RAMA’s ANUBHAV€¦ · order, new benchmarks, lifestyle changes even change in human priorities...

RAMA’s Anubhav April 2020 April Edition- 2020 RAMA’s ANUBHAV

Transcript of RAMA’s ANUBHAV€¦ · order, new benchmarks, lifestyle changes even change in human priorities...

Page 1: RAMA’s ANUBHAV€¦ · order, new benchmarks, lifestyle changes even change in human priorities and many such transformations. Please mind, having said that I am not opining that

RAMA’s Anubhav April 2020April Edition- 2020



Page 2: RAMA’s ANUBHAV€¦ · order, new benchmarks, lifestyle changes even change in human priorities and many such transformations. Please mind, having said that I am not opining that

RAMA’s Anubhav April 2020

1. Editorial……………………………..…..…………………………………………………….………………………..…..03Mr. Kapil Bansal

2. Trend of ICAI Latest CA Course………………………………………...………………………………….…..05Mr. Mohit Maheshwari

4. Remuneration Paid to Directors to Attract GST: AAR.……………………….……............…....09Ms. Rekha Yadav

5. Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Economy………………….…………….……………………….……..12Mr. Amit Jain

Priya Mishra– Editor, Communicator/ Nammika Giddi - Creative & Art work

3. 5 Critical Reasons Why Companies Choose Microsoft Dynamics 365……..……….............07Mr. Rohit Singh


6. Top 8 Technology Trends for 2020……………..…………………………………………………………13 Mr. Tanmay Parab


7. Moments to Celebrate…………………………………………………………..……………………………16Ms. Anjali Singh

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RAMA’s Anubhav April 2020


Dear Friends,

Hope you are keeping safe andtaking due care of your familyand loved ones!

At the outset would like tomention that these areunprecedented times, even acouple of generations before ushave not seen such an era. Theentire world is on a standstilland coming together to fight acommon enemy, with fewexceptions obliviously.

I am sure each one of us has alot to read about the problems,challenges, difficulties arisingout of the COVID-19, close to 2MN already infected, thousandsof deaths worldwide, etc. etc.Although India is handling thesituation much better, we have


our own set of challenges andhave to be prepared for theworst.

I believe that it is not atemporary problem and we willnever get back to the world wewere living in till now. We willsee a permanent change in theorder, new benchmarks, lifestylechanges even change in humanpriorities and many suchtransformations.

Please mind, having said that Iam not opining that we will bechanging for bad or good forthat matter.

I am only seeing a paradigmshift, bad or good, will bedecided purely based on theactions we take now and in thenear future.

I would like to use thisopportunity to talk to you on thepositives and emphasis that weact towards a positive outcome,to have better order of “Life onWorld 2.0”.

I’ve lived in Mumbai for the past15 years and have alwaysthought that the sky here isblack due to clouds, there arefew trees but no birds and theevenings, family time are wordsto be used only on weekends.

Over the last few days, I am

proved delightfully wrong, thesky as blue as it should be, youcan sit in balconies in silence andhear birdsongs as well in theevenings. Now, it is upon all of usto act in a manner so that wedon’t lose on this.

Please don’t get me wrong, I amin no mood to pack my bags andgo to the mountains, I still havethe same ambitions as I have 5years back when we started thefirm. I still want to fly high, nowwith a belief to find better waysto do the same tasks we weredoing earlier.

For example, we all alwayscomplain about the traffic onMumbai roads, we can contributetowards finding ways to notincrease it to the same levelsonce we resume. Can we as ateam give confidence to ourleaders by working on the sameefficiencies and delivering betteroutputs without having a physicalpresence every day?

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RAMA’s Anubhav April 2020



The global economic activity isgoing down obviously puttinghuge pressures on costs, thisapplies to each one of us aswell. Can we contribute toinnovating ourexecution/service deliveryprocess to yield better resultswith reduced costs?

