RACC SW, Psychology, Counselling Involvement in ... · Web viewidentify the workload and priorities...

12/010 Canberra Hospital and Health Services Operational Procedure Social Work, Psychology and Counselling Staff Involvement in Disaster Recovery Response Procedures Contents Contents..................................................... 1 Purpose...................................................... 2 Scope........................................................ 2 Section 1 – Activation of a Response.........................2 Section 2 – Responding to an Activation......................3 Section 3 – On deployment of staff for a disaster or emergency under DRCC Sup Plan..........................................4 Section 4 – Psychosocial support of involved staff...........5 Section 5 – Training.........................................6 Evaluation................................................... 6 Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Legislation.....6 References................................................... 7 Definition of Terms..........................................7 Related Legislations and Policies............................7 Attachments.................................................. 7 Attachment – 1 Overview of Emergency Plan – Location of DRCC and Health Emergency Plan...................................9 Attachment 2 – ACT Emergency Plan Activation Pathway.......10 Doc Number Version Issued Review Date Area Responsible Page 12/010 1.0 10/04/2012 01/07/2018 RACC Allied Health 1 of 14 Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register

Transcript of RACC SW, Psychology, Counselling Involvement in ... · Web viewidentify the workload and priorities...

Page 1: RACC SW, Psychology, Counselling Involvement in ... · Web viewidentify the workload and priorities for RACC Social Work and Psychology & Counselling Services, so that Social Work


Canberra Hospital and Health ServicesOperational ProcedureSocial Work, Psychology and Counselling Staff Involvement in Disaster Recovery Response ProceduresContents



Scope........................................................................................................................................ 2

Section 1 – Activation of a Response........................................................................................2

Section 2 – Responding to an Activation...................................................................................3

Section 3 – On deployment of staff for a disaster or emergency under DRCC Sup Plan...........4

Section 4 – Psychosocial support of involved staff....................................................................5

Section 5 – Training...................................................................................................................6

Evaluation................................................................................................................................. 6

Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Legislation.........................................................6

References................................................................................................................................ 7

Definition of Terms...................................................................................................................7

Related Legislations and Policies...............................................................................................7


Attachment – 1 Overview of Emergency Plan – Location of DRCC and Health Emergency Plan....................................................................................................................................... 9

Attachment 2 – ACT Emergency Plan Activation Pathway..................................................10

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This document outlines the role of Rehabilitation Aged and Community Care (RACC) staff in Disaster Recovery responses and the ‘call out’ process in the event of an identified Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee (DRCC) activation.

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This procedure applies to all staff employed by RACC who hold qualifications in Social Work or Psychology, regardless of whether their nominal position is clinical or non-clinical.

This includes but is not limited to Social Work and Psychology staff working in the Aged Care Assessment Team, RADAR, Transitional Therapy and Care Program, Community Rehabilitation Team, Community Care, the Memory Assessment Clinic and Inpatient Services.

BackgroundACT emergency responses are coordinated through a system of response plans. See Attachment 1 for an overview. Within these, RACC is responsible for providing Social Work and Psychology & Counselling intervention. This responsibility is set out in the Disaster Recovery Response that forms part of the Community Recovery Plan.

Coordinating a DRCC response is the responsibility of the Chair of the DRCC (Executive Director of Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol and Drug Services) or a nominated delegate.

RACC has addition responsibilities if responding as part of a Health Directorate Sector response. These are outlined in the Health Emergency Management Plan. RACC’s response in this scenario differs to those required under the Community Recovery Plan, Disaster Recovery Response. In a large scale disaster RACC may be required to respond under the Community Recovery Plan (Disaster Recovery Response) and a Health Emergency Management Plan simultaneously.

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Section 1 – Activation of a Response

Activation of a ResponseThe Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee is responsible for activating and coordinating counselling and psychosocial interventions under the Community Recovery Plan, in response to significant emergencies and disasters.

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It is the responsibility of the DRCC to: provide timely psycho-social response, assessment, intervention and support to people

of the ACT in the aftermath of a disaster or emergency acknowledge the cultural and spiritual diversity of the ACT Population and that support

for the different populations groups may require different interventions and support encourage partnerships between the agencies engaged to provide psycho-social

recovery to consider the use of existing and new emerging information and communication

technologies in the response and support phases ensure all people involved will be treated in a respectful and courteous manner basic human rights are supported and maintained strengths of the individual, family and community is acknowledged, encouraged and

supported where possible evidence will inform policy, planning, response and practice

RACC will be notified of the need to respond by the DRCC Chair, the Executive Director of Mental Health, Justice and Alcohol and Drug Services or a nominated delegate.

