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  • 8/11/2019 Rapid estimation of photosynthetically active radiation over the West African Sahel using the Pathfinder Land Dat


    JAG Volume 1 - Issue 3/4 - 1999

    Rapid estimation of photosynthetically active radiation

    over the West African Sahel using the Pathfinder Land

    Data Set

    Jonathan W. Seaquistl Lennart Olson1

    1 Depa~ment of Physical Geography, University of Lund, Box 11 8z S-221 00, Lund, Sweden (e-mail: Jonathan.Seaquist~natgeo.lu.se)

    KEYWORDS: angstrbm relation, CLouds from AVHRR,

    CLAVR, global radiation, HAPEX Sahel, Niger, NOAA

    AVHRR, normalised root mean square error, photosyn-

    thetically active radiation, PAR, relative sunshine dura-

    tion, West Africa


    Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) s important for assessing

    both the impact of changing land cover on climate, and for model-

    ling productivity on a regional scale, as well as its potential in areas

    that are vulnerable to food shortfalls. A relatively simple method

    that generates spatially comprehensive and representative values of

    PAR at time scales of O-days .(dekads) or longer is described, tested

    and implemented over a portion of West Africa. With simple equa-

    tions to describe


    geographical and temporal variation of global

    radiation receipt at the top of the atmosphere, daily cloud flags

    from the NOA~NASA AVHRR Pathfinder Land Data Set (PAL) are


    in conjunction with an empirical formula developed by

    Angstrdm and constants tailored to West African conditions to esti-

    mate surface receipt of global radiation there. Ground observations

    of PAR from the HAPEX Sahel experiment (at 1366 N and 253 E

    from 1992) are used to parameterise the relative sunshine duration

    variable in the angstrom relation so as to m~nimise errors between

    observed and modelled PAR. Results indicate that PAR may be esti-

    mated to within 20 percent of observed values for 28 out of 36 IO-

    day summation periods over a year. End-of-year accumulated PAR is

    estimated to within 1.96 percent. Normalised root mean square

    errors (NRMSEs) and normalised mean absolute errors (NMAEs) of

    15.69 percent and 12.46 percent, respectively, were obtained for

    IO-day sums, with values of 10.96 percent and 8.74 percent,

    respectively, for monthly sums. The spatial variability of end-of-year

    PAR for 1992 is in accordance with what was expected. Though

    more accurate methods exist for achieving this, the technique is

    merited for its ease of application, using an accessible data set,

    over areas where solar irradiation measurements are lacking.


    Over the last few years, a suite of models has been devel-

    oped using satellite data (mostly from the National

    Oceanic and Atmospheric Associations Advanced Very

    High Resolution Radiometer - NOAA AVHRR) and other

    auxiliary ground data that predict with varying degrees

    of accuracy and generality Net Primary Production (NPP),

    Above-Ground Net Primary Production (AGNPP) and

    Above-Ground Gross Primary Production (AGPP) on a

    regional or global basis. The models range from site spe-

    cific black box approaches relating growing season

    sums of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index

    (NDVI) to ground based NPP observations [Oxenstierna,

    1990; Rasmussen, 1992; Lambin



    1993; Field

    et a/,

    1995; Rasmussen, 1998a,b] to bio-geochemical models

    that include explicit formulations of the laws governing

    photosynthetic assimilation, allocation and respiration

    [Prince, 1991; Potter et al, 1993; Field et al, 1995; Prince

    & Goward, 1995; Haxeltine & Prentice, 19961. The para-

    metric method of Monteith [I 3721 has recently gained

    wide popularity as it easily accommodates spectral infor-

    mation from satellite sensors with data on meteorologi-

    cal conditions and vegetation type. Moreover, it com-

    bines the ease of the black box approaches with the

    mechanism of bio-geochemical models [Lambin et a/,








    The daily pro-

    duction of above-ground GPP is given by:



    i I


    AGPP = Above-ground Net Primary Production (kg m-2)

    E = biological efficiency of PAR conversion to dry matter

    (g MJ-)

    NDVZ =

    Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (unitless)

    PAR = Photosynthetically Active Radiation (MJ day-l)

    a,b =


    This formula has been used by a number of researchers

    to estimate end-of-growing-season NPP from regional to

    global scales with satellite data; the NDVI computed from

    channels 1 and 2 of the AVHRR onboard the NOAA satel-

    lites is used to estimate FPAR (fraction of absorbed pho-

    tosynthetically radiation, where FPAR = a x NDVI + bf.