Similarly, can each one of usimprove our skills to be able to

deliver a higher quality ofoutput? These are only a fewways to contribute, I am sureeach one of you can think ofmuch more and would act tocontribute positively.

Lastly, I want to ensure you thatwe as a firm are in a fairlydecent position till now andtaking all possible steps to havea minimum impact on all of us.There are challenges for sureand we will be workingprecisely towards overcomingthese challenges with our fullintent and strength.

Please, do follow theinstructions/guidelines suggestby authorities to keepyourselves and your loved onessafe, do not indulge in or beinfluenced by fake news andmake full use of the time to bevictorious in yourself.

Yours lovingly!

Kapil Bansal

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Trend of ICAI Latest CA Course

Diversification of jobs in

Accountancy has resulted inincreased demand for accountprofessionals. Due to this,the Institute of CharteredAccountants of India(ICAI) revised the pattern of theCA course in 2017 and gave anoption of selecting New or OldSyllabus to the students forstudies.

The students are activelychoosing the new course morethan the old one as it issynchronized with the changes inthe financial world. The changeof syllabus was introduced in allthe levels- Foundation,Intermediate, and Final. The newcourse is filled with subjects likeBusiness Correspondence andReporting, International Taxation,Economics for Finance and manymore.

Atul Kumar, President of ICAI,said, “The syllabus of the CAcourse was revised to inculcatecompetence and skills among theaspirants to increase endurancein the dynamic global businessenvironment. The changes wereintroduced keeping in view thechanging business and economicdynamics. The new course willhelp refine and upgrade thetechnical competence,professional skills, values, ethicsand attitudes of aspiring CAs by

introducing subjects toincorporate practices ofinternational accountancyeducation bodies. It would helpin accepting new roles once theyqualify as charteredaccountants.”

New Roles

The CAs have to go beyond theirtheoretical studies to actaccording to the changingfinancial pace and have todeliver more than just being aCA. “The professionals today arerequired to excel in multiplefields such as artificialintelligence, financial modelling,risk assessment andmanagement, forensicaccounting and auditing,planning strategies related toentry of overseas companies,GST, corporate governance,insolvency-related consultation,business revenue models –planning and structuring, amongothers, to act as a complete

business solution provider,” saidGupta.

To undergo the practices ofinternational accountancy, thenew course contains subjectslike Global Financial ReportingStandards (GFRS) to ready thestudents for internationalaccounting. Basic courses oflanguages like German, French,Spanish, etc. are also beingprovided for the same. “Byacquiring the language skills,students, with all the knowledgecan bridge the communicationbarriers and understand the localmarket better,” added Gupta.

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Trend of ICAI Latest CA Course

Student’s Response

More students of the old schemepassed the 2019 CA Final exam ascompared to that of the newscheme but more and morestudents are opting for the newscheme with time.

Look at the facts, in May 2018 CAFinal exam around 2300 studentsappeared for the exam in Group1 while around 1200 appearedfor the Group 2 exam and inNovember 2018 CA Final examaround 6100 students appearedfor Group 1 exam while around3300 attended the Group 2exam.

The registrations for the newcourse increased widely with27,816 students appearing forGroup 1 and 26,972 studentsappearing for Group 2 exams in2019.

Passing Records

There is no doubt in the fact thatmore number of students fromthe old course is clearing theexams but there is a gradualincrease in the number ofstudents passing the examsunder the new scheme.

The trend of opting new schemeis coming to surface with time.

- Mohit Maheshwari

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Investing in an ERP solution is a

critical decision for SMB´s andenterprises. Selecting the rightsolution is key to guarantee theachievements of short andlong-term objectives.

There are multiple solutions atthe ERP landscape. For thisreason, choosing an ERP couldbe a complex process for anycompany.

In this article I will evaluate fivecapabilities of MicrosoftDynamics 365 from the pointof view of a company todiscover the main benefits ofchoosing the leading MicrosoftERP solution.