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Section 2 – Responding to an Activation

If a response is required during normal business hours or afterhours, the RACC Allied Health Director (or nominated delegate) will be contacted by the Chair of the DRCC (Executive Director of Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol and Drug Services) or nominated delegate by phone, indicating the phases of the response.

The ACT Government uses 4 phases:1. Alert a response may be required if the situation escalates2. Standby an emergency or disaster has occurred and DRCC members are

advised of possible deployment3. Response a response is required and DRCC personnel are deployed4. Stand Down DRCC personnel and resources are no longer required

RACC Executive Director (or nominated delegate) will1. Determine the most appropriate action for the RACC staff.

The action taken will be dependent upon: The involvement or likely involvement of the Health Emergency Management Plan

activation in the disaster recovery; and The need to continue Social Work and Psychology & Counselling services to the

current RACC. 2. Contact the RACC Allied Health Director (or Managers of Social Work and Psychology &

Counselling) who will assist in contacting staff to ascertain their availability and notify them of the phase of response. Staff will be involved until they are ‘stood down’ from

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the disaster response or to the next working day when their involvement will be reviewed in line with possible activation of the Health Emergency Management Plan.

3. At the next working day following a community activation, the RACC staff will report to RACC Allied Health Director to ascertain the actions RACC need to undertake to prepare the hospital to receive causalities. RACC Social work staff providing a community based social work service may be

directed to continue to contribute their services to the community plan or maybe directed to provide a service in an area outside of their usual working areas i.e. an inpatient setting.

RACC inpatient Social Work and Psychology & Counselling staff may be engaged in ward based work in decanting existing patients and in preparation for receiving casualties from the disaster if the RACC inpatient wards have been identified for that role

identify the workload and priorities for RACC Social Work and Psychology & Counselling Services, so that Social Work and Psychology & Counselling service for RACC continues.

as the RACC Social Worker services are no longer required within the in-patient services, staff will be temporarily released to the Manager, Social Work Department, Operational Support to undertake activities as per the Action Card - Social Work Services

at this time, RACC social work staff may be directed to work as needed and undertake tasks which may not be a defined social work role and maybe outside of their usual work duties and locations.

the RACC Allied Health Director (or the Executive Director of RACC) is regularly updated on the activities of the RACC Social Work and Psychology & Counselling activities, and updating continues until the disaster enters phase Stand Down or involved staff are recalled to RACC to undertake further work in RACC.

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Section 3 – On deployment of staff for a disaster or emergency under DRCC Sup Plan

If the decision is made by the RACC Executive Director (or nominated delegate) to deploy staff in response to activation of the DRCC Sub Plan:

It is the responsibility of Line Managers to contact staff for call out and given details of where and to whom to report; reminded to bring agency ID badge or agency Identification letter requested to bring their work mobile phone and charger (if they have one) requested to bring pen and paper suggested to bring a small carry bag in which they can easily carry above, plus materials

which will be issues at the briefing warned not be bring/ wear ‘valuables’ that can be mislaid/ damaged in such an event; asked to wear appropriate clothing appropriate to site/ weatherDoc Number Version Issued Review Date Area Responsible Page12/010 1.0 10/04/2012 01/07/2018 RACC Allied

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asked to bring a water bottle and other items appropriate to site/ weather

Staff will not be required to work shifts longer than 8 hours with a required break of at least 30-60 mins after 4 hours.

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Section 4 – Psychosocial support of involved staff

The Employee Assistance Program provider should be advised of the potential for them to be called upon to support staff who have been working in an ACT emergency disaster/ community recovery event.

Deployed staff will be briefed and receive psychosocial review at the end of each shift. If needed, suggestions will be made for staff to be further reviewed by Employee Assistance Program.

At this initial stage of the Sub Plan activation, the aim of the intervention is to provide Psychological First Aid and to assist the persons affected by the disaster to attend to their immediate needs.

