Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

July 2002 Radiographic Units, Dental; Radiography Systems, Digital, Dental Purpose Dental radiographic units are used for imaging den- tition, individual tooth anatomy (i.e., crown, neck, root), and dental problems (e.g., caries) in adult and pediatric patients, as well as for orthodontic planning and assessment. Depending on the type of unit, three types of imaging can be performed: intraoral, pano- ramic, and cephalometric radiography. Intraoral radiography requires the dental film to be placed inside the patient’s mouth for bitewing, periapi- cal, and occlusal imaging. Bitewing radiographs, which show the crowns and upper third of the roots of both upper and lower teeth, are made by using a dental film packet with a tab that holds the film in place when the patient bites down on the tab. In periapical radi- ography, the full tooth structure, including the entire root, is imaged on one film, and the mandibular and maxillary jaws are imaged on separate films. Occlusal radiographs show the masticating surface of the pre- molars and molars. In panoramic radiography, images of the maxillofacial region are acquired using a rotat- ing x-ray beam and an external film cassette; the dental arch is then depicted in a single image as a fixed elliptical shape. In addition to providing localized ra- diographs of tooth structure, panoramic units are used for imaging the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the maxillary sinuses, and the facial skeleton to aid in 196613 424-010 5200 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462-1298, USA Telephone +1 (610) 825-6000 Fax +1 (610) 834-1275 E-mail [email protected] Scope of this Product Comparison This Product Comparison covers intraoral and extraoral (panoramic and cephalometric) dental radiographic units, as well as digital dental radi- ography systems. Chart A lists specifications on the x-ray system, available film sizes, imaging capabilities, patient-positioning features, and control panel for dental radiographic units. Chart B lists specifications on the imaging method, computer system, software, image enhancement features, and networking capabilities for digital dental radiography systems. UMDNS information This Product Comparison covers the following device terms and product codes as listed in ECRI’s Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System™ (UMDNS™): Radiographic Units, Dental, Extraoral [18-427] Radiographic Units, Dental, Intraoral [18- 426] Intraoral dental radiographic unit

Transcript of Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

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July 2002

Radiographic Units, Dental; RadiographySystems, Digital, Dental


Dental radiographic units are used for imaging den-tition, individual tooth anatomy (i.e., crown, neck,root), and dental problems (e.g., caries) in adult andpediatric patients, as well as for orthodontic planningand assessment. Depending on the type of unit, threetypes of imaging can be performed: intraoral, pano-ramic, and cephalometric radiography.

Intraoral radiography requires the dental film to beplaced inside the patient’s mouth for bitewing, periapi-cal, and occlusal imaging. Bitewing radiographs,which show the crowns and upper third of the roots ofboth upper and lower teeth, are made by using a dentalfilm packet with a tab that holds the film in place whenthe patient bites down on the tab. In periapical radi-ography, the full tooth structure, including the entireroot, is imaged on one film, and the mandibular andmaxillary jaws are imaged on separate films. Occlusalradiographs show the masticating surface of the pre-molars and molars. In panoramic radiography, imagesof the maxillofacial region are acquired using a rotat-ing x-ray beam and an external film cassette; thedental arch is then depicted in a single image as a fixedelliptical shape. In addition to providing localized ra-diographs of tooth structure, panoramic units are usedfor imaging the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), themaxillary sinuses, and the facial skeleton to aid in


5200 Butler Pike, Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462-1298, USATelephone +1 (610) 825-6000 ● Fax +1 (610) 834-1275 ● E-mail [email protected]

Scope of this Product ComparisonThis Product Comparison covers intraoral andextraoral (panoramic and cephalometric) dentalradiographic units, as well as digital dental radi-ography systems. Chart A lists specifications onthe x-ray system, available film sizes, imagingcapabilities, patient-positioning features, andcontrol panel for dental radiographic units. ChartB lists specifications on the imaging method,computer system, software, image enhancementfeatures, and networking capabilities for digitaldental radiography systems.

UMDNS informationThis Product Comparison covers the followingdevice terms and product codes as listed in ECRI’sUniversal Medical Device Nomenclature System™(UMDNS™):

• Radiographic Units, Dental, Extraoral [18-427]

• Radiographic Units, Dental, Intraoral [18-426]

Intraoral dental radiographic unit

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diagnosing TMJ disorders, facial trauma, and sinuspathology. Cephalometric, or skull-view, radiographyis used to obtain images of the complete skull or aregion of interest from various angles. Cephalometricstudies are used to assess growth and to determineorthodontic or prosthetic treatment plans.

Some panoramic and cephalometric units can per-form cross-sectional tomography to produce multilay-ered transverse images of the maxillary andmandibular jaws. This technique, previously possibleonly by using computed tomography (CT) or plane-filmtomography (see the Product Comparisons titled SCAN-NERS, COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY, FULL-BODY andRADIOGRAPHIC/TOMOGRAPHIC TABLE SYSTEMS), isuseful for implantation planning as well as presurgicaland postoperative assessment of patients.

Digital dental radiography systems, also called digi-tal dental imaging systems, are used to produce com-puter-generated images as an alternative or inaddition to traditional dental x-ray films. Direct digitaldental imaging and image processing allow real-timedisplay of multiple images, reduce radiation exposuretimes, and eliminate the waiting time associated withx-ray film developing. Digital dental imaging can beused for endodontics, implantation planning and

evaluation, and other dental procedures that requiremultiple images.

Principles of operationDental radiographic units

Intraoral, panoramic, and cephalometric dental ra-diographic units consist of an x-ray generator and x-raytube, a collimator, an exposure timer, patient-position-ing features, and a control panel. The configuration ofthese components depends on the type of radiographyperformed and the type of x-ray generator used.

The x-ray generator modifies incoming voltage andcurrent to provide the x-ray tube with the power neededto produce an x-ray beam of the desired peak kilovol-tage (kVp) and current (measured in milliamperes[mA]) for dental radiographic examinations. The kilo-voltage (also referred to as the tube potential) for vari-ous dental x-ray systems can range from 50 to 110 kV,and the tube current can range from 1 to 20 mA,depending on the model. Some units offer a fixed setting(e.g., 70 kV, 10 mA), and others offer a range of select-able kV and mA settings (e.g., 57 to 85 kV, 5 to 10 mA).

X-ray generators are classified according to theirwaveform — the variation of the tube potential overtime. Dental x-ray generators are usually half-wave,self-rectified alternating current (AC) generators, butsome manufacturers now offer high-frequency or mul-tipulse generators and constant-potential or directcurrent (DC) generators. With AC generators, the tubepotential varies from zero to the peak kilovoltage andback to zero with each pulse of the AC. The x-ray tubeacts as a rectifier by blocking current flow away fromthe target during the negative half of the AC cycle;therefore, only one-half of each electrical cycle is usedto produce x-rays. With high-frequency or multipulse

Panoramic dental radiographic unit

Dental digital radiography system with display

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generators, full-wave rectification and a higher oper-ating frequency reduce voltage ripple to less than 1%.With DC generators, the tube potential is maintainedat a constant kilovoltage, and the waveform output isvirtually ripple-free. Ripple, expressed as a percentageof the maximum voltage, is the difference between theminimum and maximum x-ray voltages, or the voltagevariation across the x-ray tube. X-ray generators witha lower ripple have a greater x-ray output and are,therefore, more efficient. (For more information onx-ray generators and their operation, see the ProductComparison titled X-RAY GENERATORS.) In units withconstant-potential and high-frequency generators, thex-ray generator is usually small enough to be inte-grated with the unit. A separate housing unit may berequired for larger AC generators.

Many dental radiographic units have microproces-sor-controlled x-ray generators, which automate cer-tain operations; for instance, fluctuations in the linevoltage can be monitored and automatically compen-sated for by the computer. In addition, microprocessor-controlled generators often have internalself-diagnostics, which cause an error message to ap-pear on the console if the generator malfunctions.

Most x-ray tubes used in dental radiography havestationary anodes with heat capacities ranging from7,000 to 50,000 heat units (HU); one unit designed fordentomaxillofacial tomography uses a rotating anodewith a heat capacity of 300,000 HU. The size of thefocal spot — the region of the target anode bombardedby electrons from which x-rays are produced — rangesfrom 0.3 mm in units with rotating anodes up to 1 mmin units with stationary anodes. A smaller focal spotsize produces an image with higher resolution; how-ever, in tubes with stationary anodes, the total outputand intensity of the x-ray tube must be restricted toprevent overheating the target. Because the electronsare not continuously bombarding the same region ofthe target in rotating anodes, smaller focal spot sizesare possible. For some imaging situations, the effectivefocal spot size can be made smaller by increasing thesource-to-image distance (SID). Depending on themodel, an SID range (often selectable) from approxi-mately 200 to 400 mm is available on intraoral units;one SID (e.g., 520 mm, 575 mm) is usually offered onpanoramic units. On models with both panoramic andcephalometric capabilities, a second SID of approxi-mately 1,600 mm is provided.

In intraoral units, the x-ray tube is located in acylindrical tubehead, which also contains a collimatorfor shaping the x-ray beam and reducing scatter radia-tion. With some models, another, longer beam-definingcone is available for increasing the SID. The tubehead

is usually mounted on an articulating arm positionedaccording to the view desired; the arm can be wallmounted, ceiling mounted, or attached to a floor-mounted or freestanding column base. In panoramicand cephalometric units, an external flat film cassetteand an x-ray tube with a slit collimator are configuredas a C-arm, with the patient’s head positioned betweenthe cassette and the x-ray tube. In panoramic radiog-raphy, the external cassette moves in conjunction withthe x-ray tube around the patient’s head, which is heldstationary by a headholder attached to the unit. Incephalometric radiography, the SID is increased, andthe patient’s head and the C-arm are maintained in aspecific position during x-ray exposure.

The patient-positioning system varies depending onthe type of unit. In intraoral units, a cylindrical posi-tion-indicating device, which also contains a beam-shaping collimator, is located on the x-ray tubeheadand serves as a guide when the operator aligns thex-ray beam, patient, and film during periapical, bitew-ing, and occlusal radiography. For intraoral bitewingradiography, plastic positioning devices that consist ofa film holder, a biteplate, and indicator rods or ringsmay be used to help the operator properly align thex-ray beam with the film. These devices are not cou-pled to the x-ray tubehead; some intraoral units havenonremovable or removable aiming/positioning filmholders coupled to the x-ray tubehead. In panoramicradiography, image quality depends on the exact posi-tioning of the patient; therefore, many panoramicunits have fully motorized or automatic systems withdual or triple light beam alignment. Headholders, chinrests, bite blocks, and/or nose supports are used tostabilize the patient’s head. In addition, some patient-positioning systems include a digital display of thefocal zone, as well as preprogrammed automatic move-ment to the imaging position.

The exposure timer controls the length of the x-rayexposure; typical exposure times are 0.01 to 4 secondsfor intraoral radiography, 0.1 to 5 seconds for cepha-lometric radiography, and 5 to 20 seconds for pano-ramic radiography. Some models have automaticexposure control for automatic termination of radia-tion exposure when the proper optical density has beenreached on the film cassette. A sensor on the reverseside of the cassette detects the amount of radiationreceived by the cassette and adjusts the exposureparameters according to the patient’s bone density.

Double-emulsion film with a backing of lead foil (toreduce patient radiation dose) is used for intraoralradiography. Intraoral film sizes are 31 × 41 mm forpremolars and molars and 22 × 35 mm for incisors andcanines. To image dentition fully, 14 to 22 radiographs

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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may be required. Panoramic and cephalometric radi-ography use single-emulsion screen films in sizes of12.5 × 30 cm, 15 × 30 cm, 13 × 18 cm, and 24 × 30 cm,depending on the views desired. Dental films can bedeveloped manually or by using an automatic proces-sor. Some manufacturers offer computerized film-marking systems for printing exposure parameters,chosen programs, patient identification, and other in-formation on panoramic and cephalometric films.

The control panel can be located on the unit itself,on a control console, or on a remote box. On some units,the control box is mounted on the unit and can beremoved for remote operation. Control panel featuresinclude analog or digital display of exposure parame-ters, touch control, help messages and error codes,parameter memory, self-diagnostics, and preprogram-ming. In microprocessor-controlled units capable ofpanoramic and cephalometric imaging, when thecephalometric mode is selected on the control panel,the computer will automatically move the C-arm intoposition and choose the appropriate collimator aper-ture. Some units also have motorized vertical move-ment to accommodate patients of different heights.

Special features available with some models includemagnification, film-size selection, programs for imag-ing specific areas (e.g., sinuses), cross-sectional to-mography, remote control, mobile configurations, andquality-assurance programs.

Digital dental imaging systems

Digital dental imaging systems, which allow imme-diate viewing of images without using dental x-rayfilm, consist of an intraoral sensor or imaging plate, anx-ray system, computer hardware and software forimage processing, and a hard-copy printer.

For image acquisition, an intraoral sensor or in-traoral imaging plates can be used, depending on themodel. In systems that use an intraoral sensor, whichis based on charge-coupled device (CCD) technology,the sensor is placed in the patient’s mouth duringimage acquisition; the sensor is electronically con-nected to the computer system. The CCD detectorconverts x-rays directly into electrical signals. Thesesignals are then sent to a computer system for process-ing. In other models, the sensor contains a rare-earthintensifying screen optically coupled to a CCD array.This array sends an analog signal to the display proc-essing unit, where the signal is converted pixel by pixelinto an image. The intraoral sensor is encapsulated indurable materials that protect the CCD electronicsfrom exposure to moisture (e.g., saliva, liquid disinfec-tants). Disposable polyethylene covers are provided forhygiene and infection control during examinations.

Some sensors can also be cold-sterilized by immersion.Depending on the model, disposable bite blocks may benecessary to correctly position the patient’s jaw duringperiapical and bitewing radiography.

Another type of digital dental imaging system usesimaging plates instead of an intraoral sensor. The thin,wireless imaging plates fit into the patient’s mouthlike conventional intraoral films and cover the samediagnostic area as films. After the exposure is made,the imaging plate is inserted into a laser scanner thatdigitizes the image for manipulation on the computerscreen. The imaging plates are reusable, and dispos-able plastic bags (to cover the plates during examina-tions) are provided to prevent contamination betweenpatients. Depending on the model, the digital dentalimaging system is usually compatible with the x-raysystem of a conventional intraoral dental radiographicunit, or an x-ray system may be provided with thedigital imaging system. One model does not require adirect electrical connection to an x-ray generator.

An IBM-compatible or Macintosh PC (personal com-puter) with appropriate software is used to manipulatethe image. Image-processing features include zoom,image rotation, edge enhancement, high-resolutioncolor, multi-image viewing, brightness and contrastadjustment, and measurement of distances and an-gles. Some systems also allow database management.Images can be saved and retrieved in standard fileformats, and hard copies can be printed using a stand-ard or video printer, eliminating the need for conven-tional x-ray film processing.

Reported problemsMost problems in dental radiography are not the

result of equipment failure. Film-processing systemswork best with a continuous and constant throughputof films, which is not the usual case with dentalradiography.

Errors in patient positioning when using uncoupledpositioning devices during bitewing radiography maylead to exposure errors, which require retakes, therebyincreasing patient radiation dose. Errors in aligningthe positioning device can affect the diagnosis of proxi-mal caries and the measurement of alveolar bone lossfrom bitewing radiographs.

Components of the dental radiography unit in contactwith the patient and the operator should be properlydisinfected using a disinfectant solution (e.g., sodiumhypochlorite) or covered with disposable plastic wrap.

