Race during WWII. American Propaganda Stats on Jews In Russia In 1939 there were approximately...

Race during WWII

Transcript of Race during WWII. American Propaganda Stats on Jews In Russia In 1939 there were approximately...

Race during WWII

American PropagandaSCAMS

S = Subject - What is the topic of this cartoon? Start here… C = Caption – What is the title of the cartoon? After scanning the cartoon,

you should be able to figure out why the cartoonist chose that caption and what it means.

A = Actions – What is happening in the cartoon? Look for movement,

actions, and dialogue. These provide clues to the message and what the symbols represent.

M = Message/Theme – Ask yourself these to decipher the meaning:

What is the cartoonist’s point of view? What is the theme of the cartoon? What is the purpose for making this cartoon?

S = Symbols – What do the symbols in the cartoon represent? Cartoonists

will typically use symbols to represent something or someone else.

Stats on Jews In Russia

In 1939 there were approximately 2,100,000 Jews living in the USSR

By the end of WWII, 500,000 Jews remained in Russia the others died in the concentration camps

71.4% of the Jewish population had been killed

Reich Citizenship lawhttp://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/nurmlaw3.html

Protection of German Blood and Honorhttp://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/nurmlaw2.html

Chinese in Manchuria

In the years of occupation it is estimated 7.5-11.5 million Chinese were killed by the Japanese

300-400 thousand people died in what was called the Rape of Nanking in its 2 months siege of the city


“a competition to determine who could kill the fastest. As one soldier stood sentinel with a machine gun, ready to mow down anyone who tried to bolt, the eight other soldiers split up into pairs to form four separate teams. In each team, one soldier beheaded prisoners with a sword while the other picked up heads and tossed them aside in a pile. The prisoners stood frozen in silence and terror as their countrymen dropped, one by one.”

Quotes:The Japanese would take any men they found as prisoners, neglect to give them water or food for days, but promise them food and work. After days of such treatment, the Japanese would bind the wrists of their victims securely with wire or rope and herd them out to some isolated area. The men, too tired or dehydrated to rebel, went out eagerly, thinking they would be fed. By the time they saw the machine guns, or the bloodied swords and bayonets wielded by waiting soldiers, or the massive graves, heaped and reeking with the bodies of the men who had preceded them, it was already too late to escape


During WWII, the Axis did many experiments on the Jews and Chinese to see how disease spread and what would happen if it went untreated. America did a similar experiments with syphilis and rural black men.

Knowing how this information was acquired, doing experiments on people without their consent, should the medical community use this information to treat patients?


Taking what you have learned about the treatment of the Jews in Germany, Chinese by the Japanese, and Japanese in America.