Rafael v. Embroidery & Apparel Control Board

Rafael v. Embroidery & Apparel Control Board- 21 SCRA 336 [196! RA 313 "reated t#e Embroidery and Apparel Control and $n%pe"tion Board %'"# la( ( alle)ed to be invalid for (#ile t#e Con)re%% may "reate an offi"e it "annot %pe"ify appointed t#erein* t#e member% of t#e Board "an only be appointed by t#e +re%ident by t#e 193, Con%tit'tion. $t i% e 'ivalent to a de"laration by Con)re%% appointed t#ereby infrin)in) t#e "on%tit'tional po(er of t#e +re%ident to ma e app /id t#e EAC$B bypa%% t#e appointin) po(er of t#e +re%ident0 eld o. The Department heads did not appoint the representative. They are merely detailed or designated and thus are only sitting as an ex-officio member. o(ever t#e SC noted t#at indeed t#e appointin) po(er i% t#e e4"l'%ive prero)ative of t#e +re%iden Se" 15 Art %'b%e" 3.3 of 193, Con%ti 7#e +re%ident %#all nominate and (it# t# t#e Commi%%ion on Appointment% %#all appoint t#e #ead% of t#e e4e"'tive department b'rea'% . . . and all ot#er offi"er% of t#e 8overnment (#o%e appointme ot#er(i%e provided for and t#o%e (#om #e maybe a't#ori ed by la( to appoint* b't C may by la( ve%t t#e appointment of inferior offi"er% in t#e +re%ident alone in t#e t#e #ead% of department%.


case digest of rafael v. embroidery

Transcript of Rafael v. Embroidery & Apparel Control Board

Rafael v. Embroidery & Apparel Control Board- 21 SCRA 336 [1967]RA 3137 created the Embroidery and Apparel Control and Inspection Board, such law was alleged to be invalid for while the Congress may create an office it cannot specify who shall be appointed therein; the members of the Board can only be appointed by the President as provided by the 1935 Constitution. It is equivalent to a declaration by Congress as to who should be appointed, thereby infringing the constitutional power of the President to make appointments. Did the EACIB bypass the appointing power of the President?

Held: No. The Department heads did not appoint the representative. They are merely detailed or designated and thus are only sitting as an ex-officio member. However the SC noted that indeed the appointing power is the exclusive prerogative of the President.

Sec 10, Art 7, subsec 3.3 of 1935 Consti: "The President shall nominate and with the consent of the Commission on Appointments, shall appoint the heads of the executive departments and bureaus . . . and all other officers of the Government whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and those whom he maybe authorized by law to appoint; but Congress may by law vest the appointment of inferior officers in the President alone, in the courts, or in the heads of departments."