1. Everything works in thecloud

Some companies spend a bigamount of their budgets intechnical upgrades. WithMicrosoft Dynamics 365everything works in Microsoftcloud which guaranteesupgrades and hotfixes directlyso there is no need for costlymulti-year upgrades.Furthermore, Microsoft is notonly in charge of upgrades, butalso brings backups of yourcritical business informationacross multiple data centresthroughout the world as well.

How does it benefit mycompany? In this order, we savecosts associated with operationaland maintenance processes.Also, we will avoid the fixed costsassociated with on-premisehardware since Microsoftmanages it. In addition to this,the automated upgrades ensurethe solution will be in the latestavailable version.

2. CRM and ERP in oneintegrated system

Customer RelationshipManagement (CRM) andEnterprise Resource Planners(ERP) systems into an all-in-oneenvironment. In this order,Microsoft Dynamics 365 allowsus to integrate sales, marketingand customer service data andprocesses.

How does it benefit mycompany? Plan, execute andmeasure campaigns, from start

to finish, closing more sales andachieving higher customersatisfaction. In the same way, wewill access critical businessinformation to accomplish moreconsistent sales interactionswhile capturing every touch pointwith our clients to enhance ourdecisions.

3. Office 365 and MicrosoftDynamics 365 work together

A critical plus for MicrosoftDynamics 365 is that Microsoft´sinfrastructure allows seamlesssync with any other Windowsapplications. Considering this, theintegration of Office 365 andMicrosoft Dynamics 365 allowsusers and companies to obtainunique capabilities in differentscenarios in order to increaseproductivity and efficiency. Inparticular, includes apps such as:SharePoint Online, OneDrive,Skype for Business, Yammer,

Power BI, Word, Excel,PowerPoint and Outlook.

How does it benefit mycompany? Integrating MicrosoftDynamics 365 and Office 365 wedon’t have to switch betweenapps to view critical data for ourdecision-making process. Forexample, without leaving our e-mail inbox, we can check the

5 Critical Reasons Why Companies Choose Microsoft Dynamics 365

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5 Critical Reasons Why Companies Choose Microsoft Dynamics 365

inventory, create purchaseorders, view customer’s data,update quotes and makedecisions even from a desktop,tablet or a mobile device. e-mailinbox, we can check theinventory, create purchaseorders, view customer’s data,update quotes and makedecisions even from a desktop,tablet or a mobile device.

4. Business Intelligence toobtain powerful insights

Microsoft Dynamics 365 comeswith Power BI, a powerfulbusiness intelligence tool thatbrings robust and interactivereports across your organization.Particularly, Power BI isempowered with Cortanaartificial intelligence to deliverprecise insights, so you arealways one step ahead makingimpactful business decisions.

How does it benefit mycompany? Microsoft Dynamics365 integrates Power BI natively.These robust businessintelligence capabilities allow usto obtain real time insightsacross organization’sdepartments, in order to createpowerful dashboards, reportsand enhance strategic planning.

5. Familiar workspace

In a digital transformationprocess, companies faceobstacles such as a resistance tochange or a long learning curve.Although, every ERP systemrequires users to be trained toobtain the best results,Microsoft Dynamics 365 brings afamiliar workspace and asimplified interface that makethe learning curve shorter andadoption faster.

How does it benefit mycompany? For every company,employees represent a relevantfactor for the decision-makingprocess. Under thosecircumstances, the ease of use in

new tools implies a competitiveadvantage. Considering this,Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers afriendly user experience in anintuitive environment toaccelerate the user adoption.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 hasmany complex capabilities foryour company, that willundoubtedly benefit yourbusiness. I hope this article hashelped provide a betterunderstanding of the capabilitiesthat Microsoft Dynamics 365provides to organizations such asyours.

- Rohit Singh

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The Authority for Advance Ruling

has said. In an application filedbefore in Rajasthan bench of theAAR, Clay Craft India Pvt Ltd hadsought clarification on whethersalaries / remuneration paid todirectors would attract GST. Thecompany said its directors areworking as employees for whichthey are being compensated byway of a regular salary and otherallowances.

“The company is also deductingTDS on their salary and PF lawsare also applicable on theirservice. Therefore, in all purposesthese directors are theemployees of the company andare working as such besidesbeing Director of the company,” itsaid. In ruling, the AAR said, “theconsideration paid to thedirectors by the applicantcompany will attract GST underreverse charge…”

The AAR, while analysing thecase, said that Director is thesupplier of said services and theapplicant company is therecipient of the services.

The Central Tax (Rate)notification No. 13/2017 –Central Tax (Rate) dated28.06.2017 clearly states thatservices supplied by a Director ofa company will be considered assupply and hence directorscannot be called an employee.

“So it is clear that the servicesrendered by the Director to thecompany for which considerationis paid to them in any head isliable to pay GST under ReverseCharge Mechanism,” the AARorder said.

And also accordance with In reM/s Alcon Consulting Engineers(India) Pvt. Ltd. (GST AARKarnataka) regarding theremuneration to the Directorspaid by the applicant, theservices provided by theDirectors to the Company are notcovered under clause (1) of theSchedule III to the CGST, 2017 asthe Director is not the employeeof the Company. Theconsideration paid to the Directoris in relation to the servicesprovided by the Director to theCompany and the recipient ofsuch service is the Company asper clause (93) of section 2 ofthe.

CGST Act and the supplier ofsuch service is the Director.The judgement states thequestion before us is notwhether this service is taxableor not, but whether this supplyof services is liable to tax underreverse charge mechanism.

Notification No. 13/2017 –Central Tax (Rate) dated28.06.2017states that oncategories of supply of servicesmentioned in column of theTablebelow, supplied by a person asspecified in column of the saidTable, the whole of central taxleviable under section 9 of thesaid CGST, shall be paid onreverse charge basis by therecipient of the such services”.The notification is issued underSection 9(3) of the CGST Act,2017. Entry 6 of the saidNotification reads as:

Sl.No. Category of ServicesSupplier of


Recipient of


6 Services supplied by a

Director of a company or a

body corporate to the said

company or the body


A director

of a

company or

a body


The company

or a body


located in the



Remuneration Paid to Directors to Attract GST: AAR

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• In the present case, the applicant is the company and the Directors’ remuneration is paid for the services

supplied by the Director to the company and hence the same is liable to tax under reverse charge basis

under section 9(3) of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017.

Types of Directors & their applicability

Types of

DirectorsMeaning Definition as per Companies Act 2013

RCM implication on services rendered

by the respective Director

1. Whole



Section 2(94) of the Companies Act, 2013 defines

the term ‘whole-time director’ as a director, who is

in the whole-time employment of the company.

Since the director is working in the

course of employment hence his

services performed as an employee

shall not be leviable to RCM.

2. Managing


Section 2(54) of the Companies Act, 2013 defines

‘Managing Director’ as a director who, by virtue of

the articles of a company or an agreement with the

company or a resolution passed in its general

meeting, or by its Board of Directors, is entrusted

with substantial powers of management of the

affairs of the company and includes a director

occupying the position of managing director, by

whatever name called.

Judgement in Employees’ State

Insurance Cooperation vs Apex

Engineering Pvt Ltd stated that

Managing director of the company

shall also be termed as an employee

since he is in whole time


By virtue of the above said ruling it

can be concluded that the services

performed by Managing Director in

the course of employment shall stand

out of RCM implications.

3. Executive


Rule 2(1)(k) of the Companies (Specification of

definitions details) Rules, 2014 defines it to mean a

whole Time Director as defined in Section 2(94) of

the Companies Act, 2013.