Patient radiation exposure from dental radio-graphic units is minimal. Even though dental x-raysconstitute approximately 25% of all medical diagnostic

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x-ray examinations worldwide, dental radiography ac-counts for only 1% to 2% of the global collective effec-tive dose equivalent. Effective dose equivalents perexposure vary depending on the type of radiographicunit and the imaging technique used; typical effectivedose equivalents range from 1 to 3.5 µSv for intraoralradiography and from 7 to 20 µSv for panoramic radi-ography. Patient radiation doses in panoramic radiog-raphy often depend on the programs selected. Duringa dental radiographic exam, unnecessary radiationexposure should be prevented — for instance, by usinglead aprons for patients and operators. In addition,imaging techniques that reduce radiation dose to thepatient (e.g., small field sizes) should be used when-ever possible. Digital dental imaging systems can sig-nificantly reduce radiation exposure because the CCDdetector is more sensitive to x-rays and requires lessexposure than film.

Even though scatter radiation around dental radio-graphic units is minimal, dentists and dental techni-cians should avoid chronic exposure to x-rays duringexaminations by following the manufacturer’s recom-mendations for radiation protection while operatingthe dental radiographic unit.

Purchase considerationsBefore purchasing a dental radiographic unit or

digital dental imaging system, buyers should deter-mine the number and type of procedures to be per-formed annually, as well as the types of patients to betreated. If skull-view radiography is to be performedfrequently, a panoramic unit with cephalometric im-aging capabilities should be considered. For facilitiesthat treat a variety of patients (e.g., adults, children,patients in wheelchairs), a unit that accommodatesboth seated and standing patients and that has motor-ized vertical height adjustment should be considered.For facilities that perform primarily routine dentalradiography, an intraoral unit should be considered. Adigital system may be useful if immediate image analy-ses for endodontics and implantation planning areperformed frequently.

Initial costs of digital systems range from approxi-mately $7,000 for intraoral sensor systems with soft-ware to more than $60,000 for panoramic systems thatinclude computers, software, and x-ray generators;however, reports indicate that costs are coming down.Additional ongoing costs associated with film-baseddental radiography for film and film processing, proc-essing chemicals and equipment, film storage, andrecord keeping can be considerable, depending on thenumber of patients treated, but can be circumventedby purchasing a digital radiography system.

Costs incurred in both film-based and digital radi-ography include plastic covers for equipment that con-tacts the patient as well as radiation protection/monitoring equipment for patients and staff.

Stage of developmentDevelopments in dental radiography have focused

on reducing patient radiation dose by using highertube potentials in conjunction with faster films, addedbeam filtration and new filter materials (e.g., nio-bium), and constant-potential x-ray generators.

The first digital dental imaging system was intro-duced in the late 1980s. Since then, research suggeststhat using a digital dental imaging system can reducepatient radiation dose as well as provide real-timeimage analysis and enhancement and allow computerstorage, retrieval, and transmission of images. Sensorperformance is being improved almost yearly (seeMondou et al. 1996). At least one system is now avail-able that uses a digital cassette for acquiring pano-ramic images that are displayed on a PC monitorduring x-ray exposure. The cassette can be used inter-changeably with film using compatible dental radiog-raphy models that have an appropriate PC-basedworkstation. The system requires an interface board,software, and an electronic drive. Clinical applicationsin root canal imaging, orthodontics, periodontal treat-ment, TMJ evaluation, and magnification of crownmargins, bridges, and inlays are still under develop-ment. Other digital techniques currently being studiedfor applications include digital subtraction radiogra-phy and tuned-aperture CT. One unit covered in thisreport is a dedicated dental CT scanner that is avail-able in Europe.

BibliographyAnaloui M. Digital diagnostic imaging: today and tomor-

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Standards and guidelinesNote: Although every effort is made to ensure that thefollowing list is comprehensive, please note that otherapplicable standards may exist.

American Dental Association/American NationalStandards Institute. Dental x-ray equipment andaccessory devices [standard]. 1974 (reaffirmed1987).

Intraoral dental radiographic film [standard]. 1969.

Recommendations in radiographic practices: an up-date, 1988. Council on Dental Materials, Instru-ments, and Equipment. J Am Dent Assoc 1989Jan;118(1):115-7.

British Standards Institution. Method for determina-tion of ISO speed and average gradient of direct-ex-posure medical and dental radiographic film/process combinations [standard]. BS 6358. 1983.

Specification for sizes of film for dental radiography[standard]. BS 2585. 1975.

Canadian Dental Association. Considerations re: controlof radiation in the dental office [guideline]. 1999.

Environmental Health Program. Safety code 30: radia-tion protection in dentistry — recommended safetyprocedures for the use of dental x-ray equipment.H46-2/94-177E. 1994 (revised 2000).

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International Electrotechnical Commission. Evalu-ation and routine testing in medical imaging depart-ments — part 2-5: constancy tests — image displaydevices [standard]. IEC 61223-2-5 (1994-03). 1994.

Evaluation and routine testing in medical imagingdepartments — part 3-4: acceptance tests: imagingperformance of dental x-ray equipment [standard].IEC 61223-3-4 (2000-03). 2000.

International Electrotechnical Commission. Medicalelectrical equipment — part 1: general requirementsfor safety [standard]. IEC 60601-1 (1988-12). 1988.

Medical electrical equipment — part 1: general re-quirements for safety. Amendment 1 [standard].IEC 60601-1-am1 (1991-11). 1991.

Medical electrical equipment — part 1: general re-quirements for safety. Amendment 2 [standard].IEC 60601-1-am2 (1995-03). 1995.

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Medical electrical equipment — part 1: general re-quirements for safety. Section 1. Collateral standard:safety requirements for medical electrical systems.Amendment 1 [standard]. IEC 60601-1-1-am1 (1995-11). 1995.

Medical electrical equipment — part 1: general re-quirements for safety. Section 2. Collateral standard:electromagnetic compatibility — requirements andtests. IEC 60601-1-2 (2001-09). 2001.

Medical electrical equipment — part 2: particular re-quirements for the safety of high-voltage generatorsof diagnostic x-ray generators [standard]. IEC 60601-2-7 (1998-02). 1998.

X-ray tube assemblies for medical diagnosis —characteristics of focal spots [standard]. IEC 60336(1993-07). 1993.

International Organization for Standardization. Pho-tography — direct-exposing medical and dental ra-diographic film/process systems: determination ofISO speed and ISO average gradient [standard].2nd ed. ISO 5799:1991. 1991.

Photography — intra-oral dental radiographic film:specification [standard]. 1st ed. ISO 3665:1996.1976 (revised 1996).

National Council on Radiation Protection and Measure-ments. Dental x-ray protection [recommendation]. 35.1970.

National Radiological Protection Board for the UnitedKingdom. NRPB 1994 guidelines on radiologystandards in primary dental care. 1994;5(3).

Standards Association of Australia. Dental radio-graphic film [standard]. AS 1139-1985. 1985.

Fixed diagnostic x-ray equipment — design, con-struction and installation — safety requirements[standard]. AS 2398(int):1994. 1994.

World Health Organization. Manual on radiation pro-tection in hospitals and general practice — volume4: radiation protection in dentistry [guideline].1150111. 1977.

Citations from other ECRI publications

Supplier informationChart A: Dental Radiographic Units

AFP Imaging/Dent-X

AFP Imaging Corp [103696]250 Clearbrook RdElmsford NY 10523-1315Phone: (914) 592-6100, (800) 592-6666Fax: (914) 592-6148E-mail: [email protected]:

Asahi Roentgen

Asahi Roentgen Ind Co Ltd [174092]376-3 Tsukiyama-cho KuzeMinami-kuKyoto 601-8203JapanPhone: 81 (75) 9214330Fax: 81 (75) 9216675E-mail: [email protected]:


The Aztech Group [355253]1070 Century Dr Suite 201Louisville CO 80027-1695Phone: (303) 443-1693Fax: (303) 443-1831

Belmont Equipment

Belmont Equipment Corp [102218]101 Belmont DrSomerset NJ 08873-1204Phone: (732) 469-5000, (800) 223-1192E-mail: [email protected]:

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Dabi Atlante

Dabi Atlante S/A [174217]Avenida Pres Castelo Branco 2525Caixa Postal 47914095-000 Ribeirao Preto-SPBrazilPhone: 55 (16) 6291000Fax: 55 (16) 6290166E-mail: [email protected]:


DNTLworks Equipment Corp [356261]15504 E Hinsdale Circle Unit BEnglewood CO 80112Phone: (303) 693-1410, (800) 847-0694Fax: (303) 693-6189E-mail: [email protected]:


Dentsply International IncGendex Dental X-Ray Div [321292]901 W Oakton StDes Plaines IL 60018-1884Phone: (847) 640-4800, (800) 800-2888Fax: (847) 640-6165E-mail: [email protected]:

Dentsply Italia srlGendex Div [399192]via A Manzoni 44I-20095 Cusano Milanino MIItalyPhone: 39 (02) 6180081Fax: 39 (02) 61800809E-mail: [email protected]:

Gendex Dental Systeme [328368]Hamburg Innovation ParkAlbert-Einstein-Ring 13D-22761 HamburgGermanyPhone: 49 (40) 8996880Fax: 49 (40) 89968819


Gnatus Equipamentos Medico-Odontologicos Ltda[174378]Rodovia Abrao Assed Km 53 & 450mCaixa Postal 78214097-500 Ribeirao-Preto-SPBrazilPhone: 55 (16) 6293377Fax: 55 (16) 6290771E-mail: [email protected]:

Hans O Mahn

Hans O Mahn & Co [346049]Brookstieg 4D-22145 Hamburg/StapelfeldGermanyPhone: 49 (40) 23700850Fax: 49 (40) 237008450E-mail: [email protected]:

Imaging Sciences

Imaging Sciences International Inc [271247]1910 N Penn RdHatfield PA 19440Phone: (215) 997-5666, (800) 205-3570Fax: (215) 997-5667E-mail: [email protected]:


Instrumentarium CorpDiagnostic Imaging Div [182844]Kuortaneenkatu 2Posti Loaero 100FIN-00031 HelsinkiFinlandPhone: 358 (10) 39411Fax: 358 (9) 1463515E-mail: [email protected]:

Instrumentarium Imaging Dental GmbH[359986]Siemensstrasse 12Postfach 2044Kehl am Rhein D-77694GermanyPhone: 49 (7851) 93290Fax: 49 (7851) 932930Internet:

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8 ©2002 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited.

Page 9: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Instrumentarium Imaging Inc [107685]300 W Edgerton AveMilwaukee WI 53207-6025Phone: (414) 747-1030, (800) 558-6120Fax: (414) 481-8665E-mail: [email protected]:

Keystone X-Ray

Keystone X-Ray Inc [107371]1910 N Penn RdHatfield PA 19440Phone: (215) 997-5666, (800) 205-3570Fax: (215) 977-5667E-mail: [email protected]:


Kinki Roentgen Industrial Co Ltd [174105]259 Kamidachiuri-agaru Muromachi-doriKamikyo-kuKyoto 602-0029JapanPhone: 81 (75) 4413234Fax: 81 (75) 4150364E-mail: [email protected]


MinXray Inc [103109]3611 Commercial AveNorthbrook IL 60062-1822Phone: (847) 564-0323, (800) 221-2245Fax: (847) 564-9040E-mail: [email protected]:

J Morita

J Morita Corp [288539]33-18 3-Chrome Tarumi-choSuita-ShiOsaka 564-8650JapanPhone: 81 (6) 63801521Fax: 81 (6) 63800585E-mail: [email protected]:

J Morita Corp (Thailand) [321046]2991/42 Visuthanee Hi-Tech Office ParkLadprao Rd Klongchan BangkapiBangkok 10240ThailandPhone: 66 (2) 3701333Fax: 66 (2) 3701340E-mail: [email protected]:

J Morita Europe GmbH [322778]Justus-von-Liebig-Strasse 27aD-63128 Dietzenbach FRGermanyPhone: 49 (6074) 8360Fax: 49 (6074) 836299E-mail: [email protected]:


Panoramic Corp [358510]4321 Goshen RdFort Wayne IN 46818Phone: (219) 489-2291, (800) 654-2027Fax: (219) 489-5683E-mail: [email protected]:


Planmeca GmbH [178486]Hindenburg Strasse 158D-22297 HamburgGermanyPhone: 49 (40) 51320633Fax: 49 (40) 51320634E-mail: [email protected]:

Planmeca Inc [177900]1250 Greenbriar Dr Suite AAddison IL 60101-1094Phone: (630) 953-2368Fax: (630) 953-2405E-mail: [email protected]:

Planmeca Oy [162459]Asentajankatu 6FIN-00810 HelsinkiFinlandPhone: 358 (9) 75905500Fax: 358 (9) 75905555E-mail: [email protected]:

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Page 10: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)


Satelec [157041]Zone Industrielle du Phareboite postale 216F-33708 Merignac CedexFrancePhone: 33 (556) 340607Fax: 33 (556) 349292E-mail: [email protected]:

Satelec-Pierre RollandBeijing Representative Office [290888]2-17-2 Room Jinghua Apartment No 24Jianguo Men Wai Street100022 BeijingPeople’s Republic of ChinaPhone: 86 (10) 65150956

Satelec-Pierre Rolland GmbH [391386]Industriestrasse 9D-40822 MettmannGermanyPhone: 49 (2104) 956510Fax: 49 (2104) 956511E-mail: [email protected]:


Sirona Dental Systems GmbH [354569]Fabrikstrasse 31D-64625 BensheimGermanyPhone: 49 (6251) 160Fax: 49 (6251) 162591E-mail: [email protected]:

Sirona USA [360011]1200 A Westinghouse BlvdCharlotte NC 28273Phone: (704) 587-0453, (800) 659-5977Fax: (704) 587-9394E-mail: [email protected]:


Soredex Inc [156431]2150 New Market Pkwy SE Suite 110Marietta GA 30067-8767Phone: (770) 226-0500, (800) 235-8854Fax: (770) 226-0511Internet:

Soredex Orion Corp [156432]Nilsiankatu 10-14Posti Loaero 79FIN-00511 HelsinkiFinlandPhone: 358 (9) 39371Fax: 358 (9) 7015261E-mail: [email protected]:

Trophy Radiologie

TREXtrophy/Trophy Dental [350752]4-B W Kenosia AveDanbury CT 06810Phone: (203) 730-8333, (800) 667-1780Fax: (203) 730-8499E-mail: [email protected]:

Trophy Radiologie (France) [151034]4 rue Fernand PelloutierCroissy BeaubourgF-77437 Marne la Vallee Cedex 2FrancePhone: 33 (1) 64808500Fax: 33 (1) 64808506E-mail: [email protected]:

Villa Sistemi

Villa Sistemi Medicali SpA [156442]via delle Azalee 3I-20090 Buccinasco MIItalyPhone: 39 (02) 488591Fax: 39 (02) 4881844E-mail: [email protected]:


AFP Imaging Corp [103696]250 Clearbrook RdElmsford NY 10523-1315Phone: (914) 592-6100, (800) 592-6666Fax: (914) 592-6148E-mail: [email protected]:

The Yoshida Dental Mfg Co Ltd [139274]1-3-6 KotobashiSumida-kuTokyo 130JapanPhone: 81 (3) 36312165

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Page 11: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart B: Digital Dental Radiography Systems

AFP Imaging/Dent-X

AFP Imaging Corp [103696]250 Clearbrook RdElmsford NY 10523-1315Phone: (914) 592-6100, (800) 592-6666Fax: (914) 592-6148E-mail: [email protected]:


Dentsply International IncGendex Dental X-Ray Div [321292]901 W Oakton StDes Plaines IL 60018-1884Phone: (847) 640-4800, (800) 800-2888Fax: (847) 640-6165E-mail: [email protected]:

Dentsply Italia srlGendex Div [399192]via A Manzoni 44I-20095 Cusano Milanino MIItalyPhone: 39 (02) 6180081Fax: 39 (02) 61800809E-mail: [email protected]:

Gendex Dental Systeme [328368]Hamburg Innovation ParkAlbert-Einstein-Ring 13D-22761 HamburgGermanyPhone: 49 (40) 8996880Fax: 49 (40) 89968819


