RAISING AWARENESS TO END CANCER! October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a yearly campaign to raise awareness about the disease. In the U.S., each woman has a 1-in-8 chance of developing breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. While the disease is most prevalent in women, men are at risk too, and they make up 1% of all breast cancer diagnoses. This month, GoPivot has put a list together of tasks to raise awareness and show support. 1. Wear pink 2. Read about breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention 3. Ladies: Schedule your mammogram! 4. Men: Read this article about Male Breast Cancer 5. Walk a mile 6. Try a new heart healthy recipe 7. Get 30 minutes of exercise 8. Volunteer your time 9. Light a candle in honor of someone fighting breast cancer 10. Share a social media post about breast cancer 11. Conduct a breast self-exam. Here’s how. 12. Make a donation (Here’s a list of 7 breast cancer foundations) 13. Create a vision board 14. Take this quiz about breast cancer 15. Let someone you know with cancer that they are not alone 16. Know someone with cancer? Offer to drive them to a doctor’s appointment. 17. Donate clothes to a chemo center 18. Schedule your annual physical 19. Sign up for a 5K 20. Purchase from a company that donates to research 21. Encourage your family and friends to get screened 22. Wear a pink ribbon. Make your own! 23. Set a goal for the new year 24. Track your daily intake of fruits and veggies 25. Purchase a fresh bouquet of pink flowers 26. Eat a heart healthy pink food (incorporate beets, strawberries, or salmon) 27. Listen to someone you know with cancer. Offer to help at home (walk dog, cook a meal) 28. Carve a pumpkin with a pink ribbon. Download the template here. 29. Know the risk factors and prevention for breast cancer 30. Avoid tobacco



RAISING AWARENESS TO END CANCER!October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a yearly campaign to raise awareness about the disease. In the U.S., each woman has a 1-in-8 chance of developing breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. While the disease is most prevalent in women, men are at risk too, and they make up 1% of all breast cancer diagnoses. This month, GoPivot has put a list together of tasks to raise awareness and show support.

1. Wear pink2. Read about breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and prevention3. Ladies: Schedule your mammogram!4. Men: Read this article about Male Breast Cancer5. Walk a mile6. Try a new heart healthy recipe7. Get 30 minutes of exercise8. Volunteer your time9. Light a candle in honor of someone fighting breast cancer10. Share a social media post about breast cancer11. Conduct a breast self-exam. Here’s how.12. Make a donation (Here’s a list of 7 breast cancer foundations)13. Create a vision board14. Take this quiz about breast cancer15. Let someone you know with cancer that they are not alone16. Know someone with cancer? Offer to drive them to a doctor’s

appointment.17. Donate clothes to a chemo center18. Schedule your annual physical19. Sign up for a 5K20. Purchase from a company that donates to research21. Encourage your family and friends to get screened22. Wear a pink ribbon. Make your own!23. Set a goal for the new year24. Track your daily intake of fruits and veggies25. Purchase a fresh bouquet of pink flowers26. Eat a heart healthy pink food (incorporate beets, strawberries, or salmon)27. Listen to someone you know with cancer. Offer to help at home (walk dog, cook a meal) 28. Carve a pumpkin with a pink ribbon. Download the template here.29. Know the risk factors and prevention for breast cancer30. Avoid tobacco