Since the Executive director is given

the same description as that of WTD,

his services as an employee shall also

stand exempted by virtue of Schedule

III of the CGST Act.

4. Non-



Non- Executive director, non being specified will be

the one not being an Executive Director.

Non-Executive director, not serving

the company in relation to an

employment agreement shall be

classified as providing services

independent to the one specified

above and accordingly shall be

leviable to RCM.

Remuneration Paid to Directors to Attract GST: AAR

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Types of

DirectorsMeaning Definition as per Companies Act 2013

RCM implication on services rendered

by the respective Director

5. Independent


Section 149(6) of the Companies Act 2013 defines

Independent Director in relation to a company a

director other than a managing director or a

whole-time director or a nominee director, who is

a person of great integrity and possesses relevant

expertise and experience

Since services by an Independent

director has been kept separated

from the one specified to be serving

in terms of their employment

agreement, services provided by him

shall according be chargeable under

RCM and taxed at appropriate rates.

6. Nominee


Nominee director is the one appointed by the

institution that has invested in or lent to the

company. Companies Act 2013 states that

Nominee director cannot be same as independent


By virtue of explanation as inserted in

Companies Act 2013, it can be said

that nominee director is also serving

in the course of employment, not

being employed by the company but

the institution and is thereby eligible

for remuneration and accordingly

said service shall stand out of the

purview of GST vide Entry 1 of

Schedule III.

• Services performed in personal capacity other than the one stated in employment agreement shall also beliable to be taxed under RCM. Therefore, services performed by WTD, MD, Nominee director in theirpersonal capacity other than employment service shall also be leviable to RCM.

• Director sitting fee as stated in s. 197(5) of the Companies Act 2013 entitles every director to be receive feeby way of sitting fee for attending meetings of the Board or Committee or for any other purposewhatsoever as may be decided by board. The said fee is independent of the one paid in course ofemployment and thereby shall attract RCM implications whether paid to WTD, MD or any independentdirector as the case may be.

- Rekha Yadav

Remuneration Paid to Directors to Attract GST: AAR

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Impact of COVID-19 on Indian Economy

India’s real GDP decelerated to its

lowest in over six years in 3Q

2019-20, and the outbreak of the

COVID-19 posed fresh challenges.

Steps taken to contain its spread,

such as nationwide restrictions for

21 days and a complete lockdown

of states, have brought economic

activity to standstill and could

impact both consumption and

investment. While Indian

businesses, barring a few sectors,

can possibly insulate themselves

from global supply chain

disruption caused by the outbreak

due to relatively lower reliance on

intermediate imports, their

exports to COVID-19 infected

nations could take a hit. In sum,

the three major contributors to

GDP – private consumption,

investment and external trade –

will be affected.

Three scenarios can be used to

explain the economy effects of


Scenario 1: Quick retraction

across the globe including India;

by the end April to mid-May

China has significantly brought

down the number of new cases

and its manufacturing sector is all

set to resume normalcy. Other

nations also largely contain the

spread of the COVID-19 pandemic

and large fiscal and monetary

stimulus unveiled will start to

work sooner than expected,

which will raise hopes of a solid

recovery in the second half of

2020. In this case, India’s growth

for 2020-21 may be in the range

of 5.3 to 5.7 per cent.

Scenario 2: While India is able to

control COVID-19 spread, there

is a significant global recession

Even under this scenario, the

impact on India’s growth in terms

of global spill overs will be

meaningful, owing to India’s

integration with the global

economy. So, India’s growth will

be lower than scenario 1: the

expected range is 4-4.5 per cent.

Scenario 3: COVID-19

proliferates within India and

lockdowns get extended; global


This would be double whammy

for the economy, as it will have

to bear the brunt of both

domestic and global demand

destruction. Prolonged

lockdowns would exacerbate

economic troubles. India’s

growth may fall below 3 per

cent under this scenario.