Instrumentarium CorpDiagnostic Imaging Div [182844]Kuortaneenkatu 2Posti Loaero 100FIN-00031 HelsinkiFinlandPhone: 358 (10) 39411Fax: 358 (9) 1463515E-mail: [email protected]:

Instrumentarium Imaging Dental GmbH[359986]Siemensstrasse 12Postfach 2044Kehl am Rhein D-77694GermanyPhone: 49 (7851) 93290Fax: 49 (7851) 932930Internet:

Instrumentarium Imaging Inc [107685]300 W Edgerton AveMilwaukee WI 53207-6025Phone: (414) 747-1030, (800) 558-6120Fax: (414) 481-8665E-mail: [email protected]:


Planmeca GmbH [178486]Hindenburg Strasse 158D-22297 HamburgGermanyPhone: 49 (40) 51320633Fax: 49 (40) 51320634E-mail: [email protected]:

Planmeca Inc [177900]1250 Greenbriar Dr Suite AAddison IL 60101-1094Phone: (630) 953-2368Fax: (630) 953-2405E-mail: [email protected]:

Planmeca Oy [162459]Asentajankatu 6FIN-00810 HelsinkiFinlandPhone: 358 (9) 75905500Fax: 358 (9) 75905555E-mail: [email protected]:


QR srl [322334]via Silvestrini 20I-37135 Verona VRItalyPhone: 39 (045) 8202727Fax: 39 (045) 8203040E-mail: [email protected]:

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Page 12: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)


Rapp Informatik Systeme GmbH [378110]Rosenbühlstrasse 24D-89182 BernstadtGermanyPhone: 49 (7348) 7755Fax: 49 (7348) 6086E-mail: [email protected]:

Schick Technologies

Schick Technologies Inc [328759]31-00 47th AveLong Island City NY 11101Phone: (718) 937-5765, (888) 818-4263Fax: (718) 937-5962E-mail: [email protected]:


Sirona Dental Systems GmbH [354569]Fabrikstrasse 31D-64625 BensheimGermanyPhone: 49 (6251) 160Fax: 49 (6251) 162591E-mail: [email protected]:

Sirona USA [360011]1200 A Westinghouse BlvdCharlotte NC 28273Phone: (704) 587-0453, (800) 659-5977Fax: (704) 587-9394E-mail: [email protected]:


Soredex Inc [156431]2150 New Market Pkwy SE Suite 110Marietta GA 30067-8767Phone: (770) 226-0500, (800) 235-8854Fax: (770) 226-0511Internet:

Soredex Orion Corp [156432]Nilsiankatu 10-14Posti Loaero 79FIN-00511 HelsinkiFinlandPhone: 358 (9) 39371Fax: 358 (9) 7015261E-mail: [email protected]:

Trophy Radiologie

TREXtrophy/Trophy Dental [350752]4-B W Kenosia AveDanbury CT 06810Phone: (203) 730-8333, (800) 667-1780Fax: (203) 730-8499E-mail: [email protected]:

Trophy Radiologie (France) [151034]4 rue Fernand PelloutierCroissy BeaubourgF-77437 Marne la Vallee Cedex 2FrancePhone: 33 (1) 64808500Fax: 33 (1) 64808506E-mail: [email protected]:

About the chart specificationsChart A lists specifications on dental radiographic

units; Chart B lists specifications on digital dentalradiography systems. Some manufacturers’ units thatare sold with integral digital systems are listed in bothChart A and Chart B.

The following term is used in the charts:

Focal spot size, mm: The size in millimeters of the areaon the anode that is bombarded by electrons andfrom which x-rays are produced.


AEC — Automatic exposure control

AP — Anteroposterior

ARO — After receipt of order

CCD — Charge-coupled device

CD — Compact disc

CE mark — Conformite Europeene mark

CFR — Code of Federal Regulations

CSA — Canadian Standards Association

DICOM — Digital Imaging and Communications inMedicine standard

dpi — Dots per inch

EMC — Electromagnetic compatibility

EN — European Norm

ETL — ETL Testing Laboratories

FDA — U.S. Food and Drug Administration

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Page 13: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

GMP — Good manufacturing practices

HU — Heat units

IEC — International Electrotechnical Commission

ISO — International Organization for Standardiza-tion

kJ — Kilojoule

kV — Kilovoltage

kVp — Peak kilovoltage

LAN — Local area network

LCD — Liquid crystal display

LED — Light-emitting diode

mA — Milliampere

MDD — Medical Devices Directive

MOD — Magneto-optical disk

MTF — Modulation transfer function

NRPB — National Radiological Protection Board forthe United Kingdom

PA — Posteroanterior

PC — Personal computer

PTB — Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

SEV — Schweizerischer Electrotechnischer Verein

SID — Source-to-image distance

SNR — Signal-to-noise ratio

SPRI — Swedish Planning and RationalizationInstitute

SVGA — Super Video Graphics Array

TCP/IP — Transmission Control Protocol/InternetProtocol

TMJ — Temporomandibular joint

UL — Underwriters Laboratories

WORM — Write once, read many

Note: The data in the charts derive from suppli-ers’ specifications and have not been verified throughindependent testing by ECRI or any other agency.Because test methods vary, different products’ specifi-cations are not always comparable. Moreover, prod-ucts and specifications are subject to frequent changes.ECRI is not responsible for the quality or validity ofthe information presented or for any adverse conse-quences of acting on such information.

When reading the charts, keep in mind that, unlessotherwise noted, the list price does not reflect supplierdiscounts. And although we try to indicate which fea-tures and characteristics are standard and which arenot, some may be optional, at additional cost.

For those models whose prices were supplied to usin currencies other than U.S. dollars, we have alsolisted the conversion to U.S. dollars to facilitate com-parison among models. However, keep in mind thatexchange rates change often.

Need to know more?

For further information about the contents of thisProduct Comparison, contact the HPCS Hotline at +1(610) 825-6000, ext. 5265; +1 (610) 834-1275 (fax); [email protected] (e-mail).

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Page 14: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


Image-x 70 Plus Auto IIIE Auto IIIECM Auto IIINSystem

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes No

SYSTEM TYPE Intraoral Panoramic Panoramic, Panoramiccephalometric

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Stationary, optional Stationary Stationary Stationary

mobileMinimum total

filtration, mm Al 2.5 2.8 2.8 2.8Heat capacity, HU 30,000 Not specified Not specified Not specifiedFocal spot size, mm 0.8 x 0.8 0.5 x 0.5 0.5 x 0.5 0.5 x 0.5

X-RAY GENERATORType AC, microprocessor Self-rectified Self-rectified High frequency

controlled (80 kHz)

AEC Not specified No No NokV range 70 60-90 60-90 60-90, 1 kV stepsmA range 8 10 10 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12,

15Exposure time, sec 0.02-3.2 12 panoramic 12 panoramic, 0.3- 7; 12 panoramic

3.2 cephalometric

SID, mm 160-180 490 490 490

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES All intraoral 15 x 30 cm panoramic 15 x 30 cm pano- 15 x 30 cm panoramicramic, 8 x 10"cephalometric

MAGNIFICATION 1.2x 1.2-1.25x panoramic 1.2-1.25x panoramic, 1.2-1.25x panoramic1.1x cephalometric

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ Yes Yes Yes YesCephalometric No No Yes NoOthers All intraoral TMJ lateral TMJ lateral TMJ lateral (4

(4 views) (4 views) views), optionalcross-sectiontomography, TMJfrontal (2 views)

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes YesPediatric Yes Yes Yes YesSeated Yes No No NoStanding No Yes Yes Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING Digital display, Triple light beam Triple light beam 4 beams with autoangle indicators, focusanatomical display

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first oftwo pages coveringthe above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Page 15: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


Image-x 70 Plus Auto IIIE Auto IIIECM Auto IIINSystem

AIMING/POSITIONINGFILM HOLDER NA Flat cassette Flat cassette Flat cassette

CONTROL PANEL Digital display, Sheet switch, Sheet switch, Sheet switch, LCDpreprogrammable, 7-segment LED 7-segment LEDtouchpanel, help indicator indicatormessages, etc.

Location Front anatomical On rotation unit On rotation unit On rotation unitdigital display

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 110/220; 50/60 100-120 ±10, 200- 100-120 ±10, 200- 90-132, 180-264;

240 ±20; 50/60 240 ±20; 50/60 50/60Current, A 7 Not specified Not specified Not specified

Power, W Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

SPACE REQUIRED, cm Not specified 87 x 102 184.5 x 102 87 x 102

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 35 220 250 195

OPTIONAL FEATURES 3 horizontal arms: Not specified Not specified TMJ frontalshort, standard, and (2 views), cross-long; mobile wheeled section tomographystand

LIST PRICE $4,880 Not specified Not specified Not specified

WARRANTY 2 years 1 year 1 year 1 year

DELIVERY TIME, ARO 2 weeks 5-6 weeks 5-6 weeks 5-6 weeks

YEAR FIRST SOLD 1999 1989 1989 1998

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA 2,000/500 Not specified Not specified Not specified

FISCAL YEAR July to June July to June July to June July to June

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS The x-ray timer will None specified. None specified. None specified.operate 2 x-rayheads.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Page 16: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


Auto IIINCM AZ 3000 AZ 3000CM AZTECH 65 :AZTECH 70

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Canada, USA



SYSTEM TYPE Panoramic, Multiorbit tomo- Multiorbit tomo- Intraoralcephalometric graphic, panoramic graphic, panoramic,


X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary, mobile

Minimum totalfiltration, mm Al 2.8 2.8 2.8 2

Heat capacity, HU Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specifiedFocal spot size, mm 0.5 x 0.5 0.5 x 0.5 0.5 x 0.5 0.8

X-RAY GENERATORType High frequency High frequency High frequency Microprocessor

(80 kHz) (80 kHz) (80 kHz) controlled

AEC No Yes Yes Not specifiedkV range 60-90, 1 kV steps 60-100, 1 kV steps 60-100, 1 kV steps 65 : 70mA range 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 8

15 15 15Exposure time, sec 7, 12 panoramic, 15 panoramic, 15 panoramic, 0.03-3 : 0.002-3.2

0.1-3.2 cephalo- 5 tomographic 5 tomographic, 0.1-metric 3.2 cephalometric

SID, mm 490 514.5 514.5 Not specified

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES 15 x 30 cm panora- 15 x 30 cm pano- 15 x 30 cm pano- All intraoralmic, 8 x 10" ceph- ramic, optional ramic, 8 x 10"alometric 16.5 cm tomographic cephalometric,

optional 16.5 cmtomographic

MAGNIFICATION 1.2-1.25x panoramic, 1.2-1.25x panoramic, 1.2-1.25x panoramic, Not specified1.1x cephalometric 1.6x tomographic 1.1x ceph, 1.6x tomo

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ Yes Yes Yes NoCephalometric Yes No Yes NoOthers TMJ lateral (4 Quarter LA, half PA, Quarter LA, half PA, Not specified : 1

views), optional & oblique maxillary & oblique maxillarycross-section sinus TMJ; 3-orbit sinus TMJ; 3-orbittomography, TMJ scanography; 3-orbit scanography; 3-orbitfrontal (2 views) multilayer tomo; multilayer tomo;

horizontal, vertical horizontal, verticalceph (PA, LA, 45deg) ceph (PA, LA, 45deg)

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes YesPediatric Yes Yes Yes YesSeated No No No YesStanding Yes Yes Yes Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING 4 beams with auto Motorized triple Motorized triple Manualfocus light beam light beam

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first oftwo pages coveringthe above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Page 17: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


Auto IIINCM AZ 3000 AZ 3000CM AZTECH 65 :AZTECH 70

AIMING/POSITIONINGFILM HOLDER Flat cassette Flat cassette Flat cassette No

CONTROL PANEL Sheet switch, LCD Touchpanel, graphic Touchpanel, graphic Digital display :LCD LCD Digital display with


Location On rotation unit On rotation unit On rotation unit Control box, tubesupport arm

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 90-132, 180-264; 100-120, 200-240 100-120, 200-240 120; 60

50/60 ±10%; 50/60 ±10%; 50/60Current, A Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

Power, W Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 188.5 x 102 118.4 x 129.5 192.7 x 129.5 Wall mounted ormobile

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 220 220 250 40.8 : Not specified

OPTIONAL FEATURES TMJ frontal Not specified Not specified Remote mounting kits(2 views), cross- : Remote buttonsection tomography (doorbell)

LIST PRICE Not specified Not specified Not specified $3,960 : $4,800

WARRANTY 1 year 1 year 1 year 2 years

DELIVERY TIME, ARO 5-6 weeks 5-6 weeks 5-6 weeks 2 weeks

YEAR FIRST SOLD 1998 1994 1994 1995 : 1999

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA Not specified Not specified Not specified 3,500 : 1,000 total

FISCAL YEAR July to June July to June July to June January to December

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS None specified. Automatic orbit Automatic orbit Meets requirementscomputed system; computed system; of CSA; UL listed.manually programmed manually programmedorbit system. orbit system.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

©2002 ECRI. Duplication of this page by any means for any purpose is prohibited. 17

Page 18: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


096-BELRAY X-CALIBER Spectro IRIX 70CCXEX-1000 : EX-2000 70X : 70X Seletronic

WHERE MARKETED Canada, USA Canada, Japan, USA Wordwide, except USA Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) No No No Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Intraoral Panoramic, TMJ : Intraoral IntraoralPanoramic, cephalo-metric, TMJ

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary

Minimum totalfiltration, mm Al 2.1 @ 70 kVp 2.6 2.7 2.5

Heat capacity, HU Not specified Not specified 7 kJ, anode Not specifiedFocal spot size, mm 0.8 x 0.8 0.5 x 1 0.8 x 0.8 0.7 (IEC 336)

X-RAY GENERATORType AC, self-rectified AC, self-rectified Constant potential Self-rectified AC,


AEC Not specified Not specified Not specified NokV range 70 60-90 70 70mA range 10 10 8 8

Exposure time, sec 0.2-3 12 panoramic, 0.1-2.5 0.02-1.1715 TMJ mode

SID, mm 204, 305 Not specified 490 (354 x 354 mm 200, 300x-ray coverage)

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES All intraoral 20 x 25, 15 x 30 cm Standard intraoral All intraoral

MAGNIFICATION Not specified 1.25x Not specified NA

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ No Yes No NoCephalometric No No : Yes No NoOthers Intraoral Panoramic No Bitewing and

occlusal exposures

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes YesPediatric Yes Yes Yes YesSeated Yes Yes Yes YesStanding Yes Yes No Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING Short and long cones Triple light beam No NAsystem, digitaldisplay

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first oftwo pages coveringthe above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Page 19: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


096-BELRAY X-CALIBER Spectro IRIX 70CCXEX-1000 : EX-2000 70X : 70X Seletronic



CONTROL PANEL Digital display, Digital display, Preprogrammable Digital display,touchpanel, touchpanel flat touchpanel,programmable memory functions,


Location Not specified On rotation housing Console Front panel,optional remote

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 120; 60 110-130; 60 110/220; 50/60 100/110/120/230;

50/60Current, A 10.8-11.9 Not specified 15 @ 110 VAC, 10

10 @ 220 VACPower, W Not specified Not specified 0.95 kVA Not specified

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 121.9 x 88.9 121.9 x 152.4 3 m2 79 x 79 x 140, totalreach 82

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg Not specified 191 75 24

OPTIONAL FEATURES Long cone Cephalometric None Mobile (portable iscapability standard)

LIST PRICE $4,600 $24,500-31,500 $940 column, $995 $6,600wall-mounted :$999 column, $1,032wall-mounted

WARRANTY 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years, system;10 years prorated,tubehead