    [Potter et a/, 1993; Guerif et a/, 1993; Ruimy et al, 1994;

    Prince & Goward, 1995; Parueto et a/, 1997; Rasmussen,

    1998a,b]. PAR is defined as the domain of incoming solar

    radiation exploited by green plants to support photosyn-

    thesis (0.4-0.7 pm). PAR regulates the Earths primary

    productivity by determining the rate of carbon fixation in


  • 8/11/2019 Rapid estimation of photosynthetically active radiation over the West African Sahel using the Pathfinder Land Dat


    Estimating PAR over the West African Sahel

    aquatic and terrestr ial plants [Frou in Pinker, 19951.

    Determining its spatial and temporal distributio n is

    important for a) assessing the impact of changing land

    cover on climate, and b) modelling regional-scale pro-

    ductivity potential in areas that are vulnerable to food

    shortfalls (eg, the Sahel belt of Africa). PAR is usually

    taken as a constant fraction of incoming short-wave solar

    radiation. Though the PAR - insolation ratio varies

    instantaneously from 0.45 to 0.50 as a function of

    atmospheric water vapour, ozone, aerosol, cloud optical

    thickness, and solar zenith angle, theoretical and experi-

    mental evidence suggest that this ratio is constant

    (approx imately 0.48) at time scales of a day and longer

    [Froui n Pinker, 19951. The applicabi lity of this relative-

    ly simple model hinges o n the retrieval of spatially com-

    prehensive and frequent estimates of PAR. The most

    practical approach for achieving this is to interpolate

    among data values acquired at point locations from sur-

    face pyranometers. Unfortunately, there is a paucity of

    these data over large areas of the Earth s surface, [Eck

    Dye, 19911. Eck Dye furt her state that a sparse, spa-

    tially biased distributio n of pyranometer observations

    leads to reduced confidence in those values correspond-

    ing to under-represented areas. A common approach,

    especially in developing countries, where there is a lack

    of measurements, is to estimate incoming global irradia-

    tion from the number of sunshine hours in a day [eg,

    Guerif et a/, 1993; Rasmussen, 1998a,b] foll owed by

    interpolation. This method underestimates global irradia-

    tion as it does not take in to account the diffuse radiation

    reaching the ground on cloudy days. Ruimy et a/ [I9941

    used global sur face irr adiance derived on a monthly basis

    from the French Meteorological Offices General

    Circulation Model (GCM) and interpolated the data - to

    obtain weekly estimates to match the time-step of their

    NPP model. They acknowledge the drawback of using

    simulated irradiance values in their work. The best way

    forward, if the data and expertise are at hand, is to esti-

    mate solar irradiance and PAR from geostationary weath-

    er satellites (3-hourly observations by the Geostationary

    Operational Enviro nmental Satellite, GOES, and 12:00

    observations by the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer,

    TOMS) in conjunctio n with physical models that predict

    clear-sky, potential surface irradiance and that are

    adjusted to actual surface irradiance due to the effect of

    clouds detected by the satellite sensor [Dye Shibasaki,

    19951. However, due to obli que viewing , the methods

    only function at lower latitudes. These methods are data

    intensive, and have been applied using information from

    different sensors at differing spatial and temporal scales.

    Normalised Root Mean Square Error s (NRMSEs) of

    between 8 percent and 15 percent have been achieved

    for daily sums of solar irradiance, with errors dr opping

    down to around 3-6 percent for 5-day to monthly aver-

    ages [see Just us et al, 1986; Pinker et al, 1995 for

    reviews]. Less attention has been given to developing

    JAG . Volume 1 - Issue 314 - 1999

    satellite methods for estimating surface irradiance in the

    PAR wavelength region [Eck Dye, 19911, though some

    examples include Frouin et a/ [1989], Frouin Gautier

    [1990], and Eck Dye [1991]. Prince Goward [I9951

    for example, used the TOMS monthly incident PAR data

    set prod uced by Dye Shibasaki [I9951 to drive the

    GLObal Production Efficiency Model (GLOPEM), interpo-

    lating between monthly means to produce IO-day esti-

    mates to match t he time-step of their model.

    This work presents an effort to develop spatially compre-

    hensive and representative values of PAR for use with a

    Monteith -based NPP model at time-steps of 10 days

    (dekads) or longer in Sahelian West Africa fro m cloud

    cover information provided with the NOAA/NASA PAL

    (Pathfinder Land Data Set) and an empirical formulation

    derived by Angs trom [I 9241 to estimate irradi ance at the

    Earths surface. The model was calibrated and tested

    against PAR data generated by the HAPEX Sahel field

    experiment that was carried out in S.W. Niger i n 1992.

