Rahel bayzid-mashud-animated-

Scene 1 Starts off showing 3 people, sitting in a circle, with weapons in their hands and then quietly discussing the plan, before anything happens, we then hear them speaking slang, to show urban, ghetto, social side of our film. We then see all 3 characters enter a car, identity covered, then speed off and enter an alley…

Transcript of Rahel bayzid-mashud-animated-

Scene 1

• Starts off showing 3 people, sitting in a circle, with weapons in their hands and then quietly discussing the plan, before anything happens, we then hear them speaking slang, to show urban, ghetto, social side of our film.

• We then see all 3 characters enter a car, identity covered, then speed off and enter an alley…

Scene 2

• Location: Holborn, Olswang • The establishing shot of the location.

In this shot we will be showing the audience a better idea of the location such as traffic, sirens from ambulances and police cars, we also show other people going to work. After that we do a low angle shot of the building we will be using. We plan.

• A close up shot of the character’s legs walking towards a building, this is enigmatic because the audience do not know who this character is.

• As character X walks into the building, X arrives to the reception and we see a mid-shot of the character with the reception in the background. The camera will also be behind the reception showing the character approaching reception, but we do not reveal the characters identity.

• A close up of the character X’s hand pressing the button to call for the lift. We then cut to see the character leaving the lift, but still at this point we do not reveal the characters identity. We see the character walking past out the lift and get a close up of an expensive watch.

We then cut to see a shot of the character Y’s back looking outside the window, and a pan across the area outside, showing the location. We then see a close up of Y putting his drink down, to show class and the taking a seat on his comfortable chair, still not revealing any of the characters identity.

• We cut to character Y sitting in his chair cleaning his desk. Then a cut to X fixing hi cuff links and looking presentable. We then see X walk in and at this point the camera will be in 2 positions. we see a long shot of X walking in, but a Close up of Y on the chair. Character X’s identity is now revealed. We hear the character start off the convo by saying “Boss, you called”

• We then cut to seeing Y swivel around on his chair then the camera angle changes to an over the shoulder shot from X’s position revealing charatcer Y. we then cut to a close up of Y saying “ Glad you could make it” with a grin on his face. Dramatic music fades in, and we see X and Y having a conversation, laughing and pouring drinks, then

• Then a shot over the shoulder of X seeing Y spin around on the chair to reveal one of the other characters from the start to the audience.

• We cut to seeing character Y looking out the window, then placing his drink on the table.

• A over-shoulder shot of the view of the window

• we see him enter a car (we see him enter the car, we see a long shot of the car speeding past)

• We see a close up of the car’s wheel and the car speeds off