4.1 Payment of deployed staff outside of normal working hoursStaff on leave may be called back from leave if this is deemed necessary by the RACC ED. Staff deployed in the peri-emergency or disaster phase outside of normal working hours will be required to submit a time sheet indicating time of call out, time reported for duty and time ceased duty to their RACC Manager.

Such costs resulting from RACC deployment during the peri-emergency or disaster phase outside of normal working hours will be met by RACC

4.2 Staff contactsManagers in RACC will maintain an after hours contact list of staff who may be called upon in an emergency or disaster situations. These lists should be updated on a 6 monthly basis and prior to Easter and Christmas/ New Year periods.

It is recommended that the staffing lists include: Name B/H contacts A/H contacts Address/ suburb of Residence Identification of client groups with whom staff are skilled and feel comfortable Second Language Availability of own transport

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Section 5 – Training

Training of RACC staff will be coordinated by the RACC DRCC Representative in consultation with the RACC Executive Director. Relevant staff will undertake training as relevant and appropriate. The RACC DRCC Representative will maintain a register of staff who have undertaken relevant training. This will be available to the RACC Executive Director as required. Trained staff will be considered first in any response or deployment in the peri-emergency or disaster phase

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Outcome Measures Communication between DRCC, RACC Executive Director, RACC DRCC Representative,

and RACC Social Work and Psychology & Counselling Managers and staff at time of a disaster/ emergency is of high standard.

RACC staff are deployed appropriately in the case of an activation of the DRCC. Emergency contacts of staff are maintained and reviewed 6 monthly. Staff likely to be involved are provided with and attend training on Psychological First

Aid and other disaster response training.

Method This policy will be evaluated by the committee for its effectiveness using post event

analysis and reflection following an activation or exercise. Analysis will be based on the outcome measures identified above and review of Riskman Reports.

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Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Legislation

Policies Health Directorate Nursing and Midwifery Continuing Competence Policy CHHS Policy Consent and Treatment

Procedures CHHS Operational Procedure Disaster Recovery: Coordination of Psycholosocial Response

(Mental Health, Justice Health, Alcohol and Drug Servie (MHJHADS) CHHS Healthcare Associated Infections Clinical Procedure CHHS Patient Identification and Procedure Matching Policy

Guidelines CHHS Fasting Guidelines – Elective and Emergency Surgery

LegislationDoc Number Version Issued Review Date Area Responsible Page12/010 1.0 10/04/2012 01/07/2018 RACC Allied

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Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 Human Rights Act 2004 Work Health and Safety Act 2011

Emergency Plans ACT Community Recovery Sub Plan ACT Recovery Plan ACT Health Emergency Plan Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee Psychosocial Response and Counselling

Support for Disasters and Emergencies in the ACT Operational Plan

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1. Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee – Operational Plan and Guidelines for Response (Part 1) All Hazards – Psychosocial Response and Support, June 2011

2. Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee – Operational Reference Manual (Part 2) All Hazards – Psychosocial Response and Support, June 2011

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Definition of Terms

DRCC - The DRCC comprises a wide range of community and government organisations.

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Related Legislations and Policies

ACT Health Internal Emergency Policy ACT Health The Canberra Hospital External disaster PlanAustralian Capital Territory Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza 2007

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Attachment – 1 Overview of Emergency Plan – Location of DRCC and Health Emergency PlanAttachment 2 – ACT Emergency Plan Activation Pathway

Disclaimer: This document has been developed by ACT Health, Canberra Hospital and Health Services specifically for its own use. Use of this document and any reliance on the information contained therein by any third party is at his or her own risk and Health Directorate assumes no responsibility whatsoever.

Policy Team ONLY to complete the following:Date Amended Section Amended Divisional Approval Final Approval

This document supersedes the following: Document Number Document Name

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Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register

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Attachment – 1 Overview of Emergency Plan – Location of DRCC and Health Emergency Plan

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Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register

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Attachment 2 – ACT Emergency Plan Activation Pathway




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Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register



According to

Note: Community Recovery Co-ordinator can request that the


Is activated by the


DRCC agencies contacted by Chair DRCC to ascertain capacity to respond / deploy personnel.

Information would be provided for site of deployment –

Deployment of DRCC personnel to nominated site


CODE BROWN calledActions as per Canberra Hospital External Disaster Plan

RACC Executive Director determines organisational requirements to undertake duties under the Canberra

Staff are deployed for

Continues until ‘Stand down’ phase called ending requirement for staffing and