    Though the method is not intended to replace r igorous

    satellite techniques outlined above, it is deemed to be a

    quick, accessible and adequate means of obtaining PAR

    estimates for use in bio-productivi ty models and over

    areas where pyrano meter measurements are lacking .


    The PAL data set (NOAA/NASA Pathfind er Land Data Set)

    includes layers for the original 5 channels of the NOAA

    AVHRR sensor, plu s information on solar zenith angle,

    satellite look angle and azimuth angle. The data were

    comp iled for the period 1981-1995 and are available as

    daily images, as well as IO-day and monthly maximum -

    value compo sites. Furthermo re, they were generated in a

    consistent manner and included post-flight sensor cali-

    bration and atmospheric corrections for Rayleigh scatter-

    ing and ozone absorption [James Kallur i, 19941. The

    data set also includes cloud flags produced by the Clouds

    from AVHRR (CLAVR) algor ithm. For an array o f 2 x 2 pix-

    els, the algorithm performs a series of 10 threshold and

    uniformity tests using data from all five channels of the

    AVHRR. If between 1 and 3 pixels within the window are

    identified as cloudy, all four pixels are flagged as mixed

    (values between 12 and 21). Otherwise, the wind ow is

    designated as clear (22-30) or cloudy (l-l 1). Figure 1

    shows a CLAVR image over Afri ca for July 1, 1992.


    The model has been constructed from equations describ-

    ing the seasonal distributio n of solar radiation over the

    surface of the Earth [eg, Linacre, 1968; Henderson-

    Sellers Robinson, 1986; Monteit h Unswor th, 1990;

    Prentice et al, 1992; Haxeltine Prentice, 1996; and

    Guyot, 19981 and implemented in the computing lan-

    guage FORTRAN. The seasonal and meridianal dist ribu -

    tion of radiation is determined by the rotation of the


  • 8/11/2019 Rapid estimation of photosynthetically active radiation over the West African Sahel using the Pathfinder Land Dat


    Estimating PAR over the West African Sahel

    JAG Volume 1 - Issue 3/4 - 1999

    N = daylength (seconds, from sunrise to sunset)


    CLAVR data over Africa for June 1, 1992

    Earth about its own axis and by its elliptical orbit about

    the Sun [Monteith & Unsworth, 19901. The solar declina-

    tion (6) refers to the angle between the Earths orbital

    and equatorial planes, which varies between +23 30 in

    June and -23 30 in December. Solar irradiance at the

    top of the Earths atmosphere therefore depends on time

    of day, time of year, and latitude, which may be

    described by the angle between the direction of the Sun

    and the vertical (solar zenith) for a point on the Earths

    surface. The solar elevation angle is given by:





    t = time of day (referring to the time when the Sun

    reaches its zenith).

    It may be shown by spherical trigonometry that

    cosq = sin q7 in 6 cos tp cos 6 cos



    IJJ= solar zenith angle

    cp = latitude

    8 = solar declination

    8 = solar elevation angle.

    At sunrise and sunset, the solar elevation, 8, is 0,

    Equation 2 may be used to calculate the daylength:



    N %os-(tantan6)




    The solar constant refers to the amount of radiation

    impinging on a horizontal plane just outside the Earths

    atmosphere, and its value, Q,, is agreed to be about

    1372 W m-z at mean Earth-Sun distance. As the orbit of

    the Earth about the Sun traces an ellipse, the solar con-

    stant varies throughout the year, and when multiplied by

    the solar zenith angle and integrated over the daylight

    hours, the total radiant exposure at the top of the atmos-

    phere is obtained:






    S, = irradiance at the Earths surface (MJm-z day-l)

    Q, = irradiance at the top of the Earths atmosphere (Wm-2)

    do = Earth-Sun distance on a particular date


    average Earth-Sun distance.

    Figure 2 displays the variation in total daily receipt of

    short-wave solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere

    between latitudes IO N and 23 N.

    Solar radiation passing through the atmosphere is atten-

    uated by scattering and absorption by various atmos-

    pheric constituents. Mie and Rayleigh scattering are

    caused by aerosols, individual molecules, water droplets

    and clouds. Absorption is due to ozone, water vapour,

    carbon dioxide and oxygen, and depends not only on the

    amount of the absorbent present but also on the atmos-

    pheric path length. As a result of attenuation, solar radi-

    ation reaching the ground consists of two components:

    direct beam and diffuse beam irradiation, the former

    rarely exceeding 75 percent of the solar constant

    [Monteith & Unsworth, 1990; Guyot, 19981. The sum of

    these two components is referred to as global solar radi-

    ation. An empirical approach pioneered by Angstrom in

    1924 is used to estimate solar irradiance at the ground.