DELIVERY TIME, ARO 3 weeks 3 weeks 30 days 30 days

YEAR FIRST SOLD 1997 1991 1978 : 2001 1992

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA Not specified Not specified 16,772 (2000-01)/NA Not specified

FISCAL YEAR January to December January to December June to May January to December

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Meets requirements Meets requirements Available with Portable unit;of CSA; UL listed. of CSA and ETL; UL analog or digital optional mobile

listed. timer; available in configuration.wall-mount or mobile Meets requirementsconfiguration. Meets of CSA, EMC, and UL.requirements of NBRIEC 601 andISO 9002.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Page 20: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


GX-770 GX-Pan Oralix AC Oralix 765 DC

WHERE MARKETED Canada, USA Worldwide Worldwide, except WorldwideCanada and USA


CE MARK (MDD) No No Yes Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Intraoral Panoramic Intraoral Intraoral

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Stationary Stationary Cylindrical Stationary

Minimum totalfiltration, mm Al 1.5 2.5 2 (Al equivalent) 2.6

Heat capacity, HU 7,000 29,000 7,000 7,000Focal spot size, mm 0.6 0.9 0.7 (IEC 336/1982) Not specified

X-RAY GENERATORType AC, half-wave AC, half-wave AC Constant potential,

rectified rectified 45 kHz

AEC Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specifiedkV range 70 70-98 65 65mA range 7 4 7.5 7

Exposure time, sec 0.5 18 0.08-2.5 DENS-O-MAT, 0.01-2 (R10 scale)0.05-3.2 SECONDENT

SID, mm 200-300 Not specified 250 200-300

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES Standard intraoral 12.5 x 30 cm Standard intraoral Standard intraoral


SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ No Yes No NoCephalometric No No No NoOthers No Not specified No No

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes YesPediatric Yes Yes Yes YesSeated Yes No Yes YesStanding Yes Yes Yes Yes


Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first oftwo pages coveringthe above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Page 21: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


GX-770 GX-Pan Oralix AC Oralix 765 DC


CONTROL PANEL Digital display Digital touchpanel, Flat panel with Digital display,anatomic programming touchkeys, object- preprogrammable

oriented selection

Location Integral Small-size remote Timer unit, remote On main unit orinstallable remote mounted

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 105-230; 50/60 105-230; 50/60 110/220/240; 115/230; 50/60

50/60Current, A 10 8.8 6.8 @ 110 VAC, 10

5.5 @ 220/240 VACPower, W 1,150 1,012 1,200 1,150

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 13 x 118 x 118 119 x 124 x 236 Wall-mounted or 124 x 118-105mobile unit

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 54.4 363 22 21

OPTIONAL FEATURES Remote exposure Freestanding base Rectangular 200-300 mm rectan-switch or station, beam-limiting gular collimatorreduced-size (4 x 4) devicewall mount

LIST PRICE ~$4,000 ~$15,000 $2,500-3,500 ~$5,000

WARRANTY 2 years 2 years Not specified 2 years

DELIVERY TIME, ARO Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

YEAR FIRST SOLD Not specified Not specified Not specified 2000

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA Not specified Not specified Not specified/NA Not specified/NA

FISCAL YEAR Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS UL listed. UL listed. Meets requirements Meets requirementsof CSA, IEC 60601-1, of IEC 60601-3 andSEV, SPRI, and UL. UL 2001-1.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

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Page 22: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


Orthoralix 9000 Orthoralix 9000 Ceph Orthoralix 9200 Orthoralix 9200Ceph

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Panoramic Panoramic, Panoramic Panoramic, cephalo-cephalometric metric

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical Cylindrical

Minimum totalfiltration, mm Al 2.5 (Al equivalent) 2.5 (Al equivalent) 2.5 (Al equivalent) 2.5 (Al equivalent)

Heat capacity, HU 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000Focal spot size, mm 0.5 (IEC 336/1982) 0.5 (IEC 336/1982) 0.5 (IEC 336/1982) 0.5 (IEC 336/1982)

X-RAY GENERATORType Constant potential, Constant potential, Constant potential, Constant potential,

50 kHz 50 kHz 50 kHz 50 kHz

AEC Not specified Not specified Yes YeskV range 60-80, 2 kV steps 60-80, 2 kV steps 60-80, 2 kV steps 60-80, 2 kV stepsmA range 4-10 4-10 4-14, 1 mA steps 4-14, 1 mA steps

Exposure time, sec 12.5 panoramic 12.5 panoramic, 8-12 panoramic 8-12 panoramic,0.16-3.25 cephalo- 0.16-2.5 cephalo-metric, 13 steps metric, 13 steps

SID, mm 505 505 505 505

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES 15 x 30 cm 15 x 30 cm 15 x 30 cm 15 x 30 cmpanoramic; 8 x 10", panoramic; 8 x 10", panoramic panoramic; 18 x18 x 24 cm 18 x 24 cm 24 cm, 30 x 24 cmcephalometric cephalometric cephalometric

MAGNIFICATION 1.23x 1.23x panoramic, 1.23x 1.23x panoramic,1.1x cephalometric 1.1x cephalometric

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ Yes Yes Yes YesCephalometric Yes Yes Yes YesOthers Not specified Not specified Translan Translan

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes YesPediatric Yes Yes Yes YesSeated Yes Yes Yes YesStanding Yes Yes Yes Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING Triple light beam, Triple light beam, Triple light beam, Triple light beam,rotation arm dis- rotation arm dis- rotation arm dis- rotation arm dis-placement, digital placement, digital placement, digital placement, digitaldisplay, motorized display, motorized display, motorized display, motorizedheadrest headrest headrest headrest

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first oftwo pages coveringthe above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Page 23: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


Orthoralix 9000 Orthoralix 9000 Ceph Orthoralix 9200 Orthoralix 9200Ceph


CONTROL PANEL Flat control panel, Flat control panel, Flat control panel, Flat control panel,microprocessor microprocessor microprocessor microprocessorcontrolled with controlled with controlled with controlled withalphanumeric display alphanumeric display alphanumeric display alphanumeric displayof error messages of error messages of error messages of error messages

Location Right side of unit Right side of unit Right side of unit Right side of unit

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 120/230; 50/60 120/230; 50/60 120/230; 50/60 120/230; 50/60

Current, A 20 @ 120 VAC, 20 @ 120 VAC, 20 @ 120 VAC, 20 @ 120 VAC,12 @ 230 VAC 12 @ 230 VAC 12 @ 230 VAC 12 @ 230 VAC

Power, W Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 127 x 98 x 228 127 x 183 x 225 229 x 950 x 125 229 x 182 x 125

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 195 225 195 225

OPTIONAL FEATURES Cephalostat for TMJ, Cephalostat for TMJ, Cephalostat for TMJ, Cephalostat for TMJ,Transcan program for Transcan program for Transcan program for Transcan program forimplants, maxillo- implants, maxillo- implants, maxillo- implants, maxillo-facial kit with facial kit with facial kit with facial kit with6 programs 6 programs 6 programs 6 programs

LIST PRICE $27,000-34,000 $27,000-34,000 $25,000-35,000 $25,000-35,000

WARRANTY 2 years 2 years 20 months 20 months

DELIVERY TIME, ARO 4 weeks 4 weeks 90-120 days 90-120 days

YEAR FIRST SOLD 1998 1998 Not specified Not specified

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

FISCAL YEAR Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS None specified. None specified. Improved Improvedorthogonality orthogonalityprojection; software projection; softwaredriven; universal driven; universaltest phantom; film- test phantom; film-screen sensitivity screen sensitivitytune. Meets tune. Meetsrequirements of CSA requirements of CSAc22.2 no.114, c22.2 no.114,IEC 60601-1 and IEC 60601-1 and60602-7, and UL 187. 60602-7, and UL 187.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Page 24: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


Timex 70 Orix-65 Orix-70 Orixgraph 90/10

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide

FDA CLEARANCE Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Intraoral Intraoral Intraoral Panoramic

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Cylindrical Stationary Stationary Not specified

Minimum totalfiltration, mm Al 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.5

Heat capacity, HU Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specifiedFocal spot size, mm 0.8 x 0.8 0.8 x 0.8 (IEC) 0.8 x 0.8 (IEC) 0.7 x 0.7 (IEC)

X-RAY GENERATORType Constant potential Not specified Not specified Electronic


AEC Not specified Not specified Not specified YeskV range 70 65 70 55-90mA range 9 8 8 10 maximum

Exposure time, sec 0-3 0.1-2.9/0.01-2.99 0.1-2.9/0.01-2.99 15-18 panoramic

SID, mm 204 200/IF 55 mm diam 200/IF 55 mm diam 500

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES Standard intraoral Standard intraoral Standard intraoral 15 x 30 cm

MAGNIFICATION NA 1.2x 1.2x 1.2x

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ No No No NoCephalometric No No No NoOthers Not specified Intraoral Intraoral Intraoral

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes YesPediatric Yes Yes Yes YesSeated Yes Yes Yes YesStanding No Yes Yes Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING NA Standard cone Standard cone Beam alignment,mirror bite fixa-tion, motorizedvertical movement

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first oftwo pages coveringthe above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Page 25: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


Timex 70 Orix-65 Orix-70 Orixgraph 90/10


with bent cassettesupport

CONTROL PANEL Preprogrammable Digital display, Digital display, Low voltage elec-touchpanel, addi- touchpanel, addi- tronic control paneltional programmable tional programmableand help messages and help messages

Location Console Remote Remote Remote

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 110/220, 60; 110/115/220/230; 110/115/220/230; 110/120;

220, 50 50/60 50/60; 50/60Current, A 15 (110 VAC), 6-10 6-10 Not specified

8 (220 VAC)Power, W 1,300 1,100 to 1,320 VA 1,100 to 1,320 VA 770

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 3 m2, mobile 150 x 150 x 50 150 x 150 x 50 100 x 110 x 230


SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 57 column, 40 40 18018 wall mount

OPTIONAL FEATURES Pant arm Mobile stand, Mobile stand, Not specifiedscissors arm, floor- scissors arm, floor-stand, digital stand, digitaltimer, computerized timer, computerizedtimer timer

LIST PRICE $1,080 €2,300 ($US2,118) €2,400 ($US2,210) €14,000 (US$12,890)

WARRANTY 2 years 2 years 2 years 2 years

DELIVERY TIME, ARO 45 days 1 month 1 month 1 month

YEAR FIRST SOLD 2000 1989 1989 1988

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA ~7,500 total Not specified Not specified Not specified

FISCAL YEAR Not specified November-October November-October November-October

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Single transformer UNI EN ISO 9002, UNI EN ISO 9002, UNI EN ISO 9002,(110 or 220 V) UNI CEI EN 46002. UNI CEI EN 46002. UNI CEI EN 46002.immersed in oil;expansion chamber.Meets requirementsof ISO 9001 and13489, IEC 60601,and GMP.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

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Page 26: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide

FDA CLEARANCE Not specified Yes Yes Yes

CE MARK (MDD) Yes Submitted No Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Panoramic and Panoramic, Panoramic, Panoramic, linearcephalometric cephalometric, cephalometric, tomographic,

complex motion tomo complex motion tomo cephalometric

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Not specified Stationary Stationary Stationary,

5° target angleMinimum total

filtration, mm Al 2.5 3 3 2.5, 14.5 tomographyHeat capacity, HU Not specified 24,000 24,000 40,000Focal spot size, mm 0.7 x 0.7 (IEC) 0.5 x 0.5 0.5 x 0.5 0.35-0.5

X-RAY GENERATORType Electronic Constant potential, Constant potential, Constant potential,

controlled 20 kHz 20 kHz microprocessorcontrolled,75-150 kHz

AEC Yes No No YeskV range 55-90 50-90 50-90 57-85; 60-85 cephmA range 15 maximum 5-10 5-10 2-16; 12 ceph

Exposure time, sec 15-18 panoramic; 16-20, 0.2-2, 4-6 16-20, 0.2-2, 4-6 5.6-17.6 panoramic,0.1-3.8 cephalo- (tomography) (tomography) 0.1-3.2 ceph,metric 1.6-28.8 tomographic

SID, mm 500 panoramic, 425 820 487 panoramic,1,700 cephalometric 1,600-1,715 ceph

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES 15 x 30 cm 15 x 30 cm, 15 x 30 cm, 15 x 30 cm panoramic18 x 24 cm 18 x 24 cm 18 x 24 cm and tomographic; 1824 x 30 cm x 24 cm, 24 x 30 cm,

8 x 10", 10 x12" cephalometric

MAGNIFICATION 1.2x 28% panoramic, 28% panoramic, 1.3x pan, 1.4x tomo,44% tomographic 44% tomographic 1.08x-1.14x ceph

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ No Corrected angle Corrected angle Yes *Cephalometric Yes Yes Yes YesOthers Not specified Tomography- Tomography- Quality assurance,

zonography of all zonography of all retractable cassettecranial structures cranial structures holder, left-/right-

handed operation,automatic spinecompensation, sinusprogram **

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes YesPediatric Yes Yes Yes YesSeated Yes Yes Yes OptionalStanding Yes Yes Yes Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING Beam alignment, Laser alignment beam Laser alignment beam Triple light beammirror bite fixa- system, motorizedtion, motorized vertical movement,vertical movement, cephalometric with 2cephalometric *** ear holders and nose

support †

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of* Lateral and posteroanterior, optional Ortho TMJ program. two pages covering** Optional Ortho Zone program. the above model(s).*** With 2 ear holders and forehead support. These specifications† Also tomographic with dual laser beams and bite plate. continue onto the

next page.

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Page 27: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



AIMING/POSITIONINGFILM HOLDER Flexible cassette No No Flat cassette

w/bent cassette sup-port, cephalometric *

CONTROL PANEL Low voltage elec- Touchscreen monitor PC controlled, Digital display,tronic control panel keyboard and mouse, preprogrammable,

help messages touchpanel, helpmessages

Location Remote Left side Remote Side of unit,removable

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 110/120 110/220; 50/60 110/220; 50/60 110/230; 50/60

50/60Current, A Not specified 16 16 10-15

Power, W 1,320 1,800 maximum during 1,800 maximum during 1,650 @ 110 VAC,exposure exposure 2,300 @ 230 VAC

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 200 x 110 x 230 102 x 114 x 234 102 x 114 x 234 235 x 190 x 100

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 210 350 375 205

OPTIONAL FEATURES Not specified Touchscreen-mounted Computer upgrade, Ortho ID film-assembly, support 3 laser alignment marking system,legs, software beams, implant- cephalometric grid,package planning software digital imaging **

LIST PRICE €17,500 ($US16,110) $34,800-44,000 $49,500-55,000 $48,900

WARRANTY 2 years 1 year 1 year 1 year, unit;2 years, tube head

DELIVERY TIME, ARO 1 month 4 weeks 3 weeks 3 weeks

YEAR FIRST SOLD 1988 2000 2001 1995

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA Not specified 10/50 0/3 Not specified

FISCAL YEAR November to October January to December January to December January to December

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS UNI EN ISO 9002, None specified. None specified. Wall mount withUNI CEI EN 46002. swivel joint;

exposure counter;sinus program;cephalostat withleft-/right-handedoperation.Meets requirementsof CSA, IEC, and UL.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.* With flat cassette.** Also freestanding base, remote exposure, Ortho Zone program, and Ortho TMJ programs.

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Page 28: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes No

SYSTEM TYPE Panoramic and linear Panoramic and Panoramic Intraoraltomography cephalometric

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Stationary, Stationary, Stationary, Stationary

5° target angle 5° target angle 5° target angleMinimum total

filtration, mm Al 2.5, 14.5 tomography 2.5 2.5 3Heat capacity, HU 40,000 40,000 40,000 16,000Focal spot size, mm 0.35-0.5 0.35-0.5 0.35-0.5 0.5

X-RAY GENERATORType Constant potential, Constant potential, Constant potential, Constant potential,

microprocessor microprocessor microprocessor 20 kHzcontrolled, controlled, controlled,75-150 kHz 75-150 kHz 75-150 kHz

AEC Yes Yes Yes NokV range 57-85 57-85; 60-85 ceph 57-85 60-90, 5 kV stepsmA range 2-16 2-16; 12 ceph 2-16 10

Exposure time, sec 5.6-17.6 panoramic, 5.6-17.6 panoramic, 5.6-17.6 0.01-2.991.6-28.8 tomographic 0.1-3.2


SID, mm 487 panoramic 487 panoramic, 487 4061,600-1,715 ceph

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES 15 x 30 cm 15 x 30 cm pan- 15 x 30 cm Any periapical filmoramic; 18 x 24 cm,24 x 30 cm, 8 x10", 10 x 12"cephalometric

MAGNIFICATION 1.3x panoramic, 1.3x panoramic, 1.3x NA1.4x tomographic 1.08x-1.14x ceph

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ Yes * Yes * Yes * Yes **Cephalometric Optional Yes Optional Yes **Others Quality assurance, Quality assurance, Quality assurance, Yes **

retractable cassette retractable cassette retractable cassetteholder, left-/right- holder, left-/right- holder, left-/right-handed operation, handed operation, handed operation,automatic spine automatic spine automatic spinecompensation, sinus compensation compensationprogram ***

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes Yes **Pediatric Yes Yes Yes Yes **Seated Optional Optional Optional Yes **Standing Yes Yes Yes Yes **

PATIENT POSITIONING Triple light beam Triple light beam Triple light beam Aiming lines on conesystem, motorized system, motorized system, motorizedvertical movement, vertical movement, vertical movementtomographic with cephalometric withdual laser beams and 2 ear holders andbite plate nose support

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of* Lateral and posteroanterior, optional Ortho TMJ program. two pages covering** With optional fixtures. the above model(s).*** Optional Ortho Zone program. These specifications

continue onto thenext page.

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Page 29: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



AIMING/POSITIONINGFILM HOLDER Flat cassette Flat cassette Flat cassette No

CONTROL PANEL Digital display, Digital display, Digital display, Time select,preprogrammable, preprogrammable, preprogrammable, kV select switch intouchpanel, help touchpanel, help touchpanel, help 5 kV stepsmessages messages messages

Location Side of unit, Side of unit, Side of unit, Front of controlremovable removable removable unit

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 110/230; 50/60 110/230; 50/60 110/230; 50/60 105-130/210-260;

50/60Current, A 10-15 10-15 10-15 15

Power, W 1,650 @ 110 VAC, 1,650 @ 110 VAC, 1,650 @ 110 VAC, 1,800 maximum during2,300 @ 230 VAC 2,300 @ 230 VAC 2,300 @ 230 VAC exposure

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 235 x 83 x 100 235 x 190 x 100 235 x 83 x 100 Wall mounted

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 170 205 170 35.5

OPTIONAL FEATURES Ortho ID film- Ortho ID film-mark- Ortho ID film- 61" short arm, 76"marking system, ing system, linear marking system, long arm, arm-lockcephalostat upgrade, tomography upgrade, cephalostat upgrade, devicedigital imaging * digital imaging * linear tomography

upgrade, digitalimaging *

LIST PRICE $41,100 $37,150 $29,050 $6,280

WARRANTY 1 year, unit; 1 year, unit; 1 year, unit; 2 years2 years, tube head 2 years, tube head 2 years, tube head

DELIVERY TIME, ARO 3 weeks 3 weeks 3 weeks 2 weeks

YEAR FIRST SOLD 1995 1992 1992 1988

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA Not specified Not specified Not specified 1,100/not specified

FISCAL YEAR January to December January to December January to December January to December

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Wall mount with Wall mount with Wall mount with Meets requirementsswivel joint; swivel joint; swivel joint; of CE, CSA, and UL.exposure counter; exposure counter; exposure counter;sinus program; sinus program; sinus program;exposure counter; exposure counter; exposure counter.upgradable to cephalostat Meets requirementscephalostat and with left-/right- of CSA, IEC, and Meets handed operation.requirements of Meets requirementsCSA, IEC, and UL. of CSA, IEC, and UL.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.* Also freestanding base, remote exposure, Ortho Zone program, and Ortho TMJ programs.

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Page 30: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



WHERE MARKETED Japan See footnote * See footnote * See footnote **



SYSTEM TYPE Panoramic, optional Intraoral Intraoral Intraoralcephalometric

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Stationary, Stationary Stationary Cylindrical

5° target angleMinimum total

filtration, mm Al 2.7 2 2.2 1.5Heat capacity, HU Not specified 10,000 10,000 1,800Focal spot size, mm 0.5 x 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.8 x 0.8 effective

X-RAY GENERATORType Constant potential, High frequency, full Single-phase AC, AC, self-rectified

microprocessor wave rectified, self-rectifiedcontrolled 60 kHz

AEC Not specified No No Not specifiedkV range 50-90 60, 65, 70 63 fixed 60mA range 10 10 fixed 12 fixed 10

Exposure time, sec 15 panoramic 0.02-1.98; 99 steps 0.08-2; 16 steps 0.04-2.54

SID, mm 480 panoramic, 200, standard short- 200, standard short- 2001,650 cephalometric cone technique cone technique

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES 15 x 30 cm pano- Standard intraoral Standard intraoral 3 x 4 cmramic, 8 x 10"cephalometric

MAGNIFICATION 1.28x to ~1.3x Not specified Not specified Not specifiedpan; 1.1x ceph

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ Yes No No Not specifiedCephalometric Yes No No Not specifiedOthers Not specified No No Not specified

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes YesPediatric Yes Yes Yes YesSeated No Yes Yes YesStanding Yes Yes Yes Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING Twin light beam Not specified Not specified Not specifiedsystem, digitaldisplay, motorizedup/down

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of* China, India, North America, Russia, and South America. two pages covering** Australia, Brazil, Europe, Japan, Korea, and Thailand. the above model(s).

These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Page 31: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units




CONTROL PANEL Digital display, Digital display, Lights, rotary Digital display,touchpanel touchpanel switch touchpanel

Location Remote mounted Top of unit Back of unit Control box (remote)

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 100; 50/60 115/230; 50/60 115/230; 50/60 100/240; 50/60

Current, A 20 10 10 4-9

Power, W Not specified 700 1,200 900

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 220 x 100 x 120 pan; 18.8 x 15.6 x 20.5 13 x 22 x 24 Not specified220 x 200 x 120ceph

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 200 panoramic, 4.9 8.2 25-50240 cephalometric

OPTIONAL FEATURES Not specified Accessory stands Accessory stands Not specified

LIST PRICE Y3,580,000 $11,750 (115 VAC) $4,250 (115 VAC) $5,000-6,000(US$29,823) pano-ramic *

WARRANTY Not specified 1 years 3 years, limited 1 year

DELIVERY TIME, ARO Not specified From stock From stock Not specified

YEAR FIRST SOLD 1992 2000 1982 Not specified

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified/NA

FISCAL YEAR Not specified April to March April to March Not specified

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS None specified. Self-contained Self-contained 5 attachmentportable x-ray unit portable x-ray unit models available;with carrying case. with carrying case. mobile, wall-mount,

floor-mount, andpatient-chairconfigurationsavailable;preheating method.Meets requirementsof JapanesePharmaceutical Law.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.* Y4,580,000 (US$38,154) cephalometric.

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Page 32: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


Veraviewepocs PC-1000/Laser 1000 PM 2002 CC PROLINE PROSTYLE INTRA

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Panoramic, cephalo- Panoramic, Panoramic, Intraoralmetric, tomographic; cephalometric cephalometricoptional digital

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Cylindrical Rotating Cylindrical Cylindrical

Minimum totalfiltration, mm Al 2.1 2.8 2.5 2

Heat capacity, HU 16,000 49,000 40,000 7,000Focal spot size, mm 0.5 x 0.5 effective 0.5 x 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.5 x 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.7 x 0.7 (IEC 336)

X-RAY GENERATORType Constant potential, Single-phase half- Constant potential, Constant potential,

40 kHz wave self-rectified microprocessor microprocessorcontrolled, 80 kHz controlled, 66 kHz

AEC Yes Not specified Yes NAkV range 60-80, 1 kV steps 70-90 60-80 50-70mA range 1-10, 1 mA steps 6 panoramic, 4-12 8

12 cephalometricExposure time, sec 20.6 max panoramic, 12 panoramic, 2.5-18 panoramic, 0.01-3.2

0.3-4 cephalometric, 0.4-2 cephalometric 0.2-5 cephalometric10.2 max tomographic

SID, mm 520 panoramic, 160-180 panoramic, 480 panoramic, 200-3061,650 cephalometric 1,624-1,724 ceph 1,600-1,700 ceph

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES 15 x 30 cm 15 x 30 cm (6 x 15 x 30 cm, All intraoral sizespanoramic, 12") panoramic, 12.5 x 30 cm8 x 10" 8 x 10" panoramic;cephalometric cephalometric 8 x 10",

18 x 24 cm ceph

MAGNIFICATION 1.3x, 1.7x pan, 1.2x to 1.25x 1.2x panoramic, NA1.1x ceph, 1.7x tomo 1.08x-1.13x ceph

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ Yes Yes Yes NACephalometric Yes Yes Yes CapableOthers Sinus, cross-section None specified Ceph: lateral, AP,PA Bitewing, occlusal

submentovertex, FMX, digitalWaters view; Pan:sinus, horizontal/vertical segment,PA cross-sectional,TMJ, film marking

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes YesPediatric Yes Yes Yes YesSeated No Yes Yes YesStanding Yes Yes Yes Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING Autopositioning Manual Motorized, triple Long and short conesystem with distance laser light system, angle indicator,sensor, triple light digital display, anatomical displaybeam system motorized handles,

carbon templesupports, side entry *

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of* Also has adjustable focal trough. two pages covering

the above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Page 33: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


Veraviewepocs PC-1000/Laser 1000 PM 2002 CC PROLINE PROSTYLE INTRA

AIMING/POSITIONINGFILM HOLDER Not specified Not specified Rigid flat cassette Optional

CONTROL PANEL LCD touchpanel, Touchpanel Digital display, Digital display,trouble ID message preprogrammable, preprogrammable,

touchpanel, help help messages, errormessages, error codes, remotecodes * station standard

Location Movement arm Side of unit or Front of unit Wall, remote,remote switch movable

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 100/230; 50/60 110; 60 117, 220; 50/60 117; 50/60

Current, A 10-20 12 maximum 16 16

Power, W 2,000 1.5 kVA 1,500 1,500

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 235.5 x 189 x 122 122 x 122 104 x 95 x 220 pan, NA (no floor space)panoramic, 235.5 x 196 x 95 x 220 ceph100 x 122 ceph

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 184 panoramic, 227 108 panoramic, 23 (standard wall221 cephalometric 126 cephalometric mount)

OPTIONAL FEATURES None Cephalometric unit DIMAX2 digital DIXI2 intraoralattachment add-on imaging system, x-ray sensor system

Autoprint & Admarkfilm marking, trans-versal slicing, TMJ,freestanding base

LIST PRICE $27,000-60,000 $8,995-10,995 pano- $29,564-38,225 $5,489-5,984depending on type ramic, $12,995-

14,995 cephalometric

WARRANTY 1 year 2 years, parts and 1 year, unit; 2 yearslabor 2 years, tube

DELIVERY TIME, ARO Not specified 7-10 days Immediate Immediate

YEAR FIRST SOLD 1997 1987 1989 1996

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA 1,000/NA 12,000 total 15,500+ total 12,000+ total

FISCAL YEAR April to March January to December February to January February to January

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS None specified. Focal trough 12 mm Adjustable focal Wall, ceiling, oranterior, 41 mm trough shape/size; pass-throughposterior; free- motorized primary mount; dental unitstanding unit; collimator; auto- mount; adjustablewheelchair acces- matic cervical vert- kV, 4 arm lengths;sible. abrae control, light digital ready;

positioning of ceph- remote controlalometric aperture, station standard;and soft-tissue upgradable soft-filter; constant ware; adjustablemagnification; auto time. Meetsdouble TMJ. Meets requirements ofrequirements of CSA, IEC, and UL.CSA, IEC, and UL. **

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.* Displays date, time, exposure time, kV, mA, chin support positioning, collimator used, ready indicator, ped/adult indicator,

and size and shape of focal trough indicator.** Pedo program and adjustable sinus.

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Page 34: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



WHERE MARKETED Worldwide, except Worldwide Worldwide WorldwideUSA


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Intraoral Intraoral Panoramic Panoramic,cephalometric

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Stationary Fixed Fixed Fixed

Minimum totalfiltration, mm Al 2.5 1.5 2.5 2.5

Heat capacity, HU 30,000 7,000 18,500 18,500Focal spot size, mm 0.7 x 0.7 0.7 (IEC 336) 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.5 (IEC 336)

X-RAY GENERATORType AC, microprocessor Multipulse, Multipulse, Multipulse,

controlled microprocessor microprocessor microprocessorcontrolled, 18 kHz controlled, 18 kHz controlled, 18 kHz

AEC Not specified No No NokV range 70 60 60-80 60-80mA range 8 7 10, fixed 10, fixed

Exposure time, sec 0.03-3.2 0.01-3.2 7.8-11.3 7.8-11.3, 0.1-4

SID, mm 200-300 200 497 497

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES All intraoral, All intraoral sizes 15 x 30 cm 15 x 30 cm,optional extraoral 18 x 24 cm; optional

24 x 30 cm

MAGNIFICATION NA Depends on distance 1.13x-1.3x 1.13x-1.3x

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ Yes Extraoral Yes YesCephalometric No No Yes YesOthers Bitewing and Bitewing and PA views, constant PA views, half-axial

occlusal exposures occlusal exposures magnification, cephalometric,panoramic, digital constant magnifica-sensor upgrade tion, digital sensor


PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes YesPediatric Yes Yes Yes YesSeated Yes Yes Yes YesStanding No Yes Yes Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING Digital display, Digital display, Laser light beam Laser light beamangle indicators paralleling system system, motorized system, motorized

height adjustment, height adjustment,swivel mirror swivel mirror

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first oftwo pages coveringthe above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Page 35: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



AIMING/POSITIONINGFILM HOLDER Optional Optional, removable Swingout cassette Swingout cassette

holder holder

CONTROL PANEL Digital display, Digital display, Digital display, Digital display,preprogrammable, preprogrammable, preprogrammable, preprogrammable,flat touchpanel, help messages, help messages, foil help messages, foilauto diagnostics, 1-knob Combi-Dial * switch switchhelp messages **

Location Front anatomical Wall, ceiling, At column or remote At column or remotetimer unit, optional remote, or movable control controlremote installation

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 100/110/220/230/240; 100-125/208-230; 208-230; 50/60 208-230; 50/60

50/60 50/60Current, A 7 @ 100/110, 11 9.7 9.7

4 @ 220/230/240Power, W 750 880, 1,100 2,100 2,100

SPACE REQUIRED, cm Wall mount, optional 120 x 120 minimum 150 x 120 x 224 206 x 120 x 224ceiling and unit for x-ray roommounts

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 24 25, wall mounted 120 132

OPTIONAL FEATURES 3 horizontal arms Remote control, 24 x 30 cm film 24 x 30 cm film(short, standard, 12" cone, ceiling size, remote control size, remote controllong), wheeled version (withstand, opt rectan- SIROLUX Fantastic)gular collimator

LIST PRICE Not specified $4,800 $22,200 $28,995

WARRANTY 18 months 1 year 1 year 1 year

DELIVERY TIME, ARO 1 week 6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks

YEAR FIRST SOLD 1991 1995 1994 1994

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA 20,000/NA Not specified Not specified Not specified

FISCAL YEAR January to December October to September October to September October to September

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS The x-ray timer will Multitimer; Automatic kV Automatic kVoperate 2 x-ray automatic exposure increase; help increase; helpheads. Meets programs, 2 kV messages; automatic messages; automaticrequirements of values. Meets exposure blockage; exposure blockage;IEC 60601-1 and requirements of all stable headrest; stable headrest;60601-2-7, international programmed exposure programmed exposureNRPB, and standards. values; selection values; selectionPTB (Germany). of film density. of film density.