- Amit Jain

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Top 8 Technology Trends for 2020

Technology is now evolving at

such a rapid pace that annualpredictions of trends can seemout-of-date before they even golive as a published blog post orarticle. As technology evolves, itenables even faster change andprogress, causing an accelerationof the rate of change, untileventually, it will becomeexponential.

Technology-based careers don’tchange at the same speed, butthey do evolve, and the savvy ITprofessional recognizes that hisor her role will not stay thesame. And an IT worker of the21st century will constantly belearning (out of necessity if notdesire).

What does this mean for you? Itmeans staying current withtechnology trends. And it meanskeeping your eyes on the future,to know which skills you’ll needto know and what types of jobsyou want to be qualified to do.Here are eight technology trendsyou should watch for in 2020,and some of the jobs that will becreated by these trends.

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, hasalready received a lot of buzz inrecent years, but it continues tobe a trend to watch because itseffects on how we live, work andplay are only in the early stages.

In addition, other branches of AIhave developed, includingMachine Learning, which we willgo into below. AI refers tocomputer systems built to mimichuman intelligence and performtasks such as recognition ofimages, speech or patterns, anddecision making. AI can do thesetasks faster and more accuratelythan humans.

Five out of six Americans use AIservices in one form or anotherevery day, including navigationapps, streaming services,smartphone personal assistants,ride-sharing apps, home personalassistants, and smart homedevices. In addition to consumeruse, AI is used to schedule trains,assess business risk, predictmaintenance, and improve energyefficiency, among many othermoney-saving tasks.

2. Machine Learning

Machine Learning is a subset of AI.With Machine L

earning, computers areprogrammed to learn to dosomething they are notprogrammed to do: they learnby discovering patterns andinsights from data. In general,we have two types of learning,supervised and unsupervised.

While Machine Learning is asubset of AI, we also havesubsets within the domain ofMachine Learning, includingneural networks, naturallanguage processing (NLP), anddeep learning. Each of thesesubsets offers an opportunityfor specializing in a career fieldthat will only grow.

3. Robotic Process Automationor RPA

Like AI and Machine Learning,Robotic Process Automation, orRPA, is another technology thatis automating jobs. RPA is theuse of software to automatebusiness processes such asinterpreting applications,

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Top 8 Technology Trends for 2020

processing transactions, dealingwith data, and even replying toemails. RPA automates repetitivetasks that people used to do.These are not just the menialtasks of a low-paid worker: up to45 percent of the activities we docan be automated, including thework of financial managers,doctors, and CEOs.

Although Forrester Researchestimates RPA automationwill threaten the livelihood of230 million or more knowledgeworkers or approximately 9percent of the global workforce,RPA is also creating new jobswhile altering existing jobs.McKinsey finds that less than 5percent of occupations can betotally automated, but about 60percent can be partiallyautomated.

4. Edge Computing

Formerly a technology trend towatch, cloud computing hasbecome mainstream, with majorplayers AWS (Amazon WebServices), Microsoft Azure andGoogle Cloud dominating themarket. The adoption of cloudcomputing is still growing, asmore and more businessesmigrate to a cloud solution. Butit’s no longer the emergingtechnology.

As the quantity of data we’redealing with continues toincrease, we’ve realized theshortcomings of cloudcomputing in some situations.Edge computing is designed tohelp solve some of thoseproblems as a way to bypass thelatency caused by cloudcomputing and getting data to adata centre for processing. Itcan exist “on the edge,” if youwill, closer to where computingneeds to happen. For thisreason, edge computing can beused to process time-sensitivedata in remote locations withlimited or no connectivity to acentralized location. In thosesituations, edge computing canact like mini datacentres.5. Virtual Reality and

Augmented Reality

Virtual Reality(VR) immerses the user in anenvironment while AugmentReality (AR) enhances theirenvironment. Although VR hasprimarily been used for gamingthus far, it has also been usedfor training, as with VirtualShip,a simulation software used totrain U.S. Navy, Army and CoastGuard ship captains. Thepopular Pokémon Go is anexample of AR.