    The Angstrom relation has been widely used in hydro-

    logical and agro-meteorological applications [Dunne &


    FIGURE 2

    Seasonal variation of top-of-atmosphere (TOA) total

    daily global radiation between 1ONand 23N


  • 8/11/2019 Rapid estimation of photosynthetically active radiation over the West African Sahel using the Pathfinder Land Dat


    Estimating PAR over the West African Sahel

    Leopold, 1978; Kowal & Kassam, 1978; Shuttleworth,

    1993; Guyot, 19981 and is given by:

    s* &[a*k( )]


    St = global radiation received at the Earths surface (MJ

    m-2 day-l)

    So = global radiation received at the top of the Earths

    atmosphere (MJm-2 day-l)

    II = number of hours of sunshine in the day

    N = daylength

    a, = constant

    b = constant.

    The coefficients a, and b, are computed by comparing S,

    on overcast days to give a,, while days with bright sun-

    shine yield (a, + b, . These constants vary with local

    atmospheric conditions (humidity, dust, cloud) and solar

    declination (latitude and month) and thus vary both over

    time and space. Cartledge [I9731 used this relation to

    predict solar irradiation of the Brisbane region of

    Australia, using sunshine records from a 56-year period,

    yielding different coefficients for each month of the year.

    Friend [I9981 computed the constants for the entire

    globe using the Muller data set (166 stations). Davies

    [I9661 carried out the same analysis for West Africa,

    showing a, and b values to vary seasonally due to the

    migration of the ITCZ (Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone).

    Table 1 summarises a, and b, parameters computed for

    different areas. Since the test site was in West Africa, the

    constants from Davies [I9661 were used. If S, and N

    (from the equations above) and a, and


    (constants from

    the literature) are known, then n must be obtained to

    compute St (see Table 2).


    The CLAVR flags provide an opportunity to factor in the


    Some published Angstriim constants for Equation 6

    (modified from Dunne & Leopold, 1978).





    S.E. England









    West Africa



    0.29 cos





    0.25 0.54

    0.23 - 0.35

    0.38 - 0.54

    0.20 0.56

    Spitters (1986)

    -0.12 - 0.26 0.99 - 9.50

    Davies (1966)








    Black et al (1954)

    Glover &

    McCulloch (1958)

    Friend (1998)

    Penman (1948)

    quoted by

    Penman (1948)

    quoted by

    Penman (1948)

    Cartledge (1973)

    JAG Volume 1 - Issue 3/4 - 1999

    effect of cloud cover on estimates of incoming global

    radiation by varying the relative sunshine duration (n/N)

    of the Angstrgm relation (with a, and b, constants pro-

    vided from Davies [ 19661) on a daily basis between three

    states: clear, cloudy and mixed. Cloud cover observations

    were restricted to one single afternoon acquisition per

    day (roughly corresponding to 14:00 hours local time)

    and were designated as either 100 percent clear (n/N =

    I), 100 percent cloudy n/N = 0) or mixed (0 < n/N < 1).

    One simplifying assumption was made: that if a pixel is

    flagged as clear, cloudy or mixed during the acquisition

    period, it holds for all daylight hours.

    The operation was carried out on all CLAVR values

    extracted for a portion of Sahelian W est Africa between

    10N and 20N and 2W and 18E.


    It was not known what proportion of the pixel is com-

    posed of cloud cover for CLAVR pixels that were flagged

    as mixed. In order to find the optimal



    tion for CLAVR pixels with mixed cloud, 11 trial runs

    were made, stepping


    values from 0 to 1 at incre-

    ments of 0.1. Some 366 daily PAR images were generat-

    ed for each increment, and subsequently integrated over

    IO-, II- or 8-day periods to correspond to the composi-

    tion periods of the dekadal MVC images from the PAL

    data set for a total of 36 images per year. The model was

    calibrated using daily observations of PAR (Photo-

    synthetically Active Radiation) for the year 1992 taken

    from the HAPEX Sahel Information website [http:// www.

    ird.fr/hapex/data/climat92/daily/desc.htm]. The data were

    collected at 13 40 N and 2 32 E. The corresponding

    PAR values for each dekad and for each trial run (corre-

    sponding to the images created for each n/N value) were

    extracted. Three performance measures were used to

    make a choice as to what value of


    for mixed cloud

    TABLE 2 Angstrdm constants for West African conditions from

    Davies (1966), used in the model. Correlation coefficients are

    given in the third column (r).