Meets requirements Meets requirementsof all international of all internationalstandards. standards.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.* Foil switch to automatically change to short exposure times for digital radiography.** Memory functions, line-voltage compensation.

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Page 36: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Panoramic Panoramic, Panoramic Cephalometriccephalometric

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Fixed Fixed Stationary Stationary

Minimum totalfiltration, mm Al 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5

Heat capacity, HU 26,500 26,500 40,000 Not specifiedFocal spot size, mm 0.6 (IEC 336) 0.6 (IEC 336) 0.5 x 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.5 (IEC 336)

X-RAY GENERATORType Multipulse, Multipulse, High-frequency DC, High-frequency DC,

microprocessor microprocessor 40 kHz 40 kHzcontrolled, 18 kHz controlled, 18 kHz

AEC Yes Yes No NokV range 60-90 60-90 63-81 63-81mA range 9-16 9-16 4.5-10 10

Exposure time, sec 0.01-4 6.3-16.4 16 (60 Hz), 0.4-3.219 (50 Hz)

SID, mm 497 497 520 1,700

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES 15 x 30 cm, 15 x 30 cm, 15 x 30 cm; optional 18 x 24 cm,18 x 24 cm; optional 18 x 24 cm; optional adapter for 24 x 24 x 30 cm,12.7 x 30.5 cm and 12.7 x 30.5 cm and 30 cm (10 x 12") 8 x 10",24 x 30 cm 24 x 30 cm 10 x 12"

MAGNIFICATION 1.11x-1.46x 1.11x-1.46x 1.3x 1.13x

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ Yes Yes No NoCephalometric Yes Yes No YesOthers Multilayers, half- Multilayers, half- Not specified Not specified

side exposures, side exposures,implant implantexposures, paranasal exposures, paranasaltomography, anterior tomography, anteriorarea w/large layer, area w/large layer,maxillary sinus * maxillary sinus *

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes YesPediatric Yes Yes Yes YesSeated Yes Yes Yes YesStanding Yes Yes Yes Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING Light beam system, Light beam system, Double light beam 3-point headholder,digital display, digital display, system, 4-point motorized verticalswivel mirror swivel mirror head support system movement

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of* Also inclined lateral exposures and half-axial exposures for cephalometric; digital sensor upgrade. two pages covering

the above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

Healthcare Product Comparison System

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Page 37: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



AIMING/POSITIONINGFILM HOLDER Swingout cassette Swingout cassette Cassette holder, Cassette holder

holder holder flat cassette

CONTROL PANEL Digital display, Digital display, Touchpanel, LED Touchpanel, LEDpreprogrammable, preprogrammable,foil switch, help foil switch, helpmessages, anomaly messages, anomalycompensation compensation

Location At column or remote At column or remote On C-arm Center boxcontrol control

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 208-240; 50/60 208-240; 50/60 230/240; 50/60 230/240; 50/60

Current, A 14 14 8, slow 8, slow

Power, W 2,800 2,800 1,250 maximum 1,250 maximum

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 110 x 116 x 212 206 x 116 x 212 224 x 97 x 120 224 x 185 x 68

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 157 130 150 120

OPTIONAL FEATURES 12.7 x 30.5 cm and 12.7 x 30.5 cm and 3 different chin Disposable24 x 30 cm film 24 x 30 cm film supports, disposable headholder covers,size; remote size; remote bite-block covers, 24 x 30 cm cassettecontrol, transverse control, transverse disposable sizelayers layers headholder covers

LIST PRICE $29,995 $37,995 $15,000-29,580 $15,000-29,580

WARRANTY 1 year 1 year Not specified Not specified

DELIVERY TIME, ARO 6 weeks 6 weeks Not specified Not specified

YEAR FIRST SOLD 1993 1993 Not specified Not specified

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

FISCAL YEAR October to September October to September January to December January to December

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Automatic exposure Automatic exposure Meets requirements Meets requirementsselection, exposure selection, exposure of GMP, IEC, and of GMP, IEC, andblockage, kV blockage, kV ISO 9001. ISO 9001.increase, and layer increase, and layerselection; x-ray selection; x-rayatlas; anomaly func- atlas; anomaly func-tion; help messages; tion; help messages;stable headrest; stable headrest;programmed exposure programmed exposurevalues; selection of values; selection ofof film density. of film density.Meets requirements Meets requirementsof all international of all internationalstandards. standards.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

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Page 38: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Panoramic : Direct Panoramic, Panoramic, Panoramic,digital cephalometric tomographic tomographic,


X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Stationary Stationary, 2 tubes Stationary Stationary

Minimum totalfiltration, mm Al 2.5 2.5 2.7 2.7

Heat capacity, HU 40,000 Not specified Not specified Not specifiedFocal spot size, mm 0.5 x 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.5 x 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.5 (IEC 336)

X-RAY GENERATORType High-frequency DC, High-frequency DC, High-frequency DC, High-frequency DC,

40 kHz 40 kHz 60-110 kHz 60-110 kHz

AEC No No No NokV range 63-81 63-81 57-85 57-85mA range 4.5-10 4.5-10 1-10 1-10

Exposure time, sec 16 (60 Hz), 0.4-3.2 cephalo- 0.3-56 0.3-5619 (50 Hz) panoramic metric, 16 (60 Hz),

19 (50 Hz) panoramic

SID, mm 520 panoramic 520 panoramic, 1,700 560 560 panoramic,cephalometric 1,632-1,707 ceph

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES 15 x 30 cm; optional 15 x 30 cm pano- 15 x 30 cm 15 x 30 cm pan,adapter for 24 x ramic; 18 x 24 cm, 18 x 24 cm ceph;30 cm (10 x 12") : 24 x 30 cm, 8 x optional 24 x 30 cmDirect digital w/CCD 10", 10 x 12", and 8 x 10" cephalo-(15 x 30 cm image) cephalometric * metric

MAGNIFICATION 1.3x 1.13x cephalometric; 1.3x, 1.5x 1.3x, 1.5x pan;1.3x panoramic 1.09x-1.14x ceph

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ Yes Yes Yes YesCephalometric Yes Yes No YesOthers Partial panoramic Partial panoramic Panoramic, tomogram, Panoramic, tomogram,

images for left images for left scanogram, sinus scanogram, sinusside, right side, side, right side,and center part and center part

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes YesPediatric Yes Yes Yes YesSeated Yes Yes Yes YesStanding Yes Yes Yes Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING See footnote ** See footnote ** 4-light-beam system, 4-light-beam system,4-point head 4-point headsupport, motorized support, motorizedmovement movement

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of* Optional adapter for 24 x 30 cm (10 x 12 in) film size. two pages covering** Triple light beam system, 4-point head support system, motorized vertical movement (panoramic); 3-point head support system, the above model(s).

motorized vertical movement (cephalometric). These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

Healthcare Product Comparison System

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Page 39: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



AIMING/POSITIONINGFILM HOLDER Cassette holder, Cassette holder, Cassette holder Cassette holder

flat cassette flat cassette

CONTROL PANEL Touchpanel, digital Touchpanel, LED, Electroluminescent, Electroluminescent,display digital display interactive interactive

Location On C-arm On C-arm Column Column

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 230/240; 50/60 230/240; 50/60 115/230 ±10%; 115/230 ±10%;

50/60 50/60Current, A 8, slow 8, slow 8/16, slow 8/16, slow

Power, W 1,250 maximum 1,250 maximum 1,400 maximum 1,400 maximum

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 224 x 97 x 120 224 x 186 x 120 241 x 100 x 133 241 x 187 x 133

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 150 195 138 145

OPTIONAL FEATURES 3 different chin 3 different chin Not specified Not specifiedsupports, disposable supports, disposablebite-block covers, bite-block covers,disposable head- disposable head-holder covers, 24 x holder covers, 24 x30 cm cassette 30 cm cassette

LIST PRICE $15,000-29,580 : $15,000-29,580 Not specified Not specifiedNot specified

WARRANTY Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

DELIVERY TIME, ARO Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

YEAR FIRST SOLD Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

FISCAL YEAR January to December January to December January to December January to December

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Meets requirements Meets requirements Spiral tomography; Spiral tomography;of GMP, IEC, and of GMP, IEC, and TMJ tomograms; TMJ tomograms;ISO 9001. ISO 9001. cross-sectional cross-sectional

tomograms. Meets tomograms. Meetsrequirements of GMP, requirements of GMP,IEC 60601-1, and IEC 60601-1, andISO 9001. ISO 9001.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Page 40: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Not specified

SYSTEM TYPE Panoramic maxillo- Intraoral Intraoral Intraoralfacial tomography

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Rotating, 10° Stationary Stationary Stationary

target angleMinimum total

filtration, mm Al 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.5Heat capacity, HU 300,000 Not specified Not specified Not specifiedFocal spot size, mm 0.3 (IEC 336) 0.7 (IEC 336) 0.7 (IEC 336) 0.7 (IEC 336)

X-RAY GENERATORType High-frequency DC, Very-high-frequency Self-rectified AC, AC, self-rectified

40 kHz microprocessor microprocessorcontrolled (300 kHz) controlled

AEC No No No NokV range 57-85 60-70 70 70mA range 1-20 4-7 8 8

Exposure time, sec 1-45 0.012-1.88 0.02-1.17 0.05-3.2

SID, mm 575 200 200 200

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES 15 x 30 cm All intraoral All intraoral All intraoral

MAGNIFICATION 1.2x, 1.3x, 1.7x NA NA NA

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ Yes No No NoCephalometric No No No NoOthers Panoramic, zonogram, Bitewing and Bitewing and Bitewing and

tomogram, scanogram, occlusal occlusal exposures occlusal exposuressinus; optional exposuresear, ethmoid, uppercervical spine

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes Yes YesPediatric Yes Yes Yes YesSeated Yes Yes Yes YesStanding No Yes Yes Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING Triple light beam NA NA NAsystem, digitaldisplay, motorized,3-point head support

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first oftwo pages coveringthe above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



AIMING/POSITIONINGFILM HOLDER Cassette holder, Removable; compati- Removable Removable

flat cassette ble with parallelingsystem

CONTROL PANEL Keyboard, digital Digital display, Digital display, 1-buttondisplay, flat touchpanel, flat touchpanel, operationpreprogrammable memory functions, memory functions,

autodiagnostics autodiagnostics

Location Front of unit Handheld or remote Front panel, Front panel,optional remote optional remote

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 200/230/240; 50/60 100-130/230-240; 100/110/120/230; 100/110/120/230;

50/60 50/60 50/60Current, A 20 10 10 10

Power, W 3,000 maximum Not specified Not specified Not specified

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 214 x 173 x 148 155 x 188 x 203, 137.2 x 165.1 x 188, 137.2 x 165.1 x 196,total reach total reach total reach

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 340 23 30 30

OPTIONAL FEATURES Image planning PC & Remote-mounted timer Not specified Not specifiedsoftware, stereo-image binoculars,spare cassettes,ethnoid, ear, & cer-vical spine software

LIST PRICE $88,000 Not specified Not specified Not specified

WARRANTY Not specified 2 years, system; 2 years, system; 2 years, system;10 years prorated, 10 years prorated, 10 years prorated,tubehead tubehead tubehead

DELIVERY TIME, ARO Not specified 7 days 7 days 7 days

YEAR FIRST SOLD Not specified 1995 1984 1984

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

FISCAL YEAR January to December October to September October to September October to September

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Spiral tomography; Built-in connection Wall-mount, ceiling- Wall-mount, ceiling-stereoscopic image with RVG intraoral mount, mobile, mount, mobile,pairs; lateral digital radiography seated, floor-mount, seated, floor-mount,image; TMJ system; total reach unit-mount unit-mounttomograms; 170, 188, or 205 cm; configurations. configurations.cross-sectional and wall-mount, ceiling- Meets requirementstangential mount configuration. of CSA, EMC, and UL.tomograms. Meets Meets requirementsrequirements of GMP, of CSA, EMC, and UL.IEC 60601-1, andISO 9001.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

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Page 42: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


ODONTORAMA PC OrthoSlice OS500 OrthoSlice OS1000 EXPLOR-X 70 kV

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide, except Worldwide, except Worldwide, except WorldwideJapan and USA Japan and Korea Japan and Korea

FDA CLEARANCE Not specified Yes Yes Yes

CE MARK (MDD) No Yes Yes Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Panoramic; optional Panoramic, tomo- Panoramic, tomo- Intraoralcephalometric graphic, TMJ, maxil- graphic, TMJ, maxil-

lary sinus; opt ceph lary sinus; opt ceph

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary

Minimum totalfiltration, mm Al 2.5 2.8 2.8 2

Heat capacity, HU Not specified Not specified Not specified 13 kJFocal spot size, mm 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.8 (IEC 336)

X-RAY GENERATORType AC, microprocessor High-frequency (DC) High-frequency (DC) Single phase, self-

controlled 80 kHz, micro- 80 kHz, micro- rectifyingprocessor controlled processor controlled

AEC Not specified In real time In real time NokV range 55-100 60-90 (1 kV steps) 60-90 (1 kV steps) 70mA range 1-10 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12; 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12; 8

15 cephalic mode 15 cephalic modeExposure time, sec 5.6-14.7 panoramic, 5.2-12 5.2-12 0.04-3.2


SID, mm Not specified 426 426 200

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES 15 x 30 cm, 15 x 30 cm (6 x 15 x 30 cm (6 x Any periapical18 x 24 cm, 12"), 18 x 24 cm (8 12"), 18 x 24 cm (824 x 30 cm x 10"), 24 x 30 cm x 10"), 24 x 30 cm

(10 x 12") (10 x 12")

MAGNIFICATION 1.25x 1.23x 1.23x Not specified

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ Yes Lateral and PA Lateral and PA NoCephalometric Optional Optional Optional NoOthers Maxillary sinuses Maxillary sinuses Maxillary sinuses, Not specified

cross-sectiontomography instandard

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes Yes 3 orbits Not specifiedPediatric Yes Yes 3 orbits Not specifiedSeated Yes Optional Optional Not specifiedStanding No Yes Yes Not specified

PATIENT POSITIONING Double light beam 3 laser beams with 3 laser beams with Not specifiedreal-time AEC, real-time AEC,digital display digital display

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first oftwo pages coveringthe above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


ODONTORAMA PC OrthoSlice OS500 OrthoSlice OS1000 EXPLOR-X 70 kV

AIMING/POSITIONINGFILM HOLDER Removable cassette Flat cassette Flat cassette Not specified

CONTROL PANEL Digital display, Digital display, Digital display, Digital display,touchpanel help error help error auto preprogrammed

or manual exposure-time selection *

Location Front panel Back of cassette Back of cassette Detachable with >2 mholder holder coiled cord

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 110/230; 50/60 110/230; 50/60 110/230; 50/60 120/220/230/240;

50/60Current, A 9-18 10-15 10-15 6 @ 120 VAC,

4 @ 220-240 VACPower, W Not specified 2,000 2,000 800

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 200 x 75 x 60 101 x 112 x 231 101 x 116 x 232 75, horizontal arm(wall mounted)

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 110 160 panoramic, 195 panoramic, Not specified190 cephalometric 220 cephalometric

OPTIONAL FEATURES Cephalometric Cephalometry Cephalometry, 60-90 cm horizontalcapabilities digital imaging digital imaging arm, mobile stand

(DIGIPAN); film (DIGIPAN); filmmarking device; marking device;standing base; standing base;remote exposure remote exposure

LIST PRICE Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

WARRANTY Not specified 1 year 1 year Not specified

DELIVERY TIME, ARO Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

YEAR FIRST SOLD Not specified 1999 1998 Not specified

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA Not specified/NA Not specified/NA Not specified/NA Not specified

FISCAL YEAR October to September October to September October to September Not specified

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Microprocessor- Wall mounted with Wall mount; AEC on System automaticallycontrolled rectified swivel system. cephalostat. compensates fortubehead; automatic line-voltageline-voltage fluctuations byregulator. changing exposure

time to maintainoptimum filmdensity.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.* Microprocessor controlled with line-voltage compensation.

