Radio Telescopio de Arecibo

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Transcript of Radio Telescopio de Arecibo

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    Arecibo Observatory

    By Jomel Maldonado

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    Inthis prese


    nwe will:

    S ee where the observatory isL

    earn facts about the observatoryL earn about the Gregorian domeF ind out what research is done in the

    observatory.L earn about the SETI S ee the producers of this presentation.

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    F acts a

    nd F

    iguresT he radar is a largereflective dish, it is not

    parabolic but actuallyspherical.I t is suspended by 3equidistant towerswith bridge cables thathold the platform.

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    M ore

    F acts a

    nd F

    iguresT here are 40,000aluminum plates eachmeasuring 6 by 3.T hey provide the basisof reflection of theupgoing anddowncoming waves.

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    M ore a

    nd M

    ore F

    actsW eighing at 900 tonsand suspended 450 ftin the air, this is theheaviest suspendedmonument.I t has 26 steppersmotors that govern theantennas movements.I t is capable of turning

    360 degrees.

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    P hewLots of

    F acts

    T his is thetransmitting antennaewhere all the signalsare sent, the rest of theradar is for picking upsignals.

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    T oo much facts

    T his is the AngelRamos Visitor Center where you can see theradar and learn aboutit with interactivedemonstrations.I t is visited by 100,000

    people from aroundthe world.

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    T ech

    nical Dome

    T he waves come froma wide range and itcomes into focus usingthe Gregorianaluminum plates.T he waves comeinside and bouncearound in the domeuntil it comes intofocus.

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    H ow it works

    T he waves come in alldirections and indifferent ranges.E verything isconcentrated to one

    point and picked up bycomputers.

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    S o what

    d oes the ra

    d ar

    d o?

    S cientists around theglobe come to use theradars outstandingreception to study theouter space.Also scientists come tostudy the effects onthe atmosphere.

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    W ork, work, work

    T he radar has anextensive study of theionosphere and of global warming.T he radar also studiesthe surroundings of the earth with greataccuracy and precisionSETI is the wild card

    of studies.

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo



    tsOne of the recent achievements is thecorrect measure of the rotation rate of the

    planet Mercury. Before it was estimated to be 88 days and now it is corrected to 59days.

    Also the radar has found the lost satelliteS OHO which studies the sun bytransmitting echoes and doing detective


  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    C in

    ematographyT he observatory has

    provided a uniquesetting for the movieContact and for themovie James Bond,Goldeneye, also for a

    part of the X- F iles.

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    SET I!!!!

    SETI stands for S earch for E xtra-T errestrial I ntelligenceI t is a dream for manyto try to make contactwith other beings fromouter space.T he radar provides the

    basis for making a

    simple call!!!

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    W hy?

    E ach day, the radar points up just to waitand see if someone outthere has received our message and decidesto answer back.

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    S ome

    d ay

    S omeday, some darnalien will respond tous and then well behearing it through theArecibo Observatorysears.T he first signal wassent in 1974 and stillno response.yet!!

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    W e hope you like d the



  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    Brought to you by:

  • 8/9/2019 Radio Telescopio de Arecibo


    T he Alie n :

    Jomel Maldonado