    Month a, b, r

    January -0.041 0.878 0.99

    February -0.040 0.878 0.92






    0.084 0.821 0.97


    0.123 0.723 0.93





    July 0.293 0.640 0.93

    August 0.204 0.602 0.86

    September 0.259 0.497 0.92

    October 0.174 0.616 0.92





    December -0.119 0.989 0.88


  • 8/11/2019 Rapid estimation of photosynthetically active radiation over the West African Sahel using the Pathfinder Land Dat


    Estimating PAR over the West African Sahel

    JAG Volume


    Issue 3/4 - 1999



    minimize the errors between the observed

    and predicted values: the Normalised Root Mean Square

    Error (NRMSE), Normalised Mean Absolute Error


    and the Index of Agreement IOA):

    i(I: -0J

    i l


    i(I: -oiy


    NRMsE= ;



    i l

    Pi = predicted value at dekad i

    0; = observed value at dekad i

    0 = mean of observed values

    pi = pi -5

    Oi = oi -5

    N = number of observations

    The NRMSE is the most widely used index. It is, however,

    very sensitive to large, single outliers in the data, making

    it more difficult to objectively assess data-model agree-

    ment [Kirkby et a/, 19931. The NM E is less sensitive to

    outliers but does not allow for compensations of positive

    and negative discrepancies. Finally, the ZOA expresses

    model-data agreement more directly and may be viewed

    as a standardised measure of the mean square error. A

    value of 0 represents no agreement, while 1 indicates

    perfect agreement [Janssen & Heuberger, 19951. Figure 3

    shows the sensitivity of all three error measures to dif-

    fering values of


    for the mixed cloud pixels by plotting

    relative errors//OA against n/N values ranging from 0 to

    1. The NRMSE reaches a minimum of 15.69 percent for

    dekad integrals of PAR at n/N = 0.5 and 10.96 percent

    for n/N = 0.4 when integrated at the monthly time-scale.



    reaches a minimum of 12.46 percent at

    n/N =

    0.5 for the dekad time scale, falling to 8.74 percent for

    the monthly time scale and n/N = 0.4. IOA values

    reached maxima of 0.71 (n/N = 0.5 dekad time scale) and

    0.69 (n/N = 0.5 monthly time scale). All three perfor-

    mance measures display minimum errors for n/Ns of

    between 0.4 and 0.5.


    Figure 4 displays time profiles of dekad PAR from the

    model over which PAR observations from the HAPEX

    Sahel observations that have been aggregated to corre-

    sponding dekad periods are superimposed. There is a

    general agreement between the observed and simulated

    values, varying both in similar directions and being more

    or less in step with each other. The simulated values

    show higher amplitude variability, under- or overestimat-

    ing PAR at certain times of the year. Figure 5 displays

    observed - model comparison of accumulated PAR from

    January to December 1992. Modelled accumulated PAR

    is displayed for every other n/N value used for the cali-

    bration procedure. All curves fan out from the onset to

    produce vastly different results by the end of the run: n/N

    = 0 yielded 2939.74 MJ m-2; n/N = 1.0 resulted in

    4749.08 MJ m-2. It is clear that using

    n/N = 0.4


    a curve that closely mirrors the yearly accumulation of

    measured PAR, with a slight underestimation between

    dekads 12 and 17, giving way to a slight overestimation

    between dekads 26 and 36. The observed end-of-year

    accumulated PAR is 3591.29 MJ m-2 as compared to

    3663.27 MJ m-2 for the run corresponding to n/N = 0.4.

    This yields a slight overestimation in PAR of



    Figure 6 shows the relative discrepancies and relative

    cumulative discrepancies of the simulated PAR values

    from the observed PAR values. For individual dekads, the

    relative discrepancies exceeded * 20 percent on only 8

    occasions (22 percent of the observations), with the

    0 0

    0 02 0.4 06 08




    FIGURE3 Impact of choice of n/N value (relative sunshine dura-

    tion parameter) in modelling PAR




    1 6

    11 16 21 26 31 36


    FIGURE4 Observed vs modelled PAR (n/N = 0.4) for 1366N

    and 2O53E for the year 1992, located within the HAPEX Sahel

    square in southwest Niger


  • 8/11/2019 Rapid estimation of photosynthetically active radiation over the West African Sahel using the Pathfinder Land Dat