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Page 44: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



WHERE MARKETED Worldwide, except Worldwide Worldwide WorldwideUSA

FDA CLEARANCE Submitted Yes Submitted No

CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes (230 VAC unit) Yes Yes (230 VAC unit)

SYSTEM TYPE Intraoral Panoramic Panoramic Panoramic, optionalcephalostat lineartomography

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Stationary Stationary Stationary Stationary

Minimum totalfiltration, mm Al 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 total

Heat capacity, HU Not specified 30 kJ 30 kJ 30 kJFocal spot size, mm 0.8 (IEC 336) 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.5 (IEC 336) 0.5 (IEC 336)

X-RAY GENERATORType Constant potential, Single phase, self- Single phase, self- Constant potential,

microprocessor rectifying rectifying high frequencycontrolled

AEC No No No NokV range 60-70 60-85, 5 kV steps 60-85, 5 kV steps 50-80, 2 kV stepsmA range 7 10 10 4-10 pan; 4-12 ceph

Exposure time, sec 0.01-2 17 adult panoramic, 17 adult, 14 child 15 panoramic;14 child panoramic, 0.2-3 cephalometric0.2-3 cephalometric

SID, mm 200 500 500 512 panoramic,1,650 cephalometric

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES Any periapical 12.7 x 30 cm, 12.7 x 30 cm, 15 x 30 cm5 x 12" panoramic; 5 x 12" panoramic;18 x 24 cm cephalo- 18 x 24 cm,metric; optional 24 x 30 cm, 8 x 10"24 x 30 cm cephalometric

MAGNIFICATION Not specified 1.2x 1.2x See footnote *

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ No Yes No YesCephalometric No Optional No OptionalOthers Not specified Not specified No Linear tomography,

open-/closed-mouthTMJ, biaxial TMJ

PATIENT TYPESAdult Not specified Yes Yes YesPediatric Not specified Yes Yes YesSeated Not specified No No YesStanding Not specified Yes Yes Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING Not specified Double beam Double beam Front to front,3 laser beams

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of* Constant, 1.24x panoramic, 1.1x cephalometric, 1.37 implant. two pages covering

the above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Page 45: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units



AIMING/POSITIONINGFILM HOLDER Not specified Removable curved Removable curved Flat cassette

metal cassette metal cassette(panoramic) (panoramic)

CONTROL PANEL Digital display, Digital microproces- Digital microproces- Digital microproces-auto preprogrammed sor controlled with sor controlled with sor controlled withor manual exposure- preprogrammed values preprogrammed values preprogrammed valuestime selection for adult/child (3 for adult/child (3 for adult/child arch

sizes each) * sizes each) * type selectionLocation Detachable; optional Detachable handheld Detachable handheld Fixed

remote push button with coiled cord with coiled cordfor x-ray

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 120/220/230/240; 230; optional 230; optional 230; optional

50/60 120-220-240 120/220-240 120/220-240Current, A 8 @ 120 VAC, 9 @ 120 VAC, 9 @ 120 VAC, 10 @ 220-240 VAC

4 @ 220-240 VAC 5 @ 220-240 VAC 5 @ 220-240 VACPower, W 800 1,500 1,500 2,300 VA

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 75, horizontal arm 114 x 117 x 230 pan, 114 x 117 x 230 120 x 130 panoramic,(wall mounted) 114 x 196 x 230 130 x 190 cephalo-

ceph metric

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg Not specified 228 panoramic, Not specified 135 panoramic,258 cephalometric 150 cephalometric

OPTIONAL FEATURES 60-90 cm horizontal 24 x 30 cm None 24 x 30 cmarm cephalometric cephalometric

LIST PRICE Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

WARRANTY Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

DELIVERY TIME, ARO Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

YEAR FIRST SOLD Not specified 1992 2000 1998

NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA Not specified/NA Not specified Not specified Not specified

FISCAL YEAR Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS None specified. Automatic compensa- Automatic compensa- None specified.tion of line-voltage tion of line-voltagefluctuation. Meets fluctuation. Meetsrequirements of requirements ofEN 60601 and EN 60601 andcollateral. collateral.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.* Manual selection of kV available.

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Page 46: Radiography, Dental (LENGKAP)

Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


Panoura ULTRA Panoura ULTRAPan Pan/Ceph




SYSTEM TYPE Panoramic Panoramic, cephalo-metric

X-RAY TUBE ANODEType Stationary Stationary

Minimum totalfiltration, mm Al 2.8 2.8

Heat capacity, HU 25,000 25,000Focal spot size, mm 1 x 1 1 x 1

X-RAY GENERATORType Single-phase AC, Single-phase AC,

self-rectified self-rectified

AEC NA NAkV range 70-90 70-90mA range 6 6 panoramic,

10 cephalometricExposure time, sec 16 16 panoramic;

0.2-4 cephalometric

SID, mm 485 485 panoramic,1,650 cephalometric

AVAILABLE FILM SIZES 15 x 30 cm 15 x 30 cm pano-ramic, 8 x 10"cephalometric

MAGNIFICATION 1.2x-1.29x 1.2x-1.29x

SYSTEM CAPABILITIESTMJ Yes YesCephalometric Can be added YesOthers Wheelchair Wheelchair

accessible accessible

PATIENT TYPESAdult Yes YesPediatric Yes YesSeated Yes YesStanding Yes Yes

PATIENT POSITIONING 3 positioning 3 positioninglights, motor-driven lights, motor-drivenvertical adjustment, vertical adjustment,auto kVp selection auto kVp selection

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first oftwo pages coveringthe above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Chart A: Dental Radiographic Units


Panoura ULTRA Panoura ULTRAPan Pan/Ceph

AIMING/POSITIONINGFILM HOLDER Automatically sets Automatically sets

to starting position to starting position(panoramic) *

CONTROL PANEL Digital display Digital display

Location Remote mounted or Remote mounted orhandheld handheld

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 112-128; 60 112-128; 60

Current, A 10 10

Power, W 1,300 1,300

SPACE REQUIRED, cm 86.5 x 118 118 x 178

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 150 180

OPTIONAL FEATURES Base for freestand- Base for freestand-ing installation ing installation

LIST PRICE $21,200 $28,000

WARRANTY 2 years, system 2 years, system

DELIVERY TIME, ARO From stock From stock


NUMBER SOLDWorldwide/USA Not specified Not specified

FISCAL YEAR July to June July to June

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Compact panoramic Software-controlledunit; software-con- operation; cephalo-trolled operation; metric arm available3 selectable focal on left or righttrough sizes; side.upgradable tocephalometriccapability.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.* Horizontal and vertical cassette positioning (cephalometric).

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Chart B: Digital Dental Radiography Systems


Sens-A-Ray 2000 DenOptix Orthoralix DPI Visualix/GX-S448 : 648

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Intraoral Intraoral, Panoramic Intraoralpanoramic,cephalometric

IMAGING METHOD CCD sensor Storage phosphor CCD sensor Large-area intraoralCCD sensor

Bit depth Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified0%/50% MTF, lp/mm Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specifiedShades of gray Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specifiedSNR Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

IMAGE SIZES, mm 410 x 220 : 220 x 350, 240 x 150 x 300 200 x 300400 x 280 400, 270 x 540, 310

x 410, 570 x 760,150 x 300, 180 x240, 127 x 305 *

COMPUTER SYSTEM IBM DOS and Windows, PC platform Pentium, PC platform Pentium PC platform Pentium,486 or better (not Windows 95/98, 400 MHz, Windows 98, Windows 95/98,included) NT 4.0 ME 2000; 128 MB RAM NT 4.0

Monitor size, type 14" SVGA 17" hi-res color 17" hi-res color 14" hi-res colorResolution, pixels 860 x 1024, 1024 x 768 800 x 600 1024 x 768

512 x 512Storage Hard disk, WORM 1 GB hard disk 1 GB hard disk 105/256 MB hard disk

drive, 128 MB drive, 128 MBrewritable optical rewritable opticaldisk disk, 5,000-6,000

images (compressed)

CONTROL PANEL Software control Trackball/mouse, Trackball/mouse, Trackball/mouse,through PC light pen; optional light pen; optional light pen; optional

keyboard keyboard keyboard

SOFTWARE Sens-A-Ray VixWin VixWin VixWin; other soft-ware availabledepending on country

IMAGE ENHANCEMENTFEATURES Zoom, color calibra- Partial/total zoom, Partial/total zoom, Partial/total zoom,

tion, text annota- manual/automatic manual/automatic manual/automatiction, image acquisi- grayscale manipu- grayscale manipu- grayscale manipu-tion, dynamic lation, spatial lation, spatial lation, spatialadjustment of enhancement, filters enhancement, filters enhancement, filtersbrightness and image analysis, image analysis, image analysis,contrast, image data angle/distance angle/distance angle/distancetransmitted via measurements, measurements, measurements,optical fiber reverse images, reverse images, reverse images,

colorization, colorization, colorization,3-D images, 16-bit 3-D images mounts 3-D images mountsimages mounts

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of* Also 203 x 254 mm. two pages covering

the above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Chart B: Digital Dental Radiography Systems


Sens-A-Ray 2000 DenOptix Orthoralix DPI Visualix/GX-S448 : 648

NETWORKING Conventional Novell, Compatible with Compatible with Compatible withDaisy Chain, paral- Novell LAN, Novell LAN, Novell LAN,lel Windows NT Windows NT Windows NT

PRINTER All with Windows Mitsubishi P66DE, Mitsubishi P66DE, Mitsubishi P66DE,drivers Sony UP-D860E, Sony UP-D860E, Sony UP-D860E,

Epson, any Windows Epson, any Windows Epson, any Windowscompatible compatible compatible

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 100-240; 50/60, 40 A 100-240; 50/60 100-240; 50/60 100-240; 50/60

Power, W Not specified 100 (2 A) 120 (3 A) 120 (3 A)

H x W x D, cm 45.7 x 63.5 x 20.3 86.4 x 124.5 x 66 8 x 39 x 43 8 x 39 x 43

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 2.7 14 1 1

OPTIONAL FEATURES Positioning holder, Image database, Image database, Image database,sterile sleeves optical disk drive, optical disk drive, optical disk drive,

thermal printer thermal printer thermal printer


std configuration $8,895 : $9,825 $13,000-19,000 ~$19,000 field $7,000upgrade *

Warranty 1 year 2 years 2 years 1 year

Delivery time, ARO 1 month Not specified Not specified Not specified

Service contract,cost per year Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

Year first sold 1989 1997 2002 1994

Number sold,worldwide/USA >3,500/not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

Fiscal year July to June Not specified Not specified Not specified

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Direct CCD with Works with most Also available on No electricaloptical fiber current x-ray Orthoralix 9200. connection withconnection. Meets generators. x-ray generatorrequirements of IEC needed. Meets60601-1, 60601-1-2, requirements ofand 950. IEC 601-1.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.* ~$38,000 factory installed on Orthoralix 9000.

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Chart B: Digital Dental Radiography Systems



WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Direct digital Direct digital Digital sensor for Digital sensor forcephalometric, panoramic all Planmeca intraoral x-rayspanoramic, 3-D panoramic andimaging cephalometric


Bit depth 8 or 12 8 or 12 12 120%/50% MTF, lp/mm >6 >6 6 26.3Shades of gray 256 or 4,096 256 or 4,096 4,096 4,096SNR Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

IMAGE SIZES, mm 184 x 200, 184 x 260 138 x 270 150 x 300 panoramic, 150 x 210, 190 xceph; 138 x 270 125 x 300 350, 250 x 370panoramic cephalometric

COMPUTER SYSTEM Pentium 4 PC, Pentium 4 PC, Pentium PC or Pentium PC or≥1.6 GHz; Windows ≥1.6 GHz; Windows compatible compatible2000 or XP; 256 MB 2000 or XP; 256 MBRAM; 20 GB HD RAM; 20 GB HD

Monitor size, type ≥15" * ≥15" * SVGA SVGAResolution, pixels 1024 x 768 1024 x 768 786 x 1024 mimimum 786 x 1024 mimimum

Storage HD HD 2 HD 2 HD

CONTROL PANEL Digital display, Digital display, Keyboard, mouse Keyboard, mousepreprogrammable, preprogrammable,touchpanel, help touchpanel, helpmessages messages

SOFTWARE CliniView CliniView Dimaxis Dimaxis

IMAGE ENHANCEMENTFEATURES Brightness, Brightness, Zoom, brightness, Zoom, brightness,

contrast, zoom+/ contrast, zoom+/ contrast, pseudo- contrast, pseudo-gamma inversion, gamma inversion, color, soft filter, color, soft filter,mirror, rotation mirror, rotation sharp filter, noise sharp filter, noisehistogram, profile, histogram, profile, filter, automatic filter, automaticpseudocolor, overlay pseudocolor, overlay adjustment of adjustment ofgraphics, optimize graphics, optimize brightness/contrast, brightness/contrast,contrast, edge contrast, edge emboss, gradient, emboss, gradient,enhancement, enhancement, invert, rotate, invert, rotate,measurements measurements measurement of measurement of

angles/distances, angles/distances,annotation, density annotation, densitymeasurement measurement

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of* Flat panel or SVGA. two pages covering

the above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Chart B: Digital Dental Radiography Systems



NETWORKING Windows 2000 or XP Windows 2000 or XP Yes Yes

PRINTER Windows compatible, Windows compatible, Any Windows medical Any Windows medicaloptional DICOM optional DICOM laser laserpending pending

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 110/230; 50/60 110/230; 50/60 117 117; not specified

Power, W 1,650 @ 110 VAC, 1,650 @ 110 VAC, 1,500 1,5002,300 @ 230 VAC 2,300 @ 230 VAC

H x W x D, cm 235 x 190 x 100, 235 x 83 x 100 Not specified [1.9, 2.3, 3] x235 x 83 x 100 [3.3, 4.1, 4.3] x


SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 210 170 Not specified Not specified

OPTIONAL FEATURES Freestanding base, Cephalostat upgrade, Fixed or mobile 3 different sizesremote exposure, freestanding base,Ortho Zone program, remote exposure,Ortho TMJ program, Ortho Zone program,networking Ortho TMJ program,



std configuration $74,300 single- $57,150 fixed-sensor $47,000-86,000, new; $7,300-11,750 sensortransferable-sensor unit, $62,900 trans- $24,000-41,830, system with softwareunit * ferable-sensor unit upgrades

Warranty 1 year 1 year unit; 2 years 1 year 1 yearCCD, tube head

Delivery time, ARO 3 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks

Service contract,cost per year Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

Year first sold 2001 1999 2000 2000

Number sold,worldwide/USA Not specified Not specified 500+ total 3,000+ total

Fiscal year January to December January to December Not specified Not specified

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Left-/right-handed Left-/right-handed DICOM 3.0 DICOM 3.0operation; wall operation; wall compatible for use compatible for usemount with swivel mount with swivel with Dimaxis with Dimaxisjoint; sinus joint; sinus software. software.program; exposure program; exposurecounter. Meets counter. Meetsrequirements of CSA, requirements of CSA,IEC, and UL. IEC, and UL.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.* $83,900 for 2-dedicated-sensor unit.