There are major players in theVR market, like Google,Samsung, and Oculus, but

plenty of startups are forming andthey will be hiring, and the demandfor professionals with VR and ARskills will only increase. Gettingstarted in VR doesn’t require a lotof specialized knowledge. Basicprogramming skills and a forward-thinking mindset can land a job,although other employers will belooking for optics as a skill-set andhardware engineers as well.

6. Blockchain

Although most people think ofblockchain technology in relationto cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin,blockchain offers security that isuseful in many other ways. In thesimplest of terms, blockchain canbe described as data you can onlyadd to, not take away from orchange. Hence the term “chain”because you’re making a chain ofdata. Not being able to change theprevious blocks is what makes it sosecure. In addition, blockchains areconsensus-driven, so no one entitycan take control of the data. Withblockchain, you don’t need atrusted third-party to oversee orvalidate transactions. You can referto our Blockchain tutorial for adetailed and thoroughunderstanding of the technology.

Several industries are involving andimplementing blockchain, and asthe use of blockchain technologyincreases, so too does the demandfor skilled professionals. In thatregard, we are already behind.

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Top 8 Technology Trends for 2020

According to Techcrunch.com,blockchain-related jobs arethe second-fastest growingcategory of jobs, with 14 jobopenings for every oneblockchain developer. Ablockchain developer specializesin developing and implementingarchitecture and solutions usingblockchain technology.

7. Internet of Things (IoT)

Many “things” are now beingbuilt with WIFI connectivity,meaning they can be connectedto the Internet—and to eachother. Hence, the Internet ofThings, or IoT. The Internet ofThings is the future and hasalready enabled devices, homeappliances, cars and much moreto be connected to and exchangedata over the Internet. And we’reonly in the beginning stages ofIoT: the number of IoT devicesreached 8.4 billion in 2017 isexpected to reach 30 billiondevices by 2020.

As consumers, we’re alreadyusing and benefitting from IoT.We can lock our doors remotelyif we forget to when we leave forwork and preheat our ovens onour way home from work, allwhile tracking our fitness on ourFitbits and hailing a ride withLyft. But businesses also havemuch to gain now and in thenear future. The IoT can enablebetter safety, efficiency, and

decision making for businessesas data is collected and analysed.It can enable predictivemaintenance, speed up medicalcare, improve customer service,and offer benefits we haven’teven imagined yet.

8. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity might not seemlike emerging technology, giventhat it has been around for awhile, but it is evolving just asother technologies are. That’s inpart because threats areconstantly new. The malevolenthackers who are trying to illegallyaccess data are not going to giveup any time soon, and they willcontinue to find ways to getthrough even the toughestsecurity measures. It’s also in

part because new technology isbeing adapted to enhancesecurity. As long as we havehackers, we will have cybersecurity as an emergingtechnology because it willconstantly evolve to defendagainst those hackers.


So, What's Next?

Although technologies areemerging and evolving all aroundus, these eight technologies offerpromising career potential nowand for the foreseeable future.And all eight are suffering from ashortage of skilled workers,meaning the time is right for youto choose one, get trained, andget on board at the early stagesof the technology, positioningyou for success now and in thefuture.

- Tanmay Parab

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RAMA’s Anubhav April 2020

Moments to Celebrate


Analyst Deepali Yewle

Article Keshav Jha

Kunal Jadhav 13-Apr

Sagar Udar 13-Apr

Himanshu Mittal 13-Apr

Rohan Shah 20-Apr

Harish Mahajan 22-Apr

Ganesh Venkateshwar 24-Apr

Nikesh Date 28-Apr

Manish Patil 28-Apr

Taha Bohra 29-Apr

Amit Jain 30-Apr

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RAMA’s Anubhav April 2020

Thank You&


Until Next Time

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