    Estimating PAR over the West African Sahel

    FIGURE5 Cumulative end of year (1992) PAR at 1366N and

    253E for observed and modelled values with

    n N


    between 0 and 1 O

    FIGURE6 Relative departures of modelled PAR from observed

    PAR at 1366N and 253E




    JAG Volume


    Issue 314


    majority of estimates falling within 15 percent. Relative

    cumulative discrepancies exceeded f 10 percent only

    once. Finally, Figure 7 displays the predicted spatial dis-

    tribution of accumulated PAR for 1992 (for n/N = 0.4)

    over the portion of West Africa encompassing most of

    the Niger. There is a general tendency for PAR to

    increase toward the north-north west, with lowest values

    occurring in the southwest and southeast corners of the

    image, where cloud frequenc ies are higher, especially

    during the rainy season. Note the decreased PAR totals in

    the high lands, (between 2000-3000 m) in the nort hwest

    sector, where sig nificant amounts of cloud reduce the

    amount of PAR. Areas around Lake Chad and along the

    rivers (notably the Niger River) show decreased amounts

    of PAR, due to increased evaporation, which generates

    lower visibility and cloud. The northeast corner of the

    map shows a PAR receipt in excess of 4300 MJ m-2,

    which corresponds to an area of low elevation that con-

    sists mainly of salt flats.


    Kowal Kassam [I9781 state that the average gradient ,

    in the receipt of irradiation along the north-south axis of

    the West African Sahel between latitudes of roughly

    1ON and 18 N is about 88 MJ m-2 year-l, though there

    are anomalies. Average gradients computed from Figure

    6 are 70 and 124 MJ m-2 year-1 f or the eastern part of

    the image, more or less corrobor ating their values (which

    are based on long -term averages).


    Though the calibration procedure established an accept-

    PAR (Am7-2)




    1500 Km


    Map showing end of year accumulated PAR for 1992 over a portion of West Africa including most of

    Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Benin and Nigeria

    Niger, and parts of


  • 8/11/2019 Rapid estimation of photosynthetically active radiation over the West African Sahel using the Pathfinder Land Dat


    Estimating PARover the West African Sahel

    able relation between observed and simulated PAR for

    one station, because validation data were not available it

    is not known whether the same model parameters

    (namely n/N produce viable results over the greater

    region. The AngstrZjm equation is empirical, and its para-

    meters are spatio-temporally variable. The Angstrijm

    constants of Davies [ 19661 were derived from a number

    of stations spanning Nigeria, Ghana, Chad and Niger, all

    essentially located in the southern half of the West

    African Sahel. The considerably sunnier and drier cli-

    mates in the northern half of the sector may yield differ-

    ing angstrijm coefficients, perhaps necessitating a re-cal-

    ibration of the relative sunshine duration parameter used

    in the model for mixed cloud pixels. Also, the accuracy

    may be poorer over the highlands where cooler, cloudier

    climatic regimes dominate. Nevertheless, the expected

    distribution of accumulated PAR emerges.

    Furthermore, the CLAVR flags are restricted to one single

    afternoon acquisition per day, corresponding to the over-

    pass of the NOAA satellite (about 14:00 local time).

    Three cloudiness states are produced (cloudy, clear, and

    mixed), which for utilitarian purposes were maintained

    throughout each day represented in the model. This is a

    drastic but necessary assumption. Realistically, atmos-

    pheric conditions and cloud cover vary diurnally in a non-

    random manner, especially during the rainy season,

    when afternoon heating of the land surface may be

    expected to produce convection clouds, often accompa-

    nied by precipitation. If maximum cloudiness consistently

    occurs in the afternoon, then the model may be expect-

    ed to overestimate diurnal cloud effects, and thus under-

    estimate average n/N values for mixed cloud pixels. Dye

    & Shibasaki [I9951 report similar difficulties using the

    12:00 TOMS observations upon which TOMS PAR fields

    are based.

    Further uncertainty revolves around the current PAL

    CLAVR, which was intended as an experimental cloud

    layer. The CLAVR algorithm is limited in its ability to

    detect cloudy pixels from clear ones. The algorithm is

    sensitive to surface heterogeneities and it has not been

    validated for the entire globe. Moreover, the routines

    using the thermal channels do not check for missing val-

    ues or data gaps, which may lead to errors. CLAVR is also

    based on top-of-the-atmosphere reflectances normalised

    for solar zenith angle, leaving the effects of Rayleigh

    scattering, ozone absorption, aerosols and water vapdur

    unaccounted for. The risk is, therefore, one of overesti-

    mation of amounts of cloud in the CLAVR flags.

