Rally WS API: Example of using SOAP interface with Java I. SoapUI

Rally WS API: Example of using SOAP interface with Java I. SoapUI setup 1. Download axis 1_4: http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/ws/axis/1_4/

Transcript of Rally WS API: Example of using SOAP interface with Java I. SoapUI

Rally WS API: Example of using SOAP interface with Java

I. SoapUI setup

1. Download axis 1_4:


2. Install SoapUI:




Start SoupUI. Tool>Axis 1.x Artifacts:

Enter your WSDL URL in WSDL field, and choose output directory.

Click on Advanced tab, and on Tools button.

Browse to the location where axis 1_4 is unzipped.

Click OK.

Back on Advanced tab, enter Rally user name and password, and click “Generate”

3. Download WSDL:

4. Create new project in SoapUI:


1. Create a new java project:

Click Finsish.

2. Import from SoapUI:

3. Add External JARs to the Project

5. Create a new class

6. Add import statements:

7. Continue with code example:

8. Run. Defect is crated in Rally: