Compression behavior of the Concrete Filled FRP Tubes (CFFT)

24. under Axial and Eccentric Loads», Day of Research of The University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada. 2009.

25. El�Zafzafy, H., Masmoudi, R., «Durability of Concrete Filled FRP Tubes (CFFT)», Day of Research of The University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada, 2009.

26. El�Zafzafy, H., Masmoudi, R., «Durability of Concrete Filled FRP Tubes (CFFT)», Colloquium of the Research Center for Plastics and Composites (CREPEC), Université Concordia, Montréal,

27. Canada, 2008.

28. Masmoudi, R., «Compressive Behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Filled FRP Tubes», ACI Special publication, Los�Angeles, 1�19, 2008.

29. Mohamed, H., Masmoudi, R., «Compression Behavior of the Concrete Filled FRP Tubes (CFFT) under Axial and Eccentric Loads», Colloquium of the Research Center for Plastics and Composites (CREPEC), Université Concordia, Montréal, Canada. 2008.

30. Nollet, M.J., Khaled, A., Brayard, P., «Étude du comportement sismique des écoles typiques du Québec», rapport final soumis au Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, 117 pages, 2008.

31. Nollet, M.J., LeBoeuf, D., Khaled, A., «Vulné-rabilité sismique des infrastructures essen-tielles de la ville de Québec», rapport final soumis à la Ville de Québec, 115 pages, 2008.

32. Sow, C., Riedl, B., Blanchet, P., «Revêtements nanocomposites UV aqueux pour applications intérieures», Rencontre annuelle de la Forest Products Society, section de l’est du Canada, Montréal, 2008. Ce poster a gagné le premier prix des présentations étudiantes.

33. Rodrigue, D., «Régénération de caoutchouc pour la production de TPE», Symposium technique de l’industrie du caoutchouc, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada, 2008.

34. Baril, Y., Terriault, P., Brailovski, V. «Caractéri-sation en compression de tubes en Nitinol», Symetis Sa, Suisse, (Projet 2007-J-2801), 15p., 2008.

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35. Laberge Lebel, L., Therriault, D., El Khakani, M.A., Aissa, B., «Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Microstructures by UV-Assisted Direct-Write Assembly», Patent pending US 12/252,722 filed on October 16, 2008. This US patent consists of a method based on the radiation�assisted deposition of materials (e.g., polymers, nanocomposites, hydrogels) for the freeform fabrication of complex three�dimen-sional nano and micro structures, 2008.

36. Ton-That, M.-T., Denault, J., Cole, K.C.,

«Notice of Allowance US 11/133,252 :“Primer Composition ad Uses Thereof», US Patent, 2009.

37. Ton-That, M.-T., Denault, J., Gundjan, M., «US

7,314,902 B2: “Hot Melt Adhesive”», US Patent, 2008.

38. Denault, J., Ton-That, M.-T., «Light Weight

Materials from Renewable Sources», PERD Project Progress Report , 2008.

39. Ton-That, M.-T., Perrin, F., Denault, J.,

«DK/EP 1,646,685: “Cellulose Composites”», Denmark Patent, 2008.

40. Ton-That, M.-T., Perrin, F., Denault, J., «500007842: “Cellulose Composites”», The Netherland Patent, 2008.

41. Ton-That, M.-T., Perrin, F., Denault, J.,

«04761566.1: “Cellulose Composites”», Italian Patent, 2008.

42. Ton-That, M.-T., Perrin, F., Denault, J.,

«1008482190000: “Cellulose Composites”», South Korean Patent 2008.

Ton-That, M.-T., Perrin, F., Denault, J., «1823129: “Cellulose Composites”», Chinese Patent pending, 2008.

43. Gauvin, C., Dolez, P.I., Harrabi, L., Boutin, J.,

Petit, Y., Vu-Khanh, T., Lara, J., «Mise au point de méthodes pour mesurer l'adhérence des gants de protection - Étude préliminaire», Publications IRSST, Série Études et Recherches, R-559, ISBN 978-2-89631-261-0, 91 p., 2008.

44. Wuthrich, R., «Micro-Machining Using Electrochemical Discharge Phenomenon», William Andrew Publishing, ISBN: 978-0-8155-1587-6, 2009.