    Another potential shortcoming is the fundamental differ-

    ence in spatio-temporal scales represented by the mod-

    elled estimates (constrained by the one observation per

    day, 8 km x 8 km resolution of the CLAVR flags) and

    ground observations used for calibration or validation.


    JAG Volume 1 - Issue 3/4 - 1999

    The satellite estimates are spatial averages at specific

    times, whereas surface measurements are temporal aver-

    ages at specific sites [Frouin & Pinker, 19951.


    Figure 8 displays cloud frequencies for each dekad (with

    mixed cloud states classified as 100 percent cloud) over

    1992 for the pixel corresponding to the HAPEX Sahel site

    used for the calibration. Most dekads from April through

    to September (roughly corresponding to the rainy sea-

    son) reveal cloud frequencies between 7 and 10, while at

    other t imes of the year cloud frequencies vary between 1

    and 6. As we expected, cloud amounts are higher during

    the rainy season, thus lending qualitative su.pport to the

    use of CLAVR as a source of reliable cloud data.









    FIGURE 8 Cloud frequency at 1366N and 253E computed

    from daily CLAVR mages

    Other advantages include the fact that ttie method is

    easily implemented using equations that are well estab-

    lished in the literature. Furthermore, the CLAVR fields are

    widely accessible to the public, and easily incorporated

    into the modelling procedure, thus providing the ability

    to partition incoming solar irradiation between its direct

    and diffuse components. Provided regional Angstrijm

    coefficients can be established, the method has the abil-

    ity to represent regional variation in PAR with accuracies

    that improve over longer integration periods. Finally, the

    error permitted for PAR estimations to furnish satisfacto-

    ry accuracy for use in biomass models depends both on

    the amount of PAR and on the biomass. Accuracies of 20

    percent over land and 35 percent over water are suffi-

    cient when actual daily PAR exceeds 300 W m-2 [Frouin &

    Pinker, 19951. The overall discrepancies

    this study indicate that PAR estimates

    African Sahel fall below the 20 percent


    obtained from

    for the West

    threshold over


    A technique for generating spatially comprehensive and

    representative values of PAR has been established using

  • 8/11/2019 Rapid estimation of photosynthetically active radiation over the West African Sahel using the Pathfinder Land Dat


    Estimating PAR over the West African Sahel

    the CLAVR flags from PAL for time scales of IO days or

    longer, calibrated with data from the HAPEX Sahel exper-

    iment in S.W. Niger. Though more accurate methods

    exist for generating total PAR values on a daily basis -

    using a combination of radiation transfer models and

    data from other satellite sensors - the technique has

    merit in that it requires a mjnimum of data and can be

    rapidly implemented using an easily accessible data set.

    Regional PAR estimates may be generated for use in bio-

    mass models that require PAR accuracies within 20 per-

    cent over land. Data model comparisons using the




    confirm that overall accuracies

    are within this 20 percent threshold. Furthermore, simu-

    lated end-of-year accumulated PAR may be achieved at

    accuracies within 1.9 percent of observed values.

    However the technique must be applied judiciously. Its

    reliance on empirical formulae such as the Angstrom

    relation imposes geographical constraints. Furthermore,

    the method relies on one cloud observation per day,

    leading to an underestimation of diurnal cloudiness

    cycles. It is also known that the CLAVR algorithm is not

    entirely efficient in detecting amounts of cloud.

    Unfortunately, due to lack of ground observations of sur-

    face solar irradiance or PAR, the model could not be ade-

    quately validated over the larger region.


    This work was funded by the Swedish International

    Development Agency (SIDA) and the Swedish Space

    Agency. The CLAVR files were provided by the Pathfinder

    programme (NASA-EOSDIYNOAA, Goddard Space Flight

    Center, Greenbelt, MD 20771, USA) with ancillary infor-

    mation found on the FEWS Information Server (EROS

    Data Center, USGS, Sioux Falls, SD 57198, USA).

    Calibration data were downloaded from the HAPEX

    Sahel Information System [http://www.ird.fr/hapex]. Lars

    Harrie and Lars Eklundh of the Department of Physical

    Geography, Lund University, Sweden, provided valuable

    suggestions for this manuscript.


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    La radiation active photosynthetique (PAR) est importante pour

    evaluer a la fois Iimpact du changement de couverture des

    terres sur le climat et pour rrfodeliser la productivite a une echel-

    le regionale, aussi bien que son potentiel dans des regions

    sujettes a des penuries alimentaires. Une methode relativement

    simple qui produit des valeurs de PAR &endues et representa-

    tives a des echelles de temps de 10 jours (decades) ou plus

    longues est d&rite ; cette methode est testee et completee sur

    une partie de IAfrique de IOuest. Avec des equations simples

    pour decrire la variation geographique et temporelle de la radia-

    tion globale recue au sommet de Iatmosphere, chaque jour des

    nuages enregistres par NOAA NASA AVHRR Pathfinder Land

    Data Set (PAL) sont utilises conjointement avec une formule

    empirique developpee par Angstrom et adaptee aux conditions

    dAfrique de IOuest pour @valuer la reception de surface de

    radiation globale a cet endroit. Des observations au sol de PAR a

    partir de Iexperience HAPEX du Sahel (a 13.66 N et 2.53 E

    de 1992) sont utilisees pour etablir le parametre de la variable

    de duree relative densoleillement dans la relation Angstrom

    ainsi que pour minimiser les erreurs entre le PAR observe et

    modelise. Les resultats indiquent que PAR peut @tre estime

    jusque dans les 20% des valeurs observees pour 28 des 36

    periodes de sommations de 10 jours sur une annee. Le PAR

    accumule en fin dannee est estime a 1.96 pour cent. Des

    erreurs moyennes quadratiques normalisees (NRMSEs) et des

    erreurs moyennes absolues normalisees (NMAEs) de 15.69 pour

    cent et 12.46 pour cent, respectivement ont ete obtenues pour

    des sommes de 10 jours, avec des valeurs de 10.96 pour cent et

    8.74 pour cent, respectivement pour des sommes mensuelles.

    La variabilite spatiale de fin dannee PAR pour 1992 est en

    concordance avec ce qui etait escompte. Bien quil existe des

    methodes plus precises pour accomplir cela, la technique est

    meritoire pour sa facilite dapplication, en utilisant une serie de

    donnees accessibles, dans une region ou manquent les mesures

    de Iirradiation solaire.


    La radiacidn fotosinteticamente activa (PAR) es importante para

    evaluar tanto el impact0 de 10s cambios de la corteza terrestre

    sobre el clima y para planear la productividad a escala regional,

    coma su potential en areas que son vulnerables a deficits de ali-

    mentos. Se describe un metodo relativamente sencillo que gene-

    ra valores de PAR de conjunto y representativos a nivel espacial

    a escalas de tiempo de 10 dias o m6s y que ha sido estudiado y

    puesto en prdctica en una region del Africa occidental. Con

    ecuaciones sencillas que describen la variaci6n geogrdfica y tem-

    poral de la radiaci6n global recibida en la parte alta de la atmos-

    fera, se utilizan las rachas de nubes diarias de NOAA/NASA

    AVHRR Pathfinder Land Data Set (PAL) conjuntamente con una

    formula empirica desarrollada por Angstrom y unas constantes

    adaptadas a las condiciones del oeste de Africa para calcular la

    recepci6n en la superficie de la radiation global en aquel punto.

    Se utilizan las observaciones de PAR en el suelo del experiment0

    de HAPEX Sahel (a 13,660 N y 2,530 E desde 1992) para obte-

    ner 10s pardmetros de la duracidn relativa de la Iuz solar variable

    en la relation de Angstrom, de forma que se reduzcan al mini-

    mo 10s errores entre el valor de PAR observado y el modelado.

    Los resultados indican que se puede calcular la PAR con un error

    inferior al 20% para 10s valores observados en 28 de 10s 36 peri-

    odos de adicion de 10 dias a lo largo de un aiio. La PAR acumu-

    lada a final de afio se calcula con un error del 1.96%. Se obtu-

    vieron errores de la media cuadratica normalizada (NRMSE) y

    errores de la media absoluta normalizada (NMAE) de 15,69% y

    12,46% respectivamente, para el acumulado de 10 dias, con

    valores de 10,96% y 8,74% respectivamente, para resultados

    mensuales. La variabilidad espacial de PAR al final del ario para

    1992 concuerda con lo esperado. Aunque existen metodos mas

    precisos para conseguir esto, la tecnica merece la pena por su

    fdcil aplicacion, utilizando un conjunto de datos accesibles, en

    zonas donde se carece de medidas de la radiaci6n solar.