Dental Radiographic Units; Digital Dental Radiography Systems

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Chart B: Digital Dental Radiography Systems


NewTom QR-DVT 9000 * Digital OrthoPan CDR (Computed Dental ORTHOPHOSRadiography) 3 DS

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide

FDA CLEARANCE Submitted Yes Yes Yes

CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Digital computed Panoramic Intraoral, panoramic Panoramicvolumetrictomography

IMAGING METHOD Image intensifier, CCD CMOS-APS CCD sensorCCD

Bit depth Not specified Not specified Not specified 12 acquired **0%/50% MTF, lp/mm Not specified 4 Not specified See footnote ***Shades of gray Not specified 4,096 Not specified 256SNR Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

IMAGE SIZES, mm 160 x 150 axial; 120 0-240 x 180, 138 x 270 active0.3, 1, 2 thickness 1-300 x 200, area

20-360 x 256

COMPUTER SYSTEM Pentium PC, Windows PC with Linux, IBM-compatible IBM-compatible PCNT Windows 2000, Pentium II or with Pentium, Fast

Windows XP Intel USB Controller Ethernet

Monitor size, type 17" 17" 15", SVGA 17" high resolutionResolution, pixels 1280 x 1024 1024 x 768 Not specified 1024 x 768 or

1280 x 1024Storage HD, CD, Zip Not specified Any 280-4,300 images per

1.3 GB MOD

CONTROL PANEL Workstation key- Mouse Keyboard, mouse, Multitimerboard, mouse any Windows-

supported devices

SOFTWARE NewTom DVT 9000 Multi x-ray Linux, CDR 2.6 SIDEXIS (Windows 98,Expert Pro Image Windows, 98 ME, 98 SE, 2000,

DICOM available XP; Windows 4.0 SP6.0 or higher †

IMAGE ENHANCEMENTFEATURES Volume in axial Zoom, brightness, Zoom, colorize, Zoom, brightness,

slices, 2-D recon- contrast, pseudo- quick zoom, contrast, pseudo-struction (cross- color, edge positive/negative, color, soft filter,section, panoramic), enhancement, notes, highlight, edge enhancement,3-D visualization, positive/negative calibrated measure- sharp filter, auto-zoom, brightness, images, rotation ment, sharpen, matic adjustment ofcontrast thresholds, 90°/180°, Revealer brightness andmeasurements of measurement angles contrast, positive/angles & distances, and distances negative images,text & marker, measurement ofprinting filters angles and dis-

tances, 90°/180° rotationof images

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of* Dental volumetric tomograph. two pages covering** 8-bit/pixel storage after automatic picture processing. the above model(s).*** Physical pixel size, 45 x 45 µm; stored pixel size, 90 x 90 µm (pixel binning 2 x 2). These specifications† Standard practice management software interface SLIDA; DICOM compliant. continue onto the

next page.

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Chart B: Digital Dental Radiography Systems


NewTom QR-DVT 9000 * Digital OrthoPan CDR (Computed Dental ORTHOPHOSRadiography) 3 DS

NETWORKING Optional Windows NT TCP/IP, RPC Windows 98, 2000, YesME, XP

PRINTER Optional Windows Laser InkJet Any Windows Laser (1,200 dpi) orsupported supported InkJet (1,440 dpi)

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 200-230; 50/60 incl 110-130; 60 Not specified 208-230; 50/60

radiographic unit 200-230; 50/60Power, W 1,850 VA Not specified Not specified Not specified

H x W x D, cm 200 x 200 x 170 Not specified Depends on PC 150 x 120 x 224 plusincluding complete ICDradiographic unit

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 360 including Not specified Depends on PC 130complete radio-graphic unit

OPTIONAL FEATURES Not specified Direct digital USBCam intraoral Digital intraoralpanoramic x-ray, camera video cameraupgrades for (SIROCAM), digitalexisting devices intraoral radio-

graphy (SIDEXIS)


std configuration ~$125,000 (with €15,000 (US$13,430) $13,000 $41,700radiographic unit)

Warranty 1 year 1 year 1 year 1 year

Delivery time, ARO 6-8 weeks 6 weeks 2 weeks Usually 6 weeks,depends on options

Service contract,cost per year Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

Year first sold 1997 2000 1994 1995

Number sold,worldwide/USA 150/15 Not specified ~15,000/>7,500 >600/not specified

Fiscal year January to December January to December April to March October to September

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS DICOM 3.0 compatible Can combine with True film replace- ORTHOPHOS DS offersto export axial intraoral systems. ment sensors are the same capabilityslice images. same size as film; as the standard

uses standard film configuration ofholders; sensors are ORTHOPHOS Plus (see<5 mm thick. Meets Chart A).all internationalrequirements.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.* Dental volumetric tomograph.

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Chart B: Digital Dental Radiography Systems



WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Panoramic Cephalometric Intraoral Intraoral

IMAGING METHOD CCD sensor CCD sensor CCD sensor Reusable intraoralimaging plates

Bit depth 12 acquired * 12 acquired * 12 acquired * 80%/50% MTF, lp/mm See footnote ** See footnote ** See footnote *** 8Shades of gray 256 256 (12-bit) 256 (12-bit) 256SNR Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

IMAGE SIZES, mm 138 x 270 panoramic 184 x 230 cephalo- 260 x 340 full-size, Active areas 21 xmetric 1756 x 1369 pixels; 30, 23 x 39, 30 x

200 x 300 universal, 40; plate sizes1040 x 1572 pixels 26 x 35, 28 x 44,

30 x 40

COMPUTER SYSTEM IBM-compatible PC IBM-compatible PC IBM-compatible PC Pentium III orPentium, Fast Pentium, Fast Pentium Fast better recommended,Ethernet Ethernet Ethernet network adapter

10/100 baseTXMonitor size, type 17" high resolution 17" high resolution 17" high resolution 15-19"

Resolution, pixels 1024 x 768 or 1024 x 768 or 1024 x 768 or 1024 x 768, true1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 1280 x 1024 color

Storage 280-4,300 images per 280-4,300 images per 2,250-22,000 images Hard disk and1.3 GB MOD 1.3 GB MOD per 1.3 GB MOD backup device

(number may vary (2-40 GB)depending on com-pression factor)

CONTROL PANEL Multitimer Multitimer Mouse, keyboard LED, touchpanel,computer keyboard

SOFTWARE SIDEXIS (Windows 98, SIDEXIS (Windows 98, SIDEXIS (Windows 98, Windows 98/SE/ME/98 ME, 98 SE, 2000, 98 ME, 98 SE, 2000, 98 ME, 98 SE, 2000, 2000/NT 4.0/i XP;XP; Windows 4.0 SP XP; Windows 4.0 SP XP; Windows 4.0 SP DIGORA for Windows6.0 or higher † 6.0 or higher † 6.0 or higher † 2.1; up to 20 user


IMAGE ENHANCEMENTFEATURES Zoom, brightness, Zoom, brightness, Zoom, brightness, Magnification, image

contrast, pseudo- contrast, pseudo- contrast, pseudo- rotation, contrast,color, soft filter, color, soft filter, color, soft filter, brightness, edgeedge enhancement, edge enhancement, edge enhancement, enhancement, densitysharp filter, auto- sharp filter, auto- sharp filter, auto- measurements, angle/matic adjustment of matic adjustment of matic adjustment of distance measure-brightness and brightness and brightness and ments, positive/contrast, positive/ contrast, positive/ contrast, positive/ negative images,negative images, negative images, negative images, calibration, implantmeasurement of measurement of measurement of library, super-angles and dis- angles and dis- angles and dis- impose, import/tances, 90°/ tances, 90°/ tances, 90°/ export images, text180° rotation 180° rotation 180° rotation annotation, symbolof images of images of images items ††

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first of* 8-bit/pixel storage after automatic picture processing. two pages covering** Physical pixel size, 45 x 45 µm; stored pixel size, 90 x 90 µm (pixel binning 2 x 2). the above model(s).*** Physical pixel size, 19.5 x 19.5 µm; stored pixel size, 39 x 39 µm (pixel binning 2 x 2). These specifications† Standard practice management software interface SLIDA; DICOM compliant. continue onto the†† Also optional cephalometric analysis. next page.

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Chart B: Digital Dental Radiography Systems



NETWORKING Yes Yes Windows 95, combines Windows NT, Novellwith other networks 4.X, Windows 2000like Windows NT,Fast Ethernet

PRINTER Laser (1,200 dpi) or Laser (1,200 dpi) or InkJet (1,440 dpi) Laser 600-1,200 dpi,InkJet (1,440 dpi) InkJet (1,440 dpi) digital thermal,

InkJet, Windowscompatible

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 208-230; 50/60 208-230; 50/60 100-120/200-240; 100-240; 50/60

50/60Power, W Not specified Not specified Not specified 80

H x W x D, cm 150 x 120 x 224 plus 150 x 120 x 224 plus Depends on PC 13 x 45 x 50 (with-ICD ICD out autoloader),

23 x 45 x 51 (withautoloader)

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 130 130 Not specified 20

OPTIONAL FEATURES Digital intraoral Digital intraoral Digital intraoral Imaging plates (std,video camera video camera video camera sml; film sizes 0,(SIROCAM), digital (SIROCAM), digital (SIROCAM), panoramic 1, 2); storage boxintraoral radio- intraoral radio- digital x-ray, for plates, plasticgraphy (SIDEXIS) graphy (SIDEXIS) cephalometric protective bags, and

digital x-ray image plate holders;autoloader for upto 20 plates


std configuration $49,750 $64,050 $9,299 Not specified

Warranty 1 year 1 year 1 year Not specified

Delivery time, ARO Usually 6 weeks, Usually 6 weeks, Usually 6 weeks, Not specifieddepends on options depends on options depends on options

Service contract,cost per year Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

Year first sold 1995 1995 1994 Not specified

Number sold,worldwide/USA >900/not specified >1,500/not specified >5,000/not specified Not specified

Fiscal year October to September October to September October to September January to December

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS ORTHOPHOS DS offers ORTHOPHOS DS offers Meets requirements Laser scanner;the same capability the same capability of all international class 1 laser inas the standard as the standard standards. accordance withconfiguration of configuration of 21 CFR subchapter J,ORTHOPHOS Plus (see ORTHOPHOS Plus (see EN 60825. MeetsChart A). Chart A). requirements of GMP,

IEC 601-1, ISO 9001,and UL 2601-1.

Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

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Chart B: Digital Dental Radiography Systems


DIGORA PCT DIGIPAN RVG Standard RVG UISize 1 : Size 2 Size 1 : Size 2

WHERE MARKETED Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide Worldwide


CE MARK (MDD) Yes Yes Yes Yes

SYSTEM TYPE Extraoral Digital cassette for Intraoral Intraoralpanoramic unit,interchangeable withfilm cassette

IMAGING METHOD Reusable extraoral Combination of CCD, Combination of CCD, Combination of CCD,imaging plates fiberoptics, and fiberoptics, and fiberoptics, and

scintillator scintillator scintillatorBit depth 16 Not specified Not specified Not specified0%/50% MTF, lp/mm 4-6 Equivalent to film 12 >20 (same as film)Shades of gray 256 4,096 4,096 4,096SNR Not specified 54 dB 50-60 dB 50-60 dB

IMAGE SIZES, mm 150 x 300, 180 x 150 x 300 panoramic 20 x 30 : 27 x 36 20 x 30 : 27 x 36240, 240 x 300, mode8 x 10", 10 x 12"

COMPUTER SYSTEM Pentium III or Any PC compatible Any PC compatible Any PC compatiblebetter recommended,network adapter10/100 baseTX

Monitor size, type 17-21" 17" recommended Any monitor Any monitorResolution, pixels 1024 x 1280, true 1024 x 768, true 1024 x 768, true 1024 x 768, true

color colors colors, 24-bit min colors, 24-bit minStorage Hard disk and Any storage device Any storage device Any storage device

backup device and capacity and capacity and capacity(2-40 GB)

CONTROL PANEL LED, touchpanel, Keyboard, mouse; Keyboard, mouse; Keyboard, mouse;computer keyboard lightpen optional, lightpen optional, lightpen optional,

touchscreen possible touchscreen possible touchscreen possible

SOFTWARE Windows 98/SE/ME/ Trophy Windows Trophy Windows Trophy Windows2000/NT 4.0/i XP; application; Windows application; Windows application; WindowsDIGORA for Windows 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP 98/ME/NT4/2000/XP2.1; up to 20 user operating system operating system operating systemnetwork

IMAGE ENHANCEMENTFEATURES Magnification, image Edge enhancement, Edge enhancement, High-contrast &

rotation, contrast, measurement, video measurement, video high-res modes,brightness, edge inversion, contrast inversion, contrast edge enhancement,enhancement, density enhancement, pseudo- enhancement, pseudo- measurement, videomeasurements, angle/ color, filter, color, filter, inversion, contrastdistance measure- zoom, flip, pseudo zoom, flip, pseudo enhancement, pseudo-ments, positive/ 3-D, correction, 3-D, correction, color, filter,negative images, bone-density analy- bone-density analy- zoom, flip, pseudocalibration, implant sis, drawing editor, sis, drawing editor, 3-D, correction,library, super- text overlay, text overlay, bone-density analy-impose, import/ implant simulation; implant simulation; sis, drawing editor,export images, text others optional others optional text overlay,annotation, symbol implant simulation;items others optional

Colons separate data on similar models of a device. This is the first oftwo pages coveringthe above model(s).These specificationscontinue onto thenext page.

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Chart B: Digital Dental Radiography Systems


DIGORA PCT DIGIPAN RVG Standard RVG UISize 1 : Size 2 Size 1 : Size 2

NETWORKING Windows NT, Novell Novell, Novell Lite, Novell, Novell Lite, Novell, Novell Lite,4.X, Windows 2000 Windows 98/ME/NT4/ Windows 98/ME/NT4/ Windows 98/ME/NT4/

2000/XP 2000/XP 2000/XP

PRINTER Laser 600-1,200 dpi, Any Any Windows compati- Any Windows compati-digital thermal, ble bleInkJet, Windowscompatible

POWER REQUIREMENTSVAC; Hz 100-240; 50/60 110/230; 50/60 110/230; 50/60 110/230; 50/60

Power, W 80 Depends on host PC Depends on host PC Depends on host PC

H x W x D, cm 71.5 x 74.5 x 55 15 x 30 (digital Depends on host PC Depends on host PC(107.8 height with cassette size)stand)

SYSTEM WEIGHT, kg 20 Not specified Depends on host PC Depends on host PC

OPTIONAL FEATURES Curved cassette, STV digital intra- STV digital intra- STV digital intra-imaging plates (std, oral camera, RVG, oral camera, Digipan oral camera, Digipansml; film sizes 0, practice management digital panoramic, digital panoramic,1, 2), covers video camera, PC, video camera, PC,

practice management practice managementsoftware, Macintosh software, Macintoshversion (in some version (in somecountries) countries)


std configuration Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

Warranty Not specified 1 year 1 year; 2 years, 1 year; 2 years,sensor sensor

Delivery time, ARO Not specified Immediate Immediate Immediate

Service contract,cost per year Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified

Year first sold Not specified 1995 1988 1999

Number sold,worldwide/USA Not specified Not specified >35,000/not speci- Not specified

fiedFiscal year January to December October to September October to September October to September

OTHER SPECIFICATIONS Laser scanner; Digital and film Sensor protected Sensor protectedclass 1 laser in cassettes can both from x-ray beam for from x-ray beam foraccordance with be used on the same image quality life- image quality life-21 CFR subchapter J, unit; will work with time warranty; time warranty;EN 60825. Meets most panoramic units integrates with most integrates with mostrequirements of GMP, (curved and flat practice management practice managementIEC 601-1, ISO 9001, cassette). software packages. software packages;and UL 2601-1. variable-geometry


Colons separate data on similar